I have to admit I am listening less and less to the BBC for the simple reason it is simply an echo chamber for sore loser Remainers. In the past few days it has been assiduously pumping out the anti-Brexit doom and gloom from the pro Remain OBR and IFS. It managed to shovel THREE Remain MPs on Question Time last night – and as for the South London audience…!!! It has amplified the outrageous pro Remain demands of Tony Blair and John Major and at every turn seeks to subvert the will of those 17.4m who voted to Leave. Each day is the same. It resents that the majority who voted did not do what it wanted and like a wounded animal it is increasingly dangerous!
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Sadly, not being gifted with the IQ of a Guardian reader, I find it increasingly difficult to understand just what the BBC think they aspire to achieve by making QT so blatantly, childishly, transparently, biased. Last night the nadir of their aspiration had to be the burst of frenetic applause from another audience ‘picked at random’ for a collection of minor sound bites from Tim Farron MP. I repeat, Tim Farron, though I can scarcely believe what I saw and heard.
I probably imagined it, wanting to see some evidence of mature debate, but I got the impression that even Dimly seemed embarrassed.
Either the BBC have completely lost the plot or they are singing from the same sheet as the Government who would prefer the British people to come to their senses and with or without another referendum accept remain. The BBC, in this case, are teaching us about the mistake we made and which May’s Government will put right after some very protracted negotiations .
Same on AnyQuestions, Beltane. Dimbleby Minor has a bad habit of allowing time for applause for Labour-ish views but cutting in quickly to switch to another Panel member when a Conservative or alternative view person has spoken.
That said, tonight Jonathan was deliberately and repeatedly sceptical about the Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury’s access to trillions and trillions of £s for Labour’s next term in Government. He did well on that.
Imagine if Question Time and Any Questions had audiences who were not allowed to clap , hiss , boo , catcall , hooray , whistle etc but pose a question and listen in respectful silence to the views of the 70 to 30 left to right panel .
Nibor, that is a really important point. When it comes round to the pre-election TV debates in 2020 (if that is when the next election shall be), it seems vital that there be no studio audiences present because the marxist twerps in the audience make far more noise; clapping, whooping, & other inanities at any anti-right comment made. The more thinking public unfortunately tend to sit in silence or politely clap when they hear something they like.
Of course this can have two outcomes, it can make the rowdy leftists look collectively like morons, or unfortunately make the audience seem as how the country is thinking (I go for the former).
Beltane…think you will find Guardian readers IQ’s are in fact, figments of their imagination, like they view real life, most are ‘away with the fairies’……everyone i’ve met have superiority complex afflictions, and dress accordingly…..women in ‘effnic’ type clothes, men with glasses with bright coloured frames, scruffy but expensive clothes……too many are teachers and other public sector types.
Have finally given up on the BBC myself. Question Time is so skewed now – especially last night, that I turned it off and have abandoned every other of their ‘news’ sources. Have written to the BBC frequently to complain about the entirety of it’s news coverage, but the bias is so absolute that they’re not listening.
They’re only interested in talking to themselves (and Polly Toynbee) so the answer they get is always the ‘right’ one.
Have you ever had a reply to your letters to the BBC? I have been thinking of complaining but think it will be a waste of time?
In theory they have to reply, so something should come back.
It can be frustrating, so you have to think why you are doing it.
There is a slim chance that something valid may strike a chord.
But, perhaps more crucially, a record will exist.
And as history has proven, that can unsettle those eventually exposed for their role in less than noble activity.
Alastair Campbell showed himself in a very poor light on Any Questions tonight (BBC R4 8-8.50pm) with Rebecca Long-Bailey not far behind.
Rebecca could spend for England at the next Olympics and be sure of a Gold Medal.
Enjoy Andrew Neil’s dissection of the intellectual heavyweight that is Rebecca Long-Bailey.
I find myself checking Dateline London to see really balanced views on Brexit. Then I wake up, it was a dream!
Every week the same collection of EU fanatics, I do wonder why the BBC never seems to find Eurosceptic jouranlists from continental Europe. There must be some surely?
Not one of the four journalist had any sympathy for Brexit, they just simply echoed each others views.
Week after week it’s the same and particularly crap with that Frenchman who sat their and claimed the Euro is still an amazing achievement.
I never hang around, I have to say, but I’m paying for this rubbish. Will we hear the panel say there is perfect logic in choosing not to consumed into someone elses country.
Bloody amazing how so many people wanting into this empire are the same ones who are ashamed of our former empire.
And finally Esther….
Why doesn’t the BBC open up to the free movement principle. Let’s allow it’s presenters and journalists to not speak good English. Let’s not worry about them attaining certain UK degrees, as long as they get similar degrees at home. While we’re at it, let’s scrap the BBC journalism school which clearly prevents Pierre, Ludwig and Sven getting a look-in.
Where I work, you don’t have to talk fluent English, because the native workers are told to stop being racists, when they complain about communication. Where I work my employer saves a fortune on salaries because the market is awash with prospective employees.
OK I accept the news might be harder to understand with all these foreign accents reading it, but then again why worry, the folks on our screens at the moment speak a different language anyway.
Lets see competion on the BBC. Lets drive down those wages. Lets see more diversity, there are 26 non English speaking countries in the EU, why is this diversity not reflected on BBC news?
I feel this trend is here to continue. The Today program is pushing their pro EU propaganda with their upcoming journey through Europe. The journey in a Trabant to its birthplace in the old Eastern Germany will probably a total EU love fest. It will be a test of my patience, but must keep at it for the comedy value. I wonder how rose tinted they will be about a car that my parents did signed up for to buy back in the 70s, but gave up on after a year of waiting. Possibilities of propaganda are endless……..