The BBC are overjoyed that John Major thinks Democracy somewhat over-rated.
John Major, the man who thinks Democracy is a ‘Tyranny’, the man who is so ardently pro-EU that he wanted to keep us in the ruinous ERM even as it destroyed our economy, the man who, without consulting us, signed us up to Maastricht and handed us over to the unelected EU ‘dictatorship’, ironically quotes Churchill in a homage to the Magna Carta…
Sir Winston Churchill wrote of Magna Carta:
“The underlying idea of the sovereignty of law, long existent in feudal custom, was raised by it into a doctrine for the national State. And when in subsequent ages the State, swollen with its own authority, has attempted to ride roughshod over the rights or liberties of the subject, it is to this doctrine that appeal has again and again been made, and never, as yet, without success.”
Remember that quote as Major and his rabble of Remainers betray the People and the Democracy that he claims to respect and says he seeks to defend and yet to all apparent purposes seems instead to be riding roughshod over the rights and liberties of those People.
No surprise that four of the least respected, ultimately failed and least trusted of politicians, Blair, Clegg, Farron and Major, should be leading the charge to double-cross the voters and sell them out to their mates in the EU.
It’s an interesting concept they have come up with…on a yes/no vote that was specifically asking the people of Britain if they wanted to leave or stay in the EU these four Judases now think we must take into account the wishes of the losing side. Just how does that work? Can we be just a little bit in? Just a little bit out? I thought Brexit meant Brexit. A vote to leave means a vote to leave.
What if we apply the same principle to the election? Clearly a great many people didn’t vote Tory so let’s, one, have another vote, and two, let’s take the loser’s thoughts into account and take something from each Party’s manifesto.
Or how about the fact that the Libdems got 2.5 million votes and 8 MPs whilst UKIP got 4 million votes and only one MP…..surely that’s a true tyranny of democracy….let’s hand some of those Libdem seats to UKIP…Farron I’m sure is very much in favour of proportional representation…no? Oh, suddenly the losing side, despite overwhelmingly out voting you, shouldn’t get a fair representation in Parliament. Perhaps Farron will stop slyly claiming that Leave only won by a small margin…thus implying not really legitimate. In that case hand over some seats Farron as you were beaten by a massive margin.
I loosely quote John Major as he rewrites the history of the Great EU Referendum….
In 2016 the ex and disastrous Prime Minister, John Major [Me], brought himself back into the political world in an attempt to dethrone the rebellious Brexiteers. and to return the deposed Elite to power.
Back in 1990, on his leader’s, Margaret Thatcher’s, betrayal and deposing, John had become the new Prime Minister. Contemporary chronicles report history’s verdict that he was a very bad PM indeed. One wrote that “hell itself is defiled by the foulness of John”. Others were less kind. Many expressed sentiments that made today’s tabloid press seem positively tame. John himself was then rudely cast aside by a roughly treated citizenry and a Labour regime installed.
John’s relationship with his unruly People when in power had rapidly deteriorated to the point of civil war. This was no accident. He had ruinously kept them chained to the ERM in order to complete the grand EU political project, a process that he bungled ignominiously. He had a propensity for – I put this delicately – the wives and daughters of other men. Angry and rebellious, the People demanded the restoration of “ancient liberties” and the return of sovereignty. But John had no intention of appeasing the People, and when he went to the polls in 1997, he rejected their appeals, and demanded even greater allegiance for his EU project.
It was a foolhardy gesture and the People reacted with force, dumping him and installing the Sun King Blair who after several meetings – and what today we would call “a free and frank exchange of views” – an embryo Charter was drawn up promising a referendum on membership of the EU. Blair was himself subsequently deposed after renegeing on the agreement and in his wake his heir apparent was installed after a disastrous regency by Gordon Brown…one David Cameron who continued the charade, promising then refusing to give a voice to the People.
Eventually he was forced into offering a binding agreement: Cameron would issue what became known as the EU Referendum Promise and, in return, the People would swear fealty to him. The Promise was not signed – but the 4,000 word document, written on sheepskin parchment in Medieval Latin, was duly stamped with Cameron’s Seal. Copies were made by monks in the Royal Chancellery, and despatched for public proclamation to towns and cities across Britain. The EU Referendum was on the agenda.
What did the Great EU Referendum Promise say? The first thing to understand is that it was a contemporary document drafted for the wellbeing of the Tory Party. It was time, left-wing media pressure, subsequent events and re-interpretation of the text by great lawyers that reduced the Promise to a lie.
The People had told Cameron – don’t think you can act arbitrarily against us.
Cameron accepted the Referendum under duress and, no doubt, with ill grace, and upon losing the vote gracelessly and shamefully fled the political battlefield and the fallout from his deeds. Within weeks of the actual vote a cabal of opportunistic and deceitful chancers saw their opportunity to destroy it and to return the jealously guarded power to those who had most to lose under the Sovereignty of the People.
The Government proposed a Committee of Brexiteers to enforce the Referendum result and to hold Parliament to its word. This was anathema to an arrogant and presumptious Parliament which believed it was above the law. More important, it was anathema to an autocratic ex-leader of the ToryParty who saw here a principle that could threaten his own legacy.
When the Remain Camp appealed to him, John returned to the political fray in order to save the people from the People and suggested they quash the Great Referendum result with a pile of old Bull. It was, he announced, “unjust, shameful – and illegal”. In the dissolute and corrupt Britain of 2016 the Left’s writ was large and the left-wing media all powerful. They backed John and his cabal, but whilst John rejoiced, the People prepared for civil war.
“In 2016 the ex and disastrous Prime Minister, John Major [Me], brought himself back into the political world in an attempt to dethrone the rebellious Brexiteers. and to return the deposed Elite to power.”
I make a conscious effort not to call them the “elite”. My preferred term is Delingpole’s “wankerati”, but in mixed company I refer to them as “oligarchs”. Elite sounds much to positive for those who now work to betray democracy.
The Powers That Be is another name for them .
I may be going somewhat off-topic with this but I note that the Green Party candidate in the US elections has rather rapidly raised millions in order to force a recount of a vote that could not possibly benefit her directly.
So just whose interests do the “Green” Party serve? Was it always about dividing up the vote to the detriment of Trump?
John Major what a pathetic excuse for a leader. I wonder if he’s still popping out for a Curry?
I’m sure he does pop for Curry….
Back to basics and all that .Wheres spitting image when you want them .