EU didn’t really mean that did EU?


Amused to look back to when Major signed us up to Masstricht…exactly the same complaints were made then as he cemented us into the EU’s grip as now when we seek to loosen that punishing hold over us…how can that be?…

That we would be isolated and disadvantaged without a voice.

That we would lose influence and have no say in our own future.

That the pound would fall and interest rates rocket.

That uncertainty would create political and economic instability.

That the City would fall from its high perch.

That investment would dry up.

That we would give up on human rights and employment protection for workers who would be returned to the world of the Victorian workhouse.


Note that Major promised that he had secured a great deal that meant the EU’s influence and baleful grip on our laws was limited by the treaty….note how the EU has gotten around that by imposing laws upon us that should be outside its remit by using health and safety or human rights legislation instead.

Just a couple of quotes from Major that says it all really about the EU…

This week’s events in the Soviet Union were a salutary reminder that reform in the Community is not an end in itself. [LOL…the EU is to all intents and purposes so very similar to the Soviet Union…a grand political project imposed regardless of the suffering it imposes upon the people…it is precisely ‘an end in itself’]

The House has been rightly concerned at the creeping extension of Community competence over the last few years. The Commission has often brought forward proposals using a dubious legal base, and the Council has found it difficult to halt that practice in the European Court.

The structure of the treaty puts the issues of foreign and security policy, interior and justice matters and defence policy beyond the reach of the Commission and the European Court.  [Or that’s what he believed]



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8 Responses to EU didn’t really mean that did EU?

  1. NCBBC says:

    I just wonder how Britain managed its world wide empire without the EU.

    I wonder how Britain managed to have Habeus Corpus, Bill of Rights, presumption of innocence, and all that goes with it, without the EU.

    Ofcourse Europe was floundering in despotic regimes one after the other, till quite recently, and the EU never came to its rescue.


    • taffman says:

      An indecisive Europe that still doesn’t know how to control or stop its invasion by the dregs of Africa and the Middle East.
      It is behaving like a ‘headless’ chicken.
      Its a bloody mess!


    • Grant says:


      Mainland Europe does not really have a history of democracy unless you go back to Ancient Greece and Rome. That is why the Lefties love the EU. Lefties believe in democracy to gain power , then strangle it to stay in power.


  2. Nibor says:

    In answer to a question about why the British trucks have to pay foreign taxes and tolls John Major replied that ;

    Our social costs are lower

    Our corporate tax was lower .

    In other words , to pay other countries he wanted our workers to have less social benefits , and he reduces taxes here to pay taxes abroad .

    We might as well have been under occupation . A


    • Grant says:


      John Major has always been an idiot and always will be. Low intelligence, little education, dubious morals ( to put it mildly ) and one of the worst PM’s this country ever had.


      • mikef says:

        I recall that in Nigel Lawson’s memoirs – the View from No. 11 – he described Major as white faced and nervous as Foreign Sec because he knew he was not up to the job.


        • Grant says:


          Major was a useless Chancellor, useless Foreign Secretary and useless PM. I would not employ him to clean my toilet.


  3. AceFlyingPig says:

    The useless Major excuse for a politician has just uttered one of the most dangerous phrases I have ever heard from a Western politician. ‘The tyranny of the majority’. So I assume that means that any democratic decision can now be challenged by the minority. Didn’t notice him mentioning that when he won his election by a slim majority. Apparently he is concerned that the 48% will not be heard. Has he been living in a vacuum. The 48% have been given free reign by the EU sheep of the MSM over the past few months to go on repeating their lies and deceit. The Remainers accept the will of the people … except they very clearly don’t and want it over-turned in any way possible. The 48% had their say … as did the 52% … it was called the referendum.

    They repeat the lie that the referendum was only called to address the threat of UKIP, and to sort out the internal divisions in the Conservative party. Am I the only person that remembers polls being conducted over several years prior to the referendum itself, showing that between 60% and 70% of the British people wanted a vote on continued EU membership.

    They call for transparency in the EU negotiations and for the Prime Minister to declare her negotiating position, but never once ask for the EU to declare their negotiating position. Incidentally check out the terms of the EU TTIP negotiations with the USA. The EU states that the terms of the discussions shall remain classified from the people. You will be able to see them … after 30 years !

    The UK would be quite happy to continue trade under existing terms, it is the EU that wants to impose tariffs and ‘punish’ us in order to dissuade other nations from holding a democratic vote. Yet they continue to make the false claim that the EU is democratic.

    Farron, Clegg, etc, continue to state that no-one voted to make the country poorer … of course we didn’t … because that wasn’t the question !

    Now the legal profession is involved. God help us from these over-paid, arrogant, usually incompetent fools who complicate every issue, take interminable periods of time, and solve nothing.