Thomas Mair has been convicted and sentenced for killing Jo Cox. There are no excuses for what Mair did, no ‘understanding’, no moral equivocation. But there is a stark contrast in how the BBC treats a Far-Right killer and a Muslim one as, with unfortunate timing for the BBC, which had just published a heart-warming story of a Muslim ‘victim’ of radicalisation, this BBC ‘report’ illustrates… “An extremist in the family”.….oh he was a terrorist himself but naturally he was the victim having been a lovely lad led astray, a Muslim alienated by a cruel Britain made an easy and vulnerable recruiting target for the extremist recruiters….and his blameless family were helpless, shocked and distraught at the turn of events having no idea how he came to be ‘radicalised’. The same Dominic Casciani who made ‘An Extremist in the family’ also conjured up this white-wash for the killers of Lee Rigby…and naturally one of them suffered mental health issues…
He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and began suffering periods of acute mental illness, including delusions, such as hearing voices. This mental decline would come to play a key part in his later trial for Lee Rigby’s murder.
Also unfortunate that the mother of this ‘terrorist in the family’ was one of the school governors caught up in the Trojan Horse plot who had to resign. It is remarkable how the BBC blithely assures us that it is a complete mystery how Muslims become radicalised and take at face value claims by the families that they had no idea that their kids were being radicalised or how that could have happened…never mind that again and again we subsequently find out that it was as much the parents doing the radicalising as anyone else. We can be pretty sure there is a constant drum beat of anti-Israel, anti-Iraq War, anti-Western presence in the Middle East and in other Muslim places and conspiracy theories about 9/11 [it was the Jews] and 7/7 [it was MI5] in Muslim homes up and down the country….for example The Jan Trust [Muslim led] was championed by the BBC for its ‘anti-radicalisation’ stand and yet they were promoting the idea that it was right to be angry about Palestine and the various wars…just don’t express that anger as violence…so hardly doing the genuinely important anti-radicalisation work…that of changing the narrative of Muslims under attack…one that the BBC itself spreads.
The BBC disgracefully tried to link Mair’s actions to the Leave campaign in order to make the Brexit debate ‘toxic’…the judge in the case noted that nationalist or patriotic sentiments are legitimate but Mair tainted them and made them toxic…something the BBC tried desperately to exploit in order to paint Leave campaigners and voters as racist, Far-Right extremists…as it continues to do of course…
Addressing Mair, Mr Justice Wilkie said: “You affect to be a patriot. The words you uttered repeatedly when you killed her, give lip service to that concept.
“Those sentiments can be legitimate and can have resonance but in your mouth, allied to your actions, they are tainted and made toxic.”
The BBC was quick to pick up on the police claim that Mair was a terrorist…and yet the poice did not charge him as such…and the judge made no mention of terror…merely stating that the murder was politically motivated. The Police claim is of course itself politically motivated as Muslims and the Left press hard for the likes of Mair to be classified as terrorists in order to allow them to say Muslims are not the only terrorists and therefore anti-terror actions and Press coverage should not concentrate on Muslims and Islam….attempting to close down anti-terror policies and censor the Press.
The BBC has no doubt Mair is a terrorist but remarkably, and commendably, the Guardian raises the question…
Should Thomas Mair be considered a terrorist?
There are arguments for and against, Mair may or may not be a terrorist….there is no proof he intended to ‘terrorise’ either us, the Public, or the political Establishment…rather, it was all very personal towards Jo Cox herself by Mair who was acting alone without any outside direction or coercion to kill…
It has become a cliche question among race-rights campaigners (with whom I have common cause): “Why aren’t far-right crimes considered terrorism?” Such a common question that now, it seems, the police are changing tack and labelling Thomas Mair a terrorist (though not so much that they actually charged him with terrorism offences).
It’s certainly true that a narrow definition of terrorism as a “political act” would include Mair. But whatever one particular dictionary might say, there is no widely agreed definition of terrorism.
And while I don’t doubt that Mair’s motives were political, in the common understanding and usage of the term “terrorism”, more than this is required. Because, though he had far-right sympathies, it’s clear his actions weren’t supporting anyone’s agenda but his own.
To my knowledge there is no organisation that calls for the violent overthrow of the state, or for the killing of leftwing MPs. And though some eyewitnesses reported Mair shouting “Britain first” during his attack on Jo Cox, there’s no evidence he was acting for, or under the instruction of, the legal rightwing organisation of the same name.
The BBC naturally makes no mention of Mair’s well known mental health issues in contrast to how they instantly raise such issues for just about every Muslim terrorist. Here’s the BBC’s only, and very disingenuous, comment on mental health in the Mair case in their write up...
The precise state of Mair’s mind at the time of the attack remains unclear.
He has largely refused to engage with the court process, including attempts to assess whether or not he is capable of standing trial on mental health grounds, or even to enter a plea of not guilty.
No mention that the day before he had sought help from a mental health service…as the Mail points out today…
Jo Cox’s killer sought help for mental health issues day before murder
The Guardian doesn’t like the fact that the Mail has a rounded story with all the facts…
(Although it’s worth noting that Mail Online again highlighted Mair’s mental health and thoughts of matricide rather than his extreme ideology.)
Actually the Mail does state quite clearly and at length in different articles Mair’s obsession with the Nazis and Far Right ideology…
Mair, 53, spent hours looking up information on the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organisations before brutally attacking the Labour MP in her hometown of Batley, West Yorkshire.
So the BBC at the same time as it makes excuses for a Muslim terrorist, who has done Allah knows what in Syria or Iraq, a BBC that so often claims mental health problems were the cause of ‘Muslim’ terrorism, makes a determined attempt to avoid noting Mair’s well documented issues and rapidly labels him a terrorist when that is up for debate technically and legally as even the Guardian accepts….’political motivation’ alone does not make him a terrorist. He may well be a terrorist but he gave no indication that he intended to ‘terrorise’ others by killing Jo Cox and we would need to see all his communications with Cox to judge exactly what was going on between them.
It’s not just some sections of the Press that raise the mental health issue…it’s one for the legal profession…
Why was no medical evidence called on the state of Mair’s mental health?
The prosecution would have had no interest in proving that he was insane, or that his responsibility was diminished as a result of mental health problems.
Why then did the defence not call any such evidence? Insanity or, more realistically, manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, provided the only remotely plausible escape route from a life sentence. So why did the jury not hear from any psychiatrist? There are quite a number of explanations: perhaps Mair had refused to co-operate with the preparation of any such report. Perhaps he had co-operated but the psychiatrists had agreed that he was entirely sane and not suffering from any relevant mental health problems.
Even though the defence did not run any form of “psychiatric” defence, it is likely that before he is sentenced the judge will want to give some consideration to his mental health
So, in light of other widespread comment, you have to ask why the BBC fails to comment on this and use it as an excuse when it is so ready to do so for Muslim killers?
BBC is making the most of having their white ‘radicalised ‘ killer on hand to counter the hundreds of barbaric Islamic terror crimes around the world. James OBrien was asking who radicalised Mair? Maybe he attended a religious establishment with a hate preacher who knows.
I don’t condone what Mair did at any level,but how convenient they can sweep his mental health under the carpet.
I believe Mair asked for help from mental health support services in the weeks before the murder and was turned away .
If true ,an examination of how the treatment or rather non treatment of a mentally ill loner could have contrubuted to his actions. We all know care in the community doesn’t work.
Its also glaringly obvious this man had no advocates , None . I mean in a legal sense .
Islamic terrorists get the Human Rights brigade behind them no matter how heinous the crime.Telling us they are marginalised and discriminated against by the rest of us .
Maybe Thomas Mair felt marginalised and discriminated against.
They were intent on locking him up and throwing away the key without any real examination of cause Probably because they wouldn’t like what they find.
I believe he asked for assistance for his mental health issues the day before committing the murder, if I remember the reporting at the time correctly.
It appears that he was a true loner with no affiliation to any National Socialist organisation, but as Douglas Murray said in an article at the time, words to the effect of – “If we discover that he was a member of a terrorist organisation, that condoned his actions, how would we feel if the leader of the opposition was to have shared a platform with them”.
Mr Mair, genuinely mentally ill apparently was refused help of a crisis nature.
The “terrorist” comes from some books the guy had, and this media favourite of him repeatedly shouting Britain First, which appears to be denied in almost all the relevant quarters.
The guy is a murderer, a terrible crime and so should face his sentence, and get mental assistance that is necessary.
The rest is pure political elite/media of all sides, manoeuvring of the worst kind
In the Media, the Brexit majority is represented fairly on the Internet and in the Press. But not on the TV (with the exception of RT) and Radio (with the exception of LBC). The strange thing is that apart from Farage, the best Journalists and most intelligent Politicians are only seen on BBC Parliament, RT, or heard on LBC. While all those morons on the BBC who talk the forgettable childish tosh of nine year olds, have well recognised faces, and turn out to be mostly self appointed Comedians and Guardian Journalists who openly support the Labour Party. In fact all indications are that as with that seminar of environmental activists who advised the BBC to abandon impartiality and impose a censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate. The BBC has done the same thing with Brexit. A secret seminar of Remaniacs who have advised the BBC that “Project Fear” is a fact, and that this fact proves that a democratic nation could not economically survive outside of the EU, therefore impartiality must be abandoned, as those who think otherwise are swivel eyed loons, and therefore should not be entitled to equal airtime. James Purnell (Labour) is to be appointed to impose this policy.
Also, there are many Journalists who appear in the press who have never appeared on the Telly or Radio.
And there are many top scientists with important scientific papers recognised by Internet blogs, Astronomy and Mensa newsletters, who also have never appeared on the Telly or Radio.
Now we have Lord Hall deliberately appointing a Labour Party Goon to impose more and more censorship on people who challenge left-wing politically correct ideology on issues such as Atmospheric Physics, Donald Trump or undemocratic institutions such as the BBC and the European Union.
In the Media, the Brexit majority is represented fairly on the Internet and in the Press. But not on the TV (with the exception of RT) and Radio (with the exception of LBC)
I disagree that the Brexit majority is fairly represented on LBC. Katie Hopkins is the only antidote to the rabid James O’Brian who barely lets a day pass without some variant of Bremain pro mass immigration Trumoaner rant. Unlike Katy who treats those with opposing views with respect the vile James doesnt hesitate to use demands for evidence, straw men and every kind of rhetorical fallacy to trap his usually unprepared callers into a corner. He usually concludes with a pat on the back for himself claiming he has won the argument.
Of course the odds are stacked against callers, he is relaxed and confident on the radio, he has prepared a few (usually flawed) arguments in advance, and has reesarchers to hand to chck out any statistics/facts he needs online.
And he has control of the microphone.
Iain Dale and, I think, Nick Ferrari are Brexit supporters on LBC. But cannot match O’Brien for sheer unpleasantness.
Censorship by the BiasedBC?
The BBC can now read everybody’s e-mails, listen to mobile phone conversations and access online bank accounts, using the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, passed by Tony Blair, to snoop on the public to maintain its enormous income and preserve its privileged position to control opinion in the UK, and prevent the public protesting in the only way it can against its biased reporting.
The BBC has a charter to serve the public, and not its own elite. That BBC elite has used its monopoly position to influence the public in every election and has abandoned the original ethos of neutrality in providing information and news. If the public resent this then they should be able to vote with their wallets and the BBC should not be able to use the power of the state to oppress them fom exercising the free will that Englishmen thought was their birthright.
Please sign and circulate this petition –
I’m a Batley lad. (Granted I haven’t been home in over 20 years) But I know the area well. (In fact I used to go ratting as a child on Nab lane tip, which is about 200 metres from Fieldhead Est) and I went to the same school as Tommy Mair. (But I never knew him) and let me tell you the Media are having a field day with this nasty racist Nazis. (before I start, allow me to state that prison is too good for him) But the Media are leaving out a lot. For example here is what the Guardian wrote about him Yesterday
Thomas Alexander Mair was born in the Scottish town of Kilmarnock in August 1963, the son of James, a machine operator in the lace industry, and Mary, a factory worker. He was named after his grandfathers. The Mairs had a second son, Scott, but the marriage did not last long, and Mary and the boys moved to Birstall, a mill town eight miles south-west of Leeds. Mary remarried, and Mair has a half brother, Duane St Louis.
Here is Duane St Louis twitter page, It hosts his happy snap and the pair of them get on very well as illuminated by this post after the Cox killing in the Guardian:
The picture that emerged of the man known as Tom or Tommy from those who knew him best was of a quiet and caring loner. His half brother, who is mixed race, claimed he had been volunteering at a school for children with disabilities for several years and had never expressed any racist views. Duane St Louis, 41, described his brother as a devoted son who shopped for their mother twice a week and who had visited her on Wednesday night to help tune her TV.
Here is what the daily Mirror had to say:
“We are completely shocked by it,” he continued. “My brother has never expressed any political views, never said anything about Britain First.His only mental problem is OCD – he keeps cleaning himself all the time, he has had it for years.He was always washing himself, he is obsessed with his personal hygiene.But he has never expressed any views about Britain, or shown any racist tendencies.I am mixed race and I am his half-brother, we are in regular touch and see each other at my mum’s.”
And here is what his neighbour had to say about him (on Lowood lane, fieldhead)on the day of the killing.
It seems that the media has left a lot of truth out of their coverage of this so called racist bastard.
The exploitation of Jo Coxs death continues. The reason that Mair’s mental health is not being raised is that the liberal elite want him portrayed as a White Supremacist and there must not be any possibility that he was motivated to commit murder by anything other than that single cause. Mention of mental illness would cloud the clarity of their message. The next step is to define the murder as a political assassination , scrupulously avoiding the term lone wolf. This then makes it seem that there was some White Supremacist conspiracy behind the murder. The elite then link the murder to Brexit by endless suggestions that the referendum somehow unleashed a dark streak of racism in our country and allowed it to flourish, all sorts of spurious or manufactured evidence is brought forward to support this linkage.
So the liberal elite, using their accomplices in the MSM, are spinning a narrative that Brexit brought about a political assassination by a sinister White Supremacist organisation of which Mair was an agent.
Having established the above narrative the elite will then use it to further crack down on an organisation which they see as supporting Brexit. This may happen by them taking direct action against such organisations but more often it will be by media and public pressure on those groups not to painted with White Supremacist tag. The cynicism behind the exploitation of murder is disgusting. If you believed in conspiracy theories you might think that the whole sad affair was a Reminiac plot, after all didn’t the Remain campaign in the immediate aftermath urge us to vote Remain in remembrance of Jo!. But I don’t , I just think it shows how opportunist and deadly the elite are and that they will go to any lengths to retain power and force their world view on us. Mair was a mentally ill lone wolf but he won’t go down in history as such.
This horrid murder was indeed disgustingly exploited by the remain camp. It concerns me however, that there is a lack of discussion about Jo Cox’s support of the ‘White Helmets’, they certainly do not appear to be the righteous outfit as promoted by the BBC.
This lady has some interesting opinions on the “White helmets”, John.
Toobiwan, yes at her own expense she has got first hand what is happening; unlike the BBC, who I understand have only recently had a reporter on the ground. Here’s a link to 21st Century wire that she mentioned – covering the open letter from Doug Brown, the Co-chair of the
Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War in Canada.
Thank you for posting this report. I am fascinated and appalled by the duplicity shown by our Government on Syria so have now taken the step of following Vanessa Beeley on FB in order to educate myself more. I despise the MSM and the BBC in particular for their lies and spin. Actually sometimes I also despair.
This is a good article about Syria DB:
View at
“It’s so against his nature and obviously with his Aspergers, we think somebody has got hold of him and done something.”
BBC quoting the parents of the British man who tried to murder Trump
Duncan Keating murder
What the BBC said
“Assault charge after man found dead in Amcotts”
What others said
“Brutal attack by Remain neighbour in EU referendum”
“Teens arrested in ‘hate crime’ murder of Polish man”. Yes, it’s those BBC scare quotes again headlining a claim as if it’s a fact.
The BBC manipulates all its news to fit the narrative.
“Sir”John Major is quoted today as advising that we do not submit to the “tyranny of the majority” in deciding whether or not to leave the EU.
This is similar to the thinking that drove Thomas Mair to murder his MP.
Resistance to democracy via the ballot box is alive and well in the UK and the EU.
Hooking up with that other respected elder statesman Tony Blair to tell the peons to shut up and trust them on what is best seems like a truly smart play.
Clearly a keen judge of character and history buff.
Blair and Major are both, in effect, advocating the abolition of democracy with this talk of stopping Brexit and overcoming “the tyranny of the majority”…the abolition of democracy was a key Nazi policy, (it`s a key Communist policy too).
We`re being told to follow the leaders who “know best”, the principle of dictatorship rather than the democratic principle that the leaders act on what the people voted for.
We listened to the arguments, looked at the EU in practice and we voted. Now deliver Brexit, regardless of the hostile threats of our erstwhile “partners”…..That`s Democracy.
God help us if this partnership comes close to matching that of Cameron, Miliband and Ashdown in swaying the public.
Or the Gord is unleashed.
I doubt if most people will take notice of these failed has-beens.
The BBC seem smitten. Global News sees them as Starsky and Hutch.
Tell me Major didn’t actually say that please!
I am afraid he did.
Kenneth Clarke was spouting his usual arrogant nonsense on The Jeremy Vine Show yesterday, (“I’m right, everyone else is wrong”), and came out with the gem that the referendum was ‘the largest opinion poll ‘ever undertaken, (and of no value?), so he would ignore it and vote to reject ‘Article 50’.
Dear old Ken, what else should we expect from the chairman of the Bilderberg steering commitee.
And retiring at the next election with a big fat taxpayer-paid pension.
I don’t care what it costs. Just get rid of this bumbling, out of touch old fool
Reading the Guardian yesterday and knowing it’s the print version of the BBC , I can see their thought process .
Mair was evil and thus of the Right , St Jo was pure and thus of the Left . They did literally make that comparison .
Jo Cox was a do gooder that had never been of the workers . She like the BBC had her favourite underdog groups and this is shown by her attendance at trying to stymy the fishermans protest on the Thames . She is the epitome of why the left fails and why it fails us in this country . Now with the Brexit vote a new age of democracy can hopefully give us true accountability from our MPs , with less secrecy and more honesty . Empowerment to the Ordinary Joe , who feels he will never be ignored by the Powers That Be in favour of special interest groups or the groupthink of the PTB of the time .
Unless Major , Blair , Heseltine , Clarke would rather have have murders like Jo Cox as they suppress democracy .
Jo Coxs entire working career appears to have been as an internationalist aid worker travelling the globe to ply her trade or promoting the interests of global multiculturalism closer to home.
Is there any record at all of her seeking improvements to community mental health and child protection services in her own constituency?
St Jo has a fund for donations to her favourite causes. The White Helmets ( see ToobiWan above) And Hope Not Hate.
This organization is also funded by Unbound Philanthropy, a charity run by kind hearted capitalists and city folk who support open borders. Their 2016 donations list ( you can check it on their website under full grants list) includes the following.
Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law £60,000.00
HOPE not hate Educational Limited £200,000.00
Market and Opinion Research International Limited £30,000.00
Migration Museum Project £90,000.00
Modern Brit Ltd £50,000.00
Refugee Action £120,000.00
What a wretched list of scum and villainy lol. To be fair, those sums paid out would only pay the salaries of at most 2-3 employees on the respective payrolls. The old fake Charities are notorious for stupidly overinflated wages. And when I say employee, I mean a graduate relative of someone on the board.
According to a report in yesterday’s Mail, Mair was being ‘pestered’ by the local council to give up his council house where he had lived for 40 years. Neighbours were quoted as saying that he had convinced himself that the council was trying to remove him in order to give the house to a foreign family, and he had come to the conclusion that Jo Cox was involved, or at least would not be prepared to support his case.
The council has refused to comment, allegedly.
Thanks for the link Aerfen interesting to note that amongst Mairs “remarkable collection of neo-Nazi literature” are 2 BBC videos!!
So our friends at the beeb could be said to be producing neonazi literature, has anyone told them yet?
Most of it is mainstream history. He was clearly not a stupid man but read a great deal.
Aerfen November 25, 2016 at 1:42 pm
“According to a report in yesterday’s Mail, Mair was being ‘pestered’ by the local council to give up his council house where he had lived for 40 years. Neighbours were quoted as saying that he had convinced himself that the council was trying to remove him in order to give the house to a foreign family, and he had come to the conclusion that Jo Cox was involved, or at least would not be prepared to support his case.”
It would be interesting to see who does move into his vacant council house.
Did he have a Koran in his house , did he go to Islamic websites ?
I ask because historically the Nazis admired the Islamists , many war criminals became Muslims after 1945 , and many Nazis went to help Nasser against Israel .
Many if not most of the Muslims believe the Jews are behind all sorts of nefarious activities , Iran even held an international conference about Jews faking the Holocaust .
He probably didn’t have a Koran in his house . !
This would show the complexity of political thoughts and ideas that the Left and BBC , which is complex , refuses to see in not just the Right but confuses the rest of the political spectrum . We don’t think a liberal / left is a Stalinist . They hate the fellow . But they see anyone who is not Left , socialist , left of centre , wet conservative , globalist , corporatist , common purpose , Gramscian , EUrophile as anything but Right with a sinister meaning .
Which means that to the normal left/ BBC for anyone to be slightly inclined as Libertarian , or for full or participarity democracy , is deemed Nazi , Alt right , neo something or other buzzword .
Which is ridiculous . How can someone who wants the maximum democracy , localism , restraints on the power of the state , openness and accountability be compared to what they refer to as hard right , alt right extreme right or fascist .?
Is Tony Blair the same as Jeremy Corbyn ? . Not if you are of the liberal/ left . But Thomas Mair is supposed to be the same as any individual Brexit supporter . Tainted as we are by a very extreme extrapolation .
Is it because the liberal / left ( and BBC) are juvenile , or am I making sweeping generalisations against them ?
Even if it’s not Syrian refugees but a local family, it still means another council house goes to the refugees. After the DM publicising this it would actually be pretty crass of them to move refugees into Mairs actual house, although some of the globalist tendency are so hate filled that they would no doubt love to put two fingers up to locals and do just that.
I was in the public gallery for the final three days of the trial, and can answer some of the above points:
1. “there is no proof he intended to ‘terrorise’ either us, the Public, or the political Establishment”
But I know that he WAS successful in terrorising the political establishment, because one of the other people in the public gallery said to me (outside the courtroom) he was a worker for a labour MP, and he worried about being attacked by somebody like Mair. In fact he was quite distressed about the possibility.
2. “And while I don’t doubt that Mair’s motives were political, in the common understanding and usage of the term “terrorism”, more than this is required. Because, though he had far-right sympathies, it’s clear his actions weren’t supporting anyone’s agenda but his own.”
I don’t agree with that. He was supporting the agenda of the whole group of far-right supporters in the UK who don’t want non-white immigrants coming into the country. i.e. to frighten other Labour and left-wing politicians into not bringing in any more, lest they are themselves murdered.
I think Mair was a terrorist, and fully intended to be one.
3. The Guardian reported that Mair HAD been examined by a psychiatrist after his arrest, and who reported:
“He underwent an examination by a psychiatrist, who could find no evidence that he was not responsible for his actions as a consequence of poor mental health.”
4. “Even though the defence did not run any form of “psychiatric” defence, it is likely that before he is sentenced the judge will want to give some consideration to his mental health”
I was sat in the public gallery, before he was convicted, when the judge asked the defence barrister whether the latter wanted to run a “diminished responsibility” defence. This means where the defendent was mentally ill so were not responsible for their actions. The defence barrister said no (presumably because the psychiatrist had said that he was essentially sane), and the judge said “so it’s an all or nothing thing”.
Indeed after the jury had delivered their (fully expected) guilty verdicts, the judge wasted no time in passing sentence, the full speech of which is to be found here:
Click to access sentencing-remarks-r-v-thomas-mair.pdf
Given that there was only around 20 minutes, if that, between the judge receiving the guilty verdicts, and him starting reading this speech, it is certain that he had written it even before he knew that the defendent was guilty.
Though the evidence against Mair was overwhelming (DNA from Mair and Cox were found on both murder weapons), perhaps he was just being pragmatic, and didn’t want to waste more time adjourning for a sentencing hearing.