The new recruits to 5Live are stars…Emma Barnett and Nihal….the same old BBC groupthink mindset but on steroids. Hard to believe Barnett could be worse than Derbyshire but it looks like it.
Today she was pretty certain that the fact the story of a serial killer who targeted gay men was not on the frontpage of every newspaper meant that the ‘wider Press’ [naturally not including the BBC] are homophobic…oh…and the police are probably homophobic also as they didn’t do enough to link all the crimes [never mind one victim was buried and had to be exhumed because the police saw no suspicious cirumstances originally] Of course other stories were bigger…the Autumn Statement and Jo Cox.
Ironically the Guardian is complaining that the Mail didn’t put Jo Cox on its frontpage [The Guardian seems obsessed with what the Mail prints and where…of course this is part of its, and the BBC’s, campaign against ‘right-leaning’ papers and media trying to associate them with the Far-Right, racism and ‘Islamophobia’, in an attempt to shut them down or censor them].
The police of course have many priorities and this results in them targeting various crimes more than others as a report today points out…perhaps Barnett should do some more research rather than jumping to conclusions shaped by her own prejudices…are the police anti-children as well as homophobic?…
The Metropolitan Police is so obsessed with meeting targets on car thefts and burglaries it routinely fails to protect children from sexual exploitation, a report has found.
A review by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) revealed that three quarters of child abuse cases were handled inadequately or required improvement.
The report identified “fundamental deficiencies” and a lack of overall leadership in a force preoccupied with tackling priorities set by the Mayor of London.
What was especially interesting was the truth….Barnett had on someone from Pink News who told us that he didn’t think homophobia was the issue here….why not? Well, most of the media had been constantly in touch with Pink News in order to find out more about the story…all except one organisation. The BBC.
Is the BBC homophobic? Guess so.
I don’t know anything about Emma Barnett but here are her last few journalist outputs I could find:
Well done Channel 4 – you’ve just made British Muslims feel even more isolated
The Daily Telegraph, Thursday 14 April
The headline gives an indication of its nature.
Mossad’s hiring of a Nazi killer can teach us how to deal with Isil
The Daily Telegraph, Wednesday 30 March
This story links Israel to Nazism. Not sure if it is supposed to be subliminal but it is turned into a headline and a story.
Sneer at ‘holy roller’ Sarah Palin at your peril. President Trump’s coming
The Daily Telegraph, Wednesday 20 January
In this article she declares she is frightened about what is happening in the US. She is highly selective in quoting all the inflammatory parts of Trumps speeches
If these articles are anything to go on, then she probably fits the BBC brief.
“I don’t know anything about Emma Barnett”
This is what Wikipedia currently knows.
“Independent school.”
“Degree in History and Politics, from Nottingham” [long known as one of the most rancid, festering sores, in the mass murdering Marxist universe].
“commentator on women’s issues, media, social affairs, technology, politics and culture”
[IOW a real polymath, IDTS. Brain dead, brainwashed.]
Comments in square brackets are mine.
The use of abbreviations should follow the protocol – Full term followed by abbreviation in parenthesis – If you get what I mean (IYGWIM). I do hope this forum will not go down the route of Mums Net et al where the uninitiated need a jargon buster to comprehend every post. It is hardly inclusive or clever to marvel at your own wit whilst leaving the wise perplexed.
PNP = probably not possible (I made this one up).
Technology – texting and tweeting – means common texting acronyms are here to stay. Fewer people “write”, fewer “type”, more text and tweet. I am no expert on these new acronyms but I guessed IOW (in other words) and IDTS I had to look up (I don’t think so). New dictionaries should (I don’t know if they do) have a list of texting acronyms. It is convenient if you use non smart phones where typing and texting takes a lot of time.
Maybe with the spread and improvements in new voice recognition software use of such acronyms may fade away.
An acronym is the use of initial letters to form an actual word. These lazy shorthands are not acronyms. If anyone in a meeting I chaired used jargon or abbreviations I made them spell it out even if I knew what they were saying because there was bound to be some one too embarrassed to ask. We are not limited to 140 characters and this is not texting. It takes no longer to type In other words than it does to type IOW (standard abbreviation for Isle of Wight). Just because other sites use abbreviations is no excuse.
JC [Jesus Christ]
IISTBAPOTWIAC [It is supposed to be a parody of the woman I am criticising]
WITBSOH [Where is the BBBC sense of humour?]
Is this the same chap as ‘Not Helpful’ Nihal, who waits for interviewees to clear his safe space before editorialising further when they have no right of reply?
CECUTT approved, natch.
And the same bloke who last week, reporting on a High Court ruling about the Spare Room Subsidy, said, ‘Which is known as the ‘Bedroom Tax”
My understanding is that following complaints that the BBC were using the Labour Party’s provocative and partisan term for the subsidy, the DG agreed that it was wrong to do so and the BBC would stop using the term.
Please guys lets keep this civilised . YDWTBDDWC when there are more serious things , such as The CSMGP as well as Brexit and the possibility of our being the MFN with Trump in power .
James O’Brien did his Farage hit piece on LBC and was rewarded with Newsnight. She’s towing the BBC line and has been rewarded with a gig. If you’re a journalist, with any ambitions to join the BBC, you must consistently be ‘on message’. There is no way that the BBC would touch Rod Liddle these days for anything other than the ‘right wing ranty panellist’ on QT.
Barnett used to be on Lbc and when i heard her on there it was like a female version of O Brian and i thought she’d be perfect on the beeb and lo and behold. She loved her ‘issues’ on lbc as well. Nihal is just a smug idiot who has only one world view and is perfectly suited for the beeb.
On the subject of LBC – I posted the other day about listening in at random times and more often than not getting some lefty BBC/Guardian loving presenter – but I never remember the names of the sensible hosts vs the idiots. Mostly I’ll switch the radio on after 9pm but I’m currently unemployed so free in the daytime too! Anything to avoid Radio 4 of course.
Could someone enlighten me (from the rogues gallery below) which ones are worth tuning in for? I know K Hopkins goes in the good column, with O’Brien and Fogarty in the bad.
Nick Abbott as bad as James O’Brian though where O’Briens tone is one of bullying rage, Abbott shelters behind a thin veil of patronizing ironic tones and faux lightheartedness more fitting to the late hour.
Ian Collins (on now) not so bad although his whipping up hysteria over this ‘racist child’ video makes me dislike him.
The video IS shocking because of the grandmothers encouraging of a foul language football chant but the brief racist cry from the child at the end appears to be condemned by the grandma. Why would he encourage Globalist outrage over this? Its just bad parenting which is commonplace enough sadly but the crazed Globalists trolls should not be fed.
Thanks Aerfen and Grimer, I’ll check out the schedules again and give some of ’em a go. I just wish some of these phone-ins would cut down on the outrage and keep the level of discourse civil. Sometimes I tune in and it just sounds like Monty Python’s argument sketch.
I don’t mind Clive Bull, very middle of thee road.
Ian Collins ranting again about the allegedly racist Gran, saying he expects her to be arrested. Eek! A bit harsh! A talking to by the police would be more than enough to give the foul mouthed scummy granny a scare I imagine.
Must be some more of that special BBC Diversity.
A favourite acronym is “millions of the bastards”.(MOTB)
e.g. it describes the number of bBC personnel deployed to cover major events…….and even some minor ones………..
There are probably many other examples too which the acronym fits.
Don’t talk to me about Nihal…
Had the displeasure of hearing him on ‘afternoon edition’ earlier this week with oppo Sarah Brett.
An interview with some author talking about her book. Cut a long story short, author is a desendant of an immigrant and therefore an expert on Brexit. That must be the only reason why Nihal asked her to explain Brexit and link it to characters in her book. She kindly obliged and blamed the class system and the economy! Wrong result!
During the conversation he felt it necessary to mention that he too is a second generation migrant. Why is that useful?
The author was saying she likes the way people in this country get along with each other generally speaking.
Mid flow Sarah Brett jumps in and tempts the author to confirm that she’s talking about London, not England. It didn’t go the way she thought, ‘no I’m talking about England, perhaps with us living so closely it means rich and poor have learnt to get along. She added London is slightly different only because obviously it is slightly further along the way’.
All this is on top of interviewing one of the Cusack girls a few weeks back when our Nihal and Sarah invited a snide dig at at the daily mail. They didn’t get what they wanted, and Nihal said ‘I suppose you wear a criticism by the daily mail as a badge of honour’. Why was that necessary?
Barnett was on LBC for some months last year and was another one for the off switch. Mind you they have ex BBC Shelagh Fogerty now . How I miss Julia Hartley Brewer.A voice of common sense.
I heard a guy from Pink News on Nick Ferrari yesterday and he was very straight forward in his comments ,didnt want to speculate about why the police did not join up the dots .Didnt blame homophobia .a non hysterical discussion about dating apps and drugs .Very informative .
I didnt even bother with the BBC.
I caught some of Beverley Turner while driving back to London last week. Painfully right on PC bollox. Full on sneering at Brexit voters and anybody that supported ‘Rich White Men’ Trump and Farage. She spat out the words ‘Rich White Man’ every few minutes and it clear that she considered it to be entirely normal to spout her racism and sexism. She even started playing the victim card regarding ‘offensive’ messages she was receiving.
I expect to see her working for the Beeb shortly.
That would be Beverly Turner who sends her kids to private school. She admitted it.
O’Brien of course also keeps his kids in a racial ethnic majority by sending them to a good Catholic school, even though he clearly is not a believer himself anymore.
Alan, “[The Guardian seems obsessed with what the Mail prints and where…of course this is part of its, and the BBC’s, campaign against ‘right-leaning’ papers and media trying to associate them with the Far-Right, racism and ‘Islamophobia’, in an attempt to shut them down or censor them]”
You are right. Some socialists of my acquaintance spend all their time using the expression Daily Fail or Daily Rail and trying equate anyone not agreeing with their own political views on everything as being readers of or quoters of the Daily Mail.
I know that it is always hard to remember this, but the liberal boat has sailed.
Poor sods are in a knackered out Saucy Sue tugboat with no pleasured ocean-going liner now to tow.
Bilge seeping from the hulk, smoke billowing out of the chimney, spluttering as the paddling pool water hits the hot and clapped out engine.
Poor thick clots going round in ever decreasing circles round the harbour as we look on and laugh.
Enjoy the view-the listing figures are dwindling to zero.
As long as we get Article 50 in March, with their blood on the Axminster then we`ll be fine here-and as long as Trump gets his due on Jan 20th, then the USA will be OK too.
In the meantime-no Danegeld-do NOT pay your TV Licenses.
I hope this one is heading for the rocks, Alicia.

Saves a load of writing this 2B1?
Great cartoon-Ben hits the spot!
I used to introduce myself as 2B1 when meeting people for the first time, Alicia, but “she who must be obeyed” or RubiWan, wasn’t best pleased, said it sounded common.
or in any type of fracas – ‘say hello to my 2by1’
That’s the problem with ‘leading the EU’. It is the equivalent of riding in a speedboat in front of a supertanker and claiming that you’re ‘leading’. Trouble is, the tanker will only go where it wants to go. We’re now seeing the ‘cuddly’ EU turning nasty against the EU for daring to leave.
Invoke Article 50, walk away and being negotiations with other countries. The Germans will soon bring the EU to heel.