Well, it FINALLY happened. That ancient tyrant, Fidel Castro, finally died. And HAVEN’T the comrades at the BBC gone into mourning for their fallen hero? All that is missing is the solemn music on the hour and the mandatory black armbands. I thought this was the quote of the day but of course you would never see it on the BBC…
“When I die, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like Fidel Castro, not screaming in terror, like his victims.”
Instead they turn their fire on President Elect Trump because HE said this;
The BBC is an utter disgrace. Its cringeworty fawning of this communist scumbag is yet another indicator of the BBC’s far-left revisionism. We need a complete hault to the horrific TV License now! As I type that irritating little dickhead Sopel is smugly spewing out his anti-Trump drivel on ‘news’ at Ten.
In keeping with POMO, such toalitarian Marxists dictators are now known as Ctrl-Alt-Left.
In promoting the statement by Trump that Fidel Castro was a brutal dictator I think the BBC have boobed. They think this will make Trump seem extreme, but I think the BBC has misjudged the mood and that the verdict of history on Fidel Castro will not be kind. Despite what the BBC, Labour and Sinn Fein think.
The BBC are happy to ignore the trail of countless political prisoners that Castro killed or tortured, which included racial and homosexual enemies of his macho cult.
But like Iran-the BBC are happy too to give their friends a free pass as they talk of Buena Vista and old cadillacs as taxis in Havana.
These clowns simply dial a cliche and phone it in. Not an original thought in their heads.
I myself have been far more exercised at poor Brian Matthew not being well enough to do his show this morning.
He has been a big part of my life, interviewed the Beatles and is a massive part of old school British pop culture.
My prayers go to him, family friends and all fellow avids…and HE is the news story, not some cigar chewing boring psychopath who festered in world politics to give Corbyn his oxygen.
But seeing as there`s no voting allowed in Cuba and you can hand over to your brother as you like-guess the EU and the BBC, the Clinton Camp now think that HIS democratic model is preferable to anything that WE relied on having.
Ah well-no passeran as the lefty scum say. And well said Donald Trump!
Given that the BBC’s beloved EU’s Juncker called Castro a ‘hero’, can there be any doubt that Brexit was the right choice?
No surprise also that the BBC is trying its best to make it look like the US election could be overturned. To be fair, a lot of alarmist conservative sites (genuine ‘fake news’ outlets) are doing the same, but the liberal outlets are trying to make it seem like a good thing. In case anyone’s concerned, don’t be. It’s being funded, predictably, by Soros but it has zero chance of changing the result, not least because Michigan are likely to reject the recount request since their voting procedure actually includes a recount, not to mention their ballots are paper only while the supposed reason for asking for a recount is concern over electoral ballots.
I’m not sure they’ve thought this through. Just suppose the recounts show that Hillary actually won. There would be immediate accusations from Trump voters of fiddling the recount.
It wouldn’t matter if they’re true or not. Trump’s supporters would believe it. They’re armed, and would be royally pissed off. It would not end well.
Still think Andrew has had enough.
At the very least awkward silences around the water cooler in the green room as the BBC rallies the commentating troops.
A summary…
Fear not; Frankie’s on the case…
Though this may nip the next BBC US political review special in the bud if he doesn’t get back on message.
Frankie the leftist. Who loves minorities and the disabled, so long as he’s allowed to make brutal jokes at their expense.
Someone should remind Mr Boil which POtuS said he’d close down Guantanamo. And wasn’t it the same one who boasted at being good at killing people; which in itself is reminiscent of what the commie cigar chomping thug might have said.
Most of the coverage has been positive, including a warm eulogy from Comrade Corbyn. Are they forgetting that this man was an evil tyrant? There’s a very good reason why Cuban Americans were partying in the streets, he was a monster, that’s not even up for discussion.
What next? Are the BBC going to deliver annual eulogies for Stalin and Hitler?
The late Hugo Chavez, equally undeserving of lamentation, famously imported a Cuban thug to Venezuela, purportedly to administer the country’s energy supply. The problem was that the Cuban’s knowledge of electricity started and finished with applying electrodes to political prisoners. After all, Cuba has no significant energy resources, or energy expertise.
Let’s get these other points straight about Cuba. It doesn’t have a great education system; Cuban schools deal in indoctrination – nothing more. Cuba’s health service, for the vast majority of Cubans, is hopeless. Cuba is incredibly racist. It’s a white-supremacist regime, lording it over a much larger black population (Batista, on the other hand, was mixed race). Nathan Bedford Forrest would have been right at home in Castro’s Cuba. Tens of thousands of black Cubans have been exported overseas, to kill Angolans and South Africans and ideally, from the point of view of the Castros, to be killed in their turn. Corbyn, Obama and Livingstone would never acknowledge the fact, but this is a form of slave trade.
“Cuba’s health service, for the vast majority of Cubans, is hopeless.”
Cant be too bad the life expectancy is ahead of much of Eastern Europe
Hmmm… in a country where people are very obviously afraid to criticise the regime within earshot of informers or worse you seem to set quite a lot of store by official statistics… – no?
I do wonder at the apparent absence of black folk in the upper echelons of Fidel’s regime…
Think of any communisty regime that didn’t cultivate a less than glowing account of themselves?
Call it tractor statistics.
Note that the Russians never considered giving Fidel a nuclear electric plant, the Venezuelans never gave them enough oil and a whole raft of other opportunities that were missed – because – one has to suspect nobody actually trusted Fidel + chums…
Sorry. I accidentally reported comment by mistake.
Unless you happen to be opposed to Castros authoritarian views, were gay ,were mentally ill ,own a bit of land etc.Then you were likely to disappear not have a long healthy life.
That Moloney guy nails it. It’s time to stop calling the BBC ‘biased’. It’s too complimentary and their coverage of Castro vs Trump shows it: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-bbc-is-not-biased.html
What the BBC really loves is the opportunity to get a huge live broadcast team overseas.
The carbon footprint must be massive for a start, but given we don’t understand the complexity of international affairs, that’s why we apparently voted to leave the EU; why do they think all us little Englander, racist xenephobes give a toss about Cuban history?
Come to think of it why don’t they scale back their news operation because now we’ve pulled up the drawer bridge we don’t need foreign news anymore. It’s wasted on us uneducated folk.
I am surprised that the vermin at the BBC have not described Castro as “controversial”. Is May attending the funeral ? Any of the Royal Family going ?
BBC headline ” Royal Family fail to attend Castro’s funeral “. Only joking, or maybe not.
He led an uprising against an elite yet avoids being called a populist.
Castro’s funeral will have an air of Jurassic Park about it as they’ll be so many loony left dinosaurs attending.
Trump totally correct.
Trump not even yet elected, but still more statesman like than joke **** Obama.
All the other political “Leaders” totally wrong, twats.
Castro dead great, just one mass murdering commie, into the dustbin of history..
More of the same please, starting with Broadcasting House.
What has Obama said about the death of the mass murderer Castro ?
“If he had a mass murdering demagogue, he’d look like Fidel”?
I think the point has been made before, but let’s just pause and think of all those many desperate residents of Trump’s Florida who risked their lives in tiny boats to reach the safe haven of Castro’s Cuba. Errrmmm….
Yes, looking at how people actually “vote with their feet” really tells you all you need to know.
If Cuba were the paradise on earth the leftist loons claim it to be, they would have to build a wall to keep the massed masses out. The usual explanation from the leftists like Benn, Corbyn et al. why they never went to find a better life in the USSR, the DDR, Cuba or Maoist China was that they were “sacrificing themselves” and attempting to build socialism in Britain for the masses. How noble! They explain the unending flow of immigrants to Britain, capitalist, racist, fascist exploiter of the masses as “false consciousness”. They realise there are problems in their own countries but do not maker the correct revolutionary, marxist choices and plump for a system that is about to collapse under its own internal contradictions instead.
By a strange coincidence, I have just been reading Malcolm Muggeridge’s 1932 diary on his stay in the USSR. Almost 100 years on you hear the same tawdry excuses for Castro as you did for Stalin then and afterwards. People seem to have forgotten how “charismatic” and “iconic” Stalin was for the left at that time. George Bernhard Shaw thought that Stalin was “one of those superior people who step in during a crisis” and that he was at least “four times more intelligent than other leaders”. Muggeridge shared the same utopian delusions about the USSR as the Webbs and others before he visited the USSR, but at least he was astute and alert enough to see what was happening to the Russian people. All those dupes, Livingstone, Thornberry etc., who visit Cuba and bring back tales of superor healthcare and education, are too stupid and credulous to realise that a show is being put on for them. As Muggeridge points out foreigners living in Stalinist Russia led a pampered life and only saw what they were allowed to see. When there were plans to close down the torgsin shops which supplied “luxury” goods like food to foreigners, all the Western newspaper correspondents threatened to leave en masse. Even when Khruschov denounced Stalin in his famous 1953 speech, there were still westeners talking about Stalin in glowing terms.
An ex Mayor of London worships Castro, the Hackney Hippo thinks that Mao was the greatest leader of the 20th century. It is truly shocking that mindless ideologues like these could find their way to any degree of political power.
The BBC are simply looking for a “score draw” re Castro.
Most of our lefties have either been there on holiday, fantasised about rolling themselves on the thighs of tanned young men( the few gays that will be in Havanas shop windows, for hard currency)-and may even have been to nearby Nicaragua to pick coffee beans etc.
Yes, he was a tyrant, dictator and undemocratic-but the UN/EU/Trump/Brexit atmosphere of the moment suits Fidel handing over to Raoul without any of that voting messiness.
Sense long after Cubas “nine days of mourning”-the BBC will be ululating for a bit longer.
NINE days?…utterly meaningless, seeing as everyone will be working as normal.
Funny too that the BBC “big up” the fact that the joy is in Miami, but not San Domingo etc…wonder why Miami allows this freedom whereas Cubans wouldn`t dare. Raoul and his goons in the secret services are still very much alive.
As for the “great health and education” crap-why would those who now worship the NHS and State Indoctrination(as offered by our crap schools and Yooniz) choose to trumpet Castros “health and education” achievements?
The Left will not give up until we take them down-they CHOOSE these angles, we need to counter it.
With the events of the past 6 months it is clear the BBC support anything that is undemocratic:
1. Brexit clear majority but the BBC promote news of any challenge to overturn the democratic vote.
2. Trump wins by clear majority but the BBC promote news of any challenge to overturn the democratic vote.
3. Fawning support for non-elected murdering dictator Castro.
Of course the entire BBC Charter is based on a undemocratic policy of forcing people to pay their wages with the threat of jail if you dare to say you do not to watch TV.
So the obnoxious and slightly “divisive” old fart has finally snuffed it?
How many people have given him even a moment’s thought over the last few decades? Had America not overreacted on several occasions, hardly anyone would know or care who he was.
Che Guevara, T-shirt designer, is getting a lot of press as well, but not this:
“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.
The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
What did Castro think?
Just watched the Sunday 1pm bBBC news.
Apparently Fidel Castro must have died within the last few hours as it was the first item and covered 8 of the 10 minute bulletin.
Clearly this is of huge importance to the bBBC newsroom.
Any organisation that considers this ‘breaking news’ worthy of a dedicated email is beyond satire:
Breaking News
History will judge Castro impact – Obama
“History will judge the enormous impact” of Cuba’s late leader Fidel Castro on the world – US President Obama
For more details, see the BBC News website
Yet another example of the BBC and it hypocrisy one day it screams how the right are violent and racist and yet the next day completely ignores the lefts violence and racism and the Question Time this week was an utter disgrace as usual.
Just to add I telephone TV licensing Friday to ask for an explanation of why they insist the people who pay in instalments ( poorer) have to purchase a licence in 6 months and continue paying their explanation was in case they fall in arrears lol.
Say for example my mobile provider decides to charge my first years line rental in 6 months it would be frowned on by the BBC I informed them that I have paid the tax in 6 months and they can jog on for 6 months for anymore money
Lovely example of BBC ‘reporting’ by simply sharing the facts, as spoken my someone one degree or separation away…
Looking at the comments, it seems to have been appreciated by all the BBC speaks for.
As Livingstone never stops driveling on about Hitler, if he had died on Saturday the left would have probably come up with this:
@”Today we mourn the renowned artist and animal rights activist, Adolf Hitler. His death also highlights the need for suicide awareness.
These stories though are really good at smoking out the lefty scum.
AS well as the pecking order that gets Livingston on ahead of Brian Wilson-and both above Aaronovich etc.
I see it as a Lefty Barium meal-like watching which gangsters, which tribes show up at a Mafia bosses funeral.
They basically wave flags at each other, trying to be more leftward than thewir rivals.
But DO get fed up at how easily they all get on the BBC to spout lefty lies.
Since they trashed Mrs T in 2013 when she died-we`ve been able to do the same…dying once was the final word-but after Thatcher, we know now that the Left need THEIR mausoleum muckers driven through with a stake.
Castro-just Ferdie Marcos, that`s all-so why the disparity in how both old corrupt scrotes are seen by the lying lazy lollards of the Left.
Each BBC presenter is like a football referee with a set of cards in their pocket
– # The FREE Pass
– # The FREE Kick
– # The barring from the pitch (used against climate realists)
¬ # The STOOP news/weather is coming up ..said whenever a non Lefty is making a good argument.
Do you think tmw’s 5-Live phone in will be “what a twat Fidel is” ?
How can the BBC go on about “revolutionary” Castro’s legacy (which included the persecution of gays) and, in the next breath, report alleged increases in homophobic attacks since the Brexit vote?
The news editors at the BBC should use their own cash to fund their poisonous creed, not my tax contributions.
For Leftists, like the BBC , any persecution of anyone, whether gays or anyone else , by scum like Castro or Mugabe or muslim dictators is acceptable . In fact , I suspect they rejoice in it. Total evil hypocrites.
As long as you are a Left wing tyrant and mass murderer the BBC and Corbyn and Co have no problem with you.
Anyone with any decency and humanity knows that Castro was an extremely evil man, and the BBC should be loudly calling out those who sing his praises and lament his passing. I served in the Navy, in the mid-sixties, in the West Indies for two years and we were there to stop and disarm any anti-Castro militants from using British territory and waters for launching attacks against Castro’s Cuba, but we spent more time picking up petrified men, women and children fleeing in flimsy, unseaworthy craft that one wouldn’t launch on a boating lake. Some were small rowing boats that had seen better days whilst others were little more than rafts and some just three or four small oil drums fashioned together with wood, bits of rubber tyres and rope. Now when people put their Wives and children at such risk they must be terrified of the alternative. It was wonderful how thankful and grateful they were when we picked them up and took them to safety in Florida but heartbreaking to find craft containing a few bits of clothing, food and personal possessions and we would never know whether or not the owners had perished or been plucked to safety by others.
It was a sobering experience for an empty-headed, seventeen year old who had never had an adverse episode in his sheltered life. I’ve hated that evil, leering piece of scum ever since, but it seems that many who should know better sanitize or play down the wicked actions of him and his like – and I really do not understand why. At the time we all thought we should be helping Castro’s enemies not hindering them, but Her Majesty’s Government saw things differently. Quelle surprise.
Great to have your personal evidence. But the evil people on the Left and at the BBC do not care how many people suffer because of their evil beliefs, so long as it is not them. Castro was a truly evil man. But so are Lefties like Corbyn and the BBC. They are just as evil.
Quite a comprehensive review of Castro with a lot of sources. BCC won’t view this.
Nine days of official mourning start today and the BBC will report on very minute of it. Plett Usher and no doubt other correspondents have been shipped in to man the microphones and keep the coverage rolling . Total bias and a waste of public money .
Isn’t it funny they have more sympathy for the death of one of the worst examples of humanity than they did for a British three-term first woman Prime Minister.
And who tortured and murdered no-one ! Leftism is a mental illness .
Charles Moore lays into the BBC over its Castro coverag in his DT column.
“Fidel Castro got a much kinder treatment from the BBC than did Lady thatcher. He was “iconic”, she was “divisive”. On the Today programme on Saturday Richard Gott, formerly of the Guardian (of course?) spoke movingly about how people all over the world “just adored El Comandante. His murder of political dissidents was no more than “the sort of thing you would expect””
Seems though that Gott was outed in 1994 as taking money from the KGB (and resigned as Guardian literary editor of all things) – so hardly an impartial observer as Russia propped up Cuba for decades.
He goes on to say “Suppose that, covering the death of Franco, Mussolini or other right wing dictator the BBC had rustled up a comparable person to defend him and broadcast his views without explanation of this. The Editor of Today would have been removed from his post the following morning. But I am quite certain that Jamie Angus, the current editor, need have no fear”.