Religion of war?


Armed police have to be deployed in Britain to protect a Muslim who converted to Christianity…and so far the BBC have shown not the slightest interest despite their usual massive coverage for ‘hate crimes’ committed by Whites….or non-Muslims such as Louis Smith who was publicly shamed by the BBC for joking about.

You might think it odd that a few white racist loons and thugs get so much coverage from the BBC when the really dangerous hate crimes are being committed in the name of a ‘respected’ ideology,  an ideology being preached day-in day-out up and down the country which takes its tenets from a blue print in a book that is freely available, one that we are told we must treat with the utmost respect, and yet which preaches hate….under its laws gay people can, should, be killed, apostates can be killed, women are second class citizens, non–believers are immoral, unwashed animals who must pay a protection tax or convert or leave any place where this ideology reigns supreme.  This is an ideology that teaches its followers that it will take over the world and it is their duty to make that happen…and that their reward is the land of those conquered, their gold, their belongings, their women.  An ideology that preaches it is okay to take slaves, that is okay to use non-Muslim women as prostitutes and sex slaves.  Doesn’t really sound like a religion of peace now does it?

What’s going on in the Middle East now is the blue print in action, it is the re-enactment of what Muhammed did 1400 years ago. Mainstream Islam , that is, Islam,  is a 1400 year old ideology that remains unchanged and cannot change as only God can alter it and Muhammed was the last prophet…therefore there can be no more prophets and thus no one left to deliver a new revelation…

Allah says: “But (he is) the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” [Sûrah al-Ahzâb: 40]

Moreover, the Prophet (peace be upon him) made the meaning of this verse perfectly clear when he said: “I am the last of the Prophets” “There is no Prophet after me.” “There shall be no prophethood after me.” and “Indeed, prophethood and messengership have come to an end.”

All of these statements are established with authentic chains of transmission and can be are found in the major books of hadîth like Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim.

…thus Islam is the final and lasting revelation, perfect in its infinite, universal and unchanging form….it cannot be reformed nor can there be that thing so beloved of the BBC’s wishful thinking and propaganda device…a ‘British Islam’.  There ain’t no such thing and never will, nor can, be.

The BBC tries to blame Brexit for a rise in racist attacks and by making such a false association tries to delegitimise it and make a case for abandoning it.  No such similar stance about the very real concerns about Islam and Muslim immigration into Western, democratic, Christian Europe despite massive evidence that introducing such an ‘alien’ ideology, that is so at odds with Western civilisation, culture and values, is a dangerous experiment that will lead to , and has led to, violent conflict along with marked social and political instability and breakdown.





Rough Justice


Everythings had to stop here as I have to go around picking people off the floor as they fall about laughing at the BBC’s Breaking News….May says we must respect the independence of the Judiciary.  Well yes.  That’s if they’re independent of course.  No one says we shouldn’t.


Just a standard ‘diplomatic’ statement from a Prime Minister and yet major news for the BBC…oh hang on…..she respects their opinion so much she is disregarding it and is going to appeal to a higher court.

The BBC is curiously incurious here…failing to scramble, as they always normally do, the researchers to dig out past statements by May that contradict her latest stance such as this BBC headline from 2013…

Theresa May criticises judges for ‘ignoring’ deportation law

Home Secretary Theresa May has accused judges of making the UK more dangerous by ignoring rules aimed at deporting more foreign criminals.

The BBC itself actually had a programme dedicated to fighting alleged injustice in the legal system…..called Rough Justice…

“Rough Justice” was a ground-breaking BBC TV series in the early eighties. It produced evidence that innocent people were being imprisoned. It helped pressure the government into forming the Criminal Case Review Commission.



How different today when the BBC claims the judges are infallible.

The BBC wants to create the impression that this is a really important statement from May and that it signifies that the critics of the judgement are wrong and are recklessly and dangerously undermining the legal system and society…and therefore they, the Press and Brexiteers, must be silenced…which is what this is all about really…the BBC and the Left once again trying to silence opponents not with arguments but with resort to false claims of the moral high ground and sanctimonious grandstanding by corrupt politicians and left-wing journalists.

Let’s be blunt, the court came to the wrong decision, one made as if the vote in Parliament, 6 to 1 in favour, that enabled the referendum to go ahead had never happened…the referendum that was explicitly about leaving or staying in the EU and only that…there were no conditions or qualifications. That vote gives May the authority to trigger Article 50 to start the process to leave the EU.

Were the judges ‘independent’?  Did they have pro-EU views that swayed their decision? Let’s be clear again…this was purely, as is any judgement, a view, an opinion on what the law says.  Hence another court can come along and make a different ruling.

The BBC and the Remainers seem to think that the judgement is based upon some natural law, a law of physics that is immutable and unquestionable….wrong…it’s purely legal opinion.

This is of course the BBC that never accepts court judgements itself or respects the authority of those placed in positions of trust who have to make similar decisions in inquiries such as Hutton or Butler….the BBC mocks and vilifies both these men for coming to the ‘wrong’ decision…one that doesn’t suit the BBC’s own narrative on Iraq.



The Dispossessed….Trump gives them a voice


The BBC not broadcasting this from their hero?



Trump voters…not racists and rednecks…they’re pretty decent people…and  if Trump gets elected it will be the biggest fuck-you ever recorded in human history….the Elites’ anti-Brexit court case aside that is.

Interesting what Trump said to Ford Motor company…all very relevant to Brexit and indeed to the once Labour/BBC narrative on ‘predator Capitalism’.  Not so interested now when it’s Trump saying it.






‘Let’s shoot Trump’




The BBC this morning is ridiculing the reaction at a Trump rally when there was a security alarm as an anti-Trump protestor started to make his presence and views known.  The BBC naturally is very sympathetic towards the protestor and mocks Trump and the crowd and as always tries to paint Trump supporters as out of control, violent lunatics…[was the protestor there deliberately to start a fight?…were some of the ‘Republican’s allegedly hitting him actually Democrats?….see below, and video above, for more on false flag operations designed to cause anarchy in the Trump campaign]….

A few journalists who left the media pen and headed towards the commotion were treated to manhandling and verbal abuse. There was no gun, of course, and the drama quickly subsided.

Note that ‘dismissive and derisive ‘of course’…..maybe the BBC journo has forgotten that somebody did try to shoot Trump [a Brit no doubt driven to it by dangerous and reckless BBC coverage that demonises Trump and provokes and gives licence to those who would use violence against him] or indeed that the BBC’s very own David Attenborough suggested not a week ago that it might be a good idea to shoot Trump.

“We could shoot him… It’s not a bad idea.”

Here’s the truth about what happened…the protestor at the front of the rally was being arrested and the [frightened] crowd backed away …a CNN reporter went over the Press barrier into the crowd…and you know what, made no mention of being attacked or abused by the crowd…


Trust the BBC for the truth?  Not.

The BBC is not so keen to publicise or sympathise with Trump supporters who are attacked by Democrats…some of the attacks manufactured by the Democratic Party machine itself.……

Physical attacks on Donald Trump supporters and their personal property appear to be growing increasingly common as Election Day approaches and passions intensify.

As LifeZette recently reported, there was a foiled assassination attempt at a Trump rally and many Trump supporters have been beaten up or hit with flying objects throughout the course of the fall campaign.

While the mainstream media has relentlessly promoted Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, it has largely ignored or downplayed these violent attacks against supporters of Donald Trump.

For example, the national media paid little attention to a Trump supporter being shot by a Trump detractor in Ohio.

Undercover videos shot by ACORN slayer James O’Keefe’s group Project Veritas Action caught senior Democrat consultants Robert Creamer and Scott Foval acknowledging using dirty, likely illegal tricks against the Trump campaign. Both have since resigned from the DNC, a move some consider to be an admission of guilt. Their goal was to generate negative media coverage of Trump rallies by fomenting violence at them. The media eagerly used the various altercations Democrats created to attempt to discredit Trump by depicting his supporters as violent, knuckle-dragging crazies.

Foval said on camera his agents “infiltrate” Trump events. “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherf**ker.” He adds, “we’re starting anarchy here.”

In one video Creamer says Hillary Clinton personally knows about the false flag operation. Her campaign “is fully in it,” he says. “Hillary knows through the chain of command what’s going on.” Previously convicted of felony bank fraud, Creamer has close personal ties to President Obama and has visited the Obama White House 342 times including 47 meetings with Obama personally.

In a similar way the BBC, whilst making a lot of noise about the ‘tidal wave’ of hate and racism that Brexit apparently gave rise to, ignores the massive numbers of attacks on Leave voters and yesterday was telling us how terrible it was that Gina Miller, of the court case fame, was being abused on-line but made little to nothing about Farage and his family receiving death threats and of course the usual abuse…a lot of it coming from the BBC itself over time thus generating, as it does with Trump, an atmosphere against Farage, demonising, mocking and vilifying him, that gave licence to those who wanted to attack and abuse him….making it seem as if it was ‘OK’ to do so..

Rape culture? Ask for Angela (not Mohammed)…

A Biased BBC reader writes…

“Rape is a very serious crime that requires careful consideration and sensitivity. It is no doubt a horrific crime that should be investigated, prosecuted and punished with the full severity of the law.
The BBC and the rest of the MSM, however, seem to have this unpleasant, macabre obsession with trying to put the fear of God into every woman out there that they are neck-deep in a “rape culture” by a nation of revolting criminals. “Rape culture” started on colleague campuses and seems to be spreading like wildfire. You will see the BBC also has something along these lines today, in which sexual harassment is a 24/7 problem for some people.
A prime instance closer to home is this Ask for Angela story. Another “viral” story where a “simple code-word campaign for women feeling unsafe on a date has got global attention since a picture of this poster dotted around bars in Lincolnshire, England emerged on Twitter”.
“It encourages women to discreetly ask for help by going to the bar and ‘Ask for Angela’ – a phrase aimed at alerting bar staff to the cry for help so they can help defuse the situation.The poster also includes a phone number for Lincolnshire Rape Crisis (0800 33 4 55 00) for anyone who needs to talk.”
The poster was produced by Lincolnshire County Council, which clearly has the utmost contempt for its own citizenry. It conflates the idea of a date not going well with the violent and vicious crime of rape, which surely only goes to instil terror in local women. As for local men, pah, you are all rapists in waiting, especially if you are awkward on a first date.
Now, putting aside the issue of reported and unreported attacks (which is pretty much impossible to address fairly) the BBC told us that Lincolnshire had 74 reported rapes in 2013/14. The population of Lincolnshire is 703,000. That provides a victim per capita rate of 0.01 per cent.
Of course, any and all attacks are abhorrent. Victims deserve support, sympathy and safety. The perpetrators should face very harsh sentencing on being found guilty. Even so, such crimes seem relatively rare, according to statistics. 
Yes, people should be taught about vigilance and security. Stories like these instead seem to be designed simply to scare people into paranoia and distrust of all men, who appear to be one bad chat up line from becoming the vilest of attackers. Of course, the overarching goal is to push the narrative that rape culture is alive and well and thriving in the UK.
Strangely, this thriving “rape culture” narrative seems to evaporate when it is transposed to the BBC’s reporting of Muslim rape gangs…”



The BBC have found a new heroine. Gina Miller – she who brought the legal challenge to Brexit. The atrocious decision by the High Court to subvert the will of 17.4m people democratically expressed on June 23rd has warmed BBC hearts and all of a sudden it is supporting the notion that “Parliamentary Sovereignty” must be respected at all costs. Ironic given then for the past four decades the stripping away of this Parliamentary Sovereignty to Brussels has been met with glee from the BBC. This decision is going to make the BBC even more unbearable than ever.

Memories are made of this


Everyone seems to have forgotten this, including me….however I’m pretty certain that the BBC would ‘remember’ it had Trump been the one doing the ‘misremembering’…




The BBC likes to blame Libya on Cameron and yet it was a UN sanctioned operation and the Americans were in the lead….they certainly seemed happy at the result…is this not so very ‘Trumpish’?……


Here is a video from ‘The Young Turks’… not a covert Russian operation to attack Clinton….the BBC doesn’t bother at all with Clinton’s racist comments….



The BBC has been pushing the Democrat line that the FBI is guilty of only investigating Clinton and making that public…and yet it has long been known that the FBI was looking to see if there were any links between Trump and the Russian state…and you know what…so far nothing has been found as the New York Times reported two days ago….and…the email hack was not in support of Trump…..

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.

Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.

That is a completely different narrative to the one we get from the BBC which is linking Trump to the Russians and suggesting the email leak was to damage Clinton alone and that the FBI is solely investigating Clinton.

It is perhaps an irony that the BBC complains that Russia is interfering in a US election when the BBC is itself doing just that, pumping out massive anti-Trump, pro-Clinton propaganda that is widely seen in the US…and of course the Guardian is still at it despite getting its fingers burnt not so long ago doing something similar.

 Even today the BBC is suggestively linking Trump to the Russians…

Russian media’s love affair with Trump

No mention of the BBC’s love affair with Clinton.

And again oh so ironic…the BBC whinges about Russian hacking of the emails and yet both it and the Guardian had nothing but praise for Snowden, who, in all likelihood, was a Russian agent masquerading as a whistleblower [a brilliant ploy] and his massive leak of highly sensitive iintelligence material.  The BBC and Guardian were overjoyed…now not so much.  Wikileaks was flavour of the month then….again not so much now.