WOW!!! Could you believe that Question Time audience last night. My ex brother in-law is from Wakefield ,so I know what down to earth folk they are. My in-laws lived in Kirhamgate for a number of years. It was always refreshing in my eyes of going back to
a part of England with its culture which no longer exists in London.
What a sensible audience. What went wrong BBC last night with your “researchers”
picking of the correct Trotkyist audience we usualy see? Most of the time the panel
seem to be mesmerised by the loquacity of their audience.
Can someone explain to me how someoneone as completely THICK as Laurie Penney undoubtedtly is, is invited onto the panel and introduced as an ‘economist’?
Answer Equals: Laurie Penney is an English feminist columnist and author. She has contributed articles to publications such as The Guardian and the New Statesman, and has written two books on feminism. (Wiki)
There is always the danger of taking someone seriously, even if you disagree with their political views. No one viewing that video will take her seriously again. Nasty little woman, who dishes out hateful remarks, yet has an inability to respond in a coherent manner when called upon to justify her nasty accusations.
It is time to challenge anyone who thinks they can accuse an opponent of racism in place of a cogent argument.
‘She has contributed articles to publications such as The Guardian and the New Statesman, and has written two books on feminism. (Wiki)’
..and given she has done this means that she is not thick! So anyone who writes for The Guardian and the New Statesman is in your assessment -intelligent! Doh! I don’t think so.
Surely the Left can put up somebody with a more logical sense of reasoning. No wonder the London, anti British Labour Party are both out of touch and isolated in British politics. Snowflakes have been found out. At last.Good riddance.
Interesting isn’t it? She’s every bit the economist, just as Paul Mason was and Robert Peston too, ie not an economist at all.
Regular readers here will recognise Mason as the economics editor (former) of Newsnight and Peston as the BBC Economics Editor, before he had a hissy and went to ITV.
Wronged, bit of an assumption there! – where did I say she is intelligent? I was merely answering your question by pointing out her attributes that attract the BBC: Female, Feminist, Guardian, (not ethnic but still scores highly).
She is so like so many young people out of Uni now, excluding engineering, science, medicine students, who are useful to mankind, most are worthless…useless…un-employable…they are brainwashed by petty little inadequates that pass for lecturers, proper Dave Spart..Howard Kirk types..that infest and corrupt our higher education …….
Only just summoned courage to watch QT but yes, quite refreshing. Dimbley seemed to be loosing the will, the Scottish woman was quite rational, Johnson was complacent and the other two blokes were ok.But Penny and the, ‘these are not the droids you’re looking for’ moments was pathetic.
It must be German Immigration week on Toady R4 this week.
In today’s instalment we had a surprisingly fair, one may almost say impartial, review of the the changing opinions in the CDU party. That is, some are now admitting that open door immigration is causing problems in Germany, and a guy admitiing that he does not want to walk into a person wearing a burqua in his own country is not automatically branded a Nazi racist.
But there is a low key telling interview with a politician.
He says in terms that Germany and its government have to sort out the immigration problems.
Hang on a minute. Problems? It was YOU and your stupid liberal policies that created them in the first place!
As in the UK. Our ‘immigration problems’ are entirely self inflicted by governments pandering to a vocal minority of right-on Leftmob open door lunatics ( with the supportive bBBC acting as chief publicists) pretending to be compassionate and ‘progressive’ when in reality what they see is a mechanism to undermine the Western market economic system.The idea that these same people can be trusted with providing solutions to our ‘immigration problems’ is fantasy stuff of the highest order.
and … the past 6 years? (nearly 7) year on year rises? the figures only this week, are you going to blame the Liberals? they were only the public crash dummies, the dolls to put the pins in, for incompetent Tory policies
for f-cks sake, WAKE UP!
The idea that the CDU under Merkel are going to change their minds about “Willkommenskultur” is ridiculous.
Wolfgang Schäuble, the finance minister has recently opined in the ZEIT 08.06.16.
“Die Abschottung ist doch das, was uns kaputtmachen würde, was uns in Unzucht degenerieren ließe”
But of course it’s isolating ourselves that is finishing us off, that will end up in incestuous degeneration”
This just sounds like some strange inversion of Nazi race theory, like Satanists reading the Lord’s prayer backwards in some perverse act of worship.
Today the House of Lords is holding a collective release of flatus on “shared values” and Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone was essentially expressing the same point of view as Schäuble but in the anodyne and mealy mouthed way that is so typical of peers of the realm. She is “enormously excited” that her grandchildren can marry Spaniards, Germans etc. and break out of the straight jacket of British momoculture. She went on to bemoan the lot of the “left-behinds” who had not yet tapped into the joys of an “open, tolerant, liberal” society. The usual waffle about “divided society”, “coming together
The tone of BBC news reports this morning is brazen delight, as five months of relentless anti-Brexit campaigning appears to have paid off to the tune of one cushy north-west London Liberal victory.
Trigger Artical 50 now. Oh, and start building that damned airport extention in their back yard.
Little Timmy farron says those of us who voted for Brexit didn’t know what we were doing and didn’t understand anything.
Does that also apply to the minority who voted remain or is it only us leavers who are thick, stupid idiots (his opinion)
Yes, yes on a par with the US where all who voted Obama in twice, watched Fox News one time, were brainwashed and transformed into mindless, racist, Trump voters. GFY Tim.
Quite hoped, seeing as we are near Christmas that “Tiny” Tim Farron
would get interviewed here.
Oh Well!
A very bizarre explanation/answer to a very simple question
New Lib Dem MP Sarah Olney … ENJOY!
The people who voted Remain knew what they were voting for: a secure and safe future in a prosperous and stable EU. Or am I getting them mixed up with the Germans who voted for Hitler in 1932?
BBC – Trump names ‘Mad Dog’ as defence secretary … sheesh!
can t they change the record? … enough already!
The Lib Dems cause upset in the Richmond Park overturning a 23,015 majority to oust ex-Tory MP Zac Goldsmith”
Does that mean, “go, and get ready for government”? 😀 … again? (goodness! remember how that used to be a joke?)
After the shambles of the last stint, in with the corrupt, lying and incompetent
sh-tbags we have now. Its virtually finished them.
(Farron – Two chances slim and none, and slims outta town).
Only one in 25 British Muslims believe Al Qaeda carried out 9/11 terror attack and believe ‘wild and outlandish conspiracy theories’ – but 93 per cent say they love the UK
Even I don’t believe the bull sh** story that a shadowy group called Al Qaeda based in Afghanistan was capable of orchestrating such an organised attack in the USA.
I’m not even convinced that Osama Bin Laden played any part other than the fall guy.
Thanks to an investigative journalist (remember them?) we know that it was in reality Saudi Arabia where this plot originated, financed and operated from, yet successive US leaders have covered up this evidence which they call knew.
Ask yourselves why they might do this? The only answer which fits – yet again, is that they were & continue to be corrupted by bribery.
Definitely a lot of food for … thought (sorry :-D) there T.
… and this is even more concerning, this is a bonafide attack
10 people injured (could have been many more, the guy had to be shot dead)
posted about wanting to kill a billion infidels, following on from an earlier Somali Islamic attack.
Just listen to the snowflakes who could have been ran over, knifed or even machete d, at that very university!
Yet again you see the symptom without seeing the cause. This will happen again & again & again until people get it into their heads that there is a single reason behind it, and once people start to talk about it, then the whole house of cards will fall.
What a bunch of snowflake brainwashed wussies! My favourite: “would you call it terrorism? No, I’d call it a misunderstanding.”
And of course it’s all the fault of waycism?!?!
May they all be enriched asap.
Ahh! … well definitely financed and supported by them,(as are mosques, schools and universities right here in the UK and as you see in the US),Qatar, and oil gulf states etc.
But … what about before their petrodollar bonanza?.
Until now I have never seen people who literally had their heads up their arses, but I think I just have.
These politically correct, brain dead morons deserve all the muslim enrichment they will surely get. The tragedy is that they will bring the rest of us down with them. I would fight to protect myself, family and friends, but these intellectual pygmies can enjoy jihad without me.
Like most of us on here, I’m puzzled why the msm are getting such an easy ride with regards to their overwhelming bias against anything not far left or anything the majority of the Country wants.
Why hasn’t somebody made a big fuss over the continuous left bias on QT. During the referendum run up, Wronged kept a tally of the remainers versus leavers on the panels which showed a very large majority of the panellists were remainers. Why has nobody put this to the BBC and keep on putting it to the BBC until they give a response.
We all know the various techniques used by the likes of Jo Corbyn to help lefties and hinder normal politicians. Uninterrupted lefties as opposed to normal people being stopped, questioned and interrupted all the time, not being given a fair hearing and as soon as they make a point are stopped by a “we have to move on” by the host.
Nigel pointed out the NHS was losing hundreds of millions to health tourism and got roundly booed by the audience. It is now being talked about in the open so what has changed. In fact, Nigel has been right about almost everything yet the BBC always put him down. Just like with Trump, all the BBC ‘comedians’ need to do is say Trump or Farage and the selected audience go into virtue signalling overdrive, clapping furiously and looking round to make sure others see them clapping. Think ‘Have I got news for you’ for example.
Why don’t Leaver’s challenge the remainers lies?
If we get £10 back for every £1 we give to the eu, does that mean we get £3.5 billion back every week?
When reMAYners say why isn’t the NHS getting the £350 million every week you put on the side of the bus, why doesn’t a leaver say “we are still in the eu so it goes to them” or “It was said on the bus that it COULD go to fund things like the NHS”.
When housing shortages are mentioned why doesn’t some leaver ask “Where are the NET 350,000 every year going to live” and “How many houses are built every year”
When reMAYners say “Immigrants pay more in than they take our” why is this not challenged. 80% of immigrants (the ones that have a job that is) are on very low wages and get benefits plus all the other allowances as well as us having to pay an indigenous person benefits because they have taken his job by undercutting his pay. It’s impossible that they pay in more than they take out unless you ignore everything except any tax payments a few of them actually do pay.
Why do we send our soldiers to places like Afghanistan to fight for their freedoms while at the same time fall over ourselves in the rush to welcome fighting age young men from Afghanistan into England.
Also, why is David Davies saying we might pay to trade with the eu.
If Lidl said we will charge you £150 every year to be able to shop in our stores, how long would that business model last. Same with the eu. We buy from them far more than we sell to them. They should PAY US to be allowed to sell to us.
I wonder if WE are actually living in a bubble in the way that we accuse politicians and the BBC.
To me the above things are so blindingly obvious yet I can’t understand why we are so poor at getting our message across.
Are even the leaver MPs playing a game with us by pretending to want to leave yet being piss poor at putting the arguments out there. Very very few are actually representing us. Nigel being one of them, the best.
Do you think that May is trying to be clever by putting things off so that her reMAYner government can get away with not leaving, letting all the other reMAYners put more and more obstacles in the way of leaving.
What had May actually done so far? Correct, nothing.
Is it only here and on Breitbart that sane people contribute. To be fair, most comments in almost every place allowed are on our side of the argument so why are the rich and the deluded against us, what have they got against our common sense. We are the majority.
I hope UKIP get themselves organised soon because they are the only possible hope we have at present.
The marked contrast between the depth of feeling shown by the QT audience last night and the absurdly petulant mess created by Goldsmith should be of huge concern to our ‘government’. If they don’t start to get a real grip – which begs the question, which of them has the ability? – the UK is heading for an increasingly acrimonious north/south divide and, potentially, civil war. On the other hand they may simply become part of a pan-European explosion which appears ever closer – except to the BBC of course.
Good political analysis you two above.
Good to come HERE to get things interpreted properly.
Remember that millions think like us when they bother to think of it at all.
For the elite-they think of nothing else but filching our money and fucking our country over for long enough to favour their spawn(low sperm count notwithstanding).
As well as rolling over in a Persian rug for Muslims, hoping that they`ll spare the gays that week.
My point-let the elite piss about with the sparklers as they inteview each other and try to massage, mould of, fiddle with the news that THEY decide we need to know of.
But we don`t-got Nigel, Milo, Douglas Breitabrt and sites like this.
AND Donald and Nigel this year-and lots more fun to come from Europe starting Sunday, ending with Merkels crash and burn next autumn.
Let them ponce around their end of pier show with flumes, ponies and sparklers-we`ve got the fires, and we`ll get the rockets and Uzis if they push us…
Always a pleasure to gain acknowledgement from The Master, chrisH, but without wishing to sound too defeatist or immediately contradict myself (see above) ‘sites like this’ by their very nature preach to the converted. We can and do fulminate with total justification against the entrenched libtards and PC-pratfalls that infest politics and the media but, as I said, the very real risk of civil war does not provide an attractive alternative to lively debate. Never forget that thanks to increasingly draconian legislation, the police know the location and level of security of every legally held shotgun and firearm in the country – including the previous owner of Tommy Mair’s chosen adaptation – so any significant rebellion could and would be nipped all too easily in the bud. How many know, for example, that every gun and rifle in private (working class)hands was confiscated ‘for the duration’ in 1940? Worrying about this is either paranoia or pessimism, neither of which offer much of a brave new world to those of us that seek significant change for the better.
On that point, Number7, its worthy of note that the UK Armed Forces is short of ‘minority’ recruits. Fact is, that to join, the volunteer is attested. That process includes swearing allegiance to Queen.
Swearing allegiance to anything or anyone other than Allah for the Muslim is impossible and contrary to their so-called, “faith”.
Like most of us on here, I’m puzzled why the msm are getting such an easy ride with regards to their overwhelming bias against anything not far left or anything the majority of the Country wants.
Why hasn’t somebody made a big fuss over the continuous left bias on QT.
You might want to think about that for a moment !
You answered your question in the post. The MSM are hardly going to report that they are biased are they? Nor are they going to report that someone has accused them of being biased either. Look at the CNN interview with Katie Hopkins where she accuses them of being the ‘Clinton News Network’ . The interviewer is incredulous that anyone could think such a thing. Despite other outsiders being able to see it as plain as day, they can’t even admit it to themselves!
Why hasn’t anyone made a big fuss over QT – they have ! Several times, but it doesn’t stick in the publics mind and the media does like to blame a single individual too.
No Brexit until May is out. The MPs, Media and BBC all sing from the same sheet, all describing Brexit as a mass of problems. Include Treezer’s Government here.
I think contributors here need to think about the extent the Government and its BBC will go to in other to remain. You can add the emerging anti Trump, anti America, line pursued by Government and its BBC as a means of driving us back towards the EU in the face of the US Nazi President – as the BBC are allowing him to be portrayed.
Emmaneul, yea, yea and thrice yea! well said.
On the surface, with threats coming from the likes of the SNP, Lib Dems and certain Labour/Con figures (e.g. Clarke, Lammy and Bryant) we are led to believe that Brexit may not happen or will be comprimised. However when you consider the situation you realise that should Theresa May be required to put Article 50 to Parliament then it is very likely that she will win the vote. Labour will finally destroy itself if it acts against the will of the people and blocks article 50 leaving only the minority mentioned above to attempt frustration. If the Lords play up then they will hasten the prospect of an early election which I believe (among many others) will put May back in power.
Of course there is the question of May’s committment to Brexit and the motion put to the Commons must not be laced with any compromises to appease the Remainers such as a second referendum.
It remains to be seen. However UKIP looks like it has finally sorted out it’s leadership problem and is going for labour voters via Paul Nuttal. Interesting times ahead.
When reMAYners say “Immigrants pay more in than they take out” why is this not challenged.
If they are paying in more than they take out how come they don’t even fund the expansion in our services and infrastructure needed to accommodate them, their children and all the other dependents they bring over here with them? That’s another question you will not hear asked by the BBC, by the way.
A Nation in a trade deficit with the EU, using taxpayers money to pay for trade with the EU, out of fear that the EU would impose tariffs. It did sound like the negotiating position of an idiot.
I think its because intelligent people in power are a tiny minority. For instance only two members of Parliament are scientists, and less than one percent of the rest are thought to be at genius level. That’s why most of the rest oppose Grammar schools for the Plebs.
Imagine what it feels like being a Remain MP, when the majority of the people you meet in your Constituency surgery, are much more intelligent than you are, but did not go to University. That’s why they fear intelligent Plebs getting a good education for their children at a Grammar School.
Instead of “Women only shortlists“, or “Blacks only shortlists“. We need “Genius only shortlists” for Members of Parliament. All the genius level MP,s came out for Brexit, even the two Labour Party genius level MP,s mentioned in Mensa articles, Graham Stringer and Frank Field, came out for Brexit.
You make some good points Richard. Many of us in Education feel that there is a general ‘dumbing down’ factor at work (often approved by left wing teachers as a ‘levelling mechanism’). It means that bright kids often get ‘held back’ and told to conform to the the new ‘lower’ order average. Basically we have to spend more time at the ‘troublesome end’ to keep the ‘averages up’ for Ofsted. In my experience (not unique) some of the brightest kids ‘act up’ simply as they are bored stiff and lack of challenge for their often (well above) average ability. And some kids are very bright. I favor (old fashioned) Technical Colleges rather than Grammars. A lot of politicos went via Grammar and I dont approve of the ‘entrance exam’ which means (in effect) that you have to have a private tutor before even taking the entry test. It does not necessarily prove intelligence.
Schools, like prisons and mental hospitals will soon be kicking off, so even the licensed poodles like Wilshaw won`t save them.
The results of thick groupthink lie in all sectors of the public sector from top to bottom now-but , because they`re uncreative dullards and suckups-they have not a clue how to respond.
Tumbleweed for them. popcorn for us.
Yesterday Wilshaw(OFSTED) linked Brexit to thick kids in Liverpool.
THAT`S how deluded they`ve all gone.
The liberal traitors and labour media junketeers are finished-no consent, no platform for them to talk to us-we don`t listen.
Time to roll them up and over…easy peasy. Red ants and green fly?…Trump has kindly lit up our November Criminals from his victory.
EG you are spot on with everything you say. But your points raised will never be showcased in the public arena. Just try sending your comments above to the Pages letter of every national newspaper and I bet no Editor will have the guts to publish it. But then what ? if we protest on the streets there will always be an opposing group marching for a face-off.
I discuss all the subjects you raise with friends and family, and no-one disagrees, so what do we do ? send letters/emails to our politicians with only the hope of getting a standard reply back, or do we all become active members of a political party ? My brother regularly says I should become involved with local politics, but what can one lone voice do except give myself raised blood pressure. I honestly don’t know what the answer is.
Brace yourselves for the avalanche of crapola from the BBC (and the Times no doubt) that the Richmond result means two things 1. the Lib-Dems are back, and 2. the UK electorate has changed its mind on Brexit.
I remember the Orpington By-election in 1962. This was heralded as the Liberal resurgence, the end of the Conservatives for ever yadda yadda yadda. Of course, it was nothing of the sort. There was very little effective Liberal resurgence until the accident of 2010 let them into government; and the accident of 2015 which let them straight out again.
By-elections mean precisely nothing nationally, especially in a constituency which voted 70/30 in favour of Remain (Zac is a Brexiteer) and is an outpost of confortable metropolitan SJWdom. Mind you that won’t stop the celebrations in W1A, along with the retailing of the big lie which will treat this result as the “Second Referendum” which completely negates the first one.
Oh, and just a thought, do you think the LibDems and the other Remainers are going to question the legitimacy of this result because their candidate got less than 30 per cent of the electorate voting for her? To ask the question is to answer it. Of course not: you see this time the LibDems/Remainers won. Unfortunately for them, they lost the Big One and haven’t stopped whining ever since.
Umbongo – you are quite right of course.
It was such an historic night for the LibDems that Tim Farron wasn’t even there. (although his mum probably sent him to bed early with no tea as a punishment for sneaking out of his room and trying to be a politician)
Richmond. Comparing the EU referendum to the by election both turnout and support for the ‘Leave’ faction were down, the latter from about 70% to about 50%. Parliament is now even more anti Brexit but I don’t think the nation is.
Here`s to March 12th next year.
For it will be on that day that the BBC will be able to tell us of the “First 100 Days”, when Sarah Olney “changed the face of British politics”. When Farron lit the fuse, we all begged to stay in the EU and that Corbyn, Lucas and Oaten clasped each others bottoms and gave us that BBC World of theirs that we all had craved-but were too thick, too shy to tell of.
Having done a lot of driving this week, I’ve taken in a lot of Radio 4, and it seems to be turning in to a station almost exclusively presenting programmes for ‘people of colour’, and how hard done by they are.
Every government policy seems to be scrutinised as to how it’ll effect people with brown skin, then of course we have the regular programmes on Blacks in the USA. They’re STILL peddling the “Hands up don’t shoot” lie, from Michael Brown’s shooting in Ferguson, with no mention of the facts exposed in a court of law, that Brown was a serial criminal thug who was grabbing the officers gun and beating him almost unconscious at the time of the shooting.
No mention of ‘The Ferguson Effect’ where Police are now avoiding this neighbourhood, leaving the decent, law-abiding citizens to be terrorised by the criminals.
No mention of the black on black gun crime epidemic.
Just continuous identity politics.
So true Mice.
It is now a prolonged and very preachy sermon to the resident white population about their race guilt.
Audience figures must be plummeting if we were able to discover them.
It has to be. Do you really think their target audience cares enough about that type of thing to listen to it day in, day out.
The BBC must really think the whole of Britain is like north London.
Didn’t need to find the fact, a simple analysis of the two results. We are told by the BBC that the remain vote was 70% in June and that yesterday the Lib Dems got 20,510 votes to Zac’s 18,638. That is 52.4% to 47.6% if you discount the other candidates.
Friends! Last night’s – literally – stunning victory by Our LibDems deserves a major celebration!
And what better way to celebrate it than a new Blog post eh?
Snappily titled, as ever, “Last Night’s Literally Stunning Victory In The Hard-Right Richmond Park Is Literally The Best Piece Of News That Those Of Us On The Progressive Left – And There Are Still Quite A Few Of Us, Friends, Despite Trump – Have Literally Had Since I Literally Can’t Think When, Quite Frankly, Friends! Vicious Hard-Right Brexit Is Now – Literally – Dead And Buried!”, it also contains – for literally no extra charge – a special performance, including Tiny Tim Farron (Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar) and Dame Anna Soubry (Backing Vocals, Bass Shandy), of my specially written celebratory song, “EU To Me Are Literally Everything”.
Her constituency voted between 70-80% to remain in the referendum.
This by election was supposed to show how strong they felt about Brexit.
It was 49% for her (remain)
A drop of 20-30%
The BBC continues its biased reporting of the situation in Aleppo. Yet again, the egregious Doucet moans her dreary dirge on the Today programme, and her listeners are expected to accept that the terrorist occupiers of East Aleppo are merely ‘rebels’ and that the normality of West Aleppo – buses and other traffic, people going to work and walking the streets – is merely an illusion, a façade. We need THE TRUTH, not propaganda, and we won’t get that from Yasser’s friend. Oh, for journalists of the calibre and integrity of Michael Elkins.
Remember when the BBC and C4 used to go on and on about Sri Lanka? Quiet about it now as the government victory did bring peace. Syria could be going the same way.
Richmond had the highest Remain vote in the country so it is no surprise that they voted out a Leaver. This result is no indication of what the rest of the UK thinks. By the way the result was close so why isn’t there a clamour for rerun ?
But the Remainers strategy is to hide behind the robes of their tame judges who will find ever more obscure and increasingly spurious legal arguments for hindering Brexit. But I think, perhaps optimistically, that the PM’s strategy is to wait until all the Remainers have fully revealed themselves and put their heads firmly in the noose of opposing the will of the people , then she will kick away the stool and call an election posing as the champion of the people. Hopefully UKIP will be able to take plenty of pro RemainLabour MPs seats and also in other constituencies damage Labour enough to allow the Tories in. With luck we will have a new H of Cwith a large Tory majority and plenty of UKIP MPs so that the Brexit will happen and will result in the return of sovereignty and freedom from the EUropen Courts . With a large pro Brexit majority in the commons the HOf Lords can be put in its place , the rebellious judges will need to tread carefully and who knows even the BBC may get their comeuppance.
Optimistic scenario .May is plan B and will keep us in the single market at whatever cost.
The real losers in this are us the fools who thought that a vote is a vote and means something. I hope Mr Trump is taking notes and considering his options if we renege on our Brexit vote.
I would not be surprised if in that event he washed his hands of Europe and Nato and started direct talks with the countries that really matter now and that includes Russia.
Dave ,
If May is going to sell out and deliver feather lite Brexit there isn’t much that Leavers can do. As always the establishment hold all the cards. The power of threatening not to vote for Remain MPs only works if there is an election round the corner and this is the only effective tool ordinary people have. I just can’t see the Brits embarking on a prolonged campaign of mass protest which is the only other way of defeating the establishment if they choose to ignore the democratic process.
No doubt feather lite Brexit will be dressed up as a hard fought negotiation resulting in some major concessions from Brussels and be convincing enough to persuade at least some Leave voters that they should be satisfied, naturally Remainers will be satisfied and polls will show a healthy majority of people happy with it. There will be no way of forcing a second referendum to ‘approve ‘ the deal and no need for an election. UKIP can protest but I can’t see them being able to change anything because there would be no threat of an election until 2020. It would be a perfect establishment stitch up of the democratic process dressed up as democracy in action. In the longer term UKIP may be able to gain from this great betrayal and make the Tories , as well as Labour , pay but that is four years away and a lot can happen between now and then.
So if we are to get what Leave voters wanted we have to rely on Mrs May , not pleasant but realistic.
I agree . As you outline it the fix looks correct. President TRump will observe this as will the rest of the EU right.
The EU is finished anyway so it matters little long term.
I hope that your prediction about the EU is right but the political will of the EUropen elite is formidable and ruthless. They are willing to sacrifice an entire generation of young southern Europens on the alter of a federal Europe. To ensure Brexit we need Wilders and or Le Pen to win next year so that the EU really is pitched into its death throws. Otherwise the EU will roll on for years to come.
No doubt feather lite Brexit will be dressed up as a hard fought negotiation resulting in some major concessions from Brussels and be convincing enough to persuade at least some Leave voters that they should be satisfied…
If she tries to sell us anything which still includes freedom of movement, or any kind of subsidiarity to EU governance and justice, she’s toast.
Plenty of people will agree with your sentiments but not enough will be prepared to take the action necessary to force a change in government before 2020.
Correct me if I`m wrong, but wasn`t this whole by-election called because Zac Goldsmith was opposed to Heathrows Third Runway?
So why was THIS not the big issue-seeing as it was what the election was meant to be about.
Yes we know that the Libs would groom the voters re Brexit-they said that they would make the campaign about nothing BUT Brexit.
But-seeing as they only have eight MPs and are a Paedos and Gropers Party-you`d expect the BBC not to major on Brexit, just because it takes our minds of Cyril Smith and Clement Freud!
But that BBC did just this-for them.
This all came to mind as I heard John Humphreys dismal efforts to railroad Rees Mogg into all manner of nonsense(Today 8.30 or so). But allowed Farron his free time to flannel and lie like his party do.
Utter bias. Again.
Millie Dowler and Heathrows Third Runway. No cause will be other than a BBC effort to muzzle opposition and keep us hogtied for European Islam.
Sorry BBC. We KNOW what you`re doing. And we`ll resist.
Day Two after the Brexit Backlash then.
Apparently the election of Olney was a “shock result”.
So where the Dimblebys and Seamus Milne live? They didin`t vote as expected for the Tories?
I`m on my chaise longue as I tap this out.
Did Labour even enter the contest-and how did THEIR result help or hinder Corbyns Contemptibles I wonder?
I have recently been watching a few documentaries made by PBS/NOVA, why can`t our national broadcaster manage to make programmes like this?, (they could, and did, 30 years ago!). The only science based programme the BBC broadcasts that I can actually enjoy is 1 hour of Radio 5 live @ 3am Thursday mornings. (Then I`m listening to an Australian Scientist speaking to a presenter, who broadcasts from the USA, and listeners who contact the show with questions), those being Rhod Sharp and Dr Karl, even then (not so) subtle bias creeps into the discussion on a frequent basis. It seems quite expensive to pay £145.50 a year to listen to 1 hour of radio a week.
Oh, and to stay out of prison.
I agree PADDY088. You may also be interested in some of the RI SCIENCE shows I used to frequent (along with my son). Free to view online and televised and have their own TV channel (based on youtube). You see BBC does’nt do “science” any more (global warming is not a science) but you may remember C4 adopted the popular Christmas RI lectures a few years ago. Usually shown on Boxing day. Although I am not keen on this seasons offering they have a fantastic archive of Science Footage going back to black and white TV (that was when the BBC did at least show some popular (intelligent) Science on TV. Does anyone remember Raymond Baxter of Tomorrows World? This was the last of the popular Science shows until BBC ‘Bang’ came along (for kids) but even that is now abolished. You might like see a RI Science shows over Christmas.. they have an ADVENT Advent Science Video each day (or is it week)… It’s not just for kids and a good alternative to BBC programme brain washing. Today its Thermal Dynamics!
Yes Phillip, The RI Christmas Lectures were a joy to watch, years ago, with lots of explosions, Voltages you could actually hear, bits of metal floating through the air (linear Motors), and also plenty of interesting stuff in fields I aren`t usually bothered with, like Biology, Nature etc. (I`m from the Electrical/Engineering wing of “nerds” :-).) Sometime, many years ago, it changed into just another Global Warming, PC vehicle. It basically turned into another PC rant, I dread to think of what the founders would think of what it eventually became.
But I will certainly have a look through Youtube to see what there`s on offer in their collection.
Shame, as I`m sure it helped push me in the right direction for my future career!
Dr. Karl is a 100% climate change nut and totally ‘green’ as he uses his media money to swan around the world and pay for his mega-solar panels and water collection schemes that ‘compensate’ for his global lifestyle.
He can be quite entertaining but he doesn’t half waffle, (probably as he hopes Google will find him an answer!). He seems to have a lot of astronomical stuff off pat but he is rubbish when it comes to electricity or kinetics.
I miss the previous Radio 4 science programme, the one with the witty presenter. His humour nudged the scientist out of their ‘safe space’. The replacement Adam Rutherford comes across as a party functionary, acting as a strict gatekeeper so that only the party-approved science can be aired.
“It seems quite expensive to pay £145.50 a year to listen to 1 hour of radio a week”.
You don’t need a TV license to listen to a BBC or any other radio station. You don’t need a TV license to own a TV or to use it for watching dvds , play games etc. You don’t need a TV license to access the internet. You do not need a TV license to watch non-live content such as youtube. You only need a license to watch live TV and iplayer, so you may need a license even if you do not own a tv but use other devices to watch.
Have the BBC become part of the Lib Dem’s media wing? They’re clearly placing too much importance on their by-election victory. They keep referring to the fact that they overturned a huge Tory majority, and that it is a sign that public opinion may be turning against Brexit. This is dishonesty of the highest order, for a number of reasons.
The reality is that they beat the Conservatives because the Conservatives didn’t even field a candidate, it’s not difficult to beat a party that isn’t taking part. The final result was a relatively narrow victory over the Independent candidate, Zach Goldsmith, a man with limited resources behind his campaign. On the other hand, the Lib Dem candidate was supported by the entire infrastructure of the Lib Dem party. On the campaign trail she was supported by the party leader, all of their MP’s, over 100 Lords, a bunch of celebrities, and over 1000 Lib Dem campaigners from across the country. The only surprising fact about the outcome is that it was so tight.
Clearly the Brexit angle on it is nonsense. Much is being made of the fact that the Lib Dems primarily ran on an anti-Brexit platform. With the result being displayed as a popular backlash against the government’s Brexit strategy. Yet the fact is that Richmond is a wealthy London constituency that voted strongly to remain within the EU, in fact it was one of the most pro-Remain areas in the entire country. 20,000 votes in that part of the country does little to undermine the 17 million across the country who voted to leave. Had the Lib Dems won on an anti-Brexit platform in a constituency that voted strongly to leave the EU, then their claims may have been justified, but overall we have learned very little from this result. The BBC would be wise to admit that.
Are they seriously suggesting that a vote in favour of a Remainer in a constituency that voted heavily Remain is any sort of indication that public opinion is turning against Brexit?
They should be seriously concerned if every constituency is going to vote on Brexit/Remain lines. Which it may yet come to.
“They should be seriously concerned if every constituency is going to vote on Brexit/Remain lines. Which it may yet come to.”
Yes, that thought has increasingly come into my mind….
Let`s hope Brexit can be sorted out without any real unpleasantness.
But the EU lovin`globalisers appear determined to end nation states in the west and replace them with “regions of immigration” if they can possibly get away with it.
The crucial fact is not that a pro-Brexit MP has been replaced by a remaim MP in a remain constituency, but that so many pro-Brexit constituencies have remain MPs. The scope for mischief is unlimited. The ridiculous comments by Davies about paying for access to the single market and the ridiculous propostion that people who voted for leaving the EU simultaneously voted to stay a member of the internal market show that attempts are already underway by the extablishment parties to secure a Brexit in name only. If I hear the phrase “I respect the decision of the British people” again, I fear I may do someone some violence. The only answer is to become a member of UKIP and hope continuing pressure can be applied in the North and elsewhere.
Just listening to a few minutes of Any Questions, or whatever they call this ferid faecal matter excreted by the BBC into our homes, shows that the deranged political and media elites cannot be trusted. I’m joining UKIP on Monday.
ID … I have never joined a political party in my life …. but I am coming round to acknowledging the fact that paying 30 quid to join UKIP is maybe the **only** way there is as to how I can make any sort of protest. Deluded I may be but my God it will make me feel better.
I`ve joined too.
Given the poverty of much of what`s happened, they`ll need the discipline of real people in there to see them right.
No point moaning at Carswell and Hamilton, if Godfrey Bloom is calling for sluts or whatever…then who cares?
Just want out of the EU, the BBC gone and grammar schools in a new guise. And no Islamic rule either.
Zac Goldsmith made the mistake that wealthy Richmond residents ‘care much’ about the Heathrow extension being planned. You see few aircraft happen to fly over Richmond – but a heck of a lot more fly over noisy smelly Hounslow (a poorer part of London where I grew up). Zac you may remember also failed to become the London Mayor despite being ‘Cameron’s favourite’. In short I know Richmond well and it has had a Liberal Council even when Labour were in office. Lib Dems Alistair Campbell has a good following around the red brick twee houses. Zac was a bit of a new boy show off and has yet to learn that Lib Dems do well out of any Heathrow Airport Expansion plans (that will blight other parts of London with noise and pollution – makes no difference to Richmond, see) and the park is rather nice watching the Airplanes coming into land (over London every 2 minutes). Frankly Liberals could’nt care much about (other boroughs) total opposition to ‘Aircraft noise’ or about Zac (single issue) opposition to Heathrow Airport expansion. The local election was about that single issue (and not much about Brexit at all).
> “On the campaign trail she was supported by the party leader”
I’m not sure I’d count Tiny Tim as a positive influence. Except to distract the electorate from that preposterous look she’s got going on.
Farron is keen to keep reminding us that we didn’t know what we were voting for in June but seems completely certain what the voters of Richmond were thinking when they marked their little crosses on ballot papers. This, in his very tiny alternative universe, adds up to a mandate to frustrate the will of the majority of the UK population.
Not forgetting the Sikhs of Smethwick on BBC4 last night !!! As there are so many Islamic news reporters and presenters, a smattering of Jewish, and the odd Hindi / Sikh, so that the religious box is ticked; how long before we endure the Rumanian/Bulgarian/Hungarian/Polish finding their way onto our screens after graduating from driving vans or picking spuds !!!! The BBC are probably scouring the fields of Lincolnshire as I write this.
Good post Razza.
The Liberal MP’s are going to oppose Article 50. Opposing the will of the British people.
As Andrew Neill pointed out to Baroness Kramer last night. ‘Are you now taking the Democratic out of the name Liberal Democratic and just call yourselves The Liberal Party?’
Speaking of the GDR?
Will Self and a dwarf tried to get to the Trabant factory, and this has taken five programmes to tell us.
They failed-but really they succeeded.
Because we got the GDR justifications at every opportunity. This culminated in Will Self nodding along as one ex Commie tells us that the GDR was fine until the mid-70s, when the wheels fell off.
No mention of the dead at the wall, tangled in barbed wire as they tried to head west. No mention either of the 30% of the population who spied on the other 70%?
Ah well-the BBC revises history every day, using the likes of Will Self to provide the soapbox.
Witness the Grunwick Puff Piece on Radio 4…please visit the exhibition , so says Humphreys.
LOL ! Actually, on the internet, many Africans are commenting ” Little Gambia has shown us the way. No dictator is safe “. Let’s hope it is the start of a “domino effect ” . Let’s hope the BBC stop supporting dictators in Africa or anywhere.
I just called a Gambian friend who is living in UK in exile, working as a care home helper and not claiming benefits. Alieu was in tears and saying ” At last, I can go home and visit my family “.
It has shocked Africa. Trying to find his current whereabouts. Personally , I think he should stand trial in Gambia. Some rumours suggest that he has run to Belgium. Meanwhile, my friends in Gambia are sending photos of people dancing in the street. Jammeh’s people lying low. Worried about reprisals, but I doubt if that will happen. Maybe just the leading players but I guess most of them are out of the country now.
Do you really think Jammah will relinquish power? He is a brutal and irrational islamist, and they do not go quietly. My strong instinct is that he will find a way to stay as President by a legal loophole (perhaps to do with residential requirements) or, failing that, by ignoring the election and retaining his position by force. I hope I’m wrong, and if he shows signs of staying, that Senegal will expert the necessary pressure.
He has lost the support of the Army and security services, so he is finished. And , yes, you are right, Macky Fall will finish him. But it won’t come to that ! Even the soldiers are dancing in the streets !
LOL !! It is all going wrong for Leftie ” Dictator worship “. They are in retreat on all fronts. They should just have studied the history of the plebs in the Roman Empire to understand.
When I saw that on the Beeb site, I thought of you and wondered how you would feel. I am pleased for you. I knew nothing about Gambia but your posts have been most informative – thanks.
Extremely pleased. I hope the transition is peaceful.
My principal charity for several years has been supporting an early years school in Gambia. Run by volunteers, so I know the vast majority actually reaches its destination.
Thanks both. Well done Mallard. I help out a bit with my daughter’s school, Wulling Kama Lower Basic.
All reports I am getting today from family and friends say that all is peaceful and the banks are open , yes on a saturday. Watched Jammeh on Gambia TV last night telephoning the new President. He comes over as so reasonable but is a total psychopath but still in the country. He is crazy.
The other good outcome is that thousands of Gambians in exile will be able to visit their country again. I could go on, but this site is about BBC bias ! As I have said , the BBC’s coverage has been fair. If only….. !
What has been totally overlooked by most of the MSM and commentators thanks to Farrons ridiculous linking of the result to Brexit, is the reason for the by election in the first place, the third runway at Heathrow.
It appears that the people of Richmond have given the government the green light to develop this now.
More to the point though was the left wing liberal activists who purposely didn’t stand and campaigned for Lib Dem over Brexit causing apparent fury amongst anti runway activists.
“The activists’ fury with the Greens and the Progressive Alliance who wanted all the other candidates to stand down to give Sarah Olney a clear run against Zac Goldsmith knows no bounds. They feel betrayed. The fact that most of the Greens do not understand the depth of this fury neatly illustrates the very different assumptions organisations brought to this by-election campaign.”
How can a party which allegedly puts Green issues at the top of its agenda suddenly ignore the glaring issue of Heathrow expansion in favour of political ideals of opposing Brexit ?
How can they have any credibility at all in the wake of this betrayal?
The final paragraph sums it all up:
“It did say a lot about Heathrow. The residents who the two tribes were trying to influence didn’t see Heathrow expansion as the key issue. The Government has many more hurdles yet to climb before it gets a third runway but it is not inconceivable that, if it does succeed, it will look back and see the Richmond result as the day the amber light turned to green. And the ultimate irony is that the green button will have been pushed inadvertently by the Greens and Liberal Democrats, the two parties with the strongest record of opposing Heathrow expansion.”
Too true. Thoughtfull. The Greens and Lib dems are a weird bunch but don’t have any joined up thinking. Heathrow was the ticket but if they think its a vote against Brexit, so be it. They need a prop.
Explanation for Leftmob behaviour..
Allegedly human brain has evolved 2 systems
#1 Reward looking mode : hence cooperation to build
#2 Threatened mode – cooperation stops as people preoccupied with escaping predators. Hence people stop being rational, listening to others, no time to read evidence you give them. They are certain catastrophe is coming
Disagree with them = you are the enemy
Coming soon, no doubt:- “Great British Muslim History Month” – The story of how Britain has always been Islamic and the history books have air brushed it out.
I know, we’ve said this before.
Any psychiatrists out there who can offer us an insight into this aberrant behaviour?
Humans are still basically tribal so supporting another tribe that doesn’t share your aspirations without wanting to join that tribe???
Sadiq Khan has Times column today on city pollution
“plan 2017 toxicity charge in the congestion zone” bet not applied to onsite cement mixers.
calls for “National diesel scrappage scheme” “backed by funding”
Still looks like the Times is pushing an EV subsidy scam. cos if you REALLY wanted to reduce pollution deaths cheaper measures in other parts of world would be better
Bottom line what’s cost of each UK lifeday saved ?
Marie Antoinette Khan says
“Let the rich drive Electric Cars
….. And let the poor pay for the subsidies”
….Sadiq Khan has Times column today on city pollution……
(Assume he’s speaking about London.) Well, if our capital is so polluted, then issuing mandatory deodorant to our darker skinned friends might not be a bad place to start. They seem blissfully unaware that their diet affects their bodily odours – perhaps we should adopt the Japanese habit of wearing surgical masks, that would do the trick !!!!
Why is BBC R4 news headlining Guy Verhofstadt’s totally inappropriate congratulatory message to the Liberal Democrat hippo that just won a by-election triggered by a kid rich enough to “have principles”? The newsreader seemed almost unable to contain his joy as he read this outrageous piece of BBC anti-Brexit propaganda.
I’ve questioned myself a lot lately, worried that I might be seeing/hearing anti-Brexit messages that aren’t really there? But I now realise that I’m definitely not. This is a determined and thought-through strategy to undermine the democratic decision of the people of Britain and it’s making me angry in a way that I can’t say I’ve even experienced before. It feels as if I’m not far off taking to the street with my pitchfork.
what do they think is in it for them? That’s an interesting point.
In conversations with my lefty friends (all in their 50s, I’ve known them for years so I’m stuck with them!) I don’t believe there is much analysis about the benefits apart from vague ideas about not having to change currency once you’re travelling over there.
They agree it’s undemocratic, wasteful and bureaucratic. But I’d say the main thing is that their opinions come in one big BBC/Guardian block after years of not thinking for themselves, or adapting their outlook to new circumstances.
If Labour or the Greens were in Government – and switched to being pro-Leave, then they would too. It’s a bit pathetic I know, but if they perceive anything as being ‘Tory’ then the old ‘ThatcherToryCutz’ mentality switches on – from all those marches they went on in the 1980s. I’ve given up trying to argue with them any more, it doesn’t do any good. I think if they knew how much further right-wards I have moved politically they’d have me lynched, so I keep things fairly moderate to keep the peace.
Remainers? Just what do they think is in it for them – for themselves, their families?
Many of them couldn’t face the prospect of huge change, others were driven by an internationalist ideology, some didn’t understand the way the EU works and how undemocratic it truly is, lots were unaffected by uncontrolled immigration – but all could not see beyond the end of their noses and the inevitable collapse of the Eurozone which will result in the UK contributing tens of billions to rescue countries from the wreckage of this useless, ideologically-driven catastrophe.
Verhofstadt’s appointment is a typical example of the sniggering disdain for the UK by those at the top of the EU heap. What is, however, of genuine concern regarding the Twickenham result is the credence it will add to Tim Farron’s pretentions towards political significance.
Verhofstad is David Mellor, and Francoise Hollande is Peter Glaze.
They all have to look like British toe suckers or side kicks to get on in their own sad Islamist scuttle buckets of countries.
Soon, as the Euro goes down and Islam yells at us from the continent-we`ll wipe out the BBC and fight again.
BBC PM program running a piece on Left wing co-operation to beat candidates who don’t share their warped views.
Apparantly Labour shadow Cabinet Minister Clive Lewis has written a piece on Labour List which advocates pulling candidates from seats they are unlikely to win to give other left wing candidates a better chance.
They quote extensively from this scribbling, and then have a panel of assorted lefties such as David Steel and Caroline Lucas. There is no opposing input and no challenge from the right.
Then they re quote from the document to challenge the Labour interviewee who doesn’t want to share power with the Greens. Lefties in power at any price at any cost, and damn the public.
Just a sixth form leftie debating chamber which is probably what the BBC want.
This piece went on for ages, and it is impossible to imagine something on the other side of the coin – i.e. right of centre parties being given the same air time.
Yes, I think it started after the news headlines and ran for 15 minutes or so.
The Labour man from Dudley was quite refreshing, rejecting the idea very strongly and laying into Caroline Lucas for being patronizing and telling people what to think. Mair obviously liked the idea of a Left alliance but, of course, two could play at that game, with UKIP giving EUro-sceptic Tories a free run and targeting EUrophiles like Ken Clarke and, possibly, Mrs May herself.
As you say, it is unlikely that Right parties would be afforded a chance to chat at length about pacts without snarling objections from the BBC/Left.
Listened to it, and thought it was a quite blatant piece of charter busting propaganda. I suspect that this is the start of a BBC led campaign to muster all forces against the Tories.
The Government in power is quite aware of the BBC’s agenda(s)but is either afraid to do anything or thinks doing nothing is so noble.
They defend the ‘independence’ of the broadcaster which, to my mind, equates with defending genocide proponents in mosques.
The BBC has far too much power, no effective oversight and no good will for the ordinary Briton.
Week in Westminster in on now.
New Statesmen poppet will be telling us about what Richmond means to the UN, and here-guess who-is Margaret Beckett?
To tell us what it all means.
Day Two of the Olney Era.And Sarah has NOT given permission for Trump to speak to Taiwan has she?
Who dares to tell Tim Farron?
And then it’s on to the Italian referendum and who better than Marilisa Palumbo of corriere della sera newspaper described on Wikipedia as “Political alignment Liberalism, Centrism”.
She has written two bools on the Obamas, one on Barak, the other on Michelle. Sounds like just the kind of person the BBC adore !
As I look up at the roll call above of Lab Dims, EU floaters tankers and duds, BBC Labour slurry crowing from their liferaft as if they`re surviving all that they`re doing to the law, their credibility or even their chances of surviving to be let walk down a street in the UK?
Yep, this roll call above could get you grumpy or sad, angry or apoplectic.
Which is what the elite wants of you-fatalistic, defeated and compliant.
So here`s Peter Oborne-and why these scum are the last gig economy ministers we`re ever going to see.
Nobody underestimates the trouble to come-but I`m not going to my deathbed, having to admit that Tim Farron lasted one day longer than he has to. Because I thought that the BBC had the final word on my right to remove them.
Let`s do it for Andrew Sachs! Poor guy-the BBC did a MacAlpine on him, using Ross and Brand-and we`re NOT forgetting it!
Too true Philip_2!
And (to quote SOL) I`m “quite literally” looking at both Nick Clegg on Channel 4 and some BBC politics bloke(fat, glasses, Mardell XL)saying the selfsame thing.
Brexit is busted, Farron`s the Man!
Got to pity them…I mean how desperate do the elite have to be to convince themselves that Tim is an answer to any question that any real person would ever ask.
Which will make our destruction of the traitor class even more fun in 2017.
Can we bet on the month and year when the Euro collapses? And how long after it will the EU itself be horsemeat in the food chain?
Or do the likes of Betfred only play safe these days?
I would say the Richmond result is pro-Brexit. If, as the Left claim, that the election was about Brexit then the Leave vote has increased from 30% to nearly 50% in that constituency. UKIP should make that point even though it will be ignored on the A-BBC.
The EU takes a step closer to the formation of a ‘European army’
And a comment:
Just a minute, Cameron the remainer told us that there would be no eu army and that it was a lie perpetrated by the brexit camp. Didn’t the (non)Independent also debunk it in their issue of May 11th? Obviously this report must be a lie; or perhaps Cameron and this rag were lying. Which is it?
Liam Fox = nob; UKIP are like something from ‘Carry On’ films; Farage has gone all American; Trump got 2 million votes less than Clinton; Trump will take everything he can from the office of President (on 0 salary?)
“2016 continues to give a middle finger to the world”, claims a Black comedian called Baptiste, who mentions “Trumpocalypse”.
UKIP a ‘party with one MP’ sneers the Lefty presenter (in fact 3.88m votes compared to SNP’s ~ 2m, giving one MP compared to 56 MPs; but no complaints about that!)
Theresa May “sounding like a Conservative on steroids” (really?) says pundit Matthew Goodwin, who claims UKIP voters are aged > 65 on average. UKIP = ‘radical right party’.
Nish Kumar (comedian?): attacks on comments on the OBR by John Redwood and Jacob Rees-Mogg, who is described as “a total arse-hole” using fake quotes from Cicero (yes, really!)
Rachel Parris (spelling?): sings a song about Ed Balls as seen on Strictly Come Dancing, not bad by BBC standards.
The one show, got a laugh from me with the carry on pastiche and the Trump impersonator… laugh, the spoof “masters of Brexit” game with the Corbyn character “unavailable”.
But, as always, the underlying theme is a slightly sniffy disapproval of us deplorables…….Ha ha ha, come to think of it that makes me laugh too.
So a news story about an app to block fake news called BS Detector.
And the first thing the BBC story says is that there are now a lot of “fake news” stories on mainstream sites saying its an Official Facebook app ..when it isn’t.
I could make an app that takes you to only BBC/MSM.
I’ll call it BS Reflector.
The Trust project is part funded by Craig Newmark, who also part funded Hilary Clintons campaign. So ‘legitimate news outlets’ would be an Orwellian term for ‘Propaganda news outlets’
The Trust project is one of the many left-wing propaganda organisations on the BBC,s seminar invitation list.
The BBC seminar system is designed to avoid or repress the results of independent investigative Journalism, from deviating from BBC left-wing groupthink.
Wasn’t going to go to the pub. Am now. It has not been a bad week after all thanks to Olney the Lonely. Shame I’ll miss the latest BBC comedy offering…
"Diane Abbott: My struggles and triumphs" – this is a satire, right? It can't possibly be serious? Oh, it is. FML.
— Richard W. Jones ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (@richardwjones) December 2, 2016
Don’t take the Mick out of the old Herald, one of the last cars produced by a private company (just). Mine was my first car, and “not very good” until modified. Nuff Said
Imagine if she on pillion and Jezza in full command of the love moped had encountered head on an erratic Will Self and mini Self in a Trabant coming the other way down a deserted East German autobahn back in the day?
Absolutely zero difference to the progress of history.
Translates into EU German as “Meine Kampf” maybe?
And will be on Lambeth, Tower Hamlets and Brents “London Schwartzkopf Challenge” once Sadiq has been told.
I’m sure that the BBC could find a way to exonerate these “men” as well.
This family in the Pakistani city of Sahiwal are demonstrating demanding that the police take action against 6 men who raped their donkey
Shameless, cold fish eyes and insouciant,Gott is the very face of Lefty cant.And has clearly led to the death or destruction of far greater people than himself.
Just the kind that the BBC WOULD have on their speed dial.
Currently the top story on the BBC front page (top left) is: A large picture of Nico Rosberg (this years Formula 1 World Champion) with the caption “Nico Rosberg retires: ‘A classy move from a classy man'”
I think to myself just report the bluddy sports news – this is neither a classy move nor does it make him a classy man. Why are the BBC putting such a ridiculous spin on it rather than just reporting the news that he has retired because he achieved his childhood dream and he doesn’t want the stress of trying to defend his title next year, which is more or less what he himself reported. So why on Earth are the BBC spinning the story as a “classy move by a classy man”. The BBC have been running stories since Rosberg’s victory actually trying to belittle him with articles like “Does Rosberg deserve it” … “Lewis Hamilton would have won the championship if it wasn’t for a mechanical breakdown of his engine” … “Rosberg only voted third best driver by experts” …
I’ve noticed the same thing happening on SKY too. I’m a big Hamilton fan but I have to say the coverage of Rosberg has been extremely disrespectful. Of course Rosberg deserved it! He scored the most points, simple. Mechanical problems are a part of any motorsport, F1 is no exception, but Rosberg still had to go out and perform he wasn’t just handed it. The fact is that in F1 the best driver doesn’t always win.
It could also be argued that before Hamilton the same question “did he deserve to win” could be asked of every Brit who won the F1 title since Jackie Stewart. Hunt, Mansell, D.Hill, Button, and even Hamilton’s first championship, they all won when they were not the best driver on the grid. But you won’t hear that on SKY or the BBC.
Turns out that Will Self managed his weeks free tour of Germany in a Trabant, because he`d abused(verbally) some dwarf-who also went with him, maybe with an ash tray of cocaine strapped to his tiny bonce.
Hardly a punishment is it…though that the Left wouldn`t be happy with this.
Ah but it`s Will Self…took drugs under John Majors nose on the election bus in 1992.
So Bristow rules won`t apply.
Still though-maybe we can hope that Eric will be recorded by the BBC sometime soon, as he takes the Labour Purple Womens Bus along with Harriet Harman and Margaret Hodge , and back to the source of all sex abuse cases-BBC Centre…Savile Suite or Peel Towers?..
I’ll never learn…….Just put on HIGNFY, I lasted about 30secs. First joke I heard was about Boris Johnson is not attending Castro’s funeral, they managed to get a dig at Brexit in there. This was followed immediately by a dig at, and a short clip of UKIP…….and that’s as much as I could stomach.
I don’t object to them having digs at Brexit, or UKIP, but that’s ALL they ever do. So predictable, so biased and just so boring. Haven’t watched HIGNGY in years and now I remember why……Shame as in it’s early days it was an excellent show.
It got a bit serious in the middle, five minutes without any jokes, with Hislop trying to win an argument with Suzanne Evans, but then the fact Suzanne Evans failed to point out Britain’s trade deficit with the EU, meant that I was glad she failed to win the UKIP leadership contest. Farage would have made Hislop look like a Pro-Establishment moron. But this Pro-Establishment moron is editor of Private Eye.
“I’m not just defending the BBC because I work here….the BBC ties itself up in knots trying to be impartial. The BBC has integrity running through it.”
Stephen Nolan is currently making a massive arse of himself on 5Live co-hosting with Steve Gruber from a Michigan talk radio show, on the subject of Donald Trump. Nolan can only spout the BBC line while being oblivious that he is doing so. Gruber has walked all over Nolan, describing his multiple attempts to discredit Trump as “nit-picking”. Quite right too. The sound of Nolan in full self-righteous mode is frankly nauseating.
We are all entitled to bravado but I think it demonstrates yet again the inability of the LibDems to apply logic to any situation. They (just about) won in a solid remain area against a half hearted (leave) ex Tory and they think they have a chance in East Anglia.
We know it’s going to be a Tory win or hopefully UKIP so I would suggest to the LibDems that they do not ‘go back to their constituences and prepare for goverment’ this time around. If I am wrong then I will eat Paddy Ashdown’s hat!
Or maybe not. They do not like democracy. They are making this quite clear.
Fortunately, some contributors have been willing to robustly defend democracy and freedom and peace. Unfortunately there was no-one to speak for the poor non-combatants in Syria, coming under barrage from Lyse Doucet, but fortunately someone in the studio was brave enough to have a go.
I would have been happy to consider Gatwick or even Boris Island as a solution for airport expansion in the South East, but now I am firmly of the view that the only sensible option is a third runway for Heathrow – right across Richmond Park.
It’s 7.58am. Time for the bBBC Adverts aka programme trailer.
What could it be?
‘On BBC Parliament tomorrow, an interview with Dianne Abbott’!!!!!
Oh joy.
Absolutely no bias whatever in that choice of trailer.
But if you culture vultures want more, then console yourselves with the ‘news’ that there is to be a charity single released in 2 weeks time in memory of Jo Cox, who we are reminded was murdered by a ‘white supremacist’. Just in case we had forgotten.
BBC – shall we now call them the Harem Globalist Trotters?
They’ve a new sport to bring us on our TVs – Women’s Basketball.
Like Nico Rosberg they retired gracefully from Formula One. From the cricket they long since declared, or owzzat.. retired hurt ?
Whatever you do don’t mention football, well not in front of the kiddies. BBC contracted pundit Alan Shearer is drafted in today to keep that pot boiling at the top of the headlines. Why Shearer? Well, the other BBC man on goal hanging duty patiently waiting for an easy Virtue Signal tap in is our Gary Lineker and he is obviously far too busy acting as BBC spokesman at large on the EU and Migration.
Women’s Basketball – not Netball, mind you, you male chauvinist piglets…
As far as I’m concerned the BBC can go suck on a Meadowlark Lemon – sorry if that came out ruder than intended.
Let’s have some decorum, chaps, think of the Chapecoense, and not forgetting it is St Jo Cox Day again… What, not put up your Jo Cox Advent Calendars yet?
Expect to hear an awful lot more about her this Winterval. There’s a charity record, apparently. Borrowed from the Rolling Stones… no, not Paint It Black Friday, Miss You and certainly not It’s All Over Now.
A ‘group of MPs and charities’ have chosen You Can’t Always Get What You Want – well that could be taken one of two ways. (Article 50 now please!) Seem to recall they have borrowed that tune from the US election campaign.
I think the BBC are trying to tell us plebs something.
On the subject of new releases, the latest bBBC Music offering is a 10 cd volume of all those wonderful late December hits.
The beautifully boxed set kicks off with Wizzard’s classic ‘I wish it could be Winterval Everyday’. This is followed by cuddly St Bob’s ‘Do they know it’s Ramadan in May’ In total, 200 mind numbing PC tracks guaranteed not to offend any of your lefty friends. Also included in this masterful opus is…
The Bing Crosby favourite (I’m dreaming of a) ‘BAME Seasonal Holiday’
Matt Monro with ‘Mary and Mildreds transgender boy/girl child’
The childrens (students and 18+ years Calais migrants) fave, ‘Juncker Balls’
A lovely cover by the Remoans, of ‘Wailing in Despair’ from the animated classic ‘The Snowflake’
Alma Cogans ‘Never do a Tango with an Inuit’
And finally, just to set the right tone for all the gloom and doom merchants, ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’.
And a late addition to the list, to cheer up all the Libtards, there is Zac Goldsmith with ‘It’s Cold Outside’
Plus many many more I’ve probably missed…..and so on, and so on, and..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Is it just me, or did Question Time seem to have a few of the right kind in the audience last night? Refreshing change.
WOW!!! Could you believe that Question Time audience last night. My ex brother in-law is from Wakefield ,so I know what down to earth folk they are. My in-laws lived in Kirhamgate for a number of years. It was always refreshing in my eyes of going back to
a part of England with its culture which no longer exists in London.
What a sensible audience. What went wrong BBC last night with your “researchers”
picking of the correct Trotkyist audience we usualy see? Most of the time the panel
seem to be mesmerised by the loquacity of their audience.
They still managed to bus in some of their (BBC) trained seals to clap and hoot to message for the promise of a rotten fish from the trainer’s bucket.
Quite right Rob, it was refreshingly unusual.
Can someone explain to me how someoneone as completely THICK as Laurie Penney undoubtedtly is, is invited onto the panel and introduced as an ‘economist’?
Waste of a panellist seat.
Answer Equals: Laurie Penney is an English feminist columnist and author. She has contributed articles to publications such as The Guardian and the New Statesman, and has written two books on feminism. (Wiki)
THIS Laurie Penny?
Thank you, Embolden.
There is always the danger of taking someone seriously, even if you disagree with their political views. No one viewing that video will take her seriously again. Nasty little woman, who dishes out hateful remarks, yet has an inability to respond in a coherent manner when called upon to justify her nasty accusations.
It is time to challenge anyone who thinks they can accuse an opponent of racism in place of a cogent argument.
‘She has contributed articles to publications such as The Guardian and the New Statesman, and has written two books on feminism. (Wiki)’
..and given she has done this means that she is not thick! So anyone who writes for The Guardian and the New Statesman is in your assessment -intelligent! Doh! I don’t think so.
Surely the Left can put up somebody with a more logical sense of reasoning. No wonder the London, anti British Labour Party are both out of touch and isolated in British politics. Snowflakes have been found out. At last.Good riddance.
saw she was on, tele off, went to bed, couldnt be bothered wasting the electricity listening to her bollox
she shouldnt be allowed on tele without the starkey clip being shown
Interesting isn’t it? She’s every bit the economist, just as Paul Mason was and Robert Peston too, ie not an economist at all.
Regular readers here will recognise Mason as the economics editor (former) of Newsnight and Peston as the BBC Economics Editor, before he had a hissy and went to ITV.
Wronged, bit of an assumption there! – where did I say she is intelligent? I was merely answering your question by pointing out her attributes that attract the BBC: Female, Feminist, Guardian, (not ethnic but still scores highly).
She is so like so many young people out of Uni now, excluding engineering, science, medicine students, who are useful to mankind, most are worthless…useless…un-employable…they are brainwashed by petty little inadequates that pass for lecturers, proper Dave Spart..Howard Kirk types..that infest and corrupt our higher education …….
Penny Dreadful
Only just summoned courage to watch QT but yes, quite refreshing. Dimbley seemed to be loosing the will, the Scottish woman was quite rational, Johnson was complacent and the other two blokes were ok.But Penny and the, ‘these are not the droids you’re looking for’ moments was pathetic.
It must be German Immigration week on Toady R4 this week.
In today’s instalment we had a surprisingly fair, one may almost say impartial, review of the the changing opinions in the CDU party. That is, some are now admitting that open door immigration is causing problems in Germany, and a guy admitiing that he does not want to walk into a person wearing a burqua in his own country is not automatically branded a Nazi racist.
But there is a low key telling interview with a politician.
He says in terms that Germany and its government have to sort out the immigration problems.
Hang on a minute. Problems? It was YOU and your stupid liberal policies that created them in the first place!
As in the UK. Our ‘immigration problems’ are entirely self inflicted by governments pandering to a vocal minority of right-on Leftmob open door lunatics ( with the supportive bBBC acting as chief publicists) pretending to be compassionate and ‘progressive’ when in reality what they see is a mechanism to undermine the Western market economic system.The idea that these same people can be trusted with providing solutions to our ‘immigration problems’ is fantasy stuff of the highest order.
And here’s a little reminder of where the blame lies.
and … the past 6 years? (nearly 7) year on year rises? the figures only this week, are you going to blame the Liberals? they were only the public crash dummies, the dolls to put the pins in, for incompetent Tory policies
for f-cks sake, WAKE UP!
The idea that the CDU under Merkel are going to change their minds about “Willkommenskultur” is ridiculous.
Wolfgang Schäuble, the finance minister has recently opined in the ZEIT 08.06.16.
“Die Abschottung ist doch das, was uns kaputtmachen würde, was uns in Unzucht degenerieren ließe”
But of course it’s isolating ourselves that is finishing us off, that will end up in incestuous degeneration”
This just sounds like some strange inversion of Nazi race theory, like Satanists reading the Lord’s prayer backwards in some perverse act of worship.
Today the House of Lords is holding a collective release of flatus on “shared values” and Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone was essentially expressing the same point of view as Schäuble but in the anodyne and mealy mouthed way that is so typical of peers of the realm. She is “enormously excited” that her grandchildren can marry Spaniards, Germans etc. and break out of the straight jacket of British momoculture. She went on to bemoan the lot of the “left-behinds” who had not yet tapped into the joys of an “open, tolerant, liberal” society. The usual waffle about “divided society”, “coming together
How does letting millions of Muslims into Europe make us more of an “open, tolerant, liberal” society?
That’s the USD 64 trillion question.
The tone of BBC news reports this morning is brazen delight, as five months of relentless anti-Brexit campaigning appears to have paid off to the tune of one cushy north-west London Liberal victory.
Trigger Artical 50 now. Oh, and start building that damned airport extention in their back yard.
Little Timmy not going to get a new Prius in Richmond this year?
If they don’t get the Heathrow extention at least we know where to build the next big migrant/refugee reception centre.
Meanwhile footage has emerged of one Richmond resident’s reaction to the news on the morning after Referendum night
Little Timmy farron says those of us who voted for Brexit didn’t know what we were doing and didn’t understand anything.
Does that also apply to the minority who voted remain or is it only us leavers who are thick, stupid idiots (his opinion)
Yes, yes on a par with the US where all who voted Obama in twice, watched Fox News one time, were brainwashed and transformed into mindless, racist, Trump voters. GFY Tim.
Quite hoped, seeing as we are near Christmas that “Tiny” Tim Farron
would get interviewed here.
Oh Well!
A very bizarre explanation/answer to a very simple question
New Lib Dem MP Sarah Olney … ENJOY!
Brilliant thanks for that, have shared to Facebook.
Hilarious. What station was that?
The people who voted Remain knew what they were voting for: a secure and safe future in a prosperous and stable EU. Or am I getting them mixed up with the Germans who voted for Hitler in 1932?
LOL ! But quite right. The Remainers are ignorant of European history .
BBC – Trump names ‘Mad Dog’ as defence secretary … sheesh!
can t they change the record? … enough already!
The Lib Dems cause upset in the Richmond Park overturning a 23,015 majority to oust ex-Tory MP Zac Goldsmith”
Does that mean, “go, and get ready for government”? 😀 … again? (goodness! remember how that used to be a joke?)
After the shambles of the last stint, in with the corrupt, lying and incompetent
sh-tbags we have now. Its virtually finished them.
(Farron – Two chances slim and none, and slims outta town).
Only one in 25 British Muslims believe Al Qaeda carried out 9/11 terror attack and believe ‘wild and outlandish conspiracy theories’ – but 93 per cent say they love the UK
Even I don’t believe the bull sh** story that a shadowy group called Al Qaeda based in Afghanistan was capable of orchestrating such an organised attack in the USA.
I’m not even convinced that Osama Bin Laden played any part other than the fall guy.
Thanks to an investigative journalist (remember them?) we know that it was in reality Saudi Arabia where this plot originated, financed and operated from, yet successive US leaders have covered up this evidence which they call knew.
Ask yourselves why they might do this? The only answer which fits – yet again, is that they were & continue to be corrupted by bribery.
The evidence is incontrovertible, so why are the media still peddling the government lie that it was Bin Laden who was responsible ?
The meteoric rise of ISIS can only be explained if they had foreign backers like Turkey and Saudi. Much like Pakistan and the Taleban.
Definitely a lot of food for … thought (sorry :-D) there T.
… and this is even more concerning, this is a bonafide attack
10 people injured (could have been many more, the guy had to be shot dead)
posted about wanting to kill a billion infidels, following on from an earlier Somali Islamic attack.
Just listen to the snowflakes who could have been ran over, knifed or even machete d, at that very university!
Yet again you see the symptom without seeing the cause. This will happen again & again & again until people get it into their heads that there is a single reason behind it, and once people start to talk about it, then the whole house of cards will fall.
What a bunch of snowflake brainwashed wussies! My favourite: “would you call it terrorism? No, I’d call it a misunderstanding.”
And of course it’s all the fault of waycism?!?!
May they all be enriched asap.
Ahh! … well definitely financed and supported by them,(as are mosques, schools and universities right here in the UK and as you see in the US),Qatar, and oil gulf states etc.
But … what about before their petrodollar bonanza?.
Terrifying. This is the elite who presumably one day will be running the US.
Simple choice, Snowflakes: wake up or continue sleepwalking into oblivion.
Until now I have never seen people who literally had their heads up their arses, but I think I just have.
These politically correct, brain dead morons deserve all the muslim enrichment they will surely get. The tragedy is that they will bring the rest of us down with them. I would fight to protect myself, family and friends, but these intellectual pygmies can enjoy jihad without me.
Like most of us on here, I’m puzzled why the msm are getting such an easy ride with regards to their overwhelming bias against anything not far left or anything the majority of the Country wants.
Why hasn’t somebody made a big fuss over the continuous left bias on QT. During the referendum run up, Wronged kept a tally of the remainers versus leavers on the panels which showed a very large majority of the panellists were remainers. Why has nobody put this to the BBC and keep on putting it to the BBC until they give a response.
We all know the various techniques used by the likes of Jo Corbyn to help lefties and hinder normal politicians. Uninterrupted lefties as opposed to normal people being stopped, questioned and interrupted all the time, not being given a fair hearing and as soon as they make a point are stopped by a “we have to move on” by the host.
Nigel pointed out the NHS was losing hundreds of millions to health tourism and got roundly booed by the audience. It is now being talked about in the open so what has changed. In fact, Nigel has been right about almost everything yet the BBC always put him down. Just like with Trump, all the BBC ‘comedians’ need to do is say Trump or Farage and the selected audience go into virtue signalling overdrive, clapping furiously and looking round to make sure others see them clapping. Think ‘Have I got news for you’ for example.
Why don’t Leaver’s challenge the remainers lies?
If we get £10 back for every £1 we give to the eu, does that mean we get £3.5 billion back every week?
When reMAYners say why isn’t the NHS getting the £350 million every week you put on the side of the bus, why doesn’t a leaver say “we are still in the eu so it goes to them” or “It was said on the bus that it COULD go to fund things like the NHS”.
When housing shortages are mentioned why doesn’t some leaver ask “Where are the NET 350,000 every year going to live” and “How many houses are built every year”
When reMAYners say “Immigrants pay more in than they take our” why is this not challenged. 80% of immigrants (the ones that have a job that is) are on very low wages and get benefits plus all the other allowances as well as us having to pay an indigenous person benefits because they have taken his job by undercutting his pay. It’s impossible that they pay in more than they take out unless you ignore everything except any tax payments a few of them actually do pay.
Why do we send our soldiers to places like Afghanistan to fight for their freedoms while at the same time fall over ourselves in the rush to welcome fighting age young men from Afghanistan into England.
Also, why is David Davies saying we might pay to trade with the eu.
If Lidl said we will charge you £150 every year to be able to shop in our stores, how long would that business model last. Same with the eu. We buy from them far more than we sell to them. They should PAY US to be allowed to sell to us.
I wonder if WE are actually living in a bubble in the way that we accuse politicians and the BBC.
To me the above things are so blindingly obvious yet I can’t understand why we are so poor at getting our message across.
Are even the leaver MPs playing a game with us by pretending to want to leave yet being piss poor at putting the arguments out there. Very very few are actually representing us. Nigel being one of them, the best.
Do you think that May is trying to be clever by putting things off so that her reMAYner government can get away with not leaving, letting all the other reMAYners put more and more obstacles in the way of leaving.
What had May actually done so far? Correct, nothing.
Is it only here and on Breitbart that sane people contribute. To be fair, most comments in almost every place allowed are on our side of the argument so why are the rich and the deluded against us, what have they got against our common sense. We are the majority.
I hope UKIP get themselves organised soon because they are the only possible hope we have at present.
The marked contrast between the depth of feeling shown by the QT audience last night and the absurdly petulant mess created by Goldsmith should be of huge concern to our ‘government’. If they don’t start to get a real grip – which begs the question, which of them has the ability? – the UK is heading for an increasingly acrimonious north/south divide and, potentially, civil war. On the other hand they may simply become part of a pan-European explosion which appears ever closer – except to the BBC of course.
Good political analysis you two above.
Good to come HERE to get things interpreted properly.
Remember that millions think like us when they bother to think of it at all.
For the elite-they think of nothing else but filching our money and fucking our country over for long enough to favour their spawn(low sperm count notwithstanding).
As well as rolling over in a Persian rug for Muslims, hoping that they`ll spare the gays that week.
My point-let the elite piss about with the sparklers as they inteview each other and try to massage, mould of, fiddle with the news that THEY decide we need to know of.
But we don`t-got Nigel, Milo, Douglas Breitabrt and sites like this.
AND Donald and Nigel this year-and lots more fun to come from Europe starting Sunday, ending with Merkels crash and burn next autumn.
Let them ponce around their end of pier show with flumes, ponies and sparklers-we`ve got the fires, and we`ll get the rockets and Uzis if they push us…
Always a pleasure to gain acknowledgement from The Master, chrisH, but without wishing to sound too defeatist or immediately contradict myself (see above) ‘sites like this’ by their very nature preach to the converted. We can and do fulminate with total justification against the entrenched libtards and PC-pratfalls that infest politics and the media but, as I said, the very real risk of civil war does not provide an attractive alternative to lively debate. Never forget that thanks to increasingly draconian legislation, the police know the location and level of security of every legally held shotgun and firearm in the country – including the previous owner of Tommy Mair’s chosen adaptation – so any significant rebellion could and would be nipped all too easily in the bud. How many know, for example, that every gun and rifle in private (working class)hands was confiscated ‘for the duration’ in 1940? Worrying about this is either paranoia or pessimism, neither of which offer much of a brave new world to those of us that seek significant change for the better.
The Armed Forces swear loyalty to The Queen, not the government.
Taking into account the way they (the Armed Forces) have been treated since 1997, why do you feel so isolated?
On that point, Number7, its worthy of note that the UK Armed Forces is short of ‘minority’ recruits. Fact is, that to join, the volunteer is attested. That process includes swearing allegiance to Queen.
Swearing allegiance to anything or anyone other than Allah for the Muslim is impossible and contrary to their so-called, “faith”.
Like most of us on here, I’m puzzled why the msm are getting such an easy ride with regards to their overwhelming bias against anything not far left or anything the majority of the Country wants.
Why hasn’t somebody made a big fuss over the continuous left bias on QT.
You might want to think about that for a moment !
You answered your question in the post. The MSM are hardly going to report that they are biased are they? Nor are they going to report that someone has accused them of being biased either. Look at the CNN interview with Katie Hopkins where she accuses them of being the ‘Clinton News Network’ . The interviewer is incredulous that anyone could think such a thing. Despite other outsiders being able to see it as plain as day, they can’t even admit it to themselves!
Why hasn’t anyone made a big fuss over QT – they have ! Several times, but it doesn’t stick in the publics mind and the media does like to blame a single individual too.
No Brexit until May is out. The MPs, Media and BBC all sing from the same sheet, all describing Brexit as a mass of problems. Include Treezer’s Government here.
I think contributors here need to think about the extent the Government and its BBC will go to in other to remain. You can add the emerging anti Trump, anti America, line pursued by Government and its BBC as a means of driving us back towards the EU in the face of the US Nazi President – as the BBC are allowing him to be portrayed.
Unless we drain our swamp we are done for. Trump will drain his I hope and the lesson not lost on us the majority.
Emmaneul, yea, yea and thrice yea! well said.
On the surface, with threats coming from the likes of the SNP, Lib Dems and certain Labour/Con figures (e.g. Clarke, Lammy and Bryant) we are led to believe that Brexit may not happen or will be comprimised. However when you consider the situation you realise that should Theresa May be required to put Article 50 to Parliament then it is very likely that she will win the vote. Labour will finally destroy itself if it acts against the will of the people and blocks article 50 leaving only the minority mentioned above to attempt frustration. If the Lords play up then they will hasten the prospect of an early election which I believe (among many others) will put May back in power.
Of course there is the question of May’s committment to Brexit and the motion put to the Commons must not be laced with any compromises to appease the Remainers such as a second referendum.
It remains to be seen. However UKIP looks like it has finally sorted out it’s leadership problem and is going for labour voters via Paul Nuttal. Interesting times ahead.
Top post EG.
When reMAYners say “Immigrants pay more in than they take out” why is this not challenged.
If they are paying in more than they take out how come they don’t even fund the expansion in our services and infrastructure needed to accommodate them, their children and all the other dependents they bring over here with them? That’s another question you will not hear asked by the BBC, by the way.
Johnnythefish, what about all the extra MI5 agents watching Muslims? all the FGM clinics? The ‘add-on’ costs are endless.
A Nation in a trade deficit with the EU, using taxpayers money to pay for trade with the EU, out of fear that the EU would impose tariffs. It did sound like the negotiating position of an idiot.
I think its because intelligent people in power are a tiny minority. For instance only two members of Parliament are scientists, and less than one percent of the rest are thought to be at genius level. That’s why most of the rest oppose Grammar schools for the Plebs.
Imagine what it feels like being a Remain MP, when the majority of the people you meet in your Constituency surgery, are much more intelligent than you are, but did not go to University. That’s why they fear intelligent Plebs getting a good education for their children at a Grammar School.
Instead of “Women only shortlists“, or “Blacks only shortlists“. We need “Genius only shortlists” for Members of Parliament. All the genius level MP,s came out for Brexit, even the two Labour Party genius level MP,s mentioned in Mensa articles, Graham Stringer and Frank Field, came out for Brexit.
You make some good points Richard. Many of us in Education feel that there is a general ‘dumbing down’ factor at work (often approved by left wing teachers as a ‘levelling mechanism’). It means that bright kids often get ‘held back’ and told to conform to the the new ‘lower’ order average. Basically we have to spend more time at the ‘troublesome end’ to keep the ‘averages up’ for Ofsted. In my experience (not unique) some of the brightest kids ‘act up’ simply as they are bored stiff and lack of challenge for their often (well above) average ability. And some kids are very bright. I favor (old fashioned) Technical Colleges rather than Grammars. A lot of politicos went via Grammar and I dont approve of the ‘entrance exam’ which means (in effect) that you have to have a private tutor before even taking the entry test. It does not necessarily prove intelligence.
Schools, like prisons and mental hospitals will soon be kicking off, so even the licensed poodles like Wilshaw won`t save them.
The results of thick groupthink lie in all sectors of the public sector from top to bottom now-but , because they`re uncreative dullards and suckups-they have not a clue how to respond.
Tumbleweed for them. popcorn for us.
Yesterday Wilshaw(OFSTED) linked Brexit to thick kids in Liverpool.
THAT`S how deluded they`ve all gone.
The liberal traitors and labour media junketeers are finished-no consent, no platform for them to talk to us-we don`t listen.
Time to roll them up and over…easy peasy. Red ants and green fly?…Trump has kindly lit up our November Criminals from his victory.
EG you are spot on with everything you say. But your points raised will never be showcased in the public arena. Just try sending your comments above to the Pages letter of every national newspaper and I bet no Editor will have the guts to publish it. But then what ? if we protest on the streets there will always be an opposing group marching for a face-off.
I discuss all the subjects you raise with friends and family, and no-one disagrees, so what do we do ? send letters/emails to our politicians with only the hope of getting a standard reply back, or do we all become active members of a political party ? My brother regularly says I should become involved with local politics, but what can one lone voice do except give myself raised blood pressure. I honestly don’t know what the answer is.
Brace yourselves for the avalanche of crapola from the BBC (and the Times no doubt) that the Richmond result means two things 1. the Lib-Dems are back, and 2. the UK electorate has changed its mind on Brexit.
I remember the Orpington By-election in 1962. This was heralded as the Liberal resurgence, the end of the Conservatives for ever yadda yadda yadda. Of course, it was nothing of the sort. There was very little effective Liberal resurgence until the accident of 2010 let them into government; and the accident of 2015 which let them straight out again.
By-elections mean precisely nothing nationally, especially in a constituency which voted 70/30 in favour of Remain (Zac is a Brexiteer) and is an outpost of confortable metropolitan SJWdom. Mind you that won’t stop the celebrations in W1A, along with the retailing of the big lie which will treat this result as the “Second Referendum” which completely negates the first one.
Oh, and just a thought, do you think the LibDems and the other Remainers are going to question the legitimacy of this result because their candidate got less than 30 per cent of the electorate voting for her? To ask the question is to answer it. Of course not: you see this time the LibDems/Remainers won. Unfortunately for them, they lost the Big One and haven’t stopped whining ever since.
Spot on !
Umbongo – you are quite right of course.
It was such an historic night for the LibDems that Tim Farron wasn’t even there. (although his mum probably sent him to bed early with no tea as a punishment for sneaking out of his room and trying to be a politician)
Richmond. Comparing the EU referendum to the by election both turnout and support for the ‘Leave’ faction were down, the latter from about 70% to about 50%. Parliament is now even more anti Brexit but I don’t think the nation is.
Anyone care for some fun, courtesy of Guido?
Sarah Olney walks out of interview following some tough questions…
That is a brilliant interview the likes of which you will never, ever hear on the BBC.
“Go back to your constituencies and prepare for … for another several decades of opposition whining.”
Tim (no steel or for that matter Steel) Farron.
Here`s to March 12th next year.
For it will be on that day that the BBC will be able to tell us of the “First 100 Days”, when Sarah Olney “changed the face of British politics”. When Farron lit the fuse, we all begged to stay in the EU and that Corbyn, Lucas and Oaten clasped each others bottoms and gave us that BBC World of theirs that we all had craved-but were too thick, too shy to tell of.
Having done a lot of driving this week, I’ve taken in a lot of Radio 4, and it seems to be turning in to a station almost exclusively presenting programmes for ‘people of colour’, and how hard done by they are.
Every government policy seems to be scrutinised as to how it’ll effect people with brown skin, then of course we have the regular programmes on Blacks in the USA. They’re STILL peddling the “Hands up don’t shoot” lie, from Michael Brown’s shooting in Ferguson, with no mention of the facts exposed in a court of law, that Brown was a serial criminal thug who was grabbing the officers gun and beating him almost unconscious at the time of the shooting.
No mention of ‘The Ferguson Effect’ where Police are now avoiding this neighbourhood, leaving the decent, law-abiding citizens to be terrorised by the criminals.
No mention of the black on black gun crime epidemic.
Just continuous identity politics.
So true Mice.
It is now a prolonged and very preachy sermon to the resident white population about their race guilt.
Audience figures must be plummeting if we were able to discover them.
It has to be. Do you really think their target audience cares enough about that type of thing to listen to it day in, day out.
The BBC must really think the whole of Britain is like north London.
“The BBC must really think the whole of Britain is like north London.”
It’s true, they really do.
James OBrien LBC is truly a stuck record day after day Brexit Brexit Brexit.
Day after day Brexiters feed the troll.
Support for Brexit in Richmond surges from 30% on June 23rd to 48% yesterday. Not spin, not post truth, fact.
Don’t expect to hear this from Eddie, James O’B etc. anytime soon.
ThomasR, thats welcome news, thanks. Where did you find that fact?
Reply to scribblingscribe.
Didn’t need to find the fact, a simple analysis of the two results. We are told by the BBC that the remain vote was 70% in June and that yesterday the Lib Dems got 20,510 votes to Zac’s 18,638. That is 52.4% to 47.6% if you discount the other candidates.
Thank you, makes total sense ThomasR
Friends! Last night’s – literally – stunning victory by Our LibDems deserves a major celebration!
And what better way to celebrate it than a new Blog post eh?
Snappily titled, as ever, “Last Night’s Literally Stunning Victory In The Hard-Right Richmond Park Is Literally The Best Piece Of News That Those Of Us On The Progressive Left – And There Are Still Quite A Few Of Us, Friends, Despite Trump – Have Literally Had Since I Literally Can’t Think When, Quite Frankly, Friends! Vicious Hard-Right Brexit Is Now – Literally – Dead And Buried!”, it also contains – for literally no extra charge – a special performance, including Tiny Tim Farron (Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar) and Dame Anna Soubry (Backing Vocals, Bass Shandy), of my specially written celebratory song, “EU To Me Are Literally Everything”.
It can be literally found here:
Classic FM Remain News seems to have decided this small blip is a political upheaval on par with Trump, only in the correct direction.
They may be surprised that some who only appreciate the music live outside of Richmond and surrounds.
Westminster’s newest MP has said she will vote to “override the referendum” after winning a shock result over ex-Tory Zac Goldsmith .
So she’s as dishonest as she is ugly.
This may see some traditional allies conflicted, even North of the river…
Absolutely disgusting behaviour by “The Elite”.
There are many things that end with ‘a very good start’.
Not sure if this is one:
Should have stuck with the BBC. It is what Tim would have wanted.
Seems Timmy chose the one BBC show perhaps best steered clear of. At least he stayed.
Speaking of whom…
His sack ‘o rats botched dismissal payout is going to be stonking.
Guest Who,
Thanks for the links,particularly Olney being shown up for what she is, made my day.
Should Brillo ever retire Julia Hartley-Brewer is the natural successor.
Richmond voters deserve the incompetent Olney.So called area of educated elite my bottom.
Olney is a total idiot . She did not even understand the questions. Julia was superb.
Well done Julia-bet THIS one won`t ever make the BBC archives.
Unlike say, John Redwood and the Welsh national anthem.
Is she the first gargoyle ever elected to Parliament?
Gargoyles are supposed to strike fear into the hearts of the peasants, not make them laugh.
I’m going to cite this as a perfect example of left wing women being pig ugly.
Her constituency voted between 70-80% to remain in the referendum.
This by election was supposed to show how strong they felt about Brexit.
It was 49% for her (remain)
A drop of 20-30%
Gawd what a ugly mugshot.Have you seen this horse with a yellow rosette,bet she can eat an apple through a tennis racket.
That can’t be improved upon.
thirdoption, looks Chinese to me. Is she of Chinese descent?
Reminds me of stereotypical Japanese sniper from 1950s WW2 film, only less agreeable.
She can’t help her face, it’s her bitter, twisted soul I have a problem with.
The BBC continues its biased reporting of the situation in Aleppo. Yet again, the egregious Doucet moans her dreary dirge on the Today programme, and her listeners are expected to accept that the terrorist occupiers of East Aleppo are merely ‘rebels’ and that the normality of West Aleppo – buses and other traffic, people going to work and walking the streets – is merely an illusion, a façade. We need THE TRUTH, not propaganda, and we won’t get that from Yasser’s friend. Oh, for journalists of the calibre and integrity of Michael Elkins.
Remember when the BBC and C4 used to go on and on about Sri Lanka? Quiet about it now as the government victory did bring peace. Syria could be going the same way.
Richmond had the highest Remain vote in the country so it is no surprise that they voted out a Leaver. This result is no indication of what the rest of the UK thinks. By the way the result was close so why isn’t there a clamour for rerun ?
But the Remainers strategy is to hide behind the robes of their tame judges who will find ever more obscure and increasingly spurious legal arguments for hindering Brexit. But I think, perhaps optimistically, that the PM’s strategy is to wait until all the Remainers have fully revealed themselves and put their heads firmly in the noose of opposing the will of the people , then she will kick away the stool and call an election posing as the champion of the people. Hopefully UKIP will be able to take plenty of pro RemainLabour MPs seats and also in other constituencies damage Labour enough to allow the Tories in. With luck we will have a new H of Cwith a large Tory majority and plenty of UKIP MPs so that the Brexit will happen and will result in the return of sovereignty and freedom from the EUropen Courts . With a large pro Brexit majority in the commons the HOf Lords can be put in its place , the rebellious judges will need to tread carefully and who knows even the BBC may get their comeuppance.
Optimistic scenario .May is plan B and will keep us in the single market at whatever cost.
The real losers in this are us the fools who thought that a vote is a vote and means something. I hope Mr Trump is taking notes and considering his options if we renege on our Brexit vote.
I would not be surprised if in that event he washed his hands of Europe and Nato and started direct talks with the countries that really matter now and that includes Russia.
Dave ,
If May is going to sell out and deliver feather lite Brexit there isn’t much that Leavers can do. As always the establishment hold all the cards. The power of threatening not to vote for Remain MPs only works if there is an election round the corner and this is the only effective tool ordinary people have. I just can’t see the Brits embarking on a prolonged campaign of mass protest which is the only other way of defeating the establishment if they choose to ignore the democratic process.
No doubt feather lite Brexit will be dressed up as a hard fought negotiation resulting in some major concessions from Brussels and be convincing enough to persuade at least some Leave voters that they should be satisfied, naturally Remainers will be satisfied and polls will show a healthy majority of people happy with it. There will be no way of forcing a second referendum to ‘approve ‘ the deal and no need for an election. UKIP can protest but I can’t see them being able to change anything because there would be no threat of an election until 2020. It would be a perfect establishment stitch up of the democratic process dressed up as democracy in action. In the longer term UKIP may be able to gain from this great betrayal and make the Tories , as well as Labour , pay but that is four years away and a lot can happen between now and then.
So if we are to get what Leave voters wanted we have to rely on Mrs May , not pleasant but realistic.
I agree . As you outline it the fix looks correct. President TRump will observe this as will the rest of the EU right.
The EU is finished anyway so it matters little long term.
I hope that your prediction about the EU is right but the political will of the EUropen elite is formidable and ruthless. They are willing to sacrifice an entire generation of young southern Europens on the alter of a federal Europe. To ensure Brexit we need Wilders and or Le Pen to win next year so that the EU really is pitched into its death throws. Otherwise the EU will roll on for years to come.
No doubt feather lite Brexit will be dressed up as a hard fought negotiation resulting in some major concessions from Brussels and be convincing enough to persuade at least some Leave voters that they should be satisfied…
If she tries to sell us anything which still includes freedom of movement, or any kind of subsidiarity to EU governance and justice, she’s toast.
Plenty of people will agree with your sentiments but not enough will be prepared to take the action necessary to force a change in government before 2020.
Correct me if I`m wrong, but wasn`t this whole by-election called because Zac Goldsmith was opposed to Heathrows Third Runway?
So why was THIS not the big issue-seeing as it was what the election was meant to be about.
Yes we know that the Libs would groom the voters re Brexit-they said that they would make the campaign about nothing BUT Brexit.
But-seeing as they only have eight MPs and are a Paedos and Gropers Party-you`d expect the BBC not to major on Brexit, just because it takes our minds of Cyril Smith and Clement Freud!
But that BBC did just this-for them.
This all came to mind as I heard John Humphreys dismal efforts to railroad Rees Mogg into all manner of nonsense(Today 8.30 or so). But allowed Farron his free time to flannel and lie like his party do.
Utter bias. Again.
Millie Dowler and Heathrows Third Runway. No cause will be other than a BBC effort to muzzle opposition and keep us hogtied for European Islam.
Sorry BBC. We KNOW what you`re doing. And we`ll resist.
Silly boy!
The BBC sets the political agenda, not the politicians or, heaven forbid, the people.
Day Two after the Brexit Backlash then.
Apparently the election of Olney was a “shock result”.
So where the Dimblebys and Seamus Milne live? They didin`t vote as expected for the Tories?
I`m on my chaise longue as I tap this out.
Did Labour even enter the contest-and how did THEIR result help or hinder Corbyns Contemptibles I wonder?
I have recently been watching a few documentaries made by PBS/NOVA, why can`t our national broadcaster manage to make programmes like this?, (they could, and did, 30 years ago!). The only science based programme the BBC broadcasts that I can actually enjoy is 1 hour of Radio 5 live @ 3am Thursday mornings. (Then I`m listening to an Australian Scientist speaking to a presenter, who broadcasts from the USA, and listeners who contact the show with questions), those being Rhod Sharp and Dr Karl, even then (not so) subtle bias creeps into the discussion on a frequent basis. It seems quite expensive to pay £145.50 a year to listen to 1 hour of radio a week.
Oh, and to stay out of prison.
I agree PADDY088. You may also be interested in some of the RI SCIENCE shows I used to frequent (along with my son). Free to view online and televised and have their own TV channel (based on youtube). You see BBC does’nt do “science” any more (global warming is not a science) but you may remember C4 adopted the popular Christmas RI lectures a few years ago. Usually shown on Boxing day. Although I am not keen on this seasons offering they have a fantastic archive of Science Footage going back to black and white TV (that was when the BBC did at least show some popular (intelligent) Science on TV. Does anyone remember Raymond Baxter of Tomorrows World? This was the last of the popular Science shows until BBC ‘Bang’ came along (for kids) but even that is now abolished. You might like see a RI Science shows over Christmas.. they have an ADVENT Advent Science Video each day (or is it week)… It’s not just for kids and a good alternative to BBC programme brain washing. Today its Thermal Dynamics!–the-zeroth-law?utm_source=exacttarget&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=201612_channel_advent
Yes Phillip, The RI Christmas Lectures were a joy to watch, years ago, with lots of explosions, Voltages you could actually hear, bits of metal floating through the air (linear Motors), and also plenty of interesting stuff in fields I aren`t usually bothered with, like Biology, Nature etc. (I`m from the Electrical/Engineering wing of “nerds” :-).) Sometime, many years ago, it changed into just another Global Warming, PC vehicle. It basically turned into another PC rant, I dread to think of what the founders would think of what it eventually became.
But I will certainly have a look through Youtube to see what there`s on offer in their collection.
Shame, as I`m sure it helped push me in the right direction for my future career!
Dr. Karl is a 100% climate change nut and totally ‘green’ as he uses his media money to swan around the world and pay for his mega-solar panels and water collection schemes that ‘compensate’ for his global lifestyle.
He can be quite entertaining but he doesn’t half waffle, (probably as he hopes Google will find him an answer!). He seems to have a lot of astronomical stuff off pat but he is rubbish when it comes to electricity or kinetics.
I miss the previous Radio 4 science programme, the one with the witty presenter. His humour nudged the scientist out of their ‘safe space’. The replacement Adam Rutherford comes across as a party functionary, acting as a strict gatekeeper so that only the party-approved science can be aired.
“It seems quite expensive to pay £145.50 a year to listen to 1 hour of radio a week”.
You don’t need a TV license to listen to a BBC or any other radio station. You don’t need a TV license to own a TV or to use it for watching dvds , play games etc. You don’t need a TV license to access the internet. You do not need a TV license to watch non-live content such as youtube. You only need a license to watch live TV and iplayer, so you may need a license even if you do not own a tv but use other devices to watch.
End the license fee being used to pay for the BBC drivel and sign the petition to privatise the BBC.
Pass it on to your friends.
Have the BBC become part of the Lib Dem’s media wing? They’re clearly placing too much importance on their by-election victory. They keep referring to the fact that they overturned a huge Tory majority, and that it is a sign that public opinion may be turning against Brexit. This is dishonesty of the highest order, for a number of reasons.
The reality is that they beat the Conservatives because the Conservatives didn’t even field a candidate, it’s not difficult to beat a party that isn’t taking part. The final result was a relatively narrow victory over the Independent candidate, Zach Goldsmith, a man with limited resources behind his campaign. On the other hand, the Lib Dem candidate was supported by the entire infrastructure of the Lib Dem party. On the campaign trail she was supported by the party leader, all of their MP’s, over 100 Lords, a bunch of celebrities, and over 1000 Lib Dem campaigners from across the country. The only surprising fact about the outcome is that it was so tight.
Clearly the Brexit angle on it is nonsense. Much is being made of the fact that the Lib Dems primarily ran on an anti-Brexit platform. With the result being displayed as a popular backlash against the government’s Brexit strategy. Yet the fact is that Richmond is a wealthy London constituency that voted strongly to remain within the EU, in fact it was one of the most pro-Remain areas in the entire country. 20,000 votes in that part of the country does little to undermine the 17 million across the country who voted to leave. Had the Lib Dems won on an anti-Brexit platform in a constituency that voted strongly to leave the EU, then their claims may have been justified, but overall we have learned very little from this result. The BBC would be wise to admit that.
Are they seriously suggesting that a vote in favour of a Remainer in a constituency that voted heavily Remain is any sort of indication that public opinion is turning against Brexit?
They should be seriously concerned if every constituency is going to vote on Brexit/Remain lines. Which it may yet come to.
“They should be seriously concerned if every constituency is going to vote on Brexit/Remain lines. Which it may yet come to.”
Yes, that thought has increasingly come into my mind….
Let`s hope Brexit can be sorted out without any real unpleasantness.
But the EU lovin`globalisers appear determined to end nation states in the west and replace them with “regions of immigration” if they can possibly get away with it.
The crucial fact is not that a pro-Brexit MP has been replaced by a remaim MP in a remain constituency, but that so many pro-Brexit constituencies have remain MPs. The scope for mischief is unlimited. The ridiculous comments by Davies about paying for access to the single market and the ridiculous propostion that people who voted for leaving the EU simultaneously voted to stay a member of the internal market show that attempts are already underway by the extablishment parties to secure a Brexit in name only. If I hear the phrase “I respect the decision of the British people” again, I fear I may do someone some violence. The only answer is to become a member of UKIP and hope continuing pressure can be applied in the North and elsewhere.
Just listening to a few minutes of Any Questions, or whatever they call this ferid faecal matter excreted by the BBC into our homes, shows that the deranged political and media elites cannot be trusted. I’m joining UKIP on Monday.
ID … I have never joined a political party in my life …. but I am coming round to acknowledging the fact that paying 30 quid to join UKIP is maybe the **only** way there is as to how I can make any sort of protest. Deluded I may be but my God it will make me feel better.
I`ve joined too.
Given the poverty of much of what`s happened, they`ll need the discipline of real people in there to see them right.
No point moaning at Carswell and Hamilton, if Godfrey Bloom is calling for sluts or whatever…then who cares?
Just want out of the EU, the BBC gone and grammar schools in a new guise. And no Islamic rule either.
My sentiments entirely.
Zac Goldsmith made the mistake that wealthy Richmond residents ‘care much’ about the Heathrow extension being planned. You see few aircraft happen to fly over Richmond – but a heck of a lot more fly over noisy smelly Hounslow (a poorer part of London where I grew up). Zac you may remember also failed to become the London Mayor despite being ‘Cameron’s favourite’. In short I know Richmond well and it has had a Liberal Council even when Labour were in office. Lib Dems Alistair Campbell has a good following around the red brick twee houses. Zac was a bit of a new boy show off and has yet to learn that Lib Dems do well out of any Heathrow Airport Expansion plans (that will blight other parts of London with noise and pollution – makes no difference to Richmond, see) and the park is rather nice watching the Airplanes coming into land (over London every 2 minutes). Frankly Liberals could’nt care much about (other boroughs) total opposition to ‘Aircraft noise’ or about Zac (single issue) opposition to Heathrow Airport expansion. The local election was about that single issue (and not much about Brexit at all).
> “On the campaign trail she was supported by the party leader”
I’m not sure I’d count Tiny Tim as a positive influence. Except to distract the electorate from that preposterous look she’s got going on.
Farron is keen to keep reminding us that we didn’t know what we were voting for in June but seems completely certain what the voters of Richmond were thinking when they marked their little crosses on ballot papers. This, in his very tiny alternative universe, adds up to a mandate to frustrate the will of the majority of the UK population.
New series BBC2 next week – titled ‘Muslims like us’
Is this the beeb’s answer to ‘I’m a celebrity’, Big Brother or ‘Gogglebox?’ We’ll see…..
Not forgetting the Sikhs of Smethwick on BBC4 last night !!! As there are so many Islamic news reporters and presenters, a smattering of Jewish, and the odd Hindi / Sikh, so that the religious box is ticked; how long before we endure the Rumanian/Bulgarian/Hungarian/Polish finding their way onto our screens after graduating from driving vans or picking spuds !!!! The BBC are probably scouring the fields of Lincolnshire as I write this.
RE: ‘Muslims like us’
I could be wrong, but I imagine that quite a large proportion of the Muslim Community are embarrassed by programmes like this!
Good post Razza.
The Liberal MP’s are going to oppose Article 50. Opposing the will of the British people.
As Andrew Neill pointed out to Baroness Kramer last night. ‘Are you now taking the Democratic out of the name Liberal Democratic and just call yourselves The Liberal Party?’
The Lib Dems are “Democratic” as in the German “Democratic” Republic…the former East Germany.
Ironic, since their evident desire is to make the UK Government and people beholden to the former East German Mutti Merkel.
Speaking of the GDR?
Will Self and a dwarf tried to get to the Trabant factory, and this has taken five programmes to tell us.
They failed-but really they succeeded.
Because we got the GDR justifications at every opportunity. This culminated in Will Self nodding along as one ex Commie tells us that the GDR was fine until the mid-70s, when the wheels fell off.
No mention of the dead at the wall, tangled in barbed wire as they tried to head west. No mention either of the 30% of the population who spied on the other 70%?
Ah well-the BBC revises history every day, using the likes of Will Self to provide the soapbox.
Witness the Grunwick Puff Piece on Radio 4…please visit the exhibition , so says Humphreys.
Thank you for that – I’d fallen asleep when that was on and woke up thinking it was some weird, very weird dream.
The Nazis described themselves as ‘socialists’.
One of the happiest days of my life as the Gambian Electoral Commission report that President Jammeh has lost and conceded defeat. Votes :-
Adama Barrow 263515
Yahya Jammmeh 212099
All telephone and internet connections with Gambia have been unblocked as I can personally testify. And it seems there is no violence.
My regret is that I shall miss the biggest party in the history of Gambia.
The point of this post is that the BBC’s reporting has been balanced throughout. If only the BBC could apply that right across the spectrum !
PS. Adama Barrow used to be a security guard with ASDA in the UK !
Another shock election result! Are BBC blaming Brexit for this yet?
LOL ! Actually, on the internet, many Africans are commenting ” Little Gambia has shown us the way. No dictator is safe “. Let’s hope it is the start of a “domino effect ” . Let’s hope the BBC stop supporting dictators in Africa or anywhere.
I just called a Gambian friend who is living in UK in exile, working as a care home helper and not claiming benefits. Alieu was in tears and saying ” At last, I can go home and visit my family “.
I’m surprised at Jammeh conceding so quickly. I hope he is setting a trend.
It has shocked Africa. Trying to find his current whereabouts. Personally , I think he should stand trial in Gambia. Some rumours suggest that he has run to Belgium. Meanwhile, my friends in Gambia are sending photos of people dancing in the street. Jammeh’s people lying low. Worried about reprisals, but I doubt if that will happen. Maybe just the leading players but I guess most of them are out of the country now.
Do you really think Jammah will relinquish power? He is a brutal and irrational islamist, and they do not go quietly. My strong instinct is that he will find a way to stay as President by a legal loophole (perhaps to do with residential requirements) or, failing that, by ignoring the election and retaining his position by force. I hope I’m wrong, and if he shows signs of staying, that Senegal will expert the necessary pressure.
He has lost the support of the Army and security services, so he is finished. And , yes, you are right, Macky Fall will finish him. But it won’t come to that ! Even the soldiers are dancing in the streets !
Jammeh just uses Islam as a cloak. His real believes are Ju Ju ( Voodoo ) etc. But hes is gone now !
Thanks, Grant, for the extra information.
Gambian Ambassador to the UK there is it grant?
Farage over there-you down south-2017 could be a good year!
cH ,
LOL !! It is all going wrong for Leftie ” Dictator worship “. They are in retreat on all fronts. They should just have studied the history of the plebs in the Roman Empire to understand.
Long live Gambia ! Long live freedom ! Foroyaa !
When I saw that on the Beeb site, I thought of you and wondered how you would feel. I am pleased for you. I knew nothing about Gambia but your posts have been most informative – thanks.
Extremely pleased. I hope the transition is peaceful.
My principal charity for several years has been supporting an early years school in Gambia. Run by volunteers, so I know the vast majority actually reaches its destination.
Soapbox and Mallard,
Thanks both. Well done Mallard. I help out a bit with my daughter’s school, Wulling Kama Lower Basic.
All reports I am getting today from family and friends say that all is peaceful and the banks are open , yes on a saturday. Watched Jammeh on Gambia TV last night telephoning the new President. He comes over as so reasonable but is a total psychopath but still in the country. He is crazy.
The other good outcome is that thousands of Gambians in exile will be able to visit their country again. I could go on, but this site is about BBC bias ! As I have said , the BBC’s coverage has been fair. If only….. !
Compare the BBC’s coverage of this:
MP Anna Soubry contacts police over ‘Jo Cox’ tweet
with the BBC’s coverage of this:
Nigel Farage receives death threats and cannot leave home without security following Brexit and US election
OK, slight trick question. The second link isn’t to the BBC. Because I couldn’t find any coverage by the BBC about threats to Nigel Farage.
Richomnd by election blog readers should take the time to read:
What has been totally overlooked by most of the MSM and commentators thanks to Farrons ridiculous linking of the result to Brexit, is the reason for the by election in the first place, the third runway at Heathrow.
It appears that the people of Richmond have given the government the green light to develop this now.
More to the point though was the left wing liberal activists who purposely didn’t stand and campaigned for Lib Dem over Brexit causing apparent fury amongst anti runway activists.
“The activists’ fury with the Greens and the Progressive Alliance who wanted all the other candidates to stand down to give Sarah Olney a clear run against Zac Goldsmith knows no bounds. They feel betrayed. The fact that most of the Greens do not understand the depth of this fury neatly illustrates the very different assumptions organisations brought to this by-election campaign.”
How can a party which allegedly puts Green issues at the top of its agenda suddenly ignore the glaring issue of Heathrow expansion in favour of political ideals of opposing Brexit ?
How can they have any credibility at all in the wake of this betrayal?
The final paragraph sums it all up:
“It did say a lot about Heathrow. The residents who the two tribes were trying to influence didn’t see Heathrow expansion as the key issue. The Government has many more hurdles yet to climb before it gets a third runway but it is not inconceivable that, if it does succeed, it will look back and see the Richmond result as the day the amber light turned to green. And the ultimate irony is that the green button will have been pushed inadvertently by the Greens and Liberal Democrats, the two parties with the strongest record of opposing Heathrow expansion.”
Too true. Thoughtfull. The Greens and Lib dems are a weird bunch but don’t have any joined up thinking. Heathrow was the ticket but if they think its a vote against Brexit, so be it. They need a prop.
Can you believe this ultra-sensitivity? If it is true and the Muslim population are imposing fear, watch out.
LeftMob’s brains are stuck in FEAR mode
So like terriers they make big YELP
but have LITTLE ears
LeftMob motto now
>> Power to
the ‘Right Kind of’ People <<
(Cartoon pg 2 Times)
Explanation for Leftmob behaviour..
Allegedly human brain has evolved 2 systems
#1 Reward looking mode : hence cooperation to build
#2 Threatened mode – cooperation stops as people preoccupied with escaping predators. Hence people stop being rational, listening to others, no time to read evidence you give them. They are certain catastrophe is coming
Disagree with them = you are the enemy
see min 6:50 of Four Thought podcast
Coming soon, no doubt:- “Great British Muslim History Month” – The story of how Britain has always been Islamic and the history books have air brushed it out.
The strange thing is that the Leftie dhimmies don’t seem to convert. Strange !
I know, we’ve said this before.
Any psychiatrists out there who can offer us an insight into this aberrant behaviour?
Humans are still basically tribal so supporting another tribe that doesn’t share your aspirations without wanting to join that tribe???
Sadiq Khan has Times column today on city pollution
“plan 2017 toxicity charge in the congestion zone” bet not applied to onsite cement mixers.
calls for “National diesel scrappage scheme” “backed by funding”
Still looks like the Times is pushing an EV subsidy scam. cos if you REALLY wanted to reduce pollution deaths cheaper measures in other parts of world would be better
Bottom line what’s cost of each UK lifeday saved ?
Marie Antoinette Khan says
“Let the rich drive Electric Cars
….. And let the poor pay for the subsidies”
….Sadiq Khan has Times column today on city pollution……
(Assume he’s speaking about London.) Well, if our capital is so polluted, then issuing mandatory deodorant to our darker skinned friends might not be a bad place to start. They seem blissfully unaware that their diet affects their bodily odours – perhaps we should adopt the Japanese habit of wearing surgical masks, that would do the trick !!!!
WE call him Sadiq Hussain round here. Have yet to be pulled up over it.
Why is BBC R4 news headlining Guy Verhofstadt’s totally inappropriate congratulatory message to the Liberal Democrat hippo that just won a by-election triggered by a kid rich enough to “have principles”? The newsreader seemed almost unable to contain his joy as he read this outrageous piece of BBC anti-Brexit propaganda.
I’ve questioned myself a lot lately, worried that I might be seeing/hearing anti-Brexit messages that aren’t really there? But I now realise that I’m definitely not. This is a determined and thought-through strategy to undermine the democratic decision of the people of Britain and it’s making me angry in a way that I can’t say I’ve even experienced before. It feels as if I’m not far off taking to the street with my pitchfork.
Remainers? Just what do they think is in it for them – for themselves, their families? I would be open to hearing rational reasons.
what do they think is in it for them? That’s an interesting point.
In conversations with my lefty friends (all in their 50s, I’ve known them for years so I’m stuck with them!) I don’t believe there is much analysis about the benefits apart from vague ideas about not having to change currency once you’re travelling over there.
They agree it’s undemocratic, wasteful and bureaucratic. But I’d say the main thing is that their opinions come in one big BBC/Guardian block after years of not thinking for themselves, or adapting their outlook to new circumstances.
If Labour or the Greens were in Government – and switched to being pro-Leave, then they would too. It’s a bit pathetic I know, but if they perceive anything as being ‘Tory’ then the old ‘ThatcherToryCutz’ mentality switches on – from all those marches they went on in the 1980s. I’ve given up trying to argue with them any more, it doesn’t do any good. I think if they knew how much further right-wards I have moved politically they’d have me lynched, so I keep things fairly moderate to keep the peace.
Remainers? Just what do they think is in it for them – for themselves, their families?
Many of them couldn’t face the prospect of huge change, others were driven by an internationalist ideology, some didn’t understand the way the EU works and how undemocratic it truly is, lots were unaffected by uncontrolled immigration – but all could not see beyond the end of their noses and the inevitable collapse of the Eurozone which will result in the UK contributing tens of billions to rescue countries from the wreckage of this useless, ideologically-driven catastrophe.
Verhofstadt’s appointment is a typical example of the sniggering disdain for the UK by those at the top of the EU heap. What is, however, of genuine concern regarding the Twickenham result is the credence it will add to Tim Farron’s pretentions towards political significance.
Verhofstad is David Mellor, and Francoise Hollande is Peter Glaze.
They all have to look like British toe suckers or side kicks to get on in their own sad Islamist scuttle buckets of countries.
Soon, as the Euro goes down and Islam yells at us from the continent-we`ll wipe out the BBC and fight again.
Roman … you write ….. It feels as if I’m not far off taking to the street with my pitchfork.
…… or joining UKIP? 😉
BBC PM program running a piece on Left wing co-operation to beat candidates who don’t share their warped views.
Apparantly Labour shadow Cabinet Minister Clive Lewis has written a piece on Labour List which advocates pulling candidates from seats they are unlikely to win to give other left wing candidates a better chance.
They quote extensively from this scribbling, and then have a panel of assorted lefties such as David Steel and Caroline Lucas. There is no opposing input and no challenge from the right.
Then they re quote from the document to challenge the Labour interviewee who doesn’t want to share power with the Greens. Lefties in power at any price at any cost, and damn the public.
Just a sixth form leftie debating chamber which is probably what the BBC want.
This piece went on for ages, and it is impossible to imagine something on the other side of the coin – i.e. right of centre parties being given the same air time.
We then hear from a Professor at Strathclyde Uni who says the principle beneficiary would be the Labour party with Eddie Mair lapping it all up.
The whole thing must have lasted for about 20 minutes of the program, which is extraordinary
Yes, I think it started after the news headlines and ran for 15 minutes or so.
The Labour man from Dudley was quite refreshing, rejecting the idea very strongly and laying into Caroline Lucas for being patronizing and telling people what to think. Mair obviously liked the idea of a Left alliance but, of course, two could play at that game, with UKIP giving EUro-sceptic Tories a free run and targeting EUrophiles like Ken Clarke and, possibly, Mrs May herself.
As you say, it is unlikely that Right parties would be afforded a chance to chat at length about pacts without snarling objections from the BBC/Left.
Listened to it, and thought it was a quite blatant piece of charter busting propaganda. I suspect that this is the start of a BBC led campaign to muster all forces against the Tories.
The Government in power is quite aware of the BBC’s agenda(s)but is either afraid to do anything or thinks doing nothing is so noble.
They defend the ‘independence’ of the broadcaster which, to my mind, equates with defending genocide proponents in mosques.
The BBC has far too much power, no effective oversight and no good will for the ordinary Briton.
Week in Westminster in on now.
New Statesmen poppet will be telling us about what Richmond means to the UN, and here-guess who-is Margaret Beckett?
To tell us what it all means.
Day Two of the Olney Era.And Sarah has NOT given permission for Trump to speak to Taiwan has she?
Who dares to tell Tim Farron?
And then it’s on to the Italian referendum and who better than Marilisa Palumbo of corriere della sera newspaper described on Wikipedia as “Political alignment Liberalism, Centrism”.
She has written two bools on the Obamas, one on Barak, the other on Michelle. Sounds like just the kind of person the BBC adore !
As I look up at the roll call above of Lab Dims, EU floaters tankers and duds, BBC Labour slurry crowing from their liferaft as if they`re surviving all that they`re doing to the law, their credibility or even their chances of surviving to be let walk down a street in the UK?
Yep, this roll call above could get you grumpy or sad, angry or apoplectic.
Which is what the elite wants of you-fatalistic, defeated and compliant.
So here`s Peter Oborne-and why these scum are the last gig economy ministers we`re ever going to see.
Nobody underestimates the trouble to come-but I`m not going to my deathbed, having to admit that Tim Farron lasted one day longer than he has to. Because I thought that the BBC had the final word on my right to remove them.
Let`s do it for Andrew Sachs! Poor guy-the BBC did a MacAlpine on him, using Ross and Brand-and we`re NOT forgetting it!
Excellent ChrisH. Peter Osborne is spot-on the rise of ruling class muppets!
Too true Philip_2!
And (to quote SOL) I`m “quite literally” looking at both Nick Clegg on Channel 4 and some BBC politics bloke(fat, glasses, Mardell XL)saying the selfsame thing.
Brexit is busted, Farron`s the Man!
Got to pity them…I mean how desperate do the elite have to be to convince themselves that Tim is an answer to any question that any real person would ever ask.
Which will make our destruction of the traitor class even more fun in 2017.
Can we bet on the month and year when the Euro collapses? And how long after it will the EU itself be horsemeat in the food chain?
Or do the likes of Betfred only play safe these days?
I would say the Richmond result is pro-Brexit. If, as the Left claim, that the election was about Brexit then the Leave vote has increased from 30% to nearly 50% in that constituency. UKIP should make that point even though it will be ignored on the A-BBC.
You’ve got to love the lies of the remainers being exposed:
The EU takes a step closer to the formation of a ‘European army’
And a comment:
Just a minute, Cameron the remainer told us that there would be no eu army and that it was a lie perpetrated by the brexit camp. Didn’t the (non)Independent also debunk it in their issue of May 11th? Obviously this report must be a lie; or perhaps Cameron and this rag were lying. Which is it?
“The Now Show” on Radio 4:
Liam Fox = nob; UKIP are like something from ‘Carry On’ films; Farage has gone all American; Trump got 2 million votes less than Clinton; Trump will take everything he can from the office of President (on 0 salary?)
“2016 continues to give a middle finger to the world”, claims a Black comedian called Baptiste, who mentions “Trumpocalypse”.
UKIP a ‘party with one MP’ sneers the Lefty presenter (in fact 3.88m votes compared to SNP’s ~ 2m, giving one MP compared to 56 MPs; but no complaints about that!)
Theresa May “sounding like a Conservative on steroids” (really?) says pundit Matthew Goodwin, who claims UKIP voters are aged > 65 on average. UKIP = ‘radical right party’.
Nish Kumar (comedian?): attacks on comments on the OBR by John Redwood and Jacob Rees-Mogg, who is described as “a total arse-hole” using fake quotes from Cicero (yes, really!)
Rachel Parris (spelling?): sings a song about Ed Balls as seen on Strictly Come Dancing, not bad by BBC standards.
The one show, got a laugh from me with the carry on pastiche and the Trump impersonator… laugh, the spoof “masters of Brexit” game with the Corbyn character “unavailable”.
But, as always, the underlying theme is a slightly sniffy disapproval of us deplorables…….Ha ha ha, come to think of it that makes me laugh too.
2017s gonna be great for us.
The Now-30mins-of-lefty-propaganda Show
Plus comments.
Not getting it about right.
So a news story about an app to block fake news called BS Detector.
And the first thing the BBC story says is that there are now a lot of “fake news” stories on mainstream sites saying its an Official Facebook app ..when it isn’t.
I could make an app that takes you to only BBC/MSM.
I’ll call it BS Reflector.
The Trust project is part funded by Craig Newmark, who also part funded Hilary Clintons campaign. So ‘legitimate news outlets’ would be an Orwellian term for ‘Propaganda news outlets’
The Trust project is one of the many left-wing propaganda organisations on the BBC,s seminar invitation list.
The BBC seminar system is designed to avoid or repress the results of independent investigative Journalism, from deviating from BBC left-wing groupthink.
Wasn’t going to go to the pub. Am now. It has not been a bad week after all thanks to Olney the Lonely. Shame I’ll miss the latest BBC comedy offering…
I should think the only “triumph” Diane Abbott had was an old Triumph Herald in 1965.
Don’t take the Mick out of the old Herald, one of the last cars produced by a private company (just). Mine was my first car, and “not very good” until modified. Nuff Said
Imagine if she on pillion and Jezza in full command of the love moped had encountered head on an erratic Will Self and mini Self in a Trabant coming the other way down a deserted East German autobahn back in the day?
Absolutely zero difference to the progress of history.
Is she talking about her car problems when she was with Corbyn?
Translates into EU German as “Meine Kampf” maybe?
And will be on Lambeth, Tower Hamlets and Brents “London Schwartzkopf Challenge” once Sadiq has been told.
I’m sure that the BBC could find a way to exonerate these “men” as well.
Bloody hell! That gives “ass sex” a whole new meaning.
HE aw He aw He always says that
Bet they got a kick out of it.
Douglas Murray is outstanding here against some irredeemable, pro-Castro, old Trot.
Douglas Murray is always outstanding.
Douglas destroys the wanker Gott. I find it beyond belief that evil people like Gott still exist.
Shameless, cold fish eyes and insouciant,Gott is the very face of Lefty cant.And has clearly led to the death or destruction of far greater people than himself.
Just the kind that the BBC WOULD have on their speed dial.
Currently the top story on the BBC front page (top left) is: A large picture of Nico Rosberg (this years Formula 1 World Champion) with the caption “Nico Rosberg retires: ‘A classy move from a classy man'”
I think to myself just report the bluddy sports news – this is neither a classy move nor does it make him a classy man. Why are the BBC putting such a ridiculous spin on it rather than just reporting the news that he has retired because he achieved his childhood dream and he doesn’t want the stress of trying to defend his title next year, which is more or less what he himself reported. So why on Earth are the BBC spinning the story as a “classy move by a classy man”. The BBC have been running stories since Rosberg’s victory actually trying to belittle him with articles like “Does Rosberg deserve it” … “Lewis Hamilton would have won the championship if it wasn’t for a mechanical breakdown of his engine” … “Rosberg only voted third best driver by experts” …
Current BBC website frontpage:
Article: Nico Rosberg retires: ‘A classy move from a classy man’:
I’ve noticed the same thing happening on SKY too. I’m a big Hamilton fan but I have to say the coverage of Rosberg has been extremely disrespectful. Of course Rosberg deserved it! He scored the most points, simple. Mechanical problems are a part of any motorsport, F1 is no exception, but Rosberg still had to go out and perform he wasn’t just handed it. The fact is that in F1 the best driver doesn’t always win.
It could also be argued that before Hamilton the same question “did he deserve to win” could be asked of every Brit who won the F1 title since Jackie Stewart. Hunt, Mansell, D.Hill, Button, and even Hamilton’s first championship, they all won when they were not the best driver on the grid. But you won’t hear that on SKY or the BBC.
BBC Headlines You Are Unlikely To See:
“”Would Anyone Join The EU Now?””
“”Brexit Has Not Been The Disaster Predicted”
“”Brexit Is The Intelligent Choice””
“”How Many Immigrants Can The UK Absorb?””
“”The Severe Impact Of Immigration On Housing””
“”The Severe Impact Of Immigration On The NHS””
“”The NHS Would Thrive On British Employees”
“”The NHS Is Our Biggest Employer. Why Are The Majority Foreign””
“”We The BBC Apologise For Not Providing Alternative Political Views””
(The last is particularly unlikely).
Solid post DS – that deserves a thread all of its own.
Would Anyone Join The EU Now?
Yes of course they would, providing they are a country which receives more than they give and have a shaky unstable currency!
”Brexit Has Not Been The Disaster Predicted” Hasn’t actually happened yet so who knows.
“Brexit Is The Intelligent Choice” might yet change to the past tense
just a few we might see sometime in the future !
Dover Sentry
First Class .
I would suggest that post be sent to our Prime Minister and her ‘patriotic’ colleagues .
Turns out that Will Self managed his weeks free tour of Germany in a Trabant, because he`d abused(verbally) some dwarf-who also went with him, maybe with an ash tray of cocaine strapped to his tiny bonce.
Hardly a punishment is it…though that the Left wouldn`t be happy with this.
Ah but it`s Will Self…took drugs under John Majors nose on the election bus in 1992.
So Bristow rules won`t apply.
Still though-maybe we can hope that Eric will be recorded by the BBC sometime soon, as he takes the Labour Purple Womens Bus along with Harriet Harman and Margaret Hodge , and back to the source of all sex abuse cases-BBC Centre…Savile Suite or Peel Towers?..
“….some dwarf-who also went with him, maybe with an ash tray of cocaine strapped to his tiny bonce.”
Top stuff chrisH. A bit dwarfist but I forgive you on this occasion.
I’ll never learn…….Just put on HIGNFY, I lasted about 30secs. First joke I heard was about Boris Johnson is not attending Castro’s funeral, they managed to get a dig at Brexit in there. This was followed immediately by a dig at, and a short clip of UKIP…….and that’s as much as I could stomach.
I don’t object to them having digs at Brexit, or UKIP, but that’s ALL they ever do. So predictable, so biased and just so boring. Haven’t watched HIGNGY in years and now I remember why……Shame as in it’s early days it was an excellent show.
It got a bit serious in the middle, five minutes without any jokes, with Hislop trying to win an argument with Suzanne Evans, but then the fact Suzanne Evans failed to point out Britain’s trade deficit with the EU, meant that I was glad she failed to win the UKIP leadership contest. Farage would have made Hislop look like a Pro-Establishment moron. But this Pro-Establishment moron is editor of Private Eye.
Interesting !
“I’m not just defending the BBC because I work here….the BBC ties itself up in knots trying to be impartial. The BBC has integrity running through it.”
Stephen Nolan is currently making a massive arse of himself on 5Live co-hosting with Steve Gruber from a Michigan talk radio show, on the subject of Donald Trump. Nolan can only spout the BBC line while being oblivious that he is doing so. Gruber has walked all over Nolan, describing his multiple attempts to discredit Trump as “nit-picking”. Quite right too. The sound of Nolan in full self-righteous mode is frankly nauseating.
That the BBC has only the BBC to cite in defending the BBC is no longer working quite as well as the BBC imagines is tragi-comedy of a high order
Was the Richmond by-election about Brexit or was it about ‘nimbys’ not wanting a third Heathrow runway or both?
Limpdems – make the most of it, you aint having more…..
The electorate in East Anglia are a bit upset with “Open Borders”.
What happens next Thursday is open to question!
We are all entitled to bravado but I think it demonstrates yet again the inability of the LibDems to apply logic to any situation. They (just about) won in a solid remain area against a half hearted (leave) ex Tory and they think they have a chance in East Anglia.
We know it’s going to be a Tory win or hopefully UKIP so I would suggest to the LibDems that they do not ‘go back to their constituences and prepare for goverment’ this time around. If I am wrong then I will eat Paddy Ashdown’s hat!
Would that be his parliamentary trilby or green ‘SBS’ beret, made in Hong Kong for just £5.75 including carriage and duties, from e-bay army surplus?
Probably the green beret – it goes with my complexion!
Farron – blown it.
Get back to the school debating society. You’re likely to find yourself in a more appreciative audience.
What a load of rowlocks.
Hilarious on the TODAY programme this morning.
Or maybe not. They do not like democracy. They are making this quite clear.
Fortunately, some contributors have been willing to robustly defend democracy and freedom and peace. Unfortunately there was no-one to speak for the poor non-combatants in Syria, coming under barrage from Lyse Doucet, but fortunately someone in the studio was brave enough to have a go.
I would have been happy to consider Gatwick or even Boris Island as a solution for airport expansion in the South East, but now I am firmly of the view that the only sensible option is a third runway for Heathrow – right across Richmond Park.
It’s 7.58am. Time for the bBBC Adverts aka programme trailer.
What could it be?
‘On BBC Parliament tomorrow, an interview with Dianne Abbott’!!!!!
Oh joy.
Absolutely no bias whatever in that choice of trailer.
But if you culture vultures want more, then console yourselves with the ‘news’ that there is to be a charity single released in 2 weeks time in memory of Jo Cox, who we are reminded was murdered by a ‘white supremacist’. Just in case we had forgotten.
Her struggles and triumph have been enough to quite bring a tear to the eye.
BBC – shall we now call them the Harem Globalist Trotters?
They’ve a new sport to bring us on our TVs – Women’s Basketball.
Like Nico Rosberg they retired gracefully from Formula One. From the cricket they long since declared, or owzzat.. retired hurt ?
Whatever you do don’t mention football, well not in front of the kiddies. BBC contracted pundit Alan Shearer is drafted in today to keep that pot boiling at the top of the headlines. Why Shearer? Well, the other BBC man on goal hanging duty patiently waiting for an easy Virtue Signal tap in is our Gary Lineker and he is obviously far too busy acting as BBC spokesman at large on the EU and Migration.
Women’s Basketball – not Netball, mind you, you male chauvinist piglets…
As far as I’m concerned the BBC can go suck on a Meadowlark Lemon – sorry if that came out ruder than intended.
Let’s have some decorum, chaps, think of the Chapecoense, and not forgetting it is St Jo Cox Day again… What, not put up your Jo Cox Advent Calendars yet?
Expect to hear an awful lot more about her this Winterval. There’s a charity record, apparently. Borrowed from the Rolling Stones… no, not Paint It Black Friday, Miss You and certainly not It’s All Over Now.
A ‘group of MPs and charities’ have chosen You Can’t Always Get What You Want – well that could be taken one of two ways. (Article 50 now please!) Seem to recall they have borrowed that tune from the US election campaign.
I think the BBC are trying to tell us plebs something.
On the subject of new releases, the latest bBBC Music offering is a 10 cd volume of all those wonderful late December hits.
The beautifully boxed set kicks off with Wizzard’s classic ‘I wish it could be Winterval Everyday’. This is followed by cuddly St Bob’s ‘Do they know it’s Ramadan in May’ In total, 200 mind numbing PC tracks guaranteed not to offend any of your lefty friends. Also included in this masterful opus is…
The Bing Crosby favourite (I’m dreaming of a) ‘BAME Seasonal Holiday’
Matt Monro with ‘Mary and Mildreds transgender boy/girl child’
The childrens (students and 18+ years Calais migrants) fave, ‘Juncker Balls’
A lovely cover by the Remoans, of ‘Wailing in Despair’ from the animated classic ‘The Snowflake’
Alma Cogans ‘Never do a Tango with an Inuit’
And finally, just to set the right tone for all the gloom and doom merchants, ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’.
And a late addition to the list, to cheer up all the Libtards, there is Zac Goldsmith with ‘It’s Cold Outside’
Plus many many more I’ve probably missed…..and so on, and so on, and..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz