The Today programme trying its best to discredit Trump for having the gall to speak to somebody from Taiwan. How very dare he break with 40 years of protocol!
Compare to how much BBC fawning there would have been if Obama had taken the same phone call. How brave, a stunning development in foreign policy.
I don’t find this report wildly surprising, obviously I have only read a few bits so far.
It seems – for the most part – they have asked questions about things we would expect to generally agree on, “why do you choose your schools” etc etc. It’s a bit like asking Muslims and Buddhists in Burma how they like their bananas and then declaring “It’s incredible, they all like their bananas not too ripe – this shows how well and integrated the two groups are”.
What they have singularly failed to ask about is the things that probably distinguish Muslims from the general population.
I note they did not ask questions such as “Do you think that a man who marries an infant and rapes her when she is nine years old should be called a ‘perfect man’ who’s every action should be copied by every Muslim”?
“Do you agree that Muslims are the best of people and that non-Muslims are the worst of creatures”?
“If the prophet Mohammed were alive today do you agree that he should be reviled and incarcerated for his crimes against humanity”?
“In a contest between western democracy and Sharia, which would you support”?
What do the Muslims in our midst think about their role in the UK?
Here is a prime example. If educators, those carefully chosen by all strata of weirdy beardy throwbackness to be sufficiently Islamic to teach their carefully non integrated, segregated, protected from any vestige of free thought children.
They are going to facilitate that retrograde groupthink, and endlessly repeat that groupthink anywhere they may be, at any time … and that friends, that is the technique of Islam.
“A teacher faces a classroom ban after he “condoned” the Charlie Hebdo terror attack in front of pupils at a Tower Hamlets school. Hamza Jalal Tariq, 28, effectively said during a lesson that the victims murdered by Islamist gunmen “should be killed for insulting the prophet”, a professional conduct panel ruled.
The panel heard Tariq made the comment in response to a student just days after 12 people were murdered in the French satirical newspaper’s Paris office in January last year. Tariq was a teacher at Tower Hamlets PRU, which has four sites across the east London borough, since 2013, but resigned after the accusations surfaced.”
BBC – ‘Radicalisation risk’ at six Muslim private schools, says Ofsted
Pupils at six small Muslim private schools in east London are at risk of extremist views and radicalisation, says Ofsted’s chief inspector. Sir Michael Wilshaw said the pupils’ “physical and educational welfare is at serious risk” following a series of emergency inspections. He said all the schools focused too heavily on Islamic teachings.
(wait for it, wait for it!)
One of the schools called Ofsted “unprofessional”, while another said its findings did not reflect reality
…. (shakes head).
Richmond by-election results:
Olney, 49.6%; Goldsmith, 45.1%
I think there’s a good case for Goldsmith challenging the result. Perhaps a court case to establish the legitimacy of the process. Perhaps even a re-run?
They voted LibDem but we don’t know what kind of LibDem they voted for.
The course is clear and Olney would surely support.
A full disclosure of her policies and then a specific referendum on them in Richmond Park.
Followed by a separate vote in the House of Commons.
Just caught “The Week in Westminster” on BBC Radio 4. Why does the BBC give so much airtime to the painted traitor, Anna Soubry? Before she tuned into the BBC’s pro-remain line in the run up to the referendum, nobody had even heard of her. Now she seems to be the first port of call for comment on how Britain should be approaching our departure from the EU. This cretinette is being portrayed as the voice of right wing reason, notwithstanding that she appears to be incapable of logical thought and, while trying to point out the negatives of leaving, has never offered anything positive about continued membership, save for some vague comments on access to the single market.
If the BBC and Soubry really think there’s a case for a “let’s think again referendum”, let them put her on the stage for a live debate with Farage, or even Gisela Stuart(female and Labour so should be OK with the Beeb), right now!
Likewise! The first time I switch on BBC R4 for days and what do I hear? Yet more of that famous BBC ‘balance’ with Anna ‘no ice in that please’ Soubry and a LibDumb discussing the shock horror surprise that the voters of a constituency who voted 70% in favour of EU slavery have voted for a LibDumb candidate, instead of for Jimmy Goldsmith’s spoilt son.
With any luck the EU will have exploded within the next two years. All the signs are there. Maybe then the EU states will have leaders more attuned to what Brexit represented and be more willing to negotiate reasonably.
The top story currently on the BBC website is another piece of anti-Trump propaganda.
This time they shamelessly take the side of communist China against democratic Taiwan. Focussing on Trumps potential “dangerous” move to destabilise world politics by simply calling up the new president of Taiwan to congratulate her on her democratically achieved election. The fecking BBC give fecking communist, undemocratic China a platform to air their complaint against democratic Taiwan because it suits the BBC’s rabid anti-Trump policy.
Trump if anything is a business man and I would suggest that embracing Taiwan is a deliberate move to focus China’s attention to making deals with the USA that are favourable (to the USA) Likewise Taiwan would be interested.
Agreed.Taiwan will rejoin China eventually and it is in the interests of everyone that it happens peacefully. A long time ago it became obvious that world stability depends on the US and China avoiding causes for enmity. I am sure Trump knows this. Incidentally the Chinese rate Nixon as a great US president quite unlike our liberals!
Status quo suits both right now.
So many Chinese factories are owned bu Taiwanese and Singapore an businesses.
Sg gov actually owns half the corps in Sg.
Both are afraid of too many Chinese immigrants
Pg 32 Times Magazine : long article about Milo
The journo doesn’t give their name and its only clear at the end she/he nhas hate to wards him.
As usual the jorno makes the mistake of calling him Alt-right.
I have just been perusing Breitbart and this article about transgender training caught my eye. That it has the backing of a number of Conservative MPs just shows what a mountain there is to climb. I never thought I’d have a tiny bit of sympathy for Caroline Flint who ‘urged caution’.
Is there no so-called Tory who’d have the guts to stand up and say “There is no money for this bullshit for a minuscule section of the population! Enough!” ?
I wish Donald well in his attempts to drain the swamp over in the US. Over here our swamp looks like the size of the Everglades National Park.
Patronisation for votes – will it ever end? – no I don’t think so. Sometimes it can be embarrassing; reference Zac Goldsmith’s vain attempt, during the London Mayoral election, to convince local Asians that he liked Bollywood films.
I am disgusted, disgusted I say, to discover that wheelchair using transgender people from ethnic minorities have once again been totally ignored.
How long do we have to wait for funding to ensure disability friendly transgender friendly toilets are available in all of our state schools so that literally tens of students are no longer discriminated against.
Reading the comments on this site and it confirms, again, to me what a wonderful site this is. No wonder Beeboids hate it. Congratulations to David and Alan and the contributors here. I certainly learn more from here than from the BBC. Mind you, that is not saying much !
BBC TV South Today Evening News from Stockbridge Hampshire last night. Beautiful Church, Christmas tree, lots of smiling happy faces, jingle bells, lights and enjoyment. Stockbridge is a fabulous community, a local resident says, they’ve all got together with the schools, the local Church and traders because the festival is at the heart of the ‘Test Valley’. What a great celebration of Christmas!
To finish the report they’re going to ‘leave us with some wonderful pictures of the lights of Stockbridge’ and, for a musical backdrop, there’s going to be some carol singing by the church choir or, perhaps, by some local school children .. oh no, sorry, I’ve got that wrong, they’re going to have some Asian music and tabla drums …
Obviously the whole thing is too much for the BBC and they have to let us know that, while we plebs think we’re celebrating Christmas, the BBC have to us know their thoughts are elsewhere.
Well Grant, I would imagine on the Beeb payroll its more a case of find the Christian !
Only a few years ago when reading the credits of Beeb commissioned programmes, there were names (very much Western) that we could pronounce as the lists headed northwards. Just look at those same credit lists today, as well as those appearing on screen, and its a very different landscape. And we all know its down to the age group of those in HR and other departments who are responsible for the downfall of a once great broadcasting company.
What?!?!……. Great opportunity for the rest of us to look inside the warped mind of those with the regressive, hate filled and fascist ideologies of the mentally ill lefties…particularly the stormtroopers from Al Beebistan..
1: Utterly democratic, tolerant, peace loving, progressive, and utterly wanting to be part of the world’s economy, stability and progression – Taiwan. Which is an official state, recognised by nearly the entire planet….. Trump wants to talk to them = BAD!
2: Utterly violent, hate filled, anti Jew, anti freedom, anti democratic, blood thirsty, psychopathic warlord following, wants nothing more than to see the complete destruction of the state of Israel, the slaughter of all her people, and will never want to be part of the world’s community unless that community is waving the Islamic flag of “death to the infidels” – Palestine. Which is basically ran by terrorist organisations and death squads….Caliph Bin Laden Obama wants to talk to them = AMAZING!
If someone is able to make sense of that, you need to go and take yourself to a field and shoot yourself.
What will be the consequences for the BBC be of its overt pro Remain support? Unlike most of the topics on which the BBC takes a supportive role , Brexit is well understood by the people and seen as of critical importance. It is crystal clear to everyone that the BBC is supporting Remain to the hilt. In effect that means the BBC is supporting a cause that 52% of its License Fee payers oppose. Those LF payers will be wondering why the state funded broadcaster is so actively and openly opposing the course of action that they voted for and also wondering whatever happened to impartiality . Brexit or no Brexit , hard or soft Brexit, everyone in the country will now be in no doubt that the BBC does not represent the nation as a whole and is merely a propagandist for the liberal left elite. I am sure many will now join with those contributors to this site and begin to harbour resentment tha they have to pay for this elitist organisation. Handled correctly this resentment can be nurtured , fed on the endless examples of the BBC propagandising on causes which are detrimental to the interests of ordinary LF payers. Trust in the BBC can be undermined and people’s willingness to pay for it eroded, then the Tories, who I am sure resent the BBC but are too scared to touch it, may grow bold enough to kill it. Perhaps the BBC has chosen a path that will at last lead to its demise , or am I just being ridiculously optimistic?
Ridiculously optimistic, if you don’t mind me saying so. Among other things it will impact on the jobs for ‘old boys (and girls)’ network and the thought of seeing all these overpayed parasites queing at the local job centre would be too much for some.
Many years ago I knew a musician who eventually became a director of music at BBC radio. He recounted a story of the then director doing his usual morning check of the BBC band before he went off to the golf course. The band used to deliberately play out of tune and he would exclaim (seriously) that sounds fine and off he would go for the day (totally useless for the job)
There are the True Believers, who are genuinely deranged into thinking that unlimited migration is good, transgender rights are the most important issue on the planet, and so on.
Then there are the rest, who don’t believe it, but are quite prepared to go along with it to keep their jobs. And why not? I’m thinking of Naga Munchetty, who, I gather, earns a quarter of a million quid a year for a job that would be overpaid at thirty shillings a week.
She doesn’t appear to be politically rabid, just smart enough to know she is on the cushiest number imaginable, and therefore not to rock the boat.
I suspect the point is (from a BBC perspective) that it supports the opinions of the people who matter ie the remainiac civil servants, business oligarchs, judges, academics and, of course, politicians.
The fact that plebs the country over hold a contrary opinion is of no concern to the BBC. Its license fee is determined by the political class and as long as it pleases them, its continuing control over broadcast news is assured.
Checking the BBC website on Gambia. Last “Live” post was yesterday. ” That’s it, we shall be back on monday “. That is the BBC, 24/7 !! Is this what we are paying for ! Amateur crap !
But this is because it’s not about justice, or helping the most vulnerable, or doing everything to protect those in need, or following the rule of law, or democracy, or justice for those who are attacked, brutalised, murdered, horrifically raped……. To Al Shabeeb it is 100% about the success of their malicious, devious, and utterly dangerous ideology and how they are prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure they succeed. No lie, no criminal act, no disgusting act of violence or brutality, no discrimination or hatred or intolerance, is too far or unacceptable as long as it benefits Al Shabeeb and all the other mentally ill lefties……..if however even the tiniest action doesn’t fully comply with the cult Leftism doctrine, it’s all out war and wall to wall coverage with the new age Gestapo
Again it’s a political hysteria created by professional deviants and full time lunatics.
What these young boys went through is utterly deplorable and disgusting, but that goes for all innocent and vulnerable children who have been abused by sick bastards. If you put a % on the amount of boys who have played football since the 1980’s against those who have been abused, this % will be no worse than any other hobby/activity/organisation that deals with groups of children. I have no doubt Al Shabeeb employees/cult followers have a much higher % of sick bastards raping and abusing children than football ever has….but by far the highest % of child rapists of any group, probably to the levels of 1000’s % higher than any other groups of people, is the sick, evil, infidel hating new age Muhammads who have spent decades raping children all over the world on unimaginable scales.
Whatever happened to those young lads is terrible and should never have happened,one of my sons played football for a Sunday league club and if he had been abused my revenge would be nasty.
But were any of these young lads kept in a locked bedroom,drugged and raped by a succession of adult men and taken by car to other towns to be raped and worse? Many of those young girls in Rochdale etc were,and it may be still going on.
Have any Police or responsible councillors been jailed yet?
The elites continue to treat us like dumb animals but we’re not and if they were as smart as they think, they’d know we’re not.
When throwing the ball for the dog – sometimes you pretend to throw it and the dog looks to fetch the ball you haven’t thrown.
Well, we’re the smart dogs and we will get our teeth on their balls.
Sorry, that was meant to be serious but I’ve failed big time.
Elites on R3
Matthew Sweet discusses elites and their role in contemporary politics, with Douglas Carswell, MP for Clacton;Professor David Runciman, Head of the Department of Politics & International Studies at the University of Cambridge; Eliane Glaser, writer and Senior Lecturer at Bath Spa University; and Lynsey Hanley, visiting Fellow in Cultural Studies at Liverpool John Moores University.
Eliane Glaser’s most recent book is called Get Real: How to See Through the Hype, Spin and Lies of Modern Life
Lynsey Hanley’s most recent book is Estates: An Intimate History
BBC Radio 4 plays have become foreign ground to me and I was once a regular listener. Unless I can be absolutely certain, I assume all its plays are agitprop – Left wing morality dramas designed to inculcate ‘progressive’ opinions in the listener.
Despite my caution, so great is the BBC’s desire to inflict its tiresome Guardianista views on us that now and again I still get caught out. R4’s commissioning editors (or should that be commissars?) seem to be willing to plant a message in absolutely anything – however incongruous or anachronistic it may be.
The World Service is now about broadcasting anti-British propaganda into Britain rather than telling the world about the UK.
Radio 4 is about re-educating, in the most patronising way, the British listeners about their failings in relation to BME and other minorities.
Does anyone listen unless in bed or in the car?
Ahh! Deep joy …
I fondly recall BBC R 5Deads resident afternoon chimp throw his dolls out of the pram, when asked why he didn t research the material from his guest 😀
… the lame excuse he s a “speed” reader???
I always thought he was more of a “speed” taker 😀
anyway … Mr D vs Richarse Bacon …enjoy
BBC News – Aleppo siege: Syria rebels lose 60% of territory
Al Beeb s Assad boo hiss news!
Looks like the BBCs beloved good ole “freedom fighter, relatively moderate islamist, peoples, resistance, rebel, ” boys … had one hell of a beating.
Actually Grant, I recall an interview and film with both Assad and his wife … can t be certain whether it was on the AL BBC though, oh man it was quite a long time ago too.
It was very even handed showed his wife going around schools etc.
Something ticks that it was Newsnight, but I just can t be sure.
Here is Mrs Assad, before she got hooked on bombing hundreds of children in schools. Uncivilized barbarian who needs to wear a burker.
What kind of propaganda is our media and government peddling?
She is a bitch from hell. The same problem with Jammeh’s wife, Zeyneb, in Gambia. Says nothing about the atrocities committed by her husband. But reaps the benefits. These are whores of the first order ! ( No insult to honest prostitutes intended. )
Her husband (Assad) has not committed any atrocities which weren’t needed to keep the rabid Wahabists in order, as we have seen from several Arab regimes.
it would not surprise me. Bashar is a UK trained eye doctor and speaks good english. So in the idiot minds of Beeboids , he must be be civilised. Oh, and he has a beautiful wife. So that is ok .
That the BBC is biased I think is unchallengeable, but sometimes it’s the sheer oddness of the way stories are presented that strikes me.
Example….this morning John Humphreys chortled delightedly as he heard the story of a German soldier, a POW in Scotland being “smuggled out” of his camp by some “little girls” and taken to the cinema…..”because he’d never seen a moving picture” subsequently the POW, Heinrich Steinmeier died aged 90 and left “nearly £400,000” to village funds in Comrie.
A heart warming tale of reconciliation and post war unity between Scots and Germans….I can almost hear the editors and presenters delight in this tale, and its resonances with todays debates about Europe…. You can hear it on the iplayer, it was on at 08.20 this morning.
Like I say, sheer oddness. Why did they leave that bit out? and how plausible is it that a prisoner with such a profile was able to come and go as he pleased?…all the actual witnesses are now dead, so I guess we’ll never know.
I guess the beeboids who frequently use the term “nazi” as a catch all smear, preferred not to mention it in the case of a real Nazi as it would detract from what was presented as a “feel good” story.
Well, I am in Comrie right now, where my mum has lived for almost 40 years. The exact amount that Heinrich left is still disputable.
What is not disputable is that two non-nazi German POWs at Cultybraggan Camp here , Rosterg and Thornan, were murdered by Nazis in the camp. 5 Nazis were found guilty and hanged .
I do not know whether Heinrich was involved. But there are still witnesses alive in the village who may have something to say.
Are the BBC aware of the murders ? If so, they should refer to it. I would have thought they would want to point out Nazi murders of non-nazis on British soil ?
Thanks Grant, wrap up warm….I think you’re in a for a cool night!
Still amused by the oddness of a BBC presenter omitting the word “Nazi” when reporting this story. Like I say….they’re often very keen to use the term on the slightest evidence but omit when telling a story featuring a real Nazi, however much he may have repented in later years.
Having read a bit more about this, he was very lucky not to have been sent back to his home town in Silesia to face the Poles, like the Crimean Tartar POWs who were sent back to Stalins death grip.
I think ‘The Mckenzie Break’ included scenes inspired by the executions in the camp, saw it many years ago but I don’t think it gets screened much lately. Worth rooting out for those with an interest.
I also remember reading about the forced repatriations you mention embolden, a truly shameful and overlooked episode,
“‘The Americans returned to Plattling (a town in Bavaria, Germany where an internment camp was located after World War II) visibly shamefaced.
“Before their departure from the rendezvous in the forest, many had seen rows of bodies already hanging from the branches of nearby trees.
On their return, even the German SS men in a neighboring compound lined the wire fence and railed at them for their behavior.
The Americans were too ashamed to reply.'” ”
The BBC are very confused about right and wrong and what line to take on anything. The complexity of the world does not fit into their simple minded view of it.
You can read also about the Cossack, men women and children forcibly repatriated by us to death camps in Russia. The British did it for political expediency and many Cossacks chose suicide and infanticide.
The Daily Mail reports the demo as ‘hundreds’of demonstrators. Presume some one is sending out press releases (or it is syndicated) slightly over egging pudding to fit agenda.
What amazes me is that people are still buying the EUR on the foreign-exchanges . This currency is a busted flush people. All smoke and mirrors. EUR/USD is headed way below parity.
Been saying the same now for ages, Lock13. Given the problems facing the EZ, the euro should be trading lower than the cowrie shell! Some bugger is keeping it on life support and at what cost to some members economies?
Toobi – Whilst I know we are not in the Euro zone – I think we will also be paying in various ways to help support this lamentable euro folly for a long time yet.
I do not think we will be leaving the EU any time soon and we in all likelihood will be be dragged down and forced to support all these failing economies as they implode and disintegrate.
My evidence is
1 Our prime minister comes from the “remain ” side and never favoured brexit.
2 The cabinet only seems to have two “brexiteers” in important positions, (Boris does not count as the only side he is on is his own).
3 Most worryingly even David Davis has recently been making noises about paying to stay in the “Single Market” presumably we will also have to continue to accept free movement as well.
4 No serious attempt has been made to rein the outrageously pro EU stance of the BBC.
5. Very little serious thought appeared to have been given to fighting the original Gina Miller appeal.
6 And why is the government still paying backstabbers such as Mark Carney. You would have thought that by now he would have been encouraged to go elsewhere to bugger up someone else ,s economy. My only reasoning is that he is useful in that when Theresa fails to deliver brexit Carney will be somebody else to blame.
Imagine it – Poor girl working so hard for us if only the likes of these nasty bullies had not been so horrid to our gal – I am sure she would have delivered!
I am Afraid Nigel is right what we are witnessing is a fudge. Soft brexit means no brexit. If the Appeaser had been serious about it, Article 50 would have been triggered as soon as she became Prime Minister. Instead we are now locked into a cycle of years of endless legal delays, and having to listen to lectures from the likes Junker and Guy “dodgy teeth” Verhofstadt as to why we are all naughty ungrateful children and deserve to be sent to bed with no pudding!
We play their game at our peril and “the appeaser” knows it. These bastards have spent decades destroying democracy using law and due process – and does she really think that with their very existence and privileges on the line they are suddenly going to start playing a straight hand?
No – I am afraid that Theresa is either incredibly naive or part of the same corrupt elite pretending to be an honest politician. Whatever the answer is she does not deserve to be Prime Minister and we deserve better.
I truly hope I am wrong about all of this but the signs do not look good.
Lock – The devil will be in the detail and if we play their game as always we will be tied up in it.
Even though we are in a much stronger position than the EU, we seem to be acting as if we are THE supplicant. The message it sends to our own population is that we must stay in the “single market” at all costs or we are doomed. This also strengthens the EU s hand as we appear weak.
What should really be a fairly simple procedure is already deteriorating into a long winded farce. Even If we are finally allowed to leave, how long will this take? and with all our new “countrymen” – how much more will our society have changed?
Sorry Lock but to me nothing can be taken for granted as the forces ranged against us hold most of the levers of power and stand to lose their privileges and easy life.
Spot on. We need to spot the moment when the fix goes in. Will there be trouble? No just a lot of noise and I am sure our paramilitary police know their role. Far better that we accept we cannot win this time and wait for events to turn our way as they will.
A wise man chooses his ground to fight and at the moment we just do not have the will or the means to take on the elite headlong. We need to drain our swamp. Let them enjoy what they will see as a victory over the people. All they are doing is creating a pre revolutionary situation in the classic way.
If ,as I expect, the USA under Trump abandons Europe to it’s fate then we shall see events move fast and in unpredictable ways. The USA has no need of Europe any more and does not even need us really. Only sentiment might keep us even as an ally.
China, India, Russia and a few other states matter now. Europe is irrelevant except as it is still possessing a nuisance value to the coming great powers. The ridiculous posturing of our leaders and the EU apparatchniks is just that. Useless posturing. Does it impress China or Russia or India or Brazil or Israel or Iran? Of course not.
I should have added that Germany is undoubtedly an important economic force but as is apparent now has lost the will to remain a coherent nation and is fast approaching a state of chaos that will only add to the forces making Europe irrelevant.
I agree Dave – Most relevant world powers see the EU as the paper tiger we all know it really is – Only no-one appears to have told Theresa – Interesting?
As for the fix – I think that David Davis was hinting at it last week.
-UK Payment for single market access.
Basically nothing changes just a few million more economic migrants to feed, clothe and home.
Glad to see the BBC acknowledging the abuse Andrew Sachs received from Ross/Brand (w*nkers) in this article:
However, they couldn’t resist slipping in this sneaky little bit of propaganda when quoting Prunella Scales’ son’s description of Sachs as:
‘Creator of one of our most beloved EU migrants’.
Oh really. The pedant in me would like to inform the BBC that Fawlty Towers was wrapped up by 1979; 14 years before the formation of the EU. Still, I wouldn’t expect them to notice a minor issue like that in their haste to push the agenda.
The gushing praise from various BBC types glosses over the liklihood that anyone submitting a script with a Manuel type character in it today would have a very short BBC career indeed, or perhaps be marched out for summary execution. Just imagine what a dull old place Europe would be if the technocrats ever achieve their open borders homogenised nightmare with no national identity, vive la difference.
Oh, baiting the elderly never fails to amuse (with thanks to Steve Jones for the initial link to the BBC report):
He [Sachs] inadvertently became the subject of headlines in 2008 when he received a series of lewd answerphone messages from Russell Brand and fellow BBC Radio 2 presenter Jonathan Ross during a radio show, which related to Sachs’s granddaughter.
The so-called Sachsgate affair resulted in Brand and the controller of Radio 2 resigning. Ross was suspended from broadcasting for three months and a review was held into the way BBC output was vetted.
Mmm; slightly coy, that. What the BBC report fails to mention is Russell Brand’s fake news item, which followed, and was mentioned as a direct consequence of, the revelation that Brand had ‘fucked his granddaughter’ (Ross’s words). ‘The main news again’, Brand chortled; ‘Manuel Andrew Sachs hung himself today . . .’
I’d like to think that in looking back on the episode, Ross and Brand were ashamed of themselves. But then again, to feel ashamed you probably have to have a sense of shame.
I have been watching a rugby match on the TV. England 37 Australia 21.
It is appalling. Not only are both teams exclusively male and able bodied but 82000 people chose to watch this unrepresentative example of the population. What extremists!
Games like this should be replaced by something which gives full opportunity to disabled wheelchair users and women, not to mention members of the transgender community.
I am sure such a game, if held at a very large stadium such as Twickenham, would be watched by literally dozens of people, especially representatives from local councils and the EHRC, providing such a game was held in the working week.
“It is appalling. Not only are both teams exclusively male and able bodied but 82000 people chose to watch this unrepresentative example of the population. What extremists!”
Well another lying Muslim has been officially identified. One Yaya Toure who made a big song and dance about being a Muslim and refused a bottle of Champagne because of his beliefs has been caught drink driving !
When will people learn to toss all this crap in the refuse bin where it belongs? The prize is a bottle of Champagne you don’t like it you still take it and give it to someone else or drink it anyway because your religion is a joke and even you know it is when you get away from the camera.
Stop being so outraged because we all know you are taking the piss for the benefit of extremists in your community
and …
Yet another Islamic child rapist.
How did this odious nonce creature get this idea? along with many 1000s other co religionists, the epidemic of 100s of other court cases of Islamic child rape, organised child gang rape, and forced child prostitution.
“dangerous 72 yr old sexual predator from Edmonton who raped a young girl over three years is starting a 14 year sentence behind bars. Mohammed Dauhoo, groomed his victim after after a chance meeting when she was just nine”.
In her defence I have never heardd a current BBC employee being so honest about the bias of the BBC as she is about the NYT. The difference between the NYT and the BBC is that you have to pay fortheTimes if you want to read it but you have to pay for the BBC regardless of wether you want it or not.
Christmas trees have been all over the BBC today, especially on the web-site.
The R4 TOADY programme announced that there is going to be a shortage due to some disease or other due to Climate Change or an import from the Continent (never Europe used when it is a blight!) or Brexit & Trump and prices are going to rise.
They obviously haven’t bothered to send a journalist out to check any facts as I’ve been in three locations in the last four days – country town, provincial city & London suburbs – and in their shopping centres, those shops that sell real trees appear to be absolutely bulging with the things. I would have said there was indication of a glut.
Are the BBC merely advertising ‘disaster’ to try and help sell the things?
I recall last year, in mid-October, being told on TODAY that there was a shortage of pumpkins. Within my line-of-sight at that precise moment were the two I had bought just a couple of days previously, on a BOGOF basis and bargain price, at a well-known troubled British supermarket.
In recent years TODAY (usually with Naughtie or Humphrys laying on the gloom & doom) have reported cocoa bean, coffee bean and sugar shortages and price rises, none of which happened.
Maybe some of the beeb hacks remember the sugar shortage that appeared several decades ago, due to similar panic-inducing forecasts by the media.
The result was that the shops were empty, and most folk had five years worth in their kitchen cupboards.
Cant quite remember exactly when……ideas guys?
“The R4 TOADY programme announced that there is going to be a shortage due to some disease or other due to Climate Change or an import from the Continent (never Europe used when it is a blight!) or Brexit & Trump and prices are going to rise.”
I understand that a number of imported diseases have been brought in from the EU because of lax border control of timber.
What’s the panic ? ‘Go green’ – ‘save a tree’ and buy artificial. 🙂
Great delight will be taken at putting up a fifty year-old (+/- 2 or 3 years) artificial tree here at an appropriate time in the next few days. However, just like the real thing, it is starting to lose its ‘needles’. This year it may be decorated with 21st century LED lights 🙂 rechargeable battery powered ones!
Guest – I am afraid Aunty would be much more interested in interviewing the saintly “white helmets” Those great humanitarians rather than civilian victims, whos experiences rather awkwardly do not fit the BBC/Saudi narrative.
I think the “white helmets” give Aunty fond memories of past programmmes such as Mr Benn, back in the days when Aunty reported to news rather than than fabricating it.
Perhaps Aunty we could have a new BBC version based in Aleppo called Mr Al -baghdadi. One day he could be a great humanitarian rescue worker in a white suit and shovel and after a quick trip to the gentlemans outfitters he can liven up his day by magically transforming into a rebel leader with a khalashnikov and a long knife. Walking the streets of Eastern Aleppo for some beheading fun and maybe even a rape or two.
Here comes the BBC journalist – quick back to the shop and straight back into your white suit to talk about barrel bombs and children.
As for the newsnight editor job – maybe they should just ask the MCB to recommend someone for the job saves a lot of hassle.
Watched ‘ The Missing’ on BBC1 over the last few weeks. A very good drama.
At the very end of the credits there is a caption which reads ”supported by screen flanders and the Belgian Federal Government’s Tax Shelter Scheme”
This, from an organisation which for years encouraged its ‘stars’ to stay off the payroll and use personal service contracts.
Yet just look at the tone of their reporting and airtime given to self-righteous Corbynistas when ‘Tax Avoidance’ gets raised as an issue.
“My lifelong ambition was to work for the BBC. I admire the integrity of this organisation.”
Those are the words of Stephen Nolan spoken just now on his 5Live radio programme. Following on from this quote from last night’s show – “I’m not just defending the BBC because I work here….the BBC ties itself up in knots trying to be impartial. The BBC has integrity running through it.” I am now of the the opinion that Nolan has been held hostage for so long at the BBC, that he is in the grip of ‘Stockholm syndrome’.
Tonight Nolan interviewed Cliff Richard. A meeting of one man who wants desperately to restore his reputation, and another man who wants desperately to restore his company’s reputation. The interview was a strange affair with Nolan twice asking Cliff whether he regretted not getting married ?!?! as he would then have had someone to share the lonely times with as a pop star and the dark times with as an alleged sexual assaulter. Cliff said he always had friends around him. Nolan brings up the “breaking news BBC helicopter story” and says words to the effect “You’re famous. What did you expect the BBC to do with its coverage.” Cliff can’t talk about that because it’s undergoing “litigation”. In other words he’s suing the arse off the BBC. And good luck Cliff because the BBC singularly failed to show any of Nolan’s so-called “integrity” during that sordid episode.
Another night another rant (anti Trump this time) from disgusting elitist Nick Abbott on LBC, a more ‘lighthearted’ tone than the mornings James O Brien but same arrogance, same sneering, and unlike O Brien whose delusions are at least based on good intentions to improve the world, Abbott is a social ‘progressive’ but basically an elitist.
I was still shocked to hear him come out with the Darwinian theory that the intelligence of the nation is falling because stupid people ar having large numbers of children while intlligent people are not. The lefties who consider him on side should b horrified, but of course they are not! The only thing that the Globalist really care about is race/immigration! Agree with thm on that and any other non PeeCee view will be tolerated.
Aerfen, I happen to think Abbott is right about people getting stupider, although as usual with ‘elitist’ liberals he’s come to something like the right conclusion, but for entirely the wrong reasons. Those having more children in the Twenty First Century are generally from the less intellectual and able cohorts, and… er… immigrants, especially those of a certain religious persuasion.
If you follow ‘Darwinian’ logic then the ‘fittest’ are those which survive and are more successful reproductively thus passing on their genes and encouraging the species to move towards their ‘blue print’.
When you consider the ‘fittest’ criteria really means those which ‘benefit most’ from a given situation, or environment, you can see that those rewarded with more: benefits, hand outs, free lunches etc… and given a preferential ‘rank’ in society above others and freed from the restrictions placed on others (legally, culturally, financially), are the most prolific breeders.
In the end either the entire human race will become more and more subhuman, or more vigorous, intelligent individuals will eventually rebel and exterminate/enslave/eat the degenerate, parasites. Much as will happen before too long with our self appointed and highly opinionated ‘liberal elite’.
Yes BBCReject I agree too that by incentivising benefit claimants to breed while respctable working class people and middle class women are forced to bring in a dual income to pay the mortgage its bound to depress the IQ, and on top of that the media have created a zeitgeist where middle class women at least are almost made to feel ashamed of not working and preferring to raise a family. Only the very wealthy like Jules Oliver seem to avoid condemnation.
BUT according to the self styled ‘progressives’ IQ is primarily environmental not genetic, and so there are no ethnic differences in IQ which cannot b corrected by throwing money at the problem, and by the same count there can be no class differences in IQ which cannot be corrected similarly.This is what Abbott the “progressive”should be thinking!
This is the imp[lication of all their whining about top universities not taking enough children from ‘deprived backgounds’.Isnt that in reality because most children from such backgrounds have fairly low IQs? Not all of course, but a small number do break through and even go to Oxbridge. Likewise at Eton there are many very clever boys, again not all, but a disproportionat number.
The Entitled Class in western countries have spent the last 60 years dismantling their systems of education available to the public. Regression to the mean will maintain the IQ level in any given population, but they can become less educated. The proof in the UK will be seen if May succeeds in reintroducing grammar schools.
Yep I’ve listened to the ghastly Abbott a couple of times now, and that’s enough. That’s a man pleased with the sound of his own voice, constantly talking over his callers and sidetracking the conversation with irrelevancies. The man’s a disgrace.
What Darwin said was that characteristics are genetically determined. So called ‘progressives’ deny or diminish the effect of genetic determinism particularly when it comes to IQ and intelligence. Abbott was acknowledging that intelligence is largely genetically determined which is utterly inconsistent with his “progressive ” views. Abbott isn’t the smartest cookie in the tin himself just a loud mouthed overconfident sneering bully.
Yes, that must be true and , assuming IQ is normally or near-normally distributed statistically, it must “regress to the mean “, so unlikely in the short run, by which I mean thousands of years, that mean IQ in the population would vary much. That, of course, would not satisfy the Left-wing ideologues !
Although there is some regression to the mean that mean is still not fixed so its certainly the case that if over generations a population encourages its low IQ members to breed like rabbits, while discouraging its more intelligent members from even breeding at replacement levels, the mean IQ will fall. Essentially even with regression parents with IQs of 85 while they may have a child with an IQ of 100, are very unlikely to produce on with an IQ of 130 plus.
Ha, I liked the ‘How far right is Hofer’ bit. What a stunningly impartial sentence. Then we get bullet points…nationalist, extremist, Nazi SS.
It’s rare that I visit the BBC News site, not only because I know what to expect in terms of bias – but just how childish the journalism sounds. It’s like you’re reading something meant for 9 year olds.
Maybe they expect their readers are learning English as a second language, because there’s virtually no serious analysis in articles. There seem to be few long or unfamiliar words and sentences mostly lack subordinate clauses. It’s all a bit anodyne and boring too, but maybe that’s their in-house style that they have to stick to.
That’s my impression anyway – I probably ought to research a bit more before I make such claims lol! Of course another reason I visit rarely is that while they are faffing about trying to put an acceptable gloss on ‘unwelcome’ political events, the news you get isn’t up to date by the time they publish it.
How far Left is Corbyn ? Yes the BBC website is appalling in so many ways and appears to be written by and for children which, come to think of it, it probably is. Today’s headline ” Real of fake ? What’s the best kind of christmas tree ? ” Should “best ” not read “better” ? But , apart from that, FFS !
Thanks to Northern Dreamer for contributing suggestions for Christmas music for the politically correct/Islamic era. I’d like to add some:
‘Jizzya Bells’
‘I stoned Mommy for kissing Santa Claus’
‘Ave Sharia’
‘Slay Ride’
‘Mistletoe and non-intoxicating Halal beverages’
‘Thank Allah it’s Winterval’
‘Let’s have Mo, let’s have Mo, let’s have Mo’
I also came up with popular songs re-written for a rapidly Islamising west:
‘It’s another Taqiyya Sunrise’ (Eagles)
‘Caliphatisation, here we come’ (Al Jolson)
‘Halal-oh,yeah!’ (Leonard Cohen)
How about – I’m dreaming of a shiite Christmas? (unlike the ones I used to know)
Or, Allua Akbar is coming to town?
You better watch out, you better not cry bias,
They’ll kill you when you’re sleeping
etc etc.
Our Gary Lineker, ex-footballer, man’s man, millionaire, BBC man and man of the (newly arrived or wanting to arrive in Britain) people, hosts flagship BBC sport show Match of the Day. It was inevitable that the BBC would shoehorn in BBC values.
The issue was a reasonable one – illiteracy in young boys. But please BBC is it really appropriate to wedge this in between Mauricio Pochettino mumbling and mangling the English language from North London and Sergio Aguero’s crash course in Anglo Saxon up at Manchester.
Football clubs sending coaches into schools – let’s hope the CRB checks were done.
Who do the BBC focus on…? An obviously Eastern European chap from Crystal Palace – don’t panick, don’t scramble the BBC paedo helicopter, it’s Fulham who are known as the Cottagers.
And that will be Thomas spelt Tomasz – or some such. Really, Eastern European literacy teachers…? That’ll be a recipe for bad spelling.
And our set book kiddies (I kid you not) “101 Ways To Save The Planet Before Bedtime”
This morning on Radio 4 is just wall to wall grumbling about all things Brexit, Trump and “extreme right”.
No change there of course, except that today they even turned the main story in their flagship religious programme Sunday into an item that had absolutely nothing to do with religion as it shoehorned in an item about populism and the “extreme right”.
As we commented about on another thread, this almost cultish bias is spreading like a cancer into every corner of the BBC. What’s the best way to treat cancer? Cut it out?
Another black mark for Marr. In his interview with Boris this morning, I am sure Marr spoke MORE than Boris was allowed to! The number of his interruptions was disgraceful! I wish I had counted from the start – I bet someone on here might have done so.
And a sneering Gavin Essler commenting later that Boris didn’t answer the questions.Never mind the content of the interview just sneer, sneer, sneer. Laugh? I could cry. Immediate off button.
Maybe I simply haven’t been paying attention, but the most interesting bit of information to come from Marr this morning is that the Labour member lost his deposit at Richmond. This, to me, suggests that their ‘policy’ on Brexit is not exactly resonating with the public, but am I right in thinking that this didn’t get much coverage at the time?
One other thing. Do you think that sharing a name with one of the Labour Party’s founder members enhances Mr Starmer’s belief that he has a grasp of politics?
9:15am R4 #bbcBH covered SOUBRY by interviewing Gina Miller about cruel tweets to her
That’s everyday #BbcBias They don’t cove cruel tweets to Farage/Trump
As if it OK to send cruel/death-threat tweets to them.
…. SJW Missionary Paddy O’Connel wasn’t presenting this week
Also they interviewed posh judge Lord Scott about the Judges bias on Brexit court decision.
He said “ridiculous to say judges are influenced by wife”
2 mins later “hangon my wife is passing me a piece of paper”
…So he was being influenced by his wife live on air.
How do the BBC report that Jill Stein, of the US green Party, has failed to get her ludicrous undemocratic recount in Pennsylvania overturned?
Humiliating retreat for Greens?
Common-sense prevails?
BBC Taken for a Ride by Undemocratic Sources?
Jill Stein Says She Will Hand Back The 7 Million Dollars She Raised from Gullible Snowflakes?
Soubry … yuk! I find her smug, relentless attention seeking narrative, both odious and irritating in equal measure. Of course the Twitter obsessed Al BBC is going to run, and pontificate with this one.
The political Media party see no end to the rich leverage of the Jo Cox murder either. A corrupt useless political elite looking for the benefit of the spin doctors next turn.
If I recall correctly , Jo Cox sent a newsletter around her constituency titled, “why I knifed J Corbyn” straight after his election … that later, and as usual apportioned blame to some aide.
In truth, the Batley and Spen constituency voted overwhelmingly for J Corbyn, three quarters of the vote, Ms Cox s preference got 2 votes, that was more like it
A bloody clear out is what s needed
My maths aren’t great, but hearing that even if Brexit is triggered, – Theresa May will have to accept 10,000 migrants per year for unskilled work. TEN THOUSAND ???? year on year ?? is that on top of the migrant quota ? why cant the TEN THOUSAND of one year (and the thousands already here) carry on doing the work of the following year ? after 10 years that’s another 100,000, which is yet another town created. Are we expected to believe that the TEN THOUSAND arrivals will upsticks and go home after 12 months to let another TEN THOUSAND have a chance of cabbage culling, who are they kidding ? once here its straight down the N.I Registration Shop and we’ve gott’em for life. If the media want to create these headlines then further details should be given. Still, I suppose its yet another employment pool for the BBC to dip into.
If it becomes evident that we are in desperate of more migrants, we could let more in. Otherwise, close the f***ing door.
Migration will not solve the crisis in, housing, social care, prisons etc., it will only add to it – I’m not too hot on maths but that is such an simple equation.
Stew – I cant comment regarding the 10,000 figure – However yesterday on the radio classic FM news I think they were wittering on about letting some unskilled migrant to fill in jobs such as “fruit picking” that brits do not wish to do.
Last week I visited a “shithole ” estate and it amazed me how many housing association properties seemed to have young men at home in the day, apparently off their faces. All victims of a system that doesnt care I suppose!
Whilst I blame a lot of our problems on the “liberal elite” We cant escape the fact that is a large, indigenous, able bodied subclass of people who think the world owes them a living and need their arses severely kicked.
One thing about the poles is that on the whole they do not seem afraid of hard work!
I would have thought the BBC and Lefties would have been encouraging the UK to import more fruit from poor countries instead of encouraging immigrants to work for slave wages and profits to remain in the UK. This would benefit the genuinely poor people of the world and , surely, that is what socialism is about ?
I think we have enough fruit and veg imported already. I will however pay a premium for English Mustard and Bacon on the Barking Road but only Icelands sell it.
That said the Climate Change Activists at bBBC are more than happy to compromise their values when it comes to all year round organic strawberries grown intensively in Ethiopia at Israeli funded farms.
Grant – These days socialism seems more about encouraging illogical and harmful policies (such as open door immigration) which support whatever is seen as the trendy fashionable opinion of the day.
If I was honest – When I was younger (and a bit of a lefty) my attraction to socialism was more about trying to pull an attractive “right on” filly rather than any deep commitment to equality for all.
Now I am older – I actually realise that despite the obvious faults with our society, my more right wing stance is because I now realise that on the whole – our culture and traditions are actually worth fighting for, and is one of the reasons people used to want to come here.
If you dont value something it is easily lost. And I do worry that many of our snowflakes have more regard to their facebook accounts than the society that fought to give them their freedoms in the first place.
I suppose to an extent it is a generational thing. But unfortunately the stakes are much higher now than they have been for years.
Wandered off the subject a bit – will put it down to middle age and a large lunch.
Stew…… the 10,000 was mentioned on one of the news channels this morning (note: ‘mentioned ‘ with no follow-up). I leapt to the laptop as soon as I heard it.
Got … Some fake new story about MPs saying pre- Brexit we need to make preparation for agricultural workers to come in.
Well what we could do is just do Brexit and THEN see if there is a problem.
What we could do is sell work experience visa to rich nation students eg have Korean, Japanese Icelandic students come in .. Ean money and spend it all here.
By the time they’ve built all the shoe boxes, we are told we need, to house these migrants, there won’t be much land left to grow the fruit, etc., that they are coming here to pick in the first place.
why cant the TEN THOUSAND of one year (and the thousands already here) carry on doing the work of the following year ?
Its fairly obvious really and its why importing immigrants to do “dirty jobs British people ar too lazy to do” doesn’t work.
Why do British people not want to do these jobs? Usually because they are miserable, they’re fin for a while, when you’re a student, or on a gap year, or when your new in a foreign country,or when you have kids and just want a small part time job, but they are not jobs that anyone wants to do for a lifetime!
Arrogant elitist Globalists imagine immigrants are happy catching chickens or doing their cleaning, or working as a live in carer for granny! Because they put on fake smiles and lie deluded middle class elitists believe what they like to believe! The reality is immigrants quickly become as fed up as any Briton, and as soon as thy can speak English want to movee on to something more pleasant, so they get a job in Tesco or Primark or Costa Coffee and oh dear our chicken farmer wants replacements and granny has to be put in a home until the Magda is replaced with a Romanian or Nigerian newcomer.
Friends! My latest round-up of my weekly Tweets, “Lefty’s Sunday Selection of Greatest Tweets – Which Are Literally Rocking The Hard-Right Racist Neoliberal Paradigm To Its Very Foundations With Their Literally Irrefutable Logic – 27th November-4th December” is now – literally – available, literally here:
JohnCFeb 26, 01:01 Midweek 26th February 2025 BBC removed references to ‘Jews’ and ‘jihad’ in Gaza documentary Just look at this and the extent the BBC…
taffmanFeb 26, 00:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Flotsam The whole energy supply price is a con ! These islands of Great Britain are sitting on beds of…
Solomon GrundyFeb 26, 00:15 Midweek 26th February 2025 Sorry, not really BBC related but this tweet is well worth reading … I'm concerned that many people do not…
JonathanRFeb 25, 23:46 Midweek 26th February 2025 Politicians lie We know they do but is there a more blatant liar than this man?
atlas_shruggedFeb 25, 23:28 Midweek 26th February 2025 Time to start deporting judges: Albanian People Smuggler Deemed “Valuable Member of Society” Can Stay in UK
ZephirFeb 25, 22:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Elsewhere on the web: “I live above one commercial high street building and also next to a pub. Both of…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:36 Midweek 26th February 2025 And yet, the starmer mob have overruled this: “England: Planning rules on air source heat pumps to be relaxed. Following…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 And the noise… The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland: “Heat pumps too loud for home, study says UK Ministers…
FlotsamFeb 25, 22:26 Midweek 26th February 2025 Let’s put things straights, Heat Pumps are a con, they do not save energy and reduce CO2, they cost a…
The Today programme trying its best to discredit Trump for having the gall to speak to somebody from Taiwan. How very dare he break with 40 years of protocol!
Compare to how much BBC fawning there would have been if Obama had taken the same phone call. How brave, a stunning development in foreign policy.
Clearly a BBC boycott is called for.
But they may need to run a quick check where much of their kit was designed and made.
Next up on iPlayer: “The Long March – Walking the the walk, or give that man a rocket”
Time for a Nobel Peace Prize for the Donald.
If Obama can get one weeks after taking office surely one could be awarded before Trump takes power?
The Today Programme and discrediting?
The sun has appeared. Comedy is alive and well, if no longer at HIGNFY. I leave you for now, with this:
And this:
It’s gone?
What do the Muslims in our midst think about their role in the UK? The Policy Exchange produce a Report of their findings 02/12/16. It is so important, I’m sure the BBC will run a programme to enlighten their ‘clientele’.
For a resume:
For the actual Report (note particularly the, ‘Foreword’):
Click to access PEXJ5037_Muslim_Communities_FINAL.pdf
Have fun! Examine the UK Muslims utterly incomprehensible ‘rational’ thinking which flies in the face of reality.
I don’t find this report wildly surprising, obviously I have only read a few bits so far.
It seems – for the most part – they have asked questions about things we would expect to generally agree on, “why do you choose your schools” etc etc. It’s a bit like asking Muslims and Buddhists in Burma how they like their bananas and then declaring “It’s incredible, they all like their bananas not too ripe – this shows how well and integrated the two groups are”.
What they have singularly failed to ask about is the things that probably distinguish Muslims from the general population.
I note they did not ask questions such as “Do you think that a man who marries an infant and rapes her when she is nine years old should be called a ‘perfect man’ who’s every action should be copied by every Muslim”?
“Do you agree that Muslims are the best of people and that non-Muslims are the worst of creatures”?
“If the prophet Mohammed were alive today do you agree that he should be reviled and incarcerated for his crimes against humanity”?
“In a contest between western democracy and Sharia, which would you support”?
What do the Muslims in our midst think about their role in the UK?
Here is a prime example. If educators, those carefully chosen by all strata of weirdy beardy throwbackness to be sufficiently Islamic to teach their carefully non integrated, segregated, protected from any vestige of free thought children.
They are going to facilitate that retrograde groupthink, and endlessly repeat that groupthink anywhere they may be, at any time … and that friends, that is the technique of Islam.
“A teacher faces a classroom ban after he “condoned” the Charlie Hebdo terror attack in front of pupils at a Tower Hamlets school. Hamza Jalal Tariq, 28, effectively said during a lesson that the victims murdered by Islamist gunmen “should be killed for insulting the prophet”, a professional conduct panel ruled.
The panel heard Tariq made the comment in response to a student just days after 12 people were murdered in the French satirical newspaper’s Paris office in January last year. Tariq was a teacher at Tower Hamlets PRU, which has four sites across the east London borough, since 2013, but resigned after the accusations surfaced.”
BBC – ‘Radicalisation risk’ at six Muslim private schools, says Ofsted
Pupils at six small Muslim private schools in east London are at risk of extremist views and radicalisation, says Ofsted’s chief inspector. Sir Michael Wilshaw said the pupils’ “physical and educational welfare is at serious risk” following a series of emergency inspections. He said all the schools focused too heavily on Islamic teachings.
(wait for it, wait for it!)
One of the schools called Ofsted “unprofessional”, while another said its findings did not reflect reality
…. (shakes head).
Richmond by-election results:
Olney, 49.6%; Goldsmith, 45.1%
I think there’s a good case for Goldsmith challenging the result. Perhaps a court case to establish the legitimacy of the process. Perhaps even a re-run?
They voted LibDem but we don’t know what kind of LibDem they voted for.
The course is clear and Olney would surely support.
A full disclosure of her policies and then a specific referendum on them in Richmond Park.
Followed by a separate vote in the House of Commons.
Problem is, Sluff, you never know what kind of LibDem any of them are….
G – Oh, I’m sure we do ……. (It rhymes with Bankers)
Just caught “The Week in Westminster” on BBC Radio 4. Why does the BBC give so much airtime to the painted traitor, Anna Soubry? Before she tuned into the BBC’s pro-remain line in the run up to the referendum, nobody had even heard of her. Now she seems to be the first port of call for comment on how Britain should be approaching our departure from the EU. This cretinette is being portrayed as the voice of right wing reason, notwithstanding that she appears to be incapable of logical thought and, while trying to point out the negatives of leaving, has never offered anything positive about continued membership, save for some vague comments on access to the single market.
If the BBC and Soubry really think there’s a case for a “let’s think again referendum”, let them put her on the stage for a live debate with Farage, or even Gisela Stuart(female and Labour so should be OK with the Beeb), right now!
Likewise! The first time I switch on BBC R4 for days and what do I hear? Yet more of that famous BBC ‘balance’ with Anna ‘no ice in that please’ Soubry and a LibDumb discussing the shock horror surprise that the voters of a constituency who voted 70% in favour of EU slavery have voted for a LibDumb candidate, instead of for Jimmy Goldsmith’s spoilt son.
Plus ca change….
With any luck the EU will have exploded within the next two years. All the signs are there. Maybe then the EU states will have leaders more attuned to what Brexit represented and be more willing to negotiate reasonably.
Not heard a word from Stewart since the referendum….Obviously the microphone cable doesn’t stretch that far.
The top story currently on the BBC website is another piece of anti-Trump propaganda.
This time they shamelessly take the side of communist China against democratic Taiwan. Focussing on Trumps potential “dangerous” move to destabilise world politics by simply calling up the new president of Taiwan to congratulate her on her democratically achieved election. The fecking BBC give fecking communist, undemocratic China a platform to air their complaint against democratic Taiwan because it suits the BBC’s rabid anti-Trump policy.
BBC frontpage:
Direct link to the article:
Trump if anything is a business man and I would suggest that embracing Taiwan is a deliberate move to focus China’s attention to making deals with the USA that are favourable (to the USA) Likewise Taiwan would be interested.
Agreed.Taiwan will rejoin China eventually and it is in the interests of everyone that it happens peacefully. A long time ago it became obvious that world stability depends on the US and China avoiding causes for enmity. I am sure Trump knows this. Incidentally the Chinese rate Nixon as a great US president quite unlike our liberals!
Status quo suits both right now.
So many Chinese factories are owned bu Taiwanese and Singapore an businesses.
Sg gov actually owns half the corps in Sg.
Both are afraid of too many Chinese immigrants
Pg 32 Times Magazine : long article about Milo
The journo doesn’t give their name and its only clear at the end she/he nhas hate to wards him.
As usual the jorno makes the mistake of calling him Alt-right.
I have just been perusing Breitbart and this article about transgender training caught my eye. That it has the backing of a number of Conservative MPs just shows what a mountain there is to climb. I never thought I’d have a tiny bit of sympathy for Caroline Flint who ‘urged caution’.
Is there no so-called Tory who’d have the guts to stand up and say “There is no money for this bullshit for a minuscule section of the population! Enough!” ?
I wish Donald well in his attempts to drain the swamp over in the US. Over here our swamp looks like the size of the Everglades National Park.
Patronisation for votes – will it ever end? – no I don’t think so. Sometimes it can be embarrassing; reference Zac Goldsmith’s vain attempt, during the London Mayoral election, to convince local Asians that he liked Bollywood films.
I am disgusted, disgusted I say, to discover that wheelchair using transgender people from ethnic minorities have once again been totally ignored.
How long do we have to wait for funding to ensure disability friendly transgender friendly toilets are available in all of our state schools so that literally tens of students are no longer discriminated against.
Reading the comments on this site and it confirms, again, to me what a wonderful site this is. No wonder Beeboids hate it. Congratulations to David and Alan and the contributors here. I certainly learn more from here than from the BBC. Mind you, that is not saying much !
BBC TV South Today Evening News from Stockbridge Hampshire last night. Beautiful Church, Christmas tree, lots of smiling happy faces, jingle bells, lights and enjoyment. Stockbridge is a fabulous community, a local resident says, they’ve all got together with the schools, the local Church and traders because the festival is at the heart of the ‘Test Valley’. What a great celebration of Christmas!
To finish the report they’re going to ‘leave us with some wonderful pictures of the lights of Stockbridge’ and, for a musical backdrop, there’s going to be some carol singing by the church choir or, perhaps, by some local school children .. oh no, sorry, I’ve got that wrong, they’re going to have some Asian music and tabla drums …
Obviously the whole thing is too much for the BBC and they have to let us know that, while we plebs think we’re celebrating Christmas, the BBC have to us know their thoughts are elsewhere.
From about 22:40
If Beeboids think Islam is so wonderful, why do they not all convert ?
Well Grant, I would imagine on the Beeb payroll its more a case of find the Christian !
Only a few years ago when reading the credits of Beeb commissioned programmes, there were names (very much Western) that we could pronounce as the lists headed northwards. Just look at those same credit lists today, as well as those appearing on screen, and its a very different landscape. And we all know its down to the age group of those in HR and other departments who are responsible for the downfall of a once great broadcasting company.
What?!?!……. Great opportunity for the rest of us to look inside the warped mind of those with the regressive, hate filled and fascist ideologies of the mentally ill lefties…particularly the stormtroopers from Al Beebistan..
1: Utterly democratic, tolerant, peace loving, progressive, and utterly wanting to be part of the world’s economy, stability and progression – Taiwan. Which is an official state, recognised by nearly the entire planet….. Trump wants to talk to them = BAD!
2: Utterly violent, hate filled, anti Jew, anti freedom, anti democratic, blood thirsty, psychopathic warlord following, wants nothing more than to see the complete destruction of the state of Israel, the slaughter of all her people, and will never want to be part of the world’s community unless that community is waving the Islamic flag of “death to the infidels” – Palestine. Which is basically ran by terrorist organisations and death squads….Caliph Bin Laden Obama wants to talk to them = AMAZING!
If someone is able to make sense of that, you need to go and take yourself to a field and shoot yourself.
The BBC always support evil over good. Provided it is left-wing evil, of course.
What will be the consequences for the BBC be of its overt pro Remain support? Unlike most of the topics on which the BBC takes a supportive role , Brexit is well understood by the people and seen as of critical importance. It is crystal clear to everyone that the BBC is supporting Remain to the hilt. In effect that means the BBC is supporting a cause that 52% of its License Fee payers oppose. Those LF payers will be wondering why the state funded broadcaster is so actively and openly opposing the course of action that they voted for and also wondering whatever happened to impartiality . Brexit or no Brexit , hard or soft Brexit, everyone in the country will now be in no doubt that the BBC does not represent the nation as a whole and is merely a propagandist for the liberal left elite. I am sure many will now join with those contributors to this site and begin to harbour resentment tha they have to pay for this elitist organisation. Handled correctly this resentment can be nurtured , fed on the endless examples of the BBC propagandising on causes which are detrimental to the interests of ordinary LF payers. Trust in the BBC can be undermined and people’s willingness to pay for it eroded, then the Tories, who I am sure resent the BBC but are too scared to touch it, may grow bold enough to kill it. Perhaps the BBC has chosen a path that will at last lead to its demise , or am I just being ridiculously optimistic?
Ridiculously optimistic, if you don’t mind me saying so. Among other things it will impact on the jobs for ‘old boys (and girls)’ network and the thought of seeing all these overpayed parasites queing at the local job centre would be too much for some.
Many years ago I knew a musician who eventually became a director of music at BBC radio. He recounted a story of the then director doing his usual morning check of the BBC band before he went off to the golf course. The band used to deliberately play out of tune and he would exclaim (seriously) that sounds fine and off he would go for the day (totally useless for the job)
I think there are 2 broad types of Beeboid.
There are the True Believers, who are genuinely deranged into thinking that unlimited migration is good, transgender rights are the most important issue on the planet, and so on.
Then there are the rest, who don’t believe it, but are quite prepared to go along with it to keep their jobs. And why not? I’m thinking of Naga Munchetty, who, I gather, earns a quarter of a million quid a year for a job that would be overpaid at thirty shillings a week.
She doesn’t appear to be politically rabid, just smart enough to know she is on the cushiest number imaginable, and therefore not to rock the boat.
I suspect the point is (from a BBC perspective) that it supports the opinions of the people who matter ie the remainiac civil servants, business oligarchs, judges, academics and, of course, politicians.
The fact that plebs the country over hold a contrary opinion is of no concern to the BBC. Its license fee is determined by the political class and as long as it pleases them, its continuing control over broadcast news is assured.
Nice post!
Would be interesting if one of the parties put in their manifesto that the license fee would become optional. Disgracefully “Populist” of course!
Checking the BBC website on Gambia. Last “Live” post was yesterday. ” That’s it, we shall be back on monday “. That is the BBC, 24/7 !! Is this what we are paying for ! Amateur crap !
And just when you need them Grant…
But this is because it’s not about justice, or helping the most vulnerable, or doing everything to protect those in need, or following the rule of law, or democracy, or justice for those who are attacked, brutalised, murdered, horrifically raped……. To Al Shabeeb it is 100% about the success of their malicious, devious, and utterly dangerous ideology and how they are prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure they succeed. No lie, no criminal act, no disgusting act of violence or brutality, no discrimination or hatred or intolerance, is too far or unacceptable as long as it benefits Al Shabeeb and all the other mentally ill lefties……..if however even the tiniest action doesn’t fully comply with the cult Leftism doctrine, it’s all out war and wall to wall coverage with the new age Gestapo
Perfectly summed up. It is a mental illness. Beeboids do not care how many millions die for their evil ideology.
The apt phrase that Ben Shapiro uses to describe these people is “thought fascists”.
Has anyone heard about a sex abuse scandal in soccer?
Perhaps the BBC might like to report on it one day.
After all, they did full depth coverage of the Moslem rape gangs and police cover ups.
Or am I missing something?
Again it’s a political hysteria created by professional deviants and full time lunatics.
What these young boys went through is utterly deplorable and disgusting, but that goes for all innocent and vulnerable children who have been abused by sick bastards. If you put a % on the amount of boys who have played football since the 1980’s against those who have been abused, this % will be no worse than any other hobby/activity/organisation that deals with groups of children. I have no doubt Al Shabeeb employees/cult followers have a much higher % of sick bastards raping and abusing children than football ever has….but by far the highest % of child rapists of any group, probably to the levels of 1000’s % higher than any other groups of people, is the sick, evil, infidel hating new age Muhammads who have spent decades raping children all over the world on unimaginable scales.
Yes, quite right. I wonder if one of the soccer abusers turns out to be black, how will the BBC deal with that ?
Whatever happened to those young lads is terrible and should never have happened,one of my sons played football for a Sunday league club and if he had been abused my revenge would be nasty.
But were any of these young lads kept in a locked bedroom,drugged and raped by a succession of adult men and taken by car to other towns to be raped and worse? Many of those young girls in Rochdale etc were,and it may be still going on.
Have any Police or responsible councillors been jailed yet?
I would not be surprised if the police and councillors were involved in the rapes too.
They were involved because they stood by and let it happen.
Strange that there dozens of journos sniffing all over the Ched Evans case yet none of them caught a whiff of this much much bigger scandal.
A case of a potential one time attack an already promiscuous adult.
Versus years of multiple attacks against child victims.. Many victims many events. Seemingly lone wolf attackers.
So eclipsed by the gang abuse of the Asian gangs.
The elites continue to treat us like dumb animals but we’re not and if they were as smart as they think, they’d know we’re not.
When throwing the ball for the dog – sometimes you pretend to throw it and the dog looks to fetch the ball you haven’t thrown.
Well, we’re the smart dogs and we will get our teeth on their balls.
Sorry, that was meant to be serious but I’ve failed big time.
Elites on R3
Matthew Sweet discusses elites and their role in contemporary politics, with Douglas Carswell, MP for Clacton;Professor David Runciman, Head of the Department of Politics & International Studies at the University of Cambridge; Eliane Glaser, writer and Senior Lecturer at Bath Spa University; and Lynsey Hanley, visiting Fellow in Cultural Studies at Liverpool John Moores University.
Eliane Glaser’s most recent book is called Get Real: How to See Through the Hype, Spin and Lies of Modern Life
Lynsey Hanley’s most recent book is Estates: An Intimate History
Switch on Bingo : White man’s guilt each time
Middle of night – WS radio : Prog about US police shooting blacks*
Now on R4 Play on radio 4 … War time White woman finds true love with black GI all the white male characters are pigs.
* In the VR study officers registered more stress when assailant was black, but actually opened fire LESS.
The lie by omission was that they didn’t mention any difference between black/white officers.
Two legs bad, four legs good. White skin bad, black skin good.
BBC Radio 4 plays have become foreign ground to me and I was once a regular listener. Unless I can be absolutely certain, I assume all its plays are agitprop – Left wing morality dramas designed to inculcate ‘progressive’ opinions in the listener.
Despite my caution, so great is the BBC’s desire to inflict its tiresome Guardianista views on us that now and again I still get caught out. R4’s commissioning editors (or should that be commissars?) seem to be willing to plant a message in absolutely anything – however incongruous or anachronistic it may be.
The World Service is now about broadcasting anti-British propaganda into Britain rather than telling the world about the UK.
Radio 4 is about re-educating, in the most patronising way, the British listeners about their failings in relation to BME and other minorities.
Does anyone listen unless in bed or in the car?
I can only agree. The so called World Service has become a parody of a propaganda channel in the past few years as the disease has spread.
Classic FM is certainly benefiting in my house!
Deling Pole-casts on Breitbart
Latest is with Tony Heller about NASA data rigging
Ahh! Deep joy …
I fondly recall BBC R 5Deads resident afternoon chimp throw his dolls out of the pram, when asked why he didn t research the material from his guest 😀
… the lame excuse he s a “speed” reader???
I always thought he was more of a “speed” taker 😀
anyway … Mr D vs Richarse Bacon …enjoy
Richard Bacon is a wanker .
Richard Bacon should change his name because it’s offensive
To everyone !
LOL ! Not to me , I love bacon but not Dick !
BBC News – Aleppo siege: Syria rebels lose 60% of territory
Al Beeb s Assad boo hiss news!
Looks like the BBCs beloved good ole “freedom fighter, relatively moderate islamist, peoples, resistance, rebel, ” boys … had one hell of a beating.
BBC – Guide to the Syrian rebels
I may have got this wrong , but before ISIS , did the BBC not support Assad , father and son ? Or am I getting confused ?
Actually Grant, I recall an interview and film with both Assad and his wife … can t be certain whether it was on the AL BBC though, oh man it was quite a long time ago too.
It was very even handed showed his wife going around schools etc.
Something ticks that it was Newsnight, but I just can t be sure.
Here is Mrs Assad, before she got hooked on bombing hundreds of children in schools. Uncivilized barbarian who needs to wear a burker.
What kind of propaganda is our media and government peddling?
She is a bitch from hell. The same problem with Jammeh’s wife, Zeyneb, in Gambia. Says nothing about the atrocities committed by her husband. But reaps the benefits. These are whores of the first order ! ( No insult to honest prostitutes intended. )
Her husband (Assad) has not committed any atrocities which weren’t needed to keep the rabid Wahabists in order, as we have seen from several Arab regimes.
it would not surprise me. Bashar is a UK trained eye doctor and speaks good english. So in the idiot minds of Beeboids , he must be be civilised. Oh, and he has a beautiful wife. So that is ok .
That the BBC is biased I think is unchallengeable, but sometimes it’s the sheer oddness of the way stories are presented that strikes me.
Example….this morning John Humphreys chortled delightedly as he heard the story of a German soldier, a POW in Scotland being “smuggled out” of his camp by some “little girls” and taken to the cinema…..”because he’d never seen a moving picture” subsequently the POW, Heinrich Steinmeier died aged 90 and left “nearly £400,000” to village funds in Comrie.
A heart warming tale of reconciliation and post war unity between Scots and Germans….I can almost hear the editors and presenters delight in this tale, and its resonances with todays debates about Europe…. You can hear it on the iplayer, it was on at 08.20 this morning.
And then I read the paper and read the bit the BBC left out…..the “good German” was in the Waffen SS and had been classified by the POW camp authorities as “a hardline Nazi”.
Like I say, sheer oddness. Why did they leave that bit out? and how plausible is it that a prisoner with such a profile was able to come and go as he pleased?…all the actual witnesses are now dead, so I guess we’ll never know.
I guess the beeboids who frequently use the term “nazi” as a catch all smear, preferred not to mention it in the case of a real Nazi as it would detract from what was presented as a “feel good” story.
Well, I am in Comrie right now, where my mum has lived for almost 40 years. The exact amount that Heinrich left is still disputable.
What is not disputable is that two non-nazi German POWs at Cultybraggan Camp here , Rosterg and Thornan, were murdered by Nazis in the camp. 5 Nazis were found guilty and hanged .
I do not know whether Heinrich was involved. But there are still witnesses alive in the village who may have something to say.
Are the BBC aware of the murders ? If so, they should refer to it. I would have thought they would want to point out Nazi murders of non-nazis on British soil ?
Heinrich left his money to “Comrie Development Trust ” which is a total scam and not representative of the people of this beautiful village .
Thanks Grant, wrap up warm….I think you’re in a for a cool night!
Still amused by the oddness of a BBC presenter omitting the word “Nazi” when reporting this story. Like I say….they’re often very keen to use the term on the slightest evidence but omit when telling a story featuring a real Nazi, however much he may have repented in later years.
Having read a bit more about this, he was very lucky not to have been sent back to his home town in Silesia to face the Poles, like the Crimean Tartar POWs who were sent back to Stalins death grip.
I think ‘The Mckenzie Break’ included scenes inspired by the executions in the camp, saw it many years ago but I don’t think it gets screened much lately. Worth rooting out for those with an interest.
I also remember reading about the forced repatriations you mention embolden, a truly shameful and overlooked episode,
“‘The Americans returned to Plattling (a town in Bavaria, Germany where an internment camp was located after World War II) visibly shamefaced.
“Before their departure from the rendezvous in the forest, many had seen rows of bodies already hanging from the branches of nearby trees.
On their return, even the German SS men in a neighboring compound lined the wire fence and railed at them for their behavior.
The Americans were too ashamed to reply.'” ”
The BBC are very confused about right and wrong and what line to take on anything. The complexity of the world does not fit into their simple minded view of it.
Yes, it is a cold night here !
You can read also about the Cossack, men women and children forcibly repatriated by us to death camps in Russia. The British did it for political expediency and many Cossacks chose suicide and infanticide.
They tried it on twitter too; worked out about as well.
I always wondered what those do ziggy zaggies on the collar denoted.
That is Heinrich, but where did the money go ?
Remind me – did America have any part in WW2 and which side were they on?
The Anti Hofer demo by the leftists in Austria doesn’t appear to have been a resounding success. I don’t suppose we will see the picture on the BBC – well, certainly not this one.
The BBC would still manage to be able to find a quote saying turnout for that march was in the 100s of thousands.
The Daily Mail reports the demo as ‘hundreds’of demonstrators. Presume some one is sending out press releases (or it is syndicated) slightly over egging pudding to fit agenda.
What amazes me is that people are still buying the EUR on the foreign-exchanges . This currency is a busted flush people. All smoke and mirrors. EUR/USD is headed way below parity.
Been saying the same now for ages, Lock13. Given the problems facing the EZ, the euro should be trading lower than the cowrie shell! Some bugger is keeping it on life support and at what cost to some members economies?
Agreed – we can see the cost , going to be one hell of a blow out. I’m short
Toobi – Whilst I know we are not in the Euro zone – I think we will also be paying in various ways to help support this lamentable euro folly for a long time yet.
I do not think we will be leaving the EU any time soon and we in all likelihood will be be dragged down and forced to support all these failing economies as they implode and disintegrate.
My evidence is
1 Our prime minister comes from the “remain ” side and never favoured brexit.
2 The cabinet only seems to have two “brexiteers” in important positions, (Boris does not count as the only side he is on is his own).
3 Most worryingly even David Davis has recently been making noises about paying to stay in the “Single Market” presumably we will also have to continue to accept free movement as well.
4 No serious attempt has been made to rein the outrageously pro EU stance of the BBC.
5. Very little serious thought appeared to have been given to fighting the original Gina Miller appeal.
6 And why is the government still paying backstabbers such as Mark Carney. You would have thought that by now he would have been encouraged to go elsewhere to bugger up someone else ,s economy. My only reasoning is that he is useful in that when Theresa fails to deliver brexit Carney will be somebody else to blame.
Imagine it – Poor girl working so hard for us if only the likes of these nasty bullies had not been so horrid to our gal – I am sure she would have delivered!
I am Afraid Nigel is right what we are witnessing is a fudge. Soft brexit means no brexit. If the Appeaser had been serious about it, Article 50 would have been triggered as soon as she became Prime Minister. Instead we are now locked into a cycle of years of endless legal delays, and having to listen to lectures from the likes Junker and Guy “dodgy teeth” Verhofstadt as to why we are all naughty ungrateful children and deserve to be sent to bed with no pudding!
We play their game at our peril and “the appeaser” knows it. These bastards have spent decades destroying democracy using law and due process – and does she really think that with their very existence and privileges on the line they are suddenly going to start playing a straight hand?
No – I am afraid that Theresa is either incredibly naive or part of the same corrupt elite pretending to be an honest politician. Whatever the answer is she does not deserve to be Prime Minister and we deserve better.
I truly hope I am wrong about all of this but the signs do not look good.
Totally agree !
Grant , I don’t think they would dare me old mate. Nobody is that stupid. We are leaving. The World has shifted everybody knows that.
Lock – The devil will be in the detail and if we play their game as always we will be tied up in it.
Even though we are in a much stronger position than the EU, we seem to be acting as if we are THE supplicant. The message it sends to our own population is that we must stay in the “single market” at all costs or we are doomed. This also strengthens the EU s hand as we appear weak.
What should really be a fairly simple procedure is already deteriorating into a long winded farce. Even If we are finally allowed to leave, how long will this take? and with all our new “countrymen” – how much more will our society have changed?
Sorry Lock but to me nothing can be taken for granted as the forces ranged against us hold most of the levers of power and stand to lose their privileges and easy life.
Spot on. We need to spot the moment when the fix goes in. Will there be trouble? No just a lot of noise and I am sure our paramilitary police know their role. Far better that we accept we cannot win this time and wait for events to turn our way as they will.
A wise man chooses his ground to fight and at the moment we just do not have the will or the means to take on the elite headlong. We need to drain our swamp. Let them enjoy what they will see as a victory over the people. All they are doing is creating a pre revolutionary situation in the classic way.
If ,as I expect, the USA under Trump abandons Europe to it’s fate then we shall see events move fast and in unpredictable ways. The USA has no need of Europe any more and does not even need us really. Only sentiment might keep us even as an ally.
China, India, Russia and a few other states matter now. Europe is irrelevant except as it is still possessing a nuisance value to the coming great powers. The ridiculous posturing of our leaders and the EU apparatchniks is just that. Useless posturing. Does it impress China or Russia or India or Brazil or Israel or Iran? Of course not.
I should have added that Germany is undoubtedly an important economic force but as is apparent now has lost the will to remain a coherent nation and is fast approaching a state of chaos that will only add to the forces making Europe irrelevant.
I agree Dave – Most relevant world powers see the EU as the paper tiger we all know it really is – Only no-one appears to have told Theresa – Interesting?
As for the fix – I think that David Davis was hinting at it last week.
-UK Payment for single market access.
Basically nothing changes just a few million more economic migrants to feed, clothe and home.
“Freedom of movement is non negotiable”
Except when Bulgaria and Romania joined Germany took a break from freedom of movement
Glad to see the BBC acknowledging the abuse Andrew Sachs received from Ross/Brand (w*nkers) in this article:
However, they couldn’t resist slipping in this sneaky little bit of propaganda when quoting Prunella Scales’ son’s description of Sachs as:
‘Creator of one of our most beloved EU migrants’.
Oh really. The pedant in me would like to inform the BBC that Fawlty Towers was wrapped up by 1979; 14 years before the formation of the EU. Still, I wouldn’t expect them to notice a minor issue like that in their haste to push the agenda.
The gushing praise from various BBC types glosses over the liklihood that anyone submitting a script with a Manuel type character in it today would have a very short BBC career indeed, or perhaps be marched out for summary execution. Just imagine what a dull old place Europe would be if the technocrats ever achieve their open borders homogenised nightmare with no national identity, vive la difference.
Very true – just WHAT can be joked about these days, other than Trump, Farage and ‘deplorable’ Brexit voters?
‘just WHAT can be joked about these days . . . ?’
Oh, baiting the elderly never fails to amuse (with thanks to Steve Jones for the initial link to the BBC report):
He [Sachs] inadvertently became the subject of headlines in 2008 when he received a series of lewd answerphone messages from Russell Brand and fellow BBC Radio 2 presenter Jonathan Ross during a radio show, which related to Sachs’s granddaughter.
The so-called Sachsgate affair resulted in Brand and the controller of Radio 2 resigning. Ross was suspended from broadcasting for three months and a review was held into the way BBC output was vetted.
Mmm; slightly coy, that. What the BBC report fails to mention is Russell Brand’s fake news item, which followed, and was mentioned as a direct consequence of, the revelation that Brand had ‘fucked his granddaughter’ (Ross’s words). ‘The main news again’, Brand chortled; ‘Manuel Andrew Sachs hung himself today . . .’
I’d like to think that in looking back on the episode, Ross and Brand were ashamed of themselves. But then again, to feel ashamed you probably have to have a sense of shame.
I have been watching a rugby match on the TV. England 37 Australia 21.
It is appalling. Not only are both teams exclusively male and able bodied but 82000 people chose to watch this unrepresentative example of the population. What extremists!
Games like this should be replaced by something which gives full opportunity to disabled wheelchair users and women, not to mention members of the transgender community.
I am sure such a game, if held at a very large stadium such as Twickenham, would be watched by literally dozens of people, especially representatives from local councils and the EHRC, providing such a game was held in the working week.
“It is appalling. Not only are both teams exclusively male and able bodied but 82000 people chose to watch this unrepresentative example of the population. What extremists!”
I think I saw your post on HYS. Made I laugh.
Thanks M. Alas. Unfortunately I didn’t post to HYS, and nor had I read it. Always.good to know that others share similar ideas though!
Well another lying Muslim has been officially identified. One Yaya Toure who made a big song and dance about being a Muslim and refused a bottle of Champagne because of his beliefs has been caught drink driving !
When will people learn to toss all this crap in the refuse bin where it belongs? The prize is a bottle of Champagne you don’t like it you still take it and give it to someone else or drink it anyway because your religion is a joke and even you know it is when you get away from the camera.
Stop being so outraged because we all know you are taking the piss for the benefit of extremists in your community
and …
Yet another Islamic child rapist.
How did this odious nonce creature get this idea? along with many 1000s other co religionists, the epidemic of 100s of other court cases of Islamic child rape, organised child gang rape, and forced child prostitution.
“dangerous 72 yr old sexual predator from Edmonton who raped a young girl over three years is starting a 14 year sentence behind bars. Mohammed Dauhoo, groomed his victim after after a chance meeting when she was just nine”.
Sex predator jailed for 14 years for child rape
BBC News? London maybe?? Enfield??? ………………….
Don t be silly … Lots of space for this though.
Charity zip wire trip over the Thames in London
if you haven t already please consider signing this petition:-
BBC – Tell The Truth About Sharia Law
Tucker Carlson interviews an editor from the NYT about its anti-Trump bias.
Is she on drugs ?
What a stupid bitch !
Tucker is great !
In her defence I have never heardd a current BBC employee being so honest about the bias of the BBC as she is about the NYT. The difference between the NYT and the BBC is that you have to pay fortheTimes if you want to read it but you have to pay for the BBC regardless of wether you want it or not.
Yes, to be fair to her, she did not defend the NYT much. Seems that the US media are much more open than the British, especially the BBC !
She would make a great Lib Dem MP.
Mark Thompson must be so proud.
Worth every penny.
Another scruffy left-wing woman incapable of putting a comb or brush through her hair.
Maybe the Koran has tresses advice?
Christmas trees have been all over the BBC today, especially on the web-site.
The R4 TOADY programme announced that there is going to be a shortage due to some disease or other due to Climate Change or an import from the Continent (never Europe used when it is a blight!) or Brexit & Trump and prices are going to rise.
They obviously haven’t bothered to send a journalist out to check any facts as I’ve been in three locations in the last four days – country town, provincial city & London suburbs – and in their shopping centres, those shops that sell real trees appear to be absolutely bulging with the things. I would have said there was indication of a glut.
Are the BBC merely advertising ‘disaster’ to try and help sell the things?
I recall last year, in mid-October, being told on TODAY that there was a shortage of pumpkins. Within my line-of-sight at that precise moment were the two I had bought just a couple of days previously, on a BOGOF basis and bargain price, at a well-known troubled British supermarket.
In recent years TODAY (usually with Naughtie or Humphrys laying on the gloom & doom) have reported cocoa bean, coffee bean and sugar shortages and price rises, none of which happened.
Maybe some of the beeb hacks remember the sugar shortage that appeared several decades ago, due to similar panic-inducing forecasts by the media.
The result was that the shops were empty, and most folk had five years worth in their kitchen cupboards.
Cant quite remember exactly when……ideas guys?
Originally published in the Guardian on 9 July 1974
Thank you AL
“The R4 TOADY programme announced that there is going to be a shortage due to some disease or other due to Climate Change or an import from the Continent (never Europe used when it is a blight!) or Brexit & Trump and prices are going to rise.”
I understand that a number of imported diseases have been brought in from the EU because of lax border control of timber.
What’s the panic ? ‘Go green’ – ‘save a tree’ and buy artificial. 🙂
Hello taffman, the BBC have that covered as well:
Great delight will be taken at putting up a fifty year-old (+/- 2 or 3 years) artificial tree here at an appropriate time in the next few days. However, just like the real thing, it is starting to lose its ‘needles’. This year it may be decorated with 21st century LED lights 🙂 rechargeable battery powered ones!
Post-Twelfth Night vacuuming is still required!
As ever, this could have gone better…
How long before Jeremy gets the guys together to confirm they saw and heard nothing… nothing!
Guest – I am afraid Aunty would be much more interested in interviewing the saintly “white helmets” Those great humanitarians rather than civilian victims, whos experiences rather awkwardly do not fit the BBC/Saudi narrative.
I think the “white helmets” give Aunty fond memories of past programmmes such as Mr Benn, back in the days when Aunty reported to news rather than than fabricating it.
Perhaps Aunty we could have a new BBC version based in Aleppo called Mr Al -baghdadi. One day he could be a great humanitarian rescue worker in a white suit and shovel and after a quick trip to the gentlemans outfitters he can liven up his day by magically transforming into a rebel leader with a khalashnikov and a long knife. Walking the streets of Eastern Aleppo for some beheading fun and maybe even a rape or two.
Here comes the BBC journalist – quick back to the shop and straight back into your white suit to talk about barrel bombs and children.
As for the newsnight editor job – maybe they should just ask the MCB to recommend someone for the job saves a lot of hassle.
Watched ‘ The Missing’ on BBC1 over the last few weeks. A very good drama.
At the very end of the credits there is a caption which reads ”supported by screen flanders and the Belgian Federal Government’s Tax Shelter Scheme”
This, from an organisation which for years encouraged its ‘stars’ to stay off the payroll and use personal service contracts.
Yet just look at the tone of their reporting and airtime given to self-righteous Corbynistas when ‘Tax Avoidance’ gets raised as an issue.
It gives hypocrisy a bad name.
“My lifelong ambition was to work for the BBC. I admire the integrity of this organisation.”
Those are the words of Stephen Nolan spoken just now on his 5Live radio programme. Following on from this quote from last night’s show – “I’m not just defending the BBC because I work here….the BBC ties itself up in knots trying to be impartial. The BBC has integrity running through it.” I am now of the the opinion that Nolan has been held hostage for so long at the BBC, that he is in the grip of ‘Stockholm syndrome’.
Tonight Nolan interviewed Cliff Richard. A meeting of one man who wants desperately to restore his reputation, and another man who wants desperately to restore his company’s reputation. The interview was a strange affair with Nolan twice asking Cliff whether he regretted not getting married ?!?! as he would then have had someone to share the lonely times with as a pop star and the dark times with as an alleged sexual assaulter. Cliff said he always had friends around him. Nolan brings up the “breaking news BBC helicopter story” and says words to the effect “You’re famous. What did you expect the BBC to do with its coverage.” Cliff can’t talk about that because it’s undergoing “litigation”. In other words he’s suing the arse off the BBC. And good luck Cliff because the BBC singularly failed to show any of Nolan’s so-called “integrity” during that sordid episode.
Another night another rant (anti Trump this time) from disgusting elitist Nick Abbott on LBC, a more ‘lighthearted’ tone than the mornings James O Brien but same arrogance, same sneering, and unlike O Brien whose delusions are at least based on good intentions to improve the world, Abbott is a social ‘progressive’ but basically an elitist.
I was still shocked to hear him come out with the Darwinian theory that the intelligence of the nation is falling because stupid people ar having large numbers of children while intlligent people are not. The lefties who consider him on side should b horrified, but of course they are not! The only thing that the Globalist really care about is race/immigration! Agree with thm on that and any other non PeeCee view will be tolerated.
Aerfen, I happen to think Abbott is right about people getting stupider, although as usual with ‘elitist’ liberals he’s come to something like the right conclusion, but for entirely the wrong reasons. Those having more children in the Twenty First Century are generally from the less intellectual and able cohorts, and… er… immigrants, especially those of a certain religious persuasion.
If you follow ‘Darwinian’ logic then the ‘fittest’ are those which survive and are more successful reproductively thus passing on their genes and encouraging the species to move towards their ‘blue print’.
When you consider the ‘fittest’ criteria really means those which ‘benefit most’ from a given situation, or environment, you can see that those rewarded with more: benefits, hand outs, free lunches etc… and given a preferential ‘rank’ in society above others and freed from the restrictions placed on others (legally, culturally, financially), are the most prolific breeders.
In the end either the entire human race will become more and more subhuman, or more vigorous, intelligent individuals will eventually rebel and exterminate/enslave/eat the degenerate, parasites. Much as will happen before too long with our self appointed and highly opinionated ‘liberal elite’.
Yes BBCReject I agree too that by incentivising benefit claimants to breed while respctable working class people and middle class women are forced to bring in a dual income to pay the mortgage its bound to depress the IQ, and on top of that the media have created a zeitgeist where middle class women at least are almost made to feel ashamed of not working and preferring to raise a family. Only the very wealthy like Jules Oliver seem to avoid condemnation.
BUT according to the self styled ‘progressives’ IQ is primarily environmental not genetic, and so there are no ethnic differences in IQ which cannot b corrected by throwing money at the problem, and by the same count there can be no class differences in IQ which cannot be corrected similarly.This is what Abbott the “progressive”should be thinking!
This is the imp[lication of all their whining about top universities not taking enough children from ‘deprived backgounds’.Isnt that in reality because most children from such backgrounds have fairly low IQs? Not all of course, but a small number do break through and even go to Oxbridge. Likewise at Eton there are many very clever boys, again not all, but a disproportionat number.
The Entitled Class in western countries have spent the last 60 years dismantling their systems of education available to the public. Regression to the mean will maintain the IQ level in any given population, but they can become less educated. The proof in the UK will be seen if May succeeds in reintroducing grammar schools.
Yep I’ve listened to the ghastly Abbott a couple of times now, and that’s enough. That’s a man pleased with the sound of his own voice, constantly talking over his callers and sidetracking the conversation with irrelevancies. The man’s a disgrace.
I would be a bit surprised if Darwin ever said that. If true, the whole world would have devolved back to apes by now !
What Darwin said was that characteristics are genetically determined. So called ‘progressives’ deny or diminish the effect of genetic determinism particularly when it comes to IQ and intelligence. Abbott was acknowledging that intelligence is largely genetically determined which is utterly inconsistent with his “progressive ” views. Abbott isn’t the smartest cookie in the tin himself just a loud mouthed overconfident sneering bully.
Yes, that must be true and , assuming IQ is normally or near-normally distributed statistically, it must “regress to the mean “, so unlikely in the short run, by which I mean thousands of years, that mean IQ in the population would vary much. That, of course, would not satisfy the Left-wing ideologues !
Although there is some regression to the mean that mean is still not fixed so its certainly the case that if over generations a population encourages its low IQ members to breed like rabbits, while discouraging its more intelligent members from even breeding at replacement levels, the mean IQ will fall. Essentially even with regression parents with IQs of 85 while they may have a child with an IQ of 100, are very unlikely to produce on with an IQ of 130 plus.
We should be doing the opposite!
The French are surrendering …………….
Will other statues like these be be next ?……………….
Taffman, the UK comes where in the list? (Got to be close to the top)
The cracks are appearing in the EU …………….
“On Germany’s decision to open its doors to refugees: “I say we’re not managing. It was a major mistake that has inflicted massive costs on the entire EU, as well as Austria and taxpayers.”
And what about Italy ?……………..
Ha, I liked the ‘How far right is Hofer’ bit. What a stunningly impartial sentence. Then we get bullet points…nationalist, extremist, Nazi SS.
It’s rare that I visit the BBC News site, not only because I know what to expect in terms of bias – but just how childish the journalism sounds. It’s like you’re reading something meant for 9 year olds.
Maybe they expect their readers are learning English as a second language, because there’s virtually no serious analysis in articles. There seem to be few long or unfamiliar words and sentences mostly lack subordinate clauses. It’s all a bit anodyne and boring too, but maybe that’s their in-house style that they have to stick to.
That’s my impression anyway – I probably ought to research a bit more before I make such claims lol! Of course another reason I visit rarely is that while they are faffing about trying to put an acceptable gloss on ‘unwelcome’ political events, the news you get isn’t up to date by the time they publish it.
How far Left is Corbyn ? Yes the BBC website is appalling in so many ways and appears to be written by and for children which, come to think of it, it probably is. Today’s headline ” Real of fake ? What’s the best kind of christmas tree ? ” Should “best ” not read “better” ? But , apart from that, FFS !
Maybe if he makes a donation to a wee Scots hamlet, that aspect may be quietly dropped by the ever respectful BBC?
BBC News broadcasts –
Speculation: 90%
News Fact: 10%
Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia.
Thanks to Northern Dreamer for contributing suggestions for Christmas music for the politically correct/Islamic era. I’d like to add some:
‘Jizzya Bells’
‘I stoned Mommy for kissing Santa Claus’
‘Ave Sharia’
‘Slay Ride’
‘Mistletoe and non-intoxicating Halal beverages’
‘Thank Allah it’s Winterval’
‘Let’s have Mo, let’s have Mo, let’s have Mo’
I also came up with popular songs re-written for a rapidly Islamising west:
‘It’s another Taqiyya Sunrise’ (Eagles)
‘Caliphatisation, here we come’ (Al Jolson)
‘Halal-oh,yeah!’ (Leonard Cohen)
Northern and Helena,
LOL !!! Don’t give the BBC ideas. They would take this seriously. I don’t see Slade anywhere ?
Then there’s the Gilbert O’Sullivan classic “I’m Not Dreaming Of A White Christmas (I’d prefer a BAME one)”
How about – I’m dreaming of a shiite Christmas? (unlike the ones I used to know)
Or, Allua Akbar is coming to town?
You better watch out, you better not cry bias,
They’ll kill you when you’re sleeping
etc etc.
If you’re gonna do it, do it properly.
And for the Remoaners:-
I suppose it was only a matter of time…
Our Gary Lineker, ex-footballer, man’s man, millionaire, BBC man and man of the (newly arrived or wanting to arrive in Britain) people, hosts flagship BBC sport show Match of the Day. It was inevitable that the BBC would shoehorn in BBC values.
The issue was a reasonable one – illiteracy in young boys. But please BBC is it really appropriate to wedge this in between Mauricio Pochettino mumbling and mangling the English language from North London and Sergio Aguero’s crash course in Anglo Saxon up at Manchester.
Football clubs sending coaches into schools – let’s hope the CRB checks were done.
Who do the BBC focus on…? An obviously Eastern European chap from Crystal Palace – don’t panick, don’t scramble the BBC paedo helicopter, it’s Fulham who are known as the Cottagers.
And that will be Thomas spelt Tomasz – or some such. Really, Eastern European literacy teachers…? That’ll be a recipe for bad spelling.
And our set book kiddies (I kid you not) “101 Ways To Save The Planet Before Bedtime”
This morning on Radio 4 is just wall to wall grumbling about all things Brexit, Trump and “extreme right”.
No change there of course, except that today they even turned the main story in their flagship religious programme Sunday into an item that had absolutely nothing to do with religion as it shoehorned in an item about populism and the “extreme right”.
As we commented about on another thread, this almost cultish bias is spreading like a cancer into every corner of the BBC. What’s the best way to treat cancer? Cut it out?
Mark Easton finds a profession he likes, for some reason…
Another black mark for Marr. In his interview with Boris this morning, I am sure Marr spoke MORE than Boris was allowed to! The number of his interruptions was disgraceful! I wish I had counted from the start – I bet someone on here might have done so.
And a sneering Gavin Essler commenting later that Boris didn’t answer the questions.Never mind the content of the interview just sneer, sneer, sneer. Laugh? I could cry. Immediate off button.
Maybe I simply haven’t been paying attention, but the most interesting bit of information to come from Marr this morning is that the Labour member lost his deposit at Richmond. This, to me, suggests that their ‘policy’ on Brexit is not exactly resonating with the public, but am I right in thinking that this didn’t get much coverage at the time?
One other thing. Do you think that sharing a name with one of the Labour Party’s founder members enhances Mr Starmer’s belief that he has a grasp of politics?
Nothing on the BBC about this, although now it has happened to some Politico, things might just change.
Teenage Afghan immigrant is arrested in Germany after the 19-year-old daughter of a senior EU official was raped and murdered while out jogging
Have to laugh at this one.
Theresa May warns Whitehall moles – and the memo is leaked
Man held over a tweet calling for someone to ‘Jo Cox’ an MP, Anna Soubry.
It did not take long to catch him.
Meanwhile, has anything been said to the Guardian reporter who called for Trump’s assassination?
9:15am R4 #bbcBH covered SOUBRY by interviewing Gina Miller about cruel tweets to her
That’s everyday #BbcBias They don’t cove cruel tweets to Farage/Trump
As if it OK to send cruel/death-threat tweets to them.
…. SJW Missionary Paddy O’Connel wasn’t presenting this week
Also they interviewed posh judge Lord Scott about the Judges bias on Brexit court decision.
He said “ridiculous to say judges are influenced by wife”
2 mins later “hangon my wife is passing me a piece of paper”
…So he was being influenced by his wife live on air.
What an evil bitch. Surely , incitement to murder is a crime in the UK ? She should be arrested and tried.
Does anyone know if this malicious communication was reported to the police and if not how we can report it?
Don’t worry, she’ll already be on the CIA’s list.
Probably along with almost every other Guardnia writer.
How do the BBC report that Jill Stein, of the US green Party, has failed to get her ludicrous undemocratic recount in Pennsylvania overturned?
Humiliating retreat for Greens?
Common-sense prevails?
BBC Taken for a Ride by Undemocratic Sources?
Jill Stein Says She Will Hand Back The 7 Million Dollars She Raised from Gullible Snowflakes?
Nope! Answer:
US election recount: Greens change tactics in Pennsylvania bid
No, BBC they didn’t change tactics. The recount is over. Have a cry and report the truth.
Anna Soubry MP – A 25 year old man has been arrested for allegedly calling for people to, ‘Jo Cox’ Soubry. Meanwhile not far away,
Coming to a town or city near you soon……
Does that mean, ‘cox’ and ‘jo’ are now banned words? Hell, I just can’t keep up.
Cocks have been banned at al-Beeb minarets for quite a while now.
I’d be more impressed if any of the death threats made against Nigel Farage had been treated seriously,
Fat chance of that from our PC PCs.
Soubry … yuk! I find her smug, relentless attention seeking narrative, both odious and irritating in equal measure. Of course the Twitter obsessed Al BBC is going to run, and pontificate with this one.
The political Media party see no end to the rich leverage of the Jo Cox murder either. A corrupt useless political elite looking for the benefit of the spin doctors next turn.
If I recall correctly , Jo Cox sent a newsletter around her constituency titled, “why I knifed J Corbyn” straight after his election … that later, and as usual apportioned blame to some aide.
In truth, the Batley and Spen constituency voted overwhelmingly for J Corbyn, three quarters of the vote, Ms Cox s preference got 2 votes, that was more like it
A bloody clear out is what s needed
My maths aren’t great, but hearing that even if Brexit is triggered, – Theresa May will have to accept 10,000 migrants per year for unskilled work. TEN THOUSAND ???? year on year ?? is that on top of the migrant quota ? why cant the TEN THOUSAND of one year (and the thousands already here) carry on doing the work of the following year ? after 10 years that’s another 100,000, which is yet another town created. Are we expected to believe that the TEN THOUSAND arrivals will upsticks and go home after 12 months to let another TEN THOUSAND have a chance of cabbage culling, who are they kidding ? once here its straight down the N.I Registration Shop and we’ve gott’em for life. If the media want to create these headlines then further details should be given. Still, I suppose its yet another employment pool for the BBC to dip into.
If it becomes evident that we are in desperate of more migrants, we could let more in. Otherwise, close the f***ing door.
Migration will not solve the crisis in, housing, social care, prisons etc., it will only add to it – I’m not too hot on maths but that is such an simple equation.
steady on ..Where did you hear this 10,000 story ?
Stew – I cant comment regarding the 10,000 figure – However yesterday on the radio classic FM news I think they were wittering on about letting some unskilled migrant to fill in jobs such as “fruit picking” that brits do not wish to do.
Last week I visited a “shithole ” estate and it amazed me how many housing association properties seemed to have young men at home in the day, apparently off their faces. All victims of a system that doesnt care I suppose!
Whilst I blame a lot of our problems on the “liberal elite” We cant escape the fact that is a large, indigenous, able bodied subclass of people who think the world owes them a living and need their arses severely kicked.
One thing about the poles is that on the whole they do not seem afraid of hard work!
I would have thought the BBC and Lefties would have been encouraging the UK to import more fruit from poor countries instead of encouraging immigrants to work for slave wages and profits to remain in the UK. This would benefit the genuinely poor people of the world and , surely, that is what socialism is about ?
I think we have enough fruit and veg imported already. I will however pay a premium for English Mustard and Bacon on the Barking Road but only Icelands sell it.
That said the Climate Change Activists at bBBC are more than happy to compromise their values when it comes to all year round organic strawberries grown intensively in Ethiopia at Israeli funded farms.
And to import Syrians Somalis or Phillipinas who go home on holiday on a long haul flight at least once a year!
Grant – These days socialism seems more about encouraging illogical and harmful policies (such as open door immigration) which support whatever is seen as the trendy fashionable opinion of the day.
If I was honest – When I was younger (and a bit of a lefty) my attraction to socialism was more about trying to pull an attractive “right on” filly rather than any deep commitment to equality for all.
Now I am older – I actually realise that despite the obvious faults with our society, my more right wing stance is because I now realise that on the whole – our culture and traditions are actually worth fighting for, and is one of the reasons people used to want to come here.
If you dont value something it is easily lost. And I do worry that many of our snowflakes have more regard to their facebook accounts than the society that fought to give them their freedoms in the first place.
I suppose to an extent it is a generational thing. But unfortunately the stakes are much higher now than they have been for years.
Wandered off the subject a bit – will put it down to middle age and a large lunch.
Stew…… the 10,000 was mentioned on one of the news channels this morning (note: ‘mentioned ‘ with no follow-up). I leapt to the laptop as soon as I heard it.
Got … Some fake new story about MPs saying pre- Brexit we need to make preparation for agricultural workers to come in.
Well what we could do is just do Brexit and THEN see if there is a problem.
What we could do is sell work experience visa to rich nation students eg have Korean, Japanese Icelandic students come in .. Ean money and spend it all here.
By the time they’ve built all the shoe boxes, we are told we need, to house these migrants, there won’t be much land left to grow the fruit, etc., that they are coming here to pick in the first place.
why cant the TEN THOUSAND of one year (and the thousands already here) carry on doing the work of the following year ?
Its fairly obvious really and its why importing immigrants to do “dirty jobs British people ar too lazy to do” doesn’t work.
Why do British people not want to do these jobs? Usually because they are miserable, they’re fin for a while, when you’re a student, or on a gap year, or when your new in a foreign country,or when you have kids and just want a small part time job, but they are not jobs that anyone wants to do for a lifetime!
Arrogant elitist Globalists imagine immigrants are happy catching chickens or doing their cleaning, or working as a live in carer for granny! Because they put on fake smiles and lie deluded middle class elitists believe what they like to believe! The reality is immigrants quickly become as fed up as any Briton, and as soon as thy can speak English want to movee on to something more pleasant, so they get a job in Tesco or Primark or Costa Coffee and oh dear our chicken farmer wants replacements and granny has to be put in a home until the Magda is replaced with a Romanian or Nigerian newcomer.
Fake news? May already have been posted as it’s weeks old so sorry if it’s a repeat, a couple of conflicting versions of what actually happened at skeptics.
Friends! My latest round-up of my weekly Tweets, “Lefty’s Sunday Selection of Greatest Tweets – Which Are Literally Rocking The Hard-Right Racist Neoliberal Paradigm To Its Very Foundations With Their Literally Irrefutable Logic – 27th November-4th December” is now – literally – available, literally here: