It would be juvenile in the extreme to dismiss and denigrate an established, gifted and highly regarded politician’s beliefs, based on their appearance and delivery. However, in the case of Diane Abbott, I think we should all be prepared to make an exception.
While Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas was accepting praise (from the BBC and other UK alt-left media sources) for sending Palestinian firefighters to help put out fires in Israel, the PA Finance Ministry was busy doing the paper work to start paying salaries (supported by the UK and not reported by the BBC) to the Palestinian arsonists who were arrested for setting many of those same fires. So far Israel has arrested 23 suspected arsonists connected to the hundreds of fires that raged across Israel in the last week of November, burning more than 500 homes and 32,000 acres of forests and national parks. According to Palestinian law documented by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW),(but again not by the BBC) anyone imprisoned for “resisting the occupation” receives a high monthly salary. Therefore, all of those convicted and imprisoned for arson will receive PA salaries “from the day of arrest until the day of release.
In the spirit of fairness, I’m forced to congratulate the BBC for allowing Brillo Neil to savage Diane hippo Abbott on today’s Sunday Politics. It was like watching a boxer demolishing a weak and rather pathetic opponent, to the point that I wanted the referee to step in and stop the bout. I genuinely felt real pity for the hapless, slate-skinned imbecile. It would be worth halting immigration just to stop embarrassing ourselves to incoming foreigners who might get the impression that, as an MP, Ms Abbott is in any way representative of British people, whether white or black, to use her own racist expression.
First Roman,
Andrew Neil continues to be an exception to the BBC rule of unrelentless left/liberal bias, you wonder the reason for this.
Abbott was shown up, as was the state of the present Labour party.
However to her credit she demonstrated that she can waffle with the best of them, although perhaps not quite as well as the previous interviewee Nick Clegg (Sarah Olney take note here i.e. when you are defeated by facts and logic then waffle away, do not under any circumstance walk away!)
First Roman
“Andrew Neil continues to be an exception to the BBC rule of unrelentless left/liberal bias, you wonder the reason for this.”
He is their ‘get out card’ against any accusation of Libtard Bias
I’ll go along with that. However Neil’s balanced interviewing is vastly outnumbered by leftist/liberal biased interviewers and commentators elsewhere on BBC. A bit like BBC’s Question Time.
Clegg embarrasses himself, again, on national TV. Only a career politician can assert one thing, be shown footage completely refuting what they have just said, and carry on as if they were right all along. I have news for you Cleggy, you fool nobody.
Andrew Neil needs to get the LibDems newest MP in for a grilling. Can’t see that happening though as a hasty departure from a TV interview would be quite tricky.
BBC News – Man found murdered outside student halls in Acton
“A man has been found stabbed to death outside student halls in west London, police have said. Officers were called to a University of the Arts London building in Acton on Thursday evening. A man was found with stab wounds outside The Costume Store dormitory and died later in hospital. The victim, aged in his 20s, has yet to be formally identified and police have begun a murder investigation”.
“Latest official figures show there were 1,782 knife crime-related injuries of people aged under 25 in London between September 2015 and September 2016.
There were 68 in Ealing, according to the Mayor of London’s Office for Policing and Crime.”
Very upsetting, a terrible crime horrible murder – Al BBC very quick to spout the recent figures of knife crime too etc.
Hmmm, maybe just a little too quick.
“Murder squad detectives are today hunting a Burka-clad woman who is believed to have had a knife in her bag after a teenager was stabbed to death outside a university.
The terrified woman, who had a cut to her hand, ran into a nearby Costa coffee shop screaming for help after the man was attacked with a screwdriver and knife.
A coffee shop worker today claimed she saw a knife in the woman’s bag following the tragic incident outside the University of the Arts in Acton, west London.”
Once again, after attacks and recent burglaries, now murder!
calls for this deliberate hiding of identity to be outlawed should be at least given some prominence, but …
once again on the BBC you know nothing about it.
A headline in the grauniad today on Obama ‘lending’ ( apparently ) Trump a hand reads.. ‘putting lipstick on a pig’. Yes that is the right on tolerant grauniad referring to Trump as a pig! Do we really need to know any more about this filthy rag that the BBC get’s it story telling lines from?
The BBC covers the Italian referendum, but manage to please the UK Government with an attack on populism and a dig at Trump.
As for the continuing BBC hostility towards Trump, read it as faithful adherence to the anti Americanism of Treezer May’s pro EU Government
Says the Government Broadcaster.
‘The opposition Five Star Movement argues that it helped to create the current international wave of populism.
The party was founded in 2009 by the comedian Beppe Grillo, whose shock of hair and loud opinion are reminiscent of Donald Trump.’
“Hawaii snowfall: Parts of state receive weather warning”
“Weather experts say that it is not unusual for snow to fall in tropical Hawaii, but rarely has it fallen so heavily at such low altitudes.” – Global Warming ?
But Taffman, you should know by now that any kind of weather, anywhere on the planet, is the result of ‘climate change’!
In fact, when the next Ice Age starts to kick in they’ll still be blaming it on man-made CO2 in the atmosphere, and then we’ll all be back to the 70s….
We hear more and more of ‘Populism’ and ‘populist movement’ from Al Beeb and MSM.
Next, they will gradually link Populist to Fascists and Nazis.
Give a dog a bad name ?
Populism = “a belief in the power of regular people, and in their right to have control over their government rather than a small group of political insiders or a wealthy elite.”
Thanks , I need to catch up . Shift work gets in the way.
Populism is therefore anything or one who gets in the way or offends the Libtards, their media and internationalism. Ie democracy, Brexit and patriotism, or anyone that loves the country that they were born in.
The media are so out of touch with the ordinary people of this nation that they re brand ‘populism’ .
19-year-old German student raped and drowned by Afghan migrant.
“The dead girl’s father is Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer who works as the right hand man to the legal director of the European Commission.”
That brings it close to home for the cosseted EU bureaucrats. I wonder how many more awful tragedies like this have to occur before the “progressive” movement acquires some common sense.
I do not know if Merkel is insane or just evil or just stupid. But she grew up in Soviet Germany, so is unlikely to have any moral compass. The German people have got to get rid of her if they want to want their country to survive.
Grant – re lack of moral compass I dont think growing up in the Eastern block prevents you having a moral compass. I am sure there are plenty of people with similar backgounds to Merkel who do not share her world view.
In the UK we also have plenty of idiots who given half the chance (such as Geldorf or Diane Jabbot the Hut) who would probably go even further when it comes to allowing unrestricted immigration.
But yes you are right the Germans voted her in and only the Germans can vote her out.
I’ll be surprised (albeit pleasantly) if the Germans vote her out. I spoke with two of her fellow countrymen recently and they said that whenever there are opinion polls about her, she does appallingly in the popularity stakes yet when there are elections both her and her party do well.
I suppose it’s similar to the Labour supporting idiots, in places like Rotherham and Sheffield, who continue to vote for the party which has facilitated (via immigration), covered-up and ignored the sexual enslavement and exploitation of their female children by Muslim immigrants residing in those areas.
Wasn’t it Uncle Joe, who supposedly said, “It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Although, I would be surprised if he ever had to face an election in his entire life. I was in Munich recentley (bloody cold!)and a lot of the people I spoke to were proud of what Merkel was doing with regard to the “poor and disposessed” and felt she should do more. Not sure if they were afraid of being overheard though.
BBC and other liberal/left asking what is the establishment . Other names are the Elite and Powers That Be .
The BBC are sneeringly saying no one can tell who these people are . I’ll help you Beeboids , it’s anyone who tells the ordinary people what their concerns should be , and belittles their misgivings about how they are governed .
The BBC has been silent on the story about the daughter of a senior EU official being raped and murdered by an Afghan migrant in Germany. She was a medical student who volunteered at a refugee centre.
You may have thought Nick Clegg to be an ok sort of a guy, just a bit of a loser.
However, he has now decided to hound out of office every MP who voted for Brexit, demanding that the public seek to ditch them at elections.
What one earth does Clegg love so much about the undemocratic, corrupt and incompetent EU?
Well, it seems Clegg stuffed his designer pockets with £2.4 million quid in the brief time he was with them. Nice work if you can get it, I am sure you will agree.
The man who demanded a “complete clean-up of politics” during the MPs expenses affair, actually stole from the taxpayer, sorry claimed in expenses, amongst everything else, £5K for decorating and £2.6K for a new kitchen for his home in Sheffield. What sort of guy accepts millions over a couple of years yet still feels the need to stick his hands in the pockets of the poor and pensioners around the EU to do up his home?
BTW He is still running his wallet through to the never-ending ‘euro trough’, recently collecting 22K for a speech to Goldman Sachs. What a man of the people.
The only person the British electorate need to ensure doesn’t get a place in parliament is Nick Clegg.
Clegg is half-Dutch, his wife is Spanish and I believe there is also some Russian knocking about in his family tree somewhere. He is the ultimate EU-ropean and as such it would be far better if he relocated to his mother’s homeland or his wife’s, as both countries are still (presently) firmly within the EU that he loves so much.
The same goes for the rest of the Remainiscum, if they feel so strongly that the result of the referendum was “wrong” – just go. I’m sure we’ll cope somehow, if they could also take a sand-dog sculptor, accordion player or Big Issue seller or two with them on their way out of the country; that would be wonderful.
‘BBC News boss James Harding has promised more what he calls ‘slow news’
Given the BBC’s commitment to watertight oversight when things go narrative awry, slow would be a real increase in speed.
Luckily they ‘balance’ this by rushing stuff out that suits, though often suffer reputationally when it turns out to be utter pants, or as is now known as ‘fake’.
While all our socialist friends are still dewy-eyed after the death of their beloved leader of students, dear old cuddly Fidel, let’s pause and reflect how, just across the water from Cuba, another socialist Nirvana country is doing.
1. Bank notes being replaced as wheelbarrows are now needed to carry enough cash to buy the basics. Very Zimbabwe.
2. Currency devalued against the US dollar by 60% on the black market.
3. Inflation of 180% with projections next year of 2000%.
And to get this great economy in the UK, all we have to do is vote for Corbyn and McDonnell. Just think of all that equality when we all have equal-sized wheelbarrows.
So Hofer, in a contest which was described as ‘neck and neck’ only a few hours ago, loses to the safe pair of hands pro-EU geriatric professor by an extraordinary margin of 7%. And within the next three or four hours, Renzi’s policies will no doubt be embraced by an enthusiastic and loyal Italian electorate. Two more wins, not for democracy but for the EU, an oligarchic organisation which is actually the antithesis of democracy, but let’s not rock the boat, eh?
PS The boat is still holed beneath the waterline, just like those that continue to bring immigrants, and Italy, ever closer to civil war.
I think by now the political terminology is becoming clear, especially after the BBC report of the liberal centre’s victory over the far right in Austria. It is not about socialism v capitalism, collectivism v individualism
Far right equals populism, bordering on Trump/Farage style fascism. Essentially it is anti unlimited immigration and Islamisation.
The opponents of the far right are mainstream centre politicians who have surrendered or sold themselves to Islam and despite differences in presentation of their policies are with the BBC.
Far left equals Corbynite nonsense, Momentum, Class War, Left Unity, Trots, and assorted anarchists. Clueless idiots.
What has happened in politics here in Britain and the Rest of the West since the end of WW2 (IMHO) is that what constitutes the “centre ground” politically has moved, incrementally, to be what would formerly have been recognized as a “left wing” or “left of centre” position.
To adopt a political position that would be categorized as being of the “centre” sixty or seventy years ago, would now place a politician, who took such a view, utterly beyond the pale; in the eyes of his contemporaries, the MSM and the establishment – think of Powell; Farage and others. The converse is also true: that to have expressed what are now “centre” political positions back then, would have been viewed as holding “radical” or Socialist principles.
The potential policies which Trump espoused during the election campaign, would have raised no eye brows if they had been expressed by a candidate during an election campaign during the twenties or thirties. The political categories have shifted en-bloc to the progressives (i.e. to the Left) to such a degree, that to offer any opposition to immigration (which is what trade unions and Labour politicians here used to do) is now to place a person, attaching themselves to such, on the Far-right.
Diana West’s book “The Death of the Grown-Up” covers this excellently.
When I was very young (just before or into teens), I made a joke about a politician or political grouping to the effect that “They are so far to the Right that they are coming back round the other side.” It made the adults in the family chuckle.
Interestingly, now, the whole notion of Right & Left – and Centre for that matter – is being reconsidered.
Try this exercise: can you think of any Government, elected or dictatorship, that has been of the Far Right?
The best I came up with as a start was to suggest Chile or Greece but if I recall correctly, they were military dictatorships which tend to be harsh & repressive but more of the middle than Left or Right. Franco’s Spain was Republican and ‘rather Leftish’, they fought & defeated even more ‘Leftish’ Communists to gain control. (Left fighting Left, now where have we heard of that?!!) So, that leaves Nicaragua, perhaps?
Suggestions, anyone?
Apart from a move left described by you (refering more to social democracy and social support) is not the label ‘Right’ just a relic of a media of the early twentieth to mid-twentieth century being a bit lazy? As ‘Communism’ was seen to be ‘radical’ it was ascribed the label ‘Left’, therefore anything that is not that or close to or beyond Communism must be its opposite, which equals ‘Right’.
I don’t know, that damned Overton Window (ever shifting leftwards since it was invented) must be made retrograde eventually – if not in my lifetime, then soon thereafter. Normal people will only stand so much nonsense.
I remain hopeful we will re-take the asylum, but we must never allow the lunatics to run loose in it again, there’s too much at stake.
I have just watched Strictly. I know, I know. It was my own fault that when it finished I stayed to watch the BBC advert to ‘Merry Christmas,everyone’. It included many people but just one couple kissing romantically and the couple were both men. The BBC really has to take every opportunity to make us embrace a diverse society.
Deborah. I saw it (as opposed to watched it!) and said exactly the same thing to my lovely wife who had been watching Strictly. Marriage is all about compromise you know. People shown of numerous colours and hues but the kiss was of two men. My wife retorted that I am obsessed with these things and she didn’t notice what I had seen. That’s the problem. The BBC are obsessed with changing our social norms by such broadcasts and normal, decent people don’t realise what’s going on and assume the new norms. It’s brainwashing. I have no problem with gay people, but I do have a problem with the BBC telling me what is right and wrong.
Exactly, Pete. Notice how they preface some programs with warnings of flash photography or the program may contain language or scenes that some viewers may find offensive or upsetting, yet they air a short such as this one. They must be so secure in their beliefs that everyone holds the same views as to what is right as they do, so as not to even consider that some people would not find it appropriate, given the time it was shown, especially following a program that is popular with a lot of children. I’m just glad I didn’t have my grandkids round when it was on.
BBC, Britain’s Biggest Corrupters.
Anyone else seen the new “advert” for BBC One(ness)? Featuring two “affectionate” young men in a bar? Not sure how this will go down in the Beeb’s favourite “minority’s” households though. Catch it before it gets twittered.
There’s an awful lot of these fleeting blink and you miss them ‘moments’ in ads as well. The shopping channel QVC had a couple of chaps kissing when advertising a camera, it was over before you realised what had happened, so its really subliminal brainwashing.
Back in the day, there was a considerable push to appease Hitler. A lot of, ‘he can’t be so bad’ and ‘we want to avoid war’ and ‘we need to lead by example and seize the moral high ground’ and so on and so on.
That didn’t work so well either.
“Scottish National dress by 2030”
You forgot ‘with a kilt’.
What on earth is wrong with Scotland the Brave ? I never thought they would surrender their country.
Islam only requires that women cover their hair…..
Well I’ve got a few fancy dress wigs that would have been much more fun ! So with so much to choose from why do they wear a boring headscarf ?
Austria likes their ‘greens’ while Italy follows Great Britain and shows the way to freedom !
“Matteo Renzi looked as if he was heading toward a stinging defeat in a referendum to change Italy’s constitution, judging by initial exit polls that indicated populist and anti-immigrant parties opposing the controversial reform have won up to 60% of the vote.”
Its them ‘populists’ again that don’t wanted to be invaded by N. Africa.
For a long time the referendum in Italy has looked like being a resounding ‘NO’, and there are knock on consequences for Europe, the EU, the Euro, and Brexit, none of them good for the remainers.
Is this the reason why the BBC has given hardly any coverage to one of the most important votes in Europe since our referendum ?
Nice one Rhif Saith
For the un-enlightened English brethren across the Dyke, Penderyn is a Welsh whiskey. I will drink a toast with you – here’s to Brexit and Brexiteers on this site .
“00.25am update: With almost three-quarters of the votes counted, the ‘NO’ votes stand at 59.4 per cent with the ‘YES’ votes significantly behind with just 40.6 per cent.
00.22am update: Founder of Italy’s populist Five Star Movement, Beppe Grillo, has called for an election “as soon as possible” following the announcement that the prime minister will resign.
He wrote: “The response of the Italian as turnout and how indication was clear. The regime’s propaganda and all his lies are the first losers in this referendum. Times have changed. Sovereignty belongs to the people, now we start to really apply our Constitution.
“This vote has two important consequences.
1) Goodbye Renzi
2) The Italians are to be called to vote as soon as possible.”
00.06am update: The euro is reportedly at a 12-month low against the dollar in the wake of Mr Renzi’s resignation announcement as the world waits for more clarification regarding Italy’s immediate future.”
Apart from maybe the odd corner shop or doctor, how many ordinary Britons have anything whatsoever to do with Muslims and yet a newly arrived Martian would assume Muslims made up at least half the population.
Other religious minorities are available so why this unnatural predilection for everything Islamic?
Gaxvil, good point. My theory is that the BBC (probably in tandem with Common Purpose and various leftist/Blairite influential groups) in the Blair years decided that it must relentlessly promote a concept of ‘British Islam’ to disarm radical Muslims, in the same way that the concept of ‘Anglo-Jewry’ was created in the 19th century by politicians to integrate Jewish immigrants.
The difference is of course in numbers and attitude; in Victorian times the number of Jewish immigrants was relatively small and they had no ‘Jihadis’ or similar.
The BBC cannot resist getting in a dig about gun ownership: Crime levels are relatively low in Finland, but the country has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world, with hunting a popular pastime.
It’s a weird one to be sure. Renzi’s proposals were, on the face of it quite sensible. However the weakening of the EU is the bigger prize, so let them have their Guelph vs Ghibelline spats as long as it gets us out of the mire faster.
Ok hi to all BBC unlovers, my first ever post. So this one really bugs me and it was all started a couple of years ago by the BBC, where has the ‘R’ gone in the English language ? it seem that R has been replaced by W, so everything now is all so dweeby. The weather forecasters and newsreaders are the worst offenders, women are the the main protagonists but men are now getting infected with this speech impediment. The Beebs vocal virus has also spread to all other MSM outlets, I suppose it all fits into their LBG / transgender agenda… or is it just me ??
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
It would be juvenile in the extreme to dismiss and denigrate an established, gifted and highly regarded politician’s beliefs, based on their appearance and delivery. However, in the case of Diane Abbott, I think we should all be prepared to make an exception.
While Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas was accepting praise (from the BBC and other UK alt-left media sources) for sending Palestinian firefighters to help put out fires in Israel, the PA Finance Ministry was busy doing the paper work to start paying salaries (supported by the UK and not reported by the BBC) to the Palestinian arsonists who were arrested for setting many of those same fires. So far Israel has arrested 23 suspected arsonists connected to the hundreds of fires that raged across Israel in the last week of November, burning more than 500 homes and 32,000 acres of forests and national parks. According to Palestinian law documented by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW),(but again not by the BBC) anyone imprisoned for “resisting the occupation” receives a high monthly salary. Therefore, all of those convicted and imprisoned for arson will receive PA salaries “from the day of arrest until the day of release.
In the spirit of fairness, I’m forced to congratulate the BBC for allowing Brillo Neil to savage Diane hippo Abbott on today’s Sunday Politics. It was like watching a boxer demolishing a weak and rather pathetic opponent, to the point that I wanted the referee to step in and stop the bout. I genuinely felt real pity for the hapless, slate-skinned imbecile. It would be worth halting immigration just to stop embarrassing ourselves to incoming foreigners who might get the impression that, as an MP, Ms Abbott is in any way representative of British people, whether white or black, to use her own racist expression.
Is there a link to that, I missed it. Why are the BBC obsessed with racist airhead Abbott. Seems sinister and unhealthy to me .
First Roman,
Andrew Neil continues to be an exception to the BBC rule of unrelentless left/liberal bias, you wonder the reason for this.
Abbott was shown up, as was the state of the present Labour party.
However to her credit she demonstrated that she can waffle with the best of them, although perhaps not quite as well as the previous interviewee Nick Clegg (Sarah Olney take note here i.e. when you are defeated by facts and logic then waffle away, do not under any circumstance walk away!)
First Roman
“Andrew Neil continues to be an exception to the BBC rule of unrelentless left/liberal bias, you wonder the reason for this.”
He is their ‘get out card’ against any accusation of Libtard Bias
I’ll go along with that. However Neil’s balanced interviewing is vastly outnumbered by leftist/liberal biased interviewers and commentators elsewhere on BBC. A bit like BBC’s Question Time.
Well that’s Al Beeb ‘impartiality’ for you.
We can see it but the government are oblivious ?
Mr. Neil does seem to be an equal opportunity demolisher:
Where was that LibDem PR guy when clearly needed again?
Clegg embarrasses himself, again, on national TV. Only a career politician can assert one thing, be shown footage completely refuting what they have just said, and carry on as if they were right all along. I have news for you Cleggy, you fool nobody.
Andrew Neil needs to get the LibDems newest MP in for a grilling. Can’t see that happening though as a hasty departure from a TV interview would be quite tricky.
BBC News – Man found murdered outside student halls in Acton
“A man has been found stabbed to death outside student halls in west London, police have said. Officers were called to a University of the Arts London building in Acton on Thursday evening. A man was found with stab wounds outside The Costume Store dormitory and died later in hospital. The victim, aged in his 20s, has yet to be formally identified and police have begun a murder investigation”.
“Latest official figures show there were 1,782 knife crime-related injuries of people aged under 25 in London between September 2015 and September 2016.
There were 68 in Ealing, according to the Mayor of London’s Office for Policing and Crime.”
Very upsetting, a terrible crime horrible murder – Al BBC very quick to spout the recent figures of knife crime too etc.
Hmmm, maybe just a little too quick.
“Murder squad detectives are today hunting a Burka-clad woman who is believed to have had a knife in her bag after a teenager was stabbed to death outside a university.
The terrified woman, who had a cut to her hand, ran into a nearby Costa coffee shop screaming for help after the man was attacked with a screwdriver and knife.
A coffee shop worker today claimed she saw a knife in the woman’s bag following the tragic incident outside the University of the Arts in Acton, west London.”
Once again, after attacks and recent burglaries, now murder!
calls for this deliberate hiding of identity to be outlawed should be at least given some prominence, but …
once again on the BBC you know nothing about it.
They will have cctv images of her in the coffee shop, but of course wearing a burkha she will be hard to identify.
SKY is not alone…
A headline in the grauniad today on Obama ‘lending’ ( apparently ) Trump a hand reads.. ‘putting lipstick on a pig’. Yes that is the right on tolerant grauniad referring to Trump as a pig! Do we really need to know any more about this filthy rag that the BBC get’s it story telling lines from?
It’s too late for Obama to salvage his reputation by trying to associate himself with Trump’s success.
The BBC covers the Italian referendum, but manage to please the UK Government with an attack on populism and a dig at Trump.
As for the continuing BBC hostility towards Trump, read it as faithful adherence to the anti Americanism of Treezer May’s pro EU Government
Says the Government Broadcaster.
‘The opposition Five Star Movement argues that it helped to create the current international wave of populism.
The party was founded in 2009 by the comedian Beppe Grillo, whose shock of hair and loud opinion are reminiscent of Donald Trump.’
“Hawaii snowfall: Parts of state receive weather warning”
“Weather experts say that it is not unusual for snow to fall in tropical Hawaii, but rarely has it fallen so heavily at such low altitudes.” – Global Warming ?
If its ‘not unusual’, why bother headlining it ?
But Taffman, you should know by now that any kind of weather, anywhere on the planet, is the result of ‘climate change’!
In fact, when the next Ice Age starts to kick in they’ll still be blaming it on man-made CO2 in the atmosphere, and then we’ll all be back to the 70s….
We hear more and more of ‘Populism’ and ‘populist movement’ from Al Beeb and MSM.
Next, they will gradually link Populist to Fascists and Nazis.
Give a dog a bad name ?
Populism = “a belief in the power of regular people, and in their right to have control over their government rather than a small group of political insiders or a wealthy elite.”
Done. Populists are Fascists.
Trump is a fascist.
Thanks , I need to catch up . Shift work gets in the way.
Populism is therefore anything or one who gets in the way or offends the Libtards, their media and internationalism. Ie democracy, Brexit and patriotism, or anyone that loves the country that they were born in.
The media are so out of touch with the ordinary people of this nation that they re brand ‘populism’ .
19-year-old German student raped and drowned by Afghan migrant.
“The dead girl’s father is Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer who works as the right hand man to the legal director of the European Commission.”
That brings it close to home for the cosseted EU bureaucrats. I wonder how many more awful tragedies like this have to occur before the “progressive” movement acquires some common sense.
As Merkel said “We can do this”
Maybe what she really meant was “Your daughters can do this”
NAIVE, STUPID, INSANE or just plain evil – I cant quite make up my mind on this ghastly woman.
It appears however that her chickens are starting to come home to roost. Unfortunately not in her house .
Time for the Germans to wake up from their slumber and see what Merkel has inflicted on Europe and in effect on many of their families.
With Merkels control of the press I wonder whether any similar crimes are being suppressed.
As Saint Jo said There is more that unites us than divides us – Maybe Merkel should try that on the victims parents.
It always happens to someone else – until it happens to you!
I do not know if Merkel is insane or just evil or just stupid. But she grew up in Soviet Germany, so is unlikely to have any moral compass. The German people have got to get rid of her if they want to want their country to survive.
Grant – re lack of moral compass I dont think growing up in the Eastern block prevents you having a moral compass. I am sure there are plenty of people with similar backgounds to Merkel who do not share her world view.
In the UK we also have plenty of idiots who given half the chance (such as Geldorf or Diane Jabbot the Hut) who would probably go even further when it comes to allowing unrestricted immigration.
But yes you are right the Germans voted her in and only the Germans can vote her out.
I’ll be surprised (albeit pleasantly) if the Germans vote her out. I spoke with two of her fellow countrymen recently and they said that whenever there are opinion polls about her, she does appallingly in the popularity stakes yet when there are elections both her and her party do well.
I suppose it’s similar to the Labour supporting idiots, in places like Rotherham and Sheffield, who continue to vote for the party which has facilitated (via immigration), covered-up and ignored the sexual enslavement and exploitation of their female children by Muslim immigrants residing in those areas.
Wasn’t it Uncle Joe, who supposedly said, “It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Although, I would be surprised if he ever had to face an election in his entire life. I was in Munich recentley (bloody cold!)and a lot of the people I spoke to were proud of what Merkel was doing with regard to the “poor and disposessed” and felt she should do more. Not sure if they were afraid of being overheard though.
reply to R Bradford
It’s hard to say it, I hate to say it..but I won’t disagree.
BBC and other liberal/left asking what is the establishment . Other names are the Elite and Powers That Be .
The BBC are sneeringly saying no one can tell who these people are . I’ll help you Beeboids , it’s anyone who tells the ordinary people what their concerns should be , and belittles their misgivings about how they are governed .
Following the calling of the Islamic faith? –
[What’s for sure, we didn’t hear this from, ‘The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’]
Note, this one has, “….a supportive family”, presumably in the UK yet he is to be deported (!?). They, (the ‘supportive family’) are determined to, “keep him on the right track”. But keeping him on the, “right track”, is surely contrary to the Quaran and is therefore un-Islamic. Enjoy:
The BBC has been silent on the story about the daughter of a senior EU official being raped and murdered by an Afghan migrant in Germany. She was a medical student who volunteered at a refugee centre.
The BBC blackout of anti-refugee stories continues.
BBC editorial means there is only so much space and time, for the big stories…
Nicola Sturgeon visits Ahmadiyya Mosque in Glasgow
Hope she was OK.
You can be sure that Krankie will harangue the muslims about their cruel treatment of women and children. Or maybe not !!!
Krankie will be quite safe amongst that particular branch of Islam.
Saw this … the message was that “there is no place for bigotry in Scotland”, except against the English presumably.
Twitter quite entertaining as the far-left suddenly rediscover how great and inviolable a majority vote is.
And that’s just the ‘news’ media.
Well, today, anyway.
You may have thought Nick Clegg to be an ok sort of a guy, just a bit of a loser.
However, he has now decided to hound out of office every MP who voted for Brexit, demanding that the public seek to ditch them at elections.
What one earth does Clegg love so much about the undemocratic, corrupt and incompetent EU?
Well, it seems Clegg stuffed his designer pockets with £2.4 million quid in the brief time he was with them. Nice work if you can get it, I am sure you will agree.
The man who demanded a “complete clean-up of politics” during the MPs expenses affair, actually stole from the taxpayer, sorry claimed in expenses, amongst everything else, £5K for decorating and £2.6K for a new kitchen for his home in Sheffield. What sort of guy accepts millions over a couple of years yet still feels the need to stick his hands in the pockets of the poor and pensioners around the EU to do up his home?
BTW He is still running his wallet through to the never-ending ‘euro trough’, recently collecting 22K for a speech to Goldman Sachs. What a man of the people.
The only person the British electorate need to ensure doesn’t get a place in parliament is Nick Clegg.
Nick Clegg has been a useless wanker all his life and will never change. But why should we have to pay for scum like him out of our money ?
Nick Clegg -the modern day William Joyce. Germany calling,Germany calling.
Dutchman Clegg is a traitor of the British people.
Some presenter needs to ask Cleggy if he has sworn the EU oath. He loses his pension if he says anything against the EU, same as Mandelson.
Clegg is half-Dutch, his wife is Spanish and I believe there is also some Russian knocking about in his family tree somewhere. He is the ultimate EU-ropean and as such it would be far better if he relocated to his mother’s homeland or his wife’s, as both countries are still (presently) firmly within the EU that he loves so much.
The same goes for the rest of the Remainiscum, if they feel so strongly that the result of the referendum was “wrong” – just go. I’m sure we’ll cope somehow, if they could also take a sand-dog sculptor, accordion player or Big Issue seller or two with them on their way out of the country; that would be wonderful.
Al Shubtill
…..and he can lie in five languages.
And what’s his wife did do ?
Boss of a big farm chain powered by EU imposed subsidies.
And in other news…
Frankly, in comparison, the rabbit may be overqualified.
‘Happy to have exes and jollies publicly scrutinised for just £100k a year’
‘Just’? LOL.
‘BBC News boss James Harding has promised more what he calls ‘slow news’
Given the BBC’s commitment to watertight oversight when things go narrative awry, slow would be a real increase in speed.
Luckily they ‘balance’ this by rushing stuff out that suits, though often suffer reputationally when it turns out to be utter pants, or as is now known as ‘fake’.
Fake news:
Bullshit !
While all our socialist friends are still dewy-eyed after the death of their beloved leader of students, dear old cuddly Fidel, let’s pause and reflect how, just across the water from Cuba, another socialist Nirvana country is doing.
1. Bank notes being replaced as wheelbarrows are now needed to carry enough cash to buy the basics. Very Zimbabwe.
2. Currency devalued against the US dollar by 60% on the black market.
3. Inflation of 180% with projections next year of 2000%.
Amazingly, this is being reported by the bBBC. Is someone going off message on the weekend shift?
And to get this great economy in the UK, all we have to do is vote for Corbyn and McDonnell. Just think of all that equality when we all have equal-sized wheelbarrows.
Terror suspect dodges deportation by refusing to reveal his real identity for 23 years
Security services have warned the Algerian is a threat
Incredibly, the courts have even granted him anonymity even though his actual identity is not known.
But Shhhh mustn’t criticise the judges unless of course they have said something which isn’t far left enough to keep the Fascists happy !
Note that the Fascist Police commissioner TOny Lloyd doesn’t condemn the Muslim rapist, and never has condemned any of them ever !
So Hofer, in a contest which was described as ‘neck and neck’ only a few hours ago, loses to the safe pair of hands pro-EU geriatric professor by an extraordinary margin of 7%. And within the next three or four hours, Renzi’s policies will no doubt be embraced by an enthusiastic and loyal Italian electorate. Two more wins, not for democracy but for the EU, an oligarchic organisation which is actually the antithesis of democracy, but let’s not rock the boat, eh?
PS The boat is still holed beneath the waterline, just like those that continue to bring immigrants, and Italy, ever closer to civil war.
Well, they’ve had plenty of time to rig things a bit more convincingly on this occasion.
I think by now the political terminology is becoming clear, especially after the BBC report of the liberal centre’s victory over the far right in Austria. It is not about socialism v capitalism, collectivism v individualism
Far right equals populism, bordering on Trump/Farage style fascism. Essentially it is anti unlimited immigration and Islamisation.
The opponents of the far right are mainstream centre politicians who have surrendered or sold themselves to Islam and despite differences in presentation of their policies are with the BBC.
Far left equals Corbynite nonsense, Momentum, Class War, Left Unity, Trots, and assorted anarchists. Clueless idiots.
What has happened in politics here in Britain and the Rest of the West since the end of WW2 (IMHO) is that what constitutes the “centre ground” politically has moved, incrementally, to be what would formerly have been recognized as a “left wing” or “left of centre” position.
To adopt a political position that would be categorized as being of the “centre” sixty or seventy years ago, would now place a politician, who took such a view, utterly beyond the pale; in the eyes of his contemporaries, the MSM and the establishment – think of Powell; Farage and others. The converse is also true: that to have expressed what are now “centre” political positions back then, would have been viewed as holding “radical” or Socialist principles.
The potential policies which Trump espoused during the election campaign, would have raised no eye brows if they had been expressed by a candidate during an election campaign during the twenties or thirties. The political categories have shifted en-bloc to the progressives (i.e. to the Left) to such a degree, that to offer any opposition to immigration (which is what trade unions and Labour politicians here used to do) is now to place a person, attaching themselves to such, on the Far-right.
Diana West’s book “The Death of the Grown-Up” covers this excellently.
Excellent post Al.
Think you are right, AS.
When I was very young (just before or into teens), I made a joke about a politician or political grouping to the effect that “They are so far to the Right that they are coming back round the other side.” It made the adults in the family chuckle.
Interestingly, now, the whole notion of Right & Left – and Centre for that matter – is being reconsidered.
Try this exercise: can you think of any Government, elected or dictatorship, that has been of the Far Right?
The best I came up with as a start was to suggest Chile or Greece but if I recall correctly, they were military dictatorships which tend to be harsh & repressive but more of the middle than Left or Right. Franco’s Spain was Republican and ‘rather Leftish’, they fought & defeated even more ‘Leftish’ Communists to gain control. (Left fighting Left, now where have we heard of that?!!) So, that leaves Nicaragua, perhaps?
Suggestions, anyone?
Apart from a move left described by you (refering more to social democracy and social support) is not the label ‘Right’ just a relic of a media of the early twentieth to mid-twentieth century being a bit lazy? As ‘Communism’ was seen to be ‘radical’ it was ascribed the label ‘Left’, therefore anything that is not that or close to or beyond Communism must be its opposite, which equals ‘Right’.
As Ronald Reagan said in 1964 “there is no such thing as a left or a right, there is only an up or a down”. (from about 3m45s)
Watch the whole speech if you can spare the time, it’s worth it
I don’t know, that damned Overton Window (ever shifting leftwards since it was invented) must be made retrograde eventually – if not in my lifetime, then soon thereafter. Normal people will only stand so much nonsense.
I remain hopeful we will re-take the asylum, but we must never allow the lunatics to run loose in it again, there’s too much at stake.
Infantilism rules okay.
I have just watched Strictly. I know, I know. It was my own fault that when it finished I stayed to watch the BBC advert to ‘Merry Christmas,everyone’. It included many people but just one couple kissing romantically and the couple were both men. The BBC really has to take every opportunity to make us embrace a diverse society.
You beat me to it Debs, just posted something similar.
Won’t be long before we see this on BBC:
Deborah. I saw it (as opposed to watched it!) and said exactly the same thing to my lovely wife who had been watching Strictly. Marriage is all about compromise you know. People shown of numerous colours and hues but the kiss was of two men. My wife retorted that I am obsessed with these things and she didn’t notice what I had seen. That’s the problem. The BBC are obsessed with changing our social norms by such broadcasts and normal, decent people don’t realise what’s going on and assume the new norms. It’s brainwashing. I have no problem with gay people, but I do have a problem with the BBC telling me what is right and wrong.
Exactly, Pete. Notice how they preface some programs with warnings of flash photography or the program may contain language or scenes that some viewers may find offensive or upsetting, yet they air a short such as this one. They must be so secure in their beliefs that everyone holds the same views as to what is right as they do, so as not to even consider that some people would not find it appropriate, given the time it was shown, especially following a program that is popular with a lot of children. I’m just glad I didn’t have my grandkids round when it was on.
BBC, Britain’s Biggest Corrupters.
Apparently, kids in Macedonia have/are making good money via syndicated fake news that the likes of Facebook have been lapping up.
Anyone else seen the new “advert” for BBC One(ness)? Featuring two “affectionate” young men in a bar? Not sure how this will go down in the Beeb’s favourite “minority’s” households though. Catch it before it gets twittered.
There’s an awful lot of these fleeting blink and you miss them ‘moments’ in ads as well. The shopping channel QVC had a couple of chaps kissing when advertising a camera, it was over before you realised what had happened, so its really subliminal brainwashing.
C4 news
“Austria Rightwing vanquished as Greens win LANDSLIDE”
53% to 47% in president vote
Just about the same margin as Brexit. Have C4 called Brexit a landslide?
Landslides only occur when the slippage is right to left, RA, not left to right.
Back in the day, there was a considerable push to appease Hitler. A lot of, ‘he can’t be so bad’ and ‘we want to avoid war’ and ‘we need to lead by example and seize the moral high ground’ and so on and so on.
That didn’t work so well either.
Interesting that Labour heartlands such as Stoke-on-Trent voted 71% for Brexit.
There are many Labour MPs such as Yvette Cooper looking at unemployment in the near future:-
Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford – Yvette Cooper, Labour (71% voted for Brexit)
I don’t expect the Political competition for votes to be from the Conservative party.
Doncaster North – Ed Miliband, Labour (72% voted for Brexit)
An image to give you nightmares – Sturgeon in a hijab!

She would look better in a burka
Islam only requires that women cover their hair, it doesn’t say that they have to wear a Hijab, nor Pakistani ethnic dress.
Scottish National dress by 2030
“Scottish National dress by 2030”
You forgot ‘with a kilt’.
What on earth is wrong with Scotland the Brave ? I never thought they would surrender their country.
Any Scotsmen got any comments about this ?
Islam only requires that women cover their hair…..
Well I’ve got a few fancy dress wigs that would have been much more fun ! So with so much to choose from why do they wear a boring headscarf ?
Sturgeon might copy the UK Prime Minister, Treeza al bin May
Austria likes their ‘greens’ while Italy follows Great Britain and shows the way to freedom !
“Matteo Renzi looked as if he was heading toward a stinging defeat in a referendum to change Italy’s constitution, judging by initial exit polls that indicated populist and anti-immigrant parties opposing the controversial reform have won up to 60% of the vote.”
Its them ‘populists’ again that don’t wanted to be invaded by N. Africa.
Hitlers shadow is a long one. Germanics are still terrified of the Nazi slur.
Nah, that’s just a plain old ‘German’ slur – quite adequate.
Warning – Speculation !
For a long time the referendum in Italy has looked like being a resounding ‘NO’, and there are knock on consequences for Europe, the EU, the Euro, and Brexit, none of them good for the remainers.
Is this the reason why the BBC has given hardly any coverage to one of the most important votes in Europe since our referendum ?
For those who, like me, avoid twitter.
Renzi announces he will resign at tomorrow’s cabinet meeting.
P.S. Shwmae taffman – What was that anthem from 1997?
Things can only get…..?
The cocaine wraps in W1 will be blocking the corridors. 😀
Typo!! And no edit available!!
It is now – server crashed.
How about this ?
Never mind your ‘server crashing’ watch the Euro fall on the exchange in the morrow .
As soon as I heard the opening bars I ALMOST dropped my Penderyn.
WRT Euro – it already is dropping, the western markets aren’t open yet.
Nice one Rhif Saith
For the un-enlightened English brethren across the Dyke, Penderyn is a Welsh whiskey. I will drink a toast with you – here’s to Brexit and Brexiteers on this site .
A Cut’n Paste.
“00.25am update: With almost three-quarters of the votes counted, the ‘NO’ votes stand at 59.4 per cent with the ‘YES’ votes significantly behind with just 40.6 per cent.
00.22am update: Founder of Italy’s populist Five Star Movement, Beppe Grillo, has called for an election “as soon as possible” following the announcement that the prime minister will resign.
He wrote: “The response of the Italian as turnout and how indication was clear. The regime’s propaganda and all his lies are the first losers in this referendum. Times have changed. Sovereignty belongs to the people, now we start to really apply our Constitution.
“This vote has two important consequences.
1) Goodbye Renzi
2) The Italians are to be called to vote as soon as possible.”
00.06am update: The euro is reportedly at a 12-month low against the dollar in the wake of Mr Renzi’s resignation announcement as the world waits for more clarification regarding Italy’s immediate future.”
I’ve just had a top up in celebration.
Will the £ rise in the morn? Will Britain’s taxpayers have to fund and bail out the EU again ?
Apart from maybe the odd corner shop or doctor, how many ordinary Britons have anything whatsoever to do with Muslims and yet a newly arrived Martian would assume Muslims made up at least half the population.
Other religious minorities are available so why this unnatural predilection for everything Islamic?
Gaxvil, good point. My theory is that the BBC (probably in tandem with Common Purpose and various leftist/Blairite influential groups) in the Blair years decided that it must relentlessly promote a concept of ‘British Islam’ to disarm radical Muslims, in the same way that the concept of ‘Anglo-Jewry’ was created in the 19th century by politicians to integrate Jewish immigrants.
The difference is of course in numbers and attitude; in Victorian times the number of Jewish immigrants was relatively small and they had no ‘Jihadis’ or similar.
titled “How Violent is Islam Really”
led by Johno Pearce.
Thu Feb 23, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
The Winchester Discovery Centre
OK that is 10 weeks time but search the guys name and they’ll be other dates/places
The front cafe bar area will be open from 7.00pm.
Shooting of politician in Finland
The BBC cannot resist getting in a dig about gun ownership:
Crime levels are relatively low in Finland, but the country has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world, with hunting a popular pastime.
Aerfen – Hunting is frowned upon in W1.
Looking at the amount of fur, feather and fish that changes hands in my W. Wales local, we must be frowned upon as well.
Lucky she was not packing…
Renzi accepts defeat
BREAKING: Lib Dems confirm that they will enter a candidate to replace Renzi after Italy’s people got the E.U. answer wrong.
Jailbird Huhne being tipped By Merkel.
It’s a weird one to be sure. Renzi’s proposals were, on the face of it quite sensible. However the weakening of the EU is the bigger prize, so let them have their Guelph vs Ghibelline spats as long as it gets us out of the mire faster.
She seems sad.
She’s baaaaaaaaaack!
Ok hi to all BBC unlovers, my first ever post. So this one really bugs me and it was all started a couple of years ago by the BBC, where has the ‘R’ gone in the English language ? it seem that R has been replaced by W, so everything now is all so dweeby. The weather forecasters and newsreaders are the worst offenders, women are the the main protagonists but men are now getting infected with this speech impediment. The Beebs vocal virus has also spread to all other MSM outlets, I suppose it all fits into their LBG / transgender agenda… or is it just me ??