Just read BBC report on the Italian vote result. Couldn’t actually find anything particularly biased with it. Apart from saying that much of France was in thral to front national. Hmm. Are they reading to this site?
“What will it do to the economy?
Markets seemed to have taken Mr Renzi’s departure in their stride. Stocks and the euro fell in early trading in Asia but there were no signs of panic, as the possibility of his resignation had already been factored in.”
The FT however reports that “The Euro dropped to its lowest in more than a year in early Asian trading on Monday” not sure that is taking it in their stride. Imagine how the Beeb would have reported if it was the £ that had dropped so sharply!
‘In thrall’ means thraldom, or feudal servitude. Basically implying the Front National has some sort of hold over its supporters, like a cobra hypnotising its victims. Has the BBC ever used that term to describe support for a party it approves of?
When the BBC uses ‘in thrall’ they mean that the fascist malevolent National Front is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that is fooling voters. They can’t get away with saying that lie outright so they dogwhistle.
Italians having enough of the totalitarian abuse, lies and deceit……
Trump clearly getting the better of communist state and relentless human rights abusers China on Twitter (ironically the social media site that the self hating, self-righteous, self-important wankers at Al Beebistan have used as a halo polishing eco-chamber)….
A report how racial segregation is growing in the UK (you don’t fucking say!!! What do you expect when you bring it people who have hated everything and everyone that’s not like them for 1400 years, as mandated by the so-called prophet and full time child rapist Muhammad)……
It’s wonderful to see all of those years of lying, misreporting, conniving, bigotry by the self serving elites have now been identified as such by all corners of the world, and their totalitarian, protectionist paradise is falling around them…..and Al Shabeeb are helpless to stop it!! And they know it!! ?? ???
What is grabbing my attention is the proliferation of labels on the TODAY programme this morning, especially frequent use of ‘populism’ and the inferences that ‘populism’ = bad or even ‘populism’ = evil.
The language is leaving me.
The language is laughing me.
That is, it is making me laugh as an Orwellian language mangling appears to be leading to a swirl of a lack of meaning. On the gentle decline of a sluice, there will be an inevitable gravitational pull of this swirl toward the plug hole. I hope no-one tips the sluice and makes the swirl stay away from the plug hole. The sooner we clear this away the better.
Baroness Shami is sweeping the swirl around with her words as I type, in good faith, as she speaks, in good faith, about a report about people of a certain faith, which apparently is not yet, in good faith, complete. Strangely, she seems to be less concerned about them than the possible vilification of Supreme Court Judges.
That is, it is making me laugh as an Orwellian language mangling appears to be leading to a swirl of a lack of meaning.
When Clegg was challenged by Andrew Neill about calling for a second referendum when pre- the result he had called the referendum ‘once in a generation’, he dismissed it as ‘textual analysis’.
Up 2…
“Baroness Shami is sweeping the swirl around with her words as I type, in good faith, as she speaks, in good faith, about a report about people of a certain faith, which apparently is not yet, in good faith, complete…”
The woman drives me mad too! She is incapable of getting a sentence out without repeating stuff. It’s so unprofessional for a start for someone of her supposed education and intelligence.
Soapbox, I used to like her when she was standing up for the ordinary bloke and blokess.
She was absolutely right, in my view, to state that the High Court Judges should not have been vilified. But she then got lost in her phluffling around over her report into Labour Party Anti-Semitism at which point the TOADY presenter (cannot now remember who), who had rightly nailed her on it, then gave in too easily. They could have asked – again – about her elevation to the Peerage and whether she was merely now trying to protect the ‘Establishment’ whether in the Labour Party, Parliament or the Courts.
Yes, what is so bad about “populism” in a society with universal suffrage is very difficult to fathom. Surely politicians would want to be popular amongst their electorate.
I heard this definition of “populist”
“A populist is like a drunken guest who turns up at your dinner party, swearing and using foul language, then humiliates the other guests by revealing things they would rather have kept quiet”.
Clearly, this is a definition that originates from a member of “the ruling class” in the widest sense. It may have been meant slightly ironically, but the real sense is clear. The vulgar people are not obeying the rules set out for them by their self-appointed masters – simply to act as rubber stamps for one or other of the approved political alternatives laid out for them like multiple choice questions. Actually, wanting to put an item like immigration control on the agenda is “simply not the done thing”. Those sections of society that do not shars “our values” do not have the intellectual or moral capacity to decide what is in their own best interests. The plebs are so prejudiced and primitive that they do not understand the joyous principles of multiculturalism. Thank God for the BBC – they can brain and soulwash the lower orders 24/7 to show them the path of progressive righteousness.
Strangely enough I heard the word “Populismus” in the German media a week or so before it appeared in Britain. In the German media the association between populism and Hitler is almost immediate. The demagogue, a master of rabble rousing oratory, like the Pied Piper, leads a childlike population, swayed by their fears and petty emotions, to perdition.
Yes, ID, think I heard or saw that definition somewhere and think you are correct about its origin. The BBC is part of the Establishment. The Establishment is the BBC.
One supreme irony is that the BBC is, or claims to be, very populist along with some of its programmes. Did they not make lots of money from the extremely populist Top Gear, selling it around the world? What about the Great British Fuss in a Cupcake that occurred this year? That could not be because TGBB-O only had a tiny minority audience?
As for 1920s/30s Germany, if I recall its history correctly, Hitler was not very popular at all. He polled something like only 28,000 votes in his first national election and people kept trying to kill him! The German military, commanded in large part by old school, aristocratic soldiers, only tolerated him because of his funding and for their chance to succeed in fresh combat, overturning the defeat and later humiliation from WW1. Hitler’s regime relied to a great extent for its power on a special mix, largely of fear created by his thugs & special police and by keeping as many people as possible in the dark, in ignorance.
An awful recipe followed by others more recently deceased.
: a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people; especially often capitalized : a member of a United States political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies
: a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people”
The first question that should be asked to an interviewer who uses the “P” words should be “Could you define what you mean by that please?”
Then watch them squirm. 1891….duh.
Thanks for that, Melksham. Your erudition & contribution is much appreciated and considerably in excess of that provided by the BBC’s Radio 4 programme TODAY today!
Good morning all……Waking news……EU in turmoil…..warms the heart.
Let’s hope our esteemed Supreme Court judges remember the “spirit of the law” in a democracy……i.e. That the purpose of all the organs of state in a democracy is to ensure the rule of the people by the people…..and that the Judges remember that the majority of the people have spoken through the ballot box and have “advised” on Brexit.
On the BBC’s papers review late last night John Rentoul of the Independent questioned why this case was necessary at all, arguing that MPs who vote in any Brexit division vote against the will of their constituency in the referendum will lose their seats at the next election and so, self preservation will kick in, apart from a very few EU loyalists……..let’s hope the court remembers how democracy is supposed to work.
BBC TV news have noticeably little to say about the Italian vote. There’s a passing reference made to a drop in the value of the Euro – but the BBC aren’t in the business of a making a big deal out of short term currency movements (sarcasm).
Look out, here comes the troublesome subject of immigrants and integration. A report out today… headlined as “Commissioned by the Government”. Not said in the friendly approving terms of the usual “Report from a Group of MPs” – those are often so much more welcome.
The tone from the BBC presenters is clearly odd. There was once an episode of Rumpole of the Bailey in which our curmudgeonly old lawyer character (just about the last pre-Blair lawyer we ever liked) described the opening in Court of a rape case – like venturing out into freezing weather. That’s the BBC on immigration.
Anyway, you must have noticed that the only terms with which the liberal elite can even begin to talk about the unwillingness of islamic populations to integrate is in respect of ‘women’s rights’ Hmmmm.
Missed the 8am bBBC1 news.
Turned it on at 8.08am.
A quick minute to deduce Renzi had lost the Italian referendum.
By 8.09am it was over to much more important issues. The 89 year old gentleman who has started work in a coffee shop.
I believe this is called Burying Bad News.
Good news from Italy which will help us with Brexit. Let’s hope that at the Italian election they vote in an anti EU ,or at least anti Euro , government. Then Brussels will be in a real fix. Perhaps the wisest thing that Brussels could now do is to prepare for the orderly dismantling of the EU and plan for it to revert to the free trade area that we were conned into staying in, in 1975. I’m sure the UK government would offer full support , we may even be in favour of paying a small annual fee to support a small bureaucracy to run it in an orderly manner.
But whilst the news is good let us not underestimate the determination of the ruling liberal elite to force through their vision of a federal Europe. They will stop at nothing and stoop to any depth to deliver their dream project. They may even find a way , legal or illegal, of disregarding or mitigating this overwhelming anti EU vote in Italy , let alone our narrower vote for Brexit. So far this year the anti globalist/ anti EU voters have won three notable victories , Brexit, US Presidential election and now the Italian referendum, the elite are in shock, but they aren’t beaten yet. We need Wilders and/or Le Penn to win their respective elections and that will certainly mean that Europe will take a new direction much more to the Brexiteers liking.
Juncker is the poster boy for EU arrogance and authoritarianism:
On Greece’s economic meltdown in 2011
“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.
On EU monetary policy
“I’m ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious … I am for secret, dark debates”
On British calls for a referendum over Lisbon Treaty
“Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”
On French referendum over EU constitution
“If it’s a Yes, we will say ‘on we go’, and if it’s a No we will say ‘we continue’,”
On the introduction of the euro
“We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.”
Juncker epitomises everything that is rotten about the EU. He is a disgusting creature. I would love to meet him in a backstreet alley for a “secret, dark debate “.
Quite right DT. Referenda in Ireland, France and Holland have already been overturned to provide time for the correct result to register and it looks more than likely that the current Italian result will be similarly ‘questioned’. This simply enhances the increasing probability of the Brexit vote either being overturned or filibustered out of validity because it is increasingly obvious that the EU, while paying lip service to the concept of democracy, is actually anything but.
Meanwhile the Austrian outcome – ignored by the BBC after initial short-term coverage – might yet bite the hand that fed it. Turning a 1% disparity into 7% involves quite a high degree of electoral chicanery, but I doubt the Guardian will accept that premise.
There is one major upside to it dragging on and that is UK voters will witness the EU degenerating into an even bigger social and economic basket case and only a hardcore of alt-left eco-socialist-internationalists will be prepared to back it.
There’s nothing like watching people experiencing an abrupt waking-up moment*.
*See also ‘climate change and power cuts’ and ‘Islam and medieval practices in your neighbourhood’.
It does make me laugh how much the EU-philes are in denial. I just watched a report on Sky News that after the Italian referendum there is financial uncertainty. Well, that’s not a total surprise but “UniCredit bank has 20 billion Euros in bad debt and it owns a German bank” It is not made clear by the presentation whether the German bank is part of the bad debt or whether the German bank will suffer because of the Italian financial turmoil.
I suppose at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter. The whole EU thing is fucked and the sooner they get their heads out from the sand or the Lebanese lentil and bean salads or wherever the elite liberals put their heads these days, the better.
More Good Brexit news from Wales !
Foreign investment . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-38205675
Some say that manufacturing orders in Wales are also on the up . Nothing in the news as about that yet?
Thinking about things made in the UK! I’ve always wondered just how many of our beloved BBC employees were actually born in the UK? My bet – not many! And there’s the rub guys n gals! The BBC is no longer British therefore her loyalties are clearly elsewhere! My bet? Francophile or perhaps her loyalties are Italiano!
Did you know that the Koran explicitly tells them to lie, if it advances their cause.
So of course they will swear an oath. It means the opposite, for them.
The trouble is that islam is not a religion as we understand the term, it is a blueprint for the total control of all aspects of society. It has more in common with totalitarian systems of government such as communism, and as such is completely incompatible with a modern democratic society.
How do we proceed? Well, as the Irishman in the joke says, “I wouldn’t start from here.”
I wonder how much it cost to write that report when , most of us, know that it is the case.
North West Tonight , blessed is the cult, run the story complete with taqqiya from the usual suspects. Strangely when asking “people in the streets” they don’t bother with anyone English. Maybe they saw what happened on the national news.
Towards the end of the Today program they had an interviewee who criticised the use of the word ‘populist / populism’ saying that yet again the left had coined a word with no meaning to denigrate something they don’t like instead of reflecting and dealing with it.
Everyone around the table agrees that it is not a helpful word which is increasing in use and no one seems to know what it means.
Move to the 9:00am news and the first sentence accuses the Italian referendum as being populist !
“At its root, populism is a belief in the power of regular people, and in their right to have control over their government rather than a small group of political insiders or a wealthy elite.” ……………….. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/populism
Check out this article regarding what we can expect over the next few years; unless of course we toe the line, give in and return to the socialist fold:
Imagine what it would have been like if Renzi had won it.
I agree the latest word being primed for we deplorables is ‘populism ‘ . Watch how it becomes a dirty word , like racism.Something to be ashamed of .LOL. I don’t think its going to work.
So proud of our fellow Europeans the Italians this morning.
If any lefty accuses anyone of populism, the reply should be “You mean ‘democratic’.” and the following could be added “Or are you openly hostile to that word too?”
The other white elephant .
Despite the people of Wales voting overwhelmingly for Brexit, the assembly doesn’t like it. The Welsh Assembly only got established on the smallest majority. Perhaps its time to have another referendum to get rid of the overblown quango that wants to recruit yet more assembly members. A waste of money.
It has failed Wales with health and education . Carwyn Jones and Liam Wood do not represent Wales or its people . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-38188038
Hopefully the people of Wales will give a majority to Conservatives or UKIP in the next assembly elections .
I think the Welsh get a poor deal from the socialists in power with the devolved policies ,especially health.
England and Wales people on the same wavelength with Brexit .
I’m afraid Deborahanother, that’s not highly likely.
There are still huge swathes of folk in the valleys who would rather stick pins in their eyes than vote Tory. If the Brexit ceases to be an issue, UKIP may suffer somewhat too. Too many people who get their news exclusively from the so-called bbc, and read the Mirror cover to cover, and whats more believe it all.
There is change, but I fear it’s too slow.
Plaid Cymru is still wondering why its policies have led to a Labour administration for years, and of course cant see why its policies have not swept up hordes of disaffected labour votes.
It wil continue to combine maoist ideas combined with language activism and will never change its policies to suit the electorate.
We really need to abolish the talking shop completely.
And yes, my nickname indicates a Welsh learner, therefore, I remain this sites resident pedant on issues lingo-wise.
Before we continue the apostrophe debate it has to be decided whether the phrase to be used is,’…this site’s pedant…’,or,’…the site pedant…’.
Rather a nice little minefield of ellipses, commas and quotation marks eh?
Sorry slightly off topic but still grammar-related this popped into my head – a conundrum about whether you can put 5 consecutive ‘And’s in a sentence.
A man is painting a sign outside the Dog and Duck and the landlord comes out and says to him: “I’d like more space, please, between the ‘dog’ and ‘and’ and ‘and’ and ‘duck’!”
It must be from the same era as “Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man’s father is my father’s son”.
OK I’ll get me coat..must be time for my medication too!
Ah yes, apoligies….maybe I should begin a pedants corner….
Oh…err….hang on…maybe a pedants’ corner?…no…shurely shome mishtake?
Pedant’s corner? Hmm..
Oh….and now by steakth edit….realising I should first have read ALL the relevant posts above me…..wishes I had done so….
Definitely not a day for the BBC progressive ,pro EU,multicultis to have the usual smirk on their faces as they read their version of ‘news’.
Welcome change after last week’s remain-fest following the ‘victory’ of Sarah ‘ walk out’ Olney which, with it’s 1800 majority, apparently overrides the national verdict delivered by 17.4 million votes .
I raised this in an old thread, but I wish someone would point out to them that such a narrow victory for the anti-Brexit candidate is a commendation FOR Brexit. In the referendum that constituency voted only 30% for Brexit – the pro-Brexit candidate in this election got narrowly beaten – so Brexit support has gone up nearly 20%.
If that was reflected across the whole country Brexit would be nearer 70% now.
Had to switch off Queen Chakrabhatti (splendid old Saxon name) on Today.
Arrogant, patronising, elitist – reminded me of a 1930S Tory. I guess that’s where they take their cue but hey, this ain’t the 1930s and we ain’t about to doff our caps and be on our way – Milady.
Populism is good when it is applied to mindless Marxists, like Hugo Chavez and Castro, when they destroy their countries, stifle democracy and enrichen themselves.
Populism is bad when it reflects the peoples of Europe’s irritation at the undemocratic, incompetent, venal and corrupt EU.
Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with BBC speak.
Had the misfortune to hear on the BBC WS – Two ‘feminist’ ‘comedians’. One Iranian living in America and an Indian lesbian. The thrust (pardon the expression) of their humour seemed confined to menstruation and sanitary towels and whinging.
Well, why are most stand-ups white men and not ethnic, binary/lesbian, women?
I used to think that Les Dawson was funny but not exceptional as there were many very funny people around at the same time. I watched an old interview with Parkinson on youtube yesterday, and although I’ve seen it before it was lasugh out loud time, one funny quip after another.
My opinion now is that Les was a great comedian alongside his fellows of that time. They look even better now as we are starved of genuinely funny comedians ever since the like of Ben Elton did away with real humour. The only ones who are currently funny that spring to mind are Jasper Carrott (and you hardly ever see him on television now) and Peter Kay who’s still not as good as the Dawson generation despite him being the funniest comedian around now.
Understandably tricky finding material for humour these days. Trump, Farage, Brexiteers that’s about it.
In Mao’s China and Soviet Russia they were given lists of things they could poke fun at – very short lists and off to the camps if they strayed – that’s where we’re heading.
@Demon……..The frightening part is now Les Dawson would be classed as “sexist” on account of his mother-in-law jokes.
Having been raised on the “alternative” comedians of 80’s I have different perspective on the likes of Ben Elton etc, and I have particularly fond memories of Hale & Pace and a certain microwaved cat.
However, a sign of how restrictive the British comedy environment has become is to look at what’s acceptable over in America. The Big Bang Theory is probably the biggest sitcom in the world right now and yet some of the jokes directed at Raj, the Indian character in the show, would be considered racist over here.
That’s how far things have fallen, what’s considered as harmless mainstream family entertainment In the US (and by any sensible person in Britain too) would, in certain parts, be considered unacceptable over here.
“However, a sign of how restrictive the British comedy environment has become is to look at what’s acceptable over in America. ”
Very true, Duck. Big Bang also finds humour in the differences between men and women, a difference the BBC does all it can to decry. The only girly people on the BBC appear to be gay males.
Humour requires honesty from the comedian and recognition from the audience. When we listen to the Now Show we don’t recognise the world presented, thus it is unfunny.
BBC sit coms and dramas often wish to educate the ‘stupid’ audience it is forced to deal with. As we don’t perceive all Tories, Daily Mail readers, whites, and other enemies of the Guardian to be necessarily evil, racist or stupid then we don’t have empathy with the characters or output from the BBC.
I can’t think of any BBC sitcom I’ve liked since The Office. Friends recommended Gavin & Stacey and also Mrs Browns Boys, neither of which I liked but I could at least understand the appeal. Other than that I can think of no recent BBC sitcoms that are worth anything. When you look back at BBC’s output compared to today it’s unbelievably shocking just how far the quality has fallen. PC culture and comedy just don’t make good bedfellows.
The only recent one that I thought was tolerable was ‘Detectorists’. Not laugh-out-loud funny but nicely observed, it came across as quite old-fashioned really. But it was also unnecessarily sweary in my opinion.
Of course the BBC shoehorned in an ethnic minority (in a rural setting), a couple of lesbians plus the main lead’s girlfriend was a lefty teacher.
They tried their best to ruin it but strangely failed.
Cleggers also said it was not a second referendum but a first referendum on the terms of exit. Yeah, but one of the options would be to remain in the EU!
As in ‘I haven’t spoken to the mother-in-law for a year…I don’t like to interrupt’
Excellent funny one liners, as with Morecambe and Wise and Dad’s Army, that I grew up with.
I am really enjoying watching Fox News, where you actually get real presenters’ opinions, and real discussions with both sides, and stupid ideas getting challenged! Wow. It can be done.
Sadly, I can’t access iplayer (??), get a different front page for the BBC site – not a problem, but I can listen to the radio if I so wish. One of the highlights of my year – clicking the cancel direct debit button for the BBC.
Check out the clip where he’s mangling a song on the piano, and a very elegant Shirley Bassey, in a shimmery floating dress, arrives and leans on the piano.
Dawson gives her one of those looks and says: “I told you to stay in the truck!”
Now this is just an ill-defined thought that I have an urge to throw out but instead of being “at the back of the queue for trade deals” under Obama/Hillary, I wonder where Britain is in the queue now given that, 1.Trump was all for Brexit and 2. His mum was British?
Canada’s version of the BBC, The CBC, have created a (c)rap video calling for the eradication of the white race.
(Mitch Benn will be kicking himself!)
Don’t forget to go to the video on Youtube and give it a down vote (It’s currently 10,641 down votes against 189 up votes. Sadly the comments section is closed)
So, Renzi has resigned and lo and behold the newsmedia is now immediately in full defence/support mode for their beloved euro/eu. All nice talk this morning from Ed Conway (I think) Sky’s talking head re economic issues -0 so totally pro eu that I should think he goes to bed with a picture of Tusk and Junkers in his hand. The euro did fall very sharply overnight in international markets but is now being talked up by the media, so desperate to avoid a euro crisis but why, I ask did they not do the same for the pound post brexit?
All the time on nearly all the news channels just the same old pro eu, anti brexit propaganda………
Apologies as this post is not strictly about bbbc bias but I have no doubt that they will have been the same…..
With that little menage to expand his political development, it might be interesting to see his birth certificate. What if his full name is something on the lines of Jeremy Tristram DeLisle Anstruther-Anstruther-Corbyn? Bet that would have tickled Ms Abbott’s fancy.
In fairness. Call Me Tony did say that the EU was a rich man’s club. His memoirs serialised on the radio were very “listenable” if that is a real word.
Benn and Powell were parliamentarians, whatever point they occupied on the political spectrum. I prefer them to the Blair clones manufactured by the major parties over the last 20 years.
True, Demon, but I’m sure it’s there to found with due diligence – even though, I would imagine, deeply secreted within a complicated ‘pleating’ system, much like an accordion or concertina, perhaps? Just use your imagination.
Enjoy reading spectacularly detailed Government sponsored “hard hitting” Reports? Look no further: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-casey-review-a-review-into-opportunity-and-integration
Dame Louise Casey’s Report: ‘A review into opportunity and integration’, released today.
Prior to the Montague/Casey interview, the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ team go to Oldham in search of the Muslim women the Report identifies as the most non-integrated group. Needless to say, the BBC’s team find only vociferous self-declared Muslim women who do not agree with the Report’s conclusions.
The Report contains numerous mentions and references to Islam but there is no mention whatever of the Quaran, the leading authority/Guide to non-integration for the devoted Muslim. 199 pages of words where the author’s ability to ‘dance on the head of a pin’ whilst avoiding any collision with the ‘Elephant in the room’ is displayed spectacularly.
For those who do not wish to trawl through the conclusions of the Report, can I make it simple? What the “hard hitting” Report does not tell you: a + b = c Where, ‘a’ is the cult devotee; ‘b’ is the cult handbook and ‘c’ is non-integration. Given just ‘c’, you would instinctively know what the components a and b were. As one contributor here often concludes, ‘Simples’.
Funny thing, looking at history – in the days of the Empire they wanted us out of their lands so they could control their own destiny without foreign influence, have their country back if you will. I’m maybe getting how that feels.
Except that we did leave some good behind. Infrastructure for one. Mostly opposite is happening here. They are turning this country into a hell hole and bleeding it dry.
I say give them back all the jewels and stuff they say we stole ,money if needed and then draw a line under the whole thing .I couldn’t care less if the royals and aristos have to give back their Crown Jewels.
Lets get rid of this ridiculous post colonial guilt the lefties keep trading on .I wasn’t there I’m not responsible so I cannot be guilt tripped.
They can have their things back when we get all the money back we have given them which goes into their leaders pockets instead of the people who need it.
It wouldn’t matter if every British colony had been left looking like Switzerland, and after five years of independence ended up looking like Rwanda. The left would still blame ‘post colonialism’ for it rather than kleptocratic leaders and tribalism. Their guilt and cultural self-loathing is bottomless.
My guess is that Theresa May, just like the BBC will find the Casey Report to be an inconvenient truth to be denigrated then quickly buried . On immigration , integration , maladministration ( e.g catching snd deporting illegals) May has so much form, it’s embarrassing .
A large number of Muslims simply do not want to integrate and getting them to swear an oath is a sick joke when it’s remembered that their religion condones lying to achieve its ends.
I get the Left’s plan for creating Utopia – lots of free stuff, lots of immigrants, tiny military and tax ordinary people who work or have worked all their lives.
I must be missing something because that’s just plain nuts.
Watching proceedings at the Supreme Court is quite a revelation. Depressing too. For a public reared on a simple and straightforward diet of Perry Mason, John Deed and Judge Rinder, the true complexity and introversion of The Law comes across as a deliberately confusing and yet schoolboyishly private club designed for the vicarious enjoyment of its members. The in-built time-wasting stammers, frequent requests for clarification from a panel of judges – whose remit, one might have assumed, is to give clarification not require it – all conspire to cause a wilting of the spirit. And just think, this is from the seat of justice and democracy, imagine what debates are like behind the closed doors in Brussels and Strasbourg.
Don’t know BUT – the referendum to join – did that go thru’ the Supreme Court?
And if it didn’t – maybe we should not have been in the EU all these years?
Heath signed us in in 1972.
We had a referendum in 1975 on whether to STAY in or LEAVE.
A vote to join was never taken. Yes, a majority voted to stay in, but thats a whole different issue to joining in the first place.
Indeed, but the 1975 referendum was about staying in the EEC, not the superstate EU, which it morphed into.
The appalling John Major signed Maastricht without any consultation with the people.
You have to laugh at the impotent rage of Dame Louise Casey regarding Muslim immigrants failing to integrate.
Theresa the appeaser is going to do nothing to annoy her Saudi backers, so the problem will continue as bad as it ever was.
Here are a few possible solutions to the issues identified.
A ban on ALL face coverings which are not regarded as needed for safety (such as crash helmets)
A return to mandatory attendance at Christian assembly in schools (David Starkey has commented that it is impossible to understand English culture and society without a knowledge of Christian beliefs)
No Islamic only faith schools which are hugely divisive.
No arranged marriages outside of the UK full stop
Any crime carrying a possible sentence of over 2 years should result in familial repatriation.
No broadcasts in foreign languages by MSM
A clear definition of what is Racism and a new offence of making a false accusation of Racism to be enacted.
The people involved in these issues to be given a choice, to comply or to leave the UK for another country where their extremism is tolerated.
How can they integrate when the Government, police, courts, universities and schools together with social workers and local authorities have effectively silenced any discussion between ropers and the general public regarding their culture and ours?
Should I walk up to a woman wearing her bin bag and suggest that she is not obliged to wear such apparel, I could be arrested in response to a complaint of racism/islamophobia from some liberal multiculty prick.
Best advice, keep away from them, avoid eye contact, keep a straight face (you can be done for racist looks) cross the road when you see them, if one is serving in a supermarket checkout, join another queue, and if you see one on fire, save your piss.
This advice is not based on hatred of another culture, but on self preservation. Our law enforcers will do you heavily if the ropers are said to be offended
In the supermarket today, I was buying a piece of pork. The cashier used a plastic bag to touch the offending item, even though it was of course already wrapped in plastic anyway.
I found that action offensive, implying as it did that my food is unclean and not fit to be touched by members of his cult. However, I do not think I shall waste my time complaining to Baroness Chakribarti.
Absolutely correct . Of course there’s no chance of any of this happening . Our slow but inevitable progression towards a violent solution will continue
Why import the problem in the first place? We are told we ‘need’ immigration as it is ‘good for the economy’ yet here we have a group that are economically ‘inactive’ so of minimal benefit.
So-called ‘white’ people move houses all the time, buying bigger houses as the family or income grows and smaller houses as the family leaves and retirement beckons. That isn’t ‘white flight’. When my parents moved into their ‘aspirational’ home it was to a street with wide grass verges and mature trees. Cars were parked on drives behind wooden gates, part of ‘scalloped’ low wooden fences framing traditional ‘English’ gardens with shrubs and roses. Now the gardens and fences are all gone. The block paved frontages are covered in four German cars, with three parked on the verges and twice the number on the road when ‘the family’ visits. The extensive rear gardens are stripped bare to make space for the extended house plus conservatory. Houses adapted for a different culture and a different life-style, they will never be owned by a ‘white’ family again. As for the few remaining ‘unadapted’ properties why would an ‘aspirational’ ‘white’ family want to buy one? I expect they might suit a BBC producer or Guardian journalist, except they aren’t in Islington or rural France.
P.S. When is the BBC going to ‘integrate’ The Asian Network into the ‘mainstream’? I’m sure all of their presenters will feel totally at home there!
Anyone who says that Muslim women will not work has never spent much time wandering through the security and baggage checks at Manchester Airport. I’ve lost track of the number of times I have been patted down by a bint in a headscarf, after ringing her bell. I’ve even been “welcomed” back into the UK by a similarly attired immigration officer, who proceeded to tell me to get a new passport as my current one had just over six months to run. Now, given members of this sect’s loyalties, would the hijabed patter down blow the whistle if she found something naughty on a gent with an aversion to shaving and a penchant for wearing pyjamas in the daytime? Given the recent revelations as to what has been happening at Air France after it “diversified” , it doesn’t fill the frequent flyer with much confidence.
IMO, integration is not the issue per se. The problem is that much of Islam is just plain undesirable.
As mentioned here a short while ago, the older generation of Chinese didn’t integrate much. Many didn’t speak English, and some still don’t. However, nobody seemed to mind very much because they didn’t whine and they didn’t rock the boat. The younger generation of Chinese seem to be doing well, in spite of being unrepresented in TV drama, and in all the other places that the BBC seems to be so concerned about.
It’s amazing how tolerant British people are of immigrants who aren’t trying to rape and murder them. It doesn’t seem like a very high bar to set, does it?
DP today Louise Casey’s report. You could sense the BBC tiptoeing around what they think is a revelationery and incendery report. But in fact the report seems to me to be saying things which have been blindingly obvious to most Brits for years, decades even. Even so the report is welcome and does make it clear that there a massive problem with Islam in this country , which of course is mirrored throughout the West as a whole. Of course the report does not , as it ought to, lay the blame for that entirely on the religion itself and on those stupid fools who allowed such catastrophic levels of immigration, the BBC being particularly to blame , for it constant propagandising on behalf Islam and mass immigration. Will anything concrete and useful result from this report? Not a chance , within a few days we will find that the real villains of the piece are the white host populations who just aren’t willing to submit to the might of Islam.
Dear BBC,
No need to fret so, we don’t need sheltering from the truth, honestly.
We are over 18, surprisingly well educated, intelligent, well informed and have numerous sources, other than the BBC, from which to gather facts and formulate opinions.
5live interviewing the (Muslim)chair of a community centre and the interviewer suggests that the problem is that White People don’t want to integrate with Asians. Even the interviewee seemed taken aback by the question. Always remember: It’s white peoples fault.
Then they wander why people voted to take back control.
(In fact if anyone fancies playing PC bingo 5live right now will give you a full card pretty quickly)
By “integrate”, they mean refuse to convert to Islam. Simple as that. Because I refuse to convert to Islam, am “failing to integrate “. Where is George Orwell or Peter Simple when we need them now ?
BBC now broadcasting on Radio 4 that Louise Casey is a white middle class elite with no understanding or insight into the Muslim community, and that the fault of non integration lies with – yes you guessed it the hated white people !
White flight – which is a nothing more than a racist conspiracy theory is mentioned again, typical BBC bias.
Further to my earlier comment about the Casey Report ( BBC will denigrate then bury it) , the BBC TV lunchtime news relegated the Report to almost the end of its bulletin . The background piece was from Birmingham and showed Muslim women shop/stall owners with very good English being interviewed in a vibrant street market . All good upbeat stuff so where’s the problem? Meanwhile women with nothing showing but a slit for the eyes, wheeling children in pushchairs, hurried by , saying nothing of course. No chance one of them will be stopped for interview . They’re just busy with failing to integrate and also producing the next burgeoning generation for Islam.
This might be a good opportunity for BBC reporters to visit a true Islamic State such as Lutonistan where full Sharia applies.
Female luvvy reporters can then go all ethnicky (like Theresa and Wee Jimmy have) by wearing colourful headscarves so they dont offend any of the states male population. Whilst interviewing their burkah clad sistas as to why us brits refuse to integrate.
By the way I was dissapointed wee Jimmy did not wear a full burkah the other other day when visiting the Ahmadis sect. Dressed as she was there was still a good chance that any bottled milk could well have ended up as Scottish cheese. However with her eyes covered this much reduces the chance of food adulteration and babies crying.
She would be instantly recognisable and thus avoidable bouncing down the road as she would look like an grumpy, venomous upside down bin liner and with any luck she might well be dispatched to the back of a bin lorry and tipped at the nearest landfill which is her natural home.
Grant – Sorry about that – I bet Scottish rarebit will never taste the same for you ever again!
I suspect what really matters to our dhimmi friends is that thay can all look “right on” in the fashion stakes as well as in the faux concern competition.
They better not stray too far from Casey report though – Dont want accusations of waycism from the MCB.
Question: Anyone prepared to speculate on the subject of the following extract? – (Clue: it was a judge in the High Court).
“X is both immoral and socially obnoxious. (…) In my judgement it is corrupt, sinister and dangerous. It is corrupt because it is based on lies and deceit and has as its real objective money and power for …………. It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices both to its adherents who do not toe the line unquestioningly and to those outside who criticise or oppose it. It is dangerous because it is out to capture people, especially children and impressionable young people, and indoctrinate and brainwash them so that they become the unquestioning captives and tools of the cult, withdrawn from ordinary thought, living and relationships with others.”
Answer: Scientology……..Mr Justice Latey 1984
Just reading this BBC report mentioned here by thoughtful above.
I noticed the BBC wrote
“Misogyny and patriarchy has to come to an end,” Dame Louise said, adding that public institutions must not fear being racist or Islamophobic.
so they claim she added that ‘public institutions must not fear being racist or islamophobic’
No she didn’t!
she said they must not fear ‘BEING BRANDED racist or Islamophobic’
So who would brand these public institutions racist or islamophobic?
The BBC, that’s who. In their report they have directly accused public institutions of being racist and islamophobic if those institutions haven’t “ignored or even condoned regressive, divisive and harmful cultural and religious practices”.
The BBC output is absolute garbage, and i don’t watch or listen to any of it. I get updates from this site.
I can only imagine all the license fee money goes into filtering every word and analyzing every sentence they put out so it passes the BBC propaganda standard.
I mean, really, where is all the money going? Lines of desks of obsessive history revisionists. Altering every minuscule detail for the cause.
The BBC’s frantic attempts to sit on the truth reminds me of Tom and Jerry – when Tom, chased by the Bulldog, ran up a tree, then inevitably slid down leaving claw marks.
And Muslims remind me of the alien in, ‘Independence Day”.
When they ask, “What do you want from us, what do you want us to do?”
The alien replies, “Die”.
“Who would brand these public institutions racist or islamophobic?”
Well MCB, in fact any number of these one man and his dog set ups, that the Al BBC has to keep finding as the previous one ends up in jail, or in Syria or on the Government gravy train.
The report itself addresses some of the concerns, some … but of course it is action that is needed, not words. With the inept, corrupt self serving bunch we have misleading the nation at present, for genuine action? I wouldn t hold your breath, and lets not forget Warsi who whines and tweets about muslims as victims in the report, BEFORE its released.
The BBCs own wonderful, well funded integration idea “10 muslims all share a house, we want to be there with the camera s, muslims like us on the BBC”.
… Forgive me is this the bloody BBC? or the Islam channel?
One of the first things Dame Louise Casey said on the Daily Politics … “Islam is a peaceful religion”
OOPS! wrong on both counts, if that’s the premise its a bad start … soooo report? we ll see,
“Watching proceedings at the Supreme Court is quite a revelation. Depressing too. For a public reared on a simple and straightforward diet of Perry Mason, John Deed and Judge Rinder….”
Please don’t tell me they are going to do an American Smooth before the final verdict.
” Supreme Court ” is an oxymoron. When it was named thus, I knew it was another nail in the coffin of freedom and democracy. Everyone knows that the Europhile fascist judges there will find against Brexit. Sure as night follows day. Where is Lord Denning when we need him ?
Caught just 30 seconds of WATO with a vox pop by an A50 junction about Article 50 (see how clever the BBC is when looking for an excuse for journalists to make unnecessary journeys). Just two members of the public interviewed; neither knew what Article 50 was, had never heard of the Supreme Court and – how fortunate for a Remain supporting organisation to randomly pick two unintelligent people like this – voted Leave. Switched to Classic FM and some smoothing music before I crashed the car.
Oh my – the BBC really think we’re like the natives when the captured Brit takes the sun away by ‘magic’ and says, if they let him go he’ll return it, but it was just a fortuitously timed eclipse.
Go Trump – annoy the Chinese and we might have make stuff in the West again
and if the EU stop selling us cars we could have a motor industry again.
Wouldn’t that be nice.
This is the 12 point plan for better integration by Muslims as published by the BBC. Never have I seen such a woolly meaningless fudge which could be instantly regarded as a cop out and forgotten.
The report made 12 recommendations, including:
A programme of projects to boost cohesion, such as local IT courses and sport activities for children
(Utter crap as Muslim women can’t leave the house alone and who will fund all this)
Councils should regularly collect statistics on hate crime or deficiencies in English
Government and councils should share their approaches to tackling segregation
(Again utter crap aimed at white people, as it there wasn’t enough gathering of so called ‘hate crime’ statistics)
Schools should promote British values to help build integration, tolerance and citizenship
A review of the “rights and obligations” of immigrants likely to settle in the UK
(more utter crap no one knows or agrees what British values are anymore. Tolerance now is a word for not objecting to anything the government does – or oppression in other words)
New immigrants could have to swear “an oath of integration with British values and society”
(utter crap from someone who has never heard the word Taqqiya)
Funding for school projects that encourage children of different backgrounds to mix
(Utter crap, the kids don’t mix in school and they certainly aren’t going to do afterwards. Again who will fund this?)
On top of English language classes for adults, special classes to tackle any “cultural barriers” to a person’s employment prospects
(More pro Muslim funding promoting resentment fear and exclusion for whites)
More funding for local English language classes and a review of whether courses are reaching people who need them
(So first of all more funding is needed for Muslims, but only afterwards should a review be undertaken? The mind boggles !)
Councils should investigate whether their housing policies help or hinder integration
Better checks when children are removed from mainstream education
(We all know that immigrants are being given social housing ahead of native white people and the best is reserved for the Muslims. Council segregation will not change on this)
New oath for public office-holders pledging “tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”
(More utter crap as either they’ve never head of Taqqiya or don’t care).
The whole thing is a joke, and just shows the civil service fingerprints all over it. Sound like you’re doing something while actually doing nothing at all !
“Councils should regularly collect statistics on hate crime or deficiencies in English
Government and councils should share their approaches to tackling segregation”
Western Europe, especially the UK, has a long, magnificent and unparalleled record in tolerance of all groups of people, acceptance of all ideas, upholding the rule of law and it’s importance in controlling society, and freedom for all. Europeans alone have created this social ideology and set of framework/social constraints to live by……..every single Muslim state/country has been in a continual stasis of hatred, intolerance, aggression, social retardation, anti freedom, anti-democatic….of ALL and EVERY other views and beliefs that are not set out by and instructed by so-called prophet and full time manic Muhammad.
Muslims states know no better. They are not allowed to by the law of the land and the control Islam has on their lives. Muslims immigration brings this unchangeable mindset, this complete intolerance and utter hatred to everything not Islamic. Islam mandates this mindset and every single Muslim we allow into the UK brings us further down the path to social destruction.
This isn’t about white Europeans being tolerant and inclusive, we have proven that over hundreds of years….Islam has never in its entire history shown ANY act of tolerance, acceptance, or allowing of any other views/life instructions than those mandated by the Arabian warlord…… It never will. It cannot.
This Dhimmi kafir created list is not Islamic and is therefore completely and utterly useless
“At its most basic, journalism is about telling people what you’ve found out, what’s around you, and what you can see. You’re there – the audience isn’t. Some of the most powerful reporting is cast in this mould”
Get ’em while they are stupid, BBC.
Getting advice on what to tell folk from Jeremy Bowen, under whose watch no BBC reporter saw or heard a single Gazan missile launch, may be a great way to get hired by the BBC, but little else.
Prick Robinson on BBC R4 Toady seems physically incapable of naming the Italian 5 star movement without literally calling him a clown. Give it a rest.
Anyone else here tired already of ‘populism’ being misused perjoratively to denigrate the popular majority. The BBC loves China, the most populous dictatorship ever, but has no time for messy freedom. Heck, Al Beeba has more sympathy for communist Cuba than democratic prosperous free advanced Taiwan.
Another example of Laura Caseys “Peaceful Religion” turns up on BBC Front Page. Note – the BBC uses his English name too, not the name he uses and give the story such prominence because TA RA! wait for it
… the victims were muslim teens.
Don t forget to set the digibox recorder guys 😀 … http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b085zxxk
This guy Mick Coe is a convert … oops I mean Mickaeel Ibrahim, one has to say
Dame Laura, not an example of great peacefulness, and sadly his ideas come straight from the books of his political ideology/religion, not his imam.
“Michael Coe, 35, saw the two 16-year-olds hugging in the street in Newham, east London, in April and demanded to know if they were Muslims. Southwark Crown Court heard the Muslim convert then called the girl a “whore”, before throwing the boy to the ground. Coe also attacked a passing teacher who had tried to help the couple.
Judge Michael Gledhill QC said the two children had denied they were Muslim when challenged by Coe. “Why? Because they were frightened of what you would do if they told you the truth, that they were in fact Muslim”
Christmas is coming and it’s time for PM on the BBC to run an item about Sint Niklaas and his friend Swart Piet, a Dutch tradition going back to the 17th Century…..and once again some Dutch TV presenter from Surinam has decided they’re offended, and spouted about “racism”…..and this has sparked other people to retaliate and be even more offensive on antisocial media leading to an arrest…..then Geert Wilders got a mention, linked with “hate speech”….though he’s not actually involved in this episode.
Dear liberals…..why are you surprised when your provocations produce a reaction? Why are you shocked when majorities resent and react negatively when minorities instruct them that their traditional Christmas celebrations are “racist” and therefore “controversial”, and why is it wrong to ask, “if living in a white majority society is so intolerable, why not find a black majority society where life is more tolerable?”.
Sheesh, why was minority rule undesirable in colonial Africa, and South America but desirable now in contemporary Europe?
And why must this story, of minor interest in Holland, let alone the UK, come out annually from the BBC?
The Dutch wear wooden clogs, the wood comes from trees. Trees are racist because black people were lynched on trees. Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks.
I am sure the sight of a white Dutchman wearing wooden clogs is offensive to black people and clog wearers should be identified as Geert Wilder supporting WAAYCISTS
This Gina Miller ( philanthropist, investment manager and prominent anti-Brexiteer – or so it says on Google); how is she funding this petition in the High Court ? We are told it costs a kings ransom to bring any kind of action in Court, and some lose their life savings and more in suits, so who is paying for this ? Is she the front man for an executive action who are faceless and nameless ? Conspiracy ?
Brissles – without a doubt. She has just been picked by a group of wealthy business people to be the spokesperson. She has a lot of protection and she needs it. Those who back her are just cowardly low life’s who only care about their millions but how sweet would it be to expose them.
Moneybags Miller’s petulant display is no more than that.
It may well slow down the process, aid our competitors and put jobs at risk – not that she gives a monkey’s about that.
Gina Miller was interviewed on Jeremy Vine’s show on BBC R2 last Thursday, 1st December, 12-2pm. It will provide the info you require and a bit more. She ducked & dived, bobbed & weaved when pressed by JV as to whether she would prefer to remain in the EU, ironically having just accused all politicians of not being open and honest!
Much mirth to be had over at the BBC’s in-house journal, which has published a bracingly direct opinion piece by Miqdaad Versi, the assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (but who’s writing in a personal capacity, thank goodness), on the Casey report:
This is the first time I’ve tried a hyperlink, so the fetching blue above may take you nowhere. But I’ll save you the trouble of finding the article by mentioning that it’s headlined, ‘White people must play a role in integration too’. You get the gist. Sadly, the comments could be going better, including the following by Downwiththissortof, who may be a poster here under a different nom-de-board-de-message:
Just to add, I was deeply disappointed, but not surprised with, the BBCs politically correct approach to interviewing Louise Casey this morning. The presenters were almost choking as she presented facts that did not suit the BBCs ‘tolerance’ policy, ending with a dismissive ‘thanks for presenting your views’. It just proves that the BBC is about as neutral as Russia.
But s/he probably isn’t a poster here, since the following had earlier appeared under his or her name: ‘I think the fundamental problem here is that despite the UK being a largely tollerant nation compared to many others (despite Brexit) . . .’ Despite, eh? Hmm. The point nonetheless remains that the BBC’s idiosyncratic, not to say uniquely funded, approach to disinterested news gathering and reporting is being noticed all the more.
“ending with a dismissive ‘thanks for presenting your views”
… Non Surprise, and
not as if its any surprise to anyone, but CH4 News did exactly the same this evening, example
“sorry Jon some things are difficult, some words are difficult but I m not going to duck them just because” … we ll have to leave it there, bye, hope you come again etc
cuts in Jon “Pally” Snow, whilst Gurning Murphy s pouts and sticks his bottom lip out in disgust …. just garbage
Look … This report doesn t go halfway near enough, and no one has acted on it yet,(and with the clueless, incompetent sh-tbags we have misleading the nation, never will).
At least these No 10 chinless wonders have been busy doing something … they ve been busy banning THREE archbishops from war-torn Iraq and Syria have been refused permission to enter the UK despite being invited to London to meet Prince Charles.
Britain BANS heroic bishops: Persecuted Christian leaders from war zones refused entry
“The Christians, including the Archbishop of Mosul, were told there was “no room at the inn” by the Home Office when they applied for visas to attend the consecration of the UK’s first Syriac Orthodox Cathedral. Last night the decision was described as “unbelievable” by critics who pointed out that extreme Islamic leaders had been allowed visas”.
Fedup2Feb 25, 19:40 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I watched the BBC Southport documentary – I have a test for you – what word do you think wasn’t…
ScrobleneFeb 25, 19:30 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Try “Hope and glory”, a British film, about The Blitz, but somehow, just showing normal indigenous British Citizens! Bet it’s…
ZephirFeb 25, 19:24 Start the Week 24th February 2025 @ Rob, Indeed, you never see them in Parliament at the same time do you ? [img]https://i.postimg.cc/RVpgrLzT/Capture.jpg[/img]
ZephirFeb 25, 19:06 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bbc 2021: “Foreign aid: Aid cuts could see lives lost, warns senior Tory” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57379699 “The government has faced cross-party criticism…
MarcoFeb 25, 19:01 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Shock horror no outrage from SKY or the BBC at the cutting of the foreign aid budget . Collusion and…
ZephirFeb 25, 18:40 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Now we are getting to the root of the far left evilness: “SCOOP: FCC to brief lawmakers on George Soros…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 25, 18:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The (average) energy bills are now almost a quarter of the whole older full pension.
moggiemooFeb 25, 17:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It’s simply a description of the poor bastards that are forced to pay for its rubbish, nobody else does.
Up2snuffFeb 25, 17:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 JohnC, I seem to recall that it was not NATO membership but EU Membership that was offered to Ukraine as…
Just read BBC report on the Italian vote result. Couldn’t actually find anything particularly biased with it. Apart from saying that much of France was in thral to front national. Hmm. Are they reading to this site?
Unusually for me heard the interview between Robinson and Rome lady at about 7.10 on Today. She was being very fair, but Robbo had to move on.
The analysis in the report though might be a bit optimistic!
“What will it do to the economy?
Markets seemed to have taken Mr Renzi’s departure in their stride. Stocks and the euro fell in early trading in Asia but there were no signs of panic, as the possibility of his resignation had already been factored in.”
The FT however reports that “The Euro dropped to its lowest in more than a year in early Asian trading on Monday” not sure that is taking it in their stride. Imagine how the Beeb would have reported if it was the £ that had dropped so sharply!
‘….already factored in’
A phrase we don’t hear from the BBC when they are desperate to jump on any sign of Brexit bringing economic disaster.
‘In thrall’ means thraldom, or feudal servitude. Basically implying the Front National has some sort of hold over its supporters, like a cobra hypnotising its victims. Has the BBC ever used that term to describe support for a party it approves of?
When the BBC uses ‘in thrall’ they mean that the fascist malevolent National Front is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that is fooling voters. They can’t get away with saying that lie outright so they dogwhistle.
Spider, it just means they haven’t decided the line to take but reporting will develop its BBC agenda as the day goes on.
Italians having enough of the totalitarian abuse, lies and deceit……
Trump clearly getting the better of communist state and relentless human rights abusers China on Twitter (ironically the social media site that the self hating, self-righteous, self-important wankers at Al Beebistan have used as a halo polishing eco-chamber)….
A report how racial segregation is growing in the UK (you don’t fucking say!!! What do you expect when you bring it people who have hated everything and everyone that’s not like them for 1400 years, as mandated by the so-called prophet and full time child rapist Muhammad)……
It’s wonderful to see all of those years of lying, misreporting, conniving, bigotry by the self serving elites have now been identified as such by all corners of the world, and their totalitarian, protectionist paradise is falling around them…..and Al Shabeeb are helpless to stop it!! And they know it!! ?? ???
What is grabbing my attention is the proliferation of labels on the TODAY programme this morning, especially frequent use of ‘populism’ and the inferences that ‘populism’ = bad or even ‘populism’ = evil.
The language is leaving me.
The language is laughing me.
That is, it is making me laugh as an Orwellian language mangling appears to be leading to a swirl of a lack of meaning. On the gentle decline of a sluice, there will be an inevitable gravitational pull of this swirl toward the plug hole. I hope no-one tips the sluice and makes the swirl stay away from the plug hole. The sooner we clear this away the better.
Baroness Shami is sweeping the swirl around with her words as I type, in good faith, as she speaks, in good faith, about a report about people of a certain faith, which apparently is not yet, in good faith, complete. Strangely, she seems to be less concerned about them than the possible vilification of Supreme Court Judges.
That is, it is making me laugh as an Orwellian language mangling appears to be leading to a swirl of a lack of meaning.
When Clegg was challenged by Andrew Neill about calling for a second referendum when pre- the result he had called the referendum ‘once in a generation’, he dismissed it as ‘textual analysis’.
Newspeak indeed.
jtf, ‘textual analysis’ indeed; and also much beloved, I understand, at liberal Theological Colleges for the purposes of downgrading the Bible.
Up 2…
“Baroness Shami is sweeping the swirl around with her words as I type, in good faith, as she speaks, in good faith, about a report about people of a certain faith, which apparently is not yet, in good faith, complete…”
The woman drives me mad too! She is incapable of getting a sentence out without repeating stuff. It’s so unprofessional for a start for someone of her supposed education and intelligence.
“SUPPOSED education and intelligence” – shouldn’t suppose.
Soapbox, I used to like her when she was standing up for the ordinary bloke and blokess.
She was absolutely right, in my view, to state that the High Court Judges should not have been vilified. But she then got lost in her phluffling around over her report into Labour Party Anti-Semitism at which point the TOADY presenter (cannot now remember who), who had rightly nailed her on it, then gave in too easily. They could have asked – again – about her elevation to the Peerage and whether she was merely now trying to protect the ‘Establishment’ whether in the Labour Party, Parliament or the Courts.
Carterdaniel Up2snuff
Yes, what is so bad about “populism” in a society with universal suffrage is very difficult to fathom. Surely politicians would want to be popular amongst their electorate.
I heard this definition of “populist”
“A populist is like a drunken guest who turns up at your dinner party, swearing and using foul language, then humiliates the other guests by revealing things they would rather have kept quiet”.
Clearly, this is a definition that originates from a member of “the ruling class” in the widest sense. It may have been meant slightly ironically, but the real sense is clear. The vulgar people are not obeying the rules set out for them by their self-appointed masters – simply to act as rubber stamps for one or other of the approved political alternatives laid out for them like multiple choice questions. Actually, wanting to put an item like immigration control on the agenda is “simply not the done thing”. Those sections of society that do not shars “our values” do not have the intellectual or moral capacity to decide what is in their own best interests. The plebs are so prejudiced and primitive that they do not understand the joyous principles of multiculturalism. Thank God for the BBC – they can brain and soulwash the lower orders 24/7 to show them the path of progressive righteousness.
Strangely enough I heard the word “Populismus” in the German media a week or so before it appeared in Britain. In the German media the association between populism and Hitler is almost immediate. The demagogue, a master of rabble rousing oratory, like the Pied Piper, leads a childlike population, swayed by their fears and petty emotions, to perdition.
Yes, ID, think I heard or saw that definition somewhere and think you are correct about its origin. The BBC is part of the Establishment. The Establishment is the BBC.
One supreme irony is that the BBC is, or claims to be, very populist along with some of its programmes. Did they not make lots of money from the extremely populist Top Gear, selling it around the world? What about the Great British Fuss in a Cupcake that occurred this year? That could not be because TGBB-O only had a tiny minority audience?
As for 1920s/30s Germany, if I recall its history correctly, Hitler was not very popular at all. He polled something like only 28,000 votes in his first national election and people kept trying to kill him! The German military, commanded in large part by old school, aristocratic soldiers, only tolerated him because of his funding and for their chance to succeed in fresh combat, overturning the defeat and later humiliation from WW1. Hitler’s regime relied to a great extent for its power on a special mix, largely of fear created by his thugs & special police and by keeping as many people as possible in the dark, in ignorance.
An awful recipe followed by others more recently deceased.
Carterdaniel Up2snuff
“Definition of populist
: a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people; especially often capitalized : a member of a United States political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies
: a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people”
The first question that should be asked to an interviewer who uses the “P” words should be “Could you define what you mean by that please?”
Then watch them squirm. 1891….duh.
Thanks for that, Melksham. Your erudition & contribution is much appreciated and considerably in excess of that provided by the BBC’s Radio 4 programme TODAY today!
Good morning all……Waking news……EU in turmoil…..warms the heart.
Let’s hope our esteemed Supreme Court judges remember the “spirit of the law” in a democracy……i.e. That the purpose of all the organs of state in a democracy is to ensure the rule of the people by the people…..and that the Judges remember that the majority of the people have spoken through the ballot box and have “advised” on Brexit.
On the BBC’s papers review late last night John Rentoul of the Independent questioned why this case was necessary at all, arguing that MPs who vote in any Brexit division vote against the will of their constituency in the referendum will lose their seats at the next election and so, self preservation will kick in, apart from a very few EU loyalists……..let’s hope the court remembers how democracy is supposed to work.
BBC TV news have noticeably little to say about the Italian vote. There’s a passing reference made to a drop in the value of the Euro – but the BBC aren’t in the business of a making a big deal out of short term currency movements (sarcasm).
Look out, here comes the troublesome subject of immigrants and integration. A report out today… headlined as “Commissioned by the Government”. Not said in the friendly approving terms of the usual “Report from a Group of MPs” – those are often so much more welcome.
The tone from the BBC presenters is clearly odd. There was once an episode of Rumpole of the Bailey in which our curmudgeonly old lawyer character (just about the last pre-Blair lawyer we ever liked) described the opening in Court of a rape case – like venturing out into freezing weather. That’s the BBC on immigration.
Anyway, you must have noticed that the only terms with which the liberal elite can even begin to talk about the unwillingness of islamic populations to integrate is in respect of ‘women’s rights’ Hmmmm.
Not much on BBC Breakfast about the Italian referendum. I get the feeling they are brushing this one under the carpet as quick as they possibly can…
Lots about diversity classes though…
Missed the 8am bBBC1 news.
Turned it on at 8.08am.
A quick minute to deduce Renzi had lost the Italian referendum.
By 8.09am it was over to much more important issues. The 89 year old gentleman who has started work in a coffee shop.
I believe this is called Burying Bad News.
Good news from Italy which will help us with Brexit. Let’s hope that at the Italian election they vote in an anti EU ,or at least anti Euro , government. Then Brussels will be in a real fix. Perhaps the wisest thing that Brussels could now do is to prepare for the orderly dismantling of the EU and plan for it to revert to the free trade area that we were conned into staying in, in 1975. I’m sure the UK government would offer full support , we may even be in favour of paying a small annual fee to support a small bureaucracy to run it in an orderly manner.
But whilst the news is good let us not underestimate the determination of the ruling liberal elite to force through their vision of a federal Europe. They will stop at nothing and stoop to any depth to deliver their dream project. They may even find a way , legal or illegal, of disregarding or mitigating this overwhelming anti EU vote in Italy , let alone our narrower vote for Brexit. So far this year the anti globalist/ anti EU voters have won three notable victories , Brexit, US Presidential election and now the Italian referendum, the elite are in shock, but they aren’t beaten yet. We need Wilders and/or Le Penn to win their respective elections and that will certainly mean that Europe will take a new direction much more to the Brexiteers liking.
It is a straight fight between freedom and democracy versus slavery and totalitarianism. The Europhiles and Remainers are fascists.
Juncker is the poster boy for EU arrogance and authoritarianism:
On Greece’s economic meltdown in 2011
“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.
On EU monetary policy
“I’m ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious … I am for secret, dark debates”
On British calls for a referendum over Lisbon Treaty
“Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”
On French referendum over EU constitution
“If it’s a Yes, we will say ‘on we go’, and if it’s a No we will say ‘we continue’,”
On the introduction of the euro
“We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.”
There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties
Juncker epitomises everything that is rotten about the EU. He is a disgusting creature. I would love to meet him in a backstreet alley for a “secret, dark debate “.
Yes indeed, Grant. A debate that’s deeper and darker than his worst nightmare.
Quite right DT. Referenda in Ireland, France and Holland have already been overturned to provide time for the correct result to register and it looks more than likely that the current Italian result will be similarly ‘questioned’. This simply enhances the increasing probability of the Brexit vote either being overturned or filibustered out of validity because it is increasingly obvious that the EU, while paying lip service to the concept of democracy, is actually anything but.
Meanwhile the Austrian outcome – ignored by the BBC after initial short-term coverage – might yet bite the hand that fed it. Turning a 1% disparity into 7% involves quite a high degree of electoral chicanery, but I doubt the Guardian will accept that premise.
There is one major upside to it dragging on and that is UK voters will witness the EU degenerating into an even bigger social and economic basket case and only a hardcore of alt-left eco-socialist-internationalists will be prepared to back it.
There’s nothing like watching people experiencing an abrupt waking-up moment*.
*See also ‘climate change and power cuts’ and ‘Islam and medieval practices in your neighbourhood’.
There might be a few leaves on the gravy train line!
It does make me laugh how much the EU-philes are in denial. I just watched a report on Sky News that after the Italian referendum there is financial uncertainty. Well, that’s not a total surprise but “UniCredit bank has 20 billion Euros in bad debt and it owns a German bank” It is not made clear by the presentation whether the German bank is part of the bad debt or whether the German bank will suffer because of the Italian financial turmoil.
I suppose at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter. The whole EU thing is fucked and the sooner they get their heads out from the sand or the Lebanese lentil and bean salads or wherever the elite liberals put their heads these days, the better.
More Good Brexit news from Wales !
Foreign investment .
Some say that manufacturing orders in Wales are also on the up . Nothing in the news as about that yet?
And I just bought a “Made in the UK” memory pillow!
One of those should be standard issue to every voter in the country because ‘memory’ seems to be in short supply these days….
Thinking about things made in the UK! I’ve always wondered just how many of our beloved BBC employees were actually born in the UK? My bet – not many! And there’s the rub guys n gals! The BBC is no longer British therefore her loyalties are clearly elsewhere! My bet? Francophile or perhaps her loyalties are Italiano!
Surprise, surprise! ‘multi-culti’ is not working …………..
“Swear oath to live in Britain: Mass immigration has turned British towns into ‘ghettos’ as bombshell report calls for migrants to vow allegiance to UK” ……
So do they swear this oath on the bible or…..?
Why would they do that,it means nothing to them.Swear to Allah might be the way but they lie anyway
Did you know that the Koran explicitly tells them to lie, if it advances their cause.
So of course they will swear an oath. It means the opposite, for them.
The trouble is that islam is not a religion as we understand the term, it is a blueprint for the total control of all aspects of society. It has more in common with totalitarian systems of government such as communism, and as such is completely incompatible with a modern democratic society.
How do we proceed? Well, as the Irishman in the joke says, “I wouldn’t start from here.”
Too little, too late.
Agreed. Nothing will happen, it never does.
I wonder how much it cost to write that report when , most of us, know that it is the case.
North West Tonight , blessed is the cult, run the story complete with taqqiya from the usual suspects. Strangely when asking “people in the streets” they don’t bother with anyone English. Maybe they saw what happened on the national news.
Towards the end of the Today program they had an interviewee who criticised the use of the word ‘populist / populism’ saying that yet again the left had coined a word with no meaning to denigrate something they don’t like instead of reflecting and dealing with it.
Everyone around the table agrees that it is not a helpful word which is increasing in use and no one seems to know what it means.
Move to the 9:00am news and the first sentence accuses the Italian referendum as being populist !
“At its root, populism is a belief in the power of regular people, and in their right to have control over their government rather than a small group of political insiders or a wealthy elite.” ………………..
Tell that to the BBC.
Check out this article regarding what we can expect over the next few years; unless of course we toe the line, give in and return to the socialist fold:
It refers specifically to the US, but you know the truth of this.
Wasn’t the new word “untruths” a few weeks ago?
BBC more or less ignoring the Italian result.
Imagine what it would have been like if Renzi had won it.
I agree the latest word being primed for we deplorables is ‘populism ‘ . Watch how it becomes a dirty word , like racism.Something to be ashamed of .LOL. I don’t think its going to work.
So proud of our fellow Europeans the Italians this morning.
If any lefty accuses anyone of populism, the reply should be “You mean ‘democratic’.” and the following could be added “Or are you openly hostile to that word too?”
The other white elephant .
Despite the people of Wales voting overwhelmingly for Brexit, the assembly doesn’t like it. The Welsh Assembly only got established on the smallest majority. Perhaps its time to have another referendum to get rid of the overblown quango that wants to recruit yet more assembly members. A waste of money.
It has failed Wales with health and education . Carwyn Jones and Liam Wood do not represent Wales or its people .
Hopefully the people of Wales will give a majority to Conservatives or UKIP in the next assembly elections .
I think the Welsh get a poor deal from the socialists in power with the devolved policies ,especially health.
England and Wales people on the same wavelength with Brexit .
Deborahanother, particularly with their ‘free’ £1000 per head of population paid for by the English under the Barnett Formula………
I’m afraid Deborahanother, that’s not highly likely.
There are still huge swathes of folk in the valleys who would rather stick pins in their eyes than vote Tory. If the Brexit ceases to be an issue, UKIP may suffer somewhat too. Too many people who get their news exclusively from the so-called bbc, and read the Mirror cover to cover, and whats more believe it all.
There is change, but I fear it’s too slow.
Plaid Cymru is still wondering why its policies have led to a Labour administration for years, and of course cant see why its policies have not swept up hordes of disaffected labour votes.
It wil continue to combine maoist ideas combined with language activism and will never change its policies to suit the electorate.
We really need to abolish the talking shop completely.
And yes, my nickname indicates a Welsh learner, therefore, I remain this sites resident pedant on issues lingo-wise.
If you are the site’s pedant, you’ll need an apostrophe 🙂
Before we continue the apostrophe debate it has to be decided whether the phrase to be used is,’…this site’s pedant…’,or,’…the site pedant…’.
Rather a nice little minefield of ellipses, commas and quotation marks eh?
Time for your medication, I think ?
I concur!
Sorry slightly off topic but still grammar-related this popped into my head – a conundrum about whether you can put 5 consecutive ‘And’s in a sentence.
A man is painting a sign outside the Dog and Duck and the landlord comes out and says to him: “I’d like more space, please, between the ‘dog’ and ‘and’ and ‘and’ and ‘duck’!”
It must be from the same era as “Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man’s father is my father’s son”.
OK I’ll get me coat..must be time for my medication too!
Ah yes, apoligies….maybe I should begin a pedants corner….
Oh…err….hang on…maybe a pedants’ corner?…no…shurely shome mishtake?
Pedant’s corner? Hmm..
Oh….and now by steakth edit….realising I should first have read ALL the relevant posts above me…..wishes I had done so….
Definitely not a day for the BBC progressive ,pro EU,multicultis to have the usual smirk on their faces as they read their version of ‘news’.
Welcome change after last week’s remain-fest following the ‘victory’ of Sarah ‘ walk out’ Olney which, with it’s 1800 majority, apparently overrides the national verdict delivered by 17.4 million votes .
I do sense the ‘green shoots’ of desperation and meltdown emanating from Al Beeb.
I raised this in an old thread, but I wish someone would point out to them that such a narrow victory for the anti-Brexit candidate is a commendation FOR Brexit. In the referendum that constituency voted only 30% for Brexit – the pro-Brexit candidate in this election got narrowly beaten – so Brexit support has gone up nearly 20%.
If that was reflected across the whole country Brexit would be nearer 70% now.
BBC News:
90% speculation;
10% fact.
Had to switch off Queen Chakrabhatti (splendid old Saxon name) on Today.
Arrogant, patronising, elitist – reminded me of a 1930S Tory. I guess that’s where they take their cue but hey, this ain’t the 1930s and we ain’t about to doff our caps and be on our way – Milady.
I think I understand the word POPULISM now.
Populism is good when it is applied to mindless Marxists, like Hugo Chavez and Castro, when they destroy their countries, stifle democracy and enrichen themselves.
Populism is bad when it reflects the peoples of Europe’s irritation at the undemocratic, incompetent, venal and corrupt EU.
Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with BBC speak.
Had the misfortune to hear on the BBC WS – Two ‘feminist’ ‘comedians’. One Iranian living in America and an Indian lesbian. The thrust (pardon the expression) of their humour seemed confined to menstruation and sanitary towels and whinging.
Well, why are most stand-ups white men and not ethnic, binary/lesbian, women?
I used to think that Les Dawson was funny but not exceptional as there were many very funny people around at the same time. I watched an old interview with Parkinson on youtube yesterday, and although I’ve seen it before it was lasugh out loud time, one funny quip after another.
My opinion now is that Les was a great comedian alongside his fellows of that time. They look even better now as we are starved of genuinely funny comedians ever since the like of Ben Elton did away with real humour. The only ones who are currently funny that spring to mind are Jasper Carrott (and you hardly ever see him on television now) and Peter Kay who’s still not as good as the Dawson generation despite him being the funniest comedian around now.
Understandably tricky finding material for humour these days. Trump, Farage, Brexiteers that’s about it.
In Mao’s China and Soviet Russia they were given lists of things they could poke fun at – very short lists and off to the camps if they strayed – that’s where we’re heading.
@Demon……..The frightening part is now Les Dawson would be classed as “sexist” on account of his mother-in-law jokes.
Having been raised on the “alternative” comedians of 80’s I have different perspective on the likes of Ben Elton etc, and I have particularly fond memories of Hale & Pace and a certain microwaved cat.
However, a sign of how restrictive the British comedy environment has become is to look at what’s acceptable over in America. The Big Bang Theory is probably the biggest sitcom in the world right now and yet some of the jokes directed at Raj, the Indian character in the show, would be considered racist over here.
That’s how far things have fallen, what’s considered as harmless mainstream family entertainment In the US (and by any sensible person in Britain too) would, in certain parts, be considered unacceptable over here.
“However, a sign of how restrictive the British comedy environment has become is to look at what’s acceptable over in America. ”
Very true, Duck. Big Bang also finds humour in the differences between men and women, a difference the BBC does all it can to decry. The only girly people on the BBC appear to be gay males.
Humour requires honesty from the comedian and recognition from the audience. When we listen to the Now Show we don’t recognise the world presented, thus it is unfunny.
BBC sit coms and dramas often wish to educate the ‘stupid’ audience it is forced to deal with. As we don’t perceive all Tories, Daily Mail readers, whites, and other enemies of the Guardian to be necessarily evil, racist or stupid then we don’t have empathy with the characters or output from the BBC.
I can’t think of any BBC sitcom I’ve liked since The Office. Friends recommended Gavin & Stacey and also Mrs Browns Boys, neither of which I liked but I could at least understand the appeal. Other than that I can think of no recent BBC sitcoms that are worth anything. When you look back at BBC’s output compared to today it’s unbelievably shocking just how far the quality has fallen. PC culture and comedy just don’t make good bedfellows.
The only recent one that I thought was tolerable was ‘Detectorists’. Not laugh-out-loud funny but nicely observed, it came across as quite old-fashioned really. But it was also unnecessarily sweary in my opinion.
Of course the BBC shoehorned in an ethnic minority (in a rural setting), a couple of lesbians plus the main lead’s girlfriend was a lefty teacher.
They tried their best to ruin it but strangely failed.
Cleggers also said it was not a second referendum but a first referendum on the terms of exit. Yeah, but one of the options would be to remain in the EU!
Don’t overlook the funniest comedy of all time – the incomparable Citizen Khan …..
Well, it’s certainly in a class of its own.
As in ‘I haven’t spoken to the mother-in-law for a year…I don’t like to interrupt’
Excellent funny one liners, as with Morecambe and Wise and Dad’s Army, that I grew up with.
I am really enjoying watching Fox News, where you actually get real presenters’ opinions, and real discussions with both sides, and stupid ideas getting challenged! Wow. It can be done.
Sadly, I can’t access iplayer (??), get a different front page for the BBC site – not a problem, but I can listen to the radio if I so wish. One of the highlights of my year – clicking the cancel direct debit button for the BBC.
Check out the clip where he’s mangling a song on the piano, and a very elegant Shirley Bassey, in a shimmery floating dress, arrives and leans on the piano.
Dawson gives her one of those looks and says: “I told you to stay in the truck!”
A classic 8 minutes of fun.
And what about that awful “The Kumar’s at No. 42”
This bunch literally spoke BBC TV Gobbledegook and they get paid for it?!
Now this is just an ill-defined thought that I have an urge to throw out but instead of being “at the back of the queue for trade deals” under Obama/Hillary, I wonder where Britain is in the queue now given that, 1.Trump was all for Brexit and 2. His mum was British?
He’s not that forgiving and if our media, elites and luvvies keep piling on the insults ……
Boohanna, provided Trump is not deterred by the opinions of the BBC.
When Obama said we would go to the back of the queue he neglected to say that there was no queue.
Now that TTIP appears to be on the rocks there must be a lot of US trade negotiators with time on their hands.
Canada’s version of the BBC, The CBC, have created a (c)rap video calling for the eradication of the white race.
(Mitch Benn will be kicking himself!)
Don’t forget to go to the video on Youtube and give it a down vote (It’s currently 10,641 down votes against 189 up votes. Sadly the comments section is closed)
Oh dear. Christmas No.1?
Isn’t that a hate crime?
So, Renzi has resigned and lo and behold the newsmedia is now immediately in full defence/support mode for their beloved euro/eu. All nice talk this morning from Ed Conway (I think) Sky’s talking head re economic issues -0 so totally pro eu that I should think he goes to bed with a picture of Tusk and Junkers in his hand. The euro did fall very sharply overnight in international markets but is now being talked up by the media, so desperate to avoid a euro crisis but why, I ask did they not do the same for the pound post brexit?
All the time on nearly all the news channels just the same old pro eu, anti brexit propaganda………
Apologies as this post is not strictly about bbbc bias but I have no doubt that they will have been the same…..
Fret not AEG, EU propaganda and BBC bias are synonymous.
Maybe it really is time to take a leaf out of the book of everyday, successful Islamic nations such as ………………………….?
Want a look at the home Jeremy Corbyn grew up in?
Of course he’s just a man of the people ! Sharing the same issues every other working class family has to deal with !
Like Alan Johnson and Tony Blair.
With that little menage to expand his political development, it might be interesting to see his birth certificate. What if his full name is something on the lines of Jeremy Tristram DeLisle Anstruther-Anstruther-Corbyn? Bet that would have tickled Ms Abbott’s fancy.
Come to think of it, that could have made The Hon. Anthony Neil Wedgewood-Benn, 2nd Viscount Stansgate, almost proletarian.
In fairness. Call Me Tony did say that the EU was a rich man’s club. His memoirs serialised on the radio were very “listenable” if that is a real word.
Benn and Powell were parliamentarians, whatever point they occupied on the political spectrum. I prefer them to the Blair clones manufactured by the major parties over the last 20 years.
Yep, you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone.
“Tickled Ms Abbott’s fancy”. What a horrible image that brought to mind.
True, Demon, but I’m sure it’s there to found with due diligence – even though, I would imagine, deeply secreted within a complicated ‘pleating’ system, much like an accordion or concertina, perhaps? Just use your imagination.
I suspect even the Olympic Champion of Tickling would find Ms Abbott’s fancy a challenge too far.
Enjoy reading spectacularly detailed Government sponsored “hard hitting” Reports? Look no further: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-casey-review-a-review-into-opportunity-and-integration
Dame Louise Casey’s Report: ‘A review into opportunity and integration’, released today.
Prior to the Montague/Casey interview, the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ team go to Oldham in search of the Muslim women the Report identifies as the most non-integrated group. Needless to say, the BBC’s team find only vociferous self-declared Muslim women who do not agree with the Report’s conclusions.
The Report contains numerous mentions and references to Islam but there is no mention whatever of the Quaran, the leading authority/Guide to non-integration for the devoted Muslim. 199 pages of words where the author’s ability to ‘dance on the head of a pin’ whilst avoiding any collision with the ‘Elephant in the room’ is displayed spectacularly.
For those who do not wish to trawl through the conclusions of the Report, can I make it simple? What the “hard hitting” Report does not tell you: a + b = c Where, ‘a’ is the cult devotee; ‘b’ is the cult handbook and ‘c’ is non-integration. Given just ‘c’, you would instinctively know what the components a and b were. As one contributor here often concludes, ‘Simples’.
Funny thing, looking at history – in the days of the Empire they wanted us out of their lands so they could control their own destiny without foreign influence, have their country back if you will. I’m maybe getting how that feels.
Except that we did leave some good behind. Infrastructure for one. Mostly opposite is happening here. They are turning this country into a hell hole and bleeding it dry.
I say give them back all the jewels and stuff they say we stole ,money if needed and then draw a line under the whole thing .I couldn’t care less if the royals and aristos have to give back their Crown Jewels.
Lets get rid of this ridiculous post colonial guilt the lefties keep trading on .I wasn’t there I’m not responsible so I cannot be guilt tripped.
They can have their things back when we get all the money back we have given them which goes into their leaders pockets instead of the people who need it.
Agreed – it’s just a stick to go on beating us with. Funny though, it only seems to apply to the white races.
It wouldn’t matter if every British colony had been left looking like Switzerland, and after five years of independence ended up looking like Rwanda. The left would still blame ‘post colonialism’ for it rather than kleptocratic leaders and tribalism. Their guilt and cultural self-loathing is bottomless.
My guess is that Theresa May, just like the BBC will find the Casey Report to be an inconvenient truth to be denigrated then quickly buried . On immigration , integration , maladministration ( e.g catching snd deporting illegals) May has so much form, it’s embarrassing .
A large number of Muslims simply do not want to integrate and getting them to swear an oath is a sick joke when it’s remembered that their religion condones lying to achieve its ends.
I do wonder how much further towards totalitarianism Obama would have taken it were it not for the Right to Bare Arms.
‘the Right to Bare Arms
In the current censorious faith-dominated climate, that’s rather good.
On a more serious note, from the proposed BBC/Labour Cabinet Winterval bonding month:
I get the Left’s plan for creating Utopia – lots of free stuff, lots of immigrants, tiny military and tax ordinary people who work or have worked all their lives.
I must be missing something because that’s just plain nuts.
There’s always information and education, and entertainment… and bread, and circuses.
We’ve survived various, depressions, recessions, WW2, WW1, Napoleon etc., but I guess leaving a failed European club is just toooooooooooooooooo hard?
It is Gaxvil – it could well affect roaming charges for I phones next time the snowflakes want to go snowboarding,
Watching proceedings at the Supreme Court is quite a revelation. Depressing too. For a public reared on a simple and straightforward diet of Perry Mason, John Deed and Judge Rinder, the true complexity and introversion of The Law comes across as a deliberately confusing and yet schoolboyishly private club designed for the vicarious enjoyment of its members. The in-built time-wasting stammers, frequent requests for clarification from a panel of judges – whose remit, one might have assumed, is to give clarification not require it – all conspire to cause a wilting of the spirit. And just think, this is from the seat of justice and democracy, imagine what debates are like behind the closed doors in Brussels and Strasbourg.
Don’t know BUT – the referendum to join – did that go thru’ the Supreme Court?
And if it didn’t – maybe we should not have been in the EU all these years?
Gaxvil…there was no referendum to join. Never.
Heath signed us in in 1972.
We had a referendum in 1975 on whether to STAY in or LEAVE.
A vote to join was never taken. Yes, a majority voted to stay in, but thats a whole different issue to joining in the first place.
Indeed, but the 1975 referendum was about staying in the EEC, not the superstate EU, which it morphed into.
The appalling John Major signed Maastricht without any consultation with the people.
DC & DB,
Oh right. Kinda stinks don’t it?
All totally corrupt and undemocratic.
Apologies Downboy, I ought to have made that clear….it’s more relevant. I get so carried away by folk who believe we had a vote on whether to join….
You have to laugh at the impotent rage of Dame Louise Casey regarding Muslim immigrants failing to integrate.
Theresa the appeaser is going to do nothing to annoy her Saudi backers, so the problem will continue as bad as it ever was.
Here are a few possible solutions to the issues identified.
A ban on ALL face coverings which are not regarded as needed for safety (such as crash helmets)
A return to mandatory attendance at Christian assembly in schools (David Starkey has commented that it is impossible to understand English culture and society without a knowledge of Christian beliefs)
No Islamic only faith schools which are hugely divisive.
No arranged marriages outside of the UK full stop
Any crime carrying a possible sentence of over 2 years should result in familial repatriation.
No broadcasts in foreign languages by MSM
A clear definition of what is Racism and a new offence of making a false accusation of Racism to be enacted.
The people involved in these issues to be given a choice, to comply or to leave the UK for another country where their extremism is tolerated.
How can they integrate when the Government, police, courts, universities and schools together with social workers and local authorities have effectively silenced any discussion between ropers and the general public regarding their culture and ours?
Should I walk up to a woman wearing her bin bag and suggest that she is not obliged to wear such apparel, I could be arrested in response to a complaint of racism/islamophobia from some liberal multiculty prick.
Best advice, keep away from them, avoid eye contact, keep a straight face (you can be done for racist looks) cross the road when you see them, if one is serving in a supermarket checkout, join another queue, and if you see one on fire, save your piss.
This advice is not based on hatred of another culture, but on self preservation. Our law enforcers will do you heavily if the ropers are said to be offended
Sound advice – I suppose if you circulated it, you be for it?
I take your point about the barbecue GWF, but surely it would be sensible to use the opportunity to cook a few sausages and a bit of bacon?
In the supermarket today, I was buying a piece of pork. The cashier used a plastic bag to touch the offending item, even though it was of course already wrapped in plastic anyway.
I found that action offensive, implying as it did that my food is unclean and not fit to be touched by members of his cult. However, I do not think I shall waste my time complaining to Baroness Chakribarti.
GWF – “if you see one on fire, save your piss.”
LOL! Quote of the day!
Try using petrol instead.
Absolutely correct . Of course there’s no chance of any of this happening . Our slow but inevitable progression towards a violent solution will continue
They won’t like it when Islington looks like Beirut.
They’ll just move , like the Bard of Barking moving to Dorset .
Cor blimey bruv. I’ll need a helipad so I can get to my gigs innit?
Thoughtful, not forgetting banning Sharia Law in the UK?
Why import the problem in the first place? We are told we ‘need’ immigration as it is ‘good for the economy’ yet here we have a group that are economically ‘inactive’ so of minimal benefit.
So-called ‘white’ people move houses all the time, buying bigger houses as the family or income grows and smaller houses as the family leaves and retirement beckons. That isn’t ‘white flight’. When my parents moved into their ‘aspirational’ home it was to a street with wide grass verges and mature trees. Cars were parked on drives behind wooden gates, part of ‘scalloped’ low wooden fences framing traditional ‘English’ gardens with shrubs and roses. Now the gardens and fences are all gone. The block paved frontages are covered in four German cars, with three parked on the verges and twice the number on the road when ‘the family’ visits. The extensive rear gardens are stripped bare to make space for the extended house plus conservatory. Houses adapted for a different culture and a different life-style, they will never be owned by a ‘white’ family again. As for the few remaining ‘unadapted’ properties why would an ‘aspirational’ ‘white’ family want to buy one? I expect they might suit a BBC producer or Guardian journalist, except they aren’t in Islington or rural France.
P.S. When is the BBC going to ‘integrate’ The Asian Network into the ‘mainstream’? I’m sure all of their presenters will feel totally at home there!
So we have a desperate shortage of Muslims to fill jobs only Muslims can do?
Panorama Special???
Women worked as hod carriers in WW2 and beyond. Bet they never did it wearing a burker.
Anyone who says that Muslim women will not work has never spent much time wandering through the security and baggage checks at Manchester Airport. I’ve lost track of the number of times I have been patted down by a bint in a headscarf, after ringing her bell. I’ve even been “welcomed” back into the UK by a similarly attired immigration officer, who proceeded to tell me to get a new passport as my current one had just over six months to run. Now, given members of this sect’s loyalties, would the hijabed patter down blow the whistle if she found something naughty on a gent with an aversion to shaving and a penchant for wearing pyjamas in the daytime? Given the recent revelations as to what has been happening at Air France after it “diversified” , it doesn’t fill the frequent flyer with much confidence.
IMO, integration is not the issue per se. The problem is that much of Islam is just plain undesirable.
As mentioned here a short while ago, the older generation of Chinese didn’t integrate much. Many didn’t speak English, and some still don’t. However, nobody seemed to mind very much because they didn’t whine and they didn’t rock the boat. The younger generation of Chinese seem to be doing well, in spite of being unrepresented in TV drama, and in all the other places that the BBC seems to be so concerned about.
It’s amazing how tolerant British people are of immigrants who aren’t trying to rape and murder them. It doesn’t seem like a very high bar to set, does it?
DP today Louise Casey’s report. You could sense the BBC tiptoeing around what they think is a revelationery and incendery report. But in fact the report seems to me to be saying things which have been blindingly obvious to most Brits for years, decades even. Even so the report is welcome and does make it clear that there a massive problem with Islam in this country , which of course is mirrored throughout the West as a whole. Of course the report does not , as it ought to, lay the blame for that entirely on the religion itself and on those stupid fools who allowed such catastrophic levels of immigration, the BBC being particularly to blame , for it constant propagandising on behalf Islam and mass immigration. Will anything concrete and useful result from this report? Not a chance , within a few days we will find that the real villains of the piece are the white host populations who just aren’t willing to submit to the might of Islam.
Dear BBC,
No need to fret so, we don’t need sheltering from the truth, honestly.
We are over 18, surprisingly well educated, intelligent, well informed and have numerous sources, other than the BBC, from which to gather facts and formulate opinions.
5live interviewing the (Muslim)chair of a community centre and the interviewer suggests that the problem is that White People don’t want to integrate with Asians. Even the interviewee seemed taken aback by the question. Always remember: It’s white peoples fault.
Then they wander why people voted to take back control.
(In fact if anyone fancies playing PC bingo 5live right now will give you a full card pretty quickly)
Was it Citizen Khan? – AWWW CHUDHI!
By “integrate”, they mean refuse to convert to Islam. Simple as that. Because I refuse to convert to Islam, am “failing to integrate “. Where is George Orwell or Peter Simple when we need them now ?
BBC now broadcasting on Radio 4 that Louise Casey is a white middle class elite with no understanding or insight into the Muslim community, and that the fault of non integration lies with – yes you guessed it the hated white people !
White flight – which is a nothing more than a racist conspiracy theory is mentioned again, typical BBC bias.
I note that on Today she kept comparing Muslims negatively to Hindus.
It is a breakthrough for that prog that the Islan problem has been tackled.
Even in a Muslim doing, “Thought for the Day” she said, it might be different if Muslims went to pubs.
Not sure about pubs, but they go to nightclubs in Florida and Bali and show the happy attendees what pure Islamic enrichment is all about…
Further to my earlier comment about the Casey Report ( BBC will denigrate then bury it) , the BBC TV lunchtime news relegated the Report to almost the end of its bulletin . The background piece was from Birmingham and showed Muslim women shop/stall owners with very good English being interviewed in a vibrant street market . All good upbeat stuff so where’s the problem? Meanwhile women with nothing showing but a slit for the eyes, wheeling children in pushchairs, hurried by , saying nothing of course. No chance one of them will be stopped for interview . They’re just busy with failing to integrate and also producing the next burgeoning generation for Islam.
This might be a good opportunity for BBC reporters to visit a true Islamic State such as Lutonistan where full Sharia applies.
Female luvvy reporters can then go all ethnicky (like Theresa and Wee Jimmy have) by wearing colourful headscarves so they dont offend any of the states male population. Whilst interviewing their burkah clad sistas as to why us brits refuse to integrate.
By the way I was dissapointed wee Jimmy did not wear a full burkah the other other day when visiting the Ahmadis sect. Dressed as she was there was still a good chance that any bottled milk could well have ended up as Scottish cheese. However with her eyes covered this much reduces the chance of food adulteration and babies crying.
She would be instantly recognisable and thus avoidable bouncing down the road as she would look like an grumpy, venomous upside down bin liner and with any luck she might well be dispatched to the back of a bin lorry and tipped at the nearest landfill which is her natural home.
You have upset my sensitivities with you reference to Scottish cheese !
The white dhimmi women have no idea of what their muslim “sistas” have to bear . And, frankly, they do not care .
Grant – Sorry about that – I bet Scottish rarebit will never taste the same for you ever again!
I suspect what really matters to our dhimmi friends is that thay can all look “right on” in the fashion stakes as well as in the faux concern competition.
They better not stray too far from Casey report though – Dont want accusations of waycism from the MCB.
I am surprised that Vivienne Westwood has not launched a new line in fasionable burkhas. I think pink would be nice !
Or a fetish version – the Ruburkha?
Anyone at the BBC mention, 9/11, 7/7, Paris, Nice, ISIS, Rochdale, daily life in Afghanistan or Pakistan or Bangladesh etc.,? Guess not.
Yesterday’s men and Merkel
From Paul Watson.
Total failures and has-beens !
Smug wankers !
They haven’t gone away you know….
Alas it is true. Bring back the Muppets, I say.
Four down, one to go.
Question: Anyone prepared to speculate on the subject of the following extract? – (Clue: it was a judge in the High Court).
“X is both immoral and socially obnoxious. (…) In my judgement it is corrupt, sinister and dangerous. It is corrupt because it is based on lies and deceit and has as its real objective money and power for …………. It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices both to its adherents who do not toe the line unquestioningly and to those outside who criticise or oppose it. It is dangerous because it is out to capture people, especially children and impressionable young people, and indoctrinate and brainwash them so that they become the unquestioning captives and tools of the cult, withdrawn from ordinary thought, living and relationships with others.”
Answer: Scientology……..Mr Justice Latey 1984
Reminds me of a certain religion !
Just reading this BBC report mentioned here by thoughtful above.
I noticed the BBC wrote
“Misogyny and patriarchy has to come to an end,” Dame Louise said, adding that public institutions must not fear being racist or Islamophobic.
so they claim she added that ‘public institutions must not fear being racist or islamophobic’
No she didn’t!
she said they must not fear ‘BEING BRANDED racist or Islamophobic’
So who would brand these public institutions racist or islamophobic?
The BBC, that’s who. In their report they have directly accused public institutions of being racist and islamophobic if those institutions haven’t “ignored or even condoned regressive, divisive and harmful cultural and religious practices”.
Click to access The_Casey_Review.pdf
The BBC output is absolute garbage, and i don’t watch or listen to any of it. I get updates from this site.
I can only imagine all the license fee money goes into filtering every word and analyzing every sentence they put out so it passes the BBC propaganda standard.
I mean, really, where is all the money going? Lines of desks of obsessive history revisionists. Altering every minuscule detail for the cause.
The BBC’s frantic attempts to sit on the truth reminds me of Tom and Jerry – when Tom, chased by the Bulldog, ran up a tree, then inevitably slid down leaving claw marks.
And Muslims remind me of the alien in, ‘Independence Day”.
When they ask, “What do you want from us, what do you want us to do?”
The alien replies, “Die”.
Yes, Islam says ” convert or die “. Beeboids worship Islam, but almost none seem to convert. So…….. ???? Maybe my logic is deserting me !
…. if they’re not converting, the only other option would be to …. Hmmmmm ………..
“Who would brand these public institutions racist or islamophobic?”
Well MCB, in fact any number of these one man and his dog set ups, that the Al BBC has to keep finding as the previous one ends up in jail, or in Syria or on the Government gravy train.
The report itself addresses some of the concerns, some … but of course it is action that is needed, not words. With the inept, corrupt self serving bunch we have misleading the nation at present, for genuine action? I wouldn t hold your breath, and lets not forget Warsi who whines and tweets about muslims as victims in the report, BEFORE its released.
The BBCs own wonderful, well funded integration idea “10 muslims all share a house, we want to be there with the camera s, muslims like us on the BBC”.
… Forgive me is this the bloody BBC? or the Islam channel?
One of the first things Dame Louise Casey said on the Daily Politics … “Islam is a peaceful religion”
OOPS! wrong on both counts, if that’s the premise its a bad start … soooo report? we ll see,
“Watching proceedings at the Supreme Court is quite a revelation. Depressing too. For a public reared on a simple and straightforward diet of Perry Mason, John Deed and Judge Rinder….”
Please don’t tell me they are going to do an American Smooth before the final verdict.
” Supreme Court ” is an oxymoron. When it was named thus, I knew it was another nail in the coffin of freedom and democracy. Everyone knows that the Europhile fascist judges there will find against Brexit. Sure as night follows day. Where is Lord Denning when we need him ?
Caught just 30 seconds of WATO with a vox pop by an A50 junction about Article 50 (see how clever the BBC is when looking for an excuse for journalists to make unnecessary journeys). Just two members of the public interviewed; neither knew what Article 50 was, had never heard of the Supreme Court and – how fortunate for a Remain supporting organisation to randomly pick two unintelligent people like this – voted Leave. Switched to Classic FM and some smoothing music before I crashed the car.
Oh my – the BBC really think we’re like the natives when the captured Brit takes the sun away by ‘magic’ and says, if they let him go he’ll return it, but it was just a fortuitously timed eclipse.
These two likely signed up to the 38 Degrees mailing list, and swayed by tripe like this:
“Nigel Farage, the Daily Mail, and a gang of newspaper owners are trying to bully British judges to do what they want”
It will be no surprise that the BBC then ‘reports’ this on behalf the nation.
Of course the BBC would never “bully” anyone to do anything. Beeboids, total cnuts.
Go Trump – annoy the Chinese and we might have make stuff in the West again
and if the EU stop selling us cars we could have a motor industry again.
Wouldn’t that be nice.
English ‘Democratic Strategist’ woman on Fox News, “Nigel Farage had very little to do with the Brexit vote.”
Well, you learn something new every day.
This is the 12 point plan for better integration by Muslims as published by the BBC. Never have I seen such a woolly meaningless fudge which could be instantly regarded as a cop out and forgotten.
The report made 12 recommendations, including:
A programme of projects to boost cohesion, such as local IT courses and sport activities for children
(Utter crap as Muslim women can’t leave the house alone and who will fund all this)
Councils should regularly collect statistics on hate crime or deficiencies in English
Government and councils should share their approaches to tackling segregation
(Again utter crap aimed at white people, as it there wasn’t enough gathering of so called ‘hate crime’ statistics)
Schools should promote British values to help build integration, tolerance and citizenship
A review of the “rights and obligations” of immigrants likely to settle in the UK
(more utter crap no one knows or agrees what British values are anymore. Tolerance now is a word for not objecting to anything the government does – or oppression in other words)
New immigrants could have to swear “an oath of integration with British values and society”
(utter crap from someone who has never heard the word Taqqiya)
Funding for school projects that encourage children of different backgrounds to mix
(Utter crap, the kids don’t mix in school and they certainly aren’t going to do afterwards. Again who will fund this?)
On top of English language classes for adults, special classes to tackle any “cultural barriers” to a person’s employment prospects
(More pro Muslim funding promoting resentment fear and exclusion for whites)
More funding for local English language classes and a review of whether courses are reaching people who need them
(So first of all more funding is needed for Muslims, but only afterwards should a review be undertaken? The mind boggles !)
Councils should investigate whether their housing policies help or hinder integration
Better checks when children are removed from mainstream education
(We all know that immigrants are being given social housing ahead of native white people and the best is reserved for the Muslims. Council segregation will not change on this)
New oath for public office-holders pledging “tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”
(More utter crap as either they’ve never head of Taqqiya or don’t care).
The whole thing is a joke, and just shows the civil service fingerprints all over it. Sound like you’re doing something while actually doing nothing at all !
I get it – everyone who’s not Muslim, black, gay or trans’ has to roll over.
Quite some time ago now, a report did say that, multi-culturism was a hopeless failure – nothing new.
Couldn’t agree more Thoughtful. Great post
“Councils should regularly collect statistics on hate crime or deficiencies in English
Government and councils should share their approaches to tackling segregation”
Western Europe, especially the UK, has a long, magnificent and unparalleled record in tolerance of all groups of people, acceptance of all ideas, upholding the rule of law and it’s importance in controlling society, and freedom for all. Europeans alone have created this social ideology and set of framework/social constraints to live by……..every single Muslim state/country has been in a continual stasis of hatred, intolerance, aggression, social retardation, anti freedom, anti-democatic….of ALL and EVERY other views and beliefs that are not set out by and instructed by so-called prophet and full time manic Muhammad.
Muslims states know no better. They are not allowed to by the law of the land and the control Islam has on their lives. Muslims immigration brings this unchangeable mindset, this complete intolerance and utter hatred to everything not Islamic. Islam mandates this mindset and every single Muslim we allow into the UK brings us further down the path to social destruction.
This isn’t about white Europeans being tolerant and inclusive, we have proven that over hundreds of years….Islam has never in its entire history shown ANY act of tolerance, acceptance, or allowing of any other views/life instructions than those mandated by the Arabian warlord…… It never will. It cannot.
This Dhimmi kafir created list is not Islamic and is therefore completely and utterly useless
“At its most basic, journalism is about telling people what you’ve found out, what’s around you, and what you can see. You’re there – the audience isn’t. Some of the most powerful reporting is cast in this mould”
Get ’em while they are stupid, BBC.
Getting advice on what to tell folk from Jeremy Bowen, under whose watch no BBC reporter saw or heard a single Gazan missile launch, may be a great way to get hired by the BBC, but little else.
Prick Robinson on BBC R4 Toady seems physically incapable of naming the Italian 5 star movement without literally calling him a clown. Give it a rest.
Anyone else here tired already of ‘populism’ being misused perjoratively to denigrate the popular majority. The BBC loves China, the most populous dictatorship ever, but has no time for messy freedom. Heck, Al Beeba has more sympathy for communist Cuba than democratic prosperous free advanced Taiwan.
Another example of Laura Caseys “Peaceful Religion” turns up on BBC Front Page. Note – the BBC uses his English name too, not the name he uses and give the story such prominence because TA RA! wait for it
… the victims were muslim teens.
Don t forget to set the digibox recorder guys 😀 … http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b085zxxk
This guy Mick Coe is a convert … oops I mean Mickaeel Ibrahim, one has to say
Dame Laura, not an example of great peacefulness, and sadly his ideas come straight from the books of his political ideology/religion, not his imam.
“Michael Coe, 35, saw the two 16-year-olds hugging in the street in Newham, east London, in April and demanded to know if they were Muslims. Southwark Crown Court heard the Muslim convert then called the girl a “whore”, before throwing the boy to the ground. Coe also attacked a passing teacher who had tried to help the couple.
Judge Michael Gledhill QC said the two children had denied they were Muslim when challenged by Coe. “Why? Because they were frightened of what you would do if they told you the truth, that they were in fact Muslim”
Christmas is coming and it’s time for PM on the BBC to run an item about Sint Niklaas and his friend Swart Piet, a Dutch tradition going back to the 17th Century…..and once again some Dutch TV presenter from Surinam has decided they’re offended, and spouted about “racism”…..and this has sparked other people to retaliate and be even more offensive on antisocial media leading to an arrest…..then Geert Wilders got a mention, linked with “hate speech”….though he’s not actually involved in this episode.
Dear liberals…..why are you surprised when your provocations produce a reaction? Why are you shocked when majorities resent and react negatively when minorities instruct them that their traditional Christmas celebrations are “racist” and therefore “controversial”, and why is it wrong to ask, “if living in a white majority society is so intolerable, why not find a black majority society where life is more tolerable?”.
Sheesh, why was minority rule undesirable in colonial Africa, and South America but desirable now in contemporary Europe?
And why must this story, of minor interest in Holland, let alone the UK, come out annually from the BBC?
The Dutch wear wooden clogs, the wood comes from trees. Trees are racist because black people were lynched on trees. Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks.
I am sure the sight of a white Dutchman wearing wooden clogs is offensive to black people and clog wearers should be identified as Geert Wilder supporting WAAYCISTS
Link to article on racist trees
This Gina Miller ( philanthropist, investment manager and prominent anti-Brexiteer – or so it says on Google); how is she funding this petition in the High Court ? We are told it costs a kings ransom to bring any kind of action in Court, and some lose their life savings and more in suits, so who is paying for this ? Is she the front man for an executive action who are faceless and nameless ? Conspiracy ?
I fear that, as this is the appeal, it is you and me coughing up.
But I would love to see who actually paid for this action, I doubt its her and her fell;a, no matter how wealthy they are.
Brissles – without a doubt. She has just been picked by a group of wealthy business people to be the spokesperson. She has a lot of protection and she needs it. Those who back her are just cowardly low life’s who only care about their millions but how sweet would it be to expose them.
Picked and financed by wealthy business people with a nod and a wink from Treezer’s Cabinet looking for a way to delay Brexit
Hand picked to rub some more noses in diversity…… and so that any adverse reaction can be claimed as racist thus smearing the Brexit cause further.
Win, win, for her sponsors.
Moneybags Miller’s petulant display is no more than that.
It may well slow down the process, aid our competitors and put jobs at risk – not that she gives a monkey’s about that.
Soros. As with so much else, it has his fingerprints all over it.
Gina Miller was interviewed on Jeremy Vine’s show on BBC R2 last Thursday, 1st December, 12-2pm. It will provide the info you require and a bit more. She ducked & dived, bobbed & weaved when pressed by JV as to whether she would prefer to remain in the EU, ironically having just accused all politicians of not being open and honest!
“Is she the front man for an executive action who are faceless and nameless? Conspiracy?”
I think it starts with “George” and ends with “Soros”.
Much mirth to be had over at the BBC’s in-house journal, which has published a bracingly direct opinion piece by Miqdaad Versi, the assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (but who’s writing in a personal capacity, thank goodness), on the Casey report:
This is the first time I’ve tried a hyperlink, so the fetching blue above may take you nowhere. But I’ll save you the trouble of finding the article by mentioning that it’s headlined, ‘White people must play a role in integration too’. You get the gist. Sadly, the comments could be going better, including the following by Downwiththissortof, who may be a poster here under a different nom-de-board-de-message:
Just to add, I was deeply disappointed, but not surprised with, the BBCs politically correct approach to interviewing Louise Casey this morning. The presenters were almost choking as she presented facts that did not suit the BBCs ‘tolerance’ policy, ending with a dismissive ‘thanks for presenting your views’. It just proves that the BBC is about as neutral as Russia.
But s/he probably isn’t a poster here, since the following had earlier appeared under his or her name: ‘I think the fundamental problem here is that despite the UK being a largely tollerant nation compared to many others (despite Brexit) . . .’ Despite, eh? Hmm. The point nonetheless remains that the BBC’s idiosyncratic, not to say uniquely funded, approach to disinterested news gathering and reporting is being noticed all the more.
“ending with a dismissive ‘thanks for presenting your views”
… Non Surprise, and
not as if its any surprise to anyone, but CH4 News did exactly the same this evening, example
“sorry Jon some things are difficult, some words are difficult but I m not going to duck them just because” … we ll have to leave it there, bye, hope you come again etc
cuts in Jon “Pally” Snow, whilst Gurning Murphy s pouts and sticks his bottom lip out in disgust …. just garbage
Look … This report doesn t go halfway near enough, and no one has acted on it yet,(and with the clueless, incompetent sh-tbags we have misleading the nation, never will).
At least these No 10 chinless wonders have been busy doing something … they ve been busy banning THREE archbishops from war-torn Iraq and Syria have been refused permission to enter the UK despite being invited to London to meet Prince Charles.
Britain BANS heroic bishops: Persecuted Christian leaders from war zones refused entry
“The Christians, including the Archbishop of Mosul, were told there was “no room at the inn” by the Home Office when they applied for visas to attend the consecration of the UK’s first Syriac Orthodox Cathedral. Last night the decision was described as “unbelievable” by critics who pointed out that extreme Islamic leaders had been allowed visas”.