David Lidington, May’s stand-in at PMQs, put on quite a performance, less Flashman than Cameron but mastered the job just as well and far more fluent and quietly aggressive than May….he pretty much crushed Labour’s Emily Thornberry though you’d never know that from the BBC’s post-mortem which gave the win to Thornberry.
Thornberry certainly was technically proficient, she’d done her homework digging up quotes about Brexit that Lidington himself had made but she couldn’t make anything stick because she had no substance to her claims…the quotes were from before the referendum and clearly Lidington’s own views are not the government’s. She based her whole attack on a demand to know the government’s position on the Custom’s Union and whether we would leave it on Brexit…suggesting the nation would grind to a halt if we did. The BBC told us this was a very important point and we needed to know about it.
What the BBC failed to make clear was that this line of attack shows Labour is clearly not going to support Brexit…as Keir Starmer in the later debate also made clear as he claimed the referendum gave no mandate for a ‘hard Brexit’…when of course that was precisely and absolutely what it did give…a vote for OUT….meaning no single market, no open borders and no political control from Brussels. Starmer indicates that Labour will try to finesse Brexit out of existence by demanding the single market, the customs union and so on….whilst of course ‘respecting the outcome of the referendum’….lol…lying bastards.
There is no such thing as ‘soft Brexit’….it is a lie…soft Brexit means continuing to allow Brussels to dictate our immigration policy and that is what we voted to stop.
The BBC should stop promoting the idea that there is such a thing as a ‘soft Brexit’ and start challenging those who raise the subject far harder than they do…if they do at all. Yesterday we had Campbell keeping the ‘soft Brexit’ narrative going, that we can have ‘Brexit’ even though free movement continues….the BBC wants to keep that conversation going, to normalise the idea of a soft Brexit and to present it as the most sensible and only viable option thus hoping to delay a decision, confuse the issues and pressure the government into a compromise.
‘Soft Brexit’ is fake news….much as ‘Populism’ is a creation of the Left used by the BBC to dismiss voters and results it hates.
Speaking of which…Tory Steven Baker during PMQs accused the BBC of manufacturing fake news, inventing stories of backbench unrest, divison and rebellion about the EU. Wouldn’t be at all surprised. The BBC of course didn’t report that bit about the BBC generating fake news…they instead made up more fake news and suggested that he was merely aggrieved at the BBC attacking the government. Emma Barnett laughed and said that was the BBC journalists’ job…to make life difficult for the government. Yes, of course it is, there was me thinking it had to report news accurately, fairly and impartially…how foolish.
I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. It’s from the 1688 Bill of Rights (yes part of our written constitution). The last sentence of the last paragraph is the reason and the only reason I voted for Brexit – being part of the EU is illegal under the British constitution:
New Oaths of Allegiance, &c.
And that the Oathes hereafter mentioned be taken by all Persons of whome the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy might be required by Law instead of them And that the said Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy be abrogated.
I A B doe sincerely promise and sweare That I will be faithfull and beare true Allegiance to their Majestyes King William and Queene Mary Soe helpe me God.
I A B doe sweare That I doe from my Heart Abhorr, Detest and Abjure as Impious and Hereticall this damnable Doctrine and Position That Princes Excommunicated or Deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murdered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever. And I doe declare That noe Forreigne Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preeminence or Authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme Soe helpe me God.
Labour have just lost the next election yet again.
“Emma Barnett laughed and said that was the BBC journalists’ job…to make life difficult for the government.”
As long as the Government isn’t a Labour one, of course.
I posted this in the weekly thread but this is a better place for it…
In the Daily Politics today, Brandon Lewis, the Home Office Minister was talking complete bollocks. He was arguing that it was possible to negotiate a way to remain in the customs union and to negotiate free trade agreements with countries outside of the EU. Neil quite rightly pressed him hard to reconcile this evident rubbish but he didn’t budge. We are expected to buy this complete inversion of reality from our so called leaders – WTF? How can you have the tiniest faith in a government that proposes that of course we could negotiate the right for black to equal white. The one consolation was that, at the end of the interview, JoCo suggested that the government must have good negotiators and Neil responded with “…or magicians”.