A quick one as time limited….this morning we heard on Nicky Campbell that Leave voters, and Trump voters, and no doubt Italian voters as well, were ‘clinging on to political solutions that have nothing to do with their problems…and it could all lead to the 1930’s again’.
Yep…they’re all stupid, ignorant racists harping back to some golden age that is not only unachievable but leading us back to the savage dark ages of a fascist future. Trump’s solutions are all wrong…he’s wrong in Iran [er..no he’s not], he’s wrong about the economy…we can’t have protectionism or tariffs…er….isn’t that what the EU single market is all about…you can only join the club if you follow the rules and pay the hefty membership fees? Every country employs protectionist policies in some form or another….such as subsidising firms like Nissan to build factories here….that’s still protectionism and not a free market.
The Left’s solution seems to be the old one…don’t try and protect jobs just pay people to stay on welfare when they get the push…but of course that ultimately can only work if you have the taxes coming in to pay welfare…taxes that come from the industry that you don’t want to defend….as Thatcher said…
‘The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.’
Anyway back to today and conveniently Milo Yiannopoulus has just released a video of a presentation at Miami University in which he covers the real problem today…the censorship of thought and ideas by the Left…amongst many other things….the way the Left tries to close down debate by shouting ‘racist’ or ‘Nazi’..or ‘we’re heading back to the 1930’s’…which ties us into Campbell and his fellow travellers as they try to link Jo Cox to the Leave campaign. Get over the style and deliberately provocative delivery and listen to what he has to say…the substance of the talk is very relevant and poignant, and all too true.
If I could only get past my innate, sub-conscious, subliminal racism then I could begin to understand the message my superiors are trying to convey….
I keep trying daddy, really I do……..
Keep punishing me daddy, I’ll learn to behave and be helpless for you….
DJ Nicky Campbell’, this trough snuffler personifies the bBC,s attitude towards the majority of thinking people subjected to its Licence Tax.
There is a concerted effort by the BBC, Guardian and several religious organizations to install fear in our minds regarding the rise of the far far right with racism after Brexit. Images in this video indicate anti Ropers like le Pen and Wilder, along with men in sharp suits as potential Nazis.
Nice piece of propaganda for the facist left by Jewish writer Rachel Shabi. No mention of threats to Jews from Ropers here.
Nicky Campbell is a total prick. Milo is brilliant !
I don’t pay the TV licence . If I was stabbed to death by someone shouting Pay the Telly Tax ,would that prove that the BBC is violent ?
Here is the BBC version of the fake version of ‘Pizzagate’ which it would appear is a complete fabrication.
But even while the BBC complains about fake news stories it can’t help indulging in one of its own check out the lie it makes on that very page that the alt right is “extremist white nationalist”.
At the beginning of Milo’s talk, when the camera panned to the audience to display their reactions, what struck me was that students felt that they were doing something really brave and edgy. When they laughed at some joke, one could see that somehow they felt they should not laugh, but feel guilty, and yet they laughed in a restrained way, while peeking at their fellow students for emotional support.
To me see this is proof, how far the bully intimidating left has been successful in getting into the bloodstream of the body politic -even that of young men, young White men, who generally should be the most rebellious and “fuck you” group in any society.
Trump, Breitbart, and Biassed BBC have a fight on their hands.
For the last 6 months, I go after leftist bullying, in public and private, dinner or lunch parties, no holds barred, whenever they raise the issue of Trump or Brexit. Many a time they are not really leftists, but have been brainwashed, and are really virtue signalling.
Here is some fodder that can be used
Did I post this?
By the end of the question session, one could see that students felt liberated from the prison they were in. No wonder leftist thought controllers at college campuses don’t like Milo, or Dinesh D’Souza.
At the beginning of Milo’s talk, when the camera panned to the audience to display their reactions, what struck me was that students felt that they were doing something really brave and edgy. When they laughed at some joke, one could see that somehow they felt they should not laugh, but feel guilty, and yet they laughed in a restrained way, while peeking at their fellow students for emotional support.
To me see this is evidence, how far the left has been successful in getting into the bloodstream of the body politic -even that of young men, young White men, who generally should be the most rebellious and “fuck you” group in any society. When young men are cowed, that is the end of a free society, as this is the group that is the spear point of any rebellion. The Left knows this, and that is why they targeted young white for demonising. They dont know what to do with Milo, or Dinesh deSouza. Both should be on the Democrat reservation, in their view.
Trump, Breitbart, and Biassed BBC have a fight on their hands.
For the last 6 months I go after leftist bullying, in public and private, no holds barred.
Here is some fodder that can be used
Did I post this?
I have just watched the complete talk by Milo at Miami University above . I would urge all to try it. The funniest bit is when the Lefties stage a walk-out !
MILO at Michigan State University: Reclaiming Constantinople
This is worth watching. It may even come to pass.