Corbyn’s hi-jacking of the Labour Party in concert with his Marxist chums was one of the political bombshells of the last year…..his vehicle of choice was ‘Momentum’ which the BBC admits played a crucial role in getting Corbyn elected leader…now Momentum is being hi-jacked by the hardcore Trots. A fairly big, and amusing, story you’d have thought. The BBC begs to differ and hides it away on the politics page as a small side-bar report even though the Times had a two page spread and little Owen Jones is going into melt-down trying to save his beloved Leader’s fan base. [oh yes…are the Corbynistas mere ‘populists’ or a genuine political movement that represents the genuine, reasoned and informed views of his voters?]
What else does the BBC not think newsworthy? Oh yes…remember Brexit, one of the greatest constitutional events of our history apparently, remember the two massive court cases about Article 50? Remember that the House of Parliament held a vote on triggering Article 50 yesterday? NO? That’ll be because that vote has all but disappeared from the BBC…not a mention on news bulletins on the radio, and it is relegated to a ‘what the papers say’ item on the UK page and an actual report tucked away on the politics page. Extraordinary….a vote that was the subject of those two court cases in essence, cases that the BBC followed relentlessly and reported in exacting detail is now of no interest at all it seems.
Maybe, just maybe, the vote did not go the way the BBC wanted it to. Brexit is drawing nearer and the BBC is having to think up new ways to stop its progress.
I attended an update on Brexit yesterday at the university where I work in a humble position.
I was expecting a remoanerfest. What I actually got was encouragingly positive. Yes there is a lot of water to pass under the bridge yet, but the UK Universities organisation seems to be adopting a positive, let’s make the best of it approach, and yes even improve in some areas like easing immigration rules for academic and research staff from anywhere. Strangely it almost seemed to be energising them to look outwards.
I suspect many businesses are similarly looking to the future. As such I feel the level of support for the BBC / Guardian desperately hoping for “told you so” news will slowly fade to a hardcore of Guardian / Independent types.
On a personal note, apart from a week or so of initial reflection on the result, I have just got on with everyday life, as I feel the huge majority in the country have, such that with the passing of time we will come to realise that the EU is perhaps rather less important in the overall scheme of things than the chatterati (which includes us BBBCers) may like to think!
I made the point on Hitchens blog that ‘Leave voters’ and ‘Trump voters’ have one thing in common, they have voted in a democratic manner to reflect their views and got on with their lives, no fuss no frills. It is the ‘anti’s’ that have rioted whinged moaned and generally refuse to accept democratic mandates.
This has of course led to the media suggesting that ‘Leave’ and ‘Trump’ voters have created divided societies.. no the divisions are caused by those who do not accept democracy. Were we ever told that our society was divided when we had three terms of labour? No because we accepted the results as they stood.
The left can only exist in division as much of the left is made up of perceived minorities, without created divisions the left becomes irrelevant.
Jerry, an excellent point and well made.
“This has of course led to the media suggesting that ‘Leave’ and ‘Trump’ voters have created divided societies.. no the divisions are caused by those who do not accept democracy.”
There is obviously a plan that was quickly developed on the Left, within hours of the result, one strand of which is to make out the Leave Campaign was all lies.
Thus, all who voted to Leave were stupid, gullible, poorly educated, ignorant and deceived. The narrative creation has been around a distortion of the word populism and a distortion of the economic realities of globalisation over the last 25 years, which is another word or process and history enduring a remake by the Left. That Leave voters were, to a man or woman, ‘disadvantaged by globalisation’, means they were poor but not just poor they are the poor with a grievance.
(Wonderful irony there! The Left are theoretically, traditionally and historically meant to be those who are on the look out for such disadvantaged and seek to help them. Well, maybe; perhaps not so much any more!)
Finally, add to that mix the issue of immigration to the UK and an easily-made charge that ‘all Leave voters are racists’ and you can clearly see the four packets or pockets of division into which Leave voters have been neatly divided and stacked on a shelf ready for use at a moments notice.
The Liberal Left media in its variety of strands can just do a supermarket sweep and take down a packet or a selection and trot them out on TV, radio and in print to present a negative view of all Leave voters at any time. As you say, Jerry, it is the Remain campaign and its supporters who are unable to accept the result and are seeking to divide our society.
Hopefully, the eyes of casual observers will be increasingly opened to this and people will see through this carefully orchestrated plan by the EU fanatics.
Another wonderful irony is that the Remain campaign and their ardent promoters and followers accuse the Government of having no plan for Brexit. Well, compared to their campaign to overturn the vote and keep the UK in the EU, then yes, the Government’s Brexit plan does look a little haphazard.
I fully agree that tbe BBC have buried both the Momentum discord story and the critical commons vote on the triggering of Article 50. Boris certainly came to the BBCs rescue with his ‘too honest ‘ comments in Rome. The BBC has now led on this for the second day running .
The Daily Politics did a fairly in depth analysis of the takeover of Momentum by sectarian Trots but I admit it’s a programme that’s not open to a big audience . Nonetheless it was amusing to watch Paul Mason’s discomfort in explaining it away.
Another story that the BBC will struggle to cover is the collapse of the Labour vote in the last two by elections in Richmond and North Hykeham/ Sleaford. This along with the Commons vote is the real political story of recent days.
I thought that Labour slumping to fourth place in yesterday’s by-election should have been the top story on the World at One, but no, how naive of me! Russian doping was a handy subject to cover Labour’s disaster & the by-election was shoved down for a couple of minutes coverage at the end of the programme.
Actually we shouldn’t be concerned with the Trot voters in the next general election as they’re usually sleeping the previous nights fix off while squatting in their inner London squats!
I doubt very that any of those trots even have a TV set at hand so probably rarely hear any speech given by Corbyn. !
For the first time in ages I was proud of our MPs yesterday as they overwhelmingly voted to respect the Brexit timetable to exit before the end of March. Of course, this finally confirms to even diehard remoaners that we are in fact leaving, hence why they buried the story. No doubt they’ll be pushing for the sad attempts to bribe and intimidate the electoral college to vote against Trump, it’s their only chance of any victories this year. Not that it matters as he’ll be put into the White House by the House of Representatives even if Soros (who of course is funding this, he always is) manages to get his way with the electors.
The final straw along with constant bashing of our army in Northern Ireland and now programs like
Muslims like us
Black season on BBC 2
This shows the hate of the BBC of white British.
Funding stopped now send round Captia BBC lol