The Left have been creating a whole new narrative about ‘truth’ suddenly becoming a rare commodity…the results of the US election and Brexit both being the fault of foolish and ill-informed voters who made their decisions based upon lies fed to them by Trump and Boris….therefore both results are illegitimate.
Odd then that when Boris tells the plain truth the Left jump on him, even odder because he speaks the truth about the Left’s lastest and greatest enemy in the Middle East…Saudi Arabia. Guess they feel Brexit is the greater threat rather than a nation that is one of the most dangerous sources of terror and ideological oppression.
Saudi Arabia is at war with Iran, even the BBC admits Boris is right about that, but the BBC does not admit what is the real threat to the West and its interests…..that Saudi Arabia is engaged in an economic, cultural and ideological war against us.
Saudi essentially declared war on the US when it set out to destroy the US fracking industry by forcing oil prices ever lower, many think there is proof of course that Saudi was behind 9/11, Saudi pumps billions of dollars into funding Islam in the West, funding mosques, Muslim schools and educational establishments and Islamic cultural centres, as well as giving huge amounts to universities to teach about Islam and spread the word. Saudi money buys our politicians and aristocracy….the Royal Family are very close to Gulf monarchies.
Saudi Arabia spreads Islam, the true Islam, the fundamental Islam that is ‘extreme’ in its purity. The ideology that the Saudis promote radicalises Muslims and encourages them to ‘defend Islam’ from the West [and the BBC is happy to tell Muslims that the West is at war with Islam]…the result…terrorism and the Islamic State….also backed by Saudi Arabia.
The BBC isn’t really interested in that war of ideology being waged aginst the West [it in fact seems to support it]…it is more concerned with the war in Yemen, using it as a stick to apparently beat Saudi Arabia but only as a proxy for the usual BBC attack on Britain and America whom the BBC blames for the war as we sell arms to Saudi Arabia.
The BBC of course denies that Iran is involved in Yemen, or Bahrain, or in Saudi itself, despite it being well know that it seeks to stir up the Shia populations in those countries, as it does in Iraq.
The BBC has shown its true colours as it has invented a new narrative…that Brexit is intensifying and aggravating these wars….May went to the Middle East to sell arms because Brexit meant she had to make up the loss of revenue [er…what loss of revenue due to Brexit?] by making these morally questionable sales to the Middle East….we have, the BBC assures us, abandoned our morals due to Brexit.
As said the BBC’s real target is not Saudi Arabia but the West and its foreign policy but it is not above peddling sickening anti-Brexit myths and lies as it shamelessly tries to associate Brexit with the Far Right, hate crimes and now war in the Middle East.
Fake News? The BBC is one of the biggest purveyors of such dodgy delights.
The BBC has been rumbled and they know it. The best thing is they have been rumbled by a population they despise and thought they could control because they consider themselves to be so intellectually superior to those that fund them.
I watched the BBC’s 6 o’clock news, in which their unreasonable and disproportionate efforts to attack Boris Johnson shouted their bias for all to see. It now makes me feel sick to think that I have to fund this organisation.
The BBC tacitly brings lies into our world as it has always been clear that Saudi Arabia is no friend of ours. Contemptible .
No freeman or woman can accept that the middle east is other than the hellhole of tyranny it has always been and always will be.
I forgot Israel- that pariah nation according to our elite- the only civilised place in the ME and the one most threatened by enemies. Our liberal elite wants to see that land wrecked and for what?
Is the bbc aware that they are on the list of fake news makers produced by that honourable man, Ron Paul? If the senior management of the sodding bbc had any sense of shame they’d resign en masse with immediate effect. But they won’t because they haven’t.
The BBC are, at least ; getting penned into only one of a few modes these days.
This one is the pearl clutching, Lady Fry aristocratic maiden aunt on the chaise longue.
Same one that flounces in its flummery over the Supreme Court being dispassionate bearers of all objective truth, a bulwark for the little people and the anchor that stops us all floating off to Chavland.
This setting regards Trump as an arriviste, common, vulgar and below the salt.
Despises Nigel Farage and that simply dreadful picture of the two Heroes of 2016…how very DARE they offer Ambassadorships and fast-tracks without “protocols” “exchange of letters and Ferrero-Rochet”.
My dear-whatever next?
I imagine that Castro, Russell Brand and The Good Rebellion Setting of theirs is now being entombed now if it means that Johnson might get sacked…for this is all that the Guardian want. So May`s a fool to go along with this lefty agenda.
Boris is speaking for the country FAR more than May ever did. And aren`t the BBC and Guardian always wanting the Saudis to be blackballed for all that they do?
Lefty hypocrisy-as ever.
I think the BBC is so deranged right now because it got its pants pulled down so publicly on Brexit.
It threw every kitchen sink it had at a Remain outcome, it lost that, and lost its illusion of power.
The whole of the mainstream media in the UK (over Brexit) and US (over Trump) has been confronted with the ugly truth that nobody is listening to them and that their power (which was an illusion) has gone.
The Guardian, a former newspaper, heads its online edition today with a story lionising the failed Hillary Clinton over her stance on ‘fake news’, plus a story bashing Trump over his pick for an EPA chief. They truly have lost their minds.
There are many words for the BBC, however ‘deranged’ is a particularly accurate word. Sky are by your criteria ‘nearly deranged’.
Their lead news item at six last night first sentence regards ‘leave the EU'( Kay Burley ) ..’even a child could see the government flaws’. Followed by a five minute Gina Miller special propaganda interview with of course no ‘leave EU’ activist present for the counter argument.