Is ‘Islamo-Fascism’ on the rise in Europe?
4 hours ago
Is so-called ‘Islamo-Fascism’ on the rise in Europe?
Never happen on the BBC…however this just did…..
Is the ‘alt-right’ on the rise in Europe?
4 hours ago
Is the so-called “alt right” on the rise in Europe?
If the alt-right is a nasty thing , the UAF is there amongst the various organisations .
Gabriel appeared amazed by the articulacy of the people he was trying to embarrass and trick into saying something that he could condemn.
The “studio analysis” was by someone from the islamofriendly Quillian job creation scheme for retired islamofascists who was keen to repeat slogans about the alt-right and jihadists being two sides of the same coin, they also had an abortive attempt to speak with the former Revolutionary Communist Party spokesman Frank Furedi, so no danger of bias there!
If it was a hatchet job, the soft spoken but fiercely logical and articulate identitarians seemed unscathed by it, they also clearly did not fit the BBCs lazy characterisation of them.
That report backfired on the Beeb in my opinion.
Does the “alt-right” preach terrorism and carry it out ?
No. Just Female Genital Mutilation, and beheading.
“Do you think thats odd that you don’t have any gay friends” asks Gatehouse at about 1:20 in,
What an incredibly shallow and insulting question, maybe Gatehouse selects his friends using a box ticking BBC form, who knows. For the rest of us it usually amounts to who we get on with best, share common interests with and genuinely enjoy the company of, gay friends of Gatehouse beware, you may just be filling a quota.
The rest of the piece just displayed a staggering naivety on the part of Gatehouse and a particularly nasty and disingenuous ending,
“Not new ideas but old ones, ideas that many thought had been consigned to history”
The implication is clear, well why didn’t he ask the interviwees outright when they were right in front of him and while they still had the right of reply? Instead he chooses to all but libel them after the fact. What a nasty little propaganda trick.
Not too surprising to see the BBC resort to such a question. I remember when George Galloway (a scumbag, but still prone to BBC bias nonetheless) won a seat in London as a member of the Respect party, and Paxman’s first question was “how does it feel to have unseated one of the only black female MPs in the country?” Even Paxman falls in line with the BBC’s hateful, identity-obsessed nonsense at times.
“Do you think thats odd that you don’t have any gay friends” asks Gatehouse.
Does he ask the same question in the same incredulous tone when interviewing Muslims?
According to the title of a drama on R4 later today, Merkel only has “7 days to save Europe”.
Presumably they mean the E.U, as she’s already deliberately destroyed Europe.
Is that the sequel to “24 Hours to save the NHS”?
I stopped watching Newsnight when the rabidly left-wing LBC shock jock James O’Brien joined, and I have never been to their home page until I followed the link above.
I guess I have almost ceased being shocked by the BBC’s latest brazenness, but you have to wonder if for instance any Tory MP has ever been on this page, and at least scratched their head.
A quick synopsis of the contents there:
‘The forgotten Shipwreck’ (image Niqab clad woman) – the sinking of a migrant boat (pro immigrant pro Muslim propaganda)
‘The Battle for Aleppo’ (anti Syrian state propaganda)
“There will be genocide” – Aleppo resident (anti Syrian state propaganda)
‘Petula Clark on Elvis etc.’ (not propaganda? Possible)
‘Cheri Blair on women, sexism and power'(pro-leftist, pro-feminist, anti-sexist propaganda)
‘Paris in ‘advanced talks’ with UK banks (anti-Brexit propaganda story about banks moving to Paris)
‘Fidel Castro’ – puff propaganda tribute to Fascist dictator Fidel Castro featuring lefties like Peter Hain and experts from uber-leftie LSE celebrating the miracles he brought to the lives of Cubans.
‘Michael Mansfield QC’ – uber-left veggie and soldier-hating lawyer on why the child abuse inquiry can be saved by more lawyers.
‘Who is the real Philip Hammond?’ – positive piece on the centrist, anodyne and therefore acceptable chancellor in the BBC eyes.
‘Is Angela Merkel now the leader of the liberal world?’ (propaganda – title speaks for itself)
‘To hell and back. The story of one Syrian family given refuge in the UK’ (image with woman in Niqab) – pro-immigrant, pro-Muslim propaganda
‘A nation divided’ – anti- Trump supporters propaganda
‘Inside Mosul’ – (image – woman in Niqab) – anti Syrian state propaganda.
So 85% of the content is the BBC shamelessly pursuing their biased agenda with brazen reference to only their leftie friends. To be fair, this is less than my normal estimate of 90% of the BBC’s total output being driven by their own agenda, and 95% of their news output.
Does this snapshot of BBC ‘news’ not tell any visitor everything they need to know about the BBC’s agenda, and not set alarm bells ringing in any sentient British adult?
Excellent summary and snapshot of a day in the life of the BBC. I am sure there must be some Tory MPs who are, at least, aware of this website. David Vance should know.
Interesting summary, Kafir. I am pretty sure it was not like this on Radio Four even a couple of years ago – it was always a bit leftie on R4 but it seems to have gone into absolute leftie overdrive since 2015 or so. I suspect this is a rearguard response to the crumbling of the liberal worldview in the face of the migrant crisis, militant Islam, Brexit and Trump.
Spot on. They are so brazenly open with their bias and agendas now it’s as if they’re saying (imagine smug, sly leer) ‘Go on then, what are you going to do about it?’ Because, to all intents and purposes, they are a law unto themselves and nobody seems prepared to do anything at all, though to be fair that could be through fear of a favourite BBC reprisal tactic – sustained character assassination.
I read somewhere that a survey of muslim opinion has shown that 75% of them think Britain is a muslim country. Not surprising really. The BBC’s plan is working well.
The only thing I have watched on the BBC over the last few weeks is ’10 Rillington St’ I thought it was very good especially for the BBC which used to do this sort of stuff well.
Of course like every other ‘murder, mystery’ programme you just have to exclude women, blacks, Asians, and homosexuals from the list of suspects to end up with your killer.. a white heterosexual male. So it does help if there are a few straight blokes involved just to give it a bit of interest.
Yet they keep insisting they are impartial. I still occasionally switch on R4 (or World Service which is arguably worse) and yes, lo and behold – more socialist, pro-EU, pro-muslim, anti-US, anti-male, anti-private sector agitprop. It’s a never ending loop of why the Government should give more ‘resources’ to this or that whiny, useless quango.
With even my basic grounding in statistics I’m incredulous that I’m picking up all these lefty signals purely by random chance. Either that or they think the entire UK population spends its days selling Socialist Worker from a stall in Islington High Street.
What’s worse is that the (so-called Conservative) Government shows no inclination to take the smug bastards to task for it!
It’s guaranteed that every time I switch on Radio 4 some leftist cause or other is being promoted, regardless of the type of programme being broadcast (example from Mrs jtf’s favourite prog, The Archers: ‘He used to be a climate change sceptic, you know’.)
Yes, guaranteed, but without the money back option.
It is Pam Geller’s blog, so it cannot be true.
I wonder what Feminists have to say about this.
“and is accused of racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny.”
Who by?
Any old rent a gob can claim someone is racist, anti-Semitic, or sexist, and in fact all these charges have been levelled at Labour at one time or another, but never does the BBC report that.
Pamela Geller is not allowed into the UK because our Government said so. And the ban was upheld by Treezer the traitor as Home Secretary and continues with amber Amber.
Meanwhile terrorists and muslim hate preachers are allowed in. I hope that Trump bans Treezer and Rudd from the USA. What dreadful people. Wicked.
And why is more not being made of Rudd’s business background which is very dodgy to say the least. Private Eye has been exposing it for a long time and Rudd has not sued. She is not a fit and proper person to be an MP, let alone a minister. on the other hand…… !!!
There are definitely going to be a new heads of the CIA, NSA, FBI, Justice Dept. They may already been knitting the names of “those who are with America, and those”.
If Trump wants he can ban Treezer and and Rudd from NATO countries. But he wont.
Trump likes Britain. Obama though banned Churchill from the White House, and threatened Britain, if we didn’t vote to remain in the EU.
Good riddance to this Obama. He has been a disaster to America, and the West.
If someone walked into a police station and declared that they had converted to fascism and had also become Islamophobic , all due to their aversion to the non stop proselytising on behalf of Islam by the BBC, what would the reaction of the police be ?
If someone walked into a police station and declared that they had converted to fascism and had also become Islamophobic
Its a contradiction I believe. Islam is fascist, so one cant become Islamophobic.
I knew a couple of years back that the internet would have to be controlled by the old media, however Brexit and Trump have of course made that task immediate. Breitbart is pretty much at the forefront for the media establishment attacks being described as far right and white supremacist, which is an absolutely outrageous slur.
We have the media narrative now in that the ‘rise of the far right’ is down to fake news, thus it has to be closed down, (wonder if that includes Islamofascist groups and far left groups such as the semi terrorist SWP).
A group called ‘Nationalist Action’ was prohibited this week in the wake of Jo Cox’s murder.
However cranky and nasty this group is, it never carried out any terrorist attacks, it praised Cox’s killer Mair, however is that really enough to ban a group? After all it didn’t call for her to be killed.
What we will see in the coming weeks and months is every little isolated ‘racist, neo Nazi’ incident reported on heavily and regularly, programmes will be made about it and fingers pointed at Brexit Trump and the ‘fake news’ internet.
It will become very tedious indeed for us.
Of course the real fake news as we all know is the BBC itself in that ‘Trump will never win, Brexit will never win, Labour would win the last election, there were weapons of mass destruction, and of course we are boiling the planet!
The internet has given freedom. The Left-wing Fascists can no longer control information . The genie is out of the bottle.
Craig Murray in his blog complains shadow banning is rampant on Facebook, Reddit & Twitter. You see your posts, others don’t.
So Breitbart says everyone is joining
Grant ,
The establishment are working hard to gain control of the internet. Only yesterday in the Times there was an article in which Mr Finklestein argued that racist posts should be banned. He is using cracking down on anti semitism , which is a worthy cause, as a Trojan Horse to allow the liberal left to introduce censorship of the internet. This is only the latest of a whole series of moves designed to gain control of the internet. All the uproar over fake news Is another . The liberal establishment is even using the alleged hacking by the Russians as a tool to increase the pressure for control of the internet.
If they have their way the liberal left will have the genie back in the bottle within a few years.
I am sure they are, but I do not think it will be so easy. Of course, the Left hates freedom and freedom of speech so they will try and control the internet but, like underground newspapers in the Soviet Union, as soon as one is shut down another one springs up.
Grant, Double,
And now those pesky Russians are planting child porn on people’s computers to discredit them.
Brilliant defence against child sexual abuse. I suppose the Russian planted evidence used against all those nice ‘asians’ of Pakistani heritage in Northern towns.
The Liberal Left have long been seeking that Revolution of the proles, the Great Awakening and the rise in consciousness.
This year via Brexit and Trump-we gave it to them.
Ah-but it was not sanctioned,blessed or even desired by the bien-pensants at the BBC and their liberal elite pals in Westminster, Oxbridge, Edinburgh or Strasbourg!
Wrong Rebellion-NOT the Good one that they imagined Islamic dominance, globalised paupers and warring white trash outside their gates communities would be bringing.
For them to throw money at, get coverage of for their news channels and material for the research grant or Comres…and no lack of lawyers jobs and probation anklets.
And a new electorate who`d soon bring in the Marxislamofascism we speak of.
Which is why the Good Rebels are scurrying off to the House of Lords and the elitist Supremo Courts at vast expense to stop the revolution they said they wanted.
But without them-which then becomes something to fight and ward off for them all.
It is quite sad. Most of my friends are on the left, and I have now become almost an unspeakable person to many of them. They think I am far-right, almost a fascist! There is no talking to them as they are unwilling to look at anything objectively or accept they might even be wrong.
I realise they are still decent people but they don’t seem able to accept that I still am.
They think I have been ‘turned’ by the Russians – and probably think I secretly have birthday parties for Hitler and stand about in the evenings singing German songs with Adolph birthday cakes!
(Of course, I hardly ever do that! 🙂 )
Er….Manchester Lad….time to find some new friends i think….if those you have now are too dim and arrogant to see your view, then wave them goodbye,…they are no friends.
(Of course, I hardly ever do that! ? )
What? Not even on Christmas?
I noted today that the historian David Reynolds appeared on Sky and correctly diagnosed that part of the reason why President Trump won was because many white Americans are growing fearful that their country and culture is being swamped by migrants who do not share their way of life. He went on to say that within 30 years whites will be in a minority, race and colour will be irrelevant , so basically there was no point in the white resisting the tide of history.
Needless to say Mr Boulton agreed with him.
But a few minor points occur to me. Firstly ,Americans aren’t known for their meek acceptance of invaders and we can expect serious resistance to their being taken over . Secondly ,he seems to assume that when minority groups become the majority they will all get along famously. Is there historical precedent for this Utopian assumption? If the assumption is wrong then all hell will break out. Thirdly , he didn’t make any comment about the fate of the white Americans and how they will be treated by the minorities who have become the majority. I suspect that history tells him that there will be war but in true liberal left style he ignores reality and carries on with the mass deception of the people whom he and his like are leading down the road to ruin.
Of course all the points are even more valid for Europe and the U.K. There is no doubt that liberalism has done untold damage to the West and that unless urgent action is taken it may be too late to avert disaster, only the ordinary people see this , the current leaders are blind to the extreme dangers of their policies.
British Muslims Gather in Show of Strength to Demand Caliphate
Over a thousand British Muslims took to the streets of London on Tuesday in a show of force, blocking off a central London square to call for a caliphate while the crowd chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’.
We need a Caliph who will clean up these streets / Who will smack up armies and who will back beef [fighting]. / Backhand your missiles back to your land, that’s the plan. / World domination at hand. We can expand and take out these fools.
Those were the words of a poet invited to address the raucous crowd outside the Syrian Embassy in central London who cheered and yelled Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) in support of his calls for war.
So how come this was allowed when EDL protests were always stopped, where were the Police?
Good question.
Where were the police?
Probably at an Eid Iftar party.