Well then, I am just back from a 10 day break in Miami and the media contrast could not be greater. Over there, I watched FOX News and shared in the sense of National excitement as President Elect Trump prepares to make America great again. The misery gut sore losers at CNN, ABC, MSNBC etc are all too busy having a temper tantrum and blaming the Russians for the catastrophic Clinton loss, not worth watching. Meanwhile Fox backed the winner and Fox is winning. Compare that to the UK. The BBC opposed Brexit and continues to do everything to push any arrangement that is NOT Brexit. Disturbingly, I think this suits Theresa May and her “transitional Brexit” sell out. The BBC drains the life out of Brexit, May acts as the undertaker, and the people are denied. The power of the BBC is so dangerous and this is best seen from afar.
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Funny how Fox has become the punchline to every joke about emotional, fallacious, biased media yet was the only major outlet to call the election correctly and focus on the issues people cared about while the others existed in an echo chamber and still do to this day.
Fox news has reached those at the pinnacle of bBBC list of those who are to be subjected to the bBBC Hatefest masquerading as supposed comedy.
Daily Mail – Ha ha ha.
Thatcher – Ha ha ha.
Bush – Ha ha ha.
Reagan – Ha ha ha.
Trump – Ha ha ha.
Fox News – Ha ha ha.
And there you have the full list of what the bBBCites consider to be the ultimate in comedy
Fox news has reached those at the pinnacle of bBBC list of those who are to be subjected to the bBBC Hatefest masquerading as supposed comedy.
Daily Mail – Ha ha ha.
Thatcher – Ha ha ha.
Bush – Ha ha ha.
Reagan – Ha ha ha.
Trump – Ha ha ha.
Fox News – Ha ha ha.
And there you have the full list of what the bBBCites consider to be the ultimate in comedy
Fox news has reached those at the pinnacle of bBBC list of those who are to be subjected to the bBBC Hatefest masquerading as supposed comedy.
Daily Mail – Ha ha ha.
Thatcher – Ha ha ha.
Bush – Ha ha ha.
Reagan – Ha ha ha.
Trump – Ha ha ha.
Fox News – Ha ha ha.
And there you have the full list of what the bBBCites consider to be the ultimate in comedy. Little do they realise that for the majority of us being added to that list is the ultimate accolade possible for being considered great, honest and truthful and with the interests of Western Values at the heart of everything they do.
Fox News, unlike the deceitful bBBC and the rest of the Liberal/Marxist MSM, are at least honest about where their loyalties lay instead of pretending that they are totally unbiased hoping we will all be fooled into believing that.
Sorry about the multiple posts. I’ve just noticed them and have no idea how I managed to do that. I must check to see if I’ve got a parrot in my computer.
The BBC is in overdrive at the moment. It does not know whether to go on the defensive or offensive.
As a BBC apparatchik, I would see three or four bases that the BBC needs to defend. It has spent a considerable amount of time, and license payers money, on the following
1. Climate Change. AKA AGW.
2. “Muslims are just like us”. Islam is the RoP. Misunderstood perhaps, but still the RoP. Corollary – Christianity is bad.
3. Brexit. Has to be overturned, or the Socialist enterprise of the EU will fall.
All three are under attack by “populist” politicians in Europe. But the enemy they never saw coming was Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is not just an ordinary threat, like Fox News, or even the British government, but a deadly enemy that can throttle all three of BBC’s cherished illegitimate bastards. Moreover, The Donald is immune to BBC propaganda. But The Donald has the power to pressure the British government about the scurrilous behaviour of the BBC.
So they are busy trying to Delegitamise Donald Trump – DDT for short.
But all this will do is to ignite even more American hostility to the BBC.
The Donald has the power to pressure the British government about the scurrilous behaviour of the BBC.
Damn right on.
And the Donald will have the power to remove the RoP appeasing remainers from the British Government
‘a deadly enemy that can throttle all three of BBC’s cherished illegitimate bastards.’ – an impressive turn of phrase, despite the tautology in the last two words!
Crying Babies
The US MSM (Fox excluded) and the BBC have proved themselves a complete embarrassment when it comes to slobbering over every utterance by the fraudster who has occupied the White House for the past eight years.
He has been given a free pass over everything from ‘Corpse man’ and 57 States in the US to red lines in the Syrian sand.
Here is a video clip of BBC ‘journalists’ hanging on every action and utterance by the ‘anointed one’
Democrats – Sore losers.
Where have all the comfort puppies gone?
Now having lived in Canada for the last nine years and having taken Canadian citizenship I can attest to the fact that Canadian news channels are execrable. Hopey changey, pink and fluffy, oh so right on PC and forever worrying about how dreadfully unfair it is that mentally disturbed people cannot just stroll into the bathroom of their choice (bathroom is a Canadian euphemism for lavatory). Apart from watching weather and road reports I barely watch any of them. By far the worst is CBC with whom I had a complaint upheld when they referred to UKIP as ‘far right’. Guess where they got that from.
CBC, CTV and Global seem to harvest most of their international news from the BBC which is why I am an avid viewer of Fox News. When it comes to straightforward unbiased news, Fox runs rings around the BBC and the trash that passes for Canadian news.
We don’t get Fox news on terrestrial TV.
Do you get RT as well? If so, how does it compare to Fox.
We have cable TV provided by a company called Shaw. You can pick and choose which bundles you want right down to individual channels, but RT is not provided.
When we were first here we even had MSNBC included in the bundle right up to the time I nearly destroyed the TV when the bizarrely odd Rachel Maddow show came on. It was dropped the next day. I still keep CNN because its a great comedy show, amd not for nothing is it referred to here as the Clinton News Network.
Thanks TPO.
I follow the Canadian Rebel Media – excellent antidote to the left media
Me too.
They held a rally in Edmonton recently to protest the far left NDP provincial government’s ‘carbon tax’ plan which will stuff the economy even further. The NDP is led by Rachel Notley and some of the crowd got boisterous and started chanting “Lock her up”
This picked up by CBC’s main news anchor, Peter Mansbridge who originally hails from the UK and blown out of all proportion. CBC effectively sidelined the reasons for the protest and focused on the chant which I believe went on for about 30 seconds.
This was then inflamed by Mansbridge who who went on to claim that there was “outrage”, yes “outrage” I tell you. What a load of b*llocks.
Just about everyone in Alberta thinks that the union rabble rouser Notley should be locked up. Of course the BBC were straight onto this with:
“Outrage as ‘lock her up’ chant hits Canada”
CBC and the BBC are in each other’s pockets. Incidentally, lefty Mansbridge was an airport announcer at Churchill airport in Manitoba before being ‘discovered’. I think Churchill had two flights a day back then. Only in Canada!
Why do we not have people like her, Tucker etc on UK MSM ? We have to go to Paul Weston, Pat Condell etc . Why is there no freedom of speech in the UK ?
Fox is certainly infinitely preferable to the Left Stream Media, but among its presenters, only Hannity came out squarely in support of Trump in the lead up to the election. There were plenty of NeverTrumpers and RINOs like Rove and McCain clogging up the channel on a regular basis.
Have you seen this in Canada? Not sure if the link comes out right, but there is a rebellious group of journalists in Canada:
What I find the most despicable about the BBC is the corporation’s enormous sense of entitlement regarding taxpayers’ money. I am sick to death with hearing the BBC directors and politicians coming out with nonsense like giving the public value for money and how we need the BBC as a beacon of broadcasting the world over etc. The BBC is fundamentally a mafia-style tax-enforcing behemoth which we are coerced into paying or else we face criminal charges and bullying behaviour by the BBC KGB tax heavies. The BBC is the epitome of the liberal elite establishment; it is hopelessly out-of-touch with the British people. I hope over the next twenty years we will see a patriotic party emerge that’ll dismantle the leftie gravy train that is the BBC. This country has earned a rest from the BBC’s anti-British machinations and mischievous meddling.
Very sorry. I touched the ‘report a comment’ button by mistake. It is very close to the reply button on my iPad.
I agree that the sense of entitlement of the people running and working in the BBC is breathtaking and the licence fee amounts to much the same as mafia protection money. This is especially the case since, far from providing a truthful and reliable information resource to the British public, the BBC seems to be run for the enrichment of its own employees in terms of money, prestige and influence.
The so called quality news and current affairs programmes appeared to stop trying to inform by seeking out facts and encouraging logical discussions based on those facts. The modern BBC liberal way seems to be based on emotional virtue signalling and despising the history and achievements of the most successful and advanced societies on the planet. The truth takes a back seat as the BBC decides, in its artificially protected cocoon, what views are acceptable and defines any dissenting views as extreme (usually right wing) and beyond the pale. Dissenting views (and inconvenient facts) are then deemed so extreme as to be offensive and even criminal. By this means the BBC wins the arguments, as Mark Steyn says, by effectively banning free speech.
Isn’t there some Human Rights legislation that can be used to scupper the BBC.
Something like – All citizens have the right to access competing news and views broadcasts. No single channel to be given unfair advantage over others.
You know – a fair and level playing field. Is that too much to ask?
Like many I do not get my “News” via BBC or any other biased UK Ha Hum News channel,
I go on line. For the U.S. I use Bill Still, Fox News,Paul Joseph Watson etc. Yes you have to be careful but with care one can get a reasonable balanced view.
May I propose our very own Biased BBC YouTube channel?
Exposing worldwide the biased BBC and the ongoing continuous biased broadcasting.
Embarrassing…if that were possible the BBC but also hopefully getting the Government to get off of it’s backside and at long last doing something about our very own Newspeak BBC…
Ramzpaul, Anne Coulter, Ben Shapiro , Laura Southern, ( all Americans )are also good to watch.
What a good idea.
Most Internet providers are now providing Fibre and unlimited usage.
Drop the BBC, and pay as you go on the “NotTheBBC” channel. Or StraightNews.
As an example https://www.youtube.com/user/PrisonPlanetLive
Just insert biased BBC!!
Please note 90,312 views in 17 hours
Superb video, and I’m definitely going to plagiarise one of his remarks, “presstitutes”.
David, I follow you on Twitter and Gab. When did you come back and when did you post the RT tweets? Confused
Breaking News
Bill Gates has been reported as saying that if Trump plays his cards right he could be good for America…wow! I kid you not.
No doubt the BBC will have the full story on ‘News at Six’.
That is a big surprise ! If true, a big news story and the number 1 in the world, the BBC , have to cover it !
News just in today… (on radio and Press) So Sky is valued at £11.7 billion pounds. That is a lot more (twice than that of the BBC woolly Mammoth with an income soley from the TV license fee) of about £3.8 Billion + overseas (US TV repeats of ‘Top Gear’ included) add an extra Billion (and falling) and then add Qater and Saudi slush sponsors (money that somehow does not appear amongst ‘other’ EU funding for the BBC). It’s interesting to reveal (from personal memory) that Murdoch started SKY as an independent Media TV company, ‘as REAL alternative’ to the AWFUL BBC offerings at that time. No doubt the BBC has had to ‘raise-its-game’ a bit since (Strictly Come Prancing and Bake Off!) to compete at the the top end of broadcasting and DRAMA at the other end (which it clings to in luvvie desperation). But when Sky was ‘sold’ by Murdoch (due I think to EU demands that you could NOT own both THE TIMES and a national TV broadcaster… Murdoch chose to sell SKY and keep the more prestigious ‘TIMES’ in London. Lets not forget that it was Murdoch who changed the face of (London) FLEET STREET when it moved to (London) Wapping using (US powered) hi-tech DTP (Macintosh computers) that left the addled and Print Union riddled antique “Hot Metal Press” far behind. I know, I was there at the time as an apprentice. It was both revolutionary and daring thing to do. The Print Unions were on strike for months. And yet Murdoch was doing what others were already doing such as ‘The Independent’ of (part of Eddie Shah’s operations at the time, who was already under attack). We still have a large UK free press (notwithstanding that we read more Newspapers than any other country in Europe). The huge cost saving was in removing the useless bureaucratic Unions (I still remember the pointless SLADE and NGA impressions I had to make for ‘artwork’ on everything then having it agreed with the chapel member which then involved a small fee being paid to another union members etc). But the BIGGEST saving was on the premises and overstaffing levels and a big cost (then) in updating all the print equipment – as was happening elsewhere in the US (in the 1980’s) It was the best of times, and the worst of times for the print union barons.
It was Murdoch that got almost ALL the blame and the BBC, as usual, backed the trade unions against new computer based (DTP) technology. It was probably the main reason that the BBC launched ‘iPlayer’ and relaunching it’s own branding update. It was just a bit ‘old fashioned’ for a ‘top corporation’ that values itslef more than SKY (or the Times). It was the first sniff of competition that made the BBC squirm and how they laughed at anybody with the temerity to take on the Mighty BBC!
But they did and as in TV, so in Radio. Classic FM has three times as many listeners as Radio 3. BBC Radio and TV is losing its audience wholesale to competition from both Pay-to-view (Like NextFlix and Sky) and also the Free broadcasters. Media staff (it is reported) would prefer to work in the private sectors, not only for ‘more money’ but also better equipment and working conditions.
So its hardly surprising that the BBC ‘hates’ Murdoch’ and Sky in equal measure.
I for one would welcome Murdoch back. He is obviously supporting BREXIT and sees his chance to get back into influencing the UK away from the dead hand of the EU and Unions. He knows he will have a fight on his hands. The BBC hate him as he was a far greater threat (to them) than anybody else. The entrepreneurs are returning back to the UK, only by competition can we rid oursleves of the odious BBC. And then the BBC have extra competition in BT Sports and Amazon Prime.