The bias is endless and relentless…guess the BBC should just be shut down or its money be shared out with other news organisations…the money that is all too easily come by and taken for granted. The BBC’s Nihal had a sneer at Amazon today as he told us that ‘The Man in the High Castle’ was Amazon’s top rating programme…then added ‘That’ll be 74 people then’. Easy to sneer when you don’t have to work for your money and risk everything on a commercial venture with no guaranteed income. Wonder how many views Top Gear 1, The Grand Tour, got? Lot more than the BBC version I imagine.
Oooooo first !
Trivial really, BUT its the smallest things that start a war ! On opening a new jar of Marmite this morning, attached to the lid was a label saying Spread the Love – ok right. Then further along the label in small writing is HFA Approved – Halal Food Authority !!!! WTF ! So pleased that my morning eating ritual of the past 60 years has been ‘approved’ by a religion I have nothing or want, to do with. I am really angry at this slow seeping of another religion into my way of life. We don’t have ‘kosher’ on our everyday products, so, who do I complain to ???
Send an email to marmite then.
I hate to say it Brissels, but you will find kosher symbols on all sorts of food. I am away from home at the moment so can only give likely examples; some types of Wilkins, Tiptree jams, bags of sugar (silver spoon, I think), Jacobs club biscuits and possibly cream crackers, Kingsmill bread are just a few. If you google London Beth Din and images, you probably get a K symbol which is a discrete kosher symbol, there are others especially on American imported food. You might see the words ‘parev’ meaning non-dairy and non meat. But the kosher symbols will tell you that food has been produced to the highest hygiene requirements.
Thank you Deborah, that’s really interesting to know ! you learn something every day !
Stop buying the stuff.
Remember, they were the company who tried to put the price of the product up because of, wait for it – ‘Brexit’.
I know T, AND the formula has been changed over the years – which I find more of a travesty than the ‘Brexit’ farce ! Mrs Indignant here thinks a letter has to be written to Marmite on this Halal issue though. I’m heartily sick of this practice creeping into our schools/restaurant meals and our everyday food stuffs just to bloody well appease a couple of million people who we didn’t ask to land on our shores. It wouldn’t be so bad if it worked both ways, but it doesn’t, – we all know that Christians are persecuted in their Muslim countries and yet we are expected to roll over and accept ‘their’ ways. Well, sod off ! (rant over)
In ten years time, Christmas will be ‘private’ and not on public view.
For your own safety, you understand.
It’s going that way. The trend to say happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas is on the rise as it is deemed the correct thing to say in which not to offend non christians ( read that as you will) But we are force fed a diet of Ramadan by the people who find Xmas offensive.
The one (and to be honest only) thing which really riles me about the BBC is not their PC agenda, their selective reporting, their dire output I don’t want to watch, or even their completely irrational and unreasonable (one sided) hatred of me as a white, heterosexual, non-Muslim Englishman, it’s that I’m forced to pay their over inflated wages to sneer at me if I want to watch TV in my own home. They can sneer at me as much as they like and spout crap all day long, so long as I don’t have to pay for it!
Clearly ‘Christmas’ is something that (Thank God) wont have the HFA Approved label attached to it !
As long as you pay the jizya you should be okay.
The BBC are sick – just heard an ‘advert’ for the sainted Nadiya promoting her version of Christmas food. Any day now and it will be “Carols from Kensington Central Mosque”. We’re all Muslims now!
Nadiya’s Christmas Dinner
JimS – I’m not aware that there is any music “permitted” in Islam or singing, unless one were to include that wailing, supremacist rant aka the “call to prayer”. Islam has contributed nothing to music and very little to art as far as I’m aware; Christianity on the other hand…
It was a joke, I think..
As for music we have Yusuf Islam and Mahummad Ali and the best version of ‘Stand By Me’!
OK the best stuff was ‘pre-Islam’!
I bet she doesn’t do any roast pork or pigs in blankets.
In fact I am insulted, she is a Muslim not a Christian, why are the BBC using her to make a prog about a Christian festival?
To insult you, precisely.
Nadiya Hussain was on the Graham Norton Show last friday alongside Sandi Toksvig. I found it very amusing when the founder of the Women’s Equality Party was told about Nadiya’s arranged marriage. Poor old Sandi had the look on her face that resulted from brain syntax error. She wanted to mention her dissaproval, but didn’t want to appear racist, so said something pathetic like, “I don’t normally approve of arranged marriage, but in your case it clearly worked”.
What blatant dhimmitude there Sandi, and what blatant hypocrisy too. I’m certain she would have expressed her disgust quite vocally if a bloke had admitted to finding his wife through some mail-order service.
Wonder if we can now get same sex arranged marriages, Muslim gay civil partnerships?
Sandi would like that-now will Nadiya agree that this would be the way to go if Islam actaully WANTS to assimilate into our diverse and tollawont culcha?
Heard part of a trailer for the latest Nadiya promotion. Can she bring herself to use the word ‘Christmas’ or have the script writers had to resort to the thesaurus and contort themselves lexicographically?
Afternoon edition on radio 5 is depressingly dull. So bad that I have to turn the radio off before completing the 15 minute drive home from work.
This program is full of virtue signalling, sneering and celebrity worship it makes me scream.
I can’t believe how much I despise R5, the only resdon I have it on is to remind me why I hate it.
It is so ‘amateur’ too – it makes ‘hospital’ radio sound good.
As for the protected thicko Dotun Adebayo and climate change hypocrite Jet Setting Herr Doktor Karl.. bleating last night that ‘climatology is the only science that is mocked by newspapers, unlike metallurgy’. (The difference Doktor Karl is that metallurgy is repeatable whereas there are more climate ‘models’ than climatologists and while they ‘predict’ the past they fail to ‘predict’ today or agree with each other. That rather makes the claim to be a ‘science’ someone doubtful).
The great philosopher Karl Popper would say that the claim of climatology to be a science is not doubtful, but non-existent.
Nothing can happen which would disprove climatology; hot, cold, wet, dry, windy, calm, it is all cited as being “consistent with global warming.”
If there is no way of falsifying a theory, Popper pointed out, then it is not a theory at all, but akin to a faith-based belief.
Yes indeed. Rather like Marxism. Everything that happens confirms the doctrines. Popper’s Open Society is worth a read.
The culture hasn`t stopped bleating on about Christmas now since mid-October as far as I`m aware.
A never-ending excuse to spend, get fat and then diet in January with your Alka-Seltzer to hand.
Really is time we Christians took on the cultural appropriation that the culture has purloined from the stable, crib and the advent of the Christ child into a failing, fallen world.
Have yet to hear a carol on the telly-just bloody Shakin` and Maria, as well as the seedballs like the Rat Pack.
That said, saw the kids in school today and parents-not a clue about the carols, it`s as if there`s an empty crib with a Santa in it.
True the carols are Victorian ham, but the story`s in them.
But the Church walked out on the culture with the Life Of Brian, and is now Halal Compliant for the next phase…
cH – Classic FM is very good in December, they play some wonderful carols and Christmas music: Handel’s Messiah etc. I find I look forward to it more every year.
Al beebus are more of a “Winterval” type of broadcaster now than a Christmas one.
Yet the prog that is on now as you type features a special musical segment to honour St Jo Cox.
What does that have to do with the price of fish?
Cos it’s coincidentally a case of Clasaic FM doing Virrue Signalling just like what you are trying to get away from om the BBC
I listened to Phillip Davies today (Conservative MP for Shipley) and thought he was excellent on The Cheremy Whine Show, he was talking about how the Feminazis “equality” nonsense has gone way too far now in our society; he was very good (IMHO) and dealt comfortably with Jezza and his piffle.
Al Shubtill
Aaagh yes, I like a lot of what he says, this is the guy who’s being slated for being in the “commitee for women and equality”.
I recall he took abuse from the Fem-Nazi’s for speaking up for men!
Welcome to equality and tolerance, UK style.
Has the Jo Cox song been released?
The Prime Minister has urged us all to buy it and make it number one.
The Chancellor has waived tax on it.
The Mirror, speaking for the politicians describes it as a protest against extremism. And we all know that will include the far far right including Farage and the Brexiteers.
Some of the money raised will go to the White Helmets. It is worth checking this outfit which has been accused of being a conduit for western attempts at regime change in Syria, and not the charity we are led to believe.
Jeez, just look at the ugly faces of the singers.
Brilliant JC!
Thanks for posting.
Googling White Helmets shows they ARE a life-saving organisation, GWF. But, search further……. And we get things like this: Or, this:
The following is an example of the BBC’s crassness and exploitative reporting.
The BBC video report is headlined: “Can terminally ill Bradley win goal of the month?”
I am thinking what an irresponsible and crass headline. Bradley is a 5 year old terminally ill child who supports Sunderland. Sunderland football club gave him a wonderful day of experiences and there is a charity helping to raise funds. But why skew the story on something unattainable – winning the Match of the Day monthly goal of the month competition. Or if there is going to be a campaign for him to be selected onto the short list etc then this will have to be done for every unfortunate kid.
But in reality the BBC are just being their normal crass, irresponsible and insensitive selves in generating a click bait nonsense headline to a very real and sensitive story.
I couldn’t believe it, is the BBC reforming itself?
“Muslim woman ‘made up NY subway hate attack’ by Trump fans”
Reporting the truth at last rather than fake news.
Sadly not really.
First they have removed their original hysterical entry from their website and no link is provided. Then they finish up their latest offering with this, “In the days after the election of Mr Trump in November, hundreds of alleged cases of intimidation and abuse were reported in the US. Many of the cases were linked to Trump supporters, a monitoring group said.”
And the “monitoring group” they link to? Why none other than the discredited Southern Poverty Law Centre which has become a basket case of loonies and weirdos.
Examples of the SPLC lunacy:
Even the FBI have disassociated themselves from the SPLC.
The SPLC have now branded the ‘White Lives Matter’ organization as a ‘hate group’
Here’s some of those branded as ‘hate groups’ by the barking mad SPLC:
Catholic organizations
Baptist organizations
Pentecostal organizations
American Family Association
Family Research Council
Illinois Family Institute
Parents Action League
United Families International
Christian Action Network
American Defense League
United States Justice Foundation
Watchmen Bible Study Group
Mission to Israel
Jewish Defense League
OH yes! No wonder the BBC slobbers over the SPLC
Top work. Maybe someone could dig out the original BBC story if it exists. Sometimes these stories have to be screen saved from preventing them from disappearing. There must be enough of this stuff to write books on the BBC bias.
Interested that the BBC has pulled the original hijab pulling fake news story they generated. (Was it ‘trending’ as well?)
I looked on the internet and could not find the original Beeb story but wonder how it could have disappeared entirely given it was surely shared by hundreds of anti-Trump metropolitans.
Are we not even allowed to inspect proven fake news stories?
Im thinking you are mistaken about there being an original hysterical BBC story, cos fixing a Twitter search dates from 3rd-8th December doesn’t’ show up any BBC story … There were NY Post and Independent articles.
Take the time to watch this and just see how little reporting, or false news the BBC has been broadcasting over the past few years, and this is not some easily dismissed alt right oik, it’s a highly respected professor of economics.
Totally agree Thoughtful. This is a wise man and his book ‘The Destruction of America’ is mirrored pretty much here by actions of the left by the ‘academic elite’ over 20 years in America. He is pretty damning of the Obama administration and the manipulation of the (press and TV) media and underminning of the US instutions and US Supreme judges; who are clearly out of touch with reality of what the US was founded upon i.e work ethic. Ditto UK and our Magna Carta being binned by the EU. Excellent Video (30 mins). Worth watching. This, I think was made before Trump was elected, and shows what an up hill task he has. Or as Trump says ‘draining the swamp’ of left wing whingers and scoungers.
Did so Thoughtful.
Absolutely brilliant-so lucid, clear and cold in his analysis.
Really good interviewere too with good questions and allowing the talk to go where it would.
And as unlike any BBC interview as I`ve seen in recent times.
Sowell is a giant…reminds me of our Roger Scruton.
Many thanks an excellent video. What a wise man Thomas Sowell is and how true is what he says. Trump may be able to hold back the tide for a while but can he reverse it ? Anyway I will be seeing if I can get hod of his book.
Sowell is brilliant. Any chance of anything like that on the dumbed down biased BBC ?
I know many who comment on here also “appear” on BBC HYS and the Guardian so don’t forget whenever it fits to put “alt-left” in front of BBC or Guardian when commenting.
Ctrl-Left a better description
Sheer brilliance….shared across my FB pals.
BBC have lost Alleppo.
Worth checking the authenticity of the last messages being broadcast by the BBC and MSM
eg. Milad al-Shehabi, filmmaker in Aleppo tells BBC Newsnight: “This could be my last message” As he promises to stand in front of the camera till he pops.
Apparently there is quite an industry with regular activists popping in for a last message.
See link below
Those wonderful Corbynista M.P.s have come up with a brand new way of destroying Christmas…..By singing, like strangled f*****g cats..
OMG. Wot no diversity? All horribly white.
Diane fatbott might have added a bit of colour, maybe turned it into a Negro Spritual version which might have resolved any questions about cultural appropriation.
Never mind, this advanced guard of the proletariat might have raised a few consciousnesses. I’ll wager that workers watching this will realise how capitalism and neo liberalism is exploiting them
A well-deserved disembowelling of this worthless piece of Geldof gloop.
Hopefully loads of poor kids from the north who bought it all in 1984…then again a few yesrs later-then again for some ferry crapola or what have you a few years after THAT-and the zika virus dupes a few years back-will get compo for being groomed and fleeced by Geldof and his gremlins.
Maybe we should get that tax back from the buggers and put it to re-opening the Poll Tax Fund or another tribute to Mrs T.
Dykes with mikes…NOT a good look!
When did politics become rock star tributes to flog at Xmas.
I blame Blair.
Feed the World is out then ! Does St Bob Gandolph know about this new rendition of his greatest day ? All the lyrics changed from think about poor starving people in a drought to think about about your overtime rates and how you’re not getting as big a Christmas tree as the boss .
Notice there are no placards about the organisations that pay excessively high wages like district councils , NALGOES , charities , the civil service , union barons ( an old term I know ) , EUrocrats and even MPs themselves .
I bet they know it’s Christmas .
Will Bob, Midge or Johnny Fingers be getting the royalties?
I think we should be doing a charity song to ensure that Batley and Spen Mental and Therapy Services can stay open later on Thursday evenings.
Cox`s pippins might look like crows-but they sing like them as well.
When the Left gets a Sarah Palin-beauty and brains-then we might vote for UKIP…until then?….well, UKIP I guess.
See a theme here JC…this bloke is very good!
Feed the Euro ,
Let’s Greeks know it’s Christmas time
Feed the Euro
Keep wop banks solvent now
Feed the Euro
Germans pay they have no choice
Feed the EUro
Let a migrant rape in Koln
Feed the EUro
Sod the plebs , the projects dear
Feed the EUro
You pay , we’re virtuous , let’s make that clear .
That silly bitch giving out the high five…. Mp for Grimsby Melanie Onn …. now here`s a bit of a mstery regarding this woman…. it is just about impossible to find any actual details about her life prior to the age of 16/17… However I have been told by a very trustworthy source that the reason for this is has something to do with an unamed juvenile girl who lived in the same small village with her great aunt and a disabled Polish lodger who died in quite out of the odinary circumstances… She also lived in the same small at the time Ms. Melanie Onn (If that`s in fact her actual real name and it`s on her Birth Certificate which I highly doubt) … Anyway, nobody seems to remember her from school her aunt and her in her own words had a major issue when she was 16, leading to her moving out and never speaking to her ever again (she is now dead as well)… Anyways it perked my interest…. So I`ve been doing a little of digging… as usual i started to find a paper trail…. I`ve found out who her ex husband is and where he lives and also how many times he has had to register his landscape Gardening busineses ( about 3/4 so far) and also a few other things, I am now researching her unknown history via use of and other such sites etc… Eventually I plan to make whatever it is she is trying to hide about her past prior to her becoming a Unite lackey etc… public domain…. She actually stated during the referendum run up period that the EU and its` comittment to Wind Energy and the decision to berth two poxy support vessels and a Temporary worksite in Grimsby Docks was of far more benefit to our local ecomomy thatn the over 400 vessel fishing fleet we used to have prior to the EUs fishing policies which wiped out the whole shebang including all the associated fishing related businesses too!! We now have two foriegn crewed windfarm boats and an empty dock with most of the buildings now levelled and a massive empty `EU funded` industrial area named `THE EUROPARC` …. She has also stated her intention to do all she can to obstruct Brexit and bear in mind our region was one of the highest ones voting to leave…. God i hate this woman… She does nothing but talk bullsh*t…. and she also has one of the highest expenses totals of current MPs…. God i hate the current lot who are in Westminster and i cannot wait for the next election, I expect a massive UKIP surge once the effects of Trumps policies kick in and the connection UKIP already grows and becomes impossible to ignore and Theresa May attempts to covertly keep us in the EU via the back door…. It`s obvious it`s going to happen, how else can you explain that slimy lil weasel Ivor Rogers being our ambassador to the EU?? The same man who mentored a rather stupid looking liberal failure named Nick Clegg… 10 fuck*n years my ar$e…. It“s in his own interests to keep us under thier control his entire carrer has relied on us being under thier dictatorship…
Anywys… yes a long winded rant…. but i had to get it off my chect…… I will of course provide you all with full disclosure on Melanie Onns` past once I`ve got everything cross referenced and also have cplete proven soured links…. Then we can all have a chat about how I should make it known to my local voters, and I`m more than happy to turn up in person when she is doing yer another puff piece pro EU BBC video interview, ideally if she were on QT next time it comes to Grimsby it would be even sweeter but she won`t appear as she knows the locals despise her…. Now they have realised that she doesn`t give a shit about the area and is just using her stautus to further her own selfish interests……
I had never heard of her, luckily by the sound of it. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
Oh, and that first para is awesome but could have been split a bit !!!!
The quality of donkeys with red rossettes is not what it used to be!
Fine journalism JC, do I see a “Who Do You Think You Are? coming out of all your work.
Sounds a corker-and our Unightie Lady SURELY agrees that it could only be good to shine a little love in on the magic and mystery of her genesis.
By the way-well done on recognising one of `em…can only imagine Jo Cox floating above them all. harping on with all the other harpies and hairpieces/harelips….
here`s a lil link to her ex gusbands misc. business identities… yes they are all actually connected by the mans involvement as a boss a partner or one of the three stooges…. And may I point out that there is also another profile on linkedin which relates to his time during his marraige to `Melanie Onn` … also she is currently claiming rental expenses for constituancy offices which are in fact situated within the local Laboutr Party Headquarters!! Explain that and then take into account her ex actually lives in rented accomodation and yes, I did check up on that…
and here`s the first link…
by using his mobile phone number it`s possible to follow him through his different trade names…
It is always bad business to slag off your competition. Melanie does not seem to be very bright.
Grant i have yet to find a single grain of truth on this page apart from a vague reference to her Aunt and Nan who was actually it seems the same person and was her great Aunt….
Amazing. This could be passed to an investigative journalist but not the BBC. Sounds like the sort of story Private Eye would be interested in.
Grant … my last post on this topic today… Here is an example of a f**king hypocrite… Bear in mind her work with UNISON etc…. and her highlighting of `social care` in her intial flatulant remarks…
Mair had a lifetime history of mental health issues he offered no statements in his defence, even in his trial he remined silent, obviously not the behaviour of a fully mentally stable man… also three of his DVDs were in fact Shchindlers list, Aushwicz – A warning from history and a BBC series about the rise and fall of the Third Riech… So does this make Steven Spielberg a Far right propagandhist and a leader of a global media attempt to bring about the Fourth Riech??? Also should they also charge all BBC staff who were involved in the BBC series? Also what about the History Channel?? afterall they produced the Auschwizc series… The other dvds were not Nazi propaganda either and in fact were fact based documentaries which were aimed at investigating Far Right beliefs more than anything else… I wish people would stop going on about his Far Right obsessions… it isn`t true… he tried less than 24 hours earlier to get some kind of mental help from a voluntary group, have you ever looked at waiting times for a person with mental health issues ??? Unless you are so bad they section you it`s usually a three month wait…
Mair clearly had mental health problems. He was also interesting in “far right” politics, it would seem. His letters to “far right” newsletters would have been noticed by the powers that be.
What is missing is his motive to kill Jo Cox. If he was a political activist, the trial was his opportunity to explain his actions, but he never did. What sort of psychological work was done with him? Was he a very suggestible person? Was he very susceptible to hypnotic programming? Can he remember what he did that day? Does he have any explanation for it? Crucially, who provided him with a gun?
None of these questions have been asked. The MSM is content to file him as a “far right”, pro-Brexit nutter, who just decided to kill a pro-Remain MP at the very time it would do the most damage to the Brexit cause.
Clearly, there is nothing to see here. Please move along…
I might even be persuaded to support a second Brexit referendum if we could have a prior vote on which Remain MP gets sacrificed for the cause next time. Thinking about it – sacrificing just one didn’t work in June, so perhaps next time it needs to be a bus full.
Nihal is a nasty piece of work. A month or two back he set about someone who’d rung in and said the BBC were biased. ‘Prove it’ was his very aggressive response. A response that went down very badly on social media.
It struck me over the last few days, that the BBC on Radio 4 in its News programmes had suddenly started to be just a little more balanced in its reporting on Aleppo.
When relaying calls from people in that city it described them more carefully as ‘activists’ or ‘rebels’ or ‘anti-Assad’.
Not Carolyn Quinn today on PM, though. She was adamant that Assad was guilty of war crimes and the Russians, ‘his allies’, probably were as well. It wasn’t clear whether the anti-Assad forces had committed any war crimes but as far as Carolyn was concerned there was no need for evidence, a Court case, a Judge and Jury, Assad is guilty. No doubt. No possibility he & his regime might be innocent, Quinn has convicted.
The mighty Quinn!
Biased BBC news today.
Headline story – the underfunding crisis in social care and permission for councils to increase council tax
Followed immediately by – Lambeth Council to pay millions to residents of a childrens home at the centre of historic abuse allegations – whether or not they were abused.
This juxtaposition was presented with absolutely no sense of irony or comment.
Clearly the bBBC assume an unlimitedl supply of money trees.
PS Not to mention the next story – approvals for three person IVF. No doubt the ‘poor’ will be ‘disadvantaged’ if not made available FOC.
I dare say that the bBBC would like us to be taxed at 100% and for us to be totally reliant on the state.
They are all victims in Lambeth. If you cannot discriminate between abusers, then they are all equally abusing. But some are more abusive than others. The left would claim amnesty of all such (historic) paedo actions, if we let them. Particularly (if like the BBC) they suffer from prescribed amnesia (or death) as Savile did. But his fellow paedos live on, hidden away, many of whom are (fully qualified) in child molesting. Its become an epidemic, and a national disgrace. But not surprised either that it is usually a Labour Council (again).
Used to go through Lambeth on the 2b bus to Tulse Hill in the early 80s.
And clearly would have been affected by Red Ted Knights fears of what was going on under his Labour Councils watch in the kiddie homes.
Reckon that`s compo for Christmas, if I get in there now….
Just watched Newsnight and a missed opportunity by Evan Davies to challenge an economics academic on immigration control.
In a debate about the the ramifications of 2016 and it’s election of Trump as well as Brexit, and what’s it all about etc. she (the academic) stated quite clearly that you cannot control immigration. Davies simply let this go without asking the question that a decent (unbiased) interviewer would ask i.e. please explain why you cannot control immigration?
Sometimes bias is about what you don’t say and what you leave unquestioned.
I would hate to be the ghost writer for the forthcoming Obama’s legacy book.
Gaxvil, there’s no need to worry. There are lots of ghost writers with expertise in writing books about golfers.
I do hope we’re not going down this route – too frightful to contemplate:-
A group of celebrities have teamed up in a last-ditch attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States. I recall Hillary etc., blabbing on about, “the orderly and peaceful transfer of power being the American way”.
Sounds very unwise given the demographic of the Trump supporters.
Gaxvil, s good post…..Your post prompted to think this…… A ‘group’ of celebreties……. Is this a strictly the correct term? We do see quite a lot of this from the far left, misinforming, anti British, pro islam bbbc.
I wonder, what is the collective noun for a ‘group’ of celebrities?
Is it
An ‘arrogance’ of celebrities?
A ‘wankery’?
A ‘snowflake’?
A ‘fascist’?
Perhaps readers could help me out?
A ‘harem’? (they act like the lefts sexual slaves)
A ‘clagnut’? (they look like something made up entirely of shit, hanging off the arse of the left)
A ‘tumour’? (they are about as welcome and is there a better description?)
An “irrelevance ” of celebrities.
a ‘nonentity’ of celebrities
An “absurdity” of celebrities.
A ‘smug’ of celebrities is Mr Hand-Basket’s suggestion.
He also Googled for this subject, and came up with:
A ‘superficiality’ of celebrities
A ‘masturbating narcissism’ of celebrities
A wanktank!
A flatus of celebrities.
Unnecessary, impolite, and leaving a bad smell in the air.
A haemorhoid of celebrities.
A ‘hindrance’ of celebrities ?
What the hell happened to that woman at 0m32s?
I wouldn’t listen to anyone giving advice when they didn’t research their own cosmetic surgeon abilities!
Now see what Mark Dyce did with this video of celebrities.
The ‘Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster’ story – todays BBC would no doubt be doing a Panorama Special on it. Along with the, ‘Lancaster Bomber Found no the Moon’ story.
Remember the, ‘Sunday Sport’ an adult comic containing ludicrous, highly amusing, spoof stories?
The ‘Sunday Sport’ has gone but we do have the British(gag) Broadcasting Corporation but that ain’t amusing, not a bit.
“Along with the, ‘Lancaster Bomber Found no the Moon’ story.”
But how many people in the BBC know what a Lancaster Bomber is?
A hideously white, northern, Islamophobic terrorist, perhaps? Like his Yorkshire counterpart – the Halifax?
In BBC bars it is a cocktail.
Didn’t the Sunday Sport publish a few weeks later “World War II Bomber On Moon Sensationally Vanishes”?
I thought it was a London Transport Routemaster Bus found on the Moon ??
I note that the BBC and Sky are both banging on about some bureaucrat in the EU dictatorship who is claiming we must pay some £50 billion towards our liabilities.
If we have liabilities to the EU we also must have assets. Just how much are those various Palaces to Vanity in Brussels and Strasberg worth?
PS. Mandelslime and Cleggover can put their EU pensions where the sun doesn’t shine.
BBC Radio 2 gives us a two hour ‘Festive’ (not Christmas?) special
‘Recorded exclusively at Nadiya’s home, join Nadiya together with Olly Smith for a fun filled two hours of sizzling, slicing and dicing for the whole family. Whatever you’re doing, this is the show for you. Rejoice with her and enjoy a ‘celebratory non-alcoholic punch’
Slicing and dicing eh?
How ‘convient’ that Little Miss Golden Scarf won GBBO, such a useful individual for the BBC to help speed their transition into the INBBC.
The BBC decide to subvert Christmas by promoting the evil religion of Islam instead. There are no depths to which these scumbags will not sink.
Well Grant, perhaps the Beeb are ‘grooming’ Nadya to become their first permanent Hijab presenter. Channel 4 has already beaten ’em to the first news readers, so watch this space in the next few months !
It would not surprise me as a prelude to televising live friday prayers. You can be sure the BBC have a strategy to force Islam down our throats and try and convince us that it is a normal religion.
Well, if the Angelus can be broadcast at 6pm every evening in Ireland, then I’m sure someone at the Beeb will see this as a precursor to Friday prayers.
Geoff, I thought you were taking the p!ss until I looked at the link.
A nice slice of halal marmite for Brissles.
Lol !!! though how long before we have the Moon & Star symbol adorning our goods ?
So now we find that the BBC are promoting “arranged Marriages” on their disgusting excuse of a website. And let’s remember…We’re paying for this..
The BBC’s website seems to be in limbo over events in the US.
A couple of rubbish articles full of tosh concerning Trump and written by Anthony Zurcher who was front and centre in the BBC’s attempts to ensure that the criminal Clinton was elected. Apart from that, little else.
So if you relied solely on the BBC for “news” you’d be completely oblivious to what is now unfolding.
The idiot ape’s foreign policy is under intense scrutiny. Josh Ernest, the White House press briefer is on the back foot and getting extremely tetchy with the press corps because, finally, they’ve stopped being the tame poodles they have been for the last eight years.
John Kirby the State Dept. press briefer also got a right mauling. And why?
They all talk about a president’s legacy and up until recently Obama’s was going to be “Obamacare”, the grossly inefficient and horrendously overpriced boondoggle which has seen a plethora of small businesses lay off staff or close, and which almost certainly is going to be kyboshed very soon.
Now the talk is that Obama’s legacy is going to be Aleppo and the disaster in the Middle East in general, and Syria and Libya in particular.
Voices are being raised that the disastrous Obama foreign policy was so focused on getting an Iranian deal that everything else, including the infamous red line, was sidelined or ignored. As for the Iranian deal well that’s going the same way, even after the billions in ransom money was paid over.
This isn’t a lame duck presidency, it’s a dead duck presidency.
No wonder there’s not a word from the BBC on any of this.
Doesn’t fit the narrative that the plebs need to know.
Oh, and the Email hack by the Russians? The one thing the BBC is praying for.
Well what they’re not reporting that there is major dissent between the intelligence agencies about this. That the FBI refuses to endorse the CIA’s analysis. That the CIA’s analysis is a reversal of what they said a month ago. That the CIA has refused to go before the Congressional Intelligence Committee, and that the talk is that this has all been politicised by the White House to somehow get them out of the shit.
Lets not forget that 4 years ago Obama accused Romney of scaremongering over Russia. How times change.
No. The BBC’s never going to tell you any of that.
Why was Obama not exposed as a fraud years ago. Before he was first elected I looked into his background and told anyone who cared to listen that he was a fake and they all laughed at me. Obama has been the most useless President ever. At least Carter achieved the Camp David agreement. Trump may have his faults but no-one could be worse than Obama. Well maybe Hillary !
“Trump may have his faults but no-one could be worse than Obama. Well maybe Hillary !”
Thank God we don’t have to find that out the hard way.
Nick Robinson on Today, last nights BBCTV news….Mrs May looked lonely and friendless and wasn’t invited to tea……a line delivered in the tone I have come to know as “BBC gloat”.
Yes, but the question that journalists should be being asked is why is an EU prime minister being excluded from an EU prime ministers meeting, before article 50 has even been invoked….we are still paying the membership fees to “the club” aren’t we?
We are still a net contributor to the EU aren’t we?
We should start witholding contributions immediately and invoke article 50 immediately. That is what a Churchill or a Thatcher would do but May is all talk and no trousers. Er….. wait a minute, let me rephrase that ! But, she is seriously out of her depth, totally clueless and incompetent. I really think there should be a leadership challenge early next year.
Sorry about my gibberish posting…what I meant to say was….
the questions that journalists should be asking is, why is an EU prime minister being excluded from an EU prime ministers meeting, before article 50 has even been invoked…we are still paying the membership fees to “the club” aren’t we?
We are still a net contributor to the EU aren`t we?
no danger of these questions being asked by the brightest and best journalists and commentators the BBC have to offer us.
Exactly. What sort of fool continues to pay membership fees to a club which has started to withhold the benefits of membership?
Perhaps May might actually start to understand the mentality (and mental age) of the people she is up against.
I wondered why ‘Gloatal stops’ were the norm on AlBeeb, Embolden!
Good description!
Don’t let’s forget about the atrocities to be now committed in Aleppo by the Syrian government forces…… Or are they:
Joeadamsmith, ‘staged in western streets’ eh? Looks like what we can expect for real in western streets in the not too distant future the way Europe is going.
Obama Love / Trump Hate
BBC tv news this morning are still worshipping at the feet of their favourite ever US President. So the BBC takes seriously the half-baked ludicrous and spiteful claims that Hillary Clinton lost the election to Vladimir Putin.
Come on BBC, stop the leftist fake news agitprop and do some reseach and analysis.
‘How Clinton lost ‘blue wall’ states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin’
Detroit Free Press
‘“Donald Trump brought a new calculation, a new way of winning (these states), but part of that was her colossal failure,” said GOP pollster Gene Ulm. “She did not turn out and galvanize the Obama coalition.”’
‘“It’s is nothing short of malpractice that her campaign didn’t look at the electoral college and put substantial resources in states like Michigan and Wisconsin,” says Democratic pollster Paul Maslin. Neither President Barack Obama nor the first lady was dispatched to Wisconsin, either.’
I thoroughly recommend the recent speech by Newt Gingrich to the Heritage Foundation. now on You Tube
It is a delight, full of humour, and positively uplifting. It left me in a cheery mood – something to celebrate after a diet of fake and distorted news from the BBC. Listen for the delicious grizzly bear analogy!
Dib Dib Dib…
There’s a laughable section of BBC Breakfast show this morning, as the BluePeterisation of BBC current affairs programming reaches a low high point.
The Breakfast beta males and feisty fems create their own ‘BBC Breakfast Badge’ to present to some bemused and rather disappointed looking diversity-compliant-selected cub scouts.
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to the EU and to the Left
To fool all the people
And to keep the PC Law.
PM May has donated £20m of our money to Aleppo. Money never to be seen again except in Swiss bank accounts.
But she’s virtue signalling with the money of others.
Has anything happened with Brexit in the past six months? Soon it’ll be a year with nothing.
Has Sir Bob ‘very rich’ Geldof taken any refugees home with him yet? Does he know it’s Christmas?
How dumb is Ian Katz, the editor of the puerile newsnight? Or, how dumb does he think his audience is?
He has an article on the BBC web news page:
Headline: Hacking: Truth or treason?
Katz was formerly an editor at the Guardian and neither the BBC nor the Guardian have accused Wikileaks, Assange or Snowdon of treason in the past, when the leaks were rubbishing the west, so why now?
Katz says: “The stakes could scarcely be higher: a foreign state stands accused of mounting a campaign of hacking and leaking to help get its preferred candidate into the White House.”
Do we know this? It’s speculation, denied by wikileaks. As you recall the BBC was adamant the leaks from the University of East Anglia, (finally rubbishing their global warming ‘evidence’), was declared by the BBC to come from Russia. Most scientist believe the leak was an internal one from the UEA.
Katz says: “many of Clinton’s allies believe the steady trickle of embarrassing emails … may have been enough to deny her the presidency.”
Isn’t that due to what was in the emails? Is Katz happier that we don’t know her lies? Isn’t the problem with the emails that she actually wrote them? Then, that she deleted them following a demand form the high court to reveal them? You or I, or even Ian Katz, would go to prison for destroying evidence demanded from a high court.
Katz goes on to say that it was the Russians who dumped “medical records of elite athletes on the internet!” really Ian? Putin damaged Russian athletes? Didnt stop you using it when attacking the SKY news Cycling team following leaks.
Katz says: “One prominent victim of another state-sponsored hack told me he thought journalists who feasted on material served up by the Russians with the aim of influencing a US election were committing “something verging on treason”.
Really Ian? So the BBC is guilty of treason for feasting on Wikileaks, Assange and Snowdon’s leaks? And why not name the ‘prominent victim’ to add credence to your stretched accusations. In which case, following Katz’s ludicrous argument, was newsnight unnecessary revelation of John Whittingdale’s perfectly acceptable relationship with a single domintrix also not treason? Not least, as it led to the demise of Whittingdale’s career during his negotiations with the BBC.
Katz says Neera Tanden states: “Under the veneer of journalism reporters were totally trafficking in gossip,”. Unlike Katz grasping at unsupported views the Russian’s affected the outcome of the US election?
Not once does Katz entertain the more obvious view: Hilary Clinton was doomed to failure the moment Debbie Wasserman Schultz entered the fray to cheat Clinton to the podium. And no, newsnight, haven’t touched the skulduggery of the DNC in beating Sanders and taking on Trump. That skulduggery is which is actual, proved and led to the resignation of Schultz. Not that you know it from the BBC news.
No wonder newsnight is mindlessly, one eyed when proselytising its views.
Katz should return to the Guardian where such one sided nonsense passes for journalism.
Scum like Katz and not against leaks in principle (they have no principles ). Whether they like a leak or not depends on the content. They are liars and hypocrites.
On the BBC TV news this morning: police in London have recorded a 40% increase in hit and runs over the last year. Reason unknown.
Can anyone here help them out please?
It’s a mystery.
Norwegians with mental health problems ??
Complete lack of traffic light diversity??
Someone did post this link about the Pink Wafer company. Despite the headline, Brexit has nothing to do with the company laying off many staff…..but trust the Anti-British Broadcasting Corp to do their usual twisting of the facts.
The telling sentence? “A FRP Advisory spokeswoman said over the past year, the biscuit makers had “experienced particularly challenging trading conditions” “…over the past year. A look at Companies House shows they made a trading loss of £330k in the year ended 31 Dec 15. Yes, that’s the previous year….you know, the one BEFORE brexit.
Their problems seem to be with the exchange rate, not trading conditions. No doubt when the £ was stronger against the €, the company didn’t blame that for increasing their profit margins. Brexit has nothing to do with it, just another management cop-out. Good luck to those who’ve been laid off – hope they get employment soon.
I’ve just caught up with both episodes of BBCs ‘Muslims like Us’. Even by BBC standards this was a serious ‘own goal’. Presumably the idea was to show how reasonable Islam really is and how the West have a distorted view of ‘the religion’. Well, it started badly with the odious ‘Hack’ distributing leaflets to his housemates on how the sexes should be segregated at all times – even sleeping on different floors. Then was a chilling silence as they watched coverage of the Nice atrocity when ‘a man’ drove a lorry at high speed into women and children. There were a few tears for the victims, but not a word of condemnation. Then the ‘token gay’ was humiliated by ‘Hack’ and not backed up by anybody else. The gorgeous but dim Mahreen (sounds like submarine) and the elderly white lady got pretty heated at times but were clearly scared to challenge ‘Hack’ as were the others. The most worrying thing for me was the way that the fat stand-up ‘comedian’ seemed to change as the programme went on – he started as a friendly, likeable chap (not funny though) – and deteriorated into a bullying loudmouth who seemed desperate to suck up to the ‘Hack’ at every opportunity. And so it went on….towards the end, the BBC introduced 4 non-Muslims and they generally seemed embarrassed and bemused by the whole thing. In the cringe-making summing up – the BBC scripted one of these non-Muslims to actually say ‘There is more that unites us than divides us’ !
It was a good job the cameras and BBC staff were around during the 10 days of filming – can you imagine the beatings and abuse that would have happened otherwise, and as for the poor Mahreen ( sounds like submarine) – well, need I spell it out ??
Overall, a disaster for the BBC on every possible level. Every negative aspect of Islam was re-enfoced and one can only hope that MI5 are keeping a VERY close eye on the ghastly ‘Hack’
‘There is more that unites us than divides us’
I believe this was a favourite saying of the late Jo Cox.
Sadly, when it comes to muslims v the rest of humanity, it is literally 100% wrong. The left will continue to repeat this mindless waffle, and mantras such as “united in diversity” right up to the day they feel the jihadist’s knife at their throats, and even then they will wonder what they did to offend him.
“…….right up to the day they feel the jihadist’s knife at their throats, and even then they will wonder what they did to offend him.”
Bit sexist of you Rob? ?
Not at all, cutting the throats of kuffars is men’s work, the women stay at home with the booty and the sex slaves.
Maybe we all have Tony Blair wrong. It seems, from his own lips, that he was a ‘closet’ Muslim whilst deciding to let all in sundry enter the UK, particularly devotees to the, Cult of Submission –
“Maybe we all have Tony Blair wrong.” – PartII –
Perhaps a secretary at the time might come forward to confess that she/he wondered where the imp disappeared to five times a day with a rolled up mat.
BBC curently taking the p1$$ as they interview the wife of the soldier who was wrongly convicted of murdering a terrorist in Afghanistan who represented the Taliban who were never party to the Geneva Convention!! Also bear in mind many of their wounded also self detonated when medics attempted to give them aid same with wounded captives… This brave man should have been decorated for his service to our national security and also for his services to mankind as terrorists are the stain on humanity and have no right to expect any human rights once they choose to murder civilians becouse they`re no better than rabid dogs…. If I was his wife i would have smacked the bitch out for calling her husband a fecking murderer to her face!! Can the BBC really get any lower than this… I think they can and unfortunately I expect they will…. what a disgrace!!!
We’re all familar with the biased BBC’s anti Brexit tactics of moaning and spreading doom and gloom.
But here’s an example of a lesser used tactic. Just pretend the referendum never existed!
On the bBBC website news front page – ‘UK recycling figure drops for the first time’
The text describes a drop from 44.9% to 44.3%, and then goes on….
“There is a European Union target for the UK to recycle at least 50% of household waste by 2020′
LOL! Like we give a s***!
One of the BBC’s favourite tricks to boost its bias is the use of false authority.
The casual listener/viewer hears/sees a familiar presenter introduce a ‘news’ story who then asks an ‘expert’ for an opinion. This so-called expert is in fact the BBC’s full-time subject editor, the one who is paid to filter the news to suit the corporate agenda. It is easy to miss the ‘label’ at the start of the ‘interview’ and to begin to see them as someone who has special knowledge.
During ‘breaking’ stories the ‘expert’ is often in the studio and is no more informed than anyone else. To add more authority the BBC’s own ‘expert’ is sometimes filmed in a ‘real’ place. So a football expert will stand in the rain at Wembley to discuss child abuse or FIFA corruption, the answers to which will no more be found there than on Mars. Or we will have one of our doughty females with their weird names and weirder English pronouncing on a war – 200 miles away from the actual fighting, so again no better informed than the muppets in the studio but they ‘look’ authentic.
How about a piece on ‘fake news’ at the BBC, with Mark Easton filmed against a background of the Kremlin?
Jim, quite often the “expert” will be someone who used to work for Al Beeb.
Joshua Rozenberg – the legal “expert” is one who immediately comes to mind. She didn’t work for them, but they also like to roll out convicted criminal Vicki Pryce (aka Vicki the Greek) when some City story happens.
Not to mention Paul Mason. Or Polly Toynbee.
Actually I wish I hadn’t, because I’m now feeling decideldy queasy.
Interesting facts in numbers about the BBC. How many BBC employees are there?
> 24,038.
By the end of 2009, there are 24,098 persons employed under the British Broadcasting Company or BBC. This is according to the 2008/2009 Annual Report published by the BBC. Of this number 71% are working in the U.K. Public Service Broadcasting Group. The number also includes casual workers and the BBC Orchestra and BBC Singers who are employed under contract.
How the BBC Abandoned Investigative Reporting
The BBC has more journalists than any other media outlet in Britain, but out of those 4,000 men and women, yes 4,000, precisely none of them work in an investigations unit. The Sunday Times, Guardian, Telegraph and Mail have far less journalists between them but they all maintain centralized investigations units.
MI5 and the Christmas Tree files – secret political vetting at the BBC
‘’Are you in the Communist Party?’ the Director of Overseas Services asked.
‘No,’ replied Alaric Jacob.
‘What about your wife?’
‘You have no business to put that question. The BBC knows perfectly well that I hope to become a Labour MP. I am not prepared to discuss Iris’s politics with any BBC official. They have nothing whatever to do with my professional ability which no one at the BBC has ever questioned.‘
The ‘communist wife’ was Iris Morley, the novelist and Marxist historian. She had been the Moscow Correspondent of the Observer during the Second World War, and Alaric Jacob did the same job for the Daily Express. The discrimination against Jacob was only resolved in 1953 when his wife died from cancer. Just after her obituary appeared in The Times he was told by a BBC administrator that he could now receive full establishment and pension rights.’
(I will add that Jeremy Clarkson (before he was sacked from Top Gear) asked of his boss’s wife (not Yentob the other one) if she was a Marxist. She said NO! She then said she was a Trotskyist! No change at the BBC at all. Then and now. A history of blunders and denials.
Is it any wonder that we never get the full facts from the BBC?
So the EU has given £600,000,000 to Niger to persuade them not to be an immigrants’
transit point. This is one of six inducements paid to various transit countries.
The EU – throwing good money after bad – the Left’s answer to everything.
The current Mrs Martellus and I enjoy nothing better than an evening in front of our log burner with our dachsund watching scandinavian porn, eating pork sandwitches and drinking alcohol. It does sadden me that angels will not visit our house this winter holiday – mustnt use the C word, wouldnt want to offend and cause distress at this time of goodwill.
Anyway, so called bbc4’s current noir offering is Modus, and guess what, its storyline highlights that worldwide threat to lesbian gay bisexual and transgender people, you know the one true religion that thinks they are evil, throws them off buildings, strangles and stabs them to death. Christianity of course. In the series its deranged followers include a murikan hate preacher, chapel in the woods, with a mission from god to rid the world of these perversions. The church goers listening to him are all clearly redneck, uneducated, gun totin crazy, god fearing, banjo playing, bigoted, racist, white supremacist, dirt poor, illiterate, inbred, genetically damaged, fascist scum who no doubt would have voted for Trump. One of the victims was a young Afghan refugee forced into male prostitute – heartbreaking stuff. All the virtue signalling elements in one series.
When will these spineless, self hating, suicidal moronic swedes who make this nonsense understand that Christianity is the religion of peace, and that violence and extremism by a few unhinged psychopaths has nothing to do with Christianity. Theres nothing to see here, move along….Cant wait for the next Spiral. Their directors tell it how it is.
Do so called world service presenters make up sentences just to annoy me – gweetings fwom our cowwespondent in the centwal afwican wepublic weporting on migwants…ffs. I know she ticks all the diversity boxes, and we all know the so called bbc are passionate about diversity but please think of all those poor afwicans twying to learn english listening to the wadio. Also on so called world service this morning, Barrack Hussein wants to punish those pesky rooskies for interfering in US elections. Laughable isnt it, just a teeny hint of hypocrisy, not that America would ever do such a wicked thing as intervene in another countries internal affairs. So called bbc correspondent Laura Bicker(?) described the email leaks as embarrassing to Hilary. No Laura, they weren’t embarrassing, they were incriminating, explosive, damming and clearly demonstrated the evils hags criminality and receipt of blood money from those beacons of freedom and democracy Saudi and the Emirates. But don’t bother reporting trivia like the email contents, just do your usual distraction, omission, misrepresentation, we’re all far too thick to notice or understand.
Finally hasnt it been an excellent year, Brexit, Trump, and now Aleppo liberated!
So a very merry winter holiday to all my fellow bbbc’ers who help to keep me sane in this dystopian land where any ‘controversial’ opinion which differs from our rulers equates to a hate crime.
LOL ! May I join you in front of your log burner if I bring a bottle ? Not sure about the porn , though. There is enough of that on the BBC.
Martellus – excellent post
Friends! My latest Blog, snappily titled as ever, viz. “The Hated Bullingdon Bully Boy May Literally Got Her Comeuppance At Yesterday’s EU Summit In Brussels, Didn’t She, Friends? No Wonder Those Of Us On The Progressive Left Are – Literally – Dying Of Laughter At Her Utter Humiliation, Friends!” is now available, literally here:
BBC teams up with other state socialist behemoth (NHS) for a stupid teenage stunt – designed to ‘highlight’, sorry bang the drum for ever more funding.
By the way does anybody still watch ‘Casualty’? Last time I caught an episode was probably the early 90’s. It was dreadful even then. This is from the wikipedia page :
“The series was created by Jeremy Brock and Paul Unwin. According to writer Susan Wilkins, it was meant to be a response to the Margaret Thatcher era, and Unwin said that as young socialists, they wanted to create a “television revolution” that would be feminist, anti-racist, pro-NHS and anti-Tory.”
“The series was created by Jeremy Brock and Paul Unwin. According to writer Susan Wilkins, it was meant to be a response to the Margaret Thatcher era, and Unwin said that as young socialists, they wanted to create a “television revolution” that would be feminist, anti-racist, pro-NHS and anti-Tory.”
How stunning that they found a cushy berth at the BBC. Normally all we ever see on that network is propaganda for free market solutions to the problems caused by state socialism, so it is always nice to get a little bit of balance.
I quite liked the first series or two. It was exciting enough as a medical drama that I didn’t notice any political messages. As it degenerated into a politically correct, dull, badly acted soap, I abandoned it years ago.
You even watched it????
This coming Monday at 10am on the 19th December 2016 the (UN) will decide to ‘recommend’ an international czar to ‘request’ Western states that they abolish families, normal parents and the rights of children to a normal happy family life.
Its absurd, but that’s what the UN (United Nations) is proposing next…
The UN intend to preach to the unconverted (i.e. the global change deniers) and use EU influence to leverage the UK into engineering ‘hate crime’ to mean ‘anything offensive’ against the new ‘GENDER FLUIDS’ agenda (I kid you not*) As the left find everything ‘offensive’ – it difficult to see how this is a great step forward in ‘human rights’ – as we will no longer have ‘rights’ to express disbelieve (or shock) in how UK state children homes and schools are run (Lambeth, Rotherham and the BBC are just part of a wider problem of historical child abuse). The BBC answer has always been to ‘lower the age of consent’. Even during Savile’s exploits, they took no responsibility. There is no ‘learning’ but the exploitation continues into the next generation. The BBC are never far away.
Hail the new Church of the Absurd (Marx is head of this UN Church), ‘politically correct’ blasphemy laws are already in existence in the UK (adopted immediately in many parts of the EU) as the road to true enlightenment). Next year our UK primary schools HEADS are already being asked to remove offensive literature ‘displaying a Mother and a Father’. Catholics banned from teaching (or caring). The right to be identified as a Boy or a Girl is also being abolished (as it is on EU Birth Certificates). The fact that there are biological differences are to be ignored and replaces with * 112 new sexual derivations (all invented to appease the sexually frustrated and terminally confused). Its not a ‘peer reviewed’ scientific document and there is no mention of DARWIN, natural biology or the medical cost. It’s just IMPOSED ‘topdown’ across the nations via mass media (BBC cheer leaders) and already in place on UK legislation to be ‘enacted’ next year.
There is an urgent petition to stop this (below) and you can read more on ‘Muntarbhorn’ (the sexual rights activist of the well known BBC type) is behind it. As usual the EU suspects are there still trying to impose a ‘global climate change’ on the natural world order for self gratification on a narrow interpretation that nobody else recognises as being scientific or biologically accurate.
Vote against.
Vine at 11.30 trailing his lamentable radio programme discussing-topical-issues-of-interest-dominated-by-speed-dialled-Common-Purpose-contributors-and-‘listeners’.
Today he opens with (paraphrased) ‘Chris Grayling, transport minister, who has in the past expressed concerns about the relationship between motorists and cyclists, yesterday knocked someone off their bike’.
See what he did there?
But then, totally off message, Ken Bruce points out that said cyclist collided with Grayling’s nearside opening passenger door, giving the BBC only half an hour to deploy their giant ray gun memory obliterator on their unsuspecting listeners. Or, alternatively, a quick Common Purpose speed-dial of the militant Cyclists Against Any Rights For Anyone Who Doesn’t Ride a Bike so they can come on and explain why it is perfectly within the law to go steaming up on the inside of a stationary car without using any caution whatsoever, cos it’s always somebody else’s fault innit.
Whatever, another devious sleight-of-gob exercise – in this case suggesting Grayling is so anti-cyclist he deliberately knocks ’em off their bikes.
Just saw the video – which was helpfully given to the Grauniad and happened 2 months ago BTW not yesterday.
More fuel for the Lycra fetish brigade. The following cyclist goes on the nearside of a bus FFS! Perhaps they’ll organise another “die in” somewhere in sympathy. And before anyone says, I ride a bike myself. These kind of people help nobody.
Enjoy Christmas morning on Radio 2 with Clare Balding followed by Paul O’Grady, see what they did there? Canon Roger Royal gets the 3am slot….
Sorry, I can’t see any connection!
The Al BBCs Chronicles of Nadiya continues with a winterval festival seasonal type thingy for 2 HOURS!!! on BBC National Radio 2.
After being implanted as a Bake Off winner, baking a crap wonky cake for the Queens 90th (check out the pictures), using caged hen eggs?.
An Al BBC Travelogue, another series in the offing, been planted on almost every BBC chat show going.
Sheesh! is she costing some BBC viewer dosh, with series, airtime, tv/radio spots.
Trying to recall another Bake Off winner that has such an inordinate, amount of airtime, promotion, money, and TV series, 2hr Chris oops apologies “festival” specials?, and I should imagine there will be more.
And why?
… Can anyone hazard a guess.
BBC – Nadiya discusses THAT Bake Off question…
“As Chris asks Nadiya Hussain if could she take over from Mary Berry in the new Bake Off series?”
Guardian – Nadiya Hussain and Attenborough part of BBC radio festive feast
Then again she did her best to Islamise Remembrance Sunday with her hijab being a BBC TV personality
… for crying out loud love, JUST BUY AND WEAR A POPPY!.
You think the Beeb has gone overboard with Nadya ? you aint seen nothing if their boy Ore wins Strictly this Saturday. He’s already done a stint on ITV Good Morning, a 3 page photoshoot spread in a Sunday supplement and the presenters are heavily biased towards him – despite being outdanced by another contestant. Yep, if he wins, it will be wall to wall coverage, and no doubt a pairing up with their ‘girl’ Nadya for a programme of their very own !!
BBC Online News:
“”Keith Vaz police investigation closed””
“”During the investigation new information was received and additional advice obtained from the CPS, following which the MPS has made the decision to close the investigation with no person being charged””
. . . and by no coincidence whatsoever the BBC creams itself as it announces that former soldiers are to be prosecuted for IRA man’s murder: not, you’ll note, IRA man’s “murder” so they’re already guilty in the eyes of the BBC editorial team. But, of course, for the BBC they’re guilty anyway whether or not they killed anyone. After all, they were honourable men fighting for Queen and country against criminal terrorists: you can’t get lower than that in the BBC’s estimation.
McCann (the IRA “victim” here) was a long-time member of the IRA who, I think it can be said with confidence, had the blood of innocents on his hands and thoroughly deserved to be put down like the dog he was. Remember the IRA is/was a criminal organisation, the crimes of whose members (up to the Good Friday
sell-outAgreement) have been pardoned by our rulers.As a matter of interest, the soldiers will be tried in Northern Ireland. Almost certainly a court martial or judges-only set-up in N Ireland (if that applies) will find them (or, for that matter Jesus Christ, were He indicted) guilty. Were it a normal jury trial in England they’d have stood a good chance of acquittal since, I hope, an English jury would – as a matter of principle – have refused to bring in a guilty verdict.
John Larkin, the first Catholic Northern Ireland Attorney General, was the person who referred the case to be Director of Public Prosecutions. Larkin is also involved in the opposition to Brexit for N. Ireland.
Umbongo I saw that article earlier I thought what more proof do we need that the police, judiciary and politicians have agendas far removed from the common man.
It really is disgusting, putting yet more taxpayers money into lawyers’ pockets to nitpick over a shooting that happened over 40 years ago, to a known terrorist who most assuredly deserved his death. I can’t understand the mentality of it at all..we were in a war. Ditto the poor sods in Iraq/Afghanistan who have been persecuted more recently.
Although on a much less serious level, it feels similar to the ongoing witch hunt for aged entertainers who may have groped some teenage groupies in the 60s/70’s. In the UK, it’s definitely a case of No Country For Old White Men.
The IRA describe themselves as an Army and that they were at war. Therefore, it was perfectly legitimate for the British Army to kill this scumbag. I really do not understand the agenda of the British Elite Establishment at all. It will work to their disadvantage as much as anyone else’s. They are stupid and dangerous.
Strange how the BBC introduce the word alleged, or not, according to the circumstances.
As in the “alleged” attempt to get a gun and try to kill Trump?
Had it been Hillary, think that word “alleged” would not have been used.
Ian Hislop takes it to a unique level on HIGNFY. Views his own, impartially, of course.
HIGNFY went well beyond the bounds of decency last night with the tasteless comment that, if it takes 10 years to negotiate a trade deal, all the people who voted for Brexit would be dead.
First 10 minutes was relentless leftist propaganda as usual. Flip Flop Hislop (once said he wanted an EU referendum) said he agreed with Carry on Corbyn. They spent a good 5 minutes blaming the government for the rail strike.
Remember when HIGNFY was funny? Can you remember that far back?