The bias is endless and relentless…guess the BBC should just be shut down or its money be shared out with other news organisations…the money that is all too easily come by and taken for granted. The BBC’s Nihal had a sneer at Amazon today as he told us that ‘The Man in the High Castle’ was Amazon’s top rating programme…then added ‘That’ll be 74 people then’. Easy to sneer when you don’t have to work for your money and risk everything on a commercial venture with no guaranteed income. Wonder how many views Top Gear 1, The Grand Tour, got? Lot more than the BBC version I imagine.
Has anyone noticed how much advertising appears on the BBC? It’s rather a lot, highly produced and often contains expensive CGI ads for it’s own programming. Oh and I forgot, celebrities promoting themselves, their concerts, their comedy tour, their charity, their really exciting new drama and of course their virtue and deep political insight.
Have you also noticed an exception? say ITV has a major upcoming sporting event live, the BBC will go to great lengths over a period of weeks to tell us that “you can follow it on BBC social media, on BBC radio and on the BBC Sport website”.
Would it be so bad that our publicly funded broadcaster added a “…but if you want to watch it live, you can do so on ITV1”?
I’m sure the public would appreciate it’s public service broadcaster doing so, but I can’t help thinking they don’t through good old fashioned sour grapes. It just seems to me that most football fans will already know but sometimes, people don’t and an occasional prompt from Aunty might be very welcome, and show it really is a public service – not a commercial competitor.
Finally, can somebody please tell Radio 5 that playing an audio clip describing Wayne Rooney’s latest goal (“.. he beats Jones to the ball, he’s passes Hoddle on the wing, breat side step, what a goal!”) is not anything like watching it. It’s annoying!
This practice truly reached absolute rock bottom last week when a Dianne Abbott programme on BBC Parliament was incessantly trailed in the between-programmes BBC adverts on the main channels.
For some reason howerver, I still managed to avoid watching it.
I hoped to go all week without thinking about Diane Abbott. I was doing so well.
It is the weekend they will get ol’ Diane Abbot on somewhere even if it is Loony tunes Attenborough on Sunday (Like the show just think he is a t*t)
Am I dreaming?
This in the Daily Mail today.
‘Remain campaigners should stop trying to block brexit and embrace the opportunities it will bring….ANDREW MARR said yesterday. (???!!!)
…(he) said much of the political elite had been paralysed by the brexit vote……
..many politicans have succumbed to a form of dependency cuture during 40 years of EU membership.
Because of Brussels, politicians have become a bit ‘computer says no’ taking it as a first principle that we can’t do this, we can’t do that.
Well, now we can.’
It would have been better if he directed his comments a little closer to home, such as his highest profile employer, but even so, a sinner showing some remorse is always rewarding to behold.
Has Marr had another stroke?
Karma gave him the first one
And he’s been even more one sided ever since.
Ouch – but very pertinent.
I’ve got a weird problem. I can’t access via a normal browser setup based in the UK. I tried with both Chrome and Opera and they both fail, but when I try with Opera with the vpn is enabled(virtual private network – routing via another country), it works? I’m going through BT as my isp.. so maybe it’s a problem with them? I just thought I’d raise the issue.
I suggest you send a message to the technical team here via the ‘Contact Us’ link at the top of the webpage. They will check it out with you.
Thanks Teddy Bear, I might have to contact your tech team. I thought I would give it 24 hours to see if it solved the problem and it initially worked this afternoon but when I tried to log in it failed again saying “This site can’t be reached,’s server DNS address could not be found.” and I’m back on the Opera with the VPN.
Same here Fire – From about 3.00 pm on 16th Dec for the rest of the day. This morning (17th) everything is working ok. Bloody Putin !!
LOL ! These pesky Ruskies. But I think David needs to get it sorted. I keep fearing that the BBC will try and shut this site down. They must hate it which, of course, makes me very happy !
The European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance has suggested that the UK’s racism laws need increasing and tightening up. Would you believe. This Report, published in October outlines the Commission’s findings and recommendations, highlighted in the Summary. The UK out the EU will not change anything in respect of this Commission, it being attached to the European Convention on Human Rights NOT the EU. The ECHR is another outfit that the UK should dump and if we had a PM with any balls, figuratively speaking, he/she should advocate extrication as soon as possible before the UK is completely strangled with PC. Needless to say, the current Government has dropped any further mention of the UK aborting the Convention. It is a prerequisite to EU membership to be an established signatory to the Convention. When/(dare I say)if leaving the EU, it should coincide with abandoning the Convention as our court system will be well equipped to deal with the law.
Click to access GBR-CbC-V-2016-038-ENG.pdf
Only the BBC would give us an article on You and Yours about we being crap at recycling our waste( only 12th in the EU…oh no!)-followed by a good moan about the good shoppers of Belfast being short of a Fenwicks or Louis Vuitton.
“Not enough high-end tat for the toffs my dear”,
And, it being You and Yours with the low grade Peter White as Keiran Prendivlle to the missing Winnie(Esther Rantzen for the 21st C!). the show never even missed a beat or thought on just how stupid their running order was in regard to both of these non-stories,
Irony? humour? self-awareness-such are for the little people.
Oh-and re EUTV above?
This Belfast non-story allowed the BBC to give a free plug for Fenwicks, Selfridges and all the better brands as the BBC would have it. Shameless contrived excuse for free advertising again then.
A joy to hear Jeremy Vine get a kicking over his non-story about cyclists getting knocked over when they were “undertaking” on the blind side of traffic.
Clue`s in the name-but Sustrans(they a gender thing?)seem to blame the taxi drivers as ever.
Vines agenda was his usual green crap to defend ANY cyclist idiocy-and his cycling shill duly confirmed the bias.
But the opponent was from a motorcycling magazine, knew how the radio worked and gave the green idiot and Vine a good pasting and calling out over the agenda the BBC were pumping.
Good radio,12.30 or so earlier.
Heard that as well. Vine got his arse handed to him well and truly by that guy and also the callers weren’t having his shite either. The magazine guy wasn’t taking any shit from him and told him to get off his agenda and he wasn’t a very happy bunny. Vine didnt declare that hes another cyclist who likes to record stuff
laurence de hoest was introduced as the guy that sent it to the guardian. This is his twitter.
Tweets by LaurencedeHoest
You dont have to scroll down too far to see somebody we all recognise and who kicked off at PMQ’s on wednesday calling for grayling to be sacked.
Something stinks about this story as the beeb seem to have declared war on chris grayling in the same way as they have on Boris and Gove.
De Hoest and Liu, good British names, as the ‘pub landlord’ would say.
See Guido, and you’ll see that Caroline Lucas forget to declare her vested interest in the Southern Raile debate yesterday ..she received £7,000 from the RMT 20 months ago.
.. And it seems that RMT strike is part of a political campaign to dhit the Tories, with their first stage is to try to get the transport secretary removed hence Jeremy Vine playing his part in stirring up a story that the secretary opened his car door onto a cyclist.
‘Former soldiers to be prosecuted for IRA man’s murder’
Absolutely disgraceful.
Interesting isn’t it. The IRA can declare war on the rest of Britain, kill innocent children in shopping centres, torture and murder servicemen and police, but if soldiers retaliate they are arrested for murder. We truly have a ridiculous unaccountable legal system.
Lawyers. Don’t you just love them!!!
Probably the most hated and least trusted occupation in Britain.
Yes – just how they treat armed Police who have the audacity to use their firearm. Do they think it makes us more noble or moral? No, it makes us hypocritical and stupid.
“just how they treat armed Police who have the audacity to use their firearm”
The BBC’s default position is that the police officer must be in the wrong, but the government is working on this one. The law on air guns is being changed by redefining the energy level considered to be “lethal”. Any airgun producing more than 1 joule of energy (all of them) can then be defined as potentially “lethal”. This means that if the police shoot someone carrying an airgun they can truthfully say that they were facing someone armed with a lethal weapon.
Notice how the BBC have already decided that it was “murder”. The BBC, Judge and Jury. Surely the soldiers’ lawyers can take legal action against the BBC. Or are the BBC totally above the law ?
Did anyone else see ‘this week’ last night with soem dozy Lib Dem woman and ‘Grandpa Munster’ SNP John Nicolson? When reminded of 2016 Brexit, Trump and Italian Government referendum defeat, they angrily spat back ‘Hillary won the Popular vote though – don’t forget that !’
Please watch on their iplayer as the look on those two shite’s faces is absolutely priceless!
So they must have a lot of sympathy for UKIP who beat both the LibDems and the SNP in the popular vote at the GE and got one MP.
Today spent an undue amount of time this morning on a seriously unfunny montage of the Gary Richardson spot at 8.30.
Typical Gang Show smug injoke that nobody out here would give a stuff about.
But the BBC won`t be stopped-pasta crap glued to the fridge , taken home at the end of term.
Got me thinking though.
What if I were to say that we`re now hopelessly addicted to gambling now thanks to their irresponsible endless puffing up of betting?
We had a for bedroom house-and now we`re living on the grandsons sofa due to the BBC promoting this criminal lifestyle of theirs.
Compo-no one else should suffer as we did.
Off topic I know but are you all sickened that a washing machine salesman called Jim has been found not worthy of further investigation by the police despite being recorded offering to supply cocaine ? This , after the most cursory investigation . Compare that to the dilatory behaviour of the police in clearing Lord Bramall, Ted Heath, Leon Brittan et al.
Well maybe not off topic. Hasn’t the BBC contributed to this multicultural madness that seems to make certain persons untouchable ?
Second point to ponder- What has ‘Jim’ got on other MPs and establishment figures that allows him to get away with sleaze and downright criminality? Any investigative journalists at the BBC prepared to find out ?
And they have dropped the investigation into Keith Vaz. Corruption in the Police ? What corruption ?
Fk me amazing he gets caught bang to rights and is let off. Wow the corruption goes right to the top in our dear ol’ Blighty at the moment.
Methinks Vaz has incriminating evidence of his own against certain police officers, so a touch I wont tell if you don’t ??
And then read the comments because they are truly priceless !
Do you not think that it is yet another fake news story on the alt-left media? Expect the BBC to pick it up and run with it forthwith!
I’ve noticed that the writers of the Guardian are far more knowledgeable and smarter than the writers. Not sure why they buy it.
And they are correct. The soft left doesn’t get it if they think the labour party can ride a populist movement. How can the Left become popular to the working classes when the Left despises the working class as being stupid, uneducated, full of hate and incapable of voting as instructed?
“I’ve noticed that the writers of the Guardian are far more knowledgeable and smarter than the writers. Not sure why they buy it. ”
was meant to read …
“I’ve noticed that the readers/commentators of the Guardian are far more knowledgeable and smarter than the writers. Not sure why they buy it.”
Which might make more sense
The Times Newsbites
Facebook has said it will not remove suspected FAKE news items, but rather mark them as flagged.
So it serms to me that when you vome across BBC posts you should tag them with a flag : “suspected as fake as it comes from SJW Missionaries who routinely leave out relevant info to spin stories”
pg 25 Migrants sham Marry a pregnant woman, that way the Human Rights Act can be used to stop them being deported.
New rules mean that Home Office has stopped rigorous investigations but lets people marry and then refuses migrants permission to stay anyway.
p39 Libya sea-taxis Seems smugglers and NGOs are working together. The NGOs send messages and light up their own “rescue boats” so the migrant boats are piloted directly to MSF and Save The Children boats.
Hitachi has nuclear plans for 5.4GW UK on 2 sites
2.7 GW on Anglesey which the gov may take a stake in. Yesterday in Tokyo, UK gov agreed to £6.8bn loan finance guarantes
Next station will be in Somerset.
Also yesterday EDF gave a profit warning of 12% below forecast.
Neil Parish chair of Commons Environment Committee condemned ministers for weak answers to air pollution questions
The Guy Fawkes blog has this:
75% think BBC licence fee too high
Last week on PM they had their warning about Murdoch taking over full control of SKY. The BBC journalist said the claimate was a little less anti than previously but that SKY news would be subject to the OFCOM rules so that there was no real concern that plurality of news would be lost even if the take over succeeded. Also that because you needed a license to broadcast news in the UK there was no danger of anything like FOX NEWS ever coming to the UK. You could almost hear the complacency and self satisfaction dripping on to the studio floor.
A few points which will no doubt occur to anyone who reads this. Firstly, the domination of news provision in the UKby the state funded BBC effectively means that there is no plurality of news here.
Secondly, OFCOM has only very recently become the regulator of the BBC , previously it was unregulated. Judging from the stance taken by SKY news and ITV , OFCOM regulation is unlikely to restore balance to the heavy leftist bias of the BBC, no matter how the public protest.
Thirdly , why shouldn’t there be a choice of a right of centre news provider like FOX . Surely if you believe in plurality of news you must support news provision from all parts of the political spectrum.
Come on Tories open the news broadcasting in this country to consumer choice and whilst you are about it make the BBC a subscription only service. Getting rid of the state funding of the BBC would have an enormous liberating impact on the UK and allow sensible centre right change to take place without the expenditure of vast amounts of political capital in overcoming the resistance of the BBC and those it proselytises on behalf of.
So apparently Paul Merton will be sitting next to a leather handbag on HIGNFY tonight after Nicky Morgan pulled out. So what’s wrong with a tub of lard, which is what they have used in the past on occasions such as these? It would have been very appropriate in her case I would have thought.
Has no-one told Paul Merton that he is not funny any more ?
I’m sure the handbag will get more laughs than he will!
What do you mean ‘….any more ? ‘ Grant he was never funny
Perhaps I’m just getting old, but Merton’s humour on HIGNFY is really stupidity most of the time. I’m afraid he is now an embarrassment, and needs to be replaced by a genuine humourist, of which there are still a few.
I have quite enjoyed some of Merton’s quirky travelogue programs in the past, however.
Take your point Martin bu the whole show needs to go.
Funny how it`s stayed immune from its fall in ratings and general decline as any kind of comedy attempt.
The BBC DO like their clingers don`t they.
But at Least previous pension pots like “Last of the Summer Wine” does allow us to see the likes of Kenneth Connor, Bert Kwok before they pegged it-not funny, but REAL troupers of an era we were too young for.But can appreciate now.
But why the likes of Libby, Laurie, Merton, Jools get their eternal and infernal gigs long after anyone watches or enjoys them?
Well the BBC just don`t question their mates entitlement do they?…we`re paying after all.
Maybe a campaign to get rid of HIGNFY. Then the Now Show based on last nights chilled airtime-joke free since 2001.
Had it’s heyday with Angus Deyton. Like Top Gear the BBC rebrand is shit.
YES YES YES BBC the following includes you!!
Democracy depends for its survival on journalists doing correctly the job for which they are paid: reporting facts and not stigmatizing people who do not resemble them. It is not the “noble” duty of journalists to prevent things from happening. Just report facts, propose analysis, and let people think for themselves.
New media have appeared on the internet, in the mold of Breitbart in the U.S. and Riposte Laïque in France — many dozens across the U.S. and Europe. Their audiences consist of millions of readers.
There is something wrong with the media — internationally.
In Great Britain, they were unable to listen to British people who wanted to “Brexit.” In the US, they were unable to listen to American people who wanted Trump. And in France, they were unable to predict the victory of François Fillon who “unexpectedly” won the presidential primary election of the center-right party.
In each country, the media and journalists stigmatized and labeled the majority of the people — those who wanted to Brexit, such as Trump and Fillon — idiots and racists.
So the question is: are journalists and media still people and companies paid to describe the world as it is? How did they go so wrong on such important questions? And go wrong so massively, with almost no exception? The corollary question is: are the media just playing a game? If so, what is the game? And why?
Well since a group of complainants found out that they where much better qualified than any attendants at the BBC climate science seminar. Scientist are now beginning to do some amateur journalism. And some reasons are listed below.
(1) The independence and credibility of Journalism at the BBC is compromised by seminars held with people of authority, making those in authority immune to scrutiny, and therefore lies and corruption, immune to being reported by the BBC.
(2) There seems to be an explosion of secret court imposed superinjunctions, which forbid the media from reporting certain information and from reporting on the injunction itself. Leaks have appeared in the Foreign media about these superinjuctions, and have criticised the increasing use of such ‘gagging orders’ in Britain, claiming that they allow the rich (on the back of the taxpayer) and powerful (liberal establishment) to be legally exempt from journalistic investigation. This would explain why BBC Journalists who appear on our screens, seem to appear brainwashed and ignorant on many subjects.
(3) The above would also explain why the BBC has not appointed any scientific investigative journalists.
So it’s starting to kick-off in the prisons and everyone is going on strike. The weather is about to get bloody cold.We have no power stations.
This could get interesting for Theresa May and Boris and the rest of the ‘ rabbits in the headlines’ conservative (with a very little c) party
Infrastructure projects she promised?
Via Melanie Phillips
Obama said a few days ago that the idea of Russia trying to influence US elections is just small news
“None of this should be a big surprise. Russia trying to influence our elections dates back to the Soviet Union.” ”
Just heard the start of Front Row, R4 7.15pm. The presenter, the relentlessly on-message John Wilson posed the question ” In the Trump era, will there still be a place for satire?”
I won’t keep listening to find out the answer, because I think satire, about the USA at least died the day Obama was elected.When did the bBBC ever broadcast anything satirical about him? There was an opportunity today when St Barrack came out criticising Russia, as a foreign power for interfering in the US election. Nothing hypocritical there after his useless attempts to dissuade the Brits from Brexit.
Those with reasonable memories will remember the oleaginous Lawson on the same programme who I swear was not a fan of G. W. Bush as he never missed an opportunity within the programme to make a negative comment.
Now whatever happened to him?
Correct re the death of satire Mr Mole.
Just before Front Row was “The Now Show”.
Which might once have been classified under satire.
Tonight?…just dire, unfunny po-faced moaners over the Brexit vote. Again.
Even the useless lefty free ticket holders barely managed anything but a Citizen Khan grimace, where once comedy used to be.
Sheer shite.
No reports on the BBC about this:
Labour Opposes Clamp Down on Illegally Working Immigrants’ Bank Accounts
Labour: the party for immigrants; immigration and welfare dependants.
The real danger is that voters will disown democracy in the UK.
They have perhaps realised that their vote in the Referendum is worthless.
The Referendum vote was to leave Europe.
The Conservatives have ignored this vote and seek other options to suite their chosen cause.
The BBC are fully complicit with the Conservatives.
“The Conservatives have ignored this vote”
It might have escaped your attention but the Tories have been clear from the outset that they were going to trigger A50 in March !
Then there’s no small matter of the high court and then the supreme court getting involved.
I think it’s the judges who have more to lose here, with more people realising that our judges and their power to make laws are not elected and not accountable. Voting for judges is no bad thing.
Thoughtful ,
Voting for judges . Yes yes yes and yes again .
And instead of maximum sentences , minimum sentences .
So for burglary instead of seven years max , seven years minimum .
Exactly. Everywhere I go I hear the same thing. This government is not trusted to deliver. The fix will go in even if Article 50 is activated. It is up to us to spot it and stop it.
May and Hammond wanted to remain. That is enough for many of us.
Dave S
Its all about ‘role play’ .
They act out that they are Brexiteers but in reality they are Remainers.
Its a charade and the people of Great Britain can see right through it.
If you are in a Tory constituency Vote UKIP, and warn your MP of your intentions.
DS, “The Referendum vote was to leave Europe.” May I respectfully add four extra words: ‘The Referendum vote was to leave Europe AND ALL THAT ENTAILS’.
G – you are absolutely right, but I will split hairs – the vote was not to leave Europe but the EU which is not Europe. It doesn’t matter what the EU crazies claim, the EU only represents the EU. Europe is bigger and far more important and interesting, and we couldn’t leave it other than by accelerated continental drift.
BBC Online News:
“”Michelle Obama: ‘Now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like””
“”Speaking on CBS, she said: “Now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like… hope is necessary””
No counter view given. Of course not, the BBC backed the Democrats 100%. And continue to do so.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Eight years ago we were waiting for the installation of the third coming (second if you were a US citizen because Tony Blair was the second coming to the BBC).
A man who was going to bestride the world righting wrongs, bringing peace by his mere words. Everyone was full of hope, especially at the BBC. And just look how it worked out!
Perhaps it is better to have low expectations and the chance of being pleasantly surprised whereas being bitterly disappointed after high expectations is worse in my view. Of all people Michelle Obama should certainly now understand the latter view having witnessed it at extremely close quarters!
The 63 million Americans who voted for Trump now feel that they have hope, as do many people who weren’t sure beforehand but have come to realise the right person won. The only people losing hope are ‘progressives’ who ironically enough are desperate to avoid progress.
Some old duffer on the BBC news who previously voted to come out of the EU reckons we’ll be stuck with it forever more. That’s exactly what the BBC want you to think ..they want you to think you made a bad choice and that the majority of people given the chance again would vote to remain … Don’t let them deceive you…
It’s just an attempt at browbeating the peasants who dared to revolt, trying to convince them that it’s better the devil they know. It won’t work – pretty much every independent report on how Britons are responding to Brexit shows that support is increasing steadily.
BBC Online News:
“”Harriet Harman breaks record for long service as MP””
“”And it has been a source of embarrassment to Labour that they have never had a female leader – while the Conservatives have had two””
And she was associated in the 1970’s with PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange.
A record breaker indeed.
It is an embarrassment to most of the country that a known misandrist, reverse racist, and paedophile apologist is still an MP after years of exposing her hateful views.
HIGNFY; What a shame the handbag replacing the Tory lady, could not in turn have been replaced by the BBCs favourite female Muslim Bake Off winner. She would have great on the round about the missing words and the bacon journal, jokes galore! What a pity the BBC producers missed this chance. I am sure she would have jumped at the chance to talk about recipes and bacon.
By coincidence…
Isn’t it another one of these hate crimes now if you don’t sit next to a Moslem.
The bbbc is in a minefield of PC logic and all it’s paradoxes like grovelling to Muslames who launch the LGBT lot of blocks of flats when not mutilating their bin bags.
Anyone listen to The Now Show ? Guess what , there was a comedienne who kept referring to her partner so she was a .. Well I won’t spoil it for you you might want to listen to the Saturday repeat
If I told you they poked fun at Socialists and progressives for their hypocracy , po faced lack of humour , arrogance , lack empathy for the ordinary Joe , traitorous feelings to the country , complete befuddlement of economics , envy , class hatred , nievety , troughing and bullying would you believe me ? If you do I have cheap television licences for sale at half the cost you pay .
If you do want to listen to it can you guess how many anti Brexit jibes there were ? 6, 7,8 or 9 ?
Trump jibes? 2 or 3 ?
Labour jibes ? 0 or null ?
They say laughter is the best medicine . I’d say you need to be on medicine to laugh at that show .
Nibor, I don’t usually listen but I caught most of it: tediously unfunny for the most part and boringly predictable in its choice of targets; it is infuriating that I am legally forced to fund this guff.
File under ‘getting it about lol’?:
Blimey, that will make things tricky around the canapés at the staff exchange party.
Even comments in the Guardian are largely unsympathetic.
Liked “Black dancers matter”.
I think reverse racist liberals are just confused because one of their racist tropes is that white people can’t dance.
“UK fishing industry ‘will need EU market access’ post Brexit”
“The UK fishing industry will need continued access to EU markets if it is to thrive after Brexit, a House of Lords report has warned.”
The House of Lords and Al Beeb are undermining Brexit before the ‘bargaining’ with the EU has begun!
The H o L are not acting in the interest of the people of Great Britain. ……….
Obviously written by someone well up in PC as fishermen are now “fishers”
The Today Programme was banging on about that HoL report all morning. As usual they were keen to confuse “access” with “tariff free access”. This is no mistake, the BBC do it all the time. I have even written to them about it and received a pathetic response.
That aside the report is also the usual nonsense. If you start from the premise that the UK is weak and dependent, don’t be surprised if you conclude that the UK is weak and dependent.
The reality is very different of course, and our fishermen would be the net beneficiaries of any tariffs applied to fish imports/exports. So as you say, the HoL is not interested in the people of the UK, just themselves and the status quo.
Listening to the bbbc report it sounds like we will be unable to sell any fish to the uk market unless we carry on as it is now.
Or are they manipulating this news.
Or are the hol talking shite.
Or both.
I dont know which is more corrupt, costly or irrelevant, the BBC or the House of Lords though both are long overdue to be modernised or got rid of and replaced
In case y’all missed it here is the Jo Cox song .
The PM wants it to be no 1, the Chanceller has waived tax on it, the Mirror sees it as a protest against extremism (watch it Nigel and the 17 million Brexit voting racists) and some of the money raised goes to the White Helmets.
I am sure it can fit in with the campaign to support the rebels in Aleppo.
Do not say anything negative about this song, give it a like and make it a favourite if you have a You Tube account. Treezers snoopers charter will give the government powers to check if you indicate any form of negativity and you are likely to be done for racism and extremism.
Meanwhile, on watching it my eyes could not avoid focusing on those smiles.
Tony Blair did a passable impression of Mick Jagger did he not?
And do all these “wimmin of the Left” wonder about say, “Brown Sugar” Stray Cat Blues”-when they`re giving Sir Mick his royalty fees for this Godawful farce of a song in the gobs of the Labour Left?
I mean-what happens to Black Lives Matter and Saviles underage fun as they choose to record the writer of the songs I mention.
Very much “Under His Thumb” aren`t they?
But don`t tell them yet-they`ll only cry and run to Harriet or Emily.
The Left is dead, ded, and dedd….
Stupid Girl, Sympathy for the Devil(albeit a great song with some good theology to be had), Some Girls, Hey Negrita….and that`s just from the op of my head, bound to be others.
Jagger is as close to Satan as Yoko is.
Hence the Left giving Jagger a free pass-as they do for the likes of Jimmy Page.
Far easier to go for the Tremeloes bassist or Jim Davidson.
Twatz…rhymes with Ian Katz…have it for free “Sir Michael Philip Jagger”
Didn’t The Donald use this tune during his rallies? I seem to recall it was playing at his victory party. Do the SJWs realise this, or are they too thick to care?
Rob in Cheshire
Yes he did and Sir Mick Jagger has taken it to the law.
However, I understand he has waived his royalties for the Jo version
I suspect that the Jo version was conceived before Dondald’s election victory and recorded too late to change it.
To give you all an idea how much I dislike this sh*te, for the first time I want a Simon Cowell promoted artist to be number one this year.
Lesbian, gay, and trans people are an artificial union held together by the dogmas of student politics and the public sector’
How homophobic is that?
Well, not at all. It appears in an article in The Times today by………Matthew Parris !
Parris occasionally hits the nail on the head and he does here. He did two weeks ago when he wrote about the British disease of rank ineptitude. Which was written before the most recent descriptions of the St Helena non airport fiasco (cost to the taxpayer – £285 million).
He may be a Europhile, but credit where due. I doubt he will be on the bBBC’s Christmas card list for his comments on public sector waste and the above futility of political correctness, not least as the bBBC have obviously chosen transgender as their cause of this year.
It proves that you can be of the Left but still have honesty and integrity – who would have thought it?
Parris used to be a Conservative and even once, I believe, stood for them.
He was a Tory MP and is Gay. The Left must hate him for that !
Read the article-and it IS very good.
Parris can clearly write well, only a pity he`s such a tool more often than not.
But this article redeeems him for now.
And will probably get him into trouble with the right kind of eejit that he nails in the course of his piece.
He also posted an article saying democracy was failing because of Brexit and Trump and that therefore you should be screened before you can vote to make sure you have acceptable beliefs. So no, I don’t accept he has integrity. Honesty, maybe.
“the British disease of rank ineptitude. Which was written before the most recent descriptions of the St Helena non airport fiasco (cost to the taxpayer – £285 million).”
Don’t really agree with that sort of analysis. The infallible Germans have made quite a mess of Berlin Brandenburg Airport, and it’s not the only example.
There has been lots of press comment on the fact that the St Helena airport isn’t suitable for civilian passenger jets. I can’t help wondering if the same cross-wind handling problems will apply to military aircraft: or have the MoD conned a new runway out of the aid budget?
More a case that military pilots have to do as they are told. You can’t force civilian pilots to fly into an airport subject to dangerous crosswinds.
It would have been nice if someone had thought about the crosswinds before the airport was built. The worry is that this is the calibre of the civil servants who are supposed to negotiate Brexit on our behalf. No wonder the EU think they can stick us for a £50 billion exit fee.
More alternative news sources please, less BBC fake news
BBC-surrogate for the delivery of BBC-opinion Simon Fanshawe is on newspaper review duty yet again this morning.
‘Simon Fanshawe works to create effective change in organizations and in the world’
[Question: are these ‘organizations’ our Simon works to ‘change’ not in the ‘world’ ? Are they extra-terrestrial? – Anyway he’s clearly a left-leaning globalist. All the correct views on EU, immigration etc etc. Always welcome in the BBC studios]
Poor Simon is getting himself in a right old fake tizzy reading Guardian headlines about Russian hackers stealing the US elections.
Naturally BBC news editors and presenters lap up this story like it was manna from heaven.
Not on the BBC, Nigel Farage talks sense here:
Ben Bradshaw Labour MP blaming Brexit and the “refugee” crisis on Putin, is worth a separate thread in itself. A quick google reveals his credentials:
Born 1960, British Labour Party politician MP since 1997 … Before entering politics he worked as a BBC Radio reporter.
… studied German at University of Sussex. Attended University of Freiburg in Germany while undergraduate. Between 1982 & 1983 taught English in Switzerland.
Became a reporter with the Exeter Express & Echo in 1984. Joined Eastern Daily Press in Norwich as a reporter in 1985. In 1986 he joined the staff of BBC Radio Devon & became the Berlin correspondent for BBC Radio in 1989. Was in Berlin when the wall came down. In 1991 became a reporter with BBC Radio’s The World At One where he remained until elected MP in 1997.
So former BBC journalist with a clear fondness for Germany – hence no mention of Merkel being a main cause of the “refugee” crisis. What a fecker he is.
‘(Ben Bradshaw) studied at University of Sussex’ what a neat co-incidence, this was Simon Fanshawe’s alma mater too. Isn’t it great having this wonderful diversity of our society and opinion brought to us by BBC media.
Sussex University is usually pretty stringent on who can study there, perhaps because it got sick of political nutjobs studying pointless degrees there and using it as a springboard for spewing facile bullshit in the Houses of Parliament.
The Left just can’t get over the fall of the Soviet Union and the consequent Russian capitalism. I believe that this is what is behind the current hatred. And no-one does hate quite like Lefties and Muslims ! Maybe that is why they have such an affinity.
Apart from Capitalism, don’t underestimate the lefts fear and loathing of the resurgence of Orthodox Christianity in Russia and the Russian determination to contain Islamism in the Caucasus and the Balkans.
Quite funny to hear the screeches of the brakes on the Lefty skidpans as they have to learn now how to badmouth the Old Country they used to snivel before, until 1991. Russia only had the answers as long as they sent old Christians to the Gulag, and funded Isvestia, Tass and Pravda-from which the BBC seem to have taken plenty tips on thought control and media containment kettling techniques.
Oh dear-Nigel and Donald seem to have put the fire under the wrong kettles…Polly in her hi viz seemed to think a tealight would do it…
Great year 2016-and 2017 will be a popcorntastic time as well!
Enjoy the NEW Season of the Bolshy Ballet…stuff Spandau imitators, this one will be good.
You`re our REAL Katty Kay…without even leaving your armchair.
Keep these coming-the likes of Newt, Pat, Ann are REAL Americans…and Trump owes them!
Surely Support Our Lefty has had a hand here in the wording.
The Progressive view is spreading everywhere even on Fox.
Old Archive on Four on R4 Xtra and some interesting stuff. On the subject of British stiff upper lip from the 19th century to the 90s.
What did stick out was Ken Loach, “There is a massive sense of entitlement these days and emotional incontinence , where people go crazy over the slightest thing but miss totally the important stuff.”
Apparently, “stiff upper lip” originates in America, not here, in spite of the best efforts of many people in the UK, and in the BBC in particular, to use it as an excuse to sneer.
Not bias, but on BBC website cricket, Johnathan Agnew has just posted ” It has been rather pedantic this last session ” !
Matthew Parris and Ken Loach quoted above?
Interesting times when you get even a shaft of insight from the likes of these two at both sides of politics.
But who are FAR more similar as members of the Educating Good Peoples Agency for Progression.
Loach especially annoys me here-as if the idiot Left he spouts for have not been agitating for segmented cry babies and soft fascism since 1968.
More desperation from the BBC over Trump’s impending presidency, this time interviewing a hack writer from discredited liberal gutter publication The New Yorker who published a hysterical piece called An American Tragedy the day after the election and is now being given ample time to promote his moronic warnings about how Trump is essentially the next Hitler while ignoring the very real comparisons between the Nazi party and globalism.
Saturday’s : The Times Newsbites
pg21 Hollywood’s Michael Sheen to give up acting to come back to Port Talbot as a full time political activist fighting Alt-Right
You see the evil locals voted Brexit and this controlling Lefty from Ctrl-Left .. supports suppressing of challenging.
There’s an extra 5 pages in the Times Magazine but not much more depth.. maybe he’s just saying stuff to promote his new movie.
Same page – “Corbyn linked to lobbyist behind Istanbul bombers”
Scurrilous Tosh ! You can’t be interested in supporting Kurdish rights without talking to people who are connected to the PKK
p25 Durham Uni – the entitled Lefties got a kicking in the Student Union Election : Tom Harwood from Vote Leave won a landslide by taking the p*ss
Note his serious pledges Here
Times highlights his satirical ones
pg26 Full page advert against Duddon pylon scheme right on Lake District coast.
(greens will never say it’s caused by Scottish windfarm construction)
Times link again
pg 27 Matthew Parris a gay man, comes out against the LGBT banner. It’s not a genuine community but rather a vehicle for the dogma of student and public sector politics.
Letters : Peter Lilley has a robust letter against Bob Ward’s previous letter belittling the £319bn cost of the CC Act.
Atlantic swimmer has given up after support vessel damaged in storm.
pg 43 Ministers to meet “Mobiles may be blocked when driver at wheel”
Tosh as an engineer I know why MAGIC solutions are not implemented like public think they can be.
First thing is that systems must be fail safe, but there’d be a strong chance of a car crashing and a driver being unable to call for help cos the system has locked him out.
pg46 Story of 12yr old radicalised Iraqi boy who tried to nail bomb a Berlin Christmas market on Nov 26th
pg55 Ofgem wrote a letter to power suppliers saying it thinks they might be price riggingeg by saying they have more plant down for maintenance that true, thus pushing up spot prices.
Mag – Caitlin Moran lays into Righties for using lang-rage ..whereas it is a tool Lefties use by the most as they Label and Dismiss
eg everyone who challengs them is called Far-Right
Can I thank the poster who put up Newt Gingrichs recent speech to the Heritage Foundation.
My head is spinning with the erudition and the knowledge…and won`t need to do anything else but watch this, pass it round the world and refer to Scrutons book on the New Left charlatans somebody got from the library.
That’s a great video. Thanks for posting. Although Newt Gingrich didn’t name the other major block to returning America to greatness…..the RINO (Republican in name only) tendency and cuckservatives, those who talk the talk but when the going gets rough, won’t walk the walk.
We have them here too, LINOs, Leavers in name only….Best use for LINO?…….for walking over.
Alicia, I’m pleased that others appreciate Newt’s speech. I would have put up a screen-shot had I known how to do it! Also, Jim DeMint’s introduction is a textbook example of how to set the scene and introduce a speaker.
Cops are searching for racist who would not sit next to Nadia of the Bake off on a train.
Whoever he is he is wanted for a hate crime.
Sad commentary on our time. Hundreds of children raped whilst the majority of perps still run free. But be careful if you choose not to sit next to a RoPer.
Advice If you don’t want to sit next to one, avoid eye contact, do not speak to anyone about it, lower your head and stumble to another seat. Who knows you might even end up with a window seat.
BBC link about Nadia’s racist abuse here
Might it not have been a Muslim bloke-they don`t like to sit next to women either unless they`re owned by them.
But WILL sit on top of them for sex or stoning all too often.
It’s racist to be logical in any expose of Islam’s faults.
Correct, it is customary in Islamic culture to avoid sitting next to Muslim women on trains and buses.
Years ago I can remember being on rural buses in pre civil war Syria, on which the seating arrangements shifted at every stop, to ensure that the men didn’t sit next to hijabbed women, same in service taxis in Syria and Jordan.
If it were me, I would sit there
I d ask her why the Al BBCs Chronicles of Nadiya continues with a winterval festival seasonal type thingy for 2 HOURS!!! on BBC National Radio 2
After being implanted as a Bake Off winner, baking a crap wonky cake for the Queens 90th (check out the pictures), using caged hen eggs?.
An Al BBC Travelogue, another series in the offing, been planted on almost every BBC chat show going.
Why! is she costing so much BBC viewer dosh, with series, airtime, tv/radio spots.
If she could recall another Bake Off winner that has such an inordinate, amount of airtime, promotion, money, and TV series, 2hr Chris oops apologies “festival” specials?, and I should imagine there will be more.
… Could she hazard a guess?.
Maybe she would not want to hear it?
Maybe she squeal she was offended?
Maybe she would say she would want another seat herself?
If she moved is it a hate crime?
No one has the right not to be offended?
Should I call the cops?
And so it goes.
Authorities encourage people to report minor incidents as “hate crimes”, then authorities scream “look hate crimes are going up, we need more resources to investigate hate crimes”, authorities get more resources, authorities encourage even more people to report minor incidents as “hate crimes”, … etc
Meanwhile, actual crimes are ignored … but look over there, there’s a “hate crime”.
Ultimately we will all be victims of the thought police, and end up in Kafkaesque situations like Kevin O’Sullivan found himself:
Were the organizers and participants of this Labour Party rally guilty of hate crimes when they segregated according to gender?
Arrest the lot I say
What a depressing photo. I sometimes wonder if I’m correct in being concerned about the state of the country and then reality comes crashing back in and I wonder if I’m concerned enough.
Twitter after British Transport police asked for more info
MadMike pointed out that if refusing to sit next to a Muslim is a crime then they should invesigate Labour Party meetings
Imagine if someone says that they won’t sit next to you cos you are wearing a UKIP or Brexit T-shirt.
Would the BTP ask for info ?
No cos no crime haa been committed. And it’s exactly the same for Nadiya. Islam is a belief system not a race.
What if a mother shouts to her child “don”t sit next to that MAN, sit next to this LADY” ? That is clearly sexual discrimination.
Would that also be the case when a Muslim refuses to sit next to someone of the opposite sex ?
News is when when some info is NEW
A Muslim woman saying that she can’t sit next to a man, would not be news.
I wonder if BTP consider it a hate crime ?
The only news here is that the guy tactlessly singled out Nadiya.
I got on a bus in East London and there was only one seat left next to a woman in a burka. I sat down and she screamed and said something unintelligible and stood for the remainder of the journey. Can I tell Mama?
Why would anyone choose to sit next to anyone who has more rights than you? It would be exceedingly foolish to enter in to any form of conversation as the opportunity to cause unintentioned offence and consequent witch hunt such as this which may follow is considerable.
So, perversely, the discrimination laws encourage sensible people to not engage those with the extra rights.
Actually don’t diss BT Police they are doing the right thing by asking her to report it. Just don’t hold your breath waiting for the Anointed One to reply with dates and names and stuff. Because it never happened did it. Did it?
Observe what happens when a woman in a burka makes an appearance these days. People just melt away .Better that than any possibility of trouble .
Just watched Newsnight Review Of The Year.
Mentions of Brussels, Nice, Anjem, Hamel, Cairo?…nil.
Talk of Paris Lees and her hatred for UKIP..ability to talk over the fascists across from him/her?…well, plenty.
Utter crap…this was not MY 2016 at all.
Picture of the year?…Trump and Farage…is there a better image this year?
Death of the Year-Leonard Cohen-irreplaceable.
Laugh of the Year-Dylan refusing to speak re his Nobel Prize, due to what else-“being speechless at getting the award”. But the Left missed his joke.
One thing-have a look at all those images behind the speakers…what the BBC can`t get us to say or vote on?…well, they`ll have to create THEIR images for subliminal purposes-THAT`S how thick they still are at the BBC.
2016 sports personalities of the year….the Iceland football team that played against the England millionaires XI.
All Icelanders, all a slap in the face for Greg Dyke.
I`d give this to the Leicester team. Very much precursors of Brexit and Trump in terms of astonishing odds.
Just shows you what teamwork can achieve-only hope UKIP can get a few players to do the same.
Pipe smoker of the year, Angela Merkel.
Just made up of course but I find it funny.
There is nothing on the BBC website about this, nor have I heard any reports, which is odd because they’re only to keen to report the antics of Frontex when they’re bringing mass migration to Europe.
EU Accuses MSF, Major Charities of Working with Criminal Gangs to Import Migrants
(MSF Medicin sans Frontiers)
In September, the head of Austria’s anti-human trafficking force warned that much of the profit of people smugglers in the Middle East and North Africa goes to Islamic State, and is now the terror group’s primary source of funding.
It was in the Times yesterday.
I mentioned it here.
So, at long last, Len McCluskey seems to have grasped the fact that mass immigration impacts negatively on workers wages; particularly the very low paid. Really Len? “We’ve got to do something about this'” the sage-like Len opined, as though he had just awoken from a politically induced coma.
Len my old left-wing buddy, that bloody gate has been left wide open for decades. Lefties like you and hopeless and incompetent charlatans like David Cameron have wedged the bloody thing open and ushered the horses through. In their many millions! It isn’t just jobs; it’s housing, overcrowding, schools, hospitals…
Some people are suggesting that with the rise of UKIP (sorry to use such language) certain members of the Labour Party are cynically positioning for the sad day that old man Steptoe and the beautiful Diane are eventually kicked off the end of Brighton pier. Then they’ll need a sensible immigration policy; not that any sane person would believe them.
I mean, come on Len. You don’t think Labour voters are complete and utter imbeciles, do you?
Oh, hang on…
If Diane is going to be kicked off Brighton Pier, I hope the local residents have taken precautions against the subsequent tsunami.
My memory is fading, but wasn’t there a rather nasty populist politician saying much the same things about the effects of unlimited immigration earlier this year. He was never off our screens. I also remember this evil scumbag racist getting abused and threatened with death for these remarks.
Now what was his name…? It escapes me together with the name of his party.
Still, I expect in the name of fairness and impartiality that Mr McLuskey will now be subject to intense scrutiny and be witch-hunted out of his (non) job. Could be a long wait though.
R4 Now ..Profile is going to be about The White Helmets
Oh fk me we have some black bloke who presents the sports on BBC in strictly how incestuous is this bllx . Didn’t we have that talentless Nana newsreader bird on it as well? first time I have watched it – roll on Casualty or Holby or whatever it is – I haven’t seen some same sex snogging since midweek – always enjoy that with me tea after a hard days work. My old Dad must be spinning in his grave
Aaaah, Casualty, Holby, Eastenders – I love all these shows the BBC imports from Africa.
BBC Online News:
“”Syria war: Would you invite a refugee to live with you?””
“”Abdullah, 35, from Damascus, has been living with Heather and her husband Dominic, both architects, in Hammersmith, London since February””.
“”At first my teenagers said, ‘whoah Mum, are you really doing this?'” says Heather, who has five daughters and a son between the ages of 14 and 22″”
“”I partly said yes so it would open their eyes a little””
At first I thought this feature was about Sir Bob ‘very rich’ Geldof.
But no….
“…says Heather, who has five daughters and a son between the ages of 14 and 22”
BINGO! said Abdullah to himself.
Most interesting as it portrays a certain type of English liberal . I guess they own their own house and are well heeled. In the picture the mother looks just like one would expect. Dungarees and all. The only odd thing is that she has 6 children and that is very strange.
Once again a young Syrian is featured, Why does he never want to return home and help his country?. None of them do it seems. Later on there is a picture of a little girl dressed completely in black who is memorising the Koran. Again very strange.
This whole business over the fall of Aleppo is odd and something jars.
You do catch some interesting bits on R4Xtra. Since it’s old stuff a lot slips through that would not normally see light of day elsewhere on the B B C.
For instance the fact that pre war Jewish children fleeing the Nazis were given rigorous instruction to make them into British school children BEFORE they were allowed to join the education system.
Yes In an episode of Old Harry’s Game the devil took the piss out of an Imam. How did that manage to slip through the net for (re)broadcast.
How does that work with a Madrassa?
Want to understand the years of leftwing propaganda from the likes of the cs at the bBC.
I know a young lady (25) she starts a new life as a British Army Officer in the New Year, here are a few of her trains of thought:
1) The British people should not have been allowed to vote on Europe. That should have been the preserve of MPS who are much more knowledgeable than the average plebs.
2) Unions have the right for wildcat strikes
It seems that years of political correctness are paying off for the buggering British children crowd.
And how I thought the storyline in the forever war was a joke. (The part where they all return and find everybody is forced to become Homosexual (In which to curb the worlds population)) and so they bugger off to a planet where Heterosexuality is the rule of the day.
It was Christmas Day in the workhouse
The merriest day of the year
The paupers and the prisoners
Were all assembled there.
In came the Christmas pudding
When a voice that shattered glass
Said, “We don’t want your Christmas pudding
So stick it there with the rest of the unwanted presents.”
The workhouse master then arose
And prepared to carve the duck
He said “Who wants the parson’s nose
And the prisoners shouted “You have it yourself, sir.”
The vicar brought his Bible
And read out little bits.
Said one old crone at the back of the hall
“This man gets on very well with everybody.”
The workhouse mistress then began
To hand out Christmas parcels.
The paupers tore the wrappers off
And began to wipe their eyes, which were full of tears.
The master rose to make a speech
But just before he started
The mistress, who was fifteen stone,
Gave three loud cheers and nearly choked herself.
And all the paupers then began
To pull their Christmas crackers.
One pauper held his too low down
And blew off both his paper hat and the man’s next to him.
A steaming bowl of white bread sauce
Was handed round to some.
An aged gourmet then called aloud
“This bread sauce tastes like it was made by a continental chef.”
Mince pie with custard sauce was next
And each received a bit.
One pauper said “The mince pie’s nice
But the custard tastes like the bread sauce we had in the last verse!”
The mistress dishing out the food
Dropped custard down her front.
She cried “Aren’t I a silly girl!”
And they answered “You’re a
perfect picture as always ma’am !”
“This pudding “, said the master,
“Is solid, hard and thick.
How am I going to cut it?”
And a man cried, “Use your penknife sir, the one with the pearl handle.”
The mistress asked the vicar
To entertain his flock.
He said, “What would you like to see ?”
And they cried, “Let’s see your conjuring tricks, they’re always worth watching.”
“Your reverence, may I be excused ?”
Said one benign old chap.
“I don’t like any conjuring tricks.
I’d sooner have a carol or two around the fire”
So then they all began to sing
Which shook the workhouse walls.
“Merry Christmas!” cried the master,
And the inmates shouted “Best of luck to you as well sir!”
‘Twas Christmas Day in the Harem, the eunuchs were standing around.
While hundreds of beautiful women lay stretched on the ground.
When in strode the big, bold Sultan and gazed on his marble halls
saying “What do you want for Christmas boys?”
The eunuchs shouted…….
“Tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy…”
Just to add a bit of “Winterval” (c. BBC) spirit to the discussion.
On an earlier post in reply to Nogginator, I mentioned the possibility of Ore being given his own series . Well surprise surprise he won Strictly (did he really ? as we are never informed the number of votes for each competitor – so the Beeb can declare who they want as the winner), so be prepared for the Ore & Nadiya show !!
Bri, I think you maybe right … ooooh brother
It was either the black Ore or the partner of the black Ote. Don’t get me wrong both were very good. But look at their outfits (Louise in black leotard for one), the judges choice of dance or even the show stopper where Ore did a traditional dance, Danny an exciting one and Louise and Kevin a slow dance with Louise wearing a neutral coloured dress. The BBC pulled out all the stops to get a result they wanted. They would probably not had to, but they have to control. We wouldn’t have wanted another Brexit result, would we?
I’d like to know who chooses the music – its certainly not the professionals, they just have to choreograph what they’ve been given; Because with a show dance to “I’ve Got Rhythm” Ore was never going to lose – just replicate his Singing in the Rain routine and he was proverbially home and dry ! The other two never stood a chance with what they were given, and of course Ore is one of their ‘own’, and ‘just saying’ that (Mark Ramprakash aside), a person of deep colour has never won – so it was a given. He certainly wasn’t the best dancer, so its a contentious win.
There is hope that not all our university students are safe space seeking snowflakes. Tom Harwood (20) wins election to the NUS by pledging to install a 127 ft statue of NUS president Malia Bouattia, defeat ISIS through NUS boycotts, bring down the Tory govt through violent revolution, and make sweeping agrarian reform.
“During the campaign he described the NUS as a “redundant organisation that has been hijacked by people with pretty extreme politics that aren’t representative of students as a whole”.”
Well done Tom Harwood, and the students who voted for him.
M Bouattia?
“Her past rhetoric has generated controversy. In the past she’s described the University of Birmingham as a “Zionist outpost” Whilst a member of the NUS Executive Committee, Bouattia vetoed a motion condemning the terrorist acts of ISIS as she considered it “Islamophobic”.
After some jiggery pokery, she later supported a second motion condeming both the atrocities committed by ISIS and Islamophobia, one s committing rape, mass murder and terror … ands one s an invented vehicle to silence anyone talking about them doing it … work that one out.
She’s also received the endorsement of MPAC spokesperson Raza Nadim. MPAC a extremist Muslim lobby group They has been rightly vetoed by the NUS due to their intense anti-semitism
… Ms Bouattia’s campaigns have included “Why Is My Curriculum White? and she has opposed the government’s Prevent counter-extremism strategy
So many things are wrong here …
1st. Bouattia is the NUS’s first black female Muslim president. She was born in Algeria and came to the UK at age seven.” Muslim Arabs from Algeria are black now? Emporer wears no clothes?
Have you seen her picture? or her interview on Ch4 with their pale host?.
This seemingly dubious racial identification appears to be an attempt to buttress all this growing black lives matter nonsense.
oh, her degree is in post-colonial theory and while she s so keen on getting down with the kids, she s 28.
What could go wrong
I have noticed the increasing use by SJWs of the phrase “person of colour” as a replacement for “black”. Not “coloured” of course as that is racist.
I wonder if this is a device to unite non-whites and provide them with a generic identity that excludes whites? Such an identity would very easily then pigeonhole white people into a disreputable group whose values and opinions could safely be trashed and discounted.