The bias is endless and relentless…guess the BBC should just be shut down or its money be shared out with other news organisations…the money that is all too easily come by and taken for granted. The BBC’s Nihal had a sneer at Amazon today as he told us that ‘The Man in the High Castle’ was Amazon’s top rating programme…then added ‘That’ll be 74 people then’. Easy to sneer when you don’t have to work for your money and risk everything on a commercial venture with no guaranteed income. Wonder how many views Top Gear 1, The Grand Tour, got? Lot more than the BBC version I imagine.
Someone mentioned recently that they wondered if this site is being blocked by their ISP. All day I’ve been getting the message “A server with the specified hostname could not be found”. I assumed the site was down but once I moved from my home wifi and used mobile data, the site loaded just fine.
Suspicious, or some technical gremlin? This is on Virgin.
I had this problem yesterday and much of today. I tried Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer but none of them worked . Any other site loaded fine except this one. I finally deleted my cache and then it worked ok. Very strange.
Strangely, no sooner have I mentioned this than I can once again access the site on wifi.
For those of you unfortunate enough, not to have received your New Statesman yet, let me share with you the thoughts of Charlotte Church.
(Yes, the headline really is that sexist)
It starts with this generous view of the selfless, bravery of the firemen who sought to rescue innocent people whilst stepping over the dead bodies of their colleagues and buddies: “… the heroism attached to the firemen who were on duty during the 9/11 attacks was distasteful: They went from here in society to celebrities. They are even invited here to present television awards, which I just don’t agree with.”
Her intellectual insights continue:
“Question Time is horrendous. … The last time was right here in Cardiff, two years ago and the audience was completely right-wing.”
On her batty, snowflake view that the Syrian conflict had nought to do with blood thirsty Islamist factions, a rising up of a populace under the heel of Assad or the fiery propensity for war in the middle east, but rather it was because of Climate Change, she said: “Then a couple of weeks later, Prince Charles said something about it, then Nasa – and then of course it was OK.”
No Charlotte, it is twaddle of the highest order. Thinking along the same lines as Prince Charles is not a plus point in the eyes of people outside the Guardian/BBC media world.
The interviewer shares with us further Charlotte insights: “Then, on a roll, she expounds a theory she says may be “mad”.” – I’m saying nothing to the peoples of BiasedBBC, you are already suffering enough, let us just say the word ‘may be’ is erroneous.
Her views on Theresa May and our democratically elected government? “This is an authoritarian government …” No Charlotte, dear. It, like Brexit and Trump are the results of democracy.
I want you all at BiasedBBC to know that Cardiff also has some reasonable, clear-sighted folk, and I have spent many a happy hour slouched, in Dinas Powys pubs with people who are sensible, reasonable and knowledgeable – though maybe not close to closing time.
In fairness to Charlotte, I’d say she is very bright, intellectually curious, but has fallen victim to wrapping her earnest self in the dreamier visions of the Luvee left.
Scribbling – I think you are being a bit generous in your last sentence. I think she is a stupid cow.
Have to agree with Lobster I’m afraid. If it were not for her singing voice she’d be like any other podgy working class girl and would’ve probably ended up a single mum on a Cardiff sink estate. And we’d never have got to hear her dimwit socialist ideas.
Feel sorry for her really.
This is where celebrity, Celtic exceptionalism and a lack of any church help ends…in a virtue signalling kid in media glare, no love in a staged celebrity marriage.
No wonder she`s got the spongey brain and liberal reflexes after years in the spotlight.
Needs to settle down in Pontypridd, get her kids a decent comp and read a Mail or Express in the cafe until she sees sense.
Very much our Lena Zaveroni…when the lefties seek her out, as they do Lily Allen-I feel sorry for them, no-one`s taught them ANYTHING that matters.
Like Jade Goody-these young mums need a better deal, not the likes of Chris Moyles, Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.
She has never done a real job in her life.
Why is so much credit given to the political views of actors, film stars and entertainers?
They are completely out of touch with reality.
White men and a lot of women are not angry. They have just changed and stopped indulging the eternal students like Charlotte as it has been far too long a show. It has been going on since the 1960s when the veterans of the war decided to indulge their young . From the best of motives perhaps . And the young being naturally rebellious found it so easy to push the boundaries and dismantle custom and tradition if all it took was a mild riot or protest.
That is over now but the luvvies and the New Statesman and the Guardian/BBC have not understood. They won’t which is their problem now. Just as in the USA the elites did not see Trump coming and are now totally confused so it is here.
This makes it interesting.We have an elite and a government that is going to have to do what they really hate and that is quit the comfort blanket of the EU and they are not going to be able to handle it and really really should get out of the way.
It would be a kindness. We need to take the talking heads of Newsnight and the Guardian to one side and tell them it is over. For generations probably and that is going to include Mrs May and the rest of the old guard.
The beauty of the Trump victory is that he can bring in new people and drain the swamp. We will really have to do the same here. Just listen to them- Clarke, Mandleson, Blair, Carney, Hammond and God knows how many others.
It is really going to end and at last this ancient land is going to start to recover.
Certainly the shy majority are less silent now. I am seeing more and more petulant BS being called out for what it is, and those used to being indulged are not liking it one jot. Bless.
Luckily for left Charlie, ‘another, there is’.
However, so far Mr. Sheen’s following in the high heels of Eddie has not been greeted with as much sober appreciation as his people may have hoped.
Dingaling : Honest articles have open.comments .. That one doesn’t
direct link to Facebook comments
Article is just bubble world reinforcement for Lefties.
#1 Charlotte didn’t write the article or choose the headline.
#2 That FB bit uses flakey clickbait : the 2011 assertion that Church was paid in 1999 for , 3 songs at Murdoch wedding by ‘no negative coverage’ for 2 years’
Murdoch’s lot had a culture of dishonesty but that extraordinary claim has no extraordinary evidence to back it.
I don’t think they would have run the risk of recording of such a contract.
Its not the BBC anymore, it’s the ‘B’BC.
With its continual rejection, contempt and denigration of Britain and the British population, Aunty Beeb has turned into Anti Brit.
It no longer deserves to have British in its title or its hands in our pockets!
Aunty Beeb is really Norman Bates’ ‘Mother’.
Yes, a referendum on the license. When it comes down to it, apart from ‘custom and practise’, what precisely could they argue as justification for a compulsory, TV tax?
I think the most democratic country in the world is Switzerland and they have regular referenda on many topics , some of which seem quite trivial. I am not sure if they are legally binding. So why can’t we have the same in the UK ?
So what are the benefits of ‘cultural diversity’?
Answer on a postage stamp to ……………………