Obama not say anything about Saudi Arabia launching all out economic war against the US oil industry as it attempted to destroy the fracking industry and yet he is now complaining about a supposed Russian state hack of Clinton’s illicit email server which revealed some uncomfortable truths. Can’t have the truth ‘corrupting’ an election can we?
Here’s a question for the BBC. One they never asked today in their extensive coverage of Obama’s highly political claims about the election….
If the emails effected the outcome of the election why would that be? What was in the emails that made voters think Clinton was not suitable to be President?
The BBC has never shown the slightest interest in investigating the emails and now only mentions them in passing as a link to the ‘corruption’ of the US election. Maybe we should have a re-run…or just hand the Presidency to Clinton. Civil war looms. Obama is playing a dangerous game, as is the BBC and its Remainer collaborators who think they can magic away Brexit without any reaction.
The source of the emails is irrelevant….what is important is what they say and the fact that Clinton held highly sensitive information on an insecure, private server….an insecurity which allowed them to be hacked in the first place. If her actions led to the election being ‘corrupted’ perhaps she should be jailed?
It is an odd way of looking at things though…the US elections ‘corrupted’ by the truth…how terrible…as said the source is irrelevant here, what is important is the content of those emails and how they came to be hacked…and by extension the judgement and trustworthyness of Clinton. The BBC isn’t interested in that analysis.
The BBC continues to pump out Democrat propaganda. Yet more fake news from our trusted news provider.
Fox’s Tucker Carson is brilliantly and ruthlessly destroying everyone who dares go on his show, asking those very questions Alan. Every time a anti-democrat or media deviant tries to answer his questions on this, their entire case falls apart and they are left stuttering and gasping for breath.
The context is clearly one we all agree with, as the last thing we all want is a foreign and highly dangerous entity like Russia hacking and influencing any political process. However, the anti-democrats and their like minded lying, devious, conniving, bigotry bastards in the media are solely doing this because they lost, and they are willing to do everything possible to mitigate and tarnish their enemies…. And that includes their own people.
Nobody knows that it was the Russians or not that hacked Killary’s or Podestas Gmail accounts as unprotected Gmail accounts must be bread and butter to even a novice hacker. Nobody has ever been able to produce a shread of evidence to support it either. What we do know is the anti-democrats and their media deviants have relentlessly lied, mislead and tried to influence every political process in the UK and US for decades. The media have spent decades carrying out undercover stings, hacks and placements to obtain information on crimes/conflicts of interest, and now they cry foul when someone does it to them!!…. This entire manufactured political non event once again proves how mentally ill and dangerous these traitors are
Fox are very good a destroying the MSM Obamafest when it comes to matters like their current attempt to claim the reason Trump won was all because of Russian manipulation of the election. On the bit I watched they played clips of speeches by Obama and Billary from as long ago as October. That’s not October last year or the year before but the October of a few weeks ago.
The clips were of both of them in different speeches ridiculing Trump for the very idea that the Russians could interfere in the strong, well run and marvellous US Electoral System and to make the suggestion was sheer lunacy from a desperate loser searching desperately for excuses. Well, at the time they were absolutely confident that Billary couldn’t possibly lose and that the result was a forgone conclusion with only the size of Trumps humiliation in question.
How are the mighty, or perhaps more accurately the overbearingly confident, fallen. And don’t I love watching their humiliation and their childish tantrums.
Podesta’s email was hacked by a phishing scam. Even if Russia was behind it, the leak occurred due to incompetence. Clinton had sensitive information on an unsecured server, the leaks of which have been proven authentic and therefore utterly damning to her and the Democratic party, yet this is somehow supposed to be a reason for electors to vote against Donald Trump. It’s literally laughable, at least as long as it doesn’t work. I also don’t think it’s designed to work, it’s just supposed to be yet another spiteful tactic to undermine the opposition out of embarrassment at such a heavy defeat to a political outsider.
Phishing works, if there is a dope on the other end of the line
Moreover, if Russia did hack into Clinton’s emails, then it is in their interest not to reveal the hack, and hope Clinton becomes POTUS. Then the emails become blackmail material.
Excellent summary of the BBC’s misleading coverage of the Clinton e mail server issue and the hacking.
The BBC could barely bring itself to mention the issue, let alone to reveal any detail of the damaging content of these e mails, during the election, because of its slavish adherence to Clinton.
Even now it won’t discuss the content, so it’s unclear from the BBC’s coverage why the leaking of the e mails could have affected the election result. The verbal gymnastics that BBC reporters indulge in to try to overcome this makes amusing listening.
For what it’s worth , I suspect that even if the Russians think they will get an easier ride from Trump rather than Clinton, they may be disappointed. Contrary to BBC reports, appointees to Trump’s administration will not be Russian stooges. A case in point is Mad Dog Mattis at the Pentagon.
President elect Trump has appointed another general, who takes a dim view of Jihad Islam etc. That’s 4 generals in top positions, with hard core experience. Quite different from Obama, whose appointments were all his college friends.
As one of the comments on the rare BBC HYS says of the subject, US/Russian relations – and thus international security – are going to be infinitely more stable with Trump in the White House, so these provocations aren’t going to be effective anyway.
Obama’s last day as President is mid January 2017 I believe,so he has got about one month to seek his revenge, he had better get a move on!
Report: John Podesta Email Hack Was Due to Typo from Aide
No hack. It was a phishing email, and got lucky as there was a dope on the end of the line.
The real question is, why is it that Obama is more panicked and bothered about the election result, then even H R Clinton.
Obama could have gone off to a profitable retirement, as the first Black president of USA.
Instead he is far more panicked then Clinton. He is threatening dire measures against Russia. Whats he going to do? Raise DEFCON levels?
If he tried that, he would take a “sudden” illness, and not be available for 4 weeks.
Obama sees his ‘legacy’ going up in smoke and is desperate for a distraction.
Obama – the president who never put a word wrong. Except perhaps his piss take of DJT at the dinner.
I wonder if DJT will invite the former President and the “comedian” back to the top table for a public dinner sometime. I wonder if a large picture of the White House with “Trump tower” or whatever in huge letters on it might form the backdrop to the evening.
Perhaps someone can link to the “dinner” on You Tube or similar for anyone who may not have seen it.
The BBC showed a clip from the dinner in the closing montage of the election coverage. It had one of Clinton’s few witty moments, when she said the reason for her steady performance at the debate was ‘preparation’ as opposed to drugs. Of course, what the BBC never revealed was that this ‘preparation’ included being told some of the questions in advance.
The way Obama is behaving, I’m wondering what Trump is going to find in the confidential papers once he gets access to them. Obama can pardon Clinton, but he can’t pardon himself From the way the senior staff at the CIA have joined in the smear campaign it looks like they are all working for a Presidential pardon for something before Obama leaves.
As to the Russians, I think Putin was relaxed about the result of the election. If Clinton won he had enough from her private server to ensure she didn’t cause him problems; and now that Trump has won Putin knows that he grown-ups are in charge again.
Maybe this one
Obama did this while holding the pulpit. Totally unfair.
Will Obama turn up in a similar situation, with Trump holding the pulpit and mike. I don’t think so, he will do a runner.
Then here Obama states that GW Bush was very helpful in the transition
process. Obama promises that he would do the same. Note the high falutin language.
And look at him now. Desperate to un-elect Donald Trump at any price, regardless how much he harms America.
I got 2 minutes into this then had to cut it. What a load of mindless, waffling , bullshit. Obama , just piss off and piss off now !
To sum it up in one word.
Obama says US needs to respond to Russian cyberattacks — ‘and we will’
Whats Obama going to do. Raise DEFCON levels. Obama is a narcissist egomaniac. He could do anything.
From Daniel Greenfield
Obama, once a wanker, always a wanker. The best thing he can do is just disappear .
With his millions of course but he say’s he intends to speak out regularly though he’s such an idle sonofabitch I can’t see that happening.
I had the misfortune to hear Obama’s little sound bite threatening ‘retaliation’ for the election altering hacking BS on the radio this morning and he sounded like a little kid lying to a teacher. No confidence or conviction in his voice, and very wobbly. Perhaps even he realises what a dangerous game they are playing, or perhaps it’s his final attempt at kicking off the war that Clinton can’t start now.
Can’t stand the sight or sound of the guy. Just like the bBBC, EU and other leftist infants, he’s p*ssing into the water supply with little or no concern for the future of the population.
Hmmm … the Obama legacy – division, astronomical debt, Benghazi, Aleppo, Arab Spring, ISIS, Russia and Iran in the ME, Chinese expansionism …………………..
Also Obama did absolutely sweet FA for Africa. What a total lying shyster .
The Truth About Russia ‘Hacking the Election’
Muslims threatening Paul Joseph Watson.
May I state here that I am Islamophobic and proud of it !
Post-credulous audience hears evidence of fake news broadcast by post-truth BBC
The video link provided by a commentor in the post below is a scorcher. At a UN press conference, independent Canadian journo Eva Bartlett demolishes the credibility of the fake news from Aleppo promulgated by, amongst others, the Guardian and the BBC.
“..what you hear in the corporate media, and I will name them – BBC, Guardian, the New York Times etc. – on Aleppo is also the opposite of reality”
One thing really puzzles me. If the rebels have been defeated and that much is clearly true then they cannot expect anything but harsh terms and treatment from the victors. That is normal in war and always has been accepted fact.
So Western complaints about this sound hollow and quite bizarre.
Which leads me to another point. Why would the Syrian government allow the rebels to regroup at will without harassment? It makes no sense.
I expect that the reality is quite different from the BBC’s take which quite frankly makes no sense at all.
Obama has threatened Putin with dire consequences, for Putin’s alleged hacking of the US election.
He is going to “unfriend” Putin on his FB account. What is Obama upto? Does he not realise that this could start a nuclear war.
Meanwhile, Putin is doubling down on free high quality Saki in Japan.
For some reason Obama talking tough doesn’t quite sound as authentic as someone like Ronald Reagan. How things have changed in 30 years. Previous US presidents seemed to grasp the real responsibilities they had been given:
Remind me again which one the BBC used to relentlessly take the piss out of.
No, don’t bother ….
Reagan, Real man. Obama, as we would say in Scotland, and no insults to the ladies, Girl’s blouse .
propaganda Not News
‘Those stories which were true, we suppressed reporting of, they are the reason Trump won’
Strange cos on other matters BBC/MSM say they have to report an.item cos it’s in the public interest, so it doesn’t matter the source.
Remember the time that Scientist/activist Peter Gleick impersonated a member of the Heartland board and the secretary stupidly emailed him the confidential memo.
The same media reported that as “Proof Koch Brothers fund Heartland” although the evidence was that Koch had only.funded a health programme to £200K years earlier and said the second memo Gleick leaked to the press was forged and not real.
Yes when someone admitted info hacking.. The Obama administration/establishment let him off and he was soon back in his job on the Climate Gravy Train.
“Obama’s Last Stand”
I believe Obama’s shameful commitment to his recent ordering of the re-funding of PP (Planned Parenthood) will turn out to be His biggest abandonment of Morality that every other President would never have done! The biggest traitor of Children that the world as ever seen!
Simply elected on skin colour.
Yup, proof positive discrimination only leads to negative results