The Week in Westminster programme was a pro-EU fest with the New Statesman, the Huffington Post and the anti-Tory Isabel Hardman from the Spectator giving us their views.
We were told that Trump and Farage ‘manipulated’ the People to get them to vote for their views…, they acted as lightning rods for the well known views of the People that the BBC has ignored and tried to bury for years and looks like it will continue to dismiss as ‘myth’…yep the ignorant People were fooled and didn’t know what they were voting for.
We also heard that historians will conclude that Cameron was a reckless politician who took us out of the EU….so no bias there in that ‘prediction’.
Then we heard another criticism of Cameron, one that the BBC would really like to keep buried, as it did so well in the run up to the referendum….an inconvenient truth…that Cameron’s fabled EU reforms negotiated before the referendum and trumpeted as major concessions by the EU were in fact ‘nowhere near what he asked for…and….what he asked for was very modest’.
The Remain camp fought their campaign on a lie, that the reforms were enough to limit EU power over us and would control immigration.
The BBC were not interested in a genuine and rigorous examination of the so-called reforms, they merely reported them as pretty successful for Cameron despite even a casual look at them giving the lie to that.
The Now Show was similarly pro-EU with a stream of anti-Brexit ‘jokes’ that were in truth merely lazy, trite and unfunny material that the BBC has been peddling for months.
Then there was Dimbleby on Any Questions aggressively countering any pro-Brexit thoughts….apparently, according to him, we have to take the words of ardent Europhile Ivan Rogers ‘very seriously’ as he promotes the Remain camp agenda. Also we hear that ‘thoughtful politicians think we should have a transition period’…really? Meaning it is stupid and unthinkable to have a clean break? Dimbleby also ramped up the rhetoric as the EU threatens us with a bill of £50billion…he raises it to maybe £60 billion…or maybe even £100 billion….just more scaremongering fake news from the supposedly trustworthy BBC.
Perhaps we should bill the EU for the destruction it has caused in our fishing industry, or for the thousands of EU criminals in our prisons, or for the wages lost to native workers, or for the schools, welfare, housing and NHS that we have to provide for EU migrants. And the logic of this ‘bill’ fails me….we must pay it because we have signed a treaty…well OK…on that logic we have signed a treaty to become part of the Single Market….so even if we Brexit presumably we can opt to stay in without freedom of movement if we’re picking and choosing what treaties remain in force?
Personally I’d just say FO to the EU, we’re out of here…just as Iceland did with its bank debts. Why on earth any politician would let the EU hold us hostage is beyond me…Thatcher would never have allowed it. It’s just another perfect illustration of what is wrong with the EU…it is a thoroughly unpleasant, and not a little Fascistic, organisation that uses threats, blackmail and undemocratic means to maintain its power and grasp over countries.
“We’re in Europe against our will,” he said. “It’s a prison. It’s not a solution that will last.”
Odd then that it takes a supposed Fascist to point that out…..
We’re in Europe Against Our Will’: France Is E.U.’s Next Big Test
“In 2005, a majority voted against Europe, and we still find ourselves in Europe, by magic,” he said, “and I find it inadmissible.”
Today the European Union is wobbling under the weight of problems encouraged in part by that unchecked expansion — stagnant economies, the euro crisis, new pressures from Russia and deep strains over migration, especially from newer members in Central and Eastern Europe.
But a visit to Le Luc and other villages in southern France is a reminder that the European Union faces yet another serious problem long in the making — a crisis of legitimacy — that is fueling right-wing, nationalist politics even in the traditional core of the bloc.
What Ms. Le Pen wants is to lead France out of the euro currency and out of the bloc. She has said she would hold a popular referendum, à la Britain, on French membership in the European Union — a test of public will that mainstream French politicians, she says, are afraid to have.
“We were told that Trump and Farage ‘manipulated’ the People to get them to vote for their views…..” uuurm …would that be like the the BBC with it’s own non stop not so subtle propaganda, to promote there own political cause or point of view.. The words hypocritical bastards comes to mind
The BBC has become a parody of itself , although Beeboids themselves are unaware of it. The BBC does not really do comedy shows any more. It, itself, is one big comedy show, non-stop.
‘Impartial’ BBC Calls Trump Election ‘An American Tragedy’
Britain’s public broadcaster — the BBC — has called the election of Donald Trump an “American Tragedy” in a headline for an article featuring an interview with the editor of the New Yorker magazine.
It’s no surprise. On TWATO on Friday they were talking about the alleged “hacking” of John Podesta’s emails by Russia (not proven of course, and backed up by no evidence at all). The “expert” was some American foreign policy wonk who previously worked for the Council for Foreign Relations. His conclusion was that Trump was either a “useful idiot” for the Russians, or else a “Russian agent”. Those were his words.
Obviously, after he had made this outrageous and unfounded claim about the President Elect, he was vigorously challenged by the host to offer up the smallest shred of proof…in a parallel universe, that is. On the BBC, nothing. Not a question. It’s taken as read, Trump is either a useful idiot or a Russian agent.
The truly weird thing is that for most of the past few decades the BBC intelligentsia would have been delighted if the US President had been a Russian dupe. But now black is white, and the Party says two plus two equals five. Funny old world, isn’t it?
How so?
Both operations were shoestring operations.
As opposed to the lashings of money spent by Hillary and the EU-using OUR money.
Whereas Donald used his OWN money and bypassed the lot of them.
Fancy talking directly by Tweet and word-of mouth to the unwashed and unstabled?
Never been done before-so the whole parasitic class of media, academics and politicos are FURIOUS. No influence-so why pay for it any more, being the obvious lesson?
Hence the death rattles of privilege and empty heads…they are stuffed.
Give it a few years though-a dead brontosaurus takes time to know it, and still lashes nastily if you`re not careful.
Something tells me that under normal circumstances it would be noted by the Government that the BBC has overstepped the mark in their hostile misinformation about the US President elect. But I cannot help thinking that the BBC know exactly how far to go with Government approval. This Government is not going to be America’s friend whilst Remaining Treezer the Islamic Appeaser is at the helm. Unless Trump has her dismissed soon she will linger on admitting as many Ropers as possible and retaining a connection to the EU. But if she goes, reform of the BBC is next.
Living in Wakefield it was an absolute joy to see the faces of most of the panel on the recent Question Time from there. When faced with Mr/Mrs/Ms/TG etc etc and so on Joe Public, and the bluntly stated fact that they were against the EU, sick of uncontrolled Immigration,and all the rest the rest. Yorkshire folk tell it how it is, and especially the Penny woman (can`t remember her surname) looked bewildered by the audiences` questions, and blunt and strong opinions. I bet she was either Chauffeured, or got a taxi to the Train Station, even though it is probably no more than 250 yards from the Unity Hall (where it was filmed.)
The bloodymindedness of Yorkshire folk is one of the glories of Britain !
“Yorkshire folk tell it how it is”
Apart from the morons in W/S Yorkshire and their addiction to socialism – which usually involves telling folk how it isn’t.
Too many Luddites, IMO.
Well, there are to sides to the coin, but I still prefer them to the London Establishment Elite !
Maybe, but it was a Yorkshire Elite that failed to support Ray Honeyford just over 30 years ago. More recently, the concealment of 1400 serious crimes in Rotherham had more to do with local, extreme left wing sympathies, than any conspiracy from London. Then there was Keighley, in another part of Yorkshire entirely. Ordinary people in places like Bradford objecting to the transformation of their city had no effective local voice. No local “elite” was interested.
So much for Yorkshire folk telling it how it is.
The origins of the disease we are currently suffering are not confined to any one region. The writing was on the wall in Yorkshire and, a little later, Lancashire towns and cities decades ago and using the race card to silence opposition to multiculturalism was well established even then, though the “m” word was not in such common usage.
The disease festered and spread, leaving us where we are today.
Well Andrew, it just goes to show the depth of feelings up Here, Wakefield (apart from 1 ward) is Labour, and has been since the year dot.
But they aren`t towing the party line on Brexit, Wakefield was once a Mining Community, and before that a City (or town before 1888), based on the Wool industry. Today, it is a city of Charity Shops, £1 shops, and pointless Museums that only have school kids visiting them (who I suspect don`t have much say in the matter). Virtually zilch manufacturing left.
And yes there are many left wing zealots even here, but I suspect they are that way because their £1,000,000 houses were £15K when they bought them 40 years ago. The rest of us scrape by on (near) minimum wage temp jobs, and drive around in 10year old cars, if they`re lucky they may have a Housing Association flat, the rest are renting privately. Very few first time buyers here.
I know Wakefield, my family were part of the large Jewish community in Leeds. I went to LGS.
I still don’t recall the Yorkshire Tommy Robinson, or Nigel Farage for that matter. I do, however, know the deplorable Eric Pickles.
Andrew, just as an aside, is there still a large Jewish Community in Leeds?, I remember it as being a rather posh bit on the outskirts of the city.
That is not meant to imply anything at all about their community or beliefs.
just curious.
Depends on what you mean by large. Still significant but not so conspicuously Jewish, or associated with tailoring etc.
I’m not Jewish by religion, wouldn’t want to be these days. Family converted ages ago. I’m a, sort of, culturally Judeo-Christian atheist.
It probably was Moortown, I didn`t know where I was I`m not that familiar with Leeds apart from the very city centre, I was just running the MIL to see a chiropractor.
It’s always been the same: smug, snooty, middle to upper class prats looking down on the working classes with patronising contempt. And nowhere is this class war more typified than in the EU referendum. The affluent left/pro-global elite self-righteously pontificates to those lower classes but to their disgust the normal person has fought back . The affluent, snobby metro-hipster left are now the treacherous enemy of the British patriot and the BBC is its mouthpiece. Sites like this, though, are our bastions from where we can mount a fight back to defend all that is dear to us: namely our heritage and traditions. You can count on my pitchfork brethren!
Yes, the Elite Leftists are the real class snobs !
Fascism is partly defined as ‘…forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism.’
The population votes (UK election, EU Referendum, US Election, German election (eventually)) and a democratic result is reached.
The bBBC, EU, DNC, Guardian, Facebook, etc and any number of luvvies and pop stars are either trying or vowing to fight the rise of ‘fascism given recent democratic results’. Ignoring the obvious WTF? that many, like myself, have already expressed on this site, when is anyone in a position of some influence going to stand up and publicly inform these folks that they are behaving more like fascists than they perhaps realise.
Work out any costs ourselves, pay off the EU with a smile and cut the ropes. I had some tolerance of working things out and being patient but the more I see them behaving like school children, and the more time we give to the contemptible bBBC et al to run their rhetoric, the worse it will be.
We could either pay the pension costs of our share of total EU Parliament staff pensions
Or we can pay the entire pensions of the British EU parliament staff.
And we could move British EUgov staff into the British gov.
So it is easy to walk away
We must ‘own’ a substantial amount of eu assets.
All the buildings and things such as cars to ferry that lot about.
That lot alone must be worth quite a bit.
Apart from that, ffs let’s just get out. I don’t care if there are some tariffs put on our exports (we will make money on this if they do go along that path, we all know this)
Let’s leave, lock, stock and barrel and the reMAYner can say we still apply the same rules to the eu that you do to us. EU nationals can stay here if our nationals can stay there. Our import tariff will match theirs.
The new fascists will be the anti-fascists……..Winston Spencer Churchill, I wonder if the so-called anti-fascists looking the mirror before sounding of or as us Engineers say “Put brain into gear before engaging mouth” If the so-called anti-fascists especially the ones at the BBC and Al-Guardian did would they be embarrassed or more likely so arrogant they would not notice just how hypocritical they are
Sorry irrelevant BBC but here in the real world Brexit means what the 17.4 million people who voted NO to the EU want its called democarcy does the BBC {and your bumchums at Al-Guardian who has posted a loss of £173 million} understand the concept of Democracy . We saw through the remain lies the BBC et al pushed and voted acordingly. You lost, get over it and move on
Don’t let the ‘guff and bluff’ of Al Beeb and the Remainers cloud the issue. They keep on telling us what WE the Brexiteers voted for.
We voted OUT for the control of our own borders, immigration and trade . The return of our nation’s sovereignty, independence and democracy.
Exactly, Taffman. I cannot remember a single BBC discussion on the democracy issue. Democracy was not only crucial in the referendum vote, especially amongst older voters who have slowly woken up to the increasing legal and political power of the EU, it is also more widely understood by the people than the BBC would like, despite its attempts to censor debate on it.
I blame all the British Members of the European Parliament who have allowed the loss of our Democracy and Sovereignty to be eroded away over the last forty years while they sat in the ‘ivory tower’ in Brussels.
They must have been sleeping , or perhaps they did not want to rock the ‘gravy boat’.
Its a good thing that we had the lone ‘voice in the wilderness’ of Nigel Farage to call them out.
I think Major knew exactly what he was dong with Maastricht, Taffman, and looking back you can see what a devious bastard he must have been to play down its implications for Britain and its people. He has shown what an anti-democratic EU fascist he is with his outpourings since the Brexit vote e.g. ‘tyranny of the majority’. An odious piece of Eurotrash masquerading as an old school British gent.
“Brexit means whatever the BBC wants it to mean”
Strange? I heard on BBC Radio five-live just the other evening that the BBC now have no right to keep on repeating what does “brexit mean brexit” mean?
A well known Dictionary Company has now included/published/and explained what “Brexit means Brexit” means!
I must say that the BBC Radio people who heard this rebuke by this guy who works for that Dictionary Company went very quite on hearing this news!
British Exit – Simples !
Reminds me of the old Soviet joke –
Q: “What’s Capitalism?”
A: “People exploiting other people.”
Q: “What’s Communism then?”
A: “Ah, the total opposite.”
I asked a friend of ours, why she voted remain?
She said, “Well Britain can’t do anything on it’s own anymore.”
I can see why she came to that conclusion. It’s about leadership, patriotism, a can do attitude,(NB see Trump).
I got fed up of asking remoaners just how the UK managed before the kiddie fiddler ted heath lied and conned us into voting to join the EU and getting that floride grin and TV eye stare and no real answer
We were taken in to the Common Market by the Heath Government in 1973.
Later in 1975 a referendum was held to establish if the nation was to remain in .
As one poster corrected me about six months ago, we never voted to join.
We settled in bed with a cup of tea last night, and I put The Now Show on the internet radio. After about 15 mins my wife said, “this isn’t funny anymore, can you put something else on”
If even my wife has become bored of the constant moans against the same things every week then there can’t be too many people left that find it amusing.
One of the key points about comedy is, surprise. The Now Show, as with all BBC so called comedy and satire, is now so very, very, very predictable and utterly tiresome.
And that so called female comedian Ms Millican (who the BBC seems to thinks is the female version of Ken Dodd) makes me cringe whenever I hear her jokes and cast my eyes upon her “forced” smile! Simply ghastly humor!!
Found this article somewhat topical to this conversation–
On the Sunday politics, a reMAYner said we voted leave because of all the lies told by leavers before the referendum (and was not picked up on this)
The only possible ‘lie’ was about the £350 million.
There are a few answers to this.
When they say “where is the £350 million the leavers promised the NHS” you first point out that we are still paying it to the eu. Then you point out that this sum (actually it is more) COULD go to fund things like the NHS as was written on the bus, it didn’t say that on June 24 the NHS WOULD receive £350 million per week.
They keep bringing this up yet nobody on tv corrects them. Why not?
That is the only possible lie I can think of and it isn’t a lie, just misinterpreted.
The leavers on the tv are not very good at pushing for the Brexit we voted for and the remoaners are far more effective.
The MSM are mainly Remainers and they can select which Leavers they broadcast. So they will avoid any of the big hitters. How often do you see Daniel Hannan or Jacob Rees-Mogg on the BBC or any other channel ?
The lying liberal media can only hang on to imagined lies like Cox, £350 million, “experts”, Farages poster and “no plans”.
Be far harder for them to accuse the British people of wanting to be rid of the EU-which was NOT the intention of anybody in politics except for the tabloids and the Few(Rees-Mogg,Liddle,Field, Cash and all those others we now respect)
So though WE think that this is wrong and unfair-Elvis has left the building as have most of our friends. No-one listens to them-the more they bellyache, the more we seek a good knife with which to fillet the fat sods.
2017?…should also be fun.
What I find hard to understand is; are there NO whistleblowers working for the bBBC.
Somebody working in the background of the programmes must have an idea of the manipulation of facts that goes on. Is there not a single person working there who is decent enough to let the cat out of the bag? People in the video editing facility, for certain, must have knowledge of potentally criminal activity.
Perhaps they post here?
I do not think so. I know what I saw, but it appears that no one working on the programme thought it worth talking about. I expect Evan Davis et al think that they have got away with it.
Very good point !
It can be done.
“Journalists at the channel, which receives a third of its funding from the EU, have backed a no-confidence motion against their management, accusing the station of “flagrant violation of journalistic ethics”.” Well done to those ‘proper’ journalists.
The USSR was taken down as a result of its own political contradictions, economic failure and because, under the surface, the people knew it had failed, they communicated by samizdat….pre internet uncontrolled media.
The EU and the globalists world order of which it is a part is in a similar state of decay as the late USSR.
The current debate is about how to pull off the USSRs trick to dismantle itself without bloodshed. Let’s hope Europes political and media class understand that, though it seems to me that many of them still don’t.
The USSR also had a Islam problem. It was crushed in Grozny.
It still has; the Islam bug will continue to grow, and will be repeatedly crushed.
We were told that Trump and Farage ‘manipulated’ the People to get them to vote for their views…
No. It was not Trump or Farage, but Putin.
Putin is also responsible for the rapes of German women by immigrant Muslims.
Putin id also responsible for Yemen getting bombed by Saudi Arabia.
Does the BBC hold the monopoly on truth then?
That is nice to know.
Not sure which is worse to contemplate?
A Leftist PC cess pit or an Islamic Sharia one. They are mutually exclusive though so I’m not sure how that one would work out?
gaxvil A leftist PC cesspit or an islamic sharia on there little difference as both are full of shit, both stink to high heaven and you certainly would not want to be in either a leftist cesspit or an islamic cesspit
Farage interview on BH R4 9:20am Sunday
No one mentioned the framed it with a 1 min sneering sketch preceeding the playing of the recorded interview.
And evenbmade a special webpage for the sketch