Fascinating to hear what the problem with the UN is according, to Baroness Amos, as it leaves Syria to burn…that the self-interest of member countries stops them acting morally, altruistically, to defend the people of countries such as Syria.
Hmmm…OK…so roll back time to the vote on the Iraq war which the BBC tells us was illegal because the Russians, French and Germans voted against it at the UN. Those countries voted against the war because they had massive self-interests in keeping Saddam in power…either geo-political or commercial. They had no interest in the moral issues or human rights or in bringing freedom from oppression to the Iraqi people. So their votes were a ‘problem’…they voted not on the actual issues of the war but in their own self-interest. Their votes were therefore invalid making any declaration by the BBC that the war was illegal due to this vote a nonsense based upon a lie. The BBC has never of course looked at the vote from that angle as it isn’t interested in genuine analysis merely in peddling an anti-Iraq War narrative which has helped ‘radicalise’, or given the excuse to, Muslims to attack Britain and the US.
Any other BBC bias that springs to mind? Let’s hear it on the open thread…..
I’ve noticed that the bBC is currently screaming racist hate crime (As only the bBC can) over graffiti daubed on a Scottish mosque.

Mosque in Cumbernauld sprayed with racist graffiti
Anyway whist the bBC is happy to scream racist hate crime has anybody seen this story at the bBC:
US: Muslim student who claimed she was attacked by 3 Trump supporters admits to lying
Bbc editorial integrity often means careful triage on what covered, and what covered up.
Depending on follow up footage even this Scots tale of woe may yet ‘disappear’
Hate Crime? This is literally an now industry emboldened by encouragement to report them, whilst simultaneously making the criteria for them both loose and absurd.
“its not a good look” … if you tie that into an ideology that has an insane level of victim mentality, that deftly uses “projection” of its own worldview onto everyone else as a cover for is own deeds … and has gained significantly by doing so, mainly because of the cowardice of our media(like the BBC) and political elite.
Can they not see a very dubious precedent is being set
Voila! we have the situation we find ourselves in today, why shouldn t bloody snowflakes kick up about anything, SJWs complaints get more and more absurd
… when if some kid pulls a scarf and its a “hate crime”? when police have to wear gloves if they touch a koran, or can t allow a sniffer dog to do its job because its “offensive”, these kids are seeing it happening on a daily basis.
A note – There is the fact of course that ‘insulting Islam or who it considers a ‘prophet’ counts as a hate crime, punishable by death … but that’s only at the BBC oops, (I was thinking aloud 😀 )
I mean in Islamic law … NOT OURS!. Do any other ideologies have a doctrine of Al Taqiya?
A question … Chinese/Australian people don t fabricate hate crimes in considerable numbers?
Hindus/Sikhs/Mormons don t either? genuine dangerous attacks on Jewish people/schools/premises/places of worship are escalating alarmingly pure factual evidence abounds, this community doesn t continually, and deliberately fake them.
In a country with 68 MILLION people. Do we really have a “soaring” rate of genuine hate crime? (if so, against who?), or a rising tide islamofauxbia? AND, the evidence suggests that we do have a right to be very doubtful about many of those that are counted as “hate crimes.”
“Islamophobia” propagandists in desperate damage control mode after fake hate crimes exposed.
“This kind of thing happens quite frequently. The New York Daily News reported that “a woman who told cops she was called a terrorist and slashed on her cheek in lower Manhattan on Thursday later admitted she made up the story, police said early Friday. The woman, who wore a headscarf, told authorities a blade-wielding wacko sliced open her face as she left a Manhattan cosmetology school, police sources said.”
And recently in Britain, the murder of a popular imam was spread far and wide as another “Islamophobic hate crime” – until his killer also was found to be a Muslim. The Mirror reported that the imam “was targeted because he had made efforts to turn youngsters away from radical Islam.”
According to The Detroit News, a Muslim woman, Saida Chatti, was “charged with making a false police report after she allegedly fabricated a plot to blow up Dearborn Fordson High School to retaliate against the November terrorist attacks in Paris….Police say Chatti called Dearborn investigators Nov. 19, six days after Islamic extremists killed 130 people in Paris.”
And similarly in Britain, a Muslim woman was “fined for lying to police about being attacked for wearing a hijab. The 18-year-old student, known only as Miss Choudhury, said she was violently shoved from behind and punched in the face by a man in Birmingham city centre 10 days after the atrocities in the French capital on November 13.”
R Spencer
This guy appears to be popular on here at the moment.
“I think that this Professorial Bimbo is a devotee of the Mishal Husain Research Centre School of Statistics, damn statistics and… Daaaamn”
Al-Ghazzali the great 11 century Moslem theologian wrote ” know that a lie is not haram (wrong ) in itself , but only because the evil conclusions to which it leads the hearer, making him believe something that is not the case….. If a lie is the only way of obtaining a good result, it is permissible….We must lie when truth leads to unpleasant results”
This is from whom the BBC is learning its lessons.
Lynette- I cant wait for London to become Londonistan ,if it’s not that already.
For the borough of Newham to become Newharam. So I can then support West Haram
Foscari – Well, there’s always my team West Bromwich Halalbion!
Aka …. The baggies.
Aka …. The baggies.
Nice quote Lynette.
Always worth a look beyond the Coran to the times when Muslims felt freer to tell us what their REAL modus operandi were-until the questionners died hideous deaths, and all gates to knowing things got shut and patrolled.
Basically, the Green Myths from THEIR “scientists” is just the same-and they too get locked out of the gates and hounded(albeit not killed or tortured).
It`s a big them this one-our “experts” have now become attached to their causes that pay them to say and find out what they are set to feed us, as paid for by the elites and its BBC.
They have binned truth in favour of influence.
Presuppositions and qualities, passions and commitment to the cause are SO much more visible, taken to the bank and rewarded with more grants and media spotlights. Black and white objectivity and the scientific methods are a matter now of opinions, which suits the general agitprop hack or campaigner who hates facts and constraints on their limits to thinking(as if Lefty Muslim types could even DO this thinking any longer).
Really dangerous. “You are entitled to our facts(but not your own)-but the opinion of the Good People is sacred” seems to be the new strapline.
Pounce-I just looked at the picture and wasn’t sure what it meant. Was there a South African prop forward Deus Volt who played for Saracens who somebody didn’t like or whos wife had gone into labour and he should return home?
Anybody checked to see if that was actually put up by a muslims {they have been cought lying before about so-called hate crimes} so they can play the “muslims are victims” card for gulliable beebiods and guardianistas ??
I have just obtained the most important part of that causational “Climate Conference” Censored by the BBC:
As I have said before: Astronomy has provided the solution to what causes Climate Change, Solar magnetic influences on changes to the Earths Cloud Albedo. Also we have evidence that the Carbon Dioxide hypothesis is false with: (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009).
And the most important scientific development of the 21st Century.
The paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) shows what really causes the Greenhouse effect on all the planets, even solving all the problems relating to the Earths Atmosphere at the time of the Dinosaurs. Also, Astronomers seem to have lost confidence in the reliability of Anthony Watts over this issue. This theory effectively solves all the problems, making the debate much less complicated, and effectively discrediting all that complex debate about hammering the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect (used in computer models) to fit reality, as complex waffle. Causational Climate scientists in the US are hopeful that the people that Trump has appointed, will help to lift the censorship in the US. But in Britain, it would rely on a Judicial review of the BBC, with also the dynamics of the relationship between Theresa May, Donald Trump, Piers Corbyn and his brother.
Seems Katty is back, this time number crunching… impartially of course… with renowned economist Danny Blanchflower in support…
Ah, that would be Brown placeman Danny Blanchflower, would it? And that would be the same BBC Katty Kay works for which constantly challenged Brown’s economic miracle (not)?
And they think we don’t notice. No wonder they didn’t see Brexit coming.
I wouldn’t trust Danny Blanchflower to boil an egg. Even by the awesome standards of economics, this man is a legend. He is wrong about everything. Every bloody thing.
Obama grew the national debt more than any previous president. So it wouldn’t take much to improve on him.
#2 Trump has masses of revenue raising ideas eg deregulating biz ,repatriate profits, increase tax revenue by decreasing tax so stimulating economy
#3 Trump has masses of spending cuts eg medicare, green subsidies and regulations, Democrat racial bribe projects.
I just don’t understand how the.Twitterfeed of IMPARTIAL BBC reporter can be so activist & Partisan.
Hasn’t anyonereported her.
She clearly takes her job seriously.
Long may the BBC treasure her professional integrity.
Well Katty dear, oops can I say that? I wouldn’t want to violate your safe space with Hetero hate crime.The answer to your difficult Maths question is simple. Stop handing our cash to the EU, cut immigration and sell off the B’BC.
We only need Newts Law.
“The very people who have got us into this mess both sides of the pond-media squits like Kay, lefty failed 2008 Guardian wanktankers like Danny”-the very same types who saw no Trump, no Nigel and absolutely NO need to ask anybody if they needed a trip to Specsavers?
Well-at the end of 2016 they`re still in place and spitting feathers. And STILL getting paid to travel and tell us why they`re now right. As opposed to being sacked.
“Don`t believe a word”-and don`t pay for the lies either.
Isn’t great that all the best contenstants in all the voting competitions on the Beeb are
coming from our diverse community. I have voted in a real positive discrimation mode for all the diverse contestants in the Sports Personality of the Year. I voted twice for Barry Bennel the coach at Crewe Alexander. I do hope he wins.But there are plenty of others who would be acceptable at the BBC. I do hope that Ore Oduba takes over from Gary Lineker presenting Match of the Day before too long.
And the winner of the next BBC Competition is? I am going for an ethnic BBC employee as an outside bet
I’m certainly no fan of Gary Whineker, but pleeeease NOT Oduba – he’ll be sobbing all the way through the programme, the big girl.
Good choice Foscari.
It would cheer him up i`m sure.
Nice to see the Groaniad, the Times and of course Albeeb making headlines from some small-time actor, Mungo Sheehan or something like that, going back to Port Talbot to be an activist.
As we hardly ever go to the flicks, or watch much on TV anyway, only dipping in for the headlines, then muting it all when it gets too much and until the weather comes on, I’d have thought that to be an activist, one would need a) lots of money and b) lots of people who know you.
Is there supposed to be something about this chap that makes him interesting?
He DID play Christ in some Passion Play thing by Port Talbot-and very good it was too.
Guessing he`s revisiting his Messiah Complex after such a role, and he could do a lot worse.
Suspect though we`ll be talking Paul O Grady, Graham Norton, Yvette and Bob-type promises here. He also does a good Brain Clough, who`s probaly the only Messiah they`d ever consider following.
Jesus is the Reason for the Season…
Aw thanks Chris! Naturally, I’d forgotten that he thought he was a god, but then after a small, tiresome Google, found that he also tried to be Twonny Bliar, so he really has got the itch hasn’t he!
I’ve only ever been to Port Talbot once. I love Wales, and hope that he does something worthwhile other than twat on about some silly ideals in his unappealing head.
I thought all “actors” were activists already. the government seems to pay more attention to “celebs” than to the electorate. The clowns all support greenie ideas with out the slightest idea of the damage it does. But then, only us plebs suffer not the celebs.
Lefty slebs all think they’re important don’t they, DW!
What they can never understand, is that if normal citizens don’t ever bother to see them in their fantastic roles, they’ll never actually get to where they feel they are accepted.
But if money is shoved into their gobs by pampered louts in the BBC, then of course, they’ll scrabble. squeak and scrounge!
Well I never, look who won the BBC dance competition…
“Ore Oduba was sensationally announced as the winner of Strictly Come Dancing during Saturday night’s live final, despite being the outsider on all betting sites.
Despite having no professional dance training, Ore and his partner Joanne Clifton beat Louise Redknapp and Danny Mac to be named the winner.
However, angry fans flocked to social media after the shock result as they accused the BBC of fixing the result after bookies favourite Danny lost out.”
Nadia wins ‘Great British Bake Off’, Ore wins ‘Strictly’. Move along nothing to see here….except for the BBC’s clinical promotion of it’s diversity and multiculturalism agenda.
Whatever next, an evening devoted to Lenny Henry or a Muslim edition of Big Brother…
I just assume that all BBC “competitions” are rigged.
I am appalled, truly appalled, that the bBBC is endlessly promoting a competition which excludes wheelchair users, and that women were significantly under-represented in the final.
Surely the EHRC should launch an immediate investigation into this blatantly non-inclusive programme.
Of course its rigged, even the professionals have spoken out about it. At the S/Final stage out of the 4 competitors only Claudia (AJ’s partner) was not “doing the Strictly Tour”, so if she went on to win the trophy it would affect ticket sales if she wasn’t included, so out she had to go. Of course they couldn’t put Ore up against her in the dance off (as its clear she would win) so it had to be the even better dancer – Danny who was assured the win. Clearly the dances chosen for Ore in the Final were heavily weighed in his favour – ‘proper show dances’ in comparison to the obscure music chosen for the others.
I was in the Danny camp, he was a joy to watch, but had a ‘feeling’ that the Beeb would swing it to Ore, so I didn’t watch the final – couldn’t stand the suspense. Later I was proved right. Doubtful I will watch this programme again, unless the voting audience are told the amount of votes given for each competitor.
So, how many non-whites are up for Sports Personality of the Year ????
You actually watched it ? Oh dear !
so I didn’t watch the final – couldn’t stand the suspense.
No no no no Grant, I DIDN’T WATCH IT AT ALL. I saw the winner on the front of the D/Express on the Papers Review later on !!!!! and my heart sank.
And there was me thinking that the Beeb fixed all the so called competitions. But of course, it is all about Ratings, the thing the BBC is not supposed to do?
Don’t worry, DWB, Jim fixed it…
I think the Russians hacked it. I have no proof, but I understand that’s not required these days.
(Finding this site unobtainable on Virgin wifi again today)
The losers should demand another vote on this vote if they don’t like the results.
I don’t watch this show but would I be right in thinking that if you’re a white indigenous Brit you have no chance of winning.
As I said in the last Open Thread – in subtle ways (or not so subtle if you looked for them) the BBC (the producers, Equality section – who does give the instructions?)were pushing both Ore (black) or Danny (with a black professional partner). Don’t get me wrong, they were both very good which makes it annoying and patronising that they were not allowed to compete on a level playing field.
Also note the oft repeated that Ore did not have PROFESSIONAL dance training. Again, once I had noticed it and that it is repeated verbatim, I ask myself what does it mean? Obviously it means he has had some training, but the BBC is keeping quiet about who gave the training and when.
Deborah, I agree. But when the producers first approach the celebrities taking part, its not beyond the wit of man for them to ask what dancing experience these people have. If no experience at all is wanted then they should adhere to that rule, but I rather suspect that they are fast running out of any ‘celebrities’ at all, so they take what they can – experience or not.
For many a year we have endured ‘celebrities’ that no-one has heard of (even Len has admitted that fact), so with that in mind, perhaps they should investigate going down a different route, perhaps with members of the public taking part; but then, how many could afford to take 3 months off work if needed – unlike ‘celebrities’.
Future history lessons
As public schools are encouraged to do more to help the struggling state sector we sidle in quietly at the back of the classroom, if we are lucky we may just catch some interesting future teaching.
Misogyny! Xenophobia! – no, not two minor characters in an overlooked Shakespeare tragedy… and Atkinson you are correct, boy, if it had been a comedy it would indeed have had a joke in it! Shush, Cleese, I’m doing this for your benefit! Misogyny and Xenophobia – these have become the twin political campaign cries of the Left.
Now let’s introduce the mighty figure of Saint Joan of Cocques, don’t snigger, Whitehouse minor… she was heroine to upstanding patriotic Belgians everywhere! That’s a female hero, Master Self! I’ll be checking your pockets for banned substances before you leave the class, boy. Scourge of the English who whilst fighting gallantly in the white van of the EU army alongside her loyal retainer Lady Ga-Ga Nougat she tore down the crosses of St George at the battle of Thanet. Then gallantly walking on water she battled the English fishermen sinking their ghastly armada on the Thames with the help of two-fingered Sir Bob of Dublin and Boomtown. But, oh woe is us… at this tragic juncture in our chronicles Saint Joan enters legendary status in a confusion of accusations of witchcraft and treason – whilst we still worship the myth and patiently await that difficult second charity tribute album.
BBC London main News presenters
Louisa Preston- white woman
Alice Bandukravi- woman with Far East characteristics
Sonia Jessup – white woman
Riz Lateef- woman of subcontinental appearance
Assad Ahmed- male, presumed Muslim, subcontinental appearance, uses walking stick (the jackpot !!!)
Can anyone spot an ever so slightly under-represented group? Can anyone spot any politically correct luvvies mentioning it?
The bBBC. Equality – except for indigenous citizens.
Leaving aside Sharia Law, there seem to be two laws in the UK, one for muslims and one for the rest of us. This especially applies to “hate crime “. How many muslim hate preachers have been arrested and charged this year ?
The most divisive forces today in the UK are Islam, the Government, the Police and the Judicial system and , of course, the BBC. They are destroying British society.
Agree Grant. First to surrender were the cops and judges.
I am awaiting the arrest and massive BBC coverage of the man who would not sit next to Nadia.
Maybe the story was invented to indicate the extent our cops and media will go to fight Islamophobia.
Were I running the BBC for the Establishment I would hire an actor to come forward and confess. I would have him being interviewed regretting his appalling crime and apologising to offended Islamoids. Then, a special programme when he meets Nadia and apologises. And she, like a good Moslem accepts his apology and bakes him a cake.
Wouldn’t that be a winner for the Beeb
GWF. This would fit into the Lancaster Plan. I’ve posted this before but worth it again. The “meat” starts about a third of the way through: http://www.newenglishreview.org/John_M._Joyce/The_Lancaster_Plan/
For God’s sake , don’t give them ideas. But, how do we know that the BBC has not already done similar things ?
Yes, I read this with interest and have just read it again. I am of the opinion that the violence of Islam is counter productive here in the UK, the plan is working without it. See, for example, Londonistan emerging, and the pariah status of opponents. That Charlie will either convert or find some special way of furthering his support for Islam before his coronation is highly probable.
Good, then as a non Christian he cannot get the throne. Only CoE candidates need apply.
There also seem to be two laws, one for IRA and taliban terrorists, the other for soldiers.
The establishment need to think this through. If they alienate the army so much that it no longer protects them, they won’t last a minute. The only people protecting the likes of Phil Shiner from going the way of Mussolini are the very people he worked so hard to destroy.
Leftists don’t do logic do they? They can’t imagine the consequences of their actions; if they could, they wouldn’t be stupid, and therefore wouldn’t be leftists. QED.
Cheer up everyone! Don’t watch them, watch this……..
Thanks. Great show and the people! That was never shown on our media.
Wow is there a special reason the BBC doesn’t cover those huge Trump rallies and Thankyou tour ?
This one last week in Mobile
To be fair to the BBC ,and I don’t say that very often, if you go onto the strictly blogs that include real dancers ,they are fairly happy with the winner because he had no formal dance training and has improved over the series to a high level.
There were some mutterings earlier in the series that the judges over marked him to keep him up the leader board.
I haven’t watched so didnt realise he was black. The Beeb must be over the moon ,all their dreams come true.
I think if the final vote had been public ,Louise would have won.
Hmmm Liam Fox on Marr ‘ .. I have had no contact with Trump, never met him.’ Nigel has met him three times since he has won , has a cast-iron relationship with him. But we already have an Ambassador there is no vacancy, isn’t our current Ambassador a privileged lefty who knows nothing about nothing? I’ll give you a clue Liam we the plebs (remember the 17 odd million of us) would actually quite like Nigel to have a role in all this so think on .
I noticed this from Fox. He is part of the problem now and needs to get out of the road or do his job. Marr is a true deplorable trying so hard to derail Brexit. Out is out and to hell with these people now.
Hello, good peoples. Not sure if I’ve posted this before, but please sign/share onto FB etc. Thanks: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/165069
following on from a recent post –
I also cannot load biasedbbc.tv from my BT Broadband internet service. If I VPN to anywhere including UK it loads without issue. I would suspect therefore that it is BT’s Domain Name server that is failing to route BT users to the site. I have no idea what can be done but I am reporting my own post to the admins to highlight the issue.
I am on BT broadband and I have only had problems loading this site in the last few days. So something has changed. I shall report my comment too. I hope David and his team can look into it.
It’s the same for David Vance’s ‘Tangled Web’. I hope it’s nothing more sinister than maintenance.
I too have had problems reaching this site using BT- they started a few days ago.
Me too.
Yep, me as well. Long outages in the last three days.
I’m having problems on Virgin, so it’s not just BT.
Seismicboy, I’ve reported your comment too, in the hope that multiple reports of the same comment reach the administrators.
Friends! My – literally – last Blog for 2016, snappily titled as ever, “Lefty’s Sunday Selection of Best Tweets [You’re Havin’ A Laugh, Lefty! – J.C. Indeed I’m Not, Jeremy! My Progressive Left Tweets Are – Literally – No Laughing Matter! – L. No Comment! – J.C.], 11th-18th December. And My Best Wishes For The Winterval Season To – Literally – All My Reader [Sic! – J.C.]” is now – literally – available:
Genius again here SOL.
What a blogroll of brilliance….got to be a review of 2016 from you-let us all know how and what we can do to help!
Four Calais Children-all thirty three who from Syria did flee was it?
Two Referenda-
Nine Nigel Knightings…keep `em coming, our guiding star over the Swamp!
Friend Chris! Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Glad you enjoyed it! BTW, haven’t seen you on Twitter for AGES :(. Have you given up on it? I do hope not, and that you’re just having a break.
Re the review – well, the nearest to it will be my Answers to the Christmas Quiz which I’ll publish in early January. As an exclusive taster for you and all the good people on BB – and as an apology for the fact that I’ve been here so little recently (although I daresay that will have been a relief to some here!), here’s a little sampler of the answers (questions will be revealed at Christmas – 2017, that is). There are 20 answers in all …
“1. Keith Vaz. 8 inches.
2. Tim Farron. Everyone else is well-known.
3. Trump, Thatcher and Farage. None of the others are literally Fascists.
4. (C), because all the others are literally Hate Crimes.”
Sorry SOL-been out all day, spent much of it wondering what the questions are.
1. Who won Parliamentary Lifetime Achievement Award this year and how high was his Oscar?
2. Who is the odd man out in this picture of the North Korean synchronised swimming team?
3. Hitler, Mussolini, Trump , Farage and Thatcher. Which of these have been a bit pink in terms of socialism and passion for Our One True Cause?
4.Which of these socialist violations is the odd one out in Castros Cuba, as read across to the BBCs upcoming series on ” Great Crimes?”
(A)Not paying your TV License
(B)Voting Tory
(C)Hounding Jews and driving them into the sea without water wings
(D)Bending over and letting Muslims park their stolen bikes up your arse.
Am I warm?….
SOL, do not forsake us.
You are literally appreciated and will literally be missed.
We are looking forward to hearing from you in 2017.
Thank you, Friend Seismic! You are very kind, and your comment is greatly appreciated. Actually I hope to spend a bit more time here next year, by dint of narrowing down the websites I contribute on, to – essentially – here, Guido, Going Postal and Conservative Woman. I’ve probably been spreading myself too thinly recently. (I also write BTL in the Guardian, but these days most of my pieces there are subsequently re-used for my Blog, so overall it doesn’t eat too much in to my overall time.)
Even that is rather a lot, but as I never contribute much to CW (their articles are superb, though), hopefully I can concentrate on the first 3. I always enjoy seeing the comments here on BB, especially as you’re all such a friendly lot :).
You have literally showed me and I am sure many of us the true path of righteousness. Thanks to you I now know that my thoughts were incorrect and that I was in danger of ending up a vile fascist hard right EU hater who failed to appreciate the true greatness of our Jeremy. Your wise counsel has put me literally straight on the road to salvation. Sadly there are a few still on this blog who are in urgent need of your wise words. Keep on with the fight and who knows even the literally undemocratic Brexit vote will be overturned by the righteous .
Can I start the sing song for “Tie A Big Red Ribbon around the Old Folks Tree”?
SOL must surely now be bathed in a warm pink flood of lights, as we form a queue by the Tory Casket in Richmond Park…I`ve lit it so there are only shades of red on it, by way of tribute to our Returning Hero for the Ages.
A New “Dawn” is breaking is it not?
Thank you, Friend Chris. Your words have – literally – moved me to tears. Please feel free to post them on the Blog, so that they will also be immortalised there!
Thank you, Friend Dave! (And for your comments on the blog.) It is a truly wonderful moment, isn’t it, when one – literally – sees the light?
By the way, I was completely unable to access BB last night, which is why I’ve only just replied. Is this Putin again, do you think?
Impartial BBC calls trump election ‘an American tragedy’.
BBC refuse to release the voting figures for ‘Strictly Dancing’. I’ve no real interest in this show but as a licence payer compelled to pay for this PC crap I would like to know.
Um, I think Mohammed Farah (the Somalian born now with British passport but lives in America) runner is on the list for SP of the Year. Will it be a diversity hat trick for the BBC one wonders ?????
Three people with good old English names…….. Ore Oduba
Nadiya Hussein
(possibly) Mohammed Farah
Now on LBC is talking about “The failure of multiculturalism…failure of my community”
For first time on MSM he’s quoting all the stats
“52% want to ban homosexuality”
“33% of Muslim students support want a caliphate”
One thing he forget to context “Muslims make up 14% of prisoners”
There is an issue with black prisoners pretending to convert to get extra privileges.
So that is one reason the demographic is higher than on the street.
Majid Nawaz is the presenter.
Does anybody care anymore?
Did anyone listen to Tech Tent ?
They were going on about the Trust Project Challenge set up to deal with the problem that the public no.longer Trust MSM.
Their ideas include having a clear biog on the byline etc
They in their bubble world still haven’t got a grip on that much of news is NOT news, it’s PR out of NGO’s, political orgs, corps etc, movie corps, PR made constructed by SJW missionary reporters etc.
Ha see that list
“The Trust Indicators:
Best practices (ethics policy, diversity policy, corrections, etc.)
Author bios
Citations and references
Labels for new, analysis, opinion, and paid content
Original reporting
Diverse voices
Actionable feedback for public and newsroom
Geo-tag story location”
#1 see how they put diversity as a top priority.
As ever they mean diversity of skin colour.
Diversity of opinion is not a priority. Conformity is what they want.
The BBC’s policy of “anti-false balance” air One side only has decreased media trust.
Whereas Fox sticks to the old way of letting opposing sides pick each other apart.
See how the BBC fails on.that list :
Bios – bylines left empty.
Labeling ,no BBC constantly mixes opinion with news. Using opinion to get a bait title.
Feedback – BBC policy is to ignore it
And to have little open comment.
Screw the World – be nice if the BBC could manage a DIVERSITY of TRUE stories on this country.
See, I used the ‘DIVERSITY’ word but I also used the ‘TRUE’ word so that’s blown it.
Thats the whole point.
ThThats the whole point.
They say “but we are special big media, why don’t people trust us?”
Public say ,”cos you keep lying”
The media in their bubbleworld dont know that everyone outside can see they keep outputting stuff which is not true.
“Telling the truth” doesn’t appear on their list of priorities.
“the Russians, French and Germans voted against it at the UN.”
Yes because they weren’t being paid the bribe money by the Saudi’s unlike Bush & Blair.
“Those countries voted against the war because they had massive self-interests in keeping Saddam in power…either geo-political or commercial.”
No, they saw that Saddam didn’t have the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ the Americans lied about and now we learn from the Daily Mail that almost 100% of the ‘intelligence’ the US had on Saddam was completely wrong !
We, and the Americans went to war because the Saudi led Wahabist cabal were frightened of Saddam, and because our political leaders were just about as corrupt as its possible to be.
I’m quite sure that the people of Iraq preferred life under Saddam to what they have now, with ISIS controlling large parts of their country.
Have you learned nothing from the meddling in the Middle East? The only way Muslims can be controlled is by strong dictators repressing them – something Western politicians seem to think is an admirable trait, judging by the oppression they are visiting on us!
The BIAS of the BBC can be extraordinarily visceral.
This morning, the normally urbane and relaxed Paddy O’Connell in Radio 4’s Broadcasting House, seemed to be hissing through his teeth at Nigel Farage. He was like a demented, murderous pit-bull tearing into raw meat. Many of the questions were nasty, intimidating and vitriolic. Farage laughed off the venom, but O’Connell’s manner undermined any notions of impartiality.
Doesn’t the BBC understand that people who may have doubts about Farage, will just find him more sympathetic under the relentless cudgel?
Worse O’Connell offered up the appalling murder of a Pole as an example of hate crime, when the DPP has said it wasn’t.
There needs to be another ‘radio 4’, a channel for people who don’t need their soft left, Guardian views constantly reinforced. A channel for those who want facts and arguments from all political sides. A channel that may in fact challenge the certainties some people hold as if they are religious ideologies. I want to be challenged and I am sure many Guardian readers feel the same.
Yep, it is like Soviet Russia – the party line or no line. No room for dissent in todays Britain.
I complained to the BBC when the murder of Mr Arkadiusz Jozwik was inappropriately reported by Daniel Sandford of the BBC as a “hate crime triggered by Bexit”. Here’s the reply I received (by the way, I didn’t “feel” the report stated the above, I had carefully quoted Mr Sandford in my complaint)
Reference CAS-3990969-K34M5M
Thank you for getting in contact with us regarding ‘BBC News at Six’ on 31 August.
I understand that you feel the report stated that the attack on a Polish man may have been triggered by Brexit.
BBC News did not report that the murder of Arkadiusz Jóźwik was a racially motivated attack as a consequence of the Brexit vote. Our coverage simply reflected that this was one possible reason. We reported what was being said by the police, that this was one line of inquiry, and statements made by both the Polish Ambassador and the local MP.
We did, however, also report on the belief among some people in Harlow that the murder could have had more to do with anti-social behaviour than racism. Daniel Sanford, in his report, said that the Mr Jóźwik could have been killed “simply because he was there”.
There has been a rise in reported hate crime and incidents of racism, since the EU Referendum. With this is mind, and given that the police are investigating this as a possible cause of this murder, we believe we were right to explore whether this could have been the motivation behind the attack.
Nevertheless I have made sure to record your complaint on our daily Audience Feedback Report that is circulated right across the BBC.
These reports can be used to inform future broadcasting and policy decisions so please be assured that your complaint has been sent to BBC Senior Management and all the right people.
Thanks once again for contacting us.
Kind regards
Brian Morgan
BBC Complaints Team
I’ve just written to them again, to ask what they are going to do about Paddy O’Connell’s use of this murder as an example of hate crime in his aggressive interview with Nigel Farage on R4’s Broadcasting House programme.
The BBC is all about ‘belief’.
And if it isn’t, they will make it so no matter what.
Funny that mention of Baroness Valerie Amos.
One of Blairs gestures to removing the Lords as any impediment to his EU project, as set out for him by Brussels. So the likes of Amos, Uddin, Boateng and Scotland-and now Chakrabotty and pew-stuffers like Taylor(RIP)were able to bilk us sine die.
Amos, in fact ;has some wing or area of Birmingham Uni named after her…very cosy, think that anti-Semitic NUS girlie squats in there.
No better picture on how we`ve abandoned our kids to the Lefts Savilation and all its groomings.
Dear BBC please remember it is not ASIAN peadophile gangs they are MUSLIM peadophile gangs We Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists etc are starting to get annoyed when the BBC uses “ASIAN” instead of the correct “MUSLIM” term and I am not the only Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist etc who has stopped paying the BBC licence tax because of the use of “ASIAN” instead of “MUSLIM” to discribe peadophile gangs. PS Would the BBC please study some history of islam and the real method of the spread of islam in India {And elseware in the would} it was neither peaceful, a free choice nor pretty
Well said ! It is not Chinese men who are raping girls in the UK , it is muslims. It is the rape of non-muslims by muslims. Evil Leftists, like the BBC , will just not admit this. Mind you, the BBC has a history of paedophilia, so we should not be surprised.
Why do the Russians, Chinese, Japanese and many others not believe in “cultural enrichment” ?
Grant Maybe the reasions that countries like Russia, China, Japan etc have either had experience of invasion or have had unlike the BBC, Al-Guardian, Leftards/SJWs read history books and have seen the real result of “Cultural Enrichment” unlike the BBC, Al-Guardianistas, Leftards/SJWs etc and said NO THANKS
Yes, maybe. But is is funny that the Left-wing retards , including the BBC, never criticise Russia , China or Japan about their racism. Double standards , surely not ?
Doctors take the, Hippocratic Oath – BBC hacks take the, Hypocritic Oath.
Will Al Beeb employees take an oath to maintain “British values” …….
They seem.to swear that :
… Traditional British Values = Old fashioned racist white peoples values to be SNEERED at.
Funny when you reflect just what this country has done, over the centuries, to retain this country, the blood and sacrifice and yet so many are wetting themselves to give it all away.
PS: I’m sure I didn’t vote for it?
Remarkable that relatively recent arrivals presume to advise us on “British values”.
Even more remarkable that Sajid Javid and Diane Abbott are here by virtue of being the descendents of British Imperial subjects. Are we to include “British Imperialism” as a value?
(see taffmans link)
Perhaps we’d be better to stick with the formula I was raised with…quiet but firm loyalty to God, Queen, Country and respect for current and former members of HM services, with the addition of respect for the Union flag, the United Kingdom, Parliamentary democracy and equality under the common law…..not a lot else needed is there?
As for British values being “universal values” well that’s just a nonsense…British values are British, that’s the point isn’t it?
Always worth counting how many colonial accents or European ones you hear on any given day with the BBC.
Especially when the BBC want to have a load of victims of austerity, of race or Brexit/Trumpery.
Guess it started with Peter Hain-but I`d put the figure at 1 in 3 on a rough basis.
Just heard (can’t be arsed to watch, Mrs O’Blene has the tv on), that as GB is leaving the fat bloody EU, we’ll have to deal with all twenty something countries for their own trade deals!
Fabulous! All our UK businesses can get to the job of exporting/importing without buqqering about with gummint wasters who haven’t a clue about real work, and have never worked in commerce.
(I’ve just hurt my ears as the stupid Abbot woman was spouting rubbish and Mrs O’Blene couldn’t find the remote to shut her off)!
That can’t be right. EU countries cannot negotiate their own trade deals. That’s the point. We will have one trade deal, with the EU as a whole.
British values will have to include equal respect for everyone else’s values, especially sharia, which has aspects which conflict with the values of any sane and moral society. Our most cherished value will have to be subservience to the multiculture and diversity commissars.
Anyone read Catch 22.
The great loyalty oath.
Doctors take the, Hippocratic Oath – BBC advertises for Dignitas.
Doctors take the, Hippocratic Oath – BBC take the, Hypocritical Oath
The White Helmets
Amid the carnage of civil war there is an organisation in Syria committed to saving lives. They are called Syria Civil Defence but they are better known as ‘The White Helmets’. They have over 3000 members in rebel-held areas. When an air attack hits, they rush towards the scene to look for survivors trapped under collapsed buildings. To many, they are heroes. Others suspect a conspiracy and question whether video footage of the White Helmets at work is even real. Mark Coles tells the story of the White Helmets in the week when Aleppo was brought back under Syrian government control.
Not content with this being the ‘charity’ of choice for the leftie Jo Cox appeal, but ignoring the allegations of terrorism the BBC with barefaced bias chooses this group at this time to promote.
It may take years for the truth to be accepted about the White Helmets, but the information is available to those who look for it.
The problem is that when the role of the White Helmets is exposed perceptions of St Jo will have to be revised. I am sure there will be another war, another political situation involving do gooders and victims, for her memory to be blatantly used in propaganda.
Sadly GWF you are right. Left wing organisations such as the BBC will never admit they are in the wrong as whole swathes of “journalists” have staked their careers and reputations on pedaling and supporting the BBC approved fiction on this, so that they can further their careers within the organisation and the MSM.
When you think about it, the whole concept of the “white helmets” is absolutely perfect for the BBC view of the world. On the one side you have an organisation resplendent in their white virginal helmets doing good deeds and nothing else (basically each one is a beardy Luke Skywalker) whilst opposing them are the forces of the dark side led by Lord Bashir “Vadar” Assad (backed by the evil Emperor Putin). Who basically hates everyone.
Fortunately most of us on this website realise that the reality of politics in the middle east is never as simple as this. And the fact that many of the “White helmets” have also been filmed touting Khalasnikovs for the “Rebellion” against the “dark side” and also the fact that the Assad dynasty had kept Syria fairly stable for many decades (despite the fact that the population was truly diverse) Gets conveniently forgotten. As does the fact that the Saudis bankrolled the whole show – yet stil Aunty – the “world class broadcaster” remained re markedly incurious.
The BBC loves bogeymen and Saints – Assad, Putin, Farage, and Trump of course are the bogymen whilst Obama, Nick Clegg, Hilary and of course Saint Jo of Ark were all saints. I call it kinder politics some people call it left wing propaganda.
I am afraid the truth about all of this will never get reported until the whole rotten edifice of the BBC comes crashing down. And some of their “journalists” realise that they have no career to save anyway.
Unfortunately this is not likely to happen any time soon as no-one in the BBC would be stupid enough to sacrifice their career for the truth.
In BBC land Rule No1 is always – Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
Just had an appalling shock; I’m going to need a couple of large stiff ones to calm my nerves. Sports Personality of the Year. An oxy moron if ever I’ve seen one but…
Why on God’s earth do the BBC think it is appropriate to have a great fat ridiculous transvestite as one of the presenters? And I’m not referring to Clare Balding…Eddie Izzard FFS! Don’t we see enough of this repulsive creature as it is? He’s always on Question Time, usually rambling like an utter imbecile. He seems to have a season ticket for Have I Got News For You? where he’s also usually rambling like an utter arse and now the talentless turd has popped up on a bloody sports programme.
Please BBC leave out the endless brainwashing. Eddie Izzard is not in any sense a regular or normal human being. He’s a creep!
On reflection I retract the remark about needing a couple of large stiff ones!
Could be misunderstood…
Fact. Eddie Izzard supports the Labour Party. That is the reason he is always on the BBC
Jeff – I will be reporting your comment about Eddie to the appropriate authorities as a Twatophobic hate crime!
Izzard is also a race baiter and hustler for far far far left odious grouping “Hope not hate”….Perfect again for the BBC.
Who the hell would vote for a political party endorsed by a clown of a man who thinks he is both a comedian and a woman?
Dare I say it , that many ethnic minorities in Great Britain will be put off by this image.
The Labour Party has become the laughing stock of Great Britain.
Labour Voters – Vote UKIP, ‘you know it makes sense’.
Come on chaps, cut Eddie some slack here. Remember, after the Referendum he was the victim of a hat crime.
By sheer coincidence, three guesses who else is on the BBC, again…?
Dear God, is this what the once great Labour Party has come to.
I sincerely doubt this is what the Chartists had in mind.
Ore and Joanne are Strictly Champions 2016!
Russians are accused of hacking into the strictly voting site after an unbelievable result.
Unbelievable that is unless you are part of the bbc elite establishment.
I’m not part of the “bbc elite establishment”, but nor do I subscribe to the racist conspiracy theories that have been postulated on here over the last day.
Of the three final couples, I thought Ore and Joanne had a slight edge on the night, even though Danny and Oti had been more consistently strong all series and Louise and Kevin showed a similar growth to the winning couple. It was very close and the winners deserved it.
And Nadiya was the best cake baker….
Look beyond the farce.
Yeah, in that series I’d have preferred Tamal to win. But you’d have hated that too, I suppose – Asian *and* gay. Double the reasons for braindead conspiracy theories from the usual suspects.
You’re not very good at this, there was one rather important box (as far as the BBC are concerned) that Tamal didn’t tick.
You’re right, I’m not very good at being a witless idiot with conspiracy theories that can be seen by any sane person as obvious bunkum. Do you know anyone with more experience on that score, by any chance?
Don’t be too harsh to yourself, you are doing fine.
BTW – do you know of someone who goes by the names Scott and Jerrod?
The style is familiar, isn’t it.
Scott !
Dressed up as a woman = Tomi.
Oh, you lot; what are you like? Bless.
With respect. It may be, as you say, the best team won.
But after years of collecting evidence of BBC bias and their objectives, I would say that the BBC’s reason for choosing them as winners was not based on their merit.
It was a political decision.
You can choose the best for the wrong reasons.
As for the braindead conspiracy bit. Ad hominem arguments very rarely strengthen one’s case
I think what was far more worrying than who won the dirge otherwise known as “strictly” is how the BBC managed to manipulate and cajole week after week, so that the elephant in human form, one Ed Balls, was allowed to pollute our television screens far longer than he should have done, giving him a prime time public profile that he didn’t deserve, when he comes to fight his next Labour by-eletion…..That’s the true BBC in action.
Oh well, never mind. At least Ore performed well in front of the mic, blubbing his eyes out and giving an Oscar winning acting performance on every occasion in front of the camera. Sadly it will be a few months before he’s yesterdays news, as the Beeb will ensure their boy (like their girl Nadiya) is given maximum coverage on everything from the One Show to Question Time. Who can name past winners anyway?
To be hoped he does not recount any encounter with Chelsea fans whilst entering a tube without full substantiation.
I hate to agree with a BBC bigot but some of what you say is fair. Danny had been the front runner all the way through but I thought he wasn’t the best on the night. Ore’s show dance was amazing as was Louise’s. I did think over the three dances, however, that Louise pipped him. But, as you say, it was close. My wife, though, thinks that Ore was the best.
The trouble is that we all know the BBC has been caught fiddling these sort of audience vote things for decades. We also know the BBC’s pro-minority bigotry is legendary. That’s why people on here don’t trust the results, that and the fact they carefully hide the results from the people who vote.
That was a reply to Tomi.
You know.the BBC covered the death of Castro from the Leftwing view well one BBC did cover the other angle : the Extreme Left Wing view. That was the
Radio Scotland Media Review where Stuart Cosgrove said Castro was democratic and then listed all the Latin American leaders who had been placed by America.
Then this week he was equally as wackly ; Asserting Rupert Murdoch doesn’t understand modern media
He then gave a view from his parallel universe that Right-wingers are people who get all their news from wild fake news stories.
What do the snowflakes think of global warming?
if it`s true(and they only have to think that for it to be so)-then what will become of them?
Great appeal…have taken the money from my mountain leopard that we sponsored last teatime with Bradley Walsh.
10:40 pm Radio 5 about SPOTY “Anna, just what does Mo Farrow need to do here to ever get in the top 3 ?”
Adrian Goldberg repeated it 3 minutes later.
They are.probably thinking they need to do even more propaganda to educate the stupid.public about beloved Mo.
They admitted Andy personality Murray won by miles 240,000 votes.
Maybe the BBC should operate with a panel of judges or ‘experts’ on SPOTY as they do/did on Strictly and the GBBO to engineer the desired result?
It is just possible that the British public do not feel all that much connection to a man who wasn’t born here, and doesn’t live here.
Interesting eulogy from a Professor Adams on a Professor Challenor (FRS)(Radio4 Sunday night).He mentioned how good was Challenor on evolution, his expertise in telling the past weather on fossil tree rings and on climate change.
The good Prof Adams failed to mention that Evolution is a Theory, not a fact proven by the scientific method. Climate Change and (presumably he meant Anthropogenic) Global Warming are also theories, subject one hopes to rigorous academic debate, and so they will remain until proven or disproven – by the scientific method.
The BBC by selective language or editing always fails to make this clear
In many circumstances Evolution theory is validated by real world predictions coming true eg bacteria evolving on a lab.
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory is different. Models do not seem to make accurate real world predictions. Specifically real world CO2 sensitivity (temp rise for each 1ppm CO2) has not been proven.
As an alternative to BBC propaganda is to listen to this new interview of Dr. Tim Ball (genuine Climate Scientist) by James Dellingpole.
Gave history of guilt ridden socialist Maurice Strong founding the IPCC
Explained that a chief motivator of focusing on small Island nations was not so much that sea level rise would happen faster than coral growth raised them, but rather that with there being only a few thousand people in each nation you are able to quickly get a block of 60 VOTES to steamroller UN motions etc.
It was notable that the propagandist media (the BBC) allowed the recent death of Maurice Strong to go unremarked. One might have thought that it would have marked the passing one of the godfathers of the ‘Climate Change’ movement with some significantly prominent comment, both in the news and in editorials. However, my guess is that they realised if they publicised it, all sorts of other matters would come to light, including his admission that his objective was the world redistribution of wealth from the richer nations to the poor, and that ‘climate change’ was a perfect (albeit sly and dishonest)means by which to achieve it.
Yes, it’s a mistake to think the BBC has no skills. One of its greatest abilities is the management of news to the advantage of whatever lies the Left ‘elite’ wishes us to be force-fed at the time.
As you say, Strong was a very dangerous man who did untold damage. The last thing the BBC would have wanted was for his extremely murky past to have been raked over and examined. As a consequence his death went almost unremarked by the very people who would ordinarily have had the flags at half mast.
In the academic community, I have realised that I have not had replies from the non-Astronomy side of Atmospheric Physics since it was proved that negative feedback rules in Climate Change. The reason is that both believers and sceptics once agreed that positive feedback was essential for the hypothesis, as any unproven CO2 warming must be within the margin of detectability, and therefore amplified to detectability by positive feedback. But then negative feedback proves that the hypothesis is rubbish, and that’s why these fools now insist that the debate is over. The debate is over because the political and environmental activists who dominate the Climate science administrators in British universities have lost the debate, but remain in control of science, dragging the reputation of British science into the gutter.
In many circumstances Evolution theory is validated by real world predictions coming true eg bacteria evolving on a lab.
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory is different. Models do not seem to make accurate real world predictions. Specifically real world CO2 sensitivity (temp rise for each 1ppm CO2) has not been proven.
BBC Social engineering stunt : The women Wikipedia edit-a-thon at the BBC building was squeezed into lots of BBC radio progs. about 20 (40 bbc webpages mention it) Dec 8th.
A special World Have Your Say
, The Fifth floor etc.
They opened with the assertion that only 14% of Wikipedia editors are women. They never considered that many women choose to use a male identity online.
It’s quite common.
…10:40 pm Radio 5 about SPOTY “Anna, just what does Mo Farrow need to do here to ever get in the top 3 ?” …..
Has it never occurred that perhaps he just isn’t that well liked ????
A commentor on the DM makes a good point re SPOTY.
“If the trophy was already in Miami to present to Andy Murray. What was the point of the public phoning in to cast a vote for the SPOTY. How did the BBC know that none of the contenders in the audience would win?”
More fakery from the BBC? Where did the proceeds from the phone calls go? Maybe the trophy was a fake?
I can only suppose that Andy Murray and Lennox Lewis were on hand with a spare trophy. The one which Andy Murray was holding looked rather twisted and bent, so I think it might have been a spare they had knocking around.
Mo Farah might have been on hand with a similar replica trophy wherever it is he lives these days.
Somalia presumably. Oh, hang on…
Geoff, I picked up several subliminal hints all week that Andy was the front runner. I had a bet with myself as early as last Tuesday that he would win. Turned over channel to watch the end and Hey Presto, there he was, not looking surprised like the rest of us. The Beeb is so shallow and easy to read. Shame on them.
Andy Murray may well be a good tennis player.
But “Personality”?
Hardly-unless we include monotone bores like Nigel Mansell and airheads like Beckham as “personlities”.
This even applies to the hacks that sniff around other peoples locker rooms for the same cliches as ever-Gary Richardson, Rob Bonnett ans all the rest of them.
Not a job for grown men is it?…especially after all the kiddie fiddlings.
No-sport needs its own subscription channel. It`s a pampered preening jockshop of weirdos and homo-lites with money, drugs and forced limelight.
Very BBC.
It’s a fair question.
However, luckily for the BBC, thanks to the unique way they can behave, one unlikely to be answered sensibly.
Like others further up the page, I had trouble checking in to this site yesterday. I’m overseas and not using a UK based ISP. Something is going on.
Just one example of why I look on line and not the BBC for news.
Please don’t ask me how I can possibly put BBC and news in the same sentence!!?
I just received the following..
In what can be seen as two defeats for the West, the whole of Aleppo has now fallen into the hands of the Assad-Hezbollah-Iranian-Russian alliance. And in Mosul the Islamic State still resists the onslaught of the Iraqi Army, Shia militias and Kurdish Pesh Merga.
This is a great victory for Assad after five years of civil war in Syria, that his Syrian Army with his allies have been able to take back the second largest city in Syria, albeit a totally ruined city. Nevertheless, he still controls only ca. 25% of the country and it is unlikely that he will ever be able to regain control of the rest. To all intents, Syria no longer exists as a coherent country. The rest of the country is divided between the Islamic State, the al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat Fatah al Sham, the democratic opposition of the Free Syrian Army and the Kurds in their northern entity of Rojava.
The elite commando forces of the Iraqi Army apparently spearheaded the campaign against Mosul from the south. They entered the city and made headway, but were forced to retreat by fierce IS resistance. It is estimated that there are now no more than 4,000 IS fighters in the city, but they are suicidal. Now there is a temporary stalemate. The US has committed more special forces units to the campaign, seeing that the Iraqi Army has faltered. Although apparently the Kurdish Pesh Merga forces are still making progress from the north and west.
Syrian and Hezbollah flags now fly over Aleppo. Many civilians have died in the assault, but international humanitarian agencies cannot help them. There is no water, food or medical supplies in eastern Aleppo. When the Western representatives, such as Samantha Powers, the US UN representative, calls on the Russians to show restraint and shame for their actions, you know the West is in trouble. Since when could we depend on the humanitarian impulses of dictators such as Putin and Assad. If there are extensive civilian casualties in Aleppo it is partly the fault of the cowardly policies of the Obama Administration.
Something about BBC tv news this morning has me wondering whether there’s been a phone call from Labour HQ… “Christmas of Discontent”
Richard III or his Brummie scriptwriter ought to sue
But who really cares, we’re no longer taking BBC fake news seriously.
In 2010 they say Rainbow Coalition – we vote Tory.
In 2015 they say Ed Stone for Labour – we say Head Stone for Labour.
In 2016 they say Hillary/Remain – we vote Trump/Independence
BBC : rapidly disappearing up their own SPOTY Ore face
Still can’t access the site through BT Hub and then Google link or search. The Twitter link works though…..
Here’s a little example of typical vocal pressure group activist bias in the DNA of the biased bbc.
This morning on Toady R4. Reference GCSE IT
Headline ‘ Girls make up only 20% of GCSE IT candidates’ Implication? Inequality. Prejudice against girls ergo ‘something must be done’.
Further down the story as an afterthought .’ But the girls do outperform the boys in terms of results’. Implication? An observation requiring no further action.
The most disadvantaged group in terms of access to Universities is working class white boys. But they have no rentagob group to support them, so the bBBC constantly sweep this under the carpet in favour of their favoured minorities.
Yet a quick google search on UCAS or university applications and outcomes reveals a huge overall disparity in favour of women, but time and again the bBBC only highlights those courses where women are ‘under-represented’ (engineering) and conveniently fails to mention those where there is over-representation- almost every other course !
Even the Guardian reports on this, and it has got worse since the attached table was published. Try
The Guardian is reporting “Murdoch’s Sky deal must be blocked, say senior opposition figures”
Who are these “senior opposition figures”?……Ed Miliband and Vince Cable
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
So even the, “Antidote to panel shows” (ISIHAC) has succumbed to the party line with Dee delivering an anti Trump intro and the audience hissing on cue.
Absolutely incredulous… they must be blind and deaf to their own broadcasts. I recently wasted a few minutes of my life I will never get back sending in a complaint about their pro-Clinton anti-Trump message that is being rammed down my throat every day – still. Part of the response included this nugget of disinformation:
“It’s unclear as to how you believe the BBC intervened in the US presidential election as the BBC is an organisation which has no view or positions itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.”
If that is not a “we got it about right” dismissal then I don’t know what is.
TVL direct debit cancelled two weeks ago. The first threatening letter has already arrived even though our licence has multiple months to run yet!
LL – maybe your experience has been enhanced?
(2 year extension to Capita’s contract with bbc)……. “Capita will introduce further enhancement to its insight and analytical capability and introduce new technologies to enhance the service experience for the licence fee payer.”
(No, me neither)
Philip Davies MP is on the very biased moaners & victims hour on radio 4 and while he argues persuasively about equality the silly man doesn’t realise that the Fascist version of ‘equality’ has nothing to do with equality!
The feminazis are aghast that he wants to treat men & women equally as their whole ethos is that women somehow deserve a better deal because of years of the conspiracy theory known as the ‘patriarchy’.
It is an incredibly hostile interview as might be expected between the BBC and a Tory MP and illustrates the BBC bias beautifully.
Yes he did well on
VVH Very Victims Hour
IMF chief Christine Lagarde has been convicted of negligence over a fraudulent €403 million payout to businessman Bernard Tapie in 2008, when she was France’s finance minister. Typical of the French justice system that she will face no punishment. Almost as criminal as the IMF’s forecasts…
145 parliamentarians from 34 countries say in a letter published today in The Times.
Headed by Ed Miliband, Presott, Barry Gardiner, Senator Ed Markey, Stephen nepotism Kinnock, Lisa Nandy
“Climate related Financial Disclosure
Many assets related to a carbon-intensive economy may now be mis-priced after the ratification last month of the Paris agreement on climate change”
“Investors require a comprehensive and transparent disclosure of these risks by companies and markets,” they say
“To that end, we have written to the world’s stock exchanges urging them to adopt climate-related reporting guidance and disclosure for all listed companies.”
FO you seem to be using propaganda to manipulate down prices.
#2 Paris is a toothless tiger.
#3 Maybe you didn’t notice but Trump won the election and Climate Numtie governments are on the way out.
More in CarbonBrief’s daily propaganda
OTOH businesses that rely on green gimmick subsidies should warn investors that they are at risk from having them withdrawn.
BBC is a.bit slow to report news from Socialist paradises like Maduro’s Venezuela.
I guess they keep it quiet so we don’t all try to emigrate there.
“Venezuela trying to roll back disastrous cash gambit, but riots continue. Hundreds of arrests so far, deaths …”
“A 14-year-old boy was shot dead while dozens of people have been injured and hundreds of stores ransacked. Some rioters … ”