The BBC were quick to report some graffiti on a mosque but seem less keen to report the full words of the man who killed the Russian ambassador in Turkey. [Note the raised single finger…one God, one faith, one mosque]
The camera pulls back to show a smartly dressed gunman, wearing a suit and tie, waving a pistol and shouting in Arabic and Turkish.
He can be heard yelling “Don’t forget about Aleppo, don’t forget about Syria” and uses the Arabic phrase “Allahu Akbar” (God is great).
The gunman, wearing a dark suit and tie, was seen in video footage of the assault waving a pistol and shouting in Arabic: “God is great! Those who pledged allegiance to Muhammad for jihad. God is great!”
Then he switched to Turkish and shouted: “Don’t forget Aleppo, don’t forget Syria! Step back! Step back! Only death can take me from here.”
BBC editorial integrity on what needs to be forgotten will be in overdrive this sad day.
and apparently according to the BBC website main page a lorry has decided to drive into Berlin’s christmas market shoppers
Note the BBC showed only a short section of the murderer shouting so as not to broadcast his very obvious “Allahu Akbar” rants. You have to scroll down over two thirds of the way into the article, beyond several large photos, to get to the one line, and only a small portion of that line, that mentions the fact he said “Allahu Akbar” – describing it as an “Arabic phrase” rather than an Islamic dedication. There is no other mention of the man’s religious ranting and religious motivation.
The BBC have carefully edited the article to avoid and downplay his religious affiliation and motivation. What feckers they are.
The BBC are so stupid that they do not realise that many other sources are broadcasting the full clip. Beeboids still think they have a monopoly of news. They are morons, living in the past.
Are people now hunting for an unwatched Youtube video, on which to blame this murder?
How astute ha!
A Norwegian video no doubt.
Excellent. RT video showed the Islamic gunman shouting “Allahu Ackbar”.
The BBC cut that bit out.
The BBC did the same when showing the video of the Islamic murderers of Lee Rigby, stating that the killing was justified by the Koran. Which of course is true.
I saw that RT headline last night. A very bold headline beginning with “ALLAH AKBAR”. A few minutes later I switched to BBC News to see a report scrolling by about the Ruskie ambassador. He had been attacked by a gunman shouting something about Aleppo. All connection to Islam erased. Of course I knew that it was ANOTHER jihad murder. This morning I see that the BEEB has had to reluctantly own up to the facts. They are still playing down the Islam factor as much as they can get away with though.
Reading about the attack in Berlin in the Guardian on line, not one single mention of the words Islam or Muslim yet we know it is an Islamic attack. But there is unbelievably an attack on Nigel Farage, the guardian at it’s most perverted and sick mentality.
I quote from Phillipe Pradel Mayor of Nice. ‘Same modus operandi, same blind violence. Same hatred of happy people, More than ever we must fight against obscuranitism’.
If he were to replace the word ‘blind’ with ‘islamic’ the word ‘happy’ with ‘European’ and ‘obscuranitism’ with ‘Islam’ I could understand his comment but as it is it’s meaningless and weasel like.
As for the Russian Ambassador killing, Sky mentioned the killers age and I swear that there was some sadness in the way they mentioned the fact that he was only 22 when he was shot, no sympathy for the assassinated man though.
Of course no mention of the Russian ambassador. Hew was Russian, and therefore evil.
The BBC and leftist media hate Russia
1. As it is re-Christianising
2. Does not support or encourage the homosexual agenda.
Russia and the West have changed roles. The Western media has become Pravda, while RT is challenging and more truthful then anything in the Western MSM.
BBC presenters this morning prattling on about Glastonbury being moved and health tourism .They really cannot be taken seriously as a news organisation any more.
I feel so bad about posting this but I’m sure I’m not the first to make the connection. The Devil made me do it.
No point in following the BBC or UK Government news outlets.
Here is Putin over the assassination, asking the question BBC and all won’t ask.
Who gave the orders?
Putin is no angel, but I really wish we had a PM of his quality, instead of a useless pussycat. Personally, I suspect that Altintas ( means ” Gold Stone ” in Turkish. Was he Jewish ? ) was acting alone, but let’s see what comes out.
Something neither the BBC nor anyone else seems to have noted. The Turks are militarily involved in the Syrian conflict. it’s largely against the Kurds, which is a consequence of domestic issues but nevertheless they are killing Muslims.