We have looked at this video of a talk by Milo Yiannopoulos a talk in which he slams the Left’s attempts to stifle free speech, one of their tactics is to ‘erode the difference between words and actions’. They conflate, say, suggestions that immigration needs to be controlled with racist attacks on immigrants…as the BBC is so often guilty of doing [I heard this morning on the Today show that Nationalism is all about hating other countries…er…no it isn’t…but the BBC relentlessly drips such toxic claims into the debate continuously in order to demonise those who talk about immigration or who voted for Brexit] This tactic is intended to then allow the Left to impose draconian sanctions upon anyone who talks about immigration…thus, they hope, shutting down that debate without actually engaging in it with their own arguments.
At the end of the video one of the audience gets up and denounces Milo as a ‘white supremacist’. Once Milo has demonstrated quite easily that this is not the case the accuser then tries another tack and says if he isn’t a white supremacist then he ‘enables’ them. This of course is the Left’s big narrative that it uses to try and shut down debate….that the Right’s debate about immigration causes racism and therefore is not acceptable…hence the Daily Mail gets its Lego deals withdrawn…never mind Denmark, Lego’s Fatherland, had introduced stricter immigration controls of its own recently….Denmark Passes Tough New Immigration Law.
Interestingly the BBC tries the same tactic of accusing Milo of being a white nationalist…on what basis I don’t know…they are talking about Islam at the time…but Islam is not a race….Milo crushes the BBC accuser [around 6 mins]…
The classic tactic of accusing anyone who talks of Islam or immigration of being racist or of the Far-Right.
The BBC is far more of a danger to us than any ”white supremacist’ as it undermines the West and supports the Islamisation of Europe.
The new fascists will be the anti-fascists {Winston Spencer Churchill} and it is more than clear that the BBC is more than happy to be the fascist/leftard useful idiots and mouthpiece just as it has done in the past and proven to have done innumerable times and will do in the future
To be accused of “enabling” people to vote for Trump seems to be the crime…ditto if we speak in any cause that the BBC etc dislike.
Newspeak indeed.
Noted that his pretty awful casual sex life as he describes it is a killer in the argument against his opinions. Maybe this is the way to go if you`re under thirty, but it shows how far we`ve gone from the norm.
Milo is the nemesis of Russell Brand-so we need to treasure him.
AS for the second video-classic BBC presumptions coming undone by the moment in the interview. Funny how the BBC get to tell us what the rules are, where funny goes to serious….this by a po-faced, balding eejit who`s got a face for radio.
Brilliant video,Milo is my new hero, and he said, “Germany is a horror story”, wait till he sees tonight’s news.
Historically, it was the far left and liberal republicanism that enabled Hitler……and Mussolini, Franco, and Salazar.
It is instructive to read the histories of Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal before Fascism.
All are marked by liberalism, poor economic management and resultant chaos, debt and poverty and leftist agitation for far left “non traditional” social policies, the dubbing of conservative resistance as “fascist”….. the abolition of Monarchy and the gradual insertion of far leftists (in the 20s and 30s they called themselves Communists rather than SJWs) into the upper echelons of government in so called “popular fronts” who became more and more provocative in their actions until they were confronted by the silent majority.
We see the same patterns emerging today.
It is the far left who empower and enable the response to leftist extremism and liberal fellow travellers.