The BBC has spent months suggesting Bradley Wiggins could be a drugs cheat, Gary Richardson was at it again yesterday as he insinuated guilt. No doubt this dubious and baseless claim can be linked to the BBC’s continuous assault on Sky/Murdoch by any means possible such as via Leveson or attacks on the funding of the Premier League.
Now it turns out that the ‘secret’ package that was at the centre of these claims contained nothing more than a perfectly legal decongestant and that the reason the Sky team had not revealed the contents before was because UK Anti-doping (Ukad) had told them not to…however the BBC suddenly forgets that it has spent those months slyly insinuating Wiggins is a drugs cheat and blames it all on the Daily Mail…
Sir Bradley Wiggins won the event for Team Sky, who have since been under pressure to reveal the contents of the package after a Daily Mail allegation.
How different the BBC’s approach to reporting on the black Muslim Mo Farrah when his coach was investigated for drugs use…then the BBC repeatedly insisted at every chance that Farrah was, of course, entirely innocent of any connection to the investigation or accusations….despite having missed two drug tests in the past…
There is no suggestion Farah has broken any rules.
There is no suggestion the double Olympic champion is under investigation.
There is no suggestion made in the joint investigation by the BBC and US journalism website ProPublica that Farah has been involved in any doping.
The message is clear: work with the BBC and you’re protected, work against the BBC and your reputation will be destroyed.
The BBC has nothing to learn from the Kray twins.
I wonder who the BBC have lined up to replace Lineker? He has been demented (lately) in his enthusiasm to go for any non-PC commentators. Does he qualify for a BBC lottery-win pension fund?