The BBC has spent a great deal of time and effort in trying to create, as in invent, an awareness of the danger of the Far Right on the march again. It happily ignores the real and genuine and ever increasing threat from Islamism to the West and now the BBC bundles in those who vote for Brexit or Trump alongside the Far Right as it warns us of the threat from the new ‘populism’ that it tells us is so abhorrent.
The BBC of course does not consider those who seek to smash Capitalism and have put Corbyn in place as ‘populist’, nor those who riot, or ‘Occupy’, or use strikes as political weapons, or use bombs and bullets to force their views upon the UK. None of those are a problem for the BBC. In fact the BBC readily supports them, the terrorists, the economic wreckers, the rioters.
No, it is those who used their democratic vote to put in place someone who represents their views, views so long suppressed, demonised and mocked by the BBC, that are the threat.
It took one line on the Today programme to give the lie to the BBC’s, to Corbyn’s, to the Left’s narrative about where the real danger lies. Today had a guest speaker on who had survived the Nazis….
Zuzana Ruzickova survived three concentration camps during the Second World War, including Auschwitz, and went on to become one of the world’s leading harpsichordists. The BBC’s arts correspondent Rebecca Jones has been to Ms Rusickova’s home in Prague to meet her.
Zuzana Ruzzickova said that after having survived the Nazis it was unbelievable that she should then find herself in the grip of another such regime when the Communists took over in Czechoslovakia…a regime, like the Nazis…
‘So cruel, so stupid, so anti-semitic’
So familiar today.
The Nazis were, as we know, Socialists. Socialism has killed millions upon millions of people and has imposed misery and fear upon countless millions more.
It’s a funny thing but just as the BBC doesn’t recognise that history nor does Corbyn who just recently made exactly the same warnings about the Right, linking UKIP and Trump to the Far Right, as the BBC does…what perfect bed-fellows, the fellow travellers of the BBC and the mad mullah of Marxism….Corbyn makes no mention of the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia that imprisoned a nation for over four decades as he talks of the suffering of the Czechs….
It is fitting we are in Prague to discuss the challenges ahead for democracy in Europe.
This is a city which has been at the heart of the history of our continent and the convulsions of the past century – of war, revolution and the struggle for democracy and social justice.
We are in a city that also suffered the scourge of Nazi occupation and the horror of its genocidal crimes.
Today I will also be visiting the Terezin memorial which commemorates the victims of Nazi political and racial persecution in the Czech Republic, a permanent testimony to the threat posed by far right politics, anti-semitism and racist scapegoating.
On behalf of the British Labour party I will be paying tribute and remembering those who died, whose suffering is a reminder of the scars left by the far right, not just on this country or this continent, but on the whole world.
Today, we live in a different time with different pressures and opportunities.
But it is clear, across Europe and beyond there has been an alarming acceleration in the rise of the populist right.
Whether it be UKIP in Britain, Donald Trump in the United States, Jobbik in Hungary or Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France.
As we head towards 2017 many people are worried about the direction that Europe is taking. Well now is time for us to turn the tide. To put the interests of working people front and centre stage and to fight for our values, of social justice, solidarity, equality and internationalism.
If we do that together, and break with the failed politics of the past, I am confident we can overcome the challenge from the populist right.
Could have been written by any journo at the BBC no?
Let’s have the truth from a Czech……
The years of totalitarian rule in Czechoslovakia, from 1948 to 1989, were dark and dismal days, indeed. After the 1948 coup, Communist ideology permeated citizens’ lives and dominated all aspects of society. Czechoslovakia’s political decisions were dictated by the Soviet Union, and the country continued to rely on the Soviet Union even during the 1980s. Czechoslovakia was part of the Eastern Bloc and a member of the Warsaw Pact and Comecon.
Those who did not comply with socialism were not only interrogated, intimidated and put under surveillance but also subject to house searches, during which the Secret Police invaded citizens’ privacy while searching for illegal literature.
During the beginning of the brutal and nightmarish 1950s, Soviet Union Premier Joseph Stalin directed the Czechoslovak Communists to carry out purges, and the nation held the largest show trials in Eastern Europe. Over a six-year period, from 1949 to 1954, the victims included military leaders, Catholics, Jews, democratic politicians, those with wartime connections with the West as well as high-ranking Communists. Almost 180 people were executed. There was no such thing as a fair trial as judges cooperated with the country’s leadership. The defendants, branded guilty before the trial began, even had to rehearse their testimonies in advance, as if it all were some cruel play performed on a stage instead of in a courtroom. (During the 1960s, some of the victims were rehabilitated.)
The problem for Leftists and Globalists is that democracy does not always deliver the “correct result” from their perspective. This is inevitable in some situations, as much of what they are trying to achieve is harmful and runs contrary to human nature and expectations. Therefore democracy is only a means to an end and they are happy to ditch it if necessary. As Turkish prime minister Erdogan so honestly described it for himself: “Democracy is a bus ride. Once I get to my stop, I’m getting off.”
It is interesting to note the hypocrisy of the BBC, Corbyn and Eurocrats. Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen are denounced for their populism i.e. wanting to reflect the wishes of the electorate, i.e. to be democratic. But note articles like this ( Putting aside the usual sexist and racist BBC headline rant and the devious attempts at objectivity, the message is that Clinton won more votes than Donald Trump, is therefore more popular and hence should have been elected president on that basis (doubly so, given her gender of course…).
This harping on about the “popular vote” could really damage the Democrats, I suspect. Any number of abuses of the voting system are practised by the Democrats, who are invariably virulently opposed to cleaning up the system. Any change to the status quo (apart from abolishing the electoral college, of course) is “racist”.
Famously, photo ID would have been needed to get into the Democratic convention, this year, or any election year for decades. Photo ID is not hard to come by in the US, but, when attempts are made to require photo ID for voting, the Democrats scream “Racism!!!!” and the whimsically named Justice Department takes the state involved to court.
Similarly, attempts to clean up electoral rolls are always stonewalled by the Democrats. It’s reckoned that there are well over a million dead people on them, nationwide. Democrats often boast that electoral demographics are on their side. That’s an unusual interpretation of “demographics”.
People move from state to state in the US, especially out of California. I suppose it’s not hard to remain by mistake on the electoral register in the old state, while signing on to the new one, but it is a crime to vote in both states, unless you’re a Democrat. People do.
There are well documented cases of people who have voted multiple times in elections, with the connivance of the Democratic party machine; a favourite one is to vote in Illinois, then hop on a bus, cross the state boundary and vote again in Indiana. This is blatant corruption of the voting process and could be stamped out quite easily. Democratic politicians resolutely oppose the necessary measures, on the grounds that they would be “racist”.
I strongly suspect that the largest contingent of ineligible voters is that of the “illegals”: people who shouldn’t be in the United States in the first place and certainly have no right to vote. I’m not sure that I have ever been in a foreign country on the day of an election, but I am certain that I should not have the nerve to turn up a polling booth and claim the right to cast a ballot. The Obama maladministration has allowed illegal immigration on a huge scale. Just as Blair thought mass immigration to the UK would bury the Conservatives in multiculturalism, Obama wanted a short cut to an unassailable majority. Even with all the dead people in the US, he still needed live ones.
Nobody actually knows exactly how many “illegals” are in the United States, but the number is in the millions. Democrat-run jurisdictions declare themselves “sanctuary cities” for illegal immigrants and vow to resist federal attempts to identify and deport them, even to the extent of denying federal access to records pertaining to such immigrants. These “sanctuary cities” include such beacons of civilisation as Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit.
I think we can assume that these “sanctuary cities”, dominated overwhelmingly and for decades by the Democrats, have absolutely no interest in ensuring a fair vote. Add to that Obama’s promise to a self-confessed “illegal” that she did not need to fear prosecution, if she voted in the election; likewise, others in her situation:
“When you vote, you are a citizen yourself.”
As a blatant exhortation to break the law from a head of state, that takes some beating.
All in all, if you take these election abuses together, it’s easy to see that even Hillary’s claim to have won the “popular vote” is yet another of her compendium of lies. A supposed three million lead could easily be accounted for by the Democrats’ catalogue of non-existent voters. If the Democrats want their corrupt practices investigated, they’re going the right way about it.
For the bbc, as with all collectivists, the end justifies the means. I think that’s a major reason for them not having any shame over producing so much fake news.
When it comes to the very real threat from islam and muslims the BBC reminds me of the stewards on RMS Titanic who after 23.40 hours on 14th April 1912 went round the ship reassuring the passengers that it was only a minor problem and the RMS Titanic would soon be on its way to New York. And we all know how that turned out
I think the Beebyanka version would have been to berate them for damaging an iceberg and to introduce an imam to confirm that the iceberg was allah’s way of punishing them for their “carbon footprint”.
Plus the Titanic was operated by the White Star line – a racist sounding shipping company if ever there was one.
I tuned into The Now Show with Punt and Dennis on Radio 4 the other day while on a long journey in my motor car. I thought ‘I wonder how long it will take before they make a biased joke.’ I wasn’t disappointed – within less than a minute they’d made THREE! The best was ‘the alt right, or as they’re also known, Nazis.’ (Gales of laughter from the audience!) Whilst I rarely find R4 comedy funny in itself, I always find the bias so blatant that it makes me chuckle.
Beyond the fact that his utter absence of talent is a source of Schadenfreude, I have never understood how Punt could ever get anyone to laugh. Thanks for a mystery explained.
Given latest sad events, one wonders if media such as the BBC may take a look at their part in firing up the passions of those less stable minds around the world themselves.
It’s what the Russian Foreign Service would have wanted.
Any trip to Prague is not complete without seeing the Museum of Communism.
How DARE the Liberal Left and scum like Corbyn make light of what Communism did-what it does-and is STILL doing, albeit slyly and by inference through its trained marinaded useless idiots of convenience.
The land that gave us Havel and Klaus, Schweik, Smetana and Janacek?…and THAT is the best that Corbyn and the BBC can give us?
Maybe the idiot Remainiacs might wish to tell us why we`ll need forty years to wriggle off Junckers dildo…but Czechoslovakia could be peacefully and easily split in two in 93, without problem-in six months too!
Hitler was a Socialist-and Benes gave in when our National Socialist threatened to bomb the most beautiful city I`ve ever seen to the ground.
THIS is the quality and pride of the Czechs and Slovaks-yet the BBC give us THIS, and Corbyn only wants to speak of THAT!
I once visited the House of Terror in Budapest. It was the headquarters of the Gestapo during the German occupation of the city at the end of WW2. After the war when the Communists took over, the KGB moved in and used the same interrogation cells, the same torture instruments and even employed the same torturers by forcing Hungarian nazi party members to work for them. Tells you all you need to know, really.
The German Police claim they have found an identity document under the drivers seat of the hi jacked lorry in Berlin.
How convenient
How serendipitous !
They didn’t find this document during the forensic search of the lorry in the hours when they were investigating, and had the Pakistani in custody, how fortunate it should turn up just when they need it !
I have a neighbour who is deeply into conspiracy theory, a real David Icke nut job, and this is just manna from heaven.
Just like the supposed finding of the passports of the 9/11 hijackers being found intact on the roof of a neighbouring building, even the most sceptical amongst us begins to doubt the truthfulness of the investigating authorities.
They might as well have announced they were looking for an escaped alien from are 51 because it’s about as believable !
Post script
Just been sent this:
Identity papers of French-Tunisian found in Nice truck: police source
Life Support Case
…Is it time the BBC turned off 24 hour life support for brain-dead Labour Party ?