End of live page coverage
Posted at 23:54 19 Dec
This brings our live coverage of the lorry crash at the market in Berlin to an end. Our news story will continue to be updated with the latest information.
Funny how that coincides neatly with German media starting to report the perpetrators origin and what bought them to Germany…
Al Beeb are into damage limitation mode .
Get your news from RT, its more informed sadly .
Our government does nothing about it. Are we being forced by law to pay for ‘disinformation’?
So from what we have gleaned so far the perp is a pakistani immigrant who hijacked a lorry killing the driver who just happens to be the cousin of the lorry owner who lost contact with the lorry earlier in the day, drove it some distance to a particular christmas market and proceeded to take out as many christians as possible then fled after crashing before being apprehended.
Wonder when the german police and mainstream media will catch up?
Now come on Dave don t you read anything (sarc)
It had to come didn t it …
BBC News – Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills nine at Christmas market
An articulated lorry has ploughed into a busy Christmas market in the heart of Berlin, killing nine people and injuring many more, police say.
Artificial intelligence at fault? the lorry did it?
… on this night of such tragic loss
how ever did it get to the shoppers? … just askin
Thanks BBC
Holidays mean that I see more of the BBC than usual, it doesn’t disappoint.
The evening news gives us the ‘housing crisis’ and how it might be solved by modular houses built in factories. The expertise is coming from the Chinese. I was waiting for fears to be expressed that the houses would come ready ‘bugged’ but security I expect is a ‘bad news’ story for another day. Do the ‘people’ like these house? Well we liked the post-war prefabs and there are some similar modular houses in London so the BBC does a vox pop. Laugh, I could have cried!
There was the ‘housing crisis’ right in front of their eyes and the BBC couldn’t see it. Two ladies of colour, both sounding like they were fresh off the plane. No Africans, no crisis?
Later on we have the new series of Last Tango In Halifax. Not my sort of thing so I occupy myself with other things, just noting the diversity and abnormal sex in passing. Routine stuff I gather, but wait! This is the new series so we get the anti-Brexit line in too, ‘devaluation’ is all the ‘leavers’ fault.
Onto the news and we have a bit about ‘false news’. The prime example of that in the BBC’s book was ‘the bus’. The BBC tried to warn us but we fell for the ‘lie’. Our brave reporters managed to find the ‘bad bus’ but it has reformed and had a new paint job. Never mind the BBC will never forget and will keep running with their ‘exposure’ of the ‘false’ narrative of the ‘leavers’.
It is a pity that the bus has been repainted. Here it is BBC, to refresh your memory:
“We send the EU £350 million a week let’s fund our NHS instead. Vote leave”
The first part of the statement is true, albeit the gross figure, (but then we don’t have control over what happens with what comes back so it might be of no effective value), and the second part is a suggestion. It isn’t a statement that all of the contribution will go to the NHS, (we can be pretty sure that the farmers will still want some if not all of their CAP payment).
So to say that ‘leave’ wanted to give £350 million to the NHS is a false story. Stop broadcasting it then BBC if you are against false news.
Yes Taffman, I have read the BBC report and the clear message that comes over is that the deed was clearly the work of a truck. Not that they are condemning the truck of course, that would be partisan and might get them into trouble with groups like ‘Black Trucks Matter’ and associated morons.
The like minded Guardian was referring to the incident as a crash at one stage. I haven’t gone back to either fake news source because I fear they might just link it to Brexit.
When self-driving lorries go into use, it will be a godsend for the media. From then on they can literally blame the trucks themselves for mass slaughter. ‘The incident is thought to have been caused by faulty coding in Google Trucks algorithm. The lorry’s owner, Mohammed Al Rashid Al Sheikh, is not under suspicion.’
A Black Truck Matters campaigning lorry who blew his gasket over anti-diesel prejudice would be my take on it.
Doubtless the Muslim gent was heroically trying the wrest the wheel from a mad Pole who wanted revenge for Brexit and the Harlow Massacre of last summer. The Poles want to sack their BBC liberal goons with the new election done…so he`ll be raging over Leveson too,
I reported previously that I had not heard through any BBC so-called, “News” broadcast, the first of the Muslim marches on the streets of Londonistan so, it came as a shock to find that there was yet another one equally not reported by the BBC – https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/12/uk-over-1000-muslims-screaming-allahu-akbar-march-in-london-demanding-caliphate-for-second-time-in-a-week
Does the BBC think it is not important that the tax-payer should be informed what our future leaders are promoting now? After all, we do receive so much speculation about the Trump team appointees and their individual views on their own specialities.
It’s all over the news that Berlin suspect is a muslim migrant, except on al bibistan of course. We mustn’t speculate, must we (unless the perpetrator is a right winger of course).
Is there no escape from the BBC’s anti-Brexit cliches? I have just received one of those tedious round-robin Christmas newsletters from an old friend (the sort that brag: ‘After little Jocasta won the gymkhana, and Tristram was knighted for our eco-friendly organic lentil farm in the Cotswolds, we went skiing in St. Moritz before trying out the super new jacuzzi in our Tuscany holiday home!’)
It ended: ‘My main thought about 2016 is that this was the year that went wrong with democracy, both here and in America.’
I have also endured my brother’s e-mail rants about the ‘stupid, racist, living-in-the-fifties Brexit voters’.
I have two questions: 1. What kind of self-absorbed d***head assumes their friends and relatives share their political views? 2. Who kidnapped the two intellectually gifted, interesting companions of my youth and substituted replicants?
Sorry, I just had to vent about this. I can’t tell them my real feelings – not in the season of goodwill, anyway.
Usual crap eh Helena?
Exactly the right season to be grumpy, as a dispossessed Christian lady.
I sent my Trump/Farage Christmas Card with “Tis the Season to be Jolly” words in Gothic script on them.
But only to the mad zealots I know, some of who are in the family.
But I`m batty old gran, and given a fair amount of leeway, seeing as I do a good Yorkshire pudding.
This followed on from my using Thatcher and Churchill stamps over the last few years-ran out of them now though, otherwise I`d have hit all their milky buttons.
Tis great to be old sometimes.
Just heard the latest about the “crash” in Berlin on Radio NZ.
It is believed that the man arrested is an Afghan or Pakistani asylum seeker.
Somewhere I also read he was from Chechnya.
Anyway we will have to wait and see. And let us ponder what those three places have in common?
I dunno. Can’t really say!
Yes Cassandra, what’s the betting that the BBC version of “the plight of gays in Africa” is nothing to do with African indigenous tribal cultures or Islam and everything to do with white, Christian missionaries (especially Catholics).
You’re quite correct Embolden, the way in which the BBC chooses to pursue its own agenda and ignores the persecution of Christians in Africa and the Middle East is breathtaking.
Cassandra, you left out the mental illness angle, and the ‘traumatised by events in Syria particularly the bombing of innocent people by Russian forces’ etc.
The BBC are usually very quick to interview local Muslims and ask them if they feel threatened by the local public attitudes and backlash to Muslims. They did this for the Nice lorry attack – rather than interview the real victims the BBC create some made up ones who may “feel” persecuted for just being a Muslim whist the blood is still on the streets.
Can’t the authorities use our treason laws to arrest senior BBC staff?!?
I remember the BBC mouthpiece the day after, on the spot in Nice, looking at the makeshift shrine to those who had been killed and as she read the messages, she intoned, “so much anger….so much intolerance…!”
People had seen loved ones killed and maimed by a koranderthal and all she was bothered about was the bloody intolerance from those who had suffered in the attack.
She then went on to interview a local mosqueteer to find out how the attack had afected him, ffs!
Fear not, everyone. I have the answer. Lightning up buildings in the German flag and Facebook memes of Ich bin ein Berliner will see off these evil scum who are nothing to do with Islam.
1. light tealight candles
2. hastags such as #westandunited #wehatelorries #comeongermanyspeedupyourimmigration
3. World leaders flying out there to link arms together
4. Quoting Jo Cox “there is more that unites us than divides us”
5. Not mentioning the Islamic elephant in the room
Any of the above should stop future terror attacks. Then again sticking our heads in the sand has exactly the same result.
I note the tone of BBC news reporting on the terror attack in Berlin: ‘it was only a matter of time’ ‘this was inevitable’
It is strange the sort of thing we are now all supposed to accept as being an almost unfathomable unpleasant but naturally occurring event. Dare I say ‘An Act Of (someone or other’s) God’ Whereas the actual weather is now ‘man-made’ apparently well within the control of governments if only we were Greener – but I digress. The solution, we are told: big hulking lumps of concrete blocks all around spaces where people gather. Border controls? Don’t even think about it.
Also interesting is that awkward moment when the BBC news presenters have to segue into the subject they wanted to tell us about had it not been for all this terrorism in the news. Domestic violence. Now here’s a nasty thing the BBC don’t regard as inevitable or uncurable. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE. Do you know ‘one woman was so afraid of her partner that she carried a knife’. Gosh, meeting violence with a concrete deterrent, eh? Is that a ‘backlash’ against domestic abusers which the BBC seems to be condoning?
Yes it was inevitable, once the decision was made to admit millions of people steeped in hostility to the Wests Christian civilisation to force multiculturalism (for which read islamisation) on to Europe.
The history of Europe is the story of the resistance to Islamic incursion from North Africa and Ottoman Turkey….not that the new elite understand that. The story continues.
And who do they bring in to bBBC Breakfast to comment? A muslim professor from Bradford University who links it to Syria! So a mad (with rage) Pakistani or Afghan who has come UNCHECKED into Germany which is offering SYRIANS unconditional support, housing, shelter and 1st class medical attention has chosen to mow down anybody at a Christmas market.
Doesn’t it strike the 2 sofa halfwits that this is an act against Christians and not a political act against Germans.
Here’s a quote made to the Yorkshire Post by the aforementioned Dr Afshin Shahi in 2015.
“In a way it is very much like the International Brigades who joined the fight against fascism in the Spanish Civil War. There is a sense of mission and an ideological agenda, but most of all it seems very exciting….”
The stupid bBBC – fanning the flames of Islamaphobia by bringing in a Muslim apologist, from Bradford of all places,to explain away what boils down to Frau Merkel’s idiotic and unilaterally issued invitation to anyone who can pretend to be Syrian to invade Europe.
In defence of the BBC (eh ?) they are under strict instructions to play down any Islamic involvement in atrocities such as these – I can understand that the Government and Police don’t want civil unrest, vigilante squads, etc. However, when a Muslim woman has her hijab pulled off her head in a London Street , they are all over the story. Maybe they think fellow Muslims are more tolerant than we are and won’t take offence ? I think that the German backlash may be severe this time (the people that is, NOT their Government)
The BBC’s coverage of the latest RoP atrocity, there will be more, is shameful. However, it appears its ability to manipulate public opinion is waning as more and more people see this vile organisation for what it truly is.
On this subject, I thought you would all like some festive cheer courtesy of the BBC Entertainment arm’s discussion of the Christmas No1:
‘But a tribute single to murdered MP Jo Cox looks like it will miss the top 40.
The song, a cover of the Rolling Stones’ You Can’t Always Get What You Want, which features David Gray, KT Tunstall and a cross-party group of MPs, languishes at number 59 in the midweek chart update.’
I can’t begin to express my joy at another stunt spectacularly backfiring in the BBC’s face.
When I heard the song title was ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ I knew it was doomed to fail. The Jox Cox single could easily be called ‘the EU Remainers singles’ and the phrase ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ couldn’t be any more appropriate.
How many remember the good old days when you could pick up a newspaper or switch on the box and not be regaled by the latest Muslim atrocity, offended or angry Muslims? Seems like a century ago. Will we look back on these times in the future and call these the good old days? Worrying, very worrying!
I agree ToobiWan. Only in the last couple of decades have Islam/Muslim come to the fore in this country. How’s it been allowed to happen ? Oh yeah, Blair and Brown’s open door policy. The genie is out of the bottle and we’re stuffed. A reporter yesterday questioned a couple of Muslims in the street about ‘Britishness’ – one wore the full face kit and couldn’t speak English, and another elderly woman in Islamic gear likewise. The media and left wingers cry ‘racist’ if we complain, well, maybe they are right ! we see and hear scenes of atrocities committed by these aliens and we are supposed to just tut tutt it away ? Those I’ve spoken to – just ordinary folk with no fierce opposition one way or another to politics, have openly admitted they’ve become more ‘racist’ as they’ve gotten older. Why ? not hard to understand why is it. These feelings, like it or not, are underlying everywhere, here and in Europe, whilst we feel our countries are under siege.
I remember the BBC mouthpiece the day after, on the spot in Nice, looking at the makeshift shrine to those who had been killed and as she read the messages, she intoned, “so much anger….so much intolerance…!”
People had seen loved ones killed and maimed by a koranderthal and all she was bothered about was the bloody intolerance from those who had suffered in the attack.
She then went on to interview a local mosqueteer to find out how the attack had afected him, ffs!
Open door policy? The labour scum were sending recruitment scouts round the shitholes of the world to invite these primitives to the UK and the condition they voted labour, rubbing the right’s nose in it at the same time, Brissles. As to “racism”, that horse has bolted and died, killed by over and inappropriate use. When charged with this I counter with not racism, survival!
I have friends from all over the world of all nationalities, I have family living and working in Germany, I do not have any problems with any of them. What I do have a problem with is are the fundamentalist followers of a book of fairy stories written by an illiterate, paedophilic psychopath and their myriad excusers who want me and mine to modify how I live to accommodate them!
I think it all changed with the fatwā against Salman Rushdie in 1989, when we showed that we were weak and could be bullied into accepting bullies’ demands.
When it can be shown that violence works, don’t be surprised when violence happens.
Daily Mail reporting that a 23 year old Paki bogus asylum seeker was the driver. I wonder if Merkel the mad will view this crime as reaching the necessary threshold for deportation?
Obviously not as they will want to send him to a cushy German prison for a few years before hoping that the anger has died down before releasing him back into society.
I tried to read this site at 05:53 and again at 06:48, but was unable to open it. I finally got in at 08:23, although I notice that Yasser was posting at 05:10 and Kaiser at 07:07. I’m pretty sure that it is not an issue with my ISP.
Morning all.
Listened to Toady on R4 this morning.
Between 7.20 am and 8 am the only reference to Berlin was a fleeting one in one news summary.
They did better on the 8am news and then at 8.10am it was the prime feature covered by Mischel ‘Useless’ Hussein.
She did OK ish, interviewing a somewhat defensive, apologist German MP, and asking a few pertinent questions amid the usual soft dross, but there were four giveaways to Al Beeb’s default position.
1. The interview spent a long time worrying about the likely increase in popularity of the AfD. (Mind you, the bBBC do have problems with people expressing their views through the ballot box, as we know very well).
2. There was an awful lot of ‘keeping an open mind’ emphasis (the irony of this statement, contrasting with their treatment of UKIP and Trump is totally lost on them)
3. The likely religion of the perpetrator was not mentioned once in 59 minutes. When, on the hour mark, it finally was, by the German MP himself, Useless immediately closed down the interview.
4. At the end of the slot, Useless summarised by saying a ‘man’ was being interviewed, even though the origin and ethnicity of the ‘man’, is being widely mentioned, and indeed was during the interview.
So obviously there is no chance this incident has anything to do with the RoP.
Al Beeb. In denial as usual.
I think the BBC are quite right to keep an open mind about the lorry incident.
After all, for all we know, this could turn out just to be a normal ‘parallel parking gone wrong’ incident – the sort of thing we will all be laughing about on Youtube next week.
As for those racist pedestrians jumping in the path of the poor Muslim driver, just trying to do his best in a racist Europe, I think their behaviour was disgusting.
I’m sure the BBC are checking the victims hoping in there somewhere is one dead Muslim to prove it was an attack on everyone. I heard the same bullcrap about the Nice lorry attack where some lefties claim the very first victim was a Muslim woman.
Toady continued to be in denial until the very end this morning. Around 8.50am there was an interview about the Berlin Christmas market murders with 2 so-called experts . One was an ex-BBC news reporter called Margaret Gilmore. The other was a man with an Arabic name who spoke English with what could have been a German accent. Essentially we were told it was down to lack of bollards ( Gilmore) and , guess what, Brexit had a part in it too by making Europe less united ( Arab guy). The subject of Merkel’s
one million migrants was raised by the interviewer but quickly dismissed by the experts as a contributory factor.
To fake news, we should add fake news analysis. Goebels couldn’t have done better. The BBC should be ashamed.
I think I can understand why people from Afghanistan, where there has been a war, may come to Europe claiming asylum but the Berlin terrorist might have come from Pakistan. So why might a Pakistani claim asylum? I hadn’t realised there had been a war with European involvement there? Maybe this terrorist is a Hindu and that is why he had to escape from Pakistan and be supported with other people’s money.
The only Pakistanis that could/should be able to claim asylum are Christians and gays, but both are too open to abuse. Only those with provable threats to their lives should be granted asylum. A condition of any asylum application should be that it becomes void if the recipient ever travels back to their home country – i.e. it proves their life isn’t in danger and they’re just taking the piss.
BBC news channel invites on a German politician, a member of Merkel’s party, this morning to take a sideswipe at Nigel Farage – not classy, BBC. The message it seems: we must not question asylum policy.
How does the liberal media deflect people from the truth when reporting an off-message incident?
If it is clear that a muslim terrorist has committed an atrocity in the name of islam, the religion of peace, what can you do?
Well, the answer is, if it looks clear-cut, then sow as many seeds of doubt as possible.
For example use the word deliberate. Why? because deliberate immediately conjures up accidental. See, you’re getting it already. The doubt is there.
Next, be vague – he’s a pakistani of afghani – deflect away from Syria, Merkel’s big mistake. If it’s so uncertain why speculate at all?
(alternatively the old mentally ill nugget seems to work quite well)
What else? report that the truck only drove 50-80m into the target area – it doesn’t sound so bad. ( as if it’s any consolation to the dead and injured – but every little bit helps)
So, what have we got so far?
Well, it seems we have a muslim terrorist who accidentally stole an articulated truck, killed the driver, plonked him on the passenger seat, drive across a non-existent border and then accidentally drove to Berlin and into a Xmas fair.
But he’s not a muslim terrorist so it’s job done by the liberal media once again and they can all go back to twitter and get a jolly good laugh from their Donald Trump jokes.
Seismicboy you missed out a few bibistan strategies for obfuscation of inconvenient news: if the story is so huge even bibistan can’t bury it, then sow some red herrings and fausses pistes in early reports, eg: driver might have been Polish (yeah, all them Polish terrorists!); blame the German police and the lack of bollards(!); keep repeating ‘we mustn’t speculate or jump to conclusions’, even though it’s glaringly obvious what happened and even though speculation seems in order if the suspects are nasty right-wingers as in Cox killer); call it terrorism, never islamic or muslim terrorism…
If you are going to allow a million unvetted young men from Islamic countries into your cities, you need concrete barriers at all public events. Anything else is just compounding the original criminal negligence.
Incidentally, I checked Facebook earlier and all the usual virtue signalling suspects have gone completely silent – not even a vomit inducing German flag overlaying their profile pictures. I think they now realise that they need to accept responsibility for this shit.
Meanwhile, Guardian readers are moaning about something far more important. Why did Mo only finish 4th again. Must be because we’re all racist.
Perhaps these perpetual apologists for Empire should do something good this Christmas. How about going over to Germany and comforting the distraught families of those slaughtered at the German Christmas market. Tell them how it was THEIR idea to import terrorism into Europe to rub our nasty racist noses in diversity.
Before the site closes down for the day
And before this piece about the assassination of the Russian Ambassador turns into another case of a lone wolf attack
Accident or incident then?
Need we ask?
The liberal media require cool heads and a Cologne-like blancmange with a tarpaulin quickly pulled over the whole “event”.
PJ spot on-the only news reporter needed these days.
I’ll refrain from commenting on the latest Muslim mass murder – I can’t think of anything new to say about these creatures.
Instead, I was irritated by the trivial treatment of a possible breakthrough in prostate cancer treatment by the two giggling breakfast time fools this morning – the one who looks like Stan Laurel, and his smirking sidekick.
Prostate cancer is a big killer and these idiots seemed to think it was some kind of joke. Imagine a breakthrough in the treatment of self inflicted AIDS being treated this way.
Bias aside, the BBC is just plain amateurish and obnoxious (which is probably unfair to amateurs).
Yes, just heard a newsflash on 5live
… We ve just heard, German police have named the man responsible, the driver of the lorry
……. so back to our discussion on prostate cancer.
Further update 10 minutes later on 5Live
… the man is a Afghan or Pakistani national, asylum seeker, he has been known for criminality, more petty crime low level nothing to do with terrorism.
Yes, I see the great edifice rising that is the, Merkel Legacy.
But she’ll say that these terrorists are a very small percentage and what about the benefits of immigration.
So, I guess that’ll be a great consolation to families of the dozen or so dead on this, the latest incident.
Life, when it suits, is cheap. One immigrant child on a beach compared to twelve Christmas shoppers.
Merkel’s statement that “we welcome all refugees” will go down in history, and infamy, at a similar level to Neville Chamberlain’s “Peace With Honour” speech after returning from signing the Munich Agreement.
Couldn`t get onto the site last night-so this is pent up twaddle…bet the BBC are onto us now!
Was very disappointed in the “Night With Sir Lenward Henry” last night.
This ought to have been the start of the Lenny Henry WEEK, with a build-up to his birth in a West Bromwich Premier Inn, after getting rejected from the Dudley British Legion Club, because his parents had not come to this grey cakehole of a country via The Windrush.
But in Gary Sobers duffel bag.
Not mention of his;
a)Survivor Childhood, rejected by Ron Atkinson as that Fourth Degree he sought.
b)The New Faces years when Derek Hobson was removed in a coup and Hughie Greenes Reign Of Terror took hold at ATV
c)The Tiswaz Years, where dyslexic acronyms and unsustainably sourced flans nearly destroyed the economy of the Black Country
d)the Powell years when he single-handedly packed Enoch Powell off and to Ulster on the Windbag.
e) The Dine Out On Live Aid and Charity Era that has-obviously-long gone, but needs a reminding once in a while.
f) It`s Over when the Fat Lady Rings years-and “adopts a Benetton brood, then you coming adultery in the nearest Premier Inn and get to stay in one forever” era.
g)The Radio 4 luvvie, Othello and Saturday Morning pop culture efforts of Ian Katz era we now live in-“a rise Sir Lenward OBE-what % did we agree again?”
And now this- a week long celebration of Sir Lenny. Katanga my friends.
I reckon that God wanted him dead this April-but some dopey angel confused him with Prince.
At least Dawns doing OK-and may Adrian Childs be a reminded that being from YamYam Land does NOT make you interesting.
Unlike the brilliant Doreen!
Chris – I did notice at the beginning of the Lenny Henry programme there was an old black and white (!) shot of “Dudley” – unfortunately, the town they showed was actually Oldbury, a different place altogether! BBC “accuracy” at work again.
I watched BBC breakfast this morning for almost an hour,hardly a mention of what happened in Germany.
“The suspected truck driver was a 23-year old migrant from Pakistan who was known to police for minor offences and used several names, a German security source has told Reuters news agency.
The suspect arrived in Germany in February and was staying at a refugee hostel in the building of what used to be Tempelhof airport, the news agency reported.”
So the Police knew him “for minor offences and used several names”, so why wasn’t he deported?
As a bogus asylum seeker he should have been deported, but Merkel is lying to the German people and is NOT deporting the fake illegal migrants which she promised she would.
Expect to see her giving them a vote soon to prop up her ailing electoral fortunes.
Jenny Hill rushes up on the inside rail, passing the whole field, to win the James Naughtie Trophy for Useless Reporting 2016, with her equivocating this morning from Berlin.
I could see she was blushing from guilt while doing it, and I was listening on the radio at the time.
Television executive Peter Bazalgette examines empathy in doctors with Denis Pereira Gray, and the difference it makes for their patients.
Professor Sir Denis Pereira Gray was a GP for 38 years and is now Patron of the National Association for Patient Participation. He believes that humanity and empathy in medicine contributes to a better outcome for all concerned, and research evidence is piling up in support of that view. Empathy in clinical practice can be fostered through training, narrative medicine and continuity of care.
In which we are told how the interviewees can make Britain a more caring place.
Well I got news for you. It isn’t up to the BBC and their fawning lefties to make Britain anything it doesn’t want to be, not up to the BBC to decide what they want us to be and how they are going to go about it.
Inform entertain educate – not propagandise politic, and socially engineer !
That said-we can get rid of the NHS if it`s all about moaning to a sympathetic Winifred Robinson. And none of that messy blood and years of training, no junior quacks and their misspelt placards.
Suits me. DIY surgery and the bonesetter back in business.
Catching the tale end of R4 (0850 ish) this morning a lady DJ was discussing the Berlin attack.
The German gentleman being interviewed introduced a view implying that Brexit could have a negative effect on future European security co-operation.
This is interesting, in as much as the commingling of Brexit with this tragedy further depicts the complete dangerous shambles Germany has brought on itself and Europe through the non discriminatory acceptance of 1 million “migrants”
R4 Today – A German babbling: ‘In order to prevent this kind of terror we need more and more EU. We need to unite with one action plan, one message and bail out the ruined southern Mediterranean countries.’
What an interesting but seriously unhinged view.
It is important now that we all ignore the BBc /C4 and try to persuade others to do so. These media outlets cannot be considered truthful any more.
The internet provides many other sources and we no longer need the BBc at all. It’s reporting from Berlin is disgraceful, amateurish and misleading.
True, but the likes of the BBC have massive resources and a huge reach, paid for by the very people it seeks to misinform.
The only version of the truth most people are exposed to is limited to mainstream media, that’s why the Brexit result was such a shock.
I agree, I’m a patient man who is prepared to be objective and to give the benefit of the doubt, but my patience with the BBC is simply being abused by their consistently skewed reporting towards “sensitive events”.
The link is now up
BBC Timeshift The Story of the Corner Shop
Host Babita Sharma,(daughter of shopkeepers), relays the “glory days” of our corner shops …. The “glory days” eh!
Hmmmmm so when, or where were they BBC, lets have a look
“BBC – Timeshift, Fortunes of the British corner shop
From early Victorian times til today,(well actually since towns first expanded due to factory style work)
… alas the BBC skips through early Victorians till after 1972 in about 10 mins, to concentrate the next 50 minutes on
… you guessed it, Indians, Iranians, Ugandan Asians, RoPers fighting all that “waycism”, dodgy film clips segued together for narrative, making us “wonderfully diverse”.
On and on it goes, radio Asian shops, comedy Asian shops, celebrity Asian shops .. T?
The shop keepers who only had their wits to protect them from all that abuse and racism, they were so clever and integrated etc, etc.
Shopkeeper celebrities from the Al BBCs parallel universe of “Eastenders”.
Now we have the “scourge” of the Supermarket Minis, so the Al BBC mourns this downturn for Asian shops … wait a minute!, it wasn t doing that at the start of the show!.
Travel has changed us, says the Al BBC, we ve been enriched by diversity, we can celebrate the changing faces of our locals. Zippo! Show over
… and no time for recent polish shops either.”
There isn’t much one can say to a statement like that from a european politician, a stringent process of non-verbal communication would appear to me the only appropriate response.
To quote Pat Buchanan: “That is political correctness of a rare order – probably terminal.”
Isn’t that a bit like saying “Voodoo in a modern form”?
Got to go now – have to find a German flag, a couple of candles, a wristband, a teddy bear, a paper lantern and a packet of Sharpies. I care, you see, but I don’t want to be part of a “backlash”.
Modern sharia. Yes there is. Gays hang from cranes not posts, women can be stoned with a mechanical excavator which dumps the stones on them. Why murder your daughter at home when you can put her on a jet flight to Pakistan where it can be done without embarrassment?
BBC are running with the line that it was ‘probably’ a terrorist attack involving the lorry.
I am beginning to prefer ‘purported’ as an alternative to ‘probably’. You can run that without citing evidence.
Very soon evidence will reveal that it was a middle aged German with undiagnosed mental problems, and photographs and videos with interesting information will soon disappear. Relatives of victims will not be allowed to sue for damages.
Meanwhile, it is time to prepare for the backlash against RoPers. Interviews with actors playing the role of insulted Moslems.
The BBC quote Merkel.
‘German Chancellor Angela Merkel said it would be “particularly sickening” if he were proven to be a refugee’.
Don’t worry Angela, there is enough stupidity in Germany to consolidate the belief that he is not a refugee
I’m very concerned about the outbreak of rampant truckophobia on the BBC. Not all lorries are evil murderers and the Corporation should tread carefully, since those of them which live peacefully among us may be the target of reprisals by sinister far-right groups.
If, as reported, he is from Pakistan, he bloody well shouldn’t be a refugee in the first place, unless he belongs to the less than 2% of that country who is not Muslim and may have been charged with blasphemy. RT is on at the moment showing a German police press conference and they are doubtful that the “suspect” they caught may not be the one who did the deed. So, there may still be time to blame it on a Nordic, lone wolf gentleman who may not be a full Corona.
BBC TV newspaper reviewers last night became lost for words over Donald Trump mentioning attacks on Christians in relation to Berlin.
‘How did he know the dead were Christians?’
‘The motive for the attack, if it was an attack, was unknown’.
(No suggestion of mentally-ill Norwegian however proffered.)
And on and on it went until they ran out of nonsense to say.
Beeboid slightly nervous about the unadulterated and unrelenting attack on the US President-elect but, obviously agreeing about his bigotry, could not find anything to add by way of tempering the bias and appeasement she was supervising.
What liberals in the west forget is that to most of the non-western world, one’s religion is of supreme importance. Western snowflakes think they can stand outside that by virtue of being non-religious. That’s on a par with saying ‘don’t blame me because I don’t vote’. What they don’t realise is that they are still viewed as ‘infidels’ by the Islamic world.
I see the BBC and Guardian, plus several other MSM are concerned about the boost the massacre in Berlin will give to Far Right groups across Germany and France. Berlin, will enable them to spread more of their divisive anti-migrant hatred; in fact the BBC seem to show more concern about Far Right groups than those who actually carry out terrorism and murder us.
Far Right? Got it right!
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GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
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pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
According to http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/285355,BREAKING-NEWS-Nine-dead-as-lorry-on-Polish-plates-plows-into-Berlin-Christmas-fair the man in the truck who was killed was polish and had fatal gunshot wounds.
The driver at the time, according to the same source was a Pakistani, Radio Poland reported according to the link given
The BBC say:
End of live page coverage
Posted at 23:54 19 Dec
This brings our live coverage of the lorry crash at the market in Berlin to an end. Our news story will continue to be updated with the latest information.
Funny how that coincides neatly with German media starting to report the perpetrators origin and what bought them to Germany…
Al Beeb are into damage limitation mode .
Get your news from RT, its more informed sadly .
Our government does nothing about it. Are we being forced by law to pay for ‘disinformation’?
So from what we have gleaned so far the perp is a pakistani immigrant who hijacked a lorry killing the driver who just happens to be the cousin of the lorry owner who lost contact with the lorry earlier in the day, drove it some distance to a particular christmas market and proceeded to take out as many christians as possible then fled after crashing before being apprehended.
Wonder when the german police and mainstream media will catch up?
Now come on Dave don t you read anything (sarc)
It had to come didn t it …
BBC News – Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills nine at Christmas market
An articulated lorry has ploughed into a busy Christmas market in the heart of Berlin, killing nine people and injuring many more, police say.
Artificial intelligence at fault? the lorry did it?
… on this night of such tragic loss
how ever did it get to the shoppers? … just askin
Thanks BBC
I also just saw the BBC News ticker at the bottom of the TV screen saying:
“BBC News – Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills nine at Christmas market”
it is then immediately followed by:
“Russian Ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara”
It’s nice to know there have been no Islamic terror attacks whatsoever today – according to the BBC.
BBC not doing well on social media for its inanimate reporting style wheeled out on such occasions.
Any staff of integrity, if left, should leave now.
Holidays mean that I see more of the BBC than usual, it doesn’t disappoint.
The evening news gives us the ‘housing crisis’ and how it might be solved by modular houses built in factories. The expertise is coming from the Chinese. I was waiting for fears to be expressed that the houses would come ready ‘bugged’ but security I expect is a ‘bad news’ story for another day. Do the ‘people’ like these house? Well we liked the post-war prefabs and there are some similar modular houses in London so the BBC does a vox pop. Laugh, I could have cried!
There was the ‘housing crisis’ right in front of their eyes and the BBC couldn’t see it. Two ladies of colour, both sounding like they were fresh off the plane. No Africans, no crisis?
Later on we have the new series of Last Tango In Halifax. Not my sort of thing so I occupy myself with other things, just noting the diversity and abnormal sex in passing. Routine stuff I gather, but wait! This is the new series so we get the anti-Brexit line in too, ‘devaluation’ is all the ‘leavers’ fault.
Onto the news and we have a bit about ‘false news’. The prime example of that in the BBC’s book was ‘the bus’. The BBC tried to warn us but we fell for the ‘lie’. Our brave reporters managed to find the ‘bad bus’ but it has reformed and had a new paint job. Never mind the BBC will never forget and will keep running with their ‘exposure’ of the ‘false’ narrative of the ‘leavers’.
It is a pity that the bus has been repainted. Here it is BBC, to refresh your memory:
Brexit Bus
What does it say?
“We send the EU £350 million a week let’s fund our NHS instead. Vote leave”
The first part of the statement is true, albeit the gross figure, (but then we don’t have control over what happens with what comes back so it might be of no effective value), and the second part is a suggestion. It isn’t a statement that all of the contribution will go to the NHS, (we can be pretty sure that the farmers will still want some if not all of their CAP payment).
So to say that ‘leave’ wanted to give £350 million to the NHS is a false story. Stop broadcasting it then BBC if you are against false news.
Damn those lone wolf lorries!
If it transpires Berlin truck killer is muslim migrant, then murky Merkel is toast.
According to Al Beeb ‘it woz the truck that did it’.
Adding a suspect is under arrest.
Still in ‘damage limitation mode’ 1:45 AM
Yes Taffman, I have read the BBC report and the clear message that comes over is that the deed was clearly the work of a truck. Not that they are condemning the truck of course, that would be partisan and might get them into trouble with groups like ‘Black Trucks Matter’ and associated morons.
The like minded Guardian was referring to the incident as a crash at one stage. I haven’t gone back to either fake news source because I fear they might just link it to Brexit.
When self-driving lorries go into use, it will be a godsend for the media. From then on they can literally blame the trucks themselves for mass slaughter. ‘The incident is thought to have been caused by faulty coding in Google Trucks algorithm. The lorry’s owner, Mohammed Al Rashid Al Sheikh, is not under suspicion.’
A Black Truck Matters campaigning lorry who blew his gasket over anti-diesel prejudice would be my take on it.
Doubtless the Muslim gent was heroically trying the wrest the wheel from a mad Pole who wanted revenge for Brexit and the Harlow Massacre of last summer. The Poles want to sack their BBC liberal goons with the new election done…so he`ll be raging over Leveson too,
As usual hussain’s limp message re. Berlin completely leaves out any reference to islam or jihad, unlike Trump’s. There is hope at last.
I reported previously that I had not heard through any BBC so-called, “News” broadcast, the first of the Muslim marches on the streets of Londonistan so, it came as a shock to find that there was yet another one equally not reported by the BBC –
Does the BBC think it is not important that the tax-payer should be informed what our future leaders are promoting now? After all, we do receive so much speculation about the Trump team appointees and their individual views on their own specialities.
This small Muslim incident in Canada involving, “mental illness” slipped quietly by –
It’s all over the news that Berlin suspect is a muslim migrant, except on al bibistan of course. We mustn’t speculate, must we (unless the perpetrator is a right winger of course).
Is there no escape from the BBC’s anti-Brexit cliches? I have just received one of those tedious round-robin Christmas newsletters from an old friend (the sort that brag: ‘After little Jocasta won the gymkhana, and Tristram was knighted for our eco-friendly organic lentil farm in the Cotswolds, we went skiing in St. Moritz before trying out the super new jacuzzi in our Tuscany holiday home!’)
It ended: ‘My main thought about 2016 is that this was the year that went wrong with democracy, both here and in America.’
I have also endured my brother’s e-mail rants about the ‘stupid, racist, living-in-the-fifties Brexit voters’.
I have two questions: 1. What kind of self-absorbed d***head assumes their friends and relatives share their political views? 2. Who kidnapped the two intellectually gifted, interesting companions of my youth and substituted replicants?
Sorry, I just had to vent about this. I can’t tell them my real feelings – not in the season of goodwill, anyway.
Usual crap eh Helena?
Exactly the right season to be grumpy, as a dispossessed Christian lady.
I sent my Trump/Farage Christmas Card with “Tis the Season to be Jolly” words in Gothic script on them.
But only to the mad zealots I know, some of who are in the family.
But I`m batty old gran, and given a fair amount of leeway, seeing as I do a good Yorkshire pudding.
This followed on from my using Thatcher and Churchill stamps over the last few years-ran out of them now though, otherwise I`d have hit all their milky buttons.
Tis great to be old sometimes.
Just heard the latest about the “crash” in Berlin on Radio NZ.
It is believed that the man arrested is an Afghan or Pakistani asylum seeker.
Somewhere I also read he was from Chechnya.
Anyway we will have to wait and see. And let us ponder what those three places have in common?
I dunno. Can’t really say!
7:06 bbc news still cant mention the words “muslim” islam” “refugee”
7:06 bbc news still cant mention the words “muslim” islam” “refugee”
I expect the BBC will follow the path it has established for previous Muslim atrocities, and that is:
Find Muslim families that have been caught up in this.
State that the attack was indiscriminate.
This has nothing to do with Islam
If I have omitted anything, please let me know.
Meanwhile I can’t wait to listen to radio 4 later on and learn about the plight of gays in Africa.
Yes Cassandra, what’s the betting that the BBC version of “the plight of gays in Africa” is nothing to do with African indigenous tribal cultures or Islam and everything to do with white, Christian missionaries (especially Catholics).
Please let me know if I’m wrong!
You’re quite correct Embolden, the way in which the BBC chooses to pursue its own agenda and ignores the persecution of Christians in Africa and the Middle East is breathtaking.
Cassandra, you left out the mental illness angle, and the ‘traumatised by events in Syria particularly the bombing of innocent people by Russian forces’ etc.
The BBC are usually very quick to interview local Muslims and ask them if they feel threatened by the local public attitudes and backlash to Muslims. They did this for the Nice lorry attack – rather than interview the real victims the BBC create some made up ones who may “feel” persecuted for just being a Muslim whist the blood is still on the streets.
Can’t the authorities use our treason laws to arrest senior BBC staff?!?
I remember the BBC mouthpiece the day after, on the spot in Nice, looking at the makeshift shrine to those who had been killed and as she read the messages, she intoned, “so much anger….so much intolerance…!”
People had seen loved ones killed and maimed by a koranderthal and all she was bothered about was the bloody intolerance from those who had suffered in the attack.
She then went on to interview a local mosqueteer to find out how the attack had afected him, ffs!
Fear not, everyone. I have the answer. Lightning up buildings in the German flag and Facebook memes of Ich bin ein Berliner will see off these evil scum who are nothing to do with Islam.
Cue the man with a piano to come and play John Lennon’s Imagine
don’t forget….
1. light tealight candles
2. hastags such as #westandunited #wehatelorries #comeongermanyspeedupyourimmigration
3. World leaders flying out there to link arms together
4. Quoting Jo Cox “there is more that unites us than divides us”
5. Not mentioning the Islamic elephant in the room
Any of the above should stop future terror attacks. Then again sticking our heads in the sand has exactly the same result.
I note the tone of BBC news reporting on the terror attack in Berlin: ‘it was only a matter of time’ ‘this was inevitable’
It is strange the sort of thing we are now all supposed to accept as being an almost unfathomable unpleasant but naturally occurring event. Dare I say ‘An Act Of (someone or other’s) God’ Whereas the actual weather is now ‘man-made’ apparently well within the control of governments if only we were Greener – but I digress. The solution, we are told: big hulking lumps of concrete blocks all around spaces where people gather. Border controls? Don’t even think about it.
Also interesting is that awkward moment when the BBC news presenters have to segue into the subject they wanted to tell us about had it not been for all this terrorism in the news. Domestic violence. Now here’s a nasty thing the BBC don’t regard as inevitable or uncurable. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE. Do you know ‘one woman was so afraid of her partner that she carried a knife’. Gosh, meeting violence with a concrete deterrent, eh? Is that a ‘backlash’ against domestic abusers which the BBC seems to be condoning?
Re: The BBC ….”it was inevitable”…..
Yes it was inevitable, once the decision was made to admit millions of people steeped in hostility to the Wests Christian civilisation to force multiculturalism (for which read islamisation) on to Europe.
The history of Europe is the story of the resistance to Islamic incursion from North Africa and Ottoman Turkey….not that the new elite understand that. The story continues.
And who do they bring in to bBBC Breakfast to comment? A muslim professor from Bradford University who links it to Syria! So a mad (with rage) Pakistani or Afghan who has come UNCHECKED into Germany which is offering SYRIANS unconditional support, housing, shelter and 1st class medical attention has chosen to mow down anybody at a Christmas market.
Doesn’t it strike the 2 sofa halfwits that this is an act against Christians and not a political act against Germans.
Here’s a quote made to the Yorkshire Post by the aforementioned Dr Afshin Shahi in 2015.
“In a way it is very much like the International Brigades who joined the fight against fascism in the Spanish Civil War. There is a sense of mission and an ideological agenda, but most of all it seems very exciting….”
The stupid bBBC – fanning the flames of Islamaphobia by bringing in a Muslim apologist, from Bradford of all places,to explain away what boils down to Frau Merkel’s idiotic and unilaterally issued invitation to anyone who can pretend to be Syrian to invade Europe.
God help us with the BBC on our side.
Did anybody else hear Dr David Lowe from Liverpool John Moores University Law School talking about Berlin on Radio 5 last night?
He was on Phil Williams show at about 11:20, and when asked if Europol was the main agency investigating this he replied:
“Certainly for members of the EU, and I have to have a wry smile as I’m talking about this, post referendum …”
FFS … people have been brutally mowed down and this man has a “wry smile” and finds an opportunity to have a dig at Brexit.
In defence of the BBC (eh ?) they are under strict instructions to play down any Islamic involvement in atrocities such as these – I can understand that the Government and Police don’t want civil unrest, vigilante squads, etc. However, when a Muslim woman has her hijab pulled off her head in a London Street , they are all over the story. Maybe they think fellow Muslims are more tolerant than we are and won’t take offence ? I think that the German backlash may be severe this time (the people that is, NOT their Government)
The BBC’s coverage of the latest RoP atrocity, there will be more, is shameful. However, it appears its ability to manipulate public opinion is waning as more and more people see this vile organisation for what it truly is.
On this subject, I thought you would all like some festive cheer courtesy of the BBC Entertainment arm’s discussion of the Christmas No1:
‘But a tribute single to murdered MP Jo Cox looks like it will miss the top 40.
The song, a cover of the Rolling Stones’ You Can’t Always Get What You Want, which features David Gray, KT Tunstall and a cross-party group of MPs, languishes at number 59 in the midweek chart update.’
I can’t begin to express my joy at another stunt spectacularly backfiring in the BBC’s face.
Proceeds from sales will go towards buying an ethical latte from starbucks
When I heard the song title was ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ I knew it was doomed to fail. The Jox Cox single could easily be called ‘the EU Remainers singles’ and the phrase ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ couldn’t be any more appropriate.
A triumph of self obsessed, zealots over the future well being of the children.
How many remember the good old days when you could pick up a newspaper or switch on the box and not be regaled by the latest Muslim atrocity, offended or angry Muslims? Seems like a century ago. Will we look back on these times in the future and call these the good old days? Worrying, very worrying!
I agree ToobiWan. Only in the last couple of decades have Islam/Muslim come to the fore in this country. How’s it been allowed to happen ? Oh yeah, Blair and Brown’s open door policy. The genie is out of the bottle and we’re stuffed. A reporter yesterday questioned a couple of Muslims in the street about ‘Britishness’ – one wore the full face kit and couldn’t speak English, and another elderly woman in Islamic gear likewise. The media and left wingers cry ‘racist’ if we complain, well, maybe they are right ! we see and hear scenes of atrocities committed by these aliens and we are supposed to just tut tutt it away ? Those I’ve spoken to – just ordinary folk with no fierce opposition one way or another to politics, have openly admitted they’ve become more ‘racist’ as they’ve gotten older. Why ? not hard to understand why is it. These feelings, like it or not, are underlying everywhere, here and in Europe, whilst we feel our countries are under siege.
Posted in wrong place
I remember the BBC mouthpiece the day after, on the spot in Nice, looking at the makeshift shrine to those who had been killed and as she read the messages, she intoned, “so much anger….so much intolerance…!”
People had seen loved ones killed and maimed by a koranderthal and all she was bothered about was the bloody intolerance from those who had suffered in the attack.
She then went on to interview a local mosqueteer to find out how the attack had afected him, ffs!
Open door policy? The labour scum were sending recruitment scouts round the shitholes of the world to invite these primitives to the UK and the condition they voted labour, rubbing the right’s nose in it at the same time, Brissles. As to “racism”, that horse has bolted and died, killed by over and inappropriate use. When charged with this I counter with not racism, survival!
I have friends from all over the world of all nationalities, I have family living and working in Germany, I do not have any problems with any of them. What I do have a problem with is are the fundamentalist followers of a book of fairy stories written by an illiterate, paedophilic psychopath and their myriad excusers who want me and mine to modify how I live to accommodate them!
I think it all changed with the fatwā against Salman Rushdie in 1989, when we showed that we were weak and could be bullied into accepting bullies’ demands.
When it can be shown that violence works, don’t be surprised when violence happens.
Daily Mail reporting that a 23 year old Paki bogus asylum seeker was the driver. I wonder if Merkel the mad will view this crime as reaching the necessary threshold for deportation?
Obviously not as they will want to send him to a cushy German prison for a few years before hoping that the anger has died down before releasing him back into society.
I tried to read this site at 05:53 and again at 06:48, but was unable to open it. I finally got in at 08:23, although I notice that Yasser was posting at 05:10 and Kaiser at 07:07. I’m pretty sure that it is not an issue with my ISP.
Morning all.
Listened to Toady on R4 this morning.
Between 7.20 am and 8 am the only reference to Berlin was a fleeting one in one news summary.
They did better on the 8am news and then at 8.10am it was the prime feature covered by Mischel ‘Useless’ Hussein.
She did OK ish, interviewing a somewhat defensive, apologist German MP, and asking a few pertinent questions amid the usual soft dross, but there were four giveaways to Al Beeb’s default position.
1. The interview spent a long time worrying about the likely increase in popularity of the AfD. (Mind you, the bBBC do have problems with people expressing their views through the ballot box, as we know very well).
2. There was an awful lot of ‘keeping an open mind’ emphasis (the irony of this statement, contrasting with their treatment of UKIP and Trump is totally lost on them)
3. The likely religion of the perpetrator was not mentioned once in 59 minutes. When, on the hour mark, it finally was, by the German MP himself, Useless immediately closed down the interview.
4. At the end of the slot, Useless summarised by saying a ‘man’ was being interviewed, even though the origin and ethnicity of the ‘man’, is being widely mentioned, and indeed was during the interview.
So obviously there is no chance this incident has anything to do with the RoP.
Al Beeb. In denial as usual.
I think the BBC are quite right to keep an open mind about the lorry incident.
After all, for all we know, this could turn out just to be a normal ‘parallel parking gone wrong’ incident – the sort of thing we will all be laughing about on Youtube next week.
As for those racist pedestrians jumping in the path of the poor Muslim driver, just trying to do his best in a racist Europe, I think their behaviour was disgusting.
Keep it up BBC!
I’m sure the BBC are checking the victims hoping in there somewhere is one dead Muslim to prove it was an attack on everyone. I heard the same bullcrap about the Nice lorry attack where some lefties claim the very first victim was a Muslim woman.
Toady continued to be in denial until the very end this morning. Around 8.50am there was an interview about the Berlin Christmas market murders with 2 so-called experts . One was an ex-BBC news reporter called Margaret Gilmore. The other was a man with an Arabic name who spoke English with what could have been a German accent. Essentially we were told it was down to lack of bollards ( Gilmore) and , guess what, Brexit had a part in it too by making Europe less united ( Arab guy). The subject of Merkel’s
one million migrants was raised by the interviewer but quickly dismissed by the experts as a contributory factor.
To fake news, we should add fake news analysis. Goebels couldn’t have done better. The BBC should be ashamed.
I think I can understand why people from Afghanistan, where there has been a war, may come to Europe claiming asylum but the Berlin terrorist might have come from Pakistan. So why might a Pakistani claim asylum? I hadn’t realised there had been a war with European involvement there? Maybe this terrorist is a Hindu and that is why he had to escape from Pakistan and be supported with other people’s money.
The only Pakistanis that could/should be able to claim asylum are Christians and gays, but both are too open to abuse. Only those with provable threats to their lives should be granted asylum. A condition of any asylum application should be that it becomes void if the recipient ever travels back to their home country – i.e. it proves their life isn’t in danger and they’re just taking the piss.
New years eve street parties could be interesting in Germany
Hopefully the patriots will be organised and prepared to deal with the vermin
Oh look….bbc have found a moozlim witness to interview
Way to go Ibrahim
BBC news channel invites on a German politician, a member of Merkel’s party, this morning to take a sideswipe at Nigel Farage – not classy, BBC. The message it seems: we must not question asylum policy.
Picked that one up too….trash
orders must be obeyed at all times.
How does the liberal media deflect people from the truth when reporting an off-message incident?
If it is clear that a muslim terrorist has committed an atrocity in the name of islam, the religion of peace, what can you do?
Well, the answer is, if it looks clear-cut, then sow as many seeds of doubt as possible.
For example use the word deliberate. Why? because deliberate immediately conjures up accidental. See, you’re getting it already. The doubt is there.
Next, be vague – he’s a pakistani of afghani – deflect away from Syria, Merkel’s big mistake. If it’s so uncertain why speculate at all?
(alternatively the old mentally ill nugget seems to work quite well)
What else? report that the truck only drove 50-80m into the target area – it doesn’t sound so bad. ( as if it’s any consolation to the dead and injured – but every little bit helps)
So, what have we got so far?
Well, it seems we have a muslim terrorist who accidentally stole an articulated truck, killed the driver, plonked him on the passenger seat, drive across a non-existent border and then accidentally drove to Berlin and into a Xmas fair.
But he’s not a muslim terrorist so it’s job done by the liberal media once again and they can all go back to twitter and get a jolly good laugh from their Donald Trump jokes.
Seismicboy you missed out a few bibistan strategies for obfuscation of inconvenient news: if the story is so huge even bibistan can’t bury it, then sow some red herrings and fausses pistes in early reports, eg: driver might have been Polish (yeah, all them Polish terrorists!); blame the German police and the lack of bollards(!); keep repeating ‘we mustn’t speculate or jump to conclusions’, even though it’s glaringly obvious what happened and even though speculation seems in order if the suspects are nasty right-wingers as in Cox killer); call it terrorism, never islamic or muslim terrorism…
If you are going to allow a million unvetted young men from Islamic countries into your cities, you need concrete barriers at all public events. Anything else is just compounding the original criminal negligence.
Incidentally, I checked Facebook earlier and all the usual virtue signalling suspects have gone completely silent – not even a vomit inducing German flag overlaying their profile pictures. I think they now realise that they need to accept responsibility for this shit.
Meanwhile, Guardian readers are moaning about something far more important. Why did Mo only finish 4th again. Must be because we’re all racist.
Perhaps these perpetual apologists for Empire should do something good this Christmas. How about going over to Germany and comforting the distraught families of those slaughtered at the German Christmas market. Tell them how it was THEIR idea to import terrorism into Europe to rub our nasty racist noses in diversity.
Before the site closes down for the day
And before this piece about the assassination of the Russian Ambassador turns into another case of a lone wolf attack
BBC and CNN blame the lorry. Nothing to do with Islam
Accident or incident then?
Need we ask?
The liberal media require cool heads and a Cologne-like blancmange with a tarpaulin quickly pulled over the whole “event”.
PJ spot on-the only news reporter needed these days.
“German chancellor Angela Merkel is due to make a statement about the attack at 11am (10.00 GMT) according to reports.”
That should be a good laugh.
Germans will be praying its the resignation speech
Crocodile tears – if they’re very lucky.
I’ll refrain from commenting on the latest Muslim mass murder – I can’t think of anything new to say about these creatures.
Instead, I was irritated by the trivial treatment of a possible breakthrough in prostate cancer treatment by the two giggling breakfast time fools this morning – the one who looks like Stan Laurel, and his smirking sidekick.
Prostate cancer is a big killer and these idiots seemed to think it was some kind of joke. Imagine a breakthrough in the treatment of self inflicted AIDS being treated this way.
Bias aside, the BBC is just plain amateurish and obnoxious (which is probably unfair to amateurs).
Yes, just heard a newsflash on 5live
… We ve just heard, German police have named the man responsible, the driver of the lorry
……. so back to our discussion on prostate cancer.
Further update 10 minutes later on 5Live
… the man is a Afghan or Pakistani national, asylum seeker, he has been known for criminality, more petty crime low level nothing to do with terrorism.
Yes, I see the great edifice rising that is the, Merkel Legacy.
But she’ll say that these terrorists are a very small percentage and what about the benefits of immigration.
So, I guess that’ll be a great consolation to families of the dozen or so dead on this, the latest incident.
Life, when it suits, is cheap. One immigrant child on a beach compared to twelve Christmas shoppers.
Merkel’s statement that “we welcome all refugees” will go down in history, and infamy, at a similar level to Neville Chamberlain’s “Peace With Honour” speech after returning from signing the Munich Agreement.
Couldn`t get onto the site last night-so this is pent up twaddle…bet the BBC are onto us now!
Was very disappointed in the “Night With Sir Lenward Henry” last night.
This ought to have been the start of the Lenny Henry WEEK, with a build-up to his birth in a West Bromwich Premier Inn, after getting rejected from the Dudley British Legion Club, because his parents had not come to this grey cakehole of a country via The Windrush.
But in Gary Sobers duffel bag.
Not mention of his;
a)Survivor Childhood, rejected by Ron Atkinson as that Fourth Degree he sought.
b)The New Faces years when Derek Hobson was removed in a coup and Hughie Greenes Reign Of Terror took hold at ATV
c)The Tiswaz Years, where dyslexic acronyms and unsustainably sourced flans nearly destroyed the economy of the Black Country
d)the Powell years when he single-handedly packed Enoch Powell off and to Ulster on the Windbag.
e) The Dine Out On Live Aid and Charity Era that has-obviously-long gone, but needs a reminding once in a while.
f) It`s Over when the Fat Lady Rings years-and “adopts a Benetton brood, then you coming adultery in the nearest Premier Inn and get to stay in one forever” era.
g)The Radio 4 luvvie, Othello and Saturday Morning pop culture efforts of Ian Katz era we now live in-“a rise Sir Lenward OBE-what % did we agree again?”
And now this- a week long celebration of Sir Lenny. Katanga my friends.
I reckon that God wanted him dead this April-but some dopey angel confused him with Prince.
At least Dawns doing OK-and may Adrian Childs be a reminded that being from YamYam Land does NOT make you interesting.
Unlike the brilliant Doreen!
Chris – I did notice at the beginning of the Lenny Henry programme there was an old black and white (!) shot of “Dudley” – unfortunately, the town they showed was actually Oldbury, a different place altogether! BBC “accuracy” at work again.
I watched BBC breakfast this morning for almost an hour,hardly a mention of what happened in Germany.
“The suspected truck driver was a 23-year old migrant from Pakistan who was known to police for minor offences and used several names, a German security source has told Reuters news agency.
The suspect arrived in Germany in February and was staying at a refugee hostel in the building of what used to be Tempelhof airport, the news agency reported.”
So the Police knew him “for minor offences and used several names”, so why wasn’t he deported?
As a bogus asylum seeker he should have been deported, but Merkel is lying to the German people and is NOT deporting the fake illegal migrants which she promised she would.
Expect to see her giving them a vote soon to prop up her ailing electoral fortunes.
BBC 5Live News Channel – 10am Good morning, today we have a special edition programme for you
… In 1962 a maritime disaster …
Jenny Hill rushes up on the inside rail, passing the whole field, to win the James Naughtie Trophy for Useless Reporting 2016, with her equivocating this morning from Berlin.
I could see she was blushing from guilt while doing it, and I was listening on the radio at the time.
Why the long face Jenny?
What is the problem ? Nigel Farage not driving the lorry ?
Radio 4 One to One
Television executive Peter Bazalgette examines empathy in doctors with Denis Pereira Gray, and the difference it makes for their patients.
Professor Sir Denis Pereira Gray was a GP for 38 years and is now Patron of the National Association for Patient Participation. He believes that humanity and empathy in medicine contributes to a better outcome for all concerned, and research evidence is piling up in support of that view. Empathy in clinical practice can be fostered through training, narrative medicine and continuity of care.
In which we are told how the interviewees can make Britain a more caring place.
Well I got news for you. It isn’t up to the BBC and their fawning lefties to make Britain anything it doesn’t want to be, not up to the BBC to decide what they want us to be and how they are going to go about it.
Inform entertain educate – not propagandise politic, and socially engineer !
That said-we can get rid of the NHS if it`s all about moaning to a sympathetic Winifred Robinson. And none of that messy blood and years of training, no junior quacks and their misspelt placards.
Suits me. DIY surgery and the bonesetter back in business.
Catching the tale end of R4 (0850 ish) this morning a lady DJ was discussing the Berlin attack.
The German gentleman being interviewed introduced a view implying that Brexit could have a negative effect on future European security co-operation.
This is interesting, in as much as the commingling of Brexit with this tragedy further depicts the complete dangerous shambles Germany has brought on itself and Europe through the non discriminatory acceptance of 1 million “migrants”
(and its open border with Poland)
R4 Today – A German babbling: ‘In order to prevent this kind of terror we need more and more EU. We need to unite with one action plan, one message and bail out the ruined southern Mediterranean countries.’
What an interesting but seriously unhinged view.
Think Scotland is seriously worried about losing it’s EU hand-outs?
But it has a massive, thriving economy?
It is important now that we all ignore the BBc /C4 and try to persuade others to do so. These media outlets cannot be considered truthful any more.
The internet provides many other sources and we no longer need the BBc at all. It’s reporting from Berlin is disgraceful, amateurish and misleading.
True, but the likes of the BBC have massive resources and a huge reach, paid for by the very people it seeks to misinform.
The only version of the truth most people are exposed to is limited to mainstream media, that’s why the Brexit result was such a shock.
I agree, I’m a patient man who is prepared to be objective and to give the benefit of the doubt, but my patience with the BBC is simply being abused by their consistently skewed reporting towards “sensitive events”.
The link is now up
BBC Timeshift The Story of the Corner Shop
Host Babita Sharma,(daughter of shopkeepers), relays the “glory days” of our corner shops …. The “glory days” eh!
Hmmmmm so when, or where were they BBC, lets have a look
“BBC – Timeshift, Fortunes of the British corner shop
From early Victorian times til today,(well actually since towns first expanded due to factory style work)
… alas the BBC skips through early Victorians till after 1972 in about 10 mins, to concentrate the next 50 minutes on
… you guessed it, Indians, Iranians, Ugandan Asians, RoPers fighting all that “waycism”, dodgy film clips segued together for narrative, making us “wonderfully diverse”.
On and on it goes, radio Asian shops, comedy Asian shops, celebrity Asian shops .. T?
The shop keepers who only had their wits to protect them from all that abuse and racism, they were so clever and integrated etc, etc.
Shopkeeper celebrities from the Al BBCs parallel universe of “Eastenders”.
Now we have the “scourge” of the Supermarket Minis, so the Al BBC mourns this downturn for Asian shops … wait a minute!, it wasn t doing that at the start of the show!.
Travel has changed us, says the Al BBC, we ve been enriched by diversity, we can celebrate the changing faces of our locals. Zippo! Show over
… and no time for recent polish shops either.”
Brimful of Asha?
Real catchy, fun hit!
There isn’t much one can say to a statement like that from a european politician, a stringent process of non-verbal communication would appear to me the only appropriate response.
To quote Pat Buchanan: “That is political correctness of a rare order – probably terminal.”
Isn’t this what Merkel’s poodle, Treezer, is going to conclude from her inquiry about sharia in the UK?
And the likes of Eddie Izzard would be welcome to give talks in Mosques.
The term, ‘Modern Sharia’ is a contradiction in terms.
Sharia law in a modern form?
Isn’t that a bit like saying “Voodoo in a modern form”?
Got to go now – have to find a German flag, a couple of candles, a wristband, a teddy bear, a paper lantern and a packet of Sharpies. I care, you see, but I don’t want to be part of a “backlash”.
Modern sharia. Yes there is. Gays hang from cranes not posts, women can be stoned with a mechanical excavator which dumps the stones on them. Why murder your daughter at home when you can put her on a jet flight to Pakistan where it can be done without embarrassment?
BBC are running with the line that it was ‘probably’ a terrorist attack involving the lorry.
I am beginning to prefer ‘purported’ as an alternative to ‘probably’. You can run that without citing evidence.
Very soon evidence will reveal that it was a middle aged German with undiagnosed mental problems, and photographs and videos with interesting information will soon disappear. Relatives of victims will not be allowed to sue for damages.
Meanwhile, it is time to prepare for the backlash against RoPers. Interviews with actors playing the role of insulted Moslems.
The BBC quote Merkel.
‘German Chancellor Angela Merkel said it would be “particularly sickening” if he were proven to be a refugee’.
Don’t worry Angela, there is enough stupidity in Germany to consolidate the belief that he is not a refugee
I’m surprised that they haven’t mentioned that it was a SWEDISH lorry.
Hmmm – those troublesome Scandinavians.
I’m very concerned about the outbreak of rampant truckophobia on the BBC. Not all lorries are evil murderers and the Corporation should tread carefully, since those of them which live peacefully among us may be the target of reprisals by sinister far-right groups.
If, as reported, he is from Pakistan, he bloody well shouldn’t be a refugee in the first place, unless he belongs to the less than 2% of that country who is not Muslim and may have been charged with blasphemy. RT is on at the moment showing a German police press conference and they are doubtful that the “suspect” they caught may not be the one who did the deed. So, there may still be time to blame it on a Nordic, lone wolf gentleman who may not be a full Corona.
Maybe his brakes just failed and his foot was stuck on the accelerator.
The blood is on Merkel’s hands and she must be removed. A very evil bitch.
BBC TV newspaper reviewers last night became lost for words over Donald Trump mentioning attacks on Christians in relation to Berlin.
‘How did he know the dead were Christians?’
‘The motive for the attack, if it was an attack, was unknown’.
(No suggestion of mentally-ill Norwegian however proffered.)
And on and on it went until they ran out of nonsense to say.
Beeboid slightly nervous about the unadulterated and unrelenting attack on the US President-elect but, obviously agreeing about his bigotry, could not find anything to add by way of tempering the bias and appeasement she was supervising.
What liberals in the west forget is that to most of the non-western world, one’s religion is of supreme importance. Western snowflakes think they can stand outside that by virtue of being non-religious. That’s on a par with saying ‘don’t blame me because I don’t vote’. What they don’t realise is that they are still viewed as ‘infidels’ by the Islamic world.
I see the BBC and Guardian, plus several other MSM are concerned about the boost the massacre in Berlin will give to Far Right groups across Germany and France. Berlin, will enable them to spread more of their divisive anti-migrant hatred; in fact the BBC seem to show more concern about Far Right groups than those who actually carry out terrorism and murder us.
Far Right? Got it right!
The BBC fully support Islam and Islamic terrorism. Beeboids are useful idiots .
The story of King Canute still holds good for today and so does the one about the Emperor’s New Clothes.
Never been more timely.