BBC have another bash at Trump and the encouragement he is giving to Nazis, racists and homophobes.
Liberals are now buying guns fearing a collapse of US society now Trump is elected.
I hope the new US administration are noting this hostility towards them from the UK Government via its state broadcaster.
We have a chance of good post Brexit relations with the US. Don’t let treacherous Treezer and her BBC wreck it.
I said on this site that i’m not religious,well circumstances have changed dramatically i’m now 100% certain GOD exists.Battles between good and evil continue constantly none more important than trump’s victory.The tide has turned in favour of good most definitely. God bless you all.
Special award nomination to Sky news for the most incipid and disengenuous of headlines of the year (showing on London mainline railway station electronic hordings after 10 o’clock this morning) : Berlin lorry crash, probably ‘attack’
Gosh. Didn’t see what they had to say about the assassination of the Russian ambassador… perhaps: Turkey gun goes off, probably ‘shooting’
Must thank the BBC for telling us what President Hollande of France had to say on Twitter. Seems he expressed concern for Merkel, the German people and the relatives of the victims – in that order.
I just saw a bit of Merkel’s speech today where she says her “first thoughts are with the victims and the dead”. Bowing your head and lower the volume of your voice isn’t going to stop Islamic terror attacks.
Her first words, as a world leader, should have been “my first thoughts are to reverse my stupid open border policy”
But we all know her first thought were really “how much longer can I cling to power?”
I have just listened to a broadcast by bbc news which featured the new prime minister of the UK. Yes, I know it sounds far fetched, but there she was, dictating future policy of the UK, post brexit. Apparently Scotland will have their own arrangement with Brussels – If the rest of the UK is out of the single market and the customs union, Scotland will remain and there will be no hard border.
It’s Krankie. Well, yes and yes.
What, so we just push stuff a few feet over the border into Scotland and bingo we’re in the single market with no hard border for goods AND people?
And Brussels will be okay with that?
gaxvil, of course it’s a pipe-dream at best and, as usual, the same media, who have been telling us how hard the negotiations will be, swallow her BS like mother’s milk.
Just a week ago the BBC were running down our courageous police officers for being armed at a Christmas market in Newcastle.
The only people, outside the police ranks, the BBC found to comment were passionately against armed police officers at these events saying they would make things worse. What do you expect from the loons in sociology departments? Odd that they couldn’t find anyone, not a single soul, who supported the police protecting us from the religion of peace?
Apparently, the BBC were unhappy with how some of the armed police officers actually had the temerity to smile. the headline of one piece was: “Northumbria police criticised over ‘smiling’ armed officers.”
I gather the BBC will be apologising today for yet more fake news. -as if.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said it would be “particularly sickening” if he were proven to be a refugee.
Seeing as he is one of her asylum seekers and thought to have come from Pakistan the possibility of him being a genuine refugee is highly unlikely.
And why would be any more sickening if he way anyway?
Mrs Merkel has vowed to punish those responsible for the Berlin attack “as harshly as the law allows”.
Personally I think Mrs Merkel needs to be punished as harshly as the law allows!
I just saw a comment on the Berlin Xmas market attack by Paul Joseph Watson on Youtube which summed up the current attitude towards the situation quite well:
“Germany will simply ban Christmas markets”.
I think the Germans are so far gone, they just might..
That just about sums up the German attitude.
Now consider my prediction for this years New Years Eve celebrations without mass Moslem rapes
Pre-arranged, well rehearsed pictures and videos and Moslems, German cops and Frauleins holding hands and candles in a sea of multiculty harmony. Lot of banners supporting the unity of RoPer-men with wimmin and the LGBT community.
If there’s a confrontation, the police are likely to join with the people. Then there would be a real showdown. It seems that a tip of the scales further will do the trick.
Surely the German people can see the blatant lies told by Merkel et al?
Scottish people would welcome remaining in the EU with Merkel at its head! I really do not think so!
Perhaps; but in the UK the over recruiting of EMB into the police force and the running down of our armed forces, especially the Army, taken together with pushing so many non British into the public sector and giving them rapid promotion is a concern.
It will surely weaken any attempt to take back our country from out of touch politicians; you can guarantee that the police and army will be ranged against ordinary British folk who want their country, their culture and way of life back.
Went back to last years “BBC Correspondents Predict 2016” show on Radio 4.
Apparently Ted Cruz would have given Clinton a close election-Rubio may well be a decent alternative?
But Hillary would storm it, and Trump was but a sideshow. End of.
As for the Referendum-interestingly enough, it had not been called yet?
Well-it would be close, but we`d see sense and stay in.
Only Bridget Kendall demurred,rest of them clearly were more bothered with Nigerias upcoming elections and the confident hope that the new UN Secretary General would be a woman. To match Hillary probably.
Hears up their own bottoms, wrong wrong and wrong again.
But they`ll all be back in Dec 31st to call NEXT years events.
Just listen-go in the opposite direction, and you`ll be fine.
Merkel claims she was shocked by the Berlin attack. If she was shocked she is a fool, it was always going to happen and there will be many more lives lost in the coming years. If she was just lying then she must have known that opening the borders would result in the deaths of ordinary Germans and she was cynically exploiting the German voters for some ulterior motive. What that motive is is hard to establish but whatever it is/was , it is not good for Germany or Europe..
I note that now it is clear that the killer was a Pakistani migrant the liberal left commentators are claiming that it is not helpful to blame the open door policy for this incident. How on earth theycan possibly say that is beyond me. They can keep their heads buried in the sand if they want to but the rest of us have had enough. Like it or not Islam is at war with theWest and the sooner we all accept this the sooner we do something to protect Western citizens.
The German “BBCs” clearly stated that a “public spirited” citizen saw this man jumping from the lorry, followed him and constantly fed information about his whereabouts by phone to the police who eventually arrested him. I suppose the fact that the suspect denied involvement clinched it for the police, as, of course, no muslim ever lies.
As soon as the “incident” was announced, the various German news moderators were practically on their knees praying that no refugees were involved. The news that the lorry was from Poland raised the spirits temporarily – drunken Pole causes horrendous accident – no stereotyping there then. But their hopes were dashed – the Pole that died had been shot. The AfD is, of course, roundly condemned for “exploiting the tragedy for political purposes”. How much death and mutilation can Germany endure before Merkel finally gets the chop?
Daily Politics the BBC abandons its usual caution and broadcasts the unconfirmed news that the Pakistani arrested by German police for the Berlin attack is the wrong man! This is in marked contrast to the way they urge caution about not jumping to conclusions whenever there is a terror attack. Obviously they are keen, as are the German police, to limit the damage to Merkel of the perpetrator being a migrant. The German police have previous form on lying to protect Merkel. Do we believe them now?
Yes, that’s always struck me. The likes of the IRA would own it and denounce Britain but Muslims are lacking the dignity of the IRA and that is really saying something.
How many times does it take before this sort of thing is recognised as enemy action? No, not the Berlin attack, but WATO on R4, where Martha ‘clueless’ Kearney has just broadcast an interview with a spokeswoman for the AFD, only for the woman’s entire opening comment in which, presumably, she attacked Merkel’s policies, to be played at inaudibly low volume.
These technical glitches, heard so often in the run-up to the referendum, are not only technically inexcusable, but far too common to be ‘mere accidents’.
GCooper, quite right the long opening statement was inaudible. As we pay for sound mixers at the BBC to adjust levels on the fly, a person should have instantly raised the levels when the item started. Failing to do this, the item ought to have been restarted. This happens when with people who agree with the BBC’s views find their link has been broken up due to technical issues.
It amounts to censorship.
Worse Martha threw constantly challenging questions at her, including red herrings to damage the AFD’s image, but had nought to do with the devastating terrorist attack.
The lady who followed was from a left wing party and agreed with the BBC’s views and thus was given easy balls to bat. At no time were embarrassing quotes from other members of her party thrown at her.
Also, if it was a truck that killed the 12 people at the German Christmas market, then surely it was a gun that killed Jo Cox, so why bother attacking right wing groups?
The bit before that also began with a fuzzy line … The German speaker before innocently said “the.type of attack where Allah Akbar is shouted” ….
A few second later Martha says “We were going to have longer on that but due to the quality of the line we’ll cut it short”
5 Mins later they’d found a winess from the scene who was the most kind helpful ethnic-soft-Muslim you can imagine.
Interesting to see the UK news services today. Main headlines about the drastic acts, as it should be, but scarcely a mention for Trump winning the Electoral College. Trump losing 2 electors and Hillary having more defectors than anyone in a century. One to Faith Spotted Eagle in Washington State. Only mention I can see on BBC website is in the Americas and headlines “Protests as Trump wins electoral college”. Amazing how when things don’t go the way they think it should they try to hide the news from the public as best as possible.
Sad news for BBC, Guardian and Labour Party men with prostrate cancer.
A breakthrough in treatment has been made following research in Israel but they won’t, in all conscience, be able to take advantage of it. Still there is always a chance that the Palestinians might find something, sometime never.
I assume that details of scientific/medical research in this field will have to be witheld from our universities as it might breach the blockade on discussion of Zionist matters.
Merkel says, Germans can’t live in fear. No, but Germans should be able to live in peace. Our reckless, feckless leaders are to blame. You put your head in a lions mouth ……………….
She’s one of too many fanatics who are irrevocably stuck on a fantasy narrative that flies in the face of caution and common sense. I don’t know just what it’ll take for them to smell what they’re shovelling. In the meantime she should be put away.
But the point surely is that she not only put her head in the lions mouth but the rest of Germany and Europe as well. This will surely rank as a mistake of historic proportions and Europe will have to live with its consequences for generations to come.
Anyone that has spent any time in the Middle East will know that it was the Bush/Blair duo that ripped the lid off the tinderbox that is the Mid. East. Then the Human Rights followed in the form of the UN along with the charities having spotted the opportunities in their collective quest to reach Utopia (and, of course high profile and equally high CEO salaries).
It will always take a strong brutal ruler of any country in the Arab and Islamic world to keep the lid on the simmering Islamic conflicts that infect all of the region. Let’s face it, the Muslim enjoys war, conflict and terrorism. It follows them wherever they are in the World. So, small wonder that when they arrive in Europe where there is very little state control, they ‘Party’ like small children, uncontrolled and let loose in a sweet shop. As is said, it should be a “no-brainer”. Problem is the latter amply describes the left/liberal elite in Europe – utterly devoid of grey matter and as impractical as always. While the Islamists remain in Europe, the region and the West in general is doomed. Right now, as I see it, a tipping point has been reached. The Islamists have moved too quickly. They should have waited until millions more are safely ensconced before uprising to demand Islamic rule i.e. Sharia. So. true to erratic form, they’ve jumped the gun and left a small window in time ajar without critical mass. Question is, will the western World act en masse to cleanse itself of this disease?
Thought: the world trade slump has left many enormous container ships parked up………
I have family connections with Turkey going back almost as far as Boris. And I lived in istanbul for 2 years some years ago. I totally endorse what you say. But the ignorant Lefties in the West , including the teenagers at the BBC, do not understand what you are saying .
Ataturk’s genius bought Turkey about 70 years. None of the other “muslim” countries ever had anyone of his quality and , sadly , we shall never see the like of him again.
And the Western Lefties will never learn from history. They just want to rewrite it.
“If you want to defeat your enemy sing his song”.
Not true Kahlil..but have a listen at least to see the ongoing entitlement and lies that emanate from this Third Way coalition between the Communislamic Axes of Chomsky and Al Jazeeras Medhi Hasan.
Stay alert,but enjoy the talk-lets you know what 2017 will consist of at the Top Peoples table.
He probably isn’t but his face appears on You Tube vids from time to time knocking Israel and warning against the neo liberal paradigm. I think they have found a way of re-using his image.
Gawd. His philosophy of language was bad, and it was linguistics that gave him his reputation
Interesting, chrisH, thanks for that. Only watched five minutes so far!
In the first 4m40s, I found myself in agreement with Chomsky. Think he may have read Trump right. He then goes into a standard Liberal meme that the whole western & northern hemisphere world has marched firmly beyond Centre-Right to Right (politics-wise), if not Hard-Right which is patently nonsense.
Well as we approach Christmas I would like to add some positive points to this forum as we are all aware that the BBC has a very anti-christian ethic at this time of year. That does not stop it from featuring ‘popular’ programming over Christmas (I imagine through gritted teeth). After all that banner of BBC ‘impartiality’ has to be upheld at this time of year or people might go elsewhere for their TV and Radio. The rise and fall of the BBC can de defined by it’s ‘popularity’ on these pages and not by its ‘70% reach’ across news and media channels (as used by Lord Haw Haw to justify its existence). And then the ultimate lie that the BBC is incredible ‘value-for-money’ at just 33p per day was never contested as being complete nonsense in its Charter review in parliament. If we break that down into figures it would mean that the Telly Tax’ is cross subsiding the entire BBC output (the World Service included) and supporting the millions who don’t pay any TV tax at all, despite having brand new ‘tellies’ and the BBC having their UK address details conveniently available on purchase. As an example of that BBC ‘generosity’ the over 75’s don’t pay anything (nor should they) but they are ‘automatically’ added as BBC listeners and TV viewers (even when half stone deaf or blind). And then BBC Radio is also funded by the same TV license and has the same mandate. The same Radio listeners would NOT choose to watch the BBC TV, you would think, but thats not the case. The BBC are losing its popularity across the range TV and Radio, its programmes are ‘less popular’ and more sinister in content. Overtly political and assuming we are all ‘on-side’ with BBC sentiment (which we’re clearly not) 17.5 million against BBC false news. So when the BBC claim a 70% reach (they mean a corporate monopoly of UK coverage), and then when they claim ‘value-for-money’ at 33p per day, they are including the entire UK (all of them) as pensioners (on a free TV license), views per family household (estimated), Students who never pay for anything included (on iPlayer) not that they all have time to watch BBC TV, an immigrant population that owns a TV and never pays for a TV license (in areas of high racial tension the BBC does not instruct CIVITAS to venture collecting fees), nor will they get any (ask any Pakistani if he has a license). So what we have left is the escalating cost of running the BBC under declining standards and popularity, propped up by the false analysis that the BBC ‘only’ cost 33p per day. Nobody can surely watch (or listen) to BBC TV or Radio (radio 4) for longer than 20 minutes. The BBC is an expensive quango to support. If we used the same BBC logic (dividing potential viewers into the License fee) then we could also use that same equation to justify the NHS losses as costing less than 5p per day.
(1) NHS net expenditure (resource plus capital, minus depreciation) has increased from £75.822 billion in 2005/06 to £117.229 billion in 2015/16. Planned expenditure for 2016/17 is £120.611bn.
(2) The UK population is projected to increase from an estimated 64.6 million in mid-2014 to 69.0 million by 2024 and 72.7 million by 2034.
By using BBC logic. Use UK taxpayers money (£120 billion) which is not entirely funded by NI contributions (as a large immigrant factor have it free anyway). And then divide that by the entire UK population (72.7 Billion), as there is no discrimination everybody gets the ‘same awful treatment’. Voila!
We arrive at BBC logic answer that the NHS costs just: £1.65 per day. That is how the BBC can claim that the BBC TV license ‘only’ cost 33p per day whilst able to conceal very high salaries and benefits (including BUPA) with job protected ‘private contracts’ schemes and private personal pension schemes (top £1- £2 million) are in the news for the wrong reasons. When the BBC claim ‘value-for-money’, you may ask ‘HOW DOES THAT WORK THAT EXACTLY?’
Now The Good news:
Proof positive that the leftie-front people who seem to support the BBC are exactly same people who compose (research its called) the BBC ‘news and opinion’ for the BBC using Twitter feed (all BBC staff have free Apple iPhones and Twitter for a reason of participating in the live news feed). It gave my some joy this month to read this popular news item: ENJOY!
‘Lecturer (Ms St’ Louis – a former BBC researcher) attacked Tim Hunt (well respected Scientist) has been forced to leave job’. (from EVENING STANDARD 06 DEC 2016)
‘AN ACADEMIC who accused Nobel prize-winner Sir Tim Hunt of sexism has left her post at City University, claiming she was pushed out. Connie St Louis, 59 who taught science journalism, attacked Sir Tim, 73, over a speech in June 2015. He apologised, but quit his honorary professorship at University College London. City University said Mrs St Louis had left by mutual agreement.’
So there is a good end to this story; Tim Hunt is a good man and only said what is obvious, that we often end up marrying those at work (his lab). This was deemed ‘so offensive’ (sexist remark) by Ms St Louie and her Twitter followers (BBC led) forced his resignation. She was a trainee at the BBC, I recall. And no doubt she was as popular at the BBC as she was in her short career as ‘science journalist’ (BBC trainees, unemployable elsewhere or anywhere else it seems).
Just, ‘hot from the press’ so to speak. The succinct facts about the murders last night in Germany. Good old, ‘The New Observer’ (again first for facts) –
As said in this article, the BBC also told us on the World at One that the police had released the suspect. All the media singing from the same (forgive me as its Xmas), ‘hymn sheet’?
So Nigel Farage is being set up as the bad man over his comments to the effect that Berlin is Merkel’s legacy.
St Jo Cox’s hubby, Brendan, has had a go at Nigel who replied well, arguing that St Brendan supports Hope Not Hate who in turn support violence. Hope not Hate are turning to their solicitors. Paid for, no doubt from the £200,000 per year grant from Unbound Philanthropy and other open borders donors.
If you read the article with its list of anti Farage tweets turn to the comments which are almost 100% for Nigel. Ha ha. The media so out of touch.
And the Left never make political capital out of tragedies, do they ? Nigel is right. The blood is on Merkel’s hands and she should resign or be removed.
It seems that the majority of commenters do not do not agree with the views of the article, G.W.F, and as a few seem to come from education establishments, I find it rather hopeful.
Call me Mr Paranoid but I suspect we – or rather the Germans – are being set up by Mrs Merkel & Co. I’ve no idea whether the guy arrested by the German police is or is not the perp. However, I reckon that even if there’s prima facie evidence that he is the likely perp, the fact that he’s Moslem would be sufficient to have the police leant on to ensure that a shedload of doubt as to the arrestee’s possible guilt is unloaded into the public domain.
This is nothing to do with the arrestee’s right to a fair trial if there is prima facie evidence against him which it seems – from yesterday’s reports – there is: the identification and pursuit by a bystander seem a fairly solid basis. But, before the move to a hearing happens – if it does – it’s in Merkel’s interest to create sufficient uncertainty to allow the “it’s nothing to do with Islam” meme to gain purchase in the lügenpresse, the BBC and the rest of the broadcast media.
Frankly, if the actual perp is an “asylum seeker” of recent vintage, Merkel is toast. Accordingly, despite her broadcast crocodile tears, she must be pretty desperate. Suppressing the normal police process would be one way to take the pressure off. If the German press and police could be “persuaded” to downplay/ignore the events of mass sexual assault by immigrants last year, suppressing this one will be child’s play.
What I do not understand about Merkel is what is her motive ? German, brought up in East Germany under communism. Is it guilt ? If so why should she inflict her mental illness on the rest of us. Could it be that she is a fascist ?
Grant, there are many things very wrong about Merkel.
Her family moved voluntarily from West Germany into East Germany after partitioning post WW2. She herself became high up in the communist party in East Germany before reunification. You do not rise up in the ranks in a communist country without being a fascist, as far as I can see.
I do not know what her motives are. I suspect she is suffering from some form of continued infantile belief that communism was a good system, and that the decadent west needs to be destroyed before a superior socialist system can rise from the ashes.
This would fit perfectly with her suicidal policy of importing millions of people who also want to see the west destroyed.
Like most socialists, I imagine her beliefs are a mixture of nievity and an overwhelming sense of certainty that she is a member of the socialist master-race and the lower orders don’t know what’s best for them. Consequently, the mass casualties her policies will result in are mere collateral damage in her journey towards the greater good.
Manchesterlad – she is also childless and as such she has never had to worry or seriously concern herself about anyone’s future apart from her own; such a person should not (IMHO) be the leader of a country. To use an American expression: they don’t have enough skin in the game. You would NEVER see a childless man or woman become POTUS, for that very reason.
Who knows? Maybe she is a genuine believer in multi-culti: rather in the mould of Ken Clarke who, despite all the evidence to the contrary available, remains a fanatical devotee of the EU and the euro. I can only assume that Merkel’s lunacy is a species of the greater lunacy espoused by the international political class. A lunacy which comprises in part a manic devotion to anti-science warmism*, a belief in the wonder and civilisation exemplified by and channelled through Islam and its followers, an uncritical reception of any outpouring of crapola from the UN, an unreasoning dislike of their own countrymen, a wierd attachment to misandric feminism etc etc.
After all, look at what devotion to that set of beliefs has delivered to her and, maybe, her motivations can be understood. Consider, it’s not as if her life is affected by the results of converting those beliefs into political action. For example, there’s no likelihood that she or any of her family are going to be assaulted by some parasite masquerading as an “asylum” seeker, let alone her being crushed under a lorry by some crazy. She’s above all that, so why should she care when one or more of the little people is harmed? It’s only collateral damage in the cause of some greater good (part of – most of? – which is giving her power).
We’ll probably never know what goes on in the mind of Merkel, but my theory is she is motivated by the following:
1. A genuine desire to help refugees, probably influenced by her upbringing (her father was a clergyman), coupled with an inability to see that open-door immigration has the opposite effect.
2. A Euro-topian view of ‘the great melting pot’ of lots of different cultures mixing. This could be to do with the fact that Germany is (or at least was) VERY culturally homogenous and conformist. Lots of strangely dressed people talking different languages, mosques, brightly lit tat shops and falafal must seem quite exciting to someone who grew up in east Germany in the 60s.
3. A desire to boost Germany’s flagging birth rate and increase the taxpayer/voter base to pay for her generation of pensions.
Of course, there are other, darker theories about women having an innate desire to be overrun by invaders in order to improve the gene pool – I think there are subconscious elements of this but I don’t think it’s something anyone would admit to or even consider as a viable theory.
Umbongo, I’m clutching at straws here but when I heard the news of the release of the ‘suspect’, I wondered if the German Police were keen to see where he might go, who he would see, where he might lead them. In other words, they release a mackerel (rather than a sprat) but only in order to try to identify and catch even bigger fish.
Nigel Farage spoke total sense about the Berlin atrocity . Apart from the left/Muslim apologist/ mass immigration twitterati, most people will agree with him. As for Brendan Cox, while I feel sorry for his kids, I detect that there is something deeply unpleasant about this man and his politics, let alone how he has exploited the very unfortunate death of his wife. At Christmas, I sincerely hope that the future in the UK and Europe lies with our Judeo- Christian culture and not that of the murderous cult of Islam that people like Brendan Cox would have take us over .
Brendan Cox clearly has an agenda that transcends even the death of a loved one.
The Left are very fond of their Pavlik Morosovs-indeed their Horst Wessels-as “martyrs for the greater good”.
Things that Cox had written before the death of his wife are as cynical an attempt to rub our faces in progressive diversity as I`ve seen. Use of sport, fashion and sports “icons and role models” to gull the voting dupes-and keep them perpetually lulled to death under the political arm of the British demos.
Which-funnily enough-is Brendan and his mates.
AND-I`ve yet to see any REAL emotion re the death of his wife-a cold fish who is for Humanity, not for people themselves.
Another Transformer Abbottabot.
Leftists are happy to sacrifice anyone for the cause. Even their loved ones if, indeed , they are capable of Love . And I would argue that they are not.
I`ve yet to see any REAL emotion re the death of his wife – a cold fish who is for Humanity, not for people themselves – as the old adage goes, I love humanity it’s just people i can’t stand!
Jo Cox supported ISIS. She made claims about Israeli ” abuse ” of Palestinian children. She made no mention of Palestinian abuse of Palestinian children. She made no mention of the abuse of children in her own back yard by muslims. Jo Cox was an evil woman, but she did not deserve to die. She should have lived to face the consequences of her perverted “ideology “.
There is no doubt that left wingers like Jo and Brendan Cox have made careers out of pursuing managerial well paid jobs in the charity sector ( now government funded quangos ) as a springboard to a full political career. Existing politicians like D Milliband and the ex Danish PM use the sector a well paid refuge when their political careers are on hold. The ones who are still on their way up like the Cox’s seem to acquire a whole baggage of beliefs that comes with so called international charity work- mass immigration , open borders, Islam are all good and the opponents of these things are deemed immoral. By representing an area she was born and grew up in, the role of Jo Cox in assisting in the destruction of a traditional white working class area and seeming to rejoice in it, was clearly hard to accept by some. It’s certainly impossible to explain as high morality even though it was dressed up as that. It seems more to do with building up a political power base to me.
Berlin attack: German police storm refugee centre in airport hangar, say reports
Four men questioned but no arrests made, says spokesman for refugee agency
“My own preference, as I’ve stated, is that, if free countries have to have unsightly security controls, why don’t they have them around the national borders rather than around every single thing inside those borders?”
Jeremy discusses the lorry that ploughed into a Christmas Market in Berlin, Olympic hero Lutalo Muhammad, loft conversions and a new treatment for prostate cancer
Anyone would think we were talking about Thomas The Tank Engine and his mates here, that wicked lorry, what is it like! Just in case it is a ‘ROP’ lorry we have a BBC hero of that persuasion, no doubt to make sure the ‘good’ face, (is there one?), of the cult is kept in the public’s eye, or more likely, just the BBC in its ‘denial’ stage of grief, (as usual). Then we have ‘Lofts In London’, which are needed as more ‘lorry drivers’ take up residence in the Capital Caliphate. Finally we have the, (Israeli, whoops!), ‘prostrate’ story. Probably included because a ‘snowflake’ researcher found ‘prostrate’ on the ‘Wiki’ page for the ROP cult!
The deception begins: True to form, the German establishment / police / msm and of course bibistan are now muddying the waters (ie lying) about Berlin.
“The controlled media—ever desperate to cover up crimes committed by refugee-terrorists in Europe—have claimed that Berlin police have arrested the “wrong man” for the Christmas market truck attack—even though the police have said no such thing and the suspect was followed directly from the truck’s cab…
Berlin police chief Klaus Kandt told a press conference today that the investigations were continuing, and therefore at this stage they could not say for sure if the detainee was the driver of the truck.
It is this cautious statement which has now been widely reported as claiming that they have the “wrong man.” Neither Kandt nor any police official have actually used those words, and they are just a media invention.”
Any German speakers out there? What are the REAL people of Germany really thinking? (I don’t mean Merkel’s mealy-mouthed speech, the lying politicians, police and msm (the Lügenpresse – the lying press) but Joe Bloggs, the man on the Berlin Omnibus, are they seething, I’m mad as hell and i ain’t gonna take it anymore?
Or are they too bovine, browbeaten, brainwashed and guilt ridden to get angry anymore?
Looks like the Germans have made a complete hash of things. A bystander chased a dark-skinned bloke, who was a refugee, and the police arrested him. They didn’t bother to close the borders because they were sure they had their man.
It took hours to debrief him because they couldn’t find a translator, and he denied all responsibility, and this was confirmed by forensics because he had no blood or gun discharge on him, despite the terrorist having shot the real driver of the truck at close quarters.
Meanwhile the real terrorist has probably crossed the border. There are no leads because apparently there was no CCTV at the market – so they are relying on members of the public to come forward with footage filmed on their phones. But who stands still and films when there is a terrorist on the rampage?
Bias what bias? It been made official that the BBC do ‘pay’ more to have their ‘favourite’ spokesman (spokeslabourpersons-in bbcspeak) on BBC news radio and TV. And two of those highlighted is the fragrant Diane Abbot (paid twice as much as any other Labour MP it states) and followed by Alan Johnston for reasons as yet unexplained.
In another feature (Telegraph again) : ‘A Labour MP will tour the country to find reasons his party is failing…’
Coincidentally so concerned of the falling membership of Labour across the regions that they have engaged an MP to fund out why they are not ‘getting the support’ they deserve from the ‘momentum’ and the BBC ‘support’ promised. I wonder why? And one of those names featured (in response) is the wonderfull Diane Abbott (again), Oh dear! whatever can the matter be? Perhaps if she was paid less?
And to make matters worse the BBC star are being investigated (BBC presenters) will have to face 25% pay cuts. That is for BBC advised ‘personal contracts’ being used by the BBC (officially) to avoid paying income tax, they will have to pay ‘PAYE’ as employed as staff. Many TV and Radio presenters are paid via ‘personal contracts’ as advised (and admited by the BBC) under questioning by HMRC and parliament itself.
Re your final paragraph: as is usual with journalists, the Telegraph reporter quoted has no idea how tax on small companies works. The “tax” saved is National Insurance: there is little or no income tax saved. Corporation tax on a small company’s profits is, in effect (although the rules keep changing), an advance on tax paid on dividends to the company’s shareholders. Dividends have to be declared by the company if the company’s owners want to get their hands on the money. For high earners – which, I suspect, means BBC sub-contractors – there is no “20-23% tax on earnings through a company and 45% on earnings as an employee” unless the earnings in question are left lying useless, unusable and untouchable in a company bank account.
The solution to avoiding national insurance is straightforward: meld national insurance with “normal” tax: that would remove all this service company nonsense in one go. For reasons which are connected with keeping civil servants in (useless but well-paid) jobs, governments have steadfastly refused to do the obvious but have come up with wonderfully ineffective rules which have failed to deal with this. For once (and, believe me, I hate to write this), the BBC is not guilty here: it’s the government (all governments) and HMRC exacerbated by an ignorant and sensationalistic press which misunderstands the problem and misleads its readership accordingly.
Some American once said of the British that, in losing their Empire, they turned from Romans into Italians within one generation. What are the efficient Germans turning into?
I see the German authorities think that the ‘refugee’ perpetrator of the terror attack in Berlin could still be at large; the Pakistani apprehended might not be the suspect. Does anyone else feel that the authorities might attempt a vile cover-up to divert attention away from Islamist terror? A part of me wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up blaming it on the so-called far-Right.
And what is really pissing me off is the BBC continuously citing the ‘far-Right’ as guilty of ‘capitalising’ on these horrific terror attacks. So we have a terrorist attack and yet the BBC is somehow managing to turn this whole incident into criticism of the ‘far-Right’, which to you and me is an empty term that the Left-wing scum have coined for people who do not agree with their mass immigration/open borders agenda. Also, the BBC is incessantly using the ‘lone-wolf’ damage limitation term; how the hell do they know if it is a lone-wolf attack? Funny how when Islamists attack the Left and the lame-stream media bring out the usual ‘mental illness’, ‘lone-wolf’ and ‘far-Right’ crap. Pathetic! Its almost as if they are trying to defend the terror.
Nigel Farage has once again been proven correct in his predictions but already we see the leftie, twatterati up in violent arms howling ‘racist’ and ‘bigot’ etc. The widower of Jo Cox has come out to publicly criticise Nigel Farage; what happened to his wife was tragic and despicable but that doesn’t give him a blank cheque to expound his far-Left views.
I agree. When Jo Cox was killed it wasn’t “a lone wolf” but the entire far-right-Brexit-racist-Islamophobic-Neo-Nazi” that did it. Everyone who voted Brexit was to blame for her death.
But…. when a Muslims kill in France and Germany the BBC never accuse the “far-left-Guardian-Leftie-Remainers-LBGTQi” groups.
The sad thing is the BBC actually believe the “far-right” are more of a danger than the daily Islamic attacks.
True “the BBC actually believe the “far-right” are more of a danger than the daily Islamic attacks.”
But why would a sane person think that? I still don’t get it.
WE have VOTED for Nigel Farage-and he said nothing controversial, nothing he has not put on record before.
Brendan Cox is a professional charity quangocrat and a chancer widower…he nas never been elected-so speaks for nobody but George Soros in the end.
Well, their ‘lone-wolf’ has just been released !!!! and no doubt hot footing it to the French coastline where a rubber dinghy is waiting. Just listening to the reporting, I’m convinced that Insp Clouseau has cousins all over Europe !!!
Gambia latest. BBC Website ” Gambia sacks top diplomat “. No , Jammeh sacked him , not ” Gambia”. Then a quote from a seller in a market ” Marie de Mama ” . FFS. If you are going to use fake names, BBC, you should say so. Do not trust any of the BBC’s miserable third rate output.
BBC website ” So-called Islamic State claims responsibility ” .
1. Not “so-called ” . That is what they call themselves. It is like saying ” so-called Grant “.
2. ” Responsibility ” makes it sound, well, responsible.
The BBC are an evil cancer. My God they love terrorists. And they know that there will never be a terrorist attack against them. Not that I would ever sanction that, of course .
The so called BBC with purported experts providing the news.
(To purport is to represent yourself as something you aren’t or claim to be something you aren’t.
An example of purport is when you pretend to be an expert in a field even though you barely know anything about it.)
Some great comments on here. Keep ’em coming. In the meantime try a little compare and contrast over at the BBC’s ‘News’ homepage search engine. Type ‘Muslims’ and then ‘Christians’ into the search tab, located on the top right corner, and proceed to compare the nature and volume of the topics regarding links/pages etc for each religion. Discuss. Any bias in terms of subject matter? Which religion has the more entries? And which is painted in the more hipster/trendy light? Which do you feel is the BBC trying its best to promote as ‘mainstream’? In my opinion, it is little things like this that confirms the BBC’s bias; these little anomalies often will slip off the radar, going unnoticed. The BBC’s education page is even bloody worse!
Some examples for the ‘Muslim’ entry yield the following –
Whilst the BBC bumlickers are doing their utmost to make Islam trendy and hip, Christians seem to be given a relatively dull platform. The BBC is so pro-Muslim one wonders whether it cares any longer for Britain’s Christian heritage, on which much of our cultural infrastructure is firmly predicated.
And no doubt emphasising that many African dictators and many muslims persecute gays. Big problem for the BBC. The BBC loves gays but also love blacks and muslims, most of whom hate gays. How can Leftists reconcile this in their tiny minds ?
But that’s the point – they can’t reconcile these things in their minds. It leads to conflict, stress, irrational behaviour and the BBC editorial policy.
Letters : Michael Sheen says Saturday’s mag article misrepresented him. He just wants to do more community issues, accepts Brexit, doesn’t label voters hard-right but “What I think must be resisted is the re-emerging spectre of fascism in the west”
I imagine his PR team advised “don’t come over as an activist hating the public cos that public will stop watching your movies”
Editorial : BBC should,nt be cutting Monitoring.
There is still fat to be cut from middle and senior management.
Instanbul : Xmas ban reversed.
many Turks who are connected to Germany like to send their kids to the German speaking school, it’s teachers are mostly German. So the school has always celebrated Christmas but this year gov had stopped them ….. but now changed its mind.
New rules still prevent all other schools from teaching anything Christian.
Mark Littlewood : If NHS is supposed to be so good why does no country copy it ?
Indeed they often achieve better results than us eg cancer survival rate (be careful about comparisons apples/oranges different countries use different measures)
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BBC have another bash at Trump and the encouragement he is giving to Nazis, racists and homophobes.
Liberals are now buying guns fearing a collapse of US society now Trump is elected.
I hope the new US administration are noting this hostility towards them from the UK Government via its state broadcaster.
We have a chance of good post Brexit relations with the US. Don’t let treacherous Treezer and her BBC wreck it.
I said on this site that i’m not religious,well circumstances have changed dramatically i’m now 100% certain GOD exists.Battles between good and evil continue constantly none more important than trump’s victory.The tide has turned in favour of good most definitely. God bless you all.
Special award nomination to Sky news for the most incipid and disengenuous of headlines of the year (showing on London mainline railway station electronic hordings after 10 o’clock this morning) : Berlin lorry crash, probably ‘attack’
Gosh. Didn’t see what they had to say about the assassination of the Russian ambassador… perhaps: Turkey gun goes off, probably ‘shooting’
“Berlin lorry crash, probably ‘attack’”
GPS hacked by Putin?
“BBC News coming up on the hour, probably biased”
I have a screenshot of BBC webpage using that head line
\\ Police say Lorry crash ‘probably a terrorist attack’//
ie that is what media has been told to say.
Must thank the BBC for telling us what President Hollande of France had to say on Twitter. Seems he expressed concern for Merkel, the German people and the relatives of the victims – in that order.
Wot no sympathy for the poor Muslim terrorist?
I just saw a bit of Merkel’s speech today where she says her “first thoughts are with the victims and the dead”. Bowing your head and lower the volume of your voice isn’t going to stop Islamic terror attacks.
Her first words, as a world leader, should have been “my first thoughts are to reverse my stupid open border policy”
But we all know her first thought were really “how much longer can I cling to power?”
Yes, Obama, Clinton, Merkel etc.,- all cut from the same cloth.
That’s why I can’t wait for Trump to be in office.
During wartime people are expected to accept deaths by enemy forces – we are not at war. Or are we?
“we are not at war. Or are we?”
They are, we aren’t, apparently.
I have just listened to a broadcast by bbc news which featured the new prime minister of the UK. Yes, I know it sounds far fetched, but there she was, dictating future policy of the UK, post brexit. Apparently Scotland will have their own arrangement with Brussels – If the rest of the UK is out of the single market and the customs union, Scotland will remain and there will be no hard border.
It’s Krankie. Well, yes and yes.
What, so we just push stuff a few feet over the border into Scotland and bingo we’re in the single market with no hard border for goods AND people?
And Brussels will be okay with that?
gaxvil, of course it’s a pipe-dream at best and, as usual, the same media, who have been telling us how hard the negotiations will be, swallow her BS like mother’s milk.
Just a week ago the BBC were running down our courageous police officers for being armed at a Christmas market in Newcastle.
The only people, outside the police ranks, the BBC found to comment were passionately against armed police officers at these events saying they would make things worse. What do you expect from the loons in sociology departments? Odd that they couldn’t find anyone, not a single soul, who supported the police protecting us from the religion of peace?
Apparently, the BBC were unhappy with how some of the armed police officers actually had the temerity to smile. the headline of one piece was: “Northumbria police criticised over ‘smiling’ armed officers.”
I gather the BBC will be apologising today for yet more fake news. -as if.
We accept accidental fatalities as part and parcel of life.
There is absolutely nothing accidental about the importing of millions of would be murderers.
Times cartoon : a rail platform full of Post Office and BA pickets who can’t get to their picket lines cos the trains are on strike.
Oh Strikes is the phone-in topic now on R4 You&Yours until 1pm.
As a kid, my greatest fear was being taken over by Russia. Not anymore.
Same here. Who could have thought that the Russians may be our saviours ?
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said it would be “particularly sickening” if he were proven to be a refugee.
Seeing as he is one of her asylum seekers and thought to have come from Pakistan the possibility of him being a genuine refugee is highly unlikely.
And why would be any more sickening if he way anyway?
Mrs Merkel has vowed to punish those responsible for the Berlin attack “as harshly as the law allows”.
Personally I think Mrs Merkel needs to be punished as harshly as the law allows!
Trump learns to be a waiter in his own hotel.
How about it Treezer, Jezzer?
Hey BBC – show this
I just saw a comment on the Berlin Xmas market attack by Paul Joseph Watson on Youtube which summed up the current attitude towards the situation quite well:
“Germany will simply ban Christmas markets”.
I think the Germans are so far gone, they just might..
Fire and Ice
That just about sums up the German attitude.
Now consider my prediction for this years New Years Eve celebrations without mass Moslem rapes
Pre-arranged, well rehearsed pictures and videos and Moslems, German cops and Frauleins holding hands and candles in a sea of multiculty harmony. Lot of banners supporting the unity of RoPer-men with wimmin and the LGBT community.
You see, the migrants have integrated.
Ban them over here while they are at it.
Interesting reflection on Germany right now and into the future –
If there’s a confrontation, the police are likely to join with the people. Then there would be a real showdown. It seems that a tip of the scales further will do the trick.
Surely the German people can see the blatant lies told by Merkel et al?
Scottish people would welcome remaining in the EU with Merkel at its head! I really do not think so!
Perhaps; but in the UK the over recruiting of EMB into the police force and the running down of our armed forces, especially the Army, taken together with pushing so many non British into the public sector and giving them rapid promotion is a concern.
It will surely weaken any attempt to take back our country from out of touch politicians; you can guarantee that the police and army will be ranged against ordinary British folk who want their country, their culture and way of life back.
This Scot does not ! Wee Nikki is mentally deranged .
The good Germans have to get rid of Mad Merkel. She is a very dangerous threat to the security of Europe.
Went back to last years “BBC Correspondents Predict 2016” show on Radio 4.
Apparently Ted Cruz would have given Clinton a close election-Rubio may well be a decent alternative?
But Hillary would storm it, and Trump was but a sideshow. End of.
As for the Referendum-interestingly enough, it had not been called yet?
Well-it would be close, but we`d see sense and stay in.
Only Bridget Kendall demurred,rest of them clearly were more bothered with Nigerias upcoming elections and the confident hope that the new UN Secretary General would be a woman. To match Hillary probably.
Hears up their own bottoms, wrong wrong and wrong again.
But they`ll all be back in Dec 31st to call NEXT years events.
Just listen-go in the opposite direction, and you`ll be fine.
Merkel claims she was shocked by the Berlin attack. If she was shocked she is a fool, it was always going to happen and there will be many more lives lost in the coming years. If she was just lying then she must have known that opening the borders would result in the deaths of ordinary Germans and she was cynically exploiting the German voters for some ulterior motive. What that motive is is hard to establish but whatever it is/was , it is not good for Germany or Europe..
I note that now it is clear that the killer was a Pakistani migrant the liberal left commentators are claiming that it is not helpful to blame the open door policy for this incident. How on earth theycan possibly say that is beyond me. They can keep their heads buried in the sand if they want to but the rest of us have had enough. Like it or not Islam is at war with theWest and the sooner we all accept this the sooner we do something to protect Western citizens.
Oh, but it’s not clear.
Berlin attack: Police uncertain detained suspect drove lorry
No, it was probably Thomas Mair.
Do we know where Trump and Putin were at this time?
The German “BBCs” clearly stated that a “public spirited” citizen saw this man jumping from the lorry, followed him and constantly fed information about his whereabouts by phone to the police who eventually arrested him. I suppose the fact that the suspect denied involvement clinched it for the police, as, of course, no muslim ever lies.
As soon as the “incident” was announced, the various German news moderators were practically on their knees praying that no refugees were involved. The news that the lorry was from Poland raised the spirits temporarily – drunken Pole causes horrendous accident – no stereotyping there then. But their hopes were dashed – the Pole that died had been shot. The AfD is, of course, roundly condemned for “exploiting the tragedy for political purposes”. How much death and mutilation can Germany endure before Merkel finally gets the chop?
Daily Politics the BBC abandons its usual caution and broadcasts the unconfirmed news that the Pakistani arrested by German police for the Berlin attack is the wrong man! This is in marked contrast to the way they urge caution about not jumping to conclusions whenever there is a terror attack. Obviously they are keen, as are the German police, to limit the damage to Merkel of the perpetrator being a migrant. The German police have previous form on lying to protect Merkel. Do we believe them now?
The arrested man denied his involvement. I really hope the authorities haven’t released him just because he said he didn’t do it.
Even if he did do it he will probably be tried under Sharia law so he would end up having to marry an orphaned child if he killed her mother.
Every Islamic adherent ALWAYS denies being guilty of anything
… what is this f-cking hell is this “horse and pony” show!.
Yes, that’s always struck me. The likes of the IRA would own it and denounce Britain but Muslims are lacking the dignity of the IRA and that is really saying something.
Surely the truck cab will be full of fingerprints etc?
And DNA evidence. It is quick and easy.
How many times does it take before this sort of thing is recognised as enemy action? No, not the Berlin attack, but WATO on R4, where Martha ‘clueless’ Kearney has just broadcast an interview with a spokeswoman for the AFD, only for the woman’s entire opening comment in which, presumably, she attacked Merkel’s policies, to be played at inaudibly low volume.
These technical glitches, heard so often in the run-up to the referendum, are not only technically inexcusable, but far too common to be ‘mere accidents’.
GCooper, quite right the long opening statement was inaudible. As we pay for sound mixers at the BBC to adjust levels on the fly, a person should have instantly raised the levels when the item started. Failing to do this, the item ought to have been restarted. This happens when with people who agree with the BBC’s views find their link has been broken up due to technical issues.
It amounts to censorship.
Worse Martha threw constantly challenging questions at her, including red herrings to damage the AFD’s image, but had nought to do with the devastating terrorist attack.
The lady who followed was from a left wing party and agreed with the BBC’s views and thus was given easy balls to bat. At no time were embarrassing quotes from other members of her party thrown at her.
Also, if it was a truck that killed the 12 people at the German Christmas market, then surely it was a gun that killed Jo Cox, so why bother attacking right wing groups?
The bit before that also began with a fuzzy line … The German speaker before innocently said “the.type of attack where Allah Akbar is shouted” ….
A few second later Martha says “We were going to have longer on that but due to the quality of the line we’ll cut it short”
5 Mins later they’d found a winess from the scene who was the most kind helpful ethnic-soft-Muslim you can imagine.
Interesting to see the UK news services today. Main headlines about the drastic acts, as it should be, but scarcely a mention for Trump winning the Electoral College. Trump losing 2 electors and Hillary having more defectors than anyone in a century. One to Faith Spotted Eagle in Washington State. Only mention I can see on BBC website is in the Americas and headlines “Protests as Trump wins electoral college”. Amazing how when things don’t go the way they think it should they try to hide the news from the public as best as possible.
The BBC carefully edited the news when we were at war with the Axis powers.
They carefully edit the news now they are at war with us.
Sad news for BBC, Guardian and Labour Party men with prostrate cancer.
A breakthrough in treatment has been made following research in Israel but they won’t, in all conscience, be able to take advantage of it. Still there is always a chance that the Palestinians might find something, sometime never.
I assume that details of scientific/medical research in this field will have to be witheld from our universities as it might breach the blockade on discussion of Zionist matters.
Police with machine guns – what a lovely subject for future Christmas cards.
Merkel says, Germans can’t live in fear. No, but Germans should be able to live in peace. Our reckless, feckless leaders are to blame. You put your head in a lions mouth ……………….
If Germans are living in fear it is because of Merkel. She is the one who should be living in fear. She is insane .
She’s one of too many fanatics who are irrevocably stuck on a fantasy narrative that flies in the face of caution and common sense. I don’t know just what it’ll take for them to smell what they’re shovelling. In the meantime she should be put away.
But the point surely is that she not only put her head in the lions mouth but the rest of Germany and Europe as well. This will surely rank as a mistake of historic proportions and Europe will have to live with its consequences for generations to come.
Anyone that has spent any time in the Middle East will know that it was the Bush/Blair duo that ripped the lid off the tinderbox that is the Mid. East. Then the Human Rights followed in the form of the UN along with the charities having spotted the opportunities in their collective quest to reach Utopia (and, of course high profile and equally high CEO salaries).
It will always take a strong brutal ruler of any country in the Arab and Islamic world to keep the lid on the simmering Islamic conflicts that infect all of the region. Let’s face it, the Muslim enjoys war, conflict and terrorism. It follows them wherever they are in the World. So, small wonder that when they arrive in Europe where there is very little state control, they ‘Party’ like small children, uncontrolled and let loose in a sweet shop. As is said, it should be a “no-brainer”. Problem is the latter amply describes the left/liberal elite in Europe – utterly devoid of grey matter and as impractical as always. While the Islamists remain in Europe, the region and the West in general is doomed. Right now, as I see it, a tipping point has been reached. The Islamists have moved too quickly. They should have waited until millions more are safely ensconced before uprising to demand Islamic rule i.e. Sharia. So. true to erratic form, they’ve jumped the gun and left a small window in time ajar without critical mass. Question is, will the western World act en masse to cleanse itself of this disease?
Thought: the world trade slump has left many enormous container ships parked up………
I have family connections with Turkey going back almost as far as Boris. And I lived in istanbul for 2 years some years ago. I totally endorse what you say. But the ignorant Lefties in the West , including the teenagers at the BBC, do not understand what you are saying .
Ataturk’s genius bought Turkey about 70 years. None of the other “muslim” countries ever had anyone of his quality and , sadly , we shall never see the like of him again.
And the Western Lefties will never learn from history. They just want to rewrite it.
“If you want to defeat your enemy sing his song”.
Not true Kahlil..but have a listen at least to see the ongoing entitlement and lies that emanate from this Third Way coalition between the Communislamic Axes of Chomsky and Al Jazeeras Medhi Hasan.
Stay alert,but enjoy the talk-lets you know what 2017 will consist of at the Top Peoples table.
I did not know that fraud Chomsky is still alive !
He probably isn’t but his face appears on You Tube vids from time to time knocking Israel and warning against the neo liberal paradigm. I think they have found a way of re-using his image.
Gawd. His philosophy of language was bad, and it was linguistics that gave him his reputation
A loony !
Sorry guys – if you want to defeat your enemy, it’s best to blow them into little, tiny pieces.
Interesting, chrisH, thanks for that. Only watched five minutes so far!
In the first 4m40s, I found myself in agreement with Chomsky. Think he may have read Trump right. He then goes into a standard Liberal meme that the whole western & northern hemisphere world has marched firmly beyond Centre-Right to Right (politics-wise), if not Hard-Right which is patently nonsense.
Will try and watch the rest later.
Latest from the BBC – “A source states that the truck was in fact a Transformers Autobot”.
Well as we approach Christmas I would like to add some positive points to this forum as we are all aware that the BBC has a very anti-christian ethic at this time of year. That does not stop it from featuring ‘popular’ programming over Christmas (I imagine through gritted teeth). After all that banner of BBC ‘impartiality’ has to be upheld at this time of year or people might go elsewhere for their TV and Radio. The rise and fall of the BBC can de defined by it’s ‘popularity’ on these pages and not by its ‘70% reach’ across news and media channels (as used by Lord Haw Haw to justify its existence). And then the ultimate lie that the BBC is incredible ‘value-for-money’ at just 33p per day was never contested as being complete nonsense in its Charter review in parliament. If we break that down into figures it would mean that the Telly Tax’ is cross subsiding the entire BBC output (the World Service included) and supporting the millions who don’t pay any TV tax at all, despite having brand new ‘tellies’ and the BBC having their UK address details conveniently available on purchase. As an example of that BBC ‘generosity’ the over 75’s don’t pay anything (nor should they) but they are ‘automatically’ added as BBC listeners and TV viewers (even when half stone deaf or blind). And then BBC Radio is also funded by the same TV license and has the same mandate. The same Radio listeners would NOT choose to watch the BBC TV, you would think, but thats not the case. The BBC are losing its popularity across the range TV and Radio, its programmes are ‘less popular’ and more sinister in content. Overtly political and assuming we are all ‘on-side’ with BBC sentiment (which we’re clearly not) 17.5 million against BBC false news. So when the BBC claim a 70% reach (they mean a corporate monopoly of UK coverage), and then when they claim ‘value-for-money’ at 33p per day, they are including the entire UK (all of them) as pensioners (on a free TV license), views per family household (estimated), Students who never pay for anything included (on iPlayer) not that they all have time to watch BBC TV, an immigrant population that owns a TV and never pays for a TV license (in areas of high racial tension the BBC does not instruct CIVITAS to venture collecting fees), nor will they get any (ask any Pakistani if he has a license). So what we have left is the escalating cost of running the BBC under declining standards and popularity, propped up by the false analysis that the BBC ‘only’ cost 33p per day. Nobody can surely watch (or listen) to BBC TV or Radio (radio 4) for longer than 20 minutes. The BBC is an expensive quango to support. If we used the same BBC logic (dividing potential viewers into the License fee) then we could also use that same equation to justify the NHS losses as costing less than 5p per day.
(1) NHS net expenditure (resource plus capital, minus depreciation) has increased from £75.822 billion in 2005/06 to £117.229 billion in 2015/16. Planned expenditure for 2016/17 is £120.611bn.
(2) The UK population is projected to increase from an estimated 64.6 million in mid-2014 to 69.0 million by 2024 and 72.7 million by 2034.
By using BBC logic. Use UK taxpayers money (£120 billion) which is not entirely funded by NI contributions (as a large immigrant factor have it free anyway). And then divide that by the entire UK population (72.7 Billion), as there is no discrimination everybody gets the ‘same awful treatment’. Voila!
We arrive at BBC logic answer that the NHS costs just: £1.65 per day. That is how the BBC can claim that the BBC TV license ‘only’ cost 33p per day whilst able to conceal very high salaries and benefits (including BUPA) with job protected ‘private contracts’ schemes and private personal pension schemes (top £1- £2 million) are in the news for the wrong reasons. When the BBC claim ‘value-for-money’, you may ask ‘HOW DOES THAT WORK THAT EXACTLY?’
Now The Good news:
Proof positive that the leftie-front people who seem to support the BBC are exactly same people who compose (research its called) the BBC ‘news and opinion’ for the BBC using Twitter feed (all BBC staff have free Apple iPhones and Twitter for a reason of participating in the live news feed). It gave my some joy this month to read this popular news item: ENJOY!
‘Lecturer (Ms St’ Louis – a former BBC researcher) attacked Tim Hunt (well respected Scientist) has been forced to leave job’. (from EVENING STANDARD 06 DEC 2016)
‘AN ACADEMIC who accused Nobel prize-winner Sir Tim Hunt of sexism has left her post at City University, claiming she was pushed out. Connie St Louis, 59 who taught science journalism, attacked Sir Tim, 73, over a speech in June 2015. He apologised, but quit his honorary professorship at University College London. City University said Mrs St Louis had left by mutual agreement.’
So there is a good end to this story; Tim Hunt is a good man and only said what is obvious, that we often end up marrying those at work (his lab). This was deemed ‘so offensive’ (sexist remark) by Ms St Louie and her Twitter followers (BBC led) forced his resignation. She was a trainee at the BBC, I recall. And no doubt she was as popular at the BBC as she was in her short career as ‘science journalist’ (BBC trainees, unemployable elsewhere or anywhere else it seems).
Just, ‘hot from the press’ so to speak. The succinct facts about the murders last night in Germany. Good old, ‘The New Observer’ (again first for facts) –
As said in this article, the BBC also told us on the World at One that the police had released the suspect. All the media singing from the same (forgive me as its Xmas), ‘hymn sheet’?
So Nigel Farage is being set up as the bad man over his comments to the effect that Berlin is Merkel’s legacy.
St Jo Cox’s hubby, Brendan, has had a go at Nigel who replied well, arguing that St Brendan supports Hope Not Hate who in turn support violence. Hope not Hate are turning to their solicitors. Paid for, no doubt from the £200,000 per year grant from Unbound Philanthropy and other open borders donors.
If you read the article with its list of anti Farage tweets turn to the comments which are almost 100% for Nigel. Ha ha. The media so out of touch.
And the Left never make political capital out of tragedies, do they ? Nigel is right. The blood is on Merkel’s hands and she should resign or be removed.
Glad Brendan Cox is still putting his kids first?
It seems that the majority of commenters do not do not agree with the views of the article, G.W.F, and as a few seem to come from education establishments, I find it rather hopeful.
Call me Mr Paranoid but I suspect we – or rather the Germans – are being set up by Mrs Merkel & Co. I’ve no idea whether the guy arrested by the German police is or is not the perp. However, I reckon that even if there’s prima facie evidence that he is the likely perp, the fact that he’s Moslem would be sufficient to have the police leant on to ensure that a shedload of doubt as to the arrestee’s possible guilt is unloaded into the public domain.
This is nothing to do with the arrestee’s right to a fair trial if there is prima facie evidence against him which it seems – from yesterday’s reports – there is: the identification and pursuit by a bystander seem a fairly solid basis. But, before the move to a hearing happens – if it does – it’s in Merkel’s interest to create sufficient uncertainty to allow the “it’s nothing to do with Islam” meme to gain purchase in the lügenpresse, the BBC and the rest of the broadcast media.
Frankly, if the actual perp is an “asylum seeker” of recent vintage, Merkel is toast. Accordingly, despite her broadcast crocodile tears, she must be pretty desperate. Suppressing the normal police process would be one way to take the pressure off. If the German press and police could be “persuaded” to downplay/ignore the events of mass sexual assault by immigrants last year, suppressing this one will be child’s play.
What I do not understand about Merkel is what is her motive ? German, brought up in East Germany under communism. Is it guilt ? If so why should she inflict her mental illness on the rest of us. Could it be that she is a fascist ?
They have themselves backed into a corner. Like I said, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” or more accurately, Merkel’s New Islamo-Germans.
Grant, there are many things very wrong about Merkel.
Her family moved voluntarily from West Germany into East Germany after partitioning post WW2. She herself became high up in the communist party in East Germany before reunification. You do not rise up in the ranks in a communist country without being a fascist, as far as I can see.
I do not know what her motives are. I suspect she is suffering from some form of continued infantile belief that communism was a good system, and that the decadent west needs to be destroyed before a superior socialist system can rise from the ashes.
This would fit perfectly with her suicidal policy of importing millions of people who also want to see the west destroyed.
Like most socialists, I imagine her beliefs are a mixture of nievity and an overwhelming sense of certainty that she is a member of the socialist master-race and the lower orders don’t know what’s best for them. Consequently, the mass casualties her policies will result in are mere collateral damage in her journey towards the greater good.
Manchesterlad – she is also childless and as such she has never had to worry or seriously concern herself about anyone’s future apart from her own; such a person should not (IMHO) be the leader of a country. To use an American expression: they don’t have enough skin in the game. You would NEVER see a childless man or woman become POTUS, for that very reason.
Great post ! And I suspect that your analysis is fairly accurate. At the end of the day, in my opinion, Merkel is a Nazi .
” . . . what is her motive ?”
Who knows? Maybe she is a genuine believer in multi-culti: rather in the mould of Ken Clarke who, despite all the evidence to the contrary available, remains a fanatical devotee of the EU and the euro. I can only assume that Merkel’s lunacy is a species of the greater lunacy espoused by the international political class. A lunacy which comprises in part a manic devotion to
anti-sciencewarmism*, a belief in the wonder and civilisation exemplified by and channelled through Islam and its followers, an uncritical reception of any outpouring of crapola from the UN, an unreasoning dislike of their own countrymen, a wierd attachment to misandric feminism etc etc.After all, look at what devotion to that set of beliefs has delivered to her and, maybe, her motivations can be understood. Consider, it’s not as if her life is affected by the results of converting those beliefs into political action. For example, there’s no likelihood that she or any of her family are going to be assaulted by some parasite masquerading as an “asylum” seeker, let alone her being crushed under a lorry by some crazy. She’s above all that, so why should she care when one or more of the little people is harmed? It’s only collateral damage in the cause of some greater good (part of – most of? – which is giving her power).
*odd since she has (according to according to Wikipedia) a doctorate in chemistry
I think you are ascribing too much rationality to that wretched woman. Doctor of chemistry . She needs to be on a high dose of Halopiridol !
We’ll probably never know what goes on in the mind of Merkel, but my theory is she is motivated by the following:
1. A genuine desire to help refugees, probably influenced by her upbringing (her father was a clergyman), coupled with an inability to see that open-door immigration has the opposite effect.
2. A Euro-topian view of ‘the great melting pot’ of lots of different cultures mixing. This could be to do with the fact that Germany is (or at least was) VERY culturally homogenous and conformist. Lots of strangely dressed people talking different languages, mosques, brightly lit tat shops and falafal must seem quite exciting to someone who grew up in east Germany in the 60s.
3. A desire to boost Germany’s flagging birth rate and increase the taxpayer/voter base to pay for her generation of pensions.
Of course, there are other, darker theories about women having an innate desire to be overrun by invaders in order to improve the gene pool – I think there are subconscious elements of this but I don’t think it’s something anyone would admit to or even consider as a viable theory.
Umbongo, I’m clutching at straws here but when I heard the news of the release of the ‘suspect’, I wondered if the German Police were keen to see where he might go, who he would see, where he might lead them. In other words, they release a mackerel (rather than a sprat) but only in order to try to identify and catch even bigger fish.
Nigel Farage spoke total sense about the Berlin atrocity . Apart from the left/Muslim apologist/ mass immigration twitterati, most people will agree with him. As for Brendan Cox, while I feel sorry for his kids, I detect that there is something deeply unpleasant about this man and his politics, let alone how he has exploited the very unfortunate death of his wife. At Christmas, I sincerely hope that the future in the UK and Europe lies with our Judeo- Christian culture and not that of the murderous cult of Islam that people like Brendan Cox would have take us over .
Brendan Cox clearly has an agenda that transcends even the death of a loved one.
The Left are very fond of their Pavlik Morosovs-indeed their Horst Wessels-as “martyrs for the greater good”.
Things that Cox had written before the death of his wife are as cynical an attempt to rub our faces in progressive diversity as I`ve seen. Use of sport, fashion and sports “icons and role models” to gull the voting dupes-and keep them perpetually lulled to death under the political arm of the British demos.
Which-funnily enough-is Brendan and his mates.
AND-I`ve yet to see any REAL emotion re the death of his wife-a cold fish who is for Humanity, not for people themselves.
Another Transformer Abbottabot.
Leftists are happy to sacrifice anyone for the cause. Even their loved ones if, indeed , they are capable of Love . And I would argue that they are not.
I`ve yet to see any REAL emotion re the death of his wife – a cold fish who is for Humanity, not for people themselves – as the old adage goes, I love humanity it’s just people i can’t stand!
Jo Cox supported ISIS. She made claims about Israeli ” abuse ” of Palestinian children. She made no mention of Palestinian abuse of Palestinian children. She made no mention of the abuse of children in her own back yard by muslims. Jo Cox was an evil woman, but she did not deserve to die. She should have lived to face the consequences of her perverted “ideology “.
There is no doubt that left wingers like Jo and Brendan Cox have made careers out of pursuing managerial well paid jobs in the charity sector ( now government funded quangos ) as a springboard to a full political career. Existing politicians like D Milliband and the ex Danish PM use the sector a well paid refuge when their political careers are on hold. The ones who are still on their way up like the Cox’s seem to acquire a whole baggage of beliefs that comes with so called international charity work- mass immigration , open borders, Islam are all good and the opponents of these things are deemed immoral. By representing an area she was born and grew up in, the role of Jo Cox in assisting in the destruction of a traditional white working class area and seeming to rejoice in it, was clearly hard to accept by some. It’s certainly impossible to explain as high morality even though it was dressed up as that. It seems more to do with building up a political power base to me.
Now why did Brendan Cox suddenly up and leave Save the Children?
Wiki is your friend. Sounds like he became too hot to handle. Unlike the female employees there…..
Resigned after complaints of “inappropriate behaviour” by female members of staff. I think we can all guess what that means.
Was there any police investigation into Brendan Cox ?
I wonder if he has ever commented on the allegations about DJT!
Not pursued with the same energy as abuse at Football clubs.
It appears Berlins very own keystone cops, are trying to out do Nice s … all this after the German media attempted blackout on the attack failed miserably.
Berlin attacker still on loose, wrong man in custody, police sources tell German press
and I thought ISIS claimed responsibility? …. have to go to the nearest refugee camp they ve got quite a few to sift through
… good luck with that
I spoke too soon
Berlin attack: German police storm refugee centre in airport hangar, say reports
Four men questioned but no arrests made, says spokesman for refugee agency
Austria foiled Christmas terror plot – 25 year old asylum seeker arrested.
Mark Steyn has it right:
“My own preference, as I’ve stated, is that, if free countries have to have unsightly security controls, why don’t they have them around the national borders rather than around every single thing inside those borders?”
Jeremy Vine manages to link three themes:
Jeremy discusses the lorry that ploughed into a Christmas Market in Berlin, Olympic hero Lutalo Muhammad, loft conversions and a new treatment for prostate cancer
Anyone would think we were talking about Thomas The Tank Engine and his mates here, that wicked lorry, what is it like! Just in case it is a ‘ROP’ lorry we have a BBC hero of that persuasion, no doubt to make sure the ‘good’ face, (is there one?), of the cult is kept in the public’s eye, or more likely, just the BBC in its ‘denial’ stage of grief, (as usual). Then we have ‘Lofts In London’, which are needed as more ‘lorry drivers’ take up residence in the Capital Caliphate. Finally we have the, (Israeli, whoops!), ‘prostrate’ story. Probably included because a ‘snowflake’ researcher found ‘prostrate’ on the ‘Wiki’ page for the ROP cult!
The deception begins: True to form, the German establishment / police / msm and of course bibistan are now muddying the waters (ie lying) about Berlin.
“The controlled media—ever desperate to cover up crimes committed by refugee-terrorists in Europe—have claimed that Berlin police have arrested the “wrong man” for the Christmas market truck attack—even though the police have said no such thing and the suspect was followed directly from the truck’s cab…
Berlin police chief Klaus Kandt told a press conference today that the investigations were continuing, and therefore at this stage they could not say for sure if the detainee was the driver of the truck.
It is this cautious statement which has now been widely reported as claiming that they have the “wrong man.” Neither Kandt nor any police official have actually used those words, and they are just a media invention.”
Any German speakers out there? What are the REAL people of Germany really thinking? (I don’t mean Merkel’s mealy-mouthed speech, the lying politicians, police and msm (the Lügenpresse – the lying press) but Joe Bloggs, the man on the Berlin Omnibus, are they seething, I’m mad as hell and i ain’t gonna take it anymore?
Or are they too bovine, browbeaten, brainwashed and guilt ridden to get angry anymore?
Fake BBC…
Looks like the Germans have made a complete hash of things. A bystander chased a dark-skinned bloke, who was a refugee, and the police arrested him. They didn’t bother to close the borders because they were sure they had their man.
It took hours to debrief him because they couldn’t find a translator, and he denied all responsibility, and this was confirmed by forensics because he had no blood or gun discharge on him, despite the terrorist having shot the real driver of the truck at close quarters.
Meanwhile the real terrorist has probably crossed the border. There are no leads because apparently there was no CCTV at the market – so they are relying on members of the public to come forward with footage filmed on their phones. But who stands still and films when there is a terrorist on the rampage?
Euro cops at their finest!
Why would we not want to be part of it?
Euro cops at their finest! Why would we not want to be part of it?
LOL ! I haven’t seen that scene for years ! I love the line ” Are you blind ? ” ” Yes “.
I suspect the monkey’s name is Angela.
“How can a blind man be a lookout ? “. ” How can an idiot be a policeman ? “. LOL !!!!
Bias what bias? It been made official that the BBC do ‘pay’ more to have their ‘favourite’ spokesman (spokeslabourpersons-in bbcspeak) on BBC news radio and TV. And two of those highlighted is the fragrant Diane Abbot (paid twice as much as any other Labour MP it states) and followed by Alan Johnston for reasons as yet unexplained.
In another feature (Telegraph again) : ‘A Labour MP will tour the country to find reasons his party is failing…’
Coincidentally so concerned of the falling membership of Labour across the regions that they have engaged an MP to fund out why they are not ‘getting the support’ they deserve from the ‘momentum’ and the BBC ‘support’ promised. I wonder why? And one of those names featured (in response) is the wonderfull Diane Abbott (again), Oh dear! whatever can the matter be? Perhaps if she was paid less?
And to make matters worse the BBC star are being investigated (BBC presenters) will have to face 25% pay cuts. That is for BBC advised ‘personal contracts’ being used by the BBC (officially) to avoid paying income tax, they will have to pay ‘PAYE’ as employed as staff. Many TV and Radio presenters are paid via ‘personal contracts’ as advised (and admited by the BBC) under questioning by HMRC and parliament itself.
Re your final paragraph: as is usual with journalists, the Telegraph reporter quoted has no idea how tax on small companies works. The “tax” saved is National Insurance: there is little or no income tax saved. Corporation tax on a small company’s profits is, in effect (although the rules keep changing), an advance on tax paid on dividends to the company’s shareholders. Dividends have to be declared by the company if the company’s owners want to get their hands on the money. For high earners – which, I suspect, means BBC sub-contractors – there is no “20-23% tax on earnings through a company and 45% on earnings as an employee” unless the earnings in question are left lying useless, unusable and untouchable in a company bank account.
The solution to avoiding national insurance is straightforward: meld national insurance with “normal” tax: that would remove all this service company nonsense in one go. For reasons which are connected with keeping civil servants in (useless but well-paid) jobs, governments have steadfastly refused to do the obvious but have come up with wonderfully ineffective rules which have failed to deal with this. For once (and, believe me, I hate to write this), the BBC is not guilty here: it’s the government (all governments) and HMRC exacerbated by an ignorant and sensationalistic press which misunderstands the problem and misleads its readership accordingly.
Some American once said of the British that, in losing their Empire, they turned from Romans into Italians within one generation. What are the efficient Germans turning into?
I see the German authorities think that the ‘refugee’ perpetrator of the terror attack in Berlin could still be at large; the Pakistani apprehended might not be the suspect. Does anyone else feel that the authorities might attempt a vile cover-up to divert attention away from Islamist terror? A part of me wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up blaming it on the so-called far-Right.
And what is really pissing me off is the BBC continuously citing the ‘far-Right’ as guilty of ‘capitalising’ on these horrific terror attacks. So we have a terrorist attack and yet the BBC is somehow managing to turn this whole incident into criticism of the ‘far-Right’, which to you and me is an empty term that the Left-wing scum have coined for people who do not agree with their mass immigration/open borders agenda. Also, the BBC is incessantly using the ‘lone-wolf’ damage limitation term; how the hell do they know if it is a lone-wolf attack? Funny how when Islamists attack the Left and the lame-stream media bring out the usual ‘mental illness’, ‘lone-wolf’ and ‘far-Right’ crap. Pathetic! Its almost as if they are trying to defend the terror.
Nigel Farage has once again been proven correct in his predictions but already we see the leftie, twatterati up in violent arms howling ‘racist’ and ‘bigot’ etc. The widower of Jo Cox has come out to publicly criticise Nigel Farage; what happened to his wife was tragic and despicable but that doesn’t give him a blank cheque to expound his far-Left views.
I agree. When Jo Cox was killed it wasn’t “a lone wolf” but the entire far-right-Brexit-racist-Islamophobic-Neo-Nazi” that did it. Everyone who voted Brexit was to blame for her death.
But…. when a Muslims kill in France and Germany the BBC never accuse the “far-left-Guardian-Leftie-Remainers-LBGTQi” groups.
The sad thing is the BBC actually believe the “far-right” are more of a danger than the daily Islamic attacks.
True “the BBC actually believe the “far-right” are more of a danger than the daily Islamic attacks.”
But why would a sane person think that? I still don’t get it.
The Fascist Left are in love with terrorism. Their love is blind.
Sorry Grant I hit ‘report’ instead of reply. This blasted new mobile phone you see ? I was going to say that yes, the left are real fascists.
But was Jo Cox killed? where was all the blood in the alleged stabbing and why weren’t the jury shown evidence of the wounds?
Tabs – solid post.
WE have VOTED for Nigel Farage-and he said nothing controversial, nothing he has not put on record before.
Brendan Cox is a professional charity quangocrat and a chancer widower…he nas never been elected-so speaks for nobody but George Soros in the end.
It bears repeating..
Some interesting info over on Breitbart about BC’s favourite “charity” and their penchant for over exaggeration.
Brendan Cox’s CV:
Well, their ‘lone-wolf’ has just been released !!!! and no doubt hot footing it to the French coastline where a rubber dinghy is waiting. Just listening to the reporting, I’m convinced that Insp Clouseau has cousins all over Europe !!!
Europe is just a dream for any would be terrorist!
Gambia latest. BBC Website ” Gambia sacks top diplomat “. No , Jammeh sacked him , not ” Gambia”. Then a quote from a seller in a market ” Marie de Mama ” . FFS. If you are going to use fake names, BBC, you should say so. Do not trust any of the BBC’s miserable third rate output.
Isis just claimed responsibility. Looks like the Lone Wolf argument just went out the window.
Difficult one for the cnuts at the BBC to spin !
Isis have claimed responsibility, but Isis have nothing to do with Islam. So that is alright then, Treezer says so.
BBC Website ” May to lay out Brexit plans in New Year “. So that gives her until 31 December 2017 ! She is totally useless !
BBC website ” So-called Islamic State claims responsibility ” .
1. Not “so-called ” . That is what they call themselves. It is like saying ” so-called Grant “.
2. ” Responsibility ” makes it sound, well, responsible.
The BBC are an evil cancer. My God they love terrorists. And they know that there will never be a terrorist attack against them. Not that I would ever sanction that, of course .
“So-Called British” Broadcasting Corps.
IS “man up” to lorry malfunction.
Alicia ,
LOL ! Yes the “so-called BBC ” sums it up. They are useless .
The so called BBC with purported experts providing the news.
(To purport is to represent yourself as something you aren’t or claim to be something you aren’t.
An example of purport is when you pretend to be an expert in a field even though you barely know anything about it.)
They just spew out bullshit and assume everyone believes it. Pathetic.
Hi folks
Some great comments on here. Keep ’em coming. In the meantime try a little compare and contrast over at the BBC’s ‘News’ homepage search engine. Type ‘Muslims’ and then ‘Christians’ into the search tab, located on the top right corner, and proceed to compare the nature and volume of the topics regarding links/pages etc for each religion. Discuss. Any bias in terms of subject matter? Which religion has the more entries? And which is painted in the more hipster/trendy light? Which do you feel is the BBC trying its best to promote as ‘mainstream’? In my opinion, it is little things like this that confirms the BBC’s bias; these little anomalies often will slip off the radar, going unnoticed. The BBC’s education page is even bloody worse!
Some examples for the ‘Muslim’ entry yield the following –
Whilst the BBC bumlickers are doing their utmost to make Islam trendy and hip, Christians seem to be given a relatively dull platform. The BBC is so pro-Muslim one wonders whether it cares any longer for Britain’s Christian heritage, on which much of our cultural infrastructure is firmly predicated.
Beeboids cannot walk past a muslim ass without licking it. Muslims are singing in the mosques. Almost !
R4 now, whole prog about LGBT in Africa
And no doubt emphasising that many African dictators and many muslims persecute gays. Big problem for the BBC. The BBC loves gays but also love blacks and muslims, most of whom hate gays. How can Leftists reconcile this in their tiny minds ?
But that’s the point – they can’t reconcile these things in their minds. It leads to conflict, stress, irrational behaviour and the BBC editorial policy.
Yes !
The Times Newsbites
Letters : Michael Sheen says Saturday’s mag article misrepresented him. He just wants to do more community issues, accepts Brexit, doesn’t label voters hard-right but “What I think must be resisted is the re-emerging spectre of fascism in the west”
I imagine his PR team advised “don’t come over as an activist hating the public cos that public will stop watching your movies”
Editorial : BBC should,nt be cutting Monitoring.
There is still fat to be cut from middle and senior management.
More :
Instanbul : Xmas ban reversed.
many Turks who are connected to Germany like to send their kids to the German speaking school, it’s teachers are mostly German. So the school has always celebrated Christmas but this year gov had stopped them ….. but now changed its mind.
New rules still prevent all other schools from teaching anything Christian.
Mark Littlewood : If NHS is supposed to be so good why does no country copy it ?
Indeed they often achieve better results than us eg cancer survival rate (be careful about comparisons apples/oranges different countries use different measures)