BBC Website ” Outrage as Farage links Jo Cox widower to “extremists ” “. And then the Left pile in with their hate of Nigel. No other side of the argument on the BBC website. Bias ? What bias ? BBC still not reporting allegations of Mr. Cox’s sexism and “problems” with women .
I don’t know which other poster made the prediction on here but hats off to them, Jezza Swine today second interviewee re the Berlin Jihad attack (the first being the Guardian’s correspondent over there) was a lovely Muslim (Ibrahim) who had been in the market at the time of the “Lorry-gone-wrong” incident.
Swine asked him about what he thought if it transpired (unlikely as it may be and perish the thought) that the perpetrator was also a Muzzie. Dear old Ibrahim said that such people didn’t represent Islam and implied that violence wasn’t the way of that religion.
Jez forgot to then mention to Ibrahim that an awful lot of his co-religionists believed that acting in such a way was exactly how to represent their religion and that even if they wouldn’t do such a thing themselves, they supported those who did either overtly or covertly.
Amazingly on a different forum after quoting Anjem Choudary and Ayatollah Khomeini I was accused of ‘Islamofauxbia’!
When I asked how on earth either the Ayatollah or Choudary could be considered Islamofauxbik they were unable to answer other than to repeat the accusation.
It really is amazing how freely the Fascist left will use these meaningless bully words in an effort to silence that they do not want to hear.
BBC News tonight says that the relationship between Erdogan and Putin will not be at risk … re the shooting
We will never allow our relationship with Russia to be ruined,” Erdogan
Erdogan! … I wouldn t trust that devious two faced W Ankara as far I could throw Geoff Capes.
At the end of the day, Putin controls Erdogan. Erdogan is very stupid and not really in control of the Turkish Military and Intelligence. Putin is very clever and in control. He is playing Erdogan like a puppet.
BBC – Photographer, I just did my job
“When an assassination takes place, it is rare to find a professional news photographer on the scene, capturing the act and the killer’s expression just seconds afterwards”.
But why run the shooters message, just prior to your latest biased news from Aleppo BBC? you cut out the Turk shooting the ambassador in the back, why leave his message?
After your continuous anti Russia/Assad narrative for weeks, your bigger snakes
than B Johnson, Fallon and the rest of the gormless Tory sh-theads
Not bbc but… I am very cynical about the fact that neither the Berlin attack nor the assassination of the Russian ambassador were ‘trending ‘ topics on Facebook over the last two days. Just saying.
According to R4 this morning the Guardian said that there was still not enough evidence whether the Christmas market attack was either an ISIS sanctioned attack or a lone wolf attack. This titbit (newspaper headline?) was delivered as if it was some sort of news reporting gem.
Why I wonder did the BBC even bother reporting this “Guardian ” headline” as a short stand alone piece, unless of course Aunty did not want the Guardian to be left out of the media party. This newspaper still has to be seen as relevant.
Whilst I realise this sort of stuff is important to any investigation. Personally I could not give a toss whether the bastard who committed these heinous crimes was a member of the Isis, a lone Joe or a fully paid up member of the Karachi Goat fanciers party – Surely the pertinent facts are
1 The Attacker was probably a member of the “Religion of Peace”
2 He along with many other like minded individuals had been invited into Europe by Merkel
3 We had been warned for a long time by various “far right” politicians that this is likely to happen and will continue to happen until we wake up to the new reality Merkel (and other European politicians including May) has allowed to form around us.
I have always said that no progress in integration will ever be made until the right questions are asked by politicians and the media. And quite frankly I am sure they never will
be as they already know the answer.
I suppose this is the left wing way. Ignore the main facts and fiddle with the detail until everyone loses interest.
I expect the BEEB will now be going into Nadia overdrive. All we need now is a severe snowstorm so some friendly Immans from the MCB can be pictured out in the street with shovels and resplendant in wellies and dish dash’s rescuing old people and kittens. They could even be like an islamic Santa giving out Korans and razors to all the good children! – Maybe Nadia could be helicoptered in with some spicy treats to help them warm up – aaahhhh ! Look we are all in this together!
Sorry Aunty no good snowstorms appear to be coming our way but if you want to act like a real broadcaster why dont you deal with “real facts” about the current “shitstorm ” instead.
I did once help out at a Goat show but fortunately it was at Malmesbury and not Karachi, where judging may well be by a different set of standards. Must say none of the British Saanans goats I had dealings with wanted to work with children or travel!
The Toady newspaper reviews almost always quote a headline or editorial from the Guardian as the first item . It’s the house newspaper so that will never change .
The BBC also gives undue prominence to the Indy (or is that the ‘i’) a left-leaning ‘newspaper’ so lacking in circulation that it is no longer a newspaper as we used to know it but has disappeared on line.
Pre-War Female Oppression and Post-War Racism – apparently that’s what Rillington Place teaches us
It may be somewhat ex post facto to review the BBC’s drama Rillington Place but it is worth watching this sort of thing, if for no other reason than to monitor current preoccupations. Let’s not fool ourselves, modern BBC drama is as much about disseminating ‘right thinking’ to the masses as it is about entertainment. Given the subject matter, one might have thought a fine moral liberal lesson would be delivered on the evils of capital punishment and an expose of the dark era when there was a lack of availability of abortion on demand. But no; oddly in the middle episode of this BBC three-parter, titled ‘Tim’, unlike the John Hurt movie version of the character there was only limited sympathy elicited for the probably innocent hanged man. Christie’s activities as an abortion hobbyist was largely glossed over in favour of his general association with prostitutes. One supposes the scriptwriters and their BBC drama honchos are confident the polemics on hanging and abortion are no longer a required plate du jour for a modern audience. Perhaps, conversely, there’s a nagging worry that dramatic exploration of such topics might actually re-open debates? Christie deserved to hang, right? Abortion is a mucky business, even when correct medical procedures are employed – best not act that out in public.
So don’t tell us a BBC drama had no leftist messages. Of course it had leftist messages. Episode one entitled ‘Ethel’ contained a none too subtle mitigation of the part played by John Christie’s wife, who gave evidence hostile to Timothy Evans at his trial, covered for the evil Christie and generally kept her mouth shut about things she must have known. Her excuse and current left-wing flavour of the month was male oppression. The short series finale named ‘Reg’ got to grips with British racism. Suffice to say the pre-war family doctor who advised the little woman to try to please her husband was exchanged for a post-war Indian GP who righteously flinched when his patient the hypocondriac sexual-psycho-killer complained of his new black neighbours. I’m none too sure the true facts of the case bear out these themes as being important parts of the story – historic crime experts might help us out here. Personally, judging by the way these two issues seemed shoe-horned into the script, I doubt it. But there we the audience had it presented to us – the twin strands of the Hillary Clinton campaign and of much BBC programming but also the precious themes of the current left – sexism and racism.
If I recall correctly, Christie served as a War Reserve Constable in the police during WW2 and it is thought likely he abused his authority to commit other murders. I hope the BBC doesn’t miss out on such a good opportunity to have a go at the institution of the British Bobby as well!
The BBC on Today now tries to embroil the Church of England in charges of institutional racism. A nicely timed piece just before Christmas . And a nice infiller when not discussing the virtues of the religion of peace .
Incidentally what are Martin Bashir’s qualification to be religious affairs correspondent? He calls himself a committed Christian but has been forced to apologise and also been sacked from one job for making tasteless or sexist remarks .
And my instant reaction was here we go again (and despite the evil which is currently being visited on the West by a non native “religion”) Lets chip away again at the institution which has had a major influence in giving our society the freedoms which it currently enjoys.
Of course it wasnt hard to find a number of concerned, lefty, C of E patsies willing to help build the bonfire around their own religion – they seemed to miss the point however that actually, on the whole the Church of England does its best to be inclusive and you cannot change any institution overnight.
All I could hear from these interviewees was either wacist! waycist! waycist! or sorry! sorry! sorry! from the C of E spokesmen. I suppose this how the left changes institutions (such as the police) where under constant hectoring, they become more concerned with diversity and “right on ” issues rather than doing their job.
Maybe if the church had stood up for its own flock at home and abroad (pretty much until recently ignoring the rapes and murders of Christians in Islamic and wesstern countries) Rather than constantly bending over to the left wing media and “taking one for the team” It would not now find itself in a position where it is deemed to be increasingly irrelevant in a much troubled world.
This time more than ever people in Western democracies require strong and firm leadership – and judging by this mornings performance on Toady – this will not be coming from the the C of E. Only more hand wringing and apologies.
Accusations of racism in the CofE ring somewhat hollow when you consider its second highest office holder (Archbishop of York) is an African immigrant!
The Church of England has lost any authority to be the leading Christian Church in this country. It’s lefty obsessions such as homosexuality and dubious definitions of poverty , who can or cannot be a priest or bishop , it’s toadying up to other faiths, especially Islam, which, when it achieves dominance will attack and destroy Christianity in the uk , all fail to address the moral or religious themes that might attract the interest of most ordinary folk. The popularity of evangelical churches is a telling indictment of the C of E. the last straw for me was the disastrous Rowan Williams, the hairy lefty who sympathises with sharia law and was first in the queue to welcome tbe ‘child’ migrants from Calais. The only senior churchman who makes any sense to me is George Carey and I suspect he must wonder if he belongs in the Established Church any more . At least he sticks up for the persecuted Christians of the middle east who will soon be driven to extinction by Muslims.
The Christian Church has gone, but the “Church Militant” is out there alright. Just don`t and won`t use the label of Christian-we leave that to Welby, Williams and Pope Frank.
But funnily enough-a lot of us DO take part in church rituals, fundraising and pastoral support. My washing machine and ironing, as well as baking are always to hand, but me and the others will NOT help re “refugees, green stuff or the other Diocese fixations”.
RIP Alan Greaves-Church Army Organist killed 24.12.12.
Al Shubtill, I’ve read a number of articles showing statistics that indicate whilst attendance at parish churches is dropping, at cathedrals it is booming. Reasons cited were shorter services, and a desire for anonymity. I wonder if also it is because cathedrals tend to be more ‘traditional’ and more like the C of E of old with proper music, liturgy and ritual. A lot of parish churches nowadays just seem to be a jolly sing along followed by a sermon which reads like a Guardian editorial.
I know of a church (Catholic) which recently held 2 fundraisers: one of them raised £500 to help homeless people at a shelter in a city nearby; the other was for “Syrian refugees” and raised £50,000. WTF!
The CoE is no better, they seem to actively support and encourage the followers of other religions before their own.
Exposing the sham of the official German figures showing that a mere “1.2%” of so-called “refugees” are working after 2 years in the country.
But there, even these suspect stats. are easily obtainable in Germany. I observe that a, “Refugee” being a “Refugee”, roughly the same statistics would apply in the UK. Shame though that these statistics are not readily available here. I suspect that if they were, their publication would create an uproar when it is found that the “Refugees” and non-refugee migrants were virtually all living off the tax payer.
Keeps my blood pressure down after a dose of BBC. I was going to add “or SKY”, which is usually appropriate, but the SKY paper reviewers, and Kevin O’Sullivan in particular, did a good job this morning of disemboweling the Guardian’s attempt to drag the “far right” into Berlin’s Muslim mass murder. The female presenter, whoever she is, didn’t seem to approve though – the producer was probably screaming “shut him up” in her earpiece.
I’m curious to know what stance these people were taking on uncontrolled immigration a few years ago. Better late than never, I suppose.
Saw that as well around 7.30am. Liz kershaw was there as well and was having none of the shite. She is a brexiteer. Kevin o sullivan used to work at the mirror but i think hes had an awakening since his legal troubles earlier this year. The sky redhead was desperately trying to link the right and far right to berlin but it didnt work out as Liz and Kev went against the agenda both of them on the same page. The redhead couldn’t move on fast enough staring at her tablet and when she decided to stop looking it was all forced smiles and wishing she wasn’t there. Except she walked straight into another crash reviewing Krankies outpouring of bile and bollocks yesterday. Liz laid into her telling her she cant have her cake and eat it basically saying she was an idiot.
I was no fan of Eamonn Holmes but he was a million miles better than this airhead presenter but i guess his cards were marked after he ripped that barnardos bod apart last year over rotherham. WTF did they get her the BBC. Liz and kevs days as sky revieweres may be numbered after this.
“Krankies outpouring of bile and bollocks yesterday”
Wasn’t it just?
I actually quite liked Eamonn Holmes. He was unpredictable, but could be very tenacious when he was in the mood. At least I felt there was more than just a TV personality at work.
Overall though, the quality of presenters on SKY and the BBC is rubbish, and getting worse. The two morons on the BBC this morning giggling over a word they couldn’t pronounce. Pathetic.
What a trick the Remoaners missed during the referendum.
All that gloom and doom about recession, emergency budget, unemployment. It’s not happened.
But If only Clegg, Osborne, Cameron, Mandelson and the BBC et al had concentrated their minds and campaigned on the impact of a Brexit vote on the standards of European lorry driving, they might have won the vote.
Katie H………….You mean the double barrelled swishy ‘advert’ haired Sarah-Jane Mee ???? who appears to be more concerned how she looks rather than concentrate on the story in hand. I feel disappointed with my gender over the last few years – clearly brought in for glamour rather than gravitas; and yes, ‘airhead’ is an excellent term for most of the ‘studied journalism/media studies at Yuni’ types.
Marine Le Pen and niece
Frauke Petry
Tzipi Livny and all the Likud ladies
Katie Hopkins
Anne Marie Watters
Ann Coulter and all or American girls like Gabrielle, Pamela etc
Ayaan Hirsi Ali and all those brave ex-Muslimah women who fearlessly stand up to Islam like Maryam etc
Kellyanne Conway
The heroic Sarah Palin.
Julie Burchill
Gisela, Kate, Anne and all other lefty ladies who helped us leave the EU, or called out Bradfords child abuse before the Times got to tell us.
The future is very bright for us Brissels(and all our sisters here at BBBC)-no wonder most men in power are now “seeking the transition” in coming over to the bright side of history.
Good look with finding any balls to cut off though. Microsurgery?
(Real men like Donald and Nigel have backbones and brains, so will be fine as they are!)
Hell-even REAL women like Germaine Greer at this stage in history are friends these days, even if they`re Lefty goons-if they upset the likes of Paris Lees, then fine.
Thank you Alicia, good list to be sure. I was referring though to the drips who anchor the news channels, and I won’t even start on the bimbo totties in their killer heels who are loosely referred to as weather girls !!
Listening to Al Beeb news this morning I am of the opinion that the EU has their top cop, Inspector Jacques Clouseau working on solving the dreadful crime committed in Berlin.
Having visited both Florida and London this year, it has now been over 3 years since I visited mainland Europe. Now not a huge amount of money would have been spent on a weekend in Paris or a few days in Cologne, but I wonder if you add up all the lost tourism and add to the cost of importing the third world into Europe, what the bill would be?
Incidentally, does anyone think Beeboids or their fellow travellers on the Alt-left still holiday in Europe?
Oh, I think they’ll always go on expenses, TR, because there have to be all those visits to see ‘contestants’ in the Eurotrash Schlong Kontest, and of course that means stopovers, stepovers, legovers etc!
I expect they have lots of safe houses where they can store their Ipads and woolly mammoth microphones too.
As usual after outrages such as Berlin the broadcast media air a stream of vox pops with people declaring that they will just carry on, they will not change their life. The broadcasters depict this as stoicism. I think it is rather more like herbivores continuing to chew the cud as members of the herd are picked off by hyenas. Seemingly broadcasters never come across people in the street who are as mad as hell.
This is the point. only a fool refuses to change his behaviour if circumstance demand it. Foolish in the extreme. I always check now when in a large public gathering for exit routes . First thing we now need to do and make sure all of our companions know.
The Christmas markets were a known target so going to one was and is a risk. Consider that risk as important and nothing to do with not giving in and all that rubbish.
Increasingly capital cities are risky especially public transport and public gatherings so act accordingly. Western Europe is going to get more dangerous quite swiftly so avoid if possible. Eastern Europe is cheaper and safer.
Anyone with a young family must take precautions even if it limits things. That is a parent’s job.
Don’t listen to candle lighters and hand holders. It won’t keep you and yours safe.
The German Police claim they have found an identity document under the drivers seat of the hi jacked lorry in Berlin.
How convenient
How serendipitous !
They didn’t find this document during the forensic search of the lorry in the hours when they were investigating, and had the Pakistani in custody, how fortunate it should turn up just when they need it !
I have a neighbour who is deeply into conspiracy theory, a real David Icke nut job, and this is just manna from heaven.
Just like the supposed finding of the passports of the 9/11 hijackers being found intact on the roof of a neighbouring building, even the most sceptical amongst us begins to doubt the truthfulness of the investigating authorities.
They might as well have announced they were looking for an escaped alien from are 51 because it’s about as believable !
I’m with the nut job on this, Thoughtful. Here’s another identity card for your list, although it seems to have been ‘hidden’ so well that it had to be ‘combed’ from the vehicle.
Police say the man responsible for the shooting incident at the Zurich Islamic Centre on Monday evening was a 24-year-old Swiss with Ghanaian roots. They said there appears to be no link to radical groups. The man’s motive for the mosque shooting and a separate murder on Sunday remains unclear.
Deloitte agrees “to NOT bid for government contracts for about 6 months”
…due to its part in the ‘leaked Brexit memo’ which the BBC went hyberbolic about claiming FALSELY it was a cabinet memo, when in fact it was an internal speculative memo from from proRemain Deloitte.
* Frontpage of the Times.
This was mentioned on The Today Programme this morning, BUT …
It was mentioned in such a way, that if you were not aware of the speculative nature of the Deloitte memo, and the way it was gleefully and dishonestly “leaked” by the BBC as if it was and embarrassment for the Government and/or the Brexiteers, you would think it was valid.
“Deloitte have agreed not to bid for any Government contracts for 6 months following a memo in which they said the Government would need 30,000 extra civil servants to implement Brexit”.
That was it. No mention that it was false. Casual followers of the news, who might still think the Deloitte memo was true, will probably still think so after hearing this.
Pg 4 Next year pilot anti-election fraud measures will be introduced.
Eg For some polling stations photo proof of ID will be required*.
Item quotes Eric Pickles report from August and 2014 Electoral Commission Report.
You know which communities and areas they are talking about.
* NI has had that rule for 30 years.
The last time I voted in person in the UK, in Edinburgh, I asked the poll official why no-one had to prove their ID. He replied ” I don’t know. It is ridiculous , isn’t it ? “. !!!
I disagree, it helps keep the process honest. Having political observers there helps stop the more egregious sorts of vote rigging. However, these days, as we all know, the real rigging is in postal votes, not at the actual count.
So why so worried about Murdoch’s 11.4 billion bid for Sky/
Afraid he might make it a little bit like Fox News?
Afraid he might offer more competition for the sacred B B C?
Has Merkel got a grip or at least, any appreciation of what’s happening to Germany? Maybe she, along with other Liberal elites (including the UK’s ‘Treezer’ et al.), actually think they can control the Cult of Submission –
They both struggle under the weight of pressure, NOT from ordinary people but from the Left/Liberal/Elite. And that is something I cannot understand.
All kinds of stern, none PC measures would have popular support but that is what the LLEs are so afraid of. That would smack of ‘Popularism’ – which they call evil.
This is what I have been telling you all for months !
Why is it taking so many of you to even make the possibility it might be true?
Even now many readers on here cannot even countenance the possibility their leader are corrupt and the puppets of this same Cabal.
One day when realisation finally does dawn it will be too late, and too late for me to day “I told you so why did you not believe me”?
Italian meltdown begins with shares in the bank Monte dei Paschi suspended from trading. Italian government claims it has a 20 billion Euro rescue package which is a drop in the ocean of what is required.
Italian government debt is 140% of GDP, and it simply doesn’t have the money needed to continually prop up the house of cards it built when it joined the Euro. There is only one option ultimately, but the elites just can’t bring themselves to admit that their dream of a single currency is a failure. Reacting in the EUs best interests does not occur to them, as acting in their own best interests is what they prioritise. It doesn’t even seem to have got through their thick hides that continuing this way will bankrupt states and probably lead to the breakup of the entire EU.
Just as the elites are comfy NOW is all that matters to them.
It is the same with any religious fervour Thoughtful. Just as Catholicism and Protestantism were once happy to torture, burn and subjugate in the name of a supposedly benevolent God, today they have been replaced by climate change, militant Islam and the EU edifice, where logic plays no part, only continued and unquestioning belief in the dream – while opinions and benefits to the contrary are ridiculed and reviled as the latter day ‘anti-Christ’.
Surely this is a reason to stop contributions immediately and leave. Forget about Article 50. Stop everything now. What can the EU do ? Nothing . They are powerless. But May is so stupid she really does not know what to do. Get rid of that wretched woman .
Oh blast! In another of those annoying little oversights, the eminently sensible – yet despicably alt-right, of course – AfD spokesman got no screen credits in the BBC News at One, while talking of the Berlin public’s reaction to the latest road-rage incident. Still, don’t want to give any impression of maturity or common-sense to such people, do we?
Liked Treezer to the SNP,”If Scotland becomes independent – it will no longer be in the European Union and it will no longer have access to the European or English markets.”
Of course that is true. Scotland would have to apply for membership of the EU and take its place at the back of the queue. By that time the EU will be defunct anyway. Well done SNP ! You are so damn stupid !!!
Suppose there`s no chance of the SNP learning anything about what happened to once proud and independent Ireland.
They too hated the English/British more than they loved the freedom that they now had-so chose to chuck it for a spurious con trick for the cameras.
And joined the EU-and then the Euro FFS.
Southfork ranches, Dick Spring and electric milking parlours with skyscrapers all over Dublin.
But drugs and knife crime, guns and rape via Shannon and Limerick.
And so to today-Colm Toibin, Mrs Brown Boys and Gay Marriage.
But a slave house poodle of the EU troika and dying by the year…and anything that still lasts or works having been put in place by the British way back.
And not even a folk or rebel song possible any more, as Christy Moore dies by the day, leaving no trace of anything but Europop.
One dead and dying culture.
“”CBI calls for barrier-free trade with EU after Brexit””
“”CBI director-general Carolyn Fairbairn said: “Leaving the EU will be a highly complex process and all sectors of the economy are making their priorities clear in order to get it right””
The CBI Director General Caolyn Fairbairn is an ex-BBC Director. The CBI is very pro EU and receives huge funding from the EU.
Those BBC managers infect everything with their bias.
“UK firms need to continue to have barrier-free access to European Union markets after Brexit.”
Now just who is putting those barriers up ? Ball’s in your court – EU.
Looking at the trade deficit, we have the EU ‘by the balls’
Let’s hope that Theresa and her entourage can genuinely see that ?
Otherwise the ‘so-called’ Conservative party will be in a precarious position at the next General Election.
The country needs a weekly digest of the facts. I know it’s asking a lot. In the US the POTUS delivers a weekly update to the Nation. Treezer could do that.
Surely someone, somewhere could stand up and speak with authority and hopefully diminish the, mindless media clap-trap endlessly repeated.
For example: Tariffs – they slap on a 10% tariff, so then we slap on a 10% tariff or opt for tariff free and there you go. Move on.
Before Al Beeb starts mounting its ‘Character Assassination’, name calling and anti UKIP propaganda……
The forthcoming By-election may prove to be the springboard for the election of the next UKIP MP, so remember this, UKIP are NOT a ‘far right party’ but a place where many working-class people and Labour voters will go to get their voice heard .
The ‘Libtards’ aided by Al Beeb may start calling it a ‘populist party’ but it was the true party of of Brexit. The demand for Brexit was the democratic call from of a majority the people of Great Britain.
Al Beeb, your propaganda does not work any more –
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Rule Britannia.
Ever wonder why so many Anglican Churches are closing their doors and have diminishing congregations ?
They have lost the plot …….
‘…we’re working really closely to try and do unconscious bias training…’ Dear God. It’s like Smith’s neighbour in ‘1984’ who was actually pleased that his children denounced him as a thought criminal, because he hadn’t even realised it himself.
If I was working on something and did it badly, and someone died or was seriously injured as a result then I would be looking at a charge of Manslaughter or criminal negligence.
If someone came along and told me what I was doing was wrong and that there was a high risk that it would cause death or serious injury, and I carried on doing it regardless and someone died then I could well be looking at a murder charge.
So how is it possible that politicians can be in a position of power where they are told their actions can be so negligent they result in peoples deaths are not charged with criminal negligence or manslaughter, and why can we the people never hold them to account in any meaningful way ?
It was a surprise she was ever brought to court, but despite being found guilty she did not get any sentence nor a criminal record, begging the question what the point of the court case was in the first place.
The BBC, amazingly, allowed us to comment on this story that referenced the Berlin attack:
Comments were allowed between 13:42 & 23:59. Reading the most popular comments it becomes obvious why our national treasure curtailed comment after just 10hrs 17 mins.
More deliberate BBC climate change activist lying here:
What Trump has actually said he will do is put all climate data paid for by Federal funds in the public domain. The bit the warmists don’t like is that includes the original raw data. Oh dear, the climate change charlatans will then have to explain why they have manipulated the original data so much.
I do hope we see the day when people like Michael Mann are called before Congress to enjoy a little chat with someone like Trey Gowdy.
Over the last few days I’ve been complaining about not being able to access this site. Today I’ve had no problems, but I can’t access the BBC! Perhaps my ISP was trying all the time to block the BBC and was only blocking this one by mistaken association?
Drat. BBC just opened so I’ll be able to see how long I last with PM.
Non BBC – Haven t heard of Adami before at least he tries a coherent argument, although of course he is totally wrong on immigration/refugees
… D Murray seems a lone voice of sanity on air, I listened in to Talkradio yday, utter garbage/
LBC the London Broadcasting Tories, are literally laughable, Ian Fail and his cronies
at least K Hopkins does speak out right about some issues.
The stupid girl presenter ( how did she get her job ? ) says that it is a “sensitive subject ” . FFS . What is sensitive about muslim terrorists killing innocent people ? Is she mentally ill ?
Huge False Narratives vs Tiny Fake News that no one believes.
While MSM squeal about fake news offering pathetic examples
Eg The Pope Endorsed Trump
Eg2 That £350m/week would suddenly be diverted to NHS the day after a Brexit Vote
. .they themselves push huge false narratives.
Some examples
– Anyone who challenges Lefty dogma is Far-Right-wing
– When someone gets rich it’s cos they have stolen the share of the poor (wealth is not one fixed size pie. Ask Steve Jobs how key innovators can make the whole pie bigger)
– The famous climate narratives like “The science is settled” ” Skeptis are funded by a conspiracy of big oil money”, “97% of Climate Scientists say”
(No such robust data exists ..check the sample size and Qns asked)
– Anyone who challenges immigration is a racist.
– All women are victims and all men oppressors.
For those who never learned the lessons, the media narrative arc on how the BBC choose to portray an Islamic truck atrocity?
I remember Nice-think it was 8hrs before the French security services got blamed for it.
Well, it seems to have taken longer this time in Berlin, but within 20hrs, Katy Hill is squarely laying the blame for yesterdays slaughter on-guess who-the German security services.
And-the liberals now fear for that anti Muslim, Far-Right backlash.
And some German seems proud at last that the Brandenburg Gate is (at last) lit up in German colours-seems a pity it`s been French and Belgian thus far.
Truly bonkers.
Oh-and being the liberal elite-not a peep about the familes destroyed, the poor lorry driver from Poland.
Just how Merkels ratings may be affected.
There they go again-surfboarding on the bodies of the dead, just to keep their hellish project on the road.
Utter scum.
BBC Main News Page – YouTube star Adam Saleh ‘kicked off’ Delta Airlines flight.
“Adam Saleh told the BBC he was asked to get off the London-New York flight on Wednesday after speaking to his mother in Arabic on the phone”. Hmmmmm
Knew It wouldn t be long … Islamofauxbia you see ya da ya da.
Hardly “news” at all, but in Al BBC World its of course a front page narrative story
A fellow passenger allegedly expressed feeling uncomfortable so the bullying and wicked staff etc etc.
As usual, as with any Islamoblamia fiberati nonsense I smell a rat, this guys youtube erm “stardom” was made a couple of years back If I recall right … he was bullsh-tting then, staged something and got caught out. The BBC omit that part.
Meanwhile, in the Torygraph a real story, that real journo s should be questioning.
“The Turkish policeman who murdered Russia’s ambassador to Ankara provided security to Recep Tayyip Erdogan on multiple occasions in recent months, a pro-government commentator has claimed. Melvut Mert Altintas, 22, served on police details backing up Mr Erdogan’s personal body guards eight times since the failed military coup that rocked Turkey in July”
Of course the guy was immediately killed, so would never be questioned by Russian interrogators re his Erdogan links.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
World Service : special Compass : 5 part series about Islam
And the subtitle is ” People and Power ” . The BBC just do not do irony !!!
BBC Website ” Outrage as Farage links Jo Cox widower to “extremists ” “. And then the Left pile in with their hate of Nigel. No other side of the argument on the BBC website. Bias ? What bias ? BBC still not reporting allegations of Mr. Cox’s sexism and “problems” with women .
You mean these?
Yes ! Should be big news on the BBC !
I don’t know which other poster made the prediction on here but hats off to them, Jezza Swine today second interviewee re the Berlin Jihad attack (the first being the Guardian’s correspondent over there) was a lovely Muslim (Ibrahim) who had been in the market at the time of the “Lorry-gone-wrong” incident.
Swine asked him about what he thought if it transpired (unlikely as it may be and perish the thought) that the perpetrator was also a Muzzie. Dear old Ibrahim said that such people didn’t represent Islam and implied that violence wasn’t the way of that religion.
Jez forgot to then mention to Ibrahim that an awful lot of his co-religionists believed that acting in such a way was exactly how to represent their religion and that even if they wouldn’t do such a thing themselves, they supported those who did either overtly or covertly.
It’s amazing how many people haven’t represented Islam over the centuries, isn’t it?
Yes, starting with the “Prophet” Mohammed.
Amazingly on a different forum after quoting Anjem Choudary and Ayatollah Khomeini I was accused of ‘Islamofauxbia’!
When I asked how on earth either the Ayatollah or Choudary could be considered Islamofauxbik they were unable to answer other than to repeat the accusation.
It really is amazing how freely the Fascist left will use these meaningless bully words in an effort to silence that they do not want to hear.
Which forum is that Thoughtful?
BBC News tonight says that the relationship between Erdogan and Putin will not be at risk … re the shooting
We will never allow our relationship with Russia to be ruined,” Erdogan
Erdogan! … I wouldn t trust that devious two faced W Ankara as far I could throw Geoff Capes.
At the end of the day, Putin controls Erdogan. Erdogan is very stupid and not really in control of the Turkish Military and Intelligence. Putin is very clever and in control. He is playing Erdogan like a puppet.
I hope you are right.
Rob, Time will tell but Erdogan has to go !
I wish. The Turkish army used to be good at coups, but it seems they have lost the knack.
BBC – Photographer, I just did my job
“When an assassination takes place, it is rare to find a professional news photographer on the scene, capturing the act and the killer’s expression just seconds afterwards”.
But why run the shooters message, just prior to your latest biased news from Aleppo BBC? you cut out the Turk shooting the ambassador in the back, why leave his message?
After your continuous anti Russia/Assad narrative for weeks, your bigger snakes
than B Johnson, Fallon and the rest of the gormless Tory sh-theads
This is a superb article by Mark Steyn on the Aktion Jihad in Berlin.
Not bbc but… I am very cynical about the fact that neither the Berlin attack nor the assassination of the Russian ambassador were ‘trending ‘ topics on Facebook over the last two days. Just saying.
According to R4 this morning the Guardian said that there was still not enough evidence whether the Christmas market attack was either an ISIS sanctioned attack or a lone wolf attack. This titbit (newspaper headline?) was delivered as if it was some sort of news reporting gem.
Why I wonder did the BBC even bother reporting this “Guardian ” headline” as a short stand alone piece, unless of course Aunty did not want the Guardian to be left out of the media party. This newspaper still has to be seen as relevant.
Whilst I realise this sort of stuff is important to any investigation. Personally I could not give a toss whether the bastard who committed these heinous crimes was a member of the Isis, a lone Joe or a fully paid up member of the Karachi Goat fanciers party – Surely the pertinent facts are
1 The Attacker was probably a member of the “Religion of Peace”
2 He along with many other like minded individuals had been invited into Europe by Merkel
3 We had been warned for a long time by various “far right” politicians that this is likely to happen and will continue to happen until we wake up to the new reality Merkel (and other European politicians including May) has allowed to form around us.
I have always said that no progress in integration will ever be made until the right questions are asked by politicians and the media. And quite frankly I am sure they never will
be as they already know the answer.
I suppose this is the left wing way. Ignore the main facts and fiddle with the detail until everyone loses interest.
I expect the BEEB will now be going into Nadia overdrive. All we need now is a severe snowstorm so some friendly Immans from the MCB can be pictured out in the street with shovels and resplendant in wellies and dish dash’s rescuing old people and kittens. They could even be like an islamic Santa giving out Korans and razors to all the good children! – Maybe Nadia could be helicoptered in with some spicy treats to help them warm up – aaahhhh ! Look we are all in this together!
Sorry Aunty no good snowstorms appear to be coming our way but if you want to act like a real broadcaster why dont you deal with “real facts” about the current “shitstorm ” instead.
“Karachi goat fanciers club!” Just had to explain to the wife why I am laughing. Just a scowl from her. Oh well, still funny. Cheers. ?
No problem mate
I did once help out at a Goat show but fortunately it was at Malmesbury and not Karachi, where judging may well be by a different set of standards. Must say none of the British Saanans goats I had dealings with wanted to work with children or travel!
The Toady newspaper reviews almost always quote a headline or editorial from the Guardian as the first item . It’s the house newspaper so that will never change .
The BBC also gives undue prominence to the Indy (or is that the ‘i’) a left-leaning ‘newspaper’ so lacking in circulation that it is no longer a newspaper as we used to know it but has disappeared on line.
Pre-War Female Oppression and Post-War Racism – apparently that’s what Rillington Place teaches us
It may be somewhat ex post facto to review the BBC’s drama Rillington Place but it is worth watching this sort of thing, if for no other reason than to monitor current preoccupations. Let’s not fool ourselves, modern BBC drama is as much about disseminating ‘right thinking’ to the masses as it is about entertainment. Given the subject matter, one might have thought a fine moral liberal lesson would be delivered on the evils of capital punishment and an expose of the dark era when there was a lack of availability of abortion on demand. But no; oddly in the middle episode of this BBC three-parter, titled ‘Tim’, unlike the John Hurt movie version of the character there was only limited sympathy elicited for the probably innocent hanged man. Christie’s activities as an abortion hobbyist was largely glossed over in favour of his general association with prostitutes. One supposes the scriptwriters and their BBC drama honchos are confident the polemics on hanging and abortion are no longer a required plate du jour for a modern audience. Perhaps, conversely, there’s a nagging worry that dramatic exploration of such topics might actually re-open debates? Christie deserved to hang, right? Abortion is a mucky business, even when correct medical procedures are employed – best not act that out in public.
So don’t tell us a BBC drama had no leftist messages. Of course it had leftist messages. Episode one entitled ‘Ethel’ contained a none too subtle mitigation of the part played by John Christie’s wife, who gave evidence hostile to Timothy Evans at his trial, covered for the evil Christie and generally kept her mouth shut about things she must have known. Her excuse and current left-wing flavour of the month was male oppression. The short series finale named ‘Reg’ got to grips with British racism. Suffice to say the pre-war family doctor who advised the little woman to try to please her husband was exchanged for a post-war Indian GP who righteously flinched when his patient the hypocondriac sexual-psycho-killer complained of his new black neighbours. I’m none too sure the true facts of the case bear out these themes as being important parts of the story – historic crime experts might help us out here. Personally, judging by the way these two issues seemed shoe-horned into the script, I doubt it. But there we the audience had it presented to us – the twin strands of the Hillary Clinton campaign and of much BBC programming but also the precious themes of the current left – sexism and racism.
If I recall correctly, Christie served as a War Reserve Constable in the police during WW2 and it is thought likely he abused his authority to commit other murders. I hope the BBC doesn’t miss out on such a good opportunity to have a go at the institution of the British Bobby as well!
Posthumous pardon?-does Clive Stafford Smith know of this case?
Our very own Jacques Verges.
The BBC on Today now tries to embroil the Church of England in charges of institutional racism. A nicely timed piece just before Christmas . And a nice infiller when not discussing the virtues of the religion of peace .
Incidentally what are Martin Bashir’s qualification to be religious affairs correspondent? He calls himself a committed Christian but has been forced to apologise and also been sacked from one job for making tasteless or sexist remarks .
England – I heard this too.
And my instant reaction was here we go again (and despite the evil which is currently being visited on the West by a non native “religion”) Lets chip away again at the institution which has had a major influence in giving our society the freedoms which it currently enjoys.
Of course it wasnt hard to find a number of concerned, lefty, C of E patsies willing to help build the bonfire around their own religion – they seemed to miss the point however that actually, on the whole the Church of England does its best to be inclusive and you cannot change any institution overnight.
All I could hear from these interviewees was either wacist! waycist! waycist! or sorry! sorry! sorry! from the C of E spokesmen. I suppose this how the left changes institutions (such as the police) where under constant hectoring, they become more concerned with diversity and “right on ” issues rather than doing their job.
Maybe if the church had stood up for its own flock at home and abroad (pretty much until recently ignoring the rapes and murders of Christians in Islamic and wesstern countries) Rather than constantly bending over to the left wing media and “taking one for the team” It would not now find itself in a position where it is deemed to be increasingly irrelevant in a much troubled world.
This time more than ever people in Western democracies require strong and firm leadership – and judging by this mornings performance on Toady – this will not be coming from the the C of E. Only more hand wringing and apologies.
If it was any consolation, (sarc) with our “social justice” pope and all …
Top Italian bishop: Islamic jihad terror attacks have nothing to do with religion
Accusations of racism in the CofE ring somewhat hollow when you consider its second highest office holder (Archbishop of York) is an African immigrant!
Who, in my opinion, should be stuck to the top of York Minster with superglue as a weather vane.
The best bishop they had was pushed out, allegedly.
The Church of England has lost any authority to be the leading Christian Church in this country. It’s lefty obsessions such as homosexuality and dubious definitions of poverty , who can or cannot be a priest or bishop , it’s toadying up to other faiths, especially Islam, which, when it achieves dominance will attack and destroy Christianity in the uk , all fail to address the moral or religious themes that might attract the interest of most ordinary folk. The popularity of evangelical churches is a telling indictment of the C of E. the last straw for me was the disastrous Rowan Williams, the hairy lefty who sympathises with sharia law and was first in the queue to welcome tbe ‘child’ migrants from Calais. The only senior churchman who makes any sense to me is George Carey and I suspect he must wonder if he belongs in the Established Church any more . At least he sticks up for the persecuted Christians of the middle east who will soon be driven to extinction by Muslims.
The Christian Church has gone, but the “Church Militant” is out there alright. Just don`t and won`t use the label of Christian-we leave that to Welby, Williams and Pope Frank.
But funnily enough-a lot of us DO take part in church rituals, fundraising and pastoral support. My washing machine and ironing, as well as baking are always to hand, but me and the others will NOT help re “refugees, green stuff or the other Diocese fixations”.
RIP Alan Greaves-Church Army Organist killed 24.12.12.
These days the CoE isn’t so much the Conservative Party at prayer, more The Guardian editorial board.
Al Shubtill, I’ve read a number of articles showing statistics that indicate whilst attendance at parish churches is dropping, at cathedrals it is booming. Reasons cited were shorter services, and a desire for anonymity. I wonder if also it is because cathedrals tend to be more ‘traditional’ and more like the C of E of old with proper music, liturgy and ritual. A lot of parish churches nowadays just seem to be a jolly sing along followed by a sermon which reads like a Guardian editorial.
I know of a church (Catholic) which recently held 2 fundraisers: one of them raised £500 to help homeless people at a shelter in a city nearby; the other was for “Syrian refugees” and raised £50,000. WTF!
The CoE is no better, they seem to actively support and encourage the followers of other religions before their own.
Exposing the sham of the official German figures showing that a mere “1.2%” of so-called “refugees” are working after 2 years in the country.
But there, even these suspect stats. are easily obtainable in Germany. I observe that a, “Refugee” being a “Refugee”, roughly the same statistics would apply in the UK. Shame though that these statistics are not readily available here. I suspect that if they were, their publication would create an uproar when it is found that the “Refugees” and non-refugee migrants were virtually all living off the tax payer.
Quite interesting as jihad could then be construed as coming from boredom.
Worth reading, as always:
Market Forces by Mark Steyn
Keeps my blood pressure down after a dose of BBC. I was going to add “or SKY”, which is usually appropriate, but the SKY paper reviewers, and Kevin O’Sullivan in particular, did a good job this morning of disemboweling the Guardian’s attempt to drag the “far right” into Berlin’s Muslim mass murder. The female presenter, whoever she is, didn’t seem to approve though – the producer was probably screaming “shut him up” in her earpiece.
I’m curious to know what stance these people were taking on uncontrolled immigration a few years ago. Better late than never, I suppose.
Apologies if anyone has already posted a link.
Saw that as well around 7.30am. Liz kershaw was there as well and was having none of the shite. She is a brexiteer. Kevin o sullivan used to work at the mirror but i think hes had an awakening since his legal troubles earlier this year. The sky redhead was desperately trying to link the right and far right to berlin but it didnt work out as Liz and Kev went against the agenda both of them on the same page. The redhead couldn’t move on fast enough staring at her tablet and when she decided to stop looking it was all forced smiles and wishing she wasn’t there. Except she walked straight into another crash reviewing Krankies outpouring of bile and bollocks yesterday. Liz laid into her telling her she cant have her cake and eat it basically saying she was an idiot.
I was no fan of Eamonn Holmes but he was a million miles better than this airhead presenter but i guess his cards were marked after he ripped that barnardos bod apart last year over rotherham. WTF did they get her the BBC. Liz and kevs days as sky revieweres may be numbered after this.
“Krankies outpouring of bile and bollocks yesterday”
Wasn’t it just?
I actually quite liked Eamonn Holmes. He was unpredictable, but could be very tenacious when he was in the mood. At least I felt there was more than just a TV personality at work.
Overall though, the quality of presenters on SKY and the BBC is rubbish, and getting worse. The two morons on the BBC this morning giggling over a word they couldn’t pronounce. Pathetic.
What a trick the Remoaners missed during the referendum.
All that gloom and doom about recession, emergency budget, unemployment. It’s not happened.
But If only Clegg, Osborne, Cameron, Mandelson and the BBC et al had concentrated their minds and campaigned on the impact of a Brexit vote on the standards of European lorry driving, they might have won the vote.
Katie H………….You mean the double barrelled swishy ‘advert’ haired Sarah-Jane Mee ???? who appears to be more concerned how she looks rather than concentrate on the story in hand. I feel disappointed with my gender over the last few years – clearly brought in for glamour rather than gravitas; and yes, ‘airhead’ is an excellent term for most of the ‘studied journalism/media studies at Yuni’ types.
Reasons to be cheerful!
Marine Le Pen and niece
Frauke Petry
Tzipi Livny and all the Likud ladies
Katie Hopkins
Anne Marie Watters
Ann Coulter and all or American girls like Gabrielle, Pamela etc
Ayaan Hirsi Ali and all those brave ex-Muslimah women who fearlessly stand up to Islam like Maryam etc
Kellyanne Conway
The heroic Sarah Palin.
Julie Burchill
Gisela, Kate, Anne and all other lefty ladies who helped us leave the EU, or called out Bradfords child abuse before the Times got to tell us.
The future is very bright for us Brissels(and all our sisters here at BBBC)-no wonder most men in power are now “seeking the transition” in coming over to the bright side of history.
Good look with finding any balls to cut off though. Microsurgery?
(Real men like Donald and Nigel have backbones and brains, so will be fine as they are!)
Hell-even REAL women like Germaine Greer at this stage in history are friends these days, even if they`re Lefty goons-if they upset the likes of Paris Lees, then fine.
I’d add to that list journalists Melanie Phillips and Janet Daley and Elizabeth Jones (UKIP politician).
Good list. Julie Burchill always full of surprises. Also Germaine has surprised me in recent years. Not all “sistas” are the same !
Thank you Alicia, good list to be sure. I was referring though to the drips who anchor the news channels, and I won’t even start on the bimbo totties in their killer heels who are loosely referred to as weather girls !!
Neither “weather” girls nor “whether ” girls. But that is sexist !
Listening to Al Beeb news this morning I am of the opinion that the EU has their top cop, Inspector Jacques Clouseau working on solving the dreadful crime committed in Berlin.
Having visited both Florida and London this year, it has now been over 3 years since I visited mainland Europe. Now not a huge amount of money would have been spent on a weekend in Paris or a few days in Cologne, but I wonder if you add up all the lost tourism and add to the cost of importing the third world into Europe, what the bill would be?
Incidentally, does anyone think Beeboids or their fellow travellers on the Alt-left still holiday in Europe?
Oh, I think they’ll always go on expenses, TR, because there have to be all those visits to see ‘contestants’ in the Eurotrash Schlong Kontest, and of course that means stopovers, stepovers, legovers etc!
I expect they have lots of safe houses where they can store their Ipads and woolly mammoth microphones too.
As usual after outrages such as Berlin the broadcast media air a stream of vox pops with people declaring that they will just carry on, they will not change their life. The broadcasters depict this as stoicism. I think it is rather more like herbivores continuing to chew the cud as members of the herd are picked off by hyenas. Seemingly broadcasters never come across people in the street who are as mad as hell.
This is the point. only a fool refuses to change his behaviour if circumstance demand it. Foolish in the extreme. I always check now when in a large public gathering for exit routes . First thing we now need to do and make sure all of our companions know.
The Christmas markets were a known target so going to one was and is a risk. Consider that risk as important and nothing to do with not giving in and all that rubbish.
Increasingly capital cities are risky especially public transport and public gatherings so act accordingly. Western Europe is going to get more dangerous quite swiftly so avoid if possible. Eastern Europe is cheaper and safer.
Anyone with a young family must take precautions even if it limits things. That is a parent’s job.
Don’t listen to candle lighters and hand holders. It won’t keep you and yours safe.
The German Police claim they have found an identity document under the drivers seat of the hi jacked lorry in Berlin.
How convenient
How serendipitous !
They didn’t find this document during the forensic search of the lorry in the hours when they were investigating, and had the Pakistani in custody, how fortunate it should turn up just when they need it !
I have a neighbour who is deeply into conspiracy theory, a real David Icke nut job, and this is just manna from heaven.
Just like the supposed finding of the passports of the 9/11 hijackers being found intact on the roof of a neighbouring building, even the most sceptical amongst us begins to doubt the truthfulness of the investigating authorities.
They might as well have announced they were looking for an escaped alien from are 51 because it’s about as believable !
Post script
Just been sent this:
Identity papers of French-Tunisian found in Nice truck: police source
I’m with the nut job on this, Thoughtful. Here’s another identity card for your list, although it seems to have been ‘hidden’ so well that it had to be ‘combed’ from the vehicle.
‘It was their only mistake’
Authorities have released few details on why they’ve zeroed in on the Kouachi brothers. But they have pointed to one key clue found inside a getaway car the gunmen apparently used: Said Kouachi’s identification card. It was discovered by investigators as they combed the vehicle for clues after impounding it.
Life Support Case
…Is it time the BBC turned off its 24 hour life support machine for the brain-dead Labour Party ?
Police say the man responsible for the shooting incident at the Zurich Islamic Centre on Monday evening was a 24-year-old Swiss with Ghanaian roots. They said there appears to be no link to radical groups. The man’s motive for the mosque shooting and a separate murder on Sunday remains unclear.
Deloitte agrees “to NOT bid for government contracts for about 6 months”
…due to its part in the ‘leaked Brexit memo’ which the BBC went hyberbolic about claiming FALSELY it was a cabinet memo, when in fact it was an internal speculative memo from from proRemain Deloitte.
* Frontpage of the Times.
This was mentioned on The Today Programme this morning, BUT …
It was mentioned in such a way, that if you were not aware of the speculative nature of the Deloitte memo, and the way it was gleefully and dishonestly “leaked” by the BBC as if it was and embarrassment for the Government and/or the Brexiteers, you would think it was valid.
“Deloitte have agreed not to bid for any Government contracts for 6 months following a memo in which they said the Government would need 30,000 extra civil servants to implement Brexit”.
That was it. No mention that it was false. Casual followers of the news, who might still think the Deloitte memo was true, will probably still think so after hearing this.
Pg 4 Next year pilot anti-election fraud measures will be introduced.
Eg For some polling stations photo proof of ID will be required*.
Item quotes Eric Pickles report from August and 2014 Electoral Commission Report.
You know which communities and areas they are talking about.
* NI has had that rule for 30 years.
The last time I voted in person in the UK, in Edinburgh, I asked the poll official why no-one had to prove their ID. He replied ” I don’t know. It is ridiculous , isn’t it ? “. !!!
PS. Another thing I object to is politicians being allowed to observe the count. They should be kept well away from it .
I disagree, it helps keep the process honest. Having political observers there helps stop the more egregious sorts of vote rigging. However, these days, as we all know, the real rigging is in postal votes, not at the actual count.
Rob ,
You are having a laugh . Politicians ” keep the process honest “. Are you being serious ?
So why so worried about Murdoch’s 11.4 billion bid for Sky/
Afraid he might make it a little bit like Fox News?
Afraid he might offer more competition for the sacred B B C?
Has Merkel got a grip or at least, any appreciation of what’s happening to Germany? Maybe she, along with other Liberal elites (including the UK’s ‘Treezer’ et al.), actually think they can control the Cult of Submission –
They both struggle under the weight of pressure, NOT from ordinary people but from the Left/Liberal/Elite. And that is something I cannot understand.
All kinds of stern, none PC measures would have popular support but that is what the LLEs are so afraid of. That would smack of ‘Popularism’ – which they call evil.
This is what I have been telling you all for months !
Why is it taking so many of you to even make the possibility it might be true?
Even now many readers on here cannot even countenance the possibility their leader are corrupt and the puppets of this same Cabal.
One day when realisation finally does dawn it will be too late, and too late for me to day “I told you so why did you not believe me”?
I think most people on here are fully aware of the way things are now. We express it in different ways and try not to hector each other.
Italian meltdown begins with shares in the bank Monte dei Paschi suspended from trading. Italian government claims it has a 20 billion Euro rescue package which is a drop in the ocean of what is required.
Italian government debt is 140% of GDP, and it simply doesn’t have the money needed to continually prop up the house of cards it built when it joined the Euro. There is only one option ultimately, but the elites just can’t bring themselves to admit that their dream of a single currency is a failure. Reacting in the EUs best interests does not occur to them, as acting in their own best interests is what they prioritise. It doesn’t even seem to have got through their thick hides that continuing this way will bankrupt states and probably lead to the breakup of the entire EU.
Just as the elites are comfy NOW is all that matters to them.
It is the same with any religious fervour Thoughtful. Just as Catholicism and Protestantism were once happy to torture, burn and subjugate in the name of a supposedly benevolent God, today they have been replaced by climate change, militant Islam and the EU edifice, where logic plays no part, only continued and unquestioning belief in the dream – while opinions and benefits to the contrary are ridiculed and reviled as the latter day ‘anti-Christ’.
I’m still not convinced that the EU won’t have collapsed before Britain finally manages to leave.
Agree, which is why May must be careful what she agrees to.
Rob and Andrew,
Surely this is a reason to stop contributions immediately and leave. Forget about Article 50. Stop everything now. What can the EU do ? Nothing . They are powerless. But May is so stupid she really does not know what to do. Get rid of that wretched woman .
Do they know it’s Christmas time?
And there won’t snow in Africa this Christmas time?
For the first time in 40 years it has snowed (and laid) in the Sahara Desert
Completely skipped over by the BBC in an obscure page halfway down
Doesn’t support the climate change narrative.
And in other news Brexit secretary David Davies has won his challenge to the UK government over blanket data storage.
The UK government says it is “disappointed” after the European Court of Justice said the “indiscriminate” collection of data was against EU law.
EU judges said communications data could only be retained if it was used to fight serious crime.
Oh blast! In another of those annoying little oversights, the eminently sensible – yet despicably alt-right, of course – AfD spokesman got no screen credits in the BBC News at One, while talking of the Berlin public’s reaction to the latest road-rage incident. Still, don’t want to give any impression of maturity or common-sense to such people, do we?
Liked Treezer to the SNP,”If Scotland becomes independent – it will no longer be in the European Union and it will no longer have access to the European or English markets.”
Of course that is true. Scotland would have to apply for membership of the EU and take its place at the back of the queue. By that time the EU will be defunct anyway. Well done SNP ! You are so damn stupid !!!
Suppose there`s no chance of the SNP learning anything about what happened to once proud and independent Ireland.
They too hated the English/British more than they loved the freedom that they now had-so chose to chuck it for a spurious con trick for the cameras.
And joined the EU-and then the Euro FFS.
Southfork ranches, Dick Spring and electric milking parlours with skyscrapers all over Dublin.
But drugs and knife crime, guns and rape via Shannon and Limerick.
And so to today-Colm Toibin, Mrs Brown Boys and Gay Marriage.
But a slave house poodle of the EU troika and dying by the year…and anything that still lasts or works having been put in place by the British way back.
And not even a folk or rebel song possible any more, as Christy Moore dies by the day, leaving no trace of anything but Europop.
One dead and dying culture.
There is no chance of the SNP learning anything about anything !
BBC Online News:
“”CBI calls for barrier-free trade with EU after Brexit””
“”CBI director-general Carolyn Fairbairn said: “Leaving the EU will be a highly complex process and all sectors of the economy are making their priorities clear in order to get it right””
The CBI Director General Caolyn Fairbairn is an ex-BBC Director. The CBI is very pro EU and receives huge funding from the EU.
Those BBC managers infect everything with their bias.
“UK firms need to continue to have barrier-free access to European Union markets after Brexit.”
Now just who is putting those barriers up ? Ball’s in your court – EU.
Looking at the trade deficit, we have the EU ‘by the balls’
Exactly, it is a no-brainer. All the balls are in our court , so to speak !
Let’s hope that Theresa and her entourage can genuinely see that ?
Otherwise the ‘so-called’ Conservative party will be in a precarious position at the next General Election.
I think that Treezer is too dim to realise that !
The country needs a weekly digest of the facts. I know it’s asking a lot. In the US the POTUS delivers a weekly update to the Nation. Treezer could do that.
Surely someone, somewhere could stand up and speak with authority and hopefully diminish the, mindless media clap-trap endlessly repeated.
For example: Tariffs – they slap on a 10% tariff, so then we slap on a 10% tariff or opt for tariff free and there you go. Move on.
That would be this Carolyn Fairbairn:
Don’t you just love the facial expression?
What a nasty stupid bitch and totally ignorant. Does she know nothing about the history of free trade ?
Before Al Beeb starts mounting its ‘Character Assassination’, name calling and anti UKIP propaganda……
The forthcoming By-election may prove to be the springboard for the election of the next UKIP MP, so remember this, UKIP are NOT a ‘far right party’ but a place where many working-class people and Labour voters will go to get their voice heard .
The ‘Libtards’ aided by Al Beeb may start calling it a ‘populist party’ but it was the true party of of Brexit. The demand for Brexit was the democratic call from of a majority the people of Great Britain.
Al Beeb, your propaganda does not work any more –
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Rule Britannia.
Ever wonder why so many Anglican Churches are closing their doors and have diminishing congregations ?
They have lost the plot …….
‘…we’re working really closely to try and do unconscious bias training…’ Dear God. It’s like Smith’s neighbour in ‘1984’ who was actually pleased that his children denounced him as a thought criminal, because he hadn’t even realised it himself.
If I was working on something and did it badly, and someone died or was seriously injured as a result then I would be looking at a charge of Manslaughter or criminal negligence.
If someone came along and told me what I was doing was wrong and that there was a high risk that it would cause death or serious injury, and I carried on doing it regardless and someone died then I could well be looking at a murder charge.
So how is it possible that politicians can be in a position of power where they are told their actions can be so negligent they result in peoples deaths are not charged with criminal negligence or manslaughter, and why can we the people never hold them to account in any meaningful way ?
Thoughtful, you mean like Christine Lagarde…………?
It was a surprise she was ever brought to court, but despite being found guilty she did not get any sentence nor a criminal record, begging the question what the point of the court case was in the first place.
The BBC, amazingly, allowed us to comment on this story that referenced the Berlin attack:
Comments were allowed between 13:42 & 23:59. Reading the most popular comments it becomes obvious why our national treasure curtailed comment after just 10hrs 17 mins.
The scum at the BBC are hoping it is not a muslim but we all know it is !
More deliberate BBC climate change activist lying here:
What Trump has actually said he will do is put all climate data paid for by Federal funds in the public domain. The bit the warmists don’t like is that includes the original raw data. Oh dear, the climate change charlatans will then have to explain why they have manipulated the original data so much.
I do hope we see the day when people like Michael Mann are called before Congress to enjoy a little chat with someone like Trey Gowdy.
Remember when Mike Read did a Carribean accent at the UKIP conference and how the BBC happily allowed people to air their ‘outrage’?
Check out the Xmas drama ‘The Nativity’, airing today.
The ‘star studded cast is all white British actors, complete with BBC-Arab skin tones and BBC-Arab accents.
I’m outraged, how dare they mimick another culture like this?
The Times Newsbites
pg 6 UK to resume £25m/yr grant to pay Palestinian civil servants
It had been suspended due to concerns it was being diverted to terrorist prisoners.
p12 Mandatory insurance for Golf Carts and dodgems are needed “EU Rules”
what aboit kids roundabouts etc ?
pg 21 Supervolcano : Phlegaean Field ,15Km from Naples could be coming up to eruption phase (this half century)
more in IBT
Over the last few days I’ve been complaining about not being able to access this site. Today I’ve had no problems, but I can’t access the BBC! Perhaps my ISP was trying all the time to block the BBC and was only blocking this one by mistaken association?
Drat. BBC just opened so I’ll be able to see how long I last with PM.
Non BBC – Haven t heard of Adami before at least he tries a coherent argument, although of course he is totally wrong on immigration/refugees
… D Murray seems a lone voice of sanity on air, I listened in to Talkradio yday, utter garbage/
LBC the London Broadcasting Tories, are literally laughable, Ian Fail and his cronies
at least K Hopkins does speak out right about some issues.
The stupid girl presenter ( how did she get her job ? ) says that it is a “sensitive subject ” . FFS . What is sensitive about muslim terrorists killing innocent people ? Is she mentally ill ?
She means it’s sensitive for her career prospects. One wrong word and she’ll never work in the MSM again.
BFI Radio Times Television Festival
Fri-Sun 7-9 April
@South Bank, London
Would be a good place to protest against MSM bad practices
: False Narratives
: Gate Keeping
Give us the full picture not propaganda
Huge False Narratives vs Tiny Fake News that no one believes.
While MSM squeal about fake news offering pathetic examples
Eg The Pope Endorsed Trump
Eg2 That £350m/week would suddenly be diverted to NHS the day after a Brexit Vote
. .they themselves push huge false narratives.
Some examples
– Anyone who challenges Lefty dogma is Far-Right-wing
– When someone gets rich it’s cos they have stolen the share of the poor (wealth is not one fixed size pie. Ask Steve Jobs how key innovators can make the whole pie bigger)
– The famous climate narratives like “The science is settled” ” Skeptis are funded by a conspiracy of big oil money”, “97% of Climate Scientists say”
(No such robust data exists ..check the sample size and Qns asked)
– Anyone who challenges immigration is a racist.
– All women are victims and all men oppressors.
good debunk of trust.project
For those who never learned the lessons, the media narrative arc on how the BBC choose to portray an Islamic truck atrocity?
I remember Nice-think it was 8hrs before the French security services got blamed for it.
Well, it seems to have taken longer this time in Berlin, but within 20hrs, Katy Hill is squarely laying the blame for yesterdays slaughter on-guess who-the German security services.
And-the liberals now fear for that anti Muslim, Far-Right backlash.
And some German seems proud at last that the Brandenburg Gate is (at last) lit up in German colours-seems a pity it`s been French and Belgian thus far.
Truly bonkers.
Oh-and being the liberal elite-not a peep about the familes destroyed, the poor lorry driver from Poland.
Just how Merkels ratings may be affected.
There they go again-surfboarding on the bodies of the dead, just to keep their hellish project on the road.
Utter scum.
BBC Main News Page – YouTube star Adam Saleh ‘kicked off’ Delta Airlines flight.
“Adam Saleh told the BBC he was asked to get off the London-New York flight on Wednesday after speaking to his mother in Arabic on the phone”. Hmmmmm
Knew It wouldn t be long … Islamofauxbia you see ya da ya da.
Hardly “news” at all, but in Al BBC World its of course a front page narrative story
A fellow passenger allegedly expressed feeling uncomfortable so the bullying and wicked staff etc etc.
As usual, as with any Islamoblamia fiberati nonsense I smell a rat, this guys youtube erm “stardom” was made a couple of years back If I recall right … he was bullsh-tting then, staged something and got caught out. The BBC omit that part.
Meanwhile, in the Torygraph a real story, that real journo s should be questioning.
“The Turkish policeman who murdered Russia’s ambassador to Ankara provided security to Recep Tayyip Erdogan on multiple occasions in recent months, a pro-government commentator has claimed. Melvut Mert Altintas, 22, served on police details backing up Mr Erdogan’s personal body guards eight times since the failed military coup that rocked Turkey in July”
Of course the guy was immediately killed, so would never be questioned by Russian interrogators re his Erdogan links.
Delta Airlines has in the past been accused of racism, states the Al BBC
here s the link