The most useful fact about the phrase ‘Post-fact world’ is that, as well as pointing out as fools and intellectual cowards those who use it as the new truth, it illustrates just how powerful the left-wing media is as it creates a whole new reality, a ‘false consciousness’ ironically, a fake reality that is fast catching on as the new reality talked of by those in ‘authority’ with an assured air that what they say is not complete bollocks…despite being just that. Andrew Marr this morning made such a statement declaring that we are in this post-fact age. According to the new facts, and they’re not facts, again ironically, there are no facts, but there was a time when facts existed…a time before the Trump, before the Brexit. In a land of make-believe.
Marr on ‘Start the Week’ showed himself up for what he really is, not an inquiring intellectual, not an honest journalist, not a man whose integrity is unsullied, but a man who follows the crowd, a sheep who doesn’t think for himself, who doesn’t dare stand up and say this is wrong. Intellectually, morally and professionally corrupted.
How can Marr with all seriousness suggest we are now in a ‘post-fact’ era? How can he possibly even contemplate saying such a thing as fact. He says it becasue he knows he won’t be opposed and his colleagues and friends will all praise him for his thoughtfulness and insight and it suits his own left-wing political agenda. All the guests on his show are from the same bubble, the same echo chamber. They think the same, the talk to the same people, they all have the same mindset and the same world view. They were never going to disagree, in fact they lapped it up and couldn’t have agreed more with the big unsaid motif…that those who voted for Trump or Brexit, or indeed the climate change ‘deniers’, were fools led astray by lies and their own heated, prejudiced, emotions.
Trouble is the programme was full of contradictions that undermined their own statements on such subjects as climate change….how many times on the programme did we hear that science was never certain, that the science should always be challenged, that people are, apparently, irrational when it comes to making decisions on ‘facts’….and yet the science of climate change is settled…or so the BBC tells us.
The programme finished with what seemed like a scripted comment tacked onto the end about the BBC’s coverage of climate change….how terrible it was that the BBC would give the same time to climate change ‘deniers’ as to real scientists….they should have one ‘denier’ and 2,000 real scientists on to represnt the reality. So science is not about the science but about the number of people you can get to say one thing? Have they proved that CO2 is the main and real cause of global warming? No. It’s till a theory based upon lab experiments. So much for facts, so much for science.
Alongside that we have the howl of rage at the rise of ‘Populism’…otherwise known as genuine democracy where the real people get to have their say and their voices heard for once.
‘Populism’ is why the ‘Elite’ don’t like referendums. Referendums are single issue votes where the Elite cannot divide and rule as in normal elections where people vote on numerous issues and so can be split off into manageable groups by offering them vote winning promises that compromise their own convictions. The voter may not support you on one thing but may on several others which they consider more important and so you get their vote, but in a single issue referendum it is black and white, there are no concessions, no deals, no promises that can be made to leaven your manifesto and make it overall the most appealing despite having some unpopular aspects…the Elitist has to make his own choice and stand on one side or the other in a referendum.
Douglas Murray in the Mail a week or so ago slammed the BBC and its fellow travellers for using the word ‘Populism’ to sneer at and demonise those who voted for Brexit or Trump…
POPULISM: It’s the BBC’s new buzzword, being used to sneer at the ‘uneducated’ 17 million who voted for Brexit
There is a new buzz-word at the BBC. It’s been bandied about on countless programmes and dominates the pages of the Left-wing papers. The 17 million-plus Britons who voted to leave the EU are described as part of a ‘populist’ revolution.
When the American public voted for Donald Trump to be their next President, the BBC and other media likewise described it as a triumph of populism.
This week, after the Italian people voted a resounding ‘No’ in a referendum that led to the resignation of their pro‑EU Prime Minister Matteo Renzi — a result that has shaken Brussels to its foundations — liberal commentators called it a victory for populist parties.
Make no mistake, it is now being used as a sneering, pejorative term to describe the extraordinary social phenomenon sweeping both Europe and the U.S. as millions and millions of people express their anger at the ballot box over the indolence, corruption and complacency of their nation’s political elite.
To disregard the concerns of the public is a serious mistake for any politician. They may be able to ignore it for a time, but at some point the people will be heard. Using words like ‘populist’ to insult the public is just a desperate final attempt to put off the inevitable….. it is better to listen to our concerns rather than to insult us.
Peter Hitchins blog mentions these fake realties that SJW missionary media manipulate us with.
“When I used to travel a lot in the communist world, I especially hated the fact that almost every official announcement was a conscious lie, taunting the poor subjugated people with their powerlessness to challenge it.
I would spend ages twiddling dials and shifting aerials to pick up the BBC World Service on my short-wave set – ‘the truth, read by gentlemen’ – because it refreshed the soul just to hear it. These days the state-sponsored lies have spread to my own country, and to the BBC, and I tell the truth as loudly as I can, simply because I cannot hear anyone else speaking it. If these lies go unchallenged, they will be the basis of some grave wrong yet to come.
The one, sorry secret of being ‘just like us’
Muslims like usI watched Muslims Like Us on BBC2 with grim fascination. Indeed, they were mostly like us, vaguely but pleasantly charitable, sweary, victims of all kinds of fashions in thought, clothes, language and sex.
And then they were not like us. One had an arranged marriage to a woman he’d never met, as far as I could see. All suddenly slipped into Arabic from time to time. One had attracted the attention of the authorities because of the passion of his views.
I could see his point when he upbraided his temporary housemates for not being very Islamic. They weren’t. He was. And I think most of us probably quietly hope that most British Muslims aren’t very devout.
But what really bothered me was the joke British person, in a bow tie, who was brought in to introduce them to Britishness, whatever that now is. There they were in York, looking at York Minster, one of the most moving and powerful buildings on the planet. I almost stop breathing whenever I visit it (I had the same experience amid the Islamic glories of Isfahan and Samarkand, by the way). But if Mr Bow Tie once mentioned Christianity, or suggested they go inside the great church, I missed it. And the Muslim party seemed wholly unmoved, as if they were being shown a furniture factory.
The sad fact is Muslims are only going to be like us if they sink, along with us, into the same state of ignorance and indifference about the past, and cease to take serious things seriously. Some of them may. But an important number of them (to their credit) never will.”
First there was post-truth, and now there’s post-fact.
Well, to borrow from the Raedwald blog, I’m now post-credulous.
And I hope you will be too.
Farage interview on BH R4 9:20am Sunday
Today Leftmob forums are not full of discussions about what he said, but rather with ourage that he was let on to their exclusive-safespace Radio 4 at all.
No one mentions that BH framed it with a 1 min sneering sketch preceeding the playing of the recorded interview.
And even made a special webpage for the sketch
What the BBC means by “Populism” is “Democratic”. And the BBC hates democracy as it doesn’t always get them the dictatorship they crave, but they can’t use the word “Democratic” as a perjorative term so they disguise it with another one “Populism”. To be honest, their left-wing views should support populism, but in reality they sneer at the working and lower-middle classes.
Exactly right. “Populism” is a sneering word used to try to undermine democratic decisions that BBC/Left doesn’t like.
The BBC itself is in no sense democratic. We are forced to pay for it, but we can’t vote for or against it. No wonder we hate it.
Let’s hope for a populist politician to offer a vote on it.
Popularism = “The wrong sort of Democratic outcome”
‘Populism’ according to the BBC, is telling the voter what they want to hear.
Heck, that’s some complex trick to put a negative spin on that definition.
Great philosophical point here gaxvil.
” What IS wrong with telling the license fee payer(compelled) what s/he wants to hear?”
Yesterday for example I spent much of the day listening to Radio 3 as it toured Europe with Christmas carols and choirs etc.
The BBC at its best.
And much as we thought Wogan was overpaid-we can`t say that he was not popular, and spoke for Britain, even despite his Children in Need crap.
Herein lies the BBCs problem-they seem to think that we must like or comply with THEIR agenda. And their snooty superior disconnect from the British people as “post truth/fact uneducated victims of the populists” is VERY dangerous. To them, not to us.
The new reality or post fact are not just intellectual mind games. They kill. Just as Marxism killed hundreds of millions.
The greatest suffering that has been inflicted by post-Truth & post-fact West, is on the people of Syria. Assad was demonised by America, Obama and Clinton, as an evil dictator, and the West followed suit.
But facts are stubborn, and will come eventually, just as the non-existent WMDs of Iraq, or the brutal rapes of tens of thousands of English girls by Pakistani Muslims, up and down the Midlands and Yorkshire.
Syria is, or should I now say, was the best moderate secular dictatorship in the ME, considering what is on offer in the rest of the ME, from Saudi Arabia, and the rest.
Syria is/was a “beacon” of freedom of opportunity for religious minorities and women (comparatively). Christians can/could practice their faith publicly and without fear. Women can/could get an education and job, drive cars, and do just about anything.
Syria is the one country that has taken hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians when we “liberated” Iraq. It is one the few ME countries that has freedoms for religious minorities. America and Britain wanted to replace this by Saudi Arabia funded MB regime.
But America had a strategic axe to grind by replacing Assad, with ISIS, al Nusra, and so-called freedom fighters, all fronts for al Qaeda, and spawn of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It was obvious that the replacement to Mubarak, Libya etc, would not be a liberal democratic regime, but a choice between a military junta and fanatic Islam. In fact, in Islamic countries, the best option is a stable moderate dictatorship. What we now have are fanatic Salafist regimes in the above, where burning churches and killing Christians is koranically sanctioned. So why expect any different in Syria?
And yet Obama wanted regime change. Regime change to what? Muslim Brotherhood that Obama and Clinton favoured, as they did in Egypt. The result would have been, that the last place in the ME where Christians knew they would not be slaughtered, would have gone. And where would ME Christians have gone? The route to Europe is far too dangerous for Christians. So too are the refugee camps in Europe. Besides, they would be the first to be refused asylum, and then have to make their way through hostile territory.
Don’t believe me? The British government refused entry to Syrian bishops, who just wished to be at the consecration of the first Syrian Orthodox cathedral in Europe. Yet the British government openly welcomes Islamic hate preachers, and known mass Muslim mass murderers. Why? I believe this is Western policy, which has to come from Obama. Who else? It cant be Poland, Britain, Germany, France, Malta, Romania. Who else?
The few remaining Christians of ME would be annihilated. To a Muslim this would be right and just. It is well worth keeping in mind, that Obama also made sure while giving refuge to tens of thousands of Muslim refugees, that very few, just a few score Christians, the really persecuted minority, made it to America. Though in fairness, I have to admit, that Christians leaving Syrian government territory, and setting out through openly hostile Muslim territory, is not something to be considered lightly. So very few left anyway.
It is interesting to note that among all the millions of Muslims that have crashed into Europe, there are very few Christians. How come, as one would expect a far larger number of Christians fleeing Syria to “Christian” Europe. Well, Christians in the ME have realised, that getting out from the protection of Assad, was likely to be fraught with danger for them. Also the boat ride to Greece ,was likely to be a swimming marathon (getting thrown out of the boat, once Muslims realised they were Christians. Then the position of Christians in the refugee camps of Europe, was very very dangerous. All in all, much safer to be in Assad controlled Syria.The US, mainly Obama and Clinton, started this was on Syria, and they couldn’t care a toss about the position of minorities, specially Christians. As long as they could appease Saudi Arabia and Islam, that’s what mattered. As we know now, Clinton was being paid handsomely by the Saudis, the very ones who supports ISIS and others, who crucify and behead Christians, while taunting them “Where is your Jesus” The UK simply went along with the US.
I thank God that Assad has liberated Aleppo, with the backing of Russia. Now our Christian brothers and sisters can have a relatively peaceful Christmas.
Finally, a few independent journalists are starting to speak up about the great evil that was inflicted ton he Syrian people by the West ie Obama’s and Clinton’s America. If Assad was such a brutal dictator as Obama claims, how is it that Syrian bishops even exist, and havn’t been murdered. How come they are allowed to travel abroad? How come they do not apply for refugee status in the UK? How come they go back to Syria without any trouble?
Here is Eva Bartlett, a free lance Canadian journalist.
Post-credulous audience hears evidence of fake news broadcast by post-truth BBC
The video link provided by a commentor in the post below is a scorcher. At a UN press conference, independent Canadian journo Eva Bartlett demolishes the credibility of the fake news from Aleppo promulgated by, amongst others, the Guardian and the BBC.
“..what you hear in the corporate media, and I will name them – BBC, Guardian, the New York Times etc. – on Aleppo is also the opposite of reality”
In a devastating surgical dissection, Bartlett dismisses the BBC’s main source of news in Aleppo – one man in Coventry, with an agenda, who calls himself ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’. She points out that there are NO international humanitarian organisations in rebel-held Aleppo and NO credible independent sources of news from there. The White Helmets are exposed as an armed partisan force funded by $100m from the US / EU / UK who fake news footage (documented) and are, I strongly suspect, a thin cover for arms shipments to the rebels and for western intelligence organisations.
There is a ring of truth in her statement. Amazingly, through all the dangers for a Western woman, she has visited Aleppo and Syria several times in the last few years. She also speaks Arabic. I take my hat off to her. A brave and amazing woman.
What a catastrophe the West has come to in the last decade. I now view the Western elite as self loathing individuals, who hate the founding Christian principles of the West, and are keen to destroy it, by any and all means. To me it seems, that the West and Russia have reversed roles. I find RT far more interesting, and their journalists actually going to dangerous front lines, as compared to the studio glued, six figure salaried, lying incompetents at the BBC.
The BBC and “Post Fact World” did the BBC ever do facts? I look at the BBC et al and think
#1 Thanks to the internet we can access multiple sources of information, analyise
them and make up our own minds as tto what is fact or false.
#2 Those of us who are awake no longer need or use the BBC or the rest of the MSM.
#3 Those of us who are awake are more than capable of making our minds up as to what
is fact or false and can see through the lies of the BBC and rest of the MSM.
So BBC keep trying and lying we who are wake are not buying anymore
This ‘post-fact’ era, or “era of the assumption” or “era of the left-wing wishful thoughts”. Is an era constructed by the BBC, through the censorship of scientists, science and scientific debate.
Hopefully with UKIP and Trump, the ‘post-fact’ era is coming to an end. In fact this could be brought about next year with another planned London conference of causational climate scientists, and a judicial review of the BBC ‘post-fact’ era, censorship of facts policy.
Also, people who follow the crowd, who don’t think for themselves, are regarded as part of the consensus. This can make them look like idiots to people with high IQ,s. Intelligent people rebel against the consensus once they reach Adulthood, but the BBC is obviously dominated by middle-class morons who went to Arts college instead, and where paid by mummy and daddy up to their first BBC pay packet and probably beyond that.
Also, the BBC could have a politically balance debate about Climate Change if it invited all the two scientists in the House of Commons. Tory MP, Peter Lilley, versus, Labour MP, Graham Stringer.
But even better would be for the BBC to invite as many scientists with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics as possible, to have a free live two hour uncensored debate, without any invitations to environmental activists, and a legal guarantee of free speech without any consequences for their employment prospects, with prosecutions against any persecution by left-wing environmental activists or the BBC.
You would then get science 2,000 times better than on the BBC, like this below.
Me a UKIP supporting Mensa member, an uneducated lover of a populist tyranny of the majority.
For me:
(1) Educated, means: Science, Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
(2) Uneducated, means: Art, Drama, Philosophy and Media studies
(3) A Populist tyranny of the majority, means: The elite don’t like Democracy
(4) An Unpopular tyranny of the minority, means: Dictatorship by an anti-democratic elite, which confirms my view of the EU, with facts from the BBC.
The BBC should be thankful for democracy, as without democracy we would have had a restart of the English Civil War, with the abolition of the House of Lords and state Media. Followed by the Lord Protector, Nigel Farage, allowing Parliament to purge the remainers, and allowing the extension of the free media gained in the first English Civil War, to be extended to broadcast media.
Richard Pinder
Its a nice idea, but unfortunately, the waters on the “debate” on Climate Weather AGW, have been so poisoned, that no honest debate can take place. Even in the forum you suggest, one side will not listen to the other, and hang fast to their opinions. So too will the audience. It will end where it started.
The way forward is to withdraw all funding from Climate Change AGW topics. Now the issue will be debated without money poisoning the debate. The majority of the people who are interested in AGW etc are ones who are either getting funding for it, or those who are making huge amounts of money, as subsidy. That is some 90% or more of the people involved, will simply vanish from the debate, as there is no money in it.
As far as the emperical evidence is concerned, there is no rise in Global temperature. No rise in sea levels. No evidence of Pacific islands under water. So thats that.
And this is where Donald Trump comes in. If Trump trumps AGW Climate Change funding, the real debate can start.
This will take place within the group who are genuinely and honestly interested in which theory could be correct – Man made, Cosmic rays, the sun, orbital mechanics, cows farting hypothesis etc.
And the best thing, it will be so unimportant to leftist BBC types, as there is no money to be spent in Africa etc, we wont even hear of it, unless one subscribes to the particular Transactions.
The paper presented is good.
1.Solar radiation – yes.
2. No mention of the hot magna of the earth. Strange.
As someone who served a five year engineering apprenticeship as a Fitter/Turner then a few years later on had the oppertunity to go to university to do a degree in Mechanical Engineering and also during a 30 year career with LUL aquired thanks to day release got other City & Guilds/OND/HND etc qualifacations and is now studying astro-physics thankyou OU I object to being called “uneducated” by an obsolete and irrelivant MSM outlet like the BBC who I no longer watch or fund.The BBC doesnt understand that I am more than qualified to make my own decisions as to what is right or wrong with out imput or being told what to think by the odious BBC
With you there JosF.
I met lads with aeronautical degrees etc in places like Lidl, Post Offices, MacDonalds and the like in recent history.
The lazy cliches of the Left are grossly offensive and wrong.
In fact, only those who`ve been educated or fearless enough to think for themselves deserve that word “learned”.
Most of the liberal output are parrots for Benetton or Eurovision-and are clones, drone and very nasty.
Thank God for the Web, family and friends-pubs and libraries, churches and Aldi on a Thursday-where REAL people tell truths and we learn.
AND this site too, among so many others.