I wish I was an academic pyschologist or some such….boy the books you could write just now as the Left goes into melt-down. A study of the post Brexit, post-Trump fevered ravings would occupy you for a lifetime.
Nicola Sturgeon is like a wild-eyed Hitler trapped in his Bunker in the last days, her ever more desperate attempts to cobble together a sly mechanism to achieve Independence by whatever devious and underhand method possible look to anyone on the outside as a madness that has only the slightest connection with reality. Anyone on the outside other than those at the BBC who take her every utterance as rational, sound and achievable common sense. Look at their report on her latest absurd folly as she essentially calls for May to give Scotland Independence in order for Scotland to stay in the EU. How the Today presenter reporting this tosh kept a straight face and didn’t burst out laughing is beyond me. I stand in admiration at their professionalism, or was it lack of imagination?
It takes the Telegraph to bring you a dose of reality as cold-water is splashed upon the glowing eager faces speaking so confidently of Independence…
Nicola Sturgeon Brexit adviser pours cold water on her single market plans hours before they are unveiled
One of Nicola Sturgeon’s handpicked Brexit advisers has poured cold water on her proposals to keep Scotland in the EU single market even if the UK leaves, only hours before she unveils them on Tuesday morning.
Charles Grant, who sits on the First Minister’s Standing Council on Europe, said it was “extremely difficult” to see how her plans were legally, politically or technically feasible.
In an interview with the Telegraph, he said Scotland staying in the single market without the rest of the UK would require the complete devolution of business regulation and that “clearly isn’t going to be on the cards in the foreseeable future.”
He said proposals for Scotland to stay in the EU’s customs union, a more limited type of free trade area than the single market, without the rest of the UK would also mean customs checks at the border with England.
Among the other flaws he listed were Spain blocking any special deal and Theresa May being unwilling to sign up to a package of powers that would give Scotland “something like dominion status.”
Oddly the BBC fails to mention the comments of someone so very closely involved in Sturgeon’s plans.
The BBC, it goes without saying, would love to see the UK break up and the EU take control of the regions…divide and rule. It’s the oldest game in the book.
What else has got the Left frothing at the mouth? Trump of course but what’s in the headlines right now? A terrorist atatck in Germany by a Muslim ‘refugee’. What’s important is not the attack but to quickly damp down any suggestion that this is linked to immigration or Islam and to pillory anyone who dares to suggest such things.
The BBC told us that the ‘anti-immigrant’ AFD ‘seized’ upon the deaths and were seeking to make political profit from it by ‘blaming’ Merkel….the BBC’s language very obviously designed to portray the AFD as a group that is beyond the pale, one that is exploiting this tragedy and trying to manufacture a false narrative about refugees. The BBC wants you to think there is no connection to Merkel’s lone decision to allow in uncontrolled numbers of Muslim migrants and that to suggest such a thing is racist and irrational.
The Guardian naturally attacks not the killer but Nigel Farage…
Ukip’s former leader Nigel Farage is blowing his dog whistle again. He claimed “events like these will be the Merkel legacy”.
Nigel Farage
✔ @Nigel_Farage Terrible news from Berlin but no surprise. Events like these will be the Merkel legacy.
Trouble is it is the Guardian that is ‘dogwhistling’ as it tries to set the hounds upon Farage for his perfectly sound and reasonable comments…let’s face it those people would still be alive if Merkel hadn’t opened the borders….backed loudly by the Guardian and the BBC.
Then again in the Guardian we have Toynbee calling for a Remainer’s revolution to overturn Brexit in a cheery Christmas message…
Our future is being stolen. Be brave and take it back
With Trump and Brexit looming, I can’t say that things will get better next year. But I do know that things will get worse if we don’t fight
She ends with this treacherous nonsense from the man who voted against Article 50, Ken Clarke…
Newspaper columns are supposed to end with solutions, but I’m running low on hope. Instead, I’ll leave you with the reported words of Tory grandee Ken Clarke and implore you to think of this in the months ahead. “Brexit headbangers have made politics nastier than ever, but they are frighteningly well organised,” he said. “If we are going to stop them we have to do the same and not be intimidated by their wall of hate.”
Er…what? Brexiteers have made politics nastier than ever and a ‘wall of hate’? No that’s the Left that has resorted to a mass campaign of vilification, abuse and intimidation towards Brexit voters and politicians…Clarke’s own words are a perfect example of the language, abuse and deceitful narratives being used by them.
If you were a businessman would you do business with an organisation who’s books have not been signed of by the auditor, I wouldnt. The EU’s books have not been signed of by the auditors for last 22 years why does sturgeon want to stay in the EU?? blind stupidity or a mindless loyality to a failing idiology the EU
I think if I was considering investing in the UK I would be extremely reductant to locate my business in Scotland, at least until Mrs Sturgeon was gone and probably for a lot longer until the Collectivist virus had died out.
This has everything to do with Sturgeon’s visceral loathing of England and little to do with the EU. The SCots need to think clearly now. Stay in the union or continue the aggressive and disruptive policies of those who hate England far more than is healthy or wise.
“The BBC, it goes without saying, would love to see the UK break up and the EU take control of the regions…divide and rule. It’s the oldest game in the book”
Sad but true, Alan. Once fondly known as Aunty Beeb, the BBC has transformed into the ugly hag, Anti-Brit that I now think of as the ‘B’BC, the word British in its title being more alleged than actual!
Yes, she’s still dear – that’s what £4B pa extorted from the British population, the values of whom she clearly wants to see destroyed, does for one.
Definition :”. Dog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup.”
OK like.using ROP here
But note the Dig Whistle words Lefob BBC use all the time “Far right”, “Extreme Right” “Alt Right” are misused allbthe time.
Jo Cocks’ twat of a husband was the first to blame politicians and their ‘tone’ for the murder of his missus.
Would this be Jo’s husband? A fine upstanding pillar of the community.
That’s the one.
It also explains why he didn’t seem to give a shit about his wife or the fact that she’d just been murdered. Instead using it to further his extreme left agenda.
The latest nonsense being pushed by Wee Wifey McLoony via Radio Scotland is that, contrary to what everybody in Britain other than the SNP believed, the Referendum was only about leaving the EU and had nothing to do with the Single Market. In view of that there should be no question of leaving the Single Market because there was no actual mention of that when the Referendum took place. Talk about grasping at straws.
Radio Scotland then got a pet ‘Expert’ to go into the realms of fantasy trying to square the circle so that England and Wales could be outside the Single Market whilst Scotland could remain as part of it, but only if everybody was to believe in fairies at the bottom of their gardens, or something equally likely, by everybody making it possible by some magical jiggery-pokery or other. Personally I’m off to search for Nessie because believing I will succeed in finding the monster is far more believable is a far saner proposition then anything being pushed by Sturgeon, Salmond and the rest of the SNP fantasists.
Krankie is thick as 2 short planks !
Krankie is as short as two thick planks.
Sturgeon should be arrested as an enemy of the state, constantly trying to undermine our government and democracy.
Many of us hate her and her blind racism and stupidity is leading my country into oblivion. We went through this after Darien, but Sturgeon is so stupid that she knows nothing about our history. When the english turn off the money she thinks the EU will bale her out. But they will be out of money. So , who next ? Russia ? Stupid bitch.
You are correct Grant, I am English but love Scotland,I have worked there many times and had many holidays there,it saddens me that she is just stirring up trouble,why can’t she just leave it be?
Sturgeon is fighting to save her career. I don’t think she has much time left.
I just hope that her more rabid supporters don’t start looking towards an IRA approach. Probably unlikely.
I hope you are right about Sturgeon. She is a real embarrassment. As for a Scottish IRA, I very much doubt it !
Yes, hopefully Sturgeon has had it. If Britain does leave the EU there will be very little likelihood of Scotland becoming independent because it has already been made clear that they will not get fast-tracked into EU membership, meaning they will have to survive for several years fully independent of the rest of the UK and the EU; which would be long enough to bankrupt the country.
The only real chance the Scot Nats had was to be ‘independent within the EU’ (ie, independent in name but still funded by the UK and EU, like a teenager in a granny flat living off his parents’ money).
All Sturgeon can do now is agitate for increasingly desperate and weird exception clauses for Scotland in the Brexit negotations.
Once the UK, and therefore Scotland, recovers its 200 mile EEZ ~ Exclusive Economic Zone ~ and Scotland’s fishing industry can become more profitable ~why would the Scots want to vote to give all the fish back to the EU ?
The sheer stupidity of the SNP is that they want ” independence ” from England ( not possible anyway, given the integration of the economies ), but are happy to be ruled by Brussels. They are lunatics. They will never answer the question ” Would a Scotland independent of England be a net contributor to the EU or would the EU have to finance Scotland ? “.
The EU has at the moment and for the forseeable future so many serious problems to overcome that Sturgeon must just seem like an annoying little tick on their back.
I read Polly’s article yesterday and thought she’d gone mad . I was in a restaurant and people looked at me when I laughed as I read her ramblings .