Just listening to Chiles interviewing a survivor from a ship that sunk when he was 3 years old.
Chiles wants to know if he now has any hangups about water, any fear of water.
The answer? ‘No, I’m a scuba diver now’.
Quality research and prep by the BBC.
Chiles more than adequately fills Peter Allen’s boots as he goes through life with the same child-like wonder as the world reveals so many new and amazing delights each day.
Oh that`s funny!
Just heard a bbc news 24 bod ask a very senior Polish politician what his thoughts were on it being a Polish lorry that was involved in the Berlin massacre. He( in his perfect English) gave her short shrift about it not being relevant. Also the Polish driver was shot dead. How crass can the Beeb get? The people they employ are morons.
Up until recently I thought his name was Childes, clearly I had a Freudian slip of the mind!
The Jihadis are not the problem. In fact, they are alerting us to the coming existential crisis. Muslim population growth is several times larger then European rates. In less then 50 years, Muslims will be a majority. And that’s that. Sharia, and the end of Western civilisation
As the Muslim population increases, attacks will get more frequent, with “moderate“ Muslim demands that the state give more to the “marginalised” Muslim youth, or they will become even more radicalised. And so on. The more you give to the so-called moderates, the more our society will become Islamic. Moderate and radical Muslims play the good cop bad cop routine.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization. But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
There will no peace in the West unless there is a separation from Islam and muslims. Expect Christmas will be bombed each year, as that is what Muslims do – to ruin the festivals of other religions. Recall the bombing of the cathedral in Egypt a few days ago.
That’s true, in Europe we are only just starting to see what it has been like for non-Muslims in the Middle East for hundreds of years. In Egypt, Lebanon, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey, Israel, Pakistan -to name a few. It’s common practice for Muslims to step up the jihad attacks at Christmas time. Merry Christmas Mrs Merkel. We know we can rely on the BBC to tell us that Christians are all extreme right-wing bigots.
The Independent, like the Guardian and the BBC think like this
A good thing though is that even their commentariat, have abandoned their reservations.
The next thing we will see is that Comments are Free, will not be available for such stupid articles as the one linked above.
Good to see all comments bar one (a standard name calling lefty non-response) are sensible.
Here is a similar one from the Guardian
Prime stupidity from the Guardian. Any actions against Islam/Muslims, which is the motivating ideology of the terrorists, only makes it worse for us, and helps the Jihadis.
So according to the Guardian, we must do nothing, and accept these attacks, and give more freedoms to Muslims to rape, honour kills, FGMs and more terror attacks.
This Guardian writer is an ignoramus. He thinks that by being good to Muslims, they will see the error of their ways, and our kindness and generosity. No they wont. What they will see is our weakness, in the face of Allah’s Mujahideen. That Allah has addled our minds and thus victory is assured.
Ignorance on all matters, either science, AGW, social matters, is a pre-requisite to being a leftist.
The Guardian commentariat, as I predicted, has the left the reservation. They are even praising Nigel Farage.
The only thing that the Guardian cam do now, is to close the Comments section. I will copy the page before they do so.
The Dhimmis simply don’t get it. Totally ignorant .
The article, and many of the comments, seem somewhat infused with the sort of meek and mild mentality of nineteenth century nonconformist Christianity, which of course is where much of the liberal/left gets its ideas from (though they would hate to admit it). They are basically saying ‘turn the other cheek’ but taking this so far that it becomes ‘let them walk all over you’ instead of ‘don’t be vengeful’ which is what our Lord meant. He didn’t mean don’t defend yourself or ignore evil in the hope that it will go away.
Watched some of the 1st episode (1 of 2) of “Last Tango in Halifax” last night. Some good lines but the programme was ruined (for me) by the carefully inserted negatory dig at Brexit. Shan’t be bothering with ep 2.
I watched the original series of Monarch of the Glen when it was first shown years ago. The penultimate episode was a completely unsubtle hour-long party political broadcast for the Labour Party. I never watched it again. The same happened in the Vicar of Dibley. Nasty, nasty bigots at the A-BBC.
Dibley was mainly a vehicle to push the agenda for women priests, wasn’t it? Richard Curtis likes shoehorning PC ideas into his writing (eg Four Weddings with the deaf man and the gay couple) and the token disabled wheelchair woman in ‘Notting Hill’ played by a non-disabled actress, etc.
Strange to me how the prog featured so many black people eg in the pub etc..Yet almost all.non white people in Halifax are Pak/Bangla origin with maybe a fraction of Hindu/Sikhs
Aren’t they ?
Never mind the lesbian mother plotline.
I managed to listen to most of this broadcast, and found it very interesting. The loss of the Lakonia deserves to be remembered.
I was disappointed that the role of HMS Centaur did not get a mention, at least as far as I heard. She was on her way to the Far East, as one of two aircraft carriers Britain kept stationed there, when she diverted to help the Lakonia. Her helicopters searched for survivors, and she acted as the flagship of the recovery operation.
Now that our Navy has been reduced to a shadow of its former glory, it is well to remember that not so long ago Britain had five carriers and was considered to be a major power in the world. If something like the Lakonia happened now, it is extremely doubtful any Royal Navy ship, much less an aircraft carrier, would be on hand to help.
Our national decline was not inevitable. It was willed by political weakness and, in some cases, outright treachery.
Unprepared : That was Paddy O’Connell doing his Farage interview for R4 Sunday Broadcasting House.
He went into Farage’s office with his head full of the idea that Farage is some pantomime villain, so asked such dumb questions like when he was at Trump Tower did they talk about how pretty the receptionists were. But cos Paddy hadn’t done any preparations he couldn’t challenge Farage properly on anything. Farage was good as usual and Paddy looked bumbling.
– Then they did a nasty FRAMING trick by playing a 2 minute vile smeering cartoon type sketch before they played the tape of the interview.
Starts around 20 mins in
Amongst many classic BBC editorial integrity vileness techniques is a pre ‘setting the scene’ clip, made more effective if the interview is not live and/or the interviewee has not seen it or given an opportunity to reply.
Then of course there’s having the airwaves to themselves afterwards to whinge if they get pwnd, after their uncooperative intended victim has left and they are in no danger of further savaging.
And of course subsequent to these there is the full, context free, narrative-enhanced, edit.
Cowards and bullies, uniquely funded.