The BBC reports that Nigel Farage may be sued by the far-left activist group Hate Not Hope for calling them extremists….oh and he’s upset Mr Jo Cox who likes to exploit the death of his wife and yet doesn’t like it when others object. Curiously the BBC seems to have forgotten all about this from 2014…
Ukip leader Nigel Farage has accused anti-fascist campaign groups connected to members of the Labour party of acting violently against him “more than once”.
Mr Farage alleged that members of the Unite against Fascism and Hope not Hate campaign groups had acted in a violent way and accused them turning up to his meetings and banging him “over the head with banners”. Both campaign groups have fully rejected his claims.
Speaking to Andrew Neil on the BBC Sunday Politics show, Mr Farage lamented the need for him to travel with four bodyguards, claiming that he “can’t stand it” because he has “always been a free spirit that’s wandered about the place and done my own thing”.
He told the programme: “Sadly we have a couple of organisations out there headed up by senior Labour party figures, who purport to be against fascism and extremism, who receive funding from the Department of Communities, who receive funding from the trade unions, who have acted in a violent way more than once.”
It transpired Mr Farage was talking about Unite Against Fascism, whose parliamentary officer is Labour MP Peter Hain, and the Hope Not Hate campaign group, one of whose patrons is Labour peer Baroness Kinnock.
The UAF are street thugs who work closely with HnH and it is usually the UAF that provokes violence at EDL marches…some report that it is HnH members who direct the UAF to EDL locations. HnH was part funded by the government and directed to counter EDL influence in communities…the government’s very own Brownshirts?…the unions also fund HnH….and of course the UAF is from the Unite union….Labour’s favourite funder of choice.
Andrew Gilligan on the UAF…
Anti-fascists fuel the fire of hate
The self-appointed opponents of bigotry can be as ugly as the racist groups they oppose.
The Unite union, amongst many others, funds Labour and the UAF…….Farage is not far wrong is he?
Perhaps UKIP should sue all those that have described them as ‘racist’. However words such as ‘extremist’ and ‘racist’ are very fuzzy in their definition and subjective, the meaning being relative to where one stands oneself.
Perhaps UKIP should sue all those that have described them as ‘racist’?
However words such as ‘extremist’ and ‘racist’ are very fuzzy in their definition, and subjective, the meaning being relative to where one stands oneself.
Oops repeat. 🙁
I’m sick to death of hearing words like “Hope not hate” from hypocrites. The BBC article linked above has numerous hateful comments directed at Farage but I count zero hateful comments from Farage himself.
It is classic Establishment techniques to try and silence those who will upset the apple cart.
They are virtue signalling. That does not mean that they are virtuous. They use virtue as a tool to blame and shame. They are word terrorists, and worse still, hypocrites.
They cant be anything else. As lefties, they are the ideological descendants of the same ideology that gave us the greatest genocides in history – Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc etc down to Hitler. Hundreds of millions people dead, in the most gruesome way imaginable.
Hate not hope !
I think you touch on one of the main reasons the left is marrying itself to Islam.
They are both extreme control-freak ideologies attempting to establish governance by total domination.
I think you touch on one of the main reasons the left is marrying itself to Islam.
They are both extreme control-freak ideologies attempting to establish governance by total domination.
There is not a snowball’s chance in Hades of them suing Farage. Hope Not Soap would not like their practices being discussed in public in the full glare of the enormous publicity such a court case would result in. Even assuming that calling someone extremist is something that can be sued over, which I highly doubt.
And if it came to funding, I suspect he would get a great deal from over the pond if necessary. Nope, it isn’t going to happen.
Is this outfit still enjoying the warm glow of approval from various high profile founding signatories?
Oh, and that bloke who used to be Prime Minister of the U.K.?
“some report that it is HnH members who direct the UAF to EDL locations.”
“some” LOL.
“EDL locations” LOL.
BBC’s South Today a programme I could watch has become very much an extension of the main BBC biased news now. Just the other night they were lauding an organisation welcoming ‘refugees’ in Portsmouth, the organisation was called ‘Donate don’t hate’.
This is a politically charged name for a supposed ‘charitable’ organization, of course many of us here will guess that it is indeed a leftwing led group praying on ‘refugees’ to further their cause of a socialist utopia.
This is of course part of the lefts strategy in that if you do not agree with a cause of theirs you are automatically a ‘hater’ there is no middle way with the left you are either for them or you are an, extremist, full of hate, a deplorable, a racist etc etc. I can’t tell you any more about the news item as we had to turn the tv over to another channel rapidly.
So the BBC hates the internet, Is one of the reasons the BBC hates the internet is that we can access multiple sources of information analyise them and make up our own minds as to what is face or false rather than relying on the {pro EU funded} propaganda, general lies, shoddy journalism and taqiyya that the BBC and its bumchums over at Al-Guardian push. When it comes to finding out the truth I will take a trawl through the internet over the likes of the BBC or Al-Guardian anyday
‘Donate don’t hate’
Another virtue signalling hypocrite organisation, in the guise of virtue. They are are peddlers of the worst kind.
Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.
Sounds like we need to draw up a [long] list of these organisations like hope not hate, UAF etc to be researched, avoided and definatly not supported or donated to