Is it Friday that 5Live is inviting you to confess your sins and to recant? You voted Brexit but you now realise the error of your ways [having been wisely guided by the new priesthood of the BBC] and you wish to wash away those sins and vote again and again and again…until the the Good Lord Juncker is pleased with what he sees.
Perhaps we better save a bit of space on the open thread for that one…
What a stroke of luck! Of all those people in Berlin getting annoyed to the point of fury by Mutti Merkel’s insanity, the tenderly concerned, if unfortunately horse-faced, Jenny Hill is able to find the one who believes that ‘Angela did the right thing….’. Well done Jen, mission accomplished, no need to look further.
Saw that B, and thought the same, only surprised they were actually European looking and not the usual suspects the BBC manage to dredge up in these situations. They reminded me of the sort of people you used to see cheering at communist or dictators rallies, mouth saying one thing but body language saying something else.
I have family in Germany and they tell me that it is not unknown for people who criticise or question any policies to lose their jobs, some have even been threatened with having their kinder removed.
The only way Merkel can now get through this is to introduce the state she has always wanted. East Germany mark 2.
The authoritarianism that always underlies German behaviour is all too ready to surface .
I am still surprised that any person with a smattering of historical knowledge thought that Britain in the EU would ever work so different has been our history from that of Europe’s mainland.
A classic case is Thilo Sarrazin who wrote the best-seller “Deutschland schafft sich ab” He used government statistics to show the Muslim presence in Germany is anything but enriching. He was an SPD politician, Berlin finance senator and on the board of the Bundesbank his critique of multiculturalism and the Euro lead to an intense storm of vilification from the German BBCs, the leftist press and vacuous fifth-rate German luvvies. Most shameful was the pressure brought to force his wife out of her job as a teacher. Less prominent people obviously realised that unhelpful comments would have dire consequences for their careers and reputations.
If it was 6 pm TV news, one of the “randomly chosen” vox pop said, in respect of Merkel’s decision to invite in a million unvetted migrants, that “no one could have predicted that this would happen”.
I gave out an involuntary, hollow, sad laugh. Both at her foolishness. and the the unremitting BBC propaganda.
Well it’s true!
Who could have predicted that a large dark blue Polish owned artic would be hijacked by an unknown person and driven through that particular section of that particular city at that particular time.
If they could have predicted it then no one would be in the market at that time!
It might not be a lie, but it’s pretty close.
No one could have predicted the manner the Jihadi chose, but there were plenty of predictions that Jihad would come to Europe.
“no one could have predicted that this would happen”
The interviewee wasn’t listening to what ISIS were promising, then. ISIS was quite clear that they would use the migration tide to infiltrate and take their war to western Europe.
“No one could have predicted this would happen”
I have spent the last 20 years regretting that the predictions I heard in my youth were disregarded. I suspect many of my contemporaries feel the same, and regret how taken in we were.
My regrets intensified after some years working in the muslim Middle East then seeing the attitudes I’d seen there gradually creeping in here, in the the UK.
Enoch Powell, Ray Honeyford……to name but two, “predicted this”, no doubt their German equivalents also spoke out and were also damned as narzies and waycists.
Europes multicultural folly will take years to reverse, but on the historic precedents, reversed it will be.
What you require of a truthful witness is that he tells “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. Arguing about the truth or falsity of a specific statement is just muddying the waters.
Before Cologne all the usual suspects were praising “refugees” to the hilt, they brought new skills, new perspectives . The BDI thought they were “a gift (from heaven?)”.
After Cologne, the narrative was that any group of a million people is bound to have criminal elements amongst them. Refugees are no better or worse than “bio-Germans”. Objecting to refugees on the grounds that a tiny minority were criminal was irrational and “tarring them all with the same brush”, simply a pretext to justify ugly prejudices.
But now we know there are terrorists using the chaotic situation to facilitate mass murder.
The appropriate analogy is some charitable person handing out free apples in the street. If most of the apples are ok, noone is bothered. The occasional “bad apple” is neither here nor there.
Suppose the donor then mentioned that a couple of the apples had been laced with cyanide. Following the advice of security experts on BBC R4’s Today programme, everyone would continue accepting apples and endure the inevitable death toll. The “more people are killed on the roads, that by terrorism” school. You could tediously check every apple. This is the strategy now being suggested by the powers that be. Transit camps, more European cooperation etc. In real life, of course, no one in their right mind would accept an apple if there was a remote possibility of it being laced with cyanide. Even if loud-mouthed leftists accused them of being applephobes.
It’s been a successful tactic used by the mentally ill lefties for the last decade… Hand pick stooges/voices in the public who are delusional, egotistical, self serving, socialist, West hating bastards like themselves, and portrait this message as being the concensus. But this tactic is epically failing, and people do not believe anything that’s reported by Al Shabeeb or by their fellow Cultists of hatred in the media.
Brexit and then Trump have already proven that the majority of people do not believe the bullshit they are being told by the traitorous media and our spineless, inept politicians. Islam is and always will be a cult of death and destruction to all who stand before it, so the lefts already failed narrative is going to be completely destroyed because of its psychotic love affair with ‘team – kill all infidels’. Islam will never stop in its sole purpose of submitting the world to Allah using whatever horrific and deadly acts necessary.
The left have utterly and completely lost the debate on Islam and every day these selfish, stubborn, bigoted, fascist, intolerant, white hating bastards fight on to protect Islam, the death and destruction continues unabated
Pop over to ‘Is the BBC Biased?’. They have quite the collection of Jenny ‘flections.
I nearly choked on my bratwurst when I heard this, especially the part when the old girl said “No one could have foreseen this coming” 3.47
F*** me! If noone could see that coming, including Merkel, then Merkel is not fit to be a world leader.
I guess in a few days time the lorry attack will be recorded in history as a one off attack and in no way connected to any other past or future attack. Business as usual….move along please….no need to vote anything other than liberal left at the next election…
Anonymous said…
“The ONLY answer is to kick ALL middle easterners and africans out of these countries and KEEP them out.
These terrorist’s primary attack method is to blend in with innocent civilians and then lash out unexpectedly. They tell us openly this is how they will kill us. Everyone knows this. They make no secret about it. Therefore they ALL must go and be kept out. We’ve been bombing their countries for decades and then decided it was wise to let them flee into OUR countries as “refugees”.
But we won’t kick them out and send them home because it would make us feel bad. It would be MEAN. Instead we’ll just tolerate mass murder and terrorism. It hurts us less to see our people slaughtered than to make non-Whites feel bad. We will all stand and be killed before we let them call us RACIST. THAT word is simply too terrible to bear.
Third worlders create the third world everywhere they are. Our magic dirt in America and (formerly) White Europe doesn’t transform them into us. Immigrate big groups of arabs and your neighborhood becomes just like the ones they fled. Violent and dangerous and dependent.
But that doesn’t matter. We’re gonna hug this poisonous cactus until we’re all dead.
We are witnessing the end of White people globally. We just handed it all away so they wouldn’t call us “RACIST”.”
I think that just about nails it.
Al you hit the nail on the head. In the 21st century being called racist is the equivalent of being ex communicated in the Middle Ages and assured of being condemned to hell for all eternity .. People will suppress all their common sense and their instincts to avoid this label . Of course Hitler is to blame for this and the echoes of Nazi Germany have made the West lose its reason. You are correct in saying that White people have just given up on themselves . They have been conned into believing that their society was evil and not worth defending , let alone celebrating. I shudder to think what the world will be like in 30 or 50 years time. I won’t be around to see it. I have tried to explain this to younger people but they seem to equate anything that raises concerns about multiculturalism ,Islam etc as highly racist and put up the shutters. It has got to the point where I think , well I did my best to warn you but you are making the bed that you will have to lie on, so to hell with the lot of you.
You are SO right D/thinker…..I shudder to think what the world will be like in 30 or 50 years time. I won’t be around to see it. I have tried to explain this to younger people but they seem to equate anything that raises concerns about multiculturalism ,Islam etc as highly racist and put up the shutters. It has got to the point where I think , well I did my best to warn you but you are making the bed that you will have to lie on, so to hell with the lot of you…………
I have thought along the same lines for many a year now. This country even in 2030 will be unrecognisable from what we have known and grown up with. It will be one huge housing estate, mainly prefabs housing foreigners. No new motorways will have been built, so the roads will be gridlocked 24/7, and the NHS will have melted into non-existance. There will be market growth – i.e employment of interpretors for the white population because the non-whites will be in government and taken over the media.
They’ll come to their senses the minute their smartphones stop working because it would be, like, so not fair.
A Caplan
….like, so not fair…innit!
“Racism, like witchcraft is a difficult accusation to defend oneself against.” Lawrence Auster
I’m not going to.upvote anything that says “white people good, brown people bad”.
Skin colour doesn’t matter, culture does. Both Islam and Nazism provide the unquestionable DOGMA to faciltate unfairness and violence which cannot be questioned.
I agree with the sentiment that British culture was something to be celebrated but now guilt ridden Lefties are trying to steer it in the wrong direction.
“Skin colour doesn’t matter, culture does.”
The problem, however, is that if white people are being singled out by non-white people on the basis of colour, skin colour might not be so easy for whites to ignore.
Would that be racism, certainly sounds like it.
Nope have another go. I am going with self-preservation
Police in Bristol have stepped up patrols to combat Articophobia (nothing to do with Armageddosnopocalypse reporting from David Shuckmam)
Why would they foxcote7822?
After all
1. Nigel Farage said that Merkel letting them all in would mean that she`d be getting a fair few terrorists in among them.
This was populist and playing into the hands of the extremists.
2.Al Queda and IS BOTH urged their devotees to use trucks to wipe out the infidel in things like markets and soclil meetings, as soon as they`d seen the results in Nice a few weeks earlier.
3.IS saying that-indeed-they`d be sending their nutjobs in amidst the “Migrants Welcome Here” crowds in Berlin and Munich.
4.The German authorities had noted that markets would be threatened , just as Oktoberfest was.
But hey-what else are poor doctors and sports stars to do but blow up the white infidel?
No-one could have seen this coming. Hmm. I think the families of the victims mown down in the Nice attack might have had an inkling. France at least has the excuse that no one person opened the floodgates on immigration; it has been happening in their country since the independence of Algeria. In Germany, on the other hand, the blame can be laid solely at the feet of one person. I cannot begin to imagine how the families of those poor people killed in Germany must feel right now.
BBC/MSM were so quick to run news-verts saying ‘Russians rigged it for Trump’
Why don’t they have someone like Steyn who can quickly dig up Obama’s old contradicting lines ?
\\”There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America’s elections,” he said all the way back on October 18th.
.. “hacking the election” now means: selectively revealing information in order to damage a candidate with voters.
(.. BBC/MSM ‘balanced reporting’
Genuinely scurrilous recent Democrat emails released by Wikileaks
* Are not to be reported
.. But 10 year old Pussygate tape featuring Trump
* Is to be publicized at every opportunity)//
The Trump-Hack of Notre Dems
BBC/MSM were so quick to run news-verts saying ‘Russians rigged it for Trump’
Why don’t they have someone like Steyn who can quickly dig up Obama’s old contradicting lines ?
\\”There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America’s elections,” he said all the way back on October 18th.
.. “hacking the election” now means: selectively revealing information in order to damage a candidate with voters.
(.. BBC/MSM ‘balanced reporting’
Genuinely scurrilous recent Democrat emails released by Wikileaks
* Are not to be reported
.. But 10 year old Pussygate tape featuring Trump
* Is to be publicized at every opportunity)//
The Trump-Hack of Notre Dems
I’d delete the duplicate but there’s no edit button showing.
Christ is anyone else sick of seeing that walking pile of blubber Diana Abbopotomus on the BBC? She hates English traditions and wants to do all she can to undermine our heritage, along with the rest of the virtue signalling far-left commie liebour buffoons. I cannot stand the woman or Labour. Also, another pretentious anti-English walking barrel of flab is that Emily Thorn-in-the-bum-berry. FFS with imbeciles like these two jabba-the-guts in Labour we perhaps do not have to be overly concerned with their ever gaining power. However, the BBC gives these pathetic clowns too much of a platform and it more than makes up for Jeremy Dustbyn’s utter uselessness. In effect, the BBC is the opposition. If it were not for the BBC, no one would take the Left seriously. We now have an opposition party in which we have a complete prat of a leader who refuses to sing our anthem, an IRA filth-supporting scum-bag chancellor and a fat snooty cow who slags off her ow country’s flag in pretentious tweets. Of course, you never hear of the BBC questioning these values within the Labour party; perhaps because the BBC share these values. In fact, no feckin’ perhaps about it!
I hope that Corbin, MacSemtex; Lady Nugee and Aid-and-Abbott remain precisely where there are for as long as possible, to continue to inflict as much damage as is possible on the Labour Party and its electoral chances.
Well Alex, I should imagine the Abbopotomus doesn’t give anyone else a chance when it comes to ‘performing’ on the tele. Don’t they get an appearance fee even if its for a soundbite, or QT appearances etc ? So the obese one aint gonna give up THAT little perk for no bugger; I would also imagine that she has a very sly personality and is avoided by many.
Shock, horror outrage. It’s the terminally naff consumer program Watchdog, which probably should have been put to sleep decades ago. Tonight they lay into Sky Q. No sign on any report of the dull often repeated BBc programs, the comical complaints procedure and being harassed if you don’t have a license.
Maybe they’ll have Lord Hall on Rogue Traders.
“He promised me a balanced and impartial news service,
But what he delivered was all lopsided.
.. Turned out he’s head of a bunch of cowboy narrative builders
I tried to complain, but it was useless. He just kept saying ‘overall we think we got it about right, we’ve had complaints from the other side as well’ ..”
I always get:
“Please be assured that your concerns were noted and brought to the attention of the appropriate senior BBC News management. A summary of your complaint was also included on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.”
Maybe the German police should ask the Russians for help with apprehending criminals in moving vehicles?
BBC Online News:
“”Outrage as Farage links Jo Cox widower to ‘extremists’ “”
“”Nigel Farage has sparked outrage among Labour politicians after linking the widower of murdered MP Jo Cox to “extremists” “”
“”MP Tracy Brabin, who replaced Mrs Cox in her Batley and Spen constituency, said: “Beggars belief… A new low for Farage.”
“”Chris Bryant, the Rhondda MP and former shadow Commons leader, said: “The sheer nastiness of Farage sometimes takes my breath away.” “”
“”Chesterfield MP Toby Perkins added: “When your entire career has been built on hate, not hope, it perhaps shouldn’t shock me, but Farage still sinks lower than I’d have believed.”””
“”Jess Phillips, MP for Birmingham Yardley, wrote on Twitter: “I hope Farage never ever feels the pain we feel about Jo, because unlike him I am not a monster.” “”
“”Brendan Cox later tweeted: “Haters gonna(sic) hate” with a link to the Taylor Swift song that references the line””
The BBC have found Farage guilty of independent thought. No opposing view considered. Every line is anti-Farage/UKIP.
Carterdaniel The whole Cox Martyrdom thing is nauseating. Horstwesselism at its worst.
Hubby trying to hog some of the light from her halo equally grubby.
Strange I only just found out a plausible scenario that Thomas Mair had a grievance towards the council and political authority over his council house.
That he’d been living in alone in a 3 bedroom council house and the council had been hassling him about rehousing him as its better to use that house for a family. Therefore he was frustrated with council and authority. A relative and 2 sets of neighbours were quoted saying that in the Mail, which went on to speculate he’d thought his home would’ve gone to immigrants.
Dover – Oh dear – Here we go again!
Lets throw lots more shit against the Farage wall and hopefully it should stick.
Maybe the Aunty should also ask that rent a gob, millionaire twat Geldof to give his opinion as well now that would be rocknroll as well. And why not Sir Lenworth, Keep it Real, Premier Inn Henry
Same old faces, same old platitudes and same old shit. Glad I dont pay for it anymore.
Oooh terrible man, nasty, awful, eats babies dont you know, – But guess what dickheads
HE WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!
BBC please just F##k off back to the crypt of irrelevance where you now belong.
Nigel Farage has sparked outrage among Labour politicians…
Yet again the BBC excel themselves as masters of the bleedin’ obvious.
Ch4 News – It didn’t take long after last night’s attack for the backlash to begin:
“clamour of protests about Angela Merkel’s open-door policy towards migrants/refugees
“a year which has also seen the rise of the populist right”.
“backlash”? “populist right”? – anyone would think it was a bad thing 😀
Ha ! just wait until the New Year’s Eve revelry and the bum pinching starts, it’ll be interesting what spin the BBC and Ch4 will do on that !
Dead right Brissles.
Coming to think of it-not seen many fireworks freely available of late.
Have they all been locked away?…or has the cash and carry got them nicely stored and ready to sent to Salisbury, Winchester, Guildford, Durham etc….
The Germans aren’t stupid. They’ve got an army of policemen on duty in Cologne and probably an army of social workers/cultural sensitivity advisors etc to make sure NYE will look like one of those old Coca-cola ads where all races live in harmony.
Bring back the Teddy-boys and export them to Cologne to temporarily double-up as the ‘boyfriends’ of the local females. Then sit back and watch the results.
BBC Main News Page – YouTube star Adam Saleh ‘kicked off’ Delta Airlines flight.
“Adam Saleh told the BBC he was asked to get off the London-New York flight on Wednesday after speaking to his mother in Arabic on the phone”. Hmmmmm
Knew It wouldn t be long … Islamofauxbia you see ya da ya da.
Hardly “news” at all, but in Al BBC World its of course a front page narrative story
A fellow passenger allegedly expressed feeling uncomfortable so the bullying and wicked staff etc etc.
As usual, as with any Islamoblamia fiberati nonsense I smell a rat, this guys youtube erm “stardom” was made a couple of years back If I recall right … he was bullsh-tting then, staged something and got caught out. The BBC omit that part.
Meanwhile, in the Torygraph a real story, that real journo s should be questioning.
“The Turkish policeman who murdered Russia’s ambassador to Ankara provided security to Recep Tayyip Erdogan on multiple occasions in recent months, a pro-government commentator has claimed. Melvut Mert Altintas, 22, served on police details backing up Mr Erdogan’s personal body guards eight times since the failed military coup that rocked Turkey in July”
Of course the guy was immediately killed, so would never be questioned by Russian interrogators re his Erdogan links.
“Delta Airlines has in the past been accused of racism”, states the Al BBC
here s the link
Tweets “Before you send an outraged tweet: Adam Saleh creates hoax videos for a living”
“he’s done stupid pranks pretending to be a terrorist on a plane multiple times before, I’m not surprised”
“Muslim HOAXER claiming Delta kicked him off a plane is BUSTED for ANOTHER FAKE VIDEO claiming NYPD is “Islamophobic”
Maybe the BBC doesn’t have Google
I don’t recall al beebus getting so excited when that servicewoman on a Virgin flight was asked to change out of her uniform, as it was making other passengers nervous; I always wondered who / what those “other passengers” were.
The BBC is getting slated on Twitter for yet another ‘news we like and needs no checking’ from a source that tells them stuff.
Namely, fake news propagation.
Like they need to worry.
BBC Online News:
“”The radio station giving hope to listeners in Syria””
“”Radio Alwan is currently planning a new drama about the White Helmets, Syria’s volunteer civil defence force, but I want to know what’s happening in their established soap opera, Sad Northern Nights. It tells the story of widowed Thoraya whose husband has been killed by Assad’s forces……. It is low-budget and many of the parts are played by members of the newsroom yet the drama is spellbinding.””
“”And I think of Sami and Dima and Sama back at Radio Alwan nervously calling and calling their correspondents on the ground back home in Syria, willing them to pick up the phone, willing them to return home safely, willing them a happy ending to this war from hell.””
Another Biased Broadcaster. And has brought joy to their BBC soulmates.
We’ve seen it all before, numerous times and we’ll see it all again before too long, but now it’s Berlin’s turn. Heaps of flowers, candles, teddy bears and confused weeping people. Yet again they have been let down by an arrogant, atrocious and traitorous political elite.
And then there’s the other lot. They are always there after such a grotesque outrage. They’re like carrion crows around a carcass. Usually quite well heeled, always extremely left-wing and totally intolerant of any dissent. They are carrying placards, some displaying hearts and others saying, “refugees welcome.” The media always refer to these virtue signalling lunatics as “liberals” and those that reasonably plead for some form of sensible immigration control as “fascists” or “racists” or sometimes even “neo Nazis.
Soon the wreaths and floral displays will be rotting mounds of vegetation and the media circus will have moved on.
And so will the terrorists.
Until next time…
It didn’t take them long to wheel out the musical instruments – violin played to Merkel in packed church. Don’t you all see that the beauty in humanity can never be extinguished? Pass the sick bucket.
I recall after WW2 some Jewish academic who said ‘after Auschwitz, no more poetry’ – meaning, I suppose, that words are no longer powerful enough to have any effect. Positive action is required. My own version would be ‘after Nice, no more flowers/candles/violins.’
You forgot the “let’s light up a building in national colours” stunt. They have to do that to show “solidarity”, as if that is the great panacea. Haven’t seen the Facebook flags yet. But as you say, until next time.
To claim that the White Helmets propagate fake news must itself be fake news as it gets one blocked from Andrew Neil’s Twitter feed, with Neil’s actions bringing support from Andrew Marr.
Glad to see several others on Twitter have put him right. Not that he’s listening.
Ian Collins doing well tonight having a go generally at ‘social justice warriors’ who decide that God is on their side, and speecifically in the context of the fascist students at Kings who cheekily took down the picture of Archbishop Carey.
I just watched 40 seconds of Lennie Henry on b’BC2.
Have any members of this Forum beaten me?
Yes I turned the TV off today! In fact we all (the entire family) watch less BBC TV than we used to. The BBC trailer for Lenney Henry was enough for me.
Maybe I’m too cynical but it seems that anybody involved in a BBC manufactured ‘controvery’ that tows the BBC line is rewarded with a gig – James O’Brien getting Newsnight after his ‘infamous’ Farage interview is a prime example.
Re Lenny Henry.
Looked in last night, he was waving his crotch around some girl up on stage as Richard Curtis followed up with “we have to get this lad on the telly”.
Don`t tell Colognes Muslims how easy it is to pass a BBC audition on how to demean women, mock talents like Marvin Gaye or Teddy Prendergrass or caricature your own race like Sir Lenward Henry did.
And still does,but the BBC and Slumberland keep it implied under their duvets.
“Tunisian fugitive ‘had been under surveillance’ Anis Amri, 23, was reportedly monitored on suspicion of planning a robbery in order to pay for guns but surveillance was lifted for lack of evidence.”
“Before entering Germany, he served four years for arson in Italy and faced a jail sentence in absentia in Tunisia.”
“The failed asylum seeker is now the subject of a manhunt across Europe.”
Just how incompetent is the ‘so called’ EU’s security agency?
It was much lauded as a plus side by the ‘remianers’ during the run up to Brexit.
Thank God we are out .
I suspect its a problem of practical arithmetic. With a likely 2 million having entered Germany, with a half unknown with no registration, could any security agency even contemplate matching ‘one-for-one’ even if it was as simple as that for 24 hours a day surveillance? It really is solely the failure of Merkel who issued the invitation to the hordes without any thought for the consequences. The de facto “Leader” of Europe?
I hope I’m wrong, but 2017 could be the year that another War breaks out. There’s a lot of political upheaval, there is no global economic stability, and there has never been a time when there is so much unemployment, throw the religious and immigration crisis into the mix and we are teetering on the precipice. History has shown that there is always a good recovery after a War, and (thank God) we have not experienced one in two generations. but the flames are being fanned.
Vice just tweeted
“We’re getting rid of comments on”
Leftmob media have to do that cos they get debunked in the comments.
Good media always has open comments policy.
Graun recently apologised for opening a CiF that could have gone better.
This is an interesting article about how the structure of the German security apparatus, is probably a factor in how inept both the prevention of this attack and the hunt for the perpetrator have been.
Where is Herr Flick when clearly needed?
Our beloved BBC are at the forefront in blaming the German police for serial ineptness – though they don’t seem quite so keen to make such direct comparisons with our own Rotherham, Bolton, Oxford and similar ‘forces’ at all points of the UK.
But major factors in all such failures are surely the risks, to their budgets if nothing else, of punitive damages for infringement of ‘human rights’ with well-primed and funded lawyers queueing to help the oppressed and ill-used. Such high achievers as Mansfield, Peirce, Blair and Chakrabarti who have become lauded by the ‘elite’, extremely rich and dubiously famous for making the lives of normal people just that little bit more of a lottery, adding significant time and cost to everyday travel for example, have so much to answer for. Modern lamp-post design does not lend itself to suitably summary justice but the human race has ever risen to such challenges.
The rights of the individual are placed above the rights of the state. Meaning that no matter how horrible an individual somebody is police are forced to treat them as if they are a holier than thou saint. One of the wonderful effects of twenty years of liberal agenda in Europe. The problem is this places us at the mercy of criminals with the police unable to act.
The “progressive” elites of EU have brought us to the ridiculous contradiction where the EU is importing terrorists wholesale in the name of “humanitarianism”.
Who speaks for the human rights of those slaughtered in Berlin? In Nice? In Paris, in Munich, in Brussels…………
No wonder the people are turning to politicians such as Wilders, Le Pen and Jimmie Akesson.
it is now too late for the liberal elites . In reality their world view has been on borrowed time for at least two years probably more. The task now is to remove them from power and as quickly and peacefully as possible.
It does not look as if they will go quietly – entrenched privilege never gives up easily.
The BBc chose it’s side years ago and must pay the price. Derision and failure. The MSM likewise with some exceptions and as it is mostly in private hands self interest will save some of it.
We can expect all sort of threats and attacks on our freedoms and living standards. That is the usual way those entitled react when challenged.
In 2017 watch France above all other countries for it is there that the future of Europe will be decided.
This has never been a matter of right and left – not really although it has sometimes looks this way. It is the natural and inevitable reaction of a culture and a civilisation under real threat.
Dave S, the odd thing is that if the liberal elite understood the situation, they could save themselves. All they need to do is enact an EU wide clampdown on immigration, dressed up, if necessary, as a way of sorting genuine refugees from migrants together with stuff about preserving liberal values etc. There would be some initial outrage from the open-borders crowd but most would accept it, and Merkel et al could look forward to a cosy retirement in a Greek holiday cottage. But the trouble is they are so wedded to the idea of open borders and the utopia of multiculti that they cannot bring themselves to do this. Hence, in a few years time, they will be out, just as liberal governments disappeared all over Europe in the 30s.
They are like naughty children who push and push and push. When a reaction comes it’s all tears. But that’s small children and not LLEs – isn’t it.
Diane Abbott should be very worried that her guaranteed reiforced perch on every BBC show is under clear and present threat
This sounds typical of Amazon’s ‘humour’ book section offerings. Trawling through it for Christmas gifts, I found works mocking Trump, Farage etc., but very little on the conservative side. (Also nothing satirising Islam – I wonder why!) If you fancy chortling through Boxing Day with ‘The Brexshit Book – a remainers’ self-help guide’ or a calendar of cats that look like Donald Trump, you’re set for a great holiday.
In the interests of political fairness, I think their calendars should have included:
Slugs that look like Keith Vaz
Bearded pigs of Borneo that remind you of Jeremy Corbyn
Plankton with a resemblance to Bob Geldof
Or possibly a book of snappy replies to the insults of sore-loser remainiacs? Let’s call it: ‘Suck it up, snowflake! We Little Englander old gits won!’
I can dream!
Noted the same liberal crap all over my bookshops here-and even as far away as Taunton, since you ask!
Where are my Scrutons and Rands, Roberts and Hitchens(P).
All bloody Schama and Graylings, Dawkins and Goldsmith(Z)!
Ah well-that`s what Amazons for-but a dangerous perpetual liberal monoculture is like marsh gas in our “better class of bookshops”.
Hoping to get “The Art Of the Deal” in my pillowcase on Sunday….
Few conservative authors – particularly in satire/humour – make it big, because publishing is institutionally and inherently left wing. That said, it is possible to self-publish books on Amazon that go against political correctness – I know, I’ve done it – but they tend to go un-noticed because the book buying public is in the main, left wing, and so Amazon’s algorithms don’t promote books that don’t sell. It’s not a conspiracy as such, it’s just that lefty ideas sell books, righty ideas don’t, so Amazon automatically doesn’t promote them.
Search for books by James Delingpole and the ‘what do other customers buy’ and you’ll find some conservative humour titles tucked away on Amazon.
Alicia and Cranmer, the situation is certainly a sad one. A thought strikes me: historically, satirical writing has tended to be left-wing because the society being lampooned was conservative. But the establishment has become left-liberal in the last twenty years. You would therefore expect rebellious, conservative-based comedy to be growing popular. There is certainly a rich seam of comedy to be mined in mocking political correctness! But mainstream media and publishing houses have largely ignored it. Are they out of touch with public demand? Or are the public truly leftist brainwashed?
I was thinking same thing this week H. The edgy comedy should be Conservative but where is it?. Truth be told it isn’t out there yet – everyone below 30 is living a pampered life. It will take another 5 years to permeate through but revolution is coming make no mistake.
Well then, it was never going to be long was it? You know, the length of time it took the BBC to churn out a positive damage limitation piece about Berlin’s Muslims. On their ‘news’ site they have put up a piece about how Berlin muslims ‘love Germany’ …. puke inducing stuff.
Alex I heard they were quite fond of Cologne as well.
I heard Jon Dennis (Guardian I think) on Radio NZ this morning. He informed us that ‘Hope not Hate’ campaigns against Islamic extremism too.
I didn’t know that.
Neither do they! ?
“He informed us that ‘Hope not Hate’ campaigns against Islamic extremism too”
Alan answers this brilliantly in his last article… Islam is the definition of extreme, created by a child raping psychopath who claimed God talked to him! Good practicing Muslims believe in Death of all who appose Allah, death to apostates, death to homosexuals, death to women who bring shame to Allah, mass rape of infidel sex slaves, torture and severe penalties for any Muslim who breaks Sharia law.. Instant death to the kafir who break it’s laws.
How the fuck is that not extreme views!!!! And they have been and always will be THE TRUE Islamic views…..and Islam can never change!! Yet to the mentally ill, delusional left venomously believe that Sir Tommy Robinson and Geert Wilders are extremists because they point this out!!?
The understatement of the festive season
The BBC’s jolly-hocky-sticks all hunky-dory here thanks Berlin gal Jenny Hill must have been a little busy in these last few hectic days before Christmas – perhaps she had time off to visit a Christmas market for some last minute gift shopping – so the BBC, never short of staff, calls on young Damien McGuinness this morning.
Judging by the BBC tv news headline:
‘Berlin attack, hunt’
There does seem to have been some trouble out there in Germania capital of Euroland and some on-going news story.
But seriously, we’re touching on the :
‘Radicalised islamic failed asylum-seeker murders 12, injures about 50 and is still on the loose’
(Which is what the BBC meant say with their headline)
So now our Damien is rather appropriately sporting the young Christopher Isherwood look (say hi to the boys and girls at the Kit Kat Klub for us Damien) and he earns his BBC pay as he delivers what must be a contender for the understatement of the year:
‘Some are saying this could turn into a major scandal’
I just googled ‘Jenny Hill’ because not having watched Al Beeb much in the last couple of months I have no idea who the silly bitch is. I see she is an alumna of the Cardiff School of Journalism. Is this part of the yooni which regularly publishes research proving that Al Beeb is not biased in any way, unless in favour of the Tories, Lord Nige, Christians, Jews, the Daily Mail and British heritage?
I think it’s time to stop pussyfooting around. By any serious reading of the law, the BBC is guilty of high treason against the British state, under the “aid and comfort” to the “King’s enemies” provision.
*”If a man do levy war against our lord the King in his realm, or be adherent to the King’s enemies in his realm, giving to them aid and comfort in the realm, or elsewhere”.*
It is a traitorous Fifth Column. It should be hanged, drawn and quartered.
As a corporate entity, that is.
Bring back capital punishment for the BBC. There’s a thought !
At last someone contributing to Radio 4 Thought for the Day has highlighted the plight of Christians in the Middle East, a poignant subject at Christmas. No it wasn’t the Professor of Islamic Studies, who appears so often to tell us how peaceful and moral Islam is . It wasn’t even the Archbishop of Canterbury or some trendy lefty vicar. It was the Prince of Wales. HRH even had the temerity to draw parallels with the struggle of our nation to rid the world of those who sought to displace and then exterminate a certain religious grouping in WW2. The BBC must have been collectively gnashing their teeth, but for once they probably didn’t have editorial control.
I assume the BBC have an annual quota to fulfil by the end of the year to demonstrate “balance”!
We’ve had HRH this morning on Today, and last night on PM we had the ex Ambassador to Syria, spelling out that Assad is not for shifting and arguing that UK policy needed to reflect this, then we had interviews..spliced together but allowing two campaigners for President elect Trump and Brexit to share their analysis of their respective triumphs.
An unusual pleasure to hear some real news for a change.
Oh heck.
You`re reminding us all of the bloody Radio 4 Guest Editor spot between Christmas and New Year.
One of their forced BBC traditions they`ve suddenly discovered for the Gang Show.
This year? Can we guess?
1.Brendan Cox
2.Eddie Izzard
3.Lily Allen
4.Lord Gus O Donnell
5. Charlotte Proudman.
Alicia – no Nadia? She appears to be everywhere along with all the other past winners of that particular baking programme (ha, ha)
Put Classic FM on last evening just before getting in the bath. Surprisingly some church carol service. I don’t mind that but it included sermons. Being of no affiliation to any religion, I pressed the pre-tuning button and hit BBC Radio 2 some pleasant music until it ended and I was informed that it was a cooking spot and, guess what? the ‘Expert’ was, Nadia talking about sausage rolls (beef of course)! I almost slipped in the bath in my horror and haste to return to Classic FM.
Fear not ! she will soon be passed over and fade into obscurity now that another golden boy has taken the limelight. Poster boy for diversity – Ore ! Rumour has it that he won’t be returning to Salford (BBC sports news) – as one of his colleagues has said “he’s too much of a star now”. Ooops – do we take that to mean that he is believing his own publicity too much ? (wouldn’t surprise me).
black church burned with ‘Vote Trump’ graffiti, blasted the BBC in November
Black suspect arrested for the crime
BBC: silent
mikehunt Would you expect the BBC to embarrass itself even further when caught pushing a false news story the BBC thought was fact, The BBC does factual well researched news in the same way that I as a Mechanical Engineer does Brain Surgery
black church burned with ‘Vote Trump’ graffiti, blasted the BBC in November
Black suspect arrested for the crime
BBC: silent
Today prog. is giving a lot of time this morning to overcrowded prisons and how we should solve the problem by releasing many criminals back into the community. In the same breath they complain about the very high reoffending rate!
Last night on BBC TV watched the last part of the very interesting programme on British territories and islands around the world. Previous episodes have been to the Falkland Islands and now the presenter journed to Ascension Island and St Helena.
Given that there are several uninhabited island in the South Falklands, and that together with Ascension and St Helena, would they not make ideal places for prisons? They have the added bonuses of having British military presence. I suggest foreign prisoners would be sent there, and on finishing their sentences be sent to their own country; or given the choice of staying there for the rest of their lives.
For Muslims the Falklands would seem to be ideal, build some camps, leave them to it and send in rations once a week. It might even to help to shut up the Argies.
We tried that in Australia…
I nominate gruinard island. Thinking of Escape from new York. Snake plisskin could be sent in to sort out the trouble makers. Hee her.
Invicta, “For Muslims the Falklands would seem to be ideal, build some camps, leave them to it….”. Perhaps a slight improvement on that thought: Make sure that the Muzzies are equally split between Shia and Sunni – the problem will be over in no time at all!
I vote to send them to South Georgia.
It is desperately in need of cultural enrichment, which the indigenous king penguins seem unable to generate for themselves.
I did think about South Georgia, but I was a bit concerned for the Penguins, especially the female ones.
I am not sure that most muslim ” men” would know the difference, nor care !
Or young boys………
Berlin coverage by the bBBC this morning and it turns out it is all the fault of the German security service who tracked the chief suspect until he fell off their radar.
As an afterthought, it is mentioned that the authorities had cause to deport him, but could not implement it. How ironic, one of the chief reasons for the UK wanting to leave the EU is the same reason as a major contributory cause of the atrocity – the inability to throw out people with no right to be here in the first place.
But then again in the European Convention on Human Rights I did spot a clause about freedoms for lorry drivers, which the European Court are sure to be keen to uphold.
The European Convention on Human Rights is something I will not miss when we leave the EU. The fact that murderous muslims are not deported from Europe says it all. One day the rights of ordinary people will again be more important than lily-livered liberal virtue-signalling.
The UK will leave this incestuous liberal circus and be well out of it.
Unfortunately the ECHR is separate from the EU. However, as a condition of membership, members of the EU are compelled to sign up to both the Convention and the judicial supremacy, in respect of the Convention, of the European Court of Human Rights. The UK’s adherence to the Convention would survive our leaving the EU. Believe me, getting Brexit (if it ever happens) will be child’s play compared to removing the UK from the ECHR and the jurisdiction of its court.
“getting Brexit (if it ever happens) will be child’s play compared to removing the UK from the ECHR and the jurisdiction of its court.”
Surely it depends solely on whether the will is there.
As Stalin might have said: “The ECHR! How many divisions has it got?”
Leaving the ECHR will not be decided by, or even put to, a referendum but by act of Parliament. If – a bigger “if” as the days go by – the Commons asserts itself and Brexit occurs, the bien pensant beliefs of the vast majority of our rulers will be reasserted. The energy and will required to remove us from the ECHR just isn’t there. Look how long it took to get a referendum and still – despite the outcome of that referendum – the prospect of a genuine brexit, rather than the non-event of a “soft” one, recedes into the fog of parliamentary and judicial procedure.
The massive failing of the EConventionHR is that it does not differentiate sufficiently between European citizens and non-European arrivals. So all one has to do is land on the shoreline and legal or not, criminal or not, all the rights are yours. And of course any grey areas become a huge taxpayer funded job creation scheme for the legal profession, whose liberal intelligensia have repeatedly put the interests of illigal immigrants ahead of legal taxpayers. Because to treat different people differently would be ‘discrimination’.
BBC Online News:
“”Can US election hack be traced to Russia?””
“”Russian spies are generally seen as among the stealthiest and most effective of the world’s intelligence services when it comes to hiding their trails””
“”Attributing a cyber-attack can sometimes be done by having an agent inside Moscow who can communicate back what the country’s spies are up to””
“”American intelligence has said it believed the election hack was ordered from the highest levels in the Kremlin””
“”Not much happens in Russia without Vladimir Putin,” President Obama said on 16 December””
So there you have it.
No evidence found and padded out by the BBC in a frothy news feature.
Strange that immediately prior to the US election result, Obama said that it was impossible to hack the elections.
I don’t know who writes the headlines for the BBC webshite but Correra’s article is actually a good one. He surveys the hacking scene in the US, questions how much can actually be traced to Russian and other foreign involvement and describes the processes of hacking. Correra is that rare beast at the BBC: an expert in his field who – as far as I can see – doesn’t mix fact and common sense deductions from those facts with political opinion and advocacy. This is at odds with the usual BBC process which mirrors the Soviet practice of starting with the political line and then fitting the evidence – or disclosed evidence – to that line.
However, the headline of Correra’s piece and, indeed, the whole tenor of the BBC’s reportage on this matter is to imply a direct causality from Russian hacking (and supposed forgery of released data) to Trump’s victory. This is a part of the BBC’s wider campaign to delegitimise the election of the Donald and – by extension – any policies adopted by his administration. In his article, though, Correra neither provides evidence nor alleges that the Russians actually interfered directly in the US electoral process itself either by hacking the electoral hardware or indulging in the release of fake information ostensibly from the Democratic organisations’ websites/emails.
Manifestly (as with the Climategate emails) any damage done was due to the nature of the info on those websites/emails. Had there been no damaging info, then the fact of their release would have had no effect whatsoever. The apparent non-release of Republican info argues either that Republican security was superior to that of the Democrats or, more likely, there was no damaging evidence to reveal in the first place.
By keeping this – the Russian hacking (if it is Russian) – in the public eye, the BBC is setting up Hillary as the female and American equivalent of Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobite “King over the Water” pretensions to the English throne. In the eyes of the BBC and weeping lefties everywhere, and whatever the Electoral College confirmed, Hillary is the real president and Trump is the candidate from Manchuria.
As you pointed out with reference to Climategate, it is the content of the e-mails that matters really. Imagining ever more implausible ways in which they have supposedly entered the public domain, as the Democrats and the Beebyanka have been doing, is a smoke screen, a way to skew the “story” into one the Meeja is happy with. After Climategate, Norfolk police wasted zillions of man-hours and a ton of money investigating the so-called hacking. The assertion that the CRU’s set-up had been hacked was treated as a pretext to avoid discussion of what was actually written in the e-mails.
In all probability, the DNC and Podesta e-mails, like the Climategate ones, were probably leaked by insiders. If the RNC didn’t suffer similar leaks before the election, it may be because they didn’t have sufficiently eye-opening e-mails to leak, or employees disgruntled enough to release them.
Any actual hacking will have involved Hillary Clinton’s insecure server. That quite probably was hacked, again and again, by the Russians and just about everybody else, but the Democrats and the Beebyanka were never so keen to talk about that.
Mince pies in the oven, so flicked Radio 4 on as I put my feet up before they all get up.
Italian banks in deep doo-doo, Deutche Bank fines to come-oh, and Humphrys invites me to stick around so I “might learn from what happened in Berlin-and it`s lessons for us here in the UK”.
No further interest your honour, switched off and dreamed of a dipstick so I could check how much Baileys was still in that bottle.
Too many thick dipsticks get daft jobs on Today don`t they?
Yep, Clouseau is in charge of the European Intelligence Agency.
“UK warned it could lose access to Europol intelligence”
Ask your ‘Remainer’ colleagues, would you vote to join the EU now ?
The NCA won’t last ten years. Just like its predecessors SOCA, the national crime squad and the regional crime squad before that. One would think that our ruling class have a problem with a national policing unit that targets organised crime. Every time they start getting the organisation together and investigations start looking at prominent members of society it gets disbanded. Hmmm
Yes, taffman, let the BBC interview the Garden Gnome from Scotland and ask her if she would be happy to join, alone, a now seriously failing institution.
Alicia – I was also listening to the last bit of Toady.
They were interviewing some “security expert” about Islamic radicalisation then at the end of the interview She came out with, or words to the affect that “I must tell you the thing I am really worried about is the resurgence of the far right and how we should deal with it”
BBC so bloody predictable as ever.
So lets get this right the liberals (and I include Cameron and May in this as well as Merkel)
1 Import lots of islamic “refugees” from known trouble spots as well as islamic nations.
2 These people then start to assert themselves many acting in an antisocial manner, demanding we change our society, becoming involved in terrorism etc
3 In response to quite legitimate complaints from the host population about this, the elite then start to restrict the free speech of the indigenous population via media manipulation eg BBC or actual press censorship eg Germany and Sweden whilst ignoring or downplaying the behavior of islamic radicals within our own society
3 And guess what people want to defend their culture and some are drawn to “right wing” organisations. And in BBC speak that includes UKIP.
It doesn’t take a genius to work out that maybe if Goverments stopped importing so many muslims to the west and actually dealt with the islamic/radicalisation problem firmly putting the onus onto the newcomers to make an effort to fit in rather than wasting so much effort in policing the “far right” Maybe people would not drift towards all these “far right organisations”
It seems simple enough – but when you are ruled by political cowards – it obviously is not.
The left go on about the scapegoating of Muslims, but they do it just as much themselves with the ‘far right’ bogeyman. The difference is, with the exception of Anders Brevik I can’t recall the last time someone on the ‘far right’ massacred large numbers of people.
Happy Christmas Oaknash-2017 is good as here.
A time of year when we can put our feet up and let them talk as they like.
We`re leaving the EU, and Donald Trump has done something never seen before in history.
Leicester won the League.
Nigel Trump dwarfs ALL politics and culture for 2016.
So enjoy them spending twenty minutes on Jo Cox, as we see them getting fitted for the mincer on 20th Jan.
Easier to put the carols on, listen to Vaughan Williams and let them drivel on with their fetid, dead agendas.
This has been a year none of us could have ever dreamt of,we are the future.
Seasons greetings to you as well Alicia.
I must say at the time of the referendum I had my Marvin the Paranoid Android hat on and was certain we would lose. But we did not and now all things are possible!
You are right in lots of ways they will have far more difficult upcoming year than us, as what they are trying to do, is totally dishonest and I think people are starting to wake up. However we must keep up the pressure
So carols and Vaugn Williams it is (I particularly like Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis as to me it always invokes feelings of a little of lost England)
But you forgot one important thing (and I am sure Grant would agree) and thats a large malt whisky!!!!!
A large Lagavulin and listening to that wonderful piece by Vaughan Williams ( sorry to correct your spelling ) will remind me of all that is best about Scotland and England !
No problem on spelling Grant I have much to learn! – I must say as well Fantasia and Lark Ascending I also enjoyed his rendition of “Give Me The Moonlight”!
Back to my Glenfiddich now!
Well, I prefer Frankie Vaughan to Frankie Boyle. Glenfiddich ? Funny. I bumped into an english friend in the supermarket here and she was buying a bottle of Glenfiddich. I suggested she could get a much cheaper toilet cleaner in the next aisle !!! But, it is a good warm-up before you move on to the real thing !!
Grant – Your starting to sound a bit elitist to me!
I wont tell Mrs Oak what you said as she bought it for me last year and she can still freeze you with one stare even though your in Sturgeonistan and I am in darkest Cornwall.
However I may well crowd fund legal action against you as you hurt my feelings and I can now only drink malt (or toilet cleaner) in a safe space!
LOL ! Elitist , yes, but not in the Leftie BBC sense, of course. I am sure that Mrs. Oak meant well.
I had several nice holidays in Cornwall in my younger days. Until I discovered Cornwall, I thought The Lizard was a reptile.
And if you enjoy a bit of superb “elitist” singing:
Thank you Andrew – utterly sublime.
Last year for my 52nd birthday I went to see Tallis Scholars – They sung Allegris Miserere – I can still hear it now – and like Lux Aeterna it sent shivers down my spine!
Mind you the smuggled bottle off meths helped too! (just joking)
Thank you so much for posting that AC, one realizes watching / listening to that (if it were needed) what a truly marvellous instrument the human voice is; quite wonderful.
The wail-to-prayer, from our inbred friends, doesn’t even come within a solar system of even approaching something so sublime.
Quite right Grant. I remember wondering, back when Glenfiddich was first marketed and rapidly became the only malt available in the overwhelming majority of English pubs, just how they managed to produce and age such quantities in such a relatively short space of time. Surely Krankie wasn’t in charge of massaging figures in those days?
I would love to blame Krankie but…. Not just english pubs but airports, pubs and hotels all round the world.
Absolutely marvellous!
The Vaughan Williams Fantasia has been in the family since the year dot, and never fails to make Christmas even more special.
This version of Lux Aeterna is for my gorgeous mother-in-law, who popped off exactly four years ago. It was ‘curtains’ at 2:17 into the piece, and emotions run ragged…
“I must tell you the thing I am really worried about is the resurgence of the far right and how we should deal with it”
Al Beeb’, Libtards’ and ‘Snowflakes’ are gradually running out of pejorative words to use against the traditional patriotic people of this great country. ‘Racist’, ‘Sexist’, ‘Right wing’, ‘Fascist’ , ‘Far right’ etc, now the flavour of the month the derogatory term is ‘Populist’.
The PC brigade are just like kids in the school playground, they have never been out of their ‘comfort bubble’, never been in the real world or have never been in gainful employment.
Quite understandable – the Far Right have caused so much death and destruction these last few years in particular.
You do mean Far Right Islamo-fascists of course.
Question for the BBC ” What is the difference between Fascism and Islam ? ” .
You have a good point Taffman. Snowflakes certainly cannot handle being out of their comfort zone.
Perhaps thats why everything is becoming so infantised with onsies etc. Snowflakes are definately running out of words too and will soon only be able to say MUMMA, DADDA, BUBBA, UNGRY AND POO POOS!
Might make things a bit tricky when explaining new soft brexit trading rules to a cynical public. Though I would argue Soft brexit and poo poos both mean the same thing!
Rant over – Okay back to carols and scotch now!
Pardon my ignorance. In the UK, who are the, ‘Far Right’? That unknown group that was just banned? UKIP? John Redwood? Bernard Manning’s ghost?
Any ideas?
@gaxvil…..I think the “Far Right” is anyone who disagrees with your world view, at least that’s according to the BBC.
Hmmm, thought so.
They consider themselves to be what? Left? Far Left? Liberal?
I consider them to be Far Left Extremists and very dangerous.
I pretty sure they’re of the opinion that they’re impartial and neither lean to the Left or Right…….I’m also pretty sure they’re utterly deluded and devoid of all sense of reason and reality.
It’s very clear that the biased (Far Left) BBC think Far Right means anyone who disagrees with Merkel’s open door immigration policy.
The answer to everything is always ‘more muslims’
ThatcherR, another site reminded me of a Churchillian quote from 1899 which most contributors here will no doubt be familiar with but, for the benefit of those perhaps unfamiliar, a timely reminder what Churchill said about the Cult of Submission –
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
117 years on and it is still totally accurate. Problem is, the enemy now in our midst and “science” cannot assist.
Wonder if we could get Robert Hardy or a similar Churchill impressionist to read this to us, as we record it?
The BBC could then spout its effluvium, as we listened to Churchills analysis for the next atroctity that`s due.
Wasn’t it Paul Weston who got into trouble over this?
Italian banks are struggling. I can see big problems ahead for the EU.
Ask your ‘Remainer’ colleagues, would you vote to join the EU now ?
Wednesday’s news was bleating about the ‘institutionally racist’ Church of England and how few of its bishops were ‘BAME’.
My instant reaction was “What part of Church of ENGLAND” do you not understand?” They included an interview with the black, tick, woman, tick, chaplain to the House of Commons and tried to get her to use their expression of choice. One could see the cogs grinding in her mind whether to go with the media mob or preserve her career.
As final damnation we had lots of images of happy black people, who are the ‘only’ people who go to church now, to rub in the “we’ve been robbed” victim’s message.
Does the BBC not realise that the C of E is nominally a Christian church and that virtually self-excludes most of the ‘AME’ part of ‘BAME’? Do they not also realise that most of the ‘B’ part, when they gather together in numbers, tend to favour evangelical and non-conformist varieties of Christian churches that, wait for it, don’t ‘do’ bishops? As it is more than 2% of C of E bishops are black so that seems pretty fair, especially considering the preferences of the church attendees.
More ‘equality’ garbage. What proportions of imams are white? What proportion of police are criminals? What proportion of the BBC staff vote ‘far right’, (i.e. not Labour)? Must personal choice always give way to the absurd concept of absolute proportionality?
If they want Sharia to rule the land they must diminish the Church of England.
JimS, as with most of these cases, those pushing for more BAMErs in an institution don’t realise there is usually some reason other than ‘institutional racism’ that makes it less likely for BAMErs to be involved. As you rightly point out most BAMErs either aren’t Christian or are non-conformist Christians who don’t join the CofE for religious reasons.
There are so many misunderstandings like this. For example a few years ago some handwringers in English Heritage or some such group decided the countryside itself was racist, because BAMErs tended not to go on rambling expeditions! Of course, anyone who has lived in India or Africa will know that nobody goes ‘rambling’ because to walk is a sign of poverty, and anyway it’s usually too hot to go out. It’s like asking why there aren’t more muslims in British pubs. The pubs must be racist!
Face it they won’t be happy until we have an ethnic Prime Minister, King, Archbishop etc. and etc.
They are the same crap heads that want us to raise our children, ‘none binary’ and think the, ‘Elf on the Shelf’ reporting back to Santa makes children paranoid and smacks of intrusive surveillance.
Quite right about “rambling “. When I lived in Turkey and walked a lot in the countryside, local Turks would be aghast. ” But you have money, why are you walking ? “. When I told them I was bird-watching, it put me totally beyond the pale. It is the same in Gambia.
But , of course, Leftists including Beeboids would not know anything about that because they have no experience of reality.
Hobbies & pastimes certainly relate to economics and perceived social status.
About 20 years ago I took a holiday in Tanzania. I asked the local driver of a tour vehicle what he got up to in his spare time. “I like watching my TV,” he told me with apparent pride. An older African hand explained to me later that watching TV was cool because not many Tanzanians could afford one at that time.
Yes, it is a status thing. At least they don’t have to pay a TV tax !
‘Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun!’ – as Noel Coward wrote in one of his songs.
Now there was a witty and politically incorrect writer. My favourite of his songs is ‘Bad times just around the corner’, which contains the line: ‘And the rats are preparing to leave the BBC!’
And so damn stupid too.
This is a worldwide church. And crap though ours in the west is,there are parts of the world where the church does very well. Africa, South/Central America and China/S.Korea to name a few.
The BBC-so myopic, godless and-well, “parochial”,
Don`t they ASK their World Service to check on what they say? Or are we only to care about drug laws in the Philippines or Queer Theory violations in Tashkent or the like?
Premier League football teams are replete with “persons of colour”, in far greater proportion than the general population, and certainly of the attending crowds. No mention of this disparity from the BBC.
Instead, the BBC is happy to support the grievances of black men trying to become football managers by saying the proportion of black managers should equal the proportion of black players.
Anyone would think the BBC is on a mission to cleanse football of those hideously white men. That’s ridiculous…..Isn’t it?
Crime up ?
Who will Al Beeb blame – migrants or pensioners ?
So when will, ‘Europeanism’ be recognised as a religion?
It seems to share much of the unquestioning, extreme and nihilistic ideals of many banned organisations.
Europhilia, Islam, Leftism and Warmism have much in common. They are cults which would normally be classified as illnesses, a bit like Scientology.
Regarding Prince Charles’ intervention in support of Christians in the Middle East on Thought for the Day, BBC TV news at 12.30 pm simply headlined that his subject was ‘religious persecution ‘. The BBC will always distort in order to protect Muslims.
A news item given much more prominence in the bulletin showed Muslins in Manchester performing ‘ charitable works’ for Christmas. What lovely cohesive communities we have compared to the days before mass immigration! Or so the BBC would have us believe .
And if a dark, bearded man, in ‘ethnic dress’, came to your door with a set of turkey knives?
Just a publicity stunt gleefully aided and abetted by the BBC who maybe even arranged it !
Grant = They probably have them on a zero hours contract for whenever there is some sort of terrorist outrage as I suspect Nadia may be getting a little expensive.
I would suggest they make a block booking for next June as I believe Ramadan falls from May 27 onwards for a whole month.
However if they were Ahmadiyyas (as the Nogginator said ) Then I apologise to them as this would be a genuine gesture. And I believe Assad Shah (the shopkeeper who was murdered by a “proper muslim” for wishing his kaffir customers “happy easter”) was one.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned……
BBC News European page has the headline….
“Berlin lorry attack: Muslim community holds vigil for victims”
It’s accompanied by a charming little video full of cuddly harmless Muslims in T-Shirts and holding white roses looking very mournful……..At least that’s what we’re meant to see.
What I see is quite different…….
I see a small group Muslims looking somewhat uncomfortable and confused.
I see T-Shirts that say “Muslime fur FRIEDEN” which translates as “Muslims for PEACE”. Strange that the word “peace” is in capitals, is the main concern for the victims or is it the image of their religion?
I see a couple of Muslims interviewed for the video talking about they love Germany and that they must distance themselves from this attack with another saying that Islam is a religion of peace and sometimes people misuse religion. Considering it’s meant to be a vigil for the victims it’s notable that they’re not mentioned AT ALL.
Who supplied them with the T-Shirts and white roses? Considering how they’re clearly not enjoying it one bit you can bet the idea didn’t come from within the Muslim community.
It’s obvious from the camera flashes that there are quite a lot of media in attendance and at the forefront we have two sweet and innocent children with the older of the two looking extremely uncomfortable.
If I didn’t know better I could swear that this is not a vigil for the victims but is, in fact, a propaganda video in aid of Islam.
They wouldn’t sink that low………would they? 🙂
Utterly disgusted.
The Duck,
You must admit it was heart-warming to see so many people in the vigil. There must have been a significant proportion of Germany’s Muslim population there. Oh wait…
I wonder how much they got paid ?
They were from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community persecuted by most of Islam for being …. non Islamic.
Oh yes … I heard some more of the Al BBCs all faiths and non bollox this morning, once again deceit and ultimately self defeating
If you will allow me …
There’s only very dodgy middle ground here that both apologists for Islam and Muslims try to strike if you are Christian or a jew – ie you are people of the book and we’re all members of the same family of Abraham ya da ya da
… as with so many things about Islam scratch beneath the surface read the fine print.
If your Jew and you believe that Muhammad was the final jewish prophet your fine
Christian and you believe that Jesus was not part of the trinity was not divine did not die was not crucified was not resurrected well then your Christian
Well I think we just moved all the Christianity of Christianity and all Judaism of Judaism
and so IF you meet those criteria in Islam your alright, otherwise its a death, death and more death.
Thanks, if I had known that I wouldn’t have been so scathing. It looks like the politicians and MSM are now using the small population of Ahmadiyya Muslims as propaganda. Sickening.
@Steve Jones…..Stomach churning more like, and yes there weren’t many, about the same number as a Hilary Clinton rally. 🙂
Actions, I’m not counting marches, banners or t-shirts, speak so much louder than words or the evidence of your own eyes.
BBC News – Prince Charles warns against religious persecution
“Prince Charles urged people to remember the story of the Nativity this Christmas, which was about “the fleeing of the Holy Family to escape violent persecution”.
He asked listeners to …. wait for it
remember that the Prophet Mohammed migrated from Mecca to Medina because he was “seeking the freedom for himself and his followers to worship”.
It actually marked the beginning of a political Ideology Islam, as his “religion” failed
1/. Because, you see, Mohammad preached the religion Islam for thirteen years in Mecca, and persuaded only 150 Arabs to become Muslims … Absolute failure
They knew he was totally self serving, trying to tell people he was a prophet spouting nonsense, with a god that kept forgetting what he said before, ,
They knew he was Mahound, false they laughed him out of town, which was factually correct because over 84% of Sira/Hadith/Quran are about him, and only 14% about Allah. He wasn t forced anywhere, he was exposed as a liar and was a failure.
However, when he left Mecca and went to Medina, he migrated from one to the other, he turned Islam to political doctrine a political ideology, became a jihadist, warlord, murderer and, much worse … ten years later, when he died, nearly every Arab was muslim That is to say, migration began the process of Islam becoming political, and successful … So Islam strives to repeat it, its called Hijrah.
Move to today how many of Merkel s millions are fighting age men, and how many are true refugees?
“soon millions of our men will leave go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory”
Pres. Algeria 1974 – demographic change like London now with
Sky high birth rates
So this means that the good Islamic person is to imitate Mohammad and, therefore, when an Islamic community enters into a new host country a political process begins.
It’s a fact all Islamic immigration has a hidden political agenda, And so Islam once in a host country or community, begins the process of pulling away, separating its community from the host country, it has been repeated hundreds of times in different areas, dozens of times in different countries
Prince Charles is bonkers !
I think his mother knows this G. That’s why the dear old, patriotic and dedicated woman is desperately clinging on to the throne, in the hope that the prat will peg it before her. Sadly, thanks to his idea of what constitutes a work load and his extensive army of sycophants, he’ll probably hold his coronation in Finchley yet, with Choudary officiating to show the true power of diversity.
God save the Queen !
It was certainly a highly inappropriate comparison by HRH although no doubt in an attempt to ‘reach out’ to the Muslim community. In my view this appeasement is a complete waste of time . When the do- gooders find that out, it will be too late of course. Islam will be dominant and we will be persecuted here just as much as Christians in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan etc
Mohammad was essentially a political figure who invented a religion to reinforce political ambition . He was mostly engaged in a war against other arabs within the Arabian Peninsula .Islam and violence are inseparable. When the civil war was won just before Mohammed died , Arabs then began attacking surrounding territories of the Roman Empire. Religion was only part of the reason for this . Conquest and booty had much more to do with it . A wonderful civilisation was degraded and eventually destroyed as a result .
nogginator, you have described an individual ‘extremist Muslim’ with your post – a lone wolf so to speak. The vast majority of Muslims are moderate!!!
This has become unbelievable! When will people who have never read the Koran & the life of The False Prophet stop spouting off about the virtues of Islam? Medina at the time of Mohammed’s arrival was a Jewish settlement (Yathrib). It took him & his newly-invented Muslim warriors roughly five years to murder, enslave or expel every Jew there. Why is the western world, especially Europe not completely outraged by this? Why do they not listen? Islam is among other things a blueprint for genocide. After WWII we said “Never again”. Actually this was a sort of slogan at the Auschwitz museum when I visited in the 90’s. “Never Again” has become unsuitable for us now. We should be shouting “NOT AGAIN”!
I bet you that not one person at the BBC has ever read the Koran. Well, maybe the odd muslim toilet cleaner has.
Good afternoon all.
As promised on this forum some weeks ago, I’ve (largely) ditched Radio 4 due to its effect on my blood pressure, and start the day with Radio 3 instead. Much calmer.
However, this week I have listed to Radio 4 on two occasions, both of them by accident.
On Tuesday evening I was in the car, with the radio auto-scanning for new stations as we travelled along. It settled on a Radio 4 item about homosexuals in S Africa, featuring an openly gay imam. Of all the imams in all the world who could have been interviewed on the topic of homosexuality, Al Beeb happened to pick him.
Next morning I hit the wrong button on the bedside radio. Next up: “Thought For The Day”. It’s Christmas, so what could be more natural than have muslim academic Mona Siddiqui opining on the meaning of Christmas? I guess it’s a busy time of year for Christian bishops.
I heard Humpty this morning on Toady discussing the Berlin Jihad attack and its aftermath with some “expert”.
Hump appeared to express surprise that a Tunisian should be involved in an attack such as this, he evidently forgot all of his fellow Britons (a while back) who were machine gunned on that beach in Tunisia and in the adjacent Tunisian hotel by a Tunisian Jihadist.
Fine, honest words from Geert Wilders that everyone should read and digest –
Don’t be cowed by terrorists, urges Theresa May
The prime minister added: “It is important, I think, that we send a very clear message that we will not be cowed by the terrorists – that we will carry on with our lives as usual.”
And there is the problem, light a few candles for a couple of nights and carry on as before.
Personally I think the EU leaders should be sending a very clear message that we are NOT carrying on with our lives as usual.
Carrying on our lives ‘as usual’ is not an option. I never voted for what now passes for ‘usual’ – in fact nobody did, it was imposed on us by the Blair government and a subversive liberal elite – the BBC especially – who have infiltrated our public institutions and ‘charities’ at every level.
She can stick ‘usual’ up her chuffington, cos ‘usual’ means heading for economic and social meltdown brought on by either Islam or environmentalism or, in the event of a photo finish, both.