And a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2017 to the organisers and my fellow contributors on this site! I haven’t contributed so much recently but that is because so many of your views and observations co-incide with mine, and also it is quite difficult keeping up with the volume of posts on a regular basis when there is so much bias to record! Let’s hope 2017 goes more in our favour despite the best efforts of much of the media and many politicians to thwart Brexit, Sir Nigel and Big D….
After enjoying a nice 18 year old Glenfiddich, can I say that surely crying into a Grants whisky can only improve it! š
(Sorry, Christmas cracker style joke, but couldn’t resist)
Happy Christmas everyone!
Sadly it is a serious matter now Germany is facing an inevitable collapse and the extinction of German culture. The effects on the rest of Europe and that includes us could be disastrous.
There is no prospect of Germany ducking the demographics already in place. That is clear as around 50% of the males in the cohort 16- 30 will be immigrant third worlders mostly Muslim by end 2017.
Pointless to point out what this means.
I suspect Merkel and her backers were well aware of what they were doing. The why and the rest of it is now irrelevant.
The same thing applies to Sweden as well.
The ‘not to like’ bit is that our EU friends will, as usual, be trying to make us pay for it. Their Ā£50-60 billion for leaving is without whatever they are cooking up for us in budget revisions up to the time we do, Inshallah, leave.
As an Engineer I will take the proper Germans {not the rapeugees} but I cannot wait for Reichsfuhrer merkal, Reichsminister juncker and the rest of the brussels reichminister and the EU to dissapear
Interesting…In finally asking questions about his ‘religion” the guy seems close to cracking up….The BBC and their ultra left friends will be appalled, as obviously him doubt about the religion of peace will be the fault of Islamophobes…
Definitely defying psychopathic, pedophilic, child raping Muhammads instruction and getting as much alcohol down me as possible today!! ?
Wishing you all a wonderful day and hoping you are all celebrating the birth of a man who’s life actually changed the face and fortunes of our planet for the better and not dragged it into the depths of hell like the serial killing Muhammad….and more importantly, celebrating a day the left hate as much as Nigel Farage!
Spare a thought for BBC weatherman Thomasz Schafenaker. The BBC has been banging on for a week now about a Christmas Day ‘record temperature’. Our Thomasz has to deliver the dissappointing news that the Met Office fluffed again. How abot a nice big seasonal middle finger from all of us here for Thomasz and pals at the BBC.
The Guardian is currently running a piece about the cost of policing Far Right protests. It cites Yorks police as spending some 5 million on such events from 2012.
The statistics have been obtained by the Guardian making a Freedom of Information request. No request for costs relating to Muslims, crime, protecting us from terrorism, abuse of young white girls of course. Do not forget to add in the cost of airport security and the time we spend queuing and having our luggage X-rayed.
Bias? Just what you would expect from this side of our corrupted media.
When will the Guardian request details relating to these costs? Expect to see this on the BBC soon.
It is not really the cost of policing far right marches but I guess mostly the cost of policing UAF and HnH intimidation.
A few true far right nutters probably doesn’t take much policing.
All the groups probably have undercover police within them.
“JFKās words (which actually mean āI am a doughnut,ā but never mind) have been popular since the latest terrorist atrocityāas of course they inevitably would. We all know well enough, by now, the standard operational procedure that all right-thinking people adopt whenever someone from the Religion of Peace commits another mass murder.
First, the snappy hashtag phrase of solidarity: #jesuischarlie #prayfororlando #ichbineinberliner”
And there’s more.
“Iām talking about the Blame Nigel Farage response.
We saw a perfect example of this in the immediate aftermath of the Berlin atrocity earlier this week when the chattering classes on social media very quickly made up their hive mind who the guilty party was in the Christmas market massacre-by-truck.
Was it, perhaps, the ISIS-inspired terrorist who killed a Polish truck driver, commandeered his vehicle, drove to a crowded Christmas market in the centre of Berlin, turned off the headlights and then accelerated into the crowd of men, women, and children, killing at least a dozen and maiming many more?
Of course not!
The very worst, most evil and culpable person in the world the day after the Berlin massacre wasāin the view of progressive types on Twitter and on the BBC and in the GuardianāNigel Farage.”
FFS. How can St Jo’s widower point the finger of guilt for Berlin at Nigel Farage for pointing out the obvious?
I leave with some “input” from Owen Jones and the Grauniad!
“I leave you, as a treat, with the delicious words of Owen Jones in the Guardianāas demented a case of psychological projection as it has ever been my amused privilege to witness.
“We face a great danger, and not even those who will suffer because of it have realised just how grave it is. Intolerance and hatred have been legitimised across the western world. Dissent is becoming treason. That is bad enough. But there are other violent extremists who are being both radicalised and legitimised across the west. If we donāt take a stand now, new dark chapters are soon to arrive.””
I totally agree with your post Number 7, but would just like to add a postscript to the ‘I’m a doughnut’ story that is often told. It was suggested that Kennedy had got the translation wrong in that by using the indefinite article ‘ein’ before the word ‘Berliner’, he had mistakenly called himself a jelly doughnut. But to say ‘Ich bin Berliner’ would have suggested his being from Berlin (as in his having been born there). By adding the word ‘ein’ he was implying he was a Berliner in spirit. A touch of artistic licence perhaps, but his West Berlin audience clearly understood what he meant.
In 1963 Berlin was still cut off from the rest of Germany , let alone the world , so it was not normally known that ” Berliner ” was local slang for Jam Doughnut , [ not jelly which is the American version ].
So when JFK said “Ich Bin Ein Berliner ” , most people did not realise what it also meant .
There has been considerable effort since then to try to deny the facts . It has been said that that was correct grammar . {It would have also been correct grammar if he had said ” I am a Hamburger “] & the political propaganda people have tried to rewrite history many times .
But , along with many others who were there , or saw it on original , [ not altered newsreel footage of the time ] , I can remember a large portion of the local crowd having a good laugh at the time ,& there were talking doughnuts cartoons in the local [ Berlin ] papers next day .
That ” I am a doughnut ” came up on BBC Eggheads once , & the recording was stopped while everybody was told the BBCs version of what their hero said .???
Very sad as you say but not entirely a shock. Hasn’t been seen to any degree publicly in years, despite being a shoo-in for every major reality show going. Another victim of the British media machine/masonic cult. Suspect he died a few days ago but they didn’t want to ruin Christmas Day given the commercial connections.
Agree – sad, as I grew up with his music/fame. Another one gone too early, but no surprise. And yes, the BBC will go into spasms – he ticked all the boxes, probably literally.
Agree – sad, as I grew up with his music/fame. Another one gone too early, but no surprise. And yes, the BBC will go into spasms – he ticked all the boxes, probably literally.
Yes, she also omitted climate change, praise of multiculturalism, warnings about racism, the failure of Brexit, threats from the far right and populism, and the threat to civilization following the election of Trump. But she did say some good words about the Commonwealth, praised the little people who do their bit to help others, drew attention to the humility of Christ and endorsed the Christian message. All in less than five minutes.
Moreover, her command of the English language was beyond criticism. Perhaps she could be invited to contribute to the teaching of English at our multiculty London schools.
George Michael, the singer, has died. This is news and for those familiar with his music they may greet this news with sadness.
Now my issue is with the BBC and the way they are reporting it. They have gone berserk, claiming the “world is in mourning”, the “world reacts to George Michael’s Death” or the equivalent, with story after story.
Now when Britain’s Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry died earlier this year – Sir Harry Kroto – there was nothing in the BBC front page. There was nothing in the BBC news section. You had to go to the Science and Environment section to find it – where they didn’t report he would be missed by anyone. And if you hadn’t have accidentally entered the Science & Environment section you wouldn’t have found out from the BBC website that he had died.
But. as we know, and the BBC doesn’t attempt to hide, the BBC website is mostly a superficial celebrity and agenda driven tabloid rag not particularly worthy of our taxpayers money.
And I am sure they also have the links to the various salacious stories they ran of George Michael and public toilets, and George Michael falling drunk on motorways. They certainly didn’t hold back in hounding him when he was alive.
Your alternative , but thruthful , definition of what BBC stands for is excellent, the best that I have seen and one which will I won’t forget. Thank you.
‘Why weren’t people watching Doctor Who and Strictly?’,
asks an as per usual BBC-trusted gun for hire ‘broadcaster’ Rob McLoughlin on the Boxing Day red sofa doing the newspaper review. His wonderfully corporate sucking up remark comes in response to newspaper reports about huge on-line sales activity on Christmas Day.
So our broadcasters begin to sense they have lost our attention. Could it be that the media elite just don’t think like the rest of us anymore? Are their metropolitan liberal attitudes and priorities in life now further and further removed from our everyday concerns?
As though to emphasise this widening cultural gap our Rob pleases his BBC hosts by picking a news report about Nigel Farage’s displeasure with the Arch Bishop of Canterbury apparently running down Britain and bemoaning the doom and gloom of 2016 as a bad year. Fair comment, I say. Well said Nigel and cheer up a bit up your grace.
I note the parallel annoyance heard from the US media about President Elect Trump by-passing their control by Tweeting over their heads directly to the public.
But our Rob knows which side his BBC Breakfast bread is buttered. He criticises Nigel’s right to speak out against the Remoaning bishop: “I thought politicians had agreed not to comment and to leave the day for the religious spokespeople”
And that typical comment from you, my friend, helps explain why the BBC is rapidly losing its audience.
I have to confess, AslSeelt, it is a weekly ritual to go through the TV Times with a pen and mark off the programmes that I want to record/watch the following week. ‘Fraid that over the past 4/5 months I have come to the conclusion that it is no longer worth buying the Times as there is increasingly nothing I want to watch. BBC Political debates and the like are heavily biased and one-sided to the BBC’s views on the particular topic to the extent that to watch is not good for my blood pressure. The corollary can only be, ditch the TV Times as a step toward ditching the Licence.
G So far this year I have managed to watch about 50 hours of TV a year one hour a week and most of that was not the BBC’s misserable output and the BBC expects us to pay its Ā£145-50p a year protection racket, Sorry BBC but for the last four years I have taken the great delight of defunding you of Ā£145-50p a years. Thats Ā£145-50p a year to save or spend on better things like Books CDs DVDs etc rather than BBC/leftard/EU propaganda. Wonder how long the BBC and rest of MSM will take to realise that they are electronic roadkill on the information superhighway ??
yeah, George Michael…..did some classy pop songs around 1990-1995 (Freedom especially, absolutely top-class pop song, where ironically he sings about his disillusionment with the record industry).
Since then, otherwise musically pretty much irrelevant. But manna from heaven on a slow news day. The, ahem, “worldwide tributes” come from such luminaries as Pixie Lott and La Roux.
I’m afraid Ms Allen is away feeding Christmas pudding to hungry refugees in Africa. She hasnt realised that Syria isn’t in Africa, nor that Syrians aren’t black ,nor that most Syrians aren’t Christian’s but Muslims, nor that Muslims aren’t partial to bandy butter. But the BBC film crew who are making her the centre piece of their documentary on the best Virtue Signallers of the year haven’t told her because Africa is warmer and a bit less dangerous than Syria.
‘Tis still the season of goodwill, families coming together, stressful times – yes, but there are so many children who will enjoy being with close family. Hopefully, they were tucked up in bed before The Rob Rinder Show on 5 Live.
It was all about divorce, prenuptials, mums and dads in opposite directions. What a well-chosen subject for the Christian Celebrations! Who plans this sort of stuff?
Is there such a thing as a Christmas on-call duty pop music critic?
Tuned in by chance to the bBBC news last night at 11pm to hear the George Michael breaking news. Neil McCormack from the Daily Telegraph was being invited to give his instant reaction. Unsurprisingly he had little to say despite being drilled by the news anchor of the hour.
This morning on Toady R4 around 7.30am he was on again, this time with more fluency, though little extra insight.
An interesting if unexpected example of the paucity of the newsroom list of approved spokespersons that you get for Ā£4bn per annum.
Still, gay icon is headline news. What’s not to like in the bBBC newsroom. Tick.
With the passing of Rick Parfitt on Xmas Eve the “so-called BBC”got hold of Chas from Chas and Dave to give his reaction. I felt so sorry for him, must have been like “Chas, I got the Beeb on the line they want to talk about Rick Parfitt” he even said words to the effect of “I didn’t really know too much about his death” they might as well have stopped the first passer-by outside the Ministry of Truth and asked them. Really poor.
In 1901 Queen Victoria and ” Joe Green” died within a couple of days of each other. The celebrity status of Joe Green took the front page story away from Vicky. So it wasn’t just a case of “La donne mobile.” It was the fact that nearly everybody is fickle when it comes to
major celeb status. AND even for me some of George Michael’s songs bring back terrific memmories. So for once I am not going to slag off the BBC for going OTT reporting his death.
RIP George Michael.
As mentioned BBC had probably only prepared “Warmest Christmas ever” stories, which didn’t happen.
So that’s why as you channel flipped all you got was reminiscing about George Popsadikinhismouth
…comparing him to Shakespeare, whereas his main fame is for hanging out in public toilets in LA and Hampstead and getting busted for dope.
But BBC is not going to criticise a famous gay.
– Then suddenly at 8:30 R4Today comes up with “Ex Bank of England governor puts UK in a strong position to negotiate international trade treaties”
Then in the interview he said stuff like we should only take Hard Brexit so we don’t lock ourselves out of big new treaties.
\\George Michael defends gay cruising Ā· PinkNews 8 Dec 2009 – … George Michael has defended cruising for sex on Hampstead Heath, … arrested for cottaging in Los Angeles and was arrested again last yearar for being in possession of crack cocaine in public toilets on Hampstead Heath.
In an interview with the Guardian, he said: āThe handful of times a year itās bloody warm enough, Iāll do it.”// Pink News
At first I thought he was a comedy act but it transpires that hyperactive Aussie Aaron Hestlehurst is a BBC Business presenter.
The BBC on the subject of business… don’t make me laugh. Fish don’t ride bicycles. What the BBC do is politics dressed up as business news. The same old politics.
Their so-called Business Review of Year is tediously predictable: Brexit and Trump…. oh yes, yet again; Auntie whingeing on and on about uncertainty like a stuck gramophone record – doesn’t she know we download now? (figuratively speaking – I still prefer CDs)
Once we have exhausted these twin obsessions we might expect a bit of economics – but no… the BBC reaches in-house for Rory Cellan-Jones to tell us about what the fuddy-duddy BBC, ever-anxious to appear cool, term ‘tech’ . Virtual Reality was the big thing, apparently. You could have fooled me, I assumed the big issue of the year was Virtue Signalling.
BBC News – Carl Paladino Trump insider faces backlash.
Well … from the BBC most certainly, Clinton News Network, oh CH4 no doubt,
MSM lakey s etc they still don t get it, the game has changed.
The BBC should face more than a backlash, for continually reporting “illegal” settlements in Israel that are not, for not being objective on a vote at the UN that a US Pres orchestrated, expressly against the interests of the incoming and US/Israel
relations, yes they should … but of course they won t.
“A co-chair of President-elect Donald Trump’s New York campaign, is facing a backlash over crude remarks about Barack and Michelle Obama. Asked by a newspaper what he would most like to happen in 2017, Mr Paladino said he hoped President Obama would die from mad cow disease and the first lady would “return to being a male”
Yep! old Carl, was lauded in the 60s … how times change
(that s the way to do it …… baby!).
Mervyn King provides a welcome antidote to Mark Carney’s and George Osborne’s orchestrated and mendacious Project Fear. Indeed we should be confident about post – Brexit Britain. The BBC must have regretted interviewing King on Toady. The item will no doubt soon sink without trace on its broadcasts and website.
There’s much to be optimistic about for 2017 and beyond as a result of the events of 2016. Although you won’t hear that from Welby or his Catholic counterpart.
I kid you not:
Should it be illegal to say Merry Christmas to Muslims?
I live in London, a multicultural city where all cultures are given the right to remain isolated from other cultures they dont agree with. I have seen people say to obvious Muslims (women wearing hijab etc.) āMerry Christmasā this season, which is a way of marginalizing them. Should this be illegal?
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 22:28 Start the Week 31st March 2025 A stupid episode in The Archers recently had nice Mr Malik cancel his family’s Eid firework display out of sensitivity…
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show āauthenticity ā ā¦. Apparently…
And a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2017 to the organisers and my fellow contributors on this site! I haven’t contributed so much recently but that is because so many of your views and observations co-incide with mine, and also it is quite difficult keeping up with the volume of posts on a regular basis when there is so much bias to record! Let’s hope 2017 goes more in our favour despite the best efforts of much of the media and many politicians to thwart Brexit, Sir Nigel and Big D….
A rather late in the day ‘Happy Christmas to all at the bbbc and also a Happy Hannukah’.
And just to lower the tone….a happy (Erich) Honecker to Mutti Merkel
Either Mutti is finished or Germany is finished and if Germany is finished the EU is finished. What’s not to like?
I shall be crying in my whisky !
After enjoying a nice 18 year old Glenfiddich, can I say that surely crying into a Grants whisky can only improve it! š
(Sorry, Christmas cracker style joke, but couldn’t resist)
Happy Christmas everyone!
18 year old Glenfiddich is better than nothing ! I am staring a non-chilled filtered 12 year-old Talisker in the face. One of us has to back off !
Sadly it is a serious matter now Germany is facing an inevitable collapse and the extinction of German culture. The effects on the rest of Europe and that includes us could be disastrous.
There is no prospect of Germany ducking the demographics already in place. That is clear as around 50% of the males in the cohort 16- 30 will be immigrant third worlders mostly Muslim by end 2017.
Pointless to point out what this means.
I suspect Merkel and her backers were well aware of what they were doing. The why and the rest of it is now irrelevant.
The same thing applies to Sweden as well.
The ‘not to like’ bit is that our EU friends will, as usual, be trying to make us pay for it. Their Ā£50-60 billion for leaving is without whatever they are cooking up for us in budget revisions up to the time we do, Inshallah, leave.
As an Engineer I will take the proper Germans {not the rapeugees} but I cannot wait for Reichsfuhrer merkal, Reichsminister juncker and the rest of the brussels reichminister and the EU to dissapear
Anyone notice that BBC One has changed its logo to “Oneness” for today? Silly old me, thinking they were promoting diversity!
Interesting…In finally asking questions about his ‘religion” the guy seems close to cracking up….The BBC and their ultra left friends will be appalled, as obviously him doubt about the religion of peace will be the fault of Islamophobes…
Here’s a fun christmas game for you all
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Definitely defying psychopathic, pedophilic, child raping Muhammads instruction and getting as much alcohol down me as possible today!! ?
Wishing you all a wonderful day and hoping you are all celebrating the birth of a man who’s life actually changed the face and fortunes of our planet for the better and not dragged it into the depths of hell like the serial killing Muhammad….and more importantly, celebrating a day the left hate as much as Nigel Farage!
I’m having a drink for you all!! Allahu akbar!!
Spare a thought for BBC weatherman Thomasz Schafenaker. The BBC has been banging on for a week now about a Christmas Day ‘record temperature’. Our Thomasz has to deliver the dissappointing news that the Met Office fluffed again. How abot a nice big seasonal middle finger from all of us here for Thomasz and pals at the BBC.
The Guardian is currently running a piece about the cost of policing Far Right protests. It cites Yorks police as spending some 5 million on such events from 2012.
The statistics have been obtained by the Guardian making a Freedom of Information request. No request for costs relating to Muslims, crime, protecting us from terrorism, abuse of young white girls of course. Do not forget to add in the cost of airport security and the time we spend queuing and having our luggage X-rayed.
Bias? Just what you would expect from this side of our corrupted media.
When will the Guardian request details relating to these costs? Expect to see this on the BBC soon.
It is not really the cost of policing far right marches but I guess mostly the cost of policing UAF and HnH intimidation.
A few true far right nutters probably doesn’t take much policing.
All the groups probably have undercover police within them.
To quote JFK “I’m a doughnut” might seem to be inappropriate or OT.
“JFKās words (which actually mean āI am a doughnut,ā but never mind) have been popular since the latest terrorist atrocityāas of course they inevitably would. We all know well enough, by now, the standard operational procedure that all right-thinking people adopt whenever someone from the Religion of Peace commits another mass murder.
First, the snappy hashtag phrase of solidarity: #jesuischarlie #prayfororlando #ichbineinberliner”
And there’s more.
“Iām talking about the Blame Nigel Farage response.
We saw a perfect example of this in the immediate aftermath of the Berlin atrocity earlier this week when the chattering classes on social media very quickly made up their hive mind who the guilty party was in the Christmas market massacre-by-truck.
Was it, perhaps, the ISIS-inspired terrorist who killed a Polish truck driver, commandeered his vehicle, drove to a crowded Christmas market in the centre of Berlin, turned off the headlights and then accelerated into the crowd of men, women, and children, killing at least a dozen and maiming many more?
Of course not!
The very worst, most evil and culpable person in the world the day after the Berlin massacre wasāin the view of progressive types on Twitter and on the BBC and in the GuardianāNigel Farage.”
FFS. How can St Jo’s widower point the finger of guilt for Berlin at Nigel Farage for pointing out the obvious?
I leave with some “input” from Owen Jones and the Grauniad!
“I leave you, as a treat, with the delicious words of Owen Jones in the Guardianāas demented a case of psychological projection as it has ever been my amused privilege to witness.
“We face a great danger, and not even those who will suffer because of it have realised just how grave it is. Intolerance and hatred have been legitimised across the western world. Dissent is becoming treason. That is bad enough. But there are other violent extremists who are being both radicalised and legitimised across the west. If we donāt take a stand now, new dark chapters are soon to arrive.””
The link is well worth a read.
I totally agree with your post Number 7, but would just like to add a postscript to the ‘I’m a doughnut’ story that is often told. It was suggested that Kennedy had got the translation wrong in that by using the indefinite article ‘ein’ before the word ‘Berliner’, he had mistakenly called himself a jelly doughnut. But to say ‘Ich bin Berliner’ would have suggested his being from Berlin (as in his having been born there). By adding the word ‘ein’ he was implying he was a Berliner in spirit. A touch of artistic licence perhaps, but his West Berlin audience clearly understood what he meant.
Thank you , the article is very good and I appreciate you drawing my attention to it.
In 1963 Berlin was still cut off from the rest of Germany , let alone the world , so it was not normally known that ” Berliner ” was local slang for Jam Doughnut , [ not jelly which is the American version ].
So when JFK said “Ich Bin Ein Berliner ” , most people did not realise what it also meant .
There has been considerable effort since then to try to deny the facts . It has been said that that was correct grammar . {It would have also been correct grammar if he had said ” I am a Hamburger “] & the political propaganda people have tried to rewrite history many times .
But , along with many others who were there , or saw it on original , [ not altered newsreel footage of the time ] , I can remember a large portion of the local crowd having a good laugh at the time ,& there were talking doughnuts cartoons in the local [ Berlin ] papers next day .
That ” I am a doughnut ” came up on BBC Eggheads once , & the recording was stopped while everybody was told the BBCs version of what their hero said .???
Fantastic evening.
‘It was alright in the 60’s – 70’s’ with a 12 year old Dalmore now Talking Heads & Blondie old grey whistle test.
RIP George.
Unexpected, but perhaps no surprise.
Expect BBC schedules to go into massive rejigging.
Very sad as you say but not entirely a shock. Hasn’t been seen to any degree publicly in years, despite being a shoo-in for every major reality show going. Another victim of the British media machine/masonic cult. Suspect he died a few days ago but they didn’t want to ruin Christmas Day given the commercial connections.
Agree – sad, as I grew up with his music/fame. Another one gone too early, but no surprise. And yes, the BBC will go into spasms – he ticked all the boxes, probably literally.
Agree – sad, as I grew up with his music/fame. Another one gone too early, but no surprise. And yes, the BBC will go into spasms – he ticked all the boxes, probably literally.
Am I imagining it or did the Queen actually get through her Christmas message
without mentioning Islam or Muslims at all?
Lucy Pevensey
Yes, she also omitted climate change, praise of multiculturalism, warnings about racism, the failure of Brexit, threats from the far right and populism, and the threat to civilization following the election of Trump. But she did say some good words about the Commonwealth, praised the little people who do their bit to help others, drew attention to the humility of Christ and endorsed the Christian message. All in less than five minutes.
Moreover, her command of the English language was beyond criticism. Perhaps she could be invited to contribute to the teaching of English at our multiculty London schools.
8pm BBC4 Christmas Lectures
– with Prof Saifal Islam [ ] BBC tickbox
– “how to generate energy without destroying the planet” [ ] BBC tickbox.
Nowwww, completely off-topic but there can surely never be a wrong time for a good Tucker moment?
Just go to the last minute for the money-shot if pushed for time.
George Michael, the singer, has died. This is news and for those familiar with his music they may greet this news with sadness.
Now my issue is with the BBC and the way they are reporting it. They have gone berserk, claiming the “world is in mourning”, the “world reacts to George Michael’s Death” or the equivalent, with story after story.
Now when Britain’s Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry died earlier this year – Sir Harry Kroto – there was nothing in the BBC front page. There was nothing in the BBC news section. You had to go to the Science and Environment section to find it – where they didn’t report he would be missed by anyone. And if you hadn’t have accidentally entered the Science & Environment section you wouldn’t have found out from the BBC website that he had died.
But. as we know, and the BBC doesn’t attempt to hide, the BBC website is mostly a superficial celebrity and agenda driven tabloid rag not particularly worthy of our taxpayers money.
And I am sure they also have the links to the various salacious stories they ran of George Michael and public toilets, and George Michael falling drunk on motorways. They certainly didn’t hold back in hounding him when he was alive.
Your alternative , but thruthful , definition of what BBC stands for is excellent, the best that I have seen and one which will I won’t forget. Thank you.
‘Why weren’t people watching Doctor Who and Strictly?’,
asks an as per usual BBC-trusted gun for hire ‘broadcaster’ Rob McLoughlin on the Boxing Day red sofa doing the newspaper review. His wonderfully corporate sucking up remark comes in response to newspaper reports about huge on-line sales activity on Christmas Day.
So our broadcasters begin to sense they have lost our attention. Could it be that the media elite just don’t think like the rest of us anymore? Are their metropolitan liberal attitudes and priorities in life now further and further removed from our everyday concerns?
As though to emphasise this widening cultural gap our Rob pleases his BBC hosts by picking a news report about Nigel Farage’s displeasure with the Arch Bishop of Canterbury apparently running down Britain and bemoaning the doom and gloom of 2016 as a bad year. Fair comment, I say. Well said Nigel and cheer up a bit up your grace.
I note the parallel annoyance heard from the US media about President Elect Trump by-passing their control by Tweeting over their heads directly to the public.
But our Rob knows which side his BBC Breakfast bread is buttered. He criticises Nigel’s right to speak out against the Remoaning bishop: “I thought politicians had agreed not to comment and to leave the day for the religious spokespeople”
And that typical comment from you, my friend, helps explain why the BBC is rapidly losing its audience.
I have to confess, AslSeelt, it is a weekly ritual to go through the TV Times with a pen and mark off the programmes that I want to record/watch the following week. ‘Fraid that over the past 4/5 months I have come to the conclusion that it is no longer worth buying the Times as there is increasingly nothing I want to watch. BBC Political debates and the like are heavily biased and one-sided to the BBC’s views on the particular topic to the extent that to watch is not good for my blood pressure. The corollary can only be, ditch the TV Times as a step toward ditching the Licence.
G So far this year I have managed to watch about 50 hours of TV a year one hour a week and most of that was not the BBC’s misserable output and the BBC expects us to pay its Ā£145-50p a year protection racket, Sorry BBC but for the last four years I have taken the great delight of defunding you of Ā£145-50p a years. Thats Ā£145-50p a year to save or spend on better things like Books CDs DVDs etc rather than BBC/leftard/EU propaganda. Wonder how long the BBC and rest of MSM will take to realise that they are electronic roadkill on the information superhighway ??
yeah, George Michael…..did some classy pop songs around 1990-1995 (Freedom especially, absolutely top-class pop song, where ironically he sings about his disillusionment with the record industry).
Since then, otherwise musically pretty much irrelevant. But manna from heaven on a slow news day. The, ahem, “worldwide tributes” come from such luminaries as Pixie Lott and La Roux.
I am only interested in what Lilly Allen has to say
I’m afraid Ms Allen is away feeding Christmas pudding to hungry refugees in Africa. She hasnt realised that Syria isn’t in Africa, nor that Syrians aren’t black ,nor that most Syrians aren’t Christian’s but Muslims, nor that Muslims aren’t partial to bandy butter. But the BBC film crew who are making her the centre piece of their documentary on the best Virtue Signallers of the year haven’t told her because Africa is warmer and a bit less dangerous than Syria.
‘Tis still the season of goodwill, families coming together, stressful times – yes, but there are so many children who will enjoy being with close family. Hopefully, they were tucked up in bed before The Rob Rinder Show on 5 Live.
It was all about divorce, prenuptials, mums and dads in opposite directions. What a well-chosen subject for the Christian Celebrations! Who plans this sort of stuff?
It was just filler from repeats.
Is there such a thing as a Christmas on-call duty pop music critic?
Tuned in by chance to the bBBC news last night at 11pm to hear the George Michael breaking news. Neil McCormack from the Daily Telegraph was being invited to give his instant reaction. Unsurprisingly he had little to say despite being drilled by the news anchor of the hour.
This morning on Toady R4 around 7.30am he was on again, this time with more fluency, though little extra insight.
An interesting if unexpected example of the paucity of the newsroom list of approved spokespersons that you get for Ā£4bn per annum.
Still, gay icon is headline news. What’s not to like in the bBBC newsroom. Tick.
With the passing of Rick Parfitt on Xmas Eve the “so-called BBC”got hold of Chas from Chas and Dave to give his reaction. I felt so sorry for him, must have been like “Chas, I got the Beeb on the line they want to talk about Rick Parfitt” he even said words to the effect of “I didn’t really know too much about his death” they might as well have stopped the first passer-by outside the Ministry of Truth and asked them. Really poor.
In 1901 Queen Victoria and ” Joe Green” died within a couple of days of each other. The celebrity status of Joe Green took the front page story away from Vicky. So it wasn’t just a case of “La donne mobile.” It was the fact that nearly everybody is fickle when it comes to
major celeb status. AND even for me some of George Michael’s songs bring back terrific memmories. So for once I am not going to slag off the BBC for going OTT reporting his death.
RIP George Michael.
As mentioned BBC had probably only prepared “Warmest Christmas ever” stories, which didn’t happen.
So that’s why as you channel flipped all you got was reminiscing about George Popsadikinhismouth
…comparing him to Shakespeare, whereas his main fame is for hanging out in public toilets in LA and Hampstead and getting busted for dope.
But BBC is not going to criticise a famous gay.
– Then suddenly at 8:30 R4Today comes up with “Ex Bank of England governor puts UK in a strong position to negotiate international trade treaties”
Then in the interview he said stuff like we should only take Hard Brexit so we don’t lock ourselves out of big new treaties.
\\George Michael defends gay cruising Ā· PinkNews 8 Dec 2009 – … George Michael has defended cruising for sex on Hampstead Heath, … arrested for cottaging in Los Angeles and was arrested again last yearar for being in possession of crack cocaine in public toilets on Hampstead Heath.
In an interview with the Guardian, he said: āThe handful of times a year itās bloody warm enough, Iāll do it.”//
Pink News
Britain should be ‘confident’ about Brexit and quit Single Market, former Bank of England governor Mervyn King – says -2 hours agoAMP
At first I thought he was a comedy act but it transpires that hyperactive Aussie Aaron Hestlehurst is a BBC Business presenter.
The BBC on the subject of business… don’t make me laugh. Fish don’t ride bicycles. What the BBC do is politics dressed up as business news. The same old politics.
Their so-called Business Review of Year is tediously predictable: Brexit and Trump…. oh yes, yet again; Auntie whingeing on and on about uncertainty like a stuck gramophone record – doesn’t she know we download now? (figuratively speaking – I still prefer CDs)
Once we have exhausted these twin obsessions we might expect a bit of economics – but no… the BBC reaches in-house for Rory Cellan-Jones to tell us about what the fuddy-duddy BBC, ever-anxious to appear cool, term ‘tech’ . Virtual Reality was the big thing, apparently. You could have fooled me, I assumed the big issue of the year was Virtue Signalling.
BBC News – Carl Paladino Trump insider faces backlash.
Well … from the BBC most certainly, Clinton News Network, oh CH4 no doubt,
MSM lakey s etc they still don t get it, the game has changed.
The BBC should face more than a backlash, for continually reporting “illegal” settlements in Israel that are not, for not being objective on a vote at the UN that a US Pres orchestrated, expressly against the interests of the incoming and US/Israel
relations, yes they should … but of course they won t.
“A co-chair of President-elect Donald Trump’s New York campaign, is facing a backlash over crude remarks about Barack and Michelle Obama. Asked by a newspaper what he would most like to happen in 2017, Mr Paladino said he hoped President Obama would die from mad cow disease and the first lady would “return to being a male”
Yep! old Carl, was lauded in the 60s … how times change
(that s the way to do it …… baby!).
Mervyn King provides a welcome antidote to Mark Carney’s and George Osborne’s orchestrated and mendacious Project Fear. Indeed we should be confident about post – Brexit Britain. The BBC must have regretted interviewing King on Toady. The item will no doubt soon sink without trace on its broadcasts and website.
There’s much to be optimistic about for 2017 and beyond as a result of the events of 2016. Although you won’t hear that from Welby or his Catholic counterpart.
“….Welby or his Catholic counterpart.” – Seems to work on the misguided principle that, ‘More doom and gloom = helps boost congregations’.
I kid you not:
Should it be illegal to say Merry Christmas to Muslims?
I live in London, a multicultural city where all cultures are given the right to remain isolated from other cultures they dont agree with. I have seen people say to obvious Muslims (women wearing hijab etc.) āMerry Christmasā this season, which is a way of marginalizing them. Should this be illegal?