Good to see that the BBC is dealing with all the BIG issues. Take this one…
“An internet search for black dolls will bring up about 20 million results in less than a second – but parents have discovered the toys to be increasingly hard to find on the shelves of High Street stores. Why is this?”
Yip, this is the sort of deranged SJW crap that the BBC specialises in. Next up, where are the transgender dolls?
Hmmm. I’m sure many of us have had sleepless nights over this one, worrying about dolls which are “hideously white”, to paraphrase former Labour Party member and financier and one time BBC Director General, Greg Dyke. Reading the thoughtful and sensitive article, one cannot help notice that toy manufacturers and retailers claim it is not economical for them to produce and sell black dolls. I think I have the solution: A Doll Licence. Every household would have to pay this, regardless of whether they use dolls or not, but there would be one rate for coloured dolls and a different one for black and white dolls. The Licence, which might also be called the Doll Tax, would be collected by a private, profit making company, maybe Capita for instance. The money raised would be used to subsidise the production of dolls which nobody really wanted; this unique method of funding would ensure that a truly diverse range of dolls in all colours, genders, sexual orientations and yet-to-be discovered and imaginary categories would be available. People who refused to pay the Doll Tax could be hunted down and dragged before the courts at the public expense, put in prison camps or possibly shot, or maybe even ridiculed on Twitter and Facebook.
LOL ! Doll Tax indeed !
My wife is a real live black African doll and she taxes me enough, thank you very much !
“My wife is a real live black African doll and she taxes me enough…”
Blimey, it’s alright for some, you lucky blighter!!!
LOL ! You are very welcome to make a financial contribution !
The BBC and their moronic SJW followers fail to understand that most people are not as obsessed with race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation as they dare. This is especially true of children, who are the only people who play with dolls apart from weirdos. But the BBC is increasingly desperate to look for non-existent evidence of discrimination, as evidenced last year by their laughable “gender pocket money pay gap” article that actually had an HYS, and virtually every comment on there called them out on their obvious (and fatuous) PC bias.
There are lots of dolls available of different ethnicity. Smyth’s Toys sell them and I expect Toys r Us do too. It’s those bar stewards at the BBC constantly trying to sow division where none exists even on trivial matters like this. Time they were called out on it. My Wife, who is as white as the driven snow, says that when she was small her favourite doll was black and they were readily available and very popular with little girls. This was the 1950s when we were all supposed to be openly racist. So, at the point in time we had so-called, openly racist parents buying black dolls for their offspring. Ha ha.
As a child in the 1950s I loved the Little Black Sambo books.
Expect I’d be imprisoned if I tried to buy it now.
Sofia-Lily’s mother said “a lack of black dolls could stunt a child’s emotional development”. Much more important for her development, I would have thought, would be for her to have a father. But the bBBC doesn’t mention him. I wonder why not.
A simile would be when Europeans move to Asia and find clothes that fit them are hard to find cos most locals are of a smaller frame size.
Would Beeboids call that racist or would they point out Europeans could move back to Europe ?
Likewise if you wanted dollshops to have a particular color skin, you could move to a country where that skin colour is common.
But I thought the BBC didn’t approve of gollies?
‘Controversial’ golly to be shelved
I’ve just remembered an episode of ‘Only Fools and Horses’ in which Del Boy was dealing in sex dolls. One was white and one black, and I think they inflated suddenly in public at a rather embarrassing moment for Del. (Both dolls were hilariously grotesque.)
Somehow, I don’t think doll racial equality of this sort would suit the BBC these in these politically correct times!
I’ve just remembered an episode of ‘Only Fools and Horses’ in which Del Boy was dealing in sex dolls. One was white and one black, and I think they inflated suddenly in public at a rather embarrassing moment for Del. (Both dolls were hilariously grotesque.)
Somehow, I don’t think doll racial equality of this sort would suit the BBC these in these politically correct times!
Out in the real world it happens that there are lots of things you can’t find in shops which one can find readily available via the internet. I use ebay frequently myself for that very reason.
As a child I had a much loved Golly would that count?
“An internet search for black dolls … increasingly hard to find …. Why is this?”
We all know why … because the BBC has been telling us for years it’s waycist. Since the Golliwog a black ‘doll’ why aren’t the Beeb arguing for more Golliwogs?
Jez and Di reprising Easy Rider on their moped surely a noble exception?
My local pub sells white wine but NOT BLACK WINE .
And my bank account is IN THE BLACK .
Let’s think about why do we no longer have blackboards. Could it be that writing in chalk is considered anachronistic? And could it be that the replacement whiteboards (of dry marker pen fame) is white so that other colours stand out as readable?
Black and white are legitimate colours hijacked by the socialists to mean something else entirely. It’s ‘black’ because it’s black. What else would you call a very very dark mono colour that kinda describes the absence of light? What else would you call a very washed out pale colour that looks bright and stark and a suitable colour for paper? There’s nothing racist in saying my remote control is made of black plastic. And there’s nothing racist about asking someone to look into the whites of my eyes.
A few years back in Dewsbury, whilst visiting my then girlfriend we popped into this shop on Union street (it actually had shops in them days) and I noticed that the blackboard was labelled as a chalkboard and not a Backboard. I asked why and the lady said and I kid you not.
“How do I know you are not from the council (Kirklees) and if I call it what you just did, how do I know you won’t report me”
The woman was terrified of breaching these political correct laws and losing her livelihood.
Another time when I was on a Equal opportunities advisor’s course (yes me) the lady in front came out with the statement of words we should refrain from using. ‘Blackboard’ was one and that we should use chalkboard. I then said:
“So what do we use instead of Whiteboard?”
She couldn’t answer the question posed. Kind of helped I am brown skinned otherwise I would have been seen as a trouble maker.
It is so unintelligent – or rather anti-intelligent. A blackboard is neither “good” nor “bad” it is simply a description of a board that is black. It is like asking someone to call black paint, “brush paint”. Our schools and universities need to be culled of this anti-intelligence nonsense.
Surely it should be called a “board of colour” ?
I work in a primary school in Cumbria,99% of our kids are white English,which reflects our population, yet a teacher recently said to me that our school is ‘hideously white’.
We have black dolls in our nusery by the way.
To see how crazy our country has become, go on google images and search ‘multicultural crayons’.
Can you give us some basic details of the teacher and the context in which it was said? It might make for an interesting “case study” or after dinner speech item. I assume that the teacher didn’t teach in your primary school but in another(?)
Ps I would be also interested in whether your school has any policy regarding teaching multiculturalism and whether you had any special events for Ramadan etc.
But nothing about our Religion of Peace, though: