Well I hope you all enjoyed the BBC’s “Robbie William’s” New Year cringe fest! We’re in 2017 and the BBC keeps proving that no matter how bad it is it can still get worse. Much worse….! Here’s the first OPEN thread of this New Year and it’s now in your hands!
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The BBC does not invite educated people to inform on the basics of an issue such as European Union Governance by Christopher Booker and Richard North, or the International Panel on Climate Change by Donna Laframboise, or Atmospheric Physics by Gerhard Gerlich, Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller. Or many other issues outside the Arts, Drama, Philosophy, Languages and Humanities qualifications of the Middle-Class left-wing morons that dominate the BBC. From my experience in being brought up in the outskirts of the city of Hull, and as a Mensa member with an IQ of 164, I always associated left-wing people with low IQ, I never thought the people in the City of Hull where intelligent because they voted Labour. So the overwhelming impression that almost everyone at the BBC supports the Labour Party, confirms my prejudices about low IQ at the BBC and its causes. My analysis of its cause is that there were people in posh areas who voted Labour, but these people where Middle-Class people who should have moved downwards in social mobility, and should now be doing the menial jobs that where given to the immigrants. Instead they moved away from Tory areas in which they were a minority, to obtain the new uneducated qualifications necessary for middle-class morons to obtain employment with the BBC. The concentration of these people at the BBC, means they are far more numerous than educated people from Universities, and far more numerous than high IQ people such as Mensa members. Which gives these morons the power to censor educated people from appearing on the BBC.
Just been reading the previous thread and the general relief that the German Police were able to protect the womenfolk of Cologne over New Year, despite the Far Left accusations of ‘unrepresentative’ searches carried out by said police.
Yet I’ve just remembered that the age of consent in Germany is only 14, with certain behavioural restrictions if the other party is over 21.
This brings all those hundreds of thousands of male ‘children’ seeking asylum in Germany into an interesting and rarely mentioned light.
I wonder if Merkel actually knew about her country’s age of consent rules when she decided to open the floodgates.
Isn’t it wonderful how all this diversity has enriched our lives.
Even Poland has been enriched –
I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry!
EU mainstream politicians and their stooges in the police clearly siding with the criminal immigrants against the indigenous population. It cannot last like much longer like this. When Governments and the police fail to defend their own people and Law and Order , they are doomed to fail.
From the report.
‘Tomasz Andrukiewicz, the mayor of Elk, a town of 60,000 people, attributed the rioting to the anti-immigrant mood prevailing in Europe, the news agency PAP reported’.
Perhaps they rioted because they did not think it was a good idea to kill a fellow Pole.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4082002/Police-attacked-anti-migrant-rioting-Poland-Tunisian-cook-charged-murdering-local-man-left-restaurant-without-paying-drinks.html#ixzz4UdVt9JLt
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I don’t know if it’s so much matter of “cannot” defend your women as it is ‘can’t-be-bothered-to defend your women’ in the case of liberals & lefties. And the vilification of men who do stand up in defence of women is part of the left’s war on both womanhood and manhood.
What a bloody farce. This is what the EU has brought on our heads. The police and army were deployed in force throughout French and German cities, not to protect “vulnerable” refugees, but the citizens of Germany, mainly women, from refugees.
Totally predictable, except to idiots.
Meanwhile an Austrian woman who was reading the Bible, was stabbed by an Afghan refugee. Apparently he did not like the Bible to be read in public. This is in Austria.
It seems to me that it is worse than that. The politicians and police are protecting the “migrants” and not the law-abiding citizens. So far as I am aware, the military in those countries, have not acted yet. It will be interesting to see which side they take.
They are recommending safe shorts, akin to chastity belts, to protect women joggers from migrants.
I smell a possible defence against a charge of rape .
If she was not wearing protective shorts then she consented to being raped.
It would be similar to the Swedish court which decided that a woman in a wheel chair repeatedly raped by a gang over several hours did not show enough resistance.
There is now a huge disconnect between the police and the people. The police are telling themselves that they are “doing their duty” while to the people they are “just obeying orders”. The crisis will come when ordinary police officers recognise the difference.
I keep hearing of incidents about which which the police in northern mainland Europe have failed to inform the public, even, in some cases, for months after the events.
To me that must fall into the category of wilful neglect of duty, since, if the public are completely unaware of specific threats, they are unable to position themselves to defend themselves from these threats. And it cannot be right to ‘protect’ certain parts of society from some imagined level of threat of, e.g. retaliation (which of course, even when the truth is at last exposed, has never come to pass – at least to the extent of the so-called ‘threat’ they are saying would occur).
All of this whilst the real activities they are concealing are demonstrably happening with regularity, and potentially severe consequences – as a certain member of the EU hierarchy can arrest to, after the death of his daughter – which itself was undisclosed for months.
Of course they are. But they are not protecting the refugees to protect the refugees, but to protect their own positions, or even their freedom.
If they allowed the law to run its course, there would be so many refugees under arrest for rape or worse, that the entire political class would be on the run for their lives.
Prognostications for 2017 from Chancellor Merkel
This is serious stuff.
Who said the Germans have no sense of humour ?
One does not know whether to laugh or cry.
Don’t cry for me Germania.
Only the liberal left will be pleased at the “no-show” of IS or their goons at the recent s “celebrations”.
IS have already won-after Cologne, we need to think of all the non-celebrations that were no longer being put on…all the jizya spent on police overtime, as opposed to caring for our old people. And, of course, the submissive and self-censorship mindsets that our political and media elites have adopted-and try to enforce on us.
No-until we see shedloads of freeloading psychos sent right back to their sumps-I happen to think that IS are walking away with the victory. Demographics will do the rest.
Until then, let`s enjoy what Trump will hopefully do by way of restoration.
Sorry Sluff just clicked on ‘report comment’ by mistake- I had meant to hit ‘reply’.
It’s far too easy to do that. I wish whoever creates the layout would move the ‘Reply’ button to a position well away from the ‘Report comment’ button so that mistake wasn’t so easy to make.
Just been watching Antiques Roadtrip (don’t panic, the bias hasn’t arrived here … yet) and after it finished there was a trailer for a programme called Common Sense.
From the trailer my bias radar is already pinging. Here it is on YouTube, what do you think?
The standard al beebus drip-drip cak, with 4 old Britons and 5 foreigners forming its cast of characters.
Clearly the kind of hostile message to the US President elect that our Government ought to distance itself from. Come on Treezer, the future is with the US not with the EU and the migrants. Yesterdays woman.
The BBC looks as if it is actively trying to cause a rift between the US and the UK. Playing with real fire I’m afraid.
President Trump needs to know just how much our elite and governing class despises him and act accordingly.
Me I would recall my ambassador for some long time and suggest the UK ambassador takes a long holiday back home.
There is absolutely no reason for the US to have much more to do with us until we learn basic manners.
Grant DaveS G.W.F.
After Brexit, we have no where to go except with the USA. Unless of course, Trump’s victory means that May has decided to go for a Soft Brexit. This is essentially back within the shelter of the EU.
It wont work though, as the EU is close to collapse because of the Hijra.
So its back, back, back to the USA.
Common sense hm something the BBC and its employees lack in copious quantities. Arrogance and self importance are something that the BBC and its employees posess in vast ammouts they seem to be under the impression that they are all important, that the sun shines out of their backsides and their spoken words and opinions are all that count, Dear delusional BBC and Beeboids the reality could not be further from the truth your opinions and views like the BBC are irrelevant even more so in the era of the internet, satellite, cable, social and alternative media
Beeboids are living in the past. The world has moved on and they have been left behind.
Exactly – it is easy to go on Youtube or this forum and find out the truth for yourself these days. We just need to spread the word to the remaining gullible people who still soak up the non-stop rubbish rather than thinking for themselves.
Bit it’s not just the BBC – the moron teachers at my kids school are guardian-reading,illegal immigrant loving, propaganda merchants and I find myself struggling every day to provide my kids with basic facts after a hard day’s brainwashing. As a parent I would rather be teaching them maths rather than undoing the nonsense propaganda they get from school and the BBC.
We need to keep fighting the lies with the truth and eventually the ruling leftist elite will be exposed for what they are.
Well said !
I deliberately never had kids in the UK for that reason and others. I have 4 adopted African kids, ages 6-19 in Gambia. No indoctrination in the schools there, mostly. And they just teach english, maths, history , geography, science. The way it was 50 years ago in the UK. Oh and the children in Gambia are almost all very polite and well-behaved , but still a little bit of mischief as you would expect from kids.
Grant, if you don’t want them ‘ruined’, don’t bring your children to this country on a permanent basis, or their politeness and behaviour will be a distant memory for you.
Despite the desperate “political ” situation in Gambia right now , which will be resolved in the next few weeks, there is no way that I would apply for visas for my children to come to the UK. They have a better future in Gambia than they would in the UK.
Grant, my best wishes to your family – sadly if you brought your children here they would be taught in the schools to develop chips on their shoulder and to hate English people who are “hideously white”. They would then have explained to them the concept of “White Privilege” and be taught how evil we are. This would puzzle them to start with because they would be quite happy playing with little Johnny in the playground and little Johny would be happy playing with them but this would be short lived once your children are efficiently indoctrinated to see how truly racist and horrible little Johnny really is – even if he seems like a perfectly nice little boy – HE ISN’T HE IS EVIL!
Synchro gnome
It can’t be easy trying to raise children in the current climate but keep going. I think you may be equipping them better than you realise by simply giving them exposure to some reality & factual information.
Let’s hope so Lucy. I was proud of my daughter the other day after her teacher got all tearful in class about how we aren’t doing enough for the Calais refuges, whinge, moan, etc – then she quickly switched to being all indignant when my daughter put her hand up and started asking how many we should take in from around the world plus the point that the ones trying to come through the legitimate routes are having to wait longer than the illegals to get here plus how it hadn’t gone very well in Germany, etc – all points that never get aired at the school, never a balanced discussion – always biased – just like the BBC.
Well get your kids out of it !
Some great posts above re “ejukayshun”.
Which the Great Hitchens(P) referred to the other day as “organised ignorance”…his column on New Years day 2017.
Be sure that any non-compliance with the schools Obamafication Project as performed by Merkelmaniacs will be getting noted these days. So when your kids DO show a mind of their own, remember “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest”.
This brain marinading is not compulsory and worldwide for nothing-and if you see schools as holding pens before prison and psychiatric regimes-then at least, any shows of independent thought by your kids (and the few good staff who are not on their knees!) will be a bonus.
I am a teacher-and know what`s going on.
Teach them logic. Then when they apply logic to what is taught, they will analyse it logically, and come to their own conclusion.
As they are children, they will most certainly show off to their teacher, hoping to get praise. What they will get is a reprimand, or worse. They will then hate the teacher, and all further lessons by her, will be ignored.
JosF… the BBC may be lacking in Common Sense, but not Common Purpose.
Looks like bias to me – those ladies are clearly very upset about Trump’s wall – subtext – “How dare he be so bigoted and racist as to want to stop illegal immigrants coming in – We all agree with these ladies don’t we children?”
Usual unrepresentative, propagandist drivel being pumped out 24×7 by the monster we have to pay for.
Synchro gnome
What amazes me is that it has ‘passed muster’ with the government and all our MPs ? As I have posted on this site before, its almost as if they are complicit with the bias.
Taffman – Cameron definitely was. He did ball-all about immigration, was pro-EU and followed the man-made global warming crowd like a sweaty sheep in need of a good shearing.
That is an insult to sheep
If Trump wants some ideas for designs for a wall with which to keep out illegals coming in to the US from Mexico Maybe Donald Trump should ask his Mexican counterpart for the design of the wall that Mexico built on its southern border to err keep out illegals coming in from Guatemala, Just dont tell the SJW’s the beeboids and guardianistas that. Though I hear the saudis are also building a wall on their northern border to er keep out illegals as well.
What’s with the young Asian men filing the nails of a couple of blokes? And at the end of their ‘hard Brexit’ conversation one of them says ‘We’ll just be like North Korea then’.
And the conversations about Donald Trump’s wall – unadulterated sixth form adolescent angst.
The whole trailer was nothing but BBC leftist propaganda dressed up as quirky comic clips.
They remind me of those childish student protest movements of the Sixties.
The Asian men section is quite important. Hundreds and hundreds of ‘Nail Bars’ have popped up in Britain in recent years. Many of those working in them are actually Chinese or Vietnamese illegal immigrants, often in debt to people smuggling gangs and working for a pittance until it is paid off. But this particular ‘benefit of diversity’ is not something the BBC would like you to know about, hence the smokescreen of using British Chinese with recognisable and familiar accents.
We had a nail bar where I live in Cumbria, turned out to be a money laundering exercise for a cannabis farm.
WB – They then perform a similar laundering function to the delightful: curry houses; kebab shops and taxi firms by which our high streets have been so “enriched”over the last few decades.
I really object to the programme title. It will be an Orwellian “Common Sense” – and the message of acceptable views will be reinforced. Not funny in the slightest.
‘Common Sense’.
‘Common Purpose’.
See what they did there?
Yes, I saw this today and thought it was absolutely outrageous. Has the BBC reached peak bias?
Ooh look, it turns out that “Common People” was announced at the same time as the hilarious (not) “Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back” in the weeks following the referendum result.
I bet the BBC execs were unable to think about anything else at the time.
Laugh at it. It is patronising BBC drivel and worthless.This year watch the BBc finally implode.
Remember the old British Railways sandwich joke. That is how we will see the BBc years end.
And coming up on the BBC tonight we have Silent Witness whose plot revolves around the murders of Syrian refugees, a documentary about the difficulties refugees and asylum seekers face in the UK and a film about a cross-dresser.
And that was just from the Telegraph’s ‘choice’ of what’s on, without delving into the programme schedules.
To think we are forced to pay for this unadulterated wall-to-wall right-on leftist propaganda.
He! he ! he ! on BBC4 a film called Albert Nobbs, where Glenn Close spends most of the film dressed as a man !!
Yes I watched Silent Witness tonight,making illegal immigrants to look like innocent victims and the Police and anti immigration force look bad,also made a woman on hospital A&E reception look bad for asking for a mame and address etc.
On the Beeb web site there is an article
Garden villages: Locations of first 14 announced
Whats good is there is a comments section open and the commentators clearly have answered the question: Why do we need to concrete the countryside with new houses? Its cos of the demand stupid – loads of new arrivals. The Beeb of course is incapable of joining the dots.
Happy New Year!
Well, they are more than capable of joining the dots: they just don’t want to and they certainly don’t want the public to do so. They’d much rather deny that the dots even exist and anyone who says otherwise is a dotist.
The BBC and ‘green’; always illuminating.
Here’s Rog the Dodge in fine form:
I’m surprised he didn’t just block them, which seems BBC SOP When cornered these days.
I thought it was all the old folks fault for not dying. Selfish buggers.
Don’t they know their home could be used to house a load of 30 year old Muslim children.
If we are taking in an admitted, so the number will be far higher, 330,000 known immigrants per year net, how many houses must be built to just stand still never mind housing our own population.
Soooo fed up with the endless BBC bias, especially Radio 4 which seems to have brainwashed many of my acquaintance. None of the “virtuous” claptrap they all spout stands up to the slightest logical scrutiny, and they are all more furious than ever about Brexit and Trump and populism (otherwise known as democracy) – listeners and broadcasters alike all worked up in a lather of incomprehension.
We need to fight back using the Left’s terminology. “No Diversity at the BBC!” Over and over again, until they stop shivering with righteous indignation and are forced to admit we need Diversity of Opinion on the airwaves. As suggested in an earlier post, some weighty – uninterrupted or ridiculed – insights from right of centre. Then, things might start to make sense.
PS. This Breitbart piece and comments are music to the ear (though I know it’s preaching to the choir over there): http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/01/02/bbcs-impartiality-questioned-following-evidence-of-eu-funding/
From the ‘Every time I switch on R4 there’s an agenda being pushed down my throat’ department.
‘Today’, about 6.15, some alarmist drivelling on about Trump’s views on ‘climate change’ policy and how the likes of China and Germany are standing firm on theirs and how all countries should follow their example if mankind is to survive and how 97% of scientists tell us man-made CO2 is the cause of of it all and…and…
Then over to…..here I was expecting some ‘balance’…..Roger Horrorbag who gave us more of the same.
Unchallenged opinions, uneducated views, unbalanced coverage of a hypothetical threat which world leaders have so far spent over $1,000,000,000,000 in ‘fighting’.
Within a minute of switching on, I’d switched off.
When the lights start going out and the old and vulnerable are dying, I hope someone, somewhere, holds the BBC to account for the part they played through their ideology-driven, reckless coverage of global warming – in the courts, of course.
In the meantime, we can only hope Trump goes for it with the full bugle.
I suppose causational climate scientists comprise less than 3 percent of all scientists. But there is no evidence that Roger Harrabin, or anyone at the BBC, has asked any relevant scientists, how the World can limit Global Warming to under 2 Kelvin. I have 0.76 Kelvin for 100 years up till 1997, and any increase since 1997, due to amendments which come out just before United Nations Climate Conferences, which then are followed by leaks by scientists implying wide scale scientific fraud, involving pushing down temperatures before 1997, and pushing up temperatures since 1997, and which is now under investigation by a US Congressional committee, whose Chairman has now been appointed by Trump, to expose all.
But all we can ascertain, with proof from the participants of that Climate Science seminar, is that the BBC asks Environmental activists what scientists think, but Environmental activists don’t ask causational Climate scientists any intelligent questions, if any at all, and if they do, and they don’t say yes, they get bullied or worse of all, forcibly retired. So Trumps Presidency could help lift this form of Liberal Fascist repression in the scientific community in America, which could then help scientists in Britain to recover some confidence in taking on the BBC in a Judicial Review.
Also we have just had a Climate Science Conference in London with Causational Climate scientists, but without being corrupted by the presence of Environmental Activists, Journalists, Political Activists, Politicians or Administrators of Climate Change Organisations, unlike a big Climate Change conference in Paris. But I am sure Britain could follow China, by opening lots of coal fired power stations, every month.
You can hear Roger Harrabin’s moronic take on reality, “The Trump Card” repeated at 8pm tomorrow, on Radio 4. But sometime in the future, the BBC Trust may respond to complaints from causational climate scientists, or the BBC Trust will be abolished, or the BBC will face a Judicial Review, or Brexit will happen, or Teresa May will never do anything, for ever and ever more.
But I would think it safe to say that the evidence is now clear that Carbon Dioxide does not cause any Global warming on Mars and Venus, and therefore the Earth, using that non-thermodynamic formula in computer models. That’s why Climate Change correlates with the length of the Solar Cycle.
And viewers continue to desert Al Beeb in droves….. e.g. Sherlock Series 4 Episode 1 The Six Thatchers 8m, a drop of about a third from Series 3.
In order to update the original version- the Six Napoleons, writer Gatiss chose Margaret Thatcher (spitting image style) to have her image smashed half a dozen times. A cheap, childish ,lefty jibe- but of course !
And meanwhile (beware, plot spoiler follows if you have not watched this tosh already) the villain turns out to be:
yes yet another traitor in the SIS- right wing of course and not the Cambridge style lefties of the 1950s. But then it always is corrupt British agents or police, or military wot dunnit, or wicked capitalists, and no, there is no threat from a global jihad.
Like the episode of ‘Spooks’ a couple of years back where the bomb-planting terrorist turned out to be a right-wing Christian fundamentalist.
The BBC has become a parody of itself.
I agree Gunner. And let us not forget that Gatiss works very nicely with his chum Steven Moffat who, as has previously been mentioned on this site turned Dr Who into some sort of feminist/leftist/minoritist/whingeist indoctrination platform. We can’t expect any common-man appeal from this pair of BBC chaps. Talking of Dr Who – everyone who works at the BBC is like an Auton – all sharing a single Nestene consciousness without the ability to think for themselves. They must have a strict rota for passing round the brain cell.
Whilst I would like to agree with you that this is the year – the long running, unfunny corporate joke (called the BBC) implodes – I would not hold my breath on this one.
It must be remembered that we still have a government in power that bottled the charter review and still seems to be very keen to be seen as a “media friendy” nice party.
Nice I think means always agreeing with the BBC and never disagreeing with any left wing holy cows (no matter how much they defecate over our strawberries)
Whilst I think the decline for the BBC is now pretty much a foregone conclusion . I do believe the current administration (and especially the teezer) lacks the will and strength to take on the BBC and I am afraid it will continue with its outrageous propaganda until the next election has been fought and lost by the left.
When it becomes obvious that the majority of people have stopped getting news from this marxist organisation only then will our “brave” Churchillian politicians feel confidant enough to take the BBC on.
Remember we have a government that still appears to think that it is a good idea that Max”party boy” Mosely becomes a newspaper regulator. So why should the Tories show any more spine about dealing with the BBC?
Sorry to be a a bucket of cold water – But it seems to me that until the Prime Minister actually has the balls to start calling the MSM (and in particular the BBC) out on its outrageous conduct then we are still a long way from a solution.
We just need to keep up the pressure until even the teezer is embarrassed into taking on this self serving gang of lefties. However this may well be another election away.
I’m afraid I long ago gave up any hope of BBC reform under any of the three main political parties. The Tories, in particular, are terrified of the BBC – so terrified that they have twice now elected leaders deemed to be media-friendly (well, relatively speaking).
If we want real change we are going to have to completely break the mould and either elect a radically different party, or get such a party so close to power that it terrifies the Conservatives into remembering what they are supposed to stand for.
Oak and GC,
The Tories are finished. I cannot see any resurrection possible for that corpse. It started dying with Major, continued by Cameron and May is, probably , the final nail in the coffin of the Conservative Party.
There are still some good people in there , but they are not fighting. Just talking.
I think you are right Grant
The Tories dont seem to really believe in anything these days apart from soundbites. Even with brexit they still appear to be blowing hot and cold – they know what people voted for yet they seem unable to even focus on a simple thing where people have already clearly expressed an opinion. – Maybe they are trying to create a climate of low expectations. Who knows.
As I have said on earlier posts if only UKIP could get their act together we would get the policies we need not the policies that are media acceptable.
Spot on ! Tories are a total busted flush, unless there is a spectacular putsch, which is doubtful. If UKIP can get their act together, it is there for the taking .
Yep, the Tories are truly dead. Not an original thought in their thick heads now since the seventies, unable to trounce quite the worst lefty opposition even known…even Brown and Corbyn stay possible compared to chinless nomarks like Hunt and Grayling.
Jacob Rees Mogg apart, with a nod to some old stagers like Philip Davies and Bill Cash-the Tories really need finishing. And sense May and her rail hikes, her Brexit moonshine may well be a key to seeing them binned as any kind of political force.
You have said it all ( Hat tip to Steve Harley ! ). Totally spot on . As we would say in Bonnie Scotland ” They are neeps rotting in the field ” .
To quote Steve ” So many lies “
Steve is an Anglican High Church kind of Tory I believe.
And he overstayed his welcome on the recent Simple Minds gig on the BBC-which put the bloated poltroons in their place I feel.
So Steves OK….as he sang “what have they done to the blues”?
Well-they let Heseltine speak for them…that`s ONE think they did wrong!
He is waiting to be called by the Conservatives. This has precedence – Churchill.
Farage has no fear of the BBC, no respect for the BBC, and has a few favours he would like to pay back the BBC.
Or stop paying the TV licence.
How about this for contrast?
2030 BBC2 An Island Parish. 97% black population. A problem? No. what do you expect in Anguilla? A delightful monocultural, integrated community.
2100 BBC1 Silent Witness. Where we are expected to be sympathetic to illegal immigrants, being turned inside out by the people traffickers.
Maybe this is the bBBC’s idea of balance. It’s not mine.
Sympathy for the illegal migrants but none for the rape victims or Christmas market shoppers.
Em that was a bad example, cos that prog was half about 2 white immigrants.
I’m guessing that the Cornish woman was somehow a friend of the producer.
I wouldn’t have minded hearing from more black locals like the priest and singers.
Development Minister Gerd Müller warned that the biggest refugee movements to Europe are still to come. He said that only 10% of the migrants from the chaos in Iraq and Syria have reached Europe so far: “Eight to ten million migrants are still on the way.”
With children and grandchildren I am having a nightmare at such information, at the same time the BBC is having a wet dream…
Germany is fucked,just hope the UK doesn’t get that bad.
We are slow to anger, WB. But God help them when we do!
The problem was that the British, Russians and US did not destroy the Germans after WW2 . Now , we are all going to watch them sinking. No-one will help them now .
The problem was that the last real German males all died Stalingrad.
I can’t imagine the descendants of such men permitting the mass rape and sexual abuse of their wives; daughters; mothers; sisters and sons, in their own country, by immigrants from Third World cesspools.
Al, yes , there are no real men in Germany now.
Demographics will finish Germany off as a ethnic German nation. German young men in the 16 -30 cohort will be outnumbered very soon and that is it. End of Germany.
This leaves only three questions
1. Did Merkel and her buddies know this all along?
2. What in that case is the real motive?
3. How can the rest of Europe protect itself against a very different and possibly unstable new Germany?
Nobody in Germany can ask these questions. it is now exactly like the old USSR. A post free speech society.
Good points Dave. Your no’s 1 & 2 are particularly interesting and have been puzzling me for some time: if the people who govern us all and control everything which happens around us, and are pretty damn clever – which I say without irony – what the fckng h3ll are they planning? I just don’t believe that Merkel didn’t know what she was doing last year when she opened the floodgates. Is there a text book, written by some highly respected academic thinker and handed out to university Politics students which extols the virtues of a vast single-race country called Europe, where every different world culture can be taught to live harmoniously after 2’or 3 generations of interbreeding? Possibly more likely is a very cynical, secret policy of cutting the worlds population (Google ‘World Cull’ and see what that turns up) but the way Merkel and the Europeans are going about it doesn’t seem to be very well thought out – ‘mowing the grass’ in white Europe isn’t the way to solve an over populated world…
UN Article 21.
Number 7 is spot on. Anyone who is a regular here and has never heard of UN agenda 21 needs to read up on it quick – all the global warming and immigration madness will then make sense.
Here’s a pretty good synopsis:
Shapster, there is a theory about the plans you mention, it’s called the Coudenhove kalergi plan. (Plenty of info online). It’s a favourite of internet conspiracy theorists, but a lot of it does seem to reflect what’s currently happening. I’ve also heard theories about the desire of large corporations to create a unified trade bloc known as ‘Eurabia’ which would unify Europe, north Africa and the near and middle East.
I’ve followed this story a little and concluded that, surely, no one could be insane enough to pay it any serious attention?
Then again, I run into US corporations and bodies who deal with an entity they insist on calling ‘EMEA’ (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and that brings me up with a start.
As to what Merkel and the like think they are playing at, it seems so self-destructive that perhaps only a bonkers conspiracy theory could possibly explain it.
GCooper, my own theory is that Merkel was told by some bean-counters in government that unless the population of Germany was increased, the economy (and pensions) would be in serious trouble. Germans are not going to breed any more (even Hitler had trouble getting them to do that). The creation of new markets (economic ‘lebensraum’) via the expansion of the EU into the Ukraine and Greece failed spectacularly, so the only way was via immigration. Germany’s previous attempts were not particularly successful (eg the gastarbeit scheme for Turks) so something new needed to be tried.
The crisis in Syria however created the perfect reason to import millions of immigrants; how could anyone object, since Germany was helping the suffering people and in the process atoning for the second world war?
I could believe it, were it not for the very obvious dangers of Germany being swamped and effctively being bred out of relevance as a consequence. Is Merkel even conceivably so stupid as not to have realised that was a possibility? Germans are very thorough in their reasoning (however flawed it can be at times) and I simply cannot believe that no one explained to Merkel what would happen to Germany’s demographics if she went ahead.
At which point I throw my hands up in despair and start considering that she was once an active member of the Communist Party, that beneath its burnished logical exterior, Germany can be a very strange country, and start wondering if some of the conspiracy theories may not have a germ of truth in them, after all.
GCooper, the excellent book ‘Operation Mincemeat’ about MI5’s department of dirty tricks in WW2 sheds some light on this. The British had a department solely devoted to second-guessing Jerry, trying to detect their fatal flaw.
They found that the achilles heel was a refusal to accept that they could be wrong – familiar to students of the classics as ‘overreaching’ – the essence of all tragedy. The British used this to deceive the Germans over the location of the second front in 1944.
Of course, history is written by the victors and this may all be nonsense but I suspect this over-reaching is Merkel’s fatal flaw, a refusal to accept that her grand plan could have anything wrong with it. History shows this again and again with leaders, particularly German ones. Take Hitler for example – convinced he could conquer Russia despite Napoleon having tried and failed.
If Germany’s lack of young folks and the negative impact that would have in the long run was the driver for Frau Merkel why didn’t she merely invite some of the millions of young Southern Europeans that the Euro has left high and dry to move to Germany.That surely would have been the true EU solution and avoided all of the so obvious and so predictable problems that millions of Muslims will bring? There has to be another driver for this insane decision but what? I keep coming back a possible reason as being that she , in common with many other current western politicians, really does believe all this liberal left dangerous nonsense about multiculturalism being the way forward, that mass migration is inevitable , that nations states have had their day etc etc. They may believe this with the fervour of religious nutcases but surely a moments thought would have warned them that Islam is not a good bedfellow of liberalism and that millions of Muslims would bring massive enduring problems to Germany. Mind you the same arguments didn’t give Blair pause for thought did it. Mekels crimes are of the same order of magnitude as his but at least hers are in the open , not done in secret as was Labours mass immigration policy in the late 90s.
I must admit, I have the same doubts as Doublethinker. I also share his/her contempt for Blair and for the same reasons.
There is no doubt that the liberal Left has lost its sanity over multiculturalism and self-loathing and that has driven some of the immigration folly. But the dangers were so obvious that even a child would have foreseen them.
So why didn’t they? And if they did and still went ahead… then we are in very murky waters indeed.
UN Agenda 21/Club of Rome.
Once you understand them and realise just about every western leader (and the BBC) is signed up, everything becomes clear – one world eco-socialist government, basically.
Doublethinker, you make some good points. I must stress my theory is only a theory – I believe Merkel and other Germans are also motivated by the idea of creating a great big happy multi-culti melting pot and are naive enough to believe it can be done through mass immigration from the near east.
As for importing southern Europeans, my guess is this wouldn’t work because a. it would simply spread EU citizens around, rather than creating new ones, and b. EU citizens with links to other countries are probably less likely to stay in Germany than those from non-EU countries which have effectively been destroyed.
Importing southern Europeans and providing employment to the millions of young, unemployed Spanish and Portuguese would not have realised the vision of the first winner of the Charlemange prize, one Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi.
Never forget that Merkel was, probably still is a card carrying communist from East Germany. “Once a communist, always a communist” or dead.
Well, yes, she was. But so were many Russians, and you certainly don’t find a lot of multiculturalism in Russia, nor did you before the collapse of the Soviet Union, believe me!
Merkel’s past may hold some clues to her present derangement but communism alone couldn’t account for it.
Perhaps she`s overcompensating for her East German past….
“Open borders” is more a liberal, free trade position taken to its logical extreme rather then a Soviet Communist (or East German) line.
Our lefties are so daft they don`t realise this.
There are good reasons to believe that the East German regime wold never have given in but for the Russians forcing it to do so. Merkel was a part of that regime.
Saw some clever German bloke say recently that he thought that The United Germany of 1990 had previously come to some kind of “Truth and Reconciliation” consensus re their Nazi past. Can`t say that I noticed it myself-but he`s a German who lived through those times, whereas I`m not(and was only a lefty idiot in the build up to the Wall falling in Berlin).
So he`ll be correct I`d say.
BUT-after the Reunification-there was no serious effort to make the East Germans come to terms with what they had done. And no efforts to get the former victims of the DDR to seek restitution or publicity. They had a Euro and Maastrict to contend with for media interest, and Kohl got the “right result” as far as his EU pact with Mitterand was concerned.
Yet again-the Left absolved, and probably thinking that they were at “comfort letters” status-hence their overweening arrogance and contempt for democracy today in the EU(and in its money pit that is Germany).
Until we confront and settle with what the Lefts history was-and how we STILL have to deal with the Red Snake today in all our dealings-then we`re doomed to repeat what the Left now feel is their right and entitlement…with Islam to light the tar babies, by way of “diversity and illumination”.
Thank God we lived through it all-our history will save us if we act on the trends it`s presenting by the day.
In an article published in June 2016 in the Zeit, Schäuble, the finance minister says ” die Abschottung ist doch das was uns kaputt macht, was uns in Inzucht degenerieren liesse” (separating ourselves from the rest of the world is what is destroying us, what will see our degeneration through inbreeding). The Germans are now the “inferior race”, that need fresh blood to survive. Just because Hitlerite racist theories were wrong, it is just as crazy to think that some weird converse may be correct. So the answer to 1) is yes, it is deliberate policy. Schäuble also talks about the “innovative potential” of the 3rd generation of Turkish immigrants. This seems like pure fantasy, if you consider the current academic performance of those with a muslim Migrationshintergrund. Even the German BBCs are now putting the dampeners on the refugee euphoria. Drehscheibe had an African refugee explaining how difficult it was for him to get up at six o’clock in the morning for work – such uncivilised practices were unknown in his country.
Asking for a real motive presupposes that some clever subterfuge is behind it all, but I am truly baffled and can only see some grotesque mirror image of Hitlerian craziness.
Thank you for that, ID – it was very interesting. My apologies for only just having caught up with your response.
The BBC are fearful of Trump and Farage. Both will make things happen in Britain.
Farage has been invited to Trump’s Inaugueration on the 20th of this month. He won’t be there as a bystander.
I watch and wait with interest.
Here is someone else who is also going to the party……
The Libtards wont like it!
Taffman, it seems Ms Ferguson will only sing if she is allowed to perform ‘Strange Fruit’ a song about black people being lynched. If Trump refuses the offer, he will of course be branded ‘racist’. It’s a lefty trap.
I posted before that it gives Trump a great chance to point out that, historically, the Democrats supported slavery and the Republicans opposed it. ( a bit more complicated than that, but Trump can get a propaganda coup out of this ).
And, of course, he can point out that, just like Obama, Rebecca’s father was black and her mother white !
Good point Grant. I suspect the Donald and his advisors are clever enough to play the lefties at their own game. Mr Trump should invite the young lady to sing and introduce the song by mentioning the facts you have pointed out. It was the Republicans who introduced anti-lynching legislation in the 1920s and the Democrats who opposed it until Roosevelt made it illegal in 1939.
Yes. I reckon they have got it sussed out. I don’t know much about the background of Trump’s team but they do seem to have been out and about in the “real world “, so shouldn’t miss many tricks.
What’s good is that Trump and Farage seem to get on. Mr Farage will be able to point out the problems with UK media that Mr Trump may not be so aware of.
Perhaps Nigel can persuade Donald to use the CIA to destabilise the BBC. Not bothered how it’s done, just close the BBC down.
Must be more than a few million quid in BBC real estate particularly in London not to mention the equipment and vehicles so something could be salvaged from the long overdue demise of the BBC, The BBC staff on the other hand would struggle to get jobs as burger flippers when introduced to life in the real world, the real world that the rest of us who are not beebiods, guardianistas, leftards etc acytually live in, Not some beebiod, guardianista, leftard fantasy
Noted that an earlier thread was divided about the Jo Fidgen Radio 4 programme on “post truth”.
Having heard nearly all of it now, I have to say it`s yet another biased disgrace-starts with some twerp who wants a grant , and is using this show to get it. The rest is full of set up set pieces for Remain,for those who don`t want Trump. All the usual soundbites and backdrops we`ve all got used to re “experts” re “350 million” and Trump by passing the brains and making us all racist and stupid.
Utter quasi-cod science mealy-mouthed gloop…oh God, she`s onto “climate change” now. Can`t imagine what Jo`s verdict will be-let alone who`ll she`ll choose to tell us why it`s NOT “post-truth”, but “settled scientific fact”.
Mardell tweeted
\\ A post truth world ? (link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b086nzlg) bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08… Really sophisticated, intriguing take with @WirelessJo on radio 4. Worth a 2nd listen //
I can see why Lefties like him liked the prog cos although final 1 min conclusion was correct the first 44 min was carefully contructed false- narrative
The whole thing was ProgLefties PROJECTING their own sins of using fake assertions and intimidation …onto people who oppose ProgLefty dogma
Saying people who mention £350m, or challenge Global Warming dogma, or believe no opinion should be just accepted even it comes from experts … are Post Truthers .
When on Twitter 30% were saying this prog is a parody of itself, how can anyone bring on Stephan Lewandowsky without dealing with that his publisher had to get him to retract a paper cos the data was a least partially faked , which a peer reviewed paper clearly documented.
Divided, chris, only in that we all think it had failings but do not go really way over the top in our description “The rest is full of set up set pieces for Remain,for those who don`t want Trump.”. That is not how I heard the programme content.
The £350m? Yes, that was one of the curious omissions because during the Referendum campaign, I recall the BBC examining that claim and finding it was almost exactly right, if anything fractionally understated. Jo Fidgen omitted to mention that. A missed Brownie point there! She did correctly point out that it only affected some Remain campaigners, leaving it to mere implication that it had no effect on the outcome of the Referendum. Another revealing omission.
Never personal Up2Snuff, as you`ll know.
Yes, guilty re the OTT rap-if I could draw better cartoons, I`d do them instead, seeing as it`s all grotesques and caricatures these days when it comes to the BBC.
Thankfully-hardly ever listen, but their snooty cool analysis of a problem which they have both created and conflated into their usual slurry-well, it was too much!
Thankfully the likes of Steve Wright and Ken Bruce allow me to relax and laugh…hope Brian Matthew is doing OK, can`t afford to lose him yet!
AND-did like Rob Brydons show on Elvis-learned quite a lot, and when the BBC do this kinda thing-well, I`ll confine myself to barracks…until then….
Right. It’s time to fence in all BBC land space, turn out the libtard snowflakes and convert it into so-called refugee housing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_BBC_properties
Lucy, do they pay Business Rates on that lot or do they have some sort of exemption?
BBC Online News:
“”Argentina: Uproar as new year message omits disputed Falklands””
“”Former combatants and social media users said the message was offensive to those who died in the 1982 war”” (Any evidence, BBC?).
BBC stirring the pot again and again re the Falklands war. Not mentioned by Sky News.
BBC/Left always pro Argentina as regards the Falklands war.
DS, if the Beeb are like that they perhaps should start using the correct name for ‘the Falklands’ in Argentina – the Malvinas.
Argentinians do not recognise the names The Falklands or Falkland Islands.
Last five minutes of the execrable Toady Show this morning has Nick Robinson telling us that Brexit will be REALLY difficult.
Thankfully-a REAL patriot and businessman, a man who hopefully owes me for all the fine booze and decent prices that I`ve quaffed this holiday-is on hand to deal with Thick Nick.
Always good to hear a public sector troughing rich kid with a big gob and no brain telling us all how hard Brexit will be…as if HE`S ever negotiated anything that mattered.
Heard a few minutes before this-and the BBC fussing over how the Chinese will “deal with Trump”…and there you go.
The two major superpowers need the BBC to stop the traffic and let them think the madness through-all of which will be on Trumps side.
Such presumption-thankfully I can go to CCTV and Pat Buchanan for their plans…why the heck would the BBC know a jot about all this?
Total dummies and dhimmies.
I used to think that BBC drama was streets ahead of ITV (I am talking a long time ago). But I just watched Halycon Hotel on ITV and perceived nothing about it agenda driven. Compared to Sherlock last night with all its ‘tributes’ to Mrs Thatcher in its script, this was just drama for dramas sake. A pleasure to watch.
The clearest contrast over Christmas was between ITV’s Maigret and the BBC’s Witness for the Prosecution. Maigret displayed the quality of its production in almost evry scene and was designed to tell a story. Witness was a sick joke, riddled with barely concealed messages and designed to nudge our thinking in the “correct” direction .
I watched Maigret and thought that Rowan Atkinson came across so well. Really impressed. Watched the beginning of Witness for the Prosecution – a short story I know well, and found scenes from the First World War. As that seemed to have nothing to do with it but merely used (exploited) to add weight and seriousness I turned it off at that point.
The only things of the BBC’s miserable output over the christmas/new year holiday that I thought worth watching was the Royal institute christmas lectures and Flying Scotsman’s [Almost} non-stop trip along the Severn Valley Railway apart from that the less said the better about the rest of the BBC’s truly dire christmas/new year output
And the New Year’s Day Concert from Vienna. The Institute lectures were a bit tainted by green twaddle, I thought. But I must admit I did laugh at the Peter Pan pantomime on New Year’s Eve – genuinely funny and managed to steer clear of Trump and brexit etc. etc..
Two Flying Scotsman programmes on the BBC (One Michael Portillo`s Great British Railway Journey`s ) & The New Years Day Concert from Vienna, the last of a dying breed of Hideously White Only TV , from the BBC. Enjoy it before they decide how to make them more Hideously Non White ,because, for sure they will try, & shoehorn ethnics into these shows, as soon as possible!
“”Thankfully-a REAL patriot and businessman, a man who hopefully owes me for all the fine booze and decent prices that I`ve quaffed this holiday-is on hand to deal with Thick Nick””
Tim Martin of Wetherspoons I presume?
He is a Brexit hero. He stated a few weeks ago that if the French and Germans became difficult, he would cancel his purchases of their products. And he means it.
Perhaps Lord Farage could invite him to Trump’s Inauguration on the 20th? What a ‘do’ that would be! Could you and I be included?
By strange coincidence I was reading Tim Martins Brexit article on pg 2 of the Wetherspoon’s magazine … when he came on.
Farage is on LBC until 1am
Thanks, Stew. Listening now.
Sky is almost as biased as the BBC.
“”The millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump will soon find out if they were right to believe his campaign promises – or if they have fallen for the greatest mind trick in political history””
I have registered a complaint with Sky.
We can only hope that when Murdoch finally takes full control they will be handing out a lot of p45s.
Having said that, bearing in mind what a tepid cesspit of liberal drivel the Times has become, I’m not optimistic.
Cancelling the sub may have more impact.
Dunno if anyone else has mentioned it and I can’t be arsed going through all the comments but… Sherlock. One of England’s greatest ever fictional characters was made to look like a drug-addled numpty in the last series whose victories were always under control of his “big brother”.
This new series looks like BBC attempting to re-write the narrative.
The latest series began with an episode loosely based on Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes story “Six Napoleons”.
The BBC seemed to deem it necessary to replace Napoleon’s buste with something else (for some unknown reason) and decided that it should be Margaret Thatcher who gets smashed to smithereens.
The programme has disappeared so far up its own arse that it could have been Mickey Mouse bustes they were smashing but no… it had to be Thatcher, of all people.
Tony Blair would have been more fitting were they to go down that route.
This outfit seriously needs to be deprived of its licence asap. They’re long past the point where they’re becoming offensive.
I have no problem with being offended but please don’t force me to pay for it.
While our present government behaves like Nero and ‘fiddles’ on ….
Maybe we’d be better off with that tramp who lives in the kind of house us mere mortals can only dream of…
Good post Anthem,
Would the BBC have used busts of Nelson Mandela’s head to smash?
I think not.
Anthem, I and some others have mentioned this programme. Whenever Lady T appears in a BBC programme, I always watch closely because you just know that a political point is about to be scored. Conan Doyle’s original story, as you correctly point out, was about busts of Napoleon. A meglomaniac dictator who tried to take over Europe a few decades before the story was set. So a modern equivalent would be someone like Hitler or Stalin, not Thatcher. But of course to the Beeboid mindset, Thatcher = Hitler so I suppose it makes sense.
You are correct about the programme disappearing up its own ar*se. Smug, self-referencing north London liberals smirking their way through a tedious rom-com plot based only very loosely on one of English literature’s great creations. I feel like watching a Jeremy Brett adaptation just to take the nasty taste away. ‘MRS HUDSON! Fetch the DVD player!’
Ah Jeremy Brett – the definitive Sherlock in my opinion with Basil Rathbone coming up a close second. B.Cumberbotch may well be a half decent actor, and he’s made his name with this role, but he’s become far too precious for his own good now.
I’ve been listening to Farage on LBC this evening.
He’s brilliant. May could and would not have dared to have done this.
Farage is intellectually, verbally and morally far superior to PM May.
My own view is that the EU will collapse well before May’s secretly planned fluffy Brexit in 2058.
Farage used to be a Conservative Party member. He could have toed he party line for the last 25 years but chose to follow his morals.
As a result, he probably cost himself a lot of money, prestige and respect.
Notice how he was completely overlooked (again) in the new year’s honours list despite his achievements for the country?
HOWEVER… right is right and the people KNOW when right is right.
He’ll probably never become Prime Minister (although I’d vote for him in a heartbeat) but he will be remembered long after so many of the also rans from all the present parties are forgotten.
Even those who will be remembered alongside him will be remembered in the same way that Hitler is still remembered.
History will bestow the honours upon Farage that he truly deserves.
He’s a great man.
Churchill too left the conservative party, till they needed him.
It might be the case for Farage too.
Most Tory MPs would rather sit in opposition without Farage than in government with him.
The reason is that Farage’s 25 years in public life standing up for what he believes in, often alone and the butt of ridicule, reveal them starkly for the vacuous careerists and virtue-signallers that they are.
And Tory Top Brass all want to be Leader. Why make that prospect even more remote by welcoming into the competition a politician who is more successful, recognised (including globally), charismatic and faster on his feet?
Human organisations (whether political, business or other) tend not to reward those who overtly challenge The System. This is why Farage won’t be Ambassador to the Court of The Donald, hasn’t been elevated to the Lords and – unlike your long-serving local lollipop lady – has no letters after his name yet.
Would Farage actually want to work with the Tories, if invited? Is the Conservative “party machine” with its old established ways of doing things more of a hindrance than a help in the social media age?
Might not a UK Podemos / Pegida / Tea Party funded by Aaron Banks & Co be a better bet? It would certainly be more fun, and Farage likes to enjoy himself.
Too many people worry over Nigel.
He is already established as second only to Churchill as The Man Who Saved Britain” in our lifetimes…and , much as we can rate Maggie…she did NOT do what she did without a lot of help and Nigel had to get us out of what she`d left in no small part( Heseltine,Clarke, Gunmmer and Major to name a few!).
So Nigel is THE Man Of the People for as long as he`s with us…bet he doesn`t have to ever buy a pint these days, and bet Tim Martin at `spoons helps out too.
THESE are our heroes-fuck sport and celebrity, fuck politics and horse trading gob jockeys who hate him.
I see Nigel as untamed and a free spirit able to roam the pitch as the “libero” of Team England…way too good for management, just build your team around him and let him play as he likes!
That picture of Himself and Donald?…picture of 2016, and THE Christmas card picture that brings the Left out in hives…same again next Christmas then?
I once saw Nigel Farage in a JDW in West London , near Heathrow . There was a By Election on in Feltham . NF , was only on softies ,that day . No real ale pints in hand !
I love dogs but I do not have a dog. but if I did , it would be superior to Treezeer
Ullo, Ullo, Ullo, what’s going on ere then ? Is there a connection ?
“Man dies in police M62 shooting in Huddersfield”………
“More arrests over Bradford police car shooting”
Just men, with no connection to anyone. Move on. Nothing to see.
Shwmae taffman – the clue is in the word “man”.
Can’t they see that we can see through the mist?
BBC US & Canada lead story
Top Republican fears future under Trump
Donald Trump makes top Republican fear environmental future
A leading US Republican …
That would be this Republican …
Gov. Whitman: Why Clinton is the only choice for president | Opinion
According to Wikipedia her last political office, was as head of the EPA back in 2003, so 13 years ago.
So, what makes her now a top or leading Republican? Or is it just the BBC scraping the barrel?
Recommended by Horrorbin.
He seems to have a problem answering a straight question.
Surprised he didn’t demand Twitter didn’t expedite them for ‘I hate being made to look a twat’ speech
I happened to catch part one of the BBC’s new natural history programme Thailand: Earth’s Tropical Paradise a few days ago. If experience has taught me to expect anything frm BBC Natural History it’s to always expect the worst – the worst kind of hectoring, pro-climate change, anti-human progress environmentalist bullsh*t that has become a hallmark of BBC natural history programming.
Amazingly, the first programme avoided all of that. Instead, we were treated to a 1 hour programme looking at how much of Southern Thailand is now thriving from an ecological point-of-view. Imagine my surprise to find myself watching a BBC nature documentary in which the virtues of good honest (actual) environmentalism (as opposed to the usual leftist politically-driven crap) was not just being celebrated, but being shown to have worked on a variety of different of schemes (reintroduction of coastal mangroves, managing coral reef populations, etc).
I know – I shouldn’t get my hopes up. There are still two further episodes to come. Doubtless at some point the BBC’s Standard Climate Change Lecture will lurch through the door and lazily proceed to ruin all the good work that has preceded it.
A shame, but it’s inevitable. The BBC can’t help itself and it will spoil what has been, in the first hour-long episode at least, a delightful programme. I felt the programme really captured the stunning beauty of Southern Thailand (I know it well) and I’m looking forward to seeing the two further episodes – but why I must I do so with a dull ache in my gut, sure that the BBC will soon be along to spoil its own work?
However, there is still the damn ‘music’ dominating any wildlife (indeed, any documentary) programme. It’s so intolerable, I now mute the sound entirely, switch on the subtitles and enjoy the superlative photography.
Yes, the mindless “Muzak” ruins everything. But also the “clever , clever ” photographic/computer gimmicks. Like everything with the BBC, I assume that even wildlife documentaries are post-truth and cannot be trusted.
Toady programme this morning, just before 9 interviewing a French FN MP and (I think) an Italian MEP about what Marine might do with regard to Schengen. Italian tried to argue that withdrawal would seriously adversely affect France’s trade, inter alia. FN MP said Schengen removal would not affect trade, it is about people movement. Cue termination of conversation, ‘time having run out’!
Project fear is alive and well in the EU.
More news the BBC do not want the public to know and will not broadcast – accurate news on German sex attacks in Germany on New Years Eve: reduced but still occurring –
I was thinking this morning that a pro-EU mouthpiece like the BBC really should be reporting news from Europe far more than they do. I always have to look elsewhere to find out what is happening.
I always look elsewhere for any news…
Lucy Pevensey Given the £22 million that the EU has bunged the BBC since 2007 one would think the BBC would be full of news from its beloved {and paymasters} EU including all the news about the EU that the EU and the BBC would rather we did not find out about all in the legendry BBC sprit of fairness and balance. Oh hangon its the BBC and the EU we are dealing with here, Facts fairness and balance are things neither the BBC or the EU have any understanding of.
Words fail me…….
I didn’t think that in East Germany, from where Merkel appeared from, they countenanced ‘Hippies’ in those days?
I bet Merkel was over the moon that the latest attack was in Turkey and not Germany.
Well, it is back to normal business today on both bbbc and Sky news. Both of them are running, simultaneously extended anti brexit shite.
I know that I am posting to similar minded people on here but the stream of constant anti brexit propaganda is now free and unbridled on both major news channels with no pretence of balance. Will I ever see a pro brexit broadcast on either of these channels? No, don’t answer that, I think I can guess!
So much so that it cannot be me being oversensitive to all of it…..
“Well, it is back to normal business today on both bbbc and Sky news. Both of them are running, simultaneously extended anti brexit shite.”
Serves you right for tuning in!
I watched a decent debate about Trump and the MSM on RT’s Cross Talk. Anything seems to be better than the BBC or SKY. They’re a waste of time.
And BTW, any news on that hit and run in Oldham?
And BTW, any news on that hit and run in Oldham?
Any news on the bacon sandwich at mosque man who died in prison?
Most people who die in prison have a couple of words describing how they died, long before the official whitewash is published.
Makes you think.
Whenever the BBC and most of the MSM go quiet on any story we all know why it is !
Friends! I am pleased and proud to announce that I have now published the answers to my Winterval Season Quiz!
Anyone who can guess all 30 Questions correctly will win a free copy of my forthcoming tome, “Lefty’s Little Read Book Of Literally Literary Delights”.
LLOL ! ” Literally laugh out loud “
Thank you, Friend Grant! Glad you – literally – enjoyed it :).
Yes, I always wanted to have a quiz with answers and you have to guess the questions. I like answer 16 especially !
A little secret between you and me – I did this type of quiz once before! In 1978, in the student newspaper! Well, you know how Lefties are great believers in recycling ;).
Am particularly pleased that quite a few people (on Twitter and Guido, for instance) have singled out particular answers they like. None of them picked the same one, which would have worried me about the other 29!
Question Nine is “Andrew Ridgely”…the less talented one was no major loss?
This quiz is a traditional “must-do”!
Saveed O` Leftward is QUITE “le voix des nos jours”…enjoy him before Eurovision buy up his rebellion!
Friend Chris! As ever, you are – literally – too kind! Please feel free to submit your Question in the comments. It is – literally – close to the mark!
BTW, Friend Son-of-Cassandra has managed to guess all the questions, but there is more than one prize available!
A Happy New Year Dear Leader Support Our Lefty.
Seems to me that quite a few are joining your Revolutionary Cause these days-and I hereby hope that you`ll soon be issuing loyalty cards with those soon to be desired “low numbers” in membership.
Or at least offer us all a lottery raffle or suchlike.
Ironing my North Korean traffic cop outfit as I conduct Shostakovich with the Red Poker that I use to check the bulgar wheat and beetroot borscht that everybody has to eat round here.
Friend Alicia! Thank you so much, and a Happy New Year to you too!
I shall never forget my “early” supporters, such as your good self, and should Lefty’s Little Read Book Of Literally Literary Delights ever – literally – see the light of day, you will all receive a credit in the intro, as well as a gratis copy.
I hope that will be at least as satisfactory as a loyalty card!
Um, a police shooting near Huddersfield last night with the suspect called ‘Mohammed’ but no relation to terrorism ? 20 years ago I might have believed this, but the name Mohammed and police in the same sentence now ????? give me a break.
If it’s not terrorist related, must drugs or other serious crime?
“Yasser” was mentioned on the BBC World at One. Came from Bradford apparently. ‘Mohammed’, ‘Yasser’, what’s the difference anyway, despite the Police stating the shooting was nothing to do with ‘terrorism’, all the ingredients just happen to be in place (apart from child abuse, naturally).
His name was Mohammed Yassar Yaqub aged 27. The bBBC dropped the “Mohammed” for their own reasons.
The BBC, and what they drop, has manifold reasons.
Something here seems missing… for some reason…
Guest – I heard the report about the police shooting this morning on Toady. Maybe it is my own imagination but were they a little too breathless in announcing that the Police Complaints Authority were investigating? (I think they have look into all fatal s as a matter of policy).
Whats the betting that Aunty was hoping and praying that the shot man (not victim) was black and “innocent” so she could go into her normal “black lives matter/police brutality mode. This bloke could then be beautified by Aunty along with other martyrs such as St Mark Duggan the Kind!
Comments just opened on this story:
US Congress: Republicans vote to limit ethics body
Get in there early, because these are the comments that count.
I don’t know what’s really behind the vote, but it’s a good bet the BBC won’t tell you as long as they can imply Trump is up to no good.
A few years ago, I switched to SKY to try and avoid BBC bias. Now they have completely surpassed AlBeeb. This week is NATION DIVIDED week, with wall to wall anti-Brexit propaganda with no counter balance so far. At lunchtime an SNP MP was aloud to spout her claptrap completely unchallenged.
Who is funding this stuff ?
I notice that Sky chose to interview Celtic fans in Glasgow, sadly stating that they would probably vote yes to leave the UK if the Scots held another referendum.
I tweeted Sky pondering why they didn’t interview any Rangers fans. It was rhetorical of course, the Rangers fans might not have provided the narrative Sky wanted to push.
I did enjoy the Asian shopkeeper moaning about recent Eastern Europeans incomers arriving on these shores to claim benefits though. Oh the irony.
And yes Sky is as bad as the beeb, but at least we don’t have to pay for it on pain of a criminal record……….Yet.
I noticed the statistics for that piece of nonsense came from a Sky-poll which, as we saw in June and November last year, is as reliable as one of Lord Melbury’s cheques.
Yes, I saw that, rockefella.
Dreadful old windbag wearing a yellow scarf allowed to give us a lecture with no challenge to her position. She was very interested in talking about Hate Crime because her MP’s office, she told us, is soon to be a Hate Crime Reporting Centre. And yet she also said that Scotland was so different from England because they had a minuscule Hate Crime problem. Did the Sky interviewer pick her up on this and ask why she needed to set up a Hate Crime Reporting Centre if that was the case? Did she heck.
She also admitted that the situation was different in many ways for Scotland, but was not asked to explain further, so that we might have shone some light on her political stance.
The difference is that the SNP and Labour in Scotland are more extremely Left-Wing than their counterparts in England.
Of course hate against the English is not considered a crime in Scotland, nor is hate against UKIPers, Conservatives or unionists. I’m also sure that as the Scottish government is so left-wing it probably doesn’t regard anti-semitism as a hate crime either.
This isn’t an attack on Scots but an attack on left-wingers in Scotland which, of course, includes the government.
I can certainly vouch for an underlying anti-semitism among some Scots, especially in Glasgow and surrounds. Can’t comment on Krankie personally , but she does come from that neck of the woods.
UK-wide, it seems to me that “hate-crime” only applies if it is directed against certain groups and we can all guess which ones !
I wasn’t thinking of Scots but left-wingers who are just as anti-semitic in England, Germany, the USA etc. It’s just that the left seem to have a hold over Scotland at the moment.
I wasn’t thinking of Scots but left-wingers who are just as anti-semitic in England, Germany, the USA etc. It’s just that the left seem to have a hold over Scotland at the moment.
Yes, true, it is a general Left-wing trait and you are right about the Left in Scotland. The only good news is that the SNP and Labour hate each other more than they hate the Tories !
Doesn’t Scotland still have one or two Protestant/Catholic issues that it doesn’t like to talk about?
Globalist Murdoch. We are fighting globalism combined with soft headed liberal left idealism. An unholy combination if ever there was one.
“Who is funding this stuff ?”
You are, but you do have a choice not to. Unlike the bBBC scam.
Not thought of it like that, as we don’t subscribe to SKY. If I did I would be trying to cancel ASAP. I hear it is nigh on impossible ?
At least it’s German taxpayers money, not British. Wait for them to move on to election fraud in due course –
Think you`ll find that they`re NOT stealing it G.
They will be redistributing it.
Or investing it
Or supporting community based projects at home…their homes of course, but it is STILL classed as “foreign aid and charitable spreading of love”.
Hope this helps re-educate us all….
Great news ! On BBC website. “UK’s top EU diplomat Sir Ivan Rogers resigns “. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Who do the BBC turn to for a comment ? Hilary Benn !!! This is a great chance for Treezer to appoint a really hard-line Brexiteer to replace the useless Rogers. And I would suggest someone who is not a Civil Servant or Diplomat.
Arise Sir Nigel. He wouldn’t be very diplomatic though. Or civil. Just right then.
That is just what we need !
He will be offered Brexit pundit in chief job by the BBC, never off the airwaves and free to poison wells ,salt fields, prophesy doom etc. He probably got the job offer before resigned and may have been promised his own ‘Isn’t Brexit Awful’ show .Seriously he probably resigned so as to be able to do more damage outside the tent than inside.
I suspect that he will be better outside the tent. Just another nonentity placeman.
Absolutley. As the architect of the Cameron “deal” he got bugger all from his “superior” diplomatic contacts in Brussels.
Yes, the EU just pissed on Cameron and his wimpos .
Grant – yes, excellent news isn’t it.
Nigel…we have a job for you.
Or we could send them The Mog! Jacob would courteously run rings round them!
And Dan Hannan springs to mind !
But , Treezer will just appoint another weak, Europhiliac wimp . You can bet on that.
Is he getting out just in case he looses his EU pension ?
What interests me is how much ‘analysis’ the BBC website gives this story. Do they normally do that? I don’t recall it much for stories about the ‘Calais Children’ etc.
Did he jump or was he pushed ? Who cares, that wretch has gone !
Classic FM Global Bollocks has just served the echo chamber wisdom on this from… Nick Clegg.
Interestingly, he was almost Hislopian in tying himself in knots alluding to things he has zero evidence to support.
Who listens to Nick Clegg ?
Good question. Begging one why he is served up at the drop of a Brexit by Global, Sky, BBC, etc, on a ‘tell it often enough’ basis.
You could ask, but likely these impartial media would suddenly go for coy and mutter about editorial integrity in refusing to answer, transparently and with trust.
Nigel Farage did – before he destroyed him.
Pushed ?
Nigel is ‘pleased’ to see him go – he should have gone sooner.
Even the Grauniad reports that Nigel recommends a complete clear-out of the Foreign Office !
Am I alone in thinking that, in the total vacuum of any “leadership” from Treezer, Nigel is acting as a surrogate PM ?
Hercules cleaning the Augean stables.
I hope so !
Totally agree Grant – She would probably appoint Nick “wormtonge” Clegg if she could.
I really do not believe she has any interest in a successful brexit – only in micro managing and consolidating her position within the Tory party.
Re Ainley Top / Huddersfield shooting ..
Friends of the deceased have left tributes online demanding answers, as mystery still surrounds the circumstances leading up to his death.
One friend, who asked not to be named, said: “Yasser was a loved man and a loyal friend. He really was a lovely man a family man at that. Nobody’s perfect but he didn’t deserve this.
“He would do anything to help anyone. Why he got shot I don’t know.
“What I do know is he didn’t deserve this, he really didn’t. May Allah protect his family and hope they get justice.”
According to local media the Huddersfield Examiner Mr Yaqub, of Rudding Street, was accused of attempting to murder two men with a gun in 2009. Judge Geoffrey Marson QC, of Bradford Crown Court, acquitted Mr Yaqub of the charges at a trial in September the following year.
Police in West Yorks have a lot to put up with …. certain community members know exactly how to play them with the politically correct victim card. Many times their hands are tied.
It is strange how all victims of crime are always ” lovely people “. Why are unlovely people never victims ?
“Why are unlovely people never victims ?”
Anyone in mind?
That local media has a lot to answer for. Fancy spreading truth and enlightenment. Surely the bBBC should think of the nation and take over such struggling enterprises?
An interesting story. The police have taken deadly action , presumably knowing the target was a Muslim, so they must have been very certain and very worried about he planned to do. After all they were content to let thousands of white girls be raped rather than risk being labelled racist.We can expect the liberal left idiots to launch the usual smokescreen about Islamophobia etc. But whatever he was suspected of it must have been very serious. Watch with interest.
Sorry should have said in my previous Huddersfield post that the paragraph “Police in West Yorks have a lot to put up with …. certain community members know exactly how to play them with the politically correct victim card. Many times their hands are tied.” was my opinion and not part of the Express quotes. Should have been at the end .. sorry guys.
“He really was a lovely man a family man at that. Nobody’s perfect but he didn’t deserve this.”
No doubt Eva Braun said something similar about Adolf.
And many people probably said the same about Bin Laden .
Heard Jeremy Vine warn us all about not bringing cakes into work, then follow this up with the “do we need more housing, do we believe the Tories that they`ll do this etc, etc”?
Only three days in-and Vine has a sense of jaded ennui about it all.
I switched off-because you just KNOW that
1. Too many immigrants
2. Catastrophically stupid Labour policies only being tickled bu useless Tories that follow
3, Years of appalling economic mismanagement that rewarded speculation and land holdings, punished small builders and wiped out the savings and pensions that were once used to promote construction. And EU crap-AND Council inertia complacency. AND Nimbys like themselves with red tape garrottes.
In short- a lot of complicating, long term scandalously stupid public policy re economics, finance, political idiocies have created this appalling mess.
Oh-and did I mention
4. Family break up and easy divorce that doubles the housing stock required?
WE just KNOW that none of these will occur to Vine. WAY too problematic for the narrative.
Ah well-just as well Vine will blame the Tories isn`t it? can hardly blame Labour, Liberal louche bags and the BBC for it all can we?
Well can we keep it simple-Immigration as a function of housing needs!
Yet again the BBC manage to get through a whole debate on the housing shortage without a single mention of immigration.
And to add to our incredulity, they get some anti-Tory Oxford prof on who blames it all on ‘this government’. Funny, I don’t seem to remember the prof coming on the BBC after Blair had opened our borders and asking at any time during 13 years of Labour where were the government’s plans for housing them (let alone building more infrastructure).
BBC censorship and bias in spades, with the usual help from their Common Purpose friends.
Tonight 10pm New BBC2 prog Revolting
alleged comedy
includes ..VW emissions, NHS, Rail, Labour
and “UKIP supporters saying ‘foreigners are coming over to this country, raping people and getting away with it’ ”
(Apparently in the Beebleworld that’s a complete lie.)
Also features a satirical reality show called The Real Housewives of Isis,
Ah revolting presented by the 2 grade a lefty pillocks Jolyon Rubinstein and Heydon Prowse. Expect plenty of brexit and trump bashing from these two right on virtue signalling cretins.
Yorkshire Post
Half of front page is about the PREVENT strategy working on a 14yr old school boy
apparently kept away from FAR RIGHT TERRORIST groups ..as if there were any.
pg11 is a half page op-ed on intolerance from an imam. He doesn’t for 1 second mention any intolerance FROM Muslims
Turn over the page to articles on the Bagdad bomb and Istanbul Santa massacre.
.. and Somalia airport bomb
Then YP moves onto hyping Brexageddon
The YP is a rag not worthy of using the county name on its title page.
the Times breaks the Yorkshire Post rule of only reporting the anti-frackers side.
Re Kirby Misperton
“The protesters are creating all the issues they claim to be saving us all from : Traffic, noise and environmental damage using the field as a toilet.
Magnet to all who live on the edge of society.
Hypocrites using bottled gas.”
By coincidence a YP letter today from a local holiday farmowner does protest against the camp … 3 letters do support it.
The other half of the page is
“Taxpayers face £1bn bill over green energy subsidy scandal” in N Ireland.
Quite right Stewgreen, no one ever comments on the mess, environmentalists make of the environment when they protest about people making a mess about the environment. Thought that would be good fodder for the Now Show or Have I got News.
Local people have to pay to clean up the areas following their protests, and the mess isn’t very pleasant by all accounts.
Does anyone know why the protesters aren’t forced to pay for this clean up, along with legal costs and service charges?
The Grauniad moaning again about something it still quaintly calls ‘climate change’ and demanding more money. I guess the usual NGOs just aren’t getting enough free cash as it is – always time to rattle the tin for some more.
Brexit was a body blow to these shills. All that free EU money they’ve become so bloated and corporatised on (and we are talking many £millions here) will now have to be found elsewhere. I dunno, maybe by sneaking a ‘conservation tax’ hike in the TV license?
Worth a shot, comrades.
I dont know what is worse when dealing with beeboids and guardianistas
#1 Their peanut sized brains
#2 Their planet sized egos
Answers on a postcard to
JosF co
22 Arcacia Avenue
Wet Elephant sinks with £8.5m of subsidies
“Radical new tidal energy device DeltaStream installed in the sea off …
http://www.walesonline.co.uk – 14 Dec 2015 – DeltaStream sits on the seabed and captures the energy from the tidal currents ”
“£18m Tidal energy scheme stops working after just three months
Daily Mail – 2 Jan 2017
…Todays Times article is 100% same except for title.
“Administrators seek buyer for Tidal Energy Ltd
BBC News – 24 Oct 2016”
It is more than a little annoying that the so-called- “so called Islamic State” has now been downgraded further to “rebel groups”. We are now hearing about peace negotiations with rebel groups. Negotiations? What will we be offering them I wonder? A few hundred-thousand more beautiful Swedish virgins? What the hell has happened to us? We should be blowing them away & making them extremely afraid (with no liberal apologies) We should be insisting the Arabs look after their own people. An we should be calling them what they are. Orthodox Mohammedans.
They are just “rebels “. So what are they rebelling against ? Meanwhile , the Yorkshire Post talks about ” Far Right Terrorist Groups “. What the hell is the Left-Wing World coming to ? I guess the same as usual, support evil and destroy goodness. What wicked people they are.
“Can you speak English?”
“Actually English is my fifth language”
Just some of the things refugees are tired of hearing…
Wonder what various folk around Europe are tired of hearing that the BBC seems less keen on giving voice to?
At least those two US marines recognised the click of an AK-47 bolt on a train in time.
The shooting in Huddersfield shows a bit of BBC bias. Most of the MSM says the victim is “Mohammed Yassar Yaqub”. The BBC attempt to un-Islamify his name by calling him “Yassar Yaqub”.
Wonder how the BBC will massage this, assuming their famed editorial integrity sees this as even news…
He was only following the example of the Prophet (pbuh), so how can he possibly have done anything wrong?
they will not cover it. that’s what they do and they will probably substitute it with something good about this particular faith
Very good point so-called.
Looking at the Huddersfield Examiner online, they report that his relatives THEMSELVES defined the dead man as Mohammed so for the Al BBC to omit that fact is deliberate censorship of the worst kind and clear evidence of the way they deliberately massage the truth to maintain their pro Islam narrative.
Sluff – this is not just massaging the truth but is by new definition “Post Truth” also “Fake News”. Two things the BBC lead the world in.
While drawing inferences about longer term trends from single month economic date points is a very dumb thing to do, this has never stopped Brussels broadcasting from doing so when the data point in question gives them a chance to talk down the UK’s economic performance. So when a December stat emerges which indicates strong growth in UK manufacturing ? Well obviously Brussels broadcasting will not headline it- they will bury it on their business page. The stat in question is ISH Markit’s purchasing managers’ index for December 16 which has surged in one month from 53.6 to 56.1 – the sharpest rate of increase for more than two years. Some may remember that IHS Markit were the characters who released in July a highly pessimistic forecast for the UK , soon after the referendum which they claimed later was influential in spooking the Bank of England into that unfortunate interest rate cut in July.
While we should not assume this high rate of growth in manufacturing output can be be sustained, until a clear trend emerges, here is what IHS Markit had to say, in a remarkable change of tune from their earlier gloom “the boost to competitiveness from the weak exchange rate has undoubtedly been a key driver of the recent turnaround, while the domestic market has remained a strong contributor to new business wins. A plus point from the December survey was that the expansion was led by the investment and intermediate goods sectors, suggesting capital spending and corporate demand took the reins from the consumer in driving industrial growth forward.” So there !
Rather like how the FTSE250 became flavour of the month with the BBC when it dropped after the Brexit vote, but now it’s back over 18000 all mention of it has vanished without trace. Strange that …..
The BBC are keeping very quiet about FT indices just now and focussing of the pound. They are like Hyenas , always looking for the weakest point. But that is an insult to Hyenas, who do have some redeeming features, unlike Beeboids , who have none.
Oh, to my surprise, on the BBC website they have admitted that the FT100 has closed today at an all time high !
More good Brexit news!
“Activity in the UK’s manufacturing sector hit a two-and-a-half-year high last month, according to a survey”………..
The increase in the index was reported on BBC R4 today – I think TWAO – the story was that this was due to the oft-repeated “sharpdropinthepoundsincethebrexitvote” and the item finished with the forecast that inflation will rise next year.
It really is shameless anti-brexit bias. Not only has the pound recovered much of it’s immediate fall, the BoE also reduced base rate in the summer – this is never mentioned. And the BBC remains “post-truth” in that the BBC mix fact (increase in index) with forecast (possible inflation increase).
And despite this bias our government behaves like Nero…….
Well, most of them are on the fiddle…
The more I watch this so-called government perform the words “Re-arrange Deckchairs Titanic” come to mind thought the words “Cant Organise Pissup Brewery” seem to be equally applicable