The Nigel Farage Show: 7pm to 8pm – Mondays to Thursdays: Freeview Channel 732:
Will Liberal Fascist Russiaphobic hysteria, caused by revelations of the truth about Hilary Clinton being far more nastier than Trump, cause a nuclear war. Or will Obama leave the US Presidency in peace? Or will he insist on a rerun of the election, if the electorate promise to forget how evil Hilary Clinton is revealed to be in those emails, which have to be true, if they are evidence of hacked emails influencing an election by revealing the truth of how evil the democrat candidate was.
A similar situation to my first experience of being stunned by an interview about the Bilderberg group, by a founder of the group, Denis Healey. Who said that the group was set up so that politicians could say what they really thought, without their true thoughts being revealed to their democratic representatives, by the media.
So “BBC Fake News” is designed to disguise or replace whatever is censored by the BBC, which is an extension of this elitist mindset of “Hiding the evil thoughts of the Liberal Fascist Elite” in secret Bilderberg group or BBC seminar meetings.
Also, Its Scientifically proven that people who fucking swear, tell the fucking truth, therefore no longer appear on the BBC, and those who don’t swear, are liars.
The BBC news has now settled into the same daily formula :
1. NHS in crisis
2. Positive economic results, HOWEVER…..
3. Trump uses Twitter
In amongst this lot, short reports on Islamic terrorism ; short reports on Palestinian attacks ; lengthier reports on Israel’s disproportionate response with close-ups of children’s hospitals; in-depth ‘hate crime’ analysis ; endangered species threatened by changing climate; grinning weather girl warning us to ‘wrap up well’; and so on…
Same news, same inane presentation – different day !
Scrob and Guest – Apparently the man set to become Trumps new envoy to the UK has said that we will now be at the head of the queue (or is it line?) when it comes to Trade deals not at the back.
A tad embarrassing for Aunty this one. After weeks of reveling in our supposed trade own goal both before the referendum, and even after the boy David wheeled in “Big Ears” to help his cause – Both Aunties Horses fell at the fence, she lost the referendum and the Americans told “cool hand Obama” to use his hands for something he is obviously much better suited at, rather than squeezing the levers of power.
Oh dear and now things are starting to look a little more rosy to say the least.
One would have thought that by now Aunty would at least have demonstrated a little humility or even mild acceptance that she may have been wrong.
But no – all we get is even more of the same arrogance, hectoring style and claiming of the “moral high ground” which it gave up to lies and falsehoods many years ago.
Surely now the evidence is plain for all to see that the BBC must go. This self serving organisation is totally incapable of an reflection let alone change.
Most people (including me) do not think brexit will be a piece of cake – but it was a decision we all made with our eyes open, knowing the pitfalls – But the alternatives of not making this decision were even worse.
What we do not need in the coming ears is a state broadcaster who takes every opportunity to wreck our future because it does not fit in with its left wing narrative. The BBC should take note it is the Bbc – B standing for B British not labour, not new world order and certainly not parody – hang on though – The PBC that has a certain ring to it!
If the Government does not deal with this expensive box of lies soon. I am afraid it says even more about the moral courage of our politicians than it does about this pathetic excuse of a state broadcaster.
Guest -I suppose what makes me angry is the unwillingness and sheer, callow, gutlessnes the Government demonstrates when dealing with Aunty and all her works.
They know that without a truly balanced broadcaster any sort of meaningful brexit will be x10 more difficult to achieve.
The evidence is out there for all to see that this organisation is totally out of control – surely now is the time to deal with it once and for all.
The arrogance of this organisation never ceases to amaze me. It almost acts as if it is the government itself.
I would not be surprised if Lord Hall Hall hasnt already invited the Prime Minister to Broadcasting House (with beer and sandwiches) so he can get her input on Government policy before the BBC puts it to Parliament!!!!
All I can think is that maybe the teezer isnt really that bothered about brexit or (more hopefully) she is giving the BBC enough rope to hang itself with. However give it any more rope and it will be standing on the floor of the pit!!!
Government I can do something about every few years, though as Brexit stalls I do wonder about the power of the ballot in the face of an establishment system so powerful it can resist the will of the people.
The BBC is unaccountable, in perpetuity. And shameless in this knowledge.
My MP will be left in no doubt next time what his and his party’s gutlessness has inspired, and I hope he chokes on his last so desperately coveted DP outing as a representative.
It does seem to me that on Brexit and Trump the Prime Minister and BBC are working together.
Perhaps those who advise the PM are telling her that Trump will not stay long and that it is better for the state broadcaster to show where Britain’s loyalties lie. As for Brexit, we have to ask whether May can be trusted and whether her BBC is preparing the public for a reversal.
So a “person” with all the necessary female bits becomes pregnant, and idiots all over the MSM and beyond are saying how amazing this “first” really is?
We are truly living in the age of stupid.
Any NHS money going into this charade, by any chance?
Almost certainly! Along with the £50,000 + being paid to a professional race baiter for each hospital and, I read in today’s DM, over £1,000 paid by one hospital to make the lavatories ‘gender neutral’.
I don’t know how we stop this sort of madness but if we don’t do it soon it will be too late.
Only 60 years ago we were taught that Sodom and Gomorrah was not the way to live, and yet…… here we are, living the nightmare ! what will the next 60 years bring I wonder – bestiality becoming the norm ? repugnant now it may be, but hey, how far can the debauched behaviour of man go ?
William Lane Craig recently discussed gender identity on the ‘Reasonable Faith’ podcast, WARNING for the easily offended, contains explicit and unfashionable Christian content.
Today there is going to be a law propose to protect the BBC ‘queer folk’ from harm. Its also to be ‘back dated’ to wherever or when they ‘think’ they heard it. Despite Darwin – in his day – pointing out that there are only two sexes. We are now faced with the prospect of 112 new ‘fluids’ which can be whatever they want (at any time). It is (of course) ‘an offence’ to point out this absurdity. We do live in an age of absurdity, mainly in this country due to the efforts of the BBC.
Next year our UK primary schools HEADS are already being asked to remove offensive literature ‘displaying a Mother and a Father’. Catholics banned from teaching (or caring). The right to be identified as a Boy or a Girl is also being abolished (as it is on EU Birth Certificates). The fact that there are biological differences are to be ignored and replaces with * 112 new sexual derivations (all invented to appease the sexually frustrated and terminally confused).
We can (of course protest) but the BBC despises anyone with ‘Christian tradtioal ethics (or Darwin Bilogical thinking). It can of course be used to arrest (Christians en masse) on ‘sus’ charges forever more. All this will soon follow, in quick sucession… We live in strange times, when this is considered ‘normal’ and to protest is ‘offensive’!
You can bet that they weren’t discussing the fact that many of the BAME prelates like John Sentamu are much more vocal about their faith, and do actually have a spine, unlike the jellyfish of Canterbury.
A quick question for all –
Has the term ‘Freeview’ ever been debated on this site? I’ll bet it has and if so, can anybody help with the archive title so I can skim through it.
I have a real problem with the term ‘free-to-air’ when it quite clearly isn’t and relies on individual responsibility and knowledge of the associated bBC licence. Something I’m sure is put into 12 different languages on a leaflet for the recently displaced and resettled.
Because of the unique way the bBC is funded – they’re the only people, on any medium that are positively trying to stop people from getting to their product.
Pardon me if this is stating the obvious. Anyway, I’ve reached the conclusion that this is how the so-called BBC report the news.
Rely on charity survey to give you a headline – which always comes down to “we need more funding”
Allow “experts” to speak without questioning how they arrived at their figures or findings. Unless of course they are “experts” who don’t “get with the program” (you know, women good /men bad, public service good/nasty big business bad and so on) in which case feel free to interrupt, cut off, “I’m sorry we’ll have to leave it there” etc.
The economy – anything positive is “in spite of Brexit”, anything negative is “because of Brexit.” Any postive story must be trawled for the negative, which will be used as the narrative.
Terrorist attacks: “it’s too early to say” – this means the usual suspects did it, but we’re too afraid to say so. (Whilst every other news organisation except Sky is running with it)
On a slow news day, revert to the good old stand-bys of people are smoking too much / drinking too much / eating too much / not getting enough exercise (delete as applicable)
Don’t forget to promote your own shows as much as possible – Gary Barlow, Panorama, 100 Women, Black Britain, et al.
GoinginnowDan, excellent summary. One thing you left off was reporting a study by a pressure group on a lack of progressive/cultural marxist values in a hitherto undiscussed part of British life, preferably something harmless and very traditional, eg, a lack of black bellringers, gay morris dancers or lesbian darts players. You can’t make this stuff up – R4 the other day had a programme about Aborigine country and western singers.
I think this false news narrative is somewhat backfiring on the BBC. Everybody seems to now believe false news = BBC.
It is a joy to watch Trump tweet common sense and within seconds the big car making companies react = job done.
There is no Russian bogeyman , there is no Global warming/climate change , there is no point or need for the EU and all of the people associated with this rubbish know it . I heard some ballacks about Theresa May’s Government is talking about some kind of social change. Er Theresa we want action on Brexit – to give you a clue NASA will not be doing Mudslime outreach this year so start getting with the programme = Brexit , Trade deals , NHS, infrastructure , US and Russian relations is that enough for you to be getting on with
@GoingInNowDan @Lock13
You beat me to it Dan today I was going to do a flowchart of how the Society of SJW Missionaries Narrative Curating dept (AKA BBC News) works
.. I’ll draw it up tmw
I got retweeted last night by Edwina Currie last night when I pointed out Guido spotted that Red Cross headline came out from their new head of PR an ExGuardian reporter.
RC and Labour Party used have same head Charles Allen
But Now he chairs
– ISS A/S a big NHS supplier
– Global Radio who feed LBC news
BBC- Seems quick to erm “move on” from the Fort Lauderdale shooter Esteban Santiago the guy from Penuelas, Puerto Rico, who has a brother named Bryan.
What about Aashiq Hammad BBC? yep! Mr Santiago s name on MySpace.
Look at the three songs recorded by “Aashiq Hammad.” The first one is titled “La ilaha illAllah”, which is Arabic for “There is no God but Allah,” and the first half of the Muslim declaration of faith, the Shahadah, “Aashiq Hammad” also has Bryan Santiago — Esteban’s brother — as a connection.
Maybe its an outbreak of mental illness?
That photo with the one finger ISIS salute?
Posted on explosives/weapons forum in a thread about mass-downloading of jihad videos?
So glad that’s erm … nothing to do with Islam then?
Strangely just like the M62s Mohammed Yaqub
The BBC gives space to his family accusing the authorities.
and … “why are americans obsessed with guns” which has nothing to do
with what the facts show, should be accepted as a terrorist attack
The BBC keep up with the US army pics, but,(of course)
not the one with the ISIS salute.
The BBC seem to have reached a tipping point where their current affaires programmes and news now function as their comedy output.
Fatso Clarke the man who still thinks the EU is the new promised land and that the euro is a holy sacrament defends the impartiality of Sir Justin Sinecure-EU-Gravy-Train. I just had to laugh out loud. Like having Hitler on to defend Stalin’s human rights record.
The scots woman talking abou tht EEE YÜÜÜ was also very funny. “Scotland is an equal partner in the Union” It’s the way she tells them.
On the news someone claimed “people will soon lose faith in the EU”. Gales of laughter from everyone present.
I am with Andrew Marr on this ‘ we are being told absolutely nothing at all’ .
If Justine Greening is reflective of our Government we need to get a new Government. Nothing has changed she sits there not answering a single question yes/no – If I am honest she is not of the calibre I expect from a Government Minister .It is all soundbite crap no different from Cameron and Co. They have not taken a thing on board at all. Nigel and Aaron need to regroup here – the Country appears to be on the brink here – leaderless/ rudderless.
BBC Main News Page – Teresa May vows etc etc
With empty fag packet and pencil in hand, one finger in the air to see which way the winds blowing, The abjectly incompetent, self serving Prime Minister tells the Sunday Torygraph, the UK had voted for Brexit to change the way the country works? and that (Pushing any vestige of trust No10 to its absolute lowest ebb)
… wait for it “she wanted a shared society” … where?, in Tory HQ??, utterly deluded to twist and lie so blatantly.
There has got to be a clear out, in No10 and indeed government … then maybe we “will change the way the country works”
Nicola Sturgeon has warned Theresa May that she is “not bluffing” on the promise of a second referendum if Scotland is “driven off a hard Brexit cliff”. Bloody cheek!
Does anyone else think that this jumped up little twerp is punching well above her weight?
Somebody remind me what the population of Scotland is…and how many votes the SNP actually got. I know they didn’t get anywhere near the 4 million votes that UKIP managed and yet they have 56 MP’s. Democracy?
Theresa May should grow some gonads (well, in this age of transgenderism…) and tell wee Jimmy Knankie to go and boil her jock strap.
Jeff – these days the only one who ever actually gives weight to anything that squeaking pip utters is the BBC. I never really listen to her.
I think people are only aware of wee Jimmies presence because she is like something nasty that is stuck on the bottom of your boot from walking the dog in the park.
It looks nasty. smells nasty and wont really go away but in the great scheme of things it is nothing more than a piece of shite!
Quite agree. Krankie is a talentless, ignorant, nonentity who is a disgrace to Scotland. If she is fairly irrelevant to the UK , how much more irrelevant is she to Europe ? A small fish in a small pool.
True and Yorkshire has better cricketers. One of Krankie’s problems is that she has lived her whole life in Scotland and comes from an especially parochial , bigotted part. She is totally unworldly and has no experience of the world outside her tiny little life.
BBC tv drama or Tom Hardy vanity project? Taboo: an hour-long grime punk muck-raking overly portent-laden f-bomb-dropping opener with high production values and relativist cultural values. Nasty Imperialist Englishmen are obviously the baddies but there’s already more than a hint of the redeeming goodness of non-european blood and non-Christian mumbo jumbo. I can see how this got the BBC juices flowing. Can BBC drama ever again go for an hour without a leftist world view morality lesson? So apart from the good-look granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin, what’s the point?
No matter what the historical period, the beeb will always populate its dramas full of anachronistic characters who sound as if they are studying their Sociology A level.
Perfectly put! I winced at the BBC’s hopeless Agatha Christie adaption ‘Witness For the Prosecution’, broadcast over Christmas. Not only was the entire thing filmed with a smoke machine puffing away in the background, but the male lead, supposed to be a young working class Londoner in the 1920s, spoke with the accent of a 20 year old South London black, circa 2016.
I suppose if you have a production team where anyone over 35 has been purged, this is what you get.
Not just in the programming, GC, adverts are now becoming unwatchable, if they ever where. Seems like the only whitey allowed is that fat, luvvie get, James Corden, all others just include token whites. My current bete noir is the Nat West advert which shows a series of adjectival shots, with two versions for each adjective. When the black female gets to “we are responsible” she shows one example of responsibility, followed by a shot of melting glaciers and adds “and responsible” in funereal tones. Getting lectured by a bloody bank ffs, on climate change!
Advertising is a mess in the UK – used by Guardianistas not to sell the products on offer but their secondhand political ideas.
Banks are particularly bad, as you say (the worst was the gay black man in the Lloyds advert ‘he said yes’ – please!)but it seems you are only allowed to buy a sofa these days if you are one half of a mixed race couple.
I actually contacted DFS last year and asked them if they only sell to mixed race couples or could anyone buy their upholstered orange boxes. Still awaiting a response, am not holding breath.
Everyone is noticing it that I speak to, – everything on the tv, from adverts, drama, soaps, news, reality, entertainment, sport, is not complete unless there is the token black or mixed race participant involved. I’m not against it per se, but at least get the ratios right. We are (for now) an 80% white population, but a Martian watching our tele would think we are 50-50, and its this that really pisses me off ! I’ve noticed in some of the ads that the ‘token’ black barely utters a word, so its patronising to them and insulting to us.
Many a couple appear to be of mixed relationship – in reality (and not living in any of our 3 largest cities), is this something that is the norm? because I don’t know any. I do however see lots of overweight single women with a mixed race child in her buggy – which says it all.
Why do more things, some would say trivial, piss us off as we get older? Is it the memory of how things were once, not perfect by any means, we had less yet seemed happier or is this because we were younger and had the rest of our lives in front of us? Or does our bullshit detector develop and increase its sensitivity to compensate for the failing eyesight, hearing, hair loss, etc.? Discuss.
I agree with both of your suggestions. I think one’s “bullshit detector” certainly improves over time because we’ve heard so much of it. We have a more accurate yardstick to go by.
With regard to “some would say trivial” things, speaking for myself, I get tired of being told what is “relevant” by 20 year old dipsticks who appear to spend half of their waking lives staring at themselves in the mirror.
On Brissles’ point, I certainly wouldn’t regard changing the racial composition of the country “trivial” when it seems to be accompanied by significant cultural changes that nobody asked for.
“We are (for now) an 80% white population” – and the MSM need to member that the remaining 20% are not all black.
Staring into a mirror or a mobile ‘phone more like, Marion.
You seem to have met the same people as me.
As to the population figures, whilst not in dispute, would be the reverse and maybe even higher in certain parts of this sceptered isle, usually the same areas that the “opinion formers” work and infest. Maybe that’s why they take their environment as the norm and push it down our throats at every opportunity. My BS detector is in danger of OD-ing at the moment.
ToobiWan: “Maybe that’s why they take their environment as the norm and push it down our throats at every opportunity.”
I think suggesting that they might be mistaken is a very charitable way of looking at it. I think they are perfectly well aware of the demographic make up of this country because there are still numerous places and events where it is plain to see – any occasion with a basis in tradition or European culture, for instance.
IMO, the explanation is far simpler – they don’t like it and they want it changed through open borders and the eventual abolition of nation states.
A very old brain washing technique re-enforced with legal teeth. Note that the origins are in the Universities churning out the “journalists/advertising” graduates.
By making sure that you have multicultural broadcasting and advertising you condition people subliminally to accept this as the norm. The legal teeth lies in the Equality Act. If you complain you could be done for waycism.
Both Marion and TigerOC have it right, IMNSHO. It is quite deliberate, part of a desire to homogenise the entire planet and impose a ‘one world’ government. And yes, it does indeed start in the universities, which were infiltrated as far back as the 1930s.
I think this was an EU requirement primarily (here). The BBC are keen to promote racial ‘integration’ no matter what due to EU regs. It also reinforces existing ‘equality’ legislation to ensure that ‘coloured folk’ see themselves ‘integrated’ into western culture. Islam is very ‘hot’ but BAM is easier for ‘racial integration’. A UK (or US) ‘Diversity Officer’ (in Advertising) has to ensure that you have to have a public ‘face’ that fits (the new EU requirement) of racial harmony. Its also typical of many US adverts despite it being often patchy in reality. Its considerd very ‘modern’ by advertisers following ‘public service’ announcements. i.e one size fits all.., all have equal pay, all have happy families, all laughing, and obviously have loads of money. Ad man’s dream
I drive my wife to distraction as she has some favourite soaps like Casualty and Holby City. I seldom watch any TV but on occasion I see parts while having a cuppa with her. I usually comment on the various pieces of propaganda fed into the story lines that are just pure political propaganda. I am asked politely to move on to what ever project I am working on.
The Christmas Holby hit home VERY forcibly on the wife because it could well have been written by UNITE. The words were straight out of the NHS protest placards. She was so shocked she actually switched to another channel. Chortling I moved on. 🙂
Our great friend Support Our Lefty does a fine job summing up the culture using comedy and mockery.
In that spirit-here`s a review of the last weeks news…what the BBC chose to give us, compared to what WE happen to think matters
1, New Years Eve.
Last year was Cologne-this year was Innsbruck as well as the “traditional burning of cars all over France”.
WE get the Queen not getting to church and Welby, fireworks from Dubai.
Thank you, Friend Grant! BTW, you might be interested to see an exchange I had with a sour Lefty about “comedy” earlier today (it’s the last two posts in the highlighted blue section, which contains my original post at the top):
Thank you, Friend Chris :). I particularly love the “traditional burning of cars all over France” bit! Sadly, it’s getting harder and harder to parody the real world …
EDIT: (Thanks to BB for the 15-minute edit facility – I wish the Graun had this!). Just seen your supportive comment in the Graun – many thanks! 🙂 That uptick you’ve got is – literally – mine, btw :).
Glad you enjoyed that, Friend Johnny! It was “inspired” by a report in that Far-Left [taking my revenge on Al Beeb here!] blog, the misleadingly titled “Independent”, that every EU country would now vote for Remain. Yeah right!
Said it before and will point it out again – when the Left top the polls it’s a mandate. When the right win divisions have to be healed. That’s the rule.
Russia may or may not have hacked US political email addresses.
But right now RussiaToday are doing a rebuttal of the 25 page report and started by showing it contains enough date and name errors to look like it was written by interns.
Donald J. Trump
22 hrs ·
Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only “stupid” people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We have enough problems around the world without yet another one.
When I am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now and both countries will, perhaps, work together to solve some of the many great and pressing problems and issues of the WORLD!
359k Likes28k Comments36k Shares
Wow! Just found this –
From the comments, they have a lot to learn about how the Worlds Most Respected bias works on a daily basis. But there, its a start and perhaps this could be a rallying point.
“Nicola Sturgeon has warned Theresa May that she is not “bluffing” on the promise of a second independence referendum if Scotland is “driven off a hard Brexit cliff”.”
Sturgeon wants a separate immigration policy to that of the rest of the UK. She was not pressed by the very incompetent Marr for any detail which was a shame as it is in the detail where she always falls down.
This woman is a fool. I understand fully that there is a more sensible thinking wing of Scotland, who contribute well to this site, but I really don’t understand how the pro Independence Scots can formulate a logical argument other than through a bigoted,nasty hatred of the English.
Of all the presenters, only Andrew Neill tackles the detail and exposes a politicians flaws.
Immigration is not a devolved matter. If Scotland is independent of the UK, then Scotland would have to apply for membership of the EU. In the interim, Scotland can have its own immigration system, but that would not allow EU country nationals or any others automatic entry. There would have to be a visa system. In the same way, Scots would have to apply for a visa to visit other countries, including England.
Didn’t see the interview, but I don’t suppose Marr questioned her about the failures of the ” Scottish Police Force ” , attempted politicisation of the University Sector, falls in standards of local government and so on ?
I have one Jack story for you. About 20-25 years ago, after his heyday, he was playing in a seedy bar in the High Street , Edinburgh. It was a sunday night and I went along and paid my £2 entrance fee. Only about 50 people there.
I went to the bar to buy a drink and asked the barman ” Is Jack Bruce really playing tonight ? “. The barman said ” well he is meant to be “. There was a guy sitting at the bar who said to me ” Yes, just when I have finished my drink “.
He played a brilliant 1-hour set accompanied by a drummer, lead guitar and a bottle of Martini !
Grant – you lucky man. He played a couple of very low key venues near where I live – maybe 15 years ago? (but I’d be guessing) My own lazy, stupid fault I didn’t go to see him.
There was a vitality in Jack’s vocals and bass playing that were unique. You just knew he loved what he was doing. And arguably Cream’s heavy blues numbers pave the way for bands like Led Zep. Bloody wonderful times.
Elsie Sturgeon would never make a decent poker player, she has nothing to bargain with other than the threat of yet another referendum which she would lose. May must know this, so it’s all bluff and bluster from the neverendum party, al-beeb like to keep stoking this dead fire as it suits their anti- #Brexit stance.
PS My radios now stand forever silent, gathering dust and free from MSM fake news, or news by omission. I welcomed Alexa into my sitting room and can now listen to who or what I want, when I want it. £50 quid well spent on Amazon 🙂
Oliver’s latest big idea is to open schools during the holidays so food can be served to stop poor kids starving to death.
He has no idea of the cost of the school infrastructure that will have to be in place to do this,cooks,servers,cleaners and other staff would have to be in,and in the hols site staff etc have all sorts of work to do that can’t be done when kids are in school.
And anyway if the parents used their benefits for feeding their offspring instead of wasting it on SKY tv,cigs, drink,tattoos,the latest mobile phone etc they would have no problems. Rant over!
Did anyone, especially in the media and at the BBC, bother to look at which six restaurants Jamie Oliver is closing from his UK chain?
They are mostly in affluent areas or cities or towns in the UK. Some of them also appear to be in areas likely to have voted to Remain in the EU in last June’s Referendum. I suspect that while Brexit may have affected some of his costs (his suppliers – like many of us have found – trying it on post-EU Ref with big price hikes) I am left wondering whether there may be one or two other reasons, not connected with the Brexit vote, why these establishments have insufficient custom and need to close.
I recall having a row on here with that prize imbecile who called himself Reith, a BBC wonk of some kind. I’d pointed out (and it was hardly a new observation!) that the Food Programme had been hijacked by Leftist activists some years ago, under the control of the vile Sheila Dillon and Saladino.
His lame response was to waffle on about the programme’s presenter, the ‘old duffer’ Derek Cooper, who had died in 2014!
Food is a much favoured weapon by the Guardianista class. Always be cautious of foodies, many of whom seem to have an agenda (as well as appalling tastes) that they smuggle in with their preaching.
GC, I noted this week that in the current ‘obesity crisis’ the BBC have gone back to displaying a banner of three food items on their web-site Home Page with perhaps others, if topical, as news items shown there as well. It had been removed for a while. There is much hypocrisy over food, especially restaurant food, the cost of food and healthy diets, in the UK media and especially at the BBC. It exceeds the hypocrisy over four-wheel drive vehicles that happened about ten years ago.
Spare a thought for poor Marr this Sunday who got stuck with Krankie, while eager sixth-former Sophie Ridge got Teezer. Having holed out big time in Boston on gimmegration, Sophie obviously thought it would be cool and get her noticed if she repeated the immortal words of our next US President “grab them by the small feline” on daytime Sunday telly. Sadly all she got was Teezer’s gorgon death stare, followed by her patronising “never mind dear, you’ll get the hang of this eventually” smile. Shame really, especially as Sly News had spent forty quid on some Sophie Ridge advertising for Teezer to see on her way into the studio. Better luck next time.
Shows the lack of intelligence these auto cue readers have eh ? a portly looking chap in a suit and Grandad fair-isle v necked sweater being a mountain rescuer, and even then they started to interview him before he told them otherwise ! priceless ! and they didn’t even apologise.
Spot on Gunner – Sophie Ridge is clearly being ‘pushed’ by Sky in readiness for Kay Burley having one too many face lifts and scaring the audience away. Sadly she has a condescending speaking voice and is far too pleased with herself, so I’ve turned her off even before her promotion.
… Sophie Ridge who giggles hilariously in the background when people are making serious points !! Are there really not any other Andrew Neils (female if they **have to be** ) out there who we can be succinct and to the point in asking questions which the country are ***willing** them to ask !! I could do better myself and that is saying something.
Crisis in the NHS, patients on trolleys, shortage of doctors. Suggest ambulances deliver patients to Parliament Square where there seems to be an abundance of medical staff.
Crisis in the NHS, bed shortages etc., I know what to do, open the floodgates to mass immigration from Afica, Eastern Europe etc., that will do the trick.
Nah Bill, it’s all our fault for living longer.
Nothing to do with the 50,000 flying in every year to give birth in our maternity wards costing almost half a billion a year, that, and all the other health problems they bring with them are never mentioned.
Nigel did once but, unlike Basil Fawlty, didn’t get away with it.
He should know, you can’t tell the truth now because the snowflakes all rush out of their safe places, wipe off their tears, and start calling you names.
“… It’s all our fault for living longer.” That’s right, Emmanuel, yet on the one hand, they say this demographic is causing problems in social care, pension requirements, etc., then, they suggest we take these pills, have this injection, wear warm clothes when its cold (how did we ever manage before all this “helpful” info and I wonder how much it all costs) never mind the food Nazis telling us what to eat, to help us live longer? Surely all this “helpful” advice would make the problem worse wouldn’t it? These helpful people wouldn’t be lying to us would they regarding their longevity tips?
Wild Bill
“Crisis in the NHS”
Here are my answers to the crisis – Change the ‘International’ Health Service back to the NHS.
Stop spending all the money we waste each year on Foreign Aid, and use it for the NHS to recruit more doctors and nurses.
Set up a charity called ‘Foreign Aid’ and let it get its money like all the other charities in the UK, such as the Red Cross, the RSPCA, the RNLI etc.
Oh, perhaps the same plan could be applied to Al Beeb after we do away with the telly tax.
Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani dies aged 82 – media reports
Now, I would have thought the old sod either died, or did not. It’s one of those black or white things in a world of grey. Also, how come he ‘dies’ in the headline but goes full Monty in the sub?
The figure of 48% was for Bradford East, this contains 7 wards of which 3 hold very few Muslims, I can only presume that low figures for child molestation in those areas has brought down the overall figure for BE to 48%
Expect, a very large contingent of RoPers to bring traffic to a standstill in a protest, over such reprehensible, abhorrent news.
… no wait
Apologies, that was over the shooting of a violent, drug dealing, illegal firearm owning, tried for attempted murdering Islamic wannabe “badboystud” gangsta.
Protest ‘against M62 police shooting’ closes roads in West Yorkshire
Totally OT, but also just had an email from Mother Jones, who are like the BBC, only slightly less uniquely funded:
We’ll be blunt — hardly any supporters have taken our President Obama Exit Poll. With Obama leaving office in just a few days, we desperately need feedback from you TODAY!
Being equally blunt, ever heard of ‘if you have nothing good to say’?
Do you approve of President Obama’s time in office?
YES → NO →
I have no opinion of President Obama →
Not sure who they think supports them. It cost nothing to follow, so… know what the numpties are up to.
President Obama will inevitably go down in history as one of the most successful presidents in modern U.S. history.
[Looks up ‘inevitably’ and ‘successful’, along with ‘red lines’ and ‘community relations’]
Getting the feeling MJ has not sussed they live in a very small bubble.
Just a heads up for those in the North of England, that an Arctic blast is going to sweep the country from Thursday on, dropping temperatures by around 10 deg C and potentially bringing some heavy snowfall too. Some forecasts are suggesting temperatures as low as -5 C although most others are around -2 which is still not pleasant.
If you have anything to do this week then get as much done by Thursday evening before this hits for a most unpleasant weekend.
Ten day forecast for Sunderland on BBC has a daytime minimum of plus 3 on Thursday and Saturday with an overnight minimum of minus 1 on Friday and Saturday.
All other temperatures are higher, 5-8 degrees on average.
Overnight, all plus and no minus apart from the two above.
But they told us we were gonna have snow at Christmas .. I don’t listen to the weather forecast anymore .. it’s all to do with what is happening over London. “Northern Britain” is a euphemism for north of Watford.
I’m afraid it’s inaccurate everywhere. For example, it is currently raining outside where I am. There is no mention of that on the BBC forecast – even the very local weather app allegedly updated every minute by the clueless Met Office.
The number of beds in NHS hospitals in England has dropped by 15,000 since 1997, official figures reveal.
According to the Department of Health, there were 198,848 NHS hospital beds seven years ago. Last year, that figure was 183,826 with London worst affected.
Officials say fewer beds are needed because medical advances mean patients spend less time in hospital.
But opposition parties say the figures raise questions over how money earmarked for the NHS is being spent.
Oh, forgot to mention – report dated 11 August 2004.
BBC R4 Virtue Signal bingo
: The Eddy Mair podcast is with Gerry Gable an ‘anti fascist’
who commenters have mentioned has caused BBC to pay libel money due to claims he has made in Panorama etc.
“#BLMKidnapping has been trending after a video was streamed live on Facebook showing a bound and gagged man being assaulted and abused for being white. Four people have been arrested for the attack in Chicago. What does this video say about the Black Lives Matter movement? People are saying the attack epitomises the movement they see as violent. Others say this attack has nothing to do with a peaceful civil rights campaign.”
“Icy temperatures across Europe have left more than 20 people dead and blanketed even the Greek islands and southern Italy in snow.”
“Italy saw ferries and flights cancelled and schools in the south are expected to close on Monday.”
“Turkey has also been badly affected. The Bosphorus was closed to shipping as a heavy snowstorm hit Istanbul.”
“At least 10 people died of cold in Poland. Night temperatures in Russia plunged to minus 30C.”
Global Warming anyone, or is it Climate Change?
Or even Brexit !
Tsk, tsk Taffman! The ecological Jesuits got rid of the term ‘global warming’ a few years ago and replaced it with ‘climate change’ precisely to stop non-believers mocking their faith! I’m currently on the continent eastern Europe and here it’s -18c but I still managed a swim outdoors today, albeit in a heated pool. FFS, it’s what we used to call ‘winter’ in the old days!
“The UK cannot expect to hold on to “bits” of its membership after leaving the EU, Theresa May has said.”
No problem.
They sell more to us than we sell to them .
We pay more into the EU than we get out.
Therefore we, Great Britain would gain considerably in any ‘tariff war’.
On top of all that we get to trade with the rest of the free world.
Honest Reporting certainly has the BBC taped when it comes to obfuscating reporting:
“BBC Gradually Discovers Terror Truck Had Actual Driver Behind the Wheel”
“The BBC has a habit of attributing terror attacks to inanimate objects or vehicles. And so it was the case with an appalling truck ramming terror attack that took place in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem that has, so far, claimed the lives of four Israelis and injured many more.”
The Al BBC “killer truck” story
“Before this latest incident, 35 Israelis had been killed in a wave of knife, gun and car-ramming attacks by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs since October 2015. More than 200 Palestinians – mostly attackers, Israel says – have also been killed in that period
… “Israel says” BBC? so they were not attackers?? incorrect representation.
Israel says Palestinian incitement has fuelled the attacks. The Palestinian leadership has blamed frustration rooted in
… “decades of Israeli occupation”?.
not “the supposed” occupation??,
not “disputed” Arab claims” of occupation???
not the political smokescreen of an occupation????,
You know, I can t even be bothered to wheel out all of the facts again
The BBC is wilfully lying.
Well that is an improvement on the BBC report that I heard earlier where the Palestinian deaths were bolted onto the story without any context, leaving the naive listener to conclude that while Palestinian terrorists killed a few Israelis, Israeli terrorists, presumably, were carrying out carnage in ‘Palestine’.
Of course there aren’t any Israeli terrorists but don’t let that get in the way of the BBC’s ‘truth’ reporting.
For anyone who wants to read comedy gold 😀
BBC News – Grading Obama’s presidency
What is his legacy, and will it survive Trump?
Well anyway,
From the guy who was gifted a Nobel Peace Prize before doing anything, at war every day of his tenure, armed the world’s largest terrorist group gave an insane nation access to nuclear weapons … work that one out, oh yes, then awards himself the pentagons distinguished public service medal, before he goes.
Lauds his kids into everything from “hello” to “popsugar” book them into Harvard, they set out on a 3 nation tour with mom.
… and turned his wife into the Obama incorporated SJW trash show celeb
BBC – Obama warns Trump election: US presidency is not a family business.
Theresa May launches a new social policy and the Beeb ain’t happy at all. Marr was in full sneering mode this morning interviewing Justine greening. This was followed by the dame on the big questions sneering at ceo’s and their salaries with the help of one of the leaders of the Green Party. Martin sorrel who built his company from nothing got a right good kicking by the envious sjw”s and union lackeys in the audience. Basically they wanted his money. Food banks got mentioned but no mention that they started under the glorious labour years 15 years ago when there was no poverty, increased cost of living, increasing property prices. Nah we were all living in a fairytale before 2010. The Adam smith institute fella seemed to be battling the audience along with the presenter. Atrocious shite then again it was broadcasting from Brunel uni home to one will self
Not so much a fake BBC news story as an illustration of their news priorities and slanted reportage:
The BBC World News webpage’s 3rd headline after the Death of ex-Iranian President Rafsanjani and Obama’s latest chiding of Trump –
“Four dead in Jerusalem lorry attack
Four people have been killed in Jerusalem by a Palestinian man who drove a lorry into a group of soldiers, in what police called a terror attack.
Three women and one man, all in their twenties, were killed and 17 others were wounded, police said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the attacker, who was shot dead by soldiers, was a suspected supporter of so-called Islamic State.
But the prime minister gave no evidence to support the claim.”
With an estimated 15 million more gimmiegrants set to reach EU shores by 2020 the continent is heading for total collapse unless it does something radical to stop it.
Europe should turn back boats full of migrants in the Mediterranean, process asylum requests outside of the EU and resettle migrants outside the continent.
Mr Molan, the co-author of Australia’s controversial asylum policy, accused Europe of “making up excuses” when it comes to the challenges of border control.
if Europe can’t control its borders, organise its finances or deter Russia, what good is it?”
Mr Molan believes Australia’s strategy of turning back boats is the most important part of its asylum policy.
If boats are unable to make it back to where they were launched, Australia replaces the vessels with seaworthy alternatives.
he policy also aims to destroy the people smuggling industry.
Mr Molan said when migrants who have paid thousands to get on a boat to Australia find themselves where they started “it destroys the people smugglers’ business model”.
Thoughtful, the fact that Australia has had this policy in effect for some time makes me suspect that EU countries are deliberately turning a blind eye to illegal immigration. Granted, Australia is one country (so no requirement for international co-operation) and has proportionally fewer boats arriving, but still, it has shown it can be done. If an Australian policy were put in place across the EU, illegal immigration would end very quickly, lives would not be needlessly risked and genuine asylum seekers could be helped. But imagine the howls of the open-borders brigade if it were ever tried!
Yes why not, EU countries have at times sent military vessels to collect migrants from the med, actually helping them reach us from Libyan shores. As well as giving out life-jackets to boatloads of grown men. (No accompanying women or children). If there is money to throw away like that we can afford to spend money on sending invaders away instead.
PA top dogs threaten that moving US embassy to Jerusalem “declaration of war on all Muslims” … time for Trump to be strong, show leadership, and break the chain once and for all
A shocking story of GMPCES Political Correctness failing to charge two men with a hate crime after they attacked a memorial to Gay people in Manchester. They smashed tiles with names on them, and burned photographs left at the site.
The names of the two charged are Alaa Alanzi, 23 & Khalid Salah, 23 Which goes some way to explaining why the political correctness enforcement squad do not regard this as a hate crime.
Back to basics.
“Sir Ivan Rogers: Former UK ambassador to the EU quits civil service”
Now just who is this guy working for, the EU or Great Britain?
Has he become institutionalised?
And remind me of the amount of his eye-watering golden goodbye, despite his choosing to resign?
That’s right you can’t. Data protection laws or some such prevent that being specified.
It is probably in his contract and almost certainly tax-free under some EU law. Assuming he was on a minimum basic of £200,000 pa, that would give him a £50,000 lump sum. But worth it to get rid of rubbish like him.
I hesitate to mention what became known as the Ealing vicarage rape, since this post could be accused of employing a particularly dreadful crime (or more narrowly Jill Saward’s recent death) to belabour the BBC, but the contempt shown by the nation’s most trusted broadcaster for the citizens of that nation I think just about merits what follows.
Many readers will recall the incident. On 6 March 1986, Robert Horscroft, Martin McCall and Christopher Byrne broke into the vicarage of St Mary’s, Ealing. There they confronted Jill Saward, the daughter of the vicar. At knifepoint, McCall ordered her to strip. In a prolonged assault, he then—the following are her words—‘raped, buggered and indecently assaulted’ her. Byrne sexually assaulted her. She was then tied up.
The end of this notorious case for McCall was that he was sentenced to five years for rape and five years for aggravated burglary. Whilst still in prison, he made death threats against Ms Saward. Unlike Byrne, he didn’t change his name on release.
And the BBC? Oh, it’s just that in the 1990s, McCall was employed at Television Centre as a security guard. The Television Centre where members of the public would make up studio audiences, that one. If Ms Saward couldn’t forgive McCall and Byrne (she forgave Horscroft, who played no part in the rape), I fail to see why the BBC should. No doubt it was all—conveniently—the arm’s-length fault of a subcontractor. Why they don’t just rebrand themselves Sex Criminals ‘R’ Us is beyond me.
And if that is not horrific enough (and I never knew of that connection Jump!) That would also be during Savilles antics at Top of the Pops (Saviile was still abusing young woman in 2006) at age 76. Or as the BBC would have it now ‘Jimmy Savile scandal: Alleged victims’ stories’. – according to the BBC here) but I also remember that ‘Savilles’ BBC Chauffereur was also arrested (and topped himself in prison), the BBC response to that was ‘that he was not employed by the BBC, only to be later proved (in court) he was also on the BBC payroll (as a chauffeur), ‘on call’ to Saville and shared the same ‘past-time’ and crimes.
I think it’s pretty clear that whatever the BBC likes to pretend, the knowledge of what Saville was up to was pretty widespread, long before the truth finally crept out.
A bit late I know, the HYS is now closed but check the comments for the “Highest Rated” …………
“Sturgeon suggests soft Brexit could take indyref off table in short term.”
We want hard Brexit – OUT !
So my Scottish SNP cousins, you want to be swamped by ‘open door immigration’, and you want to be ruled by Europe – So much for your cry ‘freedom’ that you very much cherish.
Well it would be easy for England and Wales to put up a border so that the home nations will be able to have control over its borders – other european nations can do it, so can we.
Let’s hear it from the true Scottish people reading this site – what say you you ?
Part of Great Britain or part of an undemocratic EU?
I’ve often wondered about the juxtapostion of cry freedom in tandem with fanatical EU support myself Taffman. The SNPs site has it thus,
“There is nothing contradictory about independent nations recognising their interdependence and choosing to pool some sovereignty for mutual advantage.”
Yet on the same website
“we believe that the decisions which
which affect Scotland should be made by the people who live and work here.”
Nothing cotradictory about that then.
They have lasted for a one trick pony however, and as long as they can keep the deception going, ultra nationalism fuelled by a rage against the English on the one hand, EU federalism on the other, who can stop them?
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
The Nigel Farage Show: 7pm to 8pm – Mondays to Thursdays: Freeview Channel 732:
Will Liberal Fascist Russiaphobic hysteria, caused by revelations of the truth about Hilary Clinton being far more nastier than Trump, cause a nuclear war. Or will Obama leave the US Presidency in peace? Or will he insist on a rerun of the election, if the electorate promise to forget how evil Hilary Clinton is revealed to be in those emails, which have to be true, if they are evidence of hacked emails influencing an election by revealing the truth of how evil the democrat candidate was.
A similar situation to my first experience of being stunned by an interview about the Bilderberg group, by a founder of the group, Denis Healey. Who said that the group was set up so that politicians could say what they really thought, without their true thoughts being revealed to their democratic representatives, by the media.
So “BBC Fake News” is designed to disguise or replace whatever is censored by the BBC, which is an extension of this elitist mindset of “Hiding the evil thoughts of the Liberal Fascist Elite” in secret Bilderberg group or BBC seminar meetings.
Also, Its Scientifically proven that people who fucking swear, tell the fucking truth, therefore no longer appear on the BBC, and those who don’t swear, are liars.
The BBC news has now settled into the same daily formula :
1. NHS in crisis
2. Positive economic results, HOWEVER…..
3. Trump uses Twitter
In amongst this lot, short reports on Islamic terrorism ; short reports on Palestinian attacks ; lengthier reports on Israel’s disproportionate response with close-ups of children’s hospitals; in-depth ‘hate crime’ analysis ; endangered species threatened by changing climate; grinning weather girl warning us to ‘wrap up well’; and so on…
Same news, same inane presentation – different day !
Wot, no Meryl?
She is simply winning Twitter, and Feacebook. Apparently. At least the feeds the BBC kids follow.
Though all may not be well in La La land, W1A.
I’m sure President Elect Trump will be interested to see who from the bBeeb will be coming over to present his inauguration programme.
Presumably James Naughtie will be somewhere in the crowd…
BBeeb are trying to get their retaliation in first, and quite frankly aren’t doing very well so far, and there are only twelve days to go!
BBC is like the trolls who support them and used to infest these threads.
The blunder in, insult everyone and then throw their toys out of the pram if ignored or sidelined.
Scrob and Guest – Apparently the man set to become Trumps new envoy to the UK has said that we will now be at the head of the queue (or is it line?) when it comes to Trade deals not at the back.
A tad embarrassing for Aunty this one. After weeks of reveling in our supposed trade own goal both before the referendum, and even after the boy David wheeled in “Big Ears” to help his cause – Both Aunties Horses fell at the fence, she lost the referendum and the Americans told “cool hand Obama” to use his hands for something he is obviously much better suited at, rather than squeezing the levers of power.
Oh dear and now things are starting to look a little more rosy to say the least.
One would have thought that by now Aunty would at least have demonstrated a little humility or even mild acceptance that she may have been wrong.
But no – all we get is even more of the same arrogance, hectoring style and claiming of the “moral high ground” which it gave up to lies and falsehoods many years ago.
Surely now the evidence is plain for all to see that the BBC must go. This self serving organisation is totally incapable of an reflection let alone change.
Most people (including me) do not think brexit will be a piece of cake – but it was a decision we all made with our eyes open, knowing the pitfalls – But the alternatives of not making this decision were even worse.
What we do not need in the coming ears is a state broadcaster who takes every opportunity to wreck our future because it does not fit in with its left wing narrative. The BBC should take note it is the Bbc – B standing for B British not labour, not new world order and certainly not parody – hang on though – The PBC that has a certain ring to it!
If the Government does not deal with this expensive box of lies soon. I am afraid it says even more about the moral courage of our politicians than it does about this pathetic excuse of a state broadcaster.
Not sure Aunty really does ’embarrassed’, even when caught bang to rights with her frillies round her ankles.
They usually move to attack the majority.
Because, currently, thanks to the unique way they are funded, they can.
Guest -I suppose what makes me angry is the unwillingness and sheer, callow, gutlessnes the Government demonstrates when dealing with Aunty and all her works.
They know that without a truly balanced broadcaster any sort of meaningful brexit will be x10 more difficult to achieve.
The evidence is out there for all to see that this organisation is totally out of control – surely now is the time to deal with it once and for all.
The arrogance of this organisation never ceases to amaze me. It almost acts as if it is the government itself.
I would not be surprised if Lord Hall Hall hasnt already invited the Prime Minister to Broadcasting House (with beer and sandwiches) so he can get her input on Government policy before the BBC puts it to Parliament!!!!
All I can think is that maybe the teezer isnt really that bothered about brexit or (more hopefully) she is giving the BBC enough rope to hang itself with. However give it any more rope and it will be standing on the floor of the pit!!!
Government I can do something about every few years, though as Brexit stalls I do wonder about the power of the ballot in the face of an establishment system so powerful it can resist the will of the people.
The BBC is unaccountable, in perpetuity. And shameless in this knowledge.
My MP will be left in no doubt next time what his and his party’s gutlessness has inspired, and I hope he chokes on his last so desperately coveted DP outing as a representative.
It does seem to me that on Brexit and Trump the Prime Minister and BBC are working together.
Perhaps those who advise the PM are telling her that Trump will not stay long and that it is better for the state broadcaster to show where Britain’s loyalties lie. As for Brexit, we have to ask whether May can be trusted and whether her BBC is preparing the public for a reversal.
The BBC is campaigning for a reversal.
Thank you, Guest and Oak.
When the ‘news’ is better presented by people like you here, I always feel that much better!
Good points all round!
Speaking of no news and renowned economists, Ian Katz doubtless on the blower trying to seduce this market rate talent back into the BBC fold:
So a “person” with all the necessary female bits becomes pregnant, and idiots all over the MSM and beyond are saying how amazing this “first” really is?
We are truly living in the age of stupid.
Any NHS money going into this charade, by any chance?
Almost certainly! Along with the £50,000 + being paid to a professional race baiter for each hospital and, I read in today’s DM, over £1,000 paid by one hospital to make the lavatories ‘gender neutral’.
I don’t know how we stop this sort of madness but if we don’t do it soon it will be too late.
Only 60 years ago we were taught that Sodom and Gomorrah was not the way to live, and yet…… here we are, living the nightmare ! what will the next 60 years bring I wonder – bestiality becoming the norm ? repugnant now it may be, but hey, how far can the debauched behaviour of man go ?
William Lane Craig recently discussed gender identity on the ‘Reasonable Faith’ podcast, WARNING for the easily offended, contains explicit and unfashionable Christian content.
Today there is going to be a law propose to protect the BBC ‘queer folk’ from harm. Its also to be ‘back dated’ to wherever or when they ‘think’ they heard it. Despite Darwin – in his day – pointing out that there are only two sexes. We are now faced with the prospect of 112 new ‘fluids’ which can be whatever they want (at any time). It is (of course) ‘an offence’ to point out this absurdity. We do live in an age of absurdity, mainly in this country due to the efforts of the BBC.
Next year our UK primary schools HEADS are already being asked to remove offensive literature ‘displaying a Mother and a Father’. Catholics banned from teaching (or caring). The right to be identified as a Boy or a Girl is also being abolished (as it is on EU Birth Certificates). The fact that there are biological differences are to be ignored and replaces with * 112 new sexual derivations (all invented to appease the sexually frustrated and terminally confused).
We can (of course protest) but the BBC despises anyone with ‘Christian tradtioal ethics (or Darwin Bilogical thinking). It can of course be used to arrest (Christians en masse) on ‘sus’ charges forever more. All this will soon follow, in quick sucession… We live in strange times, when this is considered ‘normal’ and to protest is ‘offensive’!
(Darwin will be imediatley arrested and all children will be free to ‘experiment’ with CBBC programs designed to ‘transgender’ children, are now free to do so in public without any comment (or censure). Protest!
Caught a bit of ‘Sunday’on bBBC R4 around 0730
Within 5 seconds the topic was BAME vicars. Groan.
But a little later there was a very fair discussin about foreign aid, and a very erudite guy was described as a ‘Foreign Aid Secptic’
Note the use of ‘Sceptic’. Eurosceptic, ClimTe Change Sceptic, now Foreign Aid Sceptic. A sceptic is anyone whomdoes not fit the narrative.
I notice they do not use a word like Zealot for the fanatics who have the opposing views.
2006 at Institute of Ideas debate in London the speaker was a young Kenyan guy arguing for Trade Not Aid.
He made good points.
You can bet that they weren’t discussing the fact that many of the BAME prelates like John Sentamu are much more vocal about their faith, and do actually have a spine, unlike the jellyfish of Canterbury.
I think it was here that somebody pointed out that John Sentamu was part of the Macpherson inquiry. Not a great recommendation.
A quick question for all –
Has the term ‘Freeview’ ever been debated on this site? I’ll bet it has and if so, can anybody help with the archive title so I can skim through it.
I have a real problem with the term ‘free-to-air’ when it quite clearly isn’t and relies on individual responsibility and knowledge of the associated bBC licence. Something I’m sure is put into 12 different languages on a leaflet for the recently displaced and resettled.
Because of the unique way the bBC is funded – they’re the only people, on any medium that are positively trying to stop people from getting to their product.
Pardon me if this is stating the obvious. Anyway, I’ve reached the conclusion that this is how the so-called BBC report the news.
Rely on charity survey to give you a headline – which always comes down to “we need more funding”
Allow “experts” to speak without questioning how they arrived at their figures or findings. Unless of course they are “experts” who don’t “get with the program” (you know, women good /men bad, public service good/nasty big business bad and so on) in which case feel free to interrupt, cut off, “I’m sorry we’ll have to leave it there” etc.
The economy – anything positive is “in spite of Brexit”, anything negative is “because of Brexit.” Any postive story must be trawled for the negative, which will be used as the narrative.
Terrorist attacks: “it’s too early to say” – this means the usual suspects did it, but we’re too afraid to say so. (Whilst every other news organisation except Sky is running with it)
On a slow news day, revert to the good old stand-bys of people are smoking too much / drinking too much / eating too much / not getting enough exercise (delete as applicable)
Don’t forget to promote your own shows as much as possible – Gary Barlow, Panorama, 100 Women, Black Britain, et al.
I think we’re getting it just about right.
lol I did not get past the opening credits of that Gary Barlow luvviefest – tripe – who won Naga Munchetty or the tea-towel head baker?
GoinginnowDan, excellent summary. One thing you left off was reporting a study by a pressure group on a lack of progressive/cultural marxist values in a hitherto undiscussed part of British life, preferably something harmless and very traditional, eg, a lack of black bellringers, gay morris dancers or lesbian darts players. You can’t make this stuff up – R4 the other day had a programme about Aborigine country and western singers.
I think this false news narrative is somewhat backfiring on the BBC. Everybody seems to now believe false news = BBC.
It is a joy to watch Trump tweet common sense and within seconds the big car making companies react = job done.
There is no Russian bogeyman , there is no Global warming/climate change , there is no point or need for the EU and all of the people associated with this rubbish know it . I heard some ballacks about Theresa May’s Government is talking about some kind of social change. Er Theresa we want action on Brexit – to give you a clue NASA will not be doing Mudslime outreach this year so start getting with the programme = Brexit , Trade deals , NHS, infrastructure , US and Russian relations is that enough for you to be getting on with
@GoingInNowDan @Lock13
You beat me to it Dan today I was going to do a flowchart of how the Society of SJW Missionaries Narrative Curating dept (AKA BBC News) works
.. I’ll draw it up tmw
I got retweeted last night by Edwina Currie last night when I pointed out Guido spotted that Red Cross headline came out from their new head of PR an ExGuardian reporter.
RC and Labour Party used have same head Charles Allen
But Now he chairs
– ISS A/S a big NHS supplier
– Global Radio who feed LBC news
BBC- Seems quick to erm “move on” from the Fort Lauderdale shooter Esteban Santiago the guy from Penuelas, Puerto Rico, who has a brother named Bryan.
What about Aashiq Hammad BBC? yep! Mr Santiago s name on MySpace.
Look at the three songs recorded by “Aashiq Hammad.” The first one is titled “La ilaha illAllah”, which is Arabic for “There is no God but Allah,” and the first half of the Muslim declaration of faith, the Shahadah, “Aashiq Hammad” also has Bryan Santiago — Esteban’s brother — as a connection.
Maybe its an outbreak of mental illness?
That photo with the one finger ISIS salute?
Posted on explosives/weapons forum in a thread about mass-downloading of jihad videos?
So glad that’s erm … nothing to do with Islam then?
Strangely just like the M62s Mohammed Yaqub
The BBC gives space to his family accusing the authorities.
and … “why are americans obsessed with guns” which has nothing to do
with what the facts show, should be accepted as a terrorist attack
The BBC keep up with the US army pics, but,(of course)
not the one with the ISIS salute.
Ken Clarke being given YET ANOTHER chance to complain about Brexit on Marr’s show just now. I feel quite queasy.
That he is all they have got, literally (h/t SoL), speaks volumes.
Thank you, Friend Guest :).
The BBC seem to have reached a tipping point where their current affaires programmes and news now function as their comedy output.
Fatso Clarke the man who still thinks the EU is the new promised land and that the euro is a holy sacrament defends the impartiality of Sir Justin Sinecure-EU-Gravy-Train. I just had to laugh out loud. Like having Hitler on to defend Stalin’s human rights record.
The scots woman talking abou tht EEE YÜÜÜ was also very funny. “Scotland is an equal partner in the Union” It’s the way she tells them.
On the news someone claimed “people will soon lose faith in the EU”. Gales of laughter from everyone present.
I am with Andrew Marr on this ‘ we are being told absolutely nothing at all’ .
If Justine Greening is reflective of our Government we need to get a new Government. Nothing has changed she sits there not answering a single question yes/no – If I am honest she is not of the calibre I expect from a Government Minister .It is all soundbite crap no different from Cameron and Co. They have not taken a thing on board at all. Nigel and Aaron need to regroup here – the Country appears to be on the brink here – leaderless/ rudderless.
Agree. Politics of the least bad and an unaccountable state media has given us zero credible, effective opposition.
Justine is a Cabinet Minister because she flicks the right boxes.
BBC Main News Page – Teresa May vows etc etc
With empty fag packet and pencil in hand, one finger in the air to see which way the winds blowing, The abjectly incompetent, self serving Prime Minister tells the Sunday Torygraph, the UK had voted for Brexit to change the way the country works? and that (Pushing any vestige of trust No10 to its absolute lowest ebb)
… wait for it “she wanted a shared society” … where?, in Tory HQ??, utterly deluded to twist and lie so blatantly.
There has got to be a clear out, in No10 and indeed government … then maybe we “will change the way the country works”
I see that The Big Questions has morphed into a party political broadcast on behalf of the Green Party.
Nicola Sturgeon has warned Theresa May that she is “not bluffing” on the promise of a second referendum if Scotland is “driven off a hard Brexit cliff”. Bloody cheek!
Does anyone else think that this jumped up little twerp is punching well above her weight?
Somebody remind me what the population of Scotland is…and how many votes the SNP actually got. I know they didn’t get anywhere near the 4 million votes that UKIP managed and yet they have 56 MP’s. Democracy?
Theresa May should grow some gonads (well, in this age of transgenderism…) and tell wee Jimmy Knankie to go and boil her jock strap.
Jeff – these days the only one who ever actually gives weight to anything that squeaking pip utters is the BBC. I never really listen to her.
I think people are only aware of wee Jimmies presence because she is like something nasty that is stuck on the bottom of your boot from walking the dog in the park.
It looks nasty. smells nasty and wont really go away but in the great scheme of things it is nothing more than a piece of shite!
Quite agree. Krankie is a talentless, ignorant, nonentity who is a disgrace to Scotland. If she is fairly irrelevant to the UK , how much more irrelevant is she to Europe ? A small fish in a small pool.
Scotland has almost exactly the same number of constituencies and population as Yorkshire. That’s it …..l
True and Yorkshire has better cricketers. One of Krankie’s problems is that she has lived her whole life in Scotland and comes from an especially parochial , bigotted part. She is totally unworldly and has no experience of the world outside her tiny little life.
BBC tv drama or Tom Hardy vanity project? Taboo: an hour-long grime punk muck-raking overly portent-laden f-bomb-dropping opener with high production values and relativist cultural values. Nasty Imperialist Englishmen are obviously the baddies but there’s already more than a hint of the redeeming goodness of non-european blood and non-Christian mumbo jumbo. I can see how this got the BBC juices flowing. Can BBC drama ever again go for an hour without a leftist world view morality lesson? So apart from the good-look granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin, what’s the point?
No matter what the historical period, the beeb will always populate its dramas full of anachronistic characters who sound as if they are studying their Sociology A level.
Perfectly put! I winced at the BBC’s hopeless Agatha Christie adaption ‘Witness For the Prosecution’, broadcast over Christmas. Not only was the entire thing filmed with a smoke machine puffing away in the background, but the male lead, supposed to be a young working class Londoner in the 1920s, spoke with the accent of a 20 year old South London black, circa 2016.
I suppose if you have a production team where anyone over 35 has been purged, this is what you get.
Not just in the programming, GC, adverts are now becoming unwatchable, if they ever where. Seems like the only whitey allowed is that fat, luvvie get, James Corden, all others just include token whites. My current bete noir is the Nat West advert which shows a series of adjectival shots, with two versions for each adjective. When the black female gets to “we are responsible” she shows one example of responsibility, followed by a shot of melting glaciers and adds “and responsible” in funereal tones. Getting lectured by a bloody bank ffs, on climate change!
Advertising is a mess in the UK – used by Guardianistas not to sell the products on offer but their secondhand political ideas.
Banks are particularly bad, as you say (the worst was the gay black man in the Lloyds advert ‘he said yes’ – please!)but it seems you are only allowed to buy a sofa these days if you are one half of a mixed race couple.
I actually contacted DFS last year and asked them if they only sell to mixed race couples or could anyone buy their upholstered orange boxes. Still awaiting a response, am not holding breath.
Everyone is noticing it that I speak to, – everything on the tv, from adverts, drama, soaps, news, reality, entertainment, sport, is not complete unless there is the token black or mixed race participant involved. I’m not against it per se, but at least get the ratios right. We are (for now) an 80% white population, but a Martian watching our tele would think we are 50-50, and its this that really pisses me off ! I’ve noticed in some of the ads that the ‘token’ black barely utters a word, so its patronising to them and insulting to us.
Many a couple appear to be of mixed relationship – in reality (and not living in any of our 3 largest cities), is this something that is the norm? because I don’t know any. I do however see lots of overweight single women with a mixed race child in her buggy – which says it all.
If you think the Beeb is bad when it comes to plugging diversity try watching CBeebies or CBBC.
Why do more things, some would say trivial, piss us off as we get older? Is it the memory of how things were once, not perfect by any means, we had less yet seemed happier or is this because we were younger and had the rest of our lives in front of us? Or does our bullshit detector develop and increase its sensitivity to compensate for the failing eyesight, hearing, hair loss, etc.? Discuss.
Combination of all , I think .
Interesting question.
I agree with both of your suggestions. I think one’s “bullshit detector” certainly improves over time because we’ve heard so much of it. We have a more accurate yardstick to go by.
With regard to “some would say trivial” things, speaking for myself, I get tired of being told what is “relevant” by 20 year old dipsticks who appear to spend half of their waking lives staring at themselves in the mirror.
On Brissles’ point, I certainly wouldn’t regard changing the racial composition of the country “trivial” when it seems to be accompanied by significant cultural changes that nobody asked for.
“We are (for now) an 80% white population” – and the MSM need to member that the remaining 20% are not all black.
Staring into a mirror or a mobile ‘phone more like, Marion.
You seem to have met the same people as me.
As to the population figures, whilst not in dispute, would be the reverse and maybe even higher in certain parts of this sceptered isle, usually the same areas that the “opinion formers” work and infest. Maybe that’s why they take their environment as the norm and push it down our throats at every opportunity. My BS detector is in danger of OD-ing at the moment.
“…who appear to spend half of their waking lives staring at themselves in the mirror.” Is that a new “app” available on their mobiles?
“….and the MSM need to member that the remaining 20% are not all black.” – But are media reporters, particularly on the BBC.
“Reply” option disappeared.
ToobiWan: “Maybe that’s why they take their environment as the norm and push it down our throats at every opportunity.”
I think suggesting that they might be mistaken is a very charitable way of looking at it. I think they are perfectly well aware of the demographic make up of this country because there are still numerous places and events where it is plain to see – any occasion with a basis in tradition or European culture, for instance.
IMO, the explanation is far simpler – they don’t like it and they want it changed through open borders and the eventual abolition of nation states.
A very old brain washing technique re-enforced with legal teeth. Note that the origins are in the Universities churning out the “journalists/advertising” graduates.
By making sure that you have multicultural broadcasting and advertising you condition people subliminally to accept this as the norm. The legal teeth lies in the Equality Act. If you complain you could be done for waycism.
Both Marion and TigerOC have it right, IMNSHO. It is quite deliberate, part of a desire to homogenise the entire planet and impose a ‘one world’ government. And yes, it does indeed start in the universities, which were infiltrated as far back as the 1930s.
I think this was an EU requirement primarily (here). The BBC are keen to promote racial ‘integration’ no matter what due to EU regs. It also reinforces existing ‘equality’ legislation to ensure that ‘coloured folk’ see themselves ‘integrated’ into western culture. Islam is very ‘hot’ but BAM is easier for ‘racial integration’. A UK (or US) ‘Diversity Officer’ (in Advertising) has to ensure that you have to have a public ‘face’ that fits (the new EU requirement) of racial harmony. Its also typical of many US adverts despite it being often patchy in reality. Its considerd very ‘modern’ by advertisers following ‘public service’ announcements. i.e one size fits all.., all have equal pay, all have happy families, all laughing, and obviously have loads of money. Ad man’s dream
I drive my wife to distraction as she has some favourite soaps like Casualty and Holby City. I seldom watch any TV but on occasion I see parts while having a cuppa with her. I usually comment on the various pieces of propaganda fed into the story lines that are just pure political propaganda. I am asked politely to move on to what ever project I am working on.
The Christmas Holby hit home VERY forcibly on the wife because it could well have been written by UNITE. The words were straight out of the NHS protest placards. She was so shocked she actually switched to another channel. Chortling I moved on. 🙂
Friends! My latest round-up of my week’s Tweets is now – literally – available, literally here:
Our great friend Support Our Lefty does a fine job summing up the culture using comedy and mockery.
In that spirit-here`s a review of the last weeks news…what the BBC chose to give us, compared to what WE happen to think matters
1, New Years Eve.
Last year was Cologne-this year was Innsbruck as well as the “traditional burning of cars all over France”.
WE get the Queen not getting to church and Welby, fireworks from Dubai.
I agree, literally, with you about SupportOurLefty. As for fireworks, were there not quite a few fireworks in Europe for the BBC to report ?
Thank you, Friend Grant! BTW, you might be interested to see an exchange I had with a sour Lefty about “comedy” earlier today (it’s the last two posts in the highlighted blue section, which contains my original post at the top):
EDIT: ChrisH has kindly written a supportive comment there, so it’s now the last three posts in the blue section.
Thank you, Friend Chris :). I particularly love the “traditional burning of cars all over France” bit! Sadly, it’s getting harder and harder to parody the real world …
EDIT: (Thanks to BB for the 15-minute edit facility – I wish the Graun had this!). Just seen your supportive comment in the Graun – many thanks! 🙂 That uptick you’ve got is – literally – mine, btw :).
My latest totally objective survey shows that literally every planet in the Solar System would now vote to Remain in Our EU.
Glad you enjoyed that, Friend Johnny! It was “inspired” by a report in that Far-Left [taking my revenge on Al Beeb here!] blog, the misleadingly titled “Independent”, that every EU country would now vote for Remain. Yeah right!
BBC Radio running with the headline “Theresa May vows to bring society back together following the Brexit vote”.
Is that really what she said? Of course not. The implication in that headline is blatantly clear.
‘bring society back together’
Said it before and will point it out again – when the Left top the polls it’s a mandate. When the right win divisions have to be healed. That’s the rule.
Truck attack Jerusalem Green line …4 dead, 15 injured some still trapped.
Live coverage was on RT coming back next half hour.
Russia may or may not have hacked US political email addresses.
But right now RussiaToday are doing a rebuttal of the 25 page report and started by showing it contains enough date and name errors to look like it was written by interns.
Donald J. Trump
22 hrs ·
Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only “stupid” people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We have enough problems around the world without yet another one.
When I am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now and both countries will, perhaps, work together to solve some of the many great and pressing problems and issues of the WORLD!
359k Likes28k Comments36k Shares
An example of how easy it is to get into the UK?
Wow! Just found this –
From the comments, they have a lot to learn about how the Worlds Most Respected bias works on a daily basis. But there, its a start and perhaps this could be a rallying point.
Well! … I certainly hope so
The wider the circulation the better
and not only the Al BBC
oops! nearly forgot …
please sign this one
ECHR Judgement Summary:
“sharia law is incompatible with democracy and human rights”
Would that be the same ECHR which has given a free pass to Sharia-compliant terrorists to remain in the UK because of their ‘human rights’?
“Nicola Sturgeon has warned Theresa May that she is not “bluffing” on the promise of a second independence referendum if Scotland is “driven off a hard Brexit cliff”.”
On Marr again.
I bet Theresa is shitting herself.
Sturgeon wants a separate immigration policy to that of the rest of the UK. She was not pressed by the very incompetent Marr for any detail which was a shame as it is in the detail where she always falls down.
This woman is a fool. I understand fully that there is a more sensible thinking wing of Scotland, who contribute well to this site, but I really don’t understand how the pro Independence Scots can formulate a logical argument other than through a bigoted,nasty hatred of the English.
Of all the presenters, only Andrew Neill tackles the detail and exposes a politicians flaws.
Krankie is crazy.
Immigration is not a devolved matter. If Scotland is independent of the UK, then Scotland would have to apply for membership of the EU. In the interim, Scotland can have its own immigration system, but that would not allow EU country nationals or any others automatic entry. There would have to be a visa system. In the same way, Scots would have to apply for a visa to visit other countries, including England.
Krankie is crazy !
A bucket of warm sick cancelled on Mark.. Second Rate Marr at the last minute. Apparently.
At least Ken was free.
Didn’t see the interview, but I don’t suppose Marr questioned her about the failures of the ” Scottish Police Force ” , attempted politicisation of the University Sector, falls in standards of local government and so on ?
Me either, and not just for legal compliance.
Sounds like Marr did what he does best, only not helping a lady guest with her undies this time.
Guest and Grant – I am quite sure even Marr would not dare go anywhere near those particular knickers – Frostbite can lead to removal of said digits!
Red card for you !!
OK , Krankie is not our greatest sex symbol. Fiona Bruce on the other hand !!!
Sorry Grant didnt mean to “trigger” you!
Just checking my blood pressure now and if ” Antiques Road Show ” is on today .
Fiona Bruce was born in Singapore,[3] to an English mother and a Scottish father…
On the other hand, the great Jack Bruce……
I have one Jack story for you. About 20-25 years ago, after his heyday, he was playing in a seedy bar in the High Street , Edinburgh. It was a sunday night and I went along and paid my £2 entrance fee. Only about 50 people there.
I went to the bar to buy a drink and asked the barman ” Is Jack Bruce really playing tonight ? “. The barman said ” well he is meant to be “. There was a guy sitting at the bar who said to me ” Yes, just when I have finished my drink “.
He played a brilliant 1-hour set accompanied by a drummer, lead guitar and a bottle of Martini !
Grant – you lucky man. He played a couple of very low key venues near where I live – maybe 15 years ago? (but I’d be guessing) My own lazy, stupid fault I didn’t go to see him.
There was a vitality in Jack’s vocals and bass playing that were unique. You just knew he loved what he was doing. And arguably Cream’s heavy blues numbers pave the way for bands like Led Zep. Bloody wonderful times.
Sadly, sadly missed.
Spot on ! Jack had a forward way of driving the bass and vocals. I agree with your link with Led Zep !
Elsie Sturgeon would never make a decent poker player, she has nothing to bargain with other than the threat of yet another referendum which she would lose. May must know this, so it’s all bluff and bluster from the neverendum party, al-beeb like to keep stoking this dead fire as it suits their anti- #Brexit stance.
PS My radios now stand forever silent, gathering dust and free from MSM fake news, or news by omission. I welcomed Alexa into my sitting room and can now listen to who or what I want, when I want it. £50 quid well spent on Amazon 🙂
Yes, Krankie is full of something, mainly herself !
If exiting the Single Market is the cue for IndiRef 2, it’s a winwin. Sorted ….
Sorry, didn’t realise someone had already mentioned this.
Just tried to find a food programmes on Sichuan its food area etc.
Tried the old Al BBC food programme
surprising results, (well maybe not 😀 )
BBC R4 – Brexit and Food: A Food Programme Special
Food Programme Dan Saladino outlines all the big food issues we’re facing because of Brexit.
And don’t forget, Brexit has caused that prat Jamie Oliver, to close 6 restaurants. Damn, I shall be reduced to KFC !
I cannot bear the smug London Broadcasting Tories, especially Iain Fail
but here, he cracks on Jamie “foodie wevolution” Oliver.
Oliver’s latest big idea is to open schools during the holidays so food can be served to stop poor kids starving to death.
He has no idea of the cost of the school infrastructure that will have to be in place to do this,cooks,servers,cleaners and other staff would have to be in,and in the hols site staff etc have all sorts of work to do that can’t be done when kids are in school.
And anyway if the parents used their benefits for feeding their offspring instead of wasting it on SKY tv,cigs, drink,tattoos,the latest mobile phone etc they would have no problems. Rant over!
Which country is Jamie talking about ? Ethiopia ?
Maybe the Ethiopian spice girls could hold an aid concert to feed our starving children.
Priceless, EG.
Did anyone, especially in the media and at the BBC, bother to look at which six restaurants Jamie Oliver is closing from his UK chain?
They are mostly in affluent areas or cities or towns in the UK. Some of them also appear to be in areas likely to have voted to Remain in the EU in last June’s Referendum. I suspect that while Brexit may have affected some of his costs (his suppliers – like many of us have found – trying it on post-EU Ref with big price hikes) I am left wondering whether there may be one or two other reasons, not connected with the Brexit vote, why these establishments have insufficient custom and need to close.
I recall having a row on here with that prize imbecile who called himself Reith, a BBC wonk of some kind. I’d pointed out (and it was hardly a new observation!) that the Food Programme had been hijacked by Leftist activists some years ago, under the control of the vile Sheila Dillon and Saladino.
His lame response was to waffle on about the programme’s presenter, the ‘old duffer’ Derek Cooper, who had died in 2014!
Food is a much favoured weapon by the Guardianista class. Always be cautious of foodies, many of whom seem to have an agenda (as well as appalling tastes) that they smuggle in with their preaching.
GC, I noted this week that in the current ‘obesity crisis’ the BBC have gone back to displaying a banner of three food items on their web-site Home Page with perhaps others, if topical, as news items shown there as well. It had been removed for a while. There is much hypocrisy over food, especially restaurant food, the cost of food and healthy diets, in the UK media and especially at the BBC. It exceeds the hypocrisy over four-wheel drive vehicles that happened about ten years ago.
Spare a thought for poor Marr this Sunday who got stuck with Krankie, while eager sixth-former Sophie Ridge got Teezer. Having holed out big time in Boston on gimmegration, Sophie obviously thought it would be cool and get her noticed if she repeated the immortal words of our next US President “grab them by the small feline” on daytime Sunday telly. Sadly all she got was Teezer’s gorgon death stare, followed by her patronising “never mind dear, you’ll get the hang of this eventually” smile. Shame really, especially as Sly News had spent forty quid on some Sophie Ridge advertising for Teezer to see on her way into the studio. Better luck next time.
Shows the lack of intelligence these auto cue readers have eh ? a portly looking chap in a suit and Grandad fair-isle v necked sweater being a mountain rescuer, and even then they started to interview him before he told them otherwise ! priceless ! and they didn’t even apologise.
Spot on Gunner – Sophie Ridge is clearly being ‘pushed’ by Sky in readiness for Kay Burley having one too many face lifts and scaring the audience away. Sadly she has a condescending speaking voice and is far too pleased with herself, so I’ve turned her off even before her promotion.
Are you allowed to say that? 🙂
say what ?
… Sophie Ridge who giggles hilariously in the background when people are making serious points !! Are there really not any other Andrew Neils (female if they **have to be** ) out there who we can be succinct and to the point in asking questions which the country are ***willing** them to ask !! I could do better myself and that is saying something.
Crisis in the NHS, patients on trolleys, shortage of doctors. Suggest ambulances deliver patients to Parliament Square where there seems to be an abundance of medical staff.
Crisis in the NHS, bed shortages etc., I know what to do, open the floodgates to mass immigration from Afica, Eastern Europe etc., that will do the trick.
Nah Bill, it’s all our fault for living longer.
Nothing to do with the 50,000 flying in every year to give birth in our maternity wards costing almost half a billion a year, that, and all the other health problems they bring with them are never mentioned.
Nigel did once but, unlike Basil Fawlty, didn’t get away with it.
He should know, you can’t tell the truth now because the snowflakes all rush out of their safe places, wipe off their tears, and start calling you names.
“… It’s all our fault for living longer.” That’s right, Emmanuel, yet on the one hand, they say this demographic is causing problems in social care, pension requirements, etc., then, they suggest we take these pills, have this injection, wear warm clothes when its cold (how did we ever manage before all this “helpful” info and I wonder how much it all costs) never mind the food Nazis telling us what to eat, to help us live longer? Surely all this “helpful” advice would make the problem worse wouldn’t it? These helpful people wouldn’t be lying to us would they regarding their longevity tips?
Well, if you want to know why there’s a shortage of midwives, – they’ve all been applying on “Wanted Down Under ” !!!
Wild Bill
“Crisis in the NHS”
Here are my answers to the crisis – Change the ‘International’ Health Service back to the NHS.
Stop spending all the money we waste each year on Foreign Aid, and use it for the NHS to recruit more doctors and nurses.
Set up a charity called ‘Foreign Aid’ and let it get its money like all the other charities in the UK, such as the Red Cross, the RSPCA, the RNLI etc.
Oh, perhaps the same plan could be applied to Al Beeb after we do away with the telly tax.
BBC editorial guidelines, like their integrity, does throw up some interesting convolutions:
In that piece I also notice their mysterious use of ‘quotes”.
This is mirrored in my latest BBC Breaking Bad News email:
Breaking News
Iranian ex-President Rafsanjani ‘dies’
Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani dies aged 82 – media reports
Now, I would have thought the old sod either died, or did not. It’s one of those black or white things in a world of grey. Also, how come he ‘dies’ in the headline but goes full Monty in the sub?
BBC Website describes that murderous bastard as a “pragmatic conservative “. Yes, like a sort of Iranian cuddly Ken Clarke. FFS !
Anybody heard of this from the bBC:
UK: Child sexual exploitation report finds Muslims make up nearly 50% of offenders
Only 50%?
The figure of 48% was for Bradford East, this contains 7 wards of which 3 hold very few Muslims, I can only presume that low figures for child molestation in those areas has brought down the overall figure for BE to 48%
Expect, a very large contingent of RoPers to bring traffic to a standstill in a protest, over such reprehensible, abhorrent news.
… no wait
Apologies, that was over the shooting of a violent, drug dealing, illegal firearm owning, tried for attempted murdering Islamic wannabe “badboystud” gangsta.
Protest ‘against M62 police shooting’ closes roads in West Yorkshire
B…b… but… Boris, er, pussy… Krankie bluffoon ‘warning’.
Oh, and… “Giant wire spool rolls down Pennsylvania motorway”
Totally OT, but also just had an email from Mother Jones, who are like the BBC, only slightly less uniquely funded:
We’ll be blunt — hardly any supporters have taken our President Obama Exit Poll. With Obama leaving office in just a few days, we desperately need feedback from you TODAY!
Being equally blunt, ever heard of ‘if you have nothing good to say’?
Do you approve of President Obama’s time in office?
YES → NO →
I have no opinion of President Obama →
Not sure who they think supports them. It cost nothing to follow, so… know what the numpties are up to.
President Obama will inevitably go down in history as one of the most successful presidents in modern U.S. history.
[Looks up ‘inevitably’ and ‘successful’, along with ‘red lines’ and ‘community relations’]
Getting the feeling MJ has not sussed they live in a very small bubble.
Just a heads up for those in the North of England, that an Arctic blast is going to sweep the country from Thursday on, dropping temperatures by around 10 deg C and potentially bringing some heavy snowfall too. Some forecasts are suggesting temperatures as low as -5 C although most others are around -2 which is still not pleasant.
If you have anything to do this week then get as much done by Thursday evening before this hits for a most unpleasant weekend.
Ten day forecast for Sunderland on BBC has a daytime minimum of plus 3 on Thursday and Saturday with an overnight minimum of minus 1 on Friday and Saturday.
All other temperatures are higher, 5-8 degrees on average.
Overnight, all plus and no minus apart from the two above.
But they told us we were gonna have snow at Christmas .. I don’t listen to the weather forecast anymore .. it’s all to do with what is happening over London. “Northern Britain” is a euphemism for north of Watford.
I’m afraid it’s inaccurate everywhere. For example, it is currently raining outside where I am. There is no mention of that on the BBC forecast – even the very local weather app allegedly updated every minute by the clueless Met Office.
Oh dear.
From a BBC report:
The number of beds in NHS hospitals in England has dropped by 15,000 since 1997, official figures reveal.
According to the Department of Health, there were 198,848 NHS hospital beds seven years ago. Last year, that figure was 183,826 with London worst affected.
Officials say fewer beds are needed because medical advances mean patients spend less time in hospital.
But opposition parties say the figures raise questions over how money earmarked for the NHS is being spent.
Oh, forgot to mention – report dated 11 August 2004.
Meanwhile, Labour was opening the immigration floodgates:
Enough foreign nationals to fill Birmingham three times over moved to the UK in a policy that critics have dubbed “Labour’s great betrayal”.
3 million more but fewer (and fewer) hospital beds.
And the BBC still wilfully refuses to join the dots.
What was that again about ‘fake news’ and ‘post truth’, BBC?
BBC R4 Virtue Signal bingo
: The Eddy Mair podcast is with Gerry Gable an ‘anti fascist’
who commenters have mentioned has caused BBC to pay libel money due to claims he has made in Panorama etc.
World Have Your Say
“#BLMKidnapping has been trending after a video was streamed live on Facebook showing a bound and gagged man being assaulted and abused for being white. Four people have been arrested for the attack in Chicago. What does this video say about the Black Lives Matter movement? People are saying the attack epitomises the movement they see as violent. Others say this attack has nothing to do with a peaceful civil rights campaign.”
“Icy temperatures across Europe have left more than 20 people dead and blanketed even the Greek islands and southern Italy in snow.”
“Italy saw ferries and flights cancelled and schools in the south are expected to close on Monday.”
“Turkey has also been badly affected. The Bosphorus was closed to shipping as a heavy snowstorm hit Istanbul.”
“At least 10 people died of cold in Poland. Night temperatures in Russia plunged to minus 30C.”
Global Warming anyone, or is it Climate Change?
Or even Brexit !
If you insist!
Here goes….
Tsk, tsk Taffman! The ecological Jesuits got rid of the term ‘global warming’ a few years ago and replaced it with ‘climate change’ precisely to stop non-believers mocking their faith! I’m currently on the continent eastern Europe and here it’s -18c but I still managed a swim outdoors today, albeit in a heated pool. FFS, it’s what we used to call ‘winter’ in the old days!
“The UK cannot expect to hold on to “bits” of its membership after leaving the EU, Theresa May has said.”
No problem.
They sell more to us than we sell to them .
We pay more into the EU than we get out.
Therefore we, Great Britain would gain considerably in any ‘tariff war’.
On top of all that we get to trade with the rest of the free world.
Yes, so what is the dozy cow doing about it apart from talking ?
Honest Reporting certainly has the BBC taped when it comes to obfuscating reporting:
“BBC Gradually Discovers Terror Truck Had Actual Driver Behind the Wheel”
“The BBC has a habit of attributing terror attacks to inanimate objects or vehicles. And so it was the case with an appalling truck ramming terror attack that took place in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem that has, so far, claimed the lives of four Israelis and injured many more.”
It woz a Brexit truck wat did it !
The Al BBC “killer truck” story
“Before this latest incident, 35 Israelis had been killed in a wave of knife, gun and car-ramming attacks by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs since October 2015. More than 200 Palestinians – mostly attackers, Israel says – have also been killed in that period
… “Israel says” BBC? so they were not attackers?? incorrect representation.
Israel says Palestinian incitement has fuelled the attacks. The Palestinian leadership has blamed frustration rooted in
… “decades of Israeli occupation”?.
not “the supposed” occupation??,
not “disputed” Arab claims” of occupation???
not the political smokescreen of an occupation????,
You know, I can t even be bothered to wheel out all of the facts again
The BBC is wilfully lying.
Well that is an improvement on the BBC report that I heard earlier where the Palestinian deaths were bolted onto the story without any context, leaving the naive listener to conclude that while Palestinian terrorists killed a few Israelis, Israeli terrorists, presumably, were carrying out carnage in ‘Palestine’.
Of course there aren’t any Israeli terrorists but don’t let that get in the way of the BBC’s ‘truth’ reporting.
For anyone who wants to read comedy gold 😀
BBC News – Grading Obama’s presidency
What is his legacy, and will it survive Trump?
Well anyway,
From the guy who was gifted a Nobel Peace Prize before doing anything, at war every day of his tenure, armed the world’s largest terrorist group gave an insane nation access to nuclear weapons … work that one out, oh yes, then awards himself the pentagons distinguished public service medal, before he goes.
Lauds his kids into everything from “hello” to “popsugar” book them into Harvard, they set out on a 3 nation tour with mom.
… and turned his wife into the Obama incorporated SJW trash show celeb
BBC – Obama warns Trump election: US presidency is not a family business.
You literally couldn t make it up
Theresa May launches a new social policy and the Beeb ain’t happy at all. Marr was in full sneering mode this morning interviewing Justine greening. This was followed by the dame on the big questions sneering at ceo’s and their salaries with the help of one of the leaders of the Green Party. Martin sorrel who built his company from nothing got a right good kicking by the envious sjw”s and union lackeys in the audience. Basically they wanted his money. Food banks got mentioned but no mention that they started under the glorious labour years 15 years ago when there was no poverty, increased cost of living, increasing property prices. Nah we were all living in a fairytale before 2010. The Adam smith institute fella seemed to be battling the audience along with the presenter. Atrocious shite then again it was broadcasting from Brunel uni home to one will self
Beeboids are moaning about train strikes and replacement buses.
This is 2016 the BBC didn’t have to centralize in London …they could make progs anywhere in the country.
Not so much a fake BBC news story as an illustration of their news priorities and slanted reportage:
The BBC World News webpage’s 3rd headline after the Death of ex-Iranian President Rafsanjani and Obama’s latest chiding of Trump –
“Four dead in Jerusalem lorry attack
Four people have been killed in Jerusalem by a Palestinian man who drove a lorry into a group of soldiers, in what police called a terror attack.
Three women and one man, all in their twenties, were killed and 17 others were wounded, police said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the attacker, who was shot dead by soldiers, was a suspected supporter of so-called Islamic State.
But the prime minister gave no evidence to support the claim.”
Think people might be getting a little fed up with the same old same old?
A classical example of crying wolf if you ask me?
With an estimated 15 million more gimmiegrants set to reach EU shores by 2020 the continent is heading for total collapse unless it does something radical to stop it.
Europe should turn back boats full of migrants in the Mediterranean, process asylum requests outside of the EU and resettle migrants outside the continent.
Mr Molan, the co-author of Australia’s controversial asylum policy, accused Europe of “making up excuses” when it comes to the challenges of border control.
if Europe can’t control its borders, organise its finances or deter Russia, what good is it?”
Mr Molan believes Australia’s strategy of turning back boats is the most important part of its asylum policy.
If boats are unable to make it back to where they were launched, Australia replaces the vessels with seaworthy alternatives.
he policy also aims to destroy the people smuggling industry.
Mr Molan said when migrants who have paid thousands to get on a boat to Australia find themselves where they started “it destroys the people smugglers’ business model”.
Thoughtful, the fact that Australia has had this policy in effect for some time makes me suspect that EU countries are deliberately turning a blind eye to illegal immigration. Granted, Australia is one country (so no requirement for international co-operation) and has proportionally fewer boats arriving, but still, it has shown it can be done. If an Australian policy were put in place across the EU, illegal immigration would end very quickly, lives would not be needlessly risked and genuine asylum seekers could be helped. But imagine the howls of the open-borders brigade if it were ever tried!
Yes why not, EU countries have at times sent military vessels to collect migrants from the med, actually helping them reach us from Libyan shores. As well as giving out life-jackets to boatloads of grown men. (No accompanying women or children). If there is money to throw away like that we can afford to spend money on sending invaders away instead.
PA top dogs threaten that moving US embassy to Jerusalem “declaration of war on all Muslims” … time for Trump to be strong, show leadership, and break the chain once and for all
A shocking story of GMPCES Political Correctness failing to charge two men with a hate crime after they attacked a memorial to Gay people in Manchester. They smashed tiles with names on them, and burned photographs left at the site.
The names of the two charged are Alaa Alanzi, 23 & Khalid Salah, 23 Which goes some way to explaining why the political correctness enforcement squad do not regard this as a hate crime.
Oh ! forget the news look over there at the fluffy animal …….
You are forced by law to pay for this . Will it be used to bury the news in the morn?
Back to basics.
“Sir Ivan Rogers: Former UK ambassador to the EU quits civil service”
Now just who is this guy working for, the EU or Great Britain?
Has he become institutionalised?
And remind me of the amount of his eye-watering golden goodbye, despite his choosing to resign?
That’s right you can’t. Data protection laws or some such prevent that being specified.
He chose to resign, with immediate effect.
How can there be a golden goodbye beyond any legally required minimum?
It is probably in his contract and almost certainly tax-free under some EU law. Assuming he was on a minimum basic of £200,000 pa, that would give him a £50,000 lump sum. But worth it to get rid of rubbish like him.
I hesitate to mention what became known as the Ealing vicarage rape, since this post could be accused of employing a particularly dreadful crime (or more narrowly Jill Saward’s recent death) to belabour the BBC, but the contempt shown by the nation’s most trusted broadcaster for the citizens of that nation I think just about merits what follows.
Many readers will recall the incident. On 6 March 1986, Robert Horscroft, Martin McCall and Christopher Byrne broke into the vicarage of St Mary’s, Ealing. There they confronted Jill Saward, the daughter of the vicar. At knifepoint, McCall ordered her to strip. In a prolonged assault, he then—the following are her words—‘raped, buggered and indecently assaulted’ her. Byrne sexually assaulted her. She was then tied up.
The end of this notorious case for McCall was that he was sentenced to five years for rape and five years for aggravated burglary. Whilst still in prison, he made death threats against Ms Saward. Unlike Byrne, he didn’t change his name on release.
And the BBC? Oh, it’s just that in the 1990s, McCall was employed at Television Centre as a security guard. The Television Centre where members of the public would make up studio audiences, that one. If Ms Saward couldn’t forgive McCall and Byrne (she forgave Horscroft, who played no part in the rape), I fail to see why the BBC should. No doubt it was all—conveniently—the arm’s-length fault of a subcontractor. Why they don’t just rebrand themselves Sex Criminals ‘R’ Us is beyond me.
And if that is not horrific enough (and I never knew of that connection Jump!) That would also be during Savilles antics at Top of the Pops (Saviile was still abusing young woman in 2006) at age 76. Or as the BBC would have it now ‘Jimmy Savile scandal: Alleged victims’ stories’. – according to the BBC here) but I also remember that ‘Savilles’ BBC Chauffereur was also arrested (and topped himself in prison), the BBC response to that was ‘that he was not employed by the BBC, only to be later proved (in court) he was also on the BBC payroll (as a chauffeur), ‘on call’ to Saville and shared the same ‘past-time’ and crimes.
I think it’s pretty clear that whatever the BBC likes to pretend, the knowledge of what Saville was up to was pretty widespread, long before the truth finally crept out.
A bit late I know, the HYS is now closed but check the comments for the “Highest Rated” …………
“Sturgeon suggests soft Brexit could take indyref off table in short term.”
We want hard Brexit – OUT !
So my Scottish SNP cousins, you want to be swamped by ‘open door immigration’, and you want to be ruled by Europe – So much for your cry ‘freedom’ that you very much cherish.
Well it would be easy for England and Wales to put up a border so that the home nations will be able to have control over its borders – other european nations can do it, so can we.
Let’s hear it from the true Scottish people reading this site – what say you you ?
Part of Great Britain or part of an undemocratic EU?
I think my stance on that is pretty well known here by now.
What I don’t understand is why she’s allowed to continue spouting such drivel unchallenged.
‘Speaking drivel unto power’ about sums up Krankie handed the mic by the state foghorn.
I’ve often wondered about the juxtapostion of cry freedom in tandem with fanatical EU support myself Taffman. The SNPs site has it thus,
“There is nothing contradictory about independent nations recognising their interdependence and choosing to pool some sovereignty for mutual advantage.”
Yet on the same website
“we believe that the decisions which
which affect Scotland should be made by the people who live and work here.”
Nothing cotradictory about that then.
They have lasted for a one trick pony however, and as long as they can keep the deception going, ultra nationalism fuelled by a rage against the English on the one hand, EU federalism on the other, who can stop them?