Chibundu Onuzo and Martin Sixsmith on corruption and family drama
Start the Week
Andrew Marr talks to the best-selling author Martin Sixsmith about his latest book which tells the story of a daughter’s search for the truth about her beloved father. Secrets, corruption and political intrigue are uncovered as they travel from Britain to Pakistan. There’s more political scandal and family drama from the Nigerian author Chibundu Onuzo in her latest novel, Welcome to Lagos, and the playwright Oladipo Agboluaje imagines a political revolution in 21st century Nigeria and the moral compromises made in the pursuit of power and political change. Laurence Cockcroft is the co-founder of Transparency International in the UK and in his latest work turns his attention to the flavour of corruption in the West.
A quite sickening piece which shows the depravity of the Fascist Left, that there is tremendous corruption in Pakistani communities in Britain, but it’s all OK because it works for them !
As we’ve always said of the Fascists, the rest of us simply don’t matter.
As this program has gone on with guests from countries which are regarded as corrupt it has shown just how Naive Fascists like Marr really are with the guests constantly having to correct his prejudices and fantasy like beliefs of foreign culture and society.
I don’t think that I have heard in a long time, a BBC interviewer get so much so wrong so often.
Even when it came to the books some of them had written Marr has completely misunderstood what he had read, twisting the words to fit his own agenda, which was it turned out completely false.
I was only half listening, but whenever I heard Marr speak it was to say things like “it works for them” in relation to corruption in Pakistan and “it’s similar to public schoolboy networks in UK” in relation to corruption in Nigeria.
The man really exposed himself as a complete fool.
Sixsmith said an interesting thing at one point: he likened some alarming aspects of Pakistan, which he had experienced there, to the Wild West and said that he had found it all exciting. This made me think of the frequent use of the adjective ‘vibrant’, e.g. “the vibrant diversity of some of Britain’s inner cities”. Vibrant, presumably, equates to lively and exciting and is meant to be a term of praise.
This in turn set me thinking about a BBC TV prog’ some time ago in which David Dimbleby bemoaned the fact that there wasn’t much to do in 1950s Britain, with shops shut on Sundays, few TV or radio channels, etc.
It occurs to me that some BBC Lefty media types simply are not very good at entertaining themselves; in other words, they get bored easily. They need strong external stimulus and are not happy reading, walking in the countryside, talking to friends and family, playing a sport, etc. Hence the stock-in-trade references to “the sleepy Gloucestershire village of xyz” which translates as “lacking vibrancy”, i.e. the sort of place where a girl might go to the local shop to buy some sweets without much risk of sexual harassment.
If Sixsmith finds Pakistan exciting, he is welcome to try to settle there. Dimbleby should try Somalia or maybe Luton. I don’t see why the rest of us should suffer partly because the likes of them get bored easily and thus welcome the importation of ‘vibrancy’ into the UK (though usually not to where they live) because the resulting tension gives them something to talk about. If living in interesting times is a curse, then a bit more boredom might not be such a bad thing. Subjecting Britain to the kind of changes seen in the last couple of decades is a very risky way of creating excitement and things to do and talk about.
Golden Globes or brass neck
The BBC loves the fact that guilt-laden multi-millionaire luvvies spout lefty politics. Given the wonderful we are the world context, shuld the BBC really focus on the British winners of gongs? Given all these calls for magnanimous selflessness should the BBC still be celebrating their own involvement with that Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston show? Sure it will make cash from overseas sales for the BBC but we’re celebrating international socialism here, aren’t we?
Yes hammy. Streep is not consistent with her acting.
Her speech at the Globe Awards carried the lie that Trump had made fun of a disabled reporter. Perhaps we can put that lie to rest. Trump did not mock the disabled reporter, and here is the link to the evidence. Like many other stories the BBC and US media eagerly bought into the lie.
Here is what the BBC uncritically copied from Streep.
‘Streep said she was “stunned” during the presidential election campaign when the Republican candidate imitated disabled New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski.’
Here is more on the lies from Streep about Trump and the disabled journalist. Ann Coulter spells it out.
My question is why is the UK Government not speaking out against the blatant lies the state broadcaster is repeating about the incoming US President. Just one Minister in our Government might call out the BBC, but so far nothing said against the daily anti Trump propaganda.
Ann Coulter on Streep’s mocking a disabled reporter lie.
Streep’s million dollar quote, “Going forward, we will need them (MSM) and they will need us (the luvvies).”
Together the MSM and the luvvies? So far so very, very bad.
The who, the what, the where? Oh, where’s the rest button?
Sadly there’ll be a new splunge of anti-President Elect Trump ‘films’ to come, and they’ll all portray the ‘plot’ with some useful idiot dredged from a bunch of struggling third-rate ‘actors’.
The bBeeb are doing it already with some shows (reportedly, I can’t be arsed to watch the stuff), but some twonks think it’s interesting.
Quote “We also have proof that the media know they are lying about Trump mocking a disabled man. In the “Comments” section to a Washington Post article pushing this lie, someone posted a perfectly respectful response that included the Catholics 4 Trump videos — of Trump doing the exact same imitation of a general and of Serge being interviewed. The Post deleted the comment — and pronto!
Why did the Post instantly remove those videos from the “Comments” section? To hide the evidence of its lying. “
Jeremy Hunt offers himself up as a limp aunt sally on BBC tv news this morning. Over the weekend the ‘British’ (?) Red Cross have descibed the NHS as a humanitarian crisis. Has ‘Support Your Local Lefty’ literally been writing their PR? Time to drop the ‘Cross’ in their title surely? But don’t worry our sadomasochist Jeremy gives 90% of the debate to his enemies by assuming it’s all about putting more money in. Then he gives a sop to the BBC with the daft concept that the number one priority is teenage mental health problems due to the internet (with special mention of the girls). This is more about playing to the Mumsnet crowd. Ssssush… this is anecdotal but I hear when you look around a crowded GP’s waiting room it ain’t usually filled with a batch of Jessicas and Jocastas busily self-harming over cyber bullying – it just ain’t.
You can almost taste the tears from the celebs but its also noticeable that some of the celebs are very slow to clap when faced with the hollywood high command. Yes colin farrell i’m looking at you and Viggo Mortensen man the fuck up you were Aragorn for gods sake.
Hollywood must be a very special place where one can become a politician overnight. I am fairly sure Morgan Freeman should be qualified by now to run for presidency, he seems to do a great job on screen.
The bloke with the beard appears to be singularly unimpressed, or is he just trying to add a little gravitas? Quite a feat at an event where the winner is “La La Land”.
Overall, the response in the audience looks a little mixed. Perhaps their thoughts are elsewhere – how much they could get for their Goody Bags on eBay, perhaps.
They’ll all claim it as a fee to their ‘off-shore fund’, like most of the bBeeb autocue-readers, and therefore we’d never see a penny of it!
Why do you think that that blasted building in Langham place looks like a huge ****
(I must apologise in advance if this offends the better half of the human race – I used to know the Chief Architect of the Beeb, but luckily have lost touch now)!
Scroblene – I love that blasted building in Langham Place! – the idea that super-puritan John Reith had it knocked up as a “temple of the arts and muses” with the idea that the listener should incline his ear to all that it is lovely and honest and then he got a child molesting, dog fucking, daughter raping pervert to make the statues (Eric Gill) is hilarious. And that statue of Aerial and Prospero outside with Arial sticking his…antenna out all proud is appropriate too as beeboids are all a load of …antennas as well.
“….. But a source close to the group said: “The atmosphere had been great with the vast majority of people, but I was absolutely amazed by the vitriolic abuse they started to receive.
The issues began when they started dancing near to the Bull outside the Bullring and later near to Marks & Spencer. They were roundly abused and threatened with violence.
One lady was particularly angry and a group of young men started to become very abusive and confrontational, accusing them of being racists, which of course they are not.
They started jumping in between the dancers and knocking off their hats. The dancers tried to explain why their faces were painted black, but they would not listen.””
Well, in one of the Sunday supplements I’ve just read that the part of Danny in the latest production of Grease in London, is played by a black dancer. This is like watching a white version of Porgy & Bess (think of the uproar if that were to happen). There are some things you just cannot mess with, regardless of diversity quotas.
I used to enjoy the Jeffery Deaver “Lincoln Rhyme” books until Denzel came along in “The Bone Collector” movie and totally disrupted my mental picture. No sequel, I see.
For some, Tom Cruise has done something similar to Lee Child’s Jack Reacher. Never liked the books in the first place though.
There was a mix up in the casting instructions, they were looking for a 6′ 5″ actor, and someone wrote down 5′ 6″. From that moment, the job was Tom’s.
Yes, Grant, be careful what you say about dancers, I clearly remember the White Heather Club on TV many years ago 😉
When Morris Dancers perform outside a country pub, I understand they generally get free beer – it’s good for business. Not a bad deal. And they don’t take themselves too seriously, which is refreshing in this day and age.
What do Morris Dancers think of Brexit? Nobody knows, fortunately.
On completion of dancing, the Morris performed a traditional mummers play. It featured a very froggy Napoleon (boo, hiss!), hearty St George (hurrah!), an invading Saracen and innumerable godawful modern-day puns.
St George put the Saracen to the sword, but the Saracen was subsequently restored to health by means of a lit firework up his bottom.
(I suspect the firework might have been unlicenced for public display – as I say, it’s anarchy down here.)
The overall impression was of a small, rustic, informal, outdoor panto. If any political allegory were intended, it passed me by.
P.S. this particular Morris have a junior section for kids: it’s called the Morris Minors.
The answer to this was in an episode of, “Claire in the Community” – they used navy blue face-paint.
But that was a comedy, a bit of satire and some time ago.
The reason the Morris Dancers paint their faces black is purely cultural not racist. These protestors are both ignorant and disrespectful.
A dancer would entertain local people through the medium of dance in order to be handed some money. The dancers were often locals themselves who had fallen on hard times. They often danced for food/a loaf of bread. The dancers would blacken their faces in order not to be recognised by a family member or friend for fear of shame being placed upon them.
When it first started about 5 or 6 years ago I thoroughly enjoyed the BBC’s modern take on the wonderful Sherlock Holmes stories. There were lots of nods and allusions to the original Conan Doyle tales. They were fun and interesting. Then something went badly wrong. Watson got married and his wife, whilst being only the vaguest and shadowy of figures in Doyle’s classics became a huge and utterly absurd character.
The Beeb had her being an undercover hit woman, a member of the SAS, involved with all sorts of ludicrous covert organisations and a much more important part of the tales than poor old Watson. Last week she got killed and I for one punched the air in delight, thinking we’d seen the last of this unbelievable creature, but no… In yesterday’s story John Watson is haunted by hallucinations of his departed spouse; she kept popping up. It was incredibly irritating.
This is, of course, the dear old Beeb being all pc and inclusive. Their thinking would be that just because in Victorian times women wouldn’t have featured too prominently there’s no reason they can’t be feisty, interesting and exciting nowadays. I’ve no argument with that but the BBC turned a perfectly decent little series into a bloody farce.
Yesterday’s episode was particularly dire. They wasted Toby Jones and had another daft “feminist” piece with Mrs Hudson driving a high powered sports car, being chased by the police and then calling Watson “an idiot.” All the while John’s wife is mooching about talking to Watson, who only being a mere male is fragile and confused and has no idea what to do. Well, he’s only a bloke…
These programmes are never complete until there’s a whole heap of male weeping. We had it in spades yesterday. It was painful and unnecessary. Blubbing en mass.
I can still sit down and enjoy a Basil Rathbone black and white Sherlock yarn on a wet Saturday afternoon. Nigel Bruce played Watson as a bumbling idiot. I don’t think I’d trust him with a stethoscope, however I don’t remember him ever sobbing like a big girl’s blouse. I think the most emotional thing he ever said was, “By Jove Holmes!”
I don’t think folk in 60 or 70 years will settle down to watch the BBC’s Sherlock.
I won’t watch it next week…
Same here enjoyed the first series but the something seemed to change and it went up its own arse. Gatiss and moffats agendas came to the fore along with cumberpatchs and both freemans (amanda ‘tory scum’ abingdon) politics added into the mix and you have a recipe for disaster where another beeb show slowly commits ritual suicide.
The same thing dogged witness for the prosecution at christmas where it seemed to turn into a man hating shouting match with the lead actress literally screaming men are full of hate. Lots of people are noticing it not just us on here or the likes of going postal. I dont even have to mention the episode of outnumbered at christmas as that was one of the most blatant pieces of political propaganda i have seen.
I was already irritated with the content of the first episode of the series, but when “Sherlock” clashed with the first episode of the new “Endeavour” series it was doomed.
Jeff, KatieH – you are right of course. The first in the latest cumberbatch of BBC Shelocks took the predictably feisty female route which is now the firmly established Hollywood template. Odd, and forced, considering the source material is a seminal fantastical two guy buddy yarn – an ordinary bloke and his wonderfully brilliant pal. As I said previously, I put a lot of this down to not just BBC box-ticking but writer/producer gay fantasy and projection. Get past that and Sherlock follows where Doctor Who went – vastly overblown over-portentious plot climaxing from start to giddy attention deficit finish. Where’s the dramatic arc in that? Episode two was particularly awkward viewing in its undercurrent of allusions to Jimmy Savile. No wonder the BBC had to put out a caution prior to screening at 9pm that it was ‘dark’. Make up you minds BBC: are you marketing this as a kid’s show or not?
I think the problem with “Sherlock” is that since the first series the key people involved have ceased to be actors and are now celebrities – in their own minds that is CELEBRITIES.
They are no longer producing programmes to entertain an audience, only ones to amuse themselves. The whole thing is totally self-indulgent, but the BBC is so grateful that they still turn up that there is no editorial control – especially as any underlying messages in the script match the BBC’s view of the world.
Jeremy Brett and Clive Merrison versions are available and are at least a million times better than, “Strictly Come Sherlock” or the, “Great British Doyle Off”.
I totally agree. I cannot see Benedict Cumbertwat now without thinking of a left wing boor haranguing his paying audience because the government will not allow the country to be flooded with so-called “asylum seekers”, the very people who have brought rape, murder and assorted mayhem to the streets of Germany, France and Belgium.
I used to quite enjoy “Sherlock”, now I cannot stand the sight of the left wing elitist scum who act in it, and cannot bear to watch it.
Agreed, I quite enjoyed the first two series of Sherlock, but decided halfway through the second episode of the 3rd series that it was now crap.
It doesn’t help that in the books and indeed Rathbones portrayal, Holmes comes across as a man who understands social niceties even if he can be a bit brusque.
Cumberbatch plays him like a nerdy, stroppy teenager who would be one of the smug insufferable types you sometimes see on University challenge, and who doesn’t know how to behave in public.
He also reminds me of that unfortunate looking chap, who tried to hack the Pentagon, Gary Mckinnon.
Martin Freeman has two acting styles, bemused and vaguely angry. And don’t get me started on his screechy, tax dodging ex-Wife, shoe horned into the show much like Cumberbatch’s parents were in season 3, in the name of nepotism.
Gah..rant over.
The gender nonsense from the BBC spoils umpteen docs and dramas.
As of now no woman has ever passed the SAS test, I don’t think any have even qualified to take it.
A friend of mine had to lead a group of Marines as a survival test in order to become an officer. Possibly because he was a high achieving graduate looking to be an officer, they put the two female trailists into his group. Within a few miles the girls were both slumped on their arses, crying. My friend picked up their packs, and carried them himself, whilst driving them to the finish line, as he wouldn’t have achieved his promotion if he had left anyone behind.
My brother’s fireman tests were physically demanding across a very tough day. His test was the first time the fire service HAD to take on women. Amongst other fails, the girls on the course refused to climb the ladder. All the girls qualified whilst some of the guys were failed for not doing stuff fast enough, even though they actually completed the tasks.
Now, please understand, if I was on a Marine’s course then I would be in tears after a couple of miles, and I would not climb a hundred foot ladder if I were offered the weekly pay of Cumberbatch and Freeman combined.
If I were you, Jeff, I’d get a subscription for Netflix and Amazon where you get strong female characters in thrillers, but they always act like women.
I have only seen Cumberbatch acting in a very few things – one of the recent Star Trek movies, The Hollow Crown, he was also in a film called Four Lions. While I can’t say he’s terrible, I very much get the impression of an arch, privileged dilettante giving us a portrayal of..pretty much the same character. He doesn’t have much range, that I can see.
As for Sherlock, I do remember watching 10 minutes or so of an episode. There was floating text bobbing about on the screen – presumably trying to signal Holmes’ deductive abilities. I thought it was for kids so I switched over. After his luvvie speeches demanding to flood the UK with economic migrants the man just grates on me now.
I think I may be more fortunate than you, Imay, in that I haven’t seen him in anything!
Jeremy Brett – to me – was the best Sherlock Holmes in recent years, with absolute sincerity and superb acting and presentation skills.
If this chap Lumbersnatch thinks he’s any better, then for me, he has to stop gabbling on about things he doesn’t understand, get some ‘acting’ experience, and start considering whom he wants to like him. If it’s a lot of useful idiots, then he can forget it as far as I’m concerned!
The bBeeb meanwhile, will serve up any old tosh to justify their £4bn punitive tax.
I suspect things like ‘Sherlock’ in years to come will be viewed as very dated canonic aberrations; curiosities at best. ‘Sherlock’ is so much of its time; it reminds me in that sense of those 60s psychedelic drugged-up versions of classic detectives. There was one about Philip Marlowe set in 60s California, I believe. Conan Doyle’s timeless stories will, of course, continue to be popular.
“”Artist Kaylani Juanita lists herself on the site under the categories African American/black, LBTQ+, west coast (US), multiracial, and native Hawaiian/Pacific islander.””
“Did she worry that she might get pigeonholed?” asks the intrepid Vicky Baker, that would be some size pigeon hole for sure. For real or parody? I can’t tell with the BBC anymore. As one of the saps who still pays the licence fee I strongly object to funding people who write this kind of box ticking drivel.
BBC Website reports that pound has fallen after May’s “Brexit Speech”. The fall is 1%. BBC forgot to point out that, right now the FT 100 is at an all-time high !!!
Discussion on BBC R4 Today about Cyprus this morning during which an explanation of the history of “the divided Eastern Mediterranean island” did not mention the independent Republic of Cyprus having been occupied by the Turkish Army, then the North of the island being partitioned, ethnically cleansed and colonised by Turkish settlers from Anatolia.
There was mention of “the former colonial power” the UK and the sovereign base though!
The BBC only seem to have heard of one occupation. Why is that?
It was Sampson, Grivas and the Greeks who started the ethnic cleansing of Turks. Read Sampson’s radio broadcasts after he became President if you do not believe me. For a realistic , objective analysis , try ” The Cyprus Emergency ” by Nick Van Der Bijl as an introduction . He was in the British Army and Military Inteligence.
In 1974, when the British Government failed to honour the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee and failed to intervene to stop the Genocide which the Greeks had started against the Turks, the Turkish Government were left with no option but military action.
the Greek presence on Cyprus predates the arrival of Ottoman Turks by several centuries and dates back to antiquity.
In 1974 an inter communal struggle for power was tipped by a full scale Turkish invasion, occupation, partition and colonisation of the occupied territory.
These are the facts that the BBC omitted.
It is one thing to intervene and keep the peace, quite another to occupy and colonise Cyprus with Anatolians.
But in the years leading up to 1974, there was no “struggle for power “. The Greek plan for Cyprus was “enosis” which required the removal of the British military and the extermination of the Turks on the island. It is all well documented and the Greeks talked and wrote quite openly about it. I would certainly recommend the book I referred to above for a clear objective history by a former British Army officer who was very familiar with the situation.
As to the BBC, I doubt if anyone there knows the first thing about the Cyprus conflict.
The struggle for power was between Sampson and Makarios, and by extension the Greek junta and their leftist opposition.
Enosis of a majority Greek island, continued independence of united Cyprus or the extension of Turkish/ Islamic power and influence by the colonisation of northern Cyprus by Anatolian Turkish muslims.
The last option was the worst one imho.
The Turkish Cypriots should have been repatriated in the 1920s as was the case across the rest of the historically Greek islands in exchange for the Greeks leaving Anatolia. It remains unfinished business I’m afraid, possibly complicated by the Russians embracing their historic role as protectors of the Orthodox Christian interest.
Agree about the Beeb, with the addition that they will always back the Islamic interest.
“Genocide” is not quite the right word, I would suggest. The fascist government of Greece was seeking to destabilise the Cyprus government through acts of terrorism against the Turkish Cypriots, which would allow their puppet Sampson to take power in a coup after Makarios had been assassinated. The coup was botched and Makarios survived, but rather than a Greek takeover, it gave Turkey the pretext for an invasion. The legitimate government of Cyprus was not behind any atrocities as far as I am aware.
Greeks and Turks have long history of violent conflict and struggle since the Ottoman Caliphate emerged as a power to challenge the Byzantines and invaded areas that were ancient Greek homelands.
The Greeks, in the 1920s were hardly in a position to argue with the British Empire at the height of its powers. They had also been defeated in a war with Turkey to try to hold onto the Greek homelands in Anatolia in which massacres were committed on both sides.
Resistance to the imposition of an alien lifestyle is always going to be ugly. I am afraid that is in the nature of civil war and wars that are clashes of cultures amplify this effect
The Turks should have left Cyprus at the time of the 1920s population exchanges in which Greeks and Turks were resettled across new borders to prevent exactly the disasters and atrocities of the later struggles for Greek (and Turkish) national self determination.
What happened to the Armenians at the hand of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1915 set the precedent.
The British failed in their duties to properly manage Cyprus as by the time the pot began to boil again in the 70s the British imperial will had been sapped by liberal/ leftism and the wielding of imperial power had gone out of fashion…..except the Turks hadn’t noticed.
There was also the small matter of the Saudi and other Arab oil producers flexing their diplomatic and trade embargo muscles on the international scene in the wake of the 73 Yom Kippur war.
Of course I don’t support genocide, but if we are to trade questions Grant, I’ll ask you one…
Should Western nations and peoples always submit to the islamisation of Europe, yes or no?
I believe that Britain did plan to uphold its position as a guarantor power of Cyprus’s independence, until the Foreign Secretary, Jim Callaghan, was told to forget it by Henry Kissinger. I think he saw Cyprus as an annoying flashpoint between Greece and Turkey, and did not care less if it was partioned. All that ever mattered to Kissinger was realpolitik.
Kissinger and Callaghan were willing to sacrifice the Turks for no reason. I actually witnessed the real sacrifice of Turkish children nailed to crosses, still alive, by the Greeks , after being gang raped by the Greeks.
I have photos and the evidence is well documented by the British Military and British Government.
Grant I was on the ground on both sides of Cyprus for 6 montha in 2012 and yes even Greek cypriots and museum confirm what you say.
Except you can’t blame the children for the sins of the father.
So its not THE Greeks who should be
.. But THOSE Greeks who should have been held to account.
These atrocities would not have been organised by the government of Cyprus, which would have no reason to take such actions, but rather by the agents of the fascist government in Athens, which was seeking to destabilize Cyprus to give it a pretext to annex the island. If they had killed Makarios as planned, and installed Sampson as the head of their puppet government, he would no doubt have then conveniently asked Athens to intervene. As it happened, Makarios survived, but instead Turkey invaded and annexed 40% of the island. Cyprus was very much a pawn in the power struggle between Greece and Turkey.
Anyone hear Eddie Mair’s interview with the editor (I think) of anti-fascist magazine Searchlight on last Friday’s PM?
Eddie managed to conflate fascist letter-bombers with UKIP and the Alt Right, name-checking Trump and Farage on the way, while the bloke from Searchlight merely nodded along: “Dangerous times, hard right worse than ever yadda yadda”.
We are accustomed to Al Beeb’s bias by omission. In this case, the piece omitted to mention:
(i) anti-fascist violence / skulduggery – has there ever been any?; and
(ii) to cite and / or quantify specific recent incidences of far right thuggery; and
(iii) or to put a countervailing view that there might be groups other than what is traditionally seen as the “far right” who pose a more serious danger to civilised society at this time.
But this piece went further: it was bias by commission. Eddie led his guest gently but firmly by the nose to trot out what sounded very much like a pre-scripted narrative, maintaining an approving and respectful tone throughout.
Sunday early evening I’m channel-hopping looking for something to divert me for 10 minutes while I enjoy tea & cake in front of the telly.
I like walking and fishing, so perhaps “Countryfile”?
I tune in just as their reporter begins a report on “the growing problem of dementia in the countryside as a new report highlights the dangers, isolation and lack of services facing farmers living with the condition.”
Not really what I had in mind. At the first brow-furrowed mention of “resources”, I switch over to Netflix.
Listened to the start of TWATO just now. Obviously the big finance story is that the FT100 reached an all-time high today. Er, not on the BBC. Their headline is that the pound has fallen 1% following May’s “Brexit speech”. Firstly, I don’t think Treezer said much about Brexit. Secondly, how would the idiots at the BBC know what caused a tiny fall in the pound ?
“Much more to life than individualism” says the erm caring, sharing leader of the obsessively self serving Tories on the BBC. “the cult of individualism” threatens to undermine us, as she slyly ensures the wealth divide increases expedientially.
Teresa Maybe eh! … thinks she s in “La La Land”
“One rule for the rich and powerful and another for everyone else”, she preaches with the backing of her cabinet of grasping millionaires no doubt.
The sharing society is just the latest Tory lie, the big society has obviously had its day
Brexit means Brexit?, a caring Britain? a bigger Britain?
a probable caring bigger sort of brighter social justice Britain?,
as usual for the Tories, clueless, patronising, totally lacking in coherence and substance
… Teresa Maybe indeed
A clear out is needed desperately, in No10 and in government
The, mostly unspoken, hope is that the Brexit team are working away furiously but keeping it under their hat.
The World has turned since June 23rd., and I appreciate May is tight lipped but someone does need to tell her she’s the Prime Minister and Trump really is President.
Gaxvil, this is my hope also. One good point seems to be Mrs May’s apparent masterstroke of calling for a preliminary vote on support for Brexit. This totally scuppered the Supreme Court challenge which has now gone totally quiet.
“Former politician” Ed Balls appeared on BBC R4’s Saturday live. This week’s theme was A Turning Point in One’s Life.
Ed’s turning point came when he was rejected by the voters of Morley & Outwood in the 2015 general election, and turned his hand to televised cookery (on the BBC) and dancing (also on the BBC).
I suspect that Ed will cease to be a “former” politician once the political tide starts to turn. In the meantime he continues to bag oodles of free (to Balls, if not to licence payers) PR from Al Beeb. Can this really be – dread word – appropriate?
To be fair, Ed does seem (however bafflingly) to be genuine box office and has recently snagged a spot on ITV’s Loose Women.
So did Pete Burns Tom.
He was booked for Oct 24th 2016, but died on the 22nd I think.
So-maybe Ed needs to get his BUPA coverage in order-at least Yvette would have to take an asylum seeker of two if he DID vacate the earth for us.
Did Brendan Cox offer the spare houseboat to any worth refugees when HE lost his spouse-the Left are unfeeling bastards are they not.
Reckon that Ronnie Wood will die on April 10th, because Ronnie Corbett died last year somewhere around the 30th March, and Victoria Wood died on the 21st April.
That classic triangulation there, AC Grayling will be pleased.
I hope to be Mother Shipton if I`m correct.
How many BBC News website articles on a daily, relentless basis begin with the words ” How one woman….” or “One woman’s fight for…..” etc, etc. Today it is “How one woman created a $60m breakfast cereal business”. Hurray. I feel so lazy and useless what with being a white male and everything.
“One of Britain’s finest comedians, Rob Newman, with a witty, fact-packed series mixing stand-up and sketches, challenging notions of Survival of the Fittest and The Selfish Gene with a new theory that’s equal parts enlightening and hilarious. “
Well if you think that someone pretending to be a serious scientist and sex maniac pushing a theory that animals make different sounds around the world, rather than different peoples around the world trancribe them into their different languages in different ways is funny then you are on to a good thing.
But to me it sounded like a rambling idiot struggling to come up with a socialist theory of evolution while misquoting Margaret Thatcher and Darwin on the way. The ‘new theory’ that he has is, by his own admission, really that of a the poet Auden,(? can’t be bothered to check.), so neither new or his.
Well I know what I won’t be listening to for the next 8 weeks.
Everyone going to rush out and buy…
Tom Daley s Cookbook? … NO?, me neither
Well … hello, (sailor)
… He just got a free 10 minute advert, on the no commercials BBC
with the Beebot s hanging on his every word
He was on saturday kitchen promoting this tripe and he didnt seem to have a clue about any of the recipes kept going on about yoga and his daily routine. I think the only thing tom was involved in was posing for the pic on the cover while his agent picked the recipes or maybe his partner old enough to be his daddy advised him. Yet the beeb will dutifully oblige with the airtime as he ticks boxes.
He ticks a lot of Beeb boxes. Good looking, young, gay, came out at an early age, has a much older ‘husband’, olympic athlete, did some gay kissing/hugging thing by the pool during the olympics – what’s not to like! He’s everything Will Young could have been!
Oh here’s another important story: “Drawing together – Female illustrators unite to promote diversity in art”. Hmm, so by limiting themselves to just a possible 50% of the population they seek to “promote diversity”? Presumably this would be the BBC definition of diversity where everyone is happily black, female, lesbian and Muslim as well as being in favour of unlimited immigration. The old definition of diversity – where Geordies, Brummies, Sartherners, Taffys, Jocks, Cockneys, Tykes, etc all lived happily together in a very diverse and successful island – is apparently not good enough anymore. Also the old idea of diversity of opinions throughout the land is no longer acceptable because to be diverse these days means that you must hold exactly the same narrow band of beliefs as the BBC gimps – otherwise you are not diverse and are simply racist/sexist/fillinasappropriatist and your view is irrelevant.
Diversity of what . Diversity of everything ? So that bad as well as good as well as moderate . So they are going to encourage , amongst things , bad artists and bad art ?
The bBBC’s definition of diversity is that, irrespective of age, gender, sexuality, background and ethnicity, everyone should get together in harmony and………..agree totally with their luvvie, leftist, statist, money-tree, entitlement, multiculti, open door immigration view of the world!
Or be treated as a pariah.
I have a confession and I have never shared it with anyone until now. But I want to share it here as part of the new ” sharing society “.
I am only sexually attracted by chameleons. Actually , I want to not only transgender from male to female , but also from human to chameleon ?
I need to know if the NHS can help me with this and if the BBC will pay me £1m to make a documentary about my case. Or , maybe £2m if I become a 3 legged chameleon.
Even the gentle stories of Father Brown in the afternoons, and set in the 50’s, have not escaped the tick box treatment. Today’s episode featured a well to do dual personality character with the black carpenter employee being in love with her. The same with Endeavour last night, set 10 years later in the 60’s, featured the murder of a black character. My recollection of these times was that for a great part of the UK, black and ethnic/m were rarer than hen’s teeth, – especially such a rural area where Father Brown is depicted. So these vintage dramas bear no resemblance to life as most of us remember it.
It’s all to do with rewriting history Brissles – he who controls the present controls the past. Of course the old days were full of black and Asian people – we bigots just don’t remember it. For me growing up in a village in South Yorkshire in the early 70s, in reality it was full of cheery black people waving on every street corner but for some reason the only black faces I can recall are the miners coming up from the nearby Hatfield Main colliery – strange how my memory plays such tricks. Must be my white privilege controlling my mind.
They are doing the same with Victorian times as well – my kids watch Hettie Somethingorother set in a poor house where the main girl was black – happened all the time of course.
And by the way, don’t get me started on Dr Who again. They have now rewritten the Silurian era of the Earth’s history to make out it was inhabited by lesbian lizards.
Synchro gnome….. some reason the only black faces I can recall are the miners coming up from the nearby Hatfield Main colliery
I can identify with that ! my granddad and male relatives would arrive home after a shift at Silverwood Pit ! and wouldn’t have looked out of place in the Black & White Minstrels !!!!
Brissles, you do realise that any snowflake reading that has now stopped eating the halal tofu cereal bar in soya milk and gone running to a safe place for a good cry.
Black and white minstrels indeed!
Synchro gnome, it was a reference to cunnilingus in ‘Dr Who’ that made me abandon watching it. I don’t care what people, lezzers or otherwise, get up to in their private life but to smugly work that in to a childrens’ serial just leaves a bad taste in the mouth (no pun intended).
I remember when it was Jon Pertwee and Jo Grant in the early ’70s and my mate (ok we were teenagers so it is excusable) was convinced that her and the Master had “a thing” going on the side involving handcuffs and leather but never once was this explicitly mentioned in the program itself. Not even in episode 2 of Day Of The Daleks when we got to see Jo’s knickers briefly when she stood up. Apparently.
I have taken to listening to Radio 3 in the morning to avoid the depressing politics of Radio 4.
Sadly Essential Classics has morphed into a week-long Desert Island Discs, an island exclusively populated by those of the leftist tendency, the sort of people no doubt that the sort of people the BBC employs go to dinner parties with. This weeks hero is Beeban Kidron, a feminist film-maker who admires the ‘Greenham Common Women’, so probably not a Trump or Nigel fan then.
Actually Radio 3 has been even more BBC-like these last few weeks. Whereas Classic FM plays the music people like, (and the nauseous adverts they don’t), Radio 3 has been playing the ‘music’ that they we should listen to. Indeed Ms Kidron felt demands to be listened too!
As with so many other areas of life ‘we’ have got it wrong and the BBC has been here too offering ‘explainers’ or, as here, a ‘toolkit’, so that we can appreciate the joys of disharmony etc., scores produced by transcibing Mersenne Primes or the value of the declining Brexit Pound or Jeremy Corbyn’s phone number.
Well for this bear of little brain music may be pop, folk, rock, jazz, blues, ‘classic’ or ‘world’ but I don’t need any ‘toolkit’ to tell the ‘good’ from the ‘bad’. Indeed, like most things, if it needs ‘explaining’ then chances are it isn’t any good.
I’d never heard of Kidron, but her Wickipedia entry leaves one wearyingly depressed. She fits perfectly into the BBC ‘favoured’ category. Agreed that R3 has declined in quality, and has lately included gimmickry that the controller presumably thought would attract more listeners. Playing snatches of classical music backwards and asking listeners to name it, was a particularly egregious example.
“Radio 3 has been playing the ‘music’ that they we should listen to”
If you’ll forgive a little mild Devil’s advocacy, I’ve always believed that a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, and I see nothing wrong with encouraging people to be a bit more adventurous. However, I think Classic FM is a bit better at this than it is often given credit for, depending on the time of day. Agree about the adverts though.
I certainly don’t agree with the BBC trying to push people in a certain direction to conform to the demands of identity politics, which is what I think you are referring to.
Many years ago, R3 used to be regarded as a first rate example of a specialist music station even though it has always shunned certain composers that it didn’t happen to approve of. George Lloyd and Malcolm Arnold spring to mind.
There are some very good foreign classical music stations accessible over the internet, if you are suitably equipped. Can’t help you technically though, my other half deals with that stuff.
George Butterworth is another one who just does not seem to cut it with the BBC.
I suppose they can’t really ignore Elgar, although I bet they wish they could. As for Britten, well he is a BBC favourite and I can guess why.
On R3 , composer of the week is Sibelius. And all credit to them for that. But, a difficult one for the BBC to spin. Oops, I forgot, he was not British !
I had to run for cover a couple of days ago when Rob Cowan announced the imminent arrival of a Schoenberg String Quartet. But, as you say, there is a good internet resource available when such horrors appear on R3!
Sadly Radio 3 has gone all matey as it chases ratings and perceived relevance, aping Classic FM.
I much preferred Radio 3 when it was austere. No matiness, no tweeting, no “tell us what you think” and certainly no playing-music-backwards-can-you-guess-what-it-is.
Right with you Jim.
That said, you`ve got to have SOME sympathy for the Radio 4 drones who have to deliver the liberal guff that`s prebaked, then forced down their goose guts like wannabe pate or foie gras.
I KNOW they`re paid oodles to spout their fountains of shite-but wouldn`t YOU die a little as you know that all that you`ll be asked to pipe in 2017 will be
a) The NHS-what IS to become of you all, seeing as we all have BUPA anyway
b) Greedy bankers, even though OUR salaries get massaged away from the thresholds, and the BBC would rather we NOT shine that light onto our own practices and “arangements”. As if.
c) Brexit
e) A parade of luvvies of the right Benetton mix of shades in the arts to tell us that we don`t have enough migrants
f) Why Islam is misunderstood, why Labour is required.
My Buddha.Talk of deskilling-these plucked tarts are broilers and boilers with tail feathers removed, gobbling up to Muslims and craving that real life doesn`t come into the fetid hen house. And-at least Paxman and his M&S undies might at least bring him to mind when he pegs it on Last Word. THIS shower of shit on the Toady Show are already compost compliant and add NOTHING to the worlds betterment.
I go to Heart, Angel, Radio 2 and local independent radio-ANYWHERE but the decomposing remnants of what was once called ” BBC News”.
AND when you`re reduced to Twitter for the US coverage to come-as we get it too, AND the 52% DON`T bother their arses with your “analysis and comment” and the beggings from the Magic Money Tree Shakedowns any more-it must be one hell of an empty life for them all. And no compo forced from the poor taxpayer for that will fill their cakeholes. So sad!
I go to Heart, Angel, Radio 2 and local independent radio-ANYWHERE but the decomposing remnants of what was once called ” BBC News”.
With you there, Alicia. The dire ‘Southern News Extra’ which is always tacked on to the six o’clock mutable Labourfest, is absolutely awful, unless you are fat, ugly, on meal tickets, an illegal immigrant, hate the NHS, hate the police, love local councillors, and enjoy ‘caring for children and listening to music’. Just like any Ms World contestant.
‘You and all of us in this room really belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Think about it: Hollywood, foreigners and the press.’
If that doesn’t get the working stiff onside what will?
Woe is her as she boards the limo with her goodie bag.
It was linked by KGM of Ch4 in a tweet sensibly neutral. But he did fail to mention, as have most in the MSM, that the bit the luvvies lost their rag over was, as can so often be… false.
The student union at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) has told the BBC that the School should ban white Philosophers and all other Education sourced from white people, such as the use of European languages like English, and the use of the Roman Alphabet. And then relocate the School to a sub-Saharan nation in Africa, not in the Commonwealth, and ban white students from the University.
The union said it is part of a wider campaign to “decolonise” the university, as it seeks to “address the structural and epistemological legacy of colonialism”, by banning the concept of Education from the University, and replacing it with ignorance.
Lord Hall is now seriously considering setting up a seminar of like minded people, to decide if the BBC should follow suit.
In the finest tradition of their multicultural beliefs, I am sure the great and the good at the bBBC would be delighted to be relocated to Sudan.
But perhaps not quite as delighted as us.
“Nigel Farage is joining LBC, the home of political debate, to present a brand new weeknight programme starting on Monday 9th January.
Packed into 60 minutes, The Nigel Farage Show will be full of opinions, callers and reaction to the biggest stories of the day, as well as Farage’s nightly Final Thought.
Broadcast live from 7pm, Monday to Thursday, he will present the show from LBC’s studios in London and on the road from across the UK, Europe and the USA as he invites listeners to share their views on the issues that will shape their lives for years to come.
Ahead of the triggering of Article 50 and the inauguration of President Elect Trump, Farage will bring his inside knowledge, experience and grasp of world politics to LBC at a pivotal time in our history.
With informed opinion, appointment-to-listen shows and intelligent debate, LBC is the only radio station to give its audience direct access to high profile political figures. Farage joins an impressive line-up of presenters including Nick Ferrari, James O’Brien, Shelagh Fogarty, Iain Dale, Maajid Nawaz and Matt Frei, as the station celebrates its highest ever audience figures with 1.8 million people tuning in every week.
He has already proven to be a popular presenter on LBC, having stood in on a number of programmes.
Nigel Farage said: “If 2016 was exciting, then this year could be tumultuous with President Trump, Article 50, elections all over Europe and maybe a Eurozone crash. I can’t wait to start my daily show on LBC and I invite listeners to agree with me or challenge me and together we can lead Britain’s conversation.”
James Rea, LBC’s managing editor, said: “With Brexit and the inauguration of President Elect Trump, Nigel Farage is the man at the centre of the two biggest stories this year. He is a powerful communicator and has proved himself as a natural broadcaster. With his new nightly show, we look forward to him joining the LBC team next week.””
OT, but I had to appreciate the satirical skill that has gone into the latest ‘Snowmail’ from Ch 4:
How will Theresa May fund her vision of a ‘shared society’?
Theresa May, we’re told, is determined to demonstrate that her government will not be defined solely by Brexit. So she used her first speech of 2017 to spell out her vision of what she called a “shared society”.
This, it seems is a variation on George Osborne’s mantra that “we’re all in it together”, as she declared war on the “everyday injustices” of job insecurity, poor public services and stagnating wages. The problem, though, is that she has no more government money to offer.
Last night there was a long item on the local news about a large wind turbine blade being schlepped into the area in front of City Hall as a piece of art. Indeed they interviewed ‘the artist’. Nothing has been to this blade and presumably after two weeks in Hull it could be used for its intended purpose, (even if that really is a waste of time). But trust the BBC to think it is ‘art’ and give it the oxygen of publicity.
Meryl Streep the actor became emotional when telling her barefaced and widely refuted lie that Trump had mocked a disabled reporter.
She appeared so concerned over the disabled.
What a wonderful opportunity she missed to make an appeal on behalf of the mentally disabled victim of a vicous attack from four black thugs.
Why does the media place so much importance on the political views of overpaid actors? Most of whom have never had a real job and have no more knowledge of politics or the right to have their views publicised than my bin man has.
Most of their lives they have been in a pretend job living in ‘la la land’, just like Al Beeb. At least my bin does a good job of getting rid of the rubbish.
If the clip showing Mr Trump’s use of hand gestures is true which it undoubtedly is then the BBC is guilty of distortion to pursue a personal vendetta.
It is essential that somehow Mr Trump is made aware of the hostility of our media and in particular the BBc towards him and that he takes steps to exclude the BBc and probably C4 from all press briefings .
Furthermore the disrespect and outright malicious lies used by our media will affect the relationship we have as a nation with the USA. This is not a good way to start 2017.
The luvvies can be disregarded and I am sure their effect is minimal but the media is another matter and can materially influence events to our detriment.
I read on another website that Trump had caught out said journalist and the Washington Post in some blatant FALSE NEWS, hence his feigned panic attack, claiming they had not published an untrue article by said journalist.
You are correct. I put the link here several days ago. The journalist attacked Trump for saying that Moslems were dancing in response to 9/11. Trump then discovered s piece by the journalist actually recording that they were dancing. So Trump called the liar out.
Unfortunately these days, mainly in Hollywood, anyone who can do more than one accent and two facial expressions is a genius. At any given time there seem to be two or three of them who are considered very much “in” and beyond criticism. Streep is definitely one of those.
A bit of a generalisation but, by and large, I don’t think the acting profession is up to much. Just speaking clearly seems to be beyond many of them.
I suppose it’s no worse the the UK’s addiction to overrated, depressing, lefty, kitchen sink directors.
The mistake is to take the film industry too seriously, IMO.
Marion, I suspect Ms Streep is held up as a role model partly because she is one of the few Hollywood actresses who has continued to have leading roles (of a sort) after 40, which is the cut off point for most of them because after that they start to lose their looks despite surgery. Liberal Hollywood, I suspect, has a strong sense of guilt about this and so lauds anyone with a modicum of acting talent who can play character roles.
Amused to hear BBC 6 o’clock tv news at last describe Martin McGuinness as an IRA man but then refer to Rev Ian Paisely as ‘hard line’. Depends on your point of view… or perhaps more cack-handed BBC ‘balance’
Equating Ian Paisley and McGuinness would be similar to equating Benjamin Netanyahu with Palestinian gunmen, and we know how balanced the BBC are when covering the middle east i.e. not at all.
We catch a bit of an unscripted wince from George Alagiah as we return to the BBC news studio following a report on the Golden Globes promising ‘a wave of political movies from Hollywood this year after Donald Trump’s election’. You and me both, George. Not looking forward to that one little bit. Straight to video – as they used to say.
Just me or isn’t it great the way Donald Trump tweets right back at Meryl Streep after her attack on him. He goes right over the heads of the media gatekeepers and the poor saps have to report it on his terms!
Contrast Trump immediately going onto the front foot (or some American sport analogy) with Jeremy Hunt’s limp wristed submission to the media howling for yet more NHS cash. The BBC control the debate and Hunt is a complete pushover.
Trump is playing a blinder isn`t he?
The lazy entitled and privileged Left simply aren`t used to anybody answering back in regard of their “power”, their ” motives”;and even their “worthiness” in the eyes of their luvvie chums, who keep giving them awards and shows, telling them how great they are.
AND-by Tweeting over the heads of the liberal love controllers, speaking to us directly.
And he`s right re her being overrated. Her Thatcher impression clearly didn`t teach her much.
The Snowflakes Are dancing to his drum-and, yet again, the more he shafts them back, the more we love him, And resolve to see the back of the BBC and the lardarses on their endless trawl around studions for “awards”-I mean, the Golden Globes? What on earth do THEY mean?
I was annoyed but not surprised to hear Jon Sopel on the evening news, race hustling yet again about Ferguson Missouri and the ‘fact’ that black people were being killed by white people. Part of a puff piece of course for the race hustler-in-chief, Barack Obummer.
The actual fact which we bias-teers know is that the majority of blacks killed are the victims of other blacks, and the majority of whites killed are victims of blacks.
When will these beeboid fantasists be brought to account for their race hustling lies?
Boy . Be a good dog and know your place. Jon Sopel is a white supremicist and we should do what he tells us. You can bet that 200 years ago he would have been a slave trader and owner !
The latest killing of a police officer in the US is “allegedly” by a black criminal. The dead officer is black and female. This doesn’t fit the BBC narrative, so expect the briefest of reports before the story disappears.
“According to Department of Justice statistics analyzed by Heather Mac Donald regarding the years 2012 and 2013, blacks are the attackers in 84.9% of violent crimes between blacks and whites. Given differences in population sizes, a black is 27 times more likely to violently attack a white than the inverse. And I’ve already documented how ludicrously lopsided the interracial rape stats are.
So I suspect that the very notion of “hate crimes,” especially as funneled through an egregious double standard that dictates nonwhites are incapable of even committing them, may be a very sneaky and cynical deflection from stark statistical realities about interracial violence.” Jim Goad.
“It’ll be cold and windy with coastal gales, and frost is likely overnight.”
It comes as icy temperatures across Europe have left more than 20 people dead, with snow blanketing even the Greek islands and southern Italy.
At least 10 people died of cold in Poland. Meanwhile, temperatures in Russia have plunged to -30C.”
Stand by for Global Warming ……..
“The BBC weather centre said the weather front heading for the UK was different from the one hitting Europe.”
We have the Brexit one.
Times Front page : “ski Holiday ruin : Alps drought zone”
Article is speculative “if there is no snow by the weekend” : Twitter shows me it did snow around Annecy on Jan 4th
and Ski resort forecast is snow this week
I also heard Bill Cash on the radio yesteday, he is personally monitoring the BBC with regards to its level bias in its open and flagrant opposition to our departure from the EU. He especially quotes programmes between 9 and 10 in the morning (Victoria Derbyshire). I personally think someone needs to direct him to our site. He might learn a lot more.
He stated that during the Charter renewal discussions with the BBC, he raised concerns over the level of BBC impartiality needs addressing and how the culture enshrined within the BBC is worrying and in need of attention.
Well Bill, I have to report to you that there has been no change. If anything the level of bias has got worse and Al Beeb is now a political wing of the Labour Party. However, because of the power of the BBC, everyone in positions of political power seem frightened to mention this fact. In doing so on BBC television itself, would be immediately result in them being blacklisted for any future appearances. Their viewpoint would be gagged. The comment would also probably be censored from public viewing.
Ahmen to that Wronged – Maybe a little awareness is now starting to creep into the Government over what they are dealing with when looking at the BBC (RE recent “punishment” interview of he PM with Sky rather than with the BBC).Especially now with brexit looming. However I think all the BBC will do, is view it as an “arms race” and field even more anti Government interviewees.
However any action now (short of abolishing the BBC) they take, will be too little too late. They missed their best chance of achieving anything meaningful in the Charter review when Spanking bum bottled it, and now I am afraid the lunatics are truly running the asylum.
To get order again. Its now gone beyond tranquilisers and a little mild ECT. I think all the Government can do now is rig the BBC TV Centre door handles up to the 400 kv distribution network and hope that “shocks ” some sense into them!!!!!
It’s coming to something where the PM decides to ‘punish’ one Marxist run broadcaster for its bias by… appearing on another Marxist run broadcaster with huge biases of its own!
Not BBC but I think this story quite well illustrates the idiocy we are up against.
We have a German politician Fischer telling us that the future of the West is at stake following Trumps inauguration. Apparently Fischer is a green MP who fully supported Merkels migration policy and presumably as a Green MP probably does not believe in spending money on defense.
He also warned that the “crypts on nationalism have been opened” and said that Europe needs US military support.
So essentially you have a bloke who is worried about the future. Admits Europe is militarily weak, Then criticises the next US President (who hasnt even started his term) and then hopes that Americas will still want to military support Europe, (and as a green presumably does not agree with spending too money on defense). He is also a staunch supporter of Merkels migration policies and in the same breath bemoans the reappearance of the right wing in Europe.
You couldnt make this stuff up. Have these idiots never heard of cause and effect. They are like a toddler in a supermarket who throws a tantrum at the checkout for a chocolate bar embarrassing the parent and then doesnt understand understand why mummy wont give them what they want. And yet knowing this they pull the same trick every time they visit the shop becoming more and more bewildered as mummy never buys them sweeties anymore.
It really is as if they these “high powered” politicians have turned into emotional infants.
If I can understand the obvious contradictions in the demands and subsequent actions of these politicians why cant they?
It really is time we had some grown up politicians as the stakes in Europe are now very high indeed – And yet all we seem to get are idiots like Merkel, Junker, Fischer, Corbin and Little Timmy Farron. I am afraid the longer we put up with these idiots the worse it will get – all aided and abetted by a tame MSM who think their job is to push a political viewpoint and smear grown up politicians (like Farage and Le Pen) rather than ask obvious questions to deluded politicians who seem to possess very little in the way of common sense!
Got to be honest – If I was Trump I would be quite tempted to tell Europe to piss off too!
I think this is the point Trump was making about NATO. It’s not the 1950s any more, Europe should pay for its own defence. If European snowflakes prefer not to spend money on defence, but expect the USA to spend it for them, they will be in for a shock.
A simple way to handle this.
Any NATO Country not spending the 2% on defence forfeits the right to expect NATO assistance.
Just like insurance. Pay it and you are covered.
Trump should make that the rule, 2% to join.
Clive Myrie on BBC News 24 tonight. I have got absolutely no problem with this chap whatsoever. My problem is with the BBC for pretending he and all the others like him from “minorities” got the job purely on merit for being the best candidate when we all know different. So I suppose he owes them and needs to tow the party line. Tonight he was interviewing a couple of quite intelligent chaps about Merryl Streep’s attack on Trump. The chaps were making the valid point that Trump shot her down on Twitter and she ended up looking an idiot but Clive wasn’t having it. He sneered that Trump’s reply about Streep being over rated was obviously wrong because she has won so many Oscars. But Clive old chap, the Oscars are part of the libtard establishment and only get awarded to lefty-leaning luvies rather than people on merit – spot the irony here. A genuine high achiever would know that the Oscars have nothing to do with talent and wouldn’t try to use them to back up Streep’s argument. And why does he need to back up her argument anyway – unless he is biased against Trump. Surely not?
So did you read this bBC article on a Syrian dentist who ended up happy as Larry in Somalia Aleppo dentist brings ‘Hollywood smiles’ to Somalis after fleeing Syria It is prayer time in the next-door mosque as I step into a building advertising the dental services of a Syrian….”My name is Hosam. I come from Aleppo,” the man says…..He looks me in the eye: “You are British, aren’t you? Your people don’t want us. But Somalis do.”
And it is true. I did not meet a single Somali who wished away the Syrians. Or the Yemenis.
Yeah nasty white British (Good job I’m brown) Isn’t it great how the bBC spreads that message across the globe, paid for by..the very people they despise. That said I wonder when the bBC gets round to reporting this: Germany: Father rescues daughter from Syrian rapist
That statement of: “You are British, aren’t you? Your people don’t want us. But Somalis do.”
Sounds quite hollow now, doesn’t it?
Obviously he’s unaware of HM government’s plan to settle 20,000 Syrians in Britain by 2020. But then as a dentist perhaps his waiting room magazines aren’t very up to date?
The beeb have been going absolutely nuts over mental illness today, a full on assault. Hunt was interviewed by a sneering beeboid on brekkie accusing him of hiding while he shot back that he was available but you wanted to talk to justine greening instead. The junior docs failed in bringing down the government so the beeb and their pals at channel 4 have opened up a new front.
Contrast with the passing comment on the strikes in london today as if it was nothing and not a mention of where the emir of london was who promised no strike days until 2020. Didnt last long with our Sadiq as promise after promise is broken, Well we were warned. Nah we will just run interference for best mayor evah.
Channel 4 news continued the mental health obsession with snow sneering his way through a chat with hunt crying about mental health in kids, Hunt should have told him to go and get stuffed but then followed up with a chat with an obese junior doc who added to the sneering. Whatever you think of hunt he deserves a medal for putting up with the amount of vitriol and all out hate from the left and the labour lackeys in the NHS that he gets 24/7. Irony was lost on them when snow interviewed lying headcase Alistair campbell.
Has anyone noticed that several of the continuity announcers on More 4 appear to have been specially chosen because of either their ethnicity, or their reduced mentality, or both? Diversity at it’s worst.
One has to ask just WTF the bBC is doing with our licence fee when feeling the need to sack two of its lesser presenters to save a few quid. No longer will the bBC be serving the nations elderly, lonely, night workers and insomniacs with live music radio, instead the small hours will consist of, yes, you’ve guessed more repeats of programs already available online. It would appear that the only live overnight radio offered to the nation by our national broadcaster will be the purveyor of fake news and the home of lefty comment – 5Live (cue Dotun Abedayo….)
So Janice Long and Alex Lester get the heave ho, yet the grossly overpaid and under talented switch offs, Evans, Vine, Feltz, Mayo, O’Leary, Norton, Cox, O’Grady and endless celeb presenters all get to keep their jobs on the station.
Any manager worth their weight and genuinely wanting to offer a service would quickly work out what to cut first, but no this is the ‘uniquely’ funded BBC ….
Most of Radio 2 programming between 10 and midnight is also recorded.
PJW hosting a late night ad free national talk show on R2? Amid the hand wringing, wailing, filth and fury, I bet the ratings would be sky high. I wonder if there is anyone at the BBC able to control their innate bias for a moment and even consider the idea? Probably not.
pg5 Birmingham Bullring people shouting racist at black faced Morris Men
pg9 Black judge found guilty of misconduct after campaigning at rally in favour of barred Tower Hamlets mayor
p11 SOAS snowflakes complain about studying white ancient philosophers
ITV Martin Lewis show 8:14pm
“1 in 4 solar panel packages fitted wrongly with meter running backwards”
“unexpected electricity bills retrospectively once their supplier finds out that their meter is going backwards.” Which Mag …mse forum
We voted out – OUT.
Despite this, the politicians and the media are convoluting the reasons and telling us ‘why we voted out’ .
We know why we voted out.
They will be burning books next. It is a sad and worrying sign of the state of the West when dangerous lunatics like this chap are given a platform and taken seriously.
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JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
And straight from our contact in the research department, more good Brexit news.
It seems we cant ‘hold it back’ ……………….
“UK spending growth ‘at two-year high”…….
And this best since 2008 ….
BBC Radio 4 Andrew Marr
Chibundu Onuzo and Martin Sixsmith on corruption and family drama
Start the Week
Andrew Marr talks to the best-selling author Martin Sixsmith about his latest book which tells the story of a daughter’s search for the truth about her beloved father. Secrets, corruption and political intrigue are uncovered as they travel from Britain to Pakistan. There’s more political scandal and family drama from the Nigerian author Chibundu Onuzo in her latest novel, Welcome to Lagos, and the playwright Oladipo Agboluaje imagines a political revolution in 21st century Nigeria and the moral compromises made in the pursuit of power and political change. Laurence Cockcroft is the co-founder of Transparency International in the UK and in his latest work turns his attention to the flavour of corruption in the West.
A quite sickening piece which shows the depravity of the Fascist Left, that there is tremendous corruption in Pakistani communities in Britain, but it’s all OK because it works for them !
As we’ve always said of the Fascists, the rest of us simply don’t matter.
As this program has gone on with guests from countries which are regarded as corrupt it has shown just how Naive Fascists like Marr really are with the guests constantly having to correct his prejudices and fantasy like beliefs of foreign culture and society.
I don’t think that I have heard in a long time, a BBC interviewer get so much so wrong so often.
Even when it came to the books some of them had written Marr has completely misunderstood what he had read, twisting the words to fit his own agenda, which was it turned out completely false.
“Best selling author Martin Sixsmith”
Sounds so much more impartial than “ex BBC employee, ex Labour Party employee, recipient of massive taxpayer funded payout Martin Sixsmith
I was only half listening, but whenever I heard Marr speak it was to say things like “it works for them” in relation to corruption in Pakistan and “it’s similar to public schoolboy networks in UK” in relation to corruption in Nigeria.
The man really exposed himself as a complete fool.
Marr is part of the corrupt BBC ” elite”, so he is bound to empathise with Pakistan and Nigeria.
He went to public schools such as Loretto so he should know waht he is talking about.
And he tried to cover up his “love child ” escapade.
Marr is a typical Beeboid !
Don’t mention the super injunction!
I did once, but I think I got away with it.
Sixsmith said an interesting thing at one point: he likened some alarming aspects of Pakistan, which he had experienced there, to the Wild West and said that he had found it all exciting. This made me think of the frequent use of the adjective ‘vibrant’, e.g. “the vibrant diversity of some of Britain’s inner cities”. Vibrant, presumably, equates to lively and exciting and is meant to be a term of praise.
This in turn set me thinking about a BBC TV prog’ some time ago in which David Dimbleby bemoaned the fact that there wasn’t much to do in 1950s Britain, with shops shut on Sundays, few TV or radio channels, etc.
It occurs to me that some BBC Lefty media types simply are not very good at entertaining themselves; in other words, they get bored easily. They need strong external stimulus and are not happy reading, walking in the countryside, talking to friends and family, playing a sport, etc. Hence the stock-in-trade references to “the sleepy Gloucestershire village of xyz” which translates as “lacking vibrancy”, i.e. the sort of place where a girl might go to the local shop to buy some sweets without much risk of sexual harassment.
If Sixsmith finds Pakistan exciting, he is welcome to try to settle there. Dimbleby should try Somalia or maybe Luton. I don’t see why the rest of us should suffer partly because the likes of them get bored easily and thus welcome the importation of ‘vibrancy’ into the UK (though usually not to where they live) because the resulting tension gives them something to talk about. If living in interesting times is a curse, then a bit more boredom might not be such a bad thing. Subjecting Britain to the kind of changes seen in the last couple of decades is a very risky way of creating excitement and things to do and talk about.
” Dimbleby should try Somalia or maybe Luton.” that made I larf!
Golden Globes or brass neck
The BBC loves the fact that guilt-laden multi-millionaire luvvies spout lefty politics. Given the wonderful we are the world context, shuld the BBC really focus on the British winners of gongs? Given all these calls for magnanimous selflessness should the BBC still be celebrating their own involvement with that Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston show? Sure it will make cash from overseas sales for the BBC but we’re celebrating international socialism here, aren’t we?
Meryl Streep spouting forth again this morning. Switched off.
And am I the only person who thinks that her Margaret Thatcher accent was hammy?
Yes hammy. Streep is not consistent with her acting.
Her speech at the Globe Awards carried the lie that Trump had made fun of a disabled reporter. Perhaps we can put that lie to rest. Trump did not mock the disabled reporter, and here is the link to the evidence. Like many other stories the BBC and US media eagerly bought into the lie.
Here is what the BBC uncritically copied from Streep.
‘Streep said she was “stunned” during the presidential election campaign when the Republican candidate imitated disabled New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski.’
I do hope that Trump will stuff the lies and propaganda from the state broadcaster right up Treezer and Boris when they visit the US.
If luvvies like Streep want to go into politics, they should stand for election. Otherwise, they should keep their mouths shut.
Here is more on the lies from Streep about Trump and the disabled journalist. Ann Coulter spells it out.
My question is why is the UK Government not speaking out against the blatant lies the state broadcaster is repeating about the incoming US President. Just one Minister in our Government might call out the BBC, but so far nothing said against the daily anti Trump propaganda.
Ann Coulter on Streep’s mocking a disabled reporter lie.
Apparently Trump has tweeted that Streep is ” one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood ” !
I’d agree with that. There are plenty of British actors who are at least as good, if not better. Unfortunately, only an American can be a “superstar”.
Streep’s million dollar quote, “Going forward, we will need them (MSM) and they will need us (the luvvies).”
Together the MSM and the luvvies? So far so very, very bad.
The who, the what, the where? Oh, where’s the rest button?
Good points as usual, Gaxvil.
Sadly there’ll be a new splunge of anti-President Elect Trump ‘films’ to come, and they’ll all portray the ‘plot’ with some useful idiot dredged from a bunch of struggling third-rate ‘actors’.
The bBeeb are doing it already with some shows (reportedly, I can’t be arsed to watch the stuff), but some twonks think it’s interesting.
Quote “We also have proof that the media know they are lying about Trump mocking a disabled man. In the “Comments” section to a Washington Post article pushing this lie, someone posted a perfectly respectful response that included the Catholics 4 Trump videos — of Trump doing the exact same imitation of a general and of Serge being interviewed. The Post deleted the comment — and pronto!
Why did the Post instantly remove those videos from the “Comments” section? To hide the evidence of its lying. “
Jeremy Hunt offers himself up as a limp aunt sally on BBC tv news this morning. Over the weekend the ‘British’ (?) Red Cross have descibed the NHS as a humanitarian crisis. Has ‘Support Your Local Lefty’ literally been writing their PR? Time to drop the ‘Cross’ in their title surely? But don’t worry our sadomasochist Jeremy gives 90% of the debate to his enemies by assuming it’s all about putting more money in. Then he gives a sop to the BBC with the daft concept that the number one priority is teenage mental health problems due to the internet (with special mention of the girls). This is more about playing to the Mumsnet crowd. Ssssush… this is anecdotal but I hear when you look around a crowded GP’s waiting room it ain’t usually filled with a batch of Jessicas and Jocastas busily self-harming over cyber bullying – it just ain’t.
If the Garden Gnome in Scotland has her way, the Scots should be as welcoming as the Germans are in the photograph here.
You can almost taste the tears from the celebs but its also noticeable that some of the celebs are very slow to clap when faced with the hollywood high command. Yes colin farrell i’m looking at you and Viggo Mortensen man the fuck up you were Aragorn for gods sake.
Hollywood must be a very special place where one can become a politician overnight. I am fairly sure Morgan Freeman should be qualified by now to run for presidency, he seems to do a great job on screen.
Jamie Foxx was better! (“Whitehouse Down”)
What, as a rabbit?
The bloke with the beard appears to be singularly unimpressed, or is he just trying to add a little gravitas? Quite a feat at an event where the winner is “La La Land”.
Overall, the response in the audience looks a little mixed. Perhaps their thoughts are elsewhere – how much they could get for their Goody Bags on eBay, perhaps.
It’s time for government to consider a luvvies tax, at least an extra 20% to pay for all the crap ideas they push forward.
They’ll all claim it as a fee to their ‘off-shore fund’, like most of the bBeeb autocue-readers, and therefore we’d never see a penny of it!
Why do you think that that blasted building in Langham place looks like a huge ****
(I must apologise in advance if this offends the better half of the human race – I used to know the Chief Architect of the Beeb, but luckily have lost touch now)!
Scroblene – I love that blasted building in Langham Place! – the idea that super-puritan John Reith had it knocked up as a “temple of the arts and muses” with the idea that the listener should incline his ear to all that it is lovely and honest and then he got a child molesting, dog fucking, daughter raping pervert to make the statues (Eric Gill) is hilarious. And that statue of Aerial and Prospero outside with Arial sticking his…antenna out all proud is appropriate too as beeboids are all a load of …antennas as well.
So where were the police?
Morris Dancers forced to abandon performance after being accused of racism over traditional black face paint, witnesses say
“….. But a source close to the group said: “The atmosphere had been great with the vast majority of people, but I was absolutely amazed by the vitriolic abuse they started to receive.
The issues began when they started dancing near to the Bull outside the Bullring and later near to Marks & Spencer. They were roundly abused and threatened with violence.
One lady was particularly angry and a group of young men started to become very abusive and confrontational, accusing them of being racists, which of course they are not.
They started jumping in between the dancers and knocking off their hats. The dancers tried to explain why their faces were painted black, but they would not listen.””
Some blacked up faces are more acceptable than others.
This is Beethoven, apparently:
Well, in one of the Sunday supplements I’ve just read that the part of Danny in the latest production of Grease in London, is played by a black dancer. This is like watching a white version of Porgy & Bess (think of the uproar if that were to happen). There are some things you just cannot mess with, regardless of diversity quotas.
I used to enjoy the Jeffery Deaver “Lincoln Rhyme” books until Denzel came along in “The Bone Collector” movie and totally disrupted my mental picture. No sequel, I see.
For some, Tom Cruise has done something similar to Lee Child’s Jack Reacher. Never liked the books in the first place though.
There was a mix up in the casting instructions, they were looking for a 6′ 5″ actor, and someone wrote down 5′ 6″. From that moment, the job was Tom’s.
Morris Dancers performed in the street outside my local pub at midday on New Year’s Day, as they do every year.
One of them was blacked up, and several others were openly drinking alcohol from glass glasses (as opposed to “safety” plastic ones).
A handful of cars had to wait until dancing had finished before they could pass, although there were no police present.
It’s anarchy in W Sussex!
Far be it for a Scot to comment , but suddenly I am in favour of Morris Dancing !
Yes, Grant, be careful what you say about dancers, I clearly remember the White Heather Club on TV many years ago 😉
When Morris Dancers perform outside a country pub, I understand they generally get free beer – it’s good for business. Not a bad deal. And they don’t take themselves too seriously, which is refreshing in this day and age.
What do Morris Dancers think of Brexit? Nobody knows, fortunately.
Morris on Brexit?
On completion of dancing, the Morris performed a traditional mummers play. It featured a very froggy Napoleon (boo, hiss!), hearty St George (hurrah!), an invading Saracen and innumerable godawful modern-day puns.
St George put the Saracen to the sword, but the Saracen was subsequently restored to health by means of a lit firework up his bottom.
(I suspect the firework might have been unlicenced for public display – as I say, it’s anarchy down here.)
The overall impression was of a small, rustic, informal, outdoor panto. If any political allegory were intended, it passed me by.
P.S. this particular Morris have a junior section for kids: it’s called the Morris Minors.
Damn ! I forgot about the “White Heather Club “. Should have kept my mouth shut !
Moorish Dancers are part of our interest in another country’s heritage.
Shame we don’t get a reciprocal interest.
No hint of which community was threatening the morris men?
Is anyone really surprised?
Asian Youths Force Morris Dancers to Abandon Performance With Accusations of Racism
As I said, where were the police?
There’s a time and a place for simply telling people to F.O. This is one of them.
The answer to this was in an episode of, “Claire in the Community” – they used navy blue face-paint.
But that was a comedy, a bit of satire and some time ago.
The reason the Morris Dancers paint their faces black is purely cultural not racist. These protestors are both ignorant and disrespectful.
A dancer would entertain local people through the medium of dance in order to be handed some money. The dancers were often locals themselves who had fallen on hard times. They often danced for food/a loaf of bread. The dancers would blacken their faces in order not to be recognised by a family member or friend for fear of shame being placed upon them.
When it first started about 5 or 6 years ago I thoroughly enjoyed the BBC’s modern take on the wonderful Sherlock Holmes stories. There were lots of nods and allusions to the original Conan Doyle tales. They were fun and interesting. Then something went badly wrong. Watson got married and his wife, whilst being only the vaguest and shadowy of figures in Doyle’s classics became a huge and utterly absurd character.
The Beeb had her being an undercover hit woman, a member of the SAS, involved with all sorts of ludicrous covert organisations and a much more important part of the tales than poor old Watson. Last week she got killed and I for one punched the air in delight, thinking we’d seen the last of this unbelievable creature, but no… In yesterday’s story John Watson is haunted by hallucinations of his departed spouse; she kept popping up. It was incredibly irritating.
This is, of course, the dear old Beeb being all pc and inclusive. Their thinking would be that just because in Victorian times women wouldn’t have featured too prominently there’s no reason they can’t be feisty, interesting and exciting nowadays. I’ve no argument with that but the BBC turned a perfectly decent little series into a bloody farce.
Yesterday’s episode was particularly dire. They wasted Toby Jones and had another daft “feminist” piece with Mrs Hudson driving a high powered sports car, being chased by the police and then calling Watson “an idiot.” All the while John’s wife is mooching about talking to Watson, who only being a mere male is fragile and confused and has no idea what to do. Well, he’s only a bloke…
These programmes are never complete until there’s a whole heap of male weeping. We had it in spades yesterday. It was painful and unnecessary. Blubbing en mass.
I can still sit down and enjoy a Basil Rathbone black and white Sherlock yarn on a wet Saturday afternoon. Nigel Bruce played Watson as a bumbling idiot. I don’t think I’d trust him with a stethoscope, however I don’t remember him ever sobbing like a big girl’s blouse. I think the most emotional thing he ever said was, “By Jove Holmes!”
I don’t think folk in 60 or 70 years will settle down to watch the BBC’s Sherlock.
I won’t watch it next week…
Same here enjoyed the first series but the something seemed to change and it went up its own arse. Gatiss and moffats agendas came to the fore along with cumberpatchs and both freemans (amanda ‘tory scum’ abingdon) politics added into the mix and you have a recipe for disaster where another beeb show slowly commits ritual suicide.
The same thing dogged witness for the prosecution at christmas where it seemed to turn into a man hating shouting match with the lead actress literally screaming men are full of hate. Lots of people are noticing it not just us on here or the likes of going postal. I dont even have to mention the episode of outnumbered at christmas as that was one of the most blatant pieces of political propaganda i have seen.
Excellent comment Jeff.
I give you my favourite
Well, after last week’s offering of Holmes, I gave it a miss this week and watched better acting in Endeavour. Glad I did by all accounts.
I was already irritated with the content of the first episode of the series, but when “Sherlock” clashed with the first episode of the new “Endeavour” series it was doomed.
Jeff, KatieH – you are right of course. The first in the latest cumberbatch of BBC Shelocks took the predictably feisty female route which is now the firmly established Hollywood template. Odd, and forced, considering the source material is a seminal fantastical two guy buddy yarn – an ordinary bloke and his wonderfully brilliant pal. As I said previously, I put a lot of this down to not just BBC box-ticking but writer/producer gay fantasy and projection. Get past that and Sherlock follows where Doctor Who went – vastly overblown over-portentious plot climaxing from start to giddy attention deficit finish. Where’s the dramatic arc in that? Episode two was particularly awkward viewing in its undercurrent of allusions to Jimmy Savile. No wonder the BBC had to put out a caution prior to screening at 9pm that it was ‘dark’. Make up you minds BBC: are you marketing this as a kid’s show or not?
I think the problem with “Sherlock” is that since the first series the key people involved have ceased to be actors and are now celebrities – in their own minds that is CELEBRITIES.
They are no longer producing programmes to entertain an audience, only ones to amuse themselves. The whole thing is totally self-indulgent, but the BBC is so grateful that they still turn up that there is no editorial control – especially as any underlying messages in the script match the BBC’s view of the world.
Jeremy Brett and Clive Merrison versions are available and are at least a million times better than, “Strictly Come Sherlock” or the, “Great British Doyle Off”.
I totally agree. I cannot see Benedict Cumbertwat now without thinking of a left wing boor haranguing his paying audience because the government will not allow the country to be flooded with so-called “asylum seekers”, the very people who have brought rape, murder and assorted mayhem to the streets of Germany, France and Belgium.
I used to quite enjoy “Sherlock”, now I cannot stand the sight of the left wing elitist scum who act in it, and cannot bear to watch it.
Agreed, I quite enjoyed the first two series of Sherlock, but decided halfway through the second episode of the 3rd series that it was now crap.
It doesn’t help that in the books and indeed Rathbones portrayal, Holmes comes across as a man who understands social niceties even if he can be a bit brusque.
Cumberbatch plays him like a nerdy, stroppy teenager who would be one of the smug insufferable types you sometimes see on University challenge, and who doesn’t know how to behave in public.
He also reminds me of that unfortunate looking chap, who tried to hack the Pentagon, Gary Mckinnon.
Martin Freeman has two acting styles, bemused and vaguely angry. And don’t get me started on his screechy, tax dodging ex-Wife, shoe horned into the show much like Cumberbatch’s parents were in season 3, in the name of nepotism.
Gah..rant over.
The gender nonsense from the BBC spoils umpteen docs and dramas.
As of now no woman has ever passed the SAS test, I don’t think any have even qualified to take it.
A friend of mine had to lead a group of Marines as a survival test in order to become an officer. Possibly because he was a high achieving graduate looking to be an officer, they put the two female trailists into his group. Within a few miles the girls were both slumped on their arses, crying. My friend picked up their packs, and carried them himself, whilst driving them to the finish line, as he wouldn’t have achieved his promotion if he had left anyone behind.
My brother’s fireman tests were physically demanding across a very tough day. His test was the first time the fire service HAD to take on women. Amongst other fails, the girls on the course refused to climb the ladder. All the girls qualified whilst some of the guys were failed for not doing stuff fast enough, even though they actually completed the tasks.
Now, please understand, if I was on a Marine’s course then I would be in tears after a couple of miles, and I would not climb a hundred foot ladder if I were offered the weekly pay of Cumberbatch and Freeman combined.
If I were you, Jeff, I’d get a subscription for Netflix and Amazon where you get strong female characters in thrillers, but they always act like women.
I have only seen Cumberbatch acting in a very few things – one of the recent Star Trek movies, The Hollow Crown, he was also in a film called Four Lions. While I can’t say he’s terrible, I very much get the impression of an arch, privileged dilettante giving us a portrayal of..pretty much the same character. He doesn’t have much range, that I can see.
As for Sherlock, I do remember watching 10 minutes or so of an episode. There was floating text bobbing about on the screen – presumably trying to signal Holmes’ deductive abilities. I thought it was for kids so I switched over. After his luvvie speeches demanding to flood the UK with economic migrants the man just grates on me now.
I think I may be more fortunate than you, Imay, in that I haven’t seen him in anything!
Jeremy Brett – to me – was the best Sherlock Holmes in recent years, with absolute sincerity and superb acting and presentation skills.
If this chap Lumbersnatch thinks he’s any better, then for me, he has to stop gabbling on about things he doesn’t understand, get some ‘acting’ experience, and start considering whom he wants to like him. If it’s a lot of useful idiots, then he can forget it as far as I’m concerned!
The bBeeb meanwhile, will serve up any old tosh to justify their £4bn punitive tax.
I suspect things like ‘Sherlock’ in years to come will be viewed as very dated canonic aberrations; curiosities at best. ‘Sherlock’ is so much of its time; it reminds me in that sense of those 60s psychedelic drugged-up versions of classic detectives. There was one about Philip Marlowe set in 60s California, I believe. Conan Doyle’s timeless stories will, of course, continue to be popular.
“”Artist Kaylani Juanita lists herself on the site under the categories African American/black, LBTQ+, west coast (US), multiracial, and native Hawaiian/Pacific islander.””
“Did she worry that she might get pigeonholed?” asks the intrepid Vicky Baker, that would be some size pigeon hole for sure. For real or parody? I can’t tell with the BBC anymore. As one of the saps who still pays the licence fee I strongly object to funding people who write this kind of box ticking drivel.
A diary of Islamic events connected to the UK during 2016 –
BBC Website reports that pound has fallen after May’s “Brexit Speech”. The fall is 1%. BBC forgot to point out that, right now the FT 100 is at an all-time high !!!
Coming to the UK soon……….the UK’s new adopted ‘migrant’ policy?
Discussion on BBC R4 Today about Cyprus this morning during which an explanation of the history of “the divided Eastern Mediterranean island” did not mention the independent Republic of Cyprus having been occupied by the Turkish Army, then the North of the island being partitioned, ethnically cleansed and colonised by Turkish settlers from Anatolia.
There was mention of “the former colonial power” the UK and the sovereign base though!
The BBC only seem to have heard of one occupation. Why is that?
It was Sampson, Grivas and the Greeks who started the ethnic cleansing of Turks. Read Sampson’s radio broadcasts after he became President if you do not believe me. For a realistic , objective analysis , try ” The Cyprus Emergency ” by Nick Van Der Bijl as an introduction . He was in the British Army and Military Inteligence.
In 1974, when the British Government failed to honour the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee and failed to intervene to stop the Genocide which the Greeks had started against the Turks, the Turkish Government were left with no option but military action.
the Greek presence on Cyprus predates the arrival of Ottoman Turks by several centuries and dates back to antiquity.
In 1974 an inter communal struggle for power was tipped by a full scale Turkish invasion, occupation, partition and colonisation of the occupied territory.
These are the facts that the BBC omitted.
It is one thing to intervene and keep the peace, quite another to occupy and colonise Cyprus with Anatolians.
Yes, I am aware of the history.
But in the years leading up to 1974, there was no “struggle for power “. The Greek plan for Cyprus was “enosis” which required the removal of the British military and the extermination of the Turks on the island. It is all well documented and the Greeks talked and wrote quite openly about it. I would certainly recommend the book I referred to above for a clear objective history by a former British Army officer who was very familiar with the situation.
As to the BBC, I doubt if anyone there knows the first thing about the Cyprus conflict.
The struggle for power was between Sampson and Makarios, and by extension the Greek junta and their leftist opposition.
Enosis of a majority Greek island, continued independence of united Cyprus or the extension of Turkish/ Islamic power and influence by the colonisation of northern Cyprus by Anatolian Turkish muslims.
The last option was the worst one imho.
The Turkish Cypriots should have been repatriated in the 1920s as was the case across the rest of the historically Greek islands in exchange for the Greeks leaving Anatolia. It remains unfinished business I’m afraid, possibly complicated by the Russians embracing their historic role as protectors of the Orthodox Christian interest.
Agree about the Beeb, with the addition that they will always back the Islamic interest.
I was in Cyprus at the relevant time in 1974.
But I ask you a question , why should the Turks have left Cyprus when the Greeks agreed to it being a British Protectorate after WW1 ?
Secondly, do you defend the Genocide that the Greeks were committing against the Turks ? Yes or no ?
“Genocide” is not quite the right word, I would suggest. The fascist government of Greece was seeking to destabilise the Cyprus government through acts of terrorism against the Turkish Cypriots, which would allow their puppet Sampson to take power in a coup after Makarios had been assassinated. The coup was botched and Makarios survived, but rather than a Greek takeover, it gave Turkey the pretext for an invasion. The legitimate government of Cyprus was not behind any atrocities as far as I am aware.
Greeks and Turks have long history of violent conflict and struggle since the Ottoman Caliphate emerged as a power to challenge the Byzantines and invaded areas that were ancient Greek homelands.
The Greeks, in the 1920s were hardly in a position to argue with the British Empire at the height of its powers. They had also been defeated in a war with Turkey to try to hold onto the Greek homelands in Anatolia in which massacres were committed on both sides.
Resistance to the imposition of an alien lifestyle is always going to be ugly. I am afraid that is in the nature of civil war and wars that are clashes of cultures amplify this effect
The Turks should have left Cyprus at the time of the 1920s population exchanges in which Greeks and Turks were resettled across new borders to prevent exactly the disasters and atrocities of the later struggles for Greek (and Turkish) national self determination.
What happened to the Armenians at the hand of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1915 set the precedent.
The British failed in their duties to properly manage Cyprus as by the time the pot began to boil again in the 70s the British imperial will had been sapped by liberal/ leftism and the wielding of imperial power had gone out of fashion…..except the Turks hadn’t noticed.
There was also the small matter of the Saudi and other Arab oil producers flexing their diplomatic and trade embargo muscles on the international scene in the wake of the 73 Yom Kippur war.
Of course I don’t support genocide, but if we are to trade questions Grant, I’ll ask you one…
Should Western nations and peoples always submit to the islamisation of Europe, yes or no?
I believe that Britain did plan to uphold its position as a guarantor power of Cyprus’s independence, until the Foreign Secretary, Jim Callaghan, was told to forget it by Henry Kissinger. I think he saw Cyprus as an annoying flashpoint between Greece and Turkey, and did not care less if it was partioned. All that ever mattered to Kissinger was realpolitik.
Yes ! You have it exactly.
Kissinger and Callaghan were willing to sacrifice the Turks for no reason. I actually witnessed the real sacrifice of Turkish children nailed to crosses, still alive, by the Greeks , after being gang raped by the Greeks.
I have photos and the evidence is well documented by the British Military and British Government.
It was a Genocide and crime against humanity and the Greeks should be held account for what they did .
Grant I was on the ground on both sides of Cyprus for 6 montha in 2012 and yes even Greek cypriots and museum confirm what you say.
Except you can’t blame the children for the sins of the father.
So its not THE Greeks who should be
.. But THOSE Greeks who should have been held to account.
These atrocities would not have been organised by the government of Cyprus, which would have no reason to take such actions, but rather by the agents of the fascist government in Athens, which was seeking to destabilize Cyprus to give it a pretext to annex the island. If they had killed Makarios as planned, and installed Sampson as the head of their puppet government, he would no doubt have then conveniently asked Athens to intervene. As it happened, Makarios survived, but instead Turkey invaded and annexed 40% of the island. Cyprus was very much a pawn in the power struggle between Greece and Turkey.
Realpolitik = oil prices.
Greece and Turkey were also pawns, in a game in which perhaps Saudi oil power was involved.
In other news…
Not the fake kind. Obvs.
In order of what, as they say in downtown Tehran? No giggling at the back.
Anyone hear Eddie Mair’s interview with the editor (I think) of anti-fascist magazine Searchlight on last Friday’s PM?
Eddie managed to conflate fascist letter-bombers with UKIP and the Alt Right, name-checking Trump and Farage on the way, while the bloke from Searchlight merely nodded along: “Dangerous times, hard right worse than ever yadda yadda”.
We are accustomed to Al Beeb’s bias by omission. In this case, the piece omitted to mention:
(i) anti-fascist violence / skulduggery – has there ever been any?; and
(ii) to cite and / or quantify specific recent incidences of far right thuggery; and
(iii) or to put a countervailing view that there might be groups other than what is traditionally seen as the “far right” who pose a more serious danger to civilised society at this time.
But this piece went further: it was bias by commission. Eddie led his guest gently but firmly by the nose to trot out what sounded very much like a pre-scripted narrative, maintaining an approving and respectful tone throughout.
Eddie Mair is a very sly leftist. He is what James O’Brien would be if he had any brains.
Sunday early evening I’m channel-hopping looking for something to divert me for 10 minutes while I enjoy tea & cake in front of the telly.
I like walking and fishing, so perhaps “Countryfile”?
I tune in just as their reporter begins a report on “the growing problem of dementia in the countryside as a new report highlights the dangers, isolation and lack of services facing farmers living with the condition.”
Not really what I had in mind. At the first brow-furrowed mention of “resources”, I switch over to Netflix.
Listened to the start of TWATO just now. Obviously the big finance story is that the FT100 reached an all-time high today. Er, not on the BBC. Their headline is that the pound has fallen 1% following May’s “Brexit speech”. Firstly, I don’t think Treezer said much about Brexit. Secondly, how would the idiots at the BBC know what caused a tiny fall in the pound ?
Bias ? What bias ?
“Much more to life than individualism” says the erm caring, sharing leader of the obsessively self serving Tories on the BBC. “the cult of individualism” threatens to undermine us, as she slyly ensures the wealth divide increases expedientially.
Teresa Maybe eh! … thinks she s in “La La Land”
“One rule for the rich and powerful and another for everyone else”, she preaches with the backing of her cabinet of grasping millionaires no doubt.
The sharing society is just the latest Tory lie, the big society has obviously had its day
Brexit means Brexit?, a caring Britain? a bigger Britain?
a probable caring bigger sort of brighter social justice Britain?,
as usual for the Tories, clueless, patronising, totally lacking in coherence and substance
… Teresa Maybe indeed
A clear out is needed desperately, in No10 and in government
And how long has Treezer been in Government and what did she do about anything ? She is a joke and the Tories have to ditch her .
The, mostly unspoken, hope is that the Brexit team are working away furiously but keeping it under their hat.
The World has turned since June 23rd., and I appreciate May is tight lipped but someone does need to tell her she’s the Prime Minister and Trump really is President.
I hope you are right. But I wish David Davis would speak out more. I hope he is not being gagged.
Gaxvil, this is my hope also. One good point seems to be Mrs May’s apparent masterstroke of calling for a preliminary vote on support for Brexit. This totally scuppered the Supreme Court challenge which has now gone totally quiet.
The Brexit Team … working away furiously 😀 ROFL
Davey Cameron stylee?, or with the same concerted incompetence
of Teresa May? … tough choice
Their only interest, is self interest, the benefit of its own suck up cronies, the whole lot of them are a complete liability
“Former politician” Ed Balls appeared on BBC R4’s Saturday live. This week’s theme was A Turning Point in One’s Life.
Ed’s turning point came when he was rejected by the voters of Morley & Outwood in the 2015 general election, and turned his hand to televised cookery (on the BBC) and dancing (also on the BBC).
I suspect that Ed will cease to be a “former” politician once the political tide starts to turn. In the meantime he continues to bag oodles of free (to Balls, if not to licence payers) PR from Al Beeb. Can this really be – dread word – appropriate?
To be fair, Ed does seem (however bafflingly) to be genuine box office and has recently snagged a spot on ITV’s Loose Women.
So did Pete Burns Tom.
He was booked for Oct 24th 2016, but died on the 22nd I think.
So-maybe Ed needs to get his BUPA coverage in order-at least Yvette would have to take an asylum seeker of two if he DID vacate the earth for us.
Did Brendan Cox offer the spare houseboat to any worth refugees when HE lost his spouse-the Left are unfeeling bastards are they not.
Reckon that Ronnie Wood will die on April 10th, because Ronnie Corbett died last year somewhere around the 30th March, and Victoria Wood died on the 21st April.
That classic triangulation there, AC Grayling will be pleased.
I hope to be Mother Shipton if I`m correct.
The Islamification of Britain – you won’t see this from our much beloved Beeb…
Long read alert
How many BBC News website articles on a daily, relentless basis begin with the words ” How one woman….” or “One woman’s fight for…..” etc, etc. Today it is “How one woman created a $60m breakfast cereal business”. Hurray. I feel so lazy and useless what with being a white male and everything.
Stuck in the car on Sunday I heard Robert Newnan’s Entirely Accurate Encyclopedia of Evoloution.
I see now that:
“One of Britain’s finest comedians, Rob Newman, with a witty, fact-packed series mixing stand-up and sketches, challenging notions of Survival of the Fittest and The Selfish Gene with a new theory that’s equal parts enlightening and hilarious. “
Well if you think that someone pretending to be a serious scientist and sex maniac pushing a theory that animals make different sounds around the world, rather than different peoples around the world trancribe them into their different languages in different ways is funny then you are on to a good thing.
But to me it sounded like a rambling idiot struggling to come up with a socialist theory of evolution while misquoting Margaret Thatcher and Darwin on the way. The ‘new theory’ that he has is, by his own admission, really that of a the poet Auden,(? can’t be bothered to check.), so neither new or his.
Well I know what I won’t be listening to for the next 8 weeks.
Everyone going to rush out and buy…
Tom Daley s Cookbook? … NO?, me neither
Well … hello, (sailor)
… He just got a free 10 minute advert, on the no commercials BBC
with the Beebot s hanging on his every word
What s the chances of that eh!
It is because he is gay !
No – its because he is going to convert to Islam inspired by that other wonderful cook. Allah bless her.
He was on saturday kitchen promoting this tripe and he didnt seem to have a clue about any of the recipes kept going on about yoga and his daily routine. I think the only thing tom was involved in was posing for the pic on the cover while his agent picked the recipes or maybe his partner old enough to be his daddy advised him. Yet the beeb will dutifully oblige with the airtime as he ticks boxes.
He ticks a lot of Beeb boxes. Good looking, young, gay, came out at an early age, has a much older ‘husband’, olympic athlete, did some gay kissing/hugging thing by the pool during the olympics – what’s not to like! He’s everything Will Young could have been!
Oh here’s another important story: “Drawing together – Female illustrators unite to promote diversity in art”. Hmm, so by limiting themselves to just a possible 50% of the population they seek to “promote diversity”? Presumably this would be the BBC definition of diversity where everyone is happily black, female, lesbian and Muslim as well as being in favour of unlimited immigration. The old definition of diversity – where Geordies, Brummies, Sartherners, Taffys, Jocks, Cockneys, Tykes, etc all lived happily together in a very diverse and successful island – is apparently not good enough anymore. Also the old idea of diversity of opinions throughout the land is no longer acceptable because to be diverse these days means that you must hold exactly the same narrow band of beliefs as the BBC gimps – otherwise you are not diverse and are simply racist/sexist/fillinasappropriatist and your view is irrelevant.
Diversity of what . Diversity of everything ? So that bad as well as good as well as moderate . So they are going to encourage , amongst things , bad artists and bad art ?
The bBBC’s definition of diversity is that, irrespective of age, gender, sexuality, background and ethnicity, everyone should get together in harmony and………..agree totally with their luvvie, leftist, statist, money-tree, entitlement, multiculti, open door immigration view of the world!
Or be treated as a pariah.
I have a confession and I have never shared it with anyone until now. But I want to share it here as part of the new ” sharing society “.
I am only sexually attracted by chameleons. Actually , I want to not only transgender from male to female , but also from human to chameleon ?
I need to know if the NHS can help me with this and if the BBC will pay me £1m to make a documentary about my case. Or , maybe £2m if I become a 3 legged chameleon.
Even the gentle stories of Father Brown in the afternoons, and set in the 50’s, have not escaped the tick box treatment. Today’s episode featured a well to do dual personality character with the black carpenter employee being in love with her. The same with Endeavour last night, set 10 years later in the 60’s, featured the murder of a black character. My recollection of these times was that for a great part of the UK, black and ethnic/m were rarer than hen’s teeth, – especially such a rural area where Father Brown is depicted. So these vintage dramas bear no resemblance to life as most of us remember it.
It’s all to do with rewriting history Brissles – he who controls the present controls the past. Of course the old days were full of black and Asian people – we bigots just don’t remember it. For me growing up in a village in South Yorkshire in the early 70s, in reality it was full of cheery black people waving on every street corner but for some reason the only black faces I can recall are the miners coming up from the nearby Hatfield Main colliery – strange how my memory plays such tricks. Must be my white privilege controlling my mind.
They are doing the same with Victorian times as well – my kids watch Hettie Somethingorother set in a poor house where the main girl was black – happened all the time of course.
And by the way, don’t get me started on Dr Who again. They have now rewritten the Silurian era of the Earth’s history to make out it was inhabited by lesbian lizards.
Synchro gnome….. some reason the only black faces I can recall are the miners coming up from the nearby Hatfield Main colliery
I can identify with that ! my granddad and male relatives would arrive home after a shift at Silverwood Pit ! and wouldn’t have looked out of place in the Black & White Minstrels !!!!
Brissles, you do realise that any snowflake reading that has now stopped eating the halal tofu cereal bar in soya milk and gone running to a safe place for a good cry.
Black and white minstrels indeed!
Does that mean we’ll never see a rerun of ‘Me mammy’, Mr G?
Thank goodness for that then…
Can we still buy chocolate Minstrels ? and why weren’t there any white chocolate ones ???
Synchro gnome, it was a reference to cunnilingus in ‘Dr Who’ that made me abandon watching it. I don’t care what people, lezzers or otherwise, get up to in their private life but to smugly work that in to a childrens’ serial just leaves a bad taste in the mouth (no pun intended).
Cranmer – I must have missed that gem – what episode?
It was the episode featuring the Irish airline stewardess – Connie Lingus!
I thank you.
I remember when it was Jon Pertwee and Jo Grant in the early ’70s and my mate (ok we were teenagers so it is excusable) was convinced that her and the Master had “a thing” going on the side involving handcuffs and leather but never once was this explicitly mentioned in the program itself. Not even in episode 2 of Day Of The Daleks when we got to see Jo’s knickers briefly when she stood up. Apparently.
I have taken to listening to Radio 3 in the morning to avoid the depressing politics of Radio 4.
Sadly Essential Classics has morphed into a week-long Desert Island Discs, an island exclusively populated by those of the leftist tendency, the sort of people no doubt that the sort of people the BBC employs go to dinner parties with. This weeks hero is Beeban Kidron, a feminist film-maker who admires the ‘Greenham Common Women’, so probably not a Trump or Nigel fan then.
Actually Radio 3 has been even more BBC-like these last few weeks. Whereas Classic FM plays the music people like, (and the nauseous adverts they don’t), Radio 3 has been playing the ‘music’ that they we should listen to. Indeed Ms Kidron felt demands to be listened too!
As with so many other areas of life ‘we’ have got it wrong and the BBC has been here too offering ‘explainers’ or, as here, a ‘toolkit’, so that we can appreciate the joys of disharmony etc., scores produced by transcibing Mersenne Primes or the value of the declining Brexit Pound or Jeremy Corbyn’s phone number.
Well for this bear of little brain music may be pop, folk, rock, jazz, blues, ‘classic’ or ‘world’ but I don’t need any ‘toolkit’ to tell the ‘good’ from the ‘bad’. Indeed, like most things, if it needs ‘explaining’ then chances are it isn’t any good.
I’d never heard of Kidron, but her Wickipedia entry leaves one wearyingly depressed. She fits perfectly into the BBC ‘favoured’ category. Agreed that R3 has declined in quality, and has lately included gimmickry that the controller presumably thought would attract more listeners. Playing snatches of classical music backwards and asking listeners to name it, was a particularly egregious example.
“Radio 3 has been playing the ‘music’ that they we should listen to”
If you’ll forgive a little mild Devil’s advocacy, I’ve always believed that a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, and I see nothing wrong with encouraging people to be a bit more adventurous. However, I think Classic FM is a bit better at this than it is often given credit for, depending on the time of day. Agree about the adverts though.
I certainly don’t agree with the BBC trying to push people in a certain direction to conform to the demands of identity politics, which is what I think you are referring to.
Many years ago, R3 used to be regarded as a first rate example of a specialist music station even though it has always shunned certain composers that it didn’t happen to approve of. George Lloyd and Malcolm Arnold spring to mind.
There are some very good foreign classical music stations accessible over the internet, if you are suitably equipped. Can’t help you technically though, my other half deals with that stuff.
George Butterworth is another one who just does not seem to cut it with the BBC.
I suppose they can’t really ignore Elgar, although I bet they wish they could. As for Britten, well he is a BBC favourite and I can guess why.
On R3 , composer of the week is Sibelius. And all credit to them for that. But, a difficult one for the BBC to spin. Oops, I forgot, he was not British !
They avoid George Butterworth because a) he was a war hero, and b) was keen on Morris Dancing.
You’re not allowed to be either at bBeeb.
I had to run for cover a couple of days ago when Rob Cowan announced the imminent arrival of a Schoenberg String Quartet. But, as you say, there is a good internet resource available when such horrors appear on R3!
Podcasts . .cos listening to news-verts is a waste of life .
Me too.
Sadly Radio 3 has gone all matey as it chases ratings and perceived relevance, aping Classic FM.
I much preferred Radio 3 when it was austere. No matiness, no tweeting, no “tell us what you think” and certainly no playing-music-backwards-can-you-guess-what-it-is.
Right with you Jim.
That said, you`ve got to have SOME sympathy for the Radio 4 drones who have to deliver the liberal guff that`s prebaked, then forced down their goose guts like wannabe pate or foie gras.
I KNOW they`re paid oodles to spout their fountains of shite-but wouldn`t YOU die a little as you know that all that you`ll be asked to pipe in 2017 will be
a) The NHS-what IS to become of you all, seeing as we all have BUPA anyway
b) Greedy bankers, even though OUR salaries get massaged away from the thresholds, and the BBC would rather we NOT shine that light onto our own practices and “arangements”. As if.
c) Brexit
e) A parade of luvvies of the right Benetton mix of shades in the arts to tell us that we don`t have enough migrants
f) Why Islam is misunderstood, why Labour is required.
My Buddha.Talk of deskilling-these plucked tarts are broilers and boilers with tail feathers removed, gobbling up to Muslims and craving that real life doesn`t come into the fetid hen house. And-at least Paxman and his M&S undies might at least bring him to mind when he pegs it on Last Word. THIS shower of shit on the Toady Show are already compost compliant and add NOTHING to the worlds betterment.
I go to Heart, Angel, Radio 2 and local independent radio-ANYWHERE but the decomposing remnants of what was once called ” BBC News”.
AND when you`re reduced to Twitter for the US coverage to come-as we get it too, AND the 52% DON`T bother their arses with your “analysis and comment” and the beggings from the Magic Money Tree Shakedowns any more-it must be one hell of an empty life for them all. And no compo forced from the poor taxpayer for that will fill their cakeholes. So sad!
I go to Heart, Angel, Radio 2 and local independent radio-ANYWHERE but the decomposing remnants of what was once called ” BBC News”.
With you there, Alicia. The dire ‘Southern News Extra’ which is always tacked on to the six o’clock mutable Labourfest, is absolutely awful, unless you are fat, ugly, on meal tickets, an illegal immigrant, hate the NHS, hate the police, love local councillors, and enjoy ‘caring for children and listening to music’. Just like any Ms World contestant.
Pleeeease let her be the BBC choice of EU Brexit negotiator…
‘You and all of us in this room really belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Think about it: Hollywood, foreigners and the press.’
If that doesn’t get the working stiff onside what will?
Woe is her as she boards the limo with her goodie bag.
It was linked by KGM of Ch4 in a tweet sensibly neutral. But he did fail to mention, as have most in the MSM, that the bit the luvvies lost their rag over was, as can so often be… false.
The student union at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) has told the BBC that the School should ban white Philosophers and all other Education sourced from white people, such as the use of European languages like English, and the use of the Roman Alphabet. And then relocate the School to a sub-Saharan nation in Africa, not in the Commonwealth, and ban white students from the University.
The union said it is part of a wider campaign to “decolonise” the university, as it seeks to “address the structural and epistemological legacy of colonialism”, by banning the concept of Education from the University, and replacing it with ignorance.
Lord Hall is now seriously considering setting up a seminar of like minded people, to decide if the BBC should follow suit.
LOL ! Now that would be really funny if the SOAS was relocated to, say, South Sudan. They could get some real hands-on primary research there !
In the finest tradition of their multicultural beliefs, I am sure the great and the good at the bBBC would be delighted to be relocated to Sudan.
But perhaps not quite as delighted as us.
BBC , naturally sad that the evil IRA terrorist, Martin MccGuinness has resigned. Any chance of that bastard being tried for murder ?
He never served in the British Army, so no.
Don’t forget Nigel Farage’s new program on LBC Radio starting tonight 7pm.
Listen here –
Other ways to listen
“Nigel Farage is joining LBC, the home of political debate, to present a brand new weeknight programme starting on Monday 9th January.
Packed into 60 minutes, The Nigel Farage Show will be full of opinions, callers and reaction to the biggest stories of the day, as well as Farage’s nightly Final Thought.
Broadcast live from 7pm, Monday to Thursday, he will present the show from LBC’s studios in London and on the road from across the UK, Europe and the USA as he invites listeners to share their views on the issues that will shape their lives for years to come.
Ahead of the triggering of Article 50 and the inauguration of President Elect Trump, Farage will bring his inside knowledge, experience and grasp of world politics to LBC at a pivotal time in our history.
With informed opinion, appointment-to-listen shows and intelligent debate, LBC is the only radio station to give its audience direct access to high profile political figures. Farage joins an impressive line-up of presenters including Nick Ferrari, James O’Brien, Shelagh Fogarty, Iain Dale, Maajid Nawaz and Matt Frei, as the station celebrates its highest ever audience figures with 1.8 million people tuning in every week.
He has already proven to be a popular presenter on LBC, having stood in on a number of programmes.
Nigel Farage said: “If 2016 was exciting, then this year could be tumultuous with President Trump, Article 50, elections all over Europe and maybe a Eurozone crash. I can’t wait to start my daily show on LBC and I invite listeners to agree with me or challenge me and together we can lead Britain’s conversation.”
James Rea, LBC’s managing editor, said: “With Brexit and the inauguration of President Elect Trump, Nigel Farage is the man at the centre of the two biggest stories this year. He is a powerful communicator and has proved himself as a natural broadcaster. With his new nightly show, we look forward to him joining the LBC team next week.””
Ta Denton-am there.
OT, but I had to appreciate the satirical skill that has gone into the latest ‘Snowmail’ from Ch 4:
How will Theresa May fund her vision of a ‘shared society’?
Theresa May, we’re told, is determined to demonstrate that her government will not be defined solely by Brexit. So she used her first speech of 2017 to spell out her vision of what she called a “shared society”.
This, it seems is a variation on George Osborne’s mantra that “we’re all in it together”, as she declared war on the “everyday injustices” of job insecurity, poor public services and stagnating wages. The problem, though, is that she has no more government money to offer.
No BBC ‘analysis’ there, oddly.
Hull, City of Culture 2017?
Last night there was a long item on the local news about a large wind turbine blade being schlepped into the area in front of City Hall as a piece of art. Indeed they interviewed ‘the artist’. Nothing has been to this blade and presumably after two weeks in Hull it could be used for its intended purpose, (even if that really is a waste of time). But trust the BBC to think it is ‘art’ and give it the oxygen of publicity.
” Large wind turbine ” in Hull ? How dare you insult John Prescott.
On the TRAILER to the bBBC1 6pm news.
“Was Meryl Streep right to criticise Trump at the Golden Globe awards”
A better question would be “Is the up-its-own-arse BBC right to systematically run an anti Trump anti Brexit biased agenda and narrative 24/7/365”
Meryl Streep the actor became emotional when telling her barefaced and widely refuted lie that Trump had mocked a disabled reporter.
She appeared so concerned over the disabled.
What a wonderful opportunity she missed to make an appeal on behalf of the mentally disabled victim of a vicous attack from four black thugs.
Here is a refutation of Meryl Streep’s lie
Why does the media place so much importance on the political views of overpaid actors? Most of whom have never had a real job and have no more knowledge of politics or the right to have their views publicised than my bin man has.
Most of their lives they have been in a pretend job living in ‘la la land’, just like Al Beeb. At least my bin does a good job of getting rid of the rubbish.
If the clip showing Mr Trump’s use of hand gestures is true which it undoubtedly is then the BBC is guilty of distortion to pursue a personal vendetta.
It is essential that somehow Mr Trump is made aware of the hostility of our media and in particular the BBc towards him and that he takes steps to exclude the BBc and probably C4 from all press briefings .
Furthermore the disrespect and outright malicious lies used by our media will affect the relationship we have as a nation with the USA. This is not a good way to start 2017.
The luvvies can be disregarded and I am sure their effect is minimal but the media is another matter and can materially influence events to our detriment.
I read on another website that Trump had caught out said journalist and the Washington Post in some blatant FALSE NEWS, hence his feigned panic attack, claiming they had not published an untrue article by said journalist.
Isn’t it wonderful how the left re-write history.
Orwell was right.
Number 7
You are correct. I put the link here several days ago. The journalist attacked Trump for saying that Moslems were dancing in response to 9/11. Trump then discovered s piece by the journalist actually recording that they were dancing. So Trump called the liar out.
“Meryl Streep the actor” I know she’s a bit butch but I’d still call her an actress, albeit not nearly as good a one as her publicity tells us.
Unfortunately these days, mainly in Hollywood, anyone who can do more than one accent and two facial expressions is a genius. At any given time there seem to be two or three of them who are considered very much “in” and beyond criticism. Streep is definitely one of those.
A bit of a generalisation but, by and large, I don’t think the acting profession is up to much. Just speaking clearly seems to be beyond many of them.
I suppose it’s no worse the the UK’s addiction to overrated, depressing, lefty, kitchen sink directors.
The mistake is to take the film industry too seriously, IMO.
Marion, I suspect Ms Streep is held up as a role model partly because she is one of the few Hollywood actresses who has continued to have leading roles (of a sort) after 40, which is the cut off point for most of them because after that they start to lose their looks despite surgery. Liberal Hollywood, I suspect, has a strong sense of guilt about this and so lauds anyone with a modicum of acting talent who can play character roles.
Yes, that makes a lot of sense.
Amused to hear BBC 6 o’clock tv news at last describe Martin McGuinness as an IRA man but then refer to Rev Ian Paisely as ‘hard line’. Depends on your point of view… or perhaps more cack-handed BBC ‘balance’
Yes, how many people did Ian Paisley kill ? The BBC just love Terrorists, but it depends on the terrorist !
Equating Ian Paisley and McGuinness would be similar to equating Benjamin Netanyahu with Palestinian gunmen, and we know how balanced the BBC are when covering the middle east i.e. not at all.
Exactly !
We catch a bit of an unscripted wince from George Alagiah as we return to the BBC news studio following a report on the Golden Globes promising ‘a wave of political movies from Hollywood this year after Donald Trump’s election’. You and me both, George. Not looking forward to that one little bit. Straight to video – as they used to say.
Just me or isn’t it great the way Donald Trump tweets right back at Meryl Streep after her attack on him. He goes right over the heads of the media gatekeepers and the poor saps have to report it on his terms!
Contrast Trump immediately going onto the front foot (or some American sport analogy) with Jeremy Hunt’s limp wristed submission to the media howling for yet more NHS cash. The BBC control the debate and Hunt is a complete pushover.
Maybe Streep will block him from her Twitter , but can’t block him from his !!! Snowflakes are losing !
Trump is playing a blinder isn`t he?
The lazy entitled and privileged Left simply aren`t used to anybody answering back in regard of their “power”, their ” motives”;and even their “worthiness” in the eyes of their luvvie chums, who keep giving them awards and shows, telling them how great they are.
AND-by Tweeting over the heads of the liberal love controllers, speaking to us directly.
And he`s right re her being overrated. Her Thatcher impression clearly didn`t teach her much.
The Snowflakes Are dancing to his drum-and, yet again, the more he shafts them back, the more we love him, And resolve to see the back of the BBC and the lardarses on their endless trawl around studions for “awards”-I mean, the Golden Globes? What on earth do THEY mean?
“The Golden Globes? What on earth do THEY mean?”
Something to do with the celebs’ pumped up superstructure?
Number 7 (Rhif saith)
“The Golden Globes? What on earth do THEY mean?”
They are the epitome of a ‘mutual appreciation society’.
Golden bollocks?
I was annoyed but not surprised to hear Jon Sopel on the evening news, race hustling yet again about Ferguson Missouri and the ‘fact’ that black people were being killed by white people. Part of a puff piece of course for the race hustler-in-chief, Barack Obummer.
The actual fact which we bias-teers know is that the majority of blacks killed are the victims of other blacks, and the majority of whites killed are victims of blacks.
When will these beeboid fantasists be brought to account for their race hustling lies?
Boy . Be a good dog and know your place. Jon Sopel is a white supremicist and we should do what he tells us. You can bet that 200 years ago he would have been a slave trader and owner !
The latest killing of a police officer in the US is “allegedly” by a black criminal. The dead officer is black and female. This doesn’t fit the BBC narrative, so expect the briefest of reports before the story disappears.
“According to Department of Justice statistics analyzed by Heather Mac Donald regarding the years 2012 and 2013, blacks are the attackers in 84.9% of violent crimes between blacks and whites. Given differences in population sizes, a black is 27 times more likely to violently attack a white than the inverse. And I’ve already documented how ludicrously lopsided the interracial rape stats are.
So I suspect that the very notion of “hate crimes,” especially as funneled through an egregious double standard that dictates nonwhites are incapable of even committing them, may be a very sneaky and cynical deflection from stark statistical realities about interracial violence.” Jim Goad.
“It’ll be cold and windy with coastal gales, and frost is likely overnight.”
It comes as icy temperatures across Europe have left more than 20 people dead, with snow blanketing even the Greek islands and southern Italy.
At least 10 people died of cold in Poland. Meanwhile, temperatures in Russia have plunged to -30C.”
Stand by for Global Warming ……..
“The BBC weather centre said the weather front heading for the UK was different from the one hitting Europe.”
We have the Brexit one.
Our front is coming from Canada.
Times Front page : “ski Holiday ruin : Alps drought zone”
Article is speculative “if there is no snow by the weekend” : Twitter shows me it did snow around Annecy on Jan 4th
and Ski resort forecast is snow this week
Since Treezer has been PM how many meetings has she had with Heads of State of other countries ?
I found this the other day, probably worth a read. If true it is quite appalling
EU Broadcasting Corporation: BBC impartiality fears over secret MILLIONS from Brussels
I also heard Bill Cash on the radio yesteday, he is personally monitoring the BBC with regards to its level bias in its open and flagrant opposition to our departure from the EU. He especially quotes programmes between 9 and 10 in the morning (Victoria Derbyshire). I personally think someone needs to direct him to our site. He might learn a lot more.
He stated that during the Charter renewal discussions with the BBC, he raised concerns over the level of BBC impartiality needs addressing and how the culture enshrined within the BBC is worrying and in need of attention.
Well Bill, I have to report to you that there has been no change. If anything the level of bias has got worse and Al Beeb is now a political wing of the Labour Party. However, because of the power of the BBC, everyone in positions of political power seem frightened to mention this fact. In doing so on BBC television itself, would be immediately result in them being blacklisted for any future appearances. Their viewpoint would be gagged. The comment would also probably be censored from public viewing.
However, keep up the good work Bill.
Ahmen to that Wronged – Maybe a little awareness is now starting to creep into the Government over what they are dealing with when looking at the BBC (RE recent “punishment” interview of he PM with Sky rather than with the BBC).Especially now with brexit looming. However I think all the BBC will do, is view it as an “arms race” and field even more anti Government interviewees.
However any action now (short of abolishing the BBC) they take, will be too little too late. They missed their best chance of achieving anything meaningful in the Charter review when Spanking bum bottled it, and now I am afraid the lunatics are truly running the asylum.
To get order again. Its now gone beyond tranquilisers and a little mild ECT. I think all the Government can do now is rig the BBC TV Centre door handles up to the 400 kv distribution network and hope that “shocks ” some sense into them!!!!!
It’s coming to something where the PM decides to ‘punish’ one Marxist run broadcaster for its bias by… appearing on another Marxist run broadcaster with huge biases of its own!
I want to see the headline
and who would blame her?
The only way May can punish the BBC is to force it to become self funding.
Not BBC but I think this story quite well illustrates the idiocy we are up against.
We have a German politician Fischer telling us that the future of the West is at stake following Trumps inauguration. Apparently Fischer is a green MP who fully supported Merkels migration policy and presumably as a Green MP probably does not believe in spending money on defense.
He also warned that the “crypts on nationalism have been opened” and said that Europe needs US military support.
So essentially you have a bloke who is worried about the future. Admits Europe is militarily weak, Then criticises the next US President (who hasnt even started his term) and then hopes that Americas will still want to military support Europe, (and as a green presumably does not agree with spending too money on defense). He is also a staunch supporter of Merkels migration policies and in the same breath bemoans the reappearance of the right wing in Europe.
You couldnt make this stuff up. Have these idiots never heard of cause and effect. They are like a toddler in a supermarket who throws a tantrum at the checkout for a chocolate bar embarrassing the parent and then doesnt understand understand why mummy wont give them what they want. And yet knowing this they pull the same trick every time they visit the shop becoming more and more bewildered as mummy never buys them sweeties anymore.
It really is as if they these “high powered” politicians have turned into emotional infants.
If I can understand the obvious contradictions in the demands and subsequent actions of these politicians why cant they?
It really is time we had some grown up politicians as the stakes in Europe are now very high indeed – And yet all we seem to get are idiots like Merkel, Junker, Fischer, Corbin and Little Timmy Farron. I am afraid the longer we put up with these idiots the worse it will get – all aided and abetted by a tame MSM who think their job is to push a political viewpoint and smear grown up politicians (like Farage and Le Pen) rather than ask obvious questions to deluded politicians who seem to possess very little in the way of common sense!
Got to be honest – If I was Trump I would be quite tempted to tell Europe to piss off too!
I think this is the point Trump was making about NATO. It’s not the 1950s any more, Europe should pay for its own defence. If European snowflakes prefer not to spend money on defence, but expect the USA to spend it for them, they will be in for a shock.
A simple way to handle this.
Any NATO Country not spending the 2% on defence forfeits the right to expect NATO assistance.
Just like insurance. Pay it and you are covered.
Trump should make that the rule, 2% to join.
Clive Myrie on BBC News 24 tonight. I have got absolutely no problem with this chap whatsoever. My problem is with the BBC for pretending he and all the others like him from “minorities” got the job purely on merit for being the best candidate when we all know different. So I suppose he owes them and needs to tow the party line. Tonight he was interviewing a couple of quite intelligent chaps about Merryl Streep’s attack on Trump. The chaps were making the valid point that Trump shot her down on Twitter and she ended up looking an idiot but Clive wasn’t having it. He sneered that Trump’s reply about Streep being over rated was obviously wrong because she has won so many Oscars. But Clive old chap, the Oscars are part of the libtard establishment and only get awarded to lefty-leaning luvies rather than people on merit – spot the irony here. A genuine high achiever would know that the Oscars have nothing to do with talent and wouldn’t try to use them to back up Streep’s argument. And why does he need to back up her argument anyway – unless he is biased against Trump. Surely not?
And how many times did he say … “sure” ?
So did you read this bBC article on a Syrian dentist who ended up happy as Larry in Somalia
Aleppo dentist brings ‘Hollywood smiles’ to Somalis after fleeing Syria
It is prayer time in the next-door mosque as I step into a building advertising the dental services of a Syrian….”My name is Hosam. I come from Aleppo,” the man says…..He looks me in the eye:
“You are British, aren’t you? Your people don’t want us. But Somalis do.”
And it is true. I did not meet a single Somali who wished away the Syrians. Or the Yemenis.
Yeah nasty white British (Good job I’m brown) Isn’t it great how the bBC spreads that message across the globe, paid for by..the very people they despise. That said I wonder when the bBC gets round to reporting this:
Germany: Father rescues daughter from Syrian rapist
That statement of:
“You are British, aren’t you? Your people don’t want us. But Somalis do.”
Sounds quite hollow now, doesn’t it?
Not Somalia
…It’s Somaliland the northern bit the separated. In 1991 and was formerly British Somaliland
Well if we don’t want them, and the Somalis do, it sounds like a win/win to me.
Obviously he’s unaware of HM government’s plan to settle 20,000 Syrians in Britain by 2020. But then as a dentist perhaps his waiting room magazines aren’t very up to date?
BBC says “LeftyCard that’ll do nicely”
Paul Mason’s done 4 BBC radio progs in last few days:
The beeb have been going absolutely nuts over mental illness today, a full on assault. Hunt was interviewed by a sneering beeboid on brekkie accusing him of hiding while he shot back that he was available but you wanted to talk to justine greening instead. The junior docs failed in bringing down the government so the beeb and their pals at channel 4 have opened up a new front.
Contrast with the passing comment on the strikes in london today as if it was nothing and not a mention of where the emir of london was who promised no strike days until 2020. Didnt last long with our Sadiq as promise after promise is broken, Well we were warned. Nah we will just run interference for best mayor evah.
Channel 4 news continued the mental health obsession with snow sneering his way through a chat with hunt crying about mental health in kids, Hunt should have told him to go and get stuffed but then followed up with a chat with an obese junior doc who added to the sneering. Whatever you think of hunt he deserves a medal for putting up with the amount of vitriol and all out hate from the left and the labour lackeys in the NHS that he gets 24/7. Irony was lost on them when snow interviewed lying headcase Alistair campbell.
Has anyone noticed that several of the continuity announcers on More 4 appear to have been specially chosen because of either their ethnicity, or their reduced mentality, or both? Diversity at it’s worst.
“The beeb have been going absolutely nuts over mental illness.”
Video of Farages show from tonight on LBCs FB page
Radio 2 to cease being live after midnight…
One has to ask just WTF the bBC is doing with our licence fee when feeling the need to sack two of its lesser presenters to save a few quid. No longer will the bBC be serving the nations elderly, lonely, night workers and insomniacs with live music radio, instead the small hours will consist of, yes, you’ve guessed more repeats of programs already available online. It would appear that the only live overnight radio offered to the nation by our national broadcaster will be the purveyor of fake news and the home of lefty comment – 5Live (cue Dotun Abedayo….)
So Janice Long and Alex Lester get the heave ho, yet the grossly overpaid and under talented switch offs, Evans, Vine, Feltz, Mayo, O’Leary, Norton, Cox, O’Grady and endless celeb presenters all get to keep their jobs on the station.
Any manager worth their weight and genuinely wanting to offer a service would quickly work out what to cut first, but no this is the ‘uniquely’ funded BBC ….
Most of Radio 2 programming between 10 and midnight is also recorded.
Public service broadcasting? Pah!
There’s a big space for latenight Non-Lefty talk radio in the UK with intelligent debate.
PJW hosting a late night ad free national talk show on R2? Amid the hand wringing, wailing, filth and fury, I bet the ratings would be sky high. I wonder if there is anyone at the BBC able to control their innate bias for a moment and even consider the idea? Probably not.
Mon : Times Newsbites
pg5 Birmingham Bullring people shouting racist at black faced Morris Men
pg9 Black judge found guilty of misconduct after campaigning at rally in favour of barred Tower Hamlets mayor
p11 SOAS snowflakes complain about studying white ancient philosophers
ITV Martin Lewis show 8:14pm
“1 in 4 solar panel packages fitted wrongly with meter running backwards”
“unexpected electricity bills retrospectively once their supplier finds out that their meter is going backwards.”
Which Mag …mse forum
More Good Brexit news But ?
“UK in ‘front seat’ for US trade deal, top Republican says”……
But, I am having some very serious concerns about Treezer back tracking on a hard Brexit .
You’re right to be concerned Taffman, too many of Blair’s babes in the EU Civil Service.
BTW there’s no such thing as soft or hard Brexit, only Leave. That’s what it said on my referendum paper. Stay or Leave. Leave won.
Exactly. You mean this “referendum paper”?……….
Click to access EU_referendum_leaflet_large_print.pdf
We voted out – OUT.
Despite this, the politicians and the media are convoluting the reasons and telling us ‘why we voted out’ .
We know why we voted out.
fake News Countryside Alliance holds Packham and the BBC to account over misleading tweets
Did anyone catch this one? The BBC gave airtime to a racist who thinks the Enlightenment was ‘racist’
They will be burning books next. It is a sad and worrying sign of the state of the West when dangerous lunatics like this chap are given a platform and taken seriously.