Poor George – I expect he’s a bit sore after making his pronouncement about “there’s not going to BE a president Donald Trump”. He’s also a fully paid -up member of the Soros AGW campaign. What a tart.
George Clooney is just a caricature of what the Liberal elite reckon we find attractive in a man.
No actor, utter hypocrite and a liberal grab bag of pretensions,Lake Como privileges and Davos old coffee grounds.
Both Nigel and Donald have their attractions to us, real men lots of money and a lot of courage to stand out from the metrosexual fops who badger, bully and belittle them. So the mothers instinct comes out then.
But do now have Sir Tim Barrow, who seems to be gathering a few likes from those of us of a certain age. In fact, I`ve been using a picture of him to wave over the sofa if He bangs on about bloody Julia Bradbury or that weather woman of His on ITV.
Good retail figures from supermarket group Morrisons… but what’s this, the BBC guest ‘analyst’ is not talking about shopping baskets or footfall but Supreme Court decisions.
Confused? You won’t be. Not if you follow the relentless BBC pro-EU narrative. You see good economic news lately was down to ‘A Last Hurrah’ before a difficult year ahead.
Oh, and on another issue… large class sizes in Yorkshire schools is – according to the BBC’s guest educational expert and a guest campaigner – down to ‘cuts in funding’ and a ‘Global shortage of teachers of 5 million’. This is a new one on me. Little Johnny Arkwright has 45 classmates for maths because of a WORLD shortage of teachers. Not an over supply of kids then? Globally, even?
In case anyone missed it here is Treezer’s speech where she ignites the flame of banality.
Of interest is that twice she refers to globalism as a virtue.
Welcome to the sharing society.
Toady programme just before 8 this morning interviewing the Head of Operations of Southern Rail. The traitorous Justin Webb kept asking why SR didn’t just give in to the strikers – typical Al Beeb stance, give more disruptive power to the unions.
After 8 the Corbynutta said he would join the rail unions on the picket lines.
I guess the stupid will still vote for the dumbfuck!
Corbyn got his arse kicked on Today,backed into a corner about rail strikes (Sad Khan is against them),(so he says) also Corbyn backs BREXIT and almost backs immigration curbs.
Rather than putting pressure on the company to cave in to the union bullies, it would be more pertinent to ask Government and Labour Party representatives why the union should continue to enjoy their extraordinary privileges of immunity from legal damages arising from this politically motivated action.
If we had a Conservative government they could use politically motivated, militant railway unions as a reason to cancel the EU’s requirement to build HS2.
TBH I thought Webb did a reasonable job of asking a fair question that many or even most southern commuters (including my other half) are asking, viz:
“We couldn’t give a monkey’s whether it’s the guard or the driver who shuts the doors. Why doesn’t Southern Rail simply concede the point to the RMT, let the guard continue to do it, and bring this wretched dispute to a close?”
Southern Rail Man flannelled away about investment, but repeatedly failed to answer the question. So Webb kept asking him. Then right at the end, Southern Rail Man said (I paraphrase):
“Southern Rail’s proposed new procedure removes from RMT members the power to stop a train running.”
I haven’t followed the strike carefully, but that was news to me. But isn’t it a hugely significant point? But no sooner had it been made than the interview was out of time!
My take is as follows:
(1) The drivers’ union is ASLEF. The driver can “stop a train” which gives ASLEF leverage over Southern Rail;
(2) The guards’ union is the RMT. Under current procedures the guard can “stop a train” which gives the RMT leverage over Southern Rail;
(3) However, under Southern Rail’s proposed new procedures the guard will no longer be able to stop a train, so the RMT’s leverage over Southern will be significantly reduced.
So the dispute is not really about the operational procedure per se. It’s actually about taking the RMT’s boot off Southern Rail’s throat by removing their ability to stop trains, thereby re-setting the balance of power between the RMT and Southern Rail in future negotiations (e.g. when the rail operator wants to get rid of the guards altogether).
Sorry if I’ve either stated the obvious, or gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick – it wouldn’t be the first time.
But I must have listened (possibly not carefully enough) to hours of coverage of the dispute without twigging what it’s actually (as opposed to purportedly) about.
5dead always filter the calls, Panto is notorious for using his microphone fairy buddy to suddenly erm ….. FADE You away.
One of the very few opportunities for genuine callers, and its wasted,
Remember the Viewer Polls on the BBC1 Sunday Morning Live?
WHOOSH! long gone into the Al BBC ether 😀
Remember the po faces, and the tutt tutting
delectable … example
Is Multiculturalism Working? 😀 https://youtu.be/L_oIUHRRCTM
I think one of the funniest thing I’ve heard this morning is Corbyns proposed cap on earnings. This will affect elite sports people, and the luvvies who live in a fantasy land made possible by money.
Of course he would make an exception for people like Vanessa Redgrave, Emma Thompson & uber snowflake Lily Allen.
He doesn’t seem to have considered that all these people will do is set up companies in other countries with trust funds which will then pay no tax at all in the UK. People with non Dom tax status will be unfairly unaffected, of course.
I wonder what BBC luvvies like Gary Lineker will be thinking now about his precious liberal beliefs?
Can’t imagine the BBC being happy about this one little bit !
Whilst Corbyn’s proposed tax is a loser I do feel that some kind of tax should be imposed on the BBC luvvies like tearful Lilly, Linekar and all. Perhaps a Marxist expropriation of all of their wealth, so they have to work for a living. Should they venture abroad with only their talents to live off they would surely die in poverty
The Beeboids would all have to take a dramatic wage-drop – and would also have to pay proper income tax unlike the fiddle the BBC has worked for them at the moment. All the Labour-supporting footballers would have to sell all their super cars and houses. Most would go abroad to countries that Corbyn’s stupidity doesn’t cover.
Dennis Healey tried this in the 70s with his (I think) 98% super tax rate. The result was that all the wealthy people buggered off to warmer climes and you had odd stuff like Michael Caine making ‘Educating Rita’ in Ireland instead of the UK because he wasn’t allowed back in.
Dead right Cramner and Demon.
Don`t think I`ve ever heard such a prebaked BBC/Labour conspiracy to give us their 9am “water cooler talking point”.
Clearly set up in advance as THE announcement that the BBC lapdogs would go running off with.
Corbyn is so thick that Humphrys had to feed him all the lines and cues to ” announce his policy”. Which BBC stiffs had clearly set up for him, probably even with THE soundbite at 9am as written for him.
As cynical a grab by the “virtuous Left” for the Prat De Jour moment as I`ve seen.
But-as we know-they`re doomed, Only teachers and RMT pickets are listening these days, retired FCO blimps and the like.
Rest of us are either zoned out, working or noting their treachery. There`ll be payback.
AND-as you say lads, their boomerang will do a Rolf and come back and hit them-remind me of those BBC salaries again and exemption from declaring their tax dodges again?
Using Craigslist of Interruptions and red herrings too-Corbyn was given all possible assistance and courtesy by Humphrys. Unctous soft lobs and no heckling-imagine if a Tory had been on, given easy questions and home rum practice before Peterborough later today?
Disgraceful. But what else have we come to expect from the BBC?
Thank God for Gaunt and Farage. We now get REAL radio from their likes.
Ah well-every time Corbyn spouts, the rest of us resolve to see them binned up north-UKIP meeting later this week for me and hubby.
License fee resistance on the agenda too.
PS. Anybody seen Sadiq re his TfL shambles?…you`d think that the BBC would rather we all focus on Southern Fail, as opposed to Labours shambles over the Tube strike with their own RMT moneybags?
83%, Cranmer, but there was a supplement on unearned income for those with a share portfolio or trust fund in addition their earnings that could take it up to 98% on a top slice. Corbyn wasn’t suggesting that although after he’s had a wigging from his Shadow Chancellor tonight, I expect things will change back to a 60% or 65% top Income Tax rate.
Thanks for the link WB or I’d probably have missed that, from the article,
“The Labour leader would not give specific figures,” not giving specific figures usually equates to pipedream.
and also,
“Corbyn, who earns about £138,000 a year”, (a decent wedge for a socialist.)
So £138,500 a year sounds a good place to start a cap then Jeremy?
There should be a cap on any public sector salaries, including politicians, civil servants, the BBC, quangos, trade unions and all of the rest of these free-loaders. But it should not apply to the the private sector. If the former group want more money, they can bring their special talents to the private sector where the market will decide their value.
‘Market rates’ seem to get a but fuzzy in the public sector.
Alan Yentob for PM! Mark Byford for Pensions Secretary! Helen Boaden for Head of OFCOM! George Entwistle, Mark Thommo and Tony Hall for Three Old White Men in the Same Cosy Boat!
Olds and others, phew! The Beeb showed Corbyn no mercy on the 6pm Radio 4 News. Apparently his speech has been constantly re-written during the day as he has done a tour – pre-speech – of media studios. A worried John McDonnell has probably been trying to get hold of it to add some heavy black pencil alterations. Apparently Corbyn is proposing a non-tax cap on top earnings without realising that it would hit the Treasury’s tax take somewhat.
According to M/s Doomsberg, there’s a new rebellion brewing in the ranks.
Question: When is a repeat not a repeat?
Answer: When it is “New Series” including “Reversions”.
Damn, I got it wrong again and the BBC, of course, got it about right…
Thanks for contacting us about the new series of ‘The Sheriffs Are Coming’ broadcast on 4 January.
We understand you have concerns about the episode being a revised repeat.
Whilst we can appreciate your concerns, this episode is listed as ‘Episode 1 – Hour Long Reversions’ and was also listed in the Radio Times as a revised repeat.
Our repeats policy inevitably represents a compromise between different interests and is kept under constant review. We will make changes if we believe they are necessary in light of audience feedback.
We have included the points you have raised on our audience feedback report that is sent to our scheduling team and BBC senior management to help inform decisions about future programming.
Thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
So when it says “New Series” it might not be. It might be a “revised repeat” or a “reversion” and we’ll need to check the Radio Times to find out. How quaint.
It’s a cheap daytime programme, slightly repackaged and put out in a prime evening slot. The BBC seriously think the tax paying serfs are too thick to notice.
Not content with giving her a two hour ‘Christmas’ special, tomorrow Radio 2 gives yet more airtime to their beloved Nadiya ‘who discusses her debut novel The Secret Lives of the Amir Sisters’
Is there no end to this woman’s talents? Convinced she was a plant and was always going to win GBBO. Whats the betting that the BBC have already commissioned a screen version of said novel?
I read that Harriet Harman will be putting out a book soon.
What`s the betting that we`ll see a U2 type flooding of all BBC outlets whilst this harpie plugs her book, reads bits, gets Book Of the Week, Womans Hour and all manner of orifices, offices to shaft the Tories, mention nothing of her Pink Van, Edstone, PIE links, Dromeys porn and ability to win on an “all-woman shortlist”. Let alone her Lady Longfords niece bit at Osbornes old prep school.
Reckon this will be all Februarys output-now do we take bets on it all or stop it, strangle it at birth?
I can appreciate that an article considering the merits of car hire/sharing probably needs a few pictures, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38554004
But Tony Grant seems to be getting a free? advert here with those shots, and yes I get the irony of drawing further attention to him. Still, I’d like the BBC to publish a guide showing how to get your own free plug on the state broadcasters website.
DP today , Morris Dancing. They seem to miss the point that Morris means swarthy , dark in other words black. As far as I can tell this form of dancing has its origins in the 16th century and may go back further. Once again another centuries old British tradition is under attack by and on behalf of people who chose to come and live in our country. I note that the Muslim ritual slaughter is permitted despite being extremely offensive to millions of Brits. Why the double standards? Why should we have to see our traditions curtailed because they may offend some people. How long before Carol singing or bell ringing is targeted ? We are living through the death of England and what is replacing it stinks to high heaven . Thank God I’m 65 because we are certainly heading for a multicultural hell in the next generations.
BBC Midland News showed the Morris dancing in Birmingham Bull Ring being interrupted and eventually abandoned because of the ignorant rants and hostility shown toward the traditional dancers.
The face of the main ethnic loudly verbal trouble maker was ‘greyed out’ so he could not be recognized.
Later interviews with several EMB shoppers showed the same level of ignorance of long stand British culture and tradition, with two black ladies saying that they had never seen Morris dancers with blacked up faces, it was racist .
The white folk interviewed clearly knew much more about it.
Had there been dancers with bin bags covering their bodies and just eye slits, I am sure any mild protest would have resulted in a heavy police presence arrests and charges of racism being brought.
In West Africa, many African dancers “white up ” for all sorts of traditional and contemporary reasons. I have never heard anyone suggest it is racist.
Football – the Maximum Wage was retained until January 1961, at which point it was abolished after Jimmy Hill, chairman of the Professional Footballers’ Association, threatened strike action.
Brexit – question number 154 of the 170 Labour Party questions to the Government
“154. Following Britain’s departure from the EU, will football players with European passports…. blah blah blah… what assessment has the government made of the impact of these restrictions on the future competitiveness of UK football teams?”
I scored a big nil on the Wall in BBC 2 Only Connect this week.
One of the walls was the names of crossword compilers in national newspapers. As she read them out Mrs Corren Mitchell managed to eulogise, the compiler of the Observer crossword, no such praise for the DT or any others. The BBC lefties just cannot help themselves.
This is the same Observer that was actually subject to a BBC investigation of sorts over its published claim that since Brexit the number of reported hate crimes against gay/ lesbians etc. had increased by 140%
More or Less the BBC prog. that looks at facts and figures, found the source for this article, a gay/lesbian charity type organization. Instead of reported hate crimes as described by the Observer, it was the number of general telephone enquiries that had risen from 78 to 120 over a period of time, carefully constructed of course.. The Observer, when contacted tried to claim the figures had been supplied by the charity as hate crimes, but the charity when contacted denied this. I got the distinct impression the charity was trying to distance itself fearing it had been found out. Hartford, the More or Less investigator ended by saying the Observer should never have published such an unsubstantiated, claim; if only all the supposed post Brexit claims were subject to the same scrutiny by newspapers and the BBC.
From my late teens to early 40s the Observer was my Sunday newspaper. The paper was well worth reading then; I remember Michael Parkinson, sports writer then, used to disparage golf. Even he has changed his mind on that.
I can remember the Observer’s outrage when one of its reporters, Fazad Bazoft, was executed by Saddam Hussein. There were constant demands for action. Of course, when something was done about Saddam the Observer changed sides.
I’m not sure either Grant but I do know that trigger warnings and safe spaces are nothing new. We had them as schoolchildren back in the “forties”. The trigger was a loud wailing sound and when we heard it we had to leave our desks and go quickly and quietly to our allocated safe space. Our teacher used to come with us and she waited outside our safe space until all her charges were safely in before she came in herself. Then she continued to teach us as best she could while we all tried to ignore the explosions and shaking that seemed to be going on all around us. When it became quiet we would hear a different wailing sound and we would be allowed to leave and we would be happy to see all our friends emerging from their safe places too. Oh I forgot to tell you the name of our safe spaces. We called them Air Raid Shelters.
I was born in the early 1960s. In the war my Dad was in the RAF and my mum did two two Jobs. One, her day job in a shop and her night time job was up in London doing war work in a factory which regularly lost its roof to bombs.
I spoke to her about it and the firm payed rotten wages but like my dad she felt she had to “do her bit” My Dad when he came home on leave often could not believe how little food they had under rationing. Eventually the lack of nutrition and long hours made her ill – but as you say you “just got on with it as it was all part and parcel of being loyal to your country. Not particularly remarkable – but just what decent people did in those days.
I am afraid we seem now to have a generation of youngsters – many who have been shielded from any hardship. They demand their rights and compassion both for themselves and any other “johnny” who turns up with a hard luck story, not realising that with rights often comes responsibilities and costs.
When our snowflakes dont get what they want basically they have a tantrum and shout increasingly louder until they get their way. (re Lilly Allen)
When you nurture and help people many of whom who fundamentally, dont like you and despise your culture – do not be surprised when they turn and bite the hand that feeds them. What also annoys me about all of this is that the cause of real refugees is enfeebled because we seem to be filling up with chancers who have little respect for us but are quite happy to avail themselves of housing, benefits, NHS etc
Whilst I truly hope that we will not end up with civil conflict within our society. If we ignore the obvious problems that are coming our way then I do believe this is inevitable.
Conflict is a hard learning curve lets hope the snowflakes wise up to what is happening before it is too late!
Not related to the BBC but I thought it would be interesting to recount a lovely little episode on the Bloomberg TV London morning show on Monday. Tom Keene, the US anchor, was hosting it. The news was on including an item about Meryl Streep’s Trump rant. I was only half listening to the show on the telly at work but Keene, right after that item actually said something like, “that’s completely biased isn’t it? What are you playing at”, which nearly resulted in tea being sprayed across my screens. To give her credit, the co-host looked shamefaced and muttered that the article was for the UK audience! Class stuff. It was doubly enjoyable given that Bloomberg was (and is) assiduously anti-Trump and anti Brexit.
Yesterday I wrote about Father Brown, and today I’m doing the same. What has happened to this show ? This is the 1950’s remember, and again we have a young white woman having a relationship and running away with a young black musician – outside of London !!! oh and the storyline included lesbianism amongst the show girls – for heavens sake. Is this how GK Chesterton in the early 20th Century intended for his stories to be interpreted ?
They’ve been banging on about his speech today from 7am this morning, with particular reference to the fact that they were going to cover it live.
It’s like a day long Labour Party Political Broadcast.
BBC R4 “You And Yours” earlier today with Winifred Robinson included a phone in for people who have used NHS A&E services recently.
A chap calls to say that he took his elderly mother in twice in the past few weeks. On one occasion she was in genuine need. On the other occasion she didn’t really need A&E, but standard procedure at the nursing home where she lives requires a visit following even a minor incident.
On the former occasion she was attended to promptly. On the latter occasion medical staff correctly assessed her as non-urgent, following which she spent several hours waiting “on a trolley”.
“The trolley was actually quite comfortable,” he said (I paraphrase). “A lay person would be hard pressed to tell the difference between a trolley and a hospital bed. So we should stop getting all worked up about people waiting on hospital trolleys.”
Winnie was quick to nip this departure from the approved narrative in the bud: “Trolleys and beds are quite different. Trolleys don’t have proper mattresses,” she said.
Al Beeb can’t wait for the NHS to go t*ts up this winter, but if this phone in were anything to go by then the catastrophe is unlikely to happen in A&E.
Yes far too many people turn up at A&E who actually don’t require A&E services. But the medical staff identify and prioritise them accordingly, seeing patients in genuine need first.
That can mean that some patients who don’t really need to be at A&E wait several hours before they are seen. Yes it’s inconvenient for those patients. But it doesn’t actually matter all that much, because they aren’t in urgent need of treatment!
While I’m on, Winnie’s bio is available online at:
The NHS only matters to the BBC because it`s an open ended piecrust of a promise to the moaning worried well.
Makes cheap and emotive drame for them too, just as the law does. Campaigning by other means by the Idiot Left.
It is the only comfort blanket that the Left continues to cling to, to wrap itself in because it`s THEIR territory.
No Tory allowed to presume to get to Labours clinet base of unions, welfare claimants.
As for the sick? Well they only serve the BBC and the Lefts agenda if they are exotic, high cost and deviant ailments-preferably mind-related so a matter of agitation by academically-propped up quango/advocacy groups.
The NHS deserves better-at its onset it was a great thing, but is now a playpen and nursery for all the Lefts intentions. The cold wind of change needs to blow through them, and hopefully we`ll see the first signs when Labour are cleared out of influence.
Like transport-the last ditch of Lefty fantasias. Ant DECENT Tory administration would use this time now to strangle the BBC and force Labour into exile in Scotland.
This is UKIPS God-given role now.
The bBBC keeps going on about the NHS because beeboids in their bubble think they are parallel organisations, both the envy of the world, both tax-funded monopolies.
In reality, of course, both would be better if they were abolished, run privately and paid for by those who want them (either directly or by insurance).
The real NHS staff, the nurses etc, always get hammered by bBeeb, while the ‘management’ always get off scot-free.
It must be so discouraging for a nurse, covered in shit and dribble, getting home to wash and after a while, turning on the ‘news’ to hear some squawking Beeb autocue reader moaning about the service she has just spent ten hours doing.
Of course, the political elements are right up there with bBeeb, but would they dare call out the bloated ‘management’, and take them to task?
Unfortunately many people have been indoctrinated, largely by lefties including the bBBC, to think that the NHS is the only way of providing universal healthcare. No other country does it like this, and there are lots of better ways.
See, for instance, https://iea.org.uk/publications/universal-healthcare-without-the-nhs/
The NHS has been abolished……..the PFI schemes, the contracting out of services to the private providers….third sector “charities” and the likes of Virgin, the closure of mental health inpatient services, the expensive new GP contracts requiring costly deputising services, the hospital doctors reduced to shift workers under EU working time rules, the closures and privatisations of social care……all carried out on new Labours watch…..all feeding through the system……the NHS has been abolished….it’s just taking time to keel over.
And Labour started the process. Never let them forget it.
Very true. The BBC never criticise the the useless NHS management. But why should the BBC care ? I imagine all their top people have private health care paid for by us.
‘Worked on the docks’ – at best it’s code for showing her working class credentials. At worst it may be hinting at some sort of Militant labour connections.
I know this is on the Open Thread and it has likely been discussed before, but I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on whether the BBC actually advertises by stealth ?
When I was a nipper, all products used to be smothered in black tape hiding the brand, especially on Blue Peter and the like, but these days; maybe it’s just me, but logos such as Apple and Cisco appear on many BBC dramas and the like and it lingers there for quite some time.
Most cars are Audi or VW and most shots of a camera are actually Nikon.
Is this all in my hhead do we think there is a possibility that the BBC is actually stealth advertising and possibly making money off it !!
I think they are gearing up for a move to carrying limited advertising. The BBC are greedy for money. They have a guaranteed income most large corporates long for but that’s not enough. They re-sell stuff both to new customers as well as those who paid for it in the first place. They get money from the EU. Now they are charging for iPlayer. (I bet that’s going well!)
On the 6pm R4 News tonight they carried an item on the new BBC Chairman, David Clementi. As a finishing line it was suggested that he will have a tough time due to adjusting to OFCOM regulation and at a time of budget cuts.
Editorial guidelines say
“In some cases, BBC commercial television channels* or services may commission or make programmes which take appropriate product placement providing it does not undermine the editorial integrity of the programme, channel or service.
(* that’s the channels the BBC broadcast abroad only eg Foreign version of BBC World etc.)
The taking of product placement for licence fee funded services is prohibited under the terms of the BBC Agreement. “
When I search Google automatically suggests “BBC product placement Apple”
..apparently there pepple have spptted over use of Apple products.
Part of that maybe cos Beebleworld have never thought cheaper products exists.
Presenters always say “My kids spend too much time on their iPads” they never say tablet
And yesterday on Y&Y they told us “ever since Apple invented the smart phone in 2006” when Ive had a smart phone in 2000 and ven finger touch came in before the iPhone.
Peter Tatchell is quite an intelligent man, but it baffles me how he thinks this is going to end. When the muslims rule a country, people like him have to live in secret or they die. It’s as simple as that. It’s what the koran says, so it’s what muslims have to do. Nothing personal Peter, but they will kill you.
Now why Peter would attach himself to dubious Islamic organisation, with a dodgy victim narrative agenda, particulary one that is another political arm of an ideology Islam that rabidly discriminates against homosexuals/lesbians, persecutes minorities, … and why??? BDS????
and is the single reason that little Jewish children, have to go to schools with guards posted outside, so … if he wants a valid campaign to stand up for rights for real victims, not fabricated ones … here s one for you Peter
stand up for your gay brothers and sisters, for apostates, dump the Islamic apologists stand up for Jewish children Peter … get yourself outside the large UK mosques
This is a prime example of the problem in our nation, Peter went to debate at Oxford Univ. He was pro BDS as some deluded part of a solution … the only reason he was there debating at all, was that the Islamic extremist head of the BDS, that have no coherent argument
Upshot … of course the BDS side were roundly defeated
Not really related to Peter Tatchell, so apologies in advance, but when the BBC offers you a free hit, it’d be rude not to send it for six over Cow Corner.
PT wrote the Independent’s obit. of Ian Campbell Dunn (1943 – 1998), a leading light in Scotland’s nascent gay-rights movement in the late 1960s and ’70s. Fair enough. Love whom you want, just so long as it doesn’t involve small children or animals. That was the capacity in which he presented a landmark TV documentary on gay rights first broadcast in 1976. As recently as 2015, the programme was a feature of the BBC’s website.
What ICD failed to mention in the doc. was that he was also a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange. Oops. (For reasons I can’t fathom, PT omits this fact from the obit. as well.) The omission was not lost on victims’ groups, who asked the BBC to take the programme down from the website. After all, the late Sir Jimmy Savile has been edited out of all BBC4’s reruns of Top of the Pops, despite being a national treasure, fundraiser supreme and convicted of absolutely nothing at all.
Nope. ICD stayed. (Although I’ve half-heartedly searched in vain for him on the site.) Paedophiles on the BBC? Good. Paedophiles who work for the BBC? Nah, sorry, they don’t exist.
I was surprised to hear that today was the anniversary of his death.
Listening to the BBC one might think it was only yesterday as the ‘story’ has been continuous. Similarly it seems like ‘yesterday’ that Trump won his election, like ‘yesterday’ since Brexit, like ‘yesterday’ since SNP got snubbed at the ballot box.
I believe it is a symtom of the grieving process, they are still in ‘denial’, not something that one would expect an ‘impartial’ so-called ‘world class’ news organisation to be suffering from.
Did anyone see the BBC’s :- ‘Britain’s Ancient Capital’ Secrets of Orkney?
I thought it was a documentary but soon realized it was a comedy programme in which the BBC told a terrific joke in saying that the little barren outpost called the Orkney’s were once the capital of Britain. The BBC would even deny London as our capital such is their pandering to the jocks who appear to infest the BBC as much as paedophiles do.
The subject matter interests me but the cliche-ridden cinematography makes it unwatchable: chugging strings, wind-blown clouds, soaring camera angles, all familiar tropes.
It screams “made to be sold to other TV networks world-wide”.
Most BBC history and nature docs now seem to conform to this stereotype. Same soundtrack and camera angles for sunburnt polar bears, lost cities of Latin America, plagues of creepy crawlies etc.
I should probably watch less TV, although these days I seem to start many more shows than I finish.
Plus that Scotsman presenter who spends most of the time on windswept headlands gazing out to sea while tossing back his long, boot-polish coloured locks!
‘It’s incraydibble tae think…that thoosands of years ago…this wis a thriving, wealthay sea porrrt….’ etc
They are also ruined by the BBC’s obsession with celebrities and perceived minorities. If they can manage to turn one of the latter into one of the former, they consider it a great triumph. Which is it is. For cultural Marxism.
Has anyone else noticed that our motorways are increasingly not methods of transport for private car users to get around but instead a sort of public sector emergency services job creation scheme.
Today a body was found on the M1 and the motorway has been closed for most of the day (again).
Having witnessed the aftermath of a fatal accident nearer home recently, I can imagine that our Finest sent dozens of their workforce mainly to stand around earning overtime while a small number of people with clipboards very slowly did their thing. The fact that hundreds of thousands of lives of the living were impacted appears to be of no concern whatever to any of them.
Proof once again of that public sector truism that the producers think they. are more important than the consumers (public they are supposed to seve) and act to that effect – and get away with it, unchallenged.
Not unlike an institution that many on this website write regularly about.
Weirdly a CofE clergyman of my acquaintance and avowed socialist said exactly the same thing in terms, unsolicited albeit in gentler tones, over lunch today.
If he is thinking what I am thinking then we must be on to something.
Shortage of houses – Famous racecourse to be built over.
Long Hospital waiting lists
Schools full
Surgeries full
The whole country is full
White elephant Treezer ?
Quick HYS is open !
Larks. Classic FM running with Jez at the top, like he is an economic sage.
Then it is on to Kate Adie in homage to an amazing lady who popped over from Poland to Germany in 1939 to discover the tanks being ranged along the border. Which was a bad thing.
Hilarious to watch the beeb wresting with Corbyn’s incoherent immigration policy. New launch day simply results in Corbyn u turns over a few hours such that nothing has really changed. So once again we know that Corbyn doesn’t think immigration is too high. As you were, boys!
BBC cannot completely trash Labour by leading on Corbyn’s ramblings and so is forced to lead its news bulletins with that hardy annual ‘ NHS in winter crisis’. Apparently far more mentally ill are deciding that A and E is the place for them . Maybe Corbyn should join them.
Did a random tip into the useless PM programme.
How many sharks can they jump in twenty minutes?
Though that it was meant to be a NEWS summary of what had happened today, as the rest of us were working?
But no
a)Ten minutes on mental health types in Birmingham, maybe a documentary piece or something for Holby City-but news it ain`t(even with Brummie accents)
b)Fishing through Paddy O Connells bin to help him recycle his plastic after Christmas
So ends twenty minutes of peak time drive home radio from our national broadcaster.
Don`t they SEE just how low they`ve gone…just vague incoherences and covering Corbyns idiot show in Peterborough being the rest of the offer.
Beyond sharks now…really are.
Ha yes, that bloke going through his bin under supervision of a “recycling expert”….ffs
And………on went the CD!
Fortunately I tuned in again and was able to listen with horrified amazement as Jeremy Corbyn, who reminded us all this morning that he’s the leader of Europes biggest political party tried to face both ways on immigration…..lolz ! Europes biggest political party…….speechless.
“My predictions over the last 18 to 12 months have been rubbish”
A moment of self-awarenss from our man Gary O’Donoghue in Chicargo waiting with bated breath for a word from BBC hero Obama. Leaving the viewer asking: then how come we’re paying you to be there?
Corbyn manages to tie his shoelaces together, only to find that he`s laced them wrong as he falls over in full view of us all.
Utter intellectual shambles as he crosses his laces re inmmigration and sticking it to the toffs re their pay.
Let alone Jon Snows sweaty neck earlier-how come this incoherent old man droolings gets described as his “triumph in raising awareness of this big issue”.
As Harold Shipman did for getting your granny down for her flu jab, presumably.
Barking, Barking Cucks…our BBC.
chrisH, I think you’re being a bit harsh on Jeremy, I mean,
“Labour is not wedded to freedom of movement for EU citizens as a point of principle, but I don’t want that to be misinterpreted, nor do we rule it out.”
What could be clearer?………
Sorry chrisH, you’re right, “Corbyn manages to tie his shoelaces together, only to find that he`s laced them wrong as he falls over in full view of us all”
Gina Miller on LBC Clive Bulls show the woman who brought legal challenge over article 50. Very smart, very measured, but I wouldnt trust her one inch!
And very wealthy ! She is described as a “fund manager “. But I can’t seem to find what funds she manages. There must be someone behind her. Maybe her current husband and others. I doubt if the previous two are supporting her. But, what is really motivating her ? All very suspicious .
I am afraid she is nothing more than another silver tongued Judas who would be quite happy to see this country descend into the chaos of a third world country provided she doesnt lose a percentage point off her “investments” – whatever they might be.
All very pretty clever, confident and accomplished but I should think dealing with her must be a bit like biting into an expensive truffle. You look forward to eating it only to put it into your mouth and realise that in reality it is a chocolate coated cockroach!
I consider her a reptilian of the first order, whos sole motivation is money and power but tries to wrap herself up in the union jack – She s doing it for us of course! How could I have ever have thought otherwise. I particularly like the way this woman who is trying to subvert the result of a referendum then (with the help of the MSM) tries to claim extra victim status because some people said some nasty stuff to her online.
Did she really expect that we would be texting her our thanks and sending her flowers!
It makes me pig sick to think that these people who hold us in so much contempt can with very little effort throw a massive spanner in the works of a referendum to free us from the EU blight and then claim they are doing it for us.
Dont you worry about us Gina – you go back to the land of Dior and Hermes handbags. We will soon be looking after ourselves and fortunately wont be needing your help anymore.
Whatever happens brexit or not I suspect the radiant Gina will not be hanging around and like a Raven eyeing up a dying sheep will move her “investments” into the next poor country that is naive enough to let scheming vampires like this call the shots on their economy and democracy.
Grant – I dont really care where she originated – I just wish she would piss off back into the ivory tower she came from and leave us all alone. There is nothing worse than the righteous indignation of the hypocrite and she has it in spades!!!
Quite agree, but I thought the background may indicate an anti-british colonialism motive. Ironic, if she prefers EU colonialism. Nasty piece of work though .
Sorry Grant – you may have a point there. However I tend to think she is more from the Max Mosley mould – always able to get her own way with money and access to expensive lawyers.
From the BBC view she is ideal for this sort of thing as she is easy on the eye, confident, university educated?, does not appear to get involved in S AND M parties, ethnic background, and a successful woman. And not forgetting the most important point – Is bloody good at talking a load of shit!!!!
I am sick of hearing people in London and the south-east (including my sister and her friends) moaning about the price of housing and blaming other people for it. The typical conversation goes along the lines of “Isn’t it terrible that my children can’t buy a house? I bought mine for £100k and it’s worth £400k now, but I’ll see if I can get £500k for it.”
Dover Sentry
“”Have baby boomers stolen the family silver?””
Nope – the baby boomers started work at 16 and worked all their lives to keep the ‘snowflakes’ in their comfort bubble. Snowflakes go to uni and take a year out to go ‘travelling’.
”Part of the problem is that supply has failed to keep up with demand for housing as the population has grown””
Nope – the indigenous population have been exercising contraception. Blame the multi-culti for the population growth.
“Could it be the almost 400,000 immigrants who join us every year??”
Yes !
Perhaps Al Beeb are blind to elephants? Better give that Attenborough chap a shout to show them where they are.
“There are none so blind as those that can see”.
Wot the young of today don’t realise is … back in the 1970s’ us ‘baby boomers’ were of an age of responsibility (yes that dreaded word) that today’s lot would find hard to stomach ! Early 20’s and getting married with a ‘bottom drawer’ we’ve saved, 3 times income for a mortgage, kids come along but still managing a week at the seaside. Now the children of the baby boomers can sit back and use the bank of Mum and Dad, knowing that Mum and Dad’s hard work will reward them with a nice property to inherit – unless, and here’s the rub, it has to be sold to give the old’uns a roof over their heads in care, cos the kids don’t want the responsibility of looking after ’em !
Enrichment News : A (Lithuanian) gangmaster couple, who were jailed in 2015 in a landmark conviction, have been ordered to repay more than £400,000 in criminal proceedings – or face extra time in jail.
In 2006 The guy was already wanted in Lithuania so he used a stolen Dutch passport to register as a gangmaster. By 2010 they’d turned over £12m, but the passport had expired. So he got caught out when he tried to go back to his own identity. Wisbech Paper
Why is GB jailing Europe’s Criminals ?
Its costing us Millions – send the ‘hotel’ bills to the nations that they come from.
We are far too soft .
Just watched “Get this Town Dancing” (don’t ask) on bBBC2. Welsh choreographer getting the good folk of Barnsley, God’s own county, dancing. Not one RoPer , burqa, niqab or day time PJ’s to be seen in the ones chosen to dance or in the crowds of locals thronging the streets, watching the finished article . Never realised that Barnsley was so devoid of enrichers, bBBC must have absolutely hated showing it, actually amazed they did.
British or not surely the best line is the potential identification of one of the others.
“and mechanic El Shafee Elsheikh, a former child refugee”
Quite amazed that the BBC mentioned the child refugee part. Maybe Lily Allen could contact him to get some work done on her car 😉
“VW set to pay $4.3bn for emissions cheat”
“Volkswagen has agreed a draft $4.3bn (£3.5bn) settlement with US authorities over the emissions-rigging scandal.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38578004
Why hasn’t the EU Parliament ensured compensation for European customers ?
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
This one, and comments, is fun…
I don’t do twitter but, Hey, George… aren’t you supposed to be doing acting?
Poor George – I expect he’s a bit sore after making his pronouncement about “there’s not going to BE a president Donald Trump”. He’s also a fully paid -up member of the Soros AGW campaign. What a tart.
I am refusing to be his stunt double from now on the twat!
I thought Obama was still “running the country”.
George and his lovely beard, Anal probably think they should be running the world or is that ruining the world.
The luvvie tears in the coming weeks are going to be like nectar.
Hey George, as an actor, can you tell us who wrote your lines and who paid you to say `em? p.s.opinions are like a……es, everyones got one.
George Clooney is just a caricature of what the Liberal elite reckon we find attractive in a man.
No actor, utter hypocrite and a liberal grab bag of pretensions,Lake Como privileges and Davos old coffee grounds.
Both Nigel and Donald have their attractions to us, real men lots of money and a lot of courage to stand out from the metrosexual fops who badger, bully and belittle them. So the mothers instinct comes out then.
But do now have Sir Tim Barrow, who seems to be gathering a few likes from those of us of a certain age. In fact, I`ve been using a picture of him to wave over the sofa if He bangs on about bloody Julia Bradbury or that weather woman of His on ITV.
Err, not until after my inauguration George…
Mark Thompson will be so proud…
At least it’s not fake.
Christmas was a last hurrah
Good retail figures from supermarket group Morrisons… but what’s this, the BBC guest ‘analyst’ is not talking about shopping baskets or footfall but Supreme Court decisions.
Confused? You won’t be. Not if you follow the relentless BBC pro-EU narrative. You see good economic news lately was down to ‘A Last Hurrah’ before a difficult year ahead.
Oh, and on another issue… large class sizes in Yorkshire schools is – according to the BBC’s guest educational expert and a guest campaigner – down to ‘cuts in funding’ and a ‘Global shortage of teachers of 5 million’. This is a new one on me. Little Johnny Arkwright has 45 classmates for maths because of a WORLD shortage of teachers. Not an over supply of kids then? Globally, even?
In case anyone missed it here is Treezer’s speech where she ignites the flame of banality.
Of interest is that twice she refers to globalism as a virtue.
Welcome to the sharing society.
Toady programme just before 8 this morning interviewing the Head of Operations of Southern Rail. The traitorous Justin Webb kept asking why SR didn’t just give in to the strikers – typical Al Beeb stance, give more disruptive power to the unions.
After 8 the Corbynutta said he would join the rail unions on the picket lines.
I guess the stupid will still vote for the dumbfuck!
If he can see a space there , otherwise he will have to pass through and sit on the edge of the picket line .
Corbyn got his arse kicked on Today,backed into a corner about rail strikes (Sad Khan is against them),(so he says) also Corbyn backs BREXIT and almost backs immigration curbs.
You don’t have to be stupid to vote for Corbyn’s Labour Party, but I can’t think of any other reason.
Rather than putting pressure on the company to cave in to the union bullies, it would be more pertinent to ask Government and Labour Party representatives why the union should continue to enjoy their extraordinary privileges of immunity from legal damages arising from this politically motivated action.
If we had a Conservative government they could use politically motivated, militant railway unions as a reason to cancel the EU’s requirement to build HS2.
If only.
TBH I thought Webb did a reasonable job of asking a fair question that many or even most southern commuters (including my other half) are asking, viz:
“We couldn’t give a monkey’s whether it’s the guard or the driver who shuts the doors. Why doesn’t Southern Rail simply concede the point to the RMT, let the guard continue to do it, and bring this wretched dispute to a close?”
Southern Rail Man flannelled away about investment, but repeatedly failed to answer the question. So Webb kept asking him. Then right at the end, Southern Rail Man said (I paraphrase):
“Southern Rail’s proposed new procedure removes from RMT members the power to stop a train running.”
I haven’t followed the strike carefully, but that was news to me. But isn’t it a hugely significant point? But no sooner had it been made than the interview was out of time!
My take is as follows:
(1) The drivers’ union is ASLEF. The driver can “stop a train” which gives ASLEF leverage over Southern Rail;
(2) The guards’ union is the RMT. Under current procedures the guard can “stop a train” which gives the RMT leverage over Southern Rail;
(3) However, under Southern Rail’s proposed new procedures the guard will no longer be able to stop a train, so the RMT’s leverage over Southern will be significantly reduced.
So the dispute is not really about the operational procedure per se. It’s actually about taking the RMT’s boot off Southern Rail’s throat by removing their ability to stop trains, thereby re-setting the balance of power between the RMT and Southern Rail in future negotiations (e.g. when the rail operator wants to get rid of the guards altogether).
Sorry if I’ve either stated the obvious, or gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick – it wouldn’t be the first time.
But I must have listened (possibly not carefully enough) to hours of coverage of the dispute without twigging what it’s actually (as opposed to purportedly) about.
More symptoms of the sickness spreading –
So called, ‘Trojan Horse’ schools still going well then, this time not in Birmingham but Londonistan –
Apologies if this is old news covered elsewhere.
But by chance, I came across the following story
All the doom and gloom about high Brexit induced inflation, yet it’s hitting the EU generally and Germany in particular!!!!
The bBBC did mention it, to be fair. Way down in the business section.
5 Live Phone-in about Brexit and immigration
9/10 callers aired have said British are stupid and lazy.
Then Campbell says “most of our texts are anti-immigration”
Strange that isn’t it ?
Just like the producers are filtering the calls.
5dead always filter the calls, Panto is notorious for using his microphone fairy buddy to suddenly erm ….. FADE You away.
One of the very few opportunities for genuine callers, and its wasted,
Remember the Viewer Polls on the BBC1 Sunday Morning Live?
WHOOSH! long gone into the Al BBC ether 😀
Remember the po faces, and the tutt tutting
delectable … example
Is Multiculturalism Working? 😀
Paul Nutall coming up on 5 Live with Adrian “dumb question” Childs.
I think one of the funniest thing I’ve heard this morning is Corbyns proposed cap on earnings. This will affect elite sports people, and the luvvies who live in a fantasy land made possible by money.
Of course he would make an exception for people like Vanessa Redgrave, Emma Thompson & uber snowflake Lily Allen.
He doesn’t seem to have considered that all these people will do is set up companies in other countries with trust funds which will then pay no tax at all in the UK. People with non Dom tax status will be unfairly unaffected, of course.
I wonder what BBC luvvies like Gary Lineker will be thinking now about his precious liberal beliefs?
Can’t imagine the BBC being happy about this one little bit !
Whilst Corbyn’s proposed tax is a loser I do feel that some kind of tax should be imposed on the BBC luvvies like tearful Lilly, Linekar and all. Perhaps a Marxist expropriation of all of their wealth, so they have to work for a living. Should they venture abroad with only their talents to live off they would surely die in poverty
Most on the Guardian saying Corbyn is an idiot today,the Labour party are fecked…
The Beeboids would all have to take a dramatic wage-drop – and would also have to pay proper income tax unlike the fiddle the BBC has worked for them at the moment. All the Labour-supporting footballers would have to sell all their super cars and houses. Most would go abroad to countries that Corbyn’s stupidity doesn’t cover.
Dennis Healey tried this in the 70s with his (I think) 98% super tax rate. The result was that all the wealthy people buggered off to warmer climes and you had odd stuff like Michael Caine making ‘Educating Rita’ in Ireland instead of the UK because he wasn’t allowed back in.
Dead right Cramner and Demon.
Don`t think I`ve ever heard such a prebaked BBC/Labour conspiracy to give us their 9am “water cooler talking point”.
Clearly set up in advance as THE announcement that the BBC lapdogs would go running off with.
Corbyn is so thick that Humphrys had to feed him all the lines and cues to ” announce his policy”. Which BBC stiffs had clearly set up for him, probably even with THE soundbite at 9am as written for him.
As cynical a grab by the “virtuous Left” for the Prat De Jour moment as I`ve seen.
But-as we know-they`re doomed, Only teachers and RMT pickets are listening these days, retired FCO blimps and the like.
Rest of us are either zoned out, working or noting their treachery. There`ll be payback.
AND-as you say lads, their boomerang will do a Rolf and come back and hit them-remind me of those BBC salaries again and exemption from declaring their tax dodges again?
Using Craigslist of Interruptions and red herrings too-Corbyn was given all possible assistance and courtesy by Humphrys. Unctous soft lobs and no heckling-imagine if a Tory had been on, given easy questions and home rum practice before Peterborough later today?
Disgraceful. But what else have we come to expect from the BBC?
Thank God for Gaunt and Farage. We now get REAL radio from their likes.
Ah well-every time Corbyn spouts, the rest of us resolve to see them binned up north-UKIP meeting later this week for me and hubby.
License fee resistance on the agenda too.
PS. Anybody seen Sadiq re his TfL shambles?…you`d think that the BBC would rather we all focus on Southern Fail, as opposed to Labours shambles over the Tube strike with their own RMT moneybags?
83%, Cranmer, but there was a supplement on unearned income for those with a share portfolio or trust fund in addition their earnings that could take it up to 98% on a top slice. Corbyn wasn’t suggesting that although after he’s had a wigging from his Shadow Chancellor tonight, I expect things will change back to a 60% or 65% top Income Tax rate.
Thanks for the link WB or I’d probably have missed that, from the article,
“The Labour leader would not give specific figures,” not giving specific figures usually equates to pipedream.
and also,
“Corbyn, who earns about £138,000 a year”, (a decent wedge for a socialist.)
So £138,500 a year sounds a good place to start a cap then Jeremy?
There should be a cap on any public sector salaries, including politicians, civil servants, the BBC, quangos, trade unions and all of the rest of these free-loaders. But it should not apply to the the private sector. If the former group want more money, they can bring their special talents to the private sector where the market will decide their value.
‘Market rates’ seem to get a but fuzzy in the public sector.
Alan Yentob for PM! Mark Byford for Pensions Secretary! Helen Boaden for Head of OFCOM! George Entwistle, Mark Thommo and Tony Hall for Three Old White Men in the Same Cosy Boat!
LOL ! Funny how none of them seem to want to be CEO of a quoted company. I wonder why ?
Olds and others, phew! The Beeb showed Corbyn no mercy on the 6pm Radio 4 News. Apparently his speech has been constantly re-written during the day as he has done a tour – pre-speech – of media studios. A worried John McDonnell has probably been trying to get hold of it to add some heavy black pencil alterations. Apparently Corbyn is proposing a non-tax cap on top earnings without realising that it would hit the Treasury’s tax take somewhat.
According to M/s Doomsberg, there’s a new rebellion brewing in the ranks.
What a long weekend!
People are tiring of relentless anti Brexit propaganda inserted into BBC programmes. Complaints about BBC bias in Countryfile
Question: When is a repeat not a repeat?
Answer: When it is “New Series” including “Reversions”.
Damn, I got it wrong again and the BBC, of course, got it about right…
Thanks for contacting us about the new series of ‘The Sheriffs Are Coming’ broadcast on 4 January.
We understand you have concerns about the episode being a revised repeat.
Whilst we can appreciate your concerns, this episode is listed as ‘Episode 1 – Hour Long Reversions’ and was also listed in the Radio Times as a revised repeat.
Our repeats policy inevitably represents a compromise between different interests and is kept under constant review. We will make changes if we believe they are necessary in light of audience feedback.
We have included the points you have raised on our audience feedback report that is sent to our scheduling team and BBC senior management to help inform decisions about future programming.
Thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
So when it says “New Series” it might not be. It might be a “revised repeat” or a “reversion” and we’ll need to check the Radio Times to find out. How quaint.
It’s a cheap daytime programme, slightly repackaged and put out in a prime evening slot. The BBC seriously think the tax paying serfs are too thick to notice.
Dad’s Army… Goes Aleppo.
BBC semantics in answering complaints are getting legendary.
Not content with giving her a two hour ‘Christmas’ special, tomorrow Radio 2 gives yet more airtime to their beloved Nadiya ‘who discusses her debut novel The Secret Lives of the Amir Sisters’
Is there no end to this woman’s talents? Convinced she was a plant and was always going to win GBBO. Whats the betting that the BBC have already commissioned a screen version of said novel?
I think it was obvious from day one that Nadiya was going to win. The better bakers stood no chance because…
I read that Harriet Harman will be putting out a book soon.
What`s the betting that we`ll see a U2 type flooding of all BBC outlets whilst this harpie plugs her book, reads bits, gets Book Of the Week, Womans Hour and all manner of orifices, offices to shaft the Tories, mention nothing of her Pink Van, Edstone, PIE links, Dromeys porn and ability to win on an “all-woman shortlist”. Let alone her Lady Longfords niece bit at Osbornes old prep school.
Reckon this will be all Februarys output-now do we take bets on it all or stop it, strangle it at birth?
They’ll probably start on January 20th, Alicia.
Nothing like a juicy story of life Pre-Corbyn.
Or will it just be another colouring book?
I can appreciate that an article considering the merits of car hire/sharing probably needs a few pictures, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38554004
But Tony Grant seems to be getting a free? advert here with those shots, and yes I get the irony of drawing further attention to him. Still, I’d like the BBC to publish a guide showing how to get your own free plug on the state broadcasters website.
Recall the days when Stuart Hughes was working up a mob to ruin Addison Lee using BBC ‘editorial’ and twitter (views his own)?
It was, of course, and different time.
And CECUTT were cool.
DP today , Morris Dancing. They seem to miss the point that Morris means swarthy , dark in other words black. As far as I can tell this form of dancing has its origins in the 16th century and may go back further. Once again another centuries old British tradition is under attack by and on behalf of people who chose to come and live in our country. I note that the Muslim ritual slaughter is permitted despite being extremely offensive to millions of Brits. Why the double standards? Why should we have to see our traditions curtailed because they may offend some people. How long before Carol singing or bell ringing is targeted ? We are living through the death of England and what is replacing it stinks to high heaven . Thank God I’m 65 because we are certainly heading for a multicultural hell in the next generations.
But it is only english traditions which are targetted. Scots, Welsh, Irish and every other people in the world are exempt. Very strange.
BBC Midland News showed the Morris dancing in Birmingham Bull Ring being interrupted and eventually abandoned because of the ignorant rants and hostility shown toward the traditional dancers.
The face of the main ethnic loudly verbal trouble maker was ‘greyed out’ so he could not be recognized.
Later interviews with several EMB shoppers showed the same level of ignorance of long stand British culture and tradition, with two black ladies saying that they had never seen Morris dancers with blacked up faces, it was racist .
The white folk interviewed clearly knew much more about it.
Had there been dancers with bin bags covering their bodies and just eye slits, I am sure any mild protest would have resulted in a heavy police presence arrests and charges of racism being brought.
In West Africa, many African dancers “white up ” for all sorts of traditional and contemporary reasons. I have never heard anyone suggest it is racist.
Perhaps to avoid problems in future, Morris dancers should have half black, half white painted faces, like Baron Samedi in ‘Live and Let Die’.
Kirk for Peace Envoy! And a Nobel.
Quick game of word association –
“Maximum Wage”
Football – the Maximum Wage was retained until January 1961, at which point it was abolished after Jimmy Hill, chairman of the Professional Footballers’ Association, threatened strike action.
Brexit – question number 154 of the 170 Labour Party questions to the Government
“154. Following Britain’s departure from the EU, will football players with European passports…. blah blah blah… what assessment has the government made of the impact of these restrictions on the future competitiveness of UK football teams?”
Which brings us neatly back to the Maximum Wage.
I scored a big nil on the Wall in BBC 2 Only Connect this week.
One of the walls was the names of crossword compilers in national newspapers. As she read them out Mrs Corren Mitchell managed to eulogise, the compiler of the Observer crossword, no such praise for the DT or any others. The BBC lefties just cannot help themselves.
This is the same Observer that was actually subject to a BBC investigation of sorts over its published claim that since Brexit the number of reported hate crimes against gay/ lesbians etc. had increased by 140%
More or Less the BBC prog. that looks at facts and figures, found the source for this article, a gay/lesbian charity type organization. Instead of reported hate crimes as described by the Observer, it was the number of general telephone enquiries that had risen from 78 to 120 over a period of time, carefully constructed of course.. The Observer, when contacted tried to claim the figures had been supplied by the charity as hate crimes, but the charity when contacted denied this. I got the distinct impression the charity was trying to distance itself fearing it had been found out. Hartford, the More or Less investigator ended by saying the Observer should never have published such an unsubstantiated, claim; if only all the supposed post Brexit claims were subject to the same scrutiny by newspapers and the BBC.
From my late teens to early 40s the Observer was my Sunday newspaper. The paper was well worth reading then; I remember Michael Parkinson, sports writer then, used to disparage golf. Even he has changed his mind on that.
I can remember the Observer’s outrage when one of its reporters, Fazad Bazoft, was executed by Saddam Hussein. There were constant demands for action. Of course, when something was done about Saddam the Observer changed sides.
I’d forgotten The Observer still existed!
Just shows how any news is much better read online from trusted blogs and websites, dedicated to proper information!
Blimey, you’ll be telling me that the Daily Telegraph is still around next!
Not for much longer, the way it is going.
Show that picture in most of our universities and watch the snowflakes running for their safe spaces.
Not sure how snowflakes would have coped with WW2 and the Holocaust !
I’m not sure either Grant but I do know that trigger warnings and safe spaces are nothing new. We had them as schoolchildren back in the “forties”. The trigger was a loud wailing sound and when we heard it we had to leave our desks and go quickly and quietly to our allocated safe space. Our teacher used to come with us and she waited outside our safe space until all her charges were safely in before she came in herself. Then she continued to teach us as best she could while we all tried to ignore the explosions and shaking that seemed to be going on all around us. When it became quiet we would hear a different wailing sound and we would be allowed to leave and we would be happy to see all our friends emerging from their safe places too. Oh I forgot to tell you the name of our safe spaces. We called them Air Raid Shelters.
Well said Lady V!
I was born in the early 1960s. In the war my Dad was in the RAF and my mum did two two Jobs. One, her day job in a shop and her night time job was up in London doing war work in a factory which regularly lost its roof to bombs.
I spoke to her about it and the firm payed rotten wages but like my dad she felt she had to “do her bit” My Dad when he came home on leave often could not believe how little food they had under rationing. Eventually the lack of nutrition and long hours made her ill – but as you say you “just got on with it as it was all part and parcel of being loyal to your country. Not particularly remarkable – but just what decent people did in those days.
I am afraid we seem now to have a generation of youngsters – many who have been shielded from any hardship. They demand their rights and compassion both for themselves and any other “johnny” who turns up with a hard luck story, not realising that with rights often comes responsibilities and costs.
When our snowflakes dont get what they want basically they have a tantrum and shout increasingly louder until they get their way. (re Lilly Allen)
When you nurture and help people many of whom who fundamentally, dont like you and despise your culture – do not be surprised when they turn and bite the hand that feeds them. What also annoys me about all of this is that the cause of real refugees is enfeebled because we seem to be filling up with chancers who have little respect for us but are quite happy to avail themselves of housing, benefits, NHS etc
Whilst I truly hope that we will not end up with civil conflict within our society. If we ignore the obvious problems that are coming our way then I do believe this is inevitable.
Conflict is a hard learning curve lets hope the snowflakes wise up to what is happening before it is too late!
Not related to the BBC but I thought it would be interesting to recount a lovely little episode on the Bloomberg TV London morning show on Monday. Tom Keene, the US anchor, was hosting it. The news was on including an item about Meryl Streep’s Trump rant. I was only half listening to the show on the telly at work but Keene, right after that item actually said something like, “that’s completely biased isn’t it? What are you playing at”, which nearly resulted in tea being sprayed across my screens. To give her credit, the co-host looked shamefaced and muttered that the article was for the UK audience! Class stuff. It was doubly enjoyable given that Bloomberg was (and is) assiduously anti-Trump and anti Brexit.
Yesterday I wrote about Father Brown, and today I’m doing the same. What has happened to this show ? This is the 1950’s remember, and again we have a young white woman having a relationship and running away with a young black musician – outside of London !!! oh and the storyline included lesbianism amongst the show girls – for heavens sake. Is this how GK Chesterton in the early 20th Century intended for his stories to be interpreted ?
I really don’t care that Nicole Kidman wants to have more children.
I don’t know why the bbc bother to report on Corbyn. We all know there is only one serious opposition party in the UK and that’s the bbc themselves.
They’ve been banging on about his speech today from 7am this morning, with particular reference to the fact that they were going to cover it live.
It’s like a day long Labour Party Political Broadcast.
BBC R4 “You And Yours” earlier today with Winifred Robinson included a phone in for people who have used NHS A&E services recently.
A chap calls to say that he took his elderly mother in twice in the past few weeks. On one occasion she was in genuine need. On the other occasion she didn’t really need A&E, but standard procedure at the nursing home where she lives requires a visit following even a minor incident.
On the former occasion she was attended to promptly. On the latter occasion medical staff correctly assessed her as non-urgent, following which she spent several hours waiting “on a trolley”.
“The trolley was actually quite comfortable,” he said (I paraphrase). “A lay person would be hard pressed to tell the difference between a trolley and a hospital bed. So we should stop getting all worked up about people waiting on hospital trolleys.”
Winnie was quick to nip this departure from the approved narrative in the bud: “Trolleys and beds are quite different. Trolleys don’t have proper mattresses,” she said.
Al Beeb can’t wait for the NHS to go t*ts up this winter, but if this phone in were anything to go by then the catastrophe is unlikely to happen in A&E.
Yes far too many people turn up at A&E who actually don’t require A&E services. But the medical staff identify and prioritise them accordingly, seeing patients in genuine need first.
That can mean that some patients who don’t really need to be at A&E wait several hours before they are seen. Yes it’s inconvenient for those patients. But it doesn’t actually matter all that much, because they aren’t in urgent need of treatment!
While I’m on, Winnie’s bio is available online at:
“Her father worked on the docks,” it says. Why is that relevant? What did her mother do and why does that not get a mention?
Because Beeboids are amateurs , they cannot recognise the professionalism of most of our doctors and nurses.
Afternoon Grant,
Agreed – although many of them are well-paid amateurs.
The NHS only matters to the BBC because it`s an open ended piecrust of a promise to the moaning worried well.
Makes cheap and emotive drame for them too, just as the law does. Campaigning by other means by the Idiot Left.
It is the only comfort blanket that the Left continues to cling to, to wrap itself in because it`s THEIR territory.
No Tory allowed to presume to get to Labours clinet base of unions, welfare claimants.
As for the sick? Well they only serve the BBC and the Lefts agenda if they are exotic, high cost and deviant ailments-preferably mind-related so a matter of agitation by academically-propped up quango/advocacy groups.
The NHS deserves better-at its onset it was a great thing, but is now a playpen and nursery for all the Lefts intentions. The cold wind of change needs to blow through them, and hopefully we`ll see the first signs when Labour are cleared out of influence.
Like transport-the last ditch of Lefty fantasias. Ant DECENT Tory administration would use this time now to strangle the BBC and force Labour into exile in Scotland.
This is UKIPS God-given role now.
The bBBC keeps going on about the NHS because beeboids in their bubble think they are parallel organisations, both the envy of the world, both tax-funded monopolies.
In reality, of course, both would be better if they were abolished, run privately and paid for by those who want them (either directly or by insurance).
The real NHS staff, the nurses etc, always get hammered by bBeeb, while the ‘management’ always get off scot-free.
It must be so discouraging for a nurse, covered in shit and dribble, getting home to wash and after a while, turning on the ‘news’ to hear some squawking Beeb autocue reader moaning about the service she has just spent ten hours doing.
Of course, the political elements are right up there with bBeeb, but would they dare call out the bloated ‘management’, and take them to task?
Would they bloody hell!
BBC/NHS “be better if they were abolished”?
Well … the former definitely
… the latter?
Better get your private nurse to wheel you back into the Bullingdon Club, I think you dribbled something out.
Unfortunately many people have been indoctrinated, largely by lefties including the bBBC, to think that the NHS is the only way of providing universal healthcare. No other country does it like this, and there are lots of better ways.
See, for instance, https://iea.org.uk/publications/universal-healthcare-without-the-nhs/
The NHS has been abolished……..the PFI schemes, the contracting out of services to the private providers….third sector “charities” and the likes of Virgin, the closure of mental health inpatient services, the expensive new GP contracts requiring costly deputising services, the hospital doctors reduced to shift workers under EU working time rules, the closures and privatisations of social care……all carried out on new Labours watch…..all feeding through the system……the NHS has been abolished….it’s just taking time to keel over.
And Labour started the process. Never let them forget it.
Very true. The BBC never criticise the the useless NHS management. But why should the BBC care ? I imagine all their top people have private health care paid for by us.
‘Worked on the docks’ – at best it’s code for showing her working class credentials. At worst it may be hinting at some sort of Militant labour connections.
My dad, PapiWan worked on the docks and he could have given Ali Baba and his crew tuition in thieving, Cranmer.
It might have referred to his gardening expertise, Cranmer!
I have lots of docks, and need to work on them, but nobody from Langham Plazaplatzkerpiazza ever rings me up and asks my opinion!
I suppose the bBeeb are against weedism (or maybe they’re for it, I really don’t know)…
(I also have a lot of ‘Fat Hen’, but they wouldn’t like that either, as they love fattism, and also ‘Hen’ is a male term of endearment).
I know this is on the Open Thread and it has likely been discussed before, but I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on whether the BBC actually advertises by stealth ?
When I was a nipper, all products used to be smothered in black tape hiding the brand, especially on Blue Peter and the like, but these days; maybe it’s just me, but logos such as Apple and Cisco appear on many BBC dramas and the like and it lingers there for quite some time.
Most cars are Audi or VW and most shots of a camera are actually Nikon.
Is this all in my hhead do we think there is a possibility that the BBC is actually stealth advertising and possibly making money off it !!
There must be a bung from the football clubs, as all those ads are in camera all the time.
I presume that if you sponsor a big team, the upshot is that that particular club gets more exposure and people buy more stuff as a consequence.
Interesting point you make there.
I think they are gearing up for a move to carrying limited advertising. The BBC are greedy for money. They have a guaranteed income most large corporates long for but that’s not enough. They re-sell stuff both to new customers as well as those who paid for it in the first place. They get money from the EU. Now they are charging for iPlayer. (I bet that’s going well!)
On the 6pm R4 News tonight they carried an item on the new BBC Chairman, David Clementi. As a finishing line it was suggested that he will have a tough time due to adjusting to OFCOM regulation and at a time of budget cuts.
Budget cuts? 2017? What budget cuts, BBC?
Editorial guidelines say
“In some cases, BBC commercial television channels* or services may commission or make programmes which take appropriate product placement providing it does not undermine the editorial integrity of the programme, channel or service.
(* that’s the channels the BBC broadcast abroad only eg Foreign version of BBC World etc.)
The taking of product placement for licence fee funded services is prohibited under the terms of the BBC Agreement. “
When I search Google automatically suggests “BBC product placement Apple”
..apparently there pepple have spptted over use of Apple products.
Part of that maybe cos Beebleworld have never thought cheaper products exists.
Presenters always say “My kids spend too much time on their iPads” they never say tablet
And yesterday on Y&Y they told us “ever since Apple invented the smart phone in 2006” when Ive had a smart phone in 2000 and ven finger touch came in before the iPhone.
Coming to a town or city in Germany soon with the compliments of the Quaran………
And certainly the UK at some point in the future.
Oh dear, never mind
Peter Tatchell is quite an intelligent man, but it baffles me how he thinks this is going to end. When the muslims rule a country, people like him have to live in secret or they die. It’s as simple as that. It’s what the koran says, so it’s what muslims have to do. Nothing personal Peter, but they will kill you.
Surely he should be doing this in Iran ?
Now why Peter would attach himself to dubious Islamic organisation, with a dodgy victim narrative agenda, particulary one that is another political arm of an ideology Islam that rabidly discriminates against homosexuals/lesbians, persecutes minorities, … and why??? BDS????
and is the single reason that little Jewish children, have to go to schools with guards posted outside, so … if he wants a valid campaign to stand up for rights for real victims, not fabricated ones … here s one for you Peter
stand up for your gay brothers and sisters, for apostates, dump the Islamic apologists stand up for Jewish children Peter … get yourself outside the large UK mosques
This is a prime example of the problem in our nation, Peter went to debate at Oxford Univ. He was pro BDS as some deluded part of a solution … the only reason he was there debating at all, was that the Islamic extremist head of the BDS, that have no coherent argument
Upshot … of course the BDS side were roundly defeated
Not really related to Peter Tatchell, so apologies in advance, but when the BBC offers you a free hit, it’d be rude not to send it for six over Cow Corner.
PT wrote the Independent’s obit. of Ian Campbell Dunn (1943 – 1998), a leading light in Scotland’s nascent gay-rights movement in the late 1960s and ’70s. Fair enough. Love whom you want, just so long as it doesn’t involve small children or animals. That was the capacity in which he presented a landmark TV documentary on gay rights first broadcast in 1976. As recently as 2015, the programme was a feature of the BBC’s website.
What ICD failed to mention in the doc. was that he was also a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange. Oops. (For reasons I can’t fathom, PT omits this fact from the obit. as well.) The omission was not lost on victims’ groups, who asked the BBC to take the programme down from the website. After all, the late Sir Jimmy Savile has been edited out of all BBC4’s reruns of Top of the Pops, despite being a national treasure, fundraiser supreme and convicted of absolutely nothing at all.
Nope. ICD stayed. (Although I’ve half-heartedly searched in vain for him on the site.) Paedophiles on the BBC? Good. Paedophiles who work for the BBC? Nah, sorry, they don’t exist.
bBBC news today: David Bowie is still dead.
I was surprised to hear that today was the anniversary of his death.
Listening to the BBC one might think it was only yesterday as the ‘story’ has been continuous. Similarly it seems like ‘yesterday’ that Trump won his election, like ‘yesterday’ since Brexit, like ‘yesterday’ since SNP got snubbed at the ballot box.
I believe it is a symtom of the grieving process, they are still in ‘denial’, not something that one would expect an ‘impartial’ so-called ‘world class’ news organisation to be suffering from.
Did anyone see the BBC’s :- ‘Britain’s Ancient Capital’ Secrets of Orkney?
I thought it was a documentary but soon realized it was a comedy programme in which the BBC told a terrific joke in saying that the little barren outpost called the Orkney’s were once the capital of Britain. The BBC would even deny London as our capital such is their pandering to the jocks who appear to infest the BBC as much as paedophiles do.
The subject matter interests me but the cliche-ridden cinematography makes it unwatchable: chugging strings, wind-blown clouds, soaring camera angles, all familiar tropes.
It screams “made to be sold to other TV networks world-wide”.
Most BBC history and nature docs now seem to conform to this stereotype. Same soundtrack and camera angles for sunburnt polar bears, lost cities of Latin America, plagues of creepy crawlies etc.
I should probably watch less TV, although these days I seem to start many more shows than I finish.
Plus that Scotsman presenter who spends most of the time on windswept headlands gazing out to sea while tossing back his long, boot-polish coloured locks!
‘It’s incraydibble tae think…that thoosands of years ago…this wis a thriving, wealthay sea porrrt….’ etc
That is the reason I cannot face watching BBC documentaries anymore. Ruined by mindless gimmicks.
They are also ruined by the BBC’s obsession with celebrities and perceived minorities. If they can manage to turn one of the latter into one of the former, they consider it a great triumph. Which is it is. For cultural Marxism.
New Broom ?
“The BBC needs to find hundreds of millions in savings now that it is paying for TV licences for elderly members of its audience.”
“What challenges await the new BBC chair?”
Scrap the thing ………….
Don’t know much about this Clementi chap but he doesn’t seem like a leftie. We’ll have to wait and see.
BBC need more money.
Well, Treezer said this is the sharing society.
We share, the BBC takes
Has anyone else noticed that our motorways are increasingly not methods of transport for private car users to get around but instead a sort of public sector emergency services job creation scheme.
Today a body was found on the M1 and the motorway has been closed for most of the day (again).
Having witnessed the aftermath of a fatal accident nearer home recently, I can imagine that our Finest sent dozens of their workforce mainly to stand around earning overtime while a small number of people with clipboards very slowly did their thing. The fact that hundreds of thousands of lives of the living were impacted appears to be of no concern whatever to any of them.
Proof once again of that public sector truism that the producers think they. are more important than the consumers (public they are supposed to seve) and act to that effect – and get away with it, unchallenged.
Not unlike an institution that many on this website write regularly about.
Weirdly a CofE clergyman of my acquaintance and avowed socialist said exactly the same thing in terms, unsolicited albeit in gentler tones, over lunch today.
If he is thinking what I am thinking then we must be on to something.
‘motorway has been closed for most of the day’
To allow enough time for the Police to measure their own skidmarks.
Shortage of houses – Famous racecourse to be built over.
Long Hospital waiting lists
Schools full
Surgeries full
The whole country is full
White elephant Treezer ?
Quick HYS is open !
Link for above ……….
“Foremost is funding. The BBC needs to find hundreds of millions in savings now that it is paying for TV licences for over-75s.”
The BBC is not paying for free TV licences.
I am.
‘Obama Fest’ on Al Beeb today .
Al Beeb love him so much that ‘they want to have his babies’.
Have his babies do what, Taffman…?
If the bbc had Obama’s babies it would be a box-ticking fest like no other.
If Obama had a BBC casting director’s wet dream, they would look like this (try to keep a straight face):
Bet the NYT, BBC, et al will be alllllll over this…
Or, maybe, editorial integrity will see them more interested in Mr. Corbyn’s triumphant policy launch.
Larks. Classic FM running with Jez at the top, like he is an economic sage.
Then it is on to Kate Adie in homage to an amazing lady who popped over from Poland to Germany in 1939 to discover the tanks being ranged along the border. Which was a bad thing.
I wonder if the ladies of Greenham Common are dusting off their placards?
This is worth watching, even though I don’t agree with some of what he says, it certainly is thought provoking.
Hilarious to watch the beeb wresting with Corbyn’s incoherent immigration policy. New launch day simply results in Corbyn u turns over a few hours such that nothing has really changed. So once again we know that Corbyn doesn’t think immigration is too high. As you were, boys!
BBC cannot completely trash Labour by leading on Corbyn’s ramblings and so is forced to lead its news bulletins with that hardy annual ‘ NHS in winter crisis’. Apparently far more mentally ill are deciding that A and E is the place for them . Maybe Corbyn should join them.
Did a random tip into the useless PM programme.
How many sharks can they jump in twenty minutes?
Though that it was meant to be a NEWS summary of what had happened today, as the rest of us were working?
But no
a)Ten minutes on mental health types in Birmingham, maybe a documentary piece or something for Holby City-but news it ain`t(even with Brummie accents)
b)Fishing through Paddy O Connells bin to help him recycle his plastic after Christmas
So ends twenty minutes of peak time drive home radio from our national broadcaster.
Don`t they SEE just how low they`ve gone…just vague incoherences and covering Corbyns idiot show in Peterborough being the rest of the offer.
Beyond sharks now…really are.
Ha yes, that bloke going through his bin under supervision of a “recycling expert”….ffs
And………on went the CD!
Fortunately I tuned in again and was able to listen with horrified amazement as Jeremy Corbyn, who reminded us all this morning that he’s the leader of Europes biggest political party tried to face both ways on immigration…..lolz ! Europes biggest political party…….speechless.
“My predictions over the last 18 to 12 months have been rubbish”
A moment of self-awarenss from our man Gary O’Donoghue in Chicargo waiting with bated breath for a word from BBC hero Obama. Leaving the viewer asking: then how come we’re paying you to be there?
He always was an idiot , but will he resign or be sacked ?
Corbyn manages to tie his shoelaces together, only to find that he`s laced them wrong as he falls over in full view of us all.
Utter intellectual shambles as he crosses his laces re inmmigration and sticking it to the toffs re their pay.
Let alone Jon Snows sweaty neck earlier-how come this incoherent old man droolings gets described as his “triumph in raising awareness of this big issue”.
As Harold Shipman did for getting your granny down for her flu jab, presumably.
Barking, Barking Cucks…our BBC.
chrisH, I think you’re being a bit harsh on Jeremy, I mean,
“Labour is not wedded to freedom of movement for EU citizens as a point of principle, but I don’t want that to be misinterpreted, nor do we rule it out.”
What could be clearer?………
Sorry chrisH, you’re right, “Corbyn manages to tie his shoelaces together, only to find that he`s laced them wrong as he falls over in full view of us all”
Bwahahahaha! comedy gold!!!!!
Gina Miller on LBC Clive Bulls show the woman who brought legal challenge over article 50. Very smart, very measured, but I wouldnt trust her one inch!
And very wealthy ! She is described as a “fund manager “. But I can’t seem to find what funds she manages. There must be someone behind her. Maybe her current husband and others. I doubt if the previous two are supporting her. But, what is really motivating her ? All very suspicious .
You may well be right !
I am afraid she is nothing more than another silver tongued Judas who would be quite happy to see this country descend into the chaos of a third world country provided she doesnt lose a percentage point off her “investments” – whatever they might be.
All very pretty clever, confident and accomplished but I should think dealing with her must be a bit like biting into an expensive truffle. You look forward to eating it only to put it into your mouth and realise that in reality it is a chocolate coated cockroach!
I consider her a reptilian of the first order, whos sole motivation is money and power but tries to wrap herself up in the union jack – She s doing it for us of course! How could I have ever have thought otherwise. I particularly like the way this woman who is trying to subvert the result of a referendum then (with the help of the MSM) tries to claim extra victim status because some people said some nasty stuff to her online.
Did she really expect that we would be texting her our thanks and sending her flowers!
It makes me pig sick to think that these people who hold us in so much contempt can with very little effort throw a massive spanner in the works of a referendum to free us from the EU blight and then claim they are doing it for us.
Dont you worry about us Gina – you go back to the land of Dior and Hermes handbags. We will soon be looking after ourselves and fortunately wont be needing your help anymore.
Whatever happens brexit or not I suspect the radiant Gina will not be hanging around and like a Raven eyeing up a dying sheep will move her “investments” into the next poor country that is naive enough to let scheming vampires like this call the shots on their economy and democracy.
She was born in Guyana, where her father was Attorney-General. From Indian descent, maybe she is just making a legal point !
Grant – I dont really care where she originated – I just wish she would piss off back into the ivory tower she came from and leave us all alone. There is nothing worse than the righteous indignation of the hypocrite and she has it in spades!!!
Quite agree, but I thought the background may indicate an anti-british colonialism motive. Ironic, if she prefers EU colonialism. Nasty piece of work though .
Sorry Grant – you may have a point there. However I tend to think she is more from the Max Mosley mould – always able to get her own way with money and access to expensive lawyers.
From the BBC view she is ideal for this sort of thing as she is easy on the eye, confident, university educated?, does not appear to get involved in S AND M parties, ethnic background, and a successful woman. And not forgetting the most important point – Is bloody good at talking a load of shit!!!!
I would have thought that any fund manager would have put a side bet on Brexit happening and Mr Trump winning.
Would have paid for Billary’s campaign anyway! Mr Trump mainly paid for his own.
BBC Online News:
“”Have baby boomers stolen the family silver?””
“”Part of the problem is that supply has failed to keep up with demand for housing as the population has grown””
BBC. Why don’t you ask what is causing the housing shortage? And the pressure on the NHS?
Maybe you the BBC don’t want to speak to the elephant in every room??
Could it be the almost 400,000 immigrants who join us every year??
I am sick of hearing people in London and the south-east (including my sister and her friends) moaning about the price of housing and blaming other people for it. The typical conversation goes along the lines of “Isn’t it terrible that my children can’t buy a house? I bought mine for £100k and it’s worth £400k now, but I’ll see if I can get £500k for it.”
House prices will collapse when sanity returns.
… As I’ve been saying for 20 years.
Dover Sentry
“”Have baby boomers stolen the family silver?””
Nope – the baby boomers started work at 16 and worked all their lives to keep the ‘snowflakes’ in their comfort bubble. Snowflakes go to uni and take a year out to go ‘travelling’.
”Part of the problem is that supply has failed to keep up with demand for housing as the population has grown””
Nope – the indigenous population have been exercising contraception. Blame the multi-culti for the population growth.
“Could it be the almost 400,000 immigrants who join us every year??”
Yes !
Perhaps Al Beeb are blind to elephants? Better give that Attenborough chap a shout to show them where they are.
“There are none so blind as those that can see”.
Wot the young of today don’t realise is … back in the 1970s’ us ‘baby boomers’ were of an age of responsibility (yes that dreaded word) that today’s lot would find hard to stomach ! Early 20’s and getting married with a ‘bottom drawer’ we’ve saved, 3 times income for a mortgage, kids come along but still managing a week at the seaside. Now the children of the baby boomers can sit back and use the bank of Mum and Dad, knowing that Mum and Dad’s hard work will reward them with a nice property to inherit – unless, and here’s the rub, it has to be sold to give the old’uns a roof over their heads in care, cos the kids don’t want the responsibility of looking after ’em !
Enrichment News : A (Lithuanian) gangmaster couple, who were jailed in 2015 in a landmark conviction, have been ordered to repay more than £400,000 in criminal proceedings – or face extra time in jail.
In 2006 The guy was already wanted in Lithuania so he used a stolen Dutch passport to register as a gangmaster. By 2010 they’d turned over £12m, but the passport had expired. So he got caught out when he tried to go back to his own identity.
Wisbech Paper
Why is GB jailing Europe’s Criminals ?
Its costing us Millions – send the ‘hotel’ bills to the nations that they come from.
We are far too soft .
Just watched “Get this Town Dancing” (don’t ask) on bBBC2. Welsh choreographer getting the good folk of Barnsley, God’s own county, dancing. Not one RoPer , burqa, niqab or day time PJ’s to be seen in the ones chosen to dance or in the crowds of locals thronging the streets, watching the finished article . Never realised that Barnsley was so devoid of enrichers, bBBC must have absolutely hated showing it, actually amazed they did.
What about ITV sugar free farm . it featured working with pigs and later eating a hog roast.
Maybe ITV didn’t get the memo, Stew.
One of the US’s highly unstable snowflakes has snapped and stabbed a woman on campus and murdered someone else:
Don’t think I’ve heard anything about this on the BBC what with it being a Leftie liberal activist and not using a gun.
Mental isues again, T.
Whoopsie, Trev may just have screwed the HIGNFY guest slot…
“US imposes sanctions on British IS militant Alexanda Kotey”
“A British man believed to be part of a group of Islamic State militants led by “Jihadi John” has had sanctions imposed against him by the US.”
Is he really “British”? Note no image of the chap on Al Beeb .
But look here ……. http://www.itv.com/news/2017-01-10/british-man-part-of-isis-terror-cell-sanctioned-by-us/
British or not surely the best line is the potential identification of one of the others.
“and mechanic El Shafee Elsheikh, a former child refugee”
Quite amazed that the BBC mentioned the child refugee part. Maybe Lily Allen could contact him to get some work done on her car 😉
“VW set to pay $4.3bn for emissions cheat”
“Volkswagen has agreed a draft $4.3bn (£3.5bn) settlement with US authorities over the emissions-rigging scandal.”
Why hasn’t the EU Parliament ensured compensation for European customers ?