The squeaky wheel gets the most grease, a lesson that Muslim agitators learnt a long time ago as a few bombs, vigorous and cynical use of the race/Islamophobia card and cries of victimhood saw the Establishment blackmailed and bullied into handing out favoured group status to Muslims in the UK….Warsi is the prime example….Chair of the Tory Party because of her talent and skill? Or because she was Muslim.
It is amusing to see the BBC’s most vociferous critics are those whom the BBC is a natural ally to, the SNP and Labour. Then again the BBC’s less than rigorous reporting on both Parties’ issues could be because of the relentless and aggressive campaigns by both parties to control the BBC’s output.
It certainly seems to work, a lesson both the Tory Party and the Brexiteers should learn.
We all know of Nick Robinson’s famous plea for his colleagues not to be critical of Corbyn, in other words not to report the truth if it meant Corbyn would have a negative Press. It seems that one of his colleagues slipped up but the BBC Trust stepped in to smooth things over…subject to appeal.
Have a look at this Corbyn hagiography by the BBC…
The Jeremy Corbyn Story: Profile of Labour leader
An extraordinary love-in that portrays Corbyn as some latter-day saint never mind his support for extreme and, as history shows, dangerous and deadly far -left politics and his liking for terrorist groups…and his refusal to deal with anti-Semitism in his party in any convincing manner.
The BBC is of course also a natural friend to the SNP as a successful SNP means the break up of the UK and an EU takeover as divide and rule kicks in and the then cut adrift nations of the once UK would seek the so-called protection of a bigger ‘state’, the EU….maybe they should learn the lessons of Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain.
Lord Hall has buckled to SNP pressure over BBC news
The BBC’s plans for a Scottish Six news programme are an insulting lot of claptrap and a sop to the Nationalists….we’re on the brink of a cave-in by the BBC top brass in the face of Nicola Sturgeon’s strident demands for more control over the national broadcaster by her government and the SNP-dominated parliament.
The BBC has been the SNP’s whipping dog in Scotland for years now and as a result it cowers and grovels and in effect becomes a ‘State broadcaster’ in Scotland, one that is far from independent any more….from the Spectator….
During the Scottish independence referendum, BBC Scotland was regularly accused of showing bias against the SNP. The Beeb’s supposed pro-Union slant led Alex Salmond to brand its coverage ‘a disgrace’.
However, now it seems brains at the BBC are keen to get the Nats back on side. Donalda MacKinnon, BBC Scotland’s new director, has given an exclusive interview to The National — the pro-independence paper — in which she makes a play for the Scottish nationalists. MacKinnon promises to address the lack of trust felt by a ‘significant number’ of people following the independence referendum:
‘We take pride in the fact that the majority of our audiences still trust the BBC. However, there is a significant number still in Scotland whose trust we lost and I think there’s still a bit of work to be done in that regard. I think it’s part of my mission to try and address these perceptions, which may have led to that loss of trust.’
Listening to how the BBC reports the mad mutterings of Sturgeon in reverent and awed tones you have to think the SNP is well served by the BBC which never challenges her on her claim that ‘Scotland’ voted to stay in the EU and therefore its views should be considered in the Brexit negotiations. ‘Scotland’ did not have a vote in the referendum, individual Scots, Britons, had a vote…it was a ‘British’ vote regardless of nation or region, and the Scots voted to stay in Britain…therefore the BBC should question hard Sturgeon’s highly charged rhetoric, but it doesn’t because it wants Scotland to break away and the UK divided and weakened making it easy meat for the EU to pick off or bully.
I wonder if the BBC will be working hard to address the concerns of the majority of people in the UK who backed Brexit and want immigration controlled or who think Islam is a cause for concern?
“I wonder if the BBC will be working hard to address the concerns of the majority of people in the UK who backed Brexit and want immigration controlled or who think Islam is a cause for concern?”
No, they’re just Nazi racists and not worthy of comment beyond vilification.
ALL trust has been lost. Too late to win it back now. The swamp needs draining…..
The BBC have given up on the British People after a majority of us voted the “wrong” way in the referendum. This attitude is constantly demonstrated as its constant propaganda becomes increasingly more barefaced.
I think they have now decided to join forces with the liberals and encourage the “importation” of a new population who are more likely (at least in the short term) to vote for the things that elite believe in even though it will be at the cost of our culture and traditions.
In their arrogant left wing, single minded way the BBC probably think the have been “draining the swamp” for years.
The Labour party long ago realised that sending the Beebyanka a routine letter of complaint, every now and again, would permit the Beebyanka to claim that it must be doing things right, since it received accusations of bias from both sides. MacBeebyanka has been close to the SNP for years; there are plenty of former MacBeeboids in the party and the party leadership has been given a very easy ride by MacBeebyanka.
During the independence referendum campaign, this cosy relationship was slightly (only very slightly) interrupted by the presence of reporters and pundits from south of the border. Faced with even a half-hearted attempt to grill Alex Salmond over his hopelessly inconsistent policies, the SNP screamed, “Bias!!!” The nats have held office at Holyrood for quite a few years now, but they depict themselves as the perpetual underdogs, while relentlessly centralising power. Scotland’s police forces were all amalgamated into one. The Scottish civil service is dominated by nationalists. Nicola Sturgeon is currently trying to dragoon the universities into line. A formal takeover of MacBeebyanka seems a bit superfluous, but not illogical.
All the same, if the Scots want their own Ministry of Truth, they should get as much of it as they actually pay for.
Another New Year and the BBC kicks off straight away with a huge amount of air time for the anti UK agitator Sturgeon on Marr. I’ve lost count of how many times Marr has interviewed her. To be fair he often asks awkward questions but she always waffles and obfuscates. She is allowed to get away with this and other than giving Sturgeon unmerited headlines , these interviews achieve nothing. Today is a good case in point . Marr asks Sturgeon how she can allow free movement of EU citizens into Scotland without having a controlled border with England and virtual independence. Sturgeon simply doesn’t answer this impossible conundrum and waffles on that she is compromising in this debate. All total rubbish .
The SNP are always allowed to waffle and obfuscate. It was the same when Alex Salmond was First Minister. They are never held accountable for anything that goes wrong, despite having been in power up here for around 10 years. It’s bloody infuriating, but I’m beginning to sense an irritation now at Nicola strutting around Europe demanding the impossible for Scotland from Brexit instead of getting on with running the country.
Her activities bring to mind…
‘We take pride in the fact that the majority of our audiences still trust the BBC. However, there is a significant number still in Scotland whose trust we lost and I think there’s still a bit of work to be done in that regard. I think it’s part of my mission to try and address these perceptions, which may have led to that loss of trust.’
Replace Scotland with ‘the UK’, and remove ‘Scottish’ from ‘the Scottish Referendum’ and you have an interesting comment the BBC aren’t making, but ought to be.
So, why the SCOTTISH Referendum, but not the EU Referendum then?
On the Breitbart site there’s an article that you will not see on any BBC news show.
Go and read it.
Basically it’s about this:
An immigrant who raped a 5 year old boy will not be going to jail and lots of liberals are making the usual excuses for the poor lad (the rapist that is) and his different culture and values.
Compare that to the man murdered in a predominantly Muslim prison whilst serving a 12 month sentence for leaving a bacon butty beside a mosque.
We can have no faith in our ‘justice’ system when the law is applied differently, depending on whether you are a Muslim or just a brit.
What next, ignoring a democratically voted referendum?
Then, voting will be meaningless if it’s ignored so they might as well bin it.