The BBC and Buzzfeed, an unholy alliance of the old media and the new clickbait monster…have they come together to take down Trump and overturn American democracy? How many more times can the BBC ask if Trump will resign or be impeached? Wishful thinking.
The BBC once said of Buzzfeed “If that that is the future of journalism, heaven help us all”
Buzzfeed, on trying to explain why they published the ‘Trump Dossier’, a blatantly obvious piece of disinformation, said that they and their latest reckless and irresponsible effort to smear Trump was indeed ‘ how we see the job of reporters in 2017’.
Good then that the BBC has teamed up with such an outfit in the search for the youth market and also as a useful idiot that breaks the controversial and less than credible stories that the BBC wants to publish but daren’t because they know it’s unsubstantiated rubbish. This allows the BBC to then move in but still keep a distance between the two, enough to deny any connection to the story, and ‘report’ on the latest breaking scandal that has arisen ‘due to other media breaking the story’.
The BBC knew of the ‘dossier’ a long time ago but wouldn’t touch it because it lacked authenticity and credibility. But times are desperate. Trump was elected against all the odds and expectations and now he’s going to be President. He must be stopped. Can he be stopped just as the Establishment manoeuvres to stop Brexit? One last desperate attempt…but the BBC’s fingerprints cannot be on this one. Step in Buzzfeed. The BBC knows that once the story breaks it can then move in and start its operation to break Trump with a stream of half-truths, concocted analysis and half-baked opinion presented as news. Not as if the BBC hasn’t used the same modus operandi before…remember John Whittingdale and the allegations about prostitutes and drugs which the BBC sat on and sat on until just before the final drawdown of the BBC Charter renewal review? The BBC as a last desperate measure to apply pressure onto Whittingdale had its friends in the anti-hacking co-conspirators organise another smaller, fringe media organisation to publish the allegations which then allowed the BBC to move in and give them a good airing too…just reporting on the reporting as it flung mud far and wide…not a BBC story you understand…plausible deniability.
It is something of an irony that only yesterday Lord Hall Hall was telling us how the BBC was the gold standard, the copper bottomed, iron clad mothership which maintained and encouraged high standards of journalism and which would concentrate on ‘slow news’, news that was not just ever changing, eye-catching soundbites but solid analysis, grounded in deep thought, experience, knowledge and reason, journalism that only the BBC can bring to you, journalism that presents the world as it really is and brings a deeper understanding of world events to our screens.
Not so far. The very same day the BBC was reporting as fact that Trump is in hock to the Russians and is essentially a Russian agent and that what looks like a shoddy, superficial and discredited hatchet job is credible and authentic.
The BBC tell us that they are only reporting the Buzzfeed story because the dossier was ‘deemed important enough for the CIA to report it’ to both the President and Trump.
Not true…the BBC report it because Buzzfeed did the dirty work for them and broke the story and then BBC itself tells us that the US intelligence agencies didn’t take the dossier seriously but only reported it because the circulation of such material had to be noted as a matter of course and procedure because such material, however untrue, can be used to malign an undermine a target and their reputation…as we see as the BBC turns legend into fact whilst the US intelligence tells us it’s nonsense…
“Part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.”
He said: “We did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions.”
For some reason, and at odds with their own actual evidence, the BBC keeps insisting the CIA thinks the material is ‘credible’..and yet provides no quote and no evidence to back up that claim…
I understand the CIA believes it is credible that the Kremlin has such kompromat – or compromising material – on the next US commander in chief.
I heard Frank Gardner, who is ever more hopeless in his analyses, that the crreator of the dossier obtained his information from close contacts in Russian intelligence. LOL. That’s right, the Russians provided damaging information on Trump at the same time as they tried to get him elected. The author tried to interest the FBI, they passed on it, he tried to interest the British, they passed, he then went to a left wing magazine..and they half took the bait. Doesn’t quite seem that may people thought the dossier at all credible. Here’s another oddity…the Brits decided not to have anything to do with the dossier saying it was a US matter…and yet we are told at the same time they were passing on information that the Russians were hacking the DNC emails and engaged in cyberwar to influence the election…just why would they ignore the dossier then?
I have close contact with people in News International. I asked them if they had any juicy gossip and compromising scandal about the BBC’s Lord Hall Hall. This is what they provided me with…I can’t authenticate any of it, there’s no proof that any of it is is in any way true but then again there is no evidence to say that it isn’t true….so I’ve decided to publish and let you decide despite there being no facts, no proof and no evidence whatsoever…
Allegedly tapes exist of Lord Hall Hall pleasuring a blow-up life-size Lenin whilst being beaten about the buttocks with rolled up copies of the Daily Mail by three prostitutes who all bare a remarkable resemblance to Margaret Thatcher, beaten on his hideoulsy white bottom cheeks until they glow a hue of red that matches the glorious red of the Soviet flag, the flag in which he rolls himself up in every night and goes to sleep dreaming of a motorcycle tour of the old Soviet Union with only Diane Abbott for company.
As I say, you decide…it’s the new journalism….it might or might not be true…but if it maligns and undermines Lord Hall Hall we don’t care if it’s fake news.
Frank Gardner warned us not to trust anybody…not the intelligence agencies, not the politicians, not the Russians….what he missed out were the people like himself…the so-called journalists.
The BBC policy for anyone it doesn’t like is: “If it’s not true it ought to be, so we’ll run the story anyway”.
For anyone it does like the policy is: “If it’s true it shouldn’t be, so we’ll kill the story”.
Welcome to modern journalism.
The Dan Rather and the CBC has copyright on “Fake but True”
Although I have to disagree with your last sentence. This is not journalism, this is purely and simply regurgitating lies in the hope that their target will be hit or diminished in some way. They really are complete and utter scum. (NB that last word is spelt incorrectly).
Although I have to disagree with your last sentence. This is not journalism, this is purely and simply regurgitating lies in the hope that their target will be hit or diminished in some way. They really are complete and utter scum. (NB that last word is spelt incorrectly).
Excellent summary of the situation the BBC has got itself into through biased advocacy.
Wikileaks facts: devastating revelations about Hillary Clinton, so largely ignored.
Buzzfeed drivel: fits anti-Trump narrative, so report that ‘others are saying’ stuff.
The BBC, and their security expert, is really concerned for the safety of the world, for in less then 9 days, Trump will have his finger on the RED Button.
This is the level of understanding the BBC has.
1. There is no BIG RED button
2. No president can ever launch a nuclear attack on his own. There are layers upon layers of security, which prevent such a thing from happening.
3. In their eyes, Trump is insane. They fail to understand, that despite the entire MSM, Big Bank support for Clinton and Obama, Trump beat them all. He beat them, because the American public has had it with the lies of Democrats and the Establishment. They are fed up with Establishment media like the BBC.
But their misunderstanding is so gross, that they fail to realise that they have just deemed 50% of all Americans, as insane.
I dont have that much sympathy for Americans. At least they are not forced to pay for the BBC.
And now to some reality seeping in.
German Hungarian security expert on Migrant crisis, lies, crime mass deportations needed
I still not clear?
Trump will nuke Russia?
Trump is Putin’s pal?
Both mean we should be really, really scared and hate Trump but
they just can’t seem to make up their mind – which is it?
I note with interest that ‘Pissgate’ yesterday was referred by the fake news media begrudgingly as ‘alleged’, whereas today on radio ‘5 Live’ there is complete absence of the word ‘alleged’ it is now apparently fact, though of course not verified. An oxymoron I believe by utter morons!
I have to say though that despite the lies from the main ‘fake news’ sites I am enjoying the absolute desperation of these people that do not even pretend to be impartial now.
Take a step back breathe in and look at the reporting on Trump, it is hysterical, I almost believe that these people do not have a clue as to how they appear to normal people such is their absolute hatred of Trump, and make no mistake it is genuine hatred and loathing.
The BBC trying to get Trump impeached are surely the last ramblings of a declining mentally corrupt cancerous decaying once highly respected organization.
The BBC lost on Brexit, they lost on the last GE, they lost on Trump. So their answer.. more of the same bile, delicious to watch them in such pain isn’t it!
Forget MSM. Its now the USM – Urine Steam Media.