Which is more credible, Trump, the Trump dossier or the BBC’s reporting of the dossier?
The BBC has known of the dossier for a long time and could not justify publishing it because it was completely unsubstantiated. What the BBC needed was a Forlorn Hope, someone to sacrifice themselves for the cause, to publish what the BBC suspects is fake news knowing that this will open the door for the BBC and its ilk to report on the dirty dossier without tainting their own reputations whilst generating massive, negative headlines and trending rumours about Trump…Buzzfeed stepped up to be the fall-guy. The fact that the allegations are almost certainly untrue is irrelevant, the hugely damaging headlines and rumours will inevitably hurt Trump and that seems to have been the intent from the start rather than a seeking after the truth.
The BBC clearly knows the dossier is a nonsense, it reads as if it were written by a student set on spoofing someone…indeed people are claiming just that...but the BBC doesn’t report the doubts about the file, it rather spends its time trying to insinuate that the dossier is credible and authentic.
The BBC of course expects that few people will read the dossier and that the BBC version of the truth will become The Truth. They know that if people did read it they would instantly become aware that the dossier was suspect, written as it is in a very unprofessional style, packed with inconsistancies, errors of fact and detail. Supposedly written by a highly educated MI6 officer who speaks Russian and specialised in Russian affairs the dossier made mistakes that such a person should never make but I have yet to see the BBC make anything other than a cursory qualification of the accuracy and veracity of the dossier.
The document makes what seem personal comments that don’t fit with an intelligence document, the author expresses what are his own personal feelings it seems and the dossier has inconsistencies throughout….it states that Russia took fright at the reaction to the email hack and decided not to produce any more intelligence and ‘leaks’…then it states that Russia will in fact exploit the emails further and go as far as to create uyet more content. It tell us that Trump’s team were also utterly dismayed at the reaction to the emails…or not…apparently the Trump team was also entirely relaxed about the email scandal because it distracted the Media from Trump’s corrupt dealings with the Chinese. Oh..hang on…the MSM have tried for months to substantiate the claims in the dossier and they cannot find any dirt about China and Trump? Then again why did the people who commissioned the report, supposedly Jeb Bush at first, then the Democrats, not use the dossier? Surely the Dems would have seen it as a very powerful weapon to take down Trump and as Trump makes very undiplomatic statements about China why does China, with a famous cyberwarfare capability, not respond by ‘leaking’ Trump’s apparently corrupt practices in China?
The dossier is written in such a way that little that is claimed can be verified….the FSB will not be releasing any compromising material it has on Trump and it is unlikely they admitted having such material to an ex-MI6 agent to help him damage Trump when according to GCHQ and the CIA Russia was trying to help Trump [The BBC can’t have it both ways]. The dossier claims Trump’s team were feeding Russia information on Russian oligarchs in the US in return for dirt on Hillary….really? The Russians couldn’t find out for themselves what their own people were up to? They have their own ex-pat community in the US who could provide plenty of information if so inclined. …or just read it in the newspapers.
We read that Trump was offered substantial business deals in Russia which mysteriously he didn’t accept…then we read that it was Trump making great efforts to find investments in Russia but failed…and instead had to ‘settle for the use of extensive sexual services there from local prostitutes rather than business success’. That sounds credible no? What rubbish is this? Why has the BBC fallen hook, line and sinker for it?
The dossier claims that the Russians have been grooming Trump for 8 years….so the CIA et al had no idea and did nothing to stop Trump becoming President? Did the Russians really see Trump as the next President 8 years ago? LOL. No one thought Trump would be President 8 weeks ago.
The dossier, for all its complete lack of proof and evidence, has a remarkable level of detail in some respects….it knows exactly what very senior people in Russian government were saying and indeed what they were drinking at the time. For a one man band Mr Steele seems remarkably effective and wide ranging in his information gathering…not only having extensive contacts within the Russian intelligence services and with senior Russian politicians but also moles in the Republican Party, Russian ex-pats in the US and Democrat sources amongst many others.
There’s lots more nonsense in the dossier…read it and laugh.
Curious though that the CIA itself didn’t know any of this and indeed has been unable to substantiate any of it…as neither has the well resourced MSM which has tried for months to do so….even the Guardian takes a swipe at Buzzfeed….
Prestige, trust, truth: flimsy and amorphous but essential for the survival of good journalism, as opposed to rumour and lies. In these dangerous times – both for journalism and the world – “newsworthy” is not enough. It is wrong for any respected news organisation to publish information it knows may not be true.
Hmmm…’wrong for any respected news organisation to publish information it knows may not be true.‘ And yet the BBC has been peddling this story as it it were true for days now…..but shamelesly it has also thrown its collaborator to the wolves as it also attacks Buzzfeed and boasts about itself….
Just as traditional media included many different types of publisher – tabloids v broadsheets, for example – so new, digital media include those who exhaustively check their facts and proceed with caution and those who are prepared to publish unverified allegations because they think the public should know…..The BBC is in the former camp.
I’m sorry what? The BBC checks their facts and proceeds with caution? Indeed, the BBC refused, as said to publish this dossier itself because they knew it stank and their reputation would be ruined….and yet as soon as its partner published the BBC were there to exploit it and make the headlines with lurid claims about Trump….all ‘caution’ cast to the wind because there was a separation between the dossier and the BBC now.
The dossier is nothing that could not be produced by someone in a broom cupboard with an internet connection joining up the dots to make a whole that is false but superficially believable…Trump was here, his colleagues were there…spin a web of intrigue around that, associate it with world events, throw in some completely unprovable claims that Trump had met and was working with Russian intelligence and bingo…a conspiracy that had enough legs to at least get people talking even if most respected media outlets refused to touch it with a barge pole despite absolutely hating Trump. It was meant as a media hit job, a character assassination, but it seems to have backfired due to its amateurish nature. The BBC liked it though….Frank Gardner, the security expert, loved it.
Oh and lastly….loved this.
Remember, ironically, that Buzzfeed was the BBC’s and the Guardian’s organ of choice that fed them stories about the shocking rise of fake news with which they berated the right-wing press as the supposed purveyors of of such untruths…now both the Guardian and the BBC aren’t so enamoured with such claims….very childish they think…playground taunts and pernicious umbrella terms….
The Guardian….
After admitting that he wasn’t entirely sure whether the dossier was dodgy or not in his note to staff, Smith predictably earned the ire of Trump, who called BuzzFeed a “disgrace” and the website “a failing pile of garbage”. The next US president then resorted to the modern version of the playground chant of “liar, liar, pants of fire” when he said of the report: “It’s all fake news.”
The BBC….
Finally, life has been made harder for other news organisations, such as The New York Times and CNN, who Trump targeted in his remarkable press conference.
They have now been conflated with Buzzfeed under Trump’s pernicious umbrella term “fake news”.
I think we can safely conflate the BBC under Mr Trump’s pernicious umbrella…very useful when there are golden showers about no?
The Beebyanka could well be finding itself excluded from Trump administration press conferences, if it continues its relentless bias. Obama had to relent, after trying to exclude Fox News in 2009, but Trump still wouldn’t be short of hostile hacks in his press conferences, even if he left Granny Gardner out in the cold. To do so would send a powerful message, all the same. Even before our general election, then Brexit and then the American general election, Beebyanka bias was blatant, which is why this site exists. When the Beebyanka so comprehensively fails to behave like a responsible news organisation, there is no reason for it to be treated like one.
For the Beeboids to be pathetically scrabbling for scraps from other organisations plainly wouldn’t be any novelty, but it would very visibly dent their claim to be a premier news-gathering network.
Trump has already slapped CNN so hard it made their teeth rattle.
This is a guy with a very clear sense of who are his friends and who are not, coupled with a very long memory.
There is going to be payback for the BBC. They want to be anti-Trump, then he’s going to give it right back to them.
Oh, I do hope so. Funnily enough, when Obama treated Britain with disdain, the Guardianistas and the BBC fawned over him even more. If Trump tells the BBC to take a hike, they will trot out how irresponsible and unfit for office he is.
Posted on the open thread – but worth repeating.
BBC’s Pannell panned.
If Trump and most of us here can see through the BBC, why can’t most Tory MPs ?
I think that they despise the BBC as much as we do but they scared to death of taking on the over mighty corporation as they believe that the BBC has great influence over voting intentions of swing voters and although they understand the BBC is a reliable propaganda tool of the left ,they fear that a threatened BBC would be so much worse.
I think that the Tories were geared up to deal with the BBC t the last Charter Review , or at least to clip its wings a bit, but then Cameron realised that he would need the BBC to help with winning the Brexit referendum and so he shelved the plan and struck a deal with them.
Hopefully the overt pro Remain bias of the BBC and their constant disparaging of the 52% of their LF payers will have opened the eyes of many people and reduced the general publics trust in the BBC significantly. After the next General Election we will almost certainly have a strong pro Brexit HofC with plenty of UKIP MPs , then if they sense that the public support for the BBC is much reduced they will act to free us from its monopoly.
Britain at this moment, cannot afford to antagonize the Trump team. Surely no 10 realizes that.
BBC thinking could be, that if Trump slams the door to Britain in a Free Trade zone, Britain will have to go back to the EU, cap in hand.
Not mainstream media, but URINE STREAM MEDIA.
NCBBC……I have also seen LAME STREAM MEDIA as well
Is that pronounced “lamé”?
I agree, Owen.
And the more they rely on dubious information and claim it is ‘true’, the more their paying- public are going to switch to their PCs, smartphones, Ipads etc, and see for themselves what is going on.
e.g. Just scanning the headlines of the papers this morning, you have to scroll down a fair way to see anything worthwhile on the US story, it’s just not really news any more, but funnily enough, I’ve noticed that they’re still doing their regular ‘sources say’ bit, but using the silly old Telegraph pages for their headline!
Great investigative journalism Beeb, keep it up!
The BBC’s fond faith in one degree of separation ‘quotes’ as ‘news’ for deniability is rather falling apart.
He already made it clear what he thinks of them when one of their reporters asking him a question said he was from the BBC, he replied with heavy sarcasm “That’s another beauty!”
The BBC are the market leaders in “Fake News ” and now they are being hoist by their own petard. The more hysterical their rantings become , the lower their reputation sinks. Beeboids really are stupid.
Guessing the ‘Reality Check’ title is not meant to be ironic:
Well, bless, the BBC, Graun and Labour… all in perfect, delusional, tell it often enough harmony…
Lest the contagion spread here.
The McAlpine family says hi, guys.
Hmm “Combat the spead of fake news” coming from the BBC, Al-Guardian and labour that translates to me as telling the facts and truth rather than the lies and fantasy that we at the BBC, AL-Guardian and labour would have you beleive as facts and truth sorry BBC, Al-Guardian and labour but nowhile close and deffinatly no cigar
During EURef my timelines were littered with ‘fact checking’ outfits, all of whom seemed to be sponsored and/or wildly partisan.
The term has at best no meaning or, more likely, a huge red credibility flag. Like BBC Trust.
Yes, irony overload. The fake-news Guardian quoting the fake-news BBC about checking fake-news stories and sources. They could both do themselves some justice by starting by looking in the mirror.
“They could both do themselves some justice by starting by looking in the mirror.”
Only there might be some more fake news in that particular red-top-rag, especially about the unions…;0)
I remember years ago, probably 20+, when an ITN reporter asked a biased question to an Israeli general during a conflict, the general asked if he was from the BBC. When told it was ITN the general shrugged his shoulders and, if I remember correctly, ignored him. It shows that even then the people the BBC hate abroad were cottoning on to them. It’s a pity the Conservatives didn’t dealt with them like Trump did CNN when it’s clear the BBC hace been fake-newsing about British politics for decades. All from a left-wing perspective of course.
The best way we could deal with the BBC is to stop paying the BBC veiwing tax and force the BBC to encrypt its miserable output and be funded by subscrption by those who want the BBC in their lives or make the BBC pay its way with advertising. Either way I can see the BBC surviving to long in its current force when forced to compete in the real world like any other MSM operation
If memory serves me right, some years aback, Israel removed BBC’s credentials, but allowed al Jazeera to operate in Israel. When questioned, the Israeli spokesman replied that al Jazeera was far fairer to Israel then the BBC.
This can be seen even now.
Trump would be wise to keep quiet about all of this and let his aids compile a dosier about who is responsible for it all, for future use,he is probably doing that anyway.
I would have thought that Obama’s recent trouble making(in his last days in office) with Israel and sending troops to Poland was far more serious than anything Trump is supposed to have done.
Wild Bill, I understand your points and, like you, I assume he’s having dossiers compiled on his enemies. I disagree about him needing to be quiet. I think he ought to continue attacking the liars and communists with all guns blazing. That’s something they’ve not been used to. They fully expect all “conservative” politicians to roll over and wag their tails when they tell their lies about them.
Trump is right; attack and attack and attack! They will learn that not all right of centre politicians are so servile and supine to them just because they own the media. Other conservatives will learn from it to defend themselves too.
I don’t see how the Leftist media can win this one.
Trump genuinely loves a fight, and in a week’s time he’s going to be President of the US.
I hope this is the MSM’s Stalingrad, that they pour everything into a losing battle against Trump, and tear themselves to pieces in the attempt.
As Obama prepares to leave the White House, he is doing his best to make life difficult for Trump.
But not just that. There is a panic about his behaviour, as if he is deadly scared of something. Michelle has openly stated that she has lost all hope. This is extraordinary. What is going on?
It cant be that the Obama’s are depressed that Obamacare will be abolished. Or that funding for the Climate Change hoax is going to stopped.
It cant be that. Obama’s care about their own future. But as ex-POTUS, he has nothing to fear except large speaking fees, though a Teleprompter would not be welcomed, given the size of the fee.
So what has got the two so spooked?
Excellent observation, NCBBC! Let’s hope that once Mr Trump is installed, the truth about the Obamas seeming fear and desperation is revealed.
I shall watch with interest and glee!
“Fake news must be exposed. The Labour party inquiry is a start” Michael Dugher
More fake news, in what is soon to be the defunct, Guardian.
The left have been the source of nearly all the lies, and the bloodshed for a entury.
From the lying Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Gramsci onwards, mendacity has formed one on the foundations of the delusions underpinning the mass murder. Planned, systematic, long term, broadcasting of whatever nonsense was believed to benefit the murderous cause of the really-nasty parties.
Down to today. Anyone with an interest in what the enemy thinks, and the left are most definitely the enemy of both truth and Europe; will have noticed the further sinking of the Labour filth into the Challenger Deep of fantasy in a vain attempt to delay the end.
IslsamicAlBeeb and the Guardian, part of the same time worn plot, have become ever more extreme, louder and more desparate, pre and post Brexit, to prevent their lying message becoming another part of the slimy detritus on the sea bed.
Dugher is just another trough-snuffling dickhead who could not get a seat on a train. BBBC regulars have been countering, exposing and laughing at this rubbish for years, now every one is laughing.
The Left’s plan is is to create mayhem, (Muslims are one sure way of doing this), then step in as saviours.
From Lenin to right now, that is the MO. The plan almost worked in the USA. Two terms of Hillary, and mass immigration of Muslims and Latinos, would have permanently changed America to a socialist country.
That is why the Left hates Russia right now. Russia has survived the bitter experience of socialism, and is now turning to traditional and Christian values.
That is also the reason why the socialist Democratic party is acting so vindictively. They had almost got the biggest prize in the world – a socialist USA. It would have changed the world. They had it in the bag, they had even opened the champagne, and then they lost it. They cant believe it. “I dont believe it”, “I dont believe it”. So they are blaming everyone.
If Russia changed America’s election result, which they didn’t. But if they did, then “Thank you”
“Accompanied by the planned, systematic, long term, suppression of whatever sense by whoever was, or might be in the future, distributing “lies” judged to be detrimental to the murderous cause.”
The above was in the original, created in MS word, but was deleted by me when reformatting the text to BBBC standards. Another example of how detrimental this unplanned editing is. Which software is the best to use to avoid the necessity for editing?
Good concise article Alan.
I note the Guardian referred to Trump in his put down of CNN at his press conference as ‘hysterical’. Although it wasn’t it is gratifying to know that the Guardian has to stoop to ‘The Sun’ type editing to promote a story, it is truly in decline we should rejoice that.
Something that Trump said in his conference for me was absolutely shocking but no one but no one has picked up on it, and that was his statement that Clinton was given the questions for the debates beforehand, this surely should be headline news.
The ramifications of this cheating is that morally she was prepared to cheat the American public to gain office. Imagine if Trump had been given the thumbs up beforehand.
Another little gem not picked up on either is the fact that he has Robert Kennedy on board heading a panel that is looking into vaccinations given to children that many think leads to autism. With this and his attack on ‘big pharma’ shouldn’t the left be flocking to him?
How many other public figures could take what Trump is taking? It makes what Nigel got a breeze in the park by comparison.
Trump has to be the bravest man in politics in the present time surely.
Jerry Owen….Al-Guardian is losing money almost as fast as Al-Guardian is losing readers just 170,000 people a day now buy the failing Al-Guardian. I also Hear tha about a third of its daily print run goes to that bastion of facts, balance and truth the BBC, If auntie beeb was forced to stop buying AL-Guardian would it push AL-Guardian over the edge into failure and bankruptcy to disappear into electronic irrelevance like the independant we ask ?
And not just subsidies of the print run – it also provides top ups for the salaries of its “big” names with constant and apparently guaranteed appearances on Al-beeb programmes and redundancy pay in the form of employment when they have to move on from the Guardian
I note in the first Guardian article referred to above by Guest Who, that the BBC News Head, James harding is quoted as saying…“We will aim to use styles and formats – online, on TV and on radio – that ensure the facts are more fascinating and grabby than the falsehoods.” Going to ‘sex things up’ a bit, are we, Mr Harding….just for clarity and truth, eh ?
Yup…. we’ve seen how the BBC, with omission and commission, conflation and all sorts of other ‘styles’, has striven to achieve nothing other than obfuscate and actually hide the truth. And if you really want the public to know the facts of matters, surely that means that the BBC, Mr Harding, will be immediately releasing the Balen report ?………thought not.
Then we have the BBC’s Media editor (Mr Amol Rajan) penning a delightful little attempt to defend Buzzfeed’s and CNN’s behaviour in the following article ..
…where he says that CNN and NYT, both clearly anti-Trump and hell-bent on using this simply as a gateway to smearing him if they can “….have now been conflated with Buzzfeed under Trump’s pernicious umbrella term “fake news”. What the heck is the BBC on about – Mr Trump is absolutely not the originator, nor the only user of the term ‘Fake News’ – it has largely been coined as a term of abuse by the alt-left, to try to discredit Mr Trump and Brexit supporters, for instance – with which use of the term the BBC has found no fault whatsoever – but if Mr Trump uses the same term, it is ‘his pernicious umbrella term’ ?
Well I guess that’s just another example of the BBC’s efforts to ensure that ‘the facts are more fascinating and grabby than the falsehoods’
Plus ça change, across the BBC, plus ça change !
Trump is the bravest man on the planet. I have known of no political fight as nasty as this. All of it directed at one man.
And he doesn’t have to do it. He is mega-rich. He is doing it, as he sees America is heading in the wrong direction. I, and a lot of Americans agree.
I pray that God protect him from the nasty Dems, and their evil. I pray that ordinary Americans have his back, and not allow the lefties drive President Trump out of office.
If he is driven out of office, America will die – not with a bang, but a whimper.
” If auntie beeb was forced to stop buying AL-Guardian would it push AL-Guardian over the edge into failure and bankruptcy to disappear into electronic irrelevance like the independant we ask ?”
Shouldn’t the Audit Commission be asked why the taxpayer is cross-subsiding a privately run newspaper?
(Yes Fdr, not FDR the overrated communist sympathiser with the communist wife and half his staff Soviet agents, the smug, conceited **** responsible for many of the current problems).
“the Audit Commission” is, like the “doublethink tanks”, the so-called-regulators and all the other ineffective, inefficient, overpaid, underworked, over-pensioned organisations with their bite the hand that feeds them snouts in the hard working private sector taxes, not fit for purpose.
Mostly batting for the other side, while simultaneously batting for the other side. If these people disappeared the only sign would be an improvement.
It will come to the point where the BBC will stop propping up the Guardian and decide to keep the money for themselves. Leftism is based on hate , but they ending up hating each other more than they hate the rest of us. It always ends in tears for them !
Leon Trotsky comes to mind along with Jo Stalin and his purges. Gotta feel that leftard love for each other
I wonder how al-Beeb will worm their way out of this.
There’s hints that the paedophile ring being operated within BBC premises will be exposed in these documents – and not before time.
This should be a big news story for the BBC. I bet they will just ignore it !
All the fake news the BBC and Sky are churning out regarding piddle gate is twisting my melon big time. I’m not joking, I seriously think it has the potential to make some people mentally ill, it is soviet era brain washing we are subjected to here.
Maybe I could report them to the rozzers for hate speech, or hate crime or hate incident or something.
I think the Rozzers are firmly in Beeboids pockets, so to speak.
Don’t you believe it, Old Bill are still the borderline psychotic thugs and bully boys they always have been. They bend the knee to PC cultural Marxism only because they know which side their bread is buttered.
No doubt. What I meant is that Old Bill and the BBC and Leftists are two sides of the same coin. Bill will always go easy on Leftists, muslims etc. Bill is not to be trusted .
Not the ones I know, if the order was given they would be in the front row to have a go at the peaceful folk.
Agree they are not to be trusted, however. Most would gut their own Grandma if they were told to do so.
Sky? Fake news?
“In August 2016 Sky News was criticized after allegedly paying €2000 to a group of Romanians to pretend they were part of an Eastern European gang selling guns to terrorists in Syria. The Romanians were arrested by Romanian DIICOT and confessed that they were paid by Sky News journalist Stuart Ramsay to pretend they were gun traffickers. The guns featured in the report were legally owned and were hunting weapons.Sky News stands by the story.” Wiki
I remember that story. One of the guns was an AK47, widely acknowledged as the best hunting rifle ever produced.
Isn’t it sad that Alan’s falsified report a few weeks ago about Obama being a Russian plant was both more believable and more professionally written than this obviously fake dossier that the BBC is staking its already massively damaged reputation on?
Pankaj Mishra has a very long sermon in the Guardian today.
A sermon posing as truth and history.
Probably the best effort I have ever seen at selecting pseudo-facts from the astral-historical plane and imbuing them with “explanation” of his own creation.
To save BBBC regulars the trouble of ploughing through this crap I shall summarise it – “everything is the fault of white people.”
Yet more anti-white racism from the spittle flecked lips of the left.
But the nearly drowned, politically, economically and historically, BTL are clutching tightly to these straws of nonsense as though their lives depend on it. Producing volumes of insight and wisdom.
Here is an an example from “Chris N” demonstrating his/her aquaintance with eutralty.
“trump won because of racism and bigotry. no question. that’s what he espoused, that’s what the redneck scum who voted for him liked”
Edit – the comment has now been removed by a Guardian moderator, I suspect this is more because it shows clearly the leftie hatred which killed one hundred million people, which the left have been trying to bury, than concern for the Guardian terms and conditions.
Fraser Nelson in telegraph speaks sensibly about the media meltdown re their Trump conspiracy theories.
If big hedgefunds had bet a lot on a Jan 20th situation and then the markets weren’t going the way they wanted they would BUY whatever news coverage they could to get them to change direction.
Absolutely, Stewgreen.
Soros types always will do the hedging – it’s in their nature. Billary probably did the same again, but you may have to ask the tea lady at the Grudgian about that. She has an old iPhone you know!
Of course this will ‘whooooosh’ over the bBeeb ‘financial’ autocue-readers’ heads.
I heard read this in an unreliable source – Breitbart, linking to DT, hiding behind a pay wall
The Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, has told MPs that leaving the European Union (EU) is not the biggest threat to financial stability in Britain, and that Brexit actually poses a bigger risk to the continent than it does to the UK.
I wonder if the BBC has anything on this.
Not so far.
As an aside, Mark Carney reminds me of the senior Assad.
Just over two hours now. Not a peep on their website.
They’re waiting until East Anglia gets flooded, which is much more their line of autocue-reading. Poor souls in Yarmouth got put into turmoil the last time there was a storm surge a couple of years ago. Thankfully nobody was hurt, but the silly Beeb ACR blew enough hot air around to make matters worse, and upset so many good East Anglian citizens.
Durr??? Connect brain.
Sorry lads(Lasses). You’re a bit late. 11/12017. Check the link date.
Keep up!! FFS!!!
And I’m on your side of the argument.
Thanks Number 7. I missed it. My mistake.
In looks you mean ? LOL !
Yes, in looks.
@Spiderman BBC/MSM Project Sneer 2
pg 72 of Radio Times the heading is : “Dispatches/Panorama”
#1 programme on climate change next Tuesday which is unbiasedly entitled “President Trump’s Dirty Secrets”. ( Dispatches, Channel 4, 8pm Monday 16 January).
It is unbiasedly introduced :
“Dirty secrets, fearful incredulity, potential calamity, attacked, packed, stacked, threat…..”…you don’t need to watch the progamme to know exactly what the Dispatches (unbiased?) conclusion will be.
**(Will Anthony Barnett travel to the US, and delve deeper into why he needed to fly across the Atlantic?)
“Trump: The Kremlin Candidate?
* (See not libel cos a Qn mark used !)
” John Sweeney’s Panorama report focuses on Trump’s admiration for Vladimir Putin. (False narrative)
What, Sweeney wonders, will happen when these two eerily similar hotheads inevitably fall out?”
There’s also pg 23 and 23 by John Sweeney
Titled : “Time to be afraid ?”
* (See not libel cos a Qn mark used !)And framed by a large graphic of Trump and Putin mouth kissing but is NOT so new.. It’s a quick rework of a 1979 graphic satirising Breshnev/Honeker (ie Its use here is PR not news)
Sweeney tweeted another framing graphic
– Full list of BBC Project Sneer 2 progs
It’s NOT Reality TV
………… It’s TVising Reality
BBC`s Anthony Barnett writes far left articles for a website called Open Democracy
Amazing how like Paul Mason he gets regular privileged TV presenting jobs
Has anyone thought that if, by some bizarre chance, the allegations about pissgate were true, whether it would harm Trump’s support. Sure, the Luvvies and our ever so delicate Treezer would find it deplorable, but I wager there would be many who would simply regret that the Obamas were not in the bed when it was pissed on.
Ever worked in a factory or building site and seen how unpleasant people are treated to piss in their tea etc? It happens.
And here is my confession.
I appeared on TV a short while back with my dog. I let him piss in the BBC doorway, imagining the likes of Mishel, Dumblebim et al getting some on their clothes.