Tristram Hunt has fled Corbyn’s car crash communism for the V&A Museum. What will be one of its newest acquisitions to put on public display? Perhaps the Labour Party now that its time has past and the rats are leaving the sinking ship abandoning all hope along with it. I’m guessing all that champagne in the fridges at BBC HQ must be nearing its sell by date. Better drink up now boys and girls of the BBC…it could be a long wait otherwise. Still, you’ve got important work to do fighting Trump, Brexit, Far-Right, or even just Right wing, ideology and political success and of course defending the ramparts of the liberal, or not so liberal, bunker against the ravages of ignorant peasantry in revolt, grievously misled as they are by lies and misinformation in a post-fact, post-truth world where elective ignorance is the new enlightenment. Once more unto the breach dear lefties until you fill up this breach with your hideously English dead…as a very subversive, err elitist and pro-Establishment, Sherlock might say as he once again is used as a vehicle to peddle hidden messages for our Progressive masters.
RT UK: Freeview Channel 135: 11.30pm to 11.59pm: Aeron Banks talks to George Galloway about issues such as a dodgy dossier produced by the British intelligence agencies under Teresa May, attacking Donald Trump, with proven fake news. Also George Galloway wonders why these Liberals are foaming at the mouth.
Don’t you mean ‘£140 per annum view, whether you use the service or not’?
Not quite as succinct, but a good deal more accurate.
Dear Mr Sluff,
Our records show that your licence fee payment is underpaid to the extent of £5.50p. Unless this sum is paid, in full, within the next 48 hours, our operatives are empowered to confiscate your receiving apparatus plus goods and/or services to equal or in certain circumstances exceed the shortfall.
Failure to respond to this Notice of Intent will result in your liability to a prison term of at least 6 months – but not exceeding 2 years. Complete the enclosed form or go on line at to fulfil your obligations.
Thank you for watching BBC Television. We hope you enjoy our varied and challenging programmes.
Yours in all good faith,
M. DeSade
pp J Goebbels (Head of Payment Appreciation Section)
It’s a hanging offence in Wales – that’s devolution for you!!
As for fake news on the BBC. The experience of people I am in contact with, some of them in Astronomy, is Censorship of information by the BBC.
But if this information appears in other sources, the BBC then describes this information as fake news.
The BBC also produces fake news of the future using assumptions as facts such as:
(1) A fake formula (assumption) used in Computer Models to produce fear of the future, not produced by a formula that works for Planets with CO2 Atmospheres.
(2) An assumption of economic collapse that contradicts scientific correlations with similar territories to Britain not in the European Union, that indicate that Brexit would produce a potential economic boost to Britain’s economy of between 10 to 20 percent.
I see al-Beeb is in mourning over another boat of young black men from Sub-Saharan Africa err sorry Syria.
I am unmoved.
These days it’s hard to tell what’s a real, fake or a spoof:
Trumpophobia !
Al Beeb spreads it like S**t, just like my neighbour farmer .
I refuse to enter the world of Twatter but FYA, Mr Snow, those old people have probably improved the later life prospects of those 6th formers by 100%. No fool like an old fool, eh?
BBC News – Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has warned that peace could suffer if President-elect Donald Trump carries out plans to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
The old Jew hating holocaust denier is almost promising isn t he?
… mind you he is cock a hoop as he s the “social justice” potty Pontiffs “angel of peace”????? and due to the Vatican vacant s latest stunt of a “Palestinian” embassy? right before the latest multinational stitch up in Paris.
The Al BBC laps it all up,
“The war which followed Israel’s creation left erm “generations”? of Palestinian refugees”
… Ah Yes, who attacked? who started that war? who vowed to obliterate Israel?
The BBC doesn t say.
Educational charity out to show Dundonians the true meaning of Islam
Whenever you see a photo like that, eh!
Plus the comments are erm … interesting.
the article: “If someone sits and watches TV all day they will only get one side of the picture.” – try ‘fine-tuning’ the tv. Sorry about that. Surely, if “someone” sits in front of the tv all day, they, thanks to the BBC, will quickly come to understand that Islam is a religion of peace and simply spawns lower than everyone else female bakers………..
Moleenbek anti terror arrests
I’m so confused….This wasn’t meant to happen….
Be assured, it’s all panic buying!
In the words of the Great Orange one….the bbc won’t be able to resist this little beauty…..One of Britain’s most experienced Muslim prison chaplains is arrested over an alleged sex attack on a woman
Read more:
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The BBC often uses guest reviewers of the papers to give vent to its left wing and liberal biases . Forget proper reviews . You won’t get them . Today it’s the turn of some fat American lady whom I would guess is a Hillary or even a Sanders supporter . She starts off by reminding us that Hillary won the popular vote ( yes but that’s not how the US or for that matter the UK democratic system work.)
An anti Trump diatribe then dominates this ‘review ‘ of papers on BBC Breakfast promoted by leading questions from the sofa inhabitants. Preceded by complaints about the perfectly legal deportation of failed asylum seekers . So it’s business as usual at the BBC.
The BBC needs to be reminded that, indeed, it has happened here too. The February 1974 election had Labour with the most seats and the Conservatives with the most votes.
Demon, they also need to be reminded that Labour have been massively favoured in our electoral system for years and years, until the SNP spoiled things in 2015.
Your example is a good one, also check out for example the 1992 narrow Major win with a 42% vote and the 2005 large Labour win with only a 35% vote. It’s been that way for most of the last 60 years.
Not to mention Ukps huge number of votes and only one seat!
BTW, have they resolved Thanet South yet?
That is remarkably unfair to small parties but I still prefer our current system, and it would be better still if it was set up to be equally fair to the two major parties.
The reason I am against full PR is how this operates in countries that use this system. In Austria, for example, they’ve had this system probably since the war and it results in a coalition of the two major parties – permanently! The government can never be thrown out. It would be like we’d had a coalition between Labour and the Conservatives permanently since 1945.
In Italy all governments are coalitions and the small parties have too much influence. That’s why they have a change of government every six months or so.
Our system may not be wholly fair but a sitting government can be kicked out if doing badly, unlike Austria, and it doesn’t get changed every few months so a government can actually get on and govern for a few years.
Greetings Demon,
Check out the system operating in New Zealand which changed over to PR in the 1990’s. All gloom and doom was predicted, rather like Brexit, but the public narrowly voted to adopt it amid much wailing and gnashing of teeth. It did require a further referendum 10 years afterwards whereby people could change their minds. It duly took place and revealed a solid majority for keeping the new system.
Yes PR can be bad if you choose the wrong system and I certainly wouldn’t advocate the Israeli, or Italian systems nor the Irish STV rubbish. And the Aussie system is well…you don’t want to know about it! But the D’hont variations seem to work OK in the the case of Scotland and Wales do they not? (I’m willing to be corrected on that)
Mark Steyn wrote recently that a good system should give a choice of about 5 to 7 parties. He was scathing of the UK and US systems which repeatedly deliver a choice of only two parties. I think the threshold whereby a party can get a a seat in parliament should be five percent. This is not so easy to achieve as a lot of people first think, and it does keep the system from being hijacked by nutter groups without stifling popular new political developments.
BBC and ‘balance’, of panels, guests, experts or audiences. Dateline London is special, as is…
Re GCooper and Stew above re Molenbeek.
Checking online this morning, the Telegraph, Express, Sun, Mail, and Evening Standard all have this story.
Googling ‘bbc molenbeek’ only gives stories from a year ago.
On the BBCEurope page right now, the main story is ‘100 migrants feared dead after boat capsizes’. No mention of Molenbeek. Are they hiding it somewhere, perhaps in the cookery section, so they can say they reported it if asked, but without actually enabling anyone to see the story?
So there we have it. Absolute proof. In the world of Al Beebzeera, the safety of illegal immigrants is more important than the safety of our own existing citizens, and news about the Police’s attempts to keep us safe is suppressed.
The fact that we have to PAY this disgusting organisation for what in other periods of history would be deemed treasonable activities is beyond the pale.
Does my bias look big in this?
It’s a theory of mine that broadcast journalists increasingly visualise themselves as media personalities and prioritise the presenting ie entertainment side of their work. For popularity sake they cleave to the Left of political issues – the old showbiz trope of playing to the gallery. It’s lonely up there on the big stage and only natural for the performer to want to shout ‘love me, please love me, I’m a good person!’
Just now I heard an off-the-cuff chat between a journalist/broadcast presenter and a sports pundit. The presenter said to the pundit ‘I’m so glad I’m the journalist, do you realise when you make your list of top players you’re going to upset so many people’.
She knew exactly what she was talking about here. One imagines that were she the one with the task to make the list it would be more informed by her measure of the public reaction rather than her honest judgement of the merits of the choices.
And right there in a nutshell you have one of the root causes of bias. Fear of negative reaction.
One solution in the case of our national broadcaster would be for the BBC to reduce the input and emphasis on personality reporters. I can think of a top ten list that ought to get their marching orders – and I’ve a feeling not many of the paying audience would be too upset by my choices.
Being afraid to express an alternative view, cos of what people might think.
That is the bias of GROUPTHINK.
Cherrypicking the first piece of evidence that seems to confirm your existing view = CONFIRMATION Bias
……. .
Courtesy bias (Virtue Signal Bias) The tendency to give an opinion that is more socially correct than one’s true opinion, so as to avoid offending anyone.
Narrative story bias = The tendency to be influenced by a small simple story rather than the big complex picture.
eg story of 1 “child refugee” in Calais over the situation of half a million kods back in their African homeland.
Pandy Marr to interview the Corbynutta shortly on BBC1.
Hold your nose and watch to observe what will undoubtedly be Marr’s bias. I reckon it will manifest itself most often in Marr interjecting far less frequently than he would with a Tory or Ukipper but will let the old git Corbynutta ramble on in his Steptoeish way.
Like he is doing right now with Brokenshire
Headline on BBC Radio 4 7:00 am news this morning: “Donald Trump has sparked anger by criticising a respected civil rights campaigner”. In fact, Trump was RESPONDING abrasively to the insult from this “respected” campaigner, a Democratic Congressman, who is challenging the legitimacy of Trump’s election and is boycotting his inauguration.
Egregious bias and inaccuracy, even by BBC standards.
It was the same last night on Sky. BBC and Sky are now two cheeks of the same arse.
That’s a mighty big plug, Demon…
It’s the old ISRAELI JETS POUND GAZA ……………………. 200 rockets fired into Israel trick
It’s like they think people do not have Internet access or social media accounts
Out-fing-rageous : Like saying “Jackie Kennedy has sparked anger by criticising Lee Harvey Oswald”
“Small Boy has sparked anger by criticising a respected Emperor’s courtiers”
I’m not sure what else The Donald is supposed to say? The guy attacks him and marks his Presidency as illegitimate?
The BBC frothing over Lewis presumably mainly because he’s black and anti-Trump comes as no surprise either.
Increasingly, the biased BBC seem to interview Corbyn with the same vigour and incisiveness you would use if talking to an OAP in a care home.
“Now dear, are you all right?”
” You sit there, nice and comfy”
“Did you enjoy your cup of tea”
” Yes, you’d be my choice for Prime Minister”
Admittedly, I did make up the last one.
Norm gunning for Andy’s slot?
Good luck with that.
Poor old Marr works to a busy schedule, we know, but still a shame he missed the chance to ask Jem about the overseas aid budget and its relevance to the NHS defecit. And then, when he parroted out the usual ‘2m Brits working abroad’ line, Marr failed as per usual to point out that at least half this number are retired and contribute to their local economies.
Ah well. At least he got his timing right, asking the agreed final question to allow the Leader in Waiting to finish on an up-beat, if repetitive, note.
Good one Andy, another justifiably fat fee we’ve just paid you.
We’ve had a real beauty on Paddy McConnell’s R4 ‘Sunday’, haven’t we? By pure coincidence (not), they broadcasted a piece about an author who had had ‘contacts’ in the US government and had written a fictional book about a US President who had been caught by the Russians in a compromising sexual situation and had been blackmailed thereafter (that was the gist of it, anyhow). Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Well done, the BBC; you have kept the lies about Donald Trump going for another day. Everyone knows they are lies – even George Galloway (hardly likely to be a friend of Trump) pointed out in ‘Sputnik’ last night, that nothing in the Trump story stands up to scrutiny – even dates are wrong. What a lying, deceitful, propagandist organisation the BBC has become.
Tortured myself by listening to those newspaper reviewers from Metropolitan Bubbleworld know about Trump with absolute certainty as they threw around terms like White Supremacist.
– Interestingly they would listen to each other when the 2 who had seen Laland explained “it’s not a great movie and its Hollywood up itself”
Then the next moment Mr Basketball Hospital boss LeftyBigot said their are browser extensions to filter fake news “like Snopes”
Mrs Lefty comedian who’d never heard of Snopes shouted “Yes lets promote Snopes” just assuming it’s a magic solution cos it comes from one of her Lefty friends.
She was totally unaware that Snopes has become “Leftism up iself” abd is no way reliable for political things.
I too listened to this piece of crap on BH.
Our gay black basketball bloke-hospital director was he?
How DO these people get such jobs?
He had not seen La la Land-the women on the panel HAD-they said it was crap, but Paddy said that they were sniffy about it, whereas Hoops was ” open minded” about it.
The BBC rather like La La Land I bet.
But Hoops has never seen or met Donald Trump either-but he was not “open minded” about HIM, I notice.
Just racist, liberal and ignorant chewing his BBC tapeworm from up O Connells bottom to trash a man who`s been elected, and is not in power yet.
Hope to God that we Friends of Trump continue to loudly trash the Left in all our Wetherspoons pubs-had a great row on Friday with public sector teachers-and you KNOW the REAL people this country are with us.
Trump is one elephant enema-and all those Lefty elephants in the room know what`s next as we see the gloves coming on-and fuck the lube, seeing as its Lefty scum we`ll be doing!
Corbyn on Marr right now – footballers to be exempt from salary cap. Don’t go to China, Diego…Jeremy isn’t going to cap your wages when he becomes PM.
BBC big on exemptions. Uniquely. Think FOI.
So, BBC “employees” and footballers will be exempt but no-one else. How’s that work as a case of Socialist equality Jeremiah? Is it because they all vote Labour?
Of course, if they did implement this plan the NHS would go out with a whimper in an instant. The NHS and other socialist gods like Child-Brainwashing (used to be called education) rely on large taxes. If a person is only allowed to be paid a tenth or less than he is currently paid then he would pay only a tiny amount of tax comparitively. Multiply that by all those affected, and then add those who will move to a sensible tax climate and the NHS is dead. Well done Jeremiah.
Exactly. Corbyn really is a stupid fool.
According to the Grauniad, Jezzers proposed salary cap would be about £350,000 for C.E.O’s of companies which Governments/Local Authorities place contracts with. How many of the companies who supply medicines, scanners, and other high-tech equipment which the NHS need, have a CEO on £350,000 p.a. or less? Yet another labour policy not thought through!!!!!
Yes, people seem to forget that the Soviet Union and its various satellites were the experts in wage equalisation. If I remember correctly a Soviet consultant in a polyclinic earned about £180 a month in the 1970’s. All these heavens on earth have however gone tits up.
China has also turned its back on the centrally planned economy with much success. Surely even Corbyn must remember the failure of the prices and incomes policy in 1970s Britain? All the research showing the almost miraculous benefits of a “more equal society”, would come out very differently if it had been conducted when there were very many more “equal pay societies” under real existing socialism.
Corbyn is a nutcase. I think there should be a salary cap on the public sector, including quangos and the BBC but not in the private sector. Oh , I forgot, that would stop them recruiting “exceptional talent ” !
Corbyn has simply never HAD to think. Which is why he`s an ideal leader of the Left as far as WE`RE concerned.
Benn, Galloway-hell even Jenkins and Mandelson FFS-are or were sinister lefties and deluded grubs on the fashionable causes-but ALL of them are(were) smart cookies with at least a vestigeal direction of travel I can respect-was I not like that myself? And most of our friends here at this site are clever sods as well, and nearly ALL full knowing of the Left from way back…I`d say so anyway!
Corbyn is a Kindertransport air-freshener, or a gonk in the drivers van. A gnome in the Secret Garden, no brains whatsoever. And this latest policy is ANOTHER Soyuz burnup on the launchpad of the Left.
Yet they`ll blather and obfuscate to cover the stench will the lefty media-because(Pity the scum)-he`s only the extrapolation of empty cliches, unthinking slavish Marxian sponge baths since Thatcher was refused her Oxford Doctorate in the mid 80s.
They THINK we don`t know-but the thickies nave never ONCE had to think or to fight, to test and to practice-let alone live in this slurry they`ve squitted out upon the non-elite, the grunts, chavs and beige civilians. Us in other words.
But they`re stuffed. Only needs a letter opener to spill their stomach stuffing, and Burns Night is soon.
The BBC talk all they like-but we now KNOW what we voted for in 2010-it was not for this-and Nigel has lit the kindling under the faggots.
Another vast manipulation scandal which the BBC does not see fit to broadcast. As the article suggests, the BBC would be all over it 24/7 if it involved the Russians –
Ah yes, Der Sturmer.
G – If it were ANY other country they’d be all over it, imagine the coverage if it were China; America; Germany or France who were discovered to be interfering in the government of the U.K. in such a manner?
I thought al beebus were supposed to be anti-Israel and anti-Semitic too? If that were true, one should expect they’d be hitting this story harder than a red-haired step child; wouldn’t they?
Ah, the bbc and its funny little deletions….
And on that happy note, Sunday starts in earnest…
“The NHS is making people sick, GP tells BBC”
“GPs ‘already work 24/7, 365 days a year'”
We are in a state of emergency – The answer ?
Employ and train more nurses and doctors, build more hospitals.
Where does all the money come from ? Divert it from the vast amount we give in Foreign Aid every year. Put our people first .
Sunday Telegraph reports that MPs are to quiz media executives about “fake news”. Will this include the BBC ?
Well Taff, it might help if the bloody CCGs and the rest of the impositioned were cleared out, all delberate transitional bodies aimed eventually to be all taken over by you guessed it … private insurers, accountancy firms and bloody management consultants, a veritable army of unnecessary intermediaries all siphoning away OUR taxpayers’ money from delivery of OUR healthcare. I totally agree, and could not concur more with you about foreign aid but look at the REAL thieves, the real snakes.
The GPs have been set up to be yet another scapegoat for the Tory plan for the NHS.
About time the BBC got those Tory sh-tbags Oliver Letwin, Redwood
oh and Simon Steven, and got them to come clean, (almost an impossibility with conservatives I know) … why do you think J Hunt
is such a glove puppet? he looks like the fkin Manchurian candidate
You would think that the GP’s Union leader would think before he opens his mouth, wouldn’t you ?
From taffman’s link above, “GPs ‘already work 24/7, 365 days a year’”
The immediate response could easily have been “…if that’s the case, then it should be no problem keeping the surgeries open, then !”
But then, it’s the BBC we’re talking about, and weaponising the NHS against any Tory government has been a long-term fundamental policy.
Cut down on immigration. Except for qualified doctors, Gps and nurses.
The NHS is not in genuine crisis, cos 99% of patients are treated fine on most days.
For some patients on some days they are let down and end up on a trolley for 12 hours.
If cos of illegals the NHS is treating 103% of bona fide population then that’s a problem that can be fixed.
Seriously : There is a problem with Social Services and NHS fighting against each other budgetwise. SS saved money by closing OP homes which then led to more costs for NHS as treated OPs can’t be sent out of the hospital bed. Even if they were part of same organization departments do fight against each other.
If each patient had say a £60/day care allowance which moved with them then care homes would be more careful about dumping patients into the NHS and quicker to fetch them out when treatment had been completed.
Basically the budget would say that hospital patients pay £60/day for a bed, even tho that £60 comes from the tax-fund.
Of course you’d have to guard against hospitals filling wards with coma patients.
SG, a story about delayed discharge from a few years ago.
The government decided that Social Services Departments were to be fined if they failed to act promptly to place people who hospitals wanted to discharge. It was accepted that there would be genuine cases where it wasn’t anyone’s fault and so all Social Services Departments were given a budget of some hundreds of thousands of pounds to pay the fines in these “no fault” cases. Any fines beyond this amount would be paid from their own resources.
The response where I worked (NHS but involved with Social Services) was for the “fines budget” to be allocated immediately to schemes that would prevent the delays, with the NHS hospitals deciding which would be the most beneficial. In return the NHS hospitals agreed that because the fines budget had already been spent to help them, they wouldn’t impose the fines except in cases where Social Services had really screwed up. For example, if a patient was ready for discharge and a care home bed had been found, but the family then objected and wanted a placement in a care home that didn’t have any empty beds, they delay while that was sorted out didn’t incure a fine. On the other hand, it a patient was ready for discharge but Social Services hadn’t completed their assessment of need, it was their fault and they coughed up. There was a joint NHS/SSD steering group to decide where the budget was to be spent and to decide on the level of “fault” in disputed cases.
The system worked well. The number of delayed discharges was greatly reduced, and both the acute hospitals and Social Services gained a better understanding of each other’s problems. Of course, with the number of delayed discharges reduced the government decided that their great idea of fines had worked and the budget was withdrawn. Down the snake back to square one, with Social Services closing care homes, the NHS closing community hospitals and the acute hospitals having to look after patients who didn’t need an expensive acute bed.
Needless to say the complexity of this story was too much for the local BBC and it never made the news.
Immigration policy for Wales ‘should be considered’
Ask the people of Wales .
Yes, Include the vast amount that voted UKIP etc not just the Welsh Assembly and Al Beeb.
I’ve been working on a secret software project recently and I am considering, patenting and marketing my automatic bullshit detector©. It will be in the form of a phone app and a PC program (MAC will have to wait, I’m not sure about them).
The concept is surprisingly simple. It seems to me that if any of the following terms are included in news headlines, there is a high probability that the ensuing article will be liberal hogwash.
religion of peace
hideously white
etc etc – I could go on but I think you will have got the idea by now.
Let’s put the idea to the test (a sort of beta version)
John Lewis: Trump slammed for attack on rights icon
And in we go to the article. (detector working)
“Congressman Lewis said he did not regard Mr Trump as a legitimate president ”
Well, correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t Mr Trump been recently elected in a democratic vote? Oh but I forgot that liberals only like votes when they win.
“The row came as civil rights activists led by Rev Al Sharpton began a week of protests ahead of Mr Trump’s inauguration on 20 January.” Why do you need civil rights activists when you have had 8 years of a black president? Shouldn’t you be slamming Obama instead of Trump? Trump is not even president yet!
After initial trials I’m quite confident that the testing phase of my automatic bullshit detector© is going well and hope to have it available soon. The only thing that concerns me is that anyone with half a brain can spot the bullshit a mile away, even without the detector software, which somewhat reduces the market.
As you say seismic, the technology is in place. Mine is centrally placed on my head, at the front, and projects forward – rather neatly I’ve been told, though somewhat spoiled of late by the addition of unwanted hair growth.
Although outmoded, mine is still capable of detecting the offending substance at anything up to 25 yards (22.8m)depending on wind direction and strength.
Excellent idea here siesmicboy.
As a member of the “knock-kneed professions”-teacher with social work training, could you add a bespoke list including
appropriate (and its twin “inappropriate”)
cultural sensitivity
time of reflection
“lessons have been learned” etc…
If you add “mispeak”-why you`ll get the Clinton dream catching weasel word market too.
Great idea. Good luck!
The idea that…
All the evidence shows…
More Brexitphobia ………….
“Passport queues ‘could be longer after Brexit’, airports warn”
if you had used my patented bullshit detector the word ‘brexit’ would have triggered the software and given you an audible warning (klaxon, siren etc – fully cutomisable) and saved you the bother of reading on any further.
I am old enough to remember the queues at the airport for UK Citizens which was changed to ‘every man and his dog’ but soon to be changed back to the former and shorten the queues for UK citizens.
The UK Border Force are not renown for their expertise. How many illegal immigrants are missing? how many hundred thousand?
Turn that klaxon off, it’s deafening.
Fine tune it to filter the new virus infecting Al Beeb and the media known as ‘Brexitphobia’ 😉
I think you would have to have some very craftily designed sensitivity settings for this device.
Imagine it if every telly across the country was fitted with one. And the news presenter utters those immortal lines “and now we turn to Laura Kuenssberg for analysis of the political implications of this story”
I can see the constant flashing lights and klaxons probably causing a power surge which would put a strain on the whole power distribution network and probably cause power cuts.
Snowflakes everywhere would not be able to access The World of Warcraft and therefore would have to fill their time talking to their parents, lights would go off in sushi bars, daytime telly would stop, and worse than anything coffee machines would not work – How do you make coffee without pressing a button?. And with no computers people might have to walk down the shops rather than order it all online .
Sorry folks you are playing with fire
You might think that the idea of a bullshit detector is fanciful, but is precisely what the German government coalition is proposing for Facebook.
Mainstream German politicians have been unable to cope with all the “fake news” and “hate speech” since Merkel’s Madness. The proposal is to entrust a research foundation with the “fact checking” of Facebook content. Doubtful contributions will be flagged with a question mark. Truly Big Brother gone mad. What adult would put up with nonsense of that kind? Renate Künast, a Bündnis 90/Grüne luminary who is never off the German BBCs, has demanded that the ironic use of ROP be prosecuted under German law, so things said on biasedbbc could result in fines or imprisonment. The urgency for all this is, of course, the forthcoming election in Germany. Trump has shown how to cut out the “MSM middlemen” and talk using their language directlty to the “mob” as the powers-that-be would see them.
Using the pretext of “hate speech”, “hate incidents” and “fake news” on the social media, the political elites and Maas the “justice” minister in particular, are desperate to muzzle the German public.
Simply have one queue for holders of British passports and another for all other passports.
The BBC tells us Mr Kerry, then aged 26, was credited with saving his crew and was awarded the US military’s Silver Star for bravery.. The BBC does not go on to tell us that Kerry renounced his medals on April 23, 1971.
So. Benn’s committee want to undermine our EU negotiations by making us play our hand in the open and with our hands tied behind our backs (letting all EU people stay in the UK unilaterally)
Let’s cast our minds back to a Labour example of negotiating expertise.
Labour Government – we’ll give you a big pay rise
Recipient – thanksd
LG – youll be on about £66,000
R- great
LG – the only thing is, you must be prepared to provide a service if required evenings and weekends
R – oh, we don’t really want to do that
LG- ok, well, we won’t make you do that but if younonly want to work a normal 9-5 Monday to Friday working week, we can only pay you £60,000
R- its a deal
And that, as many readers will know, is what really happened in 2005, when Labour’s Patricia ‘Cash for Access’ Hewitt negotiated the new GP contracts, and bragged about how proud she was that GPs were among the best paid in Europe, and how much we were spending on the NHS.
And here we are, with many A and E departments overfull, and Theresa asking the GPs to do a bit more.
And the biased BBC conveniently with a memory like a sieve, forget to wonder how we got here
They also got paid extra for carrying out tests etc which they had previously provided as part of their normal service.
Agree with your general points Stuff, but the facts are even more disgraceful than you suggest . Thanks to Hewett/Blair’s new contract GPs got a 25 percent pay rise in 2004. By 05/06 average GP salaries reached £110,000. As you say they did LESS in return for this, especially no out of hours if they opted out. The influx of part time women GPs aggravated these tendencies . Equally , big salaries equal big pensions and the incentive to retire earlier.
BBC Toady interviewed the BMA GPs leader yesterday. He squirmed around trying to argue for much of the interview that GP surgeries never closed in office hours and that people always got to see a GP as and when they needed . This is risible of course and Humphrys did challenge it. But nothing was said about the 2004 contract. The BBC is always silent on that .
The GP issue is only one area where the NHS needs fundamental reform . And not of the Lansley variety either . A monolithic nationalised industry with highly politicised unions having undue influence on spineless bloated management cannot be the way forward . Sooner or later there must be more private sector alternatives . Its the only way to get more money into health in a manner the taxpayer will accept. Meanwhile the core state health system must be made to work more efficiently . Both doctors and their unions and the NHS management must be depoliticised.
The BBC could do us a service by having an in depth debate on these issues . But it’s obsession with bashing the Tories makes this impossible .
So all we will get is endless NHS crisis stories.
Majid Nawaz on LBC encouraging Blairite Labour voters to vote LibDem.
I have been predicting for some time a massive LibDem revival as middle class Labour voters who dont support Corbyn vote LibDem.
I am worried that Tory Remainers will also vote LibDem, as happened in Richmond.
Made the mistake of turning on Radio 3 whilst at my morning toilette (Radio 4 is of course unlistenable). Private passions was the programme and Philippe Sands (multi millionaire, human rights bloodsucking lawyer) was the guest -what a very BBC choice ! Allowed to make a series of unchallenged assertions about the current state of the world : dark times, 1930s being revisited, populism, xenophobia, far right in ascendance blah blah blah. I would quote verbatim, but I keep dry retching when I try to listen to it again.
Yes. it’s just this sort of sly selectivity that grinds one down after a while and, in my case at least, leads to the radio getting locked to the pretty awful Classic FM.
When challenged to ‘prove’ the Left wing bias of BBC, the choice of guests on such programmes should always be high on the charge sheet.
I have tuned in to that a few times. I thought it was desert island discs !
Donbob-Couldn’t agree more. I used to listen to Radio 3 quite a bit. But even the “fifth colomnist” sleepers have wormed there way in to this “arts” radio channel.
As for Classic FM. They have absolutely no idea who Anton Bruckner was. “Didn’t he compose a very popular violin concerto?” Ner, he is with Beethoven the greatest of all symphonic composers! As for the Koran being recited in a cathedral. I see nothing wrong with this. The cathedral WILL be a mosque in around 4 generations at a maximum.
I am just surprised that Radio 3 doesn’t start their morning programmes with the Adhan.
Has the BBC ever described Corbyn as ‘divisive’?
Why not?
Farage and Thatcher are always described as ‘divisive’.
And also ‘controversial’ perhaps?
All politicians are “divisive”, by definition. There is no one politician who everyone agrees with. The BBC is divisive, although they would call themselves ” inclusive “.
Yes, all politicians are divisive. But not the BBC’s chosen ones as with Corbyn,Saint Blair and Princess of Darknees Mandy.
Cult leftlam mandates that everyone has to be identified/introduced under one of their ‘labels’, especially for political and moral warfare. The ‘label’ is and has been team leftlam’s most powerful weapon against its enemies. Just one word can elevate whoever they choose to expert/superiority status or ruin that persons credibility. A ‘label’ removes any reason for debate or explanation as to what is right and wrong, the label already predetermins the conclusion of the debate to the reader/viewer.
By far the most divisive policy in western politics is the social destructive and traitorous mass immigration policy that is championed and fanatical pursued by commie, white hating bastards like Corbyn and Al Shabeeb. Other divisive policies that are completely against the will of the vast majority of people are the totalitarian control of what language we can and cannot use. The discrimination by law, of white men for being born with white skin and y chromosomes. And most importantly, celebrating and protecting the evil, utterly intolerant, fascist, bigoted and desperate to slaughter every single infidel on earth – Islam, when the vast majority of the world are against everything Islam stands for.
That’s truely divisive. Everything about the left is divisive and intolerant, yet the mental illness that consumes leftoids have the delusion to label everything and everyone that doesn’t follow their every instruction as divisive!…..only someone suffering from leftism could conclude such bolloxs and actually believe it
Important this Tothepoint.
Will have to start taking a note on how everybody is described-amazing what the media get away with.
Words like “divisive” ” inclusive” and “consensus”, “moderate” are loaded-and the interviewee needs to sort this at the very start.
As is said above-why is Farage divisive, but Owen Smith was not.
When one split his party and one has been a long established one-man band?
Lewis seeks to deny the democratic process in the US. The BBC describe him only as a “veteran civil rights campaigner”. If the audience were made aware that he was a congressman they might think Trump justified in not allowing him a free hit.
I believe we will see the bbc switch loyalty to LibDem too.
Actually, I believe that happened some years ago – at least in part – and I suspect there is a disproportionately high number of LibDums ‘working’ for the BBC. At some stage the Corporation began giving the LDs vastly more airtime than could possibly have been justified by their election results. And they still do.
I’ve long believed the plan (conscious or unconscious) was to see the country run by Labour, with the LibDums acting as the opposition and conservatives (small ‘c’) reduced to a small, angry, irrelevant rump.
An idea has found its time.
After that CNN ranter the other day-AND how the likes of Izzard and Owen Jones behave as they shout over the likes of Nigel or Hartley-Brewer-a Trump staffer suggests drug-tests for hacks at their press conferences.
Would explain a lot-and bet the likes of Snow, Dymond, Self would not like this at all!
Great idea Mr Trump!
Snow – how apt!
BBC News – Israel-Palestinian conflict??: France holds world summit
“Israel and the Palestinians have been invited to hear the conclusions of the meeting, but not to participate in the summit itself.
Palestinians have welcomed the meeting but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – who is not attending – says the conference is “futile”.
Deliberately vague BBC inserts “conflict”
The BBC intimates “conflict” ie armed conflict … whereas a constant wave of Islamic terrorist attacks have bought about a response, If Israel decided upon
an armed conflict, a real one there would be no “Palestinian” entity.
Two state solution?, for crying out loud!, better to drop the Kerry/Obama dead donkey and indeed Obama s last stitch up. Either apply to be faithful Israeli citizens with what that entails or emigrate elsewhere into Jordan/Egypt where they might be more homogenised into typical, Arab culture.
I don t if I can link two video s, I ll try
“or emigrate elsewhere into Jordan/Egypt”
Nogginator, what makes you think that either Jordan or Egypt would take them? They have enough security problems with their home-grown terrorists, or should that be “the refugees” they let in last time.
Sneering at Trump on TV today.
9pm BBC4 repeat of Rich Hall’s prog
11:05 C5 “The Roast of Donald Trump” an old 2011 comedy show mocking him with his approval for a $400K donation to his charity.
I am generally quite negative in nature (always have a half empty glass) but I am beginning to believe that the left really has become a busted flush and my glass is filling up by the day.
This partly due to the lefts arrogant, hectoring nature and sense of entitlement it displays daily. But I think that the greatest weapon we have against the liberals at the moment are the left themselves and the msm and in particular the BBC.
This is because they cannot help themselves and can only react in one way. If they are feeling confidant about a story they go out of their way to give it a left wing/multyculty spin and if they are on a sticky wicket with another story they go in even harder with even more barefaced “liberal” viewpoint. Like confused attack dogs who end up biting everyone thus drawing everyones attention to their aggression and lack of control.
Most people now with at least half a brain can see that these lies, propaganda and extreme bias stick out like a stuffed member – And as most of us do not like being treated as morons or having never ending guilt trips laid at our door.
All we want to do is work hard and provide for our nearest and dearest. I dont really care if the Prime Minister has an affair, wears studded leather knickers or has a fetish for doorknobs. All I really care about is whether she puts the countries needs first.
And now the public (we) have started to kick back. The left might have got away with their tricks if this was a totalitarian state but this is not so easy in a society where you have a long tradition of democracy. (But it is interesting that it is the liberal left who are most shrill in introducing new laws to shut people up and control the media)
If the BBC and friends had been canny they would have kept everything fairly low key just occasionally feeding their pernicious poison to us when they thought it would have most effect, however after having overplayed their hand so much, many people now pretty much doubt everything they report on.
I suppose now it is a race between common sense reasserting itself vs the creation of lots of new “UK nationals” who will be more than willing to vote to retain the liberal status quo.
However as the cats are all out of the bag, this may not now be so easy.
So assuming we do achieve some sort of meaningful brexit as well as thanking the likes of Nigel Farage, Katie Hopkins, Ian Duncan Smith and Rees Mogg. Can I also raise an even bigger glass to the likes of David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Jo Cox, Bob Geldof, Diane Abbot and the biggest thanks of all must go to the likes of our judiciary and media and especially Lord Hall and the BBC Board of Directors. Without your incompetent leadership, greed and disgraceful bias none of this would probably have even been thinkable!
So cheers ladies and gentlemen – Your Health!
I was suprised and gratified today to find out that no less than three members of my wife’s family expressed an interest in the badge they noticed her wearing.
They have been informed that it came from “The Bonny Badge Co.” I have no connection with this company, apart from being a satisfied customer.
The tide does seem to have turned.
Oaknash, you missed Tony Blair off you list of incompetents. Without his surrender of much of our rebate for no reform of agricultural policy our net contribution to the EU would be much lower, and the BBC’s hysterical objections to the use of the gross contribution figure on the side of the bus would have been less ridiculous.
As an aside, I think that the use of the gross figure was a master stroke. It tempted the BBC to keep arguing about the exact number, day after day, which constantly reminded everyone that whichever way you calculate it the EU membership fee is huge. A beautiful trap that the BBC was too stupid to recognise.
RJ you are right and Blair also richly deserves our thanks for brexit. Obama too should also be praised for his “back of the queue” speech which helped enormously in that people realised that we were being threatened by a foreign leader who was party to what in effect was an international liberal “stitch up”
I suppose you can also thank the EU too. Junker, Merkel et al. I think they saw us as little more than a cash cow. In effect someone to buy their exports, support their swollen fishing fleets and also pay through the nose to help sub out the profligate lifestyles of Greece, Belgium etc and of course the EU machine itself. We were also expected to take our “fair share” of Merkels “refugees”
Many of the EU politicians also reserved the right to sneer at us because we werent proper Europeans. They would love to “punish” us but probably now realise that they are more likely to harm their own economies even more than ours.
So in truth “Their name is Legion” But what unites them all is that their greed, indifference, arrogance, naivity and narrow self interest has opened the eyes of many in our nation to what is really going on.
Good analysis, Oaknash, especially: “This partly due to the lefts arrogant, hectoring nature and sense of entitlement it displays daily. But I think that the greatest weapon we have against the liberals at the moment are the left themselves and the msm and in particular the BBC.” (sic) Nothing exceeds like excess. And the Devil does do excess rather well.
We have had approximately three generations pass through a social support model called the Welfare State. In the UK we have all benefited from it, some more than others, hence the current obesity crisis although the causes of that might surprise some enthusiasts for the Welfare State.
In trying to explain to Grant, just over a week or so ago, as to why the ‘Liberal Left’ in the UK wish to undermine their own nation and society, I pointed to a parallel to two stages in the 20th century history of the USA: the Great Depression & the Roosevelt Administration and the Civil Rights movement.
For the UK and the US to a lesser extent, there is another factor: atheism.
With all due respect to those who post here who are of that persuasion, atheism actually doesn’t do away with God or refuse to acknowledge a God who exists or is accurate in identifying that there is no God (of Creation or anything else) at all.
What it tends to do, often actually does – and I would argue has done ever since the time of Genesis Chapter 3! – is to create lots of gods. Man makes his own gods and worships them. He worships his own self after he has made a little golden cow (or somesuch) and if I may be permitted to draw attention to another part of the Bible, a prime example comes in Exodus 32, as some of you may have already guessed.
What is that Exodus 32 moment for post-WW2 Britain? There’s a long list of small ‘g’ gods: the NHS, ‘free’ education by the State, the right to work and strike, the Benefits system, women’s rights to contraception and abortion, the racism industry, human rights industry, Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change to name some – I may have missed more. You could add the BBC and its Licence Fee, perhaps, to the list. In a very strange conflict that is rarely, if ever, considered both with number five on my list and events in recent history in Rochdale and Rotherham and Oxford, etc., you should definitely add ‘children’ to this list.
The Liberal Left, especially the younger members who now have to live down the Generation Snowflake tag, have a sense of entitlement because they are ‘god’! The US Presidential Election should go their way with Hillary Clinton elected because they have decreed it. Trump is unsuitable, worse even, it has come like a voice from on high but only out of the mouths of babes & sucklings who are gods. A lot of US Democrat voters were, apparently not listening. The UK should stay in the EU because god has said the EU (another ‘god’) is wonderful and we should do what god wants.
When god is displeased he throws insults and stones at Boris Johnson’ front door, notwithstanding that god was throwing other things when displeased by the same pro-EU David Cameron in the Cameron-led Coalition over the matter of tuition fees. He or she then paints himself or herself blue with yellow dots and walks down the Strand to Trafalgar Square and on to Downing Street to vent his or her displeasure. [My apologies to the gender-phobic, I just couldn’t cope with the full list. Aah! Now that’s another really modern god for the above list!]
The old human nature rises up all the time. Parents, starting with little babies, spend a considerable amount of time and effort – or should do – teaching their offspring to suppress that unacceptable part of human nature and its behaviour which expresses itself in demands and hissyfits, temper and tantrums. In adult life, most people have it either dealt with via Divine grace and mercy, education, personal discipline and development or partly suppressed or a combination of all of those.
But it still rears its head from time to time.
We are now seeing this in a big way with the pro-EU campaigners’ behaviour before during and after the Referendum, the Democrats in the US similarly before 8 November 2016 and the mainstream media feeding off it and into it all the time, from the position of being their own little gods worried about their precious other little gods that they have made in their own likeness.
How long will we have to put up with it? And big sermons like this one? Apologies for the long read, it had to be put down now before it disappeared like a mist.
I do not know.
It would not surprise me in the slightest if, in one year or four years time, we and the media are all wondering what the big fuss was all about.
Snuff – I actually agree with much of what you say. A strong church (as in much of Eastern Europe) does provide a structure and morally clear path to navigate through life. And though I do not attend a church regularly. I am not against it per se and believe it can provide a sense of community and a degree of spiritual strength which can transcend the normal day to day existence.
The problem is that as a society we have adopted too many of the other gods you have mentioned and in effect have become decadent and spiritually dead.
Unfortunately, by not being outspoken about the evil that is being visited upon our society by some members of a recently imported religion and actually aiding and abetting Islam in its European expansion (at the expense of our own culture and values) the C of E and mainstream Catholic church have shown themselves to be both impotent and irrelevant to the lives of many who once looked to the church for guidance.
Just like the BBC the C OF E appears to be dominated by liberal thinkers who believe every refugee sob story and are more than willing to throw away our own culture and thousands of years of traditions for some multyculty smarty points. Whilst at the same time preaching understanding for a group of people who think nothing of sexually abusing women if they are of the “wrong” religion
I truly hope I am wrong about this but the only way I see that people would become more spiritual and go back to the church is if we end up in a conflict situation, people are then reminded a bit more of their own mortality. However if the church is not willing to even defend its own beliefs and culture then there is little hope for it and people will find a new God and the church will just become another irrelevant distraction.
I’ve just been reminded of one I missed, Oaknash.
Am no particular fan of animals being made to do tricks by a trainer (I find them fascinating enough when filmed in the wild) but BBC R4 News at 6pm reminded me that Barnum’s & Bailey’s Circus is being sacrificed to the god of ‘Animal Rights’ in a few weeks time. I saw a heading for this on the BBC Home Page today but forgot about that one when listing the modern gods.
The clowns will be the next to go.
A lot of what people seek to do in righting real wrongs is no bad thing but it gets taken to excess when not anchored to the reality of either a distinct belief in an external and eternal God (something that over two-thirds of the UK population held until recently) or the ethics code that is built almost totally on the Christianised chore of the Jewish Law.
Not on the BBC, and probably won’t be …
An appallingly savage gang rape of a young woman by a group of immigrants, some of whom were already on police files for threats and violence.
The following lines will send the shiver down the spines of all non-BBC/SKY/Guardian type folk:
“The two so-called “stateless refugees” — so identified because they arrived in Sweden without identification papers and consequently can’t be deported”
What? So, all a criminal must do to avoid deportation is not admit to his nationality?
The West grows more crazy with each passing minute.
Same in the UK. If they have no papers either on them or at home stating their nationality, they cannot be deported.
Jail them with out food until they reveal their full identity – Simples.
They are illegal and breaking the law, why should we feed them ?
Personally I would cuff them to a chair and leave them in the same room with the father of the girl who was assaulted and of course a pair of very sharp scissors.
They should then be deported to the country they said they came from – Job done
Or don’t let them anywhere near your country in the first place.
Almost every archaeology programme seems to feature analysis of a skull. They take one of the teeth, compare its chemical composition to those in the data base and instantly know where the person lived as a child. If archaeologists can do it so can Home Office forensic scientists.
They would need the consent of the immigrant to examine his teeth (Human Rights). Same applies to DNA.
Dover Sentry
How do the police examine and acquire the DNA of criminals ?
Surely, illegal immigrants/migrants are criminals . Especially now that we have been invaded .
If you’ve committed a criminal offence, fingerprints etc. can be taken by force.
Immigrants don’t commit a criminal offence per se.
Illegal immigrants/migrants do.
Breaking News!!!
The BBC has been hacked by the RUSSIANS!!
The (thankfully) final episode of the “international hit series” Sherlock has been hacked and placed for download in the interweb. The people responsible are Russians and although no one has said as such, experts no doubt believe it to be the work of global criminal mastermind known only by his code name, Putin.
More news to follow as soon as I’ve had a few pints and can think something up. Stay tuned!!!
I always suspected Putin was a fan of Basil Rathbone. An actor who wasn’t a snowflake – he won the MC in 1918.
Friends! My latest round-up of my weekly Tweets is now – literally – available:
And by the way, if any of you wish to keep up with my tweets in real time, without having to follow me on the Far-Right Twitter, they now appear on the right-hand sidebar of the Blog (about a third of the way down the page), all thanks to the Hard-Right WordPress!
Just finished watching the only show that’s still designed for all people who pay for the Islamic Al Beeb, and not the standard eco chamber show where being mentally ill, sheltered, full of bullshit, self important, utterly intolerant to any other views and hating Great Britain, British values, British history and heritage, and white British people, are mandatory….Sunday Politics with Andrew Neil.
First we had anti Democrat and totalitarian Tim “I know what every single person in the UK wants, so I will just decide for them” Fallon inadvertently winning the argument for total brexit, with a level in magnitude car crash interview that would have caused multiple fatalities and closed the road for a month.
But the highlight of the show was by non other than world class bell-end, and professional tosser Piers Morgan, who brilliantly and epically owned and schooled the bigoted, Trump hating fascists, including every Islamic Al Beeb employee, who embarrassingly just cannot accept what’s happening, nor accept that whatever they are doing is never going to change the result, just make themselves look ridiculous and push even more people to back Trump. Never thought I’d be saying this, but great stuff and hats off to Piers Morgan
Not forgetting Andrew Neils devastating blitzing of Oswald Mosleys spawn re Impress and Press Regulation.
Hell, Neil even stuck in the fascist roots of Max en passant.
Great telly-and by the time someones told Max what we all saw-Neil has long left the studio.
Will have to watch him again-he is JUST what we`re needing at the minute.
Neil-not Spanking Max, need I add?
It is up on the YouTube
That was in response to Tothepoint above. The threads seem to have got mixed.
Piers Morgan a friend of Donald Trump???
Trump just went down a long way in my estimation.
Thank you for posting the link.
Five people discussing DJT and marking our card for us without a single bleeding heart liberal apparent.
Well done AN. How you manage to keep your job at the BBC is a wonder!
I was more interested in watching the grey squirrels being chased up those trees by two dogs in the background, than anything Farron came out with; a characterless nonentity leading what amounts to, in political power terms, a glorified parish council.
Morgan is such a tw@t! The policies of which he admiringly spoke being what got his old mate Trump elected are, for the most part, what Nigel Farage and UKIP espoused – both of which Morgan loathes.
You just can’t make this stuff up. “The firebombing of a synagogue by three Muslim men was not anti-Semitism, but a legitimate act of criticism against Israel, a German regional court has ruled.” Who knew that slices of bacon sent a more powerful message than a Molotov cocktail. No chance of the bBBC picking up the story though.
‘The Brits “Not so white” in 2017’
Another race-baiting article. The funniest thing is that it actually shows that this year’s nominees were only selected due to tokenism and that BAME candidates are now massively over-represented – many of them barely even being known – yet they celebrate this as somehow being more diverse.
The PC mindset is truly fascinating.
The one on Facebook has garnered some worthy responses.
All this so-called positive discrimination nonsense unfortunately backfires because we can all see through it. Therefore when the BBC unveil a new black newsreader or a new female sports presenter everyone knows full well that that person only got the job because they are on some diversity check list. Everybody loses with this rubbish. The not-so-daft viewers get offended and fed up with the BBC; the genuinely talented black, female, etc presenters are tarred with the same brush as those who would never had made it on merit; and finally the talented white, male presenter who gets pushed to the back of the queue because of his white, male guilt loses out big time. Positive discrimination is just another name for negative discrimination and should never, ever be allowed, anywhere.
BBC Online News:
“”Prince Charles co-authors Ladybird climate change book””
“”The 52-page guide has been co-authored by former Friends of the Earth director Tony Juniper and climate scientist Emily Shuckburgh.””
No suggestion by the BBC of course that Climate Change is challenged by many or that it is ‘Divisive’.
Songs of Praise from the Isle of Lewis, birth place of Donald Trump’s mother. Started quite well. Looks like there are some black people on Lewis, assuming thay weren’t bussed in by the BBC.
Then cut to Birmingham which would seem to be almost entirely populated by immigrants, but they are enriching, so that is OK. Back to Lewis and Teuchter local historian says that Trump will say what he wants even if it upsets other people. ” It is a Hebridean trait “. True !
I lost count of the number of times the program used the word ” controversial” about Trump. With the BBC , the propaganda is relentless, even on Songs of Praise.
We all know what this is building up to. Drop Songs of Praise and broadcast Friday prayers live from a mosque every friday. BBC , so transparent.
“…black people on Lewis” Lennox?
LOL !! I just doubt if there are many blacks on the Isle of Lewis. There are quite a few Pakis. I went there for 2 days some years ago . Ended up staying 10 days due to excessive hospitality.
Probably the BBC production crew and their camp followers, Grant.
Never been to the Hebrides, my granny used to promounce it He Brides. 🙂
Excessive hospitality. I ended up in Fort William hospital after a “wee” slip on Carn Mor Dearg, one february, after a night on the malt in the Clachaig Inn, Glen of Weeping. Trying to do the Ben in winter was not a good way to sober up in hindsight.
Here we go with vague, ambiguous Al BBC reporting
BBC News – Church ‘deeply distressed’ by Koran offence, says Primus
“The Church is “deeply distressed” at the offence caused by the reading of a passage from the Koran in a Glasgow cathedral”
…. Why?, How can possibly be surprised, What did you expect? etc.
Here s the “money shot”, why the Al BBC is reporting it.
“In his blog, he also condemned the abuse received by St Mary’s Cathedral.
Police are investigating offensive online messages aimed at the church”.
From who,? from where? BBC?.
“The primus said, the church wanted to bring together people involved in interfaith relations”
Then don t make the mistake, of calling a dangerous political ideology, a religion
when everyone, according to your postbag, clearly knows the facts.
An example, cop a load of this picture …
Educational charity out to show Dundonians the true meaning of Islam
Once again check out the comments, better get with the program Rev
… Everyone knows, everyone can see, read, watch, what this ideology
is doing to Christians, Jews, Gays, innocents, and children.
Trying to sell it as a “religion”? … tough sell.
Here s some interfaith dialogue 😀
A sermon for you Reverend
If you bought a toaster, that patently didn t work
… you read the instruction book,
that only tells you how to burn people, or blame everyone else because it fails, or plug it in and it ll blow you up.
You d throw it in the garbage where it belongs, and warn everyone not to ever touch it.
Here endeth the lesson.
Noggin boy – I think you are misinterpreting the photo = It shows the Reverend Mike accepting his luxury halal fortnums hamper for 1st place in the “Dhimmi of the year awards”
Outgoing CIA Head, John Brennan has a go at Trump for tweeting, tells him to hold his tongue.
Now given the BBC’s method of reporting allegations with their news stories, perhaps they might have mentioned allegations that Brennan is a Muslim convert. These allegations are widespread, although Snopes fact checker (allegedly pro Obama) determines them as unproven. So what? They should be mentioned according to BBC practice.
Suggest heading ‘Alleged ‘Muslim convert’ CIA Head warns Trump to hold his tongue’
One thing undisputed is the close relationship between Obama (an alleged Muslim) and Brennan
Anyone else getting mixed up with what is happening here and an episode of “Homeland” and the role Damian Lewis played? Talk about art imitating life!
OK, I don’t usually watch this shite but as it was supposed to be from Stornoway, Isle of Lewis where my late Dad was from, so thought I’d see someone or something I recognised. A quick flash over my Grandparents cemetery was about it & then the message started: Satan’s (Donald Trump) mother was from the island so fuck everything else let’s rubbish him some more. BBC snowflake Magnussun latched onto an islander & tried desperately to get some dirt but he wasn’t dishing – so quick, cut to some migrant arse kissing trendy woman rev. in pissing Stoke??:? WTF has stoke got to do with Stornoway – I’ll tell you what, the name Trump was uttered more than three times in one slot so we must be re-conditioned immediately with some immigrant bullshit to counter this. Cut back to the Wicker-Man Island & a piece littered with the word ‘controversial’ & Trump regarding his friendship with a vicar that the BBC hate; Magnussun hissing her best distaste inflections onto her hate speech.
Three Trumps & you’re out for re-assimilation so cue a happy-slappy all-black church piece from Birmingham! yes, that well known Hebridean enclave of a perfect society (think Lagos or Harare) yaw now!
So there’s another load of diversity rammed down your throats to counter any mention of Trump.
You have summed it up perfectly. It was a disgrace. I notice that none of the Lewis men and women rubbished Trump !
Grant and Ricks – I think this just shows that there are no depths that our wonderful state broadcaster will not sink to, to make a political/multyculty point.
Grant I think you are right in that if a lot of the traditional songs of praise viewers turn it off because the BBC have turned it into a crock of shite then I suppose they can stop broadcasting and maybe even replace it with a programme that also reaches out to those of other faiths and dare I say it better reflects their idealised modern day, multi cultural UK audience!
Oaknash, don’t you mean other faith (singular) and I wonder which one it could be?
Ricks you only have one guess to what that faith might be!
Its gonna be a tough one!
They didn’t & they never found many to ask! Perhaps the BBC flew in on a Sunday then they would be shunned if not stoned for doing so on the Sabbath. I saw your comment regarding the use of the word ‘controversial’ before I wrote my piece but was so mad I went & repeated it! It’s just another word they slip in almost subliminally to the script but it’s one that sticks in your noggin somewhere. The continuous use of negative words used in conjunction with Trump’s name is an attempt to condition peoples minds to think negative when hearing the word Trump. Try it, just walk past any university at registration time (11:55 am) and say ‘Trump’ out loud. Watch the students shit their organic nappies and hysterically scream ***’ist’ and ***’phobe’ words at you and report you for hate speech. (*** insert usual trendy cause)
There’s not a day goes by when I don’t hear or view some shite in the media about the RoP or how much the world hates Trump.
Change the fucking record ffs.
BBC Website. CIA outgoing chief , John Brennan, warns Trump that he does not understand “Russia’s intentions “. Well, Brennan, what the hell did you and Obama do about it in the last 8 years. Your and Obama’s stupidity and cowardliness gave Putin the confidence to flex his muscles. Brennan. you and Obama are assholes !!
Brennan is one of those yes-men that Obama surrounded himself with. I’m looking forward to the eventual exposé of the politicisation of all of the offices of state that took place under the Obama regime.
All we need is Corporal Jones to complete the picture of panic. From noon on Friday Trump and his people can read all the files and no one has any favours they can call in to make any of it go away.
If the files still exist, RJ, what’s the betting that the shredders will have been working harder than they ever did during the last days of Saigon?
We all know that there is a rush of the gadarene swine at the BBC whenever some fake news pops up about someone looking sideways at a burka clad berk.
And we all know that the BBC will look the other way and whistle Dixie whenever some real news about intolerance and hate from the far left appears.
Well you won’t have heard of this from the BBC.
“Historically black college raises $280G for Trump inauguration appearance”
They’ve been receiving abuse, hatred and death threats. But of course not a peep from the ‘envy of the world’