Tristram Hunt has fled Corbyn’s car crash communism for the V&A Museum. What will be one of its newest acquisitions to put on public display? Perhaps the Labour Party now that its time has past and the rats are leaving the sinking ship abandoning all hope along with it. I’m guessing all that champagne in the fridges at BBC HQ must be nearing its sell by date. Better drink up now boys and girls of the BBC…it could be a long wait otherwise. Still, you’ve got important work to do fighting Trump, Brexit, Far-Right, or even just Right wing, ideology and political success and of course defending the ramparts of the liberal, or not so liberal, bunker against the ravages of ignorant peasantry in revolt, grievously misled as they are by lies and misinformation in a post-fact, post-truth world where elective ignorance is the new enlightenment. Once more unto the breach dear lefties until you fill up this breach with your hideously English dead…as a very subversive, err elitist and pro-Establishment, Sherlock might say as he once again is used as a vehicle to peddle hidden messages for our Progressive masters.
BBC News – Brits are ‘not so white’ in 2017
Is it diversity central BBC who added “not so white”
“Compare that to the controversy of 2016, where white acts dominated the awards”.
“Acts including Craig David, Michael Kiwanuka and Nao have told BBC Newsbeat an increase in diversity at this year’s Brit Awards is “a great thing”.
“Skepta, who previously called the Brits “embarrassing” for its lack of diversity, is leading the nominations with Little Mix”
“The one thing about Britain is how amazingly diverse it is. We are all in this melting pot together”.
“This is a dream come true and the increase in diversity is a great thing”.
“The importance of diversity is that’s what music is. It shows you another view point of how you think in your head and it makes you see the world differently”.
So who said … not so white?
Radio 4 is at it again, currently broadcasting a lecture in Marxism by someone called Robert Newman. In the way doctors like to deliver vile and dangerous medicine by coating it in sugar, Radio 4 is describing his programme as ‘comedy’ but Newman, who is using evolutionary biology as his vehicle, is simply using his layman’s knowledge of biological science as a sugar coating to disguise his own bitter and dangerous content within.
And who the hell is Robert Newman anyway? Ironically, given the way the AGW hecklers like to belittle James Delingpole as ‘just an English graduate’, Newman also read English, but at the other place, Cambridge, and has since slid down the intellectual greasy pole by becoming a political activist and a comedian (in so far as those two things are separable).
It’s not that Newman is’t funny (he isn’t – he’s as predictably banal as Harry Worth) it’s that he is not actually there to make the audience laugh at all. That would be entirely incidental to his primary purpose, which is to deliver a lecture any political commissar sent to keep an eye on the communist rebels in the Spanish Civil War would have been proud of.
And that perfectly sums up the BBC today – and Radio 4 in particular: a soapbox for the far Left, disguised as entertainment. It is relentless, apparently endless, out of control and wholly in breach of the BBC’s charter to do this sort of thing but it does it anyway and, so far gets away with it, thumbing its nose at anyone who sees what it is up to.
It really is time that the BBC was destroyed, brick by brick. It is beyond reform.
But do we finish the left’s work by destroying the BBC? Do we abolish the police, town planning, social work, teaching?
These institutions have been infested and cruelly distorted into propaganda machines for the left. The BBC is now an anachronism, I reluctantly accept it. I just remember the good old days of free sport for us kids. Before it sold it’s soul to pay TV.
That’s the $64,000 question, isn’t it? Pol Pot doesn’t set us a very good example, but what alternative is there? Can you honestly see even the complete evisceration of the BBC’s programme making teams stopping the rot?
I think it has to go.
In ‘Trumpology’ the entire ‘swamp needs draining’. Unfortunately the MPs in this country are to timid to do the job. They are afraid of the media, they have been for years.
IMHO Tory MPs and their researchers visit this site – Lets hope that they get bolder and raise the issue of Al Beeb’s bias in Parliament.
My message to the “Tory Wets” – UKIP are on your tails ………
That’s the whole problem with the Tories – out of the 300 odd MPs they have most probably fall into the ‘wet’ category nowadays, and would be just as content sitting as Lib-dems.
Apart from Liam Fox, David Davis, Philip Davies and Rees-Mogg, Leadsom maybe?.. I can’t think of many more that I’d consider the least bit conservative, or patriotic enough to try and reverse years and years of institutional leftism.
How many of the bodies that you list have been infested by those who have been through the reeducataion program that is Common Purpose?
“Common Purpose runs leadership development programmes that inspire and equip people to work across boundaries. This enables them to solve complex problems in organizations and in society”
Sound harmless and benign don’t they?
I used to wince when I saw posts about CP. Then I looked into it and came to the conclusion I wasn’t being paranoid enough.
That said, the rot really starts with education. If there is a stable that simply must be cleared out, it is that one.
I think it was Thatcher’s biggest mistake in not taking on the teaching unions and especially the teacher, so called, training colleges.
Was at the gym today, on the treadmill facing the telly showing a BBC 1 godslot programme. The Beeb were actually promoting Christianity! What’s this, I thought, AlBeeb trying to be even-handed?
No way, it was about a vicaress stretching the hand of friendship towards migrants and asking us all to do the same. She’d bought a house with some spare cash she happened to have and installed them there. We then had film of the baptisms of 40 year old Arabs having water poured over their heads while they grinned and blinked gratefully.
Quick – headphones on – and found my self on AlBeeb radio! This time the programme was about how child migrants are surviving in Greece! The first one that they interviewed had a basso profundo voice to rival Paul Robeson.
If you can join the army at 16, get married at 16, then you aren’t a child at 16. Why does the U.N.categorise “children” as being under 18?
Antiques Roadshow on now. Subject …Jewish Refugees in WW2 ……no doubt trying to equate the Jews being exterminated by Hitler to the hundreds of millions trying to escape a sh*tty life in Africa to one of opportunity by “breaking into” Europe.
The propaganda never stops. And it just has the opposite effect on me, anyway.
It does on many of us. I get more radical by the week and it’s entirely due to the Left’s hegemony over the media.
Mel too, I never used to harbour this level of animosity towards anyone…but I reckon I could cheerfully take to the streets against the rabid Islam loving British left.
I too am getting more radical. Which is odd because I though I would become apolitical in my old age. I wanted to. But no, the behaviour of the idiot left especially the media is so brainless and destructive that I have to speak and act against it. I fear the electoral success of the popular parties across the continent will be met with increasing police state measures and blocks on democracy. If this happens it will be time to “Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war”.
G. Cooper I like the way you dealt to the Miller gang years ago. You may have to dust off your colts.
And did you not see the two young black females, (what exactly they had to do with a comemmeration of the holocaust, is any bugger’s guess) always in shot over the shoulder of the last women to be interviewed, the one whose father’s cousin had been a catholic priest? The one who had said a mass for the first time since 1936 according to the forgiven German guards, the underlying message from the program being, “forgive them, for they knew not what they did”,
I really wasn’t sure about this ‘marvelous’ Catholic priest. His relation admired the way that he forgave the German camp guards – however terrible their actions. I am not sure that it was in his remit to forgive – surely that is only for Him upstairs and for the people to whom the atrocities were carried out? Otherwise I thought the programme was better than I hoped but one knows the underlying message of ‘be kind to assylum seekers’ yet for me there was the comparison in my mind with the young children saved on kindertransport from certain death and the ‘older’ children coming from the dangerous place that is the Calais ‘jungle’.
I know what you mean, Deborah, but this is what priests are supposed to do, hear a sinners confession and pronounce a penance, usually a few ave marias or pater nosters (all in latin in my day) It would be telling as to what sort of penance was extracted from the camp guards considering the enormity of their sins though.
I also sensed a comparison being suggested between those of the kindertransport and today’s Enfants de Calais as well, but hey, this is the BBC we’re talking about here.
Given the religion of those portrayed/comemmorated, I’m just surprised that the BBC covered the event in the first place.
A revealing moment on Antiques Roadshow.
It was a Holocaust Memorial edition, and Fiona Bruce interviewed Natasha Kaplinski, whose family was affected in Belarus.
Weird thing was that Natasha spoke quite normally, even though she had good reason to be sorrowful, yet against her Fiona spoke in that funerereal, mornful tone that she uses for boats capsizing in the Med, or NHS patients having to wait longer for an op, or anyone sufferring a crisis due to lack of funding, or anything related to Brexit.
The point being the pre-determined narrative, used even as here, where there is no requirement to do so.
And of course Sluff, the reality of the holocaust has many parallels with the aspirations of the RoP, but keep quiet about it and it might go away…
Just saw an advert on ITV for Kikkoman soy sauce.
At the end, they also mention Kikkoman gluten free soy sauce.
Our brilliant NHS spend £26 million per year on prescriptions for gluten free food.
And we have an NHS funding crisis. Apparently.
I wonder if I could get a prescription for my visits to the local chippy or curry house.
Dear BBC, please see my point of view. To illustrate it, imagine a school class room full of 6 year olds. As a special treat the teacher comes in with assorted ice creams – just enough to go round. “Now children, don’t all rush up to the front to grab one – wait for your name to be called and then come and get one. Mohammed up you come first, good boy, well done. Leroy next, choose a nice big one – enjoy it. Sophie next, good girl. Gaylord next – nice dress Gaylord you look lovely” Abdul next and so on. Finally with one ice cream left – “come on then little Johnny, come and get the leftovers – hurray up, never mind that it’s all melted and horrible – now get back to your desk”.
Treezer to appear in Vogue Magazine. Something about her choice of clothes, says her adoring BBC bosses.
On the other hand, she wears appeasing clothes too
If I were a man, My beard would be down here like Merkel’s.
Thankyou, I’ll be wearing it on my next trip to Northern Ireland.
Caption Competition?
“Please, please vote for me?”
“I’m so sorry, I would have worn a burqa if I’d known you were expecting an obedient woman.”
Sorry, hope you don’t mind me having another go…
“I am committed to a successful trade deal with New Zealand so that the sheep stomachs you import for the manufacture of hats will be more cost-effective.”
“snap poll on has shown that 100% of readers believe Teresa Maybe needs to always keep her face covered!”
Contender for “most hilarious article” of the decade, is currently being propagated on the Al Shabeeb webshite
“Facebook to roll out fake news tools in Germany” is the headline. For those with weak hearts or soft sides that are ripe for splitting, please do not read this absolute legendary statement from the devious,conniving, mentally ill psychopaths that follow cult leftism….
“Facebook has been widely criticised after some users complained that fake news had influenced the US presidential election.
German government officials have expressed concern that misinformation on the internet could influence the country’s parliamentary election this year.
Last week, the social news site Buzzfeed found Facebook pages were publishing false stories about German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is seeking re-election”….
HAHA!!! Oh my fu*cking God!!! Have the Islamic Al Beeb seriously just quoted Buzzfeed as the go-to, integrity source on fake news and for the purpose of Facebooks and the lefts attack on freedom of speech and war against people who think differently to the failed elite????? And people say comedy is dead on Al Shabeeb!!!
Fake news? No news more like, TttP. My eldest lives in Germany and the only news he gets is from the UK or RT, German press and TV do not cover anything that shows the colonists in a bad light. Facebook posts are deleted for same reasons, yet Merkel reckons that Germany enjoys free speach!
Merkel is responsible for Europe’s Trojan Horse. Nothing fake about that.
The difference between the German and British attitude to free speech is so profound that it will be a dialogue of the deaf if ever discussed. Nothing in common now and never have had.
Donald Trump says UK ‘doing great’ after Brexit vote
President Trump is on our side! Thanks to Mr Farage.
Live with it Al Beeb and your snowflake friends .
Just seen Timothy Spall on the Andrew Marr Show (catching up on iPlayer) and can only suggest that “celebrities” keep their opinions – and perhaps themselves! – safely locked up in the dressing room, out of harm’s way.
It isn’t more difficult to get to the facts. It’s easier! There is a lot of bullshit out there, but the bullshit is exposed for what it is. That’s the beauty of the internet – truth trumps fiction.
Is he still in role, or is he virtue signalling that he isn’t?
Before we go to the start of a new week, I see All Beeb in full panic and desperation mode as they are getting more and more biased. Is it because they know that their end is nigh? Did they have high expectations of becoming the main broadcasting service for the EU, in effect becoming the European Broadcasting Service along with a big EU grant ?
Now all that is down the pan along with the election of President Donald Trump, who puts GB ‘in the front of the queue’ when St Obama told us we would be at the back.
Panic ? – you aint seen nothing yet , watch this space .
Well done biasedbbc .
I haven’t seen anywhere where Trump said ‘in the front of the queue’. But I would love to see where he did say that.
So would I , but this is looking good ………………..
“Mr Trump promised a quick trade deal between the US and the UK after he takes office in five days time.”
“Ted Malloch, who is expected to be confirmed as Donald Trump’s ambassador to the EU, said: “The UK is now at the front of the queue.”
Its a lot more positive than the statement we got from St obama.
“In contrast to Barack Obama, who said the UK would be at the “back of the queue” for trade talks, Mr Trump made clear a deal with Britain would be a priority for his administration.”
I’m more sceptical. I don’t believe that a US-UK trade deal can be achieved without a compromise that would put the UK at a disadvantage. And the currency markets seem to reflect that view too as the GBP-EUR exchange rate has fallen against GBP. Not that the exchange rate actually tells us anything concrete, but it will be interesting to see how GBP fares in the next, very eventful, week.
The test will be when we revoke Article 50. Why are we taking so long to get it done ?
I think the test will be when the markets open after the weekend in about an hour.
Bad Brexit news from Al Beeb………
“In the words of Esther Reichelt of Commerzbank, “the headwinds to the British economy have definitely increased.”
Does this mean that we sell more goods abroad and buy less from Europe ?
Over to you financial ‘experts’ .
Lets see if it recovers in the morn?