Why is it always Andrew Neil, and only Andrew Neil?
Guido has been revealing the darker secrets of the cabal in charge of Impress, however in two Today investigations of the issues that I have heard, including one with Max Mosley himself, none of the startling revelations that might suggest there should be serious concerns about Impress were aired at all despite them being prominently on display at Guido’s.
Good job there is at least one conscientious journalist on the BBC’s books.
Why only Andrew Neil? A rhetorical question if ever there was one. All the rest of the BBC staff are signed up true believers in the liberal left world view of a peace loving , multicultural , socialist , green, none religious , globalist world order. ( So taken with this romantic view are they that they dismiss the obvious incompatibility between their Utopin vision and the barbarism of Islam. ) They are beyond reason , oblivious to the realities of the world and the people who inhabit it. If they weren’t so dangerous I would feel sorry for them. They may be none religious but they are so with the zeal and intolerance of the Protestant reformers of the 16and 17th centuries , determined to destroy the notion of nation states , England in particular and replace it with their glorious Utopia. Deluded hardly does them justice. Shutting down the likes of the Daily Mail is in their eyes just stamping out a source of heresy. It is surely one of the most serious outbreaks of mass hysteria in history and the irony is that we are forced to pay for it .
Michael Portillo seems to go well with Andrew Neil on This Week.
Probably why he is OFF the BBC News speed dial list.
Definitely an N.I.C. (Not Inclined to Conform).
Dont forget the man-made global warming scam one of the highlights of the existance in the average beebiod’s and leftard’s life
Why? Balance.
One on a relatively obscure, poorly promoted show versus 19,999 touted constantly shows the BBC views are split and they get it about right.
Kind of like how they’ll bury shows that highlight female violence and misandry, or racism against whites, on BBC3 after 10pm, while putting their anti-English and anti-male shows on BBC2 before 9pm.