I’m sorry, we were going to have a new open thread to start the week off but we have just had an email [via Moscow curiously] from the BBC’s James Harding. He tells us that in view of the fact that this site inconveniently shines a brutal light of truth upon BBC’s prejudiced and partisan reporting, exposing liars, charlattans and those who peddle misinformation as news, we unfortunately don’t match the criteria that conform to the BBC’s stated aims of closing down debate, curbing free speech and imposing boundaries on free thought and thus we are to be shut down.
Still…rules are made for breaking…I’m sure you’ll find a way to have your say…..
BBC Online News:
“”Pound falls ahead of Theresa May Brexit speech””
One day, maybe one day….the BBC will have a positive feature about Brexit.
Here’s what was said last year:
“”The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the Beeb’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Hall was unable to do so. The parliamentarians included Ukip peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Pearson hails Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.””
Nigel Farage would be the right man to lead the BBC. We can then look forward to a complete walk out of all BBC staff and total silence from the Over mighty corporation for some time.What bliss. I don’t expect that beyond the usual liberal left load mouths there would be any demands to make strikes in this totally non essential service illegal. Oh and the BBC would need to pay back the LF pro rata.Then having performed a second invaluable service to the country Nigel should be made a duke.
Right…I’m randomly putting this delicious Tucker moment at the top…Deepest apologies…
Absolutely totally fu*king delicious….Tucker, I am in love with you and I’m not even gay….
LOL Lord Hall. Like he’s going to be the person to dismantle his own biased gravy train. The man doesn’t live in the real world.Hes bounced from one taxpayer subsidised role to another.
Tristram Hunt is doing the same like his dad did. How can we stop these people making a very comfortable living off of us and peddling their left wing ideology while fleecing us ?
Our elected representatives aren’t going to do it they are raking it in.
BBC World Service up to their normal tricks on a report about the condition of “migrants” in Lesbos or where the words “refugees”. Migrants and Refugees now both used as interchangeable words. I suppose the word “migrant” and “refugee” now both mean the same thing.
I suppose it wont be long before we get the BBC dictionary of political manipulation. It will have its own special section on how to subtly blurr the definition of certain words to evoke maximum sympathy. Of course there is a risk that lots of us now just zone out leaving yet another “quality news report” no more than white noise.
White noise is a good description. Again on Toady this morning we had some ‘trougher’ from that bastion of intellectual excellence the University of East Anglia (Climate Central) worried about Trump stopping climate ‘trough swill’ funding.
Brain tuned out……………….
Ah, yes. The BBC specialty, mealy-mouthed nomenclature which means what the BBC wants to mean, not what is generally accepted. Last week the BBC had a piece on their security correspondent, the wheelchair-bound Frank Gardner, and his complaint at the treatment he received in disembarking an aircraft. What caught my attention was the use in the article of the word “militant” to describe the Saudi terrorists who murdered Mr Gardner’s cameraman and crippled Gardner himself for life. The BBC have persisted with this anodyne word as their own special synonym for “murderous terrorist” for far too long. I would love to hear what Mr Gardner thinks his employer’s semantics.
keith jeremy, I seem to recall from previous posts regarding Gardner that he has full-on Stockholm Syndrome. I believe he wouldn’t call them “murdering scum”, but “militants” instead.
Interesting how different BBC staff react to work related collateral losses. Jeremy Bowen went a totally different direction. Impartially, of course.
Don’t think so: ” Frank Gardner: I will never forgive the terrorists who did this to me” Interview with Frank Gardner, The Daily Telegraph, 23rd November 2014. Gardner was perfectly content for his killer to be decapitated in public for this act of terrorism, and said as much in this interview. He’s ex-Army and unlikely to have a soft spot for terrorists.
keith jeremy, I apologise. I must have been thinking of someone else.
Yes, I looked it up and you are completely right, he is rightly unforgiving and calls them what they are. Sorry again.
I have every sympathy for all who are wheelchair bound, for whatever reason – illness, accident, war injuries. However, the comment that Frank Gardner made about having difficulties in disembarking an aircraft, may be true, but surely flashing his BBC correspondent card would entitle him to ‘top’ treatment as opposed to the rest of us ?
bbc breakfast drooling over the last episode of Sherlock (capital ‘S’ in deference to SACD not the bbc). The self indulgence of the breakfast sofa crew is so cringing it’s obscene. I, for one, thought it was a drama too far – more cutting room floor than cutting edge. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must have worn an exit through the sides of his coffin the amount of times he must have turned since this grotesque parody of greatness began. The last connections with his work are scattered by the wayside of self-obsessed grandeur. I don’t know why they even have the neck to call it Sherlock. Isn’t there a copyright or something? Trades Descriptions Act?
Surely no sensible people watch that prize pollock Scumerbatch , do they? Why subject yourself to more insults and patronising comments from this actor who believes his false fame gives him the right to lecture us about doing something that is clearly to our country’s detriment.
Shaun Evans, the little known actor who plays Endeavour, knocks the acting socks off Cumberbatch who believes his own publicity.
Got the idea that “The Russians” had hacked the ending of Sherlock-and potentially spoiled the surprise and wonder of its supreme ending for The Demos.
Justin Webb said so-must be true, and they have form-did they not go for the Bake Off show earlier?
Oh to have the BBCs problems huh?
I`d have thought tears or rage and a public enquiry into the role of Brexit, or Trumps election in this SCANDAL would be the very LEAST that Corbyn, Sarah Teather or little Farron would now be demanding.
How many people stayed off work today weeping at this spoiler alert being traduced by Putin.
He knows how to hurt doesn`t he?
Hope now he`ll go for Endeavour or whatever hubby was watching last night.
Sheer crap-a clear mockup of St Mary Whitehouse, Christians of that time-and even Simon Dee…oh, those rebellious druggies and their free love.Is it only the liberals who understood the need for porn and drugs then? And how did that turn out then?
The liberal agenda persists-ah well, “Sundays Gone but Fridays coming” as the song goes! Sorry Martyn!
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died in 1930, so for most countries in the world, copyright has expired on his works, being over 70 years since his death. Hence the mucking around with the character and turning him into some sort of Islington leftie!
I gave up on this series when the busts of Margaret Thatcher got smashed (with Cumberbatch’s speech about immigrants also in my mind). Actors are actors, not politicians, I have no more interest in what Mr Cumberbatch thinks about anything than the postman who delivers my post (actually rather more about the latter as he is someone I meet face to face). But I really enjoyed previous serious – I hadn’t seen the first series and felt I had really missed something clever and that played with the knowledge of the Conan Doyle stories. By time we got to the start of the this series it was obvious the drama just wasn’t very good; that the writers had run out of ideas and that BBC drama special effects department had thrown in a large amount of money to compensate.
Bring back Jeremy Brett.
I agree Deborah, bring back any of the old’uns who played Sherlock, – good old Basil, then later even Douglas Wilmer made a good fist of it, before the sublime Jeremy made the character his own. None of those involved in writing the screenplays for these actors farted about with the original stories.
They did for some of the later Rathbone pictures where he was working against the nazis. Pure propaganda purposes for the right reason, so acceptable.
There are a couple of great episodes featuring Peter Cushing and Nigel Stock in the lead roles, it may even have been on the BBC before it became terminally culturally enriched.
‘The Blue Carbuncle’ is available on YouTube, with guest appearances by Private Walker from Dad’s Army and Michael Robbins from On the Buses (disguised, of course)
Absolutely, Deborah. Jeremy Brett was even better than Peter Cushing IMHO, but that was before bBeeb started trying to bring in smaller, more insignificant ‘actors’ to fit their ‘charter’ for minority encouragement.
Luckily, I haven’t seen a single recent Sherlock, so I cannot possibly comment on how bad it really is. My preference is to buy the DVDs of the previous incumbents, and actually enjoy some fine acting, not hear some squealing attention-seekers trying to do a fourth form play at the end of term.
Justin Webb this morning on Today, reporting on Michael Goves interview with Donald Trump in the Times today, followed by an interview with Prof Ted Malloch who may become Donald Trumps ambassador to the UK.
A very marked change in tone was noticeable, has it dawned on them now?…..the world has changed.
Meanwhile Obama is emptying Guantanamo…..10 inmates shipped to Oman, before Donald Trump and his “different approach” takes over.
It’s remarkable, but not surprising, that Obama has adopted a scorched earth policy. He has done more in the last couple of months than the last 8 years. Very strange.
Hopefully the girls don’t take after Papa Doc, or when Trump junior arrives in his room there will be a crocodile in the bed.
It will be interesting if any of those rushed out of Guantanamo by Obama recently commit atrocities in the near future.
It was notable that no mention was made that many of those released from the Guantanamo rest-camp subsequently resumed their terrorist activities in Al-Qaida, ISIS and similar groups. It was inevitable, of course.
Graun playing it safe and running the same BBC press release all the rest have.
No comment thread. Likely a smart choice.
But who else?
Imagine the BBC, Guardian, Economist, FT and Max Mosley forming a gauntlet to turn their backs markedly on Milo, on Douglas and the “Dayley Mayle” as they attend the show trials in secret-witch trials if its Katie Hopkins or Hartley Brewer, Anne Marie Watters.
Thankfully they`re screwed-but let`s not give them any grounds to think that we`ll accept any fake news enquiries from Saviles Travellers, from Campbell and Iraq and from the EU/Trump stools still reeking on their doorsteps.
I think we know the answer to that, Tim.
…ask Richard (Big Dick to his mates):
Guest Who
The words “Think” and “BBC” go together like “Leftard” and “Intelligence” NOT
Not the start the week open thread.
Many a true word spoken in jest, seems the only appropriate response.
‘One of your researchers didn’t even know her name, they just referred to her as Mrs Trump’
Prof Helen Laville of Manchester Metroplitan University, expert on post-war American History, gives us, I feel, a little more information about the calibre of BBC researchers rather than the relative obscurity of the soon-to-be First Lady Melania Trump.
Well, I’m guessing the millenial who booked the Prof knew for sure they weren’t supposed to like Donald Trump.
‘I’m sure Carol is a big Sherlock fan’
Well, our dancing weather matron Carol Kirkwood is keeping her own council on that one. At least lanky loyal corporation man Dan Walker is doing his bit and some to promote the BBC. But be fair, Dan, it’s hard to work a reference to the show into a weather forcast.
‘Dancing weather matron…’, yes but definitely a M(atron)ILF.
Sara Khan: The Battle within Islam
On Start the Week Tom Sutcliffe discusses what Islam means in the modern world. Graeme Wood has spent his career getting to know Islamist fundamentalists to try to understand the apocalyptic ideology and theology at the heart of the so-called Islamic State. Sara Khan campaigns to reclaim her faith from extremism, while Ziauddin Sardar argues that Islam demands reason and critical inquiry from its believers. Loretta Napoleoni ‘follows the money’ to uncover the millions made by those exploiting the destabilisation of Syria and Iraq and the rise of ISIS.
Producer: Katy Hickman.
Except that Sara Khan a convert, is not a Muslim – or if she is then I’m the queen of England (if the BBC is prepared to accept the claims of anyone then it must accept the claims of everyone!)
Khan doesn’t even cover her hair, which most people regard as a central requirement of Islam. Doesn’t matter to the BBC just so long as she says what they want to hear!
Anyone catch the opening scenes from ‘Endeavour’ last night? The Mary Whitehouse type saying (I paraphrase slightly) “I’m fed up with the BBC peddling its filth”. It made my wife laugh too!!
Mary ‘Whitehouse’ name seemed a gift from the Gods given the nature of her clean-up campaign, and much like James Herriot was Alf Wight, I remember reading decades ago that her name was made up. However, looking at all the info on websites it appears she did marry a chap called Whitehouse, – still find it hard to believe though.
My best mate and I went to hear her speak in our town hall back in the early seventies. I was a bit anti when I went, but was impressed with her. We spoke with her after the meeting. Our other friends at our comprehensive used to laugh at us when we were quoting Mary Whitehouse. Looks like I was somewhat aware of the BBC agenda even then.
Tuned 5 Live this morning (08:50 ish) LESS than 5 seconds to hear the M word & this was swiftly followed by the hammering of Michael Gove by an incredulous almost possessed bride of Chucky female droid. “Why did you not ask this” “Why did you not ask that” she spat at him in a frenzy of bitch hate. Well tune into Panorama tonight she hissed where we continue to try and bring down (because this is what it amounts to) the President Elect of the world’s biggest superpower. It’s open relentless media warfare now by the BBC on Trump & I hope he remembers this in future when he has a few spare Tomahawks to get rid of.
The BBC need suspending & investigating NOW as this is a political war they are waging through almost every aspect of their output. They do not represent the UK anymore and have not for years.
The British Government are slowly learning that the game has changed thanks to Trump. Aware of Trump’s attitude to the Middle East Britain sent two nobodies to the Paris Summit on the Middle East. The Summit was as ‘flat as a failed souffle, said Israel.
‘Recognising Trump’s attitude to the Paris Summit on the Middle East, the UK reconsidered sending high-level officials after Trump’s team expressed disapproval of the Paris summit, which it viewed as another attempt to unfairly impose pressure on Israel. Trump said that “Israel’s been treated very, very unfairly” after the UN Security Council (UNSC) passed a resolution condemning any Israeli presence in territories won from Jordan during the Six Day War in 1967.
Surely the BBC doesn’t have the power to shut you down. Yet another fine example of how the BBC works, attempting to silence all those who speak out against it. Free speech is merely an illusion designed to satisfy and control the masses. It’s good to see that some people have the courage to speak their mind and not follow the BBC’S herd.
Radio 3 gives us our new ‘guest of the week’ and it’s BBC super-dancer Ed Balls!
Wow, who would have thought? Yet another guest from the same side of the political blanket! Nothing like a good bit of diversity of opinion, yeah!
And there never is a bit of diversity of opinion is there?
The good news is that ‘Bakers’ don’t ‘do’ music, ‘some say’, so we should be spared St. Nad. though no doubt she is too busy on her BBC Enterprises World Tour to attend anyway.
Radio 3’s partiality for the Left came under the magnifying glass here yesterday. There is no aspect of the BBC’s output that is immune, clearly.
Confession time from a dyed-in-the-wool Tebbitite anti-EU brexiteer (who voted in 1975 against staying in the EEC): I quite like Ed Balls. To me he always seems straightforward, honest and pleasant on the wireless. Maybe I disagree with some of his political positions, but he seems to me more moderate than his spouse. I hope this doesn’t get me banned!
You won’t be banned here. The beauty of being on the right is that we don’t have to think like sheep and can form our own opinions on anything. Most of us appear to agree generally with most things but we all have some areas where we disagree with the majority. For instance Thoughtless and Edward are certainly free thinkers and often make posts which are not in agreement with the majority; however they must be respected for their opinions.
Any disagreement on the left side, however, produces an instant volley of abuse on the one who tried to think for themselves. That’s why there appears to be total uniformity within the left. That’s why their opinions are so predictable. It is their strength (unity) and their weakness (blind stupidity).
So saying, I thoroughly disagree with your assessment of Ed Balls. He is nothing but an arrogant bully as he proved so many times. The fact that he is a BBC favourite should act as a warning. However you have a right to believe it and I have a right to believe the opposite.
To be fair to the BBC,they did give quite a lot of publicity to Tory MP Anne Widdicombe who tried the celeb route a few years ago.
I have no more against Ed Balls than any other Labour politician. He is certainly not the worst of the bunch but he wouldn’t be on my dinner party list.
None of that is the point though. He has a perfect right to believe and say what he likes but by what right does the ‘impartial’ BBC have to act as his PR agency?
There is a certain legitimacy in getting to know ‘the other side’ of our politicians, but Ed Balls has already had his turn.
Ed Balls is quite cuddly, if the cameras are in the right hands. But then, so are (er, were) others:
Less so if the BBC edit suite is not around…
Welcome Martin.
I came to this site last year-as yet,not a hint of nastiness.
Your views are yours-no point us fussing over the BBCs lockdown of dissent if people here practiced it.
Wise bunch here, always a pleasure to drop by.
Jonathan Gibson finds out just how fast an arthritic man can accelerate away from an awkward question.
In this instance, well done Mr. Gibson. As well as the alleged profiteering by ‘Mike’ I think the NHS authority prescribing the drug should also be subject to a little of the same investigative journalism.
Would have been interesting to see MPs challenged in the same manner about their expenses.
On a seperate issue, who would chance buying a drug being sold on ebay.
I have to confess that I just listened through a very interesting BBC Radio 4’s ‘Start the Week’ chaired by Tom Sutcliffe on the subject of Islam. A good and unbiased programme with a knowledgeable cross-sectional panel who gave good accounts of how they saw Islam. Well worth a listen if you are concerned with the inevitability of the looming, ‘Clash of Civilisations’-
If you, like me, are already convinced that most of the 1.3 billion Islamic adherents worldwide many of which follow a mild form of Islam are rapidly turning to the more, “pure” form of Islam – Salafism – you’ll learn nothing from this programme.
In summary, the Salafists want:
To turn the clock back to the 7th century by force if necessary and with no debate;
They want a World Islamic ‘Caliphate’ based on the primitive Salafists views and nothing’s going to stop them;
There is, as yet, no proper structured debate going on anywhere within the political class Worldwide to consider the immense threat increasingly posed by Islam. It seems that it is only a few who do recognise the problem and they are branded, invariably, as “Islamaphobes” a term used solely to shut down any debate on the subject.
Strange bedfellows – ISIS managing and coordinating the refugee flows into Europe and the UN Refugee Council lending their assistance……
The Islamic weighted UN and its agencies, sees itself as the “One World Government ” in waiting. The “refugee” influx is the means by which this goal will be realised. They are the shock troops of the globalist, NWO who fooishly think, they will be able to control the coming chaos and worse, that they themselves have created.
There’s a new bit of Fake News in town. It’s called “Spy in the Wild” and it’s brought to you by the Beebyanka. Supposedly, cameras concealed in animatronic models of animals are introduced into populations of assorted vertebrate species, to film wildlife from unprecedentedly close quarters. So a fake baby crocodile, a fake bush baby, a fake penguin, a fake egret, a fake monkey, a fake hornbill and a fake tortoise purportedly film the behaviour of other crocs, chimpanzees, more penguins, elephants, monkeys, hornbills and tortoises (and elephants, again – stroke of luck they were in the neighbourhood).
We are presented with bits of footage which, we are supposed to believe, came from cameras concealed in the “eyes” of the models. Rather frequently, however, the animals are on the move and the cameras miraculously pursue them “out of sight”, which would be out of range of the animatronics, even if they were genuinely filming. Lots of shots of the dummies themselves show that conventional photographers were all over the place and they were using all the old tricks, faking scenes, rigging nesting sites, rolling the image 180 degrees, to show when the pseudo-camera is “overturned” (clue to Beebyanka: try 123 degrees, or 76 degrees, next time – picking the angle of rotation is an option in the software).
Lots of the photography was excellent, but the commentary was uniformly moronic and the animatronic fakery was pointless. What is this gimmick for? Why the infantilism? How much did the pointless animatronics add to the bill? How does the eternally preachy Beebyanka pontificate about “fake news”, when it pumps out this nonsense?
It really feels like something made for the 1st of April, except it wasn’t, apparently.
I’ve been doing some research for a book I’m writing on the 1950s. I’d forgotten that the BBC actually broadcast the first ‘fake news’ in the world. Dimbleby Senior reported for Panorama on ‘Spaghetti Trees’ in 1957!
The book sounds interesting, Cranmer. It strikes me (born in the 50s) as an excessively maligned decade. The lefties’ favourite insult is: ‘You want to turn the world back to the fifties!’ Would it be such a bad thing to restore some aspects of that time?
Do tell me more about the project. I am a retired journalist, and might be able to offer some input. (I’m looking for a new project at the moment.)
To be fair, “The Annual Celebration of the Spaghetti Harvest” was broadcast on 01.4.1957.
The BBC did have some idea of comedy then.
Surprisingly no mention of Global Warming “despite the unusually warm Winter & Spring”.
I love the spaghetti weevil!
Nothing to do on Friday? Why not pop along with the BBC and interview snowflakes protesting against Trump at the US Embassy.
Supported by the UAF who enjoy the support of founding member Dave Cameron.
‘The effects of a Trump presidency is set to be felt all over the world as racism, sexism, homophobia and bigotry is normalised through the voice of one of the most powerful and visible figures in the world, and progress on C02 emissions targets dashed as one of the world’s largest emitters refuses to accept there is a problem.
Activists in the US have called protests for the day of his inauguration – we stand in solidarity with them and will be protesting at the US embassy in London’.
Hope to see you there Dave, along with Ken and Diane, literally.
Are they protestors, or the audience queue for a Question Time program?
Allegedly, they are handed these banners from the BBC props department when leaving the Question Time Programme.
Hmm “No to racism” wonder if any of that lot have read the unholy quran I have and if they did these SJW cupcakes would find all the racism they want maybe if they wanted to “Stand against racism” they should spend a day standing outside the embassy of saudia arabia
It appears that some form of counter demonstration has been organised.
Place your bets.
Some of them seem to be the colours of UKIP !
Number 7
And the Prayer Warriors for Trump are coming to provide a prayer shield
Made MY local church pray for the incoming US Government yesterday.
Until I suggested it, they seemed awfully bothered over cold migrants,healing hurts over Brexit(again) and the NHS.
My church elders were not over-happy to be reminded that they`re to pray for EVERYONE-not just Muslims, Remoaners and Climate Change clowns.
Be back on the coffee rota for the next few weeks I fear-but I made my point!
Its been a weekly anti brexit doomfest from my church and preacher and since november 8th anti trump. The clown seems to forget they are many in the congregation that voted leave. To top it all just before christmas during another brexit lecture he came out as a lib dem member. I was just waiting for timmy to come from stage left. I was laughing inside.
I think the thousands of US bikers that are going to turn up for the inaugruation of President Trump will have more of an effect
I bet they would love it if Eddie Izzard made an appearance in lipstick and stillettos.
As above – place your bets.
The rednecks are currently at 100/1 on according to the BBC.
What was that about “false news”?
Got to love them eh?
The worlds leading economy, the Light up on The Hill to the West in our lifetimes. The country who saved our bacon in two world wars(yes, I know!).
And who seem to have voted in a way displeasing to these public sector liggers-or lined up for the same if we can ever flush them out of the Uniz.
So-Costa recharges, selfies abounding and free union placards with Save the NHS on the other side-Starbucks ignored, Nandos done-and out they pop for an hour as the BBC and Channel 4 amplify their psychic pain.
Won`t SOMEBODY give them martial law in the US flyover and drive by states?
Thought after Obamas abysmal record on race hustling and the problems it brings-Trayvon Martin etc-their banners would WELCOME Trump, who at least has no Fort Hood, Boston, Fast and Furious border wars to his name.
AND he`s half white-so surely THAT half of him has caused all the racial tension?
Time for Trump and his gorgeous Slovenian American Dream in chiffon. Thought these people WELCOMED migrants like Melania-and no welfare queen she!
Does their mum know where they are? It looks like it might be past their bed time.
I heard the World Service programme this morning that Oaknash refers to about ‘migrants’. This was interspersed with a report about an African migrant who had ‘fled’ Kenya, travelled to the south, reaching South Africa- where he was not rapturously welcomed. There followed comments expanding on the difficult situation these typical migrants find themselves in , low economic prospects in their homelands, desire to improve themselves by travelling to Europe where the economic prospects were superior and a wish to enjoy a better life.
The blurring of definitions on migrants, economic opportunists,young men avoiding military service in their homelands, allied to safe havens gives the lie to what are frequently called ‘refugees’. Nobody seems to question the validity of the status of these people who discard their documentation with impunity.The BBC is complicit in encouraging refugees/migrants/cowards/with their soft treatment of interviewees.
Wasn’t there a time when Kenya (then pronounced Keenya by the BBC) was relatively prosperous – in the day’s of Armand & Michaela Dennis for some of us old gits.
What happened????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silly question.
It was refreshing to hear all about how successful the Obama administration had been, on Radio 4’s The World This Week, yesterday.
Scandal free – (Except Benghazi, Fast and Furious,Hillary’s emails, IRS targeting Conservative orgs, DOJ seizing phone records of Associated Press, NSA surveillance without warrant, Ransoms to Iran, EPA river poisoning.)
No wars – (except in the seven countries, and thew bombs dropped on every day of his two terms.)
No “significant” terror attacks – (except Boston Marathon, Orlando nightclub, San Bernadino, Fort Hood etc. Not to mention Black Lives Matter.)
I switched off when Mark Mardell failed to challenge the interviewee on this.
You do have to wonder at Left mind-set – it would make for interesting psychology projects.
Just what is it they are so afraid of? Do they actually know? Can they back up their vague and fanciful assertions? How do they think their lives will be fundamentally and irrevocably changed for the worse?
Trump they have as the ultimate bogeyman but on what evidence – fake stories.
Remainers view Brexit as the end of life as we know it – but then, pre Brexit this country was not so hot. Often they strike me as the dog furiously barking at a reflection of itself in a mirror.
Oh, and talking of fake news – World Service headline. “Eight billionaires are as wealthy as 360 billion of the Worlds poor.”
Thing is this story was disproved by a BBC edition of, “More or Less” some time ago.
As is said, if you’re going to tell lies you need a good memory!
Oh, and talking of fake news – World Service headline. “Eight billionaires are as wealthy as 360 billion of the Worlds poor.”
Thing is this story was disproved on an edition of, the BBC programme, “More or Less” some time ago.
As is said, if you’re going to tell lies you need a good memory!
BBC 5Live just had an elongated piece on a girl who has gone missing, about the back story, about the family … speaking to the father, who today has trouble speaking, so they take it slow.
Very laudable, only that there are sadly many, many missing girls, every week … can you recall the BBC spending an inordinate amount of time on just one recently?.
on national radio? … what could suddenly instigate this change?
Answers on half a postage stamp, to Biasad Broadcasting Cresent Newsdesk.
Maybe I’ve been unlucky or just not viewing the BBC “news” product as much as hitherto but in its recent (and not so recent) coverage of the NHS humanitarian crisis I’ve failed to hear the word “immigrant” or reference to the Office of National Statistics figures in which the “Long-Term International Migration estimates in the YE June 2016 were net migration = +335,000 . . . . .”. Instead, on the TV news last night, the BBC chose to feature at length tear-jerking coverage of a sufferer from prostate cancer having his operation postponed. This is upsetting but in the context of what constitutes informing the public about national issues it is not “news”: rather, it’s a directly emotional appeal for more funds from the Tory scum who are cutting NHS funding and seeking to privatise the system wholesale.
“News” would have meant, for instance, the BBC informing its viewers exactly how many of such operations were actually postponed and what this number is as a proportion of all such operations. Then we could have made our own minds up about how serious this aspect of the NHS “crisis” really is. Unfortunately, to the BBC editors such facts are “boring” – even if (or, as it happens, particularly if) genuinely informative – and prefer to air the exciting televisual spectacle of an obviously and understandably upset cancer-sufferer which tells us little beyond his immediate distress. However, the last thing the BBC wants is an informed electorate: after all, given the salient facts they might seek a lid on immigration or – God forfend – demand a genuinely searching re-examination of the “free at point of delivery”, ill-managed, failing NHS.
But back to the BBC’s general coverage of NHS strain (or, the buzzword of the moment, “pressure”). If in one year the number of NHS potential clients has increased by 335,000 then the probability that this free service would be subject to increased demand is plain. Accordingly, it’s obvious that some of the present NHS strain must be due to immigration although Hugh Pym (a BBC “journalist”) last night on BBC1 News decided that lack of post-treatment social care for elderly ex-patients was the only cause worthy of mention. This isn’t strictly speaking “fake news” – since bed-blocking of this type must contribute to NHS difficulties – but the fakery exists in the BBC’s refusal to air any suggestion that excess immigration leads inexorably to increasing demand for NHS services (as well as, by the way, another unmentionable effect: to increasing demand for housing).
‘Then we could have made our own minds up about how serious this aspect of the NHS “crisis” really is’
A nice idea but not apparently one shared by BBC news editors. They’ve got ‘experts’ to bring us instead. And sob stories aplenty. Vicky Derbyshire takes up the baton this morning with one about a woman, we are told, refused a specific cancer drug. The BBC is myopically and obsessively focused on the supply side of the equation.
When a doctor was aired this weekend suggesting more funding was the only answer to the ‘pressure’ there was not a moment of reflection about the concept of relieving – just a tad – that ‘pressure’.
A constant flow of unplanned and un-costed immigrants with long standing, untreated medical AND psychological conditions has no effect on the NHS or does it?
No ‘Panorama Special’ in sight?
There’s one from John Sweeney headed our way soon.
Topic much more crucial to British licence fee payers.
How can any government allow the national broadcaster that is paid for by the public to continually broadcast against the NHS and Brexit which ironically hasn’t even taken place yet ? Why can’t it intervene and say enough is enough! This constant criticism and negative reporting day after day can only be destructive – it helps no-one except those who want to bring down the government and create chaos.
Could the local authorities that struggle to fund ‘social care’, leading to ‘bed blocking’, be the same local authorities that struggle to provide emergency housing for ‘refugees’? So the ‘refugees’ don’t have to be a direct burden on the NHS to cause it problems.
Could it also be that when you pack lots of people into one house you can expect the occupants to have poor health? Could it also be that when local taxation is ‘per property’ and not ‘per person’, (‘Wicked’ Maggie’s Community Charge), the costs go up and the revenue stays the same?
I think you are wrong for the right reason- or is it right for the wrong reason.
We are regularly told that poor people have worse health than the well off, and the constant insinuation is that the well off (who tend to exercise, avoid obesity, and look after themselves – there are of course exceptions) do not really deserve this and should pay more tax.
But equally we are also regularly told that all those young male economic migrants on the boats and lorries are in fact highly educated doctors and engineers. So they must be wealthy.
They are therefore not a burden of the NHS.
It can’t be the old people Umbongo.
They are all in Spain.
Oh, hold on a minute,
That’s what the remainers say when they want to scare people about the eu and that all the oldies will be coming back to the uk.
It’s difficult to keep up with all the lefty lies and twisted logic.
Isn’t it strange, the NHS, BBC and our government keep telling us the NHS is the envy of the world yet no other Country in the World uses that system.
The envy part is also wrong.
You envy something you can’t have but just roll up in the uk and the NHS is all yours for your every need, all paid for by the uk taxpayer.
Sextuplets? Just step inside, no charge madam.
All the news coverage lately regarding GPs working hours etc and the problem solving (?) for A & E Departments, and NOT ONCE have I heard anyone mention the vast number of new housing estates springing up literally everywhere, thus adding more thousands to the lists of existing surgeries !
I’m not defending GPs or the NHS, but a 10 year old can see that having say 3 GP’s that once covered a population of 5,000 (I don’t know the figures), cannot possibly be expected to treat another 10,000 dumped on the doorstep, without extra help. But its happening !
Most of us could see a GP the same day many years ago, but doctors retire and new housing estates created. Where I live over the past 10 years 6 new estates have been built, but the surgery hasn’t expanded – why hasn’t this been addressed in all the reporting of late ????
Isn’t it weird that the competiton for places on medical courses is absolutely huge and yet we have a shortage of doctors apparently. How about training more doctors and requiring them to work in the NHS for at least 10 years or pay the full cost of training.
We don’t really need an army of civil servants to do a fairly simple logistics planning exercise. Most businesses could run it off in an afternoon.
It is by design , a deal with New Labour and the BMA in 2008
“Delegates at the annual BMA conference voted by a narrow majority to restrict the number of places at medical schools to avoid “overproduction of doctors with limited career opportunities.” They also agreed on a complete ban on opening new medical schools.”
Thanks Delfman
Your description, plus the Labour multibillion giveaway in 2004 in the shape of the new 9 to 5 monday to friday GP contracts goes a long way to explain the current mess.
Funnily enough the BBC never seem to mention these key points.
Excellent find DElfman … when the “Junior” Doctors were agitating I was desperate for just one Beeboid to point out that, in addition to a very comfortable salary, Doctors have guaranteed life-time employment and almost guaranteed career advancement. But, no Beeboid ever did …
“the NHS, BBC and our government keep telling us the NHS is the envy of the world”
if so the “humantarian crisis” everywhere else in the world must be appalling
Actually, surprisingly not.
If by the simple expedient of the rest of the world heading here for treatment on the UK taxpayer’s tab.
Some don’t make it past the Med for their meds, mind.
I can confirm, from my own experience that the Spanish health system is far superior to the UKs. A relative lived in Spain for 15 years and was unlucky enough to get cancer. They got an operation not available in the UK and drugs not available in the UK either. They subsequently repatriated to UK where they nearly died this Christmas of pneumonia because they couldn’t get in to see a doctor, they were all on holiday, leaving only A&E available.
The question the UK politicians should be asked is ” Which health services in the developed world are worse than the UK ? “
The NHS ‘envy of the world’ stuff is nonsense dreamed up by lefties who can’t think of anything else when called upon to name something in Britain they are proud of. Hence that big song and dance number about the NHS in the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony. Things that we can be really proud of like the common law, jurisprudence, Magna Carta, habeus corpus, an unarmed civil constabulary, constitutional monarchy etc are all too boring or tainted with right wing nastiness for their liking.
I doubt if there are many health tourists from Holland, Switzerland, France, Norway and so on !
Cranmer, if they were to repeat that big dance number now, the patients would be pushing their own beds and there wouldn’t be a doctor in sight !
Funny how there is no attention paid to Obamacare from the bBeeb.
I can’t really see Beebcare taking off – there’s no need, they’re all private anyway.
Or our Engineering and scientific acheivements, ?
All agreed. Just want to point out (again, sorry all) that Actual Immigration , even on the Government’s massaged figures, is over 600,000 per year. Astonishing number. The Beeb love not to mention it and only when pressed will refer to the net figure (300,000).
The Actual figure is relevant because they all will register and have health screenings on NHS, followed by treatments for whatever needs and ailments the arrive with. Many will not be English-speaking and tie up further resources.
As for the 300,000 or so who emigrate … well I’d guess they are not big NHS users. You are not likely to emigrate if in poor health or waiting for your NHS provided drugs or operation.
It’s beyond ridicule that the effect of such mass immigration on public services (schools, roads, houses as well as NHS) seems to be of no interest to the Beeb.
Yes, the emigrants will tend to be people who would be net contributors to the UK economy. People moving overseas for their work or retiring. And, depending on tax rules, no longer paying UK tax. On the other hand, many , if not most, of the immigrants …….
Excellent point: accordingly, even the “best case” scenario is an extra 300,000; the most likely – if the figures bear any relation to the truth of the position – is the upper end of the 650,000. Frankly, on reflection, I reckon that even that figure would be an underestimate considering 1. NI numbers issued to overseas nationals in the year to 30 September 2016 was 825,000 and 2. the, what, 80+ million live NI numbers for a UK population of at least 65 million.
But some of these NI numbers may have been issued to the same person or persons. I read somewhere, that some supermarkets estimate the UK population as 80-90 million .
It may have something to do with this program
which is airing on wednesday evenings very conveniently when the beeb is pushing this ‘crisis’. Call me very cynical but this whole ‘crisis’ has been well planned by the beeb and their pals in labour and the BMA. The junior docs lost year so the beeb are ‘assisting’ in another assault on hunt and the tories. They tried the same trick in 2015 with silly miliband with a near daily bombardment of this nhs ‘crisis’ hoping it would help his path to number 10. It didnt. The same thing happened last year and will continue to be used against the government. Alot of the people i speak to can see through this bullshit and arent falling for it and they dont have this fawning love for the nhs in fact quite a few have nightmare stories dealing with it.
The good thing about this week is that the beeb’s mind will be focused like a laser on the donald and theresas speech tomorrow with the nhs taking a very back seat.
“this week is that the beeb’s mind will be focused like a laser on the donald”
Ya think?
emily m Retweeted
Rachel Jupp @racheljupp
Rachel Jupp Retweeted john sweeney
Tonight at 830 on BBC1 Trump: the Kremlin Candidate #panoramaRachel Jupp added,
john sweeney @johnsweeneyroar
Trump: The Kremlin Candidate? @BBCPanorama Mon BBC1, Jan 16. I challenge @realDonaldTrump Putin, Dugin – and how USA is now echoing Russia.
Emily’s feed suggests she is quite smitten.
As is Laura. Impartially, of course.
Between them they may make one mind. Maybe.
Nah, 2×0.25=0.5
The pound has recovered today and is up against the Euro and dollar. Just in time for the BBC 1 pm news. Rejoice !
Funnily enough Grant, I did not hear it mentioned.
Not on the world at one anyway. But the BBC Website headline remains ” Pound falls ahead of May Brexit speech “. Yes, it did for about 1 hour this morning, but how do the BBC know what the cause was ?
Just watched a piece on Sky about the British publics trust in institutions. Apparently our trust in government , the media and other national institutions is the lowest in the world. Sky being last ditch Remainers chose to illustrate the problem with the threeBrexiteers , whom it indicated were only trusted by about 20 % of the public. Of course this could well be true as all Remoaners won’t trust them and a lot of Leavers will be fearful of being sold down the river. But the best bit was when the chap from the company who did the research said that the public were more trusting of social media than they were of the traditional MSM. The Sky presenter quickly glossed over this catastrophic lack of trust by the public in the news put out by the likes of Sky and the BBC .
The MSM just don’t seem able to grasp that the public knows they tell lies, feed us distortions and suppress the truth. We can tell that this is so because we are able to compare and contrast the MSM news with the internet news. They have been rumbled big time. The only way to regain the publics trust is to tell the truth impartially but with the current staff that will never happen. The MSM are in a death spiral. Trying to censor the news on the internet , a la BBC ‘fact checking service’ , just confirms to the public that they should not trust the MSM.
Is the Paris Peace “horse and pony show” over?
BBC NEWS – “There was deep alarm among participants at the conference that if President Trump does break with decades of US policy and move the embassy to Jerusalem, then conditions will be set for another upsurge in violence in the region, says the BBC’s Hugh Schofield in Paris.
The status of Jerusalem is one of the most sensitive and complex issues of the entire conflict”.
“another upsurge in violence in the region” eh BBC? … bit vague?, why BBC?
“Palestinian” leader Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor on religion, one Mahmoud Al-Habbash, has declared that a move of the American embassy to Jerusalem by the Trump administration would constitute … “a declaration of war on all Muslims,”
and then threatened: “This will not pass in silence.”
He was not alone. A half-dozen other “Palestinian” leaders chimed in with similar threats, claiming that if “America recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of the Jews,” then America will have declared
… “a new war against the Palestinians and also against the Arabs and Muslims.”
I think you omitted that part of the news on the situation BBC?, any reason why?
I think Israel ought to move all their embassies in countries who won’t move theirs to Jerusalem. They should, in fact, move them to previous capitals – Philadelphia in the USA and Winchester in England for staters. They could also move their Embassy in Germany to Bonn. Wouldn’t that be fun, albeit a tad expensive.
And their Embassy in France to Vichy.
Less biased BBC, more useless, crap, biased BBC.
BBC London news features the scare that some pharmacies in London may have to close because of NHS cuts. Cue the usual anti-goverment austerity rentagob diatribe.
If only they did even a little research…….
Where I live, Several GP surgeries have opened up new pharmacies on their premises. In one case, a 6 space physiotherapy unit was closed down and the space given over to the new pharmacy (more income per square foot?) This is nothing short of state supported unfair competition – paid for by taxpayers. The existing pharmacies suddenly have more competition, which is OK in principle and how a market should work, but they are at a clear competitive disadvantage having to rent premises from scratch as a cost to the business while the new competitors are set up in premises funded by the taxpayer. Unsurprisingly some of them are really struggling.
Now set against that fact, the ‘pharmacies may have to close’ story takes on a rather different complexion. And Theresa’s plea for GPs to,open their businesses for more hours seems less unreasonable.
But as ever, ‘investigation’ is a word not comprehended in the biased BBC newsroom, especially when there is a ready made ‘NHS underfunding’ narrative to trot out.
Classic FM ads are pushing an online service that will short circuit Boots.
Not reported by the bBC:
“Swedish crime statistics have been released for 2016 and they show increases in every field going bar drug crime and theft. Rapes in 2016 showed a 13% increase (6,560), with the media reporting this as a drop when compared with 2014 figures (6700). 10,500 incidents of sexual molestation were reported in the country in 2016 – a striking increase of 20 percent on 2015 (when 8,840 were reported).”
Plans to segregate teenagers into gender based classes at a Swedish school have been shelved after a huge public outcry. When children returned to school after the Christmas holidays at Adolfsberg school Orebro, they were shocked to find that they had been split into male and female classes. Initially the school claimed it was only for a 6 week trial period. Yet in a country renowned for its sexual equality, this retrograde step is somewhat confusing, which kind of explains the backlash and why the school has now dropped its plans for separating teenage girls and boys. Funny enough the town has a 16% immigrant (read that as mainly refugee) population, who do subscribe to…segregation of the sexes.
2 men (out of 7) have been jailed for 4 years over the kidnap and rape of a 23 year old girl. Last March a young 23 year old Swedish woman was forced into a car by 4 men at gunpoint in the City of Malmo. She was driven 40 Miles to Helsingborg, taken to a pre-prepared room in the cellar of a Shisha-coffee shop where several men were waiting. There she was orally, vaginally and anally gang raped by several men. Police only found evidence to implicate 2 of the men (28-year-old Kuwaiti Khaled Azez Hegrs and 23-year-old Syrian Tareq Bakkar) resulting in the other 5 walking free.
Soon non-helpful statistics will be deemed racist.
Only the BBC will be permitted to broadcast the correct ones.
Pounce, I felt a bit reluctant to press the inappropriately named “like” button on this – what an awful experience for the poor girl; one can only imagine how terrified she must have been. And the real sickening thing is that just two of the assailants got only FOUR years. Is this the normal tariff in Sweden or is a “discount” applied for certain ethnicities?
Pounce, I felt a bit reluctant to press the inappropriately named “like” button on this – what an awful experience for the poor girl; one can only imagine how terrified she must have been. And the real sickening thing is that just two of the assailants got only FOUR years. Is this the normal tariff in Sweden or is a “discount” applied for certain ethnicities?
Edit: Two posts appeared, only one with edit facility. Certainly only pressed button once – sorry
I don’t know much about Sweden, but I guess these guys will be free in about a year. Everything on the Left is inverted. Good is bad and bad is good. The victims of crime are guilty and the perpetrators are to be pitied. George Orwell would have a field day !
You can only smile at the MSM, after all they’ve said, twisted and made up.
They are genuinely confused and upset that Trump is flipping them the metaphorical bird.
BBC Website reporting the inquest into the Tunisia terrorist murders say that the suspected mastermind is believed to be on the run in Libya. Now, apart from their fatous little gameshow, why does the BBC reserve the word ” mastermind ” for terrorists and other criminals ?
Are their no masterminds in the security services, military, intellingence ? It almost makes me wonder which side the BBC are on !
“their” should read “there” !
An Islamic “mastermind” is one who can tell the difference between a goat and a camel, without resorting to a rectal examination or invasion, Grant.
I am sure I would not know about that. But my Dad, who was a desert rat in WW2, once advised me never to stand behind a camel. Not quite sure what he meant by that .
Killed in the rush on “dance” night?
That reminds me of an old joke.
Something about a young recruit in the desert with a certain urge, the sergeant tells him there’s a camel at the back of the barracks.
Punchline. “You’re supposed to use it to ride into town”.
I’ll get my coat.
Grant, makes you wonder if this mastermind has become a “refugee” and is now in the EU, or will become one at a very short date.
Grant, makes you wonder if this mastermind has become a “refugee” and is now in the EU, or will become one at a very short date.
Not BBC … yet (I think its coming)
A man who told a Muslim convert to ‘eat bacon’ has admitted a racially and religiously offensive offence in court
“Dean McAndrew, 28, who appeared at Forfar Sheriff Court, sent a Facebook message to his stepfather Christopher McAndrew, which read: ‘Go and eat some bacon’. McAndrew, from Westport area of Arbroath, is converting to Islam and is in the process of changing his name, the court heard. His stepson Dean of Dundee, admitted using a public communications network to send grossly offensive or indecent, obscene or menacing messages with racially and religiously offensive content on December 6”
… So this Baconaphobe, got his own stepson into court with this garbage?
There could be many issues between a stepson and his father figure, but hey
… protect Islam at all costs, Insulting Islam is an offence in Sharia.
… we re doomed!
Yet firebomb a synagogue in Germany and it doesn’t seem to be religiously motivated. Religion of Special Needs get out of jail card played again.
Precedent is an odd thing.
I wonder who legitimate any such criticism of things ‘British’ will be deemed by the B… BC?
maybe that’s why they have a bunker when others do not.
Telling someone to eat bacon is a crime in Islamic Britain. . Will this affect pork advertising?
If he is sentenced for this heinous crime of telling his stepfather to eat bacon then he is in danger of a death penalty, like the man who put bacon on a mosque door. That man died in prison. We have no information, no description of events, and unlike almost every other prison death, nothing, no curiosity, and no reports of his funeral. We await the official whitewash.
This kind of thing leads me to reconsider something I once believed. You cannot maintain a secret if more than say six people know what has happened.
It appears that in Islamised Britain, you can. Makes me think about a few incidents where lorries have run over people.Glasgow…anyone?
Have I awoken in the dystopian world in Stallone’s ‘Demolition Man’?!
Well, at least we can see how the totalitarian new age nazi’s plan on protecting so-called prophet, murderer, slayer of innocent men, women and children, and rapist of children Muhammad, and his set of life instructions he completely made up or ‘was told’ by the schizophrenic voice in his head.
As bad as this is, just plain name calling and personal abuse of anyone from the race of peace will (currently) bring you into potential response from the gestapo. Stating facts about the endless, and unchangeable instructions on killing infidels, taking sex slaves, and undertaking jihad until the entire world belongs to Islam, will not. Just stating passages from the Koran will do more to attack Islam than any ridiculous name calling about bacon ever could, which is why the vast majority of sheeple or purposely mislead and lied to about the truth of the serial killers life instructions……if Dean knew what we do on here, he wouldn’t have played right into the gestapos hands.
BBC was a bit late into Exposing the N Ireland botched green scheme but now put out some extra progs
Ash For Cash – The Ethics of the Renewable Heating Initiative
profile was about Arlene Philips
This is an excellent (short) interview with Newt Gingrich about Trump and the incoming administration.
‘..can you imagine the level of incompetence?’
Clearly the BBC could not, cannot, and… er… oo… Russian Moriatys!
But it’s OK, John Sweeney has been handed Panorama to make connections.
Please don’t malign Moriarty.
He’s a great back row forward (Wales and the “Cherry & Whites”).
His “old man” wasn’t bad either.
Video not working any more ?
It was when I posted the Kerry/Lurch video. Youtube may have some “copyright!!!” problems.
Advertising is notoriously keen not to rock legislative boats. Seems the EU is working its magic in all sorts of new areas.
It is a great pity that the BBC and the most of the MSM are ignoring the Vendee Globe round-the-world single handed yacht race . Alex Thomson is only 78 miles behind Armel Cleach of France with less than a thousand miles to go to the finish. Thomson, Welsh and based in Gosport, has been sailing for the last 18 000 miles handicapped with a broken foil having hit some object in the ocean. Both sailors are hundreds of miles ahead of the other competitors.
Visit http://www.vendeeglobe.org and there are reports in english and french. The BBC did the same ignoring trick when Ellen Macarthur came second in 2008 and the whole of France lauded her. The two leaders are expected to cross the finish line on Thursday
It is a great pity that the BBC and the most of the MSM are ignoring the Vendee Globe round-the-world single handed yacht race . Alex Thomson is only 78 miles behind Armel Cleach of France with less than a thousand miles to go to the finish. Thomson, Welsh and based in Gosport, has been sailing for the last 18 000 miles handicapped with a broken foil having hit some object in the ocean. Both sailors are hundreds of miles ahead of the other competitors.
Visit http://www.vendeeglobe.org and there are reports in english and french. The BBC did the same ignoring trick when Ellen Macarthur came second in 2001 and the whole of France lauded her. The two leaders are expected to cross the finish line on Thursday
Never was the left wing racist liberal bias of the BBC better illustrated than in its reporting of the death of Frances Cappuccini after an NHS caesarean went badly wrong.
They were quick enough to mention the anaesthetist Errol Cornish against whom charges of gross negligence were dropped, but there was no mention at all of the surgeon who carried out the operation. Bet you can’t guess why ?
Dr Nadeem Azeez fled the country but charges against him were later dropped
How can the NHS employ foreign born doctors who flee the country as soon as they screw up and come under disciplinary investigation?
What has happened to this doctor? Would you want someone like this operating on you & yours? How can the NHS carry on the employment of someone who skipped the country instead of answering for his actions? What guarantee is there that given the same circumstances he won’t do the same again?
These are massive questions which have been conveniently ignored by a BBC which is operating in the interests of its own political beliefs and not for the benefits of the people who pay for it.
Yes Thoughtful, I was scanning through to see if anyone had remarked on this. Dispicable bias by omission. I don’t think his name was even mentioned in that article, and I googled to see if he’d ever been caught…seems not. Articles from last year stating that folks in Pakistan claim he isn’t in that country…not at houses he was having built (on the proceeds of generous NHS income?), that he has ‘disappeared’ along with his wife, and he’s still registered to practice (or, as of 2016).
Shocking story. What a lottery the NHS surgery is.
Top trolling.
Maybe David Lammy and Emily Witless could be tasked?
Its still another 4 days to the inauguration of President Donald Trump and already it looks like the BBC is starting with the anti Trump Propaganda, Tonight BBC1 Panarama 20-30 hrs Trump The Kremlin’s Candidate Looking forward to seeing that legendary BBC well researched, factual, balanced journalism in action {sarcasm mode of}
At this difficult time for BBC sofa faves like OXFAM, maybe spare a thought for uniquely funded public sector quangos too:
I already spared a thought for the BBC I thought so much about the BBC four years ago that I came up with the profitable idea that the BBC was not worth £145-50p a year so I stopped paying the BBC viewing tax and put the £145-50p a year towards more enjoyable and iterlectual things than the BBC’s lies and propaganda not regreting it
JosF – I have been that way for a number of years and honestly dont regret it!
If I want to pay for stuff I would get a sky or netflix subscription- trouble with the BBC is that in effect you are paying for left wing propaganda.
Why should I pay for something that holds the world I value in contempt and is actively trying to destroy it?
It can be a bit frustrating sometimes when others are discussing certain BBC programmes, but at least I feel as if I am being true to myself and I dont help to further swell Cumbertwats bank balance.
Must. Not. Corpse.
An interesting exhange on the Today programme this morning.
Talking to Laura Kuenssberg on the news that Trump favours a quick trade deal with Britain, the tenor of the questions was would this disadvantage Britain in our negotiations to leave the EU, as it would somehow turn the Europeans against us?
Amazing, biased garbage. Does this mean that if President Trump told Britain to take a hike, our bargaining power with the EU would thus be enhanced? Obvious insanity.
The determination of the BBC hive mind to refuse to see any upside for Britain in Brexit or the Trump presidency can only be explained by some sort of mental breakdown.
We are giving sick people £4billion a year to play with. It can’t end well. Then again, on the evidence of “Sherlock”, they have already jumped the shark!
Only the BBC and its lying liberal lefty goons in the media could POSSIBLY see anything that Trump said as “controversial”.
He wants the UK to be his best friend-oh dear, what will Hollande think.
As if anybody gives a a damn-like the rest of his EU divvies-he`s gone, as will his Europroject and currency.
Trump also is pleased with Brexit-oh no, who knew? Cue hysteria and flecks of spittle from the elite-well done Donald, swivel eyed loons!
Trump also days that Merkel let the crims in-you can`t SAY that Donald-now Europe has to unite again,
This is awful stuff for the BBC and its mates to have to report-hence the joy in hearing it for the rest of us.
Trump is lighting up our skies by the day-and he thinks NATO has no point to the US-thought the old peaceniks WANTED the US to stay out of other peoples wars.
Trump is the liberals dream turned nightmare-to see the likes of Snow and Wark try to make sense or balance from this pissing on the maiden aunts pearls.
Bet they`ll report that now,
Keep `em coming Mr President!Make the parasites squeal and give us REAL news once more.
The purpose of NATO per Lord ‘Pug’ Ismay:
“To keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down.”
I’m not sure Trump wants the U.S. to continue shouldering that burden virtually alone, though the “Military – industrial complex” assuredly does; the year 2017 could be even more dramatic than 2016.
I certain hope that Trump’s Secret Service bodyguards can keep him alive, because there is a huge range of people vehemently opposed to him for vastly different reasons.
Bottom line Alicia is that Trump sounds like he may well do what he was elected to do and the lefties dont like it.
He is playing by real rules not lefty rules. The game was always – Politicians said that they were going to do (A) then after they got elected they were worked on by the MSM and establishment to reduce the impact of their policies so only little (a) was achieved.
They call it compromise we call it selling out – Cameron was a master at achieving bugger all! We can also see how this has been working recently where up until recently Theresa May was quite woolly and non committal about brexit and I think the remoaners thought they stood a good chance of emasculating it. Cheer led of course by the BBC and Little Timmy and even littler Cleggy – but I think now the penny has dropped. She certainly appears to be a lot more solid about migration.
I think Trump is the solution we need. Not being a product of the political class, he sees problems such as migration in their true light and realises the urgency of the situation.
In the real world where Trump still resides the longer you leave a problem the worse it gets. He doesnt care about political niceties – if its broke you fix it rather than having a meeting to discuss how broke something is!
The political liberal establishment hate him for it.
Providing he can effectively fight off the political establishment and MSM he could achieve something amazing.
And do you know what – it might be catching.
“Then again, on the evidence of “Sherlock”, they have already jumped the shark!”
Credit where it’s due. The camera man on Sherlock did a good job. The rugged island prison out in the wild Atlantic somewhere off Scotland is on the beach at Tenby.
Strewth, even Mirror Group have got it.
For the Western Mail, it’s an improvement when it comes to “investigative” journalism.
And in other news, the next BBc ‘unique’ hoves into view:
‘the BBC is looking to appoint an extra person to man mark Ofcom’
So, basically, a ‘got it about right’ man?
[innocent face]
The BBC has been marking its own homework for far too long…..
Once, 15 years ago I informed the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit that I was writing to Ofcom to complain about a particular BBC programme. I got a ruling from Ofcom against the complaint the day BEFORE a rejection of that complaint came from the BBC !
Not BBC bias save for the fact that they didn’t ask the obvious questions.
Apparently the government has reduced the pension entitlement of the judiciary who have not taken it well. Over 200 of them have brought a case against the changes which was heard by – a judge ! Well, what did you think the result was going to be? Of course he found in favour of his colleagues and himself – what a surprise.
Now the government is considering appealing – to another judge!
Surely it cannot be right the people affected by the changes are allowed to make a decision whether they like them or not, because the outcome is an inevitability.
BBC news is on now – another beauty!
Coming at 7:30 Regional Currents Affairs prog BBC Inside Out Special
Maybe part of “the NHS is in Crisis” PR Campaign.
Yorks and Lincs
– Hull wind rurbine artwork
– “proton therapy treatment for cancer – one funded by the NHS and one not. We also look at whether the NHS treatment you get depends on where you live. ”
All regions NHS some have special items :
South East : “the people with mental health problems in Deal who have formed their own self-help group.
– the story of Brighton’s latest tourist attraction, the i360.”
South :”Oxford professor Sir Muir Gray reflects on the sedentary lifestyle he blames for many of our health problems.”
North East :”should northern schoolchildren be taught resuscitation skills ? We meet the children making a difference”
West : ” we investigate the serious health benefits of having a laugh”
North West : “the first year of an endangered baby white rhino at Knowsley Safari Park.”
West Mids :N”HS prescription drugs being sold illegally by patients”
NE : “GP referral management centres”
E Mids : Hepatitis C patient’s agonising wait for drug treatment
– Dr Simon Fishel @CARE_Fertility criticises the NHS IVF postcode lottery
Also somewhere “RNIBs Fazilet Hadi is due to be on #BBCInsideOut at 7.30pm discussing access to cataract surgery. “
Most were much better than Broadcasting House BBC..there no bits with politicians on.
– WM at minute 25 had a short bit about black nurses. They didnt drone on.
As Trump bashing moves to Panorama and Channel 4 tonight could I take a moment to remind site visitors that something equally as important as the election of DJT took place at the same election. The Republicans won enough seats to take control of both Houses. It also means that those proposed for the vacancies won the Supreme Court will probably be from the right without being blocked by one or other House and change the balance of power there too.
Our friends at the BBC may have even more reason to get upset with happenings in the U.S. in the future!
8pm R4 Trump’s Wall
America has always been fairly insular. It can, it’s a continent and pretty much self sufficient. It represents a massive consumer market and source of investment.
Europhiles don’t get, that to Americans these days, Europe has become a very scary place. There is a phenomenal opportunity now we have Trump and are cutting ties with the continent of Europe.