I’m sorry, we were going to have a new open thread to start the week off but we have just had an email [via Moscow curiously] from the BBC’s James Harding. He tells us that in view of the fact that this site inconveniently shines a brutal light of truth upon BBC’s prejudiced and partisan reporting, exposing liars, charlattans and those who peddle misinformation as news, we unfortunately don’t match the criteria that conform to the BBC’s stated aims of closing down debate, curbing free speech and imposing boundaries on free thought and thus we are to be shut down.
Still…rules are made for breaking…I’m sure you’ll find a way to have your say…..
A story to gladden the heart.
The Clinton empire is slowly but surely beginning to unravel as ‘donors’ to their ‘charitable foundation’ dry up. Quelle surprise!
I’m just waiting for the ‘donors’ to demand their money back.
This, of course, will be a major talking point on the BBC.
Silly me.
The BBC has experienced its own “blue Monday” today, sore as hell at being scooped by Michael Gove.
Cheer up, and get on the train……..
Obama’s Legacy – This says it all and really, it’s worse than you thought.
More gushing guff from the BBC:
“John Kerry finds Vietnam War site where he killed a man”
I remember a few years back when Kerry was being punted for high office, and a large number of swift boat vets coming out to denounce Kerry as a liar and a fraudster who wrote his own medal citations and falsified his own Purple Heart incidents. Easy to research with plenty of examples, but not for the BBC it seems.
Weren’t Kerry’s “injuries” also not sustained in combat? A minor scratch to his arm sorted by a plaster and a bruise to his buttocks. Though because he was an officer he could put in for his own Purple Hearts.
Folds quicker than a cheap tent under any pressure, look at his erm “deal” with Iran … 18 months millions of dollars, came back with nothing but a bad foot! F-ck me he made that Tory liability Camoron s deal look like “sale of the century”
The only job he s fit for the useless stiff, is standing outside a saloon so the cowboys can strike matches on him,(remember those in the old movies).
They might find a role for him him the next “Adam’s Family” film.
PS. He wouldn’t need the make-up dept.
Spot a regular technique with BBC reports on Islamic terrorists. Blame the security forces .
Well the Tunisian security may have failed, but come on folks it was the Moslem gunman who killed the people.
I’m surprised that the bBBC hasn’t told us this news about how successful President Obama has been: in the last eight years he has had nine newly-discovered species named in his honour!
Barack Obama trapdoor spider Aptostichus barackobamai
western striolated puffbird Nystalus obamai
three fish – the spangled darter Etheostoma obama, Congo River cichlid Teleogramma obamaorum and Hawaiian basslet Tosanoides obama
firedot lichen Caloplaca obamae
extinct Cretaceous Period lizard Obamadon gracilis
cricket hairworm (a parasite of insects) Paragordius obamai
turtle blood fluke (another parasite) Baracktrema obamai
Note the scientists’ sense of humour in giving his name to two parasites and an extinct lizard.
Missed a few Arthur!
Jihadius Obamai – done more for the progression of Islamic enrichment (basically allowed the true version of Islam spread like an virus all over the world, leading to epidemic levels of Islamic slaughter and rape)
Britius Hatius – no wonder the traitorous bastards at Al Shabeeb love him so much
Utter Bullshitius – Doesn’t matter if you have no legacy, made everything worse, hate the people you were leading….the mentally morons and shit eaters such as those in Al Beebistan will just created a complete fake and made up review of your utterly wasted and dangerous time in office. Fake President for fake people
Has anybody heard the BBC say anything remotely negative about O’ Bamagh’s presidency? Anybody else sick and tired of hearing about the golden economic legacy he is bequeathing to Trump?
On the lunchtime news today I also heard ‘He made it cool to be black again’ (even though he’s half-white), ignoring the fact he’s leaving the US more racially divided than ever thanks to playing to the pernicious black victimhood agenda and portraying himself as black rather than mixed race (which logically would have given him licence to claim to be THE unifying symbol for America).
And earlier, from a Today presenter ‘He said Britain wouldn’t be at the front of the queue’. So even when everybody knows he’s been an absolute arrogant shit daring to threaten we’ll ‘Go to the back of the line’ if we don’t stay in the EU, AND we have the words to prove it – straight out of his mouth – the BBC makes a little bit of an adjustment putting a much, much softer slant on it.
There are so many questions around Obama it is unbelievable, among them:
He was a “B” student at High School, a “C” student at Occidental College yet is accepted to elite Columbia University and Harvard Law School. He was from a broken family of modest means, yet somehow he could attend these very expensive schools and universities.
Obama’s Ivy League transcripts and bar exam results are still unavailable to public scrutiny.
He never practiced law, he was a “community organiser” (?) in Chicago and launched his political career in the home of his friend Bill Ayers, who was a senior figure in the Communist terrorist group “The Weathermen” and who was in hiding from the authorities from 1970 until 1980; then he got off via legal “technicalities”.
Why did every big name politician obstructing Obama’s rise get removed?
Yet according to al beebus there has: “never been a whiff of scandal about him” – quite incredible.
That is all about how he got to power, via the corrupt Chicago Democrat machine. But what about the questions the bBBC never asks, of how he has abused the President’s power, especially by assassinating thousands of people using drones, especially in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen?
The Committee should demand the return of his Nobel Peace Prize, awarded just for being black.
Scandal? He was known as ‘Bath House Barry because of his sexual activities in Bath Houses, allegedly. The allegation should be published because it came from informed sources.
Obama was created by, incredibly intensive, media propaganda to install the first “black man” as POTUS, this has enabled Globalists to accelerate towards their objectives; as terror of accusations of “racism” coupled with “white guilt” inspired through the MSM, protected Obama from the scrutiny to which he should have been subjected and the opprobrium he merits.
I wonder how many votes Obama’s intervention cost the Remain side — it must have been substantial. If there’s one thing the British hate, it’s being told what to do by outsiders (or should that be, insiders)
Cameron’s 9 million pound arm-twisting leaflet would have switched another large tranche of voters to Brexit, as, no doubt, did the BBC’s relentless anti-Brexit propaganda.
How nice it is to think that those 3 aktions could have tipped the referendum to Brexit.
I’ve just watched the first fifteen minutes of BBC Panorama tonight on Trump. His name is Trump because that is all the BBC call him.
Absolutely no evidence offered against ‘Trump’ as regards the ‘sex dossier’. The BBC refer to how the Russians operate in ‘ hotel honey traps’ and therefore assume the dossier is true.
The narrator obviously hates Trump. Trump broke off an interview with him and told him that he was ‘thick’.
I should have sat through all the biased bilge but I could see which way it was going.
Talking of Monbiot the presenter of C4 Dispatches is a doppleganger for him in appearance and attitude of pleading and whining
(Anthony Barnett)
Prog was about Trumps “denial” and coal.
Hardly set the world alight. I glanced :
“Ooh Trump got 2 doses of funding from a not very big coal firm ” well no one thought he was funded by Greenpeace.
Then the bullying AB gatecrashed a meeting and loaded the table with huge red badges saying “climate change is a hoax”
They just told him politely to leave. And called security when he wouldn’t.
Similarly glancing at John Sweeney’s Panorama was similar . .. No world shattering facts ..Seemed just conjecture
I just looked up on Wikipedia the bloke who presented it, one John Sweeney who I hadn’t heard of. Apparently he worked for The Observer as well as the BBC . Well, fancy that …..
Here is Mr Sweeney behaving in the professional manner you would expect from the BBC.
John Sweeney used to work for the observer hmm. And have a guess which failing media group the observer is part of…..Yeap the same failing media group that spews out Al-Guardian or brown smelly stuff [the observer] sticks to brown smelly stuff [Al-Guardian] so I wouldnt expect any high grade journalism from the observer
The BBC seems to know that President Trump will have nothing to do with it and is behaving like the brat it really is. It is looking as if our PM will have to keep the BBc at arm’s length or suffer the consequences.
Actually the base of Obama`s popularity was that he wrote 2 great books and opposed the Iraq War before becoming President.How many other USA politicians can claim that CV? Neither Hilary Clinton or Trump would not have beaten Mccain or Romney in 2008 & 2012 elections.Obama did.
Remind me. What were the two great books that I’ve never heard of?
The rest of your post doesn’t quite make sense. Could you reword it, please?
Obama won 2 elections against strong republican candidates.
Romney was a far better businessman than Trump and a far better state Governor than Hilary.He also had a clean cut family image unlike the Clintons or Trump.Mccain was a war hero
After 8 years in office Obama left with high 60% approval ratings with the USA public.Name a single UK prime minister since Attlee & Churchill who had Obama`s personal ratings after 3 years never mind 8
Merkel also maintained very high ratings with the German public until the migrant crisis.Hollande`s rating with the French are the worst in recorded history
You must be unique, thinking his rambling me-me-me books were ‘great’.
Read the link and extracted this, the final paragraph for your consideration.
“Obama gains most support when he attacks both Republicans and Democrats for the ‘politics of the past’. He parasitically feeds off the disenchantment for what stands for politics today. But when it comes to the future, he has little to say. Instead, we are offered Obama the person, someone we are supposed to ‘know’ through his books, speeches and other media appearances. And so far it seems to be working: many appear to treat Obama as a blank slate upon which to project their hopes. But in his disdain for ideas, and his substitution of personal biography in their place, Obama takes the politics of personality to a new low. Believing that a politician who has struggled with his divided personal identity will therefore know how to unite and advance a country really is a dream, one audacious in its naivety.”
I think it unlikely that “he” wrote any such thing as “2 great books”: Obama is the only editor of the Harvard Law Review, in its history, to have never published an article within it.
Driving home this evening, I was listening to Carolyn Quinn introducing a segment about waste recycling. She said that last week, her colleague Paddy O’Connell had been down to binman central as he was their designated ‘rubbish reporter.’
HAHAHA just put the emphasis on the second word and you have a lot of competition at the BBC, Paddy.
Re Donald Trump’s criticism of Merkel’s immigration policy, BBC tells us that John Kerry (alarm bells ring) tells CNN (more alarm bells ring): ‘I thought, frankly, it was inappropriate for a president-elect of the United States to be stepping into the politics of other countries in a quite direct manner’ (www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38644030). What, you mean like the way the current president stepped into the EU Referendum campaign?
‘I thought, frankly, it was inappropriate for the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom to be stepping into the politics of other countries in a quite direct manner’ There, Heisenberg, fixed it for you 🙂
Rotherham : Body of 16-year-old girl found in Dinnington as police launch major …
Coincidentally there is another story in the same area about the Labour MP making a gaffe
The Dinington bi-election is in 2 weeks
If the perpetrator(s) is / are white, then we shall never hear the end of it.
If he/they is/are from the particular ethnic minority group, for which Rotherham is so renowned, it shall be flushed down the al beebus memory hole toot sweet.
Looking forward to the protests from the Anti fascists and Black Lives Matter thugs at Trump’s inauguration. A few bikers are starting to arrive .
Thought it a great, reassuring picture then realised that doesn’t look like Washington in January. Going by the trees I’d say summertime.
Thanks for pointing this out. I am getting really pissed with people on my side issuing fake news. The BBC and CNN are bad enough, but when my own side lie it is really depressing.
Bad News & Good News ?
Bad Brexit News ……………..
“Mark Carney warns of consumer slowdown this year”
Good Brexit News”
“UK bosses are more optimistic about their firms’ prospects than a year ago, despite fears the Brexit vote could hamper growth, a survey suggests.”
Its called ‘hedging your’ bets .
Al Beeb are slowly becoming aware that they could be getting into trouble with their bias.
Despite what appears to be today’s good news from May ………….
Call me a sceptic but a reality check from last week…………
“Sh*t Creek and no paddle” comes to mind.
Brilliant from Nigel. Can anyone imagine an interview like that on BBC ?
Troll patrol
It looks like we may have one on board! – (see the above ‘No7Clubs’ ) who likes Obama’s Books.
“Despite” never having read one.
Was he, “No7Clubs”, in one of the Monty Python films?
Or is he trying to do a doppelganger?????????????
Or should I take out more life insurance????????
Maybe I ought to report a “Hate Crime”.
The BBC at the moment is like a teenager ‘forced’ to attend a New Year’s Symphony Concert. Looking around the hall, the performance yet to start, all is not lost! There are teenagers to the left of our hero and in front and behind!
Just as he is about to announce to what he expects to be an enthusiastic crowd of soon to be supporters what a bore this all is and how the old phoggies should all be shot one of the other teenagers declares how much they are looking forward to the concert and the other teenagers around about express similar sentiments.
Our rebel teenager suddenly realises that he is in a minority of one and decides now to keep what he had thought would be a common opinion to himself.
The difference, of course, is that the BBC hasn’t realised that it is all alone and isn’t keeping quiet. The Americans voted in a new president, we voted to leave the EU. Get with the programme BBC!
The BBC’s rebel teenage expected something like a justin beliber concert instead the BBC’s rebel teenager found himself in a Motorhead concert
I toyed between posting this on this thread or the weekend one, which seemed slightly more relevant, but plumped for here as it is always worth resurrecting NooLabor and Al Beeb’s interwoven strands.
From the Daily Wail –
Tristram Hunt’s decision to resign his Labour seat and accept the directorship of the V&A museum is accepted without question.
So was his Parliamentary colleague James Purnell’s resignation from the party to join the management of the BBC, where he’s now director of radio.
Purnell didn’t have to compete with other candidates for his lucrative BBC billet. As for Hunt, my source says: ‘He was preferred to other candidates who had museum-running experience.’
Jobs for the (undeserving) boys!!
He is of the group which the Chinese describe as possessing “cast iron rice bowls”.
Cast iron balls, too; none of them show a shred of shame, humility or decency but think it their right to continue in positions of power without regard for democracy. Thank God Brexit is, at last, happening and is such a shock to their system!
Tools, they are, Nick.
Oh, noes… Blame the Russians!
Luckily, thanks to the unique way they are funded… who cares?
One of the very best ” Private Eye” front pages was when they had a picture of the Queen
with President Ceausescu of Romania on a state visit to the UK. The queen asks Mrs Ceausescu
what her husband does. Mrs Ceausescu says ” he is a mass murderer and the queen retorts” How very interesting.”
Do any of you living in London watch the Londonistan programme when a lady presenter is talking to her lady sports reporter abut FOOTBALL.At the end of the conversation about wheel chairs at football grounds or some other diverse football story the presenter always says ” How very interesting!!”
So Katie Prescott was in charge of the economics slot on the Today Programme this morning, and at 7:20 she had two guests with her to talk about Brexit.
First up was Colin McClean, the MD of SVM Asset Management, to give a negative spin on Brexit.
Next up was Vicky Pryce, (yes Vicky Pryce!), from the Centre Of Economics & Business Research, to once again give a negative spin on Brexit.
Are they even aware of their bias anymore, or is it some sort of Stockholm Bias Syndrome?
Vicky Pryce seems to be on the speed-dial list of every BBC economics/ business reporter when they want to find an economist who will trash Brexit. Pryce was recently hauled in to rubbish the Cambridge academics who demolished the Treaury Project Fear report on the effects of a Brexit vote. She failed. Interesting that both Carney and the IMF are eating more humble pie this week although Carney,as usual,Is begrudging about it. The BBC will continue to look hopelessly biased and out of touch with reality as the UK full year 2016 GDP figures are published and when growth continues into 2017.
Guido Fawkes’ Quote Of The Day from the FT’s Wolfgang Munchau says it all:
“The truth is that our ability to forecast the future beyond the current quarter is limited… The curse of our time is fake maths. Think of it as fake news for numerically literate intellectuals: it is the abuse of statistics and economic models to peddle one’s own political prejudice… The fakeness of the maths lies in an exaggerated inference. Economic models have their uses, as do opinion polls. They provide information to policymakers and markets. But nobody can see through the fog of the future.”
Israel is the legal occupant of the West Bank..
In a historical trial <> Ignored by the media (BBC) the third chamber of the court of appeal of Versailles declare that Israel Is the legal occupant of the West Bank.
The Court explains that the Palestinian Authority misinterprets the texts and they do not apply to the occupation:
• First of all, all the international instruments put forward by the PLO are acts signed between States, and the obligations or prohibitions contained therein are relevant to States. Neither the Palestinian Authority nor the PLO are States, therefore, none of these legal documents apply. • Secondly, said the Court, these texts are binding only on those who signed them, namely the « contracting parties ». But neither the PLO nor the Palestinian Authority have ever signed these texts.
The Court, quite irritated by the presented arguments, boldly asserted that the law ” cannot be based solely on the PLO’s assessment of a political or social situation.”
That in a nutshell is what we have been arguing for a long time. There is no such thing as “Palestinian Land,” it is a fiction, a political statement with no legal basis. Israel is the sole legal sovereign of these lands, as this French Appeals Court meeting in Versailles affirmed.
Please note BBC/Guardian and The Foreign Office…
“but we have just had an email [via Moscow curiously]”
Was the email address Putin@spectre.com?
Who knows? Maybe Andrew Neil has an accomplice:
“Despite fears”. Typical BBC non-attributed, non-reporting.
Next Newsnight shapes up well too:
The next Newswatch will be a hoot as well:
Love our Sam mocking BBC favoured techniques, albeit unintentionally.
And here BBC Newsbeat helpfully organises a rally, complete with hashtag:
Thousands expected in London on Saturday in a show of solidarity with Washington Women’s March
Guest Who
It seems as if the girls or da sisters are quarelling over the plans for de march
Brilliant, you couldn’t make it up department.
BBC droning on about how much the GBP fell yesterday, even though it went up. At one point this morning they felt it was appropriate to tell us what you could get for your GBP in some Forex Bureau in France, a trick they pulled a few months ago to claim the GBP had fallen below parity with the EUR.
BBC’s reporting of the pound and FT100 is a total disgrace. I notice that the pound is up again so far this morning ! To be fair, it is reported on the BBC website.
I notice that the pound is up again so far this morning ! To be fair, it is reported on the BBC website.
Despite Brexit of course.
Being the open minded sort, in line with many who post to this site, I try to take in a cross MSM perspective of views as to possible outcomes of our democratic vote to part company with the EU project. To this end, caught the Breakfast show this morning on BBC. They are providing an ongoing analysis from today of the implications resulting from Mays speech on the potential terms of our future relationship with the EU.
Guess what – pound will lose further value – inflation will increase – all goods will become more expensive – the suggestion that coming out of the single market means that we will no trade with the EU (a favourite sleight of hand this and used extensively by the non entity that is Tim Fallen). And accompanying the spoken report, the now infamous newsreel of Mrs May being totally (and disgracefully) ignored when she attended a EU summit in Brussels.
This is a combination of the now open warfare the BBC editorial team have now declared on the voting majority and their previous sly innuendo of selective comment/photo placement to demean and undermine their political targets.
The time has come surely when the Trustees have to intervene!? CNN has quickly become a laughing stock over its hugely bias reporting and active, ongoing crusade against the Trump political team. Their credibility is all but shot to all except diehard liberals and actors. The BBC is not far behind and is already reviled by a sizable UK electorate.
So – when do the grown ups rise to the challenge? Where is the fair minded scrutiny so desperately needed of our tax funded national broadcaster? What do the Trustees do if not scrutinise?
Once May has finished putting the EU back in its box, she needs to turn all her (and our) guns on the liberal elite in the MSM – especially the state funded branch, where our views (the voting majority) are not only unrepresented but continuously maligned.
I post to this site infrequently and only as it is cheaper than replacing the TV screen!
I post read avidly however and thank the many contributors for helping me to retain my sanity.
Don’t forget the numerous times we are reminded that, 2016 was a horrible year because horrible things happened………
No guessing as to what they were!
For some unknown reason Brexit and Trump come to mind this being comfirmed by a massive ammount of lying and fake news from BBC, CNN and the rest of the irrelevant MSM and a massive chucking out of toys from their prams by leftards
Norm seems to have blown the same fuse as Nick Robinson.
I blame Antonio Tajani.
Caught only the last fifteen minutes of the TOADY programme today (BBC R4 6-9am) but it was enough for a good laugh. Peter Mandelson was asked to comment on the PM’s speech despite the fact that he hasn’t heard it yet!
He was introduced as ‘a prominent Remain campaigner’! Er, what? Yes, he was and is pro-EU. After all, he’s paid to be, as his pension is dependent on him remaining pro-EU and not criticising that august body. But prominent campaigner?
Like Jeremy Corbyn, I had Peter Mandelson on the section of any list of prominent Referendum campaigners as being ‘Noticeable by Absence’.
Am I wrong in that?
If not, apart from giving me a good chuckle, the BBC and its TODAY programme are apparently re-writing an actuality. You could call it ‘fake news’ and file it accordingly.
Indeed and bit of coincidence on the programme – a piece on slimy snails followed by an interview with Mandelson.
Apologies if anyone has already written on this. Because I have not seen any comments on the dreadful new ‘celebrate diversity’ campaign. Instead of the BBC1 ident between programmes, we are now being indoctrinated with ‘Oneness’. Pass the sick bag.
But is there trouble at’ mill?
Writing in the Radio Times for w/c Jan 21 no less, Alison Graham writes this …and I could scarcely believe my eyes.
‘ ….the idea behind the new Oneness campaign, according to the BBC, is to “celebrate both the diversity of the British people and the things we have in common”.
But why? You’re a broadcaster that we all pay for, BBC1, not a cult. Male programmes, stop preaching…..This determination to push together a massive viewership in some kind of false camaraderie and sense of togetherness rings hollow. Just leave us alone to watch telly…..’
Keep going Alison !!!!!!! Before they chuck you out.
That is the point though – the BBC is not primarily a broadcaster nowadays.
It does not see it’s role to reflect and report but to promote and propagandise.
I would like to share my experience in the area of diversity.
We adopted a stray kitten some years ago. Took it to the vet who said it was female. Quite some time later another vet informed us the cat was in fact male For various trans/none binary and diverse reasons he/she has kept his/her feminine name.
We`ve got a campaign here gaxvil.
WE TOO got a kitten from a nearby farmer-we were assured it was a girl, so we called her Cleo.
Within a week and a tiny lipstick moment-we knew Cleo was-in fact-Leo!
But he only answers to Cleo now, and so his gender-neutral cat litter tray was suitably modified.
Bruce Springsteen and Bryan Adams WERE offered the chance to come and play a shouty sweaty three hour bore fest , seeing as we had transgendered non-binary toilet facilities for all cool cats and chicks.
But we only got Cat Stevens.
Will Phil Shiner take our class action that inappropriately genders, sexes or stigmatises cats into the wrong box-or litter tray for that matter?
Feel we need to sue-and all the money we`ll get will be a suitable vindication of all others who`ve survived this. I`m not doing this for the money of course-but only for you!
Oh how wonderful we’ve felt so alone and marginalized – we need a support group, pressure group and a grant ASAP!
Our cat is Persian so it’s of immigrant ME origins – more boxes ticked!
Should have gotten an all black tomcat then you could have named him Lemmy or Ozzie with no gender issues there
Sluff, it’s been pointed out here before but worth reiterating. When the BBC talks about ‘diversity’ it does not include diversity of political opinion, or diversity of socio-cultural values. It means a ‘rainbow orthodoxy’ of all races, creeds and colours who have identikit liberal/left Islington values. It’s like the scene in ‘Life of Brian’ when the crowd shouts ‘we’re all individuals!’
True – they want only the diversity they approve of.
Is that fascism? It’s certainly doctrinaire and dictatorial.
Good laugh on Grauniad comments today, the Remoners are getting in a right froth over Theresa’s speech,we’re all doomed!
Mrs May’s speech has obviously caused a glitch in the Matrix. It’s acted like a puff of some sort of beekeeper’s smoke into the hive-mind. I’ve noticed doom-mongers out in force on several comments pages today. The Hive Queen (the EU) must be protected!
James Obrien on LBC was positively frothing at the mouth this morning, but he usually is, I hope that after BREXIT and Trumps inauguration that everything goes really well, it will be worth it just to hear what Obrien has to moan about.
You mean the EU is actually the Borg !!
I’m sure there must be a term for the kind of syndrome that many people suffer from where they can’t help themselves from saying some word, or phrase? It’s not as serious as Tourette’s, but similar perhaps?
Usually it’s something pretty innocuous, like ‘um’, or ‘ah’, or ‘you know?’, the sort of thing which is annoying, but somehow contagious, um… you know?
Could employees of the BBC be suffering from a new mass effect of this syndrome? Kind of a ‘mass verbal diarrhea syndrome’ which keeps perpetuating itself in their safe space bubble?
If so, I’d say these are the phrases they need curing of:
1. ‘Despite Brexit’
2. ‘Trump’
3. ‘Climate Change’
4. ‘Racist’
5. ‘Hate Crime’
6. ‘Sexist’
7. ‘Gender Inequality’
8. ‘Transgender’
9. ‘Female Genital Mutilation’
10. ‘Tim Farron’
On second thoughts, given all this obscene language, maybe it is just mass Tourette’s?!
I wonder if they’ve been undergoing a bit of aversion therapy on the first two already as they always seem to be accompanied by a painful grimace?
Maybe we should offer some kind of reward for any Beeboid who manages an entire interview, or article without one of these phrases in them?
I sort of, kind of, agree, like.
News channels have gone into orgasmic overdrive, they’re like teenagers on a high with excitement at the Brexit speech later today, and have dragged every talking head out of bed for a comment. In the U.S for Sky, fatty Bolton (who can barely move the lower half of his face) is grabbing all and sundry off the street outside Trump Towers for a negative comment. These reporters really hate it when Mr Joe Public blurt out any positives ! Never mind, there is always Kay Burley who will be doing her posturing and shouty reports to look forward to !!!! I suppose Huw Edwards will be in sulk mode if he doesn’t get sent to the States as well.
I visit this site on a daily basis and would simply like to say that I thoroughly enjoy the contributions made both serious and amusing – I often leave my screen to do other things, chuckling. Whether vicissitudes increasingly cloud the day, I’m sure to visit this haven for some light and/or serious relief. Thank you all.
Feeling strong today and managed a couple of hours of Radio Bore.
They’ve not managed to include anti Trump spin in the weather forecast, though I’ve not checked the shipping forecast recently:-
“Remaniers blowing hard. Silly cross channel. Trump outlook good. Theresa shit storm expected. Hot air plenty.”
As my contribution above, brilliant! I’m still chuckling! – flashback memory of Rory Bremner with his caricature of Ian McCaskill –
https://youtu.be/8Eqr44ytH30 8.19 minutes in. However, once watching the video one is inclined to watch the rest, it’s so good……
I’m sure Mike Yarwood did similar but it was IMc on a bungee in front of the weather map.
I know and it reminds us of when we had real comedy not the PC, diversity rich, box ticking, we now suffer.
What a pity that Andrew Neil is apparently being eased out of the Daily Politics in order for the lefty, biased and third rate interviewer Jo Coburn to dominate . She only attracts third rate guests too. Such a big day today politically and we have to endure Coburn and the slimily incompetent Barry Gardiner MP and the lightweight Theresa Villiers.
Gardiner has been brilloed with ease more than once and a repeat today would have been welcome .
EnglandExpects….Oh, how I agree with you. Andrew Neil is a pro, no doubt about it. He is scrupulously fair when grilling politicians of any side. It is indeed such a shame he’s not there so much. And we’re left with JoCo, who needs a haircut for a start, and smirks and smarms her way through a wee chat with c-listers. And that Gardiner today…he’d be better off going back to his michelmas daisies! What a pin-up for Labour!!!!
“Pound recovers ahead of May Brexit speech”
“Sterling had fallen below $1.20 against the dollar on Monday on worries over a so-called “hard Brexit”, but had recovered to $1.2127 on Tuesday.”
Here is the ‘But’ dressed up as ‘however’……………
“However, Neil Wilson at ETX Capital said the move was more down to dollar weakness than pound strength.”
A fine example of how to promote the ‘Great’ British Economy to the rest of the world.- NOT !
So the Pound has dropped against the Dollar because of Brexit, and presumably the Dollar has dropped against the Pound because of Trump.
Makes perfect sense ….. I think.
The pound has jumped higher against USD and EUR as we speak.
Been said before but I feel ashamed when I consider what dire times this country has faced over the centuries and how today we are surrounded by such girlie hysteria over leaving the failed, European experiment.
Ooh err, Norman Smith looks really ticked off. Unfortunately Norm’ you can’t just report news you approve of.
Have stopped listening to Norman Smiths babbling – more entertaining to watch his hands attempting to give a simulcast of what he is about for the hard of hearing.
He’s priceless, isn’t he?
I keep singing these lyrics from Robert Zimmerman, which seem particularly appropriate, this Brexit/Trump week, especially when targetted at the Remoaners and bBBC luvvies, who don’t want to leave their cosy Obama/EU safe space.
Outside in the distance
A wild cat did growl
Two riders were approaching
The wind began to howl.
Welcome the Donald.
Moving a vehicle I heard a bit of R4 Woman’s Hour. Quite unbelievable. A patronising sneer at MR Trump that even by the BBC’s standards was about as hostile as it gets.
Now you snowflakes listen up. President to be Trump knows all about the BBC and it’s attitudes and it’s endless sneering from news shows and so called comedians. Trust me on this boys and girls.
He may treat you on a par with San Marino (apologies to you all there) but don’t count on it. You have made our government’s task that much more difficult by your bile filled absurdities.
It is over for you for a long time possibly a generation or two and it is your fault.
So get out of the road it is no longer your right of way.
And this applies to Brexit as well. FOff.
Maybe the BBC/Sky are part of a global establishment plot to get Trump impeached.
Why else would the alleged rumoured Russian films of Trump & Hookers be endless headline news for days?
Its 4/1 with the bookies that Trump is impeached within 6 months.Even money Trump will be impeached by 2020
For sure and today on R4 they’re already looking forward to the future Trump backlash when the Democrats get back in. Reminds me of a Jack Russell chasing a bus.
Tiny Tim Faron gets his almost imperceptible gonads in a twist over Mays speech when interviewed on DP . Her proposals are ‘anti-democratic ‘ despite the vote to leave , the negotiations being conducted by a democratically elected government, and the final deal being put to Parliament (lots of scope to scupper the deal there and force a general election). Tiny Tim clearly pitching for every remain vote whether Tory or Non Corbynista Labour. As usual , no principles at stake for Lib Dems when garnering votes . Coburn could have taken him on but didn’t . What a surprise !
Tim Faron ?? my panto group has more members than his political party
Never been a better time for has-beens and no-hopers.
“Love Europe, hate Britain and Trump? Come in, the studio is this way.”
Point 13 of Mays Brexit Plan.
– One way ticket to European destination of choice to all the pipsqueak doomsayers who continue to undermine UK interests and our negotiating position (Yes Timothy – this definitely includes you).
The decision is and has been since 23rd of June to leave the EU. No hard Brexit/Soft Brexit, No Grey Brexit, No half Brexit – just BREXIT.
If the UK has any chance of making this the success it so very much deserves to be, then all remainers need to get with the program. And if your concerted destructive efforts result in the sabotaging of the UK negotiating position – then you shall be called out for the traitorous third columnists that you are.
Questions after P.M.’s excellent speech………….Kuenssberg and Peston………
You wonder if P.M. played it smart asking these 2 to ask questions first………they just couldn’t help themselves could they…………and the follow-up from Peston suggested collusion between them designed purely to show the P.M. in a poor light.
P.M. should ask their employers if they agreed with this line of questioning.
Kuenssberg and Peston – makes you wonder whose side are they on? Who do they represent? Enemies of the British nation.
And that’s just after the impact of the ‘news’ they take six months to decide they got ‘about right’.
Speaking of the prevailing lugenpresse:
Great speech by Theresa, that should put the cat among the pigeons.
Yes, very straight, very adult. Now it’s for the EU playgroup to poo their pants and cry and cry and cry.
Well THAT`S a first!
Just before Vines Whine Ipm news bulleting-Trumps maybe new man in Europe is interviewed by Vanessa Feltz.
Of course she whinnied at all things Trump-ye Gods, the US voted for him but he`s surely NOT going to DO anything is he?
Now Barak Obama-HE did it right. Blathered and struck all manner of poses but did sweet FA for the Americans.
This was the upshot of what Vanessa was charging Malloch with-being guilty maybe of actually making real the “Hopey Changey” stuff that Obama glibbed with Kennedy flair. But did NOTHING about.
So Malloch finishes his interview.
Leaves the room-hopefully for his flight to DC.
THEN-guess what?
Some East Coast academic slumming it in Birmingham Uni is allowed ten minutes to trash all that Malloch has just said.None of that right to reply stuff-just minutes of bile, why Barak was the man and why HE knows what`s best for the UK, the USA.
But won`t actually LIVE in the USA-just pimp off the BBC here to sneer, drive by and trash all the previous guest has said.
With no comeback.
Boy the BBC are snivelling lefty weevils aren`t they? if you`re going to stab people once they`ve left your studio-at least give them the right to answer.
AS I say-another first-another low-and another beauty as DJT says.
This tactic could well catch on-rent a troll, doggy bag flangings and bill the Beeb for it.
THE BBC has GOT to go….and Feltz is a disgrace for allowing this-Vine would, but I`d expect more of old blowback as Victor Lewis Smith calls her.
The BBC scum who book the likes of this Boston Brummie who hates his country as much as he loves the EU-well, you might as well line them up at the Book Depository and let them shoot crap at Trump from now until 2020. For that is ALL that the left are enticing at the minute. And they`re playing with real guns in their reflex stupid idiocies. Dangerous.
Ironic that Vanessa Feltz holds such views when she has no doubt a lucrative income from her column in the Daily Express !!!!
Second guy was @ScottLucas_EA
Founder/Editor of EA WorldView (@EA_WorldView), Professor, Uni Birmingham
In Latest Tweet they praised White Helmets
First guy was Ted Malloch who was also on TV
Twitter shows few listened to Feltz
Then she interviewed Nigel Farrage.