I’m sorry, we were going to have a new open thread to start the week off but we have just had an email [via Moscow curiously] from the BBC’s James Harding. He tells us that in view of the fact that this site inconveniently shines a brutal light of truth upon BBC’s prejudiced and partisan reporting, exposing liars, charlattans and those who peddle misinformation as news, we unfortunately don’t match the criteria that conform to the BBC’s stated aims of closing down debate, curbing free speech and imposing boundaries on free thought and thus we are to be shut down.
Still…rules are made for breaking…I’m sure you’ll find a way to have your say…..
In Panorama a Russian media chap, after a meeting with BBC’s Sweeney, posted a blog, referring to Sweeney as “Fake news,a repulsive bastard,utter cretin, a globalist swine”
Guess they didn’t get on too well. I must say in previous programmes made by Sweeney I have thought him to be very unpleasant, with a shouty voice and physically intimidating with his considerble bulk.
In this programme on Trump & Putin, Sweeney seemed to want it both ways. Trump is apparently in Putin’s pocket but is also likely to plunge the world back into the cold war.
Yes – words that characterize remoaners, anti Trumpites, lefties, elites etc.,
Irrational, illogical, negative, arrogant, infantile, petulant and hysterical.
This list is not exhaustive – other words are available.
Just read Keunssburg’s ramblings on Treezer’s speech. The article begins with reference to the candelabra and ends with another reference to the candelabra.
Perhaps it is me, but my reason for focusing on candelabra would be connected to frequently lying on my back with nothing more interesting going on than looking at fixtures on the ceiling.
Know what I mean? Nudge nudge, wink wink.
Anyhow, she is no journalist
Why has the story about the green eyed Afghan girl been on the main BBC web page for weeks? it is not news
Here’s a tweet from Laura K that appeared out of the blue…
Comments interesting
Farron is a quaint little sideshow, hopelessly out-of-touch with the majority and one of nature’s professional sulkers. Mrs May has done the right thing, imo. Let’s just get on with it now. It’s a given that all the way the progressive left (who only respect democracy when it gives them what they want) will prevaricate and shriek; who cares? I certainly don’t. I’m quite enjoying their antics, if I’m honest; what with Brexit and Trump it’s a great time to enjoy the salty liberal tears of entitled regressives crying from one day to the next. We have to make the most of it!
The BBC has become what it always intended to be: Progressive Central, along with 98% of the rest of the ‘fake news’ msm. It’s a joke. Not worth bothering with, unless you just want a laugh at whatever their latest painful progressive skew on the ‘news’ happens to be. Yeah, yeah; we get it: Brexit is racist and Trump is Hitler *yawn*. The left really are running out steam. So tired. So divisive. So hateful.
Onwards, towards those sunlit uplands!
When you listen to the rubbish that little Timothy farron comes out with you have to wonder for his sanity.
He tells anyone who happens to be watching that leavers didn’t vote to leave as everything resulting from any leave vote wasn’t on the referendum question.
He should be asked what his referendum question would have been.
I guess something like,
Do you want to remain in the eu
Do you want to leave the eu which also means leaving the single market, the customs union, no free movement of people and in fact anything else you want to put on to the question. To cover everything, the leave part of the question would have to be several pages long to cover all the different aspects of the eu.
He picks out something obscure and says leave voters didn’t vote for that and that leave voters didn’t know what they were voting for anyway.
I wish little Timothy would get it into his head that we voted OUT and all that goes with it.
I know what I voted for and everyone else I know that voted understood the question.
We are not stupid Timmy.
What an annoying, whiney little boy.
Emmanuel and ObiWan
Indeed TinyTim is a dead beat nobody. Much like eu=trougher Mandelmouth who was on Toady. Why oh why do we have to listen to the pumped up opinions of these has-beens.
BUT…what made me even more cross today was Wee Krankie’s reaction to TM’s speech (which, by the way, was brilliant, I thought!) Wee krankie can’t get it into her head that less than half of the people who live in Scotland believe in her and what she says. Every time she opens her mouth, a whole load of hot air comes out. And she’s so vitriolic – it’s just like the first referendum all over again, and NO ONE wants to go through that hell again. We gave our answer, Krankie, so just respect it and get on sorting out the mess you’ve made in the past 10 years!
When God put teeth in wee Krankie’s gob, he ruined a perfectly good arsehole, Soapy.
Classic FM Global bollocks of course felt her ‘reaction’ was top of the hour news
I’m looking at who?
Weird, mind scrambler today – Sinn Fein Minister speaking up the LGBT’s and Sturgeon sound like some rabid IRA chief.
The IRA/Sinn Fein wally on Today this morning pointedly told Sarah Montague of HER Government being a major problem for letting the DUP have a say in Northern Ireland.
That got to poor Sarah-isn`t HER Government also HIS Government, she wailed.
Oh dear-one big Semtex kneecapping cat out of the bag there, so conversation turned quickly to the need for the IRA/Sinn Fein to save us from Brexit, to face down Trump?
The BBC rather like IRA unless they cause one of those horrid election thingies.
Our IRA chum at least was honest. Montague never is.
And the scandal is a green one-but we hear nothing about how these green sustainable scams get houseroom and exonerated ceaselessly by the carbon-scrubbing BBC.
I would like to thank the leaders of the Remain campaign for being so explicit in describing all the problems we would face if we were stupid enough to vote to Leave the EU. From memory:
the stock market was going to collapse,
the housing market was going to collapse,
British industry was going to collapse,
inward investment was going to collapse,
the financial services industry was going to collapse,
the NHS was going to collapse (as all the foreign doctors and nurses went home),
the Bank of England would have to raise interests to eye watering levels,
the government would introduce an emergency budget to raise taxes,
no one, not even the USA, would want to trade with us,
there would be a wave of hate unleashed that would see MPs murdered in the streets,
and there was something about World War III, but I don’t remember the details on that one.
We all knew from the experts in the government, the Bank of England, the CBI, the City, the IMF and even President Obama, that if we voted to Leave the EU, then by the end of the week we’d be dressed in rags and scavaging for food scraps on the nearest rubbish tip.
However, even knowing all the horrors that awaited us we decided that being an independent county was worth suffering all these hardships that had been so graphically described, and we voted LEAVE – by a majority of over a million.
We knew what we were voting for, and now we require the politicians to make it happen – pdq. The choice for the BBC is either get onside or be for ever identified with the enemy.
Top team of Remainiacs, Remoaners that we owe for getting us out of the EU
1. Roy Jenkins
2. Ted Heath
3. Anna Soubry
4. Amber Rudd
5. Nick Clegg
6. Nicola Sturgeon
7. Michael Heseltine
8. John Major/Tony Blair
9. Peter Mandelson
11. Neil Kinnock and family.
Eek-there`s many more than eleven, but can I have Ed Miliband on the subs bench? Urgh-not a nice thought, will rephrase that!
RJ – “the NHS was going to collapse (as all the foreign doctors and nurses went home)”
But it’s strange that all the foreign patients presumably wouldn’t.
EG – I think that Farron’s two questions on the EU referendum paper, would have been something along these lines:
Do you want Britain to remain within the EU?
Do you want Britain not to leave the EU?
Good – but that would be way over Farron’s/Cleggg’s head.
BBC claim that Trump and his team are coming to accept the truth of climate change. Now they have to deal with their stupid bigoted uneducated followers who do not understand what professors from Oxford and 100 scientists who have bamboozled the UK Government know’.
From the BBC
‘Prof Allen was among a group of 100 academics who have written to the Prime Minister asking that she push Mr Trump to accept climate science and the global deal that was negotiated in Paris at the end of 2015.’
Note from the BBC’s environmental activist ‘We’ll always have Paris’
Just a little piece of fake news from the BBC.
In the Science & Environment slot on the BBC website “Home” page (at 17:05), there’s a headline leading to a report also headed Trump team moving away from supporters on climate science. Let’s be absolutely clear (the heading is not in scare quotes) by this unequivocal assertion it is implying (and AFAIAA is meant to be understood as stating) that the BBC has solid information that what is headlined is actually so.
However, when you read the article, you’ll realise immediately that it’s just wishful thinking and unsubstantiated assertions by two of the BBC claque of “UK climate experts” (Prof Myles Allen from the University of Oxford and Prof Corinne Le Quere from the University of East Anglia). The article is merely a report from the warmist echo chamber where frightened charlatans have realised that their gravy train might hit the buffers. The report sets out the unsubstantiated claims of Professors Allen and Quere concerning what Trump appointees believe about climate change. Unfortunately for responsible journalism there are no quotes from any Trump appointee or anyone official (or unofficial for that matter) from the US or any credible third party to confirm or deny Allen’s and Quere’s claims. In other words, it’s just the usual BBC at bias and crap journalism.
It’s good for business…
‘So Lord Hall, what was it about James’ fact checking wheeze that most appealed to the least trustworthy and transparent media monolith on the planet?’
Just seen an ad for bBBC’s vrsion of Gogglebox, Common Sense. Two, gentleman’s club types, one a clergeyman.
None clergyman “If Corbyn was PM (or words to that effect)the UK would be a basket case.” Whereupon the God botherer replies, “what with Southern rail, NHS, and when Article 50 is triggered, we will really be a basket case!”
Balanced or what?
Common… oh… sense?
Almost misread. Sorry.
Toobi – Yes I saw that as well. The previous two trailers I have seen for that programme have had digs at Trump and May. How original.
It’s been on twice now, Lobbie, must be something in the air at “Remainer” House, W1A. The Donald even picked up some slaver from those two political heavyweights, Steve Wright and Michael Ball (heavyweight appropriate in his case) the other day.
I know that Thatcher wasn’t too popular with the bBBC but I don’t remember such a naked outpouring of downright hate and ridicule that pours out of the rotting corpse, directed at her (maybe a bit on the Young Ones or Spitting Image) in the way that DT has attracted it, Not even any attempt to hide the sneering, contempt and disgust now . I just hope the D and his people have noticed it.
It’s a relatively new thing that goes back as far as GeorgeW Bush’s end first term/start second term as US President. It became commonplace to rubbish ‘GW’ as well as the top people in his administration or the military.
In the first couple of years of GW’s second term, if I recall correctly, on the then* Now Show, they actually got to where one of their ‘comedians’ just said George W Bush in a certain way and got a laugh (an engineered one – probably in several senses of that word engineered) from the audience as a result.
* Nowhere as indescribably bad a programme as the now Now Show but well on the way to being that.
Theresa would REALLY have my vote if she did a Trump on the BBC. (I mean a Donald Trump …… although).
Channel 4 evening news yesterday profiled a family from El Salvador who had made it to USA and were living there “undocumented”.
The family were upset about Trump’s proposed wall because if they were expelled by the authorities then it might make it difficult for them to return to the USA, and they had “nothing to go back to” in El Salvador. Moreover, they explained that the US needed immigrants to do the jobs that north Americans weren’t prepared to do.
At no point did the interviewer ask the family why they didn’t simply apply to immigrate “documented”, or make the point that it ought to be for the US government – rather than immigrants themselves – to decide how many and what kind of immigrants the US needs.
In a separate article, Jon Snow reverentially interviewed novelist Paul Auster, who turned out to be almost a caricature hand-wringing libtard. “Nobody I know voted for Trump,” Auster wailed: “I admit I live in a bubble.”
Then the penny dropped: C4 News is less a news bulletin, and more a daily libtard magazine. It’s their way of remaining relevant to their audience.
C4 was also heavily plugging “Dispatches”, viz: Dispatches investigates the controversial figures surrounding Donald Trump and their links to powerful corporations that could have far-reaching consequences beyond America.
Did they do an equivalent prog on Clinton’s links to powerful corporations? Oh no, that was revealed courtesy of Wikileaks and dastardly Russian hackers.
No Calais migrant or Mediterranean migrant ever gets asked that either, so the unspoken truth is that they wouldn’t qualify. Once in the destination country though, it’s a different matter. Harder to or not worth the effort of deporting.
R4 and C4 have a common factor
They both cater only to the 48% not the 52%
And the 8% not the 92%.
The £ has had a good day! – don’t tell Al Beeb because , (on the quiet) they are having a ‘breakdown’. Just look at the faces on the newsreaders, they haven’t looked so glum since June 23rd . I wonder why they are so glum?
They didn’t seem too bothered about it on Radio 4 – for a change.
Reminds me Archie Andrews, the Radio Ventriloquist, yes Radio ventriloquist!
We couldn’t see his face either.
I wonder why this story made it to the BBC main page…
Oh yeh, he’s gay, and talks about his boyfriend. so he’ll get away with ‘browning up’ (oo er missus), what a laugh!
Nicole Kidman made a mistake in talking to Victoria Derbyshire .The Hollywood left dogs are now all over her.
The luvvies did the same with Andrea Bocelli.
A blind opera singer.
So who else but to get death threats from those concerned luvvies, disability campaigners-who`ve decided that signalling over Trumps election matters more than threatening a blind Italian who simply sings for a living.
But that is the left all over.
I hadn’t seen that – what total bullies! Bastards. These folk have got to make a stand against bullying, and pro democracy! I don’t think the money can be that much of an issue.
Treezer offers a clean break with the EU, not in out in out shake it all about.
And a vote in both Houses of Parliament on the final deal which Parliament can reject.
I am not impressed. She promised to cut back immigration, failed to deport terrorists, and has shown too little interest in repairing damages to US/UK relations caused by the state broadcaster.
I look to UKIP growing and kicking her backside
Farage – On LBC in 5 min……..
He may have the first ‘kick’.
Thank You Taffman.
Got a bit of PM and the Brexit talk from Mrs May.
Who else but the usual enemies of the country-Sturgeon, Sinn Fein, Labours ex house trained legal sponge(Starmer), Farron and Soubry-only Mandelson was missing.
All will be all over the usual outlets, spouting treason as the do.
So-a joy to know Nigel is on…I need no more.
Immigration has been cut back so successfully, G.W.F, they are having to build more hostels for them in some tasty areas
Is that the one where (thought) police warned (threatened) folks not to say nasty things about it online?
Very same, LL.
Poor journalism from the world-class broadcaster. Like something you’d expect from the Sun. Drop the Licence Fee!
“The BBC – The Worlds Most Busted Broadcaster”
They seem to have forgotten to mention that Georgiou hadn’t spoken to George Micheal for over 12 years.
Very little analysis on the May speech as yet, but my feeling is that the Germans must be crapping themselves! If the Donald does impose a 35% import tax on European cars then they absolutely MUST get a deal which allows the export of vehicles to the UK, because if they lose the UK and the US market then the EU is finished.
That’s all it takes. The Donald threatening import tariffs and us wanting to negotiate different terms.
Now we have some leftie idiot on Radio 4 claiming that we can’t have the advantages without the responsibilities and one of the responsibilities is free movement of people ! Sorry but we had free trade with any number of countries and these two do not go hand in hand.
The other issue the BBC has appeared to overlook is the exit from the Human Rights Act which their once favourite Blair shackled us with to give his wife who just happened to practice in the field more money !
Hmmm …… Correct me if I’m wrong – we don’t have Freedom of Movement arrangement with, China, USA, Australia, Canada …………..
“A Win For Francois Fillon Could be a Win for Pound Sterling – Barclays”
Why does the BBC keep pestering poor old Jeremy Corbyn by interviewing him, only to hear a load of unintelligible babble?
Just leave him alone in his care home to enjoy his remaining time over a nice cup of tea.
That is literally a dreadful thing to say about our Jeremy. Save our Lefty will put you in his little book for that. Literally .
What you should have said was that our Jeremy destroyed the hard right totally unelected May junta and will save our beloved EU despite the neo fascist lies of the BBC
BBC news explaining the trade ramifications of Brexit…..the backdrop included the word Tarrifs (sic)
Doesn’t fill one with confidence does it?
LBS headlines have just said that “Labour are accusing the Government of bullying the EU after Theresa Mays speech”.
No further questions-THIS is Labour in its liberal death rattle with its media oafs.
Please please let us leave the shackles of the EU soon. It all sounds very positive. Labour and the Lib Dems are flailing around not knowing which direction to take.
Us Brits have had enough of your lies and pathetic spouts.
Bring on our exit and the BBC can put up or shut up!!
Theresa’s speech was so upbeat today I was half expecting her to trigger article 50 straightaway, wouldn’t that have blown a few minds?
Woah! … Hold your horses there, pardner
Can t you remember the Camoron, dealing with the EU?
Can t you remember “tastrophe” Teresa on Prisons? or the Police?
or Borders? or immigration? hmmm now where was that?
You ve just heard the placatory spin.
Glib better Britain, brighter Britain, a brighter down the road better, interim kind of meandering towards an endgame Britain
Yada, Yada, Yada … same old spiel.
Looks like a clear signal the Tories have no intention of even trying to take back control of our economy into Britain’s public interest, after their lies and failure
But they are so eager to just hand it over, to any corporation/multi national to run for their own, their own self interests
… some things never change
Corbyn’s relaunch disaster week is followed by a cataclysmic reaction to May’s speech . I recommend all of you to place a hefty bet on UKIP winning the Stoke Central by- election. The core working class white vote is now surely lost .
Little Timmy Faron may pick up a few middle class labour held seats in the South ( not many anyway outside London) but it’s a price well worth paying!
Plenty of money on the Lib Dems to win Stoke even at 8/1
Tories out to 20/1 with Stan James.Any chance of either Lib Dems or Tories winning Stoke?
So where’s your money going ?
I see………….
Greens 200/1
Labour 8/13
UKIP 9/4
Libdems 13/2
Cons 12/1
Perhaps the recent news will make a BIG difference in the coming weeks ?
More fake news from the Independent
A poll commissioned by CNN/ORC found that Mr Trump’s popularity had tumbled during the transition period and now stood at just 40 per cent. That is a full 44 points lower that Barack Obama’s rating when he became America’s first African American president in January 2009.
Well, how utterly fascinating. Why do they even bother?
Trump fans won’t care and Trump haters won’t benefit. Oh, it’s CNN – that explains it.
Unfortunately Piku, I would hazard a guess that this poll is just about right, but, this media mafia created bullshit is pointless and the reason why Caliph Obama did absolutely fuck all for 8 years, as his administration and media cartel spent their entire time focused on morality raping mentally retarded snowflakes, and playing to the headlines. A leader is someone willing to take the toughest of disicions on behalf of his people, especially moronic, socially backward, spineless, self hating piss staines, like those brainwashed to worship Caliph Jihad Obama regardless of the fact he was the worst president in the history of the USA
The Donald can only impress because the media have shot their load before he’s even done anything. The Donald can only succeed because of how utterly awful the Caliph was. Everything is going the way the Donalds planned because those who are currently against him are so overwhelmed with hatred and intolerance towards him and everything even remotely connected to Trump, that they have lost all sense of reality and indiscriminately attacking everything, especially the American people! It’s bloody brilliant! !!
Oh no!
I`m a Lefty idiot and if I don`t tell CNN that I too am scared and frightened at the prospect of Trump-then nobody will talk to me, i`ll be on my lonesome except for thick white chavvy blokes. I`ll be scorned at uni, get shit in my letter box and get a death threat thrown through my window so I won`t show up to any forum where Trump might get a hearing.
So I too am agreeing with CNN that Trump makes me sad-after years of being so virtuous and nice, I can only go along with the leftish swine on campus.
Or lose my PhD next year, likely as not.
Still though-after ALL that the liberal media and luvvies have thrown at Trump-that he`s only 7 points down on the evil bastard who upset us all on Nov 8th last is quite an achievement.
The Inauguration is a must-I predict a split screen showing how lovely it all was in 2009 with Barak, as opposed to how scary it is now in 2017.
Utter liberal mind-loss a la Jonestown here. Enjoy the knicker knotting.
The liberals eh, their media bandwagon-never glad confident morn again-and we`ve only just begun.
The quality of Channel 4 and the BBC is every bit as bad whether the likes of Snow get a free backdrop of New Yorks skyline , just so he can moan on at our expense.
As he does back here.
Doubtless the BBC have sent all their tall poppies over there too-only to bitch, blag and chisel…BBC in fact.
NO global warming problem then this week Jon, you sick scum.
Why the hell JFK let this streaky pondslime through is beyond me.
Snow has just wanted soundbitches from Kissinger re Trump and Brexit.
Watching Al Beeb news about 19.35 I feared the worst when the presenter introduced a scruffy, chubby business professor from Lancaster Yooni. Amazingly for an Al Beeb choice he was very upbeat and reckoned the likely 2% average WTO tariff if our EU ‘friends’ were stupid enough to offer no deal would have little effect on trade.
Don’t suppose he will be invited back!
This literally has to be heard to be believed … Al BBC 5Dead
No finer replacement for Beebot squeaker Richard Bacon than (wait for it)
Al BBC Asian Network import Nihal, a long interview, with
Islamic expert who wanted to “understand” Islamic Sta … apologies “Daesh”
About the … nothing to do with Islam, Islamic State,
The nothing to do with anything Muslims do, Mohamhead.
The way muslims don t take, (Rotherham) sex slaves,
Don t condone,(Saudi) it,
Could, (Pakistan)never do it as they are piously,(Christians/Hindus) “religious”
How mandated slavery is OK, nothing to worry about because,(Sudan) muslims wouldn t dream,(Qatar) of doing it.
Rape? relax! Mohamhead oops apologies “THE Prophet”, wouldn t (at least 61 victims)dream of it.
No kids neither, put it out of your, (6yr old Aisha/wife) mind entirely
The Islamic State!, pah! just killers, Moh would never do, (700 Jews)anything like that.
The fawning wretch, was only surpassed by Nihal s obsession with Islamofauxbia
Sheesh! thought it was John Brennan
… Absolutely Toe Curling!
2hrs 22 mins
Nogginator. Simply put, brilliant! The finest of posts that!
Just rewatching the 1973 film ‘Soylent Green’ and was shocked to hear the pretext of the famine is the greenhouse effect burning everything up.
Obviously the book was written well before the film (1966 make room make room)
“Make Room! Make Room! is set in an overpopulated New York City of 1999 (thirty-three years later than the time of writing). Police detective Andy Rusch lives in half a room, sharing it with Sol, a retired engineer who has adapted a bicycle generator to power an old television set and a refrigerator.
Despite the forward vision of the author it is clear that the Greenhouse Effect is not as new a concept as we are led to believe, and it is my case that this is deliberate to create urgency and fear.
“The existence of the greenhouse effect was argued for by Joseph Fourier in 1824. The argument and the evidence were further strengthened by Claude Pouillet in 1827 and 1838 and reasoned from experimental observations by John Tyndall in 1859. The effect was more fully quantified by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. However, the term “greenhouse” was not used to refer to this effect by any of these scientists; the term was first used in this way by Nils Gustaf Ekholm in 1901.
So in reality this has actually been (supposedly) been carrying on for two hundred years!
“In 1917 Alexander Graham Bell wrote “[The unchecked burning of fossil fuels] would have a sort of greenhouse effect”, and “The net result is the greenhouse becomes a sort of hot-house.” Bell went on to also advocate the use of alternate energy sources, such as solar energy”
That statement is 100 years old this year and there is no tangible sign that is in reality happening.
Once we realise how long this nonsense has been carrying on for it does lose a lot of its potency. No wonder we don’t hear much about its history.
I always thought Alexander Graham Bell was a phoney …..
I’ll get me coat …..
Leave it where it is .
You are ‘ringing’ the right bells.
Your Call……
Thoughtful, I was taught physics at the end of the 1960s by a teacher who had physics as a hobby as well as a day job. His leisure reading was scientific journals. His mind ranged way beyond the curriculum for the O & A level exams, and – time permitting – he would draw his pupils’ attention to various subjects and encourage their minds to range far and wide as well. It included information and class discussion about global cooling and global warming.
The dictum he drummed into us was: “Good scientists make statements about their research and/or findings in cautious language using words or phrases like ‘think’, ‘possibly’, ‘probably’ ‘may’ and ‘the evidence so far leads us to’. Bad scientists talk in absolutes and definites, such as ‘We know’.”
8-8:30 pm R4 File on 4 has found a market in fake documentation is helping some migrants who aren’t eligible to come here, to get the necessary visas.
High street immigration advisers, and even a solicitor tell the programme’s undercover researcher how to buy their way in using fake documentation
Today’s been another wonderful day for watching the deviants suffer in Al Beebistan! The year has started off as badly for the British hating bastards as last year ended, and I couldn’t be more happier!! 🙂
….oh wait, there’s always room for more happiness! Let’s watch Judas Clegg-Nut utterly owned, annihilated, owned again, and given his own bolloxs to chew on as a punishment for being humiliated so much! Legendary action by the main man Patrick Minford
ttp, the Prof seems to me to always talk a lot of sense on international trade. I think that Clegg, Farron, Fairburn, O’Grady, Mandelson, O’Donnell, Clarke, Ahmed and Jack, etc., should attend a lot of his classes.
I’ve brought this very late to this party but the BBC impartial/unbiased Panorama docco on The Donald and his waterworks activities…
The RT response to it however is priceless…Good on them, they’ve pitched it perfectly in my view. I hope Blofel……meant Putin, deals with it in exactly the same way….These bastards must be laughed into irrelevance.
George Galloway continues to surprise me I must say with his response from 3.40.
I think Galloway is a Brexiteer ?
BBC Red Button has “Perfect Storm hits European vegetables”.
Splendid-the likes of Mandelson, Snow and Kinnock, Soubry now getting a drubbing.
Sadly-it`s all too literal, but I prefer MY interpretation.
I wonder how many of these will be BBC employees on day release next Friday, trying to drum up a bit of copy?
There seems to be an attempt to mount a slow motion coup against President Trump. No doubt our MSM will be on board. C4 tonight tried to destroy his family and his past with all sorts of allegations. Honestly I cannot make sense of our MSM’s headlong rush into insanity and a wilful attempt to poison relations between the USA and Britain.
In all my life I have never seen anything remotely like it. When the old USSR was ruled by dreadful old killers this never happened. The normal rules of diplomacy have been thrown away in favour of hysterical hatred by a liberal elite that is finished.
Dangerous days as those who really back President Trump in the US are not your flakey liberals at all.
Mrs May really needs to take control otherwise she will find that the US will turn on this country as it has every right to do given the appalling behaviour of our politicians and media.
BBC Online News:
“”Trump inauguration boycott escalates””
“”More than 50 House Democrats are refusing to watch as Mr Trump is sworn in as the 45th US president amidst a feud between the newly elected president and the civil rights activist and congressman, John Lewis””‘.
I hope that no Democrats attend. I also hope that their BBC mates don’t attend.
Is Jeremy Corbyn attending along with Bob ‘very rich’ Geldof ?
Has Bob Geldof taken home any refugees yet? He did promise us all he would back in September 2015.He implored all us little people of no consequence to do the same.
Re: Jez & Bob’s Excellent Adventure
I believe their intention is to wave and offer commentary from a boat on the Potomac.
“President Barack Obama has commuted Chelsea Manning’s sentence for leaking documents to Wikileaks in 2010.”
Ticks the right box eh?………
Not the poor submariner however…….
How the heck have the BBC been able to give us near-on half an hour of perpetual Brexit moaning, following Theresa Mays speech?
Have they given up on even PRETENDING to “do news”-and become “That`s Life” now and for ever?.
I think they have.
It`s endless drivel and claptrap from Davos, from the SNP, IRA. Plaid Cymru, Greens, Lib Dems, EU toadies who we don`t even need to name-and the incredibly muddled and stupid Labour ragbag. Who thankfully get all the BBCs soundbites spoonfed for them.
Utterly ridiculous. Only shows how well we did to stiff them, and we need to rip their throats out when we get the chance. Just traitors, simple as.
I’ve just been watching BBC News at Ten (why do I do this to myself?) and of course the subject is Theresa May’s speech clarifying the UK strategy to leave the EU.
In short wall to wall gloom and pessimism (imagine if this approach had been forthcoming during world war two?) I will save you a complete chapter and verse on the various negative comments that ensued and instead offer a precis borrowing from the words of Private Fraser of Dad’s Army – you’re all doomed! I tell ye you’re all doomed !!!! ……..
This is a good article about the similarities and the differences between Reagan and Trump.
Interesting article, AS but I don’t agree with the last five words in the below,
“Today, the Soviet Empire is gone, the Warsaw Pact is gone, the Soviet Union is gone, and the Communist movement is moribund.”
It has merely changed its name to the fluffier sounding liberal.
Sky has just had a breaking report that Thompson (Holidays) are flying all tourist back from Gambia due to “political unrest”.
Stay safe Grant. My thoughts are with you.
Number 7 – Well said, and I think everyone on here will echo that.
Brexiteers .
My main concern about today’s speech by Tweezer …… “l will put the final deal that is agreed between the UK and the EU to a vote in both Houses of Parliament, before it comes into force.”
It may be up to all the Tory Voters including our Essexman, to turn the screws on all their MPs to keep the momentum up. The weakest link ? The House of Lords.
Absolutely! explains why Tiny Tim seems somewhat confident in addition to his usual illogical, absurd and self interested arguments.
If they vote it down they are going against the electorate – with the Brexit vote rising.
Result – General Election.
Bye bye Liebore and possibly the Scotch Fish.
Do you mean the Libtards are finished and the Scottish fish, Salmon and Sturgeon are Kippered.
Could the Welsh Wood be full of dry rot ? 🙂
Shwmae taffman.
Duw Parod.
Welsh Wood? – Can’t think who you mean!
A certain J. Edwards has sent me several dismissive replies. I must admit HOC stationery is very impressive.
😀 😀
Plaid 😉
Yr oeddwn yn bod yn sarcastig.
Yr wyf yn gwybod
If they vote it down then that is the end of their legitimacy and we are thereby freed from any obligation to loyalty to the state but not to the nation which by their actions they will have betrayed . They can argue all the lawyerly points they like but as in the past it will avail them nothing.
Just a minor warning is that Unite union leader McCluskey has to get himself ‘re elected soon. This time it’s not a forgone conclusion that he will win. No McCluskey no Corbyn
. The political landscape can change very quickly.
Labour’s next leader will almost certainly be more centrist. Either someone like Chukka Umana or Dan Jarvis.Maybe even Balls or Megablands brother,whose name is also Megabland
There is the little issue of “the largest Party in Europe”.
All the marxist, lenninist, communist, SWP…(add your own description) pondlife will still vote for him. They have been taken over but the elite don’t realise it.
It was still £3.00 well spent – the last vote was a night down the pub, not worth it.
Is McClusky a Corbynana or a Corbyninny?
I`d say he`s more a top lefty banana and not a fop like Thornberry.
This lot are NOT Corbynistas-nannas or ninnies.
Keep it simple-like Romoaners(Benn) versus Remainiacs(Clegg).
A definite concern.
Our MP decided his Ref vote was ‘personal’, but penned a piece citing Burke and the ‘tyranny of the majority’ (forgetting how that worked out back in the day) when suddenly he got to ‘represent’ us again.
Not such the droite du seigneur of the minority will appeal to most, frankly.
Cheers chaps!
Opened a bottle of French Moet thingy and it’s going down rather well. Well done Brexit! Well done Nigel! You should have been made a Knight.
Nigel, if I owned a pub, you could drink every night for free. God bless you, and all who support you.
Iechyd da!
I’m (very slowly) learning taffman.
Iechyd da! – cheers ! for the unenlightened .
Can`t imagine that there is a Wetherspoons pub in the country where Nigel would have to put his hand in his pocket to get a round.
We owe him-and Tim Martin-a lot for what they did for us, and we now drink and eat nowhere else re pub grub.
Lovely carpets too! And the artwork is always worth a comment!
Will car-crash president put US on a road to ruin ?
Yorkshire Post’s Andrew Vine writing anti-Trump PR
Obumma’s been doing his best for 8 years – when not improving his golf.
However he might have a problem in Maryland.
Maybe, as he ‘forgives’ Chelsea, Barry can rush through a hate crime conviction… for balance?
Did you mean Bradley?
No wonder the BBC thinks this is news.
I never thought I would ever say this but today I say,well done Theresa May
Now we wait for the German car manufacturers, French and Spanish winemakers to do their stuff.
I don’t think we’ll have to too long to wait for a punishment reposte from the EU mafia.Gloves are off,and were ahead on points in the early rounds.
Clever move to include false hope over maintaining membership of the customs union as an associate member -impossible by the way. The “city” fell for it and the pound rocketed back up.
I think Nissan already have prior knowledge of future substantial cuts in corporation tax.
EU is still “smarting” over the Trump comments
Mondays Times
pg26 Clare Foges a Conservative worker says “take hate crime off the books” cos defn is too broad.
pg26 Ex-Beeboid comes out as Rational
Jawad Iqbal quotes the Taxpayers Alliance about Cameron failing to axe Quangos and charities lile Kids Company being as bad.
pg36 Full page ad for Sustainable Development Goals headed by Good Energy and WWF
Clare Foges a Conservative worker says “take hate crime off the books” cos defn is too broad.
I think we all know what the sloppy “hate crime” legislation is about defending the religion of peices islam from the spotlight of truth and facts. islam which the headless chickens of our policitians and MSM blindly defend but are unwilling to accept the facts about islam when they are presented to them and are more interested in middle east arms sales, arab property deals and increasing the ammount of arab petro-dollars sloshing their way arround The City than protecting the people from assimulation by islam
Nice Cartoon
Good page fom Tallbloke on BBC Reality Check team to expose social media ‘fake news’ stories
the BBC is going into the Ministry of Truth business
Tallbloke is Climate specialist and UKIP candidate bit this article pins the BBC
And from our Welsh correspondent – UKIP’s view today ………
“UKIP’s MEP for Wales Nathan Gill welcomed the speech, saying: “Remaining a member of the single market was never an option as it amounted to no Brexit at all.
“Too many of the ‘elite’ in media and politics are trying to re-live the referendum, rather than respecting the will of the people and moving forward.
“It’s clear to me that the best deal for both Wales and the UK would be a free trade deal between the UK and EU, allowing British companies the freedom to trade with and operate in the single market, and let European businesses do the same here.
“It would also bring back control over immigration and end the supremacy of European courts.”
Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but the BBC had all the subliminal messages ready to fire at the British public at the first sign that Theresa May was going for a “hard Brexit”.
Here’s a good example of how a “live” summary update of an important speech is embellished with text and images not relating to the subject, and that could only have come from prior preparation.
I had to look twice before I realised that the “EU-Canada deal” had nothing to do with Britain or Brexit. The reason I had to take a second glance was because, at first glance, it seemed as though Theresa May had struck a trade deal with Canada! Such was the synchronicity with May’s dialogue.
This was, in my cynical (but logical) opinion, an attempt by the BBC to send the message to us Brits; “look at what you’ll be missing – free trade with Canada – when you leave the EU.”
Yeah, Canada.
Maple syrup, perhaps?
What it does show is the likelihood of a U.K.-Canada FTA immediately after our release from the EUSSR’s grip. Accept the same terms or better immediately and then look into easing the services provisions and eliminating the wrinkles built in to protect the many individual EU countries who looked to their vested interests.
Followed a link from Breitbart to this,
Tongue in cheek or just plain spiteful? The psyche of the remainer laid bare, not a pretty sight.
Interesting team picture selection.
This may be more apt for a Remainer publication:
A truly abysmal piece by Prof Boyle. Gratuitously insulting, verging on anti English racism.
What can we make of England being compared unfavourably with Germany, Italy and Japan yep…the Second World War axis nations are better adjusted than us. Good to know the nations our fathers and grandfathers helped liberate at the cost of much blood and in the end, the Empire itself, have done so well.
We are apparently narcissistic and won’t join a team, yes that’s right….that’s our strength….in 1940 it was this exceptionalism and refusal to bend and fit in that sowed the seeds for the defeat of Nazi Germany, and subsequently the USSR as the US arrived in Europe to help hold the line against the Europeans tendency to anti democratic totalitarianism, that same tendency we see in the upper reaches of the EU institutions, and among its British cheerleaders.
We’re so horrible that at the end of Empire people who’d lived under British rule queued up to live in England……they still do to this day.
We think we’re exceptional because, well, you know, in a quiet, calm English way…..we are.
We’re really nice people…… just don’t tread on us.
Embolden, I agree.
Academics such as this professor make a living from writing a thousand words when a dozen would suffice and in doing so miss the point (the elephant in the room if you like) In my opinion the reason the English seem to be more obsessed with maintaining their identidy is related to the fact that more immigrants pour into England than the other British nations, particularly Scotland and Northern Ireland and it becomes a matter of survival over and above that of some cerebal notion of cultural identidy, although this is important as well to many English people, seeing as it has been eroded over many years and is considered by the left as something to be ashamed of.
A silly little article reeking with cultural self-hatred. The British know their Empire is gone – FFS, the first major colony, India became independent seventy years ago and the last major one, Hong Kong, twenty years ago. But what this person doesn’t seem to realise is that the British Empire didn’t just disappear into a puff of smoke, much as I expect he’d like it to – the influences were long lasting and produced the globally positioned, outward looking Britain of today. I suspect it’s this that makes Boyle furious, that Britain is respected and admired in the four corners of the earth, and its culture and customs have influenced billions.
This article basically says why can’t we just curl up and die as a nation and people, and become a curious and laughably vainglorious historic irrelevance, like the Italian empire in Africa?
Boyle boy needs to answer the question that many Gambians ask me ” Why can’t you British come back and rule our country ? ” Wankers like Boyle put their hatred above any love of humanity.
Strange to read an article in the Washington Post suggesting that the BBC and The Guardian might be distorting the news:
The other day David01 was complaining that the BBC had given no coverage to the Vendee yacht race. It seems like the BBC bots do follow this place as it got a mention on the first sports news bit on Today at around 06:28. Well done David!
Where the Graun leads, so the BBC follows…
Just reported myself. Very Stasi.
Another Media Lens gem:
Meanwhile, it seems the BBC has decided Nick Clegg is a liability but has decided to stay in the family with its choice of expert insights.
Mason is not very well it seems. All that time on BBC2 has given him something.